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The key takeaways from this document are that it provides standard operating procedures for starting up and shutting down a combined cycle power plant, including descriptions of the systems and components, responsibilities of staff, and procedures for gas turbine operation in open and combined cycle modes.

The purpose and scope of this document is to explain the operation of starting up and shutting down the power plant units in combined cycle mode. It is applicable to the S3 IPP plant only.

The shift charge engineer is overall responsible for safe, efficient and reliable operations as per regulations. The control room engineer is responsible for normal and abnormal operations and avoiding emergencies. The field operator ensures physical systems are operated properly and system integrity is maintained.

Shuweihat S3 IPP

Shuweihat Asia O&M Company

Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013




Revision Description By Date Approved

0 Prepared by K.Ananth,
Shift Charge Engineer
0 Draft approval N A J Ravi Kumar,
Production Manager
0 Final approval Jeonghoom Kim,
Plant General Manager

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Shuweihat S3 IPP
Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013


Part Description Page

1.0 Purpose and Scope
1.1 Scope of Work 4
1.2 Responsibility of Staff 4

2.0 Procedures
2.1 System Description 4
2.2 GT specification 7
2.3 Gas Turbine start Up on Open cycle 7
2.4 Gas turbine shutdown on open cycle 11
2.5 Alarm and Action lists 13

3.0 Annexure
3.1 System logics 13
3.2 Abbreviation list 18
3.3 P&ID 18
3.4 Reference Documents 18

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

History of Revisions

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Shuweihat S3 IPP
Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013


1.0 Purpose and Scope:

1.1 System procedure explains the about the operation of the Unit Start up and shutdown in
combined cycle mode. This procedure is applicable to S3 IPP only.
1.2 Responsibility of Staff: Shift Charge Engineer / Control Room Engineer/ Field Engineer.
Shift Charge Engineer: Overall responsibility of safe, efficient and reliable operation of the
following the regulatory requirements and prudent industry practices.
Control Room Engineer: Responsible for safe, efficient and reliable operation under normal
and abnormal operating conditions, takes proactive measures to avoid emergencies. Reports
higher ups of any abnormalities noticed.
Field Operator: Responsible to ensure the physical systems are operated in a proper manner
and integrity of the systems is ensured.

2.0 Procedures:
2.1 System description.
The S3 IPP is equipped with two blocks, each with two Siemens SGT5-4000F Gas Turbine units,
two dual pressure Heat Recovery Steam Generators with supplementary firing capability and one
Siemens make Steam Turbine SST5-4000. The units are suitable for base load and intermittent
part load operation. The GTs are fired with natural gas or with distillate oil as a back-up fuel,
supplementary firing for the HRSGs is designed for natural gas only.
Unit 81 and 82 are provided with bypass stack and can operate both on Open cycle and
combined cycle modes whereas Unit 71 and 72 can operate in combined cycle mode only. Plant
start-up and shut-down is possible without the use of any external systems, apart from
auxiliary electrical power requirements. And regular power plant start-up is possible
from the central control room (CCR) without local intervention. The GTs and the ST

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

shall be capable of coming to turning gear operation without damage on loss of cooling
or AC power supply following a trip.

GT auxiliaries
1. Lube oil and turning gear system.
2. Hydraulic oil system.
3. Control air system.
4. Fuel gas system.
5. Fuel oil system.
6. Gas turbine core equipments ( Compressor, CC, Turbine )
7. Air intake system.
8. Exhaust gas system
9. Burner cooling air system.
10. GT generator.
11. GT drain system.
12. GT HCO system
13. GT diverter damper
14. Continuous Emissions Monitoring System.
HRSG Auxiliaries
1. HP system
2. LP system
3. Dain system
Steam Turbine Auxiliaries
1. Lube oil system
2. Hydraulic oil system
3. Gland seal system.
4. Condensate system.
5. Feed water system.
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

6. Bypass Deaerator system

7. Air evacuation system

Common auxiliaries
1. Fuel supply system ( Fuel gas, fuel oil and Ignition gas system)
2. Water supply and disposal system.( DM water, service water , potable water , drainage
and waste water treatment system)
3. Cooling water system ( SCW and CCW )
4. Firefighting system.
5. Electro chlorination system.
6. Sea water monitoring system.
7. Instrument air system.

Gas Turbine:
The SGT5-4000F GT consist essentially of a multiple-stage axial compressor, an annular
combustion chamber with 24 hybrid burners for gas and oil firing and a multiple-stage axial
turbine. The compressor takes ambient air through an inlet air filter, compresses it and feeds it
to the combustion chamber. The fuel is fed into the combustion chambers and is burned with
the compressed air. The resulting hot, compressed combustion gas flows from the combustion
chambers into the turbine. The gas expands and drives the turbine. The mechanical power
generated in the turbine drives the generator and the compressor. The output of the generator
is connected by transformer and bus bars to the power grid.
The Continuous Emissions Monitoring System continuously monitors the exhaust gas
concentration of NOX, CO and SO2 and as reference variables O2 is also measured. The CEMS is
based on extractive technology, with sampling probes mounted directly at the stacks and gas
analyzers integrated into a shelter placed at the ground level. The system is designed for
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

automatic operation. Automation controlling system includes auto-calibration, signalling of

alarms and maintenance requests. The emission values are transmitted to an emission
evaluation computer, where they are evaluated and stored.

The HRSGs are horizontal dual pressure HRSGs with natural circulation evaporator systems. The
condensate preheater heats the entire condensate flow close to boiling temperature of the LP
system. Downstream of the condensate preheater the condensate flow is split to LP and HP
stages respectively bypass deaerator. The LP feed water goes directly from the condensate
preheater to the LP drum. From the drum, water is fed into the natural circulation evaporator.
Then the water steam mixture returns to the drum, where it is separated by separators. The
separated saturated steam is fed to the superheater and is heated further to LP steam
temperature. The HP feed water goes from the condensate preheater to the feed water pumps
(3x50% for 2 HRSGs). The HP systems of the HRSGs consist of economizers, evaporator, drum
and superheater. The HP feedwater is heated approximately to boiling temperature in the
economizers and fed to the drum. Through the down comers water flows geodetically from the
drum to the evaporator, where a portion is evaporated. Due to density differences the resulting
water/steam mixture returns to the drum and is separated by separators. The arising water is
remaining in the drum and the separated, saturated steam is fed to the superheater section and
is heated further to main steam temperature.
During combined cycle operation the generated HP steam of both HRSGs is fed to the HP part of
the steam turbine by a common HP main steam line and is expanded to low pressure. The
generated low pressure steam is fed to the connection of the LP-steam supply towards the LP
section of the ST and the entire steam flow is completely expanded to condenser pressure in
the LP section of the ST. During ST start-up or high ambient temperature operation the HP main
steam temperature is controlled to the requirements of the ST by one interstage and one final
stage attemperator.

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

The condensate preheater inlet temperature is kept above 96C/113C (setpoint depending on
sulfur content in fuel gas) for gas operation due to the sulphuric acid dew point. For oil
operation, a condensate preheater inlet temperature of 124/140C (setpoint depending on
sulfur content in fuel oil) is specified to avoid corrosion on the flue gas side due to the sulphuric
acid dew point.
The CPH inlet temperature is achieved by a sequence of control measures.
First circulating hot condensate from an extraction line of the feedwater pump to the
condensate preheater inlet is activated.
Two condensate recirculation pumps are taken in service. The condensate preheater inlet
and outlet temperatures are thus controlled by means of condensate recirculation. To
reduce steam production in the LP stage the LP pressure is increased and in
consequence due to reduced LP steam production more exhaust heat is available to the
condensate preheater.
As the exhaust heat input into the condensate preheater is not always sufficient without
additional measures, condensate can be bypassed around the CPH to reduce the CPH
flow thus increasing the CPH inlet temperature.
As a final measure a certain amount of feedwater is bypassed around the HP economizer.
Thereby the inlet temperatures into the HP drum is lowered and the HP steam
production decreases. Therefore more exhaust heat is available to the LP stage.

During oil operation the bypass deaerator will be used as additional mixing preheater in order to
achieve a minimum economizer inlet temperature of approx. 140C.Both HRSGs share one
common installation for feedwater and condensate recirculation and for condensate bypass.
During operation of the bypass deaerator, the deaerator inlet temperature is controlled by
means of the cold bypass to approximately 8K below deaerator temperature to allow sufficient

Steam Turbine:
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

The SST5-4000 is a dual-casing condensing turbine with a HP turbine section and a double flow
LP turbine. The HP main steam of the HRSGs flows to the HP turbine section. The exhausted HP
steam is fed into the LP turbine inlet and combines with inducted LP steam produced by the
HRSG LP system. This combined steam flow is expanded in the LP turbine section. The exhaust
steam of the LP turbine flows radially out of the steam turbine to the condenser. The HP section
of the turbine is operated in sliding pressure mode from 100 - 60% ST output and in fixed
pressure mode below this load range in case both HRSGs are in operation. The LP section steam
system is operated in fixed pressure over the whole entire load range. The ST drives the
generator. During HRSG start-up and shutdown and in ST bypass operation, high pressure and
low pressure steam are fed directly to the condenser via the HP and LP bypass stations. Cooling
water pumps ensure the cooling water circulation through the condenser directly cooled by
During combined cycle operation, with both GT/HRSG sets in operation, HP main steam pressure
is controlled by the ST control valves according to the natural sliding pressure characteristic
between 100% and 60% main steam pressure related to 100% to 60% steam mass flow. Below
60% mass flow the pressure is limited to fixed pressure level, means 60% of rated pressure. In
case only one GT/HRSG is in operation, the HP sections are operated with "equivalent" sliding
pressure: The 1+1 (1 GT/HRSG + 1 ST) operating pressure is equivalent to 2+1 operating pressure
at equal steam mass flow per HRSG, as well down to fixed pressure. The condenser pressure is
resulting from the arising amount of steam and from cooling system design and cooling water
temperature. During ST start-up the main steam temperature setpoint for an optimized ST start-
up is given by the ST control logic to the unit coordination control respectively main steam
temperature control.
Water Steam Cycle:
The water-steam cycle consists primarily of the condensate system, feedwater system and steam
system. The condensate is extracted from the condenser hotwell and delivered to the CPHs via
condensate extraction pumps. The condensate is preheated in the preheaters of the HRSGs and
transferred to the LP drum respectively to the bypass deaerator and feedwater pumps. The
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

feedwater system supplies the water to the HP sections of the HRSGs which is discharged as
main steam. The HP and LP steam generated in the HRSGs is fed via the steam systems to the
steam turbine in the turbine building. Before and during plant start-up the bypass deaerator can
be heated using auxiliary steam taken from the auxiliary steam system to shorten the start-up
procedure. The auxiliary steam system additionally supplies auxiliary steam to the ST for sealing
purpose. For start-up, shutdown and 1+1 operation each HRSG can be disconnected by shutoff

Cooling water system

The turbine exhaust steam is condensed in a divided, two-pass condenser. Each of the two
condenser shells is arranged laterally at the double side exhausting LP Turbine. Each condenser
shell is cooled with seawater once through cooling by means of circulating water pumps. In case
one circulating cooling water pump fails, the second pump increases its water flow according
to the pump characteristic and takes over the duty of feeding the condenser and the service
cooling water piping system.
Two different service cooling water systems are provided to supply cooling water to each closed
cooling water heat exchanger (plate type). One service cooling water system is used to perform
cooling of the GT and ST generators, GT and ST components and water steam components
coolers. For this system a second heat exchanger (plate & frame type) is provided as back-up.
The service cooling water system for this part supplies the closed cooling water heat exchanger
with cooling water taken from the sea by means of 2x100% booster pumps. The second service
cooling water system is used to perform cooling of the compressed gas in case the gas
compressors are in operation. A second heat exchanger (plate & frame type) as stand-by is also
provided for this system. This common cooling water circuit can be fed with service cooling
water by both groups from the sea by means of 2x100% booster pumps. In order to maintain a
seawater temperature rise 5C the outlet of the ST condenser and the heated service cooling
water return line will be mixed with seawater from the seawater-intake by means of a
quenching pump.
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

The dedicated closed cooling water systems supply cooling water by means of 3x50% pumps -
assigned to each closed cycle - to the connected component coolers, mainly the W/S cycle
pumps, GT and ST component and generator coolers, whereas the second closed cooling water
system supplies cooling water to the gas compressor cooler.

Plant Start Up
The time of plant start-up initiation is defined by start-up of the first GT and is
completed with both
GTs in base load operation and all steam bypass stations closed. HRSG purging and
waiting time
for an adequate steam quality have to be considered separately.
Preparations for Combined Cycle start up
The following systems must be activated and ready for operation before GT start-up:
All GT systems according
Diverter damper actuating system and seal air supply (applicable only for GT/HRSG
All tanks must be filled to operating level
HRSG drums must be filled with water to the start-up level
Steam turbine & generator auxiliary systems (oil supply, evacuation and shaft
sealing, generator
seals, generator cooling system, draining)
Condensing system and auxiliary systems (demineralized water supply, evacuation
auxiliary steam system)
Condensate supply system with condensate extraction pumps, condensate control and
Bypass Deaerator with Deaerator pump
Feedwater system with pumps and drum level control
HRSG systems
Draining of superheater and steam lines, start-up flash tank and clean drains

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

Steam bypass systems

Supplementary firing system and associated fuel supply

All tanks must be filled to operating level and the start-up levels in the drums are
set with the feedwater
and/or drum lowering control. The steam bypass controls are on standby and the
set points adjusted according to the current HRSG pressures.
In case of cold start-up venting of the water/steam systems (mainly economizer heating
of the HRSG) is only necessary if they were completely or partly drained. The
condensate system
remains normally filled and is kept pressurised by the demin water supply system.

Start-up of First GT/HRSG Unit

Purge of GT/HRSG 81 + 82 with bypass stacks:
Both the bypass stacks and the HRSGs have to be purged prior to start-up to CC
The purge of the GT/HRSG unit prior to light-off of the GT shall be started with purge
of the bypass
system sealed from the HRSG via the diverter damper. The GT shall be turned at
speed using the start-up frequency converter (SFC) until the purging volume has been
five times. The speed of the GT is therefore kept for approx. 10 min. on variable
purging speed;
2 minutes after commencement of the purge the diverter damper is switched over and the
stack is sealed from the applicable portions of the HRSG ducting and the purge air is
routed directly through the HRSG. A later change from combined cycle operation to open
GT operation does not require a gas turbine shut down.
Purge of GT/HRSG 71 and 72 without Bypass Stack :
Purge of a GT without bypass stack before light-off of the GT is achieved by means of
GT startup
with frequency converter; the speed of the GT is kept for approx. 8 min. in the range
of 700
800 rpm (five volume changes).
Directly after finalized purge the GT speed is then reduced to ignition speed and the
ignition procedure

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

initiated. Up to ignition, the speed is increased by driving with the generator and
SFC only.
Speed is then further increased with the GT start-up program by controlled fuel feed
through the
fuel control valve. From about 2000 rpm the speed is increased until rated speed
without the support
of the SFC. At rated speed the generator is synchronized and connected with the grid
and the
GT is loaded to minimum output according to a temperature setpoint which is determined
by the
HP drum and HP SH header temperature.
Heat Recovery Steam Generator Start-up
After GT ignition and as soon as a temperature increase is measured in the evaporator
system, a
minimum feedwater flow of approx. 10% MCR is fed through the HP economizers. This
evaporation during opening of the feedwater control valves, minimizes flow
instabilities in the
pipes of the economizer heat exchangers and provides a smooth level increase in the
drums during
water ejection.
With GT run-up, ignition and synchronisation the heat transfer to the HRSG begins: The
metal of
the heating surfaces is heated up and steam begins to form in the evaporators, which
leads to a
partly water ejection from the evaporators to the drums. As soon as the level in the
HP or LP
drum increases or a significant pressure increase is measured, the setpoints for the
related drum
lowering and feedwater controls are increased slowly to operating level. The HP and LP
control loops are not changed over to 3-element control, which takes the level, the
feedwater and the steam output into account, unless the generated steam flow exceeds
steam mass flow (approx. 20% MCR).
After the HP-steam temperature approaches the GT exhaust gas temperature and as soon
as the
HP drum level has stabilized at operating level and the HP steam flow is sufficient,
the GT output

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

and hence the exhaust gas temperature is increased with the temperature gradients
allowed for
the thick-walled components such as HP drum and HP SH outlet-header (temperature
The exhaust gas mass flow rate through the GT and HRSG remains approximately constant
approx. 40% GT load with compressor inlet guide vanes (IGV) at minimum opening. From
40% to IGV wide open, the exhaust gas temperature is kept constant while the exhaust
gas mass
flow is increased.
Warm-up of the HP header with open MS isolation valve and associated bypass valve is
as soon as the first HRSG generates steam.

Warm-up Processes in the Steam Section

Warm-up of the steam lines is initiated as soon as the first HRSG generates steam and
the HP
and LP steam shutoff valves are in open position.
The HP main steam line is warmed up to the prescribed start-up condition in parallel
with the
HRSG by opening the drain valves. The ST emergency stop valves (ESVs) must be
from opening and warming up until a certain steam temperature has been reached. The
ESVs will
be closed again when a defined HP pressure has been reached or when the ST speed
the lower limit of the critical speed range and stay closed until the required steam
for ST start-up is achieved. A controlled warm-up of the LP stop/control valves of the
ST is not
necessary owing to their low wall thickness. The ESVs of the LP section are operated
to the HP ESVs.
For start- up of the first HRSG the LP bypass control is similar to the HP bypass
control: As soon
as steam generation commences in the LP evaporator, the pressure in the LP system
The LP bypass station begins to open pressure controlled once the operating pressure
has been
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

During bypass operation, the steam lines between the bypass station branch and turbine
valves (ESVs) are also heated in parallel with HRSG start-up by the increasing
saturated steam
temperature related to the rising steam pressure. The warm-up begins as soon as the
steam temperature exceeds the metal temperature. Further heating above the saturated
temperature will be achieved by opening of the drain valves in the steam lines. The
drains will be
closed when adequate superheating is achieved. The ST start-up temperatures upstream
ESVs will be realized by opening of the drain valves at the ST inlet valves.

Warm-up and Loading of the Steam Turbine

Warm-up and loading of the ST will be performed with optimized HP-Steam temperatures
in order
to minimize the ST start-up time. For loading, the ST builds a control parameter
called Optimum
Steam Temperature. This represents a guideline to the unit control how to control
the steam temperature.
The related ST start-up curves state absolute values of main steam temperature, main
steam pressure,
load and speed progress during start-up.
The HP bypass stations control the pressure according to the steam mass flows. The LP-
station controls the fixed pressure in the LP-system.
Prior to opening of ESVs of the steam turbine, the following essential items are
checked (ST cold
start-up) in addition to the criteria in chapter

whether the GT minimum output is available

whether the steam temperature at the turbine inlet is higher than the temperature
of turbine
components (e.g. valves) and
whether the HP and LP main steam shutoff valves are open.
Prior to opening of the governor valves respectively rolling on steam the following
items are additionally
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

whether the required main steam purity is achieved,

whether the main steam temperature is above minimum according to ST requirement,
whether adequate temperature margins are available to run up the ST to warm-up
When all these criteria are fulfilled, the steam turbine is started up speed
controlled by the steam
turbine CV according to the staggering of the governor valve lift settings. The steam
turbine runs
up to the warm-up speed. When adequate temperature and adequate temperature margins
available the ST speed is increased further to rated speed.
The steam turbine is operated at rated speed prior to synchronising until
the main steam temperature at the ST inlet is according to ST requirement,
the turbine temperature is sufficiently close to the steam temperature,
sufficient steam flow is available.
After synchronising the ST is loaded. The HP and LP bypass stations are closing
accordingly to
maintain the HRSG pressure. As soon as the steam turbine accepts all HP steam (i.e. HP
station is closed), steam pressure control is changed from HP-bypass control to
turbine control.
Also in the LP steam system the pressure control changes automatically to steam
turbine after the
LP bypass is closed.
During normal ST operation the bypass stations are kept shut by adding an additional
offset to the
corresponding bypass pressure control setpoint. In case of a ST trip this offset is
taken away immediately
and bypass operation will follow without pressure increase.

Increase in Steam Generation

The GT load is increased in accordance with the temperature margins of HRSG and ST.
below "IGV load" the GT load is maintained constant until the ST accepts the steam due
to the
required purity. While the ST is taking over the steam, the GT load is still
maintained constant

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

until the HP bypass station is closed completely. With further increase of the GT
output, the exhaust
gas temperature is controlled to meet the thermal requirements of the steam generator
ST. Once the GT outlet temperature has reached its upper limit (corrected turbine
outlet temperature
at base load), power output is increased further with increased fuel and air flow
rates by
opening the adjustable compressor inlet guide vanes. The exhaust gas temperature is
thus held

Start-up of Second GT/HRSG Unit

Start-up of the second HRSG is possible, irrespective of the load of the GT / HRSG
module already
in operation, but the load shall not be less than IGV min load indicating stable
conditions. Thus it is assured that the start-up of the first GT/HRSG module is
finished and the risk
of instabilities e.g. to the drum levels resulting from the coupling of both modules
is limited. As both
GTs of one unit share one common start-up frequency converter simultaneous GT start-up
is not
possible. If, owing to power demand, the second GT / HRSG module is also started, the
programs of this second GT / HRSG module can only be activated when the first HRSG has
reached stable operating conditions.
The start-up procedure of the second GT / HRSG module from GT start-up to steam
production of
the HRSG is similar to the first one.
The GT is started and loaded temperature controlled until the HP temperature
approaches the value
of the first HRSG (temperature differences max. 50 K).
The coupling of the both HRSGs on steam side shall happen with equalized steam
pressures and
stable drum levels. To achieve these conditions, coordinated pressure setpoints are
fed to the
steam systems of both HRSGs. The first one is operating the steam pressures by means
of the ST,

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
Document Type: Location: Procedure Type: Document No. SAOM-SOP 1.01
O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

the second by means of the steam bypass stations. Coupling of the HRSGs in general is
by closing of the bypass stations with the ST on pressure control mode.
When the pressures are equalized, the temperature differences are < 40 K and the
steam purity (for the related required values see plant operation manual) is
acknowledged manually
by the operator, the HP main steam shutoff valve is opened. Due to the equalized
upstream and downstream of the open HP main steam shutoff valve no flow across these
will result until the HP bypass station pressure setpoint is increased by a small
offset, causing the
HP bypass station to close subsequently and further loading of the ST will follow.
The steam mass flow from the HP bypass of the second HRSG to condenser decreases and
flow through the ST increases accordingly.
Due to one common LP bypass station for both HRSGs the steam is fed directly to the
header upstream
of the LP ST after pressure equalisation and opening of the isolation valve of the
HRSG. If the steam quality is not adequate to the requirements of the ST, the control
valve of the
LP ST will be closed temporarily and the steam will be routed to the condenser, this
may result in a
minor loss of power (approximately 1 MW as per clarification). After accomplishment of
steam quality, the control valve of the ST will be opened again and the bypass valve
will be closed.
Once the steam turbine is accepting the full steam load of a pressure system and the

bypass valve has closed completely, a higher p offset is added to the bypass
pressure setpoint of
each pressure system in order to keep the bypass stations shut as long as the ST is in
normal operation.
The ST controls the pressure according to the common unit pressure set point. Further
respectively HRSG load increase is now possible.
During ST start-up the pressure setpoint for ST and B/P stations will be held at a
constant value.

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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

After finalized ST start-up with fully closed steam B/P stations and at steam flows
above 60% the
ST will be operated at sliding pressure mode with fully open ST control valves. The
unit pressure
setpoint will follow the sliding pressure setpoint
If the group unit load controller is activated, the load setpoints of both GTs are
equalized and adjusted
in a way that the group plant output including the ST load reaches the required group
The plant can either receive a common plant load setpoint from the plant AGC or a
group setpoint
from the group AGC or an individual unit setpoint from the unit AGC meaning for each
The table below summarizes the advantages of a common setpoint compared to an
individual setpoint
for each generator

Warm Start and Hot Start

Warm and hot start-ups basically follow the same logical sequence as cold start-ups.
In any case GT load setpoint is either determined by the minimum load of the GT or an
gas setpoint is calculated according HRSG cool down conditions. The GT exhaust gas
setpoint is
determined based on HP drum pressure and HP steam header temperature. The GT load is
constant at this setpoint until steam generation has commenced and evaporator water
has taken place.
Following a normal shut down, the HP steam pressure after an outage time less than 8h
is less than approx. 18 bar, and the HP header temperature is less than approx.
In the event of HRSG restart following a GT trip or after a short period of shut down
(<< 8h) the
main steam pressure and temperature may still be above approx. 40 bar and approx.
400C. In
this case, the HRSG start-up will be much faster due to the lower temperature
difference and

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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

higher allowable temperature gradients as the GT can therefore be loaded up to a

higher gas
turbine output (exhaust gas temperature) after synchronisation. Loading of the steam
turbine can
be performed much faster as the ST is still hot.

Load Changes with One/Two GTs

In normal load operation, the total output of each group is controlled by a unit
coordination controller
which takes into account the current group load set-point and the current measured
outputs of
the individual generators in operation within the group. There is a unit coordination
controller for
group 70 and one for group 80. The load set-point for each unit coordination
controller can be set
either manually by the operator or through a remote group set-point (Automatic
Generation Control
AGC). It is also possible to set an individual load set-point for GT71 and 72 or GT81
and 82 either
manually or via unit AGC.
Load changes in general follow different power requirements, which can be fulfilled by
one or two
Generally the combined cycle power plant can be operated with two GTs between 50% and
unit output and with one GT between about 25% and 50% unit output.
The operational behaviour of a combined-cycle power plant during load changes is
primarily influenced
by the possible load changes of the GTs and the allowable temperature and pressure
of the relevant components of the HRSGs and the ST.
To start from base load in the first phase of a GT load reduction, the exhaust gas
flow is reduced to
approximately 50% MCR by closing of the IGV while maintaining an. approx. constant
exhaust gas
temperature. In the second phase, the exhaust gas flow stays constant and the exhaust
gas temperature is reduced as a function of the GT inlet temperature. The HRSGs follow
this behaviour of
the gas turbines. The main steam temperature rises slightly during the first phase of
GT load reduction,
and starts to drop in the second phase with the decrease in GT exhaust gas temperature
when the GT load is reduced further.
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
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In case two HRSGs are in operation the HP steam systems of the HRSGs are operated in
sliding pressure mode between 100% and 60% of rated pressure related to 100% to 60%
steam mass flow. Below 60% main steam mass flow the HP systems are operated in fixed
mode, means the pressure is controlled to 60% of rated pressure. In case only one
is in operation, the HP sections are operated with "equivalent" sliding pressure: The
1+1 (1
GT/HRSG + 1 ST) operating pressure is equivalent to 2+1 operating pressure at equal
steam mass
flow per HRSG, as well down to 60% of rated pressure. The LP steam system is operated
in fixed
pressure mode over the entire load range. Fixed pressure operation in the lower load
range is not
required by the ST, but by the HRSG.
At lower total load demand than about 50%, one of the two GT/HRSG modules should be
out of service for economic reasons and environmental reasons (reduced NOx emissions)
and to
ensure efficient plant operation. Load control is then performed by the remaining
GT/HRSG module.
The minimum combined-cycle load is reached when the HP steam temperature approaches
the minimum allowable temperature (approx. 450C). In addition, these load conditions
are not
recommended due to thermal stress resulting from cooling down of the HP ST sections.

Shut down of the Power Station

Scheduled plant shut down is initially performed by reducing the output of the
supplementary firing
system (if in service). To shut down the ST, the shut down program is started and the
turbine is deloaded
to minimum load. When reaching minimum load, the ST is tripped and runs down. To keep
the ST within the required temperature margins during the shut down, the ST is tripped
when the
temperature margins fall below a defined value. All steam produced is then dumped to
the seawater
cooled condenser.
At the units with bypass stack, the HRSGs can be shut down by closing the diverters to

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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
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HRSGs. The following shut-down is limited by the permissible HRSG temperature

gradients (applicable
only for unit 70 without bypass stack). The GTs are then shut down by the GT shut down
program when reaching the GT minimum load. The GTs are then operated at turning gear
to protect
them against unallowable thermal stresses and thermally-induced deformation.
After a defined time period the feedwater and condensate systems as well as the
turbine generator
auxiliary systems and cooling water supply are taken out of service. Shut down of
auxiliary systems is performed according to the respective operating requirements

GT start up on open cycle mode.

The Gas turbine shall be started from the SGC turbine start sequence. The following systems
shall be started manually from local control panel or remote prior to the GT start up on open
cycle mode.
1. Firefighting system
2. Service cooling water system
3. Closed cooling water system
4. Plant Service water system
5. GT air intake Pulse air cleaning system
6. Bypass stack with diverter damper actuating system and seal air supply.
7. GT building vent air system is running ( 10 minute advance )
The following GT auxiliaries are to be ready for operation.
1. Gas detection system.
2. GT Pneumatic air system.
3. GT generator auxiliary systems (oil supply, generator cooling)
4. Ignition gas system
5. Fuel supply systems
6. Generator Excitation system
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

7. Start-up frequency converter

8. All SGC control for the GT are Auto/ON
2.2 Equipment Specifications.
Type : SGT5-4000F
Compressor : 15 stages axial flow (Adjustable IGV), Hollow disc shaft.
Combustor : One Annular combustion chamber (with CHS).
Burner : 24 Hybrid burners (Fuel oil and fuel gas). Dry low NOx burners
Turbine : 4 stages (Blades with Thermal barrier cooling and film cooling)
Generator coupling by intermediate shaft
Type : SGT-4000F Unit Base Load
Fuel -- Natural Gas Fuel Oil
Low heat value KJ/kg 47060 42742
Nominal output at generator MW 246.5 211.6
Nominal efficiency % 37.8 36.5
Exhaust gas flow Kg/s 616.4 616.3
Exhaust Gas temperature C 597.8 556.0
Speed rpm 3000
Ambient temperature C 34.4
Relative humidity 91.6

2.3 Gas Turbine open cycle start up

2.3.1 Pre start checks.
Before starting up the operation of the gas turbine the following to be ensured and
additionally it has to be ensured that there are no fault alarms pending that could affect the
safe operation of the gas turbine .
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

1. Station power supply is healthy.

2. Fuel gas o fuel oil supply system is running normal.
3. Ignition gas supply gas system is healthy and heaters are function normal
4. DM plant service water tank level is sufficient and pump is running

2.3.2 GT Start-up
GT shall be started from the sub group control of the gas turbine or from the block start
form the unit coordination master in open cycle or combine cycle mode. The gas turbine SGC
control starts from the GT auxiliaries and completes up to synchronisation further loading of the
GT is done by increasing the GT load setpoint until OTC controller is active (Base load).
Before giving the start command to SGC gas turbine the following selection shall be done.
1. SLC GT vent system ON 10 minutes prior to start up.(SAM20EE001)
2. GT Load set point to be given (MBY10DE010)
3. Load set point gradient to NORMAL GRADIENT.
4. SFC start operation selection to Normal.
5. Primary frequency selection OFF.
6. PSS selection ON.
7. Fuel preselection ( NG of FO) MBY10EU011
8. Fuel oil mode to be selected ( Diffusion or Premix ) MBN01EC001
9. Switch on the DM water SLC 05GHC10EE001
10. Switch on the SGC closed cooling water system 80PGB10EC001
11. Switch on the SGC temporary service cooling water 80PCB50EC001
12. Switch on the Air intake pulse filter compressor and pulse filter cleaning cycle.
SGC Gas turbine start command is given and following steps are proceeded

Step-1 GT start up
1. Check the SFC start selection in Normal mode and proceeds to next step
Step-2 Prestart activities
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

1. Stops the dehumidifier unit.

2. Closes the CC drain valves (2 Nos)
3. Closes the Turbine drain valves (3 Nos).
4. Switch on the HCO system SGC.
5. Switch on the SLC of the Compressor inlet shut off gate.(Auto open)
6. Resets the Turbine speed monitoring units 1 &2.
7. Starts the test of Turbine speed monitoring units 1& 2.
8. SGC Fuel oil Auto ON.
9. SGC NG Auto ON.
10. SGC NG drainage Auto operation.
11. SGC lube oil/Turning gear system Auto ON.
12. SLC Hydraulic oil system Auto ON.
13. Switch on the IGV controller.
All above signal feedback are matched with command and then proceed to next step.

Step-3 GT Start up preparation

1. SFC start operation unit start.( selection to Normal start)
2. Switch on the SLC of Generator space heater.
3. Switch on the SLC of Generator Excitator space heater.
4. Changes the Generator excitation voltage controller to AUTO mode.
5. Switch the GCB and unit CB synchronisation selection to OFF mode.
All above signal feedback are matched with command and then proceed to next step.
The following conditions are verified and if satisfies proceeds to next step
1. SFC NG drainage ready.
2. HCO monitoring state ready for start-up
3. Compressor inlet shut off gate open.
4. Blow off valves are open.
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

5. SGC lube oil turning gear system in step-10

Step-5: Start HRSG/Bypass stack purge
1. Release the SGC of SFC cold purging start up.
2. Starts the SGC of SFC cold purging Auto Operation.
3. Starts the SGC of SFC cold purging Auto ON.
Then the following signals are checked and proceeds to next step if satisfied
SFC cold purging start up programme ON
(or) SFC cold purging Not required
(or) Turbine speed >47.5Hz
Step-6 : HRSG/Bypass Stack purging
The following conditions are verified and if satisfies proceeds to next step
1. SFC start operation selection is valid.
2. SFC cold purging not required.
Step-7: Preparation SFC after purge
1. Switch the SFC preselection to PREPARED.
Then wait for the speed to come below 4Hz and proceed to next step for fuel start.
Step-8: Fuel start
1. Starts the SGC of the fuel oil if the Fuel was preselected on FO.
2. Starts the SGC of the natural gas if Fuel was preselected on NG.
3. Selects the Ignition speed 4Hz for NG and 6Hz for FO.
Step-9: GT acceleration till SFC disconnection
Wait for the speed to increase above 38.6HZ and SFC goes off and then proceeds to next
Step-10: GT acceleration to FSNL.
Wait for the speed to increase above 49HZ and then proceeds to next step.
Reserve step
Step-12: Excitation ON
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

1. Switch on the excitation controller ON and check the feedback then proceed to next step
Step-13: GCB selection
1. Switch on the GCB to auto mode.
Step-14: Synchronisation
1. Start the auto paralleling device command ON.
2. Once GCB is closed then it proceeds to step-15 and if not proceed back to step-14 for
manual reset step-14.
Step-15: Station service bus transfer.
Check the close condition of the MV incomer BBE01GS002 and proceed to next step.
Step-16: GT in operation

Once GT is synchronised the GT load setpoint is increased to base load and the parameters are
1. HCO main thrust is getting active after reaching FSNL with delay of 60 minutes.
2. Fuel oil diffusion to premix change over occurs at 110MW load approx.

2.4 Gas Turbine shutdown.

2.4.1 GT Shutdown
Gas turbine will proceed for shutdown when any of the GT protection shutdown (P2 SD) is
initiated or manual shutdown command is given by the operator. The GT shutdown follows the
following sequence.

Step-51: GT unloading
1. Switch the SFC selection to OFF mode.
2. Switch off the SGC of SFC cold purging.
3. Switch the turning gear to permanent turning mode.
4. Sets the unloading gradient to NORMAL GRAD mode and blocks the manual selection.
5. Starts the GT unloading (Reduce the GT load set point to 2MW).

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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

6. Synchronisation circuit breaker selection to NO SELECTION mode (Both selection

switch GCB and Unit CB).
All above signal feedback are matched with command and then proceed to next step.
Step-52: High speed bus bar Transfer.
Reserve step
Step-53: GT unloading.
1. Gas Turbine unload on and VAR balance command on.
2. After the load came down below 2MW the sequence proceed to next step for grid
Step-54: Grid disconnection.
1. GCB auto open command.
2. Generator ON load ( GCB or Unit CB open) signal is verified and proceed to next step.
Step-55: Excitation switch off
1. Open command to Excitation breaker.
2. Following feedback are verified before proceeding to next step.
Excitation command off ,
NO Turbine speed GT SPD operation,
GT speed <4Hz.
GT hardwire trip test is ready.
Step-56: Switch of h fuel system
1. Switch off the FO system SGC ( Auto shutdown)
2. Switch off the FG system SGC ( Auto shutdown)
3. Then the following feedbacks are checked before proceeding to next step.
Excitation breaker open
SFC isolation switch open.
SGC fuel oil and fuel gas are in the step 52 and 55 respectively.
GCB and unit CB selector switches are in NO selection mode
Step-:57 GT running down.
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

1. Open command to GT combustion chamber drain valves (all 3 SOV) at GT speed less
than 12.5HZ.
Sep-58 Set release memory for Restart
1. Reset the memory.
Step-59: GT continues Turning
1. When the G speed comes down below 3.6Hz proceeds to next step
Step-60: Generator cooling fan off.
1. Compressor inlet damper close command after 2hrs of cooling down turning.
Step-61: GT Active turning
1. Auto ON command to the GT line oil/tuning gear system SGC.
2. Auto SD command to the GT line oil/tuning gear system SGC.
3. Switch off the GT IGV temperature controller.
4. Auto off command to Generator space heater SLC.
5. Auto off command to Generator collector fan SLC (Excitation room)
6. Then the following feedbacks are checked before proceeding to next step.
Generator space heater SLC on
Generator collector fan SLC on
IGV controller off
SGC lube oil in shutdown programme ON.
Step: 62 GT Shutdown completed

3. Annexure:
3.1 System drives logics.
3.1.1 Gas Turbine SGC

Start Permissive.
a) SGC Gas Turbine release-1(Generator & Transformer)
1. Generator cold gas temperature < High (65oC , 2oo3 logic )
2. Generator cold gas temperature > low (20oC )
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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

3. Generator casing liquid level not high (2oo2).

4. No fault in switch gear.
a. LV switchgear BFE voltage > 320V.
b. LV switchgear BME voltage > 320V.
c. 220V switch gear BUB, BUC & BUD voltage >209V.
d. 220V switch gear BUC voltage >209V.
e. 220V switch gear BUD voltage >209V.
5. SFC not blocked.
6. Excitation system not blocked
7. No Generator transformer protection trip.
8. No Unit auxiliary transformer protection trip.
9. No Generator protection trip.
10. Generator start at low speed release.
11. Generator lift oil release.
12. Acceleration monitoring CC inspection not required
13. GT fail safe function reset not required.
14. Pressure Natural gas start up release. ( NG pressure < MAX).
b) SGC Gas Turbine release-2( Gas Turbine )
1. GT controller protection starts release.( Healthy)
2. NO GT controller simulation on.
3. GT speed measurement signal is healthy.
4. GT Load measurement is signal healthy.
5. Compressor outlet pressure signal no fault.
6. IGV position NO fault.
7. ACC monitoring no fault.
8. NG premix control valve closed signal good.
9. NG pilot control valve-1 closed signal good.
10. NG pilot control valve-2 closed signal good.
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

11. NG pressure double fault NO ( Both gas pressure transmitter signal healthy)
12. Position measurement of premix CV no fault.
13. Position measurement of pilot CV-1 & 2 no fault.
14. NG S/O system ( NG ESV closed, Vent valve open , premix and pilot CVs are closed)
15. Position measurement of FO diffusion ESVs, supply and return CVs no fault
16. Position measurement of FO premix CV and ESV no fault
17. GT building Air flow enclosure vent is in operation ( 2 out of 3)
18. GT cooling and turning gear release ( Speed >1.8Hz or Speed <4.0Hz).
19. FO Drain valves closed.
20. FO premix drain valve closed.
21. FO header flushing water S/O closed.
22. FO system S/O closed.
23. Release from HRSG. ( HRSG ready or diverter damper open)
24. Release from unit control.
25. GT HCO status monitoring release. ( reverse thrust active)
26. GT purge air system NG release if FO selected for start up.
27. GT purge air system fuel oil release if NG selected for start up.

Stop Permissive.
1. No condition is required to start the shutdown program by manual.

Auto start
1. SGC Gas turbine on command from unit controller

Auto Stop
1. SGC unit coordination step-51.
& GT speed >47.5Hz
& SGC gas turbine ON.

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

P1 Protection Shutdown
1. SGC Gas turbine fault signal.
a) Run time error in the SGC Gas turbine steps 1 to 10
b) SFC protection ON & GT speed > 4.0Hz.
c) SFC start up monitoring fault ( SFC trip & Speed >4.0Hz & Speed <30Hz).
d) Compressor inlet temperature transmitter fault (2 out of 3).
e) GT hardwire trip.
f) Temperature FO premix drain double fault.
g) GT unload and shutdown ( Load <20MW & Active unload is active).
2. GT blow off system shutdown (any one of the blow off valve open & Speed >47.5Hz).
3. Outlet Temperature burner monitoring shutdown ( cold spot setting 110 oC )
4. NG drainage protection cross flow (premix and pilot drain valves are open & speed >4Hz).
5. GT protection cubicle power supply fault ( both channel fault)
6. NG start fault (NG ESV closed).
7. FO start fault ( FO diffusion ESV close).
8. FO system measurement fault ( FO injection pump suction pressure transmitters drift
>0.6bar , FO injection pump discharge pressure transmitters drift >0.6bar).
9. Pressure cooling air GV-2 Too low (Pressure ratio < 0.660).
10. Pressure cooling air GV-3 Too low (pressure ratio < 0.345).
11. IGV position < operating position. ( Load >6.0MW & NG ESV open & IGV <-1.0%).
12. HCO monitoring reverse Trip.
13. HCO system pressure channel fault ( both channel).
14. SGC SFC cold purging forced shutdown.
15. Hybrid burner temperature protection.
16. Temperature upstream NG ESV sensor fault (2 out of 3).
17. GT hardwire trip system test.
18. Pressure circulation room GV-2 channel fault.
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Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

19. Pressure circulation room GV-3 channel fault.

20. Pressure NG downstream premix CV fault (2out of 3).
21. Pressure NG downstream pilot CV fault (2out of 3).
22. Tele protection unit operation (communication fault).
23. Turbine outlet temperature sensor fault ( Both B&C channel)
24. Burner cooling air temperature protection sensor fault (2 out of 3)
25. Turbine outlet temperature sensors 1,5,9,13,17 & 21 fault.(3 out of 6).
26. Generator cold gas VAR protection sensor fault ( Stator current , Excitation current signal
27. Generator cold gas temperature sensor fault ( 1 out of 2).
28. Turbine, compressor, generator TE and EE bearing temperature fault (3 out of 3)
29. Turbine, compressor, generator TE and EE bearing vibration sensor fault (2 out of 3)
30. FO diffusion line filter DP > high high( 2.0bar).
31. FO premix drain line temperature > Too high (150oC)
32. HCO pressure main thrust > max (230bar).
33. HCO pressure reverse thrust > max (230bar).
34. Run up monitoring fault. (Speed raise from 12.5Hz to 47.5Hz is longer than 400seconds).

SGC GT start up program release

SGC Unit coordination (CJA)
FO drain valves 1, 2, 3, 4&5
SGC Hydraulic clearance optimization system
SGC NG drainage
SLC hydraulic oil system
Fuel preselection
SGC GT shutdown program release

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Shuweihat Asia O&M Company
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O&M 1. Operation Department. Standard operation Document Name. Combine cycle unit
Document 2. Common Control Room Procedure start up and shutdown
Revision: 0 Date : Change: 0 Date: November-00 , 2013

SGC unit coordination

Exhaust stack status
GT start up monitoring
Fuel preselection
SGC gas turbine

3.2 Abbreviation list:

GT Gas Turbine
SFC Start up frequency Converter
SGC Sub Group Control
SLC Sub Loop Control
2oo3 Two out of three
NG Natural Gas
FO Fuel oil

3.3 P&ID.

3.4 Reference manual.
1. GT Description of System AE1172-&MDB030-MBP-123602.
2. GT Operating Manual AE1172-&MDC020-MBP-123605.
3. GT DCS T-3000.

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