Coal Mill Technologies - Brishank Srivastava
Coal Mill Technologies - Brishank Srivastava
Coal Mill Technologies - Brishank Srivastava
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Section 1
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1.1 Introduction Loesche Group
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1.2 Loesche Worldwide
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1.4 Overview of Loesche Energy Systems (LES)
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1.4.1 Loesche Energy Systems - Products
i. Coal Mill Upgrade (Classifiers)
Referenced retrofit on BTMs, HP, RP, MPS & E mills
Increases mill throughput by upto 20%
Increases fineness by 5-10% on 75 Micron
Eliminates retention on 300 Micron
Reduces LOI by approx 50%
Reduces Nox by 12-15%
Over 400+ retrofits completed globally
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1.4.2 Loesche Energy Systems - Products
iii. Coal & Biomass Mills
Capable of grinding all types of coal from anthracite,
bitumous, sub bitumous and lignite
Capable of grinding all types of pelletised biomass
(wood or straw)
2, 3 and 4 grinding roller mills
Capacity up to 250 t/h @ fineness exceeding 85% on
200 mesh
Drive motors up to 1,200 kW
Supply of coal mills for NEW BUILD and RETROFIT
Notable active markets, China, India, South East Asia
and Poland
Clients include DH, Doosan Babcock, Ansaldo, Rafako
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Section 2
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2.1 Power Industry Fuel Based Challenges
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2.2 Classification Historical
Traditional Static Classifier Design
Power plant coal mills were historically supplied
with 1st generation static classifiers
These were fit for purpose when considering the
station drivers of the day, namely
Stable/reliable combustion
Efficient combustion
Emission regulations were negligible
Drive was to minimise LOI and CO
Static classifiers were cone type with external,
manually adjustable fineness control static
Target fineness was 70% passing 75 micron with
a PSD slope of 45, which gave 99% on 300
Classification is achieved by changes in air
velocity and direction.
The product size can be altered to some extent
by changing the angle of the vanes, but the
efficiency is low and static classifiers can be
regarded more as grit separators than efficient
classifiers. Typical XRP Mill Design
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2.3.1 Classification Impact on Combustion
Pulverised Coal Particle Size Distribution Variance
No. of particles
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2.3.2 Classification Impact on Combustion
Pulverised Coal Particle Size
i. The particle size distribution of the PF will affect the combustion taking place in the boiler
ii. The larger a particle, the lower its surface area: volume ratio
iii. Low NOx coal burners designed for 200 mesh (75 micron) particle size
iv. The further from the 200 mesh ideal particle size the worst the impact on the combustion
v. The surface area to volume ratio affects how the particle will combust primarily, how
fast it will burn
vi. Particles that are too large/coarse have an insufficient surface area to combust fully, as
well as being physically excessively heavy, and will drop into the ash at the bottom of the
vii. Particles that are too small/fine have an excessive surface area and will combust too
rapidly, increasing the flame temperature and catalysing the formation of increased
levels of NOx
NOx unburnt
Ideal carbon
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2.4.1 LOESCHE 4th Generation Dynamic Classifier
Solution 4th Generation Dynamic Classifier
Secondary classification:
It is achieved by horizontally active forces
between static flaps and rotating rotor
blades. Material is thrown against the static
flaps and falls back onto the table via the
grit cone. This is coupled with centripetal
and horizontal forces imparted by the rotor
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2.4.2 Classification Impact on Combustion
Pulverised Coal Particle Size Distribution Variance
i. The slope of the graph is broadly analogous to the variance of the distribution
ii. To put it simply, the RRSB slope gets steeper as the distribution of particle size gets
iii. Thus the goal of any classifier design is to:
Minimise/eliminate all particles greater than 250 micron
Minimise all particles less than 45 micron
Without increasing mill pressure drop
iv. This is only achieved by increasing the RRSB slope
No. of
75m 75m
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2.5 LSKS Classifier Benefits
Fineness: Throughput:
1. Steep grain size distribution curve 1. Reduction in system pressure drop,
typ. 54 to 57 which allows.
2. Reduced coarse end fineness typ. 2. Increase of mill throughput by typ.
trace on 50 mesh 15-20%
3. Retrofit applications HAVE 3. Allows for return to n+1 operation in
achieved > 55% reduction in LOI USA, India and RSA
4. Retrofit applications HAVE
achieved > 15% reduction in NOx
1. Ability to change classifier speed
online allows.
2. Optimization for fineness when coal
is good (increase speed)
3. Optimization for throughput when
coal is bad or wet (reduce speed)
4. Optimization when co-firing
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Section 3
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3.1 LSKS Dynamic Classifier - Overview
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3.2 LSKS Classifier Components
i. Coal feed chute.
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3.3 LSKS Classifier Lubrication
Grease lubrication of bearing
Grease reservoir with level sensor
Continuous low level alarm will trip the
system after X hours (usually 8 hours)
Single outlet grease pump
Grease splitter (50:50)
2 lines into (upper / lower bearing)
Pump runs for 10 minutes, shuts down for 50
minutes and restarts as long as classifier is
The bearing temperature is monitored
continually by temperature sensors
Grease type
KPF 2G20 or comparable
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3.3 LOESCHE Mill Lubrication Scheme
Classifier Assembly
Bearing Cartridge Grease KPF 2G20
Gearbox (if applicable) Mineral Oil
Roller Assembly
Bearing Lubrication Mineral Oil VG320
Gearbox Lubrication Mineral Oil VG320
Hydraulic System
Hydraulic Oil VG68
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Section 4
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5.1 LSKS Reference List
Mil Type/Design No. of Retrofits
400 XRP 200
B&W 63
Babcock (E-Mills) 62
BBD Mills 24
250 Loesche 38
Others (MPS/IHI/ZGM 33
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Classifier Sales 4 14 24 43 66 94 117 169 190 210 224 232 307 392 420
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Section 4
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4.1.1 SherCo Power Plant Case Study 1
i. Plant:
Xcel, Sherborne County Power Station, Minnesota,
2 x 750 MWe Units, Built 1970s
14 x Alstom HP 1003 Pulverisers with Static
ii. Problem/Requirement:
10% NOx reduction by increasing fineness
Existing mills (<68% on 75 micron & <98.5% on 300
iii. Target:
Increase fineness to +75% on 75 micron & +99.9%
on 300 micron
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear
iv. Solution:
Retrofit 14 x LSKS 36 - Dynamic Classifiers
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4.1.2 Sher Co Power Plant Case Study 1
Increase fineness to +75% on 75 micron & +99.9% on 300 micron
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear life.
PGT (9/14)
Increase fineness to +89% on 75 micron & +99.9% on 300 micron
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear life.
Additional Comments
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4.2.1 Big Sandy Power Plant Case Study 2
i. Plant:
AEP, Big Sandy Power Station, Kentucky, USA
1 x 800 MWe Units, Built 1969
6 x B&W MPS 89 Pulverisers with Static Classifiers
ii. Problem/Requirement:
Trial to prove increased throughput
Ability to return boiler unit to n+1 mill operation and
avoid unit de-rate during planned & unplanned mill
iii. Target:
Increase throughput by +10%
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear
life or loss of fineness
iv. Solution:
Trial Retrofit 1 x LSKS 39 - Dynamic Classifier
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4.2.2 Big Sandy Power Plant Case Study 2
Existing v Retrofit
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4.2.3 Big Sandy Power Plant Case Study 2
Increase throughput by +10%
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear life or loss of fineness
PGT (9/14)
Increase throughput to +19.3%
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear life (ongoing) or loss of
Eliminated the mill reject/dribbling issues
Reduced the specific power consumption of the mill by over 10%
Additional Comments
LES met and exceeded tight deadline schedules required by the plant.
Extremely tight area for install distance between mills were limited
Use of laser survey by LES enabled full installation plan to be determined
This led to zero clash issues during removal & installation.
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4.3.1 Ratcliffe Power Plant Case Study 3
i. Plant:
EOn, Ratcliffe Power Station, Nottingham, UK
4 x 500 MWe Units, Built 1968
8 x Babcock 10E10 Pulverisers with Static Classifiers
ii. Problem/Requirement:
UBC & NOx reduction by increasing fineness
Existing mills (<63% on 75 micron & <98.5% on 300
iii. Target:
Increase fineness to +70% on 75 micron & +99.9%
on 300 micron
No increase in mill dp, mill kW & No reduction in wear
iv. Solution:
Retrofit 6 x LSKS 39 - Dynamic Classifier
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4.3.2 Ratcliffe Power Plant Case Study 3
Coal Flow:
Ratcliffe - LSKS Rosin Rammler Size Distribution
36.0 (Te/hr)
Contract Coal:
PF Fineness Results*:
% Passing Sieve
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4.3.3 Ratcliffe Power Plant Case Study 3
Project Summary
Increased Boiler Combustion Efficiency
Independent testing found that the LSKS Dynamic Classifier gave a
substantial reduction in un-burnt carbon due to the greatly improved particle
size and distribution
Subsequent results at other stations have led to LES often confirming a UBC
reduction of 40-50%
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Thank you for your attention !
Questions or Comments?
Brishank Kumar Srivastava
Phone: +91 9910018792
E-mail: [email protected]
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