Sandu V
Sandu V
Sandu V
2 - 2015
Series I: Engineering Sciences
Veneia SANDU1
Key words: heavy duty diesel engine, intercooling, charge air cooler.
Mechanical Engineering Dept., Transilvania University of Braov.
38 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braov Series I Vol. 8 (57) No. 2 - 2015
The characteristics of the coolers were The steel cooler was manufactured at
described in Table 1 [11]. The structure of Romradiatoare Braov Company and the
the air charge coolers was different as it is aluminium one at RAAL Bistria
presented in Figure 1. The steel made Company.
cooler has three rows of circular tubes with The assessment of coolers behaviour
folded fins, through which the charge air using conventional heat exchanger
circulating through the interior of the formulas is difficult and, in a certain
tubes. The aluminium made cooler has extent, deceptive. The aluminium cooler
similar ducts for charge air and cooling air, has a total area four times larger, thermal
in form of rectangular finned tubes which conductivity is roughly three times higher,
are perpendicularly oriented on the but the price is four times more expensive
direction of external ambient air flows. than the steel one. Previous heat transfer
The mechanical resistance of both coolers calculations based on coolers
was previously tested in a special purpose configurations and material properties [11]
rig, by applying an external pressure of 1.5 could evaluate the values of overall heat
bar [5], [11]. The optimum cooler should transfer coefficients, but there is a lack of
also withstand to the maximum air data upon the convection coefficients and
temperature at the outlet of the pressure losses, so engine experiments
turbocharger, around 110 C, so it must be were required for a sound selection.
checked if the soldering alloy of the cooler There are three performance parameters
joints would withstand to this temperature. specific to air-to-air heat exchangers:
Sandu, V.: The Influence of Charge Air Coolers Characteristics on the Performance 39
5. Conclusions
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both in terms of thermodynamic 1997.
parameters and performance indicators. 5. Sandu, V., Ungureanu, V.B.:
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aluminium cooler is advantaged by a Performance on the 798-05R
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which provides better cooling of the engine of the Second Edition of Motor
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Timioara, 2012.
Acknowledgements 6. *** ROMAN Engines - Presentation
The author thanks to research engineers 7. *** ECE-R 24.03: Uniform Provisions
Seceleanu, C., Gal, A. and Turcu, D. for Concerning the Approval of the
useful support and discussions. The Compression Ignition Engines with
support of the Department of Engine Regard to the Visible Pollutant
Testing of Road Vehicle Institute Braov is Emissions of the Engine.
gratefully acknowledged. 8. *** ISO 1585:1992: Road Vehicles -
Engine test code. Net power.
References 9. *** STAS 6635-87: Internal Combustion
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3. Challen, B., Brnescu, R., (Ed.): Vehicle Institute INAR Braov.