Contoh CCPP Plant Operating Manual Procedures

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The document outlines various standard operating procedures for starting up and shutting down a combined cycle power plant in both combined and simple cycle modes using both automatic and manual controls.

The steps include starting auxiliary systems, starting and synchronizing the combustion turbines, establishing the heat recovery steam generators, rolling and synchronizing the steam turbine, and ramping the unit load to full load.

Limitations include verifying equipment readiness before startup, ensuring proper lubrication before starting motors/pumps, venting/charging pumps and piping properly to avoid issues, limiting motor restart attempts, and holding combustion turbines at 50MW until water chemistry is verified.

Combined Cycle Power Plant

Training Simulator

Prepared by:

Issued March 2010

5061 Fort Avenue Lynchburg, VA 24502 USA

Voice: 434.485.7100 Fax: 434.485.7101

These Operating Procedures are intended to be used with the Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP)
Simulator only. The procedures will serve as guidance for operating the simulator during normal

The following procedures are included:

• Operating Procedure No. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

• Operating Procedure No. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual
• Operating Procedure No. 3 – Load Maneuvering
• Operating Procedure No. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic
• Operating Procedure No. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual
• Operating Procedure No. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode
• Operating Procedure No. 7 – Unit Shutdown – Simple Cycle Mode
Combined Cycle Power Plant Simulator March 2010 Plant Operating Procedures Page 1


Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic


This provides instructions for safely and efficiently starting the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Combined Cycle Mode
from cold conditions using the automatic plant startup sequencer. The instructions include starting the auxiliary systems,
starting and synchronizing the combustion turbines (CT), establishing the heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), rolling and
synchronizing the steam turbine (ST), and ramping the unit load to full load (~720 MW).

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Returning the plant to operation after a scheduled outage

• AC electrical buses are de-energized
• CT and ST Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil Systems are in service with the DC seal oil pumps operating
• CT and ST generators are pressurized with hydrogen
• ST Lube Oil System is in service with the DC lube oil pump operating
• ST first stage metal temperature is < 200C (cold conditions)
• Condenser hotwell, deaerator storage tank, and HRSG drums are drained • All clearances are released

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

Observe the following system/equipment limitations and precautions during Combined Cycle Power Plant startup in the
Combined Cycle Mode:

• Prior to starting equipment, direct the auxiliary operator (AO) to locally verify that the equipment is ready for startup
and that personnel are clear.
• Prior to starting motors and pumps, verify that there is proper lubrication.
• Ensure that pumps and piping are properly vented, charged, and warmed to avoid cavitation, water hammer, and
thermal shock.
• Successive attempts to start a 6.9 kV motor will generate excessive heat that can damage the motor windings. Two
successive starts are permissible during initial starting from ambient temperature conditions. If a motor fails to start on
the second attempt, observe a 30-minute cooling period.
• Hold the CTs at 50 MW until the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water quality is satisfactory for
increasing load.
• Some 416v motors will start when 416v bus supply breakers are closed resulting in an immediate load on the bus.
These motors cannot be operated from the simulator operator consoles and include both CT vent fans, bearing oil lift
pumps, lube oil pumps, seal oil pumps, seal oil vacuum pumps, mist eliminator and transformer cooling fans, and the
ST hydraulic cooler circulation pump, turning gear, emergency bearing oil pump, and the backup seal oil pump.
• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:

Equipment Limitation
CT generator 225 MW
ST generator 270 MW
HP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
IP/LP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
Condensate pump 50% unit capacity
Circulating water pump 50% unit capacity
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity
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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

Perform each step of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each step is completed, initial the space provided in the left
column before proceeding to the next step.
• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, ST Mk-V, and
electrical monitoring panel (EMP)) are listed at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Steps 1–29 of this procedure are identical to steps 1–29 of Operating Procedure No. 2, Cold Unit Startup – Manual
(OP2). The remaining steps of the two procedures differ. Use this procedure to start up using the automatic plant
startup sequencer. Use OP2 to start up using manual controls. Use OP6 to startup in the Simple Cycle Mode.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming
majority will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.
1. 6.9 kV Electrical System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the 6.9 kV Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that ~230 kV is indicated on intermediate switchyard bus SWYD B1 (801)
c. Verify that the tap changer control for the reserve auxiliary transformer is set at 0 in OFF
d. CLOSE the reserve auxiliary transformer supply breaker 80142C
e. Verify that the reserve auxiliary transformer voltage is ~6.9 kV
f. Cycle the bus transfer selector switches 43AM/1-3 and 43AM/2-4 to AUTO and then to MAN
g. CLOSE breaker DG11 on bus CAPK-SWG-1
h. OPEN the following breakers 103B on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 103B
− 102B
i. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 108B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-1
j. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 101B
− 103A
− 106B
k. OPEN breaker 206B on bus 1APE-SWG-2
l. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 201B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-2
m. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− 202B
− 204A
− 207B
n. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-3 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 306B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-3
o. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-3:
− 303A
− 303B
p. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-4 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 401B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-4

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q. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-4:
− 404A
− 403B



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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2. 416 V Electrical System
a. Direct the AO to line up the 416 V Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear b.
OPEN breaker 104B on bus CAPC-SUS-12
c. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-12 from 1APE-SWG-1:
_______ − CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-12
d. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-12:
− 103C
− 104C
e. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-22 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 107B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-22
f. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-22:
− 106C
− 105C
g. OPEN breaker 107B on bus 1APC-SUS-11
h. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-11 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-11
i. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-11:
− 107C
− 107D
− 104C
j. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-21 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 113B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-21
k. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-21:
− 110B
− 110C
− 108B
− 111C
l. OPEN breaker 206B on bus 1APC-SUS-31
m. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-31 from 1APE-SWG-3:
− CLOSE breaker 202B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-31
n. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-31:
− 204B
− 203B
− 205C
o. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-41 from 1APE-SWG-4:
− CLOSE breaker 209B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-41
p. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-41:
− 207C
− 207B
− 208B
q. OPEN breaker 306C on bus 1APC-SUS-32
r. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-32 from 1APE-SWG-3:
− CLOSE breaker 302B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-32
− CLOSE breaker 303B on bus 1APC-SUS-32
s. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-42 from 1APE-SWG-4:
− CLOSE breaker 310B
OP1_CCPP.doc − Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-42

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

t. At the DCS displays, line up the following 416 V Electrical System breakers:
_______ − CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-105C to supply power to Air Compressor 1A
− CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-111B to supply power to Air Compressor 1B
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-102C to supply power to Fire Pump 1A
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-107C to supply power to Fire Pump 1B

DCS: 1-416V11
DCS: 1-416V21
DCS: 1-416V12 DCS:

3. Control and Station Air Systems

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Control and Station Air Systems for service and verify that personnel are
b. Set the control air pressure valve (1CAA-ACV-005) setpoint at 7.0 bar and place in AUTO
c. START one air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal compressor start:
− Compressor indication changes to red
− Service air receiver (1CAA-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~8.5 barg
− Control air receiver (1CAB-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~7 barg
e. Place the standby air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B in AUTO
f. Place the Block 1/Block 2 instrument air tie valve (1CAB-ABV-001) in AUTO


4. ST Lube Oil System

_______ a. Verify that the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204) is running
b. Place the DC Lube Oil Pump Mode in REMOTE ENABLE
c. START the ST Lube Oil Reservoir Vapor Extractor (1TDG-BL-200)
d. Verify the indication of a normal extractor start (extractor indication changes to red)
e. START one AC bearing oil pump (1TGD-P-200) A/B
f. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
g. Place the standby AC bearing oil pump (1TGD-P-200) A/B in AUTO
h. STOP the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204)
i. Verify that the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204) indicates AUTO
j. Verify that ST bearing header lube oil pressure (BHDR) stabilizes at > 0.4 bar

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear

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5. ST Turning Gear
Note: The ST turning gear motor automatically starts when the 1APC-SUS-41 bus is energized.

Verify the following indications: −

Speed: 5 RPM
− Motor Status: RUNNING
− Turning Gear: ENGAGED

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

6. ST Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil System

a. Verify that the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (2TGG-P-201) is running
b. Place the DC Seal Oil Pump Mode in REMOTE ENABLE
c. START the main seal oil pump (1TGG-P-200)
d. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
e. STOP the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (1TGG-P-201)
Note: Once started, the seal oil pump cannot be stopped from the operator console.
f. Verify that the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (1TGG-P-201) indicates AUTO
g. START the ST Seal Oil Vacuum Pump (1TGG-P-202)
h. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)


7. ST Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU)

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the ST HPU for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START one ST HPU pump (2TGH-P-200) A/B
c. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Hydraulic oil supply pressure stabilizes at ~113 bar
d. Place the standby ST HPU pump (2TGH-P-200) A/B in AUTO

ST Mk-V: Startup

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8. Bypass Valves HPU
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the bypass valves HPU for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START one bypass valves HPU pump (2HPA-P) 120/121
c. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
d. Place the standby bypass valves HPU pump (2HPA-P) 120/121 in AUTO

Note: To access the bypass valves HPU display, select BYPASS VLV HPU on either the BLK 1 HP Bypass
1A or the BLK 1 HP Bypass 1B display.



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

9. Common Demineralized Water System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Common Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel
are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 2:
− OPEN the demineralized water transfer pump discharge valves
− Set the site demineralized water tank fill valve setpoint at 10.0 m
b. Verify that the level in the site demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
c. Set the demineralized water pump recirc valves (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D setpoint at 45 l/s and place
d. START one demineralized water transfer pump (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D opens ~75%
− Flow stabilizes at ~45 l/s
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~8 barg
f. Place the standby demineralized water transfer pumps (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D in AUTO


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10. Demineralized Water System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the demineralized water storage supply valve (1FWF-ACV-008) setpoint at 10,000 mm and place in
c. Verify that the level in the demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
d. Set the demineralized water M/A station (1FWF-ACV-013) setpoint at 3,000 mm and place in AUTO
e. Verify that the level in the condensate storage tank is NOT low


11. Condenser Hotwell Fill

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the condenser hotwell for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START the condensate transfer pump (1FWF-P-3)
c. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (indication changes to red)
d. Set the condenser hotwell make-up M/A station (1FWC-ACV-004A) setpoint at 0 mm and place in
e. Place the condenser hotwell emergency make-up valve (1FWC-ABV-004B) in AUTO
f. Verify that the condenser hotwell level is established and maintained near 0 mm



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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12. Common Circulating Water Makeup (CWMU) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CWMU System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the circ water sump pump manual valves in
b. Verify that the level in at least one surge tank is NOT low
c. Set the CWMU recirc valves (CHRD-ACV-005) A/B/C/D/E setpoints at 100 l/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) is CLOSED in MANUAL
e. Verify that the main cooling tower level control M/A station (1HRD-ACV-008) is CLOSED in
f. START one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens ~100%
− Flow stabilizes at ~55 l/s
− Pressure stabilizes at ~3 barg
h. Place one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E in AUTO
i. Set the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
j. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower basin level is established and maintained near 0 mm
k. Set the main cooling tower level control M/A station (1HRD-ACV-008) setpoint at 0 mm and place in
l. Verify that the main cooling tower basin level is established and maintained near 0 mm


13. CT Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CT ACW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the level in the CT auxiliary cooling tower basin is NOT low
c. START one CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− CT auxiliary cooling tower basin header pressure stabilizes at ~5.2 barg
e. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B in AUTO
f. START one CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B
g. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B in AUTO
h. Set the CT generator H2 cooler temperature control valves (1ECA-ACV-011) A/B setpoint at 45C and
place in AUTO
i. Set the CT auxiliary cooler temperature control valve (1ECA-ACV-012) A/B setpoint at 45C and place
j. CLOSE the CT air compressor emergency cooling valves (1ECB-ABV-095) and (1ECB-ABV-096) and
place in AUTO
k. OPEN the CT air compressor normal cooling valves (1ECA-ABV-136) and (1ECA-ABV-137) and
place in AUTO


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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14. Circulating Water (CW) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the level in the cooling tower basin is NOT low
c. Place CCW sump pumps 5A and 5B in AUTO
d. Place the cooling tower sump pump discharge pressure control valve (1HRC-ACV-037) in AUTO
e. Place the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 in AUTO
f. Verify that the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 throttle open to the INT1 position
g. OPEN the condenser CW inlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 009/011
h. Place the condenser CW inlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 009/011 in AUTO
i. CLOSE the CW pump discharge valves (1HRC-MBV) 002/004/006 and place in AUTO
j. START one CW pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C
k. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Discharge valve throttles to the INT2 position
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at > 0.4 barg
l. START a second CW pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C
m. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valves of both running CW pumps fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~1.6 barg
n. Place the standby CW Pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C in AUTO
o. Verify that the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 fully OPEN
p. Verify that the cooling tower basin level is properly controlled
q. START all cooling tower fans (1HRC-FAN) 1–10
r. OPEN the vacuum pump cooling valve (1HRC-MBV-124) and place in AUTO
s. OPEN the chlorination system supply valve (1HRC-MBV-125) and place in AUTO
t. Start one CW inhibitor pump (1HRE-P-3) A/B
u. Direct the AO to start the CW chlorination pump
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing the chlorination pump for the cooling tower
basin in START.


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

15. Condensate System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Condensate System for service and verify that personnel are clear Note:
Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing condensate pump suction valves 1A/1B/1C in OPEN.
b. Place condensate pump discharge valves (1FWC-MBV) 028/030/032 in AUTO
c. Place the condensate minimum flow recirc M/A station (1FWC-ACV-020) in AUTO
d. Place the hotwell high level M/A station (1FWC-ACV-017) in AUTO
e. Verify that the hotwell level is NOT low
f. START one condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valves of all three condensate pumps initially throttle open to the INT position to fill the
system and then fully open
− Condensate minimum flow recirc valve (1FWC-ACV-020) opens ∼35%
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ∼13.5 barg
h. START a second condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C
i. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Condensate minimum flow recirc valve (1FWC-ACV-020) opens ∼65%
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ∼13.5 barg
j. Place the standby condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C in AUTO
k. OPEN the supply valves to the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B condensate preheaters (1FWC-MBV) 045/047
l. START one ammonia pump (1FWE-P-5) A/B
m. START one oxygen scavenger pump (1FWE-P-4) A/B


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16. Closed Cycle Cooling Water (CCCW) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CCCW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the CCCW head tank level M/A Station (1ECB-ACV-002) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
c. Verify that the level in the CCCW head tank is NOT low
d. Set the CCCW ST & BFP M/A station (1ECB-ACV-017) setpoint at 3.5 barg and place in AUTO
e. Set the CCCW supply head temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-014A) setpoint at 30C and place in
f. Set the ST generator cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-019) setpoint at 35C and place in
g. Set the ST lube oil cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-022) setpoint at 30C and place in
h. START one CCCW pump (1ECB-P-1) A/B
i. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pressure stabilizes at ~5 barg
j. Place the standby CCCW pump (1ECB-P-1) A/B in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

17. Deaerator Storage Tank Fill

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the deaerator storage tank for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing the deaerator vent valve in S/U (start up).
b. Verify that the condensate preheater drain valves (1SGA-ABV-307) A/B are CLOSED in MANUAL
c. Place the condensate to HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-027) A/B in AUTO
d. Place the condensate preheater bypass M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-026) A/B in AUTO
e. Verify that the deaerator level mode is in SINGLE element control
f. Set the deaerator level control M/A station (1FWC-ACV-021A) setpoint at 0 mm
g. Place both deaerator level control M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-021) A/B in AUTO
h. Place the deaerator level dump control valve (1FWA-ABV-008) in AUTO
i. Verify that deaerator level is established and maintained near 0 mm


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18. HRSG-1A Blowdown System
_______ a. Verify that one chemical waste sump pump (CWWA-P-1) A/B is running
b. Verify that one neutralization basin pump (CWWA-P-2) A/B is running
c. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG 1A Blowdown System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing one HRSG-1A blowdown sump pump in
d. Verify that a HRSG blowdown sump pump (1SGF-P) 1A/2A is running
e. Set the continuous blowdown M/A station (1SGF-ACV-004A) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
f. Set the blowdown sump M/A station (1WSC-ACV-001A) setpoint at 90C and place in AUTO
g. Set the circulating water M/A station (1HRC-ACV-035A) setpoint at 50C and place in AUTO
h. OPEN the continuous blowdown to deaerator isolation valve (1SGF-MBV-001A)


19. HRSG-1B Blowdown System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG 1B Blowdown System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing one HRSG-1B blowdown sump pump in
b. Set the continuous blowdown M/A station (1SGF-ACV-004B) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
c. Set the blowdown sump M/A station (1WSC-ACV-001B) setpoint at 90C and place in AUTO
d. Set the circulating water M/A station (1HRC-ACV-035B) setpoint at 50C and place in AUTO
e. OPEN the continuous blowdown to deaerator isolation valve (1SGF-MBV-001B)



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

20. HRSG -1A

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up HRSG-1A for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing all HRSG A drains in CLOSE.
b. Line up the 1A HP HRSG as follows:
− HP secondary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-086A) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP primary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-085A) CLOSED
− HP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-091A) and (1SGF-ABV-012A) CLOSED in
− HP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-092A) and (1SGF-ABV-013A) CLOSED
− HP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-089A) CLOSED
− HP superheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-330A) setpoint at 560C in AUTO

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− HP superheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-329A) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP secondary superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-094A) CLOSED
− HP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-093A) OPEN
c. Line up the 1A IP HRSG as follows:
− IP secondary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-062A) CLOSED
− IP primary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-059A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater pressure control valve (1SGA-ACV-346A) in AUTO
− IP superheater/reheater isolation valve (1SGA-MBV-058A) OPEN
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-057A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-054A) CLOSED
− IP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-075A) and (1SGF-ABV-010A) CLOSED in
− IP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-076A) and (1SGF-ABV-011A) CLOSED
− IP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-073A) CLOSED
− IP secondary reheater attemperator drain valve (1SGA-MBV-066A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-363A) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-364A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-078A) OPEN
d. Line up the 1A LP HRSG as follows:
− LP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-047A) and (1SGF-ABV-008A) CLOSED in
− LP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-048A) and (1SGF-ABV-009A) CLOSED
− LP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-049A) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-052A) OPEN
− LP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-034A) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-031A) OPEN



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

21. HRSG -1B

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up HRSG-1B for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing all HRSG B drains in CLOSE.

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b. Line up the 1B HP HRSG as follows:
− HP secondary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-086B) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP primary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-085B) CLOSED
− HP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-091B) and (1SGF-ABV-012B) CLOSED in
− HP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-092B) and (1SGF-ABV-013B) CLOSED
− HP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-089B) CLOSED
− HP superheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-330B) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− HP superheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-329B) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP secondary superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-094B) CLOSED
− HP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-093B) OPEN
c. Line up the 1B IP HRSG as follows:
− IP secondary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-062B) CLOSED
− IP primary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-059B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater pressure control valve (1SGA-ACV-346B) in AUTO
− IP superheater/reheater isolation valve (1SGA-MBV-058B) OPEN
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-057B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-054B) CLOSED
− IP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-075B) and (1SGF-ABV-010B) CLOSED in
− IP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-076B) and (1SGF-ABV-011B) CLOSED
− IP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-073B) CLOSED
− IP secondary reheater attemperator drain valve (1SGA-MBV-066B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-363B) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-364B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-078B) OPEN
d. Line up the 1B LP HRSG as follows:
− LP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-047B) and (1SGF-ABV-008B) CLOSED in
− LP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-048B) and (1SGF-ABV-009B) CLOSED
− LP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-049B) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-052B) OPEN
− LP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-034B) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-031B) OPEN


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

22. Feedwater System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HP and IP/LP Feedwater Systems for service and verify that personnel are
b. Verify that there is adequate make-up water inventory to fill the HRSG drums:
− Deaerator storage tank is NOT low (> –650 mm)
− Condenser hotwell level is NOT low (> –57 mm)
− Condensate storage tank level is NOT low (> 1288 mm)
− Demineralized water storage tank level is NOT low (> 2500 mm)


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23. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B HP Drum Fill
_______ a. Verify that the HP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
b. OPEN the HP drum fill valve (1SGA-MBV-096) A/B to begin filling

− The indicated flow to the HP drum is 0 kg/s during fill from the Condensate System because the HP
feedwater flow transmitters are located upstream of the HP drum level control valves.
− Monitor the level in the condenser hotwell during HP drum filling.

c. Fill the HP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

d. CLOSE the HP drum fill valve (1SGA-MBV-096) A/B

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the HP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-092) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-013) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

e. Set the HP drum level control (1FWA-ACV-020) A1/B1 at –150 mm

f. Place the HP drum level controls (1FWA-ACV-020) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the HP drum level is maintained near –150 mm



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

24. IP/ LP Boiler Feedwater Pump (BFP) Start

_______ a. Place the IP/LP BFP lube oil pumps (1FWA-P-4) A/B/C in AUTO
b. OPEN the IP/LP BFP suction valves (1FWA-MBV) 041/048/055
c. Set the IP/LP BFP recirc M/A stations (1FWA-ACV-32) A/B/C setpoints at 20 kg/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the IP/LP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 045/052/059 are CLOSED
e. Place the IP/LP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 045/052/059 in AUTO
f. START one IP/LP BFP (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− All three IP/LP BFP lube oil pumps start
− All three IP/LP BFP discharge valves fully open

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− Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~65 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
h. OPEN the IP/LP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV) 064/124
Place the IP/LP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV) 064/124 in AUTO

25. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B LP Drum Fill

_______ a. Verify that the LP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
b. OPEN the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1 to begin filling

− Monitor the level in the deaerator during LP drum filling.
− A feedwater high flow alarm will result if the LP feedwater valve is opened > 60% during filling of
the drum.

c. Fill LP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

d. CLOSE the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the LP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-048) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-009) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

e. Set the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1 at –150 mm

f. Place the LP feedwater valves (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the LP drum level is maintained near –150 mm



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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26. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B IP Drum Fill
Note: Initiating IP drum fill prior to the completion of LP drum fill may result in low deaerator level.

a. Verify that the IP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
b. OPEN the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1 to begin filling

− Monitor the level in the deaerator during IP drum filling.
− A feedwater high flow alarm will result if the IP feedwater valve is opened > 45%.

c. Fill the IP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

d. CLOSE the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the IP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-076) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-011) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

e. Set the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1 at –150 mm

f. Place the IP feedwater valves (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the IP drum level is maintained near –150 mm


_______ 27. Second IP/LP BFP Start

a. START a second IP/LP BFP (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C
b. Verify the indications of a normal pump start: − Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~67 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
c. Place the standby IP/LP BFP in AUTO


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

28. HP BFP Start

_______ a. Place the HP BFP lube oil pumps (1FWA-P-3) A/B/C in AUTO
b. OPEN the HP BFP suction valves (1FWA-MBV) 002/009/016
c. Set the HP BFP recirc M/A stations (1FWA-ACV-016) A/B/C setpoints at 40 kg/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the HP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 006/013/020 are CLOSED
e. Place the HP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 006/013/020 in AUTO
f. START one HP BFP (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− All three HP BFP lube oil pumps start
− All three HP BFP discharge valves fully open
− Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~187 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
h. OPEN the HP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV-026) A/B
i. Place the HP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV-026) A/B in AUTO


_______ 29. Second HP BFP Start

a. START a second HP BFP (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C
b. Verify the indications of a normal pump start: − Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~187 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds

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c. Place the standby HP BFP in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

30. HP Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HP, reheat, and LP steam and drain systems for service and verify that
personnel are clear
b. Line up the HP Steam System valves as follows:
− HP steam isolation valves (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass isolation valves (1SGG-HBV-001) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B in AUTO with setpoint at 50 barg
− HP bypass temperature M/A stations (1SGG-ACV-022) A/B setpoint at 40C in AUTO
− HP bypass attemperator spray isolation valves (1FWA-HBV-037) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass attemperator spray control valves (1FWA-HCV-038) A/B in AUTO
− HP steam supply valve to the ST steam seal header (1SGG-MBV-047) CLOSED in AUTO
c. Place the following HP Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− (HP-1)
A/B − (HP-2)
− (HP-3) A/B
− (HP-4) A/B
− (HP-5) A/B

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d. CLOSE HP Steam Drain System valves (HP-6) A/B



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

31. Reheat Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Line up the Hot Reheat Steam System valves as follows:
− Hot reheat steam isolation valves (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− Reheat bypass isolation valves (1SGJ-HBV-002) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− Reheat bypass pressure control valves (1SGJ-HCV-003) A/B in AUTO
− Reheat bypass warm-up temperature controls (1SGJ-ACV-016A) A/B setpoint at 40C in AUTO
− Reheat bypass attemperator spray isolation valves (1FWC-ABV-023) A/B in AUTO
− Reheat bypass attemperator spray control valves (1FWC-HCV-024) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
b. Place the following Hot Reheat Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− HR-1A/B
− HR-2 AA, AB, BA, and BB
− HR-3 AA, AB, BA, and BB
− HR-4 A/B

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− HR-5 A/B
− HR-211 A/B
c. Line up the Cold Reheat Steam System valves as follows:
− Cold reheat steam isolation valves (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
d. Place the following Cold Reheat Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− IP-1
− IP-2
− CR-1 A/B
− CR-3
− CR-5
− CR-7
− CR-8


32. LP Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Line up the LP Steam System valves as follows:
− LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B CLOSED
− LP steam bypass isolation valves (1SGL-HBV-007) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− LP steam bypass pressure control valves (1SGL-HCV-001) A/B in AUTO with setpoint at 5.5 barg
b. Place the following LP Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− LP-1AA, AB, BA, and BB
− LP-2
− LP-3A/B



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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33. Deaerator Pegging Steam
_______ a. Verify that the steam supply valve from Blocks 2 and 3 (1SGM-MBV-013) is CLOSED
b. Set the deaerator pegging steam pressure control valves (1SGL-ACV-008) A/B setpoint at 1.2 barg and
place in AUTO
c. Set the deaerator pegging steam control valve from IP steam (1SGM-ACV-001) setpoint at 5 barg and
place in AUTO
d. OPEN the IP steam supply valves from HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B (1SGM-MBV-011) A/B


34. Gland Steam Condenser Exhausters

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the gland steam condenser exhausters for service and verify that personnel are
b. Place both gland steam condenser exhausters (2TGC-BL-201) A/B in AUTO
c. Place the condensate to gland steam exhaust valve (2FWC-SBV-035) in AUTO


35. ST Steam Seal System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the ST Steam Seal System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the steam seal attemperator M/A station (2FWA-ACV-065) setpoint at 260C and place in AUTO c.
Place the steam seal pressure control in SSC OUT
d. Place the steam seal pressure control in SSC MANUAL

ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Control

36. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the condenser vacuum pumps for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C are STOPPED in MANUAL
c. Place the condenser vacuum pump suction valves (1HRB-ABV-004) A/B/C in AUTO
d. Place the condenser vacuum pump exhaust separator valves (1HRB-SBV-101) A/B/C in AUTO
e. Place the condenser vacuum pump standby selector in A SEL/B SEL/C SEL as desired


37. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Diverter Dampers

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper systems for service and verify
that personnel are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 1:
− Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper seal air fans in AUTO.
− Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper hydraulic pumps in AUTO.
b. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Boiler Couple Permissive Controllers in UNCPLD
c. Verify that the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are positioned at 0%
d. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in AUTO
e. RESET the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B


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Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic
38. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel gas. If the CTs will be started with fuel oil,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 1:
− OPEN the main fuel gas supply valve
− OPEN the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas exchanger line valves
− OPEN the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas heater line
valves − CLOSE the CT A/B fuel gas crossover
b. Verify that the fuel gas vent valve (1FGA-ABV-008) is CLOSED
c. Place the fuel gas supply isolation valve control in DCIS
d. OPEN the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)
e. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1A as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2A) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031A)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040A)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047A) setpoint at 170C and place
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE
f. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1B as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2B) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031B)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040B)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047B) setpoint at 170C and place
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

39. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to Step 41.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in
b. Verify that the level in at least one fuel oil storage tank is NOT low
c. Verify that the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B are CLOSED in MANUAL
d. START one fuel oil forwarding pump (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~7.9 barg
f. Place the standby fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO
g. Place the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B in AUTO
h. Place the fuel oil pressure control M/A stations (1FOB-ABV-008) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO


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40. NOX Water Transfer Pumps
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the NOX water transfer pumps for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Place the NOX water transfer pump recirc valves (1FWF-ABV-001) A/B/C/D in AUTO
c. START one NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
e. START a second NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
f. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
g. Place the standby NOX water transfer pumps (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO


41. Load Commutating Inverters (LCI)

_______ Direct the AO to line up LCI No. 1 and No. 2 for service and verify that personnel are clear Note:
Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the LCI Selection in A/B.


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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42. CT-1A Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1A for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the
CT at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. Perform this step for fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START
o. Transfer control of CT-1A from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector
in GENERAL REMOTE (location 3)

CT-1A Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1A Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1A Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1A Mk-V: Trips Display
CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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43. CT-1B Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1B for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the
CT at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. Perform this step for fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify that the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START
o. Transfer control of CT-1B from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector
in GENERAL REMOTE (location 3)

CT-1B Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1B Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1B Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1B Mk-V: Trips Display
CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location


Standard Operating Procedure

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OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

_______ 44. Steam Turbine Preparation

a. Direct the AO to line up the ST for service and verify that personnel are clear Verify
b. the following:
− Main stop valves (MSV/MSV2) and control valves (V1/V1L) are CLOSED
− Reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) and intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are CLOSED
− LP steam admission valves ACV and ASV are CLOSED
− Eccentricity is < 2 mm
− Hydraulic pressure (HYD) is ≥ 110 barg
− Bearing lube oil header pressure (BHDR) is ≥ 0.4 barg
− Turning gear is engaged
− Reverse flow is indicated
− Ventilator valve is OPEN
− Speed is 5 rpm
− Lube oil cooler outlet temperature is ≥ 27C
− Sync Mode is OFF
− EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
c. Place the following valves in AUTO:
− Stop valve before seat drains A/B
− Stop valve after seat drains A/B
− Reheat stop valve after seat drains A/B
− ACV before/after seat drains
− Vacuum breaker

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d. Transfer control of the ST from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector in

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Turning Gear
ST Mk-V: Synchronization
ST Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
ST Mk-V: MOV Control
ST Mk-V: Control Location


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

45. Automatic Plant Startup Selections
_______ a. RESET the Auto Start Status
b. Set the Lag CT Wait Time setpoint at the desired minutes

Note: Lag CT startup begins when the lead CT has attained 85% operating speed and the Lag CT Wait
Time has elapsed.

c. RESET the Auto Start Status

d. Verify that the Lag CT Wait Time indicates the lag time setpoint
e. Place the CT1A Mode Select in CC_CYC
f. Place the CT1B Mode Select in CC_CYC
g. Place the Lead CT Select in CT1A or CT1B as desired
h. Place the CT Mode Select in 2_UNIT
i. Place the STG Synch Select in AUTO
j. Verify that the following Combined Cycle Permissives indicate YES:
− HRSG-1A Ready
− HRSG-1B Ready
− BOP Ready
− CT-1A Ready
− CT-1B Ready

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− Normal Start

Note: The Combined Cycle Power Plant is ready for startup using the automatic plant startup sequencer.
The next step in the procedure begins the startup.


46. Automatic Plant Startup

_______ a. Place the Auto Start Status in START to begin the automatic startup sequence
b. Verify that the Auto Start Status indicates RUNNING



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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47. Lead CT Startup
_______ Verify that the lead CT completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the auto start control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
opens (at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

Lead CT Mk-V: Unit Control

48. Lead HRSG Heat-up

_______ a. Verify the lead HRSG HP bypass pressure control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint at 50 barg
b. Verify that the following lead HRSG valves automatically OPEN:
− Hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B
− Cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B
− HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B
c. Verify that the lead HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B OPENS to 20% to begin heating the


49. Lead CT Synchronization

_______ Verify that the lead CT generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically increase to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Lead CT Mk-V: Synchronization

OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-36

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

50. Lead CT Initial Load

_______ a. Verify the following indications of initial loading of the lead CT:
− Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
− Load Control MW Setpoint increases to 20 MW
− PF/VAR Control in MVAR CTRL ON
− MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
b. If the lead CT is firing with fuel gas, place the lead CT fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1) A/B in ON

Lead CT Mk-V: Unit Control


51. Lag CT Startup

Note: Lag CT startup begins when the lead CT has attained 85% operating speed and the Lag CT Wait
Time has elapsed.

Verify that the lag CT completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the auto start control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch opens STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
(at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

Lag CT Mk-V: Unit Control

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52. Lag HRSG Heat-up
_______ a. Verify the lag HRSG HP bypass pressure control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint at 50 barg
b. Verify that the lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B OPENS to 20% to begin heating the HRSG



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

53. Lag CT Synchronization

_______ Verify that the lag CT generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically increase to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Lag CT Mk-V: Synchronization

54. Lag CT Initial Load

_______ a. Verify the following indications of initial loading of the lag CT:
− Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
− Load Control MW Setpoint increases to 20 MW
− PF/VAR Control in MVAR CTRL ON
− MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
b. If the lag CT is firing with fuel gas, place the lag CT fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1) A/B in ON

Lag CT Mk-V: Unit Control


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55. ST Steam Seal System
Note: HP steam pressure will increase to 20 barg approximately 2½ hours after HRSG heating begins.

When the HP steam pressure increases to 20 barg, verify the following:

− HP steam supply valve to the ST steam seal header (1SGG-MBV-047) is OPEN
− Steam seal pressure control indicates SSC IN
− Steam seal pressure control valve position (SSPCX) is ~ -15% for 15 minutes
− Steam seal pressure control transfers to AUTO (SSC Auto)


56. Gland Steam Condenser Exhausters

_______ Verify the START of one gland steam condenser exhauster (2TGC-BL-201) A/B (indication changes to red)


57. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ a. Verify the START of the condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C:
− Pump indications change to red
− Pump controls transfer to AUTO
− Suction valves OPEN
b. Verify that the vacuum breaker valve is CLOSED
c. Verify that condenser vacuum begins increasing

ST Mk-V: MOV Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-39

58. Condenser Vacuum Established
_______ a. When the condenser vacuum is < 379 mmHga (Lo Lo Lo vacuum alarm clear), verify that the HRSG1A
and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B gradually OPEN

Note: The HRSG diverter dampers will gradually open to 85% and then immediately open to 100%.

b. When the condenser vacuum is < 180 mmHga, verify the following:
− Standby condenser vacuum pump is RUNNING
− Non-standby condenser vacuum pumps are STOPPED in AUTO

Note: The idle condenser vacuum pumps may automatically start and stop in response to vacuum changes
until after the ST startup and the transfer to forward flow are complete.


59. HRSG Coupling

_______ a. Verify that the following valves automatically OPEN to couple HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B when their
corresponding permissives are satisfied:
− Lag HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B
− Lag HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B
− Lag HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B

• To monitor the coupling permissives, select PERMISSIVES at the top of the BLK 1 HP Bypass 1A
and BLK 1 HP Bypass 1B displays.
• Permissives:
− A to B side pressure differential ± 1.5 bar
− A/B temperature differential 10 C
− Drum level with in ± 25 cm of setpoint
• During coupling, the following may automatically change to satisfy the coupling permissives:
− Lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B position
− Lag HRSG HP bypass control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint

b. When the HRSG coupling is complete:

− Verify that the lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B is 100% OPEN
− Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Control MW Setpoints increase to 50 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

60. Fuel Gas Heat Exchangers
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs are firing with fuel gas. If the CTs are firing with fuel oil, proceed
to the next step.

a. Place Fuel Gas Heat Exchanger 1A in service as follows:

− OPEN the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040A)
− OPEN the heat exchanger gas outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031A)
− Place the 1A Fuel Gas Heater (1FGA-HT-1A) in OFF
−Direct the AO to CLOSE the CT-1A fuel gas heater line valve
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the CT-1A fuel gas heater line valve in
b. Plac e Fuel Gas Heat Exchanger 1B in service as follows:
− OPEN the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040B)
− OPEN the heat exchanger gas outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031B)
− Place the 1B Fuel Gas Heater (1FGA-HT-1B) in OFF
− Direct the AO to CLOSE the CT-1B fuel gas heater line valve
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the CT-1B fuel gas heater line valve in


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

61. Hold for Steam Plant Water Quality

_______ a. When CT-1A and CT-1B are at 50 MW, direct the chemistry technician to report when the steam plant
water quality is satisfactory for increasing load

Note: Maintain the CTs at 50 MW until the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water
quality is satisfactory for increasing load.

b. Direct the AO to line up the deaerator vent for normal operation

Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing the deaerator vent valve in NORMAL
c. When the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water quality is satisfactory for increasing
load, select the Steam Cleaning Hold Release to REL to continue the automatic start sequence



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-42

62. ST Startup
• The ST always starts with reverse flow. The intercept valves (IVs) open to accelerate the ST, steam flows
only through the IP and LP turbines, and the main control valves (V1/V1L) remain closed.
• The ST will accelerate at the SLOW RAMP (250 rpm/min), MED RAMP (500 rpm/min), or FAST RAMP
(750 rpm/min) rate, according to the ST surface stresses.
• If any surface or rotor stress is > 60%, ST speed will hold at 834 rpm, 2500 rpm, and/or 3000 rpm.
• Bearing vibration alarms are set at the maximum expected levels. While accelerating through a critical
speed, vibration levels may increase, but they should peak below the alarm setpoints and diminish rapidly
above the critical speed. Never stop accelerating at or near a critical speed.
• If bearing vibration increases above the alarm setpoint without peaking and decreasing, return the ST to the
turning gear.

a. Verify the following preparations to roll the ST: −

Turbine Trip indicates RESET
− ST startup control indicates AUTO MODE
− ST startup control indicates HOLD OFF
− ST Auto Start status indicates READY TO START
− ST startup control indicates AUTO START to initiate ST roll-off
b. Verify the following indications upon ST roll-off:
− Auto Start status indicates ATS IN PROGRESS
− Target speed indicates 834 rpm
− Control valves (V1/V1L) and reverse flow valve remain CLOSED
− Reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) OPEN
− Intercept valves (LIV/RIV) throttle OPEN to accelerate the ST
c. Verify the following indications during ST run-up to normal operating speed:
− ST lube oil cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-022) setpoint increases to 43C
− Target speed advances to 2499 rpm
− Target speed advances to 3000 rpm
− ST Mk-V Auto Start status indicates WAITING FOR SYNC when ST speed is > 2790 rpm
− Speed stabilizes at ~3000 rpm

ST Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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63. ST Synchronization
_______ Verify that the ST generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

ST Mk-V: Synchronization

64. ST Initial Load

_______ Verify the following indications:
− ST startup control in MANUAL MODE
− ST startup control in HOLD OFF
− Control Mode in MVAR CNTRL
− MVAR Setpnt at 0 MVAR
− Load Control Load Ramp setpoint (LDR_RS) does not exceed the Loading Rate indicated on the Rotor
Stress Recommendation on the DCS screen
− Load Control Load Setpt (LDR_CMD) at 27.5%
− Load begins increasing when all holds are released
− Load Control Load Ramp setpoint (LDR_RS) reduces to zero when the initial load is attained

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Megawatt Control
ST Mk-V: Unit Control

65. Temperature Matching

_______ a. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Temp Match controls indicate TM ON

Note: While temperature matching is in progress, the loading of each CT is automatically adjusted and
gradually increased to ~75 MW. The CT load controls do not respond to operator inputs.

b. When the CT-1A and CT-1B Temp Match controls indicate TM OFF, verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B
Load Control MW Setpoints increase to 80 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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66. ST Transfer to Forward Flow
Note: The transfer from reverse flow to forward flow is permitted when the intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are
> 50% open if the HP rotor stress that is predicted to exist after the transfer is less than the allowable stress.

a. Verify that the Forward/Reverse Flow Control transfers to FORWARD FLOW when the IV position is >
b. Verify the following indications during the transfer to forward flow:
− Control valves (V1/ V1L) and intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are OPEN
− Ventilator valve is CLOSED
− Stop valve before seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Stop valve after seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Reheat stop valve after seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Cold reheat drain valve (CR-7) is CLOSED

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Unit Control
ST Mk-V: MOV Control

67. Increase HP Steam Pressure

_______ Verify that the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints increase to 55 barg


68. Enable ST Inlet Pressure Control (IPC) Verify

_______ the following indications:
− Inlet Pressure Control indicates IPC IN
− Load Control Load Setpoint increases to 100%


69. Increase HP Steam Pressure

_______ Verify that the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints gradually increase to 130

Note: The automatic plant startup sequence is now complete.



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

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70. Enable ST Admission Pressure (ADM) Control
_______ When the ST load is > 40 MW, enable ADM control as follows:
a. OPEN the LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B
b. Set the ADM Control Press Setpoint at 4.5 barg (DCS)
c. Set the ADM Control Flow Setpoint at 128% (DCS)
d. Verify that the ACV opens
e. Verify that the ACV valves before/after seat drains CLOSE

ST Mk-V: MOV Control

71. Transfer Steam Plant Electrical Loads to the ST Auxiliary Transformer

_______ When the ST load is > 100 MW, transfer the steam plant electrical loads to the ST auxiliary transformer as
a. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the ST auxiliary transformer as follows:
− Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in MAN
− Place the SS/1-1 Trip Select in any position except 108B
− Place the SS/1APE1 selector in 306B
− CLOSE breaker 301B
− OPEN breaker 306B to reset
− Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in AUTO
b. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-4 to the ST auxiliary transformer as follows:
− Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in MAN
− Place the SS/2-2 Trip Select in any position except 201B
− Place the SS/1APE2 selector in 401B
− CLOSE breaker 407B
− OPEN breaker 401B to reset
− Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-46

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

72. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

Line up the condenser vacuum pumps for normal operation as follows:
a. Verify that one condenser vacuum pump (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C is operating in MANUAL. Start a pump if
b. STOP any pumps running in AUTO
c. Place all stopped vacuum pump(s) in AUTO
d. Select one of the stopped vacuum pumps for STANDBY operation


73. HRSG Phosphate Pumps & boiler continuous blowdown a START the HP, IP,
_______ and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1A/2A/3A for HRSG-1A b START the HP, IP,
and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1B/2B/3B for HRSG-1B c OPEN the
following HRSG continuous blowdown valves:
− 1A HRSG HP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-089A)
− 1A HRSG IP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-073A)
− 1A HRSG LP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-049A)
− 1B HRSG HP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-089B)
− 1B HRSG IP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-073B)
− 1B HRSG LP blowdown valve (1SGA-MBV-049B)


74. Three-Element Level Control

_______ Verify that the following level controllers indicate THREE element control:
− Deaerator
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B HP drums
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B IP drums
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B LP drums



Standard Operating Procedure

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OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

75. Initiate continuous blowdown
Open the following HRSG continuous blowdown valves:
a. HRSG HP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-89A/B)
b. HRSG IP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-73A/B)
c. HRSG LP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-49A/B)


76. Transfer to Block Load Control

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC ON
b. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Setpoint Selectors in BLOCK LOAD CONTROL
c. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate AUTO d. Set the CT1A Bias
setpoint at zero
e. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
f. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Max MW Limit setpoints at 225 MW
g. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 300 MW
h. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Hi Limit setpoint at 720 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location

CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location
ST Mk-V: Control Location


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 1 – Cold Unit Startup – Automatic

OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-48

77. Ramp Load
_______ a. Increase load as follows:
− Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load increase is 10 MW/min.

− Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at the desired MW to begin increasing
load b. Verify that the unit stabilizes at the desired MW


OP1_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:28:00 PM OP1_CCPP-49

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual


This provides instructions for safely and efficiently starting the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Combined Cycle Mode
from cold conditions using manual controls. The instructions include starting the auxiliary systems, starting and synchronizing
the combustion turbines (CT), establishing the heat recovery steam generators (HRSG), rolling and synchronizing the steam
turbine (ST), and ramping the unit load to full load (~720 MW).

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Returning the plant to operation after a scheduled outage

• AC electrical buses are de-energized
• CT and ST Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil Systems are in service with the DC seal oil pumps operating
• CT and ST generators are pressurized with hydrogen
• ST Lube Oil System is in service with the DC lube oil pump operating
• ST first stage metal temperature is < 200C (cold conditions)
• Condenser hotwell, deaerator storage tank, and HRSG drums are drained • All clearances are released

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-1

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

Limitations and Precautions

Observe the following system/equipment limitations and precautions during Combined Cycle Power Plant startup in the
Combined Cycle Mode:

• Prior to starting equipment, direct the auxiliary operator (AO) to locally verify that the equipment is ready for startup and
that personnel are clear.
• Prior to starting motors and pumps, verify that there is proper lubrication.
• Ensure that pumps and piping are properly vented, charged, and warmed to avoid cavitation, water hammer, and thermal
• Successive attempts to start a 6.9 kV motor will generate excessive heat that can damage the motor windings. Two
successive starts are permissible during initial starting from ambient temperature conditions. If a motor fails to start on the
second attempt, observe a 30-minute cooling period.
• Hold the CTs at 50 MW until the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water quality is satisfactory for increasing
• Some 416v motors will start when 416v bus supply breakers are closed resulting in an immediate load on the bus. These
motors cannot be operated from the simulator operator consoles and include both CT vent fans, bearing oil lift pumps, lube
oil pumps, seal oil pumps, seal oil vacuum pumps, mist eliminator and transformer cooling fans, and the ST hydraulic
cooler circulation pump, turning gear, emergency bearing oil pump, and the backup seal oil pump.
• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:

Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
ST generator 270 MW
HP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
IP/LP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
Condensate pump 50% unit capacity
Circulating water pump 50% unit capacity
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity

Perform each step of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each step is completed, initial the space provided in the left
column before proceeding to the next step.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, ST Mk-V, and
electrical monitoring panel (EMP)) are listed at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Steps 1–29 of this procedure are identical to steps 1–29 of Operating Procedure No. 1, Cold Unit Startup – Automatic
(OP1); however, the remaining steps of the two procedures differ. Use this procedure to start up using manual controls.
Use OP1 to start up using the automatic plant startup sequencer. Use OP6 to start up in the Simple Cycle Mode.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming
majority will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.


Standard Operating Procedure
Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual
1. 6.9 kV Electrical System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the 6.9 kV Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that ~230 kV is indicated on intermediate switchyard bus SWYD B1 (801)
c. Verify that the tap changer control for the reserve auxiliary transformer is set at 0 in OFF
d. CLOSE the reserve auxiliary transformer supply breaker 80142C
e. Verify that the reserve auxiliary transformer voltage is ~6.9 kV
f. Cycle the bus transfer selector switches 43AM/1-3 and 43AM/2-4 to AUTO and then to MAN
g. CLOSE breaker DG11 on bus CAPK-SWG-1
h. OPEN the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 103B
− 102B
i. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 108B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-1
j. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 101B
− 103A
− 106B
k. OPEN breaker 206B on bus 1APE-SWG-2
l. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 201B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-2
m. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− 202B
− 204A
− 207B
n. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-3 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 306B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-3
o. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-3:
− 303A
− 303B
p. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-4 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 401B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-4
q. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-4:
− 404A
− 403B


Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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2. 416 V Electrical System
a. Direct the AO to line up the 416 V Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear b.
OPEN breaker 104B on bus CAPC-SUS-12
c. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-12 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-12
_______ d. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-12:
− 103C
− 104C
e. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-22 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 107B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-22
f. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-22:
− 106C
− 105C
g. OPEN breaker 107B on bus 1APC-SUS-11
h. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-11 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-11
i. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-11:
− 107C
− 107D
− 104C
j. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-21 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 113B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-21
k. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-21:
− 110B
− 110C
− 108B
− 111C
l. OPEN breaker 206B on bus 1APC-SUS-31
m. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-31 from 1APE-SWG-3:
− CLOSE breaker 202B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-31
n. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-31:
− 204B
− 203B
− 205C
o. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-41 from 1APE-SWG-4:
− CLOSE breaker 209B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-41
p. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-41:
− 207C
− 207B
− 208B
q. OPEN breaker 306C on bus 1APC-SUS-32
r. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-32 from 1APE-SWG-3:
− CLOSE breaker 302B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-
SUS-32 − CLOSE breaker 303B on bus 1APC-
OP2_CCPP.doc − Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-42
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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

s. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-42 from 1APE-SWG-4:

_______ − CLOSE breaker 310B
t. At the DCS displays, line up the following 416 V Electrical System breakers:
− CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-105C to supply power to Air Compressor 1A
− CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-111B to supply power to Air Compressor 1B
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-102C to supply power to Fire Pump 1A
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-107C to supply power to Fire Pump 1B

DCS: 1-416V11
DCS: 1-416V21
DCS: 1-416V12 DCS:

3. Control and Station Air Systems

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Control and Station Air Systems for service and verify that personnel are
b. Set the control air pressure valve (1CAA-ACV-005) setpoint at 7.0 bar and place in AUTO
c. START one air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal compressor start:
− Compressor indication changes to red
− Service air receiver (1CAA-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~8.5 barg
− Control air receiver (1CAB-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~7 barg
e. Place the standby air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B in AUTO
f. Place the Block 1/Block 2 instrument air tie valve (1CAB-ABV-001) in AUTO


4. ST Lube Oil System

_______ a. Verify that the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204) is running
b. Place the DC Lube Oil Pump Mode in REMOTE ENABLE
c. START the ST Lube Oil Reservoir Vapor Extractor (1TDG-BL-200)
d. Verify the indication of a normal extractor start (extractor indication changes to red)
e. START one AC bearing oil pump (1TGD-P-200) A/B
f. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
g. Place the standby AC bearing oil pump (1TGD-P-200) A/B in AUTO
h. STOP the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204)
i. Verify that the ST Emergency Bearing Lube Oil Pump (1TGD-P-204) indicates AUTO
j. Verify that ST bearing header lube oil pressure (BHDR) stabilizes at > 0.4 bar

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear

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5. ST Turning Gear
Note: The ST turning gear motor automatically starts when the 1APC-SUS-41 bus is energized.

Verify the following indications: −

Speed: 5 RPM
− Motor Status: RUNNING
− Turning Gear: ENGAGED

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

6. ST Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil System

_______ a. Verify that the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (2TGG-P-201) is running
b. Place the DC Seal Oil Pump Mode in REMOTE ENABLE
c. START the main seal oil pump (1TGG-P-200)
d. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
e. STOP the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (1TGG-P-201)
f. Verify that the ST Emergency Seal Oil Pump (1TGG-P-201) indicates AUTO
g. START the ST Seal Oil Vacuum Pump (1TGG-P-202)
h. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)


7. ST Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU)

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the ST HPU for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START one ST HPU pump (2TGH-P-200) A/B
c. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Hydraulic oil supply pressure stabilizes at ~113 bar
d. Place the standby ST HPU pump (2TGH-P-200) A/B in AUTO

ST Mk-V: Startup

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8. Bypass Valves HPU
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the bypass valves HPU for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START one bypass valves HPU pump (2HPA-P) 120/121
c. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (pump indication changes to red)
d. Place the standby bypass valves HPU pump (2HPA-P) 120/121 in AUTO

Note: To access the bypass valves HPU display, select BYPASS VLV HPU on either the BLK 1 HP Bypass
1A or the BLK 1 HP Bypass 1B display.



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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9. Common Demineralized Water System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Common Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel
are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 2:
− OPEN the demineralized water transfer pump discharge valves.
− Set the site demineralized water tank fill valve setpoint at 10.0 m.
b. Verify that the level in the site demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
c. Set the demineralized water pump recirc valves (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D setpoint at 45 l/s and place
d. START one demineralized water transfer pump (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D opens ~75%
− Flow stabilizes at ~45 l/s
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~8 barg
f. Place the standby demineralized water transfer pumps (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D in AUTO


10. Demineralized Water System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the demineralized water storage supply valve (1FWF-ACV-008) setpoint at 10,000 mm and place in
c. Verify that the level in the demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
d. Set the demineralized water M/A station (1FWF-ACV-013) setpoint at 3,000 mm and place in AUTO
e. Verify that the level in the condensate storage tank is NOT low


11. Condenser Hotwell Fill

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the condenser hotwell for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. START the condensate transfer pump (1FWF-P-3)
c. Verify the indication of a normal pump start (indication changes to red)
d. Set the condenser hotwell make-up M/A station (1FWC-ACV-004A) setpoint at 0 mm and place in
e. Place the condenser hotwell emergency make-up valve (1FWC-ABV-004B) in AUTO
f. Verify that the condenser hotwell level is established and maintained near 0 mm


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

12. Common Circulating Water Makeup (CWMU) System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CWMU System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the circ water sump pump manual valves in
b. Verify that the level in at least one surge tank is NOT low
c. Set the CWMU recirc valves (CHRD-ACV-005) A/B/C/D/E setpoints at 100 l/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) is CLOSED in MANUAL
e. Verify that the main cooling tower level control M/A station (1HRD-ACV-008) is CLOSED in
f. START one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens ~100%
− Flow stabilizes at ~55 l/s
− Pressure stabilizes at ~3 barg
h. Place one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E in AUTO
i. Set the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
j. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower basin level is established and maintained near 0 mm
k. Set the main cooling tower level control M/A station (1HRD-ACV-008) setpoint at 0 mm and place in
l. Verify that the main cooling tower basin level is established and maintained near 0 mm


OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-10

13. CT Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CT ACW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the level in the CT auxiliary cooling tower basin is NOT low
c. START one CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− CT auxiliary cooling tower basin header pressure stabilizes at ~5.2 barg
e. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B in AUTO
f. START one CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B
g. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B in AUTO
h. Set the CT generator H2 cooler temperature control valves (1ECA-ACV-011) A/B setpoint at 45C and
place in AUTO
i. Set the CT auxiliary cooler temperature control valve (1ECA-ACV-012) A/B setpoint at 45C and place
j. CLOSE the CT air compressor emergency cooling valves (1ECB-ABV-095) and (1ECB-ABV-096) and
place in AUTO
k. OPEN the CT air compressor normal cooling valves (1ECA-ABV-136) and (1ECA-ABV-137) and
place in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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14. Circulating Water (CW) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the level in the cooling tower basin is NOT low
c. Place CCW sump pumps 5A and 5B in AUTO
d. Place the cooling tower sump pump discharge pressure control valve (1HRC-ACV-037) in AUTO
e. Place the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 in AUTO
f. Verify that the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 throttle open to the INT1 position
g. OPEN the condenser CW inlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 009/011
h. Place the condenser CW inlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 009/011 in AUTO
i. CLOSE the CW pump discharge valves (1HRC-MBV) 002/004/006 and place in AUTO
j. START one CW pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C
k. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Discharge valve throttles to the INT2 position
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at > 0.4 barg
l. START a second CW pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C
m. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valves of both running CW pumps fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~1.6 barg
n. Place the standby CW Pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C in AUTO
o. Verify that the condenser CW outlet valves (1HRC-MBV) 017/018 fully OPEN
p. Verify that the cooling tower basin level is properly controlled
q. START all cooling tower fans (1HRC-FAN) 1–10
r. OPEN the vacuum pump cooling valve (1HRC-MBV-124) and place in AUTO
s. OPEN the chlorination system supply valve (1HRC-MBV-125) and place in AUTO
t. Start one CW inhibitor pump (1HRE-P-3) A/B
u. Direct the AO to start the CW chlorination pump
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing the chlorination pump for the cooling tower
basin in START.


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

15. Condensate System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Condensate System for service and verify that personnel are clear Note:
Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing condensate pump suction valves 1A/1B/1C in OPEN.
b. Place condensate pump discharge valves (1FWC-MBV) 028/030/032 in AUTO
c. Place the condensate minimum flow recirc M/A station (1FWC-ACV-020) in AUTO
d. Place the hotwell high level M/A station (1FWC-ACV-017) in AUTO
e. Verify that the hotwell level is NOT low
f. START one condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valves of all three condensate pumps initially throttle open to the INT position to fill the
system and then fully open
− Condensate minimum flow recirc valve (1FWC-ACV-020) opens ∼35%
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ∼13.5 barg
h. START a second condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C
i. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Condensate minimum flow recirc valve (1FWC-ACV-020) opens ∼65%
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ∼13.5 barg
j. Place the standby condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C in AUTO
k. OPEN the supply valves to the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B condensate preheaters (1FWC-MBV) 045/047
l. START one ammonia pump (1FWE-P-5) A/B
m. START one oxygen scavenger pump (1FWE-P-4) A/B



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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16. Closed Cycle Cooling Water (CCCW) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CCCW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the CCCW head tank level M/A Station (1ECB-ACV-002) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
c. Verify that the level in the CCCW head tank is NOT low
d. Set the CCCW ST & BFP M/A station (1ECB-ACV-017) setpoint at 3.5 barg and place in AUTO
e. Set the CCCW supply head temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-014A) setpoint at 30C and place in
f. Set the ST generator cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-019) setpoint at 35C and place in
g. Set the ST lube oil cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-022) setpoint at 30C and place in
h. START one CCCW pump (1ECB-P-1) A/B
i. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pressure stabilizes at ~5 barg
j. Place the standby CCCW pump (1ECB-P-1) A/B in AUTO


17. Deaerator Storage Tank Fill

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the deaerator storage tank for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing the deaerator vent valve in S/U (start up).
b. Verify that the condensate preheater drain valves (1SGA-ABV-307) A/B are CLOSED in MANUAL
c. Place the condensate to HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-027) A/B in AUTO
d. Place the condensate preheater bypass M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-026) A/B in AUTO
e. Verify that the deaerator level mode is in SINGLE element control
f. Set the deaerator level control M/A station (1FWC-ACV-021A) setpoint at 0 mm
g. Place both deaerator level control M/A stations (1FWC-ACV-021) A/B in AUTO
h. Place the deaerator level dump control valve (1FWA-ABV-008) in AUTO
i. Verify that deaerator level is established and maintained near 0 mm




Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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18. HRSG-1A Blowdown System
_______ a. Verify that one chemical waste sump pump (CWWA-P-1) A/B is running
b. Verify that one neutralization basin pump (CWWA-P-2) A/B is running
c. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG 1A Blowdown System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing one HRSG-1A blowdown sump pump in
d. Set the continuous blowdown M/A station (1SGF-ACV-004A) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
e. Set the blowdown sump M/A station (1WSC-ACV-001A) setpoint at 100C and place in AUTO
f. Set the circulating water M/A station (1HRC-ACV-035A) setpoint at 50C and place in AUTO
g. OPEN the continuous blowdown to deaerator isolation valve (1SGF-MBV-001A)


19. HRSG-1B Blowdown System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG 1B Blowdown System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 3 by placing one HRSG-1B blowdown sump pump in
b. Set the continuous blowdown M/A station (1SGF-ACV-004B) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
c. Set the blowdown sump M/A station (1WSC-ACV-001B) setpoint at 100C and place in AUTO
d. Set the circulating water M/A station (1HRC-ACV-035B) setpoint at 50C and place in AUTO
e. OPEN the continuous blowdown to deaerator isolation valve (1SGF-MBV-001B)



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

20. HRSG -1A

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up HRSG-1A for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing all HRSG A drains in CLOSE.
b. Line up the 1A HP HRSG as follows:
− HP secondary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-086A) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP primary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-085A) CLOSED
− HP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-091A) and (1SGF-ABV-012A) CLOSED in
− HP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-092A) and (1SGF-ABV-013A) CLOSED
− HP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-089A) CLOSED

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− HP superheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-330A) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− HP superheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-329A) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP secondary superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-094A) CLOSED
− HP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-093A) OPEN
c. Line up the 1A IP HRSG as follows:
− IP secondary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-062A) CLOSED
− IP primary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-059A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater pressure control valve (1SGA-ACV-346A) in AUTO
− IP superheater/reheater isolation valve (1SGA-MBV-058A) OPEN
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-057A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-054A) CLOSED
− IP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-075A) and (1SGF-ABV-010A) CLOSED in
− IP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-076A) and (1SGF-ABV-011A) CLOSED
− IP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-073A) CLOSED
− IP secondary reheater attemperator drain valve (1SGA-MBV-066A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-363A) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-364A) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-078A) OPEN
d. Line up the 1A LP HRSG as follows:
− LP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-047A) and (1SGF-ABV-008A) CLOSED in
− LP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-048A) and (1SGF-ABV-009A) CLOSED
− LP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-049A) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-052A) OPEN
− LP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-034A) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-031A) OPEN



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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21. HRSG -1B
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up HRSG-1B for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing all HRSG B drains in CLOSE.
b. Line up the 1B HP HRSG as follows:
− HP secondary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-086B) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP primary superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-085B) CLOSED
− HP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-091B) and (1SGF-ABV-012B) CLOSED in
− HP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-092B) and (1SGF-ABV-013B) CLOSED
− HP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-089B) CLOSED
− HP superheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-330B) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− HP superheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-329B) CLOSED in AUTO
− HP secondary superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-094B) CLOSED
− HP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-093B) OPEN
c. Line up the 1B IP HRSG as follows:
− IP secondary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-062B) CLOSED
− IP primary reheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-059B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater pressure control valve (1SGA-ACV-346B) in AUTO
− IP superheater/reheater isolation valve (1SGA-MBV-058B) OPEN
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-057B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-054B) CLOSED
− IP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-075B) and (1SGF-ABV-010B) CLOSED in
− IP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-076B) and (1SGF-ABV-011B) CLOSED
− IP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-073B) CLOSED
− IP secondary reheater attemperator drain valve (1SGA-MBV-066B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray control valve (1SGA-ACV-363B) setpoint at 560C in AUTO
− IP reheater attemperator spray isolation valve (1SGA-ABV-364B) CLOSED in AUTO
− IP drum vent (1SGA-MBV-078B) OPEN
d. Line up the 1B LP HRSG as follows:
− LP evaporator startup drain valves (1SGA-MBV-047B) and (1SGF-ABV-008B) CLOSED in
− LP evaporator intermittent drain valves (1SGA-MBV-048B) and (1SGF-ABV-009B) CLOSED
− LP drum drain valve (1SGA-MBV-049B) CLOSED
− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-052B) OPEN
− LP superheater drain valve (1SGA-MBV-034B) CLOSED

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− LP superheater vent (1SGA-MBV-031B) OPEN



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

22. Feedwater System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HP and IP/LP Feedwater Systems for service and verify that personnel are
b. Verify that there is adequate make-up water inventory to fill the HRSG drums:
− Deaerator storage tank is NOT low (> –650 mm)
− Condenser hotwell level is NOT low (> –57 mm)
− Condensate storage tank level is NOT low (> 1288 mm)
− Demineralized water storage tank level is NOT low (> 2500 mm)


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23. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B HP Drum Fill
_______ a. OPEN the HP drum fill valve (1SGA-MBV-096) A/B to begin filling

− The indicated flow to the HP drum is 0 kg/s during fill from the Condensate System because the HP
feedwater flow transmitters are located upstream of the HP drum level control valves.
− Monitor the level in the condenser hotwell during HP drum filling.

b. Fill the HP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

c. CLOSE the HP drum fill valve (1SGA-MBV-096) A/B

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the HP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-092) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-013) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

d. Verify that the HP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
e. Set the HP drum level control (1FWA-ACV-020) A1/B1 at –150 mm
f. Place the HP drum level controls (1FWA-ACV-020) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the HP drum level is maintained near –150 mm



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

24. IP/ LP Boiler Feedwater Pump (BFP) Start

_______ a. Place the IP/LP BFP lube oil pumps (1FWA-P-4) A/B/C in AUTO
b. OPEN the IP/LP BFP suction valves (1FWA-MBV) 041/048/055
c. Set the IP/LP BFP recirc M/A stations (1FWA-ACV-32) A/B/C setpoints at 20 kg/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the IP/LP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 045/052/059 are CLOSED
e. Place the IP/LP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 045/052/059 in AUTO
f. START one IP/LP BFP (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C

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g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− All three IP/LP BFP lube oil pumps start
− All three IP/LP BFP discharge valves fully open
− Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~65 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
h. OPEN the IP/LP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV) 064/124
i. Place the IP/LP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV) 064/124 in AUTO


25. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B LP Drum Fill

_______ a. Verify that the LP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
b. OPEN the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1 to begin filling

− Monitor the level in the deaerator during LP drum filling.
− A feedwater high flow alarm will result if the LP feedwater valve is opened > 60% during filling of
the drum.

c. Fill LP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

d. CLOSE the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the LP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-048) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-009) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

e. Set the LP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/B1 at –150 mm

f. Place the LP feedwater valves (1SGA-ACV-306) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the LP drum level is maintained near –150 mm



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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26. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B IP Drum Fill
Note: Initiating IP drum fill prior to the completion of LP drum fill may result in low deaerator level.

a. Verify that the IP drum level control mode selector 1A/1B is in SINGLE element control and AUTO
b. OPEN the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1 to begin filling

− Monitor the level in the deaerator during IP drum filling.
− A feedwater high flow alarm will result if the IP feedwater valve is opened > 45%.

c. Fill the IP drum to the pre-startup level (–150 ±25 mm)

d. CLOSE the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1

Note: If the drum is inadvertently overfilled, open the IP drum intermittent blowdown valves
(1SGAMBV-076) A/B and (1SGF-ABV-011) A/B to lower the level to –150 ±25 mm.

e. Set the IP feedwater valve (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/B1 at –150 mm

f. Place the IP feedwater valves (1SGA-ACV-333) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
g. Verify that the IP drum level is maintained near –150 mm


_______ 27. Second IP/LP BFP Start

a. START a second IP/LP BFP (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C
b. Verify the indications of a normal pump start: − Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~67 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
c. Place the standby IP/LP BFP in AUTO


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

28. HP BFP Start

_______ a. Place the HP BFP lube oil pumps (1FWA-P-3) A/B/C in AUTO
b. OPEN the HP BFP suction valves (1FWA-MBV) 002/009/016
c. Set the HP BFP recirc M/A stations (1FWA-ACV-016) A/B/C setpoints at 40 kg/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the HP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 006/013/020 are CLOSED
e. Place the HP BFP discharge valves (1FWA-MBV) 006/013/020 in AUTO
f. START one HP BFP (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− All three HP BFP lube oil pumps start
− All three HP BFP discharge valves fully open
− Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~187 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
h. OPEN the HP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV-026) A/B
i. Place the HP BFP isolation valves (1FWA-MBV-026) A/B in AUTO


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

29. Second HP BFP Start
a. START a second HP BFP (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C
b. Verify the indications of a normal pump start: − Recirc valve opens
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge valve remains fully open
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~187 barg
− Lube oil pump of the started BFP stops after ~30 seconds
c. Place the standby HP BFP in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

30. HP Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HP, reheat, and LP steam and drain systems for service and verify that
personnel are clear
b. Line up the HP Steam System valves as follows:
− Lead HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B CLOSED in MANUAL
− Lag HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass isolation valves (1SGG-HBV-001) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint at 50 barg in AUTO

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− HP bypass temperature M/A stations (1SGG-ACV-022) A/B setpoint at 40C in AUTO
− HP bypass attemperator spray isolation valves (1FWA-HBV-037) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− HP bypass attemperator spray control valves (1FWA-HCV-038) A/B in AUTO
− HP steam supply valve to the ST steam seal header (1SGG-MBV-047) CLOSED in MANUAL
c. Place the following HP Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− (HP-1)
A/B − (HP-2)
− (HP-3) A/B
− (HP-4) A/B
− (HP-5) A/B
d. CLOSE HP Steam Drain System valves (HP-6) A/B



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

31. Reheat Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Line up the Hot Reheat Steam System valves as follows:
− Lead HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B CLOSED in MANUAL
− Lag HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
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− Reheat bypass isolation valves (1SGJ-HBV-002) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− Reheat bypass pressure control valves (1SGJ-HCV-003) A/B in AUTO
− Reheat bypass warm-up temperature controls (1SGJ-ACV-016A) A/B setpoint at 40C in AUTO
− Reheat bypass attemperator spray isolation valves (1FWC-ABV-023) A/B in AUTO
− Reheat bypass attemperator spray control valves (1FWC-HCV-024) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO
b. Place the following Hot Reheat Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− HR-1A/B
− HR-2 AA, AB, BA, and BB
− HR-3 AA, AB, BA, and BB
− HR-4 A/B
− HR-5 A/B
− HR-211 A/B
c. Line up the Cold Reheat Steam System valves as follows:
− Lead HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B CLOSED in MANUAL
− Lag HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
d. Place the following Cold Reheat Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− IP-1
− IP-2
− CR-1 A/B
− CR-3
− CR-5
− CR-7
− CR-8


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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

32. LP Steam and Drain Systems

_______ a. Line up the LP Steam System valves as follows:
− LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B CLOSED
− LP steam bypass isolation valves (1SGL-HBV-007) A/B CLOSED in AUTO
− LP steam bypass pressure control valves (1SGL-HCV-001) A/B setpoint at 5.5 barg in AUTO
b. Place the following LP Steam Drain System valves in AUTO:
− LP-1AA, AB, BA, and BB
− LP-2
− LP-3A/B


33. Deaerator Pegging Steam

_______ a. Verify that the steam supply valve from Blocks 2 and 3 (1SGM-MBV-013) is CLOSED
b. Set the deaerator pegging steam pressure control valves (1SGL-ACV-008) A/B setpoint at 1.2 barg and
place in AUTO
c. Set the deaerator pegging steam control valve from IP steam (1SGM-ACV-001) setpoint at 5.5 barg and
place in AUTO
d. OPEN the IP steam supply valves from HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B (1SGM-MBV-011) A/B


34. Gland Steam Condenser Exhausters

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the gland steam condenser exhausters for service and verify that personnel are
b. Verify that the gland steam condenser exhausters (2TGC-BL-201) A/B are STOPPED in MANUAL
c. Place the condensate to gland steam exhaust valve (2FWC-SBV-035) in AUTO


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35. ST Steam Seal System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the ST Steam Seal System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the steam seal attemperator M/A station (2FWA-ACV-065) setpoint at 260C and place in AUTO c.
Place the steam seal pressure control in SSC OUT
d. Place the steam seal pressure control in SSC MANUAL

ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

36. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

a. Direct the AO to line up the condenser vacuum pumps for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C are STOPPED in MANUAL
c. Place the condenser vacuum pump suction valves (1HRB-ABV-004) A/B/C in AUTO
d. Place the condenser vacuum pump exhaust separator valves (1HRB-SBV-101) A/B/C in AUTO
e. Place the condenser vacuum pump standby selector in A SEL/B SEL/C SEL as desired


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37. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Diverter Dampers
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper systems for service and verify
that personnel are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 1:
− Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper seal air fans in AUTO
− Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter damper hydraulic pumps in AUTO
b. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Boiler Couple Permissive Controllers in UNCPLD
c. Verify that the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are positioned at 0%
d. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in MANUAL
e. RESET the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B



Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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38. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel gas. If the CTs will be started with fuel oil,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 1:
− OPEN the main fuel gas supply valve
− OPEN the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas exchanger line valves
− OPEN the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas heater line
valves − CLOSE the CT A/B fuel gas crossover
b. Verify that the fuel gas vent valve (1FGA-ABV-008) is CLOSED
c. Place the fuel gas supply isolation valve control in DCIS
d. OPEN the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)
e. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1A as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2A) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031A)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040A)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047A) setpoint at 170C and place
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE
f. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1B as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2B) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031B)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040B)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047B) setpoint at 170C and place
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

39. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to Step 41.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in
b. Verify that the level in at least one fuel oil storage tank is NOT low
c. Verify that the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B are CLOSED in MANUAL
d. START one fuel oil forwarding pump (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~7.9 barg
f. Place the standby fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO
g. Place the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B in AUTO
h. Place the fuel oil pressure control M/A stations (1FOB-ABV-008) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO


40. NOX Water Transfer Pumps

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the NOX water transfer pumps for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Place the NOX water transfer pump recirc valves (1FWF-ABV-001) A/B/C/D in AUTO
c. START one NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
e. START a second NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
f. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
g. Place the standby NOX water transfer pumps (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO


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41. Load Commutating Inverters (LCI)
_______ Direct the AO to line up LCI No. 1 and No. 2 for service and verify that personnel are clear Note:
Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the LCI Selection in A/B.


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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42. CT-1A Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1A for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the
CT at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. Perform this step for fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START

CT-1A Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1A Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1A Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1A Mk-V: Trips Display

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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43. CT-1B Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1B for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the
CT at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. Perform this for fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify that the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START

CT-1B Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1B Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1B Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1B Mk-V: Trips Display

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

_______ 44. Steam Turbine Preparation

a. Direct the AO to line up the ST for service and verify that personnel are clear Verify
b. the following:
− Main stop valves (MSV/MSV2) and control valves (V1/V1L) are CLOSED
− Reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) and intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are CLOSED
− LP steam admission valves ACV and ASV are CLOSED
− Eccentricity is < 2 mm
− Hydraulic pressure (HYD) is ≥ 110 barg
− Bearing lube oil header pressure (BHDR) is ≥ 0.4 barg
− Turning gear is engaged
− Reverse flow is indicated
− Ventilator valve is OPEN
− Speed is 5 rpm
− Lube oil cooler outlet temperature is ≥ 27C
− Sync Mode is OFF
− EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
c. Place the following valves in AUTO:
− Stop valve before seat drains A/B
− Stop valve after seat drains A/B
− Reheat stop valve after seat drains A/B
− ACV before/after seat drains
− Vacuum breaker

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Note: The Combined Cycle Power Plant is ready for startup using manual controls. The next step in the
procedure begins the startup.

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Turning Gear
ST Mk-V: Synchronization
ST Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
ST Mk-V: MOV Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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45. Lead CT Startup
_______ a. Place the Master Control in START to initiate the CT startup
b. Verify that the lead CT completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the Master Control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch opens STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
(at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

Lead CT Mk-V: Unit Control

46. Lead HRSG Heat-up

_______ a. Verify the lead HRSG HP bypass pressure control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint at 50 barg b.
OPEN the following valves:
− Lead HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B
− Lead HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B
− Lead HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B
c. Place the following valves in AUTO:
− Lead HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B
− Lead HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B
− Lead HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B
d. OPEN the lead HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B to 20% to begin heating the HRSG


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Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual
47. Lead CT Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. Place the Sync Mode in AUTO SYNC
c. Verify that the lead CT generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Manual Synchronization from the EMP

a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. On the EMP:
− Place the SS Sync selector in ON
− Place the SS/1 Sync selector in CT1A or CT1B as appropriate for the lead CT
c. On the lead CT Mk-V display, place the synchronizing location selector in EMP ON
d. On the EMP:
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Volt control until the Incoming Voltage matches the Running
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Speed control until the Sync Scope is slowly rotating (3 rpm) in the
clockwise direction
− When the sync scope is near the 12 o’clock position, place the Gen Bkr control in CLOSE to
synchronize the generator with the grid
− Verify that the lead CT generator breaker indicates CLOSED
e. Place the SS Sync selector in OFF

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Lead CT Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter

Lead CT Mk-V: Synchronization


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

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48. Lead CT Initial Load
_______ a. Place the Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
b. Set the Load Control MW Setpoint at 20 MW
c. Place the PF/VAR Control in MVAR CTRL ON
d. Set the MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
e. If the lead CT is firing with fuel gas, place the lead CT fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1) A/B in ON

Lead CT Mk-V: Unit Control


49. Lag CT Startup

_______ a. Place the Master Control in START to initiate the CT startup
b. Verify that the lag CT completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the Master Control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
opens (at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

Lag CT Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-39

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

50. Lag HRSG Heat-up

_______ a. Verify the lag HRSG HP bypass pressure control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint at 50 barg
b. OPEN the lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B to 20% to begin heating the HRSG



Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual
51. Lag CT Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. Place the Sync Mode in AUTO SYNC
c. Verify that the lag CT generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Manual Synchronization from the EMP

a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. On the EMP:
− Place the SS Sync selector in ON
− Place the SS/1 Sync selector in CT1A or CT1B as appropriate for the lag CT
c. On the lag CT Mk-V display, place the synchronizing location selector in EMP ON

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-40

d. On the EMP:
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Volt control until the Incoming Voltage matches the Running
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Speed control until the Sync Scope is slowly rotating (3 rpm) in the
clockwise direction
− When the sync scope is near the 12 o’clock position, place the Gen Bkr control in CLOSE to
synchronize the generator with the grid
− Verify that the lag CT generator breaker indicates CLOSED
e. Place the SS Sync selector in OFF

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Lag CT Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter

Lag CT Mk-V: Synchronization

52. Lag CT Initial Load

_______ a. Place the Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
b. Set the Load Control MW Setpoint at 20 MW
c. Place the PF/VAR Control in MVAR CTRL ON
d. Set the MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
e. If the lag CT is firing with fuel gas, place the lag CT fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1) A/B in ON

Lag CT Mk-V: Unit Control



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-41

53. ST Steam Seal System
_______ a. When HP steam pressure is ≥ 20 barg, OPEN the HP steam supply valve to the ST steam seal header

Note: HP steam pressure will increase to 20 barg approximately 2½ hours after HRSG heating begins.

b. Place the steam seal pressure control in SSC IN

c. Slowly RAISE the steam seal pressure control until the valve position (SSPCX) is ~15%
d. Maintain the steam seal pressure control valve position (SSPCX) at ~ -15% for 15 minutes
e. After 15 minutes have elapsed, slowly RAISE the steam seal pressure control until the pressure (SSP_P)
is ~0.18 bar
f. Place the steam seal pressure control in AUTO (SSC Auto)

ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Source
ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Control

54. Gland Steam Condenser Exhausters

_______ a. START one gland steam condenser exhauster (2TGC-BL-201) A/B
b. Verify the indication of a normal exhauster start (indication changes to red)
c. Place the standby gland steam condenser exhauster (2TGC-BL-201) A/B in AUTO


55. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ a. Place the condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C in AUTO
b. Verify the indications of normal pump starting:
− Pump indications change to red
− Suction valves open
c. CLOSE the vacuum breaker valve
d. Verify that vacuum begins increasing

ST Mk-V: MOV Control

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-42

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

56. Condenser Vacuum Established

_______ When the condenser vacuum is < 379 mmHga (Lo Lo Lo vacuum alarm clear):
a. Gradually OPEN the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in increments of
5% at the rate of 5% per minute. This should take approximately 65 minutes.
b. When the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are 85% open, OPEN the
dampers 100%
c. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in AUTO
d. When the condenser vacuum is < 180 mmHga, verify the following:
− Standby condenser vacuum pump is RUNNING
− Non-standby condenser vacuum pumps are STOPPED in AUTO

Note: The idle condenser vacuum pumps may automatically start and stop in response to vacuum changes
until after the ST startup and the transfer to forward flow are complete.


OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-43

57. HRSG Coupling
_______ a. Place the lag HRSG Boiler Couple Permissive Controller in CPLD
b. Verify that the following valves automatically OPEN to couple HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B when their
corresponding permissives are satisfied:
− Lag HRSG hot reheat steam isolation valve (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B
− Lag HRSG cold reheat steam isolation valve (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B
− Lag HRSG HP steam isolation valve (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B

• To monitor the coupling permissives, select PERMISSIVES at the top of the BLK 1 HP Bypass 1A
and BLK 1 HP Bypass 1B displays.
• Permissives:
− A to B side pressure differential ± 1.5 bar
− A/B temperature differential 10 C
− Drum level with in ± 25 cm of setpoint
• During coupling, the following may automatically change to satisfy the coupling permissives:
− Lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B position
− Lag HRSG HP bypass control valve (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoint

c. When the HRSG coupling is complete:

− Verify that the lag HRSG diverter damper (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B is 100% OPEN
− Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Control MW Setpoints at 50 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

58. Fuel Gas Heat Exchangers
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs are firing with fuel gas. If the CTs are firing with fuel oil, proceed
to the next step.

a. Place Fuel Gas Heat Exchanger 1A in service as follows:

− OPEN the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040A)
− OPEN the heat exchanger gas outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031A)
− Place the 1A Fuel Gas Heater (1FGA-HT-1A) in OFF
−Direct the AO to CLOSE the CT-1A fuel gas heater line valve
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the CT-1A fuel gas heater line valve in
b. Plac e Fuel Gas Heat Exchanger 1B in service as follows:
− OPEN the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040B)
OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-44
− OPEN the heat exchanger gas outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031B)
− Place the 1B Fuel Gas Heater (1FGA-HT-1B) in OFF
− Direct the AO to CLOSE the CT-1B fuel gas heater line valve

Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the CT-1B fuel gas heater line valve in



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

59. Hold for Steam Plant Water Quality

_______ a. When CT-1A and CT-1B are at 50 MW, direct the chemistry technician to report when the steam plant
water quality is satisfactory for increasing load

Note: Maintain the CTs at 50 MW until the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water
quality is satisfactory for increasing load.

b. Direct the AO to line up the deaerator vent for normal operation

Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 2 by placing the deaerator vent valve in NORMAL.

c. When the chemistry technician reports that the steam plant water quality is satisfactory for increasing
load, proceed to the next step



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-45

60. ST Startup

• The ST always starts with reverse flow. The intercept valves (IVs) open to accelerate the ST, steam
flows only through the IP and LP turbines, and the main control valves (V1/V1L) remain closed.
• The ST will accelerate at the SLOW RAMP (250 rpm/min), MED RAMP (500 rpm/min), or FAST
RAMP (750 rpm/min) rate, according to the ST surface stresses.
• If any surface or rotor stress is > 60%, ST speed will hold at 834 rpm, 2500 rpm, and/or 3000 rpm.
• Bearing vibration alarms are set at the maximum expected levels. While accelerating through a critical
speed, vibration levels may increase, but they should peak below the alarm setpoints and diminish
rapidly above the critical speed. Never stop accelerating at or near a critical speed.
• If bearing vibration increases above the alarm setpoint without peaking and decreasing, return the ST to
the turning gear.

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM

b. RESET the BOP Trip Reset
_______ c. RESET the Turbine Trip
d. Verify that all ST Auto Startup Permissives are satisfied On
the ST Mk-V display:
− Place the ST startup control in AUTO MODE
− Place the ST startup control in HOLD OFF
− Verify that the ST Auto Start status indicates READY TO
START − Place the ST startup control in AUTO START to
initiate ST roll-off Verify the following indications upon ST roll-off:
− Auto Start status indicates ATS IN PROGRESS
− Target speed indicates 834 rpm
− Control valves (V1/V1L) and reverse flow valve remain CLOSED
f. − Reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) OPEN
g. − Intercept valves (LIV/RIV) throttle OPEN to accelerate the ST
Verify the ST lube oil cooler temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-022) setpoint increases to 43C
Verify the following indications during ST run-up to normal operating speed:
− Target speed advances to 2499 rpm
− Target speed advances to 3000 rpm
Ma − Auto Start status indicates WAITING FOR SYNC when ST speed is > 2790
a. rpm − Speed stabilizes at ~3000 rpm
c. nual
d. RESET the BOP Trip Reset
Select TURBINE RESET then RESET the Turbine Trip
Verify that all ST Auto Startup Permissives are satisfied On
the ST Mk-V display:
− Place the ST startup control in MANUAL MODE
h. − Place the ST startup control in HOLD OFF
− Place the ST startup control in SLOW RAMP
− Place the ST startup control in 834 RPM to initiate ST
roll-off Verify the following indications upon ST roll-off: −
e. CVs and RFV remain closed
− RSVs fully open
h. − IVs throttle open to accelerate the ST
i. Verify the ST lube oil coolers temperature M/A station (1ECB-ACV-022) setpoint increases to 43C
j. When the ST speed is ~300 rpm, set the ST startup control at the recommended acceleration rate
k. When the ST speed is ~834 rpm, set the ST startup control at the recommended acceleration rate
Place the ST startup control in 2499 RPM
When the ST speed is ~2499 rpm, set the ST startup control at the recommended acceleration rate
Place the ST startup control in 3000 RPM
Verify that the ST speed stabilizes at ~3000 rpm

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Rotor Stress DCS:



OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-48

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

61. ST Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. Place the Sync Mode in AUTO
c. Verify that the ST generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Manual Synchronization from the EMP

a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. On the EMP:
− Place the SS Sync selector in ON
− Place the SS/1 Sync selector in STG
c. On the ST Mk-V display, place the Synchronizing Location selector in EMP SYNC
d. On the EMP:
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Volt control until the Incoming Voltage matches the Running
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Speed control until the Sync Scope is slowly rotating (3 rpm) in the
clockwise direction
− When the sync scope is near the 12 o’clock position, place the Gen Bkr control in CLOSE to
synchronize the generator with the grid
− Verify that the ST generator breaker indicates CLOSED
− Place the SS Sync selector in OFF

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-49

ST Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
ST Mk-V: Synchronization
ST Mk-V: Sync Location
ST Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

62. ST Initial Load

a. Place the ST startup control in MANUAL MODE
b. Place the ST startup control in HOLD OFF
c. Place the Control Mode in MVAR CNTRL
d. Set the MVAR Setpnt at 0 MVAR
e. Set the Load Control Load Ramp at the recommended loading rate (indicated on the Rotor Stress
Recommendation display on the DCS)
f. Set the Load Control Load Setpt at 27.5% and verify that LDR_CMD indicates 27.5%
g. Verify that load begins increasing to the MW setpoint when all holds are released
h. When the ST stabilizes at the initial load, set the Load Control Load Ramp setpoint at zero

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Megawatt Control
ST Mk-V: Rotor Stress Display
ST Mk-V: Unit Control

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-50

63. Temperature Matching
_______ a. Transfer control of the CTs from the Mk-V displays to the DCS displays by placing the CT-1A and CT-
1B Mk-V Control Location selectors in GENERAL REMOTE (location 3)
b. On the CT-1A and CT-1B DCS displays, place the Temp Match controls in TM ON

Note: While temperature matching is in progress, the loading of each CT is automatically adjusted and
gradually increased to ~75 MW. The CT load controls do not respond to operator inputs.

c. When the CT-1A and CT-1B Temp Match controls indicate TM OFF, set the CT-1A and CT-1B Load
Control MW Setpoints at 80 MW

CT1A Mk-V: Control Location

CT1B Mk-V: Control Location

64. ST Transfer to Forward Flow

Note: The transfer from reverse flow to forward flow is permitted when the intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are
> 50% open if the HP rotor stress that is predicted to exist after the transfer is less than the allowable stress.

a. Place the Forward/Reverse Flow Control to FORWARD FLOW when the IV position is > 50%
b. Verify the following indications during the transfer to forward flow:
− Control valves (V1/V1L) and intercept valves (LIV/RIV) are OPEN
− Ventilator valve is CLOSED
− Stop valve before seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Stop valve after seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Reheat stop valve after seat drains A/B are CLOSED
− Cold reheat drain valve (CR-7) is CLOSED

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: Unit Control
ST Mk-V: MOV Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

65. Increase HP Steam Pressure

_______ Set the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints at 55 barg

Note: This set is required to enable the HP bypass valve setpoints to gradually increase to 130 barg as started in
the Step 67.


OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-51

66. Enable ST Inlet Pressure Control (IPC)
_______ a. Place the Inlet Pressure Control in IPC IN
b. Set the Load Control Load Setpt at 100%

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

67. Increase HP Steam Pressure

_______ Verify that the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints gradually increase to 130


68. Enable ST Admission Pressure (ADM) Control

_______ When the ST load is > 40 MW, enable ADM control as follows:
a. OPEN the LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B
b. Set the ADM Control Press Setpt at 4.5 barg
c. Set the ADM Control Flow Setpt at 128%
d. Verify that the ACV opens
e. Verify that the ACV valves before/after seat drains CLOSE

ST Mk-V: MOV Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

69. Transfer Steam Plant Electrical Loads to the ST Auxiliary Transformer

_______ When the ST load is > 100 MW, transfer the steam plant electrical loads to the ST auxiliary transformer as
a. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the ST auxiliary transformer as follows:
− Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in MAN

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-52

− Place the SS/1-1 Trip Select in any position except 108B
− Place the SS/1APE1 selector in 306B
− CLOSE breaker 301B
− OPEN breaker 306B to reset
− Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in AUTO
b. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-4 to the ST auxiliary transformer as follows:
− Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in MAN
− Place the SS/2-2 Trip Select in any position except 201B
− Place the SS/1APE2 selector in 401B
− CLOSE breaker 407B
− OPEN breaker 401B to reset
− Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in AUTO


70. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ Line up the condenser vacuum pumps for normal operation as follows:
a. Verify that one condenser vacuum pump (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C is operating in MANUAL. Start a pump if
b. STOP any pumps running in AUTO
c. Place all stopped vacuum pump(s) in AUTO
d. Select one of the stopped vacuum pumps for STANDBY operation



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
71. HRSG Phosphate Pumps
a. START the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1A/2A/3A for HRSG-1A
b. START the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1B/2B/3B for HRSG-1B


72. Three-Element Level Control

_______ Verify that the following level controllers transfer to THREE element control:
− Deaerator
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B HP drums
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B IP drums
− HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B LP drums


_______ 73. Initiate continuous blowdown

Open the following HRSG continuous blowdown valves:
a. HRSG HP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-89A/B)
b. HRSG IP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-73A/B)
c. HRSG LP continuous blowdown valves (1SGA-MBV-49A/B)


OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-54

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 2 – Cold Unit Startup – Manual

74. Transfer to Block Load Control

_______ a. Transfer control of the ST from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector
b. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC ON
c. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Setpoint Selectors in BLOCK LOAD CONTROL
d. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate AUTO e. Set the CT1A Bias
setpoint at zero
f. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
g. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Max MW Limit setpoints at 225 MW
h. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 300 MW
i. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Hi Limit setpoint at 720 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location

CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location
ST Mk-V: Control Location

OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-55

75. Ramp Load
_______ a. Increase load as follows:
− Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load increase is 10 MW/min.

− Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at the desired MW to begin increasing
load b. Verify that the unit stabilizes at the desired MW


OP2_CCPP.doc Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM OP2_CCPP-56

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 3 – Load Maneuvering

Rev 2, 6/20/2007 8:44:00 AM

This provides instructions for safely and efficiently operating the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Combined Cycle Mode
during load maneuvering between minimum load (~300 MW) and full load (~720 MW). The instructions include maneuvering
load with block load control and maneuvering load with manual control of combustion turbine (CT) load.

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Operating at a steady state

• Both CTs are operating with equal loading
• Steam turbine (ST) is operating with admission pressure (ADM) control
• ST auxiliary transformer is supplying plant electrical loads

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

The following system/equipment limitations and precautions should be observed during Combined Cycle Power Plant load
maneuvering in the Combined Cycle Mode:

Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:
Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
ST generator 270 MW
HP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
IP/LP boiler feedwater pump 50% unit capacity
Condensate pump 50% unit capacity
Circulating water pump 50% unit capacity
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity


Standard Operating Procedure

Rev 2, 6/20/2007 8:44:00 AM
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 3 – Load Maneuvering


Perform the appropriate section of the procedure to maneuver load, either with block load control or with manual control of CT
load. When the appropriate section is completed, initial the space provided in the left column.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, and ST Mk-V) are listed
at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming majority
will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.

Maneuvering Load with Block Load Control

Maneuvering Load with Block Load Control

_______ a. If the unit is operating with manual control of CT load, transfer to block load control as follows:
- Transfer control of CT-1A from the Mk-V displays to the DCS by placing the Control Location
selector in GENERAL REMOTE (location 3)
- Transfer control of CT-1B from the Mk-V displays to the DCS by placing the Control Location
selector in GENERAL REMOTE (location 3)
- Transfer control of the ST from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location
selector in DCS CNTRL
- Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC ON
- Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Setpoint Selectors in BLOCK LOAD CONTROL
- Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate AUTO
b. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
c. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Max MW Limit setpoints at 225 MW
d. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 300 MW
e. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Hi Limit setpoint at 720 MW
f. Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load decrease is 10 MW/min.

g. Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at the desired MW to begin ramping load
h. Verify that load stabilizes at the desired MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location CT-1B

Mk-V: Control Location
ST Mk-V: Control Location

Rev 2, 6/20/2007 8:44:00 AM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 3 – Load Maneuvering

Maneuvering Load with Manual Control of CT Load

Maneuvering Load with Manual Control of CT Load
If the unit is operating with block load control, transfer to manual control of CT load as follows:
- Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC OFF
- Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate MANUAL
- Transfer control of CT-1A from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location
selector in ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
- Transfer control of CT-1B from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location
selector in ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
- Transfer control of the ST from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location
selector in PEER CNTRL
b. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Mk-V Load Control MW Setpoints at the appropriate value for the desired
total MW to begin ramping load

Note: Use the following table as a guide for determining the appropriate Load Control MW Setpoints
for the desired MW:
Desired Block 1 CT-1A and CT-1B Load
Total MW: Control Setpoints:
Full load 225 MW
700 MW 222 MW
600 MW 182 MW
500 MW 144 MW
400 MW 110 MW
300 MW 80 MW

Rev 2, 6/20/2007 8:44:00 AM
c. Verify that load stabilizes at the desired MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location
CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location
ST Mk-V: Control Location
CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control

Rev 2, 6/20/2007 8:44:00 AM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM

This provides instructions for safely and efficiently shutting down the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Combined Cycle
Mode to standby conditions using the automatic plant shutdown sequencer. The instructions include unloading the generators,
shutting down the turbines, and placing auxiliary equipment in a standby condition.

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Operating at a steady state at minimum load or greater (≥ 300 MW)

• Operating with block load control
• Both combustion turbines (CT) are operating with equal load
• Steam turbine (ST) is operating with admission pressure (ADM) control
• ST auxiliary transformer is supplying steam plant electrical loads

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

The following system/equipment limitations and precautions should be observed during Combined Cycle Power Plant
shutdown in the Combined Cycle Mode:

• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:
Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
ST generator 270 MW
HP boiler feedwater pump (BFP) 50% unit capacity
IP/LP BFP 50% unit capacity
Condensate pump 50% unit capacity
Circulating water pump 50% unit capacity
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity

• Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied before shutting down auxiliary equipment:
Equipment Shutdown Prerequisites

CT turning gear CT shutdown > 24 hours

CT lube oil pump CT shutdown > 24 hours
CT auxiliary cooling water pump CT shutdown > 24 hours
ST turning gear ST metal temperatures < 260C
ST lube oil pump ST turning gear motor STOPPED and ST metal temperatures < 150C
HP BFPs HP steam system isolation valves CLOSED
IP/LP BFPs Reheat and LP steam system isolation valves CLOSED
Condensate pump HP and IP/LP BFPs shutdown and ST metal temperatures < 260C
Circulating water pump ST exhaust temperature < 50C, ST metal temperatures < 260C, and the
circulating water temperatures at the condenser inlet and outlet are equal

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic


Perform each step of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each step is completed, initial the space provided in the left
column before proceeding to the next step.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, ST Mk-V, and electrical
monitoring panel (EMP)) are listed at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Use this procedure to shut down using the automatic plant shutdown sequencer. Use OP5 to shut down using manual
controls. Use OP7 to shut down in the Simple Cycle Mode.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming majority
will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.

1. Ramp to Minimum Load

_______ a. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
b. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 300 MW
c. Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load decrease is 10 MW/min.

d. Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at 300 MW to begin decreasing load

Note: Proceed to the next step while load is decreasing.


2. HRSG Phosphate Pumps

_______ a. STOP the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1A/2A/3A for HRSG-1A
b. STOP the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1B/2B/3B for HRSG-1B

Note: Proceed to the next step while load is decreasing.



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
3. Tra nsfer Steam Plant Electrical Loads to the Reserve Auxiliary Transformer
_______ a. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the reserve auxiliary transformer as follows: -
Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in MAN
- Place the SS/1-1 Trip Select in any position except 108B
- Place the SS/1APE1 selector in 301B
- CLOSE breaker 306B
- OPEN breaker 301B to reset
b. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the reserve auxiliary transformer as follows: -
Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in MAN
- Place the SS/2-2 Trip Select in any position except 201B
- Place the SS/1APE2 selector in 407B
- CLOSE breaker 401B
- OPEN breaker 407B to reset


4. Disable ST Admission Pressure (ADM) Control

_______ When the CT-1A and CT-1B loads have decreased to 80 MW, disable ADM control as follows:
a. Set the ADM Control Flow Setpoint at 0%
b. Verify that the ACV closes
c. When the ACV is fully closed, verify that the ACV valves before/after seat drains are OPEN
d. CLOSE the LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B

ST Mk-V: MOV Control

5. Disable Block Load Control

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC OFF
b. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate MANUAL

Note: Block load control must be disabled before using the automatic plant shutdown sequencer. After
block load control is disabled, the plant is ready for automatic plant shutdown. The next step begins the
shutdown sequence.


6. Automatic Plant Shutdown

_______ a. Place the Auto Stop Status in START to begin the automatic shutdown sequence
b. Verify that the Auto Stop Status indicates RUNNING



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
7. ST Unloading
_______ a. Verify the following preparations for unloading the ST:
- Inlet pressure control in IPC OUT
- HP steam bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints decrease to the present
HP steam pressure
- Load Control Load Ramp setpoint at the recommended rate
- Load Control Load Setpt at 0%
b. Verify the following as the ST unloads:
- ST load decreasing
- Control valves (V1/V1L) gradually CLOSE
- When the control valves are < 50%, the intercept valves (LIV/RIV) gradually CLOSE


_______ 8. ST Transfer to Reverse Flow

Note: The ST will transfer from forward flow to reverse flow when the flow through the intercept valves
(LIV/RIV) decreases to < 30%.

When the intercept valve position is < 30%, verify the following:
- Forward/Reverse Flow Control indicates REVERSE FLOW
- Ventilator valve is OPEN
- Stop valve before seat drains A/B are OPEN
Note: The “A” valve will reject to manual then open and a short while later close. The “B” valve follows
the same sequence approximately 10 minutes later. The valves will continue the open/close sequence,
alternating between the “A” and “B” valves, for approximately one hour following a turbine trip.
- Stop valve after seat drains A/B are OPEN
- Cold reheat drain valve (CR-7) is OPEN

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: MOV Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
9. ST Trip (ST Load < 5 MW)
_______ When the ST load decreases to < 5 MW, verify the following:
- Turbine Trip indicates TRIPPED
- Control valves (V1/V1L) and stop valves (MSV/MSV2) are CLOSED
- Intercept valves (LIV/RIV) and reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) are CLOSED
- ST generator breaker is OPEN
- ST load is zero MW
- ST speed is decreasing

ST Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
10. Reduce HP Steam Pressure
_______ a. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Control MW Setpoints gradually decrease to 20 MW
b. Verify that the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints gradually decrease to
~40 barg

Note: The HP bypass pressure control valves will gradually open to reduce the steam pressure to the
setpoint (~40 barg). When the CT load has decreased to 20 MW and the HP steam pressure has decreased
to ~40 barg, the HP bypass pressure control valves will begin to gradually close to maintain the steam

c. Verify that the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B gradually close to 20%

Note: The diverter dampers will remain 100% open until their demand decreases to < 85%. The dampers
will then immediately close to 85% and begin gradually closing to 20% at the rate of 5% in 6 minutes.

CT1A Mk-V: Unit Control CT1B
Mk-V: Unit Control

11. ST Turning Gear

_______ When ST speed decreases to 5 rpm, verify the following:
- Turning gear indicates ENGAGED
- Turning gear motor indicates RUNNING
- ST speed is 5 rpm

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear

12. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ When the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are < 25%, verify the following:
- Condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C are STOPPED and in MANUAL
- Condenser vacuum pumps suction valves (1HRB-ABV-004) A/B/C are CLOSED -
Condenser vacuum breaker is OPEN


13. ST Steam Seals

_______ When the condenser vacuum is ≥ 750 mmHga, verify the following:
- Steam seal pressure control indicates SSC OUT
- Steam seal pressure (SSP_P) decreases to ≤ 0 barg
- Gland steam condenser exhausters (2TGC-BL-201) A/B are STOPPED

ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Control


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

14. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Diverter Dampers

Verify that the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B CLOSE to 0%


15. CT-1A and CT-1B

_______ Verify that CT-1A and CT-1B complete the following shutdown sequence:

CT Shutdown Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Master Control in STOP, load decreases to zero SHUTDOWN STATUS / UNLOADING
MW, generator breaker opens
Speed begins to decrease, EX2000 exciter stops SHUTDOWN STATUS / FIRED
(at ~90% operating speed) SHUTDOWN
Firing stops (at ~15.5% operating speed when SHUTDOWN STATUS / FIRED
firing with gas or at ~48% operating speed when SHUTDOWN
firing with oil)
Turning gear starts, shutdown sequence is STARTUP STATUS / NOT READY TO
complete (at ~1.4% operating speed) START

CT1A Mk-V: Unit Control

CT1B Mk-V: Unit Control

16. HRSG -1A and HRSG-1B

_______ Verify that the following valves are CLOSED:
- HP steam isolation valves (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B
- Cold reheat steam isolation valves (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B - Hot reheat steam
isolation valves (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B

Note: The automatic plant shutdown sequence is complete.


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
17. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel gas. If the CTs were firing with fuel oil, proceed
to the next step.

a. CLOSE the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for shutdown Note: Perform the
following on Local Operation Screen 1:
- CLOSE the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas exchanger line
valves - CLOSE the main fuel gas supply valve



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 4 – Unit Shutdown – Automatic

18. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel oil. If the CTs were firing with fuel gas, proceed
to the next step.

a. STOP the fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for shutdown (Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1
by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in CLOSE)


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
19. Auxiliary Equipment
_______ a. STOP the HP BFPs (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C
b. Verify the indications of normal pump shutdown:
- Pump indication changes to green
- Lube oil pump starts
- Recirc valve closes
c. STOP the IP/LP BFPs (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C and place all pumps in MANUAL
d. Verify the indications of normal pump shutdown:
- Pump indication changes to green
- Lube oil pump starts
- Recirc valve closes
e. STOP one condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C
f. Verify the indication of a normal pump shutdown (indication changes to green)

Note: Maintain one condensate pump in operation until the ST metal temperatures are < 260C.

g. STOP one circulating water pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C

h. Verify the indications of a normal pump shutdown:
- Discharge valve closes
- Pump indication changes to green

Note: Maintain one circulating water pump in operation until the ST exhaust temperature is < 50C, the
ST metal temperatures are < 260C, and the circulating water temperatures at the condenser inlet and outlet
are equal.


OP4_CCPP.doc OP4_CCPP-10
Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:29:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM

This provides instructions for safely and efficiently shutting down the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Combined Cycle
Mode to standby conditions using manual controls. The instructions include unloading the generators, shutting down the
turbines, and placing auxiliary equipment in a standby condition.

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Operating at a steady state at minimum load or greater (≥ 300 MW)

• Operating with block load control
• Both combustion turbines (CT) are operating with equal load
• Steam turbine (ST) is operating with admission pressure (ADM) control
• ST auxiliary transformer is supplying steam plant electrical loads

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

The following system/equipment limitations and precautions should be observed during Combined Cycle Power Plant
shutdown in the Combined Cycle Mode:

• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:
Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
ST generator 270 MW
HP boiler feedwater pump (BFP) 50% unit capacity
IP/LP BFP 50% unit capacity
Condensate pump 50% unit capacity
Circulating water pump 50% unit capacity
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity

• Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied before shutting down auxiliary equipment:
Equipment Shutdown Prerequisites

CT turning gear CT shutdown > 24 hours

CT lube oil pump CT shutdown > 24 hours
CT auxiliary cooling water pump CT shutdown > 24 hours
ST turning gear ST metal temperatures < 260C
ST lube oil pump ST turning gear motor STOPPED and ST metal temperatures < 150C
HP BFPs HP steam system isolation valves CLOSED
IP/LP BFPs Reheat and LP steam system isolation valves CLOSED
Condensate pump HP and IP/LP BFPs shutdown and ST metal temperatures < 260C
Circulating water pump ST exhaust temperature < 50C, ST metal temperatures < 260C, and the
circulating water temperatures at the condenser inlet and outlet are equal

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual


Perform each step of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each step is completed, initial the space provided in the left
column before proceeding to the next step.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, ST Mk-V, and electrical
monitoring panel (EMP)) are listed at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Use this procedure to shut down using manual controls. Use OP4 to shut down using the automatic plant shutdown
sequencer. Use OP7 to shut down in the Simple Cycle Mode.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming majority
will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.

1. Ramp to Minimum Load

_______ a. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
b. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 300 MW
c. Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load decrease is 10 MW/min.

d. Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at 300 MW to begin decreasing load

Note: Proceed to the next step while load is decreasing.


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
2. HRSG Phosphate Pumps
_______ a. STOP the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1A/2A/3A for HRSG-1A
b. STOP the HP, IP, and LP phosphate pumps (1FWE-P) 1B/2B/3B for HRSG-1B

Note: Proceed to the next step while load is decreasing.



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

3. Tra nsfer Steam Plant Electrical Loads to the Reserve Auxiliary Transformer
_______ a. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the reserve auxiliary transformer as follows: -
Place the 43AM/1-3 bus transfer selector in MAN
- Place the SS/1-1 Trip Select in any position except 108B
- Place the SS/1APE1 selector in 301B
- CLOSE breaker 306B
- OPEN breaker 301B to reset
b. Transfer the supply of power for bus 1APE-SWG-3 to the reserve auxiliary transformer as follows: -
Place the 43AM/2-4 bus transfer selector in MAN
- Place the SS/2-2 Trip Select in any position except 201B
- Place the SS/1APE2 selector in 407B
- CLOSE breaker 401B
- OPEN breaker 407B to reset


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
4. Disable ST Admission Pressure (ADM) Control
_______ When the CT-1A and CT-1B loads have decreased to 80 MW, disable ADM control as follows:
a. Set the ADM Control Flow Setpoint at 0%
b. Verify that the ACV closes
c. When the ACV is fully closed, verify that the ACV valves before/after seat drains are OPEN
d. CLOSE the LP steam isolation valves (1SGL-MBV-006) A/B

ST Mk-V: MOV Control

5. Disable Block Load Control

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC OFF
b. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate MANUAL


6. Transfer Turbine Controls to the Mk-V Displays

_______ a. Transfer control of CT-1A from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
b. Transfer control of CT-1B from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
c. Transfer control of the ST from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location selector in

Note: The Combined Cycle Power Plant is ready for shutdown using manual controls. The next step in the
procedure begins the shutdown.

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location

CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location
ST Mk-V: Control Location


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
7. ST Unloading
_______ a. Prepare to unload the ST as follows:
- Place the Inlet Pressure Control in IPC OUT
- Verify that the HP steam bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints decrease
to the present HP steam pressure
- Set the Load Control Load Ramp setpoint at the recommended rate
- Set the Load Control Load Setpt at –5% to begin unloading the ST
b. Verify the following as the ST unloads:
- ST load decreasing
- Control valves (V1/V1L) gradually CLOSE
- When the control valves are < 50%, the intercept valves (LIV/RIV) gradually CLOSE

ST Mk-V: Unit Control


8. ST Transfer to Reverse Flow

Note: The ST will transfer from forward flow to reverse flow when the flow through the intercept valves
(LIV/RIV) decreases to < 30%.

When the intercept valve position is < 30%, verify the following:
- Forward/Reverse Flow Control indicates REVERSE FLOW
- Ventilator valve is OPEN
- Stop valve before seat drains A/B are OPEN

Note: The “A” valve will reject to manual then open and a short while later close. The “B” valve follows
the same sequence approximately 10 minutes later. The valves will continue the open/close sequence,
alternating between the “A” and “B” valves, for approximately one hour following a turbine trip.

- Stop valve after seat drains A/B are OPEN

- Cold reheat drain valve (CR-7) is OPEN

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

ST Mk-V: Startup
ST Mk-V: MOV Control

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

9. ST Trip (ST Load < 5 MW)

_______ a. When the ST load decreases to < 5 MW, TRIP the Turbine Trip
b. Verify the following:
- Turbine Trip indicates TRIPPED
- Control valves (V1/V1L) and stop valves (MSV/MSV2) are CLOSED
- Intercept valves (LIV/RIV) and reheat stop valves (LRSV/RRSV) are CLOSED
- ST generator breaker is OPEN
- ST load is zero MW
- ST speed is decreasing

ST Mk-V: Unit Control

10. Reduce HP Steam Pressure

_______ a. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Control MW Setpoints at 20 MW
b. Set the HP bypass pressure control valves (1SGG-HCV-005) A/B setpoints at 40 barg

Note: The HP bypass pressure control valves will gradually open to reduce the steam pressure to the
setpoint (40 barg). When the CT load has decreased to 20 MW and the HP steam pressure has decreased
to ~40 barg, the HP bypass pressure control valves will begin to gradually close to maintain the steam

c. Place the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in MANUAL
d. Gradually CLOSE the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B in increments of
5% at the rate of 5% per 6 minutes until the dampers are at 20%

Note: The diverter dampers will remain 100% open until the demand on their controllers has been
decreased to < 85%.

CT1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT1B Mk-V: Unit Control

Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
11. ST Turning Gear
_______ When ST speed decreases to 5 rpm, verify the following:
- Turning gear indicates ENGAGED
- Turning gear motor indicates RUNNING
- ST speed is 5 rpm

ST Mk-V: Turning Gear


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

12. Condenser Vacuum Pumps

_______ When the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are < 25%:
- Place all three condenser vacuum pumps (1HRB-P-1) A/B/C in STOP and in MANUAL
- Verify that the condenser vacuum pumps suction valves (1HRB-ABV-004) A/B/C CLOSE -
OPEN the condenser vacuum breaker

ST Mk-V: MOV Control

13. ST Steam Seals

_______ a. When the condenser vacuum is ≥ 750 mmHga, place the steam seal pressure control in SSC OUT
b. When the steam seal pressure (SSP_P) decreases to≤ 0 barg, STOP the gland steam condenser
exhausters (2TGC-BL-201) A/B

ST Mk-V: Steam Seal Pressure Control


14. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Diverter Dampers

_______ CLOSE the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B to 0%


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
15. CT-1A and CT-1B
_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Master Controls in STOP
b. Verify that CT-1A and CT-1B complete the following shutdown sequence:

CT Shutdown Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Master Control in STOP, load decreases to zero SHUTDOWN STATUS / UNLOADING
MW, generator breaker opens
Speed begins to decrease, EX2000 exciter stops SHUTDOWN STATUS / FIRED
(at ~94% operating speed) SHUTDOWN
Firing stops (at ~15.5% operating speed when SHUTDOWN STATUS / CRANKING
firing with gas or at ~48% operating speed when
firing with oil)
Turning gear starts, shutdown sequence is STARTUP STATUS / NOT READY TO
complete (at ~1.4% operating speed) START

CT1A Mk-V: Unit Control

CT1B Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

16. HRSG -1A and HRSG-1B

_______ CLOSE the following valves in MANUAL:
- HP steam isolation valves (1SGG-MBV-004) A/B
- Cold reheat steam isolation valves (1SGR-MBV-003) A/B - Hot reheat steam
isolation valves (1SGJ-MBV-005) A/B


Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
17. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel gas. If the CTs were firing with fuel oil, proceed
to the next step.

a. CLOSE the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for shutdown Note: Perform the
following on Local Operation Screen 1:
- CLOSE the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas exchanger line
valves - CLOSE the main fuel gas supply valve


18. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel oil. If the CTs were firing with fuel gas, proceed
to the next step

a. STOP the fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for shutdown (Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1
by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in CLOSE)



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 5 – Unit Shutdown – Manual

OP5_CCPP.doc OP5_CCPP-10
Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
19. Auxiliary Equipment
_______ a. STOP the HP BFPs (1FWA-P-1) A/B/C and place in MANUAL
b. Verify the indications of normal pump shutdown:
- Pump indication changes to green
- Lube oil pump starts
- Recirc valve closes
c. STOP the IP/LP BFPs (1FWA-P-2) A/B/C and place all pumps in MANUAL
d. Verify the indications of normal pump shutdown:
- Pump indication changes to green
- Lube oil pump starts
- Recirc valve closes
e. STOP one condensate pump (1FWC-P-1) A/B/C and place in MANUAL
f. Verify the indication of a normal pump shutdown (indication changes to green)

Note: Maintain one condensate pump in operation until the ST metal temperatures are < 260C.

g. STOP one circulating water pump (1HRC-P-1) A/B/C and place in MANUAL
h. Verify the indications of a normal pump shutdown:
- Discharge valve closes
- Pump indication changes to green

Note: Maintain one circulating water pump in operation until the ST exhaust temperature is < 50C, the
ST metal temperatures are < 260C, and the circulating water temperatures at the condenser inlet and outlet
are equal.


OP5_CCPP.doc OP5_CCPP-11
Rev 2, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-1


This provides instructions for safely and efficiently starting the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Simple Cycle Mode. The
instructions include starting the auxiliary systems, starting and synchronizing the combustion turbines (CT), and ramping the
unit load to full load (~450 MW).

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Returning the plant to operation after a scheduled outage

• AC electrical buses are de-energized
• CT Generator Hydrogen Seal Oil Systems are in service with the DC seal oil pumps operating
• CT generators are pressurized with hydrogen
• All clearances are released

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

Observe the following system/equipment limitations and precautions during startup in the Simple Cycle Mode:

• Prior to starting equipment, direct the auxiliary operator (AO) to locally verify that the equipment is ready for startup and
that personnel are clear.
• Prior to starting motors and pumps, verify that there is proper lubrication.
• Ensure that pumps and piping are properly vented, charged, and warmed to avoid cavitation, water hammer, and thermal
• Successive attempts to start a 6.9 kV motor will generate excessive heat that can damage the motor windings. Two
successive starts are permissible during initial starting from ambient temperature conditions. If a motor fails to start on
the second attempt, observe a 30-minute cooling period.
• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:

Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-2

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode


Perform each step of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each step is completed, initial the space provided in the left
column before proceeding to the next step.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS, CT Mk-V, and electrical monitoring
panel (EMP)) are listed at the bottom of each step in bold type.
• Use this procedure to start up in the Simple Cycle Mode. Use OP1 to startup in the Combined Cycle Mode using the
automatic startup sequencer. Use OP2 to startup in the Combined Cycle Mode using manual controls.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming majority
will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.
1. 6.9 kV Electrical System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the 6.9 kV Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that ~230 kV is indicated on intermediate switchyard bus SWYD B1 (801)
c. Verify that the tap changer control for the reserve auxiliary transformer is set at 0 in OFF
d. CLOSE the reserve auxiliary transformer supply breaker 80142C
e. Verify that the reserve auxiliary transformer voltage is ~6.9 kV
f. Cycle the bus transfer selector switches 43AM/1-3 and 43AM/2-4 to AUTO and then to MAN
g. CLOSE breaker DG11 on bus CAPK-SWG-1
h. OPEN the following breakers 103B on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 103B
− 102B
i. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 108B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-1
j. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-1:
− 101B
− 103A
− 106B
k. OPEN breaker 206B on bus 1APE-SWG-2
l. Energize bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 201B
− Verify that ~6.9 kV is indicated on bus 1APE-SWG-2
m. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APE-SWG-2:
− 202B
− 204A
− 207B


OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-3

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

2. 416 V Electrical System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the 416 V Electrical System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. OPEN breaker 104B on bus CAPC-SUS-12
c. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-12 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-12
d. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-12:
− 103C
− 104C
e. Energize bus CAPC-SUS-22 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 107B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus CAPC-SUS-22
f. CLOSE the following breakers on bus CAPC-SUS-22:
− 106C
− 105C
g. OPEN breaker 107B on bus 1APC-SUS-11
h. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-11 from 1APE-SWG-1:
− CLOSE breaker 102B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-11
i. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-11:
− 107C
− 107D
− 104C
j. Energize bus 1APC-SUS-21 from 1APE-SWG-2:
− CLOSE breaker 113B
− Verify that ~416 V is indicated on bus 1APC-SUS-21
k. CLOSE the following breakers on bus 1APC-SUS-21:
− 110B
− 110C
− 108B
− 111C
l. At the DCS displays, line up the following 416 V Electrical System breakers:
− CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-105C to supply power to Air Compressor 1A
− CLOSE breaker 1APC-52-111B to supply power to Air Compressor 1B
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-102C to supply power to Fire Pump 1A
− CLOSE breaker CAPC-52-107C to supply power to Fire Pump 1B

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DCS: 1-416V11
DCS: 1-416V21
DCS: 1-416V12 DCS:


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

3. Control and Station Air Systems

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Control and Station Air Systems for service and verify that personnel are
b. Set the control air pressure valve (1CAA-ACV-005) setpoint at 7.0 bar and place in AUTO
c. START one air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal compressor start:
− Compressor indication changes to red
− Service air receiver (1CAA-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~8.5 barg
− Control air receiver (1CAB-AR-1) pressure stabilizes at ~7 barg
e. Place the standby air compressor (1CAA-CMP-1) A/B in AUTO
f. Place the Block 1/Block 2 instrument air tie valve (1CAB-ABV-001) in AUTO


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4. Common Demineralized Water System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Common Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel
are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 2:
− OPEN the demineralized water transfer pump discharge valves
− Set the site demineralized water tank fill valve setpoint at 10.0 m
b. Verify that the level in the site demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
c. Set the demineralized water pump recirc valves (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D setpoint at 45 l/s and place
d. START one demineralized water transfer pump (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve (CFWF-ACV-006) A/B/C/D opens ~75%
− Flow stabilizes at ~45 l/s
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~8 barg
f. Place the standby demineralized water transfer pumps (CFWF-P-2) A/B/C/D in AUTO


5. Demineralized Water System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the Demineralized Water System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Set the demineralized water storage supply valve (1FWF-ACV-008) setpoint at 10,000 mm and place in
c. Verify that the level in the demineralized water storage tank is NOT low
d. Set the demineralized water M/A station (1FWF-ACV-013) setpoint at 4,000 mm and place in AUTO
e. Verify that the level in the condensate storage tank is NOT low



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-6

6. Common Circulating Water Makeup (CWMU) System
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CWMU System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the circ water sump pump manual valves in
b. Verify that the level in at least one surge tank is NOT low
c. Set the CWMU recirc valves (CHRD-ACV-005) A/B/C/D/E setpoints at 100 l/s and place in AUTO
d. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) is CLOSED in MANUAL
e. Verify that the main cooling tower level control M/A station (1HRD-ACV-008) is CLOSED in
f. START one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E
g. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens ~100%
− Flow stabilizes at ~55 l/s
− Pressure stabilizes at ~3 barg
h. Place one CWMU pump (CHRD-P-1) A/B/C/D/E in AUTO
i. Set the CT aux cooling tower supply valve (1HRD-ACV-007) setpoint at 0 mm and place in AUTO
j. Verify that the CT aux cooling tower basin level is established and maintained near 0 mm


7. CT Auxiliary Cooling Water (ACW) System

_______ a. Direct the AO to line up the CT ACW System for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Verify that the level in the CT auxiliary cooling tower basin is NOT low
c. START one CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− CT auxiliary cooling tower basin header pressure stabilizes at ~5.2 barg
e. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling water pump (1ECA-P-1) A/B in AUTO
f. START one CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B
g. Place the standby CT auxiliary cooling tower fan (1ECA-FAN-1) A/B in AUTO
h. Set the CT generator H2 cooler temperature control valves (1ECA-ACV-011) A/B setpoint at 45C and
place in AUTO
i. Set the CT auxiliary cooler temperature control valve (1ECA-ACV-012) A/B setpoint at 45C and place
j. CLOSE the CT air compressor emergency cooling valves (1ECB-ABV-095) and (1ECB-ABV-096) and
place in AUTO
k. OPEN the CT air compressor normal cooling valves (1ECA-ABV-136) and (1ECA-ABV-137) and place


8. HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B Diverter Dampers

_______ Verify that the HRSG-1A and HRSG-1B diverter dampers (1SGA-HBD-1) A/B are positioned at 0% in


OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-7

Standard Operating Procedure
OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode
9. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel gas. If the CTs will be started with fuel oil,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for service and verify that personnel are clear
Note: Perform the following on Local Operation Screen 1:
− OPEN the main fuel gas supply valve
− CLOSE the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas exchanger line valves
− OPEN the CT-1A and CT-1B fuel gas heater line valves
− CLOSE the CT A/B fuel gas crossover valve
b. Verify that the fuel gas vent valve (1FGA-ABV-008) is CLOSED
c. Place the fuel gas supply isolation valve control in DCIS
d. OPEN the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)
e. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1A as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2A) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031A)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040A)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047A) setpoint at 170C and place in
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE
f. Line up Fuel Gas Heater 1B as follows:
− Verify that the level in the vertical fuel gas separator (1FGA-SEP-2B) is NOT high
− CLOSE the heat exchanger outlet valve (1FGA-ABV-031B)
− CLOSE the heat exchanger feedwater supply isolation valve (1FWA-ABV-040B)
− Set the heat exchanger temperature control valve (1FWA-ACV-047B) setpoint at 170C and place in
− Verify that the heater emergency trip is RESET
− Verify that the heater indicates SYSTEM IN REMOTE

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

10. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to Step 21.

a. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for service and verify that personnel are clear

Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in

b. Verify that the level in at least one fuel oil storage tank is NOT low
c. Verify that the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B are CLOSED in MANUAL
d. START one fuel oil forwarding pump (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D
e. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~7.9 barg
f. Place the standby fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO
g. Place the fuel oil supply isolation valves (1FOB-ABV-006) A/B in AUTO
h. Place the fuel oil pressure control M/A stations (1FOB-ABV-008) A1/A2/B1/B2 in AUTO



OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-9

11. NOX Water Transfer Pumps
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs will be started with fuel oil. If the CTs will be started with fuel gas,
proceed to the next step.

a. Direct the AO to line up the NOX water transfer pumps for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Place the NOX water transfer pump recirc valves (1FWF-ABV-001) A/B/C/D in AUTO
c. START one NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
d. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
e. START a second NOX water transfer pump (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D
f. Verify the indications of a normal pump start:
− Pump indication changes to red
− Pump recirc valve opens
− Discharge pressure stabilizes at ~4.7 barg
g. Place the standby NOX water transfer pumps (1FWF-P-1) A/B/C/D in AUTO



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

12. Load Commutating Inverters (LCI)

_______ Direct the AO to line up LCI No. 1 and No. 2 for service and verify that personnel are clear

Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the LCI Selection in A/B.

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-11

13. CT-1A Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1A for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE and SYNCH OFF
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the CT
at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. For fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START

CT-1A Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1A Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1A Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1A Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1A Mk-V: Trips Display

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-12

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-13

14. CT-1B Preparation
_______ a. Direct the AO to line up CT-1B for service and verify that personnel are clear
b. Cycle the lead/lag motor selectors for the following fans and pumps to NO. 2 LEAD and then to NO. 1
− Turbine Tunnel and Frame Cooling Fans
− Hyd. Supply Pumps
− Aux Lube Oil Pumps
− Turbine Comp Cooling Fans
c. Cycle the lead/lag motor selector for the Lube Mist Sep Fans to 1B LEAD and then to 1A LEAD
d. Verify that the Sync Mode indicates REMOTE ENABLE and SYNCH OFF
e. Verify that the EX2000 regulator indicates EX2000 STOP and AUTO REG
f. Verify that the Soft Start Mode is in OFF

Note: If the CT has been shutdown > 50 hours, place the Soft Start Mode in ON, which will hold the CT
at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

g. For fuel oil startup only:

− Select ENABLE 88WN-1
− Place the Water Injection Enable in ON
h. Place the Master Select in AUTO
i. RESET the Master Reset
j. RESET the DCS Emergency Trip
k. Verify that all Mk-V startup checks/permissives are satisfied
l. Verify that all Mk-V trips are RESET
m. Verify that the Fuel Select indicates GAS or DIST (fuel oil) as appropriate
n. Verify that the Unit Control indicates READY TO START

CT-1B Mk-V: Motor Lead/Lag Select

CT-1B Mk-V: Synchronization
CT-1B Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter
CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Water Injection Control
CT-1B Mk-V: Start Checks
CT-1B Mk-V: Trips Display

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-14

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

15. CT-1A Startup

_______ a. Place the Master Control in START to initiate the CT startup
b. Verify that CT-1A completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the Master Control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
opens (at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-15

16. CT-1A Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. Place the Sync Mode in AUTO SYNC
c. Verify that the CT-1A generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Manual Synchronization from the EMP

a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. On the EMP:
− Place the SS Sync selector in ON
− Place the SS/1 Sync selector in CT1A
c. On the CT-1A Mk-V display, place the synchronizing location selector in EMP ON d. On the EMP:
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Volt control until the Incoming Voltage matches the Running
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Speed control until the Sync Scope is slowly rotating (3 rpm) in the
clockwise direction
− When the sync scope is near the 12 o’clock position, place the Gen Bkr control in CLOSE to synchronize
the generator with the grid
− Verify that the CT-1A generator breaker indicates CLOSED
e. Place the SS Sync selector in OFF

CT-1A Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter

CT-1A Mk-V: Synchronization

17. CT-1A Initial Load

_______ a. Place the Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
b. Set the Load Control MW Setpoint at 20 MW
c. Place the PF/VAR Control in MVAR CTRL ON
d. Set the MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
e. If CT-1A is firing with fuel gas, place the CT-1A fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1A) in ON

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control



Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-16

18. CT-1B Startup
_______ a. Place the Master Control in START to initiate the CT startup
b. Verify that CT-1B completes the following startup sequence:

CT Startup Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Place the Master Control in START STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
Auxiliaries start, lube oil pressure establishes, STARTUP STATUS / STARTING
turning gear rotates the CT
LCI energizes, EX2000 exciter starts, and LCI STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
disconnect switch closes to crank the CT
Purge (two minutes at 15.5% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / CRANKING
Ignition (at 14.25% operating speed) STARTUP STATUS / FIRING
Warm-up (one minute at 14.25% operating STARTUP STATUS / WARMING UP
Acceleration to operating speed STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
LCI de-energizes and LCI disconnect switch STARTUP STATUS / ACCELERATING
opens (at 85% operating speed)
Startup complete (at 100% operating speed) RUN STATUS / FULL SPEED NO LOAD

Note: If the Soft Start Mode is ON, the CT will hold at ~85% speed for 90 minutes.

CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-17

19. CT-1B Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. Place the Sync Mode in AUTO SYNC
c. Verify that the CT-1B generator breaker is CLOSED when the auto synchronizing permissives are met

Note: Load will automatically begin increasing to the Spinning Reserve value (18–22 MW).

Manual Synchronization from the EMP

a. Verify the EX2000 START indication
b. On the EMP:
− Place the SS Sync selector in ON
− Place the SS/1 Sync selector in CT1B
c. On the CT-1B Mk-V display, place the synchronizing location selector in EMP ON d. On the EMP:
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Volt control until the Incoming Voltage matches the Running
− Slowly LOWER or RAISE the Speed control until the Sync Scope is slowly rotating (3 rpm) in the
clockwise direction
− When the sync scope is near the 12 o’clock position, place the Gen Bkr control in CLOSE to
synchronize the generator with the grid
− Verify that the CT-1B generator breaker indicates CLOSED
f. Place the SS Sync selector in OFF

CT-1B Mk-V: EX2000 Exciter

CT-1B Mk-V: Synchronization

20. CT-1B Initial Load

_______ a. Place the Load Control in PRESEL LOAD
b. Set the Load Control MW Setpoint at 20 MW
c. Place the PF/VAR Control in MVAR CNTRL ON
d. Set the MVAR Setpoint at 0 MVAR
e. If CT-1B is firing with fuel gas, place the CT-1B fuel gas heater (1FGA-HT-1B) in ON

CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control


21. Increase CT Load to 80 MW

_______ a. Increase the CT-1A load to 80 MW:
− Set the CT-1A Load Control MW Setpt at 80 MW
− Verify that CT-1A load increases to 80 MW
b. Increase the CT-1B load to 50 MW:
− Set the CT-1B Load Control MW Setpt at 80
MW − Verify that CT-1B load increases to 80 MW

CT-1A Mk-V: Unit Control

CT-1B Mk-V: Unit Control

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Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 6 – Unit Startup – Simple Cycle Mode

22. Transfer Turbine Controls to the DCS Displays

a. Transfer control of CT-1A from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
b. Transfer control of CT-1B from the Mk-V display to the DCS by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location

CT-1B Mk-V: Control Location

23. Transfer to Block Load Control

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC ON
b. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Setpoint Selectors in BLOCK LOAD CONTROL
c. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate AUTO d. Set the CT1A Bias
setpoint at zero
e. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
f. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Max MW Limit setpoints at 225 MW
g. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 160 MW
h. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Hi Limit setpoint at 450 MW


OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-19

24. Ramp Load
_______ a. Increase load as follows:
− Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load increase is 10 MW/min.

− Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at the desired MW to begin increasing
load b. Verify that the unit stabilizes at the desired MW


OP6_CCPP.doc Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:30:00 PM OP6_CCPP-20

Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 7 – Unit Shutdown – Simple Cycle Mode

Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:31:00 PM

This provides instructions for safely and efficiently shutting down the Combined Cycle Power Plant in the Simple Cycle Mode
to standby conditions. The instructions include unloading the generators, shutting down the turbines, and placing auxiliary
equipment in a standby condition.

This procedure assumes the following initial conditions:

• Operating at a steady state at minimum load or greater (≥ 160 MW)

• Operating with block load control
• Both combustion turbines (CT) are operating with equal load

Note: This procedure cannot replace intelligent logical reasoning by the operator, especially when coping with unforeseen
operating conditions that this procedure does not address. Therefore, this procedure should be used in conjunction with
applicable safety standards and common sense operating practices.

Limitations and Precautions

The following system/equipment limitations and precautions should be observed during a unit shutdown in the Simple Cycle

• Operate equipment within its maximum loading limit and optimal range according to the following table:
Equipment Limitation

CT generator 225 MW
Fuel oil pump 50% unit capacity

• Ensure that the following prerequisites are satisfied before shutting down auxiliary equipment:
Equipment Shutdown Prerequisites

CT turning gear CT shutdown > 24 hours

CT lube oil pump CT shutdown > 24 hours
CT auxiliary cooling water pump CT shutdown > 24 hours

Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:31:00 PM
Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 7 – Unit Shutdown – Simple Cycle Mode


Perform each section of the procedure in numerical sequence. As each section is completed, initial the space provided in the
left column before proceeding to the next section.

• The various control displays that the operator uses to accomplish the procedure (DCS and CT Mk-V) are listed at the bottom
of each section in bold type.
• Use this procedure to shut down in the Simple Cycle Mode. Use OP4 to shut down in the Combined Cycle Mode using
the automatic shutdown sequencer. Use OP5 to shut down in the Combined Cycle Mode using manual controls.
• Identical parameters displayed on different screens may display slight value differences, and/or a have a slight delay in
updating. These update only when their values change by a predetermined amount. However, the overwhelming majority
will immediately update. This issue does not apply to Mark V or hardpanel screens.

1. Ramp to Minimum Load

_______ a. Set the CT-1A and CT-1B Min MW Limit setpoints at 80 MW
b. Set the Block Load MW M/A station Lo Limit setpoint at 160 MW
c. Set the MW Rate of Change setpoint at the desired MW/min

Note: The normal rate of load decrease is 10 MW/min.

d. Set the Block Load MW M/A station setpoint at 160 MW to begin decreasing load


2. Disable Block Load Control

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B PLC Selectors in PLC OFF
b. Verify that the CT-1A and CT-1B Load Setpoint M/A stations indicate MANUAL


Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:31:00 PM
3. Transfer Turbine Controls to the Mk-V Displays
_______ a. Transfer control of CT-1A from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)
b. Transfer control of CT-1B from the DCS to the Mk-V display by placing the Control Location selector in
ALL LOCATIONS (location 0)

Note: The Combined Cycle Power Plant is ready for shutdown. The next step in the procedure begins the

CT-1A Mk-V: Control Location CT-1B

Mk-V: Control Location


Standard Operating Procedure

OPERATING PROCEDURE NO. 7 – Unit Shutdown – Simple Cycle Mode

4. CT-1A and CT-1B Shutdown

_______ a. Place the CT-1A and CT-1B Master Controls in STOP
b. Verify that CT-1A and CT-1B complete the following shutdown sequence:

CT Shutdown Sequence Event CT Mk-V Unit Control Indication

Master Control in STOP, load decreases to zero SHUTDOWN STATUS / UNLOADING
MW, generator breaker opens
Speed begins to decrease, EX2000 exciter stops SHUTDOWN STATUS / FIRED
(at ~94% operating speed) SHUTDOWN
Firing stops (at ~15.5% operating speed when SHUTDOWN STATUS / CRANKING
firing with gas or at ~48% operating speed when
firing with oil)
Turning gear starts, shutdown sequence is STARTUP STATUS / NOT READY TO
complete (at ~1.4% operating speed) START

CT1A Mk-V: Unit Control

CT1B Mk-V: Unit Control

Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:31:00 PM
5. Fuel Gas System
Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel gas. If the CTs were firing with fuel oil, proceed
to the next step.

a. CLOSE the fuel gas supply valve (1FGA-ABV-002)

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Gas System for shutdown
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the main fuel gas supply valve in CLOSE


6. Fuel Oil System

Note: Perform this step only if the CTs were firing with fuel oil.

a. STOP the fuel oil forwarding pumps (1FOB-P-1) A/B/C/D

b. Direct the AO to line up the Fuel Oil System for shutdown
Note: Perform on Local Operation Screen 1 by placing the fuel oil pumps A/B/C/D discharge valves in


Rev 1, 3/11/2010 4:31:00 PM

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