Procedures For Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Systems: Bangor

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Prifysgol Bangor University

Procedures for Uninterruptible Power

Supply (UPS) Systems

1 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 2
2 UPS Reliability..................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Batteries ..................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Recommendation ............................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Purchasing .................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2.1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................... 3
3.2.2 Supply and install................................................................................................................ 4
3.2.3 Maintenance and monitoring............................................................................................. 4
3.3 Installation .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.3.1 Earthing .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.3.2 Risks to Firefighting and Electrical Maintenance ............................................................... 4
3.4 Inspection and Performance Monitoring ................................................................................... 4
3.5 Maintenance of UPS systems ..................................................................................................... 5
3.6 Disposal ...................................................................................................................................... 5

Definition: Uninterruptible power supply, UPS, systems provide continuity of service for critical
systems in the event of power failure and so enable the University to deal with a number of risks
associated with power failure.

Document produced by IT Services, HSS and Estates & Facilities

Version: 02 Date: 28/11/2014 Review Date November 2016
Prifysgol Bangor University

1 Overview
The University has a number of UPS systems, ranging from the large fixed installations operated
primarily by IT Services and Estates & Facilities, to small portable units connected by 13A plugs, often
used by Schools and Departments. UPS systems pose risks not normally associated with electrical
mains equipment because they store large amounts of energy and continue to generate potentially
lethal electrical power even when isolated from the mains supply.

If undertaking work on equipment supplied by a UPS, ensure that the equipment is disconnect from
UPS (not the UPS from the supply), and prove dead using approved method.

UPS systems have a finite life, but are generally unobtrusive until they fail. Failure becomes much
more likely as the units age. Due to the amount of energy involved, it is IT Services experience that
UPS systems may fail in a potentially dangerous manner.

Since UPS systems continue to supply power when their supply is isolated they pose a risk to
firefighting and electrical maintenance.

Also because UPS systems continue to supply power even when disconnected from the supply, special
attention is required to maintain the protective earth.

UPS systems consume more electricity than they supply to the load and the cost of the electricity
consumed will probably far exceed the initial cost of the UPS system over its lifetime.

Due to the risks and costs of operating UPS systems, the University is minded to Limit/Control and
monitor the use of UPS systems and to consider their use alongside the requirements of the Provision
and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).

Battery maintained systems such as fire alarms, emergency lights etc. are excluded from these
procedures as there are separate procedures coving their use. Typically these types of systems do not
pose the same risks due to operating at much lower voltages, storing much less energy etc.

2 UPS Reliability
A number of UPS systems at the University have failed through overheating. Failures are typically:

Overheating due to cascade battery failure

Overheating due to charger failure

As UPS systems age they become noticeably less reliable, this as the batteries incorporated within the
UPS lose capacity over time. At some point it is certain that the battery cells will start to fail. Some cell
failure modes can cause runaway conditions.

UPS systems also have a relatively high probability of failing due to stressed, high power electrical
components. This probability increases significantly over time. These failures can also lead to the UPS

Probably due to their inherent reliability issues, UPSs are expensive to maintain and the maintenance
sometimes excludes key items such as batteries.

Document produced by IT Services, HSS and Estates & Facilities

Version: 02 Date: 28/11/2014 Review Date November 2016
Prifysgol Bangor University

2.1 Batteries
Most UPSs will use sealed or maintenance-free batteries (VRLA). Such batteries are generally much
safer to handle than the traditional (wet) lead-acid battery, but they must be treated with respect.

UPS systems use the batteries to store energy for when the mains electricity supply fails. Batteries are
generally specified in two basic qualities. Typically smaller UPS systems are supplied with five year
batteries. This means that the design life of the battery under ideal conditions is normally only five
years and after that period they will have typically half of their original capacity remaining and the
likelihood of outright failure is increasing.

UPSs are rarely operated under ideal conditions (e.g. 15 25oC) and so the expected battery life will be

After the nominal design life, typically 5 years, UPS systems should be disposed of and replaced if they
are still required. Replacement of batteries is generally not economic. Disposal should be via the ITS

3 Recommendation
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities
The Universitys Health and Safety Policy makes it clear that each College and Department is
responsible for managing and ensuring the safety of their own equipment and activities. With respect
to UPS units Colleges and Departments are advised to implement systems that:

a. Control the purchase and installation of UPSs

b. Ensure UPSs that are required are suitable for purpose and can be powered via a three-pin
c. Ensure UPSs are recorded on a register and regular inspections, per manufacturers
instructions, are undertaken, with records kept
d. Ensure UPS units are disposed of via ITS when they come to the end of the manufacturers
advised useful life
e. Notify Estates & Facilities of the intention to install a UPS of above 1 kVA (1000VA) prior to

3.2 Purchasing
3.2.1 Prerequisites
When considering purchasing a UPS, first establish there is a clear need. Consideration should be given
that UPS systems inevitably consume additional electricity, pose additional risks and will need
maintenance and replacement at the end of life.

When selecting a location for a proposed UPS system consider:

Temperature. The recommended operating range is small, for example 15oC 25oC
Floor loading. UPS systems can often be heavy enough to need special consideration.
Ventilation. Select a clean location that will not become cluttered, particularly with flammable
objects such as paperwork.
Access. There must be sufficient access to maintain the UPS safely.

Document produced by IT Services, HSS and Estates & Facilities

Version: 02 Date: 28/11/2014 Review Date November 2016
Prifysgol Bangor University

IT Services will offer assistance in purchasing UPS systems for computer and data applications, Estates
& Facilities for scientific and more general applications.

3.2.2 Supply and install

UPS systems greater than 3kVA shall be purchased with a supply and install contract.

3.2.3 Maintenance and monitoring

It is recommended that Colleges and Departments consider purchasing an extended warranty if
available and financially viable.

To address the reliability and potential fire risk, it is recommended that the entire system is replaced at
the end of the expected battery life.

Fixed installations above 10 kVA should be covered by a maintenance contract that delivers the
manufacturers recommended maintenance plan.

3.3 Installation
3.3.1 Earthing
Some UPS systems greater than 1kVA must be separately earthed and should be discussed with
Estates and Facilities.

3.3.2 Risks to Firefighting and Electrical Maintenance

All UPS systems greater than 1kVA should be notified to the fire safety officer who will then ensure
they are considered in the fire risk assessment. Each college or department must also consider the fire
risk from UPS in their own risk assessment.

3.4 Inspection and Performance Monitoring

It is recommended that all UPS systems are recorded on a register which holds the following data:

UPS specifications
o Asset number
o Description
o Location
o Manufacturer
o Model
o Serial number
o Power rating
o Design Autonomy (Backup time)
Maintenance information
o Date of purchase
o Expected design life
o Preventative maintenance interval (if applicable)
o Date of last PAT test and visual inspection
o PAT test and Visual inspection interval
o Description of equipment protected
o Departmental contact

Document produced by IT Services, HSS and Estates & Facilities

Version: 02 Date: 28/11/2014 Review Date November 2016
Prifysgol Bangor University

The maintenance schedule shall be according to the following table:

Power Frequency Maintenance & Test Action Responsible

0 1 kVA Annual PAT test and visual inspection Departmental
(portable) End expected life Recorded WEE disposal via IT Departmental
[1] Services
1 10 kVA Annual Visual inspection Departmental
(stationary) After three years Manufacturers preventative Departmental
maintenance visit
End expected life Decommission & WEE disposal Departmental[2]
10 kVA + Annual Manufacturers preventative Estates & Facilities
(fixed) maintenance
End Expected life Decommission & WEE disposal Estates & Facilities
[1] Consult UPS manufacturer, typically 5 years at <20oC, 4 years at < 25oC
[2] Estates & Facilities would do the actual work.

3.5 Maintenance of UPS systems

Any maintenance of UPS systems shall be carried out by competent engineers.

3.6 Disposal
UPS systems at the end of their design battery life must be disposed of as WEE waste though IT

Document produced by IT Services, HSS and Estates & Facilities

Version: 02 Date: 28/11/2014 Review Date November 2016

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