Sources of Information

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The passage discusses the information timeline and how the type of information available about an event changes over time from immediate reports to in-depth scholarly articles. It also outlines the typical sources, audiences and tools used to find information at different stages.

The passage discusses background information resources, almanacs, bibliographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, tables, magazines, trade journals and scholarly journals as different types of information sources.

Popular magazines are intended for a general audience and focus on recent popular topics with limited depth. Trade journals report on news, trends and products for professionals in a field without original research. Scholarly journals contain in-depth peer-reviewed articles on research contributions for experts in a discipline.

Information timeline

When searching for information, it is always wise to keep in mind the

information timeline. It is very easy to find plenty of books and
encyclopedia articles on ancient Egypt, the Great Depression, and World
War II. Finding information and scholarly articles about the Islamic State
insurgency and the most recent ebola outbreak is going to be somewhat
more difficult.

Tim Day of Weeks Months

Days later Years later
e: event later later


Television, Newspapers,
radio, web TV, radio, web

Trade Scholarly
Popular and magazines and journals,
mass market scholarly books,
magazines journals conference
sources such as

Type General: who, Varies, some Still in Research In-depth

of what, where articles include reporting stage, results, detailed coverage of a
infor (usually not analysis, general, and theoretical topic, edited
matio why) statistics, editorial, discussion compilations of
n photographs, opinions, scholarly
editorials, statistics, Bibliography articles relating
opinions photographs available at this
Usually no stage to a topic
bibliography at
this stage General
giving factual

Autho Journalists Journalists Journalists: Specialists and Specialists and

r usually not scholars in the scholars in the
specialists in field field

Audie General public General public General public Scholar, General public
nce to specialists, to specialists
knowledgeable students
layperson Scholars,

Locati Web search Web search Web search General and Library
ng tools, social tools, tools, subject-specific catalog, general
tools networks newspaper and newspaper and databases and subject-
periodical periodical specific
databases databases databases
Types of information sources
Information can come from virtually anywhere media, blogs, personal
experiences, books, journal and magazine articles, expert opinions,
encyclopedias, and web pages and the type of information you need
will change depending on the question you are trying to answer. Look at
the following sources of information. Notice the similarities between


Academic journal





Web site

Background information resources

Background information resources give general information about a
variety of topics. These are often considered to be general reference
sources, meaning that they provide basic facts and knowledge that can
be used as a foundation for one's research. A little time spent in
background information resources can save a tremendous amount of
time when searching in databases and more subject-specific resources.

Almanacs are publications containing useful facts and statistical
information; usually published annually. Some almanacs are general, like
the Book of Facts in MasterFILE Premier from EBSCOhost while others
are subject-specific, such as Astronomical Almanac Online . Search
Addison for Almanacs to see a listing.

Bibliographies are lists of books, articles, and other materials about a
particular subject or by a particular author. Entries in this list usually
follow a specified format such as the APA or CBE style guides and are
sometimes accompanied by an annotation. A bibliography is generally
found at the end of a book or article, but may comprise the entire article
or book in and of itself. Search Addison by subject for your topic and
include the term bibliography to find examples. You can search entries
from bibliographies in Summon to see if we have access to the source.

Biographical resources
Biographical resources include encyclopedic entries, articles, books, and
videos about a person, group, or organization. They provide historical
information about a person, lists of authored works, relationships to other
people and groups. and analysis of impact on a field. Search Addison by
subject for your topic and include the termbiography to find sources.
Many subject-specific databases provide biographies; check their
advanced search screen for limiting options.

Dictionaries can be both lists of words and definition and also
alphabetical lists of entries on a topic. Similar to encyclopedias, these
subject-specific dictionaries provide overview articles in a field, though
not necessarily in as much depth, or with a bibliographic list of
references. Search Addison by subject for your topic with the
termdictionaries for sources.

Directories are lists of persons or organizations that are systematically
arranged. They typically provide addresses and affiliations for
individuals and addresses, officers, functions, and similar data for
organizations. Use these to compare organizations or to locate contact
information to ask for information directly from the source.

Encyclopedias provide short entries or essays on topics and typically
include a short bibliography of references for further research. Most are
subject-specific ones like or .

Handbooks provide short entries or chapters on a topic, offering practical
guidance or "how-to" instructions. Examples include the CRC Handbook
of Chemistry and Physics, ADA Nutrition Care Manual , and Elsevier
Handbooks in Economics .

Statistical sources
Statistics can be used to verify your position or support an assertion in
your research. Almanacs may offer some statistical information, but
statistical sources will provide more in-depth coverage. Examples
include the Statistical abstract of the United Statesand International
Monetary Fund eLibrary .

Thesauruses provide lists of terms and synonyms. Examples can be
both basic English language thesauruses, like Roget's Thesaurus, that
provide synonyms for common English words, and subject-specific
thesauruses, that provide official lists of terms (or controlled vocabulary)
used in a field, such as the Thesaurus of psychological index terms.
Many databases provide thesaurus lookup capabilities for searching
their subject or descriptor index-searches. Use these to determine the
correct/official term used to describe a topic in that database or field.

Primary, secondary, and tertiary sources

When searching for information on a topic, it is important to understand
the value of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.

Primary sources allow researchers to get as close as possible to

original ideas, events, and empirical research as possible. Such sources
may include creative works, first hand or contemporary accounts of
events, and the publication of the results of empirical observations or
research. We list sources for historical primary documents.

Secondary sources analyze, review, or summarize information in

primary resources or other secondary resources. Even sources
presenting facts or descriptions about events are secondary unless they
are based on direct participation or observation. Moreover, secondary
sources often rely on other secondary sources and standard disciplinary
methods to reach results, and they provide the principle sources of
analysis about primary sources.

Tertiary sources provide overviews of topics by synthesizing

information gathered from other resources. Tertiary resources often
provide data in a convenient form or provide information with context by
which to interpret it.

The distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources can be

ambiguous. An individual document may be a primary source in one
context and a secondary source in another. Encyclopedias are typically
considered tertiary sources, but a study of how encyclopedias have
changed on the Internet would use them as primary sources. Time is a
defining element.

While these definitions are clear, the lines begin to blur in the different
discipline areas.
In the humanities and social sciences, primary sources are the direct evidence or first-hand accounts of
events without secondary analysis or interpretation. A primary source is a work that was created or written
contemporary with the period or subject being studied. Secondary sources analyze or interpret historical
events or creative works.

Primary sources
Original works of art
Works of literature

A primary source is an original document containing firsthand information about a topic. Different fields
of study may use different types of primary sources.

Secondary sources
Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies (used to locate a secondary source)
Journal articles

A secondary source contains commentary on or discussion about a primary source. The most important
feature of secondary sources is that they offer an interpretation of information gathered from primary

Tertiary sources

A tertiary source presents summaries or condensed versions of materials, usually with references back
to the primary and/or secondary sources. They can be a good place to look up facts or get a general
overview of a subject, but they rarely contain original material.





Political science

In the sciences, primary sources are documents that provide full description of the original research. For
example, a primary source would be a journal article where scientists describe their research on the
genetics of tobacco plants. A secondary source would be an article commenting or analyzing the
scientists' research on tobacco.

Primary sources
Conference proceedings
Lab notebooks
Technical reports
Theses and dissertations

These are where the results of original research are usually first published in the sciences. This makes
them the best source of information on cutting edge topics. However the new ideas presented may not be
fully refined or validated yet.

Secondary sources
These tend to summarize the existing state of knowledge in a field at the time of publication. Secondary
sources are good to find comparisons of different ideas and theories and to see how they may have
changed over time.

Tertiary sources

These types of sources present condensed material, generally with references back to the primary and/or
secondary literature. They can be a good place to look up data or to get an overview of a subject, but they
rarely contain original material.



Agriculture Conference paper on tobac

Chemistry Chemical patent

Physics Einstein's diary

Magazines, trade journals, and scholarly

Periodicals are usually separated into several major groups: popular,
trade, and scholarly. If you are able to recognize the differences between
these sources, you can focus your research to retrieve only the type of
information you need.
Popular magazines like People, Sports Illustrated, and Rolling
Stone can be good sources for articles on recent events or pop-culture
topics, while Harpers, Scientific American, and The New Republic will
offer more in-depth articles on a wider range of subjects. These articles
are geared towards readers who, although not experts, are
knowledgeable about the issues presented.
Trade journals are geared towards professionals in a discipline. They
report news and trends in a field, but not original research. They may
provide product or service reviews, job listings, and advertisements.
Scholarly journals provider articles of interest to experts or researchers
in a discipline. An editorial board of respected scholars (peers) reviews
all articles submitted to a journal. They decide if the article provides a
noteworthy contribution to the field and should be published. There are
typically little or no advertisements. Articles published in scholarly will
include a list of references.
Peer review is a widely accepted indicator of quality scholarship in a
discipline or field. Peer-reviewed (or refereed) journals are scholarly
journals that only publish articles that have passed through this review
process. See also our FAQ on how to find peer-reviewed articles.

Trade journal Academic journal


Article Eating Green Is Local Better? Evidence for most and

title least fattening local
Discusses The author reports that eating: customs from
Summary environmentally eating local at the basic individuals' reports in
conscious eating level makes sense their culture's terms
choices. Consumers can because fewer food
choose organic options, miles, or the distance The least fattening
purchase locally grown food travels before it patterns of behavior can
foods, and walk or bike reaches the consumer, be identified in a
to farmers markets to equal fewer emissions. culture's own words.
help reduce their carbon

General public Practitioners Researchers working in

the field

Bibliograp No Sometimes Yes


More of an Articles will be Long and very

overview of interest to those focused
Current events working in that field Will have a very
Article General interest Purpose will be specialized vocabulary
articles to offer advice and tips Article structure
to those in the trade will usually contain
Structure abstract, literature
review, methodology,
results, conclusion,

Magazine editor Magazine editor and Editorial board/ scholars

Review possibly a board in the field

Journalist or specialist Someone working in the Researcher/ export in

field the field

Glossy Glossy Lengthy articles

Many graphics Advertising Often includes
Many specific to that trade charts, graphs, statistics
advertisements Little or no

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