The Anatomy of The Coronary Sinus

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The article provides an overview of the gross anatomy and developmental anatomy of the coronary sinus and discusses correlations relevant to clinical electrophysiology practice.

The article discusses the developmental and radiological anatomy of the coronary sinus in detail and examines the gross anatomy of the cardiac vein.

The article mentions that the coronary venous system is important in many electrophysiological procedures including arrhythmia ablation, biventricular pacing, and for deployment of an array of cardiac devices.

Europace (2009) 11, v15v21


The anatomy of the coronary sinus venous system

for the cardiac electrophysiologist
Ammar Habib 1, Nirusha Lachman 2,3, Kevin N. Christensen 2,
and Samuel J. Asirvatham 3,4*
Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA; 2Department of Anatomy, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA;
Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905, USA; and 4Department
of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, 200 First Street Southwest, Rochester, MN 55905, USA

Cardiac electrophysiologists use of the coronary sinus (CS) to map and ablate accessory pathways and implant left ventricular leads has
emphasized the need for understanding CS anatomy. In this review, we briefly examine the developmental and radiological anatomy of
the CS and discuss in detail the gross anatomy of this cardiac vein. We highlight the correlations of the acquired anatomical knowledge rel-
evant to clinical electrophysiology practice.
Keywords Coronary sinus Cardiac veins

anterior interventricular vein is similar to the adjacent left anterior

Introduction descending artery in the interventricular groove. In a study using
The coronary sinus (CS) has become a clinically important struc- electron beam computed tomography (CT), the anterior interven-
ture especially through its role in providing access for different tricular vein was visualized in up to 100% of subjects scanned.12 In
cardiac procedures. Historically, cardiac vascular studies have addition, the diameter of the anterior interventricular vein was
focused mainly on the coronary artery circulation. Although not seen to be similar to the neighbouring artery for the length of
studied to the extent of the coronary arteries, the coronary its course. The great cardiac vein in turn joins the main posterior
venous system is important in many electrophysiological pro- lateral vein to form the CS. Other major tributaries entering the
cedures, including arrhythmia ablation, biventricular pacing, and CS include inferior left ventricular vein and the middle cardiac
for deployment of an array of cardiac devices.1 3 The advent of vein (MCV) that drain the posterior aspect of the left ventricle.
advanced invasive and interventional cardiac treatment and man- The atrial myocardium also drains into the CS via the various
agement tools for common disorders like heart failure has made atrial veins and the vein of Marshall. The vein of Marshall is a
understanding of CS anatomy necessary.4 6 There is also an remnant of the left superior vena cava; it runs along the posterior
increased interest in the CS as an access point for interventionalists aspect of left atrium and is formed by the junction of the great
for ablation procedures of an arrhythmia source and for cardiac vein and the posterolateral vein.13 The right atrium and
mapping.7 9 The CS is the main cardiac vein. This review will the posterior and posterolateral portions of the right ventricle
describe the basic gross and developmental anatomy of the CS are drained by the small cardiac vein into the CS at the ostium
and venous supply with focus on specific anatomical aspects that of the right atrium.
are encountered in invasive and interventional settings. The smaller cardiac venous system is the Thebesian venous
network. This system is responsible for draining the inner layers
of the myocardium of the right ventricular venous system and por-
Coronary sinus anatomy tions of the interventricular septum directly into the right ventricle
The myocardium drains mainly by two groups of veins: the tribu- via orifices that are often ,0.5 mm in diameter.
taries of the greater and smaller cardiac veins, or the Thebesian
veins. The main vein of the greater venous system is the CS that
runs in the posterior aspect of the coronary groove. The anterior Embryology
wall of the left ventricle and the interventricular septum are Development of the CS occurs through differentiation of the sinus
drained by branches of the anterior interventricular vein, known venosus (Figure 1). During foetal development, a single heart tube
as the great cardiac vein on the annulus.3,10,11 The course of the separates around the third week giving rise to the primordial

* Corresponding author. Tel: 1 507 255 2440, Fax: 1 507 255 2550, Email: [email protected]
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2009. For permissions please email: [email protected].
v16 A. Habib et al.

Figure 1 Developmental anatomy of the coronary sinus (CS)

(26 weeks)the right horn of the sinus venosus remains as the
venous portion of the right atrium between the vena cava (light
Figure 2 The CS has been dissected open along its long axis,
blue). The left horn of the sinus venosus remains in adult life as
CS musculature is seen in the proximal portion of the CS up
the CS and portion of the great cardiac vein (dark blue).
to the orifice of the vein of Marshall. In this patient multiple pos-
terior and posterolateral veins are also seen draining into the CS.
atrium and sinus venosus. Initially, the sinus venosus opens into the
posterior wall of the right atrium. Around the fourth week, the shaped structure often found guarding the mouth of the CS as it
sinus venosus differentiates into right horn and left horns which opens to the right atrium. The Thebesian valve is highly variable
through a process of degeneration and absorption, give rise to and occasionally may present an obstruction during cannulation
the venous channels entering the right atrium. The right horn is of the CS.21 The CS also contains the valve of Vieussens that
absorbed by the right atrium and persists as the smooth portion often marks the end of the vein. These venous valves are also fre-
of the superior vena cava as well as the area between the vena quently found at the entrance of the ventricular veins into the great
cava extending into the CS ostium, whereas the left horn under- cardiac vein. The right ventricular venous system drains directly
goes progressive degeneration until the 10th week, giving rise to into the right ventricle through the Thebesian venous network.
the CS.14,15 The CS ostium is 515 mm in diameter and is located on the
posterior interatrial septum anterior to the Eustachian ridge and
valve and posterior to the tricuspid annulus.11,17 The ostium is
Detailed anatomy often covered, to a variable extent, by the Thebesian valve. The
valve usually covers the superior and posterior surfaces of the
Coronary sinus
ostium, but may be covered completely with formation of fenestra-
The length of the CS varies from 3 to 5.5 cm and is dependent on tions. In rare instances, the valve may cover the inferior
the site of the drainage of the posterolateral vein.16 The diameter hemi-circumference.
of the CS is also variable and is dependent on the loading con-
ditions, presence and extent of atrial myocardium with the coron-
ary vein, and the presence of underlying cardiac disease or prior Clinical application
cardiac surgery. The CS lies in the sulcus between the left The CS has increasingly been recognized as a vital structure for an
atrium and ventricle and is a continuation of the great cardiac array of clinical interventions. The CS is of interest to the electro-
vein from the valve of the great cardiac vein to the ostium of physiologist because it provides a useful route for mapping and
the CS as it terminates in the right atrium. The CS begins proxi- ablation of left-sided accessory pathways. Nevertheless, pathways
mally at the right atrial orifice and ends distally at the valve of that are located close to the mitral valve may be difficult to
Vieussens. The CS receives blood from the ventricular veins ablate given their significant distance from the CS. In addition,
during ventricular systole and empties into the right atrium the CS is an electrophysiologically active structure. Previous
during atrial systole. studies have demonstrated the capability of spontaneous depolar-
The wall of the CS is made up of striated myocardium that is ization and slow conduction in the smooth muscle of the CS, pro-
continuous with the atria, forming a myocardial sleeve around viding inherent automaticity.9,22 24 Also, the atrial myocardial
the venous system17 (Figure 2). This sleeve does not usually sleeve that covers the proximal CS provides the ability for conduc-
extend into the ventricle myocardium. In variations, where a con- tion and automaticity, forming an electrical connection between
tinuation into the ventricle is formed, however, an atrioventricular the two atria. Studies have shown that this connection is of clinical
bypass tract referred to as an epicardial pathway is formed.18 importance as it may be a source of arrhythmias such as atrial
The CS, like the rest of the cardiac venous system, contains fibrillation.18,23 25 Active myocardium within the CS may serve
various valves.19,20 The most common valve is the Thebesian either as a source for abnormal automaticity generating a focal
valve at the ostium of the CS. The Thebesian valve is a crescent tachycardia or as a part of a reentrant circuit. In patients with
Cardiac venous system v17

Figure 4 Valves can be found in the CS at various locations.

Most common are at the ostium of the CS (Thebesian valve)
and at the ostium of the postural lateral vein at the junction of
Figure 3 The CS has been dissected open along its long axis.
the Great Cardiac vein and CS (Vieussens valve). These valves
Note the multiple ostia of various ventricular veins (hatched
cover various extents of the area of the orifice.
arrows). A remnant of the Thebesian valve that partly covers
the ostium of the middle cardiac vein (MCV) is seen (arrow).

atrial fibrillation, although myocardial sleeves within the pulmonary

veins are a more common source, CS myocardium may also initiate
recurrent atrial fibrillation. Since the CS is one of the connections
between the right and left atria, with Bachmanns bundle forming
the other important connection, reentrant tachycardia involving
the CS muscle and both atria are sometimes seen in patients
with marked atrial enlargement, especially after a surgical maze
The vein of Marshall may give rise to atrial fibrillation either by
virtue of myocardial extensions into the structure or as a result of
node like remnants within the vein or by virtue of the rich auto-
nomic innervation that typically encapsulates the structure.18,23 25
With regard to left ventricular pacing, atrial electrograms may be
sensed by the ventricular lead if it is placed too proximal (basal)
within a ventricular branch of the CS.
Cannulation of the CS during interventional procedures may be
complicated by obstruction due to Thebesian valves (Figures 3 5).
A three-dimensional, functional anatomy study showed that The-
besian valve morphology varied greatly, and included instances of Figure 5 Coronary venous angiogram in the left anterior
dynamic obstruction.26 Cannulation would be likely to be more oblique (LAO) projection showing a near occlusive valve
complicated in the living heart during the cardiac cycle. Studies (arrow) in the region of the posterolateral vein (Vieussens valve).
have demonstrated that valves that obstruct a significant portion
of the CS ostium may be successfully transversed by use of
modern cannulation techniques (i.e. softer-tipped sheath, pre- cava. Thus, when it is completely patent, it is known as a persistent
shaped sheath, and anterior approach).27 left superior vena cava. The branch is known as the vein of Marshall
In addition, cannulation of the CS for percutaneous mitral valve when it is patent in its atrial course. Occasionally, it may be par-
annuloplasty has been described.28 tially or completely occluded; in which case it is known as the
oblique vein of Marshall.13,29,30

Atrial venous drainage Clinical application

The atrial myocardium drains into the CS via the various atrial The left atrial veins can be used for atrial pacing. When thresholds
veins and the vein of Marshall. The largest atrial vein branch are poor in the right atrium or precise left atrial-left ventricular
usually occurs opposite to the posterolateral vein coursing synchrony is needed. Specific cannulation of the CS and then
between the anterior surface of the left-sided pulmonary veins placing the lead into an atrial branch can be done. Bi-atrial
and the posterior surface of the route of the left atrial appendage. pacing with both a right and left atrial lead has been attempted
This branch is an embryological remnant of the left superior vena for pacing related therapy of atrial fibrillation.13,29
v18 A. Habib et al.

Figure 6 A lateral view of the left ventricle showing venous

anastomoses on the lateral wall. Note, veins interdigitate
between the anterior and lateral venous system (see text for
Figure 7 The MCV is a very consistent tributary of the CS
present in nearly all hearts. In our study of 219 hearts the
MCV was found in its usual location in the posterior interventri-
Ventricular veins cular sulcus draining to the ostium of the CS in 98% of these
Anterior interventricular vein cases. Rarely, in 2.8%, the MCV has a separate ostium into the
The anterior interventricular vein, the largest and most consistent right atrium and in 18% of the cases the vein receives an immedi-
of the cardiac veins, courses in the interventricular groove adjacent ate tributary from a posterior or posterolateral vein.
to the left anterior descending artery as it runs towards the base of
the heart. It is the most anterior vein seen in the right anterior Middle cardiac vein
oblique (RAO) projection. Although the anterior interventricular The largest proximal tributary of the CS is the MCV (Figure 7), also
vein is the venous parallel of the left anterior descending artery, known as the posterior interventricular vein. The MCV receives
its proximal tributary courses along the first diagonal branch. As communications from the anterior veins as well as from branches
it approaches the base of the heart, the anterior interventricular from the septal wall and inferior walls of both ventricles. The MCV
vein courses laterally towards the atrioventricular groove to courses with the posterior descending artery in the posterior
form the great vein. A large tributary that arises proximally interventricular groove and enters the CS close to the right
drains a significant portion of the anterolateral wall of the left ven- atrial orifice or, rarely, enters directly into the right atrium apical
tricle. This apical branch is thought to be continuous with branches to the septal attachment of the tricuspid valve. Cardiac autonomic
of the posterior and MCVs in 30% of hearts.8,11,16,31 The phrenic fibres are often found in the posterior crux near the junction of the
nerve forms an anterior relation to the anterolateral branch of the MCV with the CS. The MCV also has a varied number of branches,
anterior interventricular vein in a fraction of patients. the most relevant being the left marginal and inferior veins.32

Lateral cardiac veins Posterior ventricular vein

The lateral wall of the left ventricle is typically drained by three dis- The origin of the posterior ventricular vein is highly variable, but in
tinct veins (Figure 6), largest and most consistent of which is the 25% of patients, the posterior ventricular vein shares a common
posterolateral vein.11,16,31 Other veins, specifically the straight cloacal ostium with the MCV.11,17,31 In some cases it has been
lateral vein and the anterior lateral veins are also found in this shown to arise as a tributary from the MCV. This vein courses
region. The posterolateral vein occurs directly opposite the vein along the lateral wall together with the posterolateral branches
of Marshall. of the right coronary artery and drain the lateral and diaphragmatic
In addition to receiving tributaries from the anterior interventri- walls of the left ventricle. Because of its course, it may be confused
cular vein, the great cardiac vein also receives tributaries from left with a branch of the MCV. Its distal branches often interdigitate
posterior vein and the left marginal vein. The phrenic nerve typi- with branches of the lateral venous system and may be closely
cally crosses superficial to the great cardiac vein and forms variable related to the phrenic nerve.
relations with the lateral vein, posterior branches of the anterolat-
eral vein, and anterior branches of posterolateral cardiac vein. Clinical application
Because of the thickness of the ventricular myocardium at this The MCV can be specifically targeted for placing a left ventricular
site, secondary tributaries of these lateral veins often run an intra- lead (Table 1). Although the MCV lies in the posterior interventri-
myocardial course. cular septum various branches/tributaries drain the lateral wall
Cardiac venous system v19

Table 1 Clinical correlates of specific coronary venous anatomic characteristics

Coronary vein anatomy Clinical application

Coronary sinus Cannulation may be hindered by a large Thebesian valve
Myocardial extensions may constitute an accessory pathway
The vein is one of the primary electrical connections between the right and left atrium
The vein of Marshall and other atrial veins The vein of Marshall may require ablation for atrial fibrillation
autonomic nerves
myocardial extensions
nodal remnants
Atrial veins can be used for pacing the left atrium
The anterior interventricular vein Lateral tributaries can be used to pace the left ventricular free wall
Ablation within this vein sometimes required for outflow tract ventricular tachycardia
The phrenic nerve may lie close to lateral branches of this vein
Posterolateral vein Ideal vein to attempt cannulation as it drains the free wall of the left ventricle
The valve of Vieussen typically found at the ostium of this vein and can hinder cannulation
Posterior ventricular vein Sometimes mistaken for the middle cardiac vein
Lateral tributaries can be used for effective left ventricular pacing
Cannulation of this vein at times not immediately recognized during a procedure
Middle cardiac vein An option to consider for placing left ventricular pacing leads, particularly into one of the its lateral tributaries
Well established site for posterior epicardial pathways
Diverticula or aneurismal dilation of this vein may occur with or without associated arrhythmias

toward this vein. Because of the unique anatomy of this vein (being
perpendicular to the main access of the CS) cannulation is not
straightforward. The operator typically uses counterclockwise
torque to cannulate the CS. Once the CS has been cannulated,
clockwise torque needs to be applied to turn the sheath or
guiding catheter towards a ventricular vein. Often the posterior
vein will be cannulated in this rotation and can be used. If,
however, because of phrenic nerve stimulation or absence of
good pacing thresholds within the vein, the guiding sheath or cath-
eter can be withdrawn from this vein whereas continuing to apply
clockwise torque. The MCV can then be cannulated just before the
sheath or catheter slips out of the CS. Once entered the pacing
lead can then be placed in this vein and carefully manoeuvred to
the left ventricular free wall.12,14,16 Figure 8 Epicardial fat is seen close to the ostium of the CS,
The venous drainage of the lateral wall of the ventricle is variable particularly in the right anterior oblique (RAO) view (left
and typically gives multiple options for the implanter.33,34 panel). A lead or catheter placed in the CS will be seen proceed-
ing towards the left in the LAO view (right panel). In the RAO
Because of the posterior and posterior lateral veins can form
view the ventricular veins are seen anteriorly and the atrial
various angles with the main body of the CS inexperienced oper-
veins posteriorly. Note the position of the bundle of His
ators may not realize that this vein has been cannulated and
(coloured in green).
unnecessarily withdraw the catheter or guiding sheath. When
doubt exists as a result of prior knowledge of the anatomy of
this region venography or ultrasound imaging is required. Some- on the right. In addition, this venous system provides drainage to
times a common ostium for the posterior and MCV occurs and the right appendage as well as a significant portion of the muscular
may need specific cannulation either for placement of pacing ventricular septum.
leads or ablation of posterior epicardial accessory pathways.

Thebesian venous system Radiology

The smaller cardiac venous system that is composed of small With standard fluoroscopy the CS cannot be directly visualized.
venous branches and drains the subendocardium is known as the However, the epicardial fat found in the posteroseptal space just
Thebesian venous system. The Thebesian veins are vessels com- posterior to the CS ostium can be detected on cine fluoroscopy
posed primarily of endothelial cells, which are continuous with (Figure 8). A characteristic radiolucency best seen in the RAO pro-
the lining of the cardiac chambers.35 These vessels are found jection can be noted, where the cardiac and any diaphragmatic sil-
throughout all four chambers of the heart, but are more prominent houettes meet.
v20 A. Habib et al.

Great Cardiac vein and then joined by one or more posterolateral

ventricular veins the CS forms the continuation until it drains
into the right atrium. The middle cardiac and posterior veins, as
well as various atrial veins including the vein of Marshall are
other consistent tributaries. In this review, we discuss the gross,
developmental radiographic anatomy of the important cardiac
venous system to improve understanding amongst interventional

Conflict of interest: none declared.

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