Lesson Plan For Implementing NETS - S-Template I: (More Directed Learning Activities)

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Lesson Plan for Implementing

NETSSTemplate I
(More Directed Learning Activities)
Name Cynthia Gravely

Position General Classroom Teacher

School/District Bartow County School System

E-mail [email protected]

Phone 770-606-5900

Grade Level(s) 4th Grade

Content Area Math

Time line 2 -3 class periods (2-3 hours)

Standards (What do you want students to know and be able to do? What knowledge, skills, and
strategies do you expect students to gain? Are there connections to other curriculum areas and subject
area benchmarks? ) Please put a summary of the standards you will be addressing rather than
abbreviations and numbers that indicate which standards were addressed.

This activity is a culminating task to assess all skills taught in the previous geometry unit. Students will
work in groups to create a plan for a new addition to a city that uses the geometry knowledge acquired to
design a town of certain specifications. Each group will be expected to use productivity tools to draw
points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular lines and parallel lines to create quadrilateral
shapes and triangles. Then students will create a key to help classify two-dimensional figures based on
their attributes. This key may include pictures from Flickr using the Creative Commons license. Next,
students will create a screencast of their group presenting their plan. In this screencast, all students
must take an active role in the presentation. Once all screencasts are complete, students will upload
them to a class Weebly page or on the class page on Schoology. As a group, students will review each
screencast to provide constructive feedback and peer assessments for their classmates work using a
rubric. Students will leave feedback on their classmates presentations using the ABC format described
in the rubric.

Content Standards:

MGSE4.G.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures.

MGSE4.G.2 - Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or

perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right
triangles as a category, and identify right triangles.

Page 1
NET*S Standards:

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and
working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe,
legal and ethical.

- 2b: Students will engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

- 2c: Students will demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and
obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.

Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and

- 3a: Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and
other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

- 3b: Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media,
data or other resources.

Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories,
creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

Overview (a short summary of the lesson or unit including assignment or expected or possible

also need
take to present
on the role of atheir
cityplan during
planner a cityacouncil
to plan meeting.
new part To present
of the city. Studentsthewill
students will create a screencast to be viewed in class on the project. Finally, students
collaboratively create a virtual model of their plan using Office 360 PowerPoint or an online will upload
their screencast
productivity to aThe
tool. class Weebly
plan page, 2-
will include sodimensional
that studentsmodels
can assess
of thetheir peers to
buildings, work and leave
present to the
feedback on their screencast.
committee. These are the following specifications of the plan:
4 streets that are parallel to each other
1 road that is perpendicular to the 4-parallel street
1 avenue that intersects at least 2 streets but is not perpendicular to them.
8 buildings that are the shape of any polygons and color coded using the following
2 different shaped red buildings that have at least one right angle and at least one set
of parallel sides
2 different shaped green buildings that have at least one obtuse angle
2 different shaped blue buildings with no parallel or perpendicular sides
2 different shaped yellow buildings that are right triangles
1 park shaped like a right triangle with the following features:
A swimming pool in the shape of a figure that has only acute angles
A right triangular sandbox
A triangular shaped sandbox with an obtuse angle
1 park that has at least 4 different geometric figures inside of it but has a symmetrical design

Page 2
Essential Questions (What essential question or learning are you addressing? What would students
care or want to know about the topic? What are some questions to get students thinking about the topic
or generate interest about the topic? Additionally, what questions can you ask students to help them
focus on important aspects of the topic? (Guiding questions) What background or prior knowledge will
you expect students to bring to this topic and build on?) Remember, essential questions are meant to
guide the lesson by provoking inquiry. They should not be answered with a simple yes or no and
should have many acceptable answers.

Essential Questions:
1. Where can geometry be found in your everyday world?
2. How can shapes be classified by their angles and lines?

Discussion and Guiding Questions

1. How can you determine the lines of symmetry in a figure?
2. How do you know that the angles in your figures are acute, obtuse, or right?
3. How do you know the line segments are perpendicular?
4. How do you know the line segments are parallel?
5. How do you know the line segments are intersecting?

Assessment (What will students do or produce to illustrate their learning? What can students do to
generate new knowledge? How will you assess how students are progressing (formative assessment)?
How will you assess what they produce or do? How will you differentiate products?) You must attach
copies of your assessment and/or rubrics. Include these in your presentation as well.

Students will work in a group to create a presentation and screencast that shows their understanding
of the geometry standards. The presentations will be assessed using a teacher created rubric to
determine if students could classify quadrilaterals, triangles and create different types of lines. There
will also be a teacher created group work rubric to hold all students accountable for their part of the
assignment. The task will be differentiated by allowing students the opportunity to choose the tools
that best fits their interest, level of technological knowledge, and learning style to create their
presentation and screencast. As a group, students will review each screencast to provide
constructive feedback and peer assessments for their classmates work using a rubric. Students will
leave feedback on their classmates presentations using the ABC format described in the rubric.

Resources (How does technology support student learning? What digital tools, and resourcesonline
student tools, research sites, student handouts, tools, tutorials, templates, assessment rubrics, etc
help elucidate or explain the content or allow students to interact with the content? What previous
technology skills should students have to complete this project?)

Page 3
Students are culminating their understanding of geometry to complete an authentic and meaningful
task supported by technology and Web 2.0 tools. Students will use tools such as PowerPoint, Sway,
Google Slides, or Word to create their geometry town. Students will also use Jing or Screencast-o-
matic to create their screencast presentations. Students have been exposed to creating PowerPoint,
Google Slides and Word documents, therefore students will not need instruction on how to use these
productivity tools. Students will be taught how to create lines, text boxes, and shapes in
PowerPoint/Word, Slides, and Sway. Students will be introduced to Sway and allowed to explore the
tool before they begin planning their presentation. Before starting the project, students will view an
exemplar of the presentation and screencast so that they know exactly what is expected of them. After
presentations are complete, students will be introduced to Screencast-o-matic and Jing with a
screencast tutorial. Before students upload their screencast, they will have access to step by step
instruction on how to upload their screencast to the class Weebly page.

Instructional Plan Preparation (What student needs, interests, and prior learning provide a
foundation for this lesson? How can you find out if students have this foundation? What difficulties
might students have?)

Students have been working on identifying and classifying quadrilaterals all year long during morning
work. In addition, students have also been working on the Geometry Unit for two weeks prior to this
culminating task. Students should have a firm grasp of the geometry terms and how to classify
triangles and quadrilaterals. Students are very excited to create their presentations and screencasts.
The only difficulties that students may encounter during this project are using the presentation and
screencast tools. Students will need explicit instruction on how to draw the shapes and lines on their
selected presentation software. Students will also need guidance on how to create a screencast.

Management Describe the classroom management strategies will you use to manage your students
and the use of digital tools and resources. How and where will your students work? (Small groups,
whole group, individuals, classroom, lab, etc.) What strategies will you use to achieve equitable access
to the Internet while completing this lesson? Describe what technical issues might arise during the
Internet lesson and explain how you will resolve or trouble-shoot them? Please note: Trouble-
shooting should occur prior to implementing the lesson as well as throughout the process. Be sure to
indicate how you prepared for problems and work through the issues that occurred as you implemented
and even after the lesson was completed.

Students will be working in small groups in the classroom. Extra support will be provided by the special
education teacher and the gifted teacher. Students will have unlimited access to their MacBook
throughout the task. When students are working on their presentations, I can foresee students struggle
to save their project to their OneDrive or thumb drives. To alleviate this problem, the steps to saving a
document will be reviewed on day 1 of the project and posted on the class Weebly page. Another issue
that may arise is the computer productivity software not working correctly. In that case, students will be
able to create a hard copy of their geometry town and will be able to use the teachers computer to
create their screencast.

Page 4
Instructional Strategies and Learning Activities Describe the research-based instructional
strategies you will use with this lesson. How will your learning environment support these activities?
What is your role? What are the students' roles in the lesson? How can you ensure higher order
thinking at the analysis, evaluation, or creativity levels of Blooms Taxonomy? How can the
technology support your teaching? What authentic, relevant, and meaningful learning activities and
tasks will your students complete? How will they build knowledge and skills? How will students use
digital tools and resources to communicate and collaborate with each other and others? How will
you facilitate the collaboration?

Throughout the lesson, students will be provided an exemplar models to ensure students know what is
expected. In addition, anytime a student is struggling, scaffolding will be provided to ensure all
students are successful. Students will work collaboratively throughout the entire project and will be
required to communicate with their group and other groups. Students will receive peer feedback and
teacher feedback. My role in this activity is to facilitate learning by helping students on the presentation
tool, guiding students thinking, and asking higher order thinking questions. During the task, I will be
asking high order thinking questions to help evaluate student understanding of the content standards.
Examples of these questions include:
How are a square and a rectangle alike and different?
Do you agree with the statement all rhombi are always a square? Why or Why not?
In what way is a trapezoid related to a rhombus?
Why can we classify a triangle as an acute and equilateral triangle?
Why can a triangle not be classified as an acute and obtuse triangle?

Students will take an authentic role of a city planner to create a plan of a new part of the city. During
the task, students will be creating an original piece of work with their presentations and screencasts. In
addition, students will be evaluating their classmates work by critiquing the work with the guidelines of
the teacher-created rubric. Finally, students will be analyzing the different quadrilaterals and triangles.
Technology supports this task by providing digital tools for students to collaboratively create
presentations and screencasts while I facilitate and encourage students to work together and

Differentiation (How will you differentiate content and process to accommodate various learning
styles and abilities? How will you help students learn independently and with others? How will you
provide extensions and opportunities for enrichment? What assistive technologies will you need to

My students are split into four mix ability groups. Two of the groups are gifted cluster classes, and the
other two groups include the special education and EIP students. Each group contains students with
various learning styles.

The two dominant learning styles in all classes are visual and kinesthetic styles. Groups will be
determined based on the summative assessment given for the geometry unit. In each group, students
will be placed in groups based on their content knowledge, technological knowledge, and learning
styles. Each group will be allowed to choose which presentation software and screencast tool they
will use. There are a few students who will be allowed to work independently on their projects and
screencast based on their learning styles and IEPs.

Page 5
Content will be modified based on needs of the group. If needed a project requirements will be
modified to the following:

2 streets that are parallel to each other

1 road that is perpendicular to the 4-parallel street
1 avenue that intersects at least 1 streets but is not perpendicular to them.
4 buildings that are the shape of any polygons and color coded using the following guidelines:
1 different shaped red buildings that have at least one right angle and at least one set
of parallel sides
1 different shaped green buildings that have at least one obtuse angle
1 different shaped blue buildings with no parallel or perpendicular sides
1 different shaped yellow buildings that are right triangles
1 park shaped like a right triangle with the following features:
A swimming pool in the shape of a figure that has only acute angles
A right triangular sandbox
A triangular shaped sandbox with an obtuse angle
1 park that has at least 2 different geometric figures inside of it but has a symmetrical design
Name the parks, the streets, the road, and the avenue.

The only assistive technology provided for my students are an FM system for a child with a hearing
deficit and a large screen laptop for a child that is partially blind.

Each student will choose a role in the group to ensure all parts of the project are shared equally.
There are a few students who will be allowed to work independently on their projects and screencast
based on their learning styles.

Enrichment opportunities will be provided for students once the requirements of the task are met.
This includes allowing students to add new parts to the city using their rules. For students needing
help requirements of the town will be given one step at a time and the 2D shapes will be premade for
the students, they will just be required to identify the shape.

Reflection (Will there be a closing event? Will students be asked to reflect upon their work? Will
students be asked to provide feedback on the assignment itself? What will be your process for
answering the following questions?
Did students find the lesson meaningful and worth completing?
In what ways was this lesson effective?
What went well and why?
What did not go well and why?
How would you teach this lesson differently?)
The closing of the task took place in the class when each group presents their screencast. Once all
presentations have been presented to the class, students will upload their screencasts to our class
website so that parents will be able to view their work from home (We will finish presentations once
all testing is over on 4/23/17). Students will reflect on the assignment by completing a survey on
Google Forms. The questions will include:
Page 6
I would/would not be interested in participating in another task like this because__________.
I like/did not like create the screencast on my project because________________.
From participating in this task, I have learned _____________________.
Did the plan my group created meet my expectations?
Did the plan my group created meet the teachers expectations?
The thing I liked the most/least was ____________.
What could the teacher have done differently to improve the lesson?

I will review the reflections so that I can reflect on the lesson and make improvements for the next time
the lesson is taught. In addition to this reflection from the students, I will take anecdotal notes
throughout the lesson to help me determine how I can improve the lesson, what went well, and didnt
go well.

Closure: Anything else you would like to reflect upon regarding lessons learned and/or your experience
with implementing this lesson. What advice would you give others if they were to implement the lesson?
Please provide a quality reflection on your experience with this lesson and its implementation.

Students worked well together in creating their presentations. I grouped the students in groups of 4
but next time, I will group students as partners. This will allow students to have more hands on with
creating both the plan and the screencast. Students were all able to complete the task but it took
almost 4 times longer than I expected. I will plan for 2 weeks the next time this lesson is taught. In
addition, I will create a print out on how to create lines, shapes, and text boxes within each tool.
Students had to keep going between their project and the screencast, which seemed to be time
consuming. Also, I will allow students to create their plans on grid paper before creating their plan
on the computer because many students were overwhelmed with the number of items to create. I
feel like if they have a paper plan, the computer plan would go much faster.

Even though students had a choice on what presentation software they could use to complete the
task, most students chose PowerPoint. I feel like this is because it is the one tool they are the most
familiar with. Next time, I will not offer Sway because the students struggled the most with this tool.
If I do, I will provide more exposure to the tool before students are using it. Also, once students have
chosen their productivity tool, I will group the students by the tool they chose to allow them time to
practice using the software in small groups before the task begins. During this time, they will also
practice how to make lines, angles, shapes, change colors, etc. so they feel more comfortable once
the project has started. The only technical difficulties we had was that Jing would not download or
load on the student computers. Therefore, students were only able to use Screencast-o-matic to
create their screencasts.

I had three groups complete their project, screencast, and extension activity in record time. I learned
I did not plan enough extension activities. Therefore, another extension activity I will provide is the
Geometry Town Project on the GeoGebra website. Students will be creating another town project
with the following requirements:
The house and grocery store are alternate interior angles.
The gas station and shopping center are alternate exterior angles.
The grocery store and town hall are a linear pair.
The house and park are corresponding angles.
The town hall and gas station are vertical angles.
The grocery store and restaurant are alternate interior angles.
The park and barber shop are consecutive exterior angles.

Page 7
Name: ________________________________ Geometry Town Rubric

Page 8
Criteria Basic Proficient
Basic Advance
Proficient Advance
Little or none of the
MGSE4.G.1 Draw points, lines, line segments, Some of the required All the required types of
required types of lines are
rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and types of lines are drawn lines are drawn and
perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in
drawn and labeled
and labeled correctly. labeled correctly.
two-dimensional figures. correctly.
(30 points) (50 points)
(10 points)

MGSE4.G.2 - Classify two-dimensional figures Little or none of the 2-D Some of the 2-D shapes All the 2-D shapes are
based on the presence or absence of parallel or
shapes are drawn and are drawn and colored drawn and colored
perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of
angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles colored correctly. correctly. correctly.
as a category, and identify right triangles. (10 points) (30 points) (50 points)

MGSE4.G.3 Recognize a line of symmetry for a

two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure Little or none of the shapes Some of the shapes in the All the shapes in the park
such that the figure can be folded along the line in the park are symmetric. park are symmetric. are symmetric.
into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures (10 points) (30 points) (50 points)
and draw lines of symmetry.

Student use digital tools to broaden their Little or none of the digital Some of the digital tools All the digital tools are
perspectives and enrich their learning by
tools are used to create an are used to create an used to create an
collaborating with others and working effectively in
teams locally and globally. innovative artifact. innovative artifact. innovative artifact.
(7 points) (15 points) (20 points)

Student worked collaboratively with group to None of the time Some of the time All the time
complete the task. (5 points) (7 points) (10 points)

Student contribute constructively to project teams,

None of the time Some of the time All the time
assuming various roles and responsibilities to
work effectively toward a common goal. (5 points) (7 points) (10 points)

Acknowledged something their classmate said.

Built on their comment. Concluded with a why or
what if question Only complete one of the Completed two of the Completed all three of the
ABC of commenting ABCs of commenting ABCs of commenting
(5 points) (7 points) (10 points)

Student Page 9 Student
Student refused participated participated
to participate. during some of during all of the
______________________________________ Group Work Rubric

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