Edt 180 Reflection Paper

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Alexus Miller

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180D
April 26, 2017

Reflection Paper
The ultimate objective of EDT 180 is to achieve computer literacy.

During this semester I achieved many goals to help me improve my

computer literacy. Three goals that I would like to focus on are; 1. Be familiar

with a majority of Google based applications, 2. Navigate and research the

World Wide Web for information, assess and document the validity and

reliability of the information gathered, and 3. Approach new computer-based

tasks more easily and with greater confidence.

In the last few week of this class I learned how to use a variety of

Google based applications. For the most part I already knew how to use a

majority of the applications like Word, and PowerPoint. The only applications I

didnt know how to use was the Excel, Publisher, and Photoshop. Professor

Lewallen taught us how to use excel by doing an in-depth lecture and

demonstration of excel. He taught us how to use excel spreadsheets to

organize data, compute equations and turn that data into graphs. Overall, I

think this was my favorite lesson because it helps me in other course. My

geology professor always gives us spreadsheets to fill out and submit with

our lab assignments. Before I learned how to use excel I was always doing

the math with my calculator. Now that I know how to input fractions, doing

my science homework is so much easier.

In the very beginning of this class, we reviewed how to search the

internet and how to find the most reliable sources. First Mr.Lewallen taught

pg. 1
Alexus Miller
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180D
April 26, 2017

us the different endings of a url and what they mean. For example, he told us

that, .edu is always affiliated with universities, colleges and educational

sites. Then we reviewed the Purdue O.W.L. website where we learned how to

get more or less internet results by using Boolean Operators like, and, or, and

not. To test our compression, we were given a quiz at the end. I think this is

an important skill to learn because almost every aspect of life requires using

the internet. Whether youre researching a new job, a school, or a topic for

an assignment, it is important to understand which resources are more

appropriate. Now that I have learned this skill, I can now look at a websites

url, and determine if the information is reliable and if there are any biases.

After takin this class I know I have definitely mastered the last goal.

Upon completing all the assignment modules, my confidence in using

technology has really improved. I never knew how to use Publisher until I

took this class. Looking back, I am relieved that Mr.Lewallen taught me how

to use it. In my SPE 222 class, I had to give a presentation and create a

brochure to give to the class. Armed with the knowledge and experience in

using this application, I was able to create an amazing pamphlet with no

problems. My experience in this class has been amazing and some of the

skills I have learned, has already come to good use. I really appreciate the

information presented in this class. If theres one thing I know I can take

away from this course its, computers are only as smart as the people who

operate them.

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