Mainstreet - Calgary April 2017

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6 AM MST, APRIL 27, 2017

Methodology About Mainstreet
Mainstreet surveyed a random sample of 811 With 20 years of political experience at all three
Calgarians from April 11-12, 2017 through Chimera levels of government, President and CEO Quito
IVR. Landline and Cell lines were included. Maggi is a respected commentator on Canadian
Responses were weighed using demographic public aairs.
information to targets based on the 2011 Census.
Dierentiated by its large sample sizes, Mainstreet
The margin of error for survey results is 3.44 Research has provided accurate snapshots of
percentage points, 19 times out of 20. public opinion, having predicted a majority NDP
government in Alberta, a majority Liberal
government in British Columbia and a majority
Liberal government in Ontario. Mainstreet has
been the most accurate polling rm in several by
elections and the most recent Toronto mayoral
election. Most recently, Mainstreet Research was
the only polling rm to correctly predict a Liberal
. majority government in the 2015 federal election.

Contact Information
In Ottawa: Quito Maggi, President
[email protected]

In Montreal: David Valentin, Executive Vice

President. [email protected]

In Toronto: Dr. Joseph Angolano, Vice President

[email protected]

Find us online at:

April 27, 2017 (Ottawa, ON) A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll nds Naheed Nenshis approval rating down
4 percentage points with his disapproval rising by 5 percentage points. The Mainstreet/Postmedia poll has
a margin of error of +/- 3.44 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

The Mayors approval rating continues to drop said Quito Maggi, President of Mainstreet Research. He
started at 65% approval this year in January and is now down to 52% approval. Thats a drop of 13% over 4
months. It remains to be seen if this is the oor, or if his numbers could go down even further in the future.
Of course, its also possible we could see his numbers rebound in the months to come as well.

With a largely unknown eld of candidates running against Nenshi, I dont think he is in trouble just yet.
52% is over half of the city. Weve seen Mayors in other municipalities have negative approval ratings, as
long as Nenshi is able to hold onto a net approval rating he should be ne with his re-election campaign.
Detractors of the mayor, after all, will have several candidates to spread their votes on.

That being said, we dont yet know what eect the election campaign will have on the Mayors approvals
and favourability scores. Its possible his opponents may run negative campaigns, and that even if he
ultimately wins, he does so amidst lower ratings.

Taking on incumbents and winning is not impossible but it is dicult. Campaigns need money, strategy
and volunteers - a little luck doesnt hurt either. No one should underestimate the mayor who has proven
that he is an eective campaigner and savvy with social media. The mayoral campaign is not in full swing
just yet, but we will be watching closely to see what happens next, nished Maggi.


For additional information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Quito Maggi, President, [email protected]

David Valentin, Executive Vice-President, (514) 913-5524 - [email protected]
Nenshi Approval Rating

Approval Rating Continues to Fall

Naheed Nenshis approval rating has dropped yet
again. While Nenshi started with a net approval of
+34 in January, that fell to +25 in February and +15
in March. Now, in the latest poll, it is just a single
digit +6.

Whats the driving the numbers? More than

anything else, time (usually) plays a factor in the
approval ratings of Mayors.

Thats not to say incumbent mayors cant be

re-elected again and again, but it is to say that
high approval ratings are tough to maintain.

It is death by a 1,000 papercuts. The longer you sit

in the Mayors chair the greater the chance you say
or do something that oends someone,

All that being said, its not clear that anyone

running for mayor against Nenshi will immediately
be able to capitalize on shifting public opinion. But
if the mayors numbers continue to drop they will
certainly be given the opportunity to.

Campaigns matter and when voters tune in closely

they may remember why they elected Naheed
Nenshi in the rst place - or they may decide to
place their vote with someone else.

For now, we will see if the trend reverses itself. If it

doesnt, the election campaign in the fall may
become a lot more interesting.

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