Reflection Edu214 1

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Robles 1

Marisela Robles

Professor Flowers

EDU 214-1007

18 October 2022


#1: This assignment was great to work on because it helped me reflect and think of the reason

why I want to become a teacher. I enjoyed writing my reasoning as to why I chose this career

path, it gave me a boost to keep succeeding every day. I would use a similar assignment to this

one for my future students, for example, at the beginning of the school year I would have the

students write some goals they want to achieve this year and save them. At the end of the year, I

will give them back so that they can see if they accomplished their goals.

#2: I had so much fun working on this assignment because it brought out my creative side. Not

only was this assignment helpful when it came to using technology but it also helped me think

like a teacher and how I would like to set up my future classroom. The software I used to

complete the assignment was Google Docs. I learned that we can add shapes and images, I

thought that the software was specifically for typing material only. As for the students in the first

grade, I would have them use Google Docs to write summaries based on the books we read so

that I can see if they really understood the text.

#2.2: When creating the award and the Event flyer brought me so many ideas to help get the

parents involved with the children's school events. The award was great to create in a fun manner

that will catch the student's attention to achieve it.

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#3: There were two parts to this assignment, for the first part it was a little time-consuming to

find all the answers to the scavenger hunt but it was enjoyable. For the second part, it was

interesting creating my own web page. Weebly has so many tools and features that I could make

my webpage feel like it fits me best. I found that it is important to store all the things you have

learned over time. I also thought the webpage scavenger hunt is a great idea to have the students

do when introduced to new software so they can really learn how to get around the website or


#4: When creating these two slide presentations, I had to use two different software to compare

and contrast them. I have used both of the software in the past but one thing I did learn was how

to add hyperlinks or attach them to an image. This a beneficial concept because it takes you to

the page you want to present and as soon as you are done it takes you right back to your

presentation. Since I am now more comfortable using both applications, I can teach my students

how to use them to create fun and interactive presentations.

#5: The application that was used to complete this assignment was entirely new to me. I had

never used Excel before but I am forever thankful that I was taught and got the opportunity to try

it for the first time. When looking forward to becoming a teacher, grading is one of the most

important tasks of the job. Excel made it super easy to insert the student's grades and

assignments and learning this was by far the biggest advantage I am taking away from this class.

Excel will be great for my future students to use so they can collect and keep track of the data

they have found during a science or seed-growing project.

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#6: This assignment was based on evaluating different educational software, after trying the

software I think that it was hard to find whether it was worth introducing to my future classroom.

Even after trying the trials, I believe that it would take more time and testing to find the true

benefit of the software. I do not think I would include this activity with my students.

#7: This activity was another fun one but it took plenty of research to learn about new emerging

technologies. I felt like I was creating a PowerPoint presentation so I can convince the school

board to fund the technology due to its benefits to the student’s learning experience. The only

challenge I encountered was finding an article on the CSN library that was up to date and that

gave the information I was seeking to complete the activity. In the future, I could have the

students research and make a presentation on a new technology that they believe will make an

impact on their learning.

#8: Learning about assistive technologies was a real advantage to me, there is so much tech out

there that we do not hear about and I learned about so many. I think that as a teacher you can

never know what to expect when getting a new class of students. With the knowledge I gained

from this activity I feel better prepared if I do get the opportunity to work with a student with a


Weebly Link

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