Rock Catchment Dam With Self-Closing Watertap

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ManuaL No. 3
Rock Catchment Dam
with se[f-c[osing Watertap.

Erik Nissen-Petersen~Dr Michael Lee.


Harvesting Rainwater in Semi—arid Africa consists of 6 Xanuals:

Manual No. 1. Water Tanks with Guttering and Hand-pump.

Manual No. 2. Small Earth Dam built by Animal Traction.

Manual No. 3. Rock Catchment Dam with self—closing Watertap.

Manual No. 4. Shallow Wells with Bucketlift.

Manual No. 5. Sub—surface and Sand—storage Dams.

Manual No. 6. Spring Protections.

Each I4anual deals with siting criteria, standard designs and bills of
quantities in a simple text and drawings.

The Manuals are based on practical experience gained by building some

700 water structures for rainwater harvesting in semi—arid Kenya over
the last 14 years.


Permission is hereby given for reproduction of this material, in whole

or part, for educational, scientific, or development related purposes,
except those involving commercial sale or services, provided that full
citation of the source is given.

Reproduction for commercial purposes may not take place without prior
permission from:

ASAL Rainwater Harvesting

P. O. Box 14333


P.O. Bo~93!~0, 2509 AD The Hague
Tt~l.(070) 814911 ext. 141/142

LO:~ ~


The authors of these manuals are qrateful for the qrants given by
Danida which made possible the compiling and publishing of their
experience with rainwater harvesting for self—help groups in semi—arid
areas of Africa.

Much gratitude is also due to the Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya,

which together with Danida afforded the opportunity of developing low—
technology and labour—intensive methods of harvesting rainwater and
thereby enabling people and livestock in a semi-arid region of the
country to have access to a steady water supply.

Thanks are also due to the local inhabitants with and for whom these
techniques were developed and implemented. Their understandable
skepticism in starting up these demanding activities gave the process
a sound and realistic foundation on which to build.

Personal thanks are very much due to:

Preben Enhard of Mutomo Soil and Water Conservation Project for his
considerable support.

Jan Nissen—Petersen for assisting in drawing more than half of the

niany drawings.

Kim Nissen—Petersen for the many proof—readings and useful comments.

Erik Nissen—Petersen and Xichael Lee




1. Introduction 1
2. Siting and Selection Considerations 1
3. Deciding on the Size of Dam to Build 4
4. Calculating the Required Catchment Area 5
5. Designing the Dam 7
6. Dam Wall Volume Calculations 8
7. Standard Designs 11
8. Materials, Labour and Transport Requirements 13
9. Bills of Quantities and Costing 16
10. Site Preparations 17
11. Setting Up the Templates 18
12. Preparing the Foundations 20
13. Bringing Materials and the Contractor to the Site 20
14. Maintaining and Improving Water Quality 21


1. Preparing the Foundations 24

2. Installing the Draw—off Pipe 25
3. Constructing the Dam Wall 26
4. Plastering the Dam Wall 27
5. Laying Out and Building Masonry Gutters 28
6. Constructing the Draw—off Pipe and Tapping Station 30
7. Quality Control and Maintenance 32


1. Self—closing Water Tap 35

2. Materials and Cost 36
3. Making the Self—Closing Water Tap 37
4. Installing the Water Tap 39
S. Making a Fixed Spanner for the Caretaker 40



1. Introduction

The masonry gravity dam is a vertical wall constructed around the

outer edge of a depression or hollow in a rock—surface to capture and
retain water running off the rocky surface. Rock surfaces have the
same efficient run—off production as iron—sheet rooftops without the
cost to the user therefore local people in ASAL regions have taken a
great liking to these water harvesting systems. This is particularly
true where the materials are provided by an outside agency or the
government and the people supply all the manual labour for site
preparation and system construction.

Hasonry gravity walls can be built in all lengths and sizes depending
on the shape of the site where they are built and the size of the
reservoir they will hold. There is no standard design for the
reservoir as with tanks but there is a standard design for the wall
itself and the method by which it is built. A set of techniques are
explained that can be used •to build a single wall, or a dam with
several sections each of a different height or length. Gravity walls
have been built that there are 2 metres high and 10 metres long and 6
metres high and 60 metres long. Reservoirs have been created that
contain 20,000 litres and ones that contain 4 million litres, all
using the same construction design, methods and materials although
obviously in different sizes and quantities and with different
catchment areas.

The maximum size of the reservoir is ultimately determined by the size

of the catchment and the expected rainfall depth in a season or year.
This determines the amount of supply, but it can also be limited by
the shape of the site where the dam can be built and the amount of
labour the self-help group can, or want to supply. This last factor
depends on their water demand and their size, organisation and
existing time commitments. A brief discussion of these points is
given here.

2. Siting and Selection Considerations

Finding a Site

Masonry gravity dams are constructed on rock outcrops either in rocky

top slope areas or ìn the lowlands where inselbergs are found
(sometimes called tors or whalebacks).

To site them, features to look for are hollows, depressions or gullies

where the rock dips either looking down the slope, across the slope or
both. These dips can then be converted into a water—holding reservoir
by constructing a single gravity wall dam, or several sections of wall
in a V-shaped or U—shaped dam.

Sometimes the dips are filled with soil. If trees and shrubs grow
there this is good because it means there will be a deep dip which can
be excavated and store plenty of water.

The rock above the dip should preferably be wide and slope like a
funnel towards the dip so that water will drain there. However,
straight slopes or rounded hills are suitable catchments because
simple stone and mortar raised gutters can be built out from the ends
of the gravity dam sloping up and across the rock. They catch run-off
water from the rock surface and bring it down to the dam. Where the
rock outcrop is a steep—sided, flat—topped hill with the dam built at
the base of the cliff these gutters can still be used. In this case
they can be built around the top of the rock, bringing water to a
point above the dam and letting it flow over the cliff and fall into
the reservoir.

Positioning the Dam Wall

When such a site has been found in the field the best position to
build the dam must be decided upon. Looking down the slope of the
rock, the best site is the outer edge of a dip, where the angle of the
rock face is near the horizontal before it steepens again.

By having a horizontal base, reinforcement of the dam is not required

because the weight of the dam can withstand the pressure of the stored
water. With no reinforcement the construction and the design becomes
simple. The dam wall must be built on a rock sloping down towards
the reservoir because the weight of the wall can push it down the rock
face and cause its destruction. Make sure the foundations are built
on almost flat rock surfaces or ones sloping slightly backwards to the
reservoir. The foundation must be a clean, hard rock surface and not
soil or loose rock.

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SuitQbIe slopes ~,..7977UnsuitabIe slope

Slopes of rock tloor

Because these dips in the rocks come in a variety of slopes and sizes,
the size and shape of the dam wall varies too. The number of separate
sections in the dam will depend on the shape and the curve of the lip
or ledge on which the dams foundations are laid.

Generally, for a cross—slope depression forming a small valley in the

rock surface, a single wall can be built across the dip that is
deepest in the middle and tapers to both ends when it joins the valley

For a funnel shaped depression like a small basin, a V—shaped dam will
be built with the point at the front of the depression with two
tapering arms back to the two sides of the funnel.

For a continuous slope where the dip is downslope stretching across

the complete width of the slope a U—shaped dam will be built with a
high front—wall and two tapering side walls.

3. Deciding on tbe Size of Dam to Build

In deciding how big to build a dam several things need to be


a. the water demand of the self—help builders and users

b. the amount of labour the self—help group can supply
c. the size of the catchment area and the rainfall
d. the volume of the reservoir created by the dam.

A11 these have to meet somewhere in the middle for an effective,

appropriate water harvesting system.

The best size of self—help group for the construction of a masonry

gravity dam is about 60 families so that each family can supply one
adult member to the workforce for three or four days per week during
the construction.

There is a limit to the number of work days a self—help group can be

expected to provide in a given season. This depends on the length of
the dry season and the commitments of the self-help group to other
activities. Generally, at the most a self—help group can be expected
to work for 9 months or 180 work days a year. During the rainy season
the construction site will be mostly underwater as the partially
finished dam retains water. Some dams have been built too big for the
catchment area and never filled completely. For that reason it is
necessary to build in stages. The first stage should be a maximum of
2.5 metres. The dam can be raised to 3.5 metres in the next dry
season should the catchment area prove big enough. Should the user
group need more water and be willing to continue with construction,
then the dam wall can be raised another 1.0 metre.

If a dam is built in stages, the designer should not build the

foundations of the larger dam in the first season and then add the
additional sections using the larger dam design. Instead, a small dam
should be built using the templates for a dam of this size. As the
dam is built higher both the thickness and the height is built up.

To help fill the dam, gutters can be built to harvest from as large a
catchment area as possible, preferably the whole rock.

3nd pr


lst phi

Water Demand

To calculate the water demand for a group of people is simple.


No. of families x litres per family per day in dry season = demand.


60 families x 60 litres per family per day x 180 days dry season
= 648,00 litres
The amount of water that needs to be stored at the end of the rainy
season is therefore 648,000 litres (648 cubic metres) to satisfy
demand it is wise to include losses to evaporation of about 33%.

The minimum size of the dam reservoir can then be determined as:

Formula: demand + 33% in evaporation losses

648,000 litres + (648,000 litres x 33) = 861,840 litres (862 cu.m.)
1 00 r

4. Calculating the Required Catchment Area

If the catchment area is all rock outcrop with little soil cover, it
is possible to calculate the size of the area that will supply this
volume if the seasonal rainfall is known.

Formula for calculating run—off:

Rainfall mm x run-off coefficient x catchment area sq.m. = run—off volume

The run—off coefficient is the proportion of rainfall that will become

run—off and for all rock surfaces is 0.9. With small catchment areas
it is generally true that the catchment is all rock and the 0.9 run—
off coefficient can be used. As dams and catchment areas get bigger,
the soil covered area increases and the coefficient 0.7 must be used.

Marking Out the Catchrnent Area

To calculate the area draining to the proposed dam site estimate where
the ends of the dam will be situated. From these points, walk or
climb up the slope along the steepest line, marking your route with
chalk until you reach a point where the slope is going away from you
and you are going downhill again. If that is done for both ends of
the dam, the area between the chalk lines drains to the dam—site.

The area used in the calculation is the plan area, that is the area
you would see if you looked down from right above. If the slope
angles are less than about 15 degrees then the surface area is close
to the plan area. As the slope increases, the plan area becomes less
than the surface area by increasing amounts.

Since the length of an average step is about 0.60 m (60 cm) following
examples on measuring catchment areas by walking can be shown:

a. easy walk on a square rock sloping only a little, lengths

measuring 140 steps x 75 steps = (140 steps x length of step
0.60 m) x (75 steps x length of step 0.60 m) = 129 sq.m.

b. difficult walk on a square rock sloping much, lengths measuring

140 steps x 75 steps = (140 steps x length 0.60 m x 0.75) x (75
steps x length 0.60 m x 0.75) = 97 sq.m.

c. climping on a square rock sloping very much, lengths measuring

140 steps x 75 steps = (140 steps x 0.60 m x 0.5) x (75 steps x
0.60 m x 0.5) = 65 sq.m.

Example of calculating run-off volume:

Rainfall 300 mm x run—off coefficient 0.7 catchment area 97 sq.m

= 20,370 litres (20 cu.m.)

Enlarging a catchment area.

The catchment area of a dam can be enlarged by building stone gutters

around the rock. Such gutters will collect run—off which otherwise
would have bypassed the dam reservoir. Stone gutters are build of
flat stones sat in mortar. Start building the gutters from the ends
of the dam wall and let them surround as much rock surface as possible
by building them with a gradient sloping 3 cm upwards per 100 cm.
this is best measured by using a gutter—level 100 cm long with 2 legs,
the one being 3 cm shorter than the other (see contractors manual).

If the rock outcrop is a rounded inselberg and the dam built on one
side, the gutters can circle round so that most of the outcrop can be
made to drain to the site. Where the dam is situated at the base of a
sheer cliff, the measurers can climb to the top, mark a point directly
above the dam site and mark out gutters going off either side across
the more shallow hill top. This is the catchment area and the water
collected can be made to drain straight down the cliff.



Having marked out the area, measured it, and multiplied the surface
area by the factor of its steepness the size can be compared against
the size of the catchment needed. This will indicate whether the
gutters are needed or if the catchment is too small. If it is too
small it may still be worth going ahead with the construction if there
are no alternative sites nearby. If the area is bigger than that
required this is fine because then a bigger reservoir can be built and
the demand will stand a greater chance of being exceeded by the supply
almost every year.

5. Designing the Dat

Having worked out the demand and the supply potential of the catchment
it is necessary to work out exactly where to put the dam, how big it
must be and how much water the reservoir it creates will hold. With
rooftop tanks these things are easy because the shape is standard and
the volume can be calculated knowing a few simple measurements. With
masonry gravity dams, the shape of the reservoir is not standard and
is uneven. To work out volume speedily and without using highly
technical methods involves approximating the complicated slopes by
convenient standard shapes and taking a few simple field measurements.

The method should be simple enough to take measurements in the field

and work out the approximate volumes on paper with a pocket
calculator. As an example of the methods to be adopted we use the
single—wall gravity dam. To design multiple wall dams requires more
experience which will be gained from designing and building some of
the less complex dams first.

The Single Gravity Dam

The shape of the reservoir can be approximated as shown below.

To calculate the volume of the reservoir, the following dimensions are


a. the proposed height of the dam at its deepest point (h).

b. the length of the crest of the dam on either side of the deepest
point (Xa and Xb)
c. the length from the top of the proposed dam wall at the highest
point back along the horizontal to the rock surface (L). This
marks the surface of the water when the dam is full.
With these dimensions the volume of the reservoir can be found
considering the two sides A and B separately;

Formula: Volume A = h x Xa x L + Volume B = h x Xb x L = Volume

4 4

A = h 2.5 m x Xa 6.0 m x L + B = h 2.5 m x Xb 8.0 x L 34.0 m

4 4
= 297.5 cu.m.

6. Dam Wall Volume Calculations

There are two shapes that the gravity wall sections can have, given
the standard design of the wall. They depend on the depth at either
end of the section and are illustrated as Section 1 and 2 below.

Section 1 is the shape of each half of a straight, single—wall dam.

However, in some situations, a V—shaped, or U—shaped dam needs to be
built to take advantage of a particular hollow. In this case, the dam
may be made up of separate parts that look like Section 1 and scme
like section 2. (see page 10)

Fran rneasurerient we know the heights and lengths of the secticin. We also know because of
the standard design the width of the crest and the base. The crest is always 0.3 m no
matter what the dam height. However, the base width varies according to the height as
shown in the relatic*iship below.


5 -

- —
4 height 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
1111711 1
3 — — -~- Sliding factor base 0.3 0.45 0.7 1.1 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.2
250 ~
2 crest 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Overturning i~ctor
0 1 2
—~ 3 4m.bcise

This graph, which gives us the base for each height allows us to calculate the volurries of
the dam wa].ls.

For Sectic*~ 1, the volurne is equal to ha].f a rectangular block plus a quarter of a
rectangular block for each of the t~ halves of the dain wall called A and B.
The voluirie of a dam wall therefore cc~sistsof half block + quarter block for both sides
of a dam wall.

Forimila for calculating voltine of dain wall:

Volume A + volume B = voluine of wall.

2 4


Volume A = (h 2.5m x Xa 6.Om x 0.3) + (h 2.5 x Xa 6.Om x (1.4 - 0.3) = 6.375 cu.m.
2 4

VolumeB= (h2.5nixxb8.OmxO.3) + (h2.5mxXb8.Omx (1.4-0.3) =8.5cu.m.

2 4

Volume A 6,375 cu.m. + volume B 8,5 cu.m. = 14,875 cu.m. voltmie of dam wall. say 15 cu.rn

Thn~i1afor calculating voliiæ of 4 a~plaster œ crest and frcnt wall:

Area to be plastered x 0.04 m thickness of plaster = volume

Example: (AreaAh2.5xXaG.0) + (keaBh2.5xXb8.0) +

2 2

(Crest 6.0 + 8.0 x 0.3) x 0.04 m plaster = volume

A 7.5 sq.m. + B 10.0 sq.m. + crest 4.2 sq.m. x 0.04 = 0.87 cu.m. plaster = say 0.9 cu.m.

For secticn 2, the volume is equal to a block with the average of the two heights ha and

hb plus half a block with the average of the t~ heights ha and hb.

Secticn 2 therefore cctisists of block + half block.

Fbrninla fœ block: (ha + hb) x Xa x 0.3 = volume of block


Fbrriilafœhalfblock: (ha+hb)xXax(Baseb-Basec-0.6) = volumeofhalfblock

2 2

(Secticn 2 is not included in the examples shown on the following pages)

Standard Designs

Lay-out ptan

Longttudtnot section
1 75



Cross section

Standard Designs

o 30


O 45 Lay-out plan
Tapping station


4-4 Rock
Cross sectìon
1 50

7. Materia].s, labour aM transport requircments

The requireiients of materials, labcur aM transport are calculated as follows:

a. Voline of structure.

First calculate the total voltine of the structure to be build by findir~the volines
of the varicius parts of the structure and thereafter adding it all together. The
result will be th~total voline measured in cubic metres (cu.m.).

b. Type and weight of materials.

has been found, tbe type aM weigbt of the
When the total volume of the structure
various cccin-ients of that volume can be estiinated by using the following formula:

Weight per 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) material. Cccverted measurcments.

Water 1 cu.m. weigbs 1000 kg = 1.00 tccne 1 tccne = apprax. 5 drums of water.
Ceinent 1 cu.m. weigbs 1350 kg = 1.35 tc*me 1 tccne = 20 bags of cenent.
Sand 1 cu.m. weigbs 1600 kg = 1.60 tccne 1 tccne = apprax. 8 wheelbarrows of sand.
Stcnes 1 cu.m. weighs 2200 kg = 2.20 tccne 1 tccne = apprax. 8 wheelbarrows of stcces.

1 cu.m. Stcce-iiiasccry weighs 2850 kg = 2.85 tccne aM cccsists of:

stcces 75% 1650 kg = 1.65 tccne = 14 wheelbarrow of stcces

ixrtar 1:4 25%
ceinent 200 kg = 0.2 tccne = 4 bags of cement
sand 800kg=O.8 tccne = 7 wheelbarrows of saM
water 200kg0.2 tccne = 1 drum of water

lcu.m. ~rtar, 1:3withnilweigbs2400kg =2.4tccneaMcccsistsof:

cement 500 kg = 0.5 tccne = 10 bags of cement

saM 1600 kg = 1.6 tccne = 13 wheelbarrows of sand
water 300kg=0.3tccne=11/2drumofwater

1 cu.m. ~rtar, 1:4 weighs 2200 kg = 2.2 tccne and consists of:

ceiiìent 400kg=O.4tccne= 8bagsofcement

sand 1600 kg = 1.6 tccne = 13 wheelbarrows of sand
water 200kg=0.2tccne= ldrumofwater


Fbr walls: Multiply voluiæ with requirements for 1 cu.m. of stcce mascnry.

Voluæ of wall x 1 cu.m. requireiænts = tc*mes = Œtlverted measurements.

15.0 cu.m. x cement 0.20 tcmne= 3.Otcnnesx20= 60bagsofcaænt

15.0 cu.m. x stcces 1.65 tcnne=24.8tccnesx 8=l98wheelbarrowsofstcne

15.0 cu.m. x sand 0.80 tccne = 12.0 tctmes x 8 = 96 wheelbarrows of sand

15.0 cu.m. x water 0.20 tcnne = 3.0 tcnnes x 5 = 15 drums of water

Yor plastering: Multiply volume with requirements for 1 cu.m. n~rtar1:3 w±thnil.

Voliiie of plaster x 1 cu.m. requirements = tcmnes = atverted iæasurements

O.9cu.m.xceinento.Sotccnes= O.5tccnesx2o= lObagsofcement

0.9 cu.m. x sand 1.60 tcmnes = 1.5 tctmes x 8 = 12 wheelbarrows of sand

0.9 cu.m. x water 0.30 tcnnes = O.3tctmesx 5= 2drun~ofwater

Fbr stcne gutters: 1 cu.m. n~rtar, 1:4, g±ves100 metres of stcce gutters.

Required 1et~thx Requirements per 1 m = kg = tccnes = cccverted ineasuraænts


200 m gutters x cement 4.0 kg per lm= 800 kg= 0.8 tc*mes= l6bagsofcement

200 m gutters x sand 16.0 kg per 1 m = 3200 kg = 3.2 tccnes = 26 wheelbarrows/sand

200 m gutters x stcces 90.0 kg per 1 m = 18000 kg = 18.0 tccnes = 144 wheelbarrowsfstcnes

200mguttersxwater 2.Okgper lm= 400kg= 0.4 tcnnes= 2druinsofwater

Thtal requ±rementsof materials

Caænt 4.3 tcnnes = 86 bags of cement

Stcces 42. 6 tc*mes = 343 wheelbarrows of stcces

SaM 16.7 tcnnes = 134 wheelbarrows of sand

Water 3.7 tc*mes = 19 drums of water

67.3 tccnes

~ter the requirements cn the bills of quantities

Labour requirements:

On experience it is known that cne skilled artisan with the help of 15 self-help labourers
can prepare the site, carry material, in±xm~rtaraM btiild 0.8 cubic metre of stcne
mascnry per day. The estimate for labour requirements is therefore as follows:

Thrmula for wall: Volume cu.m. = skilled days required. Unskilled days = x 15
0.8 cu.m. per day -

~mp1e: Volume 15 cu.m. = 19 days of skilled labour. UÏiskilled days 285

0.8 cu.m. per day

Forimila for stcne gutters: m of gutters = skilled days. Unskilled days = x 15

Example: 200 m of gutters = 14 skilled days and 210 unskilled days

&iter the requirements cc the Bil1s of ~antities

Transport requirements of material

Transportaticc of materia1s is divided into t~ categories:

a. Transport of lœa1 rnaterials, such as sand, stcnes and water, wi11 be transported to
the site by the self-help groups using oxen-donkey and hand carts given to then by
the project. The number of loads to be transported and the d±stances involved
depends on local conditicns aM cannot be estimated here.

b. Transport of purchased materials, e .g. cement, reinforcenent wire aM tenplates is

estimated accord±ngto tcnnage, distance aM ccst per kxn.

Formula: Thnnes x return distance (kin) x Shs. per kin.

Example: 5 tcnnes x return distance 86 kni x Shs. 6/50 per kni = Shs 2,795/00

&kter the requirements cc the bills of quantities

8. of
R~11~ QUantities and Cœting.

Two bills of quantities are needed, because about half the itans will be delivered by the
dccor/ministry aM the other half will be delivered free of charge by the ccnamity
ccccerned. Since the ccinmunity is supposed to ccctribute about ha1f the œst of the
project, a value of their inpit has to be calculated.


Bills of QUantities for itai~to be delivered by the dcrsx/rriiriistzy.

Skilled labour: 1 ccctractor for 33 days x Shs = Shs

Caænt 4.3 tonnes = 86 bags x Shs = Shs

G.I.piping,r:9ometres/6=lslengths xShs =Shs

Polythene sheeting for curing: 20 metres x Shs = Shs

Thansport of ccntractor aM materials 8 tctmes x... km x Shs = Shs

Thtal œst Shs

Bi11 of Quantity fcr ite~to be delivered free of tharge I~the self-help group

Unskilled labour: 495 labour days . x Shs = Shs

Sand: 16.7 tcnnes (= 134 wheelbarrows) x Shs = Shs

Stcces: 42.6 tcnnes (= 343 wheelbarrows) x Shs = Shs

Water: 3.7 tcnnes (= 19 drums) x Shs = Shs

Transport: 63 tcnnes (= 126 cart loads) x Shs = Shs

Thtal value of self-help Shs

CkaM total œst aM value of project Shs

9. Site Preparations

Having decided on the layout of the dam wall sections and shape of the
dam and having calculated the size of dam that can be built in one
work season the construction site can be prepared. As indicated in
the previous section, if a large dam is to be built, but in stages
then the site should be prepared for the smaller dam (2.5 m first
stage) first (with the templates for the height of the smaller stage).
In future work seasons the dam can be built upwards and outward. If
the base of the dam is built according to larger templates a lot of
effort is needed to create even a low structure and this effort will
be wasted if the future work plans are abandoned.


2nd ph

lst pl

Preparing the site involves the following step3:

a. clearing a track to the site from the nearest road and sources of
building materials

b. clearing a flat area near the site for the construction camp and
for stockpiling materials

c. setting up the templates and builders lines marking out the

sections of the gravity wall

d. preparing the foundation of the rock ready for building

e. training a storekeeper who will be responsible for looking after

materials delivered to the site
f. local sources of sand, ballast and water can be located and
transported to the site by the self—help group by donkey cart,
wheelbarrow or basket, or by jerrycan. If this is not possible,
materials can be brought by tractor and trailer.

The templates are made in the workshop using the measurements

discussed earlier. As explained there are two templates for each
corner of the dam wall and there can be intermediate templates.

Clearing a Track and the Construction Camp:

a. The self—help group should be issued with tools on loan such as

machetes, hoes and axes with which they can clear a track wide
enough for a tractor with trailer. They should avoid felling
large trees to prevent the need for stump removal, and should not
cross deep gullies or steep slopes.

b. At the end of the track, as close to the construction site as

possible, the self—help group should clear a large enough area
for vehicles to park and turn, for materials to be piled and for
the self—help group to sit and rest and for meetings.

c. At the dam site, the self—help group should excavate any soil
contained where the reservoir will be and sweep and clear soil
from the catchment area where relevant. If there is a lot of
soil it should be carried to the foot of the rock outcrop and
built into a semi—circular earth dam to catch water and provide a
livestock watering point.

10. Setting Up the Templates

a. The templates should be placed upright at the corners of the dam,

at the deepest point of the single wall and can be supported by
small stones and mortar. In the sketch this is shown for a
double-walled dam.

b. The sites for the templates should have already been marked in
the site assessment but can be double—checked. Having confirmed
this then the templates should be positioned at right angles to
the line of the wall section they mark the position of. A
masons square can be used to sight along to the other template
at the end of the dam.


End of walt of

~stone masonry
Setting-up temp[cites

c. The end of the dam should be fixed with a small cement ledge 30
cm wide to which the builders lines can be attached and which
mark the point the dam will be built to.

Use a hose pipe filled with water to measure that the top of the
templates are in a horizontal level, and to locate the ends of
the dam wall on the rock.

d. Four builders lines should be fixed from the ledge to the

template (and between templates) to show the form of the masonry
wall along its length.

e. The two top lines should pass inside the template frame and be
tied around the top corners of the frame. The bottom or side
lines must also pass inside the template and can be tied around
the sides of the frame.

f. Once the templates and dam ends are definitely level and the
lines fixed the templates can be anchored in the upright by
applying mortar and stones to their base.

g. As a double check, the lengths of the section crests should be

measured again and compared to the earlier measurements. If
there is any difference, the materials calculations should be
made again to ensure the correct amount of materials are

11. Preparing the Foundations

Once the builders lines have been strung, the foundation of the dam
walls can be traced exactly. The self—help group need to follow these
steps to ready the rock surface as a foundation for the dam wall;

a. Remove all dirt and loose rock fragments inside these lines which
will form the foundation of the dam wall.

b. Thereafter, chisel this area so that it has a rough enough

surface to ensure proper bonding with the dam wall to be build
upon it. Any hollow sound from the rock indicates a fracture or
hollow space underneath. The rock must be chiseled away until
the sound of solid rock is heard on striking with the hammer.

12. Bringing Materials and the Contractor to the Site

a. On clearing the reservoir area of soil, many stones will be

unearthed. These should be piled separately at the edge of the
site near the foundations for use in the dam fill. If the rock
outcrop is granite and has been folded and fractured, then it
will be possible to lever off large flat slabs of stones 3—10 cm
thick like large roofing slates. these can be prized off for use
in facing the outside of the dam and for the gutters.

b. Cement should be brought by tractor and trailer and the bags

carefully counted and guarded by a trained storekeeper from the
local community. A careful account of each bag used in
construction should be kept to make sure none goes missing.

c. The contractor and staff bring their tools and the first load of
cement with them to the site and the Inspector will hand over the
detailed instructions for construction to them.

13. Maintaining aud Improving Water Quality

Water Quality

To be able to obtain unpolluted water from a rock catchment, it is

important to keep the catchment area and the reservoir clean and tidy.
This is best is done by the following methods;

a. Fence off the entire rock formation on which the rock catchment
is situated by planting a live fence of thorny bushes along its
sides and/or around its entire foothill. Recommended plants
include;. Fig Cactus (Prickly Pear) which also provide fruit,
Sisal which provide poles for roofing, and any local thorny
plants which deter livestock, wild animals and people from
entering the area.

b. Keep the catchment area clean by removing all soil, vegetation or

other loose debris from it. If necessary, sweep the catchment
area once or twice a year.

c. Just before the onset of the rainy season, it is recommended that

the dam be emptied and cleaned thoroughly of silt and algae.

d. Dig a ditch at the tapping station to lead waste water away from
the tapping point. The ditch can end up in a pit where bananas,
sugar cane or fruit trees can benefit from the waste water.

e. To avoid mosquito breeding which promotes the spread of malaria,

Tilapia fish can be brought to the site and introduced to the
reservoir. Besides eating mosquito larvae and algae, the fish
make good sport and a protein rich food in the dry seasons when
eggs and vegetables are scarce. Fish excrement pollutes a
reservoir less than if the reservoir had no fish and organisms
were allowed to breed unchecked.

Water Quantity

Evaporation in ASAL regions can result in two metres of water being

lost from a reservoir in a year. For a single dry season in the
tropics, this will be more than one metre which amounts to between 25%
and 50% of the volume of most masonry gravity dam reservoirs.

Where a rock catchment dam cannot supply sufficient water, either

because it is too small, has too many consumers, or each consumer
draws too much then the reservoir can be roofed to reduce evaporation
by up to half.

In our experience, the most effective low—cost roof is made by

building pillars of concrete blocks within the reservoir spaced 3 to 4
metres apart. Trunks cut from nearby trees are then tied onto the top
of the pillars with galvernized wire. Sisal poles are then tied
across these trunks with rope. Although roofs are expensive to build,
it is often cheaper to roof a reservoir to conserve water than it is
to extend the dam wall another metre to compensate for the evaporation

Roof ing.





1. Preparing the Foundation 24

2. Installing the Draw—off Pipe 25

3. Constructing the Dam wall 26

4. Plastering the Dam Wall 27

5. Laying Out and Building Masonry Gutters 27

6. Constructing the Draw—off Pipe and Tapping Station 30

7. Quality Control and Maintenance 32


1. Self—closing Water Tap 35

2. Materials and Cost 36

3. Naking the self-closing Water tap 37

4. Installing the Water Tap 39

5. Naking a Fixed Spanner for the Caretaker 40

The design of the rock catchment dam will be made by the Inspector.
The Inspector will also set up the templates and ensure the necessary
site preparation has been carried out by the community group. The
Inspector will decide how much material is needed for the construction
and supply the sufficient cement, rock ballast, sand and water for the
j ob.

1. Preparing the Foundations

Once the builders lines have been strung, the foundation of the dam
walls can be traced exactly. The artisans need to follow these steps
to ready the rock surface as a foundation for the dam wall.

a. Remove all dirt and loose rock fragments inside these lines which
will form the foundation of the dam wall.

b. Thereafter, chisel this area so that it has a rough enough

surface to ensure proper bonding with the dam wall to be built
upon it. Any hollow sound from the rock indicates a fracture or
hollow space underneath. The rock must be chiseled away until
the sound of solid rock is heard on striking with the hammer.

® 3cm f mort 1:3


c. Having prepared the foundation, to create a proper bonding for

the gravity dam which is very important, clean the chiseled
surface with water. Then sprinkle a thin layer of dry cement
onto the still inoist rock surface.

d. Within the same hour, compact a 3 cm thick layer of mortar (1

cement: 3 sand) onto that cement—sprinkled surface. This layer
of mortar is left with a rough surface. to allow good bonding for
the next stage of construction.

2. Installing the Draw—off Pipe

a. Place a draw—off pipe, 3 metres long and made of 3.8 cm (1.5)

galvanized iron pipe with threads at both ends, at the lowest
point of the planned dam wall and attach it with mortar (1:3)
onto a clean surface of the rock.

b. The draw—off pipe should slope in order to avoid air bubbles than
can block the passage of water in the pipe.

c. When a rock catchment dam is situated on a rock shelf or in a

valley, the floor of the reservoir will be higher than the bottom
of the dam wall. In this instance water will flow downwards by
gravity without the need of syphon. The draw—off pipe should,
therefore, slope down towards the dam wall and the planned
tapping station at the foot of the rock.

Gravitv flow / Upwards

/ sloping
/ : reservoir

3m•of 1 1/2G.l.pipe

SEope of draw-offpipe.
d. With some rock catchment dams, part of the reservoir is situated
in a depression lower than the bottom of the dam wall, and
therefore water must be drawn through a syphon system. In this
case therefore the draw—off pipe must slope down away from the
dam into the reservoir so that the syphon is outside the
reservoir. This prevents the inconvenience of opening the plug
inside a filled reservoir.

Siphon flow Downwards


3. Constructing the Dam Wall

a. Carefully clean large flat stones (previously prized off the

rock) with water and set them in mortar (1:4), exactly along the
inner side of the two buílders lines marking each side of the
wall. Tap the stones with a mason hammer to ensure a firm
connection with the mortar. The stones must not touch each
other. Mortar must be in between them. Support the stones in
place with small sticks until the mortar is hard enough to hold
them securely. Build both inner and outer walls up to a height
of about 50 cm.
Clean stones sat in Build wall in cipprox.
mortarl ~ 5Ocm high courses.
3cm.mortar t3.
Dry cement or~
wet rock. -

b. When these inner and outer walls have cured for a day or two
under polythene sheet, fill in the space between them with clean
stones and mortar (1:4). A11 the stones must have mortar between
them. Re—use any mortar that has fallen outside the wall and
onto the rock immediately. Keep all mortar under shade and use
it before it is one hour old. Compact the stones and mortar
together by pushing down with a stick. When this section of the
wall is filled in, leave it with a very rough surface, with
stones sticking up so as to achieve a good bonding with the next
section of wall.

Forevery SOcm ~ll
filI-in clean StOneS
in mortar 1:4and
compact welt. -~

c. The inner and outer walls are now extended again by 50 cm to 100
cm with flat stones set in mortar (1:4). When these walls are
set firm, fill in the space between them with stones and mortar
(1:4) as previously described in b. The dam walls should be
extended like this until the top of the dam is reached as shown
by the templates and builders lines

d. During the building process and for three weeks afterwards, the
stone masonry wall must be kept damp under polythene sheeting for
proper curing. When this is complete, remove the templates and
store them for use elsewhere.

4. Plastering the Dam Wall

a. Some skilled artisans can build a wall so water—tight that no

plaster is needed at all. However, at most dams, the inner wall
facing the reservoir should be plastered.

b. Chisel the stone masonry wall to a smooth, clean surface free of

loose chippings and wash any dust away with water. In
-particular, thoroughly clean the corner between the inner wall
and the rock floor with chisels and water.

c. Moisten the clean corner with water. Press compact mortar (1:3)
into it. This plaster should extend 10 cm up the wall and 10 cm
out onto the rock floor. Smooth the mortar with a wooden float
until a 45 degree bank of plaster is created.

PLASTERINO 3).Plaster 3cm

1).Clean corner properly. thick, 1:3.
2) Fill corner with 4). Nl L,cement
slurry. pressed
mortar 1 :3. onto fresh

d. Moisten the inner side of the wall facing the reservoir with
water. Throw a layer of plaster (1:3) onto the wall until it
reaches a thi-ckness of 2 to 3 cm. Smooth the plaster off to an
even and equal surface with a wooden float.

e. Within the same day, press a water—tight coat of cement mixed

with water (called Nil) onto the still moist plaster with a
square steel trowel.

f. Keep the plastered dam wall damp and covered with polythene
sheeting for three weeks in order to obtain a strong, waterproof

5. Laying Out and Building Masonry Gutters

The catchment area draining into the reservoir created by the dam can
be increased by constructing gutters out from the ends of the dam wall
that catch run—off running down the rock and leads it into the
reservoir. Without the gutters it would run—off either side of the
dam. On circular rock outcrops, water can even be brought round from
the other side of the rock. On steep, flat—topped rock outcrops,
gutters can collect the water draining off the flat top and let it run
down the cliff directly above the site of the dam.

a. The gutters can be laid out using a channel layout frame, also
called a gutter level, and a sprit level. Notice that one leg is
3 cm shorter than the other leg.

~, ~ .,i —

~ç=~nTflI ~0_
~~3cm slope per lOOcm
Gu tter- level

b. Place the longest leg of the layout frame where the end of the
dam wall meets the rock. Place a spirit level on the top of the
layout frame. Move the short leg of the frame up or down the
rock surface, pivoting around the other leg, until the bubble in
the spirit level shows it is horizontal. Mark the point where
the short leg is with chalk or a sharp stone. This point is
exactly 3 cm higher than the end of the dam over a distance of
100 cm.

c. Repeat this exercise•moving the long leg to where the short leg
used to be and finding the next point 3 cm higher with the short
leg, marking it again. This marking continues from each end of
the dam wall until the edges of the rock outcrop is reached, the
lines cross somewhere around the back of a circular outcrop, or
when you are sure that you have a large enough catchment area.
For a given dam size, the larger the catchnent the better because
the reservoir should then fill most years. It is better to
overdesign the catchment area than undersign the storage volume.

d. Starting at e,ither end of the dam wall, clean flat stones about
30 cm high with water. Set them in mortar (1:4) along the lines
marked out by the layout frame. The smoother side of the stones
should be facing upslope so that water passes by them freely.
Fill in the space between these flat stones with mortar and
smaller flat stones tö make the gutter wall a uniform height.
The flat stones should be angled slightly downslope. Support
them in this position with a line of smaller round stones also
set in mortar. Brush all the joints and mortar surfaces with a
wet brush so that all the joints are smooth and closed and run—
off water can flow smoothly into the reservoir with no leaks.



e. Keep the newly built gutters damp under polythene sheeting for a
week or two depending on the weather.

6. Constructing the Draw—Off Pipe and Tapping Station

a. Although some people may prefer to fetch water directly from the
reservoir, they should be encouraged to collect their water from
a tapping point for reasons of hygiene.

b. When water has to be drawn by gravity from a reservoir situated

at a lower level than the dam wall, as in the example shown in
our diagrams, the piping system must be equipped with a syphon
devìce and a tapping point located at1a level lower than the
floor of the reservoir. Attach the syphon, which consists of a
70 cm length of 3.75 cm (1.5) galvanized iron piping (GI),
vertically to the draw—off pipe with a (GI) pipe tee as shown.
Close the upper end of the syphon with a removable plug.

c. From the syphon tee, reduce the piping from 3.8 cm (1.5) GI to
2.5 cm (1) GI down to the tapping point which is usually
situated at the foot of the rock outcrop on which the dam is
built. Lay this piping on the rock so that it bends to fit its
profile. Support the GI pìpe etery 100 cm with a large stone
laid in mortar which should also cover the pipe and secure it to
the stone.


Draw-oft piping

d. Build the ta~pingstation of stones or blocks under a shady tree.
Divide the 2.5 cm GI pipe with tees to feed three water taps.
Build the tapping station so there is room for three jerrycans to
stand under the three taps at the same time.

e. In the reservoir, reduce the draw—off pipe in the dam wall from
3.8 cm (1.5) to 2.5 cm (1) and extend it down to the deepest
point in the reservoir. Connect a perforated PVC pipe, 100 cm
long to the 2.5 cm GI pipe with a horizontal non—return valve.
Build a box of filter blocks (made of a mixture of cement and
small stones) around the PvC pipe but with the lid of the non—
return valve just outside the box.

0.40 ~O40
020 .Q:-?sìt~ 122

01.5 ~ry1~ t?O _______

0.30 ~ ______
//~/%~/)/)//)/ ~///,2~



f. Remember that all the joints in the syphon pipe system must be
screwed together properly, otherwise air will enter the piping
and prevent the system from working.

g. Normally, the syphon system begins working by itself as soon as

the reservoir is filled with water and a water tap is opened at
the tapping station. However, if it does not begin working,
unscrew the removable plug in the syphon pipe and let out any air
which might be blocking the flow. If the reservoir is not
completely full, then close the water tap and screw the plug and
fill up the syphon pipe with water. In both cases, re—screw the
plug with sealing material so that it cannot let in air.
Fìlter blocks
t \~1O0
~~PerforatedPvc pipe
Non-return vatve

7. Quality Control and Maintenance

If the instructions given are not followed closely then the dam may
not prove water—tight and the take—off system will not function. The
most important are as follows;

a. If the foundations are not prepared properly, then the dam will
leak and the reservoir will rapidly empty. The rock surface must
be cleared, washed and chiseled and a good base of cement

b. The packing of mortar and ballast within the dam should be tight,
with stones and mortar pushed in hard and the stones wetted
beforehand. A piece of wood should be used to poke the mortar in
between the stones to fill all the airholes. If this is not done
effectively, the dam could leak.

c. The facing of the wall needs to be formed of flat stones bound

with mortar. There should be no gaps, and an even finish.

d. The draw—off pipe must be at the lowest point in the reservoir to

allow as much water as possible to be drained out through it. If
sediment is washed into the dam it should be cleaned out if the
dam dries up so that the filter box is not buried and draw—off

e. The syphon point, if fitted, should be at the highest point of

the draw—off pipe and filter box because otherwise water may not
leave the dam.

It is important that all the above requirements are satisfied. If

there are problems, then these questions and answers should help spot
and solve them;

Does water leak from the base of the dam?

If it does this is probably due to a poor seal between the dam

foundations and the rock. If the inside of the dam has not been
plastered the corner between the rock surface and the dam wall must be
cleaned thoroughly and plastered.

Does water leak from the face of the dam?

If it does there is a weak spot in the wall where the facing, and/or
the fill have not been properly constructed. If the dam is to be
enlarged with the building of another stage, thís fault can be ignored
because building the dam upward and outward will provide an effective
seal. If it is not to be enlarged, then once the water level has
dropped below the leak, the facing should be chiseled away within a
large radius of the leaking area and a layer of plaster added with

Does water flow over part of the dam wall outside the spillover when
the reservoir overfills?

If it does, the crest of the dam is not level all the way round.
Using the hosepipe the top should be leveled with mortar and small
stones. This prevents concentrated overflow and erosion forming

Does the dam fail to fill up over most years even though your design
calculations say it should?

If so, check your volumetric calculations again to see if you have not
overdesigned your storage. If they are correct, check along the
gutters for breaks or leaks and if possible, extend the gutters to
catch run—off from a large area.

Is the plaster lining the dam cracked and flaking?

If so, the curing was not carried out properly, or else the plaster
and waterproofing mixtures were incorrect. If the dam does not leak,
then the plaster can be left. Otherwise, a second coat can be applied
(with the first remoted in the worst places) and cured properly.

Are their wet patches or marshy ground alongside the draw—off pipe to
the tap station?

If so, there is a leakage in the pipe which wastes water and may
effect the syphon action by leaking air into the pipe. Each
connection should be checked and properly sealed.





1. Self—closing Water Tap 35

2. Materials and Cost 36

3. Making the Self—closing Water Tap 37

4. Installing the Water Tap 39

5. Making a Fixed Spanner for the Caretaker 40

1. Self-Closing Water Tap

Below is a drawing of a self—closing water tap. Fitting a tap such as

this to draw—off pipe from a rock—catchment, spring protection, tank
or sand—dam will provide a major saving in water use in ASAL
environments. Rural people will often leave taps running and
unattended, wasting large quantities of water. The sight of running
water gives the impression of unlimited supply and just as people in
more humid regions leave a tap running when washing hands or doing
dishes, ASAL rural people will do -the same.

By having a tap that turns itself off by the downward force of the
water and the weight of the handle once the upward pressure on the tap
head is released by the user this problem is successfully solved. In
addition, the use of a rubber ball valve is a robust design with
little maintenance requirements and has few moving parts that can be
broken or worn down.

The tools needed for manufacturing the tap include;

1 engineering vice
1 pipe wrench
1 flat file
1 bench drilling machine (hand or power driven)
1 4mm drill bit
1 19 mm drill bit
1 28 mm drill bit
1 hacksaw
1 hammer

The total cost of the tap, not including labour is approximately US

$7.0. -

2. Materials and Cost

The materials required to manufacture a self—closing tap are

illustrated in sequence and include;
a. Reducing bush, galvanized iron
(G.I.), 1.5 to 3/4
b. Elbow pipe, G.I. 1.5

c. Rubber ball with 2mm diametre

d. 75 mm length of 8 mm diametre
b a iron bar

e. Reducing bush, G.I., 1.5 to

c 3/4

f. Nipple, G.I., 3/4

d g. Round 2 nail

h. 4 cm length of 1 G.I. pipe

wìth one thread
i. Socket, G.I., 1 to 1/2


3. Making the Se],f—Closing Water Tap

The valve

a. Wind a few rounds of sealing tape clockwise around one end of a

thread 3/4 G.I. nipple and screw it into a reduction bush of
1.5 to 3/4 G.I.

b. Cut two 5 mm wide and 20 mm long slot in the nipple with a 4 mm

drill bit and file.

c. Drill a seat for a 22 mm rubber ball in the joint of the nipple

and reduction bush using firstly a 19 mm drill bit, and then a 28
mm drill bit.

d. Remove most of the thread on the free end of the nipple with a

e. Cut a 75 mm long piece of 8 mm diametre round iron bar. Drill a

4 mm hole through it at 20 mm from one end. reduce 30 mm of it
at the opposite end to a thickness of about 3 mm with a file.


Drill a 2 mm hole through the centre of a 22 mm rubber ball. Fit
the thinned-down end of the iron bar (the pin) through this hole
and bend the end of the pin over the rubber ball on the other

g. Test the water—tightness of this valve with water. If it leaks,

then the seat in the reduction bush needs to be re—drilled to get
a more even, better seat.

The Eandle

a. Cut a 40 mm long piece of 1 G.I. pipe with thread at one end.

b. Drill a 4 mm hole through the G.I. pipe at 13 mm from its

unthreaded end.
c. Wind a few rounds of sealing tap clockwise around the threads on
the 1 G.I. pipe and screw it into a reducing socket of 1 to
1/2 G.I.

Assembly of the Water Tap

a. Place the rubber ball with its attached pin onto the seat of the
valve with the hole in the pin poìnting towards the slits in the

b. Place the handle over the nipple so that the hole in the handle
is in line with the hole in the pin and slits.

c. Put a 2 round nail through these holes and slits and bend the
end of the nail sharply and firmly against the outside of the

d. Test this valve again for water—tightness and perfect

functioning. When the handle is pushed upwards it will lift the
rubber ball off its seat thereby allowing water to flow. When
the handle is released it will drop under the force of the water
and through gravity until the rubber ball rests in its seat
causing the water flow to stop.

e. Wind sealing ,tape around the threads of the free end of the
reduction bush and screw it into a G.I. 1.5 elbow.

f. Wind sealing tape over the reads of a G.I. reducing bush of 1.5
to 3/4 G.I. and screw it into the other end of the 1.5 elbow.


g. The self—closing water tap is now ready

to be fitted onto the
3/4 pipeline from the water source.

4. Installing the Water Tap

a. Train three people living near the water point to which the taps
are fitted on how the self—closing taps function. They will be
the caretakers of the tap station.

b. Fix the water tap to the draw—off pipe or feeder pipe leading off
the water reservoir.

c. The caretakers should be trained in replacing the self—closing

water taps if there are any problems. They can do this with a
fixed spanner (see below). If the tap should stop working they
should remove it and fit a spare tap which they are given with
the spanner.

d. The caretakers can get the faulty tap replaced by another tap by
the manufacturers.

5. Naking a Tixed Spanner for the Caretaker

The inaterials needed to make a fixed spanner include;

30 cin of flat iron, 30 mm x 6 inm

22 cm of flat iron, 25 mm x 6 mm

Total Cost of Fixed Spanner

The fixed spanner is the tool the caretaker will use to take
the tap off the pipe if there are any probleins.

a. Cut a 22 cm long piece of flat iron 25 mm x 6 inm. Slit the iron

bar at 5 places corresponding to the six sides of the hexagonal
reducing bush of 1.5 to 3/4 used to connect the tap to the
pipe. Bend it tightly around this shape. Weld the iron bar at
each of the slits and at the join between the two ends.

b. Cut a 300 min length of flat iron 30 niin x 6 min and weld one end of
it onto the hexagonal spanner end as a handle.

l 220mm
44 i44 144 ~44 44 144 l

l l l l l T ~
i Cuts
. j 25
Fixed Spanner for Watertap

4 ~

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