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The Business & Management Review, Volume 5 Number 3 November 2014

Behavioural segmentation using store scanner data in retailing:

Exploration and exploitation in frequently purchased
consumer goods markets
Cheng Luo, Oscar de Bruijn, Yu-Wang Chen
Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Consumer behavioural evolvement, behavioural segmentation, promotion, exploration and
exploitation, retailing, store scanner data.
Consumers treat and react to promotions diversely in terms of their promotion proneness and variety
seeking tendency. This paper investigates 589 consumers with 169678 transaction records in the US
salt-snack market ranging from year 4 to year 7 in IRI Market Dataset for exploring how their
purchase behaviours evolve in the consumer life cycle. A set of algorithms is presented to process store
scanner data for measuring consumers promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency, which are
then used for conducting clustering analysis. Four types of purchase behaviours including
Promotion averse, Bargain hunters, Opportunistic explorers, and Opportunistic exploiters
are identified and assigned accordingly for each consumer in each year. Even though consumers
purchase behaviours will dynamically and freely shift within or among those four behavioural
segments over time, two clear behavioural evolvement patterns can be identified statistically in the
consumer life cycle. In the US salt-snack market, some consumers who are initially not sensitive to
promotions will gradually evolve to take advantage of promotion to try alternatives for extending
their market knowledge. Some explorers promotion proneness will gradually increase and outweigh
their variety seeking tendency over time, thus, those opportunistic explorers become inclined to buy
any brands on promotion. In contrast, consumers who initially prefer to buy their familiar brands will
become motivated to buy any brands, particularly the brands they are familiar with, on promotion.
After a certain period of exploitation with promotions, their variety seeking tendency will gradually
increase and slightly outweigh their promotion proneness, thus, those consumers will particularly
keen to take advantage of promotion to explore the US salt-snack market over time. We discuss the
implications of these findings in terms of managerial recommendations regarding promotion activities
for retailers to increase the rate of response to promotions and offer suggestions for future research.

1. Introduction
According to solid research in marketing, consumers made more than 70% of their
purchase decisions in store(Babej and Pollak, 2007).Messages delivered at point-of-purchase
thus are expected to have the best chance to affect consumers purchase behavioursand
motivate consumers to behave as retailers desire(Babej and Pollak, 2007). In order to achieve
marketing objectives through influencing consumer behaviours, retailers select and combine
types of promotions includingin-store advertisement, value increasing sales promotions,
and value adding sales promotions. Even though in-store promotions were found to have
positive effects on sales performances, the issue of low promotion response rates is always a
serious problem confronted by retailers (Gilbert and Fackaria, 2002). Consumers have
different views and reactions toward promotions. The promotion proneness, which is
defined as thewillingness a consumer would like to accept promotions, is essential to be
considered when targeting consumers for providing sales promotions.
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In a frequently purchased consumer goods market, consumers make many purchases

during their life cycles. They select goods from hundreds of brands available in theproduct
market. Consumers brand selection behaviours are extrinsically influenced by their
promotion proneness and intrinsically determined by their variety seeking tendency.
Understanding the trade-off between exploration and exploitation in consumer decision
making is regarded as an important and valuable issue in understanding consumers and
predicting their variety seeking behaviours by many researchers (Audibertet al., 2009; Erdem
and Keane, 1996). We define the exploitation behaviour as maximizing the decisions utility
according to what is known about the market (Guptaet al., 2006). We define the exploration
behaviour as taking advantage of opportunities to extend market knowledge (Guptaet al.,
2006).Segmenting consumers for offering tailored information and promotions enables
retailers to capture the most selling opportunities with limited resources.
The purpose of this study is to develop a data mining model for segmenting
consumers based on their promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency with the
support of SAS Enterprise Miner and to find out how consumers purchase behaviours
evolve in their purchase life cycles. Even though promotion proneness and variety seeking
behaviours are extensively explored in prior research (Heilmanet al., 2000; Teunter, 2002;
Cheet al., 2013), it is necessary to collectively analyse those two research issues to uncoverthe
interaction and the trade-off between promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency in
brand selection over time from the perspectives of decision making.
In the next section, we review some theoretical literatures about brand selection
behaviours for addressing how prior purchases can influence consumers purchase
exploration behaviours. We then detail our behavioural measurements and segmentation
processes, and report and discuss our results about behavioural evolutions. Finally, we
conclude with managerial implications, limitations, and plans for future research.
2. Literature Review
Variety seeking tendency can result in exploration behaviours without any promotional
incentives (Teunter, 2002). On the one hand, consumers are extrinsically motivated to
explore varieties among brands by promotions held in a product market. On the other hand,
they are intrinsically motivated to try alternatives by their willingness to seek varieties for
learning purposes(Teunter, 2002).Cheet al. (2013) suggested that the reason for brand
switching shifts from learning purposes to money savings in theconsumer life cycle. From
the perspectives of decision making, consumers make their purchase decisions for
optimizing their material values from promotions and spiritual values from market
knowledge. When new information about a product market is received from exploring
among brands, consumers uncertainty about the product market will be reduced. The
reduction of uncertainty due to the increasing of market knowledge is defined as the value
of information (Chen, 2004), which intrinsically motivates consumers to try alternatives. In
information theory, the value of information is a function of probability. The value of
information from exploration activities satisfies all properties about the value of information
in information theory and thus can be measured by using entropy in information theory
(Chen, 2004).
In retailing, the relationship between the information search for learning purpose and
the category experience is an inverted U-shape (Heilmanet al., 2000).Information search for
learningby exploring and trying alternatives reduces the uncertainties in purchases due to

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the increase of market knowledge, which thus can be quantified by using the value of
information from purchases. In other words, if consumers want to learn then their
motivation to seek variety follows an inverted U-shape. The motivation of obtaining
information from exploration varies with consumers knowledge in a product market due in
part to consumers ability to distinguish between brands (Heilmanet al., 2000).
Inexperienced consumers with limited knowledge about a product market have little
incentive to obtain market information through exploring because they cannot really
distinguish between brands in the product market (Heilmanet al., 2000). Consumers
motivation for exploration will gradually increase since they will sample brands to pursuit
and acquire knowledge about alternatives and gain experiences in the product market
(Erdem and Keane, 1996; Heilmanet al., 2000). When consumers first enter a product market,
they inclined to buy big and famous brands that they are familiar with, in the product
market (Heilmanet al., 2000).As experiences are gained from trying and repeatedly purchase
big brands over a period of time, consumerswill expand their exploration range and try
small and unfamous brands in the product market (Heilmanet al., 2000). Market knowledge
acquired from brands sampling enables consumers to be able to differentiate brands in the
product market (Heilmanet al., 2000). Until consumers gained sufficient experiences and
knowledge in a product category from their exploration and exploitation activities, they will
become loyal to their preferred brands (Lodorfoset al., 2006; Heilmanet al., 2000). The
motivation for exploring will then gradually decrease to 0 as consumers are relatively
certain about brands in the product market and extra information is no longer perceived to
be as valuable as previously (Heilmanet al., 2000).
In this research, we adapted Chens (2004) measurement of information value in
financial market to apply in a frequently purchased consumer goods market for measuring
consumers value of information from purchases. Following the literature review, we
describe an approach for measuring promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency and
an approach for segmenting consumers in US salt-snack market based on their purchase
behaviours in the method section.
3. Method
3.1 Dataset for analysis
The IRI marketing dataset was used for analysis in this study. The panel dataset and store
dataset in salt-snackmarket ranging from year 4-7 were combined for processing. For the
measurement of promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency, the sufficient
transaction records are required for each consumer. In this study, 595 consumers, who had
at least 34 purchase records in each of year 4-7, were selected. While, among the selected 595
consumers, 6 consumers were rejected sincemore than 10% of their salt-snack purchases are
associated with missing brand promotion information. In the final dataset, 589 consumers
associated with 169678 purchase records were selected for further analysis. The number of
selected consumers accounts for around 19% of consumers who have purchase records in
the consecutivelyfour years. Consumers variety seeking reactions to promotions were
measured by their expected utility for taking advantage of promotion to explore in a
product market in terms of promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency. The
following sub-section explains the measurements of promotion proneness and variety
seeking tendency.
3.2 Behavioural measurements
3.2.1 Promotion proneness prevalence of promotion
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In IRI dataset, the information of advertising, point of display, and price reduction
are available for each product in each retail store. In this study, the data about those
promotion approaches in salt-snack market from year 4-7 were used for measuring
consumers promotion proneness. In each retail store, at least one brand is promoted with at
least a promotion approach every week. Therefore, consumers have opportunities to buy
promoted salt-snacks in all their purchases. This means that when we calculate the
prevalence of promotion, which is defined as the number of purchases of promoted
products relative to the total number of purchases, we are also measuring how prone
consumers are to make use of promotions. The prevalence of promotion is calculated by
using formula 1 as:

The total number of purchases on promotion in a period

Prevalence of promotion (1)
The total number of purchases in the period
Formula 1: Prevalence of promotion
The higher the prevalence of promotion is, the more responsive to promotions the
consumer is expected to be, and the higher the probability the consumers purchase
behaviours able to be altered in accordance with retailers expectations by using tailored
3.2.2 Variety seeking tendency - value of information from purchases
In this study, consumers value of information from purchases, which measures the
informational value of purchases made within a given period, was measured by using the
adapted Chens (2004) generalized entropy to deal with the transaction data. This
behavioural measure reflect consumers variety seeking tendency for learning purpose.
Adapting Chens (2004) measurement of information value in financial market to
apply in a market in which products are consumed fast, we generalize the I M p to
represent consumers knowledge about the product market in their purchase life cycle. In
this study, we assume that consumers can only obtain market knowledge from trying
alternatives (i.e. exploring among brands in the product market is the only way for
obtaining market knowledge).The information about a brand collected from trying that
brand is unique and independent with the information about the other brand collected from
trying the brand. The information value of trying two brands is higher than the information
value of trying either of those brands and equals to the sum of the information value of
trying each of those brands. The market information collected from trying alternatives
makes consumers to understand the product market well and contributes to the reduction of
risks in purchasing. The information value of trying alternatives is always positive. When
consumers first enter a product market, their knowledge about the product market is zero.
Their market knowledge will increase to 1 when they have experiences with all N brands in
the product market. For each exploration activity in their purchase life cycle, their market
knowledge will increase by .
I M p Is quantified as the percentage of brands in a product market that have been tried by
a consumer in his/her purchase life cycle. In this study, we assume that the selected
consumers first entered the salt-snack market in year 4. Their purchase life cycle thus starts
from year 4. For measuring consumers market knowledge, all transaction data ranging from

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year 4 to their most current purchase are processed. The knowledge about a product market
was measured by using formula 2:

Knowledge about a product market I M p
The number of brands tried by a consumer in his / her purchase life cycle n

The total number of brands available in the product market in the consumer s purchase life cycle N
Formula 2: Knowledge about a product market

According to Chen (2004), the unit value of information of trying brands in the product

market is log 2 I M p . The formula for calculating the associated unit value of
information is:

Unit value of information log 2 I M p log 2 (3)
Formula 3: Unit value of information

When I M p =1, log 2 I M p = 0. The unit value of information for trying alternatives in
a product market is zero when consumers already have full knowledge about the product
market. When consumers certain about a product market, the extra information about the
product market have no value for them and they will not be expected to do exploration
activities to further extending their market knowledge. I M p Varies between 0 and 1.
Theoretically, the more the I M p approaches to 1, the less valuable the information is.

When I M p approaches to zero, log 2 I M p approaches infinity. In that case, the unit
value of information obtained from trying alternatives is very high and consumers are
expected to do information search by trying alternatives. However, in practice, since new
consumers are not able to differentiate brands in the product market due to the lack of
market knowledge, they are normally insensitive to the brands in the market and will not try
alternatives in the product market. Consumers variety seeking for learning purpose is
determined by their knowledge about a product market (Heilmanet al., 2000). When
consumers do not have any knowledge about the product market, their value of information
will be zero even though their unit value of information will approach to infinity. With the
increase of market knowledge, the capability of differentiation among brands increases,
thus, the value of information will increase accordingly. With sufficient knowledge was
obtained, extra information about the product market will no longer be as valuable as
before, thus, the value of information will gradually decrease until approach to zero when
all brands in the product market are tried by a consumer. The consumers with none value of
information are expected to stick with their preferred brands in their purchases later on. In
general, the value of information from information search for learning purposes in
purchases presents an inverted U-shape with the increase of product market knowledge,
which is consistent with and can be explained by the motivation of variety seeking in
dynamic choice process proposed by Heilmanet al. (2000).
In this study, we measure the value of information from exploration activities by
using the quantified consumers knowledge about a product market to multiply the

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associated unit value of information. Formula 4 shows the calculation of the value of
information from purchases:
Value of information from purchases
Knowledge about a product market The unit value of information

n n
I M p log 2 I M p log 2 (4)
Formula 4: Value of information from purchases

3.3 Customer segmentation clustering analysis

Since the prevalence of promotions can represent and reflect consumers reactions to
all approaches of promotions, in order to simplify the clustering model and minimize the
error in clustering analysis resulted from the significant correlation between variables for
clustering, the prevalence of promotions was selected and used for clustering analysis in
customer segmentation. Consumers who have high values in prevalence of promotion are
sensitive to promotions; on the contrary, they will be featured as insensitive to promotions.
In terms of variety seeking, consumers who have high values of information are explorers;
on the contrary, they will be regarded as exploiters. Since variety seeking and promotion
proneness are not significantly related to each other theoretically and statistically (0.021,
sig.=0.618), four segments are theoretically expected to be identified in clustering analysis
based on consumers characteristics in both of the variables.
The prevalence of promotion and the value of information from purchases in year 4 were
selected as inputs for clustering analysis with the support of SAS Enterprise Miner. In
enterprise miner, PROC FASTCLUS, which is designed to find good clusters (but not
necessarily the best possible clusters) with only few passes over the dataset, was used to
perform clustering (Cerrito, 2005; SAS Institute Inc., 1999). Since the distributions of two
inputs are close to normal distributions, they are directly used to conduct clustering analysis
without transforming. Before clustering, both input variables were standardized ensure all
inputs have similar measurement scales. We limited the maximum number of clusters to
four, and set the software to identify the initial clusters without iterating using full
replacement algorithm. We expected the clusters to be clumped together, rather than well
separated, in which case full replacement is the preferred method (Collica, 2011). The cluster
boundaries are relatively stable, which makes the vast majority of consumers were assigned
to the same clusters regardless of the selection of cluster centers generated with or without
iterations. Since segmenting consumers based on the cluster centers generated without
iteration produced the results as we expected based on the prior theories, those cluster
centers are selected for follow up clustering. Consumers were then assigned to a cluster for
each of years 4-7 on the basis of the nearest cluster center.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Segment profiling
The distribution of consumer segments for each of years 4-7 is showed in Figure 1, in
which the behavioural segments are distinguished by using different colours. In Figure 1,
horizontal axis represents consumers prevalence of promotion in their purchases in a
particular year; vertical axis represents consumers value of information for the purchases
they made in their purchase life cycles. Consumers in different segments exhibited marked

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differences in their promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency. Consumers in the
Red segment are not prone to make use of promotions in US salt-snack market since they
have the lowest number of purchases of promoted products relative to the total number of
their purchases. In other words, with the same level of variety seeking tendency, those
consumers have the lowest probability to respond to promotions since the provision of
promotion may result in negative brand image of the promoted brands/products for them.
They basically do not want to buy promoted salt-snacks (particularly true for the brands
they are not familiar with). We named the consumers in this segment as Promotion averse
on the basis of their behavioural characteristics.

On the contrary, consumers in the Magenta segment have the highest value in
promotion prevalence and are prone to take advantage of promotions to maximize their
material benefits in purchases. With the same level of variety seeking tendency, those
consumers have the highest probability to buy the promoted salt-snacks in US market. We
named the consumers in this segment as Bargain hunters as they tend to go shopping for
Consumers in Blue and Green segments have medium level of promotion
proneness. They are differentiated from promotion averse and bargain hunters in promotion
proneness. For distinguishing the consumers in Blue segment from consumers in Green
segment, consumers variety seeking tendency plays a critical role even though consumers
in Green segment are slightly more sensitive to promotions than consumers in Blue
segment. Consumers in Blue segment have higher variety seeking tendency than the
consumers in Green segment. We named the consumers in Blue segment as
Opportunistic explorers and consumers in Green segment as Opportunistic exploiters.
Opportunistic explorers are prone to take advantage of promotion to explore in the product
market for extending their market knowledge. With the same level of promotion proneness,
opportunistic explorers have the highest value of information from purchases and thus are
highly motivated to try alternatives for information search in the salt-snack market.
On the contrary, opportunistic exploiters have low value of information and are
prone to take advantage of promotion to repeatedly buy their preferred brands. With the
same level of promotion proneness, opportunistic exploiters have the lowest value of
information from purchases and thus are not motivated to explore in the salt-snack market.

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The characteristics of consumers in each behavioural segment are summarized and

presented in Table 1:

4.2 Behavioural evolvement

Comparing the assigned segments of each consumer from one year to the year after,
behavioural evolvement among four segments is identified. Figure2 shows the evolvement
of consumer behaviours from year 4 to year 5. The behavioural evolvement from year 5 to
year 6, and from year 6 to year 7, are similar to the evolvement showed in Figure 2 (i.e. only
some of the associated percentage of change slightly differs).
As can be seen in Figure 2, around 56% ((87+71+19+153)/589) of the consumers are
assigned to the same segment in both of year 4 and year 5, which indicates that those
consumers showed similar purchase behaviours in year 5as in year 4. The assigned segments
of the rest of the consumers in year 5 are different from those in year 4, which implies that
the purchase behaviours of the rest of the consumers evolve over time from year 4 to year5
in terms of promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency. Even though consumers
change their purchase behaviours freely in any directions, two typical behavioural
evolvement dynamics are identified, which is represented by the solid lines with different
colours in Figure 2.
Opportunistic exploiters are the most dynamic consumers among those four
behavioural segments. From year 4 to year 5, around 22% of opportunistic exploiters became
opportunistic explorers, who extend their market knowledge by taking advantage of
promotion to explore in the salt-snack market. Around 41% of opportunistic exploiters
became bargain hunters, who are keen to take advantage of any promotion to maximize
their material benefits in purchases. Unlike opportunistic exploiters, bargain hunters have
the most stable purchase behaviours. Around 75% of bargain hunters consistently buy
promoted salt-snacks in two consecutive years. In year 5, 249 consumers are bargain
hunters, which consist of 61% (153/249) of consumers who are originally bargain hunters,
16% (41/249) of consumers who are originally opportunistic exploiters, 4% (11/249) of
consumers who are originally promotion averse, and 18% (44/249) of consumers who are
originally opportunistic explorers. As for the rest of 25% of bargain hunters who evolved to
be the members in other segments in year 5, 60% (15%/25%) of them became opportunistic
explorers. Even though around 60% of promotion averse is consistently insensitive to
promotions, 25% of promotion averse evolved to be opportunistic explorers in year 5. In
year 5, 161 consumers are opportunistic explorers, which consists of 44% (71/161) of
consumers who are originally opportunistic explorers, 22% (36/161) of consumers who are
originally promotion averse, 14% (22/161) of consumers who are originally opportunistic
exploiters, and 20% (32/161) of consumers who are originally bargain hunters.

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In general, the number of promotion averse decreases since many of them evolved to
taking advantage of promotion to extend their market knowledge after they first enter the
US salt-snack market. The behavioural evolvement dynamics suggest that consumers are
expected to become more and more sensitive to promotions over time in their purchase life
cycles.Similarly, the number of opportunistic exploiters also decreases since many of them
either directly transferred tobe opportunistic explorers or indirectly evolved to be
opportunistic explorers through bargain hunters. As the time evolves, the number of
opportunistic explorers and the number of bargain hunters increase. Consumers
dynamically transferred between those two behavioural segments by making the trade-off
between promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency.
In order to find out how and why consumers behaviours evolve from one segment
to the other segment over time, 9 consumers, whose behavioural evolvement processes from
year 4 to year 5 are presented in Figure 3, are selected. In Figure 3, each line represents a
typical behavioural evolvement type, which is presented by one of nine selected consumers.

When consumers first enter a salt-snack market, some of them tend to purchase big
brands in the salt-snack market regardless of the promotions(Heilmanet al., 2000).The
increase of promotion sensitivities and variety seeking tendency, which are resulted from
trying big brands to extending market knowledge, make some of promotion averse became
opportunistic explorers over time. Those consumers gradually inclined to take advantage of
promotion to explore among the salt-snack market to extend their market knowledge in

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order to reduce risks from trying small brands. Since promotions of interesting brands are
not always available, consumers high variety seeking tendency motivate them to try
alternatives even without any promotions. However, in the evolvement process, consumers
variety seeking tendency is not necessarily to continuously increase. Some consumers, who
originally have high variety seeking tendency and evolve from promotion averse to
opportunistic explorers, took advantage of promotion to repeatedly buy their preferred
brands for a certain period when their expected costs from trying alternatives exceed their
expected benefits obtained from information search(Heilmanet al., 2000). Since those
consumers still have high variety seeking tendency, they inclined to re-take advantage of
promotion to try alternatives when their expected benefits from exploration exceed their
expected costs.
Consumers differ from their exploration needs and learning rates. After a certain
period of exploration, some consumers are able to differentiate brands in the product market
and know which purchase decisions can most satisfy their needs (Heilman et al., 2000).
Around 31% of opportunistic explorers thus became more and more sensitive to promotions
and prefer to buy any salt-snacks on promotion. Promotion proneness replaces variety
seeking tendency as the critical criterion in determining their segmentation. In other words,
they became bargain hunters.
The second typical behavioural evolvement dynamic starts from the opportunistic
exploiters. Consumers are regarded as opportunistic exploiters if they have low variety
seeking tendency for learning purpose and incline to take advantage of promotion to
repeatedly buy a subset of brands. When consumers first enter a product market, they
cannot differentiate brands in the product market. Some of them inclined to take advantage
of promotion to repeatedly buy big brands in the salt-snack market(Heilmanet al., 2000).On
the contrary, consumers, who have sufficient market knowledge and a set of preferred
brands in a product market, are also regarded as opportunistic exploiters if they repeatedly
buy and loyal to their preferred brands. However, in reactive environment, true brand loyal
consumers are supposed to be very limited or even non-existent in salt-snack market. Even
though 19% of consumers are consistently to be regarded as opportunistic exploiters in both
year 4 and year 5, they also tried alternatives with or without promotions during the two
consecutive years. The increase of variety seeking tendency resulted from occasionally
trying new brands in the salt-snack market motivated opportunistic exploiters to further
extend their market knowledge from exploration. They thus evolved to be opportunistic
explorers directly or even indirectly through bargain hunters over time depending on their
expected benefits and costs from exploration.
When the expected benefits for trying alternatives sufficiently exceed the expected costs,
opportunistic exploiters inclined to explore in the salt-snack market even without taking
advantage of promotion. Their variety seeking tendency rapidly increased, which makes
them to directly evolve to be opportunistic explorers over time. While, when the expected
costs from exploration exceed the expected benefits, opportunistic exploiters inclined to
repeatedly buy a subset of their preferred brands on promotion. Only when the alternatives
are on promotion, which reduces the risks from trying them, opportunistic exploiters are
motivated to try the promoted alternatives since the expected costs are reduced by the
provision of promotions. In other words, those opportunistic exploiters became bargain
hunters. The variety seeking tendency of bargain hunters increases with the increase of
market knowledge obtained from trying promoted alternatives. When variety seeking
outweighs the promotion proneness in purchase decision making, bargain hunters inclined

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to try alternatives even without promotions when expected benefits of exploration exceed
the expected costs. Thus, they became opportunistic explorers over time. While, if the
expected costs of trying promoted alternatives exceed the expected benefits, bargain hunters
inclined to repeatedly buy a subset of their preferred brands even without promotions for a
certain period, which results in a decreased promotion proneness and variety seeking
tendency if new brands are introduced to the product market. As for some of those bargain
hunters with high variety seeking tendency, in this circumstances, they also became
opportunistic explorers when their promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency are
slightly decreased. Their exploration activities are resumed when their expected exploration
benefits exceed their expected exploration costs.
5. Conclusions and recommendations
This study segments consumers into four segments as Promotion averse,
Opportunistic explorers, Opportunistic exploiters, and Bargain hunters in terms of
their promotion proneness and variety seeking tendency. In order to increase response rate
of promotions, providing the tailored promotions for consumers in each segment based on
their purchase behaviours is necessary. Among those four behavioural segments, promotion
averse is not the target of retailers for providing promotions. On the contrary, any
promotions are suggested to be provided for the bargain hunters since they incline to take
advantage of promotions to optimize their monetary value in purchases. Bargain hunters are
the main target for retailers to satisfy marketing needs by using marketing interventions.
Opportunistic explorers incline to extend their market knowledge from trying alternatives
on promotion. Any promotions about the new brands/products are thus suggested to be
provided to opportunistic explorers. The promotions of new brands/ products are expected
to be able to motivate them to explore among brands with less expected costs. However,
since some opportunistic explorers may repeatedly purchase their favourite brands for
ascertain period, the promotions of their preferred brands are also suggested to be provided.
Similarly, the promotions of opportunistic exploiters preferred brands are suggested to be
provided to them since they prefer to stick with their current best choices on promotion.
Those promotions are expected to motivate them to buy their preferred brands/products
with less cost and thus will increase the sales of the brands/products.
Even though the behavioural evolvement dynamics are identified and the general
probabilities of behavioural evolvement from one segment to the other are suggested in this
study, we still cannot precisely predict consumers purchase behaviours in the future. In
order to overcome this limitation, a predictive modelling will be developed for predicting
consumers purchase behaviours by using their associated promotion proneness and variety
seeking tendency. The behavioural evolvement dynamics and the predictive modeling in
other product markets will also be explored to find out how generalize the identified
behavioural evolvement dynamics and the developed predictive modeling in salt-snack
market are in future research.
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