English9 - Q1 - W2 - Mod2 - Use - Interjection in Conveying Meaning - v3

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Quarter 1, Wk. 2 - Module 2
Use Interjections in Conveying Meaning

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

English- Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode

Quarter 1, Wk 2 - Module 2: Interjections in Conveying Meaning

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Iligan City

Schools Division Superintendent: Roy Angelo L. Gazo, PhD.,CESO V



Content and Language Evaluators: FROILAN D.ESCALANTE, JEAN T. WALID
Design and Lay-out Evaluators: JOAN A. ENAD
Illustrator/Layout Artist: REZZEL MAE A. MONTECILLO

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Quarter 1, Wk.2 - Module 2
Using Interjections to Convey Meaning

This instructional material is collaboratively developed and reviewed by

select teachers, school heads, Division English Coordinator of the Department
of Education - Division of Iligan City. We encourage teachers and other
education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education-Iligan City Division at
[email protected] or Telefax: (063)221-6069.

Your feedback and recommendations are highly valued.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents

What This Module is About ........................................................................................................... v

What I Need to Know..................................................................................................................... v

How to Learn from this Module ................................................................................................... v

Icons of this Module ...................................................................................................................... vi

What I Know.................................................................................................................................. . vii

Lesson 1:

Use Interjections to Convey Meaning ................................................................................... 1

What I Need to Know .......................................................................................... 1

What’s In ............................................................................................................... 3

What’s New ......................................................................................................... 5

What Is It .............................................................................................................. 6

What’s More …. ................................................................................................... 8

What I Have Learned .......................................................................................... 11

What I Can Do...................................................................................................... 12

Assessment: (Post-Test).................................................................................................. 13

Key to Answers ......................................................................................................................... 15

References.................................................................................................................................. 19

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will learn more about interjections and the meaning they
convey. It also provides the students with the opportunity to develop their competence
in using interjections through interactive activities. The variety of communicative
activities will help develop learner’s critical thinking and reasoning skills, at the same
time, enhance their speaking, reading and writing skills.

After working on this module you will be able to use interjections to convey
meaning (EN9G-Ib-18). Specifically, you will be able to:

1. Identify what is an interjection;

2. Give examples of interjections;
3. Punctuate sentences correctly;
4. Use interjections appropriately;
5. Construct sentences and paragraphs using appropriate interjections;
6. Learn to convey the indicated emotions in a sentence or in any situations using

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:

• Take time to read, understand and follow the instructions given and enjoy
answering all the activities and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the


What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,

meant specifically to gauge prior related


What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that

of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented

to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-

standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to

master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and

applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know

Before starting with this module, let us see what you already know about

Interjections. Answer the questions below.

Test 1. Directions: Read the following sentences and identify the Interjection. Write
your answer on your English notebook.

1. Hi, I'm so happy that you could make it to my debut party.

2. Wow! You look great today.

3. That was the best performance that I had ever seen, bravo!

4. I can't believe you broke my favorite doll, bah.

5. Hmm, I wonder where I put my phone and wallet?

6. Eureka, I've struck gold!

7. "Shoo, go away!" shouted the little girl when she saw the cat licking milk from
her glass.

8. I guess that's the end of the movie, darn.

9. Stop! You should always wear a helmet when riding a bike.

10. Yippee, I made this picture all by myself.

Test 2. Directions: Choose the most appropriate Interjection to convey meaning in

the sentences. Write your answer on your English notebook.

1. ______________, why didn't you hold the door for me?

A. Bingo B. Great C. Seriously D. Wow

2. ______________, I'm so happy that you decided to visit this summer.

A. Dam B. Dang C. Geez D. Goodness

3. ______________, it's not every day that you see a dog riding a skateboard.
A. Bingo B. Wow C. Yay D. Yippee

4. ___________, He probably cheated to make such good grades.

A. Oh B. Humph C. Incredible D. Yippee

5. ______________! How can you possibly agree with that point of view?
A. Alas B. Darn C. Great D. Well

6. ______________! You just gave me a great idea.

A. Bingo B. Eh C. Hmmm D. Huh

7. ______________, You finally got your master’s degree!

A. Alas B. Congrats C. Hello D. Oh dear

8. I couldn’t believe that I finally got an A on my performance, ____________!

A. Hello B. Hmmm C. Incredible D. Move

9. ______________, my favorite actor is doing great in his acting.

A. Ah B. Ouch C. Urgg D. Yay

10. _______! How dare you slap my face!
B. Ouch B. Surprise C. Great D. Yay

Test 3.Directions: Match the sentence in column A to the feeling being expressed in
column B. Write your answer on your English notebook.

_____1. Ah, that feels good. A. Agreement

_____2. Wow! I didn’t expect you can do it. B. Amaze

_____3. Oh! I’ve got a toothache. C. Distress

_____4. Well, what did he say? D. Greeting .

_____5. Hello, John. How are you today? Hesitation or Agreement

_____6. Hmmm, I’m not so sure. F. Introducing a remark

_____7. Alright! I agree with you! G. Pain

_____8. Great! What a superb performance. H. Pity

_____9. Alas! What shall I do? I. Pleasure

_____10. Oh dear! Does it hurt? J. Surprise

Interjections in Conveying
Lesson Meaning

What’s In

Task 1. Picture Talk: Interject Life with Fun

Directions: Study the following photos and find out what emotion/s are being
demonstrated in each picture.




By now, you have noticed that the pictures convey meaning and they also
suggest certain emotions like sadness and guilt that the boy feels over the breaking of
the vase, or that feeling of happiness during graduation, and the fear or scary feeling
that the boy experiences while being chased by the dog.

What’s New

Task 2. How Are You Feeling?

Directions: Look at the emoticons. Identify the idea or emotion each emoji
describes. You can find the answers in the emoticon word list in the box below. Write
your answer on your English notebook. Number 1 is done for you.

Emoticon Word List

excited sad surprised
tired scared quiet
happy nervous annoyed
embarrassed goofy cool

1. Happy 2. _________ 3. ________

4. ___________ 5. ___________ 6. __________

7.__________ 8. __________ 9. __________

10._________ 11. _________ 12._______

Which of the following emoticons best describe your feelings today? (Pick a
number/s) Explain why? Write your answer inside the box.

Based on the given emoticons, you can use Interjections in conveying meaning.

What Is It

Interjection is an abrupt remark or an exclamation, especially as a part of

speech. It is a word that expresses some strong or sudden emotion. It may express
delight, disgust, contempt, pain, assent, joy, impatience, surprise, sorrow, wonder,
regret, and many other emotions, either strong or mild.

For example, the emoticon suggests a feeling of being sleepy and

tired. So, if that emoticon be expressed in a statement, you can use interjections such
as: Gosh, I’m sleepy! Or I’m so tired. Geez! Either way you want it so long as you are
conveying a sleepy or tired emotion.

TASK 3: Literature (Poem Reading)

Interjections are also fun ways of adding spice to both oral and written speech.
Without interjections, life would be less exciting. So, to add some dash of excitement
and humor, read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. If you
experience the same way. Just laugh, smile, and giggle all you want after reading.

by: Sofia Pablo

Oh! Medicine, the grossest thing to me;

It doesn’t taste like ice cream or sweet, sweet candy.

It makes me cry, it makes me slouch

When I swallow it too hard, I say – OUCH!

I can say NO, but then my Mama would say, “You listen to me

Or get sick and have it your way!”

I tell her “fine” then she shouts, “Well I never!”

She tells me I’m naughty and a little bit clever.

She makes tuna casserole and puts them in it;

I tell her, “I know your scheme Mama, I won’t eat a bit!”

She pinches, scolds me, and starts to cry; And then I start to say,

“Oh my, oh my!”

I comfort her and say, “I’ll do it, I’m in.”

She jumps for joy and shouts,


1. Who is narrating in the poem?

2. How does the speaker describe the taste of a medicine?
3. How does each interjection help intensify the emotions felt by the speaker?
4. What advise can you give to your younger brother or sisters regarding in
taking medicines?
5. Complete the table by enumerating the interjections used in the poem. Tell
what emotion each interjection suggests.

Interjections found Line/s from the poem Emotion/s or feeling/s it
in the poem expresses?


You have learned that an interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the
emotion or feeling of the author. These words or phrases can stand alone, or be placed
before or after a sentence. Many times, as within the examples of interjections, you'll
notice many interjections are followed by an exclamation point. Interjections are also
considered exclamations. An exclamation usually follows an interjection, or comes at
the end of an exclamatory sentence.

Depending on the emotions being conveyed by a sentence, interjections can be

expressed in a variety of ways. Some of those ways include:

• Exclamation point (for expressing strong emotion)

Hey! Stop playing tricks on me!
Ouch! That hurts!
• Comma or ellipses (for expressing weaker emotion)
Well, it’s time to move forward.
Man…it does not look good.
• Question mark (for expressing disbelief or uncertainty)
How can you say that?

It’ s important to know when and where these interjections should be used.
Academic and formal forms of writing should have no place for interjections.

However, when it comes to artistic or creative forms of writing, you can use as many
interjections as you want.

Another fact about interjections is that they will often

onomatopoeic. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound, such as "woot,"
"doh," or "boo." These kinds of words are found in all languages.

Recognizing an interjection will help you to choose the punctuation that follows
it. If your interjection is not a question (and most aren't), you have a choice. You can
use a comma, a period (full stop) or an exclamation mark. Commas and periods are
used for mild interjections, while exclamation marks are used for stronger expressions
of emotion.

You can't use an exclamation mark at the end of your sentence if it's a question.
If your interjection is a question, you must use a question mark. When an interjection
is in the middle of the sentence, you must offset it with commas.

Here are some examples of interjections and their definitions:

Example Meaning
Ahem The sound of someone clearing their throat in an attempt to
get your attention

Aah Used as a call for help or when someone is scared

Boo Used to scare someone or to voice disapproval
Eh Used when you didn't hear or understand what someone said
Eww Conveys dislike or disgust
Hmm Can mean you're thinking or hesitating

Jeez Could indicate you can't believe something or you're
Ooh-la-la A slightly comical way to refer to something as fancy or

Oops An exclamation people use when they do something by

Phew Expressing relief or gladness something is over
Whoa Can show surprise or amazement
Yahoo Expresses joy or happiness
Yeah Demonstrates a very strong affirmation or approval

Yoo-hoo An expression used to get someone's attention

Zing Usually used comically to emphasize a clever statement or


What’s More

With the hundreds of interjections, they are really great way of adding richness to
your language. Now let us do some activities to strengthen the learning that we have
in this lesson.

Task 4: A. Directions: Have you ever heard the expression “an accident is waiting
to happen?” Tell how many accidents are waiting to happen in the picture below? Write
appropriate interjections to complete the following sentences that the people in the
picture might say. You can choose interjection and its pair of emotion from the word
pool. Also, indicate what emotion is expressed in each situation. Number 1 is done for

Interjections-Emotions Word Pool

Oh-anxious Oopps-reprimanding/precaution measures

Hurry-sense of urgency Slowly- advising/guiding

Look-suspicious Hmmp-disgusted

Yeppey-happy Wow-excited

Interjections Emotions

1. Oh ! I almost sat on the cat. Anxious

2. _________! Watch out for that book! _________
3. _________! Something on the stove is burning. _________
4. _________, James, Be careful with that milk! _________
5. _________, we will have to get a new cord for our lamp. _________
6. Something smells bad, _______. _________
7. Down the stairs comes Dad with, _______,
the biggest gift I’ve ever seen. _________
8. _________! The party was exciting amidst

COVID 19 pandemic. _________

B. Directions: Underline the interjections in the following sentences and write

the emotion expressed by each interjection: The first one is done for you.

1. Pshaw! I am sorry to hear that. _____________

2. Alas! The goblet overflowed! ______________

3. Good! Precious gained her reward. _____________

4. What! Is everybody leaving? _______________

5. Hurray! Here comes the bus. ______________

6. Hark! What is that I hear? _______________

C. Directions: Use exclamation point to separate the interjection from the rest
of the sentence and punctuate the sentence according to the type of
sentences given. Number 1 is done for you.

1. Oh! I’m scared of the news that many died because of COVID 19.
2. Beware that is a fake news
3. Bravo All frontliners deserve a big round of applause
4. Phew I thought I would die because of fever
5. Oh Do you think it’s true
6. Heavens I completely forgot the time
What I Have Learned

Task 5 Convey your message clearly!

Directions: Let us reflect on what we have. Answer the following questions by

constructing a sentence with interjections.

1. What is the importance of using interjections?

2. What could life be without interjections?

Task 6: Let’s Pretend!

Directions. Supposed, you were in the given situation. Express your emotion by
using appropriate interjections. Write your answer on your English notebook.
Number 1 is done for you.

1. The beautiful woman sounded like she was endorsing a product.

Answer: Hey dude! Why don’t you try buying this lotion? You’ll surely
love the results after using it!
2. Your brother sounded like he was bragging his newly acquired cellphone.
3. Your best friend invited you to a party but you were not allowed to go.
4. Your teacher was informing you of your swab test result.

5. A COVID positive patient just recovered.


Hurray! Your answers are quite impressive! Now let us see what you can do.

What I Can Do

Task 7: You choose me!

Having equipped with the knowledge on interjections to convey meaning, you

are now ready to do some practical application as an extension of your understanding.
Do the writing activity. Write your answers on your English notebook.

• A. Imagine that you are one of the judges of the TV show “Philippines Got
Talent” and you are to give your comment to the performers who showcase
their superb performance in dancing or singing. Write your comment or critic
about their performance. Use interjections and opinion words to get across your
points. Then underline the interjections that you use.

• B. You are invited to speak in front of the Grade 9 students regarding on the
Proper way of Handwashing or the Proper ways of using facial mask to avoid
the spread COVID 19. Demonstrate it properly by enumerating the steps. Use
interjections to intensify the procedures you are sharing.

Congratulations! You are about to finish learning about interjections. I hope that
this lesson has helped you develop your critical and thinking skills, as well as your
writing skills.


I. Directions: The following lines of the poem use interjections in conveying

meaning. Read each poem and answer the questions that follow.

1. “And there she lullèd me asleep,

And there I dream’d – ah! woe betide!
The latest dream I ever dream’d
On the cold hill’s side.”

- A.La Belle Dame Sans Merci (by John Keats)

1.1. What interjection is used?

A. I Dream’d C. She lulled me asleep.

B. Ah! Woe betide! D. On the cold hill’s side

1.2 The speaker’s expression emphasizes the medieval romantic setting of a

cave, where a woman lulls a knight to sleep and he begins to dream. What
does the line, Ah!Woe betide suggest?
A. Extreme anger C. Extreme irritation
B. Extreme happiness D. Extreme suffering

2. “Iago: Awake! what, ho, Brabantio! thieves! thieves! thieves!
Look to your house, your daughter and your bags!
Thieves! thieves!” --- Othello (by William Shakespeare)

2.1 In these lines, Iago tries to stir up trouble for Othello by awakening
Brabantio with news of Desdemona and Othello’s elopement. The
emotion being expressed here is Iago’s ______.
A. encouragement C. happiness
B. excitement D. surprise

3. “Oh, give me back my heavenly child,

My love!” the rose in anguish cried;
Alas! the sky triumphant smiled,
And so the flower, heart-broken, died.”--- .Mother and Child (by Eugene Field)

3.1 In general, the poem expresses________ of a grieving mother.

A. Happiness B. Confusion C. Sadness D. Optimism

3.2 What interjections are used in first line?

3.3 How about the second line? __________
3.4 How about the third line? _____________

4. “Forlorn! the very word is like a bell

To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well…
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades” -- Ode to Nightingale (by John Keats)

4.1 What onomatopoeic interjection is used in the stanza which means as the
sound of a ringing bell?
A. Adieu B. bell C. Forlorn D. self

4.2 To bring the speaker out of his reverie about the nightingale back to real
life, Keats uses this interjection forlorn , as well as the term “adieu.” What
emotion of the speaker does it indicate?

A. amazement B. anger C. happiness D. sorrow

B. CHART EXPRESS Strong Vs. Mild

Directions: Using the Emoticon word list, classify the following words whether they
are strong or mild.

Emoticon Word List

excited sad surprised
tired scared quiet
happy nervous annoyed
embarrassed goofy cool

Strong Mild

Additional Activity

TASK 8: Supply Interjections!

Directions: Add an interjection that conveys the indicated emotion to complete the
sentence. Write your answer on your English notebook.

Example: (weariness) We worked hard cleaning the park.

Answer: Whew! We worked hard cleaning the park.

1. (disappointment) Look at the garbage left on the ground.


2. (delight) The park certainly is cleaner since the town provided more garbage

3. (happiness) Here comes the brave frontliners.


4. (Concerned) Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.


5. (hopeful) I am hoping medical experts can find treatment against COVID 19.

6. (enthusiasm) That was a magnificent cleanup effort.


7. (sadness) The increasing number of COVID 19 death rate everyday is so


Congratulations for completing all the tasks in this module! Sail on!

Key Answer

What I Know

Test 1: Test 2. Test 3.

1.Hi, 1. D. Seriously

1. Wow! 2. A. Goodness 1.I

2. bravo! 3. B. Wow 2. B

3. bah. 3. A
4. D. Humph

4. Hmm 4. D.
5. B. Darn

5. Eureka, 5. C
6. Bingo
6. "Shoo, go away!" 6. G
7. Congrats
7. darn. 7.H
8. Incredible

What’s In

Task 1. Picture Talk: Interject Life with Fun

Worried / guilt Happy /fulfilled scared, frightened, tense

Task 2. How Are You Feeling?

A.. (Answer varies)

B. 1.happy 7. quiet
2. embarrassed 8. annoyed
3. scared 9. sad
4. nervous 10. cool
5. goofy 11. tired
6. surprised 12. excited

What Is It TASK 5

1. A little girl

2. It doesn’t taste like icecream or sweet, sweet candy.

3.The sharing of experience of the speaker was really believable and it intensifies the
emotions being felt using different expressions.

4. It is good to take a medicine in order to heal one’s sickness or



Interjections found in Line/s from the poem What emotion/s or feeling/s does
the poem it expresses?

Oh! 1 hatred, strong dislike

Ouch 4 In pain

no 5 refusal

Fine, well I never 7 disgust

I won’t eat a bit! 10 Indicate refusal

Oh my 12 Exclaiming/

I’ll do it, I’m in 13 Assuring /comforting

What’s More

A.Interjections-Emotions B.
1.Pshaw! sad/sincerity
2. Oopps-reprimanding/precaution 2.Alas!= surprise
3. Good! =happy
3. Look-suspicious
4. Slowly!-advising/guiding 4.What! =surprised
5 H f 5H h! it d6

1. Oh! I’m scared of the news that many died because of COVID 19.
2. Beware! that is a fake news!

3.Bravo! All frontliners deserve a big round of applause.

4. Phew !I thought I would die because of fever.

5.Oh ! Do you think that is true?
6.Heavens! I completely forgot the time.

What I Have Learned

Task 5 Answers Vary

Task 6: Let’s Pretend!

1.The beautiful woman sounded like she was endorsing a product.

Example: Hey dude! Why don’t you try buying this lotion. You’ll surely love the
results after using using it!
2. Your brother sounded like he was bragging a newly acquired gadgets.
Finally! I have a new cellphone!
3. Your best friend invite you to a party.
Hey, Please be there on my party.
4. Your teacher was informing you about your test results.
Congratulation! You passed the examination!
5. A COVID positive patient just recovered.

Thanks God! He/She survived!.

What I Can Do

Task 7: Answers vary

Assessment Key Answer


1. a. B. Woe etideb. b. A. Extreme suffering

2. D. surprise

3. a. C. Sadness b. Oh c. My love d. Alas

4. a.B. Forlorn b. A sorrow

B. CHART EXPRESS Strong Vs. Mild

Strong Mild

tired Excited

scared Sa

embarrassed surprised

nervous quiet

annoyed happy



C Supply Interjections! Answers vary

1. (disappointment) Oh no, My gosh!

Look at the garbage left on the ground.
2. (delight) Wow, Good! Yes,
The park certainly is cleaner since the town provided more garbage cans.
1. (happiness) Yehey, bravo,
Here comes the brave frontliners.
2. (Concerned) Please, Pssst, Dont forget,
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
3. (hopeful) Hopefully! Oh,
I am hoping medical experts can find treatment against COVID 19.

4. (enthusiasm) Great, Good, Love it, Alright, Ok

That was a magnificent cleanup effort.

5. (sadness) Scary!, Oh, My gosh!

The increasing number of COVID 19 death rate everyday is so alarming







https: //englishyourway.com.br/vocabulary-emojis/



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