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1 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual

5 | Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Afrox Product Reference Manual | Liquefied Petroleum Gas 2

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Section 5 - Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1


Handigas 7

6 kg Handi Cooker 8

Forklift (Autogas) 9

Propane (C3H8) 9

Handigas Dumpy (Mini Bulk) 10

Handigas Bulk 10

Propane Bulk 11
3 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Afrox is the leading supplier of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) In a like manner, four carbon atoms bonded to 10 hydrogen
in sub-Saharan Africa and pioneered the LPG industry in South atoms forms butane:
Africa under the brand name Handigas in the early 1950s, H H H H
which is still the leading brand name in LPG today. Withmore
than 2,5-million LPG cylinders and the largest bulk LPG storage
and distribution infrastructure on the sub-continent, Afrox is H H H H
uniquely positioned to meet the energy demands of industrial, Molecule of butane (C4H10)
commercial, agricultural and domestic applications, across a There are two possible configurations for the butane molecule.
broad-based market sector. The above arrangement consists of a straight C-chain and is
Highly qualified in-house engineering expertise enables called normal butane or n-butane. If the C-chain is branched,
Afrox to offer end-to-end gas solutions from industrial and it is called iso-butane. Such a rearrangement of the atoms is
commercial space heating to large furnaces and curing known as isomerisation and has no significant effect on the fuel
ovens. From small boutique hotels to the largest casino resort properties.
complexes in Africa, from industrial catering to most fast food Hydrocarbons with single carbon bonds are known as saturated
and restaurant franchise chains in the biggest shopping malls, hydrocarbons while those with double or triple bonds are
Handigas is the gas chosen by chefs and project engineers unsaturated hydrocarbons. Examples of saturated hydrocarbons
alike. are methane (CH2), ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8) and butane
Handigas is a clean burning fuel that provides all energy users (C4H10). Unsaturated hydrocarbons include ethylene (C2H4),
with a safe, efficient and economical alternative for a diverse propylene (C3H6), butylene (C4H8) and acetylene (C2H2).
range of applications and is available through our extensive Physical Properties of LPG
Afrox network of Gas & Gear sales centres and Handigas
agents, which means that no matter where you are, Handigas The properties of LPG mixtures can usually be calculated from
is there. the properties of the individual constituents (propane, butane,
etc.) provided the proportions of the constituents are known.
Definition of LPG Following is a description of the most important physical
LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is the term applied to those properties of LPG mixtures.
hydrocarbons which are vapours at room temperature and 1. Density
can be liquefied by compressing them slightly. When LPG
is liquefied, its volume decreases considerably so that it The density of LPG is defined as its mass per unit volume (kg/l)
5 requires much less storage space. The liquid is transported in
relatively light pressure cylinders and the customer converts
at a given temperature. LPG liquid has a density of about 0,54
kg/l at 15C and is therefore lighter than water. It varies slightly
it to gas by opening the valve on the cylinder which causes with LPG composition and every batch of LPG produced at a
the liquid to vaporise as a result of a drop in cylinder pressure. refinery will have a specified density at a given temperature.
LPG is composed of a mixture of mainly propane and butane LPG liquid is fairly light - about half the weight of water. To
(approximate ratio 60:40 by mass) but may contain some convert litres of LPG to kilograms, simply multiply the number of
propylene and butylene as well as traces of ethane, ethylene, litres by the density.
pentane and butadiene. It is colourless and odourless, but
LPG vapour has a density of about 1,9 times that of air and is
commercial LPG is usually stenched with a substance called
therefore heavier than air. This is important when considering
ethyl mercaptan to give it a characteristic odour.
ventilation requirements and has an influence on the design
The Chemistry of LPG of burners and certain meters for measuring vapour flow.
Buildings used for storing LPG cylinders must have adequate
Atoms of hydrogen (H) and carbon (C) combine to form floor level ventilation; in the event of a leak, the vapour being
hydrocarbon molecules which can be made up of different heavier than air will flow along the ground to the lowest level
numbers of hydrogen and carbon atoms, hence the term and remain there for a considerable period of time, and can be
hydrocarbon. an explosion hazard.
A molecule containing three carbon atoms and eight hydrogen 2. Calorific Value (CV)
atoms is called propane:
All substances which burn generate energy in the form of heat,
which varies in quantity with the nature of the substance. The
H H H total amount of heat liberated by burning a substance is known
as its Calorific Value or CV. It is usually expressed in megajoules
Molecule of propane (C3H8) H C C C H per kg (MJ/kg). For LPG, it is 49,6 MJ/kg.
Back to Section 5 Afrox Product Reference Manual | Liquefied Petroleum Gas 4

3. Thermal rate of expansion (expansion and 5. Table of the properties of propane, butane and a

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

contraction) typical 60:40 LPG mix
The thermal rate of expansion of liquid LPG is about 10 times Property Propane Butane Handigas
that of water and since liquids can not be compressed, it is
Molecular weight 44,09 58,12 49,7 (av.)
probably the most important property of LPG affecting the
way the gas is stored, handled and filled. Storage tanks and Carbon content (wt%) 81,72 82,66 82,15
portable cylinders filled to allow for an ullage space in the Hydrogen content (wt%) 18,28 17,34 17,85
vessel and cylinders must never be filled to more than about
85% of the internal volume. Carbon: hydrogen 4,47 4,77 4,60
ratio by weight
When the valve of an LPG is opened, the pressure inside the
Density of liquid 0,510 0,575 0,536
cylinder is reduced and the liquid starts to vaporise (boil) at
at 15C (kg/l)
lower pressure. This vaporisation of the gas causes cooling to
occur and the temperature of the gas will decrease. If the gas Boiling point of liquid -42,1 -0,5 -42,1
off-take rate is too high, the gas temperature will decrease to at atm. pres. (C) -0,5
below 0C and ice will start to form on the lower outside wall Density of gas at 15C 1,86 2,46 2,10
of the cylinder. Because LPG contains propane and butane, & atm. pres. (kg/m3)
with boiling points of -42,1C and -0,5C respectively, the
mixture begins to separate propane continues to boil off Volume ratio of 274:1 233:1 258:1
while the butane remains in liquid form at temperatures below gas:liquid at STP*
its boiling point of -0,5C. To avoid this situation, vaporiser Volume of gas from 1 kg 537 405 484
units are used for LPG or pure propane can be used instead of liquid at STP (l)
Handigas (butane/propane mixture). It should be noted that
Mass ratio of gas:air 1,52:1 2,01:1 1,716:1
low winter temperatures will aggravate this situation.
at 15C & atm. pres.
4. Vapour pressure Latent heat of vaporisation 20,43 21,27 20,77
One litre of liquid Handigas will rapidly and totally vaporise at 15C (kJ/kg)
when exposed to atmospheric pressure (100 kPa) to form Vapour pressure at 710 110 500
about 275 litres of vapour at 15C. In a closed cylinder 20C (kPa abs.)
containing some liquid Handigas, a relatively small quantity Sp. heat of vapour at 0,388 0,397 0,392
will vaporise in the restricted volume of the cylinder, to atm. pres. (cal/g.C)
produce a cylinder pressure of about 250 kPa at 0C. This
closed cylinder pressure is equal to the vapour pressure, and Net calorific value 46,0 45,6 45,8
it increases dramatically with temperature to 500 kPa at 20C at 25C (MJ/kg)
and 1 550 kPa at 60C. Gross calorific value 49,8 49,4 49,6
A liquid leak is far more serious than a gas leak due to the
high volume of gas formed. This is why cylinders must always
at 25C (MJ/kg)
Wobbe number (kcal/Nm3) 19 000 21 600
be stored, transported and used in the upright position. In air Limits of flammability 2,2 10 1,8 9 1,8 10
a gas leak will form a highly flammable mixture of about in air (vol% gas)
10 000 litres from one litre of liquid gas.
Limits of flammability 2 50 2 50 2 50
As LPG consists of a mixture of propane and butane and since in oxygen (vol% gas)
propane has a much higher vapour pressure than butane,
Max. flame temperature 1 930 1 900 1 900
the vapour pressure in a cylinder containing mostly propane
in air (C)
will be much higher than that of a cylinder containing mostly
butane. This relationship between pressure and temperature Max. flame temperature 2 740 2 700 2 700
of pure propane and butane, and LPG (60:40 mix) is illustrated in oxygen (C)
below. Max. flame speed in 82 82 82
25 mm tube (cm/sec)
Temp (C) Propane Butane LPG Air reqd for combustion 12,10 11,93 12,03
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) at STP* (m3/kg LPG)
-20 150 0 80 Air:gas vol. ratio for 22,5 29,5 24,9
0 370 <5 250 combustion at STP
O2 vol. for combustion 2,56 2,51 2,54
20 710 110 500 at STP* (m3/kg fuel)
40 1 250 280 910
*STP: Standard Temperature & Pressure, defined as 0C and
60 1 970 520 1 550 100 kPa absolute

This table clearly shows the high pressures that can develop
due to an increase in temperature, particularly in the case of
pure propane.
5 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents

6. Stench additive the cylinder (cylinder pressure). If the temperature falls, some
Liquefied Petroleum Gas

of the vapour will condense and the vapour pressure will

LPG is practically odourless and colourless which makes leak decrease. The cylinder pressure is dependent on the LPG com-
detection difficult. A small amount of stenching additive (ethyl position (propane: butane ratio).
mercaptan) is therefore added to LPG before going to market.
The additive is non-corrosive, non-toxic and the odour can be Handigas and propane cylinders are available in two valve
smelt in very low concentrations of vapour. types, namely vapour withdrawal or dual liquid/vapour
withdrawal. The liquid withdrawal valves are for high demand
LPG Cylinders applications where the vapour withdrawal capacity of vapour
Although a full LPG cylinder contains 85% liquid, the ullage cylinders cannot supply the high demand required.
volume will contain vapour at a pressure that varies with Note: Liquid withdrawal and propane cylinders are not for
temperature. As the temperature rises, more vaporisation domestic use.
occurs, resulting in an increase in the vapour pressure inside

Physical Data for Various LPG Cylinders

Capacity (kg) Water Tare Mass (kg) Height incl. Diameter (mm)
Capacity (l) Valve (mm)
LPG Propane
48,0 45,0 113,4 45,0 1 288 375
19,0 18,0 45,4 21,0 890 295
14,0 n/a 34,0 17,5 720 295
9,0 8,0 22,7 13,3 545 295
6,0 9,45 370 295

Nominal Sizes for Low Pressure LPG Cylinders

Afrox currently supplies Handigas and propane in five and the gas supplied from the cylinder will be reduced and
different sized cylinders as shown above. However, propane in could even stop altogether. This may occur in the following
8 kg and 18 kg size cylinders has to be specially requested. situations:

When LPG is drawn from a cylinder at a fairly high rate, the Cylinder is located in a cold area with no warmth from
liquid content will cool down noticeably. The cylinder becomes the sun
cold, cooling down the surrounding air as heat is withdrawn
from it. Ideally, the rate of heat transfer must be sufficient to Cylinder is nearly empty, resulting in less heat absorption
allow the liquid to keep boiling and so maintain an adequate and more rapid cooling
gas pressure. If the liquid cools to below 0C, condensation Cylinder is too small for application and cannot absorb
in the form of dew or frost may form on the outside of the sufficient heat from the air temperature to maintain
cylinder adjacent to the liquid. When this happens, preferential draw-off rate.
propane vaporisation occurs, resulting in an accumulation of
liquid butane that will not vaporise at such low temperatures. Experience has shown that the various size LPG cylinders are
capable of continuous gas delivery at maximum draw-off rates
When the transfer of heat to the liquid is insufficient and the as given in the following table.
gas becomes very cold, the rate of evaporation will slow down

Cylinder Size (kg) Max. Draw-Off Rate (kg/hr) Rate of Energy Supply
(MJ/hr) (kW)
48,0 1,0 48 13,3
19,0 0,5 24 6,6
14,0 0,4 16 4,4
9,0 0,25 10 2,8
6,0 0,15 7 1,9
Back to Section 5 Afrox Product Reference Manual | Liquefied Petroleum Gas 6

The method of supplying LPG to a customer is dependent The Market Place

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

on a number of factors including the type of application
and quantities of gas required. Most small to medium-sized LPG is marketed by Afrox under the brand name of Handigas
customers are supplied in cylinders, either for single-user point and is an efficient source of energy that is relatively simple to
or multi-user points. However, for fixed user points where high store, transport and handle and will compete well against most
draw-off rates are required, a cylinder-manifold and pipe line other forms of energy.
reticulation can be installed on the customers premises as Afrox is a major player in the development of industrial
shown below. projects, shopping complexes, hotel/casino resorts, community
Double 2 Handigas Cylinder Manifold and industrial townships, formal and informal urbanisation and
other projects where fuel and energy is required.
The market can be broadly divided into the five following
2 x 2 Manifold Valves Regulator sectors:
Materials handling (forklift trucks)

Bulk Handigas
When significant quantities of Handigas or propane are
required, a bulk storage/supply facility is recommended.
Storage tanks for LPG are pressure vessels designed and
manufactured in accordance with international standards
and comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act
requirements for pressure vessels and equipment.
The majority of storage tanks used by Afrox are of the
horizontal (bullet) type. However, in cases where the storage
area is limited, vertical tanks may be used. The Afrox range of
tanks includes the following:
Horizontal: 2,25 m, 4,5 m, 9 m, 22,5 m, 45 m, 70 m
and 90 m. Larger tanks are available on special order
and can be viewed at some Afrox branches.
Vertical: 4,5 m, 9 m, 22,5 m, 45 m and 70 m.
7 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

(60:40 Propane - Butane mixture)

Gas Purity
Propane >60%
Butane <40%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Features Benefits Hazards

High calorific value. Highly combustible, For profile cutting, oxy-LPG gives Fire and explosion hazard
having explosive limits in air of fast, clean cuts on thick plate
between 2,2 and 9,5% by volume
Twice as heavy as air High heating range Heavier than air - collects in low-
lying areas such as drains or ducts
Stenched to give a distinctive Clean burning Requires air ventilation when in use
fish-like odour
Liquefiable gas Compatible with air/fuel or Can cause dizziness at high concentrations
oxy/fuel equipment
Non-poisonous Accidental discharge is quickly Can asphyxiate (does not support life)
Available as a vapour or liquid Highly combustible, compact, portable
withdrawal from cylinders fuel with clean burning characteristics
Supplied in cylinders or bulk tanks

General light and heavy industrial sector Agricultural sector
5 Used for oxy-LPG or oxy-propane cutting and brazing. Can Heating of chicken brooders and greenhouses
be used as an alternative fuel gas to acetylene for steel
cutting applications when high cutting speed and efficiencies Crop drying
are not required Organic flame weeding
Oxy-fuel equipment is widely used with LPG for preheating Pest control
Glass and plastic industry heating and finishing applications General heating
Shrink wrap applications Many process and packaging processes.
Space heating for small and large work areas
Commercial, domestic and leisure sectors
Firing of many types of oven and furnace heating and curing
processes Most cooking applications, for both hob and oven uses

Firing granular material drying ovens General space heating for both indoors and outdoors

Ink and paint solvent drying Large central and small direct water heating applications in
hotels and lodges
Water proofing application
Laundry heating and drying
Heating of road surfacing bitumen
Outdoor aesthetic lighting effects
Large volume fluid tank heating
Outdoor catering and special events
Dual-fuel (Autogas) for cars and light delivery vehicles
Home cooking, heating and lighting
Fuel for forklift trucks
Patio braaing, heating and lighting
Propane is used for carburising atmospheres in the heat
treatment of steels. Camping cooking, heating and lighting.
Back to Section 5 Afrox Product Reference Manual | Liquefied Petroleum Gas 8

Cylinder Size Gas Content (kg) Pressure kPa @ 20C Valve Outlet Connection Item Number

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Handigas 48 48,0 500 5/8" LH-F 3634 LF
Handigas 48 (wet) 48,0 (wet) 500 Dual - 5/8" LH-F & 3/8" 3634 L F-W
(SAE Flare) RH-M
Handigas 19 19,0 500 5/8" LH-F 3634 LE
Handigas 14 14,0 500 5/8" LH-F 3634 LD
Handigas 9 9,0 500 5/8" LH-F 3634 LC
Private gas fills Various 500 3/8" RH-F (camping) 3634 P

Cylinder colours:
- Gas withdrawal - Dark Admiralty Grey, with Handigas branding
- Liquid withdrawal (wet) - Dark Admiralty Grey, with Handigas
branding and vertical yellow strip on length of cylinder.
Most cylinders are available at all Afrox outlets.
Please check with your local Afrox branch or call 0860 020202.
MSDS available from

Afrox LPG 2 Burner Hotplate

Item Number W012671
6 kg Handi Cooker
Material Description Gas Content Pressure kPa Valve Outlet Item
(kg) @ 20C Connection Number
Handipack Cyl/Cooker 6,0 500 3/8" RH-F (camping) W902216

Cylinder colours:
- Gas withdrawal - Dark Admiralty Grey, with Handigas branding.
Available at all Afrox outlets.
Please check with your local Afrox branch or call 0860 020202.
MSDS available from
*Note: Privately owned cylinder

Cooker Ring and Deflector Plate

Item Number W902125

Mixer Tube and Burner

Item Number W902126
9 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents

Forklift (Autogas)
Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Gas Purity
Propane >60%
Butane <40%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Cylinder Size Gas Content Pressure Valve Outlet Item

(kg) kPa @ 20C Connection Number
Forklift 19 19,0 500 1&1/4" Acme RH-M 3634 LE.FV
Forklift 14 14,0 500 1&1/4" Acme RH-M 3634 LD.FV

Propane (C3H8)
Gas Purity
Propane >98%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Cylinder Size Gas Content Pressure Valve Outlet Item Number

(kg) kPa @ 20C Connection
Propane 48 45,0 500 5/8" LH-F 34 LF
Propane 45,0 (wet) 500 Dual - 5/8" LH-F & 34 LF.W
48 (wet) 3/8" (SAE Flare) RH-M
Propane 18 18,0 500 5/8" LH-F 34 LE
Propane 8 8,0 500 5/8" LH-F 34 LC

Cylinder colours:
- Gas withdrawal - Dark Admiralty Grey, with propane branding
- Liquid withdrawal (wet) - Dark Admiralty Grey, with propane
branding and vertical yellow strip on length of cylinder.

45 kg cylinders are not available at all Afrox outlets.

Please check with your local Afrox branch or call 0860 020202.
8 kg and 18 kg cylinders are available by special arrangement.
MSDS available from
Back to Section 5 Afrox Product Reference Manual | Liquefied Petroleum Gas 10

Handigas Dumpy (Mini Bulk)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Gas Purity
Propane >60%
Butane <40%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Dumpy Size Content Pressure Valve Outlet Item

(mm) (kg) kPa @ 20C Connection Number
900 dia, 193,0 500 ACME 1122
1 600 high

Dumpy installations are fixed installations installed on

customers premises by Afrox Customer Engineering Services
and are filled on site by bulk road tankers.
MSDS available from

Handigas Bulk
Gas Purity
Propane >60%
Butane <40%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Vessel Sizes Vessel Pressure kPa Road Tanker Item

(m3) Content @ 20C Connection Number
Horizontal: As per 500 ACME 1122
9, 22,5, vessel size
45, 70,
Vertical: 4,5, 9, As per 500 ACME
22,5, 45, 70 vessel size

Bulk installations are fixed installations installed on customers

premises by Afrox Customer Engineering Services and are filled
on site by bulk road tankers.
MSDS available from
11 Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Afrox Product Reference Manual Back to Contents

Propane Bulk
Liquefied Petroleum Gas

Gas Purity
Propane >98%
Other Hydrocarbons <2%

Vessel Sizes Vessel Pressure kPa Road Tanker Item Number

(m3) Content (t) @ 20C Connection
Horizontal: 4,5 - 45 710 ACME 5410
9, 22,5, 45,
70, 90
Vertical: 2,25 - 22,5 710 ACME
4,5, 9, 22,5,
45, 70

Bulk installations are fixed installations installed on customers

premises by Afrox Customer Engineering Services and are filled
on site by bulk road tankers.
MSDS available from

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