Eco Hydrology

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This volume is devoted to the derivation and application of simplified bioclimatic

boundary conditions at vegetated land surfaces using natural selection of vegetation
characteristics driven by productivity maximization. It seeks to answer two questions:
 How are the physical characteristics of trees and their forest communities
related, at equilibrium, to the climates and soils in which they are found?
 What is the maximum biological productivity to be expected from a given
species in a given climate and soil?

The book begins with the small-scale physics of internal control of forest growth
represented by the vertical fluxes of light, CO2 , water vapor, and sensible heat within
the canopy. The scope then widens to consider the large-scale physics of the external
control offered by the balances of thermal energy and water. This leads to the
specification of the two state variables of a maximally productive canopy structure and
completes the hydrologic surface boundary condition for given climate, soil, and plant
species. Finally, by idealizing the stomatal responses to both light and available water,
and assuming a preferred average state of zero plant stress, necessary relations are
obtained among species, climate, and soil for maximum plant productivity. These new
ideas are used to define the climax bounds of plant habitat and to estimate net
primary productivity in the canopy.
Ecohydrology bridges the fields of hydrology and ecology and proposes new
unifying principles derived from the concept of natural selection. It also has potential
application in determining the response of vegetation to slow variations in climate.
This book will therefore provide fascinating reading for graduate-level students and
research scientists working in the fields of ecohydrology, hydroclimatology, forest
ecology, and surface water hydrology.

p e t e r e a g l e s o n is Emeritus Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was Head of the Department of Civil
Engineering between 1969 and 1975, and has also held the positions of President of
the American Geophysical Union (19868) and Chairman of the National Research
Council Committee on Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences (198791). Professor
Eagleson has been at the forefront of theoretical research into the physical interactions
between climate, soil, and vegetation for more than twenty years. This volume brings
together many of the advances in hydrology that he has pioneered during that time.
Professor Eagleson has been honored many times for his outstanding contributions in
this area including, more recently, the William Bowie Medal of the American
Geophysical Union (1994), the Stockholm Water Prize (1997), and the John Dalton
Medal of the European Geophysical Society (1999). His previous books include
Dynamic Hydrology (1970) and Land Surface Processes in Atmospheric General
Circulation Models (Cambridge University Press, 1982).
Nikko fir. (Photographed in the Arnold Arboretum, Boston by William D. Rich;
Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Darwinian expression of
vegetation form and function

Peter S. Eagleson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA
477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia
Ruiz de Alarcn 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain
Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa

Cambridge University Press 2004

First published in printed format 2002

ISBN 0-511-04083-0 eBook (netLibrary)

ISBN 0-521-77245-1 hardback
To my dearest Bev who has taught me how to live and to love, and in so doing has inspired my work
and enriched my life beyond measure.
To believe in something not yet proved and to underwrite it with our lives: it is the only way we can
leave the future open.
Lilian Smith
The Journey, 1954
C 1954 Los Angeles Times; reprinted with permission
Foreword xi
Preface xv
Acknowledgments xix
List of notation xx
List of units xxxiv
List of common and scientific names xxxvi

1 Introduction and overview 1

A Introduction 1
B Overview 2

Part I Biophysics

2 Canopy structure 17

A Introduction 17
B Stand structure 17
C Crown shape 18
D Solid density 20
E Leaf orientation 23
F Leaf type 34

3 Radiant uxes 37

A Introduction 37
B Definitions 39
C Partition of radiance 44
D Nominal average insolation over the growing season 49
E Length of growing season 52
F Penetration of direct radiation into the canopy 56
G Penetration of diffuse radiation into the canopy 66
H Penetration of total radiation into the canopy 67
I Optical optimality 71
J Structural response to the radiation regime 76

viii Contents

4 Turbulent uxes 80

A Background 80
B Introduction to momentum flux 82
C General formulation of momentum flux 85
D Features of momentum flux in homogeneous canopies 91
E Momentum flux in homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 102
F Momentum flux in homogeneous stemmy canopies 108
G Momentum flux in non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 113
H Drag partition 124
I Eddy viscosity for open canopies: M  1 127
J Flux of mass and of sensible heat 127
K Evaporation from a saturated surface 130
L The equivalent atmospheric resistance 133
M Transpiration from saturated stomatal surfaces 134
N Transpiration from a dry leaf surface 137
O Transpiration from a dry forest canopy 139

5 Thermal energy balance 146

A Definitions and assumptions 146

B Evaporation in state space 149
C Bounds to the Bowen ratio 156
D Transpiration 157
E The canopyatmosphere temperature difference 165
F Relevance to nutrient and carbon flux 169

6 Water balance 170

A Introduction 170
B Model framework 172
C Precipitation 174
D Storm infiltration and surface runoff 176
E Potential (unstressed) transpiration 180
F Bare soil evaporation 182
G Moisture-constrained transpiration 186
H Percolation and capillary rise 188
I Evaporation from surface retention 189
J The mean annual (or seasonal) water balance 190
K The vegetation statespace 191
L The critical moisture state 195
M Conclusions 206
Contents ix

Part II Darwinian ecology

7 Optimal canopy conductance 209

A Compensation light intensity 209

B The resistance ratio for closed canopies: M = 1 212
C The resistance ratio for open canopies: M  1 226
D The resistance ratio for intermediate canopy cover 228
E The canopy state variables: cover and conductance 230

8 Optimal bioclimate 234

A Photosynthesis 235
B Photosynthetic capacity of an isolated leaf 242
C Light control of productivity of an isolated leaf 245
D Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 253
E Joint control of leaf productivity by light and water 262
F Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf 266

9 Natural habitats and climax communities 275

A Review of habitat constraints 275

B Proposition no. 1: Heat 276
C Proposition no. 2: Light 279
D Proposition no. 3: Water 284
E Conclusion 293

10 Net primary productivity and ecotones 294

A Canopy biomass production 294

B Ecotones 316

11 Summary, speculations, and opportunities 321

A Summary 321
B Speculations 325
C Opportunities 327


A Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 329

B Estimation of potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces 346
C Water balance equations 356
D Characterization of exponential decay 363
E Transpiration as a productivity surrogate 365
x Contents

F Climatology of station storm rainfall in the U.S.: Parameters of the

Poisson rectangular pulses model 370
G Derivation of the G-function 393
H The canopy absorption index and compensation ratio as species
constants 396

Glossary 399

References 409

Author index 429

Subject index 434


Ecosystems are complex, evolving structures whose characteristics and properties

depend on many interrelated links between climate, soil, and vegetation. The dynamics
of these links are critically influenced by the scale at which the phenomena are studied,
as well as by the physiological characteristics of the vegetation, the pedology of the
soil, and the type of climate. The evolution of an ecosystem is crucially dependent on
the need of its vegetation for light and water as external inputs that drive its productive
mechanisms. These inputs are highly variable in time and space and their assimilation
depends on the plant characteristics and the ecosystem structure. Thus, vegetation
plays an active role in the spacetime dynamics of soil water being both cause and
effect of these dynamics. Similarly, plant structure and the canopy three-dimensional
characteristics result from and at the same time control the use and impact of the
radiative energy. Light and water exert key controls on the functioning of the leaf
stomates and thus in the uptake and assimilation of carbon dioxide. Insolation and
rainfall vary throughout the day and the seasons; moreover, and especially in the case
of rainfall, the intermittent and unpredictable nature of the resource makes the study
of its impact on ecosystem functioning an especially challenging field.
The hydrologic and ecologic mechanisms underlying the climatesoilvegetation
dynamics and thus controlling the most basic ecologic patterns and processes are one of
the most exciting scientific frontiers at the start of the twenty-first century. It is a frontier
full of challenging and unexplored questions which go to the heart of hydrology and
ecology, embracing problems which are crucially related to biodiversity and ecosystem
functioning. Its study is of fundamental importance for understanding the environment
in which we live and the state in which it will be inherited by future generations.
This book is at the center of the above frontier undertaking a general analysis of
many of the most crucial questions on the form and functioning of forests. It does so in

xii Foreword

a unique manner. The approach is analytical proceeding from the small-scale physics
of the internal controls of forest growth to the large-scale physics which crucially
control such growth. Professor Eagleson has been, throughout the last 40 years, a
fundamental contributor to many of the key ideas and developments underlying the
quantitative description and modeling of these physical processes. Nevertheless, this
book is much, much more than an excellent synthesis of the state of the art. It in fact
sets a new level for the science of ecohydrology.
The first part of the book presents a comprehensive and detailed description of the
radiant and turbulent fluxes within the canopy and between the canopy and the atmo-
spheric boundary layer. It continues with the study of the energy and water balances and
the intimate links which these balances establish between soil, vegetation, and climate.
The depth and focus of the presentation as well as the many novel contributions present
in the first six chapters would be enough to make this book an outstanding contribu-
tion to the understanding of ecosystems. Nevertheless, this part just sets the stage for a
tour de force of imagination and analytical prowess where the author develops optimal-
ity principles for the form and function of natural forests. Thus, the reader embarks on
an exciting exploration of the links between soil, climate, and species characteristics,
necessary to maximize plant productivity. Furthermore, Professor Eagleson proceeds
to derive the criteria for optimal canopy structure in which canopy conductance of
water vapor and carbon dioxide is maximum.
Chapters 7 through 11 present for the first time the new full theory. The driving
general assumption is that evolutionary pressure drives forests towards a bioclimatic
optimal state characterized by a maximum probability of reproductive success assumed
to correspond to maximum biomass productivity. This principle of bioclimatic opti-
mality is analytically structured around the following secondary principles: (1) optical
optimality : foliage arrangement and climate insolation leading to maximum car-
bon assimilation; (2) mechanical optimality : leaf angle at which canopy conduct-
ance of carbon dioxide and water vapor is maximized; (3) thermal optimality : leaf
temperature equals the photosynthetically optimum temperature; and (4) hydrologic
optimality : moisture state at which plant is at incipient stress and the average insola-
tion is a maximum, for open stomates. The author carries extensive comparisons of
the consequences of the above principles against historical data collected in forests of
different species and in different climates. These data cover a wide range of environ-
mental conditions and community types and provide significant support for Professor
Eaglesons theory, which I am sure will become a cornerstone in ecohydrology.
Figure 10.3 is remarkably suggestive of bioclimatic optimality where the vast ma-
jority of the observed species lie inside the range of global maximum productivity.
This book contains the signatures of how the best science is created: it is a fascinating
blend of knowledge and imagination which opens new and exciting avenues to fun-
damental problems in ecohydrology. Its profound originality, physical understanding,
and analytical elegance will have a lasting and major impact in the field. Moreover, the
importance of its ideas and the excitement transmitted by a truly creative mind at work
Foreword xiii

will inspire many hydrologists, ecologists, and environmental scientists to dedicate

their best efforts to continue the paths opened by Professor Eagleson.

Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe
Theodora Shelton Pitney Professor of Environmental Sciences
and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Princeton University

This is a research monograph in which I explore and evaluate the biophysical relation-
ship between ambient climate and the form and function of the associated vegetation.
I hope the results will be useful in anticipating the changes to be expected in vegetated
surfaces under conditions of slowly changing climate.
At the 70 percent of Earths surface which is water, the atmospheric boundary con-
ditions are, under idealized circumstances, readily expressible in terms of the classical
laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. For the remaining 30 percent of the
surface however, there is a greater or lesser presence of vegetation, and the boundary
conditions are determined in part by biological behaviors which differently constrain
the moisture and energy fluxes. In such cases the boundary conditions are termed
interactive because the structure and type of vegetation help to determine the cli-
mate through their exchange of heat and moisture with the atmosphere, while the
climate through its supply of moisture, carbon dioxide, and light to the surface helps
to determine the type and structure of the vegetation.
This book is devoted to theoretical generation of these atmospheric boundary con-
ditions at vegetated surfaces under conditions which are necessarily highly idealized.
As John Monteith (1981, p. 753) said: in a topic such as this, progress can be made
only if the number of variables is held to a minimum at every stage in the analysis . . . .
Here I consider only monocultures; I neglect the activities of insects and other animals
(including man), and omit the influence of disease and fire; I assume infinite nutrient
and carbon dioxide reservoirs leaving water and light as the limiting resources; and
I analyze the climatesoilvegetation system as though it operated in its long-term
average state with a neutrally stable atmosphere and no lateral advection of energy or
water from adjacent landscapes. Furthermore, I sever the feedback link from surface to

xvi Preface

atmosphere and thus consider the vegetation as a passive responder to climatic forcing
at this level of approximation.
Ecologists, micrometeorologists, and plant scientists will likely find this approach
to be nave and may even be offended by my neglect of much important natural
complexity. Engineers, on the other hand, will be familiar with and may welcome
the reduction of an intricate multidisciplinary problem to a small set of simple, albeit
approximate, rules. In either case, I ask the reader to withhold judgement pending the
presentation of evidence.
Believing, after Darwin, that biology is an expression of physical optimality, my
hypothesis holds natural selection responsible for both the form and the function
of vegetation, and I seek its analytical formulation. However, selecting the modes
of expression of natural selection from such complexity involves (at best) informed
conjecture, and as G.K. Chesterton put it, There are no rules of architecture for a
castle in the clouds!
Denying altruism in these organisms, I assume natural selection to be expressed
through each individual tree rather than through the community of trees constitut-
ing the forest. In their classic paper, Parkhurst and Loucks (1972, p. 505) reasoned
Natural selection leads to organisms having a combination of form and function opti-
mal for growth and reproduction in the environments in which they live. Accordingly,
I imagine selection pressure to maximize reproductive success of the plant through
maximization of its biomass (and hence seed) production, and I formulate this produc-
tivity maximum in terms of the physical variables defining the climate, the soil, and
what are then called the optimal features of the vegetation.
This is not intended to be a micrometeorological textbook, an ecophysiological
textbook, or even a hydrological textbook. It is an effort to draw out, from among the
separate sciences of hydrology, micrometeorology, and ecophysiology, those behavio-
ral characteristics that together may contribute to natural selection, and to connect
them in a way that retains sufficient simplicity and scientific fidelity to be useful to
those charged with forecasting the components of climate change. Accordingly I have
tried to select models of the process physics and biology which are simple enough to
permit their combination without losing sight of the goal (and without unnecessarily
discouraging the reader!). I have tried to stick with the traditional models as best
fitting this bill. In multidisciplinary endeavors, all the rich scientific detail of each
contributing field cant be retained in their joining lest the resulting complexity negate
the utility of the result.
The book is logically divided into two parts:
Part I contains Biophysics. Following a summary in Chapter 1 of what lies ahead, it
presents the small-scale physics of those internal controls on forest growth, the vertical
fluxes within the canopy of light, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sensible heat.
Chapter 2 reports the observed distribution and orientation of leaf area in the crown and
the canopy, and Chapter 3 examines the effect of solar altitude and foliage orientation on
the penetration of solar radiation into the canopy. Chapter 4 gives considerable detail of
Preface xvii

the vertical turbulent flux of horizontal momentum within canopies of various geometry
and, by analogy, the fluxes of sensible heat and mass as well. The canopy resistance
controlling these vertical fluxes is derived by building a seriesparallel resistive model
which bridges the scales from stomate to canopy. The scope then widens to consider
the large-scale physics of the external controls on forest growth offered by the thermal
energy balance (Chapter 5) and the water balance (Chapter 6). While Part I is mostly
familiar material several new ideas are developed.
Part II is best described as Darwinian ecology. With all details now in hand,
Chapter 7 develops an optimum canopy structure which specifies the two canopy state
variables (i.e., the canopy conductance and canopy cover) completing the hydrologic
surface boundary condition for given climate, soil, and plant species. Next, through
idealization of (1) the species- and temperature-sensitive photosynthetic capacity of
the leaf, and (2) the species-, soil- and climate-sensitive leaf water stress, Chapter 8
demonstrates the necessary relations among species, climate, and soil for maximization
of plant productivity under the additional assumption of a preferred zero-stress average
state. These ideas are then used in Chapter 9 to define the climax bounds of plant
habitat, and in Chapter 10 to estimate net primary productivity at the canopy scale.
The material of these four chapters is entirely new and represents the essence of the
book. Chapter 11 presents a brief summary along with some speculation and identifies
opportunities for useful extensions of this work.
The work is guided and evaluated along the way by comparisons of the optimal
vegetal features with observations from the literature whenever possible. These com-
parisons are favorable for some features and less favorable (if not unfavorable) for
others. The data are too few for useful statistical assessment, but I find the results
encouraging considering the enormous complexity of this ecological system.
The exposition has two threads:
1. Description of the observed physical characteristics of natural (and some
agricultural) vegetation canopies, and computation of the vertical fluxes therein
of momentum, mass, sensible heat, and light. While much of this is a collection
of material already present in the literature there is a revealing new
representation of effective canopy resistance that is helpful in understanding
possible processes of natural selection, and there is a new finding of optical
optimality that allows quantitative comparison of canopy carbon dioxide
supply and demand.
2. Search for the mechanisms by which natural selection is expressed in forest
form and function. This material is new and has not appeared before in print.
This breadth of scope gives the book utility both as a graduate level text for the
developing interdisciplinary field of ecohydrology, and as a reference for researchers
in landscape ecology. In view of the former, the writing style is tutorial with attention
given to completeness of detail.
My interest in the role of vegetation in climate arose from my water balance work
in 1975 and has been advanced with the inspiration, advice, and assistance of many.
xviii Preface

For awakening my interest in biomechanics I cite the pathbreaking work of Ralph

Slatyer and of John Monteith, while for early advice concerning the climate connec-
tion I acknowledge Joseph Smagorinsky and Syukuro Manabe, as well as the late
Jule Charney and Yale Mintz. Over the years I have been blessed with exceedingly
capable and insightful graduate research assistants who have repeatedly pointed me
in fruitful directions and rescued me from serious error; in particular I am endebted to
P.C.D. Milly, Randal Koster, Pedro Restrepo-Posada, Tobin Tellers, Lelani Arris, Dara
Entekhabi, and Guido Salvucci. Three special friends have been continuous sources
of support during the nine years that this manuscript has been in preparation: Dara
Entekhabi has unselfishly contributed both scientific advice and computational assis-
tance; Andrea Rinaldo has acted as ex officio editor guiding me through the maze of
modern manuscript preparation; and Ignacio Rodrguez-Iturbe has been inspirational
through his scientific example, his unfailing encouragement to go for the home run,
and the constancy of his friendship. I thank them all and the many others who remain

Peter S. Eagleson
Cambridge, MA

Many have contributed to this work in important ways and deserve special mention at
the outset: Dara Entekhabi translated the original data of Appendix F into accessible
format; Andrea Rinaldo graciously edited an early draft of Chapter 4; Lelani Arris
donated an exhaustive catalogued library of early ecological references that eased the
literature search; David Benney assisted with mathematical complexities and gave
continuing moral support; William D. Rich provided the artful digital images of many
interesting trees from both the Arnold and Holden Arboreta; Beverly G. Eagleson and
Peter S. Eagleson, Jr. contributed additional photographs; Robert H. Webb supplied the
image of the creosote bush community and F. Eugene Hester that of the Okefenokee
swamp; and John MacFarlane prepared the line drawings. The author thanks them
each sincerely.
In addition, the author is indebted to: the MIT Department of Civil and Environmen-
tal Engineering for generous financial assistance with manuscript preparation through
resources of the Edmund K. Turner Professorship; the Rockefeller Foundation for pro-
vision of a Bellagio Center Residency during a crucial early stage of this long project;
and his colleagues at the Parsons Laboratory for keeping him eager for each new day
at the office.

Authors note
The photographs of individual trees presented here were chosen, for the most part, as
illustrations of their infinite variety and their intrinsic beauty rather than to illustrate
particular ideas put forth in the text. Note that species gathered from afar and open-
grown in an arboretum are likely to display different adaptive characteristics than they
would were they part of a homogeneous stand within their natural habitat.


A = surface area, m2
A = exponential variable (Eq. D.1), arbitrary dimensions
Acm = surface area of conical monolayer (Eq. A.89), m2
A0 = reference value of exponential variable, same dimensions as A
AU = astronomical unit = 1.496 108 km
A D = horizontal component of the effective drag-producing area of the solid matter, m2
Ab = cross-sectional area of right circular cylinder circumscribing the crown, m2
Al = one-sided area of single leaf, cm2
AL = leaf area, m2
A0 = modified gravitational component of infiltration rate (Eq. 6.17), mm h1
As = horizontal shadow area per unit horizontal area of canopy (Eq. 3.18), m2
As = lateral surface area of cone, m2
Acm = surface area of conical monolayer, m2
Acr = horizontal cross-sectional area of the crown, m2
A1 = single-sided surface area of needles lying in and comprising the monolayer crown
surface, m2
A = water balance parameter for quadratic soil (Eq. C.22), dimensionless
a = scattering dimension, m
a( ) at ( )/L t = single-sided foliage area homogeneity function, dimensionless
acr = crown one-sided leaf area density = (one-sided leaf area)/(crown volume), m2 m3
aD = canopy drag area density, m2 (drag area) / m3 (crown)
ad = extinction parameter for horizontal foliage shear stress (Eq. 4.5), dimensionless
aL = canopy leaf area density = single-sided leaf area per unit of canopy volume, m1
am = extinction parameter for horizontal momentum flux (Eq. 4.6), dimensionless
at = canopy foliage area density = single-sided foliage area per unit of canopy volume
(Eqs. 4.14, 4.15, A.3), m1

Notation xxi

aw = extinction parameter for horizontal wind velocity (Eq. 4.4), dimensionless

a1 , a2 = coefficients, dimensionless
B = coefficient (Eq. C.2), dimensionless
B = rate of plant metabolic use of energy, cal cm2 min1
B = proportionality constant in interference function (Eq. 4.87), dimensionless
B = additions to plant biomass, gs m2 y1
B0 = proportionality constant, dimensionless
Bo = evaporation proportionality coefficient, g cm2 s1 mb1
B = water balance parameter for quadratic soil (Eq. C.23), dimensionless
b = diameter of circular planform of conceptual crown, m
b = breadth of roughness element, m
b = scattering dimension, m
b1 , b2 = coefficients, dimensionless
C = coefficient (Eq. C.3), dimensionless
C = chord of needle cross-section perpendicular to longitudinal axis, mm
C = plant matter consumed by grazers, gs m2 y1
CA = arc-chord of needle cross-section, m
CD = fluid dynamic coefficient of form drag for the canopy solid matter, dimensionless
CD0 = foliage drag coefficient at high Reynolds number (Eq. 4.10), dimensionless
CD1 = foliage drag coefficient due to element shape (Eq. 4.10), dimensionless
CD2 = foliage drag coefficient due to foliage element interference (Eq. 4.11),
Cf = foliage surface drag coefficient (Eq. 4.12), dimensionless
CN = nitrogen solubility coefficient, g(N2 ) g1 (H2 O)
C3 = pentose phosphate pathway for fixation of carbon during photosynthesis
C = water balance parameter for quadratic soil (Eq. C.24), dimensionless
CO2 = carbon dioxide
c = scattering dimension, m
c = mass of carbon dioxide per unit mass of moist air, g(CO2 ) g1 , (O2 )
c = permeability index of soil (Eq. C.20), dimensionless
co = mass of carbon dioxide per unit mass of moist air at the uppermost leaf,
g(CO2 ) g1 , (O2 )
cp = specific heat of air at constant pressure, cal g1 K1
cs = mass of carbon dioxide per unit mass of moist air at the lowermost leaf,
g(CO2 ) g1 , (O2 )
D = diffusivity, cm2 s1
D = diameter of the right circular cylinder circumscribing the crown, m
D = spacing of roughness elements, m
D = plant matter shed as detritus, gs m2 y1
De = effective desorption diffusivity (Eq. 6.37), cm2 s1
D H = horizontal flux divergence of sensible heat, cal cm2 min1
Di = sorption diffusivity (Eq. 6.61), cm2 s1
Dp = drying power of atmosphere (Eq. B.2), cal cm2 min1
D Qv = horizontal flux divergence of latent heat, cal cm2 min1
Ddz = zonal brightness = diffuse radiance on horizontal surface, cal cm2 min1
xxii Notation

d = diffusivity index of soil, dimensionless

d = diameter of cylindrical foliage element, mm
d = diameter of crown at elevation , m
d0 = zero-plane displacement height, m
dos = zero-plane displacement height for the substrate, m
d = element of surface area, m2
d = elemental solid angle (Eq. 3.8), steradians
E = vertical flux density of water vapor (i.e., mass evaporation) (Eq. 4.115),
g cm2 s1
E = bare soil evaporation effectiveness (Eq. 6.38), dimensionless
E[. . .] = expected value of . . .
E 1 (z) = exponential integral (Eq. 10.13)
E a = component of E v depending mainly upon the atmosphere, g cm2 s1
E o = dimensionless kernel of the arid climate asymptote of s (Eqs. C.9C.10)
E p = shorthand for E ps , g m2 y1 or cm y1
E ps = potential rate of evaporation from a wet, simple surface (Eq. 5.20), g m2 y1
or cm y1
E psd = free water surface potential evaporation during dormant season, g m2 y1
or cm y1
E ps = free water surface potential evaporation during growing season, g m2 y1
or cm y1
E pv = potential rate of canopy transpiration, g m2 y1 or cm y1

E ps = potential rate of evaporation calculated for daylight hours only, g m2 y1
or cm y1
E r = component of E v depending mainly upon the radiation, g cm2 s1
E r = storm surface retention, mm
E sj = interstorm exfiltration, mm
E T = rate of evapotranspiration, g cm2 s1 which for water at 1 g cm3 is cm s1
E T A = average annual evapotranspiration (Eq. 6.49), cm
E v = rate of canopy transpiration (Eqs. 5.28, 8.14), g m2 y1 or cm y1
E vj = interstorm transpiration (Eq. C.8), mm
E v0 = normalized rate of canopy transpiration, dimensionless
E v = rate of transpiration calculated for daylight hours only (Eq. 8.16), g m2 y1
or cm y1
EGL = energy grade line
e = vapor pressure = partial pressure of water vapor, Pa or millibars (mb)
e0 = vapor pressure at leaf surface, Pa or millibars (mb)
e2 = vapor pressure at site number 2, Pa or millibars (mb)
es = saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the evaporation site,
Pa or millibars (mb)
es = instantaneous bare soil evaporation rate, mm s1
erf[. . .] = error function of . . . , (Fig. C.2)
F = proportionality factor relating NPP to the productive equivalent of E v
(Eq. E.8), dimensionless
Fn = dimensionless factor, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , etc.
Notation xxiii

FT = total canopy drag per unit of crown basal area, N m2

F = flux of radiation through an arbitrarily oriented surface (Eq. 3.4),
cal cm2 min1
f D = horizontal component of foliage resistance per unit volume of canopy
(Eq. 4.9), N m3
L t
f I = shorthand for 1e Lt
(Eq. 8.27), dimensionless
f e = exfiltration capacity (Eq. 6.32), mm h1

f i = infiltration capacity (Eq. 6.16), mm h1

f(AL ) = probability density function of leaf area, cm2
f(Sr ) qb /Dp = empirical evaporation function (Eq. B.18), dimensionless
fD ( L t ) = carbon demand function = potential productive gain = NPP pD
(Eqs. 10.21,
10.22), dimensionless
fi (i) = probability density function of storm intensity (Eq. 6.11), h mm1
fh (h) = probability density function of storm depth (Eq. 6.2), cm1
fh,tb (h, tb ) = joint probability density function of storm depth and immediately following
interstorm interval (Eq. 6.45), h1 cm1
f I ( L t ) = insolation averaging function (Eq. 8.30), dimensionless
f S ( L t ) = carbon supply function = limiting productive gain = NPP pS
(Eq. 10.30),
ftb (tb ) = probability density function of time between storms (Eq. 6.8), h1
ftr (tr ) = probability density function of storm duration (Eq. 6.5), h1
fi,tr (i, tr ) = joint probability density function of storm intensity and duration
(Eq. 6.20), mm1
G = flux density of sensible heat transfer into the substrate, cal cm2 min1
G = gravitational infiltration parameter (Eq. 6.23), dimensionless
G(h ) = G-function = average over the canopy of the projection of a unit foliage area
on a plane normal to the Sun direction, thus G(h )/ sin(h ) = shadow area
per unit of foliage area (Eq. G.21)
GL ( L ) = cumulative distribution function of leaf orientation angle (Eq. 2.11),
GPP = gross primary productivity (Eq. 10.2), g(CO2 ) m2 y1
g = gravitational constant, m s2
g( ) = functional notation
g(CO2 ) = grams of CO2
g(N2 ) = grams of nitrogen
g L ( ) = functional notation
gL ( L ) = probability density function of leaf orientation angle (Eq. 2.10), deg
gs = grams of solid biomass
gw = grams of water

g (Tl ) = generalized light-saturated photosynthetic rate as a function of leaf
temperature, dimensionless
H = vertical flux density of sensible heat from canopy to atmosphere (Eq. 4.117),
cal cm2 min1
Hf = potential available to support flow resistance from soil to stomatal surface
(Eq. 8.11), mb
xxiv Notation

HG = gravitational potential due to height of trees, mb

HL = potential drop across the spongy mesophyll cells from leaf vein to stomatal
surface, mb
Ho = osmotic potential across root membranes, mb
h = height of tree from ground surface to top of crown, m
h = height of roughness element, m
h = storm depth, mm
h l = potential drop due to flow resistance in the leaves, mb
h c = depth of crown, m
h o = surface retention depth, mm; depth of crown segment, m
h r = potential drop due to flow resistance in the roots, mb
h s = stem height (i.e., height of crown base above substrate), m
h s = capillary potential (i.e., head) loss to support soil moisture flow to the root
surfaces, mb
h x = potential drop due to flow resistance in the xylem, mb
h = solar altitude (Eq. 3.3), degrees
h o = expected value of surface-retained precipitation (Eq. 6.52), mm
h = Eulers constant = 0.577 . . .
I = insolation, cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Ib = beam insolation (Eq. 3.7), cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Id = diffuse insolation, cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Id0 = diffuse insolation at canopy top (Eq. 3.8), cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1
or W m2
Ij = interstorm infiltration, mm
Ik = compensation insolation, cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Iko Ik /I0 = normalized compensation insolation (Eq. 7.3), dimensionless
Il = leaf insolation, cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Ilc = leaf insolation at which stomates become effectively fully open, cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Ilw = outgoing or back longwave radiation (Eq. B.8), cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1
or W m2

Ilw = longwave incoming insolation from a clear sky (Eqs. B.5, B.6), cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2

Ilw = net incoming longwave insolation (Eq. B.7), cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1
or W m2

Il = crown-average insolation (Eq. 8.29), cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
I0 = actual climatic insolation at screen height, cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1
or W m2
Isj = storm infiltration, mm
ISL = saturation or carbon-critical insolation, i.e., the insolation at intersection of the
asymptotes of the photosynthetic capacity curve and thus the minimum insolation
for fully-open stomates (water non-limiting) (Eq. 8.28), cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
ISL = canopy average (i.e., effective) saturation insolation (Eq. 8.28), cal cm
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Notation xxv

ISL = relative saturation insolation, dimensionless
ISW = desiccation or water-critical insolation, i.e., the insolation at intersection
of the asymptotes of the leaf transpiration-insolation curve and thus the
maximum insolation for fully open stomates (light non-limiting) (Eq. 8.26),
cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2

ISW = canopy average (i.e., effective) leaf desiccation insolation (Eq. 8.32),
cal cm2 min1 or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
I I /I0 , dimensionless

I = insolation in wave length interval around (Eq. 3.6), cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
i = storm intensity, mm h1
j = storm counting variable
K = turbulent transfer coefficient, cm2 s1
K (1) = effective saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil, cm s1
K c = carbon dioxide eddy diffusivity, cm2 s1
K h = thermal eddy diffusivity, cm2 s1
K m = kinematic eddy viscosity (eddy momentum diffusivity) (Eq. 4.37), cm2 s1
K v = water vapor eddy diffusivity, cm2 s1
K m (0) = kinematic eddy viscosity at canopy top, cm2 s1
K mo = K m ( )/K m (0), dimensionless
Kmo K m ( )/K m (0) = canopy-average eddy viscosity (Eq. 4.105), dimensionless
 )d = canopy-average eddy viscosity for dense monolayer crown, dimensionless
(K o

o )s = canopy-average eddy viscosity for sparse monolayer crown, dimensionless

k = von Karmans constant = 0.40
k = decay parameter, dimensionless
k = empirical photosynthetic binding constant = ISL (Eqs. 8.4, 8.5), cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
k o k/Io = ISL /Io ISL o
= relative saturation radiance, dimensionless
kc = proportionality coefficient for crown depth (Eq. 10.26), dimensionless
kL = sum of geometrically scaled potential-loss coefficients (Eq. 8.13), s
kl = empirical reduction factor (Eq. B.10), dimensionless
kv = canopy conductance (Eq. 5.29), dimensionless
kvo kv /kv = normalized canopy conductance (Eq. 8.12), dimensionless
kv E v /E ps = potential canopy conductance (Eqs. 5.30, 7.31), dimensionless

kvm = monolayer conductance, dimensionless

kv1 = kv at M = 1, dimensionless
L = leaf area index one-sided leaf area per unit of basal area, dimensionless
L = area index of foliage elements other than the leaves (Table 2.1), dimensionless
L t = foliage area index = upper-sided area of all foliage elements per unit of basal
area, dimensionless

L t = equivalent reduced foliage area index for scatterless radiation transmission
(Eq. 3.41), approximated by L to relate diffusion and assimilation, dimensionless
l = mixing length, m
lK = von Karmans mixing length (Eq. 4.46), m
xxvi Notation

lP = Prandtls mixing length (Eq. 4.43), m

M = canopy cover (i.e., fraction of total ground surface covered by
vegetation), dimensionless
Mmax = maximum canopy cover for conceptual canopy of packed circular discs,
Mo = canopy cover at which the soil moisture is maximum, dimensionless
MJ(tot.) = energy at all frequencies in the radiational spectrum, MJ
m = exponent relating shear stress on foliage to horizontal wind velocity and
having the nominal value 0.5 for the foliage elements of trees (Eqs. 4.19, 4.20),
m = soil pore size distribution index, dimensionless
m d = mean length of the dry season, days
m h = mean of storm depth (Eqs. 6.3, 6.21), cm
m i = mean of storm intensity (Eq. 6.12), mm h1
m P PA = mean annual or seasonal precipitation (Eq. 6.14), cm
m tb = mean time between storms, h
m tb = mean interstorm time available for transpiration (Eq. 6.63), h
m tb = mean interstorm time available for bare soil evaporation (Eqs. 6.8, 6.64), h
m tr = mean storm duration (Eq. 6.5), h
m = number of independent storms per month or season, time1
m = mean length of the growing season, daylight hours
N = fraction of sky covered by clouds, dimensionless
Ns = rate of nitrogen supply to plant (Eq. 10.39), g(N2 ) m2 y1
N(L t ) = leaf area function (Eqs. 7.9, A.101), dimensionless
NPP = net primary productivity of canopy (Eq. 10.1), gs m2 y1
n = counting variable, dimensionless
n = number of sides of each foliage element producing surface resistance to wind
and having the nominal value 2 for the foliage elements of trees
n e = effective soil porosity, dimensionless
n l = number of leaves in a crown
n s = number of stomates per leaf
n s = stomated leaf area / projected leaf area, dimensionless
n s = rate of nitrogen supply to diffuse monolayer (Eq. 10.40), g(N2 ) m2 y1
n s = number of parallel diffusion paths from leaf surface to atmosphere (Eq. 7.10),
O(. . .) = order (. . .)
P = annual or seasonal precipitation, cm
P = assimilation rate, net photosynthetic rate, productivity, gs m2 y1
or g(CO2 ) m2 h1
P = point in space
P = needle perimeter, m
PA = average annual or seasonal precipitation (Eq. 6.14), cm
PD = rate of above-ground carbon demand (Eq. 10.5), gs h1 / unit of one-sided leaf
area, g(CO2 ) m2 h1
Notation xxvii

PD = canopy average above-ground assimilation capacity (Eq. 10.10), gs h1 / unit of
one-sided leaf area, g(CO2 ) m2 h1
PL = actual biological productivity, g(CO2 ) m2 h1
Pr = rate of respiration (Eq. H.2), g(CO2 ) m2 h1
Ps = light-saturated rate of productivity (equal to Psm when Tl = Tm ) (Eq. E.9),
gs m2 y1
PT = annual total above-ground carbon demand (Eq. 10.18), g(CO2 ) m2 y1
Pt = total rate of photosynthesis (Eqs. 8.2, H.1), g(CO2 ) m2 h1
PW = climatic potential productivity as limited by available water, g(CO2 ) m2 h1
Psm = saturation rate of CO2 assimilation per unit of (one-sided) leaf area when Tl = Tm
(Eq. 8.1), g(CO2 ) m2 h1 or gs m2 h1 , as noted
Pwm = desiccation rate of CO2 assimilation as limited only by available water,
g(CO2 ) m2 h1
P = P/Psm = normalized net photosynthesis (Eqs. 8.12, 8.15), dimensionless

p = atmospheric (total) pressure, Pa or millibars (mb)

p = net primary productivity of diffuse monolayer with L t = 1, gs m2 y1
pD = productive demand of a unit basal area of the groundcover monolayer, = 1, L t = 1
(Eq. 10.19), gs m2 y1
pS = annual total above-ground supply of carbon downward from the atmosphere to a
unit basal area of the diffuse monolayer, L t = 1 (Eq. 10.28), gs m2 y1
Q = vertical flux density of CO2 (Eqs. 4.116, 10.23), g cm2 s1

Q S = annual total above-ground supply of carbon downward to the canopy, gs m2 y1
Q v = vertical flux density of latent heat from canopy to atmosphere (Eq. 4.129),
cal cm2 min1
qb = net flux of longwave back radiation at land surface (Eqs. B.10 et seq.),
cal cm2 min1
qi = net flux of shortwave radiation at land surface, cal cm2 min1
qb qb 1 1S 0.85
, cal cm2 min1
qv = specific humidity = mass of water vapor per unit mass of moist air (Eq. 4.122),
g(H2 O) g1 , (O2 )
R = radiant flux density or radiance, cal cm2 min1
R = radius, m
R = respiration, g(CO2 ) m2 y1
Ra = absorbed radiance, cal cm2 min1
Rb = beam radiance, cal cm2 min1
Rbo = incident beam radiance at top of canopy, cal cm2 min1
Rc = net longwave back radiation under clear sky (Eq. B.9), cal cm2 min1
or MJ m2 h1 or W m2
Rd = diffuse radiance, cal cm2 min1
RgA = average annual groundwater runoff, cm
Ri = incident (beam) radiance, cal cm2 min1
Rn = net solar radiation (Eqs. 5.3, 5.4), cal cm2 min1
Rr = reflected radiance, cal cm2 min1
RsA = average annual surface runoff, cm
Rsj = storm runoff, mm
xxviii Notation

Rsj = storm rainfall excess, mm

Rt = transmitted radiance, cal cm2 min1
R = radiance in wavelength interval around , cal cm2 min1
R = Reynolds number, dimensionless
Rb = Bowen ratio H/Q v (Eqs. 4.131, 5.5, 5.40), dimensionless
Rc = Reynolds number of body with drag dimension c, dimensionless
Rd = Reynolds number of body with drag dimension d, dimensionless
R D = Reynolds number of body with drag dimension D, dimensionless
Ri = Richardson number (Eq. 4.120), dimensionless
Rx = surface resistance Reynolds number with drag dimension x, dimensionless
r = radius of cone at elevation , m
ra = lumped atmospheric resistance over the 2 m above the canopy top
(Eq. 4.143), s mm1
rc = lumped resistance to flow through the canopy (Eqs. 4.156, 7.6, 7.11),
s mm1
ri = interleaf layer resistance (Eq. 4.165), s mm1
ro = radius, m
ro = equivalent stomatal cavity resistance (Eq. 4.144), s mm1
rcH = equivalent interleaf resistance to heat flux, s mm1
rci = equivalent interleaf resistance to mass flux, s mm1
rcs = equivalent canopy stomatal resistance, s mm1
rcu = cuticular diffusion resistance of leaf, s mm1
ric = intercellular resistance within the stomatal cavity, s mm1
ri,n = nth interleaf layer resistance, s mm1
rla = leaf boundary layer resistance, s mm1
rls = equivalent leaf stomatal resistance (Eq. 4.147), s mm1
rlls = equivalent leaf layer stomatal resistance (Eq. 4.162), s mm 1
rl = rls + rla = equivalent leaf resistance (Eq. 4.148), s mm1
rr = residual resistance of cell walls lining stomatal cavity, s mm1
rs = stomatal resistance regulating plant water loss and CO2 assimilation,
s mm1
(rc /ra )d = resistance ratio for dense monolayer crown, dimensionless
(rc /ra )s = resistance ratio for sparse monolayer crown, dimensionless
r = directional vector, m
rL = radius vector to leaf, m
rL r = angle between the vectors rL and r, radians
S = rate of heat storage within canopy, cal cm2 min1
Se = exfiltration sorptivity (Eq. 6.33), mm h1/2
Si = infiltration sorptivity (Eq. 6.18), mm h1/2
Sr = atmospheric saturation ratio (i.e., fractional relative humidity) at screen
height, dimensionless
SW = annual moisture supply to the root zone (Eq. C.12), dimensionless
Sz = average net upward transport of s per unit horizontal area per unit time
(Eqs. 4.1, 4.2), quantity cm2 s1
Soo = solar constant = 1.96 cal cm2 min1 = 1367 W m2
Notation xxix

Soo = solar irradiance on horizontal plane at Earths surface (Eq. 3.2), W m2
s = instantaneous amount of some fluid quantity (e.g., momentum, heat, or solute
mass), quantity g1
s = soil moisture concentration (s = 1 at saturation), dimensionless
sc = critical soil moisture concentration, dimensionless
so = spacetime average soil moisture concentration in the root zone, dimensionless
soc = critical spacetime average root zone soil moisture concentration (Eq. 6.58),
s5 = soil moisture concentration at s = sc = 5 bar, dimensionless
s = soil moisture for quadratic soil (Eq. C.21), dimensionless
s(0) = soil moisture concentration (its maximum value) at end of average storm,
s( ) = interference (or shielding) function (Eq. 4.11), dimensionless
s = temporal mean of fluid quantity, s
s = turbulent temporal fluctuation of fluid quantity, s
T = temperature, C
Tl = leaf temperature, C

Tl = crown-average leaf temperature, C
Tm = optimal leaf temperature = temperature at which Psm is maximum for a given
species, C
T0 = climatic atmospheric temperature at screen height above canopy, C
T0K = climatic atmospheric temperature at screen height above canopy, K
Ts = surface temperature, C
TsK = surface temperature, K
t = time, s
t = thickness of foliage layer, mm
tb = time between storms, h
tb = interstorm time available for transpiration, h
tb = interstorm time available for bare soil evaporation, h
te = time between exhaustion of surface retention and cessastion of soil moisture
evaporation, h
tj = Julian day, dimensionless
to = time after exhaustion of surface retention (t = t ) at which f e = E ps , h
tr = storm duration, h
ts = time to stress (Eq. C.6), h
ts = time during which the vegetation transpires (Eq. 6.43), h
t = time at which evaporation exhausts surface retention, h
u = horizontal wind velocity, m s1
u = integration variable (Eq. 10.11), dimensionless
u 0 = horizontal wind velocity at canopy top, m s1
u = average wind velocity, m s1

u = shear velocity 0 / (Eq. 4.27), m s1
Ve = volume of soil moisture (per unit of surface area) available for exchange with
atmosphere during average interstorm period (Eqs. 6.41, 6.59, 6.67, 6.68,
8.27), mm
xxx Notation

= volume of the crown-enclosing right circular cylinder, m3

co = volume of conical crown (Eqs. A.14, A.75), m3
cm = foliage volume of conical monolayer (Eq. A.88), m3
cr = crown volume, m3
s = volume of spherical segment of height, h c (Eqs. A.1, A.58, Fig. A.3), m3
so = volume of hemisphere (Eq. A.60), m3
v = rate of percolation to water table during wet season (Eq. 6.50), mm h1
w = rate of capillary rise from water table to surface year round (Eq. 6.51),
mm h1
w = vertical component of fluid velocity, m s1
w = turbulent temporal fluctuation of vertical fluid velocity, m s1
x = horizontal coordinate distance, m
Y = long-term average water yield (Eq. 6.56), mm
y = horizontal coordinate distance, m
Z = diffusion penetration depth = 0.885 (Eq. C.28), dimensionless
z = vertical coordinate distance (usually the elevation above ground surface), m
z e = average penetration depth of exfiltration (Eq. 6.36), m
z g = elevation of roots, m
z i = penetration depth of the soil wetting process (Eq. 6.60), m
zl = elevation of leaf, m
z 0 = surface roughness length, m
z r = rooting depth (Eq. 6.60), m
z w = depth to water table, m

= slope of C D vs. R D relationship in given R D range (Eq. 4.10), dimensionless

= 1/m tb , h1
= PriestleyTaylor coefficient of potential evaporation (Eq. 5.36), dimensionless
T = coefficient of radiation absorption, dimensionless
= momentum extinction coefficient = cosine of angle leaf surface makes with
horizontal, dimensionless
s = bare soil evaporation efficiency (Eqs. 6.40, C.5, Fig. 6.8), dimensionless
v = canopy transpiration efficiency (Eqs. 6.46, 6.47, 8.17, Fig. 8.14),
= crown-average cosine of the leaf inclination angle (Eqs. 2.18, 2.21, 2.22)

 L t = critical canopy absorption index, separates regions of productivity control
by carbon supply or carbon demand (Eq. 10.32), dimensionless
() = factorial gamma function (Eq. 6.25, Table 6.1), dimensionless
mn = extinction parameter for horizontal wind velocity (Eq. 3.47),
o = base angle of cone having height, h c , and base radius, ro , degrees
o = surface psychrometric constant (Eq. 4.132), Pa K1
o = canopy psychrometric constant (Eq. 5.27), Pa K1
[. . . , . . .] or (. . . , . . .) = incomplete gamma function
(o , o ) = gamma function probability density function of storm depth (Eq. 6.2), cm1
 = angle between Sun direction and leaf normal, degrees
Notation xxxi

 = slope, e/T , of saturation vapor pressure vs. temperature curve (Eq. 4.134),
Pa K1
( ) = finite increment of ( )
S = average carryover (from dormant season to growing season) soil moisture
storage (Eq. 6.69), mm
z = lumped vertical intercrown diffusion distance for canopy of conical
crowns, m
z L = thickness of interleaf atmospheric layer, m
= solar declination, degrees
= 1/m tr , h1

f dt L t = monolayer foliage volume density (Eq. 7.22), dimensionless
= Psm /ISL = dry matterradiation quotient (Eq. 8.9), an empirical constant
with the approximate value  0.81 gs MJ(tot.)1
= infinitesimal radius, mm
= surface absolute roughness, mm
= characteristic of hemispherical segment, dimensionless
o = longwave emissivity of the surface, dimensionless
(z) = residual of exponential integral
( ) = surface runoff function (Eq. 6.27, Fig. 6.5), dimensionless
o stomated (i.e., assimilating) leaf area
illuminated (i.e., projected) leaf area
arc chord (Eq. 8.8), dimensionless
 = normalized evapotranspiration (Eq. 6.57), dimensionless
= angle between the ray, r, and an upward normal, n, to an arbitrarily oriented
L = leaf angle (i.e., the angle between the leaf surface and the horizontal), degrees
o = particular leaf inclination, degrees
os = supplement of a particular azimuthal angle, degrees
z = Sun zenith angle = complement of h (cf. Fig. 3.2b), degrees
g(solid matter)
= empirical conversion factor g(CO 0.5 (Eqs. 8.7, 10.3)
2 assimilated)
= insolation extinction coefficient, dimensionless
b(1) = extinction coefficient of an isolated leaf with no scattering = one-dimensional
shadow of a solitary leaf (Eq. 3.20), dimensionless
b(2) = extinction coefficient for a single layer of leaves with idealized scattering,
b = decay or extinction coefficient for direct radiation, dimensionless
d = decay or extinction coefficient for diffuse radiation, dimensionless
o = shape parameter or distribution index of storm depth, dimensionless
= scatterless extinction coefficient for total clear sky radiation, dimensionless
= wavelength of radiation, nm
= roughness density or frontal area index (Eq. 4.106), dimensionless
= latent heat of vaporization of water = 597.3 cal g1 (at 0 C)
0 = scale parameter of probability density function of storm depth, cm1
NIR = 700 to 4000 nm
PAR = 400 to 700 nm
UV = less than 400 nm
xxxii Notation

= beam ratio = direct radiance fraction of total radiance, dimensionless

= kinematic fluid viscosity, m2 s1
= vertical distance down from the crown top hh hz
(Eqs. 2.1, A.15), dimensionless
L ISL /f I ( L t )Io = bioclimatic light parameter (Eq. 8.41), dimensionless
W I 
SL / ISW = bioclimatic water parameter (Eq. 8.42), dimensionless
= 3.14159.....
= fluid mass density, g cm3
l = longwave albedo of surface, dimensionless
NIR = reflection coefficient of NIR, dimensionless
o = EarthSun distance = 1 AU = 1.496 108 km
PAR = reflection coefficient of PAR, dimensionless
T = spectral reflectance (i.e., albedo) of surface or canopy, dimensionless
[i, tr ] = rainfall intensityduration correlation
= StefanBoltzmann constant = 0.826 1010 cal cm2 min1 K4
= capillary infiltration parameter (Eq. 6.24), dimensionless
h = standard deviation of storm depth (Eq. 6.4), cm
P = standard deviation of mean annual or seasonal precipitation (Eq. 6.15), cm
tb = standard deviation of time between storms (Eq. 6.10), h
tr = standard deviation of storm duration (Eq. 6.7), h
= solar hour angle, degrees
= time constant, same units as t
= growing season length, days
= momentum flux per unit horizontal area (i.e., shear stress) (Eq. 4.114), N m2
0 = horizontal shear stress at canopy top (Eq. 4.36), N m2
f = horizontal shear stress on the foliage, N m2
s = horizontal shear stress on substrate, N m2
T = coefficient of radiation transmission, dimensionless
zx = f + s , N m2
 = geographical latitude, degrees
= azimuthal angle, radians
e = exfiltration or desorption diffusivity (Eq. 6.35, Fig. 6.7), dimensionless
i = sorption diffusivity (Eq. 6.19, Fig. 6.3), dimensionless
L = azimuthal angle to leaf, radians
o = particular azimuthal angle (Eq. G.16), radians
os = supplement of o (Eq. G.17), radians
= tan1 o = angle of inclination of adiabatic line in eT space (Eq. 5.7), tan() in
mb C1
" = proportionality constant in drag partition (Eq. 4.111), dimensionless
(1) = saturated matrix potential of soil (suction), cm
l (s) = leaf moisture potential, cm
lc (s) = critical leaf moisture potential, cm
s (s) = soil moisture potential (Eqs. 6.30, 8.10), cm
sc (s) = critical soil moisture potential, cm
# = evaporation decoupling factor, dimensionless
Notation xxxiii

= central angle, radians

= 1/i , h mm1
s = scattering coefficient, dimensionless
. . . d = . . . for the dry season
. . . d = . . . for a dense monolayer
. . . s = . . . for a sparse monolayer
. . . j = . . . for the jth storm
. . . = quantity, . . . , averaged over the growing season
(. . .) = average over the crown depth
. . . = average over the sample
(. . .) = time average

(I.e., quantity of energy arriving at a surface during a given time interval)
(From Iqbal, M., An Introduction to Solar Radiation, Table B.1, p. 378, Copyright 
c 1983
Academic Press, with kind permission from Academic Press)

Units J m2 W h m2 cal cm2 Btu ft2

1 J m2 1 2.778 104 2.39 105 8.81 105
1 W h m2 3.60 103 1 0.0860 0.317
1 cal cm2 4.187 104 11.63 1 3.69
1 Btu ft2 1.136 104 3.155 0.271 1

(I.e., rate of energy arriving at and normal to a surface)
(After Iqbal, 1983, Table B.2)

Units J m2 h1 W m2 cal cm2 min1 Btu ft2 h1

1 J m h1
1 2.778 104 3.983 107 8.81 105
1 W m2 3.600 103 1 1.433 103 0.317
1 cal cm2 min1 2.511 106 698 1 221.2
1 Btu ft2 h1 1.135 104 3.155 4.521 103 1
1 ft c 7.2 1011 2.0 1014 2.87 1017 6.34 1015


1 Angstrom = 1010 meters
1 calorie = 4.187 Joule

Units xxxv

1 mol CO2 m2 s1 = 0.044 mg CO2 m2 s1

full sunlight = 10 000 ft c = 108 kilolux (klx)
100 kilolux 1.5 cal cm2 min1 = 3.77 MJ m2 h1
1 lux = 0.0929 ft c
1 E (Einstein) = 2.39 105 J (at = 500 nm)
1 mole of (quantum) radiation = 2.85 105 J (at = 500 nm)
100 W m2 = 4.18 104 E m2 s1 (at = 500 nm)
1 dm2 = 1 square decimeter of (single-sided) leaf area
1 metric ton per hectare = 105 grams per square centimeter

Larcher (1983, p. XVII).

Hicks and Chabot (1985, p. 262).
Gates (1980, p. 84).

Gates (1980, p. 85).
Common and scientic names

Abies Mill. spp. fir

Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. balsam fir
Abies homolepsis Nikko fir
Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. subalpine fir
Acer L. spp. maple
Acer mono painted maple
Acer negundo L. box elder
Acer platanoides L. Norway maple
Acer pseudoplatanus L. sycamore maple
Acer rubrum L. red maple
Acer saccharinum L. silver maple
Acer saccharum Marsh. sugar maple
Aesculus glabra Willd. Ohio buckeye
Alnus B. Ehrh. spp. alder
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. European black alder,
black alder, European alder
Beta vulgaris sugar beet
Betula L. spp. birch
Betula alba L. birch, European white
(B. pubescens Ehrh.)
Betula papyrifera Marsh. paper birch, white birch, canoe birch
Betula pendula Roth. silver birch, European silver birch
(B. verrucosa J.F. Ehrh.)
Betula verrucosa Roth. European white birch
(see B. pendula)

Common and scientic names xxxvii

Brassica napus L. rape

Cajanus cajan pigeon pea
Carpinus betulus European hornbeam
Cedris libani cedar of Lebanon
Celtis occidentalis L. common hackberry
Chamaecyparis thyoides Northern white cedar
Coleogyne ramosissima blackbrush
Eucalyptus LHer. spp. eucalyptus
Fagus L. spp. beech
Fagus grandifolia J.F. Ehrh. American beech
Fagus orientalis Oriental beech
Fagus sylvatica L. European beech
Festuca fescue
Ficus macrophylla Moreton Bay fig
Ficus tetrameles nudiflora spong
Fraxinus excelsior L. European ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. green ash, red ash
Glycine max (L.) Merr. soybean
Goethalsia meiantha rainforest species
Gossypium L. spp. cotton
Helianthus L. spp. sunflower
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Chinese hibiscus
Hordeum barley
Juglans cinera butternut
Juglans regia L. common walnut, English walnut
Juniperus L. spp. juniper, red cedar
Juniperus virginiana Eastern red cedar
Larix Mill. spp. larch, tamarack
Larix leptolepis Japanese larch
Larrea divaricata creosote bush
Larrea tridentata creosote bush
Lactuca sativa lettuce
Liquidambar styraciflua L. sweet gum, red gum
Liriodendron tulipifera L. yellow poplar, tulip poplar, tulip tree
Magnolia L. spp. magnolia
Malus domestica Borkh. apple
Medicago sativa L. alfalfa (lucerne)
Metasequoia glypostroboides dawn redwood
Morus bombycis, Moraceae UNRYU mulberry cultivar
Nyssa sylvatica, Nyssaceae tupelo or sourgum
Oryza L. spp. rice
Palmaceae palm
Picea abies Norway spruce
Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm. Engelmann spruce
xxxviii Common and scientic names

Picea exelsa Norway spruce

Picea glauca (Moench) Voss white spruce
Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. black spruce
Picea pungens Engelm. blue spruce
Picea pungens Glauca Colorado spruce
Picea rubens Sarg. red spruce
Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Sitka spruce
Pinus L. spp. pine
Pinus banksiana Lamb. jack pine
Pinus cembra L. Swiss stone pine
Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. lodgepole pine
Pinus densiflora Sieb. & Zucc. Japanese red pine
Pinus edulis Engelm. Colorado pinyon pine
Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine
Pinus lambertiana Dougl. sugar pine
Pinus nigra Cevennes pine
Pinus nigra Arnold Austrian pine
Pinus nigra ssp. Salzmanii European black pine
Pinus palustris Mill. longleaf pine
Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex ponderosa pine,
P. Laws. & C. Laws. Western yellow pine
Pinus radiata D. Don Monterey pine, radiata pine
Pinus resinosa Ait. red pine
Pinus rigida Mill. pitch pine
Pinus serotina pond pine
Pinus strobus L. Eastern white pine, white pine
Pinus sylvestris L. Scots pine, Scotch pine
Pinus taeda L. loblolly pine
Pinus virginiana scrub pine
Pinus wallichiana Himalayan pine
Pisum sativum pea
Platanus acerifolia London plane tree
Polyalthia longifolia (Sonnerat) Thwaites Asoka tree
Populus L. spp. aspen, cottonwood, poplar
Populus alba var. pyramidalis Bolleana poplar
Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. Eastern cottonwood
Populus tremula L. European aspen
Populus tremuloides Michx. trembling aspen, quaking aspen
Prunus L. spp. plum, prune, apricot, cherry,
almond, peach
Prunus armeniaca L. apricot
Prunus persica (L.) Batsch. peach, nectarine
Prunus serotina J.F. Ehrh. black cherry
Pseudolarix kaempferi golden larch
Common and scientic names xxxix

Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir

Pyrus L. spp. pear
Quercus L. spp. oak
Quercus alba L. white oak
Quercus borealis (Q. rubra) red oak
Quercus coccinea scarlet oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill Northern pin oak
Quercus macrocarpa Michx. bur oak
Quercus palustris Muenchh. pin oak
Quercus rubra L. Northern red oak
[Q. borealis var. maxima (Marsh.) Ashe]
Quercus suber L. cork oak
Robinia L. spp. locust
Roystonea regia royal palm
Salix L. willow
Salix alba Tristas golden weeping willow
Salix amygdaloides Anderss. peachleaf willow
Salix babylonica weeping willow
Secale cereale rye
Semanae semane umbrella tree
Sequoiadendron giganteum giant sequoia
Solanum tuberosum L. potato
Sorbus L. mountain ash
Sorghum vulgare sorghum
Tilia cordata Mill. littleleaf linden
Trifolium clover
Trifolium pratense L. red clover
Triticum L. spp. wheat
Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Eastern hemlock,
Canadian hemlock
Ulmus americana L. American elm
Ulmus fulva slippery elm
Vicia faba horse beans
Yucca angustissima narrowleaf yucca
Zea L. spp. corn, maize

Introduction and overview

This research monograph describes a search for the mechanisms by which

natural selection influences vegetation form and function.
Here we summarize the work by describing, in non-mathematical terms, the
discovered suboptimalities of the factors of net primary productivity, and how
through increasing horizontal leaf area they lead to a productive gain which
maximizes when the foliage density constrains the CO2 supply to equal the
light-stimulated CO2 demand. We find a global maximum productivity over
a range of horizontal leaf area that closely matches the range for observed
species, thereby confirming our fundamental hypothesis that natural selection
favors increased productivity.
Discovered dimensionless bioclimatic stability and optimality conditions
are shown to yield the climax boundaries to the feasible habitat space.

A Introduction
The biophysical system
The physical interaction between a vegetation canopy and its atmospheric and soil
environments is governed by both the plant structure and the biochemistry of the
individual plants. The spacing of the individual plants; their height and diameter; the
depth and shape of their crowns and root systems; the size, shape, number, color,
texture and spatial arrangement of their leaves along with the associated pods, stems,
twigs or shoots and branches, all contribute to the instantaneous vertical exchanges of
momentum, mass and energy between canopy and atmosphere and/or to the extraction
of moisture and nutrients from the soil. Plant biology modulates these fluxes through
such transient mechanisms as stress-induced variability of leaf stomatal resistance to
transpiration and to CO2 assimilation, short-term changes in leaf attitude, and seasonal
changes in the color and density of the foliage.

2 Introduction and overview

The question
Can we formulate this complex interaction in a way that is at once simple enough and
yet sufficiently exact to reveal the principal natural selection pressures that determine
the observed configurations and functionings of natural plant communities?

The early work of Darwin (1859) on natural selection led to the concept of ecological
optimality. This connection between natural selection and the principles of physics was
recognized by Lotka (1922) who proposed that natural selection tends to make the en-
ergy flux through the system a maximum, so far as is compatible with the constraints to
which the system is subject . . ., and further that in the struggle for existence, the ad-
vantage must go to those organisms whose energy-capturing devices are most efficient
in directing available energy into channels favorable to the preservation of the species.
Rosen (1967, p. 7) proposed a more general connection between natural selection
and the environment. In his words On the basis of natural selection, then, it may be
expected that biological organisms, placed for a sufficiently long time within a specific
set of environmental circumstances, will tend to assume characteristics which are opti-
mal with respect to these circumstances. Parkhurst and Loucks (1972, p. 505) refined
this to the form commonly used today. That is Natural selection leads to organisms
having a combination of form and function optimal for growth and reproduction in the
environments in which they live.

We seek to define, in terms of the key structural and behavioral parameters of a mono-
cultural plant community, those conditions under which the reproductive potential of
the individual plants is maximum for a given climate and soil. We assume the resulting
community will prevail in the given environment. While our interest is in natural sys-
tems, primarily forests, we will also examine the behavior of crops to the extent that this
may aid in generalization. We formulate our optimization arguments mechanistically
in the belief that quantification is the key to understanding.

B Overview
We wish to find a set of general biophysical relations that define the optimum natural
habitat for a given vegetation species and that alternatively will define the maximally
productive stable (i.e., climax) vegetation community for a given climate and soil.
Overview 3

Plate 1.1. Hemlock and fir

forest. Western hemlock
(foreground) and Douglas
fir (background) in the
Olympic National Park,
Washington. (Photograph
by William D. Rich;
Copyright  c 2001 William
D. Rich.)

Assumptions and organization

Here we consider only monocultures. We neglect the activities of insects and other
animals (including man), omit the influence of disease and fire, and assume infinite
nutrient and CO2 reservoirs leaving water and light as the limiting resources. We
analyze the climatesoilvegetation system as though it operated in its long-term
temporal average and local spatial average states with a neutrally stable atmosphere
and no lateral advection of energy or water from adjacent landscapes. Finally, we sever
the feedback link from surface to atmosphere and consider the vegetation as a passive
responder to climatic forcing.
We assume that the individual plants have arrived at their particular characteristics
through a process of natural selection driven by the competition to survive in a given
average environment and fine-tuned to the environments local variabilities by adapt-
ation. We deal here only with the natural selection and to do so analytically we assume
that seed productivity is a surrogate for survival probabability and is proportional to
4 Introduction and overview

the net primary productivity, NPP. It is our thesis that the physical parameter values
leading to maximum productivity in a given environment are those that we should find
in a climax community and that the analytical expression of this optimum equilibrium
may provide a useful means of coupling the vegetated land surface to the atmosphere
in a slowly changing climate.
For pedagogical elegance the work is organized, beginning with Chapter 2, as the
classical physical science textbook would be; understanding is developed analytically
and in a reductionist manner from first principles, building gradually toward NPP
in Chapter 10. However in this overview, in order not to lose sight of the forest for the
trees, we omit mathematical detail and begin with the discussion of productivity.

Factors of productivity
We define the environment of a forest in terms of: the average length, m , of its
growing season for particular species; the climatic time averages over this season of the
insolation, I0 , the precipitation, P , and the daylight-hour atmospheric temperature,
T0 ; under the assumption that the reservoir of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil,
and that of CO2 in the free atmosphere, remain non-limiting to production. With these
simplifications we recognize the principal productive needs for: light to keep the leaf
stomates open for uptake of CO2 , and to fuel its assimilation; nitrogen to nourish the
formation of plant tissue; water to keep leaf stomates open by maintaining plant turgor,
to transport the nitrogen from soil to plant, and to regulate plant temperature through
evaporative cooling; and finally, the crowns turbulent flux capacity to evacuate water
vapor at a rate meeting the plants demand for water-borne nitrogen, and to supply
atmospheric CO2 at a rate meeting that demand for even the lowest leaf. We find
biophysical bases for optimizing each of these.
We begin by assuming for the moment that the capacity of the turbulent flux to
supply CO2 to the leaves exceeds the light-driven demand of the leaves for CO2 . Such
demand-limited assimilation is illustrated by the classical experimentally-determined
photosynthetic capacity curve for an isolated C3 leaf at constant leaf temperature,
Tl . This curve defines the rate of CO2 assimilation, P, as a saturating function of
the variable insolation, I, maximizing at the value Ps for large I. As sketched in
Fig. 1.1, for the temperature Tl = Tm producing maximum assimilation, the net photo-
synthesis is defined by two species-dependent parameters, the saturation rate of maxi-
mum carbon assimilation per unit of basal leaf area, Psm , and the saturation insolation,

The proportionality constant is likely to vary with species making uncertain those conclusions
about interspecies competition that are based solely on NPP.

This neglects the fact that competitive advantage in a mixed community may shift with age
leading possibly to a dominant stable species that is not climax in the globally optimum sense
used here for the monoculture.
Time-averaged quantities remain undifferentiated in notation because we write all our dynamic
relationships in terms of climatic time-averages.

Insolation is the flux density of solar radiation on a horizontal surface.
This crude assumption is an expedient that allows us to proceed and must be remembered when
evaluating our results.
Overview 5

Rate of CO2 Assimilation, P

Psm Enzymatic processes and CO2 supply

Stomata fully open

pe stry
ao i
at hem Photosynthetic capacity curve
om c
St hoto

Insolation, I

Fig. 1.1. Definition of the leaf light characteristic. Unit basal leaf area of C3 species;
water and nutrients non-limiting; optimal temperature; ambient CO2 .

ISL , at which the asymptotes of the photosynthetic capacity curve intersect. We call
these asymptotes the leaf light characteristic, and show that provided water is not
limiting, ISL marks the insolation at which the stomates are effectively fully open.
For maximum productivity and maximum efficiency of light utilization, the optimal
bioclimatic state for a single leaf of the given species sets the climatic value, I0 , of the
insolation equal to ISL , with Tl = Tm , as is shown in Fig. 1.2. We also show for isolated
leaves that ISL = Psm / with constant over a wide range of species as is shown in
Fig. 1.3. The relationship Psm = ISL is therefore the biochemical assimilation capacity
for C3 leaves.
Consider now an increasing climatic insolation, I0 , which causes decreasing av-
erage soil moisture concentration, so , when the other climatic variables remain fixed.
With I0 exceeding ISL (and hence non-optimal), but not yet causing water-limitation
due to a generous value of the fixed precipitation, the stomates remain fully open and
the individual leaf continues to transpire at its climatically potential rate, E v = E ps .
However, at the particular climatic insolation, I0 = ISW (which equals or exceeds ISL ),
the declining average soil moisture concentration reaches a critical value, soc , at
the end of the average interstorm period, causing the stomates to begin closing and
transpiration to decline. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 1.4 where we define the
evaporation function by its asymptotes which in this case we call the leaf water char-
acteristic and which intersect at the desiccation or water-critical insolation, ISW . We
show how ISW is estimated from the water balance (cf. Chapter 8). We also show that
at constant temperature, the transpiration rate is an approximate surrogate for produc-
tivity of the same species (cf. Appendix E) allowing us to use the productivity, P,
rather than the transpiration rate as the ordinate in Fig. 1.4, and making Pwm = Psm .
The range ISL I0 ISW is thus bioclimatically optimal for the isolated leaf because
it maximizes leaf productivity (cf. Fig. 1.7).

E ps is the potential rate of evaporation from a wet, simple surface (cf. Appendix B).
6 Introduction and overview

ISL2 Fig. 1.2. Bioclimatic

Species 3 operating states under light
control. Unit basal leaf area
Operating Species 2 of C3 species; water and
Potential Psm2
point 2,
nutrients non-limiting;
stressed for gain Species 1 optimal temperature;
P species 3 Psm1
ambient CO2 .
Operating point 1
(a) Suboptimal; (b) optimal.
Unused radiance, species 1

1 ISL1 I0 ISL3


Species 2

1 I0 = ISL2

2.0 Creosote bush

ity C3 crops
Psm (gs m2 h1)

1.2 ila
s sim gs
la < >= 0.81
m ica MJ(tot)
he 1
0.8 Bi
Sitka Deciduous trees
Coniferous trees
0.4 Beech Loblolly pine
Arctic Red oak
White oak
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
ISL (MJ(tot) m2 h1)

Fig. 1.3. Biochemical assimilation capacity of C3 leaves. Data from Table 8.2.
Overview 7

Soil moisture concentration, so


Pwm = Psm

Stomata fully open
P closing



Fig. 1.4. Definition of the leaf water characteristic. Unit basal leaf area; light and
nutrients non-limiting; ambient CO2 ; fixed species, soil, precipitation and temperature.

To proceed toward canopy production, we must expand Psm from isolated leaf to
full canopy. Expanding in the vertical direction we multiply first by the leaf area
index, L t , to incorporate the total basal leaf area per unit of crown basal area, and
next by the so-called carbon demand function, fD ( L t ) (cf. Chapter 10) to average
the leaf assimilation rate induced by a decaying insolation over the crown depth. This
function is based upon our following proposed conditions for optical optimality in
The reflection coefficient of the photosynthetically active component, PAR, of the
incident radiation is small and nearly invariant over the range of vegetated latitudes,
thus the incident light is used optimally for photosynthesis when in the time average:

(1) the upper leaf surfaces are in full sunlight and the crown basal area is in full
shadow at the average solar altitude, h ; by including scattering we show
(cf. Chapter 3) that this mandates an important geometrical relation between
the solar altitude and the leaf angle, resulting in = , as is sketched for a
pair of opaque leaves in Fig. 1.5 and as is verified from observations of full
crowns of translucent leaves in Fig. 1.6; and
(2) the insolation at the lowest leaf is the minimum for leaf metabolism (i.e., the
so-called compensation intensity, Ik ); we show that its relative value, Ik /I0 , is
a species constant (cf. Appendix H) that fixes the value of the insolation

L t is called the (horizontal) momentum absorption index, or the horizontal leaf area index, since
is the cosine of the leaf angle, L , with the horizontal.

is the light extinction coefficient.
8 Introduction and overview

extinction index, L t , making it and the now-equal momentum absorption

index, L t , species constants also.

In this vertical expansion from isolated leaf to whole crown, we average the
insolation over the depth of the crown at optical optimality to get the crown-average


ll i



Leaf Leaf



h L

Transmission gap Full shadow



Fig. 1.5. Optically optimal beam-leaf geometry for opaque-leaved multilayers.

Crown-average and daylight hour average conditions; exponent(1) signifies single leaf
with no scattering; exponent(2) signifies two or more leaves with idealized scattering.

1.0 Fig. 1.6. Equality of

observed extinction
Momentum extinction coefficient,
(average cosine of leaf inclination)

1 coefficients. Data from

Crops and grasses 1
Table 3.8.


Evergreen trees
Deciduous trees

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Light extinction coefficient,
Overview 9

1 fI (Lt ) I0
L =
0 1 2 3


Leaf Climatic assimilation potential

Optimum bioclimatic state P =P sm wm



Po =




Light limited Water





I0 = ISL I0 = ISW T0 = Tm
0 1 2 3
Io =

Fig. 1.7. Optimal bioclimatic state and the supporting evidence. Data from Table 9.1.
Eight communities from desert shrub to rainforest. Plotted circle shows mean, box
shows one standard deviation, and bar shows range (fixed C3 species, soil and
precipitation; ambient CO2 ; nutrients non-limiting).

insolation, Il = f I ( L t )I0 . We assume all leaves in the crown to have the same light
characteristic making the crown-average I SL equal the isolated leaf ISL , whereupon
the optimal bioclimatic state for the canopy becomes ISL =  Il = f I ( L t )I0 . This is
supported in Fig. 1.7 by observations over a range of communities from desert shrub
to rainforest (cf. Chapter 9). Together with Fig. 1.3, it defines the climatic assimilation
potential, Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , fixing the maximum CO2 assimilation rate for given
climate and species. The uppermost leaves in the canopy will reach their desiccation
moisture state, ISW , first and at the lower canopy-average radiance,  ISW = f I ( L t )ISW .
Comparison of the relative magnitudes of  Il , ISL , and 
ISW , in all their permutations, de-
fines the range of natural habitats in water and light space and reveals the boundaries of
this space as climax conditions which compare favorably in Fig. 1.8 with observations
from the same wide range of communities (cf. Chapters 8 and 9).
Expanding crown productivity in the horizontal direction we multiply by the frac-
tion of the ground surface covered by crown basal areas (i.e., the canopy cover, M).
Being a canopy property, M depends upon the collective action of the individual plants
in satisfying their individual water needs and is not maximized by Dawkinss selfish
gene. We show that the canopy demands water over the full growing season at the time-
averaged rate MEv , where E v kv E ps is the canopy transpiration rate (cf. Chapter 6),
10 Introduction and overview

climax 4
8 2
5 1


0.6 Subclimax
fI ( L t )ISW

natural habitat
W =



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 1.8. Climax conditions as bounds to natural habitat. Data from Table 9.2.
1, Beech; 2, oak; 3, Goethalsia (rainforest); 4, Sitka spruce; 5, ponderosa pine;
6, loblolly pine; 7, pinyon-alligator juniper; 8, pinyon-Utah juniper; 9, creosote bush.

and kv is the canopy conductance (cf. Chapter 6). In order to maintain the water
balance, M will be less than 1 when E v exceeds the climatically available water sup-
ply, and such a vegetation community is termed water-limited. Otherwise M = 1
and the community is light-limited with an excess of water. We recognize that the
proportionality between soil-to-plant nitrogen flux and the flux of water, when cou-
pled with the sensitivity of CO2 assimilation to nitrogen availability, provides a degree
of productivity-motivated selection pressure to maximize the plant transpiration rate,
E v . This may be accomplished by maximizing kv , through minimizing the normalized
canopy resistance, rc /ra (at given temperature) as is shown in Fig. 1.9 (cf. Chapter 7).
For given we find this minimization to favor tapered crowns when L t is large. For

We show that the open-stomate condition of the optimal bioclimatic state allows approximation of
the canopy flux resistance, rc /ra , as being independent of stomatal resistance. We then use the
canopy-average eddy viscosity to derive rc /ra in terms of and L t .
Overview 11

1.4 Fig. 1.9. Effect of crown

shape on canopy resistance.
Homogeneous multilayers
1.2 with M = 1; rc = canopy
resistance; ra =
atmospheric resistance;
n s = projected
stomated leaf area
leaf area

0.8 = 0.5

= 0.5
= 0.3


0 2 4 6 8 10

water-limited canopies this transpiration maximization requires reduction of M and

thus a larger investment in root mass by the individual plant with an associated loss
in its seed productivity. This tradeoff of seed production for transpiration rate in order
to gain seed production through added nitrogen flux is of indeterminate advantage to
the plant. However with the plentiful water of light-limited situations no tradeoff is
required, and rapid nitrogen recycling is fostered by this mechanism. Can this be the
selection pressure leading to tapered crowns in nitrogen-poor soils?
There is much evidence (cf. Figs. 3.15 and 3.18) that is heavily dependent upon
h . For a given deciduous species having cylindrical crowns, optical optimality in
combination with the minimum resistance can determine both L t and as is shown
in Fig. 1.10, and the range of L t so determined is that observed (cf. Chapter 7). For
evergreen species we show empirically that the needles are normal to the radiation
beam (cf. Fig. 3.18). Under extreme temperature conditions these vs. h relations
appear to be biased by the need to control the reflection of the near infrared (NIR)
component of radiation (cf. Fig. 3.15).
Returning now to the productivity, we next incorporate the temperature sensitivity of
leaf photosynthesis by multiplying by the function g(T l is the crown-average
l ) where T
leaf temperature. We show in Fig. 1.11, albeit for only three communities, that the
local growing season average atmospheric temperature, T0 , equals Tm , the species-
dependent leaf temperature yielding maximum CO2 assimilation (cf. Chapter 9).
We infer that Tl is approximately equal to T0 by demonstrating growing season average
12 Introduction and overview

12 Fig. 1.10. Foliage

parameters for maximum
vapor flux. Homogeneous
10 cylindrical multilayers with
Ponderosa M = 1.
pine I0
) )

Sugar maple
Lt 6


Maximum vapor flux minimum ra ) )
at constant temperature with M = 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


American beech

Loblolly pine


Loblolly pine
T0 (C)

European beech
Arctic pine


Sitka spruce

12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Tm (C)

Fig. 1.11. Limited test of habitat heat proposition.

Overview 13

Bowen ratios on the order of 101 for a wide range of communities (cf. Table 9.2),
and therefore that nominally g(T l ) g(T0 ) = g(Tm ) = 1.
Finally, in order to get the potential (i.e., carbon demand-limited) annual production
for a given species, we multiply by the average length of the growing season, m ,
and to convert the gross primary productivity calculated in g(CO2 ) into net primary
productivity, NPP, measured in grams of (above-ground) solid matter, gs , we multiply
by the widely accepted nominal empirical conversion factor, = 0.50 gs g1 .

Potential productive gain

We can now write the product of the above productivity factors in the convenient form
(cf. Chapter 10)
= = fD ( L t ). (1.1)
pD g(T0 )Psm Mm
We show pD to be the productive demand of a unit basal area of the monolayer, L t = 1,
for the given species, making NPP pD
the potential (contingent upon adequate CO2 supply)
productive gain for this species resulting from the canopy structure. The independent
variable, L t , is a species parameter (cf. Appendix H), and NPPpD
is the maximum for
a given species due to our use of both optical optimality and bioclimatic optimality
in deriving the demand function, fD ( L t ). Equation 1.1 is plotted as Curve (a) in
Fig. 1.12 where we see it to be monotonically increasing.
Picking a form for the vertical gradient of CO2 concentration within the crown
and calculating the eddy momentum diffusivity from a big leaf model of the
crown, we use the fluxgradient relation to find the downward CO2 supply function,

= 0.30 2 6 8
downward suppl (a)
y 4
s 3 7
p =pD 5
1.0 and 12
dem 2
CO 2
1 10 11

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Species, Lt

Fig. 1.12. Productive gain of C3 multilayer canopies. Curve (a) = canopy CO2 demand
compared to monolayer demand; curve (b) = canopy downward CO2 supply compared
to monolayer supply. Data points: 1, Creosote bush; 2, ponderosa pine; 3, loblolly pine;
4, oak; 5, rainforest (Ghana); 6, rainforest (Congo); 7, red spruce; 8, beech
(Tennessee); 9, beech (Eastern Europe); 10, pinyon-alligator juniper; 11, pinyon-Utah
juniper; 12, sugar maple. Symbol shape indicates crown shape.
14 Introduction and overview

0.6 Fig. 1.13. Evidence for

10 maximization of light-
5 limited productivity of trees.
2 4 8 11
6 Observed range from
1 3 9 12 13
7 Bakers Ik /Io (1950,
Table 12, p. 143) using
= ; Table 3.9. 1,
Ponderosa pine; 2, Scots
I0 m

0.5 pine; 3, Northern white

cedar; 4, tamarack; 5,
lodgepole pine; 6, Douglas
fir; 7, red oak; 8, hackberry;
9, Engelmann spruce; 10,
Observed range Norway spruce; 11, Eastern
of tree species hemlock; 12, beech; 13,
sugar maple.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Species, L t

NPP/ pS = fS (,L t ) for cylindrical crowns shown as Curve (b) in Fig. 1.12 for the
commonly observed value = 0.30. Here pS is the carbon supply analog of pD
which we assume to equal pD for the L t = 1 monolayer. With this critical assumption,
comparison of the supply and demand functions shows a critical absorption index,
L t , separating the region ( L t L t ) in which the atmosphere can supply the

entire CO2 demand from that ( L t > L t ) in which a growing fraction of the CO2
demand must be met from below by decaying plant matter. We show that for tapered
crowns (i.e., cones or hemispheres) the atmospheric CO2 supply is monotonically in-
creasing with L t so that these crown shapes can meet the CO2 demand at all L t
without local recycling. Limited observations seem to support our derivation of this
optimum productivity as shown by the plotted points on Fig. 1.12.

Maximization of species potential productivity

Fundamental to all this work is the assumption that the dominant selective pressure is
to maximize the individual plants reproductive potential as expressed through max-
imization of annual biomass production with its proportional seed production. By
substituting the climatic assimilation potential, Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , in the denomi-
nator of Eq. 1.1 , for non-limiting water supply, M = 1, and with g(T0 ) = 1, we
= fD ( L t ) f I ( L t ), (1.2)
I0 m

We find  = 0.81 gS MJ(tot)1 .

Without the need here to have the denominator on the left-hand side of Eq. 1.1 represent
monolayer productivity we are free to extract from Psm its dependence upon species through
f I ( L t ) and to move this function to the right-hand side in Eq. 1.2.
Overview 15

the species-dependence of the potential (i.e., light-limited) NPP is now all on the
right-hand side. Equation 1.2 is plotted as the solid line in Fig. 1.13 and shows a broad
global maximum over a particular range of L t . The range of observed tree species is
indicated by the spread of the vertical dashed lines at the respective species-constant
L t . Their clustering in the range of the global maximum NPP is taken as confirmation
of our fundamental assumption.
Extreme climates call for extreme L t in order to conserve heat (large L t ) or
water (small L t ) leading to locally optimal NPP that are smaller (due to CO2 or water
limitation respectively) than this global, light-limited maximum. While the above
development of productivity and its underlying optical and bioclimatic optimalities is
at the heart of this work, we also present and evaluate applications of these ideas to
natural habitats and to ecotone location, and we discuss their potential use to assess
some of the apparent consequences of global climate change.
Part I


Canopy structure

Basic physical features of the forest canopy are defined, observations are pre-
sented, and simplified models are proposed.

A Introduction
The diffusion of water vapor, CO2 , momentum, heat and light vertically through the
canopy governs forest growth under the simplifying assumptions employed herein (see
Chapter 1). In turn, these diffusions are ultimately controlled by the magnitude, distri-
bution, and orientation of the solid matter comprising the forest canopy. This chapter
is devoted to generalized quantitative description of these geometrical characteristics.

B Stand structure
We are interested in the collective physical interaction between the environment
(atmosphere and soil), and a homogeneous community of plants called a stand. The
stand is composed of individual plants, each consisting of a crown supported above the
substrate (i.e., land surface) by a trunk or main stem. The collection of crowns in the
stand constitutes the plant canopy which carries that name because it is often elevated,
umbrella-like, above the ground. Each crown is composed of crown elements which
include the branches, and the foliage elements such as leaves, pods, and stems.
Assuming the individual plants to be identical and with circular plan form, the plan
view of the stand (see Fig. 2.1) shows circular disks of foliage nested at a greater
or lesser density depending upon the availability of some growth-limiting resource.
Letting that limiting resource be water and defining Rosens (1967) cost functional
as water-induced plant stress, Eagleson (1978f ) assumed the optimal density of this
nesting to be that which, for the given climate and soil, produced the maximum average
soil moisture concentration, because this condition minimizes plant stress. He defined

As we will see in Chapter 6, Salvucci (1992) showed that a somewhat greater water use is
achieved at a slightly greater vegetated fraction in return for somewhat higher risk of stress.

18 Canopy structure

A Fig. 2.1. Definition of

canopy cover. (a) Closed
b canopy, M = Mmax ; (b)
open canopy, M < Mmax .


the fraction of surface area covered by the projected crown areas (i.e., the disks) as the
canopy cover, M, and showed its variability in water-limited situations. We use this
definition here. When the disks are as close as possible (i.e., M = Mmax ) we refer to
the canopy as closed as in Fig. 2.1a, and when the disks are less densely packed as in
Fig. 2.1b we refer to the canopy as open. From idealized geometrical considerations
Mmax = 0.84, however in discussion of this extreme state, we will refer to it as M = 1.
In nature, the trees may depart from the circular planform assumed here, allowing a
packing density approaching Mmax = 1. The spaces between disks represent area that
may be occupied by an understory and/or by bare soil. For simplicity here we consider
it to be bare soil.
The individual crowns are described by their shape, solid density, leaf orientation,
and leaf type. Each of these physical features of the crown influences its absorption
of radiation, as well as the fluxes of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and heat to or from
the leaves. Therefore, through selection and/or adaptation, we expect the density,
arrangement, types, and orientation of the leaves to reflect the incident radiation regime
(among other factors) in some way (Russell et al., 1989a, p. 32).

C Crown shape
Trees have long been classified in part according to the shape of their crowns (see
Baker, 1950, pp. 71 et seq.). Sinnot (1960) observed that plant species are often sym-
metrical in their external shape with respect to a central vertical axis which allows
modeling individual plants as simple geometrical figures filled with plant elements.
We follow this precedent limiting our geometrical classes to cylindrical (i.e., flat top),
hemispherical (i.e., rounded), and conical (i.e., pointed). These are illustrated in
Fig. 2.2 along with the defining measures of median size: b = diameter of crown,
h = canopy height (i.e., height of tree), h c = depth of crown, and h s = stem height
(i.e., height of crown bottom). Note that we show the geometry common for a single
tree within an extensive closed canopy (i.e., M = 1) of identical trees and that the
crown does not extend all the way to the ground. As the canopy opens (i.e., M < 1), the
penetration of light increases and foliage may be found closer and closer to the ground.

Eagleson (1978a) called M the canopy density which is ambiguous in three-dimensional studies
such as this, so we adopt here the two-dimensional term canopy cover.
Crown shape 19

b b b


h Crown


Fig. 2.2. Idealized crown shapes.

Plate 2.3. Typical

cylindrical crown. Giant
sequoia in Arnold
Aboretum, Boston.
(Photograph by William D.
Rich; Copyright c 2001
William D. Rich.)
20 Canopy structure

D Solid density
The diffusion of water vapor, CO2 , momentum, heat, and light through the canopy is
ultimately controlled by the magnitude, distribution, and orientation of the solid matter
comprising the canopy. The primary constituent of this solid matter is the leaves or
Crown and canopy internal properties are assumed to be spatially variable in only
the vertical direction. To study such distributed properties it is convenient to consider
that portion of the crown or canopy lying above a given elevation, z. To do so we prefer
to measure vertical distance downward from an origin at the top of the crown as is
indicated by the variable in Fig. 2.2. Taking into account the elevated crown bottom,
we define this variable over the range 0 1 in the dimensionless form:
= . (2.1)
h hs
The crowns solid density is commonly expressed through the leaf area index, L,
which is defined, after Ross (1975, p. 24), as the area of leaves (upper side only) within
that vertical circular cylinder which just encloses the crown divided by the horizontal
cross-sectional area of that cylinder. The leaf area index is a dimensionless quantity
which varies with season, age, and species, and is a critical parameter controlling both
the physical and the biological processes of plant canopies (Chen and Black, 1992).
For homogeneous leaf area density, the leaf area index is written:

4acr (h h s ) 1 cr
L= Acr ( ) d = acr (h h s ) , (2.2)
b 2

in which Acr () = horizontal cross-sectional area of the crown,

cr = crown volume,
= canopy volume as given by the crown-enclosing circular
cylinder, and
acr = crown leaf area density defined (Thom, 1975) as the area of
leaves (one side only) per unit of crown volume (m2 m3 ).

The other crown elements (e.g., branches, twigs, stems, and pods) may be incor-
porated into a more inclusive plant (or foliage) area index, L t , defined in the same
manner as the leaf area index. If L is the area index of the other crown elements, then
L t = L + L = plant or foliage area index, PAI, (e.g., Shaw and Pereira, 1982). These
other crown elements also intercept light and contribute to the drag of the canopy. Their
importance relative to that of the leaves is a function of species (as well as season and
age) as can be seen in Table 2.1. From this table we note that for most deciduous

Needle leaves have thickness on the order of the leaf width and thus one or more of the needle
surfaces may have transverse curvature. In this case the term projected leaf area is
conventionally used to describe the needle shadow area obtained when the light source is directly
above the horizontal needle.
Solid density 21

trees the other crown elements constitute less than 10 percent of the total area, but for
agricultural crops the percentage rises markedly. Measurements for coniferous trees
are few and hard to find, but Jarvis et al. (1976, p. 179) suggest that for radiation at
least, the effective foliage units in coniferous canopies are the twigs rather than the
individual needles. We assume that the energetic and dynamic importance of these
crown elements is proportional to their relative magnitude. Our developments here
will be in terms of the plant area index, L t . However, because reported observations
of this parameter are few, we will use available values of L as a first approximation to
L t wherever necessary.
For simplicity we assume herein that the solid matter is distributed in one of two
fashions (cf. Fig. 2.3): (1) multilayer disbursed either homogeneously through-
out the crown (i.e., acr is constant) forming what we call a homogeneous multi-
layer crown, or non-homogeneously such that the foliage area index is constant
with radius from the trunk; and (2) monolayer concentrated in a thin layer of
uniform density at the crown surface forming what we call a homogeneous monolayer
The crown cross-section variation, Acr ( ), is species-dependent of course and is
idealized in Fig. 2.2. For acr = constant, dL(z)/dz is proportional to Acr ( ) from

Table 2.1. Relative importance of crown element areas

Species L L Lt = L + L L /L t Reference

Leafy plants
Oak 4.60 0.48 5.08 0.09 Rauner (1976)
Maple 5.02 0.16 5.18 0.03 Rauner (1976)
Aspen 4.73 0.17 4.90 0.03 Rauner (1976)
Linden 4.26 0.30 4.56 0.07 Rauner (1976)
Beans 6.25 0.85 7.10 0.12 Thom (1971)
Stemmy plants
Maize 0.18 Den Hartog and Shaw (1975)
Maize 0.30 Ross (1981, p. 78)
Willow 4.50 1.50 6.00 0.25 Cannell et al. (1987)
Wheat 0.74 Ross (1981, p. 80)

The leaf area index may be estimated in any one of several ways: (1) destructive testing
involving cutting and measuring the individual leaves (e.g., Thom, 1971); (2) inclined point
quadrats which involve statistical analysis of the contacts between the leaves and a thin probe
passed at various angles through the crown (e.g., Levy and Madden, 1933; Warren Wilson, 1960,
1963; Philip, 1965); and (3) the quality of light reaching the canopy substrate (e.g., Evans and
Coombe, 1959; Jordan, 1969; Lang et al., 1985, 1991; Lang, 1986; Lang and Xiang, 1986; Lang
and McMurtrie, 1992).

We will see in Chapter 7 that this is precisely obtained only for cylindrical crowns due to the need
for the same light intensity at the lowermost leaf.
This is the situation which must prevail for tapered crowns in order to achieve the same minimum
light intensity at the base of the crown for all radii.
22 Canopy structure

Eq. 2.2. Typical observed forms of dL( )/d for multilayers are generalized by Ross
(1981, Fig. 59b, p. 216) and are reproduced here as Fig. 2.4. According to Ross (1981),
grasses and young conifers have a dL(z)/dz that most closely resembles Type 1. He
reports Type 2 to be quite common, while horse beans have the more unusual Type 4
distribution. There is ample additional observational evidence that canopy leaf area
index has a Type 2 variation in a wide variety of crops and trees. For example see
Uchijima (1976, Fig. 13), for rice and maize; Saugier (1976, Fig. 6b), for sunflower;
Amiro (1990a, Fig. 2), for pine; Norman and Jarvis (1974, Fig. 8), for Sitka spruce;
and Rauner (1976, Fig. 2), for oak, linden, and aspen. The last is reproduced here in
Fig. 2.5.
In the present work we will approximate the commonly observed Type 2 distribu-
tion for multilayers by the uniform distribution designated Type 3 in Fig. 2.4.

Fig. 2.3. Spatial

distributions of crown solid
matter. (a) Multilayer; (b)

(a) (b)

0 Fig. 2.4. Observed vertical

distributions of leaf area. 1,
Grasses and young conifers;
2 2, many crops and trees; 3,
uniform; 4, horse beans.
(After Ross, J., The
1 Radiation Regime and
Architecture of Plant
Stands, 1981, Fig. 59b,
p. 216, Copyright  c 1981
0.5 Dr W. Junk Publishers, The
Hague, with kind
permission from Kluwer
Academic Publishers.)

Acr () and dL()/d
Leaf orientation 23

3 14


10 2
1 2 3
8 3 1

z (m) 6

0.10 0.06 0.02 0.2 0.6 1.0 1.4
as (m2 m3) aL (m2 m3)

Fig. 2.5. Observed vertical distributions of solid matter in typical deciduous forests.
aL = Canopy leaf area density; as = canopy non-leaf area density. 1, Oak; 2, linden; 3,
aspen. (From Rauner, J.L., 1976, Fig. 2, p. 244, Copyright  c 1976 Academic Press
Ltd, with kind permission from Academic Press.)

E Leaf orientation
The orientation of the leaves in space is also of great significance to plant behavior.
Leaf projection on the horizontal plane defines the proportion of light flux that the
leaves intercept (cf. Chapter 3), while the projection on the horizontal and vertical
planes is a primary determinant of surface and form drag respectively (cf. Chapter 4).
Leaf orientation is a species characteristic which may, through growth or heliotropism,
adapt to ambient radiation conditions.
In a given species, the leaf distribution and orientation varies in the vertical di-
rection (e.g., Grulois, 1967) but evidence supports our assumption of uniformity of
orientation with respect to angular position (i.e., azimuth) about the stem at a given
elevation (Nichiporovich, 1961a; de Wit, 1965). Therefore, the most common simpli-
fying assumption is that at any elevation the leaves are distributed symmetrically about
the vertical axis of the tree. Here we will extend the assumptions to include assumed
homogeneity of both distribution and orientation throughout the crown in order to
derive a simple analytical framework for leaf orientation which will be useful later
when we take up the absorption of light by the canopy. These developments follow
closely those of Ross (1981).

Distribution functions
We define the orientation of leaves in a volume by the probability density function
(pdf) of normal directions to the top surfaces of the leaves. Consider this volume to
24 Canopy structure


r c


P y

x R=

Fig. 2.6. Definition sketch for leaf orientation.

be a sphere of infinitesimal radius, R = , centered on any point, P, in the crown as

is illustrated in the sketch of Fig. 2.6. We divide the surface of the sphere into i equal
areas, Ai , each of which therefore subtends the same central angle, i , centered
on the direction indicated by the radius vector rLi .
From spherical coordinates

A = 2  = [( sin L ) L ] [L ] , (2.3)


 = sin L L L . (2.4)

Assuming, for computational simplicity, homogeneity of leaf distribution through-

out the crown, and noting that i i = 2 , we see that the fraction of the total leaf
area lying within the solid angle  is  2
. Let the fraction of this last area having
normals in the rL direction be the function gL (P, rL ). If we sum over all i (that is, over
all rLi ) we obtain, in the limit

gL (P, rL )
d 1, (2.5)
from which we see that
gL (P, rL )
= pdf of foliage area orientation and of leaf normals. (2.6)
Leaf orientation 25

Since very few leaves have their top side facing downward, few normals lie
in the lower hemisphere of our infinitesimal sphere, making 2 gL
0 therein. Noting
that at any point, P, rL = rL (L , L ), and assuming there to be no preferred azimuthal
orientation, we use Eq. 2.4 to rewrite Eq. 2.5
gL (P, rL ) 2 1
d = dL g (P, L ) sin L dL = 1. (2.7)
2 0 0 2 L
or simply

gL (P, L ) sin L dL = 1. (2.8)

For homogeneous foliage orientation, gL is independent of position P in the crown,

and Eq. 2.8 becomes

gL (L ) sin L dL = 1, (2.9)

in which

gL (L ) sin L = gL (L ) = pdf of leaf orientation angle, (2.10)

and the cumulative distribution function (i.e., CDF) of leaf orientation angle is by

Plate 2.2. Typical hemispherical crown. Variety of fig, Agra, India. (Photograph by
Peter S. Eagleson.)
26 Canopy structure



gL (L ) dL . (2.11)

De Wit (1965) distinguished four classes of cumulative distribution functions:

(1) planophile in which the leaves tend toward the horizontal,
(2) erectophile in which the leaves tend toward the vertical,
(3) plagiophile in which the leaves tend toward a 45 inclination, and
(4) extremophile in which both horizontal and vertical tendencies predominate.
Because it does not seem important in nature, we have replaced the last of these with the
uniform distribution in which all leaf inclinations are equally likely. We have assigned
simple analytical functions to represent these four classes:
(1) planophile:  gL (L ) = cos L ; 
GL (L ) = sin L (2.12)
(2) erectophile: gL (L ) = sin L ;
GL (L ) = 1 cos L (2.13)
(3) plagiophile: gL (L ) = sin 2L ;
GL (L ) = 1 (1 cos 2L ) (2.14)
(4) uniform: gL (L ) =

. (2.15)
All these functions are plotted in Fig. 2.7.
De Wit (1965) made observations of leaf orientation angle for a variety of agri-
cultural species and presents them in the form of the cumulative distribution function,

GL(L ). These are reproduced here in Fig. 2.8 (solid lines) with the addition, for
comparative purposes, of the most relevant of Eqs. 2.122.14 (dashed lines).
Lang et al. (1985) and Ross (1981) also observed leaf orientation in certain field
crops, but they presented their results in terms of the probability density function,

gL (L ). These have been reproduced in Fig. 2.9 where they are compared with the
pdfs of Eqs. 2.13 and 2.14. Note the difference in the pdf for sunflower in the morn-
ing as opposed to that for the afternoon, a clear demonstration of the well-known
heliotropism of this species. From these observations it appears that grasses (i.e., rye,
corn, and sorghum) tend to be erectophile, while other erect field crops (i.e., rape,
sugar beet, and sunflower) tend to be plagiophile. It is no surprise that the recum-
bent crops (i.e., potato and clover) appear to be planophile. According to Ross (1981,
p. 115), Data concerning leaf orientation in tree stands are exceedingly scarce.
However, we will see later that given the leaf area index, the mean of L can be in-
ferred from observations of the vertical decay of either light or momentum in the

Leaf angles may be estimated in the field either through the methods of inclined point quadrats
(e.g., Warren Wilson, 1963, Philip, 1965, Miller, 1967), of gap frequencies (Lang et al., 1985),
from transmission of direct sunlight (Lang, 1986), or by painstaking use of protractors to measure
the angle of a statistically significant sample of leaves (e.g., Nichiporovich, 1961b).
Leaf orientation 27

1.0 Fig. 2.7. Distribution

functions of leaf inclination.

(a) Cumulative distribution

classes defined by de Wit

(1965); (b) Simple


0.6 probability density



functions corresponding to

the de Wit (1965) classes.


1 4
0.2 3 2

0 20 40 60 80
(a) L (degrees)

sin 2L


0.6 4
g L(L)

2 1
sin L cos L

0 20 40 60 80
(b) L (degrees)

Mean leaf inclination angle

For both drag and phytometric calculations it is important to know the leaf area
projected on the vertical and/or horizontal planes. Since for homogeneous canopies
(Eq. 2.6)
gL (rL )
= distribution function for the projection of leaf area
on to a plane perpendicular to the leaf normal (2.16)

gL (rL )
|cos r
L r| = distribution function for the projection of leaf area
on to a plane perpendicular to the vector r(, ). (2.17)

Integrating as before (Eq. 2.7), and assigning the symbol

gL (rL )
= |cos r
L r| d cos r
L r, (2.18)
28 Canopy structure

Rape Rye
GL(L) 0.8 0.8

1 3 2 3
0.4 0.4

0 0


Clover Potato
0.8 0.8
1 3 2

0.4 1 3 2 0.4

0 0

Sugar Corn
0.8 beet 0.8


1 2 1 2
0.4 0.4

0 0
0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90
L (degrees) L (degrees)

Fig. 2.8. Cumulative distribution functions of leaf inclination. Solid lines =

observations of de Wit, 1965, at different stages of plant maturation; dashed lines 1, 2,
3 = Eqs. 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, respectively. (Adapted from de Wit, 1965, with kind
permission from the Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The

giving the spatial average, throughout the crown, of the cosine of the angle between
the leaf normal and the directional vector r.
The radius vectors z, rL , and r pierce the surface of the sphere of Fig. 2.6 at three
points defining the vertices of a spherical triangle whose opposite sides we have labeled
respectively a, b, and c. From the spherical law of cosines (see mathematical tables,
e.g., Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964, p. 79)

cos r
L r = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos , (2.19)


cos r
L r = cos cos L + sin sin L cos ( L ). (2.20)
Leaf orientation 29

gL ( L)


0.4 PM AM
sin L
sin 2L
0 30 60 90
L (degrees)

Fig. 2.9. Probability distribution functions of leaf inclination. Observations:- - -

sunflower; AM, morning, PM, afternoon (reprinted from Lang, A. R. G., Yueqin
Xiang, and J. M. Norman, Crop structure and the penetration of direct sunlight,
Fig. 10, p. 93, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 35, Copyright  c 1985 Elsevier,
with kind permission from Elsevier Science); sorghum (Lang et al., 1985, Fig. 5,
p. 91);  corn (from Ross, J., The Radiation Regime and Architecture of Plant Stands,
1981, Fig. 32d, curve 3, p. 117, Copyright  c 1981 Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague,
with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers); fitted distributions: .

Plate 2.3. Typical spherical sector crown. Umbrella tree, Ayutthaya, Thailand.
(Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
30 Canopy structure

For the special case in which r is oriented vertically upward (i.e., r z), Eqs. 2.18
and 2.20 give

= cos L , (2.21)

which is the spatial average, throughout the crown, of the cosine of the leaf inclination
angle, L . In the general case, this expectation is evaluated analytically by

gL (L ) cos L dL . (2.22)

Monteith (1969) gives values of as low as 0.24 for the more-or-less vertical leaves
of ryegrass, and as high as 1 for the horizontal leaves of clover. Broadleaved and
conifer trees normally have values in the range 0.30 < < 0.50 (see Jarvis et al.,
1976, and Rauner, 1976). A collection of field estimates is included herein (see
Tables 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4).
Estimates of derived from the distributions of Eqs. 2.122.15 corresponding to
the de Wit (1965) classifications are given in Table 2.5. We see that these distributions
give values of which are generally larger than found for trees but agree well with the
distributions observed for crops, as proposed by de Wit (1965) and as seen in Figs. 2.8
and 2.9. Also in Table 2.5 we give the range of observed for crops and grasses, and
the average for deciduous and coniferous trees as assembled from the literature and
listed in Tables 2.22.4. Note the higher values of observed for crops and grasses
than for trees, and note the general correspondence of the range of observed for
crops and grasses with the range of for the de Wit (1965) distribution types. We
conclude from this that the de Wit distributions are not applicable to trees, but are well
suited for crops and grasses.

Determinants of leaf inclination

What determines ? Is it related to the direction of light? As we will see in Chapter 3,
diffuse (i.e., cloudy sky) radiation may be assumed isotropic because on an element
of surface it is incident with equal intensity from all sectors of the (hemispherical)
sky. Cloudy skies are characteristic of wet climates in which available light rather
than available water may be expected to limit plant productivity. In such situations,
maximum productivity will require, among other things, maximum interception of
available photosynthetically active (i.e., shortwave) radiation which can only happen
when the reflection of this radiation is minimized. Although the reflection coefficient
is relatively insensitive to incidence angle in these wave lengths, it is minimized when
the radiation is perpendicular to the leaf surface. For isotropic radiation intensity, this
condition would favor leaf areas whose normals are distributed as are those on the
surface of a hemisphere.

Henceforth we will drop the crown average notation, ,
and use in which the averaging is
Leaf orientation 31

Table 2.2. Observed canopy parameters for evergreen vegetation

Type aw = L t Lt Reference

Douglas fir 8.9 Fritschen et al. (1977)

5.4 Lee and Black (1993)
Eucalyptus 1.05 0.37 Whitford et al. (1995)
(E. maculata Hook.) 2.8 0.37 Denmead et al. (1993)
(E. grandis) 2.9 Lang and McMurtrie
Larch 1.00 9.4 Allen (1968)
Sourgum 4.42 Cionco (1978)

Pine 6.9 0.41 Jarvis et al. (1976)

2.3 Jacquemin and Noilhan
9.5 Walter (1973)
Jack pine 2.6 2.0 Amiro (1990a)
Pinus radiata 1.7 Whitehead et al. (1994)
4.389.23 Lang (1991)
Pinus taeda 2.6 0.43 Jarvis et al. (1976)
Pinus sylvestris 4.3 0.46 Oliver (1971)
2.6 Lindroth (1985)
0.45 Norman and
Jarvis (1974)
Pinus ponderosa 4.0 Denmead and
Bradley (1985)
Pinus resinosa/strobus 3.1a 0.42a Jarvis et al. (1976)
Pinus resinosa 2.6 0.40 Jarvis et al. (1976)

Spruce 2.74 Cionco (1978)

Sitka spruce 0.40.6 Ross (1981)
1.16, 1.67, Landsberg and
2.74 9.6b , 3.3c Jarvis (1973)
9.8 0.490.56 Jarvis et al. (1976)
Black spruce 4.8 10.1 Amiro (1990a)
Jungle forest 3.84 Cionco (1978)
Tropical rainforest
Ivory Coast 8.5 Walter and Breckle
Nigeria 9.5 Walter and Breckle
Puerto Rico 6.4 Odum et al. (1963)

Chaparral 2.5 Mooney et al. (1977)
Desert shrub 1.0 Larcher (1983)
Average 0.45 2.77 5.4 0.44

Average of 5 values.
Includes entire crown.
Dynamically active crown only.
32 Canopy structure

If we take the leaf area, AL , as statistically distributed with respect to angle in the
same way as is the surface area of a hemisphere (Nichiporovich, 1961b), the foliage
area is oriented equally in all hemispheric directions. That is, the distribution of foliage
orientation is hemispheric. Further assuming axial symmetry, we can use the sketch
of Fig. 2.10 to express the -dependence of leaf area in this case as
dAL = ( D sin ) d. (2.23)
Scaling by the total surface area of the hemisphere, we obtain the probability density
function of leaf area, f(AL ), which is identical to that of leaf angle, 
gL (L ), as
gL (L ) f(AL ) = AL1
 = sin sin L , (2.24)
which we recognize as the pdf of leaf inclination for erectophile plants. Equations 2.22
and 2.24 then give, for the average leaf angle

= sin L cos L dL = 0.5. (2.25)

Table 2.3. Observed canopy parameters for deciduous vegetation

Type aw = L t Lt Reference

Deciduous forest 0.250.35 Rauner (1976)

average 4.0 Uchijima (1976)
Oak 2.68 Cionco (1978)
5.1 0.28 Rauner (1976)
3.5 0.27 Rauner (1976)
5.5, 4.6 0.42 Rauner (1976)
Ash 4.24.4 Vertessy et al.
Aspen 0.30 4.9 0.38 Rauner (1976)
3.5 0.29 Rauner (1976)
4.0 0.26 Rauner (1976)
7.4 Rauner (1976)
4.0 Amiro (1990a)
Birch 0.25 6.04 Rauner (1976)
Maple 0.33 5.18 Rauner (1976)
4.03 Cionco (1978)
Linden 0.35 5.10, 4.0 Rauner (1976)
Willow 0.30 6.0 0.40 Cannell et al.
7.5 0.50 Lindroth (1993)
Average 0.31 3.36 4.68 0.35
Leaf orientation 33

Table 2.4. Observed canopy parameters for crops and grasses

Type aw = L t Lt Reference

Grassland 2.60 4.1 0.47 Ripley and Redmann (1976)

5.0 0.31 Rauner (1976)
Rye 0.24 Monteith (1969)
0.49 Ross (1981)
0.50 de Wit (1965)
Barley 0.34 Magi and Ross (1969)
Lucerne 0.67 Warren Wilson (1965)
Sorghum 0.64 Lang et al. (1985)
4.4 Ross (1981)
Fescue 3.8 Aylor et al. (1993)
Clover 1.05 Monteith (1969)
0.87 de Wit (1965)
Red clover 2.5 Lemon (1965)
Wheat 0.50 Nichiporovich (1961b)
2.23.3 0.55 Denmead (1976)
0.320.50 Ross (1975)
3.6 Denmead (1976)
2.45 Cionco (1972)
2.8 Uchijima (1976)
Oats 2.8 Cionco (1972)
Horse beans 0.78 Ross (1981)
Soybeans 2.79 Cionco (1978)
Beans 2.92, 2.17, 3.6 Thom (1971)
1.36, 1.17
Corn 4.25 Allen et al. (1964)
0.71 de Wit (1965)
0.59 Ross (1981)
Maize 0.71, 0.89 Fakorede and Mock (1977)
4.45 Udagawa et al. (1968)
2.88 Wright and Brown (1967)
2.0 Hicks and Sheih (1977)
2.6 3.7 0.56 Brown and Covey (1966)
2.462.88 Uchijima et al. (1970)
3.0 4.16 Inoue and Uchijima (1979)
5.6 0.28 McCaughey and Davies (1974)
3.0 Jacquemin and Noilhan (1990)
1.97 Cionco (1972)
1.05 0.37 Whitford et al. (1995)
4.04.2 Lemon (1963)
Potato 0.87 de Wit (1965)
1.00 Ross (1981)
1.00 Nichiporovich (1961b)
Rape 0.84 de Wit (1965)
Sugar beet 0.78 de Wit (1965)
Rice 2.53.0 4.01 0.450.65 Uchijima (1976)
Sunflower 1.7 0.72, 0.90, 0.66 Saugier (1976)
0.71, 0.80, 0.92
1.2 Ross (1981)
1.61 Cionco (1978)
Average 0.73 2.41 3.63 0.59
34 Canopy structure

This value can be compared with observations in Table 2.5. It appears that coniferous
trees, having = 0.45, and being common to moist, cloudy climates, may exhibit this
dependence of on the direction of light.
For direct (as opposed to diffuse) light, the proposition that the leaf is perpendicular
to the incident light leads directly to the relation

= cos h = sin (h ), (2.26)
in which h is the effective solar altitude. In Chapter 3 (Fig. 3.9) we will see that over the
latitude range 0  60 , the daylight-hour average solar altitude at summer solstice
is 27 h 40 whence, from Eq. 2.26, 0.46 0.65. The observed average for
deciduous trees in Table 2.2 is 0.31. We conclude from this that the leaf surface
of deciduous trees is approximately 26 degrees more vertical than is the normal to the
direction of light. In Chapter 3 we will consider these important questions in more

F Leaf type
There are basically two types of leaves, broad leaves and needle leaves.

Broad leaves
So-called broad leaves are the thin flat leaves, anywhere from 2 cm to 25 cm in
characteristic dimension depending upon species. In plan view, again depending upon
species, they may be star-shaped with a varied number of points, or they may be heart-
shaped with serrated edge, or have multiple lobes. Their stomates are predominantly
on the underside of the leaf giving them the name hypostomatous. However, the leaves

Table 2.5. Estimates of average leaf inclination

Form of distribution  from Eq. 2.22  from observationa

Hemispherical (Eq. 2.24) 0.50 Deciduous trees

Erectophile (Eq. 2.13) 0.50 Coniferous trees
Uniform (Eq. 2.15) 0.64
Plagiophile (Eq. 2.14) 0.67 Crops and grasses
0.50 <  < 0.89
Planophile (Eq. 2.12) 0.79

See Tables 2.22.4.
Leaf type 35

Fig. 2.10. Definition sketch

for hemispheric distribution
L of crown surface area.

d L dAL(L )

Plate 2.4. Typical conical

crown. Eastern red cedar
(Photographed by William
D. Rich in Holden
Arboretum, Cleveland.
Copyright c 2001 William
D. Rich.)
36 Canopy structure

of grasses and herbaceous broadleaved plants have stomates on both the upper and
lower surfaces and are called amphistomatous.

Needle leaves
There is a wide range of geometries within the group of needle-leaved plants, but we
will identify and treat only the two extremes:

Individual needle varieties

Most Pinus needles emerge from the stem in a tight circular bundle (called a fascicle)
of multisided individuals which opens progressively along the needle axis, thereby
providing a varying degree of mutual interference to the transport of momentum and to
the penetration of light. Those varieties with very long needles (845 cm) in which the
individuals become separated to the point of relative independence we call individual
needle varieties. As is pictured by Zim and Martin (1987), these are exemplified
by the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and (to a
somewhat lesser degree) include others such as sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), pitch
pine (Pinus rigida), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and Eastern white pine (Pinus
There are three needles to the circular bundle of Pinus taeda (Kozlowski and
Schumacher, 1943) and of Monterey pine (Pinus radiata) (Raison et al., 1992), so
each needle of these varieties has a cross-section consisting of a 120 circular sector.
The important ratio of total needle perimeter (P) to arc-chord (Ca ) of these varieties
is P/Ca = 2.36 (Raison et al., 1992). All three sides of these needles are stomated
(Kramer and Decker, 1944, p. 352).
The cross-section of Pinus strobus needles is a 72 circular sector (i.e., five to
the bundle) with stomates only on the straight sides (Kozlowski and Schumacher,
1943), and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles have a semicircular cross-section with
stomates on only the straight side. Over a range of needle varieties, Waring (1983)
found the average perimeter-to-chord ratio, P/Ca  = 2.5.

Clustered needle varieties

Particularly spruce, but to a lesser degree fir, larch, pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) and other
varieties of needle-leaved plants have short (23 cm), stiff, relatively thick needles
that are clustered closely together on long twigs forming what are called shoots.
There is a high degree of interference among these needles so that the characteristic
physical dimension is that of the cluster rather than that of the individual needle. Needle
diameters are about 2 mm, and cluster widths are about one order of magnitude larger.
These leaf characteristics will be important later when we consider momentum
transport and rainfall interception in the canopy.

Spruce needles have a + cross-section such as a square with four deeply fluted quadrants
(cf. Zim and Martin, 1987, p. 29).

Radiant uxes

Characteristics of incident solar radiation and its partition are described, and
the average insolation during the nominal growing season is determined as
a function of latitude. Penetration of radiation into the canopy is considered
theoretically as a function of solar altitude and leaf angle, and its extinction
coefficient is compared with observation.
Maximum canopy absorption of solar radiation is reasoned to occur when
the light at the lowest leaves is at the biological limit called compensation
intensity, and when by virtue of scattering the coefficient of light absorption
equals the cosine of the leaf angle as is shown by the observations. These
conditions define the state of optical optimality that appears to govern those
systems that are productively limited by available photosynthetically active
light. Systems limited by water and apparently by leaf temperature are observed
to regulate leaf angle in ways that accept or reject heat-producing long-wave

A Introduction
The average rate at which radiant solar energy passes through a plane unit area normal
to the Suns rays is referred to here as radiant flux density. At the outer limit of the
Earths atmosphere this quantity is termed the solar constant; it is given the symbol
S oo and has the value (Frohlich and Brusa, 1981):

S oo = solar constant = 1.96 cal cm2 min1 = 1367 W m2 . (3.1)

It is distributed spectrally according to Plancks distribution function for a black-

body (e.g., Liou, 1980, p. 9) evaluated at the Suns surface temperature, 5700 to
5800 K.
In the absence of an atmosphere, the radiant flux density on a horizontal plane at
the Earths surface is given by the astronomical relation
S oo
S oo = sin h , (3.2)

38 Radiant uxes

in which o is the distance between the Sun and Earth in astronomical units, AU
(1 AU = mean SunEarth distance = 1.496 108 km), and h is the solar elevation.
Spherical trigonometry gives

sin(h ) = sin  sin + cos  cos cos , (3.3)

where  is the geographical latitude, is the solar declination (see List, 1951), and is
the solar hour angle (with zero at apparent noon and positive values in the afternoon).
For more details of this celestial geometry see the illustration and caption of Fig. 3.1
as taken from Eagleson (1970, p. 404).

Z Observers zenith

North Celestial
celestial P equator
North O South

Observers Solar hour

horizon West circle

Fig. 3.1. Great circles on the celestial sphere. Consider an observer at point O on the
Earths surface. A coordinate system is established having its vertical perpendicular to
the tangent plane at this point. This coordinate system is defined as topocentric, and
the measures of solar position seen from point O are called apparent measures.
Transferring our tangent plane down the radius until point O coincides with the Earths
center we have the geocentric coordinate system shown in Fig. 3.1. The celestial
sphere (in this case the solar sphere) is defined by the imaginary spherical shell
passing through the Sun and having its center at point O. The observers horizon will
then be the great circle defined by the intersection of a plane, tangent to the Earths
surface at point O, with the celestial sphere. The celestial equator is another great
circle given by the intersection of the celestial sphere with a plane through the Earths
equator. A perpendicular to the equator plane, erected at point O, pierces the celestial
sphere at the celestial pole P; and a perpendicular to the observers horizon plane,
erected at point O, pierces the celestial sphere at the observers zenith Z. A great circle
on the celestial sphere and including both P and Z is called the observers meridian.
The angle  between the equator plane and an eastwest plane containing Z and O is
the astronomical latitude and is positive for points O in the northern (terrestrial)
hemisphere. A great circle on the celestial sphere containing the Sun S and both
celestial poles PN and PS is known as the solar hour circle, and the angular distance
between the planes of the meridian and the Suns hour circle is known as the Suns
hour angle . It is positive for Sun positions to the west of the meridian. A plane
containing S, O, and Z defines another great circle along the celestial sphere. This
plane is perpendicular to the observers horizon plane. The solar altitude is defined by
the angle h measured along this great circle, between the observers horizon plane
and the plane containing the solar hour circle. The angular distance between the
celestial equator plane and the Sun, measured from the former (and positive when the
Sun lies north of the Earths equator) and along the solar hour circle, is known as the
solar declination .
Denitions 39

The presence of an atmosphere causes attenuation in the intensity of this so-called

direct radiation and modification in its spectral distribution. Molecular and particulate
scattering, which are wavelength-selective refraction and reflection processes, pro-
duce what is called diffuse sky radiation. Exitation of molecular resonances on the
other hand produces energy absorption and subsequent long-wave radiation by the
Computation of the attenuation of radiation by the atmosphere under specific con-
ditions is a complex and still highly empirical task (e.g., Kondratyev, 1969; Iqbal,
1983). We will avoid this calculation herein by using nominal values of incident light
intensity at the top of the vegetation canopy calculated by de Wit (1965) as a function of
solar altitude for the two limiting conditions: very clear sky with only direct radiation,
and overcast sky where all radiation is diffuse.
Our primary interests here are in the total quantity and average incidence angle of
radiation intercepted by the surfaces of the vegetation during the growing season. It is
likely that certain structural properties of the vegetation are adaptations to the radiation
regime (Ross, 1981, p. 91), particularly its angle of leaf incidence, and its ability to
shed or retain heat.
We begin with a look at the characteristics of the incident radiation regime following
the work of Kondratyev (1969) and Ross (1981).

B Denitions
We define the incident radiation field in terms of its energy, in which case the primary
characteristic is its radiant flux density, R, measured in cal cm2 min1 . The radiant
flux density or radiance for short, is a function of the wavelength, , of the radiation;
the time, t; the location, P, in space; and the direction, r, of the ray. Accordingly, we
write, formally
radiance = R (t, P, r) = rate at which energy in the wavelength interval around ,
and in the increment of solid angle, d, around the ray, r, passes through a unit of
surface area, d , perpendicular to the ray at the particular time, t, and location, P.

This is illustrated in the definition sketch of Fig. 3.2a where is the angle between
the ray, r, and an (upward) normal, n, to an arbitrarily oriented surface. If R is
independent of direction, r, the radiation field is isotropic. Only blackbody radiation
is strictly isotropic, but we will see that diffuse sky radiation under overcast skies
approximates this condition.
While the flux of radiation through a unit area perpendicular to the ray, r, has been
termed radiance, and is independent of the surface on which it is incident, the flux
of radiation through an arbitrarily oriented surface (such as a leaf) is known as the
irradiance of the surface and depends upon the surface orientation. That is, radiance
refers to the ray, and irradiance refers to the surface. The flux of radiation, F , through
40 Radiant uxes

d (solid angle)



(a) d = surface element


z R

(b) x

Fig. 3.2. Definition sketches. (a) Elementary cone for radiance. (After Kondratyev,
K.Ya., Radiation in the Atmosphere, Fig. 1.2, p. 10, Copyright c 1969 Academic
Press, with kind permission from Academic Press, Orlando, FL.) (b) Spherical
coordinates for radiant flux.

the arbitrarily oriented surface of Fig 3.2a is simply

F = R cos nr (3.4)

in which nr is the angle between the vectors n and r, and the operator . . signifies
local spatial averaging over the many surface orientations (e.g., leaves) present at
location, P.
In this work we are interested only in climatic issues. Therefore, we will describe
climatic radiance solely in terms of its first-order dependent variables:
(1) latitude, , and
(2) growing season timing, t, and length, .

Thus, we will deal with radiances that are heavily averaged, both in space at a given
latitude, and in time over an ensemble of growing season months. The characteristic
radiances at a given latitude which result from this process are therefore nominal
and may be expected at best to explain only first-order spatial variations in vegetation
form and function. To indicate that the radiances have been so averaged we give them
an overbar. The time-averaged form of Eq. 3.4 is then

F = R cos nr (3.5)
Denitions 41

Plate 3.1. Giant Ficus walk toward the light. At Angkor, Cambodia, spong trees
(Ficus tetrameles nudiflora) step over the wall surrounding the ruins of Ta Prom
seeking access to light available where the temple created a gap in the canopy.
(Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)

A special case of particular interest here is when the surface of Fig. 3.2a
has a horizontal orientation. The irradiance of this unit horizontal area is known as the
insolation, I . In terms of averaged quantities we use Eq. 3.5 and Fig 3.2b to write

I = R cos zr . (3.6)

The total local surface irradiance is the climatic insolation, I0 .

Direct radiation
Radiation coming directly from the sun without modification by the absorption and
scattering effects of intervening clouds is called direct or beam radiation, Rb , and is in
the spectral range 280 nm < < 4000 nm (Ross, 1981, p. 159). About half of this (van
Wijk, 1963) is in the region of photosynthetically active radiation, PAR, where 400 nm
< PAR P < 700 nm, and about half is in the near-infrared region, NIR, where 700
nm < NIR N < 4000 nm. A small amount occurs in the ultra-violet region, UV,
where UV < 400 nm; however we neglect that here and assume PAR = NIR = Rb /2.
We will concern ourselves primarily with PAR in this work, thus all radiation symbols
refer to PAR unless stated otherwise. The PAR absorbed by the atmosphere and by the
surface heats these receptors to earthly rather than solar temperatures at which they
42 Radiant uxes

reradiate in correspondingly longer wavelengths. The net, qb , of this bi-directional

longwave flux is important only to the surface energy balance of later chapters and its
estimation is considered in Appendix E.
Direct solar radiation is zero outside the small solid angle  corresponding to
the angular diameter of the Sun located at position r. Thus we can use Eq. 3.6 to
approximate the seasonal and zonal average beam insolation, Ib , as

Ib (h ) = Rb (h ) sin(h ), (3.7)

in which R b is the (seasonal and zonal) average solar (i.e., direct) radiance in the PAR
band at the top of the canopy for solar altitude, h , and h is the average (daylight-
hour) solar altitude during the growing season.

Diffuse radiation
That part of solar radiation which reaches the vegetation from above after multiple
scattering from atmospheric particles and clouds as well as after reflection from the
vegetation (and ground) and additional atmospheric scattering is called the diffuse sky
radiation, Rd (Ross, 1981, p. 161). Its spectral distribution is different from that of direct
radiation. In general, the angular distribution of diffuse radiation is non-isotropic. In
this case, radiation is incident upon our unit surface area from all sectors of the sky,
and the seasonal and zonal average diffuse insolation, Id , is

Id (h ) = Rd (r: h ) cos zr . (3.8)

Noting that the elemental solid angle, d, surrounding r is written

d = sin z dz d

in which z is the complement of h . Using Fig. 3.2b, Eq. 3.8 can be written
Id (h ) = d Rd (r: h ) sin z cos z dz
0 0

= Rd (r: h ) sin 2z dz . (3.9)

The integrand of Eq. 3.9 defines the diffuse radiance on a horizontal surface. This
radiance is also called the zonal brightness of the sky, D dz , and its angular distribution
is symmetrical with respect to the solar vertical plane.

On average, the direct and diffuse components of the total radiation are distributed
among the three primary spectral bands (i.e., UV, PAR, and NIR) as is shown in
Table 3.1 taken from Ross (1975, Table II, p. 19). The UV component is negligible for
our purposes. Only a small amount of the total incident energy, less than 10 percent,
Denitions 43

is used directly by the plants in photosynthesis (cf. Gates, 1980, p. 26; Larcher, 1983,
p. 20) where it is stored chemically in the high-energy organic compounds of biomass.
This is from the PAR component. The remaining majority is converted into heat where
it powers transpiration, catalyzes photosynthesis, and exchanges convectively with
the atmosphere. The mixture of direct and diffuse radiation varies with place and time.
Without distinguishing among the spectral components, meteorologists define this situ-
ation by the beam ratio, , which is the direct radiance fraction of total radiance. Values
of under conditions of clear atmospere and industrial cloudiness are presented in
Fig. 3.3 as a function of solar altitude, h , using data from Gates (1980, Table 6.1,
p. 114).

1.0 Fig. 3.3. Typical values of

0.9 the beam ratio. (Data from
Clear atmosphere Gates, 1980, Fig. 6.1,
0.8 p. 114.)
Beam ratio,

0.6 cloudiness






0 20 40 60 80
Solar altitude, h (degrees)

Table 3.1. Mean radiation fraction

Waveband (m)

(0.280.38) (0.380.71) (0.714.0)

Direct 0.02 0.42 0.56

Diffuse 0.10 0.65 0.25
Total (cloudless) 0.03 0.50 0.47

Source: Ross, J., Radiative transfer in plant communities,

Table II, p. 19, in Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 1,
Principles, edited by J.L. Monteith, Copyright  c 1975,
Academic Press, with kind permission from Academic
Press Ltd, London.
44 Radiant uxes

Fig. 3.4. Verification of

1.0 isotropic radiance for
a overcast sky. (a) Overcast

sky observations (Poldmaa,

Relative sky brightness, D

1963); (b) isotropic

radiance. (After Ross, J.,
The Radiation Regime and
0.5 Architecture of Plant
Stands, Fig. 41, p. 164,
Copyright  c 1981 Dr W.
Junk Publishers, The
Hague, with kind
permission from Kluwer
0 Academic Publishers.)
0 30 60 90
Zenith angle, z (degrees)

Limiting cases
As stated earlier, we will recognize two limiting radiation cases:
(1) Very clear sky in which there is no diffuse radiation ( i.e., beam ratio = 1), the
Suns rays are everywhere at the same inclination, and the averaged insolation
is given by Eq. 3.7.
(2) Overcast sky in which there is no direct radiation (i.e., beam ratio = 0), and
the averaged insolation is given by Eq. 3.9.

Observations show (Poldmaa, 1963, reproduced in Ross, 1981, Fig. 41, p. 164) that
under overcast skies, the diffuse radiation is closely isotropic. Under isotropic condi-
tions, R d is independent of r and Eq. 3.9 reduces to

I d = Rd, (3.10)

which is Lamberts law (Kondratyev, 1969, p. 13). The zonal brightness (cf. Eq. 3.9)
may be normalized to give the relative brightness of the sky, D dz , under isotropic
conditions, as

D dz () = = sin 2z . (3.11)
Equation 3.11 is compared with Poldmaas (1963) observations in Fig. 3.4 as
adapted from Ross (1981, Fig. 41, p. 164). The excellent agreement confirms the
isotropic assumption for the radiance of an overcast sky.

C Partition of radiance
Total beam radiance, Ri , incident upon the canopy is partitioned by the foliage ele-
ments, into three components: absorption (Ra ), reflection (Rr ), and transmission (Rt )
Partition of radiance 45

as is indicated schematically in Fig. 3.5. (The sum of reflection and transmission is

known as scattering.) Normalizing by the incident total insolation, this partition is
expressed mathematically
Ra Rr Rt
+ + = T + T + T = 1 (3.12)
Ri Ri Ri
in which T , T , and T are the coefficients of absorption, reflection, and transmis-
sion respectively. For average green leaves the irradiance partition coefficients have
been calculated separately for each of the three major spectral bands by Ross (1975,
Table V, p. 22) and have the values presented here in Table 3.2. Note the low reflection
and transmission of PAR and hence its high absorption. This important point is made

Fig. 3.5. Partition of

incident radiance by green
leaf. (After Kriedeman,
P. E., et al., Photosynthesis
z in relation to leaf
Rr Ri
orientation and light
interception, Fig. 4, p. 597,
Australian Journal of
Leaf Biological Science, 17,
tissue 591600, Copyright  c
1964 CSIRO Publishing,
with kind permission from
CSIRO Publishing,
Rt Collingwood, Australia.)

Table 3.2. Partition of irradiance for average green


Coefficient UV PAR NIR

Reflection, T 0.30 0.09 0.51

Transmission, T 0.20 0.06 0.34
Absorption, T 0.50 0.85 0.15

Note that, by definition, irradiance is the flux density
experienced by a surface perpendicular to the beam and
when the surface under consideration is horizontal the
flux density is often referred to as insolation.
Source: Ross, J., Radiative transfer in plant communities,
Table V, p. 22, in Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 1,
Principles, edited by J.L. Monteith, Copyright  c 1975
Academic Press, with kind permission from Academic
Press Ltd, London.

Remember that by definition irradiance is perpendicular to the surface in question.
46 Radiant uxes

graphically in Fig. 3.6 (Larcher, 1983, Fig. 2.4, p. 10, after Gates, 1965) where the full
spectral distribution of the coefficients is shown for a poplar (Populus deltoides) leaf.
Consider next the sensitivity of radiance partition to the angle of radiation incidence.
Ross (1981, Table II.3.2, p. 185) has examined this for isolated leaves of lettuce (thin
and pale) and Chinese hibiscus (thick and glossy) under incident white light, and his
results are presented here in Table 3.3. Note:

Table 3.3. Sensitivity of partition of white light to angle of radiation


Angle of radiation incidence (zenith angle)

0 30 40 50 60 70 75
0.175 0.17 0.16 0.145 0.12 0.11 0.10
0.14 0.145 0.155 0.165 0.19 0.23 0.25
0.685 0.685 0.685 0.69 0.69 0.66 0.66
Chinese hibiscus
0.06 0.055 0.05 0.045 0.04 0.04 0.04
0.065 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.095 0.11 0.13
0.875 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.865 0.85 0.83

Note: Leaves of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were thin and pale green in color, while
those of Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) were thick and glossy.
Source: Ross, J., The Radiation Regime and Architecture of Plant Stands, Table
II.3.2, p. 185, Copyright 
c 1981 Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, with kind
permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers.

100 0
Transmission (%)

80 20
Reflection (%)

60 40

40 60

20 80

0 100
0.4 0.6 0.8 1 2
Wavelength (m)

Fig. 3.6. Spectral partition of radiance by leaf of poplar (Populus deltoides). (From
Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, corrected printing of the 2nd edn, Fig. 2.4,
p. 10, Copyright c 1983 Springer-Verlag Publishers; after Gates, D. M., Energy,
plants and ecology, Fig. 3, p. 5, Ecology, 46/1, 2, 113, Copyright c 1965 Ecological
Society of America, with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG,
W. Larcher, and the Ecological Society of America.)
Partition of radiance 47

(1) absorption is insensitive to angle of radiation incidence,

(2) reflection increases beyond a zenith angle of incidence of about 45 , and
consequently, from Eq. 3.12, and
(3) transmission decreases beyond a zenith angle of incidence of about 45 .
Plant structures which minimize leaf upward reflection will therefore maximize
downward scattering and thus maximize the potential canopy depth, a condition which
should lead to maximum biological productivity, all else remaining constant.
Partition of total irradiance for the leaves of a wide selection of tree species is given
by Birkebak and Birkebak (1964, Table 1, p. 648) and because of its importance to our
later work it is reproduced here in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4. Partition of total beam irradiance of upper surface of tree leavesa

Common nameb Reflectance, T Transmittance, T Absorptance, T

Bolleana poplar 0.285 0.18 0.535

Quaking aspen 0.32 0.195 0.485
Eastern cottonwood 0.280 0.275 0.445
Peachleaf willow 0.27 0.18 0.55
Weeping willow 0.285 0.22 0.515
Butternut 0.28 0.24 0.48
Common white birch 0.32 0.24 0.44
European white birch 0.30 0.22 0.48
Common alder 0.23 0.21 0.56
Northern red oak 0.27 0.24 0.49
Northern pin oak 0.235 0.17 0.595
White oak 0.28 0.235 0.485
Bur oak 0.24 0.23 0.53
American elm 0.235 0.18 0.585
Slippery elm 0.24 0.275 0.485
Black cherry 0.24 0.19 0.57
Silver maple 0.30 0.21 0.49
Norway maple 0.25 0.24 0.51
Box elder 0.31 0.22 0.50
Ohio buckeye 0.27 0.19 0.54
Common locust 0.325 0.255 0.42
Green ash 0.29 0.21 0.50
Average 0.27 0.22 0.51

Values are measured hemispherical reflectances and transmittances for normal
incidence with absorptances calculated from Eq. 3.12.
See listing of Common and scientific names used, p. xxxvi.
Source: Birkebak, R., and R. Birkebak, Solar radiation characteristics of tree
leaves, Table I, p. 648, in Ecology, 45/3, 646649, Copyright c 1964 Ecological
Society of America, with kind permission from the Ecological Society of America,
Washington, DC.
48 Radiant uxes

Moving now from individual leaves to the optical properties of a dense stand of
trees, Ross (1975, Fig. 11, p. 42) demonstrates theoretically the important sensitivity
of the reflection coefficient to the angle of incidence of the beam radiation as is shown
here in Fig. 3.7. Using the series approximation suggested by Goel (1989, p. 209) we
have added the following empirical approximations of the NIR and PAR curves for
use in estimation:
NIR = 0.60 0.31 h 0.03 (h )2 , (3.13)
PAR = 0.08 + 0.01 h 0.03 (h )2 , (3.14)

in which the solar altitude, h , is in radians. Note that NIR is also sensitive to ,
and therefore Eq. 3.13 is a good approximation only for a uniform distribution of leaf
Neglecting the small UV component we see, as above, that the reflection of the
PAR is small and is relatively insensitive to incidence angle, while the reflection of
NIR is large and is highly sensitive to incidence angle. In principal, this NIR behavior
provides a primary means of plant temperature regulation, climatically through natural
selection and adaptation for those average leaf angles that allow for spilling or retention
of NIR, and transiently through either heliotropism to follow the sun or turgor loss
(i.e., wilting) to spill the radiation. However, Fig. 3.7 shows that over the practical
range 27 h 40 , a 90 change in L will change NIR by at most 10 percent.


Reflection coefficient,



0 2,4
0 30 60 90
Solar altitude, h (degrees)

Fig. 3.7. Theoretical reflection coefficients of dense stands for direct radiation.
1, Horizontal leaves; 2, vertical leaves; 3, uniform distribution of leaf normals;
4, empirical approximations, Eqs. 3.13, 3.14. (From Ross, J., Radiative transfer in
plant communities, Fig. 11, p. 42, in Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 1, Principles,
edited by J. L. Monteith, Copyright  c 1975 Academic Press Ltd, with kind permission
from Academic Press Ltd, London.)

To be shown later in Fig. 3.9.
Nominal average insolation 49

Fig. 3.8. Incident radiance

1 (PAR) on a horizontal
0.8 surface (i.e., insolation).
2 1, Total light with very clear
Nominal insolation, (cal cm2 min1)

sky; 2, direct light with very

clear sky; 3, diffuse light
0.6 with very clear sky; 4, total
(same as diffuse) light with
overcast sky. (From de Wit,
C. T., Photosynthesis of Leaf
Canopies, Fig. 2, p. 7,
Copyright  c 1965
Wageningen University,
with kind permission
from Wageningen UR,
0.2 4 Wageningen,
The Netherlands.)

0 20 40 60 80
Solar altitude, h (degrees)

Finally, to calculate quantities of radiant energy received by the vegetation during

the growing season we will need to multiply the averaged radiances at a given latitude
by the similarly averaged growing season length at that latitude.

D Nominal average insolation over the growing season

In later chapters dealing with the biological response of vegetation canopies to solar
radiation it will be helpful to express this relation approximately in terms of long-
term averaged rates. Accordingly, we will need representative values of the local
insolation averaged over the growing season and hence over the range of cloud covers
and beam ratios characteristic of local climate in the growing season. Although such
generalizations are certainly problematic, de Wit (1965) has offered one for the limiting
cases of very clear and overcast skies, and we make use of his results here.
De Wit (1965) used the heating and ventilating nomograms of Fritz (1949), based
on the earlier work of Kimball and Hand (1921) and of Klein (1948), to estimate the
insolation as a function of solar altitude, h , for a very clear sky (i.e., cloudless and
dustless) in which the precipitable water was 10 mm. He multiplied these values by 0.5
to yield the PAR (van Wijk, 1963) which are plotted here as Curve no. 1 of Figure 3.8.
He further used the calculations of Jones and Condit (1948) to estimate the direct and
diffuse components of this PAR and these are reproduced here as Curves nos. 2 and 3 of

Henceforth, we will work solely with climatic variables averaged over the growing season and for
simplicity will discontinue the overbar notation for such time averages.
50 Radiant uxes

Fig 3.8. For overcast skies de Wit (1965) estimated the insolation at h = 90 to
be 20 percent of that for very clear sky and distributed it with solar altitude according
to the isotropic assumption to be discussed in a later section of this chapter. This is
shown as Curve no. 4 of Fig. 3.8. We can replace the variable h of Fig. 3.8 with
latitude, , through Eq. 3.3 provided we assume representative values for the solar
declination, , and the solar hour angle, .

Solar declination
We fix the solar declination at a value representative of the vegetation growing season.
As we will see, the growing season changes in length with latitude and varies some-
what in timing according to the climate. However, the first-order accuracy of these
radiation estimates suggests using a single average value of the declination as being
representative of the growing season irrespective of latitude and climate; we choose
the summer solstice, = 23 . Northern hemisphere daylengths for this declination are
given by Trewartha (1954, p. 12) and are listed here in Table 3.5.

Solar hour angle

Photosynthetic efficiency is extremely sensitive to leaf temperature, falling off sharply
on either side of a species-dependent optimum temperature, Tm , as we will see in
Chapter 8. To a considerable extent, the struggle for productivity hinges on the abil-
ity of the plant to maintain optimal heat for photosynthesis. Therefore, we hypoth-
esize that natural selection and adaptation fix Tm as the operating thermal state

Table 3.5. Properties of northern hemisphere daylight at summer solstice

Latitude Daylengtha Daylength o b o b

( N) (hrmin) (radians) (radians) (degrees) cos c

0 1200 0.50 90.0 0.637

10 1235 1.05 0.53 95.4 0.600
20 1312 1.10 0.55 99.0 0.572
30 1356 1.16 0.58 104.4 0.532
40 1452 1.24 0.62 111.6 0.477
50 1618 1.36 0.68 122.4 0.395
60 1827 1.54 0.77 138.6 0.273
66.5 2400 2 180.0 0
70 2400 2 180.0 0
80 2400 2 180.0 0
90 2400 2 180.0 0

From Trewartha (1954, p. 12).
o = 2 1
2 2 =sunset sin o
cos = 2
1 1 =sunrise cos d o
Nominal average insolation 51

90 Fig. 3.9. Effective solar

altitude as a function of
80 latitude (effective solar
altitude is defined as the
daylight-hour average solar
Solar altitude, h (degrees)


40 solstice

Average for
20 daylight
10 Autumnal
90 70 50 30 10
Latitude, (oN)

of the vegetation. Given the effective solar altitude, the tree appears to achieve this
temperature control by setting the leaf angle at a value which compromises between
reflecting heat-producing NIR while absorbing biomass-producing PAR.
We begin to examine this relationship by setting the effective solar hour angle at
the daylight-hour average.

Daylight average hour angle

A fixed declination gives daylight hours which are symmetrical about noon, leading
to the average, cos , of those daylight hours as is presented in the last column of
Table 3.5. Letting the daylight-hour average solar altitude be h , Eq. 3.3 is then written

sin(h ) = sin  sin + cos  cos cos , (3.15)

which gives the desired h vs.  relation for the summer solstice plotted in Fig. 3.9.
For comparison purposes, the relation for the autumnal equinox, = 0 , cos = 2 ,
is also given in Figure 3.9. For further comparison, the h vs.  relation for noon-
time at the summer solstice is obtained from Eq. 3.3 with = 0 and is also plotted
in Fig. 3.9.
Finally, Fig. 3.9 allows transformation of Fig. 3.8 into the nominal growing season
daylight hour average PAR (on a horizontal surface), I0p , as a function of latitude

Note that this choice minimizes the daily extremes of the angle of incidence of solar radiation on
the leaves and hence minimizes scattering thereby maximizing the radiation available for

Remember, we are now omitting the overbar indicator of temporal averaging.
52 Radiant uxes

0.6 Fig. 3.10. Daylight-hour

average nominal insolation
Total light
at canopy top. Solid line,
summer solstice; dashed
Daylight-hour average nominal incident PAR on

Very clear sky line, autumnal equinox; a,
horizontal surface, Iop (cal cm2 min1)

observed average total light

(Jensen and Haise, 1963).



Overcast sky

Total and
diffuse light

90 70 50 30 10
Latitude, ( N)

(cf. Fig. 3.10). Curves for the autumnal equinox ( = 0 ) are added to the figure for
comparison. At any given location the actual average insolation will lie somewhere
in between the bounding very clear and overcast conditions. Jensen and Haise
(1963) compiled observations of average annual total insolation in the latitudinal range
25 N <  < 48 N, and the regression of these values (PAR component only) is added
to Fig. 3.10 for reference.

E Length of growing season

While the intensity of solar radiation controls the rate of biomass production for a
stand of trees, its annual productivity depends also upon the duration of photosynthetic
activity, that is, the length of the growing season, . Seasonal initiation and termina-
tion of growth in trees is forced by such factors as: (1) photoperiod (i.e., day length),
(2) the strong temperature dependence of photosynthetic biochemistry in woody plants
(cf. Fig. 8.4), or (3) moisture stress (Addicott and Lyon, 1973). For autumnally de-
ciduous trees, season change is bounded by bud break in the spring and leaf-color
change in the fall. For evergreen trees, the external signs of the growing season are
less apparent and observations are inconclusive; observers usually resort to repeated

Summer deciduous trees (e.g., Mediterranean and tropical climates) shed all or part of their
leaves in the dry season, whenever it occurs during the calendar year.

Ahlgren (1957) finds that red pine, white spruce, and black spruce begin activity when the
atmospheric temperature rises above freezing. Fraser (1966) concludes that photoperiod controls
the growth cessation of black spruce. Baldwin (1931) finds the initiation of evergreen growth to
be temperature dependent and its cessation of growth to be undetermined. However, Romell
(1925) finds evergreen growth initiation insensitive to both latitude and altitude.
Length of growing season 53

detailed measurements of the dimensions of saplings. In neither case is there an exten-

sive literature to support estimation of season length in a specific case. As a substitute
we have collected a set of observations from the literature (cf. Table 3.6), and we will
procede empirically from this admittedly sparse sample.
The data of Table 3.6 are correlated in Fig. 3.11 where we observe several
(1) The season of deciduous multilayers shortens monotonically with latitude in
temperate climates as does that of the evergreen ponderosa and white pines as
well as pinyonjuniper. This common behavior is generally accepted to be due
to shortening of the photoperiod with increasing latitude.
(2) The season of monolayer evergreens such as spruce and fir in temperate
climates lengthens with latitude.
(3) The season of multilayer ponderosa and white pines as well as white cedar
appears also to lengthen with latitude in cooler climates.
The unexpected observed increase in evergreen season length with increasing lati-
tude (i.e., decreasing photoperiod and decreasing temperature) may possibly be due to
the criterion used for its estimation. The bulk of evergreen observations in Table 3.06
use measured growth of the uppermost shoot or leader to define the season while var-
ious investigators note that needle growth continues for two weeks (Marie-Victorin,
1927) to two months (Tolsky, 1913) after cessation of leader growth. Furthermore,
Gail (1926) found that photosynthesis continued after growth ceased with the carbo-
hydrates produced being stored for later use. Despite these caveats, we will accept

250 Fig. 3.11. Observations of

22 the growing season of trees.
Pines, cedars,
a Data points keyed to
Average length of growing season,

20 pinyonjuniper
200 Spruce, fir Table 3.6. (a) multilayer,
18 temperate climate;
21 5 3 (b) monolayer, temperate
m (days)

1 climate; (c) multilayer,

17 11 cool climate.
100 7 2
24 9
13 12
c 10
15 8
50 16

19 14
30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Latitude, ( N)

For background on bud break and leaf color change see Valentine (1983), Lechowicz (1984),
Taylor (1974), Gee and Federer (1972), and Mitchell (1936) among others. For models of season
length see Britton (1878a, 1878b), Nemeth (1973), and Federer and Lash (1978).

Various investigators report low-level conifer productivity to super-cooled temperatures (cf. Arris
and Eagleson, 1989b).
Table 3.6. Observations of the growing season of trees

Growing season

Latitude Start Stop Length

Observation Location N Species (Julian day) (Julian day) (days) Method of estimation Reference

1 Russian plain 56 birch, aspen 130 258 128 Foliation to color change Rauner (1976)
2 Canada (Boreal) 52 black spruce 142 236 94 Bud break to terminal Morganstern (1978)
bud set
3 Russian steppe 50.5 oak 120 274 154 Foliation to color change Walter and Breckle
4 Canada (Great 47 black spruce 144 250 106 Bud break to terminal Morganstern (1978)
Lakes) bud set
5 Southern Quebec 47 white pine 165 Unknown Marie-Victorin
(1927) a
6 Canada (Acadia) 46 black spruce 144 258 114 Bud break to terminal Morganstern (1978)
bud set
7 New England 45 white pine 133 235 102 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
8 New England 45 red spruce 162 234 73 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
9 New England 45 balsam fir 157 237 81 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
10 New England 45 white spruce 157 231 75 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
11 Berlin, NH 45 white cedar 138 247 110 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
12 Cupsuptic Lake, ME 45 black spruce 163 242 79 199% growth of Baldwin (1931) b
sapling leader
13 Mt. Desert Isle, ME 44 red spruce, 156 232 76 Growth of leader Moore (1917) a
white pine
14 Mt. Desert Isle, ME 44 balsam fir 152 191 39 Growth of leader Moore (1917) a
15 Austria 43 Austrian pine 141 200 59 Growth of leader Nakashima (1929) a
16 Adirondack Mts., NY 43 red spruce 166 212 46 Growth of leader Rees (1929) a
17 Ithaca, NY 42 white pine 120 227 107 Growth of leader Brown (1912, 1915) a
18 Wauseon, OH 41.5 mixed deciduous 105 288 183 Bud break to leaf fall Smith (1915) b
19 Pennsylvania 40.7 white pine, 152 182 30 Growth of leader Illick (1923) a
Norway spruce
20 North Carolina 35 tulip poplar, 95 297 202 Leaf emergence to Reader et al. (1974) b
red maple leaf fall
21 Flagstaff, AZ c 34 ponderosa pine 169 Avg. date of latest spring Williams and Anderson
frost to avg. date of (1967)
earliest fall frost
22 Flagstaff, AZ c 34 pinyonUtah 215 Avg. date of latest spring Williams and Anderson
juniper frost to avg. date of (1967)
earliest fall frost
23 Flagstaff, AZ c 34 pinyonalligator 182 Avg. date of latest spring Williams and Anderson
juniper frost to avg. date of (1967)
earliest fall frost
24 Arizona 32 ponderosa pine 135 213 78 Growth of leader Pearson (1924) a

As quoted by Baldwin (1931).
Extensive observations at many sites.
2100 m elevation.
56 Radiant uxes

100 Fig. 3.12. Temperature

dependence of
photosynthesis in
CO2 uptake (%)

evergreens. (Adapted from

Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.35,

50 p. 114.)

1.2 0.8 0.4 0 0.4 +0.8
Relative leaf temperature

the data of Table 3.6 as observations of the complete growing season, and we will use
their empirical correlations with latitude (cf. Fig. 3.11) in later chapters where season
length plays a role.
Analyzing the data of Table 3.6, we find that the average Julian day at which the
sprucefir season begins is 157 (i.e., early in June) with a standard deviation (sample
size of 24) of only 11 days. This supports the earlier observation of Romell (1925)
that evergreen growth initiation is insensitive to latitude and altitude. In contrast, the
season length is highly sensitive to latitude having an average value of 75 days with
standard deviation of 21 days. This puts the mean cessation of sprucefir growth at
Julian day 232 which is mid-August, the peak of summer heat, suggesting that high
temperature may control termination of growth in these species.
A possible mechanism for this control is the asymmetric sensitivity of evergreen
photosynthetic capacity with variations of the deviation in leaf temperature from its
optimum value. This is sketched in Fig. 3.12 where we see the abrupt shutdown of
photosynthesis when the leaf temperature reaches a critically high value. Note in this
figure that the range of productive temperatures less than the optimum is about twice
that of temperatures greater than the optimum. With this in mind we see that increasing
latitude brings an increasing photosynthetic season as measured from initiation in early
June until cessation when the temperature reaches 0.7 the optimum leaf temperature
for the given sprucefir species.

F Penetration of direct radiation into the canopy

The penetration function
The attenuation of direct radiation penetrating a homogeneous absorbing medium such
as a dense plant canopy is given by the classical BoguerLambert law (Gates, 1980,
p. 244; Ross, 1981, p. 313). Following the work of Monsi and Saeki (1953), Ross

We discuss this biochemical mechanism further in Chapter 8.

For an exhaustive analytical analysis of this issue see Ross (1981, Chapter II.4, pp. 188238).
Penetration of direct radiation 57

and Nilson (1965), Warren Wilson (1965, 1967), and Anderson (1966), Cowan (1968)
derived this attenuation as follows:
Let Rbo be the incident beam radiance at the top of the vegetation canopy for
solar altitude h . This radiation is intercepted and partitioned progressively by the
leaves as the beam penetrates the stand, leaving Rb unintercepted at vertical depth
. In a cascading process, there is at each leaf surface reflection, transmission, and
absorption, and some of the reflected and transmitted energy is partitioned anew at
the bottom side of other leaves. The sum of the multiple reflections and transmissions
is called scattering, and it results in additional absorption of radiation. Forward (i.e.,
downward) scattering results in a reduced decay of the penetrating beam. Bookkeeping
these many internal canopy reflections and transmissions is a tedious and approximate
task that is at a much higher level of detail than is called for in this work. Cowan
(1968) ignores these details and assumes the change in Rb per unit length of optical
path to be separably proportional to Rb and to the foliage area density in the manner
= G L t Rb , (3.16)
d/sin(h )
in which
G G(h ) = dimensionless proportionality function representing the spatial
arrangement and orientation of the leaves in relation to the solar altitude,
= L t = homogeneous canopy foliage area density index (i.e., one-sided
leaf area per unit horizontal area per unit of dimensionless crown depth), and

sin(h )
= distance in the direction of the penetrating beam.

Equation 3.16 gives

Rb Ib ( )
= exp (b Lt ), (3.17)
Rb0 Ib0
in which Ib0 is the incident insolation, and Ib ( ) is the insolation transmitted past
depth z/ h s in the absence of scattering (h s is the stem height). In this form
Eq. 3.17 is often called the penetration function by plant scientists, and b is called the
decay or extinction coefficient for direct radiation. However, the total extinction effect
of the canopy structure is given by the important product, b Lt , called here the direct
radiation absorption index after the custom in physics (cf. Feynman, 1963, Vol. I,
pp. 3138).

The extinction coefcient without scattering

It is easiest to understand the physical significance of G(h ) by noting that the rate
at which energy is intercepted by a unit area of a thin horizontal layer of the canopy
equals the area of shadow cast by the leaves on a horizontal plane times the insolation

The fraction of incoming energy escaping back to the sky constitutes the albedo of the canopy.

For more details of the formulation of this process see Sellers (1989).
58 Radiant uxes

Sun z

R= i



h P y

x R=

Fig. 3.13. Definition sketch for radiant flux.

(Monteith, 1973, p. 52). Then, using Eqs. 3.16 and 3.17, the shadow area, As , per unit
horizontal area of canopy, is

dRb G(h )L t
As = = b L t , (3.18)
Rb d sin(h )

in which G(h ) is called the G-function (Ross and Nilson, 1965). In the above:

G(h )
b = shadow area per unit of foliage area, and
sin(h )

G(h ) is the average, over the canopy, of the projection of a unit foliage area on a plane
normal to the sun direction, rs , at arbitrary point P (see Fig. 3.13 for definitions), and
as such it is the average cosine of the angle between the direction rs , and the effective
leaf normal, rL . The nature of b is further clarified by exploring its relation to solar
altitude and leaf angle using an idealized simple geometry.

Two-dimensional beamleaf geometry

The geometry of beam radiation incident upon a single opaque leaf of unit dimension
is sketched in Fig. 3.14 for the separate cases of upward and downward specular
Penetration of direct radiation 59

z Specular


+ rs

h L

cot(h )sin Leaf





1 x



cot(h )sin L


Fig. 3.14. Geometry of specular reflection from opaque leaf in two dimensions.
(a) Upward specular reflection; (b) downward specular reflection.

reflection. From either case we use the above definition of the G-function to write
G cos = cos (h + L ) = sin(h + L ), (3.19)
so that from Eq. 3.18, the extinction coefficient, b(1) , of an isolated leaf is

b(1) = cos L + cot(h ) sin L = + cot(h ) sin L , (3.20)

in which cos L . Equation 3.20 shows that without scattering, b(1) .

Specular reflection is not the primary reflective mechanism on any but the smoothest leaves;
however it provides a convenient reference by defining the principal scattering directions
(cf. Ross, 1981, Chapter II.6).

We use the superscript on b (i.e., b(n) ) to signify its applicability to a canopy consisting of a
limited number, n, of leaves, in contrast to the unsuperscripted notation for the decay coefficient
of the full canopy.
60 Radiant uxes

Fig. 3.15. Graphical summary of beamleaf geometry. Data keyed to Table 3.7.
, Deciduous; , evergreen; Curve (a), empirical correlation; Curve (b), optical
optimality for multilayers (Eq. 3.51).

From Fig. 3.14 we see that b is the horizontal shadow area per unit of (opaque)
leaf area (Monteith, 1973, p. 52). It is easy to visualize how in reality diffraction at the
leaf edges, coupled with re-reflections from the underside of other leaves and transmit-
tance through the leaf and the interleaf gaps all act to reduce this shadow and hence to
bring b .
In Fig. 3.15 the beamleaf geometry is summarized in h space. The function
= sin(h ) divides the space into regions of positive and negative , while the
function = sin(h /2) separates regions of upward and downward specular reflec-
tion. Assuming vegetation growth is limited to latitudes between the Equator and
60 , the effective solar altitude, h , at summer solstice is 27 h 40 as given
by Fig. 3.9. These limits on h are plotted as the vertical dashed lines on Fig. 3.15.
A few observations of from the literature are listed in Table 3.7 and are plotted
(with identifying numbers) on Fig. 3.15 where we note:
(1) specular reflection is upward in all cases,
(2) leaf angles in the temperate deciduous forest (i.e., points nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6) are
larger than that for normality with the beam,
(3) leaf angles at the coldest latitude (i.e., no. 4) produce nearly horizontal specular
Penetration of direct radiation 61

(4) leaf angles at the hottest latitude (i.e., tropical rainforest, no. 7) produce nearly
vertical (h + 2 L = 90 ) specular reflection, and
(5) the single evergreen observation (i.e., no. 11) has leaves almost normal to the
The primary variability in b resides in the three-dimensional angular relationship
between the solar beam and the leaf surface since this determines the distribution of
gaps between the leaves, and it is through these gaps that the beam propagates. The
frequency of gaps along the path of a given solar ray has been studied extensively
in the field by the method of point quadrats which involves passing very thin, long
needles through a vegetation stand in a fixed direction and recording all contacts with
the foliage. These observations have guided theoretical study of the significance of
gap distributions under the leadership of Warren Wilson and Reeve (1959, 1960),
Warren Wilson (1960, 1963), Anderson (1966), and Nilson (1971) and they lead to the
following improved prediction of b using more realistic geometry albeit still without
consideration of scattering.

Beamleaf geometry of three-dimensional, axially

symmetric, multilayers
We now explore the effects of foliage orientation as well as solar elevation on the
coefficient b , in a homogeneous, multilayer, axially symmetric closed canopy in

Table 3.7. Observations of extinction coefficients

Latitude,  h
Observation Species (degrees) (degrees)a Reference

1 Deciduous 54 31 0.30 Rauner (1976)

2 Oak 52 32 0.32 Rauner (1976)
3 Trembling 56 29 0.30 0.31 Rauner (1976)
4 Paper birch 56 29 0.25 Rauner (1976)
5 Maple 52 32 0.35 Rauner (1976)
6 Linden 52 32 0.30 Rauner (1976)
7 Goethalsia 10 39 0.79 Allen and
Lemon (1976)
8 Eucalyptus 35 39 0.37 Denmead et al.
9 Sitka spruce 57 29 0.50 Jarvis et al. (1976)
10 Red pine 46 34 0.42 Jarvis et al. (1976)
11 Scots pine 52 32 0.45 0.46 Jarvis et al. (1976)

Effective solar altitude as given by daylight-hour average at summer solstice.
62 Radiant uxes

which scattering is neglected. Derivation of the important G-function is presented in

Appendix G in considerable mathematical detail. The result is

G(h ) 2 2
b = + g (L ) [tan(os ) os ] cos(L ) dL ,
sin(h ) h

0 L , (3.21)
in which g (L ) is the pdf of leaf orientation angle (cf. Chapter 2). Monteith (1973,
p. 48) shows 2 os to be the shadowed sector of the axially symmetric tree. From
the geometry

os cos1 [tan (h ) cot(L )]. (3.22)

Beam extinction coefcients for constant leaf inclination

Equation 3.21 is difficult to evaluate analytically except for the simplest distributions,
g (L ). Anderson (1966) has done so for the special case of constant leaf inclination,
o (maintaining azimuthal symmetry of course), in which

g (L ) = (L o ), (3.23)

where ( ) is the Dirac delta-function. Using Eq. 3.23, Eq. 3.21 reduces to
G(h ) , L h
b = , (3.24)
sin(h ) {1 + 2 [tan(os ) os ]}, L > h

in which L = o . Eq. 3.24 is plotted in Fig. 3.16 as taken from Anderson (1966,
Fig. 1, p. 44). Several specific cases of constant leaf inclination are of particular
Horizontal leaves (o = 0)
G(h )
b = = 1, (3.25)
sin(h )

Vertical leaves (o = 2
With o = 2 , Eq. 3.24 is indeterminate for h < L , so we return to Eqs. G.05 and
G.07 to find (as did Ross, 1981, p. 22) that = 0 and
G(h ) 2
b = cot(h ), 0 h . (3.26)
sin(h ) 2

Leaves perpendicular to solar beam (o = 2
cos(os ) = cot2 (L ) = tan2 (h ). (3.27)

Mathematically, os is the supplement of the azimuthal angle (cf. Fig. 3.13) at which sign change
Penetration of direct radiation 63

Fig. 3.16. Direct radiation

2.4 extinction coefficient for
h = 15
invariant foliage inclination
and without scattering.
2.0 (From Anderson, M. C.,
Extinction coefficient, b

Stand structure and light

penetration, II. A theoretical
analysis, Fig. 1, p. 44,
Journal of Applied Ecology,
1.2 3, 4154, Copyright  c
1966 Blackwell Science
Ltd, with kind permission
0.8 from Blackwell Science
b = 45
Ltd, Oxford, UK.)

10 30 50 70 90
Foliage inclination, L (degrees)

Plate 3.2. Typical equatorial crown shape. Trees of this equatorial Kenyan savanna
elevate their monolayer leaf surface above the shrubs for cooling and display a
spherical-sector crown of large radius in keeping with the near-zenith position of the
Sun during the growing season. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
64 Radiant uxes

Beam extinction coefcient for uniform distribution

of leaf inclinations
For hemispherical distribution of leaf inclinations, = 0.5. For simplicity, we again
work directly from the geometry to obtain G(h ) = 1/2, and therefore
b = . (3.28)
2 sin(h )

Beamleaf geometry of three-dimensional, axially

symmetric, monolayers
Opaque vertical right circular cylinders
This case covers species in which the reflecting surface may be approximated by
an opaque vertical right circular cylinder giving = 0, and includes dense vertical
monolayers such as cypress, and some spruce, as well as sparsely foliated trees where
the trunk is the primary scatterer. Calculation of b is simpler in such cases because
we need not include any leaf under-surfaces. We follow Monteith (1973, Chapter 4) in
which for solid bodies he directly calculates the shadow area per unit of surface area.
In this case with D = cylinder diameter and h = cylinder height, we have for h  D
(i.e., neglecting the shadow of the circular cross-section)
shadow area D h cot(h ) 1
b = = = cot(h ). (3.29)
surface area Dh

Opaque right circular cones

Working from the geometry as described above, Monteith (1973, Eq. 4.6, p. 49) gives
shadow area ( os ) cos(o ) + sin(o ) cot(h ) sin(os )
b = = , (3.30)
surface area [1 + cos(o )]
in which o is the base angle of a cone having height, h o , and base radius, ro . That is
tan(o ) = . (3.31)
For the special case in which the beam is normal to the slant side of the cone,
tan(o ) = cot(h ), and Eq. 3.30 becomes

( os ) sin(h ) + cos(h ) cot(h ) sin(os )

b = . (3.32)
[1 + sin(h )]

The term hemispherical distribution is used interchangeably here with uniform distribution to
describe the leaves having a spatial distribution identical to the surface of a hemisphere. That is,
the distribution of area with hemispherical radius vector is constant, i.e., the fractional area is the
same in all vector directions on the hemisphere.
Penetration of direct radiation 65

Opaque hemispheres
Once again, the geometry dictates
shadow area [1 + sin(h )] 1 1
b = 2
= 1+ . (3.33)
surface area 2 R 2 4 sin(h )

Plate 3.3. There is variety in foliage arrangement. In temperate climates such as

Rome, trees have many alternative successful foliage arrangements. The spiral
branching pattern of this evergreen in the Borghese Gardens allows vertical branch
separation for leaf cooling and azimuthal branch separation for light penetration.
(Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
66 Radiant uxes

G Penetration of diffuse radiation into the canopy

We assume (after Ross, 1975, p. 34) that penetration of diffuse radiation into the
homogeneous canopy follows the same laws as does the direct radiation for a particular
value of and of . For simplicity we once again neglect scattering. However, in the
diffuse case there will be contributions from each segment of the sky so it will be
necessary to integrate Eq. 3.16 over the entire celestial hemisphere. For isotropic
diffuse radiation (i.e., uniform sky) this integral takes the form (Ross, 1975, Eq. 28)
Id ( ) 2 G(h )
=2 exp L t sin(h ) cos(h ) dh . (3.34)
Id0 0 sin(h )
G(h )
Note that if d is assumed to be independent of h , we get
sin(h )
Id ( )
= exp (d L t ). (3.35)
Rosss numerical solutions of Eq. 3.34 (Ross, 1975, Table VII, p. 34) for a uniform
sky and for the common value L t = 5 are plotted as the solid lines in Fig. 3.17 for




Eq. 3.34
with Lt = 5.0
Leaf orientation = vertical uniform horizontal

d d d
0.55 0.75
1 101 102
Id ( = 1)/Id 0

Fig. 3.17. Extinction of diffuse radiation from a uniform sky. Observations: , maize;
+, cotton. Solid lines = theory, Eq. 3.34 with L t = 5.0; dashed lines = exponential
approximation, Eq. 3.35. (From computations of Ross, 1975, Table VII, p. 34.)

This is strictly true only for horizontal leaves (Ross, 1981, p. 247) as is seen for a special case in
Fig. 3.17.
Penetration of total radiation 67

horizontal, vertical, and uniform leaf orientations in comparison with his observations
in maize and cotton canopies. In that figure we see:
(1) the agreement between the observation and the uniform leaf orientation is
fairly good for maize but is poor for cotton,
(2) the observations agree well with Eq. 3.35 (dashed lines) in which the fitted
values of the extinction coefficient, d , for diffuse radiation are about 0.75 and
0.84 for maize and cotton respectively, and
(3) Equation 3.35 fits the vertical leaf distribution approximately with d = 0.55,
and fits the uniform distribution fairly well with d = 0.75.

We assume that Eq. 3.35 is equally applicable for trees.

H Penetration of total radiation into the canopy

Theoretical scatterless extinction coefcients
for total radiation
Clear sky
Adding the direct and diffuse components (Eqs. 3.17 and 3.35 respectively) in the
proportion given by the beam ratio, ,

I ( )
= exp (b L t ) + (1 ) exp (d L t ). (3.36)
At large effective solar altitudes, and for a clear atmosphere, Fig. 3.3 shows that

= O(101 ), (3.37)

whereupon, if b d , Eq. 3.36 is approximately

I ( )
= exp ( Lt ), (3.38)
in which is the scatterless extinction coefficient for total clear sky radiation, and
where for clear sky

b . (3.39)

Overcast sky
For overcast skies, we neglect the beam radiation whereupon the extinction is again
governed by Eq. 3.35 in which

= d . (3.40)
68 Radiant uxes

Comparison of theoretical and observed

extinction coefcients
The observed momentum and light extinction coefficients collected in Table 3.7 are
compared with the above separate scatterless theories for clear sky (i.e., beam radiation)
and cloudy sky (i.e., diffuse radiation) in Figs. 3.18a and 3.18b respectively.
In Fig. 3.18a we plot b (h ) for uniform leaf distribution (Eq. 3.28, Curve (b)),
and three fixed L solutions of Eq. 3.24: L = 0 (Curve (a)), L = 90 (Curve (c)),
and L = 90 h (Curve (f)). Note that Curves (c) and (f) are essentially the same
in the realistic range of h (bounded by the vertical dashed lines), but are higher
than the observations by about a factor of two. Opaque right circular cylinders, right
circular cones and hemispheres are represented by Curves (d), (e), and (h) respec-
In Fig. 3.18b we show Rosss (1975, Table VII, p. 34) solutions to Eq. 3.34 for
horizontal leaves (Curve (a), = 1 and d = 1), for uniformly distributed leaves (Curve
(b), = 0.50 and d = 0.75), and for vertical leaves (Curve (c), = 0.5 and d =
0.55). In Fig. 3.15 the sample of deciduous trees showed 0.30. Interpolating
linearly gives an estimated value of d = 0.67 for the observed deciduous trees in
diffuse light (Curve (d)).
To help extract order from these observations we next consider scattered light.

Estimated scattering
Absent an appropriately simple formulation of the scattering phenomenon we will
estimate the sense and the approximate magnitude of its modification to the scatterless
extinction coefficients derived above. We begin by recalling (cf. Fig. 3.14) that the
effect of scattering is to reduce the size of the shadow. It may be thought of crudely as
scatterless radiation in a crown with reduced foliage area index, L t , where we let

L t = (1 s )L t , (3.41)

with s being a scattering coefficient assumed here to be the sum of the reflectance
and transmittance since these are the partition components that contribute to reduction
of canopy shadow. Using Eq. 3.12 that is

s T + T = 1 T . (3.42)

Equation 3.38 and 3.41 then give

I ( )
= exp [ (1 s ) Lt ] = exp (Lt ), (3.43)
in which the estimated true (i.e., including scattering) light extinction coefficients, ,
are defined from Eq. 3.42 for beam and diffuse radiation respectively

= (1 s ) b = T b ,

Refer to Sellers (1989) for a description of the complex two stream approximation.
Penetration of total radiation 69

0.8 h g

0.6 b
b and

0.4 10 e
3 2
1 6

0 20 40 60 80
(a) h (degrees)


0.8 b

0.6 c
d and

0.4 10
e 5
3 2
1 6

0 20 40 60 80
(b) h (degrees)

Fig. 3.18. Extinction coefficients: theory vs. observation. Solid lines are theoretical
neglecting scattering. Dashed lines are adjusted for estimated scattering. Data are
keyed to Table 3.7: solid points, ; open points, ; , evergreen; , deciduous. Vertical
dashed lines enclose daylight-hour average solar altitude at summer solstice for
vegetation zone: 0  60 . (a) Beam radiation. a, horizontal leaves, Eq. 3.25;
b, uniform leaf distribution, Eq. 3.28; c, vertical leaves, Eq. 3.26; d, opaque vertical
right circular cylinders, Eq. 3.29; e, opaque vertical right circular cones with beam
normal to the slant surface, Eq. 3.32; f, L = 90 h , Eq. 3.24; g, Curve (f)
incorporating estimated scattering as described in text; h, opaque hemisphere,
Eq. 3.33. (b) Diffuse radiation. a, Horizontal leaves, L t = 5, Eq. 3.34; b, uniform leaf
distribution, L t = 5, Eq. 3.34; c, vertical leaves, L t = 5, Eq. 3.34 (a c: Numerical
solution at L t = 5 (Ross, 1975, Table VII, p. 34), fitted with exponential decay in
Fig. 3.17); d, Linearly interpolated d for observed = 0.30 (cf. Fig. 3.15); e, Curve
(d) incorporating estimated scattering as described in text.
70 Radiant uxes


= (1 s ) d = T d . (3.44)

For mat (i.e., dull surface) leaves, scattering is independent of light direction (Ross,
1981, p. 137) and we find from Table 3.4 that for trees T = 0.51. Hence, with

0.51 . (3.45)

We now use the estimate of Eq. 3.45 to transform Curve (d) of Fig. 3.18b into Curve
(e). The resulting scattering (h ) only approximates the observations. Note also that
applying this transformation to Curve (f) of Fig 3.18a (L = 90 h ) reduces it to
an excellent fit (dashed Curve (g)) with the evergreen observations.
Note that the observations of from Table 3.7 are also plotted in Fig. 3.18 as open
symbols, one for the evergreens and five for the deciduous. Considering their values
in comparison with the s corrected for scattering (dashed curves), we get the very
interesting empirical result

. (3.46)

Equation 3.46 is based on a very limited sample and deserves further investigation;
we now assemble additional support for this finding

Additional observations
The literature contains many other estimates of ranging in value from 0.3 to 1.5
(Ross, 1975). The higher values of are associated with large, horizontal leaves and
the lower values with more vertical leaves (Ross, 1975). Without reference to their
geographical location (and hence their h ) we have collected observations of and
of the momentum decay parameter, , for various plant types in Tables 2.2, 2.3, and
2.4. As we will see in Chapter 4

mn , (3.47)

Table 3.8. Comparison of extinction coefficients for total

radiation and momentum

a a mnb c a

Deciduous trees 0.35 0.72 1.00 0.72 0.31

Evergreen trees 0.44 0.52 1.00 0.52 0.45
Crops and grasses 0.59 0.66 1.17 0.57 0.73

Observed: Tables 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.
Fig. 4.14.
Calculated: = /(mn) = aw /(mn L t ).
Optical optimality 71

1.0 Fig. 3.19. Equality of

Momentum extinction coefficient, observed extinction
(average cosine of leaf inclination) coefficients. Data from
Crops and grasses 1
Table 3.8.


Evergreen trees
Deciduous trees

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Light extinction coefficient,

m = exponent governing the relationship between velocity and shear stress and
having the nominal value 0.5 for the foliage elements of trees (Table 4.1), and
n = the number of sides of each foliage element experiencing drag and having
the nominal value 2 for the foliage elements of trees.

The product, mn, has the nominal value of unity for trees but for crops and grasses
1 mn 1.35 (Fig. 4.14). A typical tabulated field experiment (Tables 2.2, 2.3,
and 2.4) measured either or but not both, and did not distinguish between clear
and cloudy skies. Thus the only possible test of Eq. 3.46 is to compare the averages
of the two parameters across broad classes of vegetation and cloudiness, and to use
the above nominal values of mn to estimate from . This is done in Table 3.8 and
Fig. 3.19 and confirms Eq. 3.46 across the unknown range of cloudiness encompassed
by the data. This finding is central to the arguments of this monograph. Equation 3.46
also increases our confidence in the conclusions arising from Fig. 3.18 by effectively
doubling the sample size for either or .
The equality of Eq. 3.46 was noted by Ross (1981, p. 313) at h = /2, but its more
general applicability seems to have escaped prior notice. As we shall see in Chapters 7
and 8, this result has far-reaching physical significance. Is there selection pressure that
leads naturally toward ?

I Optical optimality
Solar radiation is the energy source for production, and as we assume here, selection
pressure is toward maximizing plant productivity. Therefore, whenever energy is the
resource limiting production it will be used optimally. As we will see in Chapter 6,
canopy water demand will adjust to limited supply by reducing the canopy cover, M,
while leaving the plant water use and productivity relatively unchanged. It is the avail-
ability of light, carbon, or nutrients that will limit plant production. In Chapter 10 we
will consider the carbon and nutrients while in this chapter we deal only with the light.
72 Radiant uxes

Plate 3.4. Excess energy loads must be shed. In tropical climates such as Jodhpur,
India (latitude = 26.5 N), leaves of this asoka tree have a mean angle of about 65
assuring that at the growing season solar altitude of over 30 (cf. Fig. 3.9) excess NIR
will be reflectively dumped. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)

To ensure optimal productive use of the available solar energy there exist at least
three simple mechanisms through which selection may operate:
(1) Maximize the productive solar energy entering the canopy. This is
accomplished by minimizing the canopy reflectance, PAR . Figure 3.7 shows
PAR to be insensitive to over the practical range of h , so the primary
mechanism for control of the reflection of PAR is the nature of the leaf surface
rather than leaf angle optics.

Larcher (1983, p. 10) suggests that a dense covering of hairs can reduce PAR reflection by a
factor of two or three.
Optical optimality 73

(2) Maintain the optimum photosynthetic leaf temperature. NIR is a significant

source of plant heat, and in Fig. 3.7 we see that NIR is insensitive to leaf angle
at h = 30 . On the other hand, at h = 40 , NIR increases with leaf
horizontality (i.e., with increasing ). Note the strong empirical correlation
between and h indicated by the dashed Curve (a) on Fig. 3.15; specular
reflection varies, from the vertical at the lowest latitude (i.e., highest h ) where
heat must be shed, to the horizontal at the highest latitude (i.e., lowest h )
where energy must be contained within the canopy. However, Fig. 3.12 raises
sensitivity questions concerning leaf angle optics as a primary control of
photosynthetic efficiency at least for temperate climate trees. Note in this
figure that it takes a 40 percent change in leaf temperature to produce a
change of only 10 percent in carbon assimilation.
(3) Minimize the productive energy transmitted to the forest floor. For a closed
multilayer canopy this implies two conditions: (a) the upper leaf surfaces,
where the chloroplasts are concentrated, must be in full light (i.e., unshadowed),
and (b) the crown basal area must be in full shadow (but at incipient
illumination) since partial shadow indicates useful energy escaping the crown.

We will return to the important condition of incipient illumination, but first imagine
the two-dimensional simplification of specular reflection from a unit of opaque leaf
surface shown in Fig. 3.14 to be extended to a single-layer array of such leaves as
sketched in Fig. 3.20. Considering only downward scattering, the above two conditions
are met in this simplification by the geometrical arrangement sketched which, on the
daylight-hour average, puts the basal area of the crown-average leaf in full shadow
and transmits light downward to the next leaf layer through the unshadowed gap.
Thus in tandem, reflection from the adjacent leaf reduces the one-dimensional leaf
shadow to the optimal group condition

b(2) = , (3.48)
as long as h > 90 L . From the sketch of Fig. 3.20, at optimality the solar altitude
and leaf angle are related geometrically through dimensions a, b, and c according to
2b + a = 1, (3.49)

In sparse canopies (i.e., low L t ), NIR may best be shed by low which reflects to the forest floor,
while for dense canopies (i.e., high L t ) high are needed to reflect NIR back to space from the
canopy top.

Additional evidence is presented in Fig. 8.4.
This is defined as the horizontal projection of crown area on the forest floor.

Because of the low leaf reflection coefficient for PAR (cf. Fig. 3.7), we cannot rely upon multiple
reflections to supply the lowest leaf with even the compensation PAR under these average
geometrical conditions. Note however that Fig. 3.20 is for the time-averaged daylight-hour solar
altitude so that for some hours near midday, particularly near the summer solstice, deep crown
penetration of the incident radiation will occur.

Geometrical considerations show that for downward scattering, the leaf spacing drawn in
Fig. 3.20 is optimal by providing maximum insolation absorption per unit of basal area through
minimum leaf spacing at maximum energy absorption efficiency.
This weak dependence of light direction makes our argument approximately applicable also to
diffuse radiation making d = as well.
74 Radiant uxes





Leaf c Leaf



h L

Transmission gap Full shadow

= b(2)


Fig. 3.20. Proposed optically optimal geometry for opaque leaves (crown-average and
daylight hour average conditions).

in which
sin h  
a= = ; b = c tan h + L ; and
b(1) sin ( h L ) 2
c = b(1) sin L (3.50)
where, as earlier, b(1)
the one-dimensional shadow of a solitary leaf. Equations 3.49
and 3.50 give the idealized geometrical constraint on optical optimality
sin( h L )   sin h
2 sin L tan h + L + = 1, (3.51)
sin h 2 sin( h L )
which is plotted over the practical range of h as Curve (b) in Fig. 3.15.
In evaluating the mechanisms leading to Eq. 3.48 as the source of the observed h
vs. correlation, remember that the natural translucent case will include transmission,
additional specular reflection from an array of neighboring leaves, and scattering in a
variety of directions from irregularities in the reflecting surfaces.
We now postulate that through natural selection, whenever light limits productivity,
leaf surface textures and the spatial arrangements of foliage elements of closed canopies
scatter the incident light so as to put leaf surfaces in full light and the crown basal area
in full shadow and thereby to reduce to the value
= , (3.52)
while at extreme temperatures, where photosynthetic temperature limits productivity,
Eq. 3.51 is biased by a need to control heat through regulation of NIR . For open
canopies we expect > as is shown for individual leaves in Fig. 3.14.

For cases in which plant productivity is limited by carbon or nutrient supply rather than light, the
condition of Eq. 3.52 is relaxed. For cases in which excess heat is limiting plant productivity
rather than insufficient light, the selection pressure leading to Eq. 3.52 is also relaxed and will be
driven by the needs of leaf temperature control as determined by the coupled
landcanopyatmosphere heat balance. We do not consider this case here.
Optical optimality 75

Compensation light intensity

Returning now to the corollary optimality condition at the base of the crown which we
have called incipient illumination: to minimize the transmittance of useful energy to
the forest floor, the light available to the lowest leaf in each crown must be exactly the
minimum intensity, Ik , needed for leaf growth in the given species. That is, the gross
photosynthesis is just balanced by the total respiration. This minimum light intensity
is known as the compensation light intensity (Horn, 1971), and its achievement at the
lowest leaf is just sufficient to put the crown basal area in full shadow but in a state
of incipient illumination. Compensation light intensity, I ( ) Ik , at the canopy base,
= 1, allows us to use Eq. 3.52 with Eq. 3.43 to write the important relation
= exp ( L t ) = exp ( L t ). (3.53)
Baker (1950, Table 11, p. 143) presents values of Ik , observed under controlled ar-
tificial light, as a percentage of so-called full sunlight. These are reproduced here as
Iko in column 2 of Table 3.9. Baker (1950, p. 144) notes that The compensation point
is by no means fixed for individual species, but the meaning of his term full sunlight
is somewhat ambiguous. Gates (1980, p. 94) gives it the constant value 107.6 klx
for a clear summer day independent of species or habitat. Indeed, Baker (1950,
Fig. 43, p. 142) sketches lightphotosynthesis curves for various species in terms

Table 3.9. Light intensity at the compensation point

(2) (3)
(1) Compensation point Iko Lt
Species (% of full sunlight a ) (from column 2 by Eq. 3.53)

Ponderosa pine 17.0 1.77

Scots pine 15.9 1.84
Northern white cedar 10.3 2.27
Tamarack 9.6 2.34
Lodgepole pine 7.6 2.58
Douglas fir 7.6 2.58
Red oak 7.4 2.60
Hackberry 6.4 2.75
Englemann spruce 6.0 2.81
Norway spruce 4.9 3.02
Eastern hemlock 4.7 3.06
Beech 4.1 3.19
Sugar maple 2.0 3.91

Full sunlight is interpreted here as the average growing-season daylight-hour
insolation at canopy top. See discussion following Eq. 3.53.
Source: Baker, F.S., Principles of Silviculture, Table 12, p. 143, Copyright c
1950 McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., with kind permission from the McGraw-Hill
76 Radiant uxes

Plate 3.5. Tree height often wins the battle. Elevation of the leaf surfaces above those
of competing species captures the light at the metabolic cost of additional supporting
trunk and branches. This higher elevation in the boundary layer feeds back positively
into lower canopy resistance and thus to the higher nutrient fluxes needed to support
this structure. (Photographed by Peter S. Eagleson in the Borghese Gardens, Rome.)

of a constant full sunlight. However, using the Gates (1980, p. 94) value of full
sunlight, Bakers percentages yield absolute values of Ik which are as much as two
orders of magnitude larger than those listed by Larcher (1983, Table 3.6, p. 104); for
example Ik = 18.3 klx (Baker) vs. 0.2 klx (Larcher) for the shade leaves of conifers,
and Ik = 2.15 klx (Baker) vs. 0.45 klx (Larcher) for the shade leaves of deciduous trees.
The value of Ik is known to reflect habitat light conditions (e.g., Larcher, 1983,
p. 103), thus we interpret the Baker values in column 2 of Table 3.9 as Iko Ik /I0 ,
where I0 is the daylight-hour, growing-season average, canopy-top insolation of the
particular habitat.

J Structural response to the radiation regime

Leaf angle
We draw the following tentative conclusions from the small samples of Fig. 3.15:
(1) For deciduous multilayer crowns, leaf angle is imposed by solar altitude
through Eq. 3.51 in temperate climates where neither carbon or nutrients limit
Structural response to radiation regime 77

(2) For climates in which temperature extremes limit photosynthetic efficiency,

leaf angle is biased by the need to shed or retain NIR; vertical reflection from
the top of hot climate multilayer rainforest canopies, horizontal reflection in
cold climate multilayers, and normal to the leaf suface (i.e., minimum
reflection) in cold climate monolayers.

From the small samples of Fig. 3.18 we further tentatively conclude:

(3) By virtue of their clear sensitivity to h (cf. Fig. 3.18a), the three evergreen s
seem to be governed by beam radiation in a manner that has the form of the
theoretical curves for radiation normal to the leaves. The data follow closely
Eq. 3.32 for opaque right circular cones at the higher latitudes (i.e., lower h )
and Eq. 3.29 for opaque vertical circular cylinders at the lower latitudes (i.e.,
higher h ). The opacity likely results from cold-climate-induced monolayer
foliage structure, which in the idealized case has all leaves lying in the crown
surface and results in no downward scatter of radiation. These observed b s
also lie below the theoretical value for translucent canopies having
L = 90 h (Curve (f)) by a relatively constant factor (see dashed Curve
(g)) that is consistent with the effect of downward scattering and confirms the
previous conclusion from Fig. 3.15.
(4) The two deciduous observations of must include an effect of scattering due to
the open structure of multilayer deciduous crowns. It is possible to explain
these observations if the leaf angle is controlled by diffuse light as displayed in
Fig. 3.18b because here the observations are smaller than the theoretical d s by
an amount that is approximated by downward scattering as we have seen.
However, our postulated optical optimality condition leads to both b = , and
d = , and to a relationship b (h ) (cf. Eq. 3.51) which has the magnitude of
the observed (h ) as is shown by Curve (b) in Fig. 3.15. This confirms the
first conclusion that leaf angle is determined by the solar altitude of beam
radiation in temperate climate multilayers.

We conclude that solar elevation plays an important and perhaps dominating role
in selecting the leaf angle in a given climate.

Crown shape
To absorb maximum solar energy the cold-climate conifer has darkly pigmented
needles which we have just seen to be oriented on average nearly normal to the
radiation. To conserve this heat, the conifer may restrict sensible heat diffusion by
packing the needles in a dense monolayer shell at the surface of the crown. This
strategy is particularly successful in situations with large amounts of scattered light
(e.g., high latitudes, overcast skies, or snow-covered surfaces) since light can then reach
the side of the tree which is shaded by the monolayer in direct light. As a limiting case

In contrast to warm-climate conifers such as loblolly pine.
78 Radiant uxes

of this monolayer we can imagine the needles in a single planar layer coincident with
a crown surface that is perpendicular to the beam radiation. In such an idealized case
we can derive the relationships between:
(1) solar altitude and the proportions of the conical crown, and
(2) solar altitude and leaf area index.

Proportions of the conical crown of cold climate conifers

With the leaves (i.e., needles) lying in the lateral surface of the cone, that surface must
be normal to the solar beam at the effective azimuth and altitude of the sun. This readily
yields the geometrical relationship for leaf inclination
ro ro 1 h o
= 1+ = cos tan , (3.54)
hc hc ro
in which ro = b/2 is the radius of the cone at its base of diameter, b, and as earlier, h c
is its height. We define the crown aspect ratio as
= cot(h ). (3.55)
The lateral surface area of the cone, As , is
 2 1/2
As hc
= 1+ , (3.56)
ro2 ro

but the (single-sided) surface area, Al , of the needles lying in and comprising the
conical surface is larger than given by Eq. 3.56. Lang (1991) gives this as

A1 = As . (3.57)
By definition of the leaf area index, we can now use the last two equations to write
 2 1/2
A1 As hc
Lt = = 1+ . (3.58)
ro2 2 ro 2 2 ro

Jarvis et al. (1976, Table XVI, pp. 234235) give the latitudinal locations of leaf area
indices measured for various conifer species. Selecting the pines because of the many
varieties measured over a wide range of latitudes, we present the observations of L t vs.
 in Fig. 3.21. Combining Eqs. 3.55 and 3.58 and using Fig. 3.9 as before to translate
h into , we can plot Curve (a) in Fig. 3.21 in comparison with the observations.
Except for the Japanese red pine the agreement is good and supports the notion that
the aspect ratio of the conical cold-climate conifers reflects the solar altitude.
For three varieties of pine (Scots, ponderosa, and lodgepole) the averaged values
of Iko reported by Baker (cf. Table 3.9, column 2) give Ik /I0 = 0.135 which makes
Eq. 3.53

1 1
L t = ln . (3.59)
Structural response to radiation regime 79



Lt (b)
4 Lodgepole
2 Loblolly Norway

Japanese red
30 40 50 60 70
Latitude, (N)

Fig. 3.21. Sensitivity of crown shape to solar altitude. Data from Jarvis et al. (1976,
Table XVI, pp. 234235). For explanation of Curves (a) and (b) see text.

With the needle surface perpendicular to the solar beam, L = 2
h , and Eq. 3.59
is, for pine

L t = 2 csc(h ), (3.60)

which, with the help of Fig. 3.9, is plotted as Curve (b) in Fig. 3.21. It serves both as
a verification of Bakers (1950) compensation light intensity (as interpreted here) for
these pine varieties, and as confirmation of the observed slight increase of leaf area
index with latitude.

Turbulent uxes

The momentum flux in a vegetation canopy is expressed theoretically in terms

of the crown shape and the drag properties of the foliage elements for both
multilayer and monolayer crowns. The vertical distribution of derived kine-
matic eddy viscosity has an anomalous maximum high in a canopy of tapered
multilayer crowns that is verified by observations in Sitka spruce and which
leads to superior vertical mixing.
The PenmanMonteith equation for transpiration from a unit area of dry leaf
surface is applied to the entire dry forest canopy using the big leaf model.
Transfer from leaf scale to big leaf canopy scale uses a stack of leaf layers
with stomata fully open to minimize stress. Total canopy resistance is closely
approximated by a series-parallel network of interleaf-layer atmospheric
resistances only. The interleaf-layer resistance is calculated from the kinematic
eddy viscosity using a lumped analogy with Ohms law.

A Background
Under the assumptions of this work, the essential controls on forest growth are the
vertical fluxes within the canopy of light, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat. We
have considered the first of these in the previous chapter. Here we seek analytical
expression of the turbulent fluxes of mass and heat in terms of the canopy structure
and climate. To reach this goal we represent the three-dimensional canopy by a two-
dimensional approximation.
We begin by reviewing the turbulent transfer of any conservative fluid quantity
which does not change by virtue of its displacement in the direction of transfer. We let
s be the instantaneous amount of this quantity per unit mass of fluid, being the sum
of a temporal mean value, s , and a turbulent fluctuation therefrom, s , and we assume
that s varies in the z-direction only as is shown in Fig. 4.1.
Because of zero-mean vertical velocities, w = w , a vertical exchange of fluid pack-
ets takes place through any horizontal area, A, even though the mean fluid velocity is
in the horizontal direction, x. The vertical distance traveled by these packets before
taking on the character of their new surroundings is assumed to be a random quantity,

Background 81

Fig. 4.1. Definition sketch
for turbulent transport.
(After Eagleson, 1970,
+l +l Fig. 3-2, p. 17.)
s Area A

s, x
S' motions
l l

the mean value of which we shall call the mixing length, l; we will return to this
quantity later in the chapter. The amount of the quantity s carried by a parcel of mass
dm and passing through A will depend upon the point of origin of motion of the parcel.
This is due to the assumed gradient of the quantity s in the direction of the random
motion. Statistically speaking, no particle lying outside the limits +l > z > l will
pass through A, and the average time needed for the parcel to travel the distance l will
be called t. The average rate of net upward transport of the quantity s per unit area
is called Sz and may be written
 0 +l 
Sz = s(z) dz dA s(z) dz dA , (4.1)
At A l A 0

in which is the fluid mass density (g cm3 ). Expanding s(z) in a Taylor series about
z = 0, retaining only the linear terms, and integrating gives the general form of the
so-called fluxgradient relationship

l 2 ds ds
Sz = = K , (4.2)
t dz z=0 dz z=0
in which K is a turbulent transfer coefficient (cm2 s1 ) dependent upon the flow
conditions. Alternatively, we can write this vertical transport as

Sz = ws = w s . (4.3)

Estimation of the coefficient, K , is key to understanding Sz , and we will pursue it

through first looking at the easiest case, the vertical transfer of horizontal momentum,
in which case K K m is customarily referred to as the kinematic eddy viscosity. Then
for s = mass or heat we will apply the Reynolds analogy (Schmidt, 1917) which allows,
in stable atmospheres, use of the K m of momentum transfer to approximate the eddy
diffusivities, K, governing the transfer of mass and heat as well (Wright and Brown,
1967; Denmead and McIlroy, 1970).
The use of fluxgradient relationships to estimate vertical transport within forest
canopies has come into question (e.g., Raupach and Thom, 1981; Finnigan, 1985;

Introduced by Prandtl (1926) as the mixture length, l is the average distance traversed by a
fluctuating fluid element before it aquires the velocity of its new region.
82 Turbulent uxes

Finnigan and Raupach, 1987; Raupach, 1988; Raupach and Finnigan, 1988; Shuttle-
worth, 1989) on the basis of frequent and pronounced countergradient fluxes of heat,
water vapor, and carbon dioxide observed at times in certain canopies (e.g., Denmead
and Bradley, 1985, 1987). The countergradient fluxes are attributed to length scales
of the vertical mixing (i.e., mixing lengths, l) that are related to the crown dimension,
probably through eddies shed in the wake of individual crowns in a canopy with an
open top (e.g., conical crowns), and thus violate the fine grain mixing implied
in the linearization of Eq. 4.1. A more correct, higher-order formulation has been
proposed by Wilson and Shaw (1977), and by Raupach and Shaw (1982), but its com-
plexity is mismatched to the other gross simplifications of this work. In spite of the
demonstrated inadequacies of the fluxgradient approach, Raupach and Thom (1981,
p. 98) acknowledge that the fluxgradient methods have given approximate but useful
insight into the way in which physical and biological factors combine to govern the
transpiration and photosynthesis rates of a plant canopy. . ..
General insight is the goal of this work rather than precision of detail, so we will use
the fluxgradient approach with all its flaws as a suitable approximation. To reduce
the resulting error, we will consider primarily dense canopies in which l is most
likely to have the scale of the interleaf distance, and will concern ourselves with only
the long-term average state of atmospherecanopysoil systems, a state under which
(continuous) countergradient transport within the crown will be minimized.

B Introduction to momentum ux
The canopy and its substrate constitute a sink for the horizontal momentum that is
characteristic of the ambient mean airflow. Turbulent diffusion carries horizontal mo-
mentum vertically downward within the canopy and at each level the resistance offered
to this flow (i.e., the drag) of the solid canopy elements extracts a portion of that mo-
mentum and converts it into turbulence and thence into heat. This continuous supply
from the ambient atmosphere to the drag on the canopy elements defines what is called
the vertical flux of momentum. Its formulation is the beginning point of our analysis.
During the second half of the twentieth century agriculturalists and later foresters
studied momentum flux in various types of plant canopies; the literature is vast, but a
useful summary is provided by Brutsaert (1982). A mixture of theory and empiricism
has led the field to expressions of the form
u( )
= exp (aw ), (4.4)
f ( )
= exp (ad ), (4.5)
K m ( )
= exp (am ), (4.6)
K m (0)
Introduction to momentum ux 83

Plate 4.1. European

hornbeam. (a) Bare;
(b) leaved. (Photographed
bare by William D. Rich;
Copyright  c 2001 William
D. Rich, and photographed
leaved by Peter S. Eagleson;
Arnold Arboretum, Boston.)
84 Turbulent uxes

u(z) dynamic
( ~
~ constant)
0 (logarithmic profile)

u0 s f (0)
z0 f ()

exponential canopy
h d0 profiles sublayer

s assumed
hs uniform

Fig. 4.2. Definition sketch for canopy kinematics. (After Brutsaert, W.H., Evaporation
into the Atmosphere, Fig. 3.1, p. 54, Copyright 
c 1982 D. Reidel Publishing Company,
with kind permission from Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.)

in which u, f , and K m are, respectively, the horizontal wind velocity, the horizontal
shear stress on the foliage, and the kinematic eddy viscosity (see Eq. 4.2), while as
before (see Fig. 4.2)

. (4.7)
h hs

The reference values, u 0 , 0 , and K m (0), are those in the free stream at = 0.
The coefficients aw , ad , and am are called canopy indices or extinction parameters
and are estimated empirically to be 0.4 < aw < 4 (Cionco, 1972), ad 3 (Kaimal and
Finnigan, 1994, p. 78), and 2.2 < am < 4.25 (Brutsaert, 1982, p. 106). To distinguish
the behavior of different plant types, it is important that we understand the physical
reasons for the variation in these indices. We will attempt to derive them from first
principles of fluid dynamics, keeping in mind the cautionary words of Landsberg and
Jarvis (1973, p. 645):

The analysis of the momentum balance of a plant community is fraught with

difficulties, . . . , and there is no certainty that the exchange coefficients derived
from momentum balance calculations will be sufficiently accurate to provide good
estimates of fluxes between various levels of the stand . . . . Nevertheless, such
analysis can provide insights into effects of canopy architecture on the transfer
processes . . . . Furthermore, . . . models of the momentum balance of canopies can
provide a quick and relatively simple estimate of the ventilation conditions in the
stand which, in association with models of the radiation regime and information
on the photosynthetic characteristics, contribute to the refinement of estimates of
the effects of weather conditions and management on productivity.
General formulation of momentum ux 85

C General formulation of momentum ux

The equation of horizontal motion
Figure 4.2 provides a definition sketch for the kinematics of flow in a closed canopy
(i.e., canopy cover, M = 1). As done by Brutsaert (1982, p. 54), we divide the at-
mospheric boundary layer at canopy height, z = h, into an outer, dynamic sublayer,
and an inner portion closest to the surface which is called the canopy layer. In the
general case, the horizontal resistance, 0 , to airflow through the canopy is due both
to horizontal fluid dynamic drag, f , on the internal solid matter of the crown, and to
horizontal resistance, s , imposed externally by the substrate. The former is normally
the principal component as we indicate by the large reduction in horizontal momentum
through the crown in Fig. 4.2; the residual horizontal momentum below the crown is
removed by substrate shear. The accompanying fluid shear stress profile is also shown
in the figure.
The drag forces exerted on the solid canopy elements by the fluid flowing through the
canopy are shown in Fig. 4.3 under the assumption of zero horizontal pressure gradient.
The canopy chosen for these two definition sketches is the general, non-homogeneous
case in that the crowns do not occupy the entire canopy space. We will call this canopy
scale non-homogeneity. Non-homogeneity will also result from spatially variable leaf
area density within the crown regardless of whether the crowns are space-filling or not.
We will call this crown scale non-homogeneity. In our mathematical developments we
will use either vertical coordinate, the dimensional z or the dimensionless depending
upon which seems the most convenient (see Eq. 4.7).
Canopies for which the momentum reaching the substrate is negligible will be called
dense, and their boundary shear stress is s = 0. To be dense a canopy must be closed,
M = 1, and also the foliage element drag area density and distribution must be such as
to absorb the entire downward momentum flux. The canopy drag will be called foliage
resistance and is expressed in terms of the equivalent horizontal shear stress, f .

Ab Fig. 4.3. Definition sketch

h for canopy fluid dynamics.
( f + s ) Ab

fD a L( foliage
z u () elements


[f + s ] Ab
hs v
Table 4.1. Discrete drag regimes for idealized foliage elements

103 RD
and all practical Rx
RD < 101 101 RD < 100 100 RD < 10 10 RD < 103 (two-dimensional
(two-dimensional (two-dimensional (two-dimensional (two-dimensional circular cylinders
circular cylinders) circular cylinders) circular cylinders) circular cylinders) and flat plates)

CD u
0 =1 = 2/3 = 1/2 = 1/4 =0
u 2
0 2 =1 2 = 4/3 2 = 3/2 2 = 7/4 2 =2
u0 m m=1 m = 3/4 m = 2/3 m = 4/7 m = 1/2
Wake separation None None Laminar Laminar Laminar
Plant regimes Inoue and Uchijima (1979) Thom (1971) (beans) Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) Amiro (1990b)
(based upon CD ) (rice and maize) (spruce shoots) (pine and aspen)
Jarvis et al. (1976)
(coniferous forest)
General formulation of momentum ux 87

In this chapter we will work primarily with closed canopies where we will assume
the boundary shear stress to be negligible. In the manner of Brutsaert (1982, p. 97),
we assume the foliage resistance to be diffusely distributed throughout the flow
field. That is, we assume there to be an infinite number of small, unconnected resistive
elements behaving as a continuum-like sink for momentum. However, for illustrative
purposes, in the definition sketches of Fig. 4.3 we have lumped this distributed resis-
tance so that the isolated fluid element contains a single leaf. The horizontal drag force,
f D , which this leaf exerts on the fluid is balanced (in the absence of both a horizontal
pressure gradient and horizontal velocity gradients) by the forces due to fluid shear
stress, zx = f + s , on the top and bottom horizontal surfaces of the fluid element.
The difference in these shearing forces, f Ab , is the increment of horizontal fluid
momentum extinguished by the solid matter per unit of time. The horizontal equation
of motion is then written in the form
+ f D = 0, (4.8)
in which, using the meteorological convention,
horizontal component of foliage resistance CD u 2 AD (z)
fD = = . (4.9)
unit volume of canopy Ab z
In Eq. 4.9, CD is the fluid dynamic drag coefficient of the canopy solid matter,
is the air density, AD is the horizontal component of the effective drag-producing
area of the solid matter, and Ab is the cross-sectional area of the right circular cylinder
that just circumscribes the crown.

Drag coefcients
In the general case illustrated in Fig. 4.3, the drag coefficient of the foliage elements
may be influenced by one or more of three factors:

1. Shape (C D1 )
Here we are concerned with the surface and form resistance of the foliage element shape
in an infinite flow field. This is the principal component of the resistance and is given by
the familiar empirically determined drag coefficient (CD or Cf ) vs. Reynolds number
(R) curves. These as are given for flat plates (leaves) by Schlichting (1955, Fig. 21.9,
p. 448), and for two-dimensional circular cylinders (stems, twigs, and shoots) by
the generic curve found in most fluid dynamics texts (e.g., Rouse, 1946; Daily and
Harleman, 1966) and presented here as Fig. 4.4, all for steady flow and stationary
bodies. We will represent the latter curve, in the Reynolds number range of interest, by
CD1 = , (4.10)
as is shown by the straight line segments in Fig. 4.4. The values of are summarized
with their Reynolds number ranges in Table 4.1.
88 Turbulent uxes

100 Fig. 4.4. Drag

characteristics of
2 two-dimensional circular
10 3 cylinders (steady flow and
infinite fluid).

1 4

1 0 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
u( )D
RD =

2. Interference (C D2 )
Here we are interested in the fact that proximity of multiple, two-dimensional drag-
producing elements reduces the total drag on the set of elements to less than that on the
sum of individuals each governed by the infinite fluid observations of Fig. 4.4. This
effect is due to reduction in the form drag of body (a) due to the stagnation pressure
bulb upstream of body (b) in the wake of body (a). This is illustrated in Fig. 4.5
for stationary two-dimensional circular cylinders and for stationary streamlined struts
as given by Hoerner (1958). We will assume that the shape and two-dimensional
interference effects are separable so that

CD2 = CD1 es( ) , (4.11)

in which s( ) is the interference function or shielding function and is dependent upon

the vertical distribution of the canopy solid matter. For homogeneous canopies s( ) is
a constant. With non-homogeneity, we encounter interference and hence variable s( )
in two distinct fashions according to the volume density of the foliage elements: In
the case of low foliage volume density, such as with crown-scale non-homogeneity of
leafy plants, the individual foliage elements have a variable spacing and hence variable
mutual interference as a function of vertical position in the crown. In the case of high
foliage volume density, in plants having the canopy-scale non-homogeneity such as
the conical crowns in Fig. 4.2, the crown shape itself deflects part of the flow around
the crown. This causes crown form drag (as distinguished from foliage element form
drag) which is subject to vertically variable interference from adjacent crowns. We
assume that this interference manifests itself as in the first case, by reducing the drag
on the individual foliage elements.

3. Roughness
In the case of canopy-scale non-homogeneity, the open canopy top causes a stream-
line pattern which is variable with free stream velocity. In the idealized case of two-
dimensional roughness strips illustrated in Fig. 4.6, we show the free stream tending
to follow the crown contours at low u 0 , and to skim over them at high u 0 . This causes
General formulation of momentum ux 89

Fig. 4.5. Interference drag.

1.2 (a) Drag coefficients of two
Forward cylinder
1.0 interfering circular
cylinders. Approximations
for: (a) interfering cones:
b Total drag on total area
0.6 a
= 1 1, Bo = 1,

0.4 L t = 1.5; and

Rear cylinder (b) interfering hemispheres:
4 6 8 10 D
= [ (2 )]1/2 1,
0 Bo = 1, L t = 2.0.
x D
0.2 D (b) Drag coefficients of two
interfering thin struts.
0.4 (From Hoerner, S.F.,
RD = 10
Fluid-Dynamic Drag,
(a) Section at 0 < < 1 Fig. 8.2, p. 1, and Fig. 8.3,
p. 2, Copyright  c 1958
Hoerner Fluid Dynamics;
with kind permission from
Mrs S.F. Hoerner,
5 Bakersfield, CA.)
Rc = 4 10
0.3 x c

0.2 Rear strut


In free flow
0 c
2 4 6 8
First strut

u0 Fig. 4.6. Variable

roughness of open canopy
top. (a) Low free-stream
velocity; (b) high
free-stream velocity.



90 Turbulent uxes

a decrease in the aerodynamic roughness of the canopy with increasing free stream
velocity and is expressed through the canopy surface resistance coefficient, Cf , that is

0 = Cf (u 0 )u 20 . (4.12)

In any particular case, one or more of these influences may be present depend-
ing upon the crown shape, foliage volume density, leaf area density, and leaf area
distribution; leafy plants may be areally dense yet volumetrically sparse.

The dragshear stress relation for low foliage

volume density
We continue the analysis with a further major simplification. In order to relate the
foliage resistance and fluid shear, we replace the vertically variable crown cross-
section with a circumscribing right circular cylinder of constant cross-sectional area,
Ab , within which the canopy drag area density, aD (z), is a function of vertical position,
z, but is diffusely distributed (i.e., uniform) over the full cylinder cross-section at each
elevation. Then Eq. 4.9 can be written (Brutsaert, 1982)

CD (u, z) u 2 AD (z)
fD = = CD (u, z) u 2 aD (z) = f aD (z). (4.13)
Ab z

The general momentum transfer equation in canopies

with low foliage volume density
Expressing the horizontal component of the drag-producing area per unit of canopy
volume as
AD (z)
aD (z) = n c
os L at (z), (4.14)
Ab z
in which n = number of element sides producing skin-friction,

cos L = spatial average cosine of the angle between elements drag force and
the horizontal plane (given the notation in Chapter 2), and
at (z) = foliage area density = single-sided foliage area per unit of canopy
volume (m1 ), which must satisfy the condition
h 1
Lt = at (z) dz = at ( ) d, (4.15)
hs 0

in which L t = single-sided foliage area index (dimensionless).

In sparse canopies where the substrate shear stress cannot be neglected the following
development is inexact.
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 91

Using Eqs. 4.8, 4.13, and 4.14, and noting that by definition

at ( ) (h h s )at (z), and dz (h h s ) d,

Eq. 4.8 can be rewritten

= nat (z) dz = nat ( ) d. (4.16)
at ( )
a( ) = dimensionless, single-sided foliage area homogeneity function,
and assuming and n to be invariant with elevation, Eq. 4.16 integrates to give

f ( )
= exp n L t a( ) d . (4.17)
f (0) 0

The variation of fluid velocity is then obtained from Eqs. 4.13 and 4.17 depending
upon the drag coefficient vs. Reynolds number relationship.
We will now carry out the detailed calculations for a number of canopies beginning
with the limiting cases posed by low volume density homogeneous canopies of
(1) leafy plants such as deciduous and needle-leafed trees (where the surfaces
have a significant horizontal projection and the drag is primarily skin-friction); using
the terminology of Horn (1971) we refer to such plants as multilayer plants due to
the layered appearance of their leaves resulting from the branching structure, and
(2) stemmy plants such as rice and wheat (where the surfaces are largely vertical
and it seems a priori that form drag may predominate).

D Features of momentum ux in homogeneous canopies

The nature of homogeneity
The crowns of leafy plants typically have their foliage area density distributed vertically
in a bell curve as shown in Fig. 2.5 for aspen ( Populus tremula), linden (Tilia
cordata), and oak (Quercus robur) taken from Rauner (1976, Fig. 2, p. 244). For
truly homogeneous canopies, the foliage area density would be distributed uniformly
through crowns that fill the entire canopy space (i.e., right cylinders with canopy cover,
M = 1), and these vertical distributions would be rectangles demonstrating a( ) = 1.
The degree to which this homogeneity condition is met by actual canopies is illustrated
in Fig. 4.7 for the crowns of aspen (Rauner, 1976, Fig. 1, p. 243) which we will consider
typical of homogeneous leafy plants.
For homogeneous canopies we use a( ) = 1 in Eq. 4.17 to obtain the desired
expansion of Eq. 4.5
f ( )
= exp (n L t ). (4.18)
f (0)
92 Turbulent uxes

h 12


8 a t( )
at( ) = 1

z (m)
as aL

2 z
0 (aL+ as )dz = L t

0.05 1 3 5 7 9

Fig. 4.7. Typical foliage area distribution of leafy canopy and its homogeneity
approximation. as = non-leaf area (one-sided); aL = leaf area (one-sided). (From
Rauner, J.L., Deciduous forests, in Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 2, Case
Studies, edited by J.L. Monteith, Fig. 1, p. 243; Copyright c 1976 Academic Press
Ltd, with kind permission from Academic Press Ltd, London.)

0 Fig. 4.8. Observed shear

distributtion in various
canopies. (Data from
Kaimal and Finnigan, 1994,
0.5 Fig. 3.3, p. 78.)

0 0.5 1.0 1.5
f ()/0

This simple exponential nature of the momentum flux decay is supported by obser-
vations of, among others, Hicks and Sheih (1977) in maize, Seginer et al. (1976) in
an artificial canopy, and Kaimal and Finnigan (1994, p. 78) in a variety of natural
and artificial canopies. The Kaimal and Finnigan (1994, Fig. 3.3b, p. 78) observations
embrace artificial canopies (rods), as well as crops (wheat, corn), and forest (eucalyp-
tus, pine), and they all cluster around an extinction parameter, ad = n L t = 3 (see
Fig. 4.8), which we take to represent the typical leafy canopy.

Kinematics and dynamics of ow in

the homogeneous canopy
From the usual meteorological definition of shear stress as expressed in Eq. 4.13, we
see that the inverse, u(f ), depends upon the nature of the drag coefficient. That is,
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 93

velocity is proportional to shear stress according to

u fm , (4.19)

where, referring to Eq. 4.10,

m= . (4.20)

Strictly speaking, the proportionality of Eq. 4.19 is variable with elevation even in
homogeneous canopies due to increasing with as the velocity variation leads into
a new Reynolds number regime (see Table 4.1). However, this variation is confined to
the lower part of the canopy which contributes little to the dynamics. Consequently,
we will assume the proportionality of Eq. 4.19 to be invariant and use it with Eq. 4.18
to write the general relation for horizontal windspeed

u( )
= exp (mn L t ), (4.21)

where u 0 is the horizontal wind speed at the top of the canopy, z = h, or = 0. This
exponential form of the velocity extinction is confirmed by observations over a wide
range of leafy plants (e.g., Rauner, 1976, p. 256; Cionco, 1978, p. 83; and Kaimal and
Finnigan, 1994, p. 78). We reproduce the Rauner (1976, Fig. 11, p. 256) observations
here in Fig. 4.9. We will continue to separate the effects of solid density (i.e., L t ), from
those of geometry (i.e., mn) by writing Eq. 4.21

u( )
= exp ( L t ), (4.22)

in which

mn. (4.23)

1.0 Fig. 4.9. Observed velocity

0.8 Aspen distribution in leafy trees.
Birch (From Rauner, J.L.,
0.6 Linden Deciduous forests, in
Maple Vegetation and the
0.4 Atmosphere, Vol. 2, Case
u( ) Studies, edited by J.L.
u0 Monteith, Fig. 11, p. 256;
e0.25L t Copyright  c 1976
Academic Press Ltd, with
e0.35L t kind permission from
e0.30Lt Academic Press Ltd,
0.1 London.)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
94 Turbulent uxes

As was shown in Chapter 3, optical optimality relates to the light extinction

parameter, , by

= . (4.24)

Thus the extinction parameters for both horizontal wind velocity and light are related

= mn. (4.25)

To evaluate m and n we must examine the drag characteristics of idealized foliage

elements having specific form and orientation. First, however, we will complete the
general formulation for homogeneous canopies having low foliage volume density.
Continuing our earlier assumption that the solid elements are diffusely distributed
throughout the canopy, we can expect the kinematics and dynamics of the air flow to be
continuous across the interface between the dynamic sublayer and the canopy sublayer
(Fig. 4.2). In such cases we can reduce the number of free canopy parameters still
further by introducing a set of matching conditions at the canopy top h = z( = 0).

Matching of velocity gradients

The vertical distribution of the mean horizontal wind velocity in the dynamic sublayer
is assumed to follow the well-accepted logarithmic law attributed (in its earliest form)
to von Karman (1930) and written

u z d0
u(z) = ln , z h, (4.26)
k z0

in which u(z) is the temporal mean wind velocity at elevation z, k is von Karmans
constant, u is the shear velocity defined by
u 0 / = Cf u 0 , (4.27)

where d0 is the zero-plane displacement height, z 0 is the surface roughness length, and
0 is the shear stress at z = h. Various derivations of Eq. 4.26 are given by Monin and
Yaglom (1971, pp. 274 et seq.), and a definition sketch is given here in Fig. 4.10. At
the top of the canopy Eq. 4.26 gives

u h d0
u0 = ln , z = h. (4.28)
k z0

Differentiating Eq. 4.26 we obtain

du(z) u
= , (4.29)
dz k(z d0 )
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 95

2 Fig. 4.10. Definition of

boundary layer parameters.
(Adapted from Kaimal and
Finnigan, 1994, Fig. 3.1,
p. 68.)

z Canopy top

z0 /h d 0 /h

0 1 2 3

and introducing Eq. 4.28, gives

du(z) u0
= . (4.30)
dz z d0
(h d0 ) ln

Within the canopy sublayer we have found (Eqs. 4.7 and 4.22)
u(z) = u 0 exp L t , h s z h. (4.31)
h hs

For 0 z h s we will assume the velocity constant at u(z) = u(h s ). From Eq. 4.31
this is

u(h s ) = u 0 exp ( L t ), 0 z < hs, (4.32)

which neglects the shear at z = 0 as being small with respect to that, 0 , at z = h.

This assumption is supported by Kaimal and Finnigan (1994, p. 78) who show, for
a wide range of canopies having L t > 1, that the shearing stress transmitted to the
ground surface is essentially zero. We have seen in Fig. 4.9 that the form of Eq. 4.32
fits observations in maple, aspen, linden, and birch forests.
Differentiating Eq. 4.31 gives the velocity gradient within the canopy sublayer:
du(z) Lt hz
= u0 exp L t . (4.33)
dz h hs h hs
96 Turbulent uxes

Finally, setting Eq. 4.30 equal to Eq. 4.33, gives, at the canopy top z = h, the
velocity gradient matching condition:
d0 d0
1 1
h ln h = 1,
hs z0
1 h
which was first presented by Kondo (1971) for the special case h s = 0. Using Eq. 4.28,
this velocity gradient matching condition can be written in the useful alternative form

u h d0
= L t. (4.35)
ku 0 h hs

Plate 4.2. Dawn redwood. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum,

Boston; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 97

In Eq. 4.35, the left-hand side is called the bulk drag parameter, while the right-hand
side is the normalized canopy drag area density, or more simply, the crown density.

Matching of momentum ux density

Immediately above the canopy the shear stress is independent of z with the value

(z) = 0 = constant, (4.36)

as is shown over a variety of canopies through the observations assembled by Kaimal

and Finnigan (1994, p. 78). Inside the canopy sublayer the shear stress decays from
this value according to Eq. 4.18. Of course the gradients, d/dz, of momentum flux
density cannot match across the sublayer interface, z = h, because of the absorption
of momentum in drag forces on the solid matter of the canopy as formulated in Eq. 4.8.

Eddy viscosity
Introducing the usual assumption that the shear stress is proportional to the velocity
gradient through the kinematic eddy viscosity, K m , we have, as a special case of
Eq. 4.2:
/ (f + s )/
Km = . (4.37)
du/dz du/dz
Above the canopy, Eqs. 4.29 and 4.36 allow us to evaluate this quantity as

K m (z) = ku (z d0 ), (4.38)

while within the areally dense canopy, s is negligible, and Eqs. 4.07, 4.18, 4.27, and
4.33 give
u 2 (h h s ) hz
K m (z) = exp n(1 m) L t . (4.39)
u0 L t h hs
Since K m is defined in terms of quantities that we are matching at z = h, K m will
automatically match there also without generating an independent matching condition.
From Eq. 4.38 at z = h, K m (h) = ku (h d0 ), and with Eqs. 4.07, 4.23, 4.35, and
4.40, Eq. 4.39 becomes finally
K m ( ) (1 m)
= exp L t . (4.40)
K m (0) m
Equation 4.40 has been found to match observed eddy viscosity decay in maize (e.g.,
Hicks and Sheih, 1977), pine forest (Lemon, 1965), rice (Uchijima, 1962), and wheat
(Denmead, 1976). For aspen, Rauner (1976, Fig. 10, p. 255) finds a variation somewhat
different from Eq. 4.40 as is shown here in Fig. 4.11. Such a variation is more like that
which we will derive later for non-homogeneous canopies.

Alternatively we may refer to K m as the eddy momentum diffusivity.
98 Turbulent uxes

o o Fig. 4.11. Eddy viscosity

14 h < 40 h > 40
distributtion in aspen. (From
Aspen Rauner, J.L. Deciduous
forests, in Vegetation and
the Atmosphere, Vol. 2,
Case Studies, edited by J.L.
Monteith, Fig. 10, p. 255;
z (m)

Copyright  c 1976
6 Km (0) exp (1.5 hh ) Academic Press Ltd, with
kind permission from
hs Academic Press Ltd,

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Km (m s1)

Averaging Eq. 4.40 over the depth of the homogeneous cylindrical crown, we obtain
(1 m)
1 1 exp Lt
mo K m ( ) m
K d = . (4.41)
0 K m (0) 1m
mo is derived for non-homogeneous hemispherical and conical crowns
The function K
in Appendix A.

Mixing length
In describing turbulent transport in fluids a length scale is needed, and to meet this need
Prandtl (1926, cf. 1952, pp. 117118) introduced the mixing length, l. Conceptually,
l is the average distance traversed by a fluctuating fluid element before it acquires
the velocity of its new region. He assumed the mixing length to be dominated by the
geometrical characteristics of the flow; namely, in the presence of a solid boundary he
took the size of the turbulent eddies to be proportional to the distance of the eddy from
that boundary. This led him to relate the shear stress to the mean velocity gradient in
turbulent flow in a manner similar to that for molecular shear but with a proportionality
coefficient dependent upon the flow features. Subscripting l with Prandtls initial we
then write
2  du  du
= lP   , (4.42)
dz dz
from which, using Eq. 4.38, we see that the kinematic eddy viscosity is defined by
2  du 
K m = lP  . (4.43)
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 99

Using Eqs. 4.33 and 4.39, Eq. 4.43 gives, within the canopy,
u h hs 1 2m hz
lP (z) = exp Lt , z h. (4.44)
u0 Lt 2m h hs
Using Eqs. 4.29 and 4.38, Eq. 4.43 gives, above the canopy,

lP (z) = k(z d0 ), z > h. (4.45)

Von Karman (1934) approached the need for a length scale differently than did
Prandtl, basing his development upon a physical picture of the turbulent mechanisms.
He assumed the mixing length to be governed by a local turbulence structure which is
similar from point-to-point differing only in its length and time-scales and without any
geometrical reference to the source of the turbulence. This led him to the expression
for the (Karman) mixing length
lK = k  2  .
d u
With the velocity distribution of Eq. 4.31, Eq. 4.46 gives the constant mixing length
k(h h s )
lK = , z h, (4.47)
while for z > h, Eq. 4.45 again results.

Zero-plane displacement
In experiments on an artificial canopy composed of a dense array of thin vertical
rods, Thom (1971) found the zero-plane displacement to be indistinguishable from
the level of action of the drag on the component parts of the canopy. Hicks and
Sheih (1977) confirmed this finding for a maize canopy. If we accept this to be a
general result as Thom proposes, we can calculate the zero-plane displacement in
terms of the drag-producing characteristics of the canopy. Referring to Fig. 4.12, we
take moments about an axis perpendicular to the flow and in the plane of the surface to
d0 FT = z f D (z) dz, (4.48)

in which

f D (z) = f (z)AD (z), (4.49)

and the total drag, FT , is given by the integral

FT = f D (z) dz. (4.50)
100 Turbulent uxes

z=h Fig. 4.12. Definition sketch

for displacement thickness
f (z)

z = hs

Plate 4.3. Golden weeping willow. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Holden

Arboretum, Cleveland; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Momentum ux in homogeneous canopies 101

Using Eq. 4.18 with Eq. 4.14 in Eq. 4.49, we can integrate Eq. 4.48 with Eq. 4.50
for areally dense homogeneous canopies (i.e., a( ) = 1; see Eq. 4.17) to obtain
h d0 1 exp (n L t )
= , (4.51)
h hs n L t 1 exp (n L t )
which is plotted in Fig. 4.13 in comparison with observations from the literature.
Most observations in this figure do not include h s , hence we assume h s / h is negli-
gible for purposes of the comparison; this certainly accounts for some of the scatter.
Nevertheless, from the limited data available, Eq. 4.51 seems for trees to be a de-
cided improvement over the constant value of d0 / h = 2/3 (dashed line) proposed by


h d0 1 exp (nLt )
= -
h hs n Lt 1 exp (n Lt )

0.4 3 1
n Lt
Brutsaert (1982)
h d0
h hs

5 (for agricultural crops)



0.1 2
hs = 0
hs assumed zero

0 2 4 6 8 10
n Lt

Fig. 4.13. Displacement thickness for forest canopies.

Point Species Quantities Source

1 Vertical rods h = 14.3 cm; d0 = 10.9 cm; Thom (1971)

h s = 0; m = 2/3; L t = 3.31
2 Pinus resinosa strobus L t = 7.97; = 0.42; n = 2 Martin (1971)
3 Larix leptopolis = 1; m = 1/2; d0 / h = 0.61 Cionco (1978)
Allen (1968)
4 Pinus resinosa d0 / h = 0.81; L t = 7.97 Leonard and
Federer (1973)
Martin (1971)
5 Pinus densiflora L t = 2.06; 0.4; Jarvis et al. (1976)
n = 2; d0 / h = 0.67
6 Pinus densiflora L t = 4.37; 0.4; Jarvis et al. (1976)
n = 2; d0 / h = 0.83 Jarvis et al. (1976)
7 Picea sitchensis L t = 3.32; 0.5; n = 2 Landsberg and
Jarvis (1973)
8 Pinus taeda L t = 6.68; 0.45; n = 2 Jarvis et al. (1976)
102 Turbulent uxes

Brutsaert (1982, p. 116) from observations, largely on agricultural crops, made by

Stanhill (1969) and others. Other early theoretical predictions of the zero-plane dis-
placement (e.g., Shaw and Pereira, 1982) do not include the important parameters
h s , n, and .
For canopies which are sparse due to M < 1, Raupach (1994) derives d0 in terms of
the single parameter, roughness density, or frontal area index and obtains excellent
agreement with observations.
To proceed with the areally dense homogeneous canopy we must determine the
coefficients m and n which reflect the form and orientation of the foliage elements.

E Momentum ux in homogeneous leafy canopies:

Drag characteristics of idealized foliage elements
The drag characteristics of isolated, stationary, rough, flat plates in two-dimensional
steady flow are presented by Schlichting (1955, Fig. 21.9, p. 448), and of fixed single
cylinders in two-dimensional steady flow here in Fig. 4.4. Certainly, the leaves and other
thin foliage elements of trees are not isolated nor are they stationary under average
wind conditions. While interference and unsteadiness will affect the magnitude of
the drag coefficient at a given Reynolds number, we do not seek these values; we are
concerned only with the slope of the CD vs. R curve which we assume to be insensitive
to the gentle swaying motion of most leaves under average wind conditions, and will
use the drag on isolated stationary bodies in steady flow as a first approximation. As
mentioned earlier, we have divided the Reynolds number range of Fig. 4.4 into discrete
intervals in order to determine the appropriate value of the exponent m of Eq. 4.20.
These intervals and the associated values of m are given in Table 4.1.

Broadleaved plants
The characteristic dimension of the leaves of broadleaved plants is about x = 4 cm
(e.g., Murphy and Knoerr, 1977), and a nominal average wind speed in the canopy, u(
will be taken as 2 m s1 . The nominal drag-defining Reynolds number for broadleaved
plants is then:
u( (2 m s1 )(4 102 m)
Rx = = = O(103 ).
1.5 105 m2 s1
It seems reasonable to assume that the flat leaves of broadleaved plants offer surface
resistance over at least a portion of both sides of the leaves, thus setting n = 2 in Eq. 4.25.
At Reynolds numbers Rx = O(103 ) such as given above, and with an assumed leaf
surface absolute roughness, 1 mm, it is assumed that the surface is aerodynamically

An obvious exception is the aspen (Populus tremuloides) the leaves of which vibrate rapidly in the
Homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 103

rough and therefore has a constant surface drag coefficient, CD = Cf , as is shown

for flat plates by Schlichting (1955). This has been shown to be the case by Amiro
(1990b) for aspen, as well as for the long, soft needles of jack pine.
With this nominal Reynolds number, CD is constant, m = 1/2 (Table 4.1), and as
argued above, n = 2. Thus for all leafy plants, m = 1/2, and

mn = 1. (4.52)

Needle-leaved plants
There is a wide range of drag geometries within the group of needle-leaved plants, but
we will identify and treat only the two extremes.

1. Individual-needle varieties
Most Pinus needles emerge from the stem in a tight circular bundle (called a fascicle)
of multi-sided individuals which opens progressively along the needle axis, thereby
providing a varying degree of mutual drag interference. Those varieties with very long
needles in which the individuals become separated to the point of relative independence
with respect to drag we call individual needle varieties. As is pictured by Zim and
Martin (1987), these are exemplified by the longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and the
loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), and (to a somewhat lesser degree) include others such
as sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), pitch pine (Pinus rigida), ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa), and Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus).
There are three needles to the circular bundle of Pinus taeda (Kozlowski and
Schumacher, 1943) and of Pinus radiata (Raison et al., 1992), so each needle of
these varieties has a cross-section consisting of a 120 circular sector. The important
ratio of total needle perimeter (P) to arc-chord (Ca ) of these varieties is P/Ca = 2.36
(Raison et al., 1992). All three sides of these needles are stomated.
The cross-section of Pinus strobus needles is a 72 circular sector (i.e., five to the
bundle) with stomata only on the straight sides (Kozlowski and Schumacher, 1943), and
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles have a semicircular cross-section with stomates
on only the straight side. Over a range of needle varieties, Waring (1983) found the
average perimeter-to-chord ratio, P/Ca  = 2.5.
Realizing that varying needle orientation exposes an average silhouette area for
either drag or light interception, Lang (1991) used one of the Cauchy (1832) theorems
to find P/C = where C  is the average chord of the cross-section when the needle is
rotated about its longitudinal axis. Finally, Chen and Black (1992) averaged over all
needle positions in three dimensions to find P/Ca  = 4.0.
Pinus needle diameters are about 2 millimeters, and assuming a nominal average
wind speed, u( ), equal to 2 m s1 , the nominal drag-defining Reynolds number for
the individual needle varieties is
u( (2 m s1 )(2 103 m)
Rx = = = O(102 ).
1.5 105 m2 s1
104 Turbulent uxes

With this Reynolds number Table 4.1 gives m = 4/7, and assuming surface resistance
over the full perimeter, n = 2. Thus for the individual needle varieties, m = 4/7,

mn = 8/7 = 1.15. (4.53)

2. Clustered needle varieties

Particularly spruce, but to a lesser degreee fir, larch, pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) and
other varieties of needle-leaved plants have short, stiff, relatively flat needles that are
clustered closely together on long twigs forming what are called shoots. There is
a high degree of drag interference among these needles so that the characteristic drag
dimension is that of the cluster rather than that of the individual needle. For example,
Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) find the dimension of the shoot rather than the needle
to govern the foliage element drag of spruce trees. In such cases we will assume
that the drag arises from drag on the cluster rather than from drag on the individual
needle. Needle diameters are about 2 millimeters, and cluster widths are about one
order of magnitude larger. Thus with a nominal average wind speed, u( ), again equal
to 2 m s , the nominal drag-defining Reynolds number for needle-leaved plants is
u( (2 m s1 )(2 102 m)
RD = = = O(103 ).
1.5 105 m2 s1
Just as with the leafy plants at this Reynolds number, CD is constant and m = 1/2
(Table 4.1). Assuming the drag to be surface resistance on the composite shoot surface,
n = 2. Thus for clustered needle varieties as well as for leafy plants, m = 1/2, and

mn = 1. (4.54)

Finally, in conjunction with Eqs. 4.24 and 4.25, Eqs. 4.524.54 give:

for leafy and clustered needle plants: = =
. (4.55)
and for individual needle plants: = 1.15 = 1.15

This tie between the vertical extinction of solar radiation and of horizontal momen-
tum flux within the canopy was derived and verified, apparently for the first time, in
Chapter 3. We will show it to be a critical link in climatic determination of canopy
Observational support for Eq. 4.55 is obtained from our collection of field estimates
of various parameters of leafy canopies which we have attempted to convert to common
definition and have included in Tables 2.2 (evergreen forest), 2.3 (deciduous forest),
and 2.4 (crops and grasses). Wherever, in these tables, estimates of both and are
available for the same species, these values are plotted in Fig. 4.14. In these coordinates,
the slope of the line from the origin to the plotted point is the value of the product
mn. For leafy canopies and for spruce, the limited data clearly cluster around the line
Homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 105

1.6 Fig. 4.14. Observed

extinction coefficients
( mn).








ns ai
ea (M



Rice y


0.6 Maize

Pine Black spruce

0.4 n=
1/ 2
Aspen m=


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

mn = 1 which represents both broad-leaved and clustered needle trees. For the various
Pinus varieties given in Table 2.2, the averaged data give mn = 1.14 which agrees
well with that for individual needled plants.
Other data points on Fig. 4.14 are for those crops in which there is a significant
component of canopy drag from the vertical stems which do not obey the relation
= . We will return to these stemmy plants shortly.
For very low Reynolds numbers, CD u 1 (Lamb, 1932, p. 616), whereupon
m = 1 (see Table 4.1), and with n = 2, mn = 2. This is the upper limit of mn shown
by the upper dashed line in Fig. 4.14. The lower limit of mn = 1/2 is given by
high Reynolds number flow with m = 1/2 over ground-hugging leafy plants (such as
plantain) for which n = 1. It is shown as the lower dashed line in Fig. 4.14.

Mixing length
Considering its conceptual definition as the average distance traversed by a fluctu-
ating fluid element before it acquires the velocity of its new region, we expect the
Prandtl mixing length to be related to the vertical spacing of the solid elements in
the canopy. Thus for the uniform vertical spacing of the solid elements accompanying
the homogeneous leafy canopies being considered here, it is reasonable to assume that
within the crown

lP = constant, h s z h, (4.56)
106 Turbulent uxes

as was proposed by Inoue (1963). From Eq. 4.44, this can be seen to require

m = 1/2, (4.57)

as was reasoned above from classical CD vs. R behavior. With the assumption that
n = 2, our earlier observational evidence that mn = 1 for leafy trees is a demonstration
that the mixing length really is constant within these canopies. From Eq. 4.44 this
constant value within the crown is

u h hs
lP = , h s z h. (4.58)
u0 Lt

When the eddy-generating solid surfaces are parallel to the flow as for the leafy
plants now under discussion, the Prandtl and von Karman definitions of mixing length
are equivalent, and we equate Eqs. 4.47 and 4.58 to obtain the theoretical value of the
bulk drag parameter
= 1, (4.59)
ku 0
which can be shown to require a reversal in curvature of the velocity profile at = 0.
The bulk drag parameter was suggested as a constant for tall, dense plant communi-
ties by Kondo (1971) and has been shown empirically by Kondo (1972) to have the
value of unity through collected observations in pine and Japanese larch canopies. The
generally accepted value of the Karman constant is k = 0.4 from which Eqs. 4.12,
4.27, and 4.59 imply
u 1/2
= Cf 0.4. (4.60)
Kondo and Akashi (1976, Fig. 11) show, both analytically and from wind tun-
nel experiments, that Eq. 4.60 is satisfied in an areally dense canopy. Together,
Eqs. 4.584.60 confirm our major initial assumption (see discussion at end of
Section 4A):
mixing length lP
= = k < 1, z h.
average vertical interleaf distance (h h s )/( L t )
Using Eqs. 4.54 and 4.59 in Eq. 4.35, we have for areally dense, homogeneous,
leafy canopies

h d0 h d0
Lt Lt = 1, (4.61)
h hs h hs

which gives finally, using Eq. 4.34

ln z 0 = 1, (4.62)
Homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 107


d0 z0
1 = 2.718 . (4.63)
h h
In Fig. 4.15, Eq. 4.63 is compared with observations compiled by Jarvis et al. (1976,
Table V, pp. 188189). When it is realized that the plotted points numbered 10 to 14
are for trees with conical crowns and thus non-homogeneous canopies, we can say
that Eq. 4.63 represents homogeneous canopies quite satisfactorily. Note that Eq. 4.63



Homogeneous canopy

u 1
* >1 h
0.2 ku0 11 ln =1
10 Paeschke (1937), grasses, beets

0.1 1 12
13 2
u 7
* <1
0 3 9
= Non-homogeneous canopy 14
6 5
0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. 4.15. Boundary layer parameters for needle-leaved canopies (assumed
(z = h s ) = 0).
Number Common Name h (meters) Lt z0 / h d0 / h

1 Japanese larch 10.4 9.3 0.11 0.61

2 Norway pine 11.8 0.07 0.81
3 Lodgepole pine 10.0 2.8 0.05 0.76
4 Norway and eastern 22.0 3.1 0.03 0.90
white pine
5 Loblolly pine 14.0 6.7 0.02 0.92
6 Loblolly pine 23.4 0.02 0.89
7 Scotch pine 15.5 4.3 0.06 0.76
8 Japanese red pine 4.5 0.8 0.10 0.67
9 Japanese red pine 23.0 1.7 0.05 0.83
10 Douglas fir 28.0 0.14 0.75
11 Norway spruce 27.2 21.6 0.260.11 0.72
12 Norway spruce 27.5 21.6 0.11 0.83
13 Norway spruce 22.0 0.07 0.68
14 Sitka spruce 11.5 3.3 0.03 0.84
Average = 0.08 0.78

Data from Jarvis, P.G., G.B. James and J.J. Landsberg, Coniferous forest, in
Vegetation and the Atmosphere, Vol. 2, Case Studies, edited by J.L. Monteith,
Table V, pp. 188189; Copyright c 1976 Academic Press Ltd, with kind
permission from Academic Press Ltd, London.
108 Turbulent uxes

follows directly from the turbulent velocity distribution, Eq. 4.28, as soon as Eq. 4.59
is established.

F Momentum ux in homogeneous stemmy canopies

Erectophile crops such as the grasses (i.e., rye and sorghum), as well as wheat, rice, and
sunflower, have a total foliage area made up primarily of stems and only secondarily of
leaves (see Table 2.1). In such cases the majority of the foliage resistance arises from
the drag of vertical cylinders. We will refer to such plants as stemmy plants. They
constitute another limit to the general dynamic behavior of plants in which both leaves
and stems play a role. Maize, even though it has prominent stalks, has a total foliage
area composed heavily of leaves as we see in Table 2.1, and we expect its behavior to
be intermediate between the leafy and stemmy plants. We begin our analysis here by
examining the limiting case of pure, stemmy behavior.

Articial canopy of vertical rods

We next consider experiments on artificial canopies composed of thin circular cylinders
which are tall, vertical, rigid, and smooth. The surface area of these rods is constant
in the vertical direction so the canopies are precisely homogeneous and our earlier
analysis is applicable.

1. Experiments of Thom (1971)

This set of observations was performed in a wind tunnel by Thom (1971) and used
cylinders 1 millimeter in diameter and 14.3 centimeters high, placed on 1 centimeter
centers in a diamond pattern. The average (they are velocity-dependent) zero-plane
displacement and roughness height were calculated by Thom to be d0 = 11 cm and
z 0 = 1.4 cm respectively. At the average free-stream wind speed used, u 0 = 0.5 m s1 ,
the cylinder Reynolds number is R D = 33, and for a single, two-dimensional circu-
lar cylinder in an infinite fluid (Table 7.1), CD u 0 . However, Thoms (1971)
wind tunnel measurements on a single, three-dimensional circular cylinder show that
CD u 0 and these are reproduced here in Fig. 4.16.
Goldstein (1938, Fig. 154, p. 425) presents the separate skin friction and form (i.e.,
normal pressure) drag components for single, two-dimensional circular cylinders and
this information is reproduced here in Fig. 4.17. From this figure, at R D = 33 (i.e., log
R D = 1.5), we see that the drag of single, two-dimensional cylinders is about equally
divided between the two components, and that the skin friction variation is CD R D
(i.e., CD u 0 ). It is thus the form drag which changes from 1/2 to 1/4.
From a comparison of these two findings we conclude that Thoms (1971) sin-
gle, three-dimensional cylinders experienced only skin friction, probably because the
Homogeneous stemmy canopies 109

2.0 Fig. 4.16. Drag coefficient

of single rod. (From Thom,
Single rod
A.S., Momentum
absorption by vegetation,
= 1/2 Fig. 3, p. 417, Quarterly
CD 2
Journal of the Royal
u Meteorological Society, 97;
Copyright  c 1971 The
1 mm RD = 33
Royal Meteorological
Society; with kind
10 20 40 60 80 100 permission from the Royal
Meteorological Society.)
u (cm s1)


Total drag (Relf, 1914)

d = 0.6 mm
d = 3.2 mm
2CD d = 22.2 mm

Normal pressure drag
1/2 Skin-friction drag (difference of above)
Skin-friction drag
(boundary layer theory)
1 2 3 4 5
Log R

Fig. 4.17. Components of drag in flow around two-dimensional circular cylinders.

(From Thom, A., An investigation of fluid flow in two dimensions, Aeronautical
Research Committee, Reports and Memoranda, No. 1194; Copyright  c 1929 HMSO
London, as given in S. Goldstein, editor, Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics,
Fig. 154, p. 425, Copyright 
c 1938 Oxford at the Clarendon Press; with kind
permission from both HMSO and Oxford University Press.)

ventilation effect of the three-dimensionality eliminates the laminar separation ex-

pected at about 90 for smooth surfaces at this R D . What effect will an array of
cylinders have on this behavior and hence on ?
As we have seen in Fig. 4.5, arrays of two-dimensional cylinders create interfer-
ence which may further change the drag. Their primary effect will be reduction of
the effective fluid velocity and hence of the Reynolds number regime. To assess the
extent of this change we must turn to experiments. Thoms (1971) observed velocity
distribution is plotted in Fig. 4.18a where it is fitted over the upper half of the canopy
using Eq. 4.21, with the dashed line

aw = mn L t = 3.64. (4.64)

Assuming the rods to be tall enough and their density to be high enough that no
significant shear reaches the substrate, we can consider the individual rods to be foliage
110 Turbulent uxes

1.0 Fig. 4.18. Observed

velocity profiles in arrays of
rods. (a) Experiments of
Array of rods
Thom (1971). (Data from
Thom, A.S., Momentum
absorption by vegetation,
mn Lt = 3.64 Fig. 6, p. 421, Quarterly
Journal of the Royal
u( ) Meteorological Society, 97;
Copyright  c 1971 The
u0 Royal Meteorological
0.2 Society; with kind
permission from the Royal
1 cm centers
Meteorological Society.)
u Diamond pattern (b) Experiments of Seginer
0.1 cm 14.3 cm
et al. (1976). (From
0.1 Seginer, I., P.J. Mulhearn,
0.08 Lt = Dh = 4.5 E.F. Bradley and J.J.
Finnigan, Turbulent flow in
0.06 a model plant canopy,
(a) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fig. 9, p. 440, Boundary
Layer Meteorology, 10;
Copyright  c 1976 D.
30 Reidel Publishing
Company, Dordrecht, The
Array of rods
Netherlands; with kind
permission from Kluwer
Academic Publishers.)
Height, z (cm)

Canopy top

mn L t = 1.63 h = 19 cm

Lt = 2 D = 2.38 mm
3 cm centers
1 2 5 10 15
(b) 1
Mean velocity, U (m s )

elements in a dense canopy rather than entire plants in a sparse canopy. The basal area
is then given by the rod spacing rather than by its diameter, and the single-sided foliage
area index is
Lt = = (0.1)(14.3) = 4.50, (4.65)
0.5 cm2
and for vertical cylindrical friction surfaces in a horizontal wind
= . (4.66)

Equations 4.644.66 give mn = 1.27, and with no separation, n = 2; thus m = 0.73.
Homogeneous stemmy canopies 111

2. Experiments of Seginer et al. (1976)

A set of wind tunnel experiments was conducted by Seginer et al. (1976). In this case
the rods were 19 cm high, with a diameter of 2.38 mm, and installed on 30-cm centers
in a diamond pattern array. Observed velocity distributions are reproduced here in
Fig. 4.18b where they give, following Eq. 4.28,

aw = mn L t = 1.63. (4.67)

With D and h in centimeters, the single-sided foliage area index for these rods is
Lt = = (0.238)(19)/9
= . (4.68)
4.5 2
Once again = 2 , and n = 2, giving m = 0.82.
Averaging the results of the two studies, we have for arrays of vertical cylindrical

m = 0.78, (4.69)

which is almost identical to the value m = 0.75 (Table 4.1) found on the basis of
drag measurements for rice and maize. We conclude that m = 0.75 and n = 2 are the
nominal values for thin, vertical rods and hence for the stems of stemmy plants. Their
product, mn = 1.5, is drawn on Fig. 4.14, where along with the line mn = 1 for leafy
plants, it provides a limit for those plants whose drag has significant components from
both stems and leaves.

Stemmy crops
We can now use the above bounding relations:

mn = 1.5 for stems, (4.70)


mn = 1.0 for leaves, (4.71)

to estimate mn for stemmy crops where both stems and leaves are important to drag.
The relative proportion of the one-sided area of leaves and stems for wheat, maize,
and beans are listed in Table 2.1. These can be used to estimate the average value of
mn by simple proportion
%stems %leaves
mn = (mn)stems + (mn)leaves . (4.72)
100 100

Stems are assumed to be photosynthetically active.
112 Turbulent uxes

1. Wheat
The relative foliage areas for wheat (Table 2.1) are 74% stems and 26% leaves. From
Eq. 4.72

3 1
mn = 0.74 2 + 0.26 2 = 1.37, (4.73)
4 2
which is plotted on Fig. 4.14. The values of and obtained from the literature
(Table 2.4) for wheat and for sunflower, rice, and grasses as well agree fairly well with
Eq. 4.73.

2. Maize
The average relative foliage areas for maize (Table 2.1) are 24% stems and 76% leaves.
From Eq. 4.72

3 1
mn = 0.24 2 + 0.76 2 = 1.12, (4.74)
2 2
which is also plotted on Fig. 4.14. The values of and obtained from the literature
(Table 2.5) agree very well with Eq. 4.74.
Ross (1981, Fig. 28, p. 103) presents the probability density function for leaf in-
clination angle, L = cos1 (), for various elevations in the maize canopy and at two
stages of its growth. From these we conclude that for maize

0.5. (4.75)

The foliage area of maize is uniformly distributed over the typical mature plant height
(see Fig. 4.19 taken from Allen et al., 1964,) and thus our earlier analysis of homo-
geneous canopies is again applicable. However, the foliage area index, L t , is highly
variable both varietally and seasonally; the observations collected in Table 2.4 show
1.05 < L t < 5.6 with an average value of L t = 3.72. These parameters allow us to

Cumulative Foliage

Area Index

2 at ( ) = 1

100 200 300
Depth (cm)

Fig. 4.19. Homogeneity of typical maize canopy. (From Allen, L.H., C.S. Yocum and
E.R. Lemon, Photosynthesis under field conditions, VII, Radient energy exchanges
within a corn crop canopy and implications in water use efficiency, Fig. 5, p. 255,
Agronomy Journal, 56; Copyright  c 1964 American Society of Agronomy; with kind
permission from the American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI.)
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 113

estimate the average extinction coefficients for maize in the manner we did for mn in
Eq. 4.72:

(a) Shear (Eq. 4.18)

ad  = n L t  = [0.24(2)(1) + 0.76(2)(0.50)]3.72 = 4.61, (4.76)

which can be compared with the value, ad = 5.6, reported by Uchijima and Wright
(1964) from drag experiments on a particular maize crop. Note that the range of
observed variation in L t gives a range of estimated ad , 1.30 < ad < 6.94, which easily
includes Uchijima and Wrights observation.

(b) Velocity (Eq. 4.21)

3 1
aw  = mn L t  = 0.24 (2)(1) + 0.76 (2)(0.50) 3.72 = 2.75, (4.77)
4 2
which compares favorably with the value, aw = 3.0, found in experiments by Inoue
and Uchijima (1979). The range of observed variation in the leaf area index, L t , gives
a range of estimated aw , 0.74 < aw < 4.14, which readily encompasses Inoue and
Uchijimas (1979) observation.

(c) Eddy viscosity (Eq. 4.41)

1 1
am  = (1 m)n L t  = 0.24 (2)(1) + 0.76 (2)(0.50) 3.72 = 1.86,
4 2

which is somewhat smaller than the value, am = 2.88, determined by Wright and
Brown (1967) from experimentally based momentum balance and energy balance anal-
yses. In this case however, the range of observed variation in the leaf area index gives
an estimated range 0.53 < am < 2.80 which does not quite include the observation of
Wright and Brown (1967) unless the uncertainty in (for the leaves) is also included.
We conclude that with reasonable estimates for and for L t along with the pro-
portion of stem area to total area, we can make credible estimates of the extinction
coefficients for stemmy crops.

G Momentum ux in non-homogeneous leafy

canopies: M = 1
Given the biological requirement for compensation light intensity at the lowest leaf
level (cf. Chapters 3 and 8), truly homogeneous foliage area distribution is possible
only for crowns having the same depth at all radii, that is, for the cylindrical crowns
considered above. For tapered crowns such as cones and hemispherical segments,
the fraction of canopy space occupied by the crown varies with elevation. To meet
114 Turbulent uxes

compensation light intensity at the lowest leaf for all radii, the crown foliage area
density at any elevation must increase with radial distance from the trunk. To compare
this reasoning with observation we refer to Fig. 4.20b where the plotted points are
observations from the upper, photosynthetically active region of Sitka spruce crowns.
At the base of this region the leaf area density is represented fairly well by a homoge-
neous crown foliage area density. Light transmitted below this elevation (z > 8 m) is
used to support thinning foliage in either an understory, or on dying lower branches as
is shown in Fig. 4.20a. The foliage requirements of compensation light intensity are
satisfied fairly well in this region (again see Fig. 4.20b). Therefore, for the purposes
of estimating canopy resistance for tapered crowns we not only assume the crown
to be homogeneous in as we did in Chapter 3, but also we take the crown foliage


z (m)

7 inactive

0 1 2 3
a (z) (m1)
(a) Leaf area spatial density



1 1
0.4 n
0.2 row
al c
0.1 1 10
(b) a L()

Fig. 4.20. Non-homogeneous Sitka spruce canopy. Observed distribution of leaf area
density. (From Landsberg, J.J., and P.G. Jarvis, A numerical investigation of the
momentum balance of a spruce forest, Fig. 1, p. 648, Journal of Applied Ecology, 10;
Copyright  c 1973 Blackwell Science Ltd, with kind permission from Blackwell
Science Ltd. (b) Fitted leaf area distribution. (Data from Landsberg and Jarvis, 1973.)
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 115

area density, acr , to be homogeneous throughout. To further facilitate the calculations

we next distribute the foliage at any elevation in the tapered crown over the entire
cross-section of the crowns circumscribing right circular cylinder, thereby creating a
fictitious cylindrical crown (cf. Fig. A.1b) having a conical or hemispherical vertical
distribution of foliage density. The calculations are detailed in Appendix A.
We make the assumption that non-homogeneity enters canopy dynamics solely
through vertical variation in the horizontal component of the drag area density, aD .
This was defined in Eqs. 4.14 et seq., and is expanded here as

AD (z)
aD (z) = n c
os L at ( ) n L t a( ), (4.79)
Ab z

where a( ) is again the homogeneity function which is equal to unity in the ho-
mogeneous case. Here we drop the restriction that the canopies be areally dense in
recognition of the fact that non-homogeneity of the foliage area density is a common
cause of higher velocity penetration of the canopy and hence of significant substrate
shear. We incorporate the substrate shear only to the first approximation by making
the approximation

f ( ) f ( )
, (4.80)
0 f (0)

which, in conjunction with Eq. 4.17, introduces the total downward flux of momentum
in the manner
f ( )
= exp n L t a( ) d( ) . (4.81)
0 0

We will consider only one non-homogeneous case, conical crowns such as are
displayed by many conifers (Landsberg and Jarvis, 1973), and which are non-
homogeneous both because a( ) = 1 (cf. Eq. 4.17), and because their crown shape
does not fill the canopy space.

A particular non-homogeneous conical crown

Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) studied a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) forest at
Fetteresso near Aberdeen in northeast Scotland. We assume that their reported
understory is dynamically unimportant and we will neglect it here. The physical
parameters of this spruce canopy (neglecting the understory) are: h = 11.5 m;
h s = 8 m; d0 = 9.63 m; and z 0 = 0.34 m.

The homogeneity function

Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) measured the spatial distribution of only the leaf area
density, aL ( ), in the spruce as is shown in Fig. 4.20a. We are interested in the total
116 Turbulent uxes

foliage area density, at ( ) and will assume the two are equal. The observed average
leaf area density at each elevation is fitted through the canopy in Fig. 4.20b by the
solid line

at ( ) aL ( ) = 11.6 2.5 . (4.82)

From the above physical parameters for this canopy

Lt = = 3.32, (4.83)
so that Eq. 4.82 can be written

at ( ) = L t (3.5 2.5 ), (4.84)

in which the homogeneity function (cf. Section C of this chapter) appears as

a( ) = 3.5 2.5 , (4.85)

confirming by its departure from unity that the canopy has a non-homogeneous leaf
area density, and by the departure of the exponent from 2 that the crown is non-
homogeneous as well (cf. Appendix A).
No information is available on the volume density of the other foliage elements. We
will assume it to be low and that the momentum absorption is as for the leafy plants
studied so far.

Momentum ux
Using Eq. 4.85 in Eq. 4.17 yields the momentum flux variation
f ( )
= exp (n L t 3.5 ). (4.86)
With the high degree of crown-scale non-homogeneity evidenced in Fig. 4.20 and in the
resulting Eq. 4.85, we expect the foliage element drag coefficient to vary with elevation
due to changing foliage geometry and density (i.e., changing interference), as well as
to changing Reynolds number. The true form of the interference function, s( ), is
probably quite complicated and is certainly unclear. However, expressing interference
by the exponential of Eq. 4.11, s( ) must be linear in in order to match velocity
gradients at the canopy top. To maintain reasonable agreement with Fig. 4.05a, we
assume the simple linear form

s( ) = B, (4.87)

and use Eqs. 4.104.13 to relate the canopy wind velocity and the foliage element
drag according to

f ( ) u 2 exp (B ), (4.88)

The difference is on the order of 10% for most trees as we see in Table 2.1.
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 117

from which using Eq. 4.20

u( ) fm exp (m B ). (4.89)

Assuming, as in the homogeneous case (but with somewhat less justification),

that the proportionality of Eq. 4.88 is now invariant with elevation, for this non-
homogeneous case we set B0 = mLBt , and using Eqs. 4.86 and 4.89, we have

u( )
= exp [ L t ( 3.5 B0 )]. (4.90)

Estimation of coefcients
Using Eq. 4.7, we differentiate Eq. 4.90 to obtain

du u0
= (3.5 L t 2.5 + B0 L t ) exp[ L t ( 3.5 B0 )], (4.91)
dz h hs
which at the canopy top ( = 0) is

du  u0
= (B0 L t ). (4.92)
dz  = 0 h hs

Using Eq. 4.92 with Eq. 4.29 (at z = h), we match the velocity gradients to get
B0 = 0 . (4.93)
h d0
h hs

To evaluate B0 we need estimates of mn, , and the bulk drag parameter, u /ku 0 .
We have seen in Fig. 4.14 that for leafy plants (both needle-leaved and broadleaved),
m = 1/2 and n = 2, while at the latitude of Fetteresso (about 57 N), Figs. 3.9 and
3.18 give 0.50. With these parameters

L t mn L t = 1.66, (4.94)

and using the physical dimensions of this canopy given earlier

h d0
= 0.53. (4.95)
h hs
We estimate the bulk drag parameter, u /ku 0 , by taking its average value over the
canopy depth under the assumption that the von Karman and Prandtl mixing lengths
are equal at each depth. Using Eqs. 4.42, 4.86, and 4.91, the dimensionless Prandtl
mixing length is

lP u (k) exp ( L t B0 )
= , (4.96)
h hs ku 0 |3.5 L t 2.5 + B0 L t |
118 Turbulent uxes

while from Eqs. 4.46 and 4.91, the dimensionless von Karman mixing length is
lK  3.5 L t 2.5 + B0 L t 

= k . (4.97)
h hs (3.5 L t + B0 L t ) 8.75 L t 
2.5 2 1.5

Equating these two mixing lengths and using Eq. 4.93 gives
h hs u
u h d0 ku 0
= . (4.98)
ku 0  
 8.75 L t 1.5 
1   2 
 h hs u 
 3.5 L t 2.5 +
 h d0 ku 0 
We solve Eq. 4.98 along with Eqs. 4.94 and 4.95 for u /ku 0 at various values of
to get the function shown in Fig. 4.21. From this figure, the average of the bulk drag
parameter over the crown depth is
= 0.89, (4.99)
ku 0
which with Eqs. 4.93, 4.94 and 4.95 gives

B0 = 1. (4.100)

Verication of theoretical momentum decay

With the parameters now defined we can verify the theoretical decay of horizontal
momentum. We do this by comparing Eq. 4.90 with the observations of canopy wind
speed reported by Landsberg and Jarvis (1973). This comparison is given in Fig. 4.22
where once again we see good agreement at low free stream wind speeds, and a

0 Fig. 4.21. Calculated bulk

drag parameter for Sitka
spruce (lP = lK ).
lP = lK
bulk drag parameter
Canopy average


Sitka spruce


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
k u0
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 119

Fig. 4.22. Test of theoretical

3.2 Sitka spruce momentum decay for Sitka
spruce. (Data from
2.8 Landsberg and Jarvis, 1973.)
Symbol u 0(m s1)

2.4 1.23

Decreasing effective
u() roughness with
u(0) 1.6 increasing wind speed

1.2 Eq. 4.90



0.4 3.5

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

systematic underestimation with increasing wind speed due probably to reduction in

effective roughness.

Eddy viscosity
With the definition of Eq. 4.37 and using Eqs. 4.40, 4.86, and 4.90, the theoretical
spatial variation of the atmospheric eddy viscosity within the crown is
u 1 m 3.5
exp L t B0
K m ( ) ku m
K mo = 0 . (4.101)
K m (0) h d0 1 + 3.5 L t 2.5
h hs

With m = 1/2, and using Eqs. 4.93, 4.94 and 4.100, this particular case becomes

exp [1.5( 3.5 )]

K mo = , (4.102)
1 + 3.5 2.5

which is plotted in Fig. 4.23 in comparison with values calculated by Landsberg and
Jarvis (1973) using observed velocities and laboratory-determined drag coefficients.
The agreement is excellent lending strong support to the observation-free method of
analysis introduced here. We have confidence now in our ability to estimate the effect
of crown shape on the eddy viscosity distribution. The shape of the eddy viscosity dis-
tribution for this particular non-homogeneous conical crown is qualitatively different
from the exponential decay found for the homogeneous circular cylinder in Eq. 4.40.
120 Turbulent uxes

Sitka Spruce




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
o K m( )
Km =
K m(0)

Fig. 4.23. Test of theoretical eddy viscocity distribution for Sitka spruce. (Data from
Landsberg and Jarvis, 1973 for u 0 = 1 m s1 .)

A second non-homogeneous crown

Thom (1971) studied a bean (Vicia faba) crop having the following physical charac-

h = 118 cm
h s = 18 cm
d0 = 88.5 cm
z 0 = 7.67 cm
L t = 3.55.

Unpublished analysis of the bean data by the author shows, in a manner similar to
that used above for the Sitka spruce, that = 0.53,  ku u
 = 0.59, and B0 = 0.20.
However, in this case our predicted eddy viscosity distribution is a poor representation
of that found from observations.

The homogeneous conical crown

A simpler case of the conical crown has homogeneous foliage volume density within
the crown and all canopy heterogeneity arises by virtue of the non-space-filling crown
shape. This case is considered in Appendix A where the normalized eddy viscosity

Strictly speaking this is an infeasible foliage arrangement since it precludes satisfaction of the
compensation light intensity for all radii at the crown base.
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 121

distribution is (cf. Eq. A.22)

exp [ L t ( 3 )]
K mo = , (4.103)
1 + 3 2
showing the same increase of K mo with for small found above for the Sitka spruce.

The homogeneous hemispherical crown

Similarly, homogeneous foliage volume density within a hemispherical crown is
treated in Appendix A where the normalized eddy viscosity distribution for a hemi-
spherical segment is (cf. Fig. A.1a and Eq. A.11)
3 2 3
exp L t
3 1
K mo = , (4.104)
6 3 2
3 1
in which = hh ro
and ro = radius of the sphere. The limiting condition = 1 gives
the full hemisphere showing a modified exponential decay similar to that of the right
circular cylinder which the hemisphere resembles. The limiting condition  1 gives
the umbrella-like palm or savanna tree.
The eddy viscosity distribution for the cylinder, cone and limiting hemispherical
segments are compared in Fig. 4.24a using Eqs. 4.40, 4.103, and 4.104 evaluated for
the typical values m = 1/2, n = 2, and L t = 1.5. The cone is seen to maintain
large eddy viscosities throughout the upper canopy as has been found experimentally
by others (e.g., Druilhet et al., 1972). These differences in eddy viscosity distribution
due to canopy non-homogeneity give theoretical support to the conjecture of Brutsaert
(1982, p. 106) that the exponential variation is probably valid only for canopies with
a fairly uniform leaf area distribution. This qualitative and important difference in
eddy viscosity distribution with crown shape is due to canopy-scale heterogeneity and
its consequent effect is expressed through the interference function. The higher eddy
viscosity reflects the degree to which the openness of the non-homogeneous canopy
near the crown top admits higher velocities and hence promotes turbulent mixing. This
has been noted previously by others; for example, Shuttleworth (1989, p. 147) when
speaking of dense, tall tropical forests says, The characteristically high efficiency of
radiation and momentum capture is more directly a function of the relative depth to
separation of depressions in the canopy top.

Canopy-average eddy viscosity for multilayers

It will be useful later to have general expressions for the vertical spatial average
atmospheric eddy viscosity within multilayer canopies of differing crown shape. We
have given this spatial average value the notation,
mo K m ( )
K m ( )
d, (4.105)
K m (0) 0 K m (0)
122 Turbulent uxes

0 Fig. 4.24. The role of

L t = 1.5 crown shape in turbulent
0.2 mixing. (a) Homogeneous

Avg. = 0.52
multilayer crowns. (b)
Homogeneous monolayer

Avg. = 0.88

0.6 =1


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
o K m( )
Km =
(a) K m(0)

Low density
Avg. = 0.52
Avg. = 0.59

Avg. = 0.70

High density
0.6 cone

Lt = 1.5


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
o K m ( )
Km =
(b) K m (0)

in Eq. 4.41 where it is evaluated for the homogeneous right circular cylindrical crown.
In Appendix A we present the numerically integrated results for the cone and hemi-
spherical segment in Eqs. A.25A.27. They are compared graphically in Fig. 4.25a
where we see again that for the homogeneous canopy of cylindrical crowns the
average eddy viscosity declines with increasing horizontal leaf area, L t , while for
the non-homogeneous canopies of conical and hemispherical crowns the average eddy
viscosity increases with L t .
Generally speaking, non-homogeneities which produce open canopy tops ad-
mit higher wind velocities at a given depth than do homogeneous canopies or
non-homogeneous canopies which become less dense with depth. The open canopy
tops produce canopy-average eddy viscosities which increase with the degree of non-
homogeneity at a given L t (greater than some minimum), and which increase with
increasing L t for a given non-homogeneous crown shape. This is in marked con-
trast to the canopy-average eddy viscosities for homogeneous cylindrical crowns
which decrease with increasing L t . In the following chapter we will show that these
Non-homogeneous leafy canopies: M = 1 123

1.6 Fig. 4.25. Canopy-average

eddy viscocity. (a) Homo-
1.4 geneous multilayer crowns.
1.2 Cone (b) Homogeneous
monolayer crowns.
1.0 Hemispherical segment

o >> 1
K m 0.8
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
(a) Lt

Cone and multilayer
hemispherical segment
1.0 with >>1
Low density
K m 0.6
High density
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
(b) L t

differences in turbulent transport within the canopy may help to explain the observed
prevalence of certain crown shapes in particular climatic regimes. Suppose for exam-
ple that survival favors those trees that have the highest ability to transfer heat and
mass into and/or out of the canopy. Then Fig. 4.25a suggests that trees with low L t
should be homogeneous while those with high L t should be non-homogeneous. The
range 0.75 < L t < 1.0 would seem to be more or less indifferent to crown shape.
Of course the reality is not this simple as we will see!

Canopy-average eddy viscosity for monolayers

Horn (1971) identifies a second classification of crowns in which the foliage elements
are concentrated (presumably for reasons of temperature control) in a relatively thin
layer of thickness, t, where hh s
 1. He calls these plants monolayers even though
their foliage area index may exceed unity. Use of the term herein identifies an extreme
crown-scale non-homogeneity in which the foliage is packed closely together at the
crown surface. We consider them here because, at moderate foliage volume densities,
124 Turbulent uxes

the closeness of their foliage elements brings about a fundamental change in the dom-
inant mechanism of momentum absorption by the canopy, and hence in the sensitivity
of the eddy viscosity to increasing leaf area.
Definition sketches for monolayer hemispherical and conical crowns are given in
Appendix A along with derivations of the distribution and spatial average of the eddy
viscosity for the cylinder, cone, and hemispherical segment. Graphical comparison of
the crown shapes is presented in Figs. 4.24b and 4.25b, while multilayer and monolayer
are compared between Figs. 4.24 and 4.25. Distributions of monolayer eddy viscosity
(cf. Fig. 4.24b) are qualitatively similar to those of the multilayer but less variable over
the crown depth.
The monolayer values of K mo (cf. Fig. 4.25b) display only quantitative differences
with the multilayer curves (cf. Fig. 4.25a); sensitivity to L t is reduced in the monolayer
case. The magnitude of K mo for the high-density conical monolayer is the smallest of all
the shapes tested. It seems clear from this finding that the occurrence of high-density
conical monolayers in nature is not due to any capability for high vertical transport
rates. On the contrary, it is likely that they have adapted to situations in which low
transport, probably of sensible heat, is the key to survival.

H Drag partition
Raupach (1992) presented an analysis of the drag on rough surfaces composed of
differing densities of surface-mounted roughness elements, on the one hand, and of
natural forests of differing canopy cover, M, on the other; his results are of great interest
here. In Fig. 4.26a we reproduce his findings for k times the bulk drag parameter as a
function of the roughness density or frontal area index, , defined as
bh 4M
= = , (4.106)
D2 (b/ h)
in which D is the roughness element spacing, while b and h are the roughness element
breadth and height respectively. In this figure, the data (closed circles) of Raupach
et al. (1980) and (open circles) of OLoughlin (1965) are for geometrical roughness
elements in a wind tunnel, while the data (open triangles) of Garratt (1977), Jarvis
et al. (1976), and Raupach et al. (1991) are for natural vegetation canopies and for
vegetation canopies modeled in a wind tunnel.
The Raupach (1992) work deals with what we have called canopy-scale non-
homogeneity due to open stand structure. For small roughness density, the drag
parameter is small, approaching its minimum value, uu 0 Cf = 0.055, or
= 0.137, (4.107)
ku 0
which represents the drag on the average rough substrate as determined empirically
(Raupach, 1992). For large roughness density (i.e., M = 1), this drag parameter
Drag partition 125

0 Fig. 4.26. Drag partition in

u* canopies. (a) Open
k u0 canopies. Raupach et al.
(1980); OLaughlin
0.5 0.8 (1965);  Garratt (1977),
log (u /u0)

u Jarvis et al. (1976),


k u0 Raupach et al. (1991).

(From Raupach, M.R., Drag
1.0 0.1 and drag partition on rough
= 2 =
= Roughness
surfaces, Fig. 5a, p. 393,
D b/h Boundary Layer
1.5 Meteorology, 60; Copyright
3 2 1 0 1 c 1992 Kluwer Academic
(a) log ( ) Publishers, with kind
permission from Kluwer
Academic Publishers.)
Homogeneous leafy (b) Sparse crowns.
1.0 (theoretical)

k u0


Bulk drag parameter

0.6 Beans

Foliage drag
Forest substrate
(Raupach, 1992)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
h d0
Crown density Lt
(b) h hs

approaches its maximum value, u

= 0.32, or
= 0.80, (4.108)
ku 0
which indicates that closed natural vegetation canopies do not achieve the foliage den-
sity and/or homogeneity necessary for a bulk drag parameter of unity as we predicted
in the analysis leading to Eq. 4.59.
In this chapter we have been dealing with closed canopies (M = 1), but we have
encountered some sparse canopies in which substrate shear plays a role because the
crown densities are insufficient to absorb all the downward momentum flux. In the
previous section we examined one such case, Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), and
by matching the von Karman and Prandtl mixing lengths, we estimated its average
bulk drag parameter. From Eqs. 4.96 and 4.93 we see that small gives the first

lP h d0
Lt , (4.109)
h hs h hs
126 Turbulent uxes

and putting Eq. 4.109 back into the left-hand side of Eq. 4.96 gives the second approx-

u h d0
Lt . (4.110)
ku 0 h hs
Remembering that hh s
represents the average density of drag-producing foliage area
in the crown (m1 ), and using the quantity, h d0 , as a normalizing factor, the right-
hand side of Eq. 4.110 is a dimensionless measure of canopy sparseness that we call
crown density. For closed but sparse canopies crown density apparently governs the
partition of drag between the foliage elements and the substrate as the roughness
density, , does for the dense but open canopies studied by Raupach (1992).
We test this conclusion by comparing our limited data with Eq. 4.110 as is shown
in Fig. 4.26b. Equation 4.110 was derived from relations containing only the foliage
drag (i.e., with substrate shear neglected), so when the crown density is zero, Eq. 4.110
shows the bulk drag parameter to be zero. At the other end of the scale, we showed
for homogeneous, leafy canopies with zero substrate shear stress, that the bulk drag
parameter was unity. The dashed line in Fig. 4.26b connects these two points. To get
the bulk drag parameter for the case in which substrate shear contributes to the total

Plate 4.4. Dense branching structure. Closeup view of the branching structure of a
mulberry tree. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum, Boston;
Copyright c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Flux of mass and of sensible heat 127

drag, we must add the value given by Eq. 4.107 at the low-density end, and add nothing
at the high-density end. We will assume the variation of the substrate component to
be linear between these two extremes.
The field observations for Sitka spruce and for beans (Thom, 1971) validate the
above reasoning. From these observations we note also that the proportionality coef-
ku 0
" , (4.111)
h d0
h hs
apparently will be about unity (dashed line in Fig. 4.26b) over the practical range of
crown density.

I Eddy viscosity for open canopies: M 1

For an open canopy with M  1, we assume that the scattered trees are exposed to
a free stream velocity distribution determined solely by the frictional properties of
the substrate. In the limiting case, M = 0, the spatial average eddy viscosity within
the canopy is given by Eq. 4.38 averaged over the height of the trees present when
M  1. That is, using Eqs. 4.38 and 4.07 in Eq. 4.105
mo = 1 ku (z dos )
K dz, (4.112)
h h s h s ku (h dos )
in which dos is the zero plane displacement height for the substrate. Integrating

 1 hs
Km =
o 1+ , M = 0. (4.113)
2 h
We will use Eq. 4.113 later, along with the multilayer and monolayer values of
mo just derived for M = 1, to estimate the spatial average eddy viscosity within the
crowns of canopies having 0 < M < 1.

J Flux of mass and of sensible heat

The uxgradient equations
In the preceeding sections of this chapter we have seen that the vertical flux density,
, of horizontal momentum is given by
= Km , (4.114)
in which is the mass density of the air; the driving gradient, du
, and eddy viscosity,
K m , can be calculated theoretically from first principles given the crown shape and
128 Turbulent uxes

density. However, for the purposes of this book, which concern optimal forest structures
in a given resource environment, we need to estimate the vertical fluxes of mass (water
vapor and carbon dioxide) and of sensible heat. These are given by the following
analogous variants of the general fluxgradient relation derived in Eq. 4.2:

water vapor
E = Kv , (4.115)

carbon dioxide
Q = Kc , (4.116)
in which E and Q are the vertical flux densities (mass area1 time1 ) of water vapor
(i.e., evaporation) and carbon dioxide respectively; is the moist air mass per unit
volume; K v and K c are the respective eddy diffusivities (cm2 s1 ), and qv and c are
the masses of water and carbon dioxide per unit mass of moist air respectively. The
quantity qv is commonly called the specific humidity.

sensible heat
H = cp K h , (4.117)
in which H is the vertical flux density (cal cm2 s1 ) of heat, cp is the specific heat
of air at constant pressure (cal g1 K1 ), T is the temperature (K), and K h is the eddy
diffusivity for heat (cm2 s1 ).
It has been shown by Monin and Obukhov (1954), and verified since by many others
(see Brutsaert, 1982, for a review), that
= a1 (1 b1 Ri ), (4.118)
= a2 (1 b2 Ri ), (4.119)
in which a1 and a2 are approximately unity, b1 and b2 are of order 102 , Ri is the
Richardson number representing the relative importance of buoyancy forces, and
the + or sign designates the direction of the buoyant instability. The Richardson
number is defined by
Ri dz 2 . (4.120)
in which g is the gravitational constant (m s2 ).
Flux of mass and of sensible heat 129

It is consistent with the accuracy of this work to endow our climates with atmo-
spheres which are, on the average, neutrally stable with dT /dz 0. This eliminates
consideration of buoyancy (i.e., thermal convection) and justifies our invoking the
Reynolds analogy which states

Kh = Km = Kv = Kc. (4.121)

Among the many observational confirmations of Eq. 4.121, Wright and Brown (1967)
show that K h = K m in maize, Denmead and McIlroy (1970) demonstrate that K h = K v
in wheat, and Denmead (1976) shows that K h = K v = K m in temperate cereals under
near-neutral stability conditions. Of course there are ample demonstrations that
Eq. 4.121 breaks down in the presence of instability (e.g. Daily and Harleman, 1966;
Businger et al., 1971; Pruitt et al. 1973).
Using Eq. 4.121, flux estimation now depends upon our ability to estimate the
relevant concentration gradient. In the case of evaporation, it is common practice to
circumvent this difficult task through joint use of the fluxgradient and thermal energy
conservation relations to derive the rate of evaporation from a saturated surface for

Plate 4.5. Oriental beech. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum,

Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)
130 Turbulent uxes

use as a reference maximum (i.e., potential) rate. The details of this calculation are
given here from two points of view: (1) In the next section we use the traditional flux
gradient approach introduced by Penman (1948), refined by Van Bavel (1966), and
common to the literature of hydrology; (2) in Chapter 5 we revisit this question from
the statespace (i.e., vapor pressure vs. temperature) viewpoint pioneered by Monteith
(1965) and most familiar to plant scientists.

K Evaporation from a saturated surface

Penman (1948) used Eq. 4.115 as the starting-point for what has turned out to be the
most widely used estimator of evaporation from large-scale natural surfaces. We will
derive it here following Eagleson (1970, pp. 215 et seq.)
Equation 4.115 gives the evaporative mass flux density (g cm2 s1 ). From thermo-
dynamics (cf. Solot, 1939)
qv 0.622 , (4.122)

in which

e = partial pressure of water vapor (i.e., the vapor pressure), and

p = atmospheric (total) pressure.

Thus, Eq. 4.115 is

E = 0.622K v . (4.123)
p dz

Using Eq. 4.27 we have, above the canopy,

0 = u 2 , (4.124)

so that Eq. 4.114 becomes there

u 2
Km = . (4.125)

Multiplying and dividing Eq. 4.123 by Eq. 4.125 we obtain

K v u 2 (e1 e2 )
E = 0.622 , (4.126)
K m p (u 2 u 1 )

where the subscript 1 refers to the elevation, d0 + z 0 , at which u vanishes, and 2

refers to a higher elevation. Using Eq. 4.26 in Eq. 4.126, we obtain

E = Bo (e1 e2 ), (4.127)
Evaporation from a saturated surface 131

in which
K v k 2 u2
Bo = 0.622 . (4.128)
Km p 2 z 2 d0
The flux of latent heat of vaporization (i.e., the heat equivalent of the evaporation
rate) is written

Q v = E, (cal cm2 s1 ), (4.129)

in which

= latent heat of vaporization of water = 597.3 cal g1 (at 0 C).

Equations 4.127 and 4.129 then give

Q v = Bo (e1 e2 ). (4.130)

In a similar manner we use Eqs. 4.117, 4.123, and 4.129 to write the Bowen Ratio,
Rb , as
H Ts T2
Rb = o , (4.131)
Qv es e2
which assumes saturation conditions (subscript s) at elevation 1 and defines
cp K h
o p (4.132)
0.622 K v
as the psychrometric constant. Equations 4.130 and 4.131 then give

H = Bo o (Ts T2 ), (cal cm2 s1 ). (4.133)

We now introduce the slope of the saturation vapor pressure vs. temperature curve
es es2
 , (4.134)
Ts T2
which allows us to eliminate the troublesome need to know the surface temperature,
Ts . Equation 4.133 then becomes
o o o
H= Bo (es es2 ) = Bo (es e2 ) Bo (es2 e2 ), (4.135)
o o
H= Q v Bo (es2 e2 ). (4.136)
Neglecting horizontal flux divergences, storages within canopy and substrate, and
biological metabolism, conservation of energy gives

Q v = Rn H, (4.137)

These assumptions are discussed in Chapter 5.
132 Turbulent uxes

in which Q v = vertical flux of latent heat from canopy to atmosphere,

Rn = net influx of solar radiation, and
H = vertical flux of sensible heat from canopy to atmosphere.

Remember that the units of E are g cm2 s1 while the conventional measure of
evapotranspiration rate, E T , has the units cm s1 . To make the conversion we use the
standard unit mass density of fresh water, w (g cm3 ) = 1, to write

E T (cm s1 ) = E(g cm2 s1 ).

Plate 4.6. Eastern white pine. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold

Arboretum, Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Equivalent atmospheric resistance 133

Using Eqs. 4.129 and 4.137, Eq. 4.136 becomes the standard combination form (i.e.,
diffusion and energy balance) of the Penman equation for evaporation from a saturated
 Rn + o Bo (es2 e2 )
E T = . (4.138)
 + o

L The equivalent atmospheric resistance

To define the equivalent atmospheric resistance we first note, after Thom (1975, p. 65)
that a lumped linearization admits an analogy to Ohms law in the form

momentum concentration difference

aerodynamic resistance = . (4.139)
momentum flux
The aerodynamic resistance, ra , to the transfer of momentum from an elevation 2
at which the wind speed is u 2 to a lower elevation at which the wind speed is zero, is
(u 2 0)
ra = , (4.140)
in which the momentum flux to the lower surface is given by the shear stress, o ,
Using Eqs. 4.27 and 4.28, Eq. 4.140 can be written

z 2 d0 2 z 2 d0
ln ln
u2 z0 z0
ra = 2 = = 2
. (4.141)
u ku k u2

Invoking Reynolds similarity (i.e., K h = K m ), Bo can be simplified and Eq. 4.138

finally takes the commonly used form of the Penman equation: for evaporation from
a square centimeter of saturated surface:
 Rn + [es (T2 ) e2 ]
E T = . (4.142)
 + o

in which the first term on the right-hand side is the so-called available energy forcing,
and the second term is the air dryness forcing (Kim and Entekhabi, 1997). Elevation
2 is usually taken at screen height (normally 2 m) above the evaporation surface,
making u 2 u 0 , the free-stream velocity, and z 2 = h + 2, in Eq. 4.141. Note that
when h  2 m, Eq. 4.62 reduces Eq. 4.141 to the estimator

ra (k 2 u 0 )1 . (4.143)
134 Turbulent uxes

M Transpiration from saturated stomatal surfaces

Resistances at stomatal scale
In Fig. 4.27a we sketch a cross-section of a typical leaf showing a single stomate as
adapted from Larcher (1983, Fig. 3.11, p. 88). Light is incident upon the upper surface,
while water vapor and carbon dioxide are exchanged (largely) through the stomatal
opening on the lower surface. In this diagram we continue our use of the symbol
r to represent the equivalent lumped resistance (s cm1 ) of a canopy element to flow
through the element. Here the element is a single stomate. There are several such
lumped resistances; beginning at the top of the diagram we identify, for transpiration:
rr = residual resistance, governing flow across the cell walls into the stomatal
ric = intercellular resistance, controlling flow within the stomatal cavity
rs = stomatal resistance, (a physiological valve) regulating plant water loss and
carbon dioxide assimilation
rcu = cuticular diffusion resistance, impeding diffusion through the leaf cuticle,
rla = leaf boundary layer resistance, restricting flow out to the ambient
These resistances combine as in Fig. 4.27b to form an equivalent stomatal cavity
resistance, ro , written
ro = + rla . (4.144)
1 1
rcu rr + ric + rs
In applying the Penman equation to transpiration, the saturated evaporating surface
becomes the cell wall within the stomate. With this surface always saturated, we may
assume that rr = 0 (Monteith, 1965, p. 209). In addition, for trees:
(1) the cuticular diffusion resistance, rcu , is usually very high with a value rcu =
O(104 s m1 ) (Larcher, 1983, p. 228); and
(2) the intercellular resistance, ric , is small (Gaastra, 1963, p. 119) with a value
ric = O(10 s m1 ) (Gates, 1980, p. 327).
Thus, Eq. 4.144 can be simplified to yield

ro rs + rla . (4.145)

In addition, for homogeneous multilayers at least, the leaf boundary layer resistance,
rla , is small when compared with the stomatal resistance (Gates, 1980, p. 329), at least
when the wind speed u 0 > 2 m s1 (Larcher, 1983, p. 224). Then Eq. 4.145 becomes

ro rs , (4.146)
Transpiration from saturated stomatal surfaces 135

H 2O

rcu Light

Upper epidermis

Palisade cells rr

Spongy cells


Lower epidermis

Leaf boundary layer


(a) H2O CO2


Leaf Free
cells atmosphere

(b) rr ric rs

Fig. 4.27. Stomatal cavity resistances during transpiration. (a) The structure of a
stomatal cavity. (From Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, corrected printing of
2nd Edition, Fig. 3.11, p. 88, Copyright 
c 1983 Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG,
with kind permission from both Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Heidelberg, and
W. Larcher. (b) The equivalent resistance of a stomatal cavity.
136 Turbulent uxes

and we see that in this common case the total evaporative resistance of the stomatal
cavity is approximated by the stomatal resistance alone.
To transfer moisture from the leaf boundary layer out to the ambient free stream
requires the equivalent atmospheric resistance, ra , to be placed in series with ro .

Resistances at leaf scale

At the scale of the whole leaf, there are n s stomatal resistances in parallel, where n s
is the number of stomata per leaf. However, for transpiration calculations we restrict
our interest to a unit area (1 cm2 ) of (horizontal) leaf surface from the leaf which has
total (one-sided) area Al . The equivalent leaf stomatal resistance, rls , of this unit leaf
area is
rls = , (4.147)
n s /Al

while including the leaf boundary layer resistance gives the equivalent leaf resistance,
rl , as

rl = rls + rla . (4.148)

Once again, to transfer moisture from the leaf boundary layer out to screen height in
the ambient atmosphere requires that we add the equivalent atmospheric resistance,
ra , in series with rla as is shown in Fig. 4.28.
Typical measured values of the important stomatal and leaf properties are given in
Tables 4.2, and 4.3 for various vegetation classes as taken from the literature (Larcher,
1983; Gates, 1980; Kozlowski, 1968). For the moment consider Table 4.3 where we
see that to within an average of 15% we may simplify Eq. 4.148 to

rl rls . (4.149)

Screen height Fig. 4.28. Model of flux

above leaf resistance for a single dry


rls rla
Transpiration from a dry leaf surface 137

N Transpiration from a dry leaf surface

To convert Eq. 4.138 into an estimator of transpiration, E v , Monteith (1965) first
assumed equilibrium between the rates of diffusion of water vapor in the external air
and within the leaf. He argued as follows:
If the atmospheric resistance, ra , is the time during which 1 cm3 of air exchanges
water vapor with 1 cm2 of leaf surface, then ra1 is the rate of vapor exchange in
cm3 cm2 s1 . By analogy with Ohms law (i.e., potential difference = current
resistance), Monteith (1965, p. 209) wrote, in consistent units
o e e0 e2
E= = , (g cm2 s1 ), (4.150)
cp r ra
in which e0 = vapor pressure at the leaf surface. Similarly, from the saturated cell
walls of the stomatal cavity to the leaf surface,
o es (T0 ) e0 es (T0 ) e0
E= , (4.151)
cp rl rls
in which

es = saturation vapor pressure at the temperature of the stomatal cavity

(assumed equal to the leaf surface temperature, T0 ).

Equating Eqs. 4.150 and 4.151 at equilibrium gives

es (T0 ) e0 e0 e2
= . (4.152)
rls ra

Table 4.2. Typical stomatal properties

Plant type Number of stomata per mm2 rls (s m1 )a

Winter deciduous trees 100300b 170650

Evergreen conifers 40120 200650
Tropical forest trees 200600
Palms 150180 600
Desert shrubs 150300 160780
Grasses 50100 90520
Average: O(104 per cm2 ) 435

Open stomata.
As modified in Larcher (1995).
Source: Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, corrected printing
of 2nd Edition, Table 3.2, p. 91; Copyright 
c 1983, Springer-Verlag
GmbH & Co. KG, with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG, Heidelberg, and from W. Larcher.
Table 4.3. Typical tree leaf properties

Minimum rls c
Leaves per Single leaf 104 Stomata (s m1 )
Species h h s (m) crown,a n l area,a Al (cm2 ) per leaf b (per unit area) rcu d (s m1 ) rla d (s m1 )

Black alder 2.5 2 500 16 16

European ash 3 500 70 70
European aspen 230 60
Silver birch 120 7 000 80
Cottonwood 400
Southern magnolia 600
Norway maple 2.5 900 33 33 790 10 100 80
Sycamore maple 2.5 300 50 50
Chestnut-oak 1 160 29 000 90
Cork oak 600
Red pine 934e
Scots pine 200
Yellow poplar 540
Sweet gum 402
White willow 3.5 25 000 2 2
Averages 2.8 5 840 34 30 505 15 367 78

a b
Larcher (1983, Table 5.4, p. 227). Using 104 stomata per cm2 (Larcher, 1995, Table 2.2, p. 81).
Rutter (1968, Table XIV, p. 65) (from ratio of vapor pressure gradient to transpiration rate except where noted), all values are per unit of leaf area.
Holmgren et al. (1965), as given by Gates (1980, Table 10.2, p. 329).
From geometric measurement (cf. Gates, 1980, pp. 333335).
Transpiration from a dry forest canopy 139

Adding and subtracting e2 /rls gives

es (T0 ) e2
e0 e2 = rls , (4.153)
which shows that we can represent the vapor pressure difference (e0 e2 ) above the
dry leaf surface by a fraction of that above a water surface. We can thus maintain the
appropriate dry surface Bowen ratio while still obtaining the Penman equation from a
saturated leaf surface provided we augment o by the factor (1 + rrlsa ). Now

H T0 T2 rls T0 T2
= o = o 1 + , (4.154)
Qv e0 e2 ra es (T0 ) e2
which is identical to Eq. 4.131 since we assume that with thin leaves at equilibrium,
T0 Ts . We therefore use the augmented o in Eq. 4.142 to get the PenmanMonteith
equation for transpiration from a square centimeter of dry leaf surface:
 Rn + [es (T2 ) e2 ]
E v = , (4.155)
 + o 1 +
in which rls will vary with the availability of soil moisture.

O Transpiration from a dry forest canopy

Continuing to scale up, a whole canopy consists of a massive parallel array of individual
leaves each responding to its own micro-environment through a separate Penman
Monteith equation. Accurate formulation of this composite is an unrealistic goal;
however, complex approximations do exist (e.g., Sellers et al., 1986; Dickinson et al.,
1991). Their simplified, generic form is illustrated by the so-called big leaf or single
source canopy. This model represents the entire canopy by a single equivalent leaf
as is shown in Fig. 4.29, and forms the basis for our work.
In Fig. 4.29 the left-hand side represents the pathway for water vapor in which the
equivalent canopy resistance, rc , is defined as the sum of an internal resistance and an
external resistance. That is

rc rcs + rci , (4.156)

where the internal resistance, rcs = equivalent canopy stomatal resistance, represents
the effect of variable plant stress in all the leaves of the crown, and the external
resistance, rci = equivalent interleaf resistance, represents the effective labyrinthine
atmospheric pathway for fluxes through the crown. The pathway on the right-hand

McNaughton and Jarvis (1983) write E v = #E r + (1 #)E a in which E r depends mainly upon
radiation and E a upon the atmosphere. Their decoupling factor, #, is controlled by the resistance
140 Turbulent uxes

u0 , T0
Screen height
above canopy top

ra 2m ra

(Mass) heat

(rrcci ) r
(rrcs )
rc Tl

Fig. 4.29. Big leaf model of dry canopy. (Adapted from Dickinson, R.E., A.
Henderson-Sellers, C. Rosenzweig and P.J. Sellers, Evapotranspiration models with
canopy resistance for use in climate models: A review, Fig. 3, p. 377, Agricultural and
Forest Meteorology, 54; Copyright  c 1991 Elsevier Science, with kind permission
from Elsevier Science.)

side of Fig. 4.29 is that for sensible heat in which the canopy resistance, rcH , is fixed.
Invoking the Reynolds analogy, the effective interleaf resistance will be the same for
mass and heat giving

rcH rci . (4.157)

The atmospheric resistance, ra , regulates the flux from canopy top out to screen height
(above the canopy), and is given by Eq. 4.141 (or 4.143) independent of our canopy
By analogy with Eq. 4.155, the governing PenmanMonteith equation for transpi-
ration from a square centimeter of dry canopy is then
 Rn + [es (T2 ) e2 ]
E v = , (4.158)
 + o 1 +
where elevation 2 is now taken at screen height above the canopy top. The canopy
resistance, rc , is the primary flux-controlling plantatmosphere property, and its esti-
mation poses the greatest challenge to successful use of Eq. 4.158. Monteith (1963,
discussion) considered rc (rs in his notation) to be strongly dependent upon stomatal
resistance, whereas Philip (1966, p. 264) suggested that further work would show
rc (again rs in his notation) is subject to great variability and is relatively weakly
Transpiration from a dry forest canopy 141

linked with stomatal resistance. As we show below, our model of the big leaf canopy
provides theoretical support for Philips conjecture.
As a canopy grows from a single leaf where rc rl = rls +rla (Eq. 4.148), to many,
many leaves where rc = rcs + rci , the relative importance of the internal and external
resistances reverses.

The conceptual crown

In transferring from leaf scale to big leaf canopy scale we will use an intermediate
lumped conceptual state called the leaf layer. A leaf layer is defined as a horizontal
crown layer containing leaves whose one-sided surface area equals the plan area of
the crown. In other words, there are L L t leaf layers in a crown. In our lumped
conception, sketched here in Fig. 4.30, there are only L t 1 actively transpiring leaf
layers, because the bottommost leaf at every radius (i.e., the L t th layer) uses water
at a negligible rate associated solely with maintenance respiration (see Chapter 3).
Each of these photosynthetically active L t 1 leaf layers is located at the center of an
interleaf atmospheric layer having thickness z L representing the effective length of
the diffusion path between adjacent leaf layers. For homogeneous canopies composed
of cylindrical crowns having uniform foliage area density
h hs
z L . (4.159)
Lt 1
For non-homogeneity this definition will change as we will see later in this chapter.
The canopy can now be modeled as a much simpler network of equivalent leaf layer
stomatal resistances, rlls , and interleaf layer resistances, ri . We assume that all leaf
surfaces are at a common potential level, enabling us to draw the canopy resistance

z=h, =0 Fig. 4.30. Conceptual

model of crown.
L t 1

t 1
inactive z = hs , = 1
142 Turbulent uxes


z=h =0
r r n=1 r
i i i

r n=2 r
i i

n=3 r

n = Lt
z = hs = h hs

Fig. 4.31. Resistive model of big leaf canopy.

diagram shown in Fig. 4.31. In this model, the water vapor emanating from the nth leaf
layer down from the canopy top must diffuse serially through n interleaf atmospheric
resistances, while all of these n separate diffusion paths are in parallel. From this
seriesparallel circuit we have
1 1 1 1
= + + + . (4.160)
rc rlls + ri rlls + 2ri rlls + (L t 1)ri

The leaf layer stomatal resistance

For a crown having n l leaves and L t leaf layers, each leaf layer will have n l /L t single
leaf stomatal resistances, rls , connected in parallel. The equivalent leaf layer stomatal
resistance, rlls , is then
1 n l /L t
= . (4.161)
rlls rls
Incidentally, when inferring canopy resistance from observations of single-leaf resis-
tance, this step seems to have been overlooked by previous investigators, e.g., Monteith
(1965, p. 217).
The single-leaf stomatal resistance may vary from infinity, when the stomata close
under stress, to the minimum value given in Table 4.3 when the stomata are fully open
Transpiration from a dry forest canopy 143

under no stress. A basic assumption of this work is that natural selection will set the
average operating state as close to the stressless state as possible. Therefore, using the
minimum single leaf resistances ( per unit of leaf area), rls , of Table 4.3 in Eq. 4.161
yields the mimimum equivalent leaf layer resistance ( per unit of leaf layer area),

L trls
rlls = . (4.162)

From Tables 2.2, 2.3, and 4.3 we estimate

L trls 5 500
rlls = = 0.42, (s m1 ). (4.163)
nl 6000

Using Eq. 4.143 with Eq. 4.163 an estimate of the dimensionless resistance ratio is

rlls /ra 0.07u 0 (m s1 ). (4.164)

The interleaf layer resistance

Combining Eqs. 4.37 and 4.139 in the manner of Eq. 4.140, and using Eq. 4.114, the
interleaf layer resistance is written

u (h h s )
ri = = , (4.165)
K m ( )

in which K m has been lumped at the scale of z L . Accuracy of Eq. 4.165 will be
inversely related to this lumping scale. Although the ri will actually vary with due to
the dependence of ri upon K m ( ), we will neglect this variation here, replacing K m ( )
by Km ( ). With this first order approximation, the ri become identical, and we use
Eqs. 4.38 and 4.159 to write Eq. 4.165 as

1 h hs 1
ri = . (4.166)
ku h d0 mo
(L t 1) K

For homogeneous cylindrical multilayers, we use Eqs. 4.35, 4.59, and 4.41 in Eq. 4.166,
to get the first order estimate of ri

1 ( L t )2
ri =  m  , (4.167)
ku 1m
(L t 1) 1 exp Lt

and with Eqs. 4.59 and 4.143, the associated resistance ratio is

ri [(1 m)/m]( L t )2 /(L t 1)

= , (4.168)
ra 1 exp{[(1 m)/m] L t }
144 Turbulent uxes

while Eqs. 4.59, 4.162, and 4.167 give, finally


1 exp L t

rlls r ls m
= k u0
. (4.169)
ri nl 2 L t (1 m)/[m(L t 1)]

For the common case: m = 0.5, n = 2, = 0.5, L t = 5, Eq. 4.168 gives the
1.7, (4.170)

and Eq. 4.169 determines

0.04 u 0 (m s1 ). (4.171)

Therefore, with u 0 in the normal range 23 m s1

= O(101 ). (4.172)

Plate 4.7. Moreton Bay fig. (Photographed by Peter S. Eagleson in the Royal Botanic
Gardens, Sydney. Identification kindly supplied by Eric and Daphne Laurenson.)
Transpiration from a dry forest canopy 145



Estimated for m = 1/2, n = 2, = 1/2, L t = 5

rc (ri , rlls )
rc (ri )

Lt = 1 5 10



10 2 10 1 1
rlls / r

Fig. 4.32. Dominance of interleaf layer resistive component of big leaf canopy

The canopy resistance

Equation 4.172 encourages us to neglect the leaf layer stomatal resistance with re-
spect to the interleaf layer resistance and approximate the conceptual big leaf canopy
resistance of Eq. 4.160 by

1 1 1 1
+ + + . (4.173)
rc ri 2ri (L t 1)ri

We can find the effect on rc of neglecting rlls by dividing Eq. 4.160 by Eq. 4.173

1 1 1
+ + +
1 + rlls /ri 2 + rlls /ri (L t 1) + rlls /ri
rc (ri )/rc (ri , rlls ) = . (4.174)
1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + + 1/(L t 1)

Equation 4.174 is plotted in Fig. 4.32 for various values of L t . We see there that the
estimate, rrllsi = O(101 ), leads to an error of only 6% in rc when we estimate the
latter using Eq. 4.173 in which the stomatal resistance is neglected. This is contrary to
conventional wisdom but provides a theoretical basis for the Philip (1966, p. 264)
conjecture mentioned earlier.
We will use the approximation rc = rc (ri ) to evaluate the resistance ratio, rc /ra , in
Chapter 7.

Thermal energy balance

The long-term average thermal energy balance of an infinite closed canopy

is formulated under idealized conditions, the thermodynamics of evaporation
are considered in state space, and the special case of potential evaporation is
derived. Estimates of the Bowen ratio from climatic observations of wet sur-
faces at catchment scale indicate small positive values implying that the average
big leaf canopy temperature approximates the average ambient atmospheric
temperature at screen height yielding near-isothermal transpiration from such
surfaces on the seasonal average.

A Denitions and assumptions

Figure 5.1 defines the control volume that we will use to study the thermal energy
balance for the special case M = 1. The volume is bounded on the top by a plane
located at screen height above the canopy and is bounded on the bottom by the land
surface. The arrows at the control surfaces represent the energy flux densities (W m2 )
with the arrow heads showing the sign convention:

Rn = net radiation from the Sun,

H = vertical transfer of sensible heat from the canopy to the atmosphere,
Q v = vertical transfer of latent heat from the canopy to the atmosphere,
G = sensible heat transfer into the substrate,
DH = horizontal flux divergence of sensible heat, and
DQv = horizontal flux divergence of latent heat.

Within the control volume are the rates of change of stored energy density (W m2 ):

S = rate of heat storage within the canopy, and

B = rate at which plant metabolism uses energy.

We restrict this analysis to surfaces which are closely homogeneous laterally in support of our
neglect of lateral energy fluxes.

Denitions and assumptions 147

Rn H Qv

Screen height


Fig. 5.1. Control volume for thermal energy balance.

With these definitions the thermal energy balance for the control volume is

Rn + D H = Q v + H + G + B + S + D Qv . (5.1)

Let us examine the relative importance of the individual terms of Eq. 5.1:
(1) There is general agreement in the literature (e.g., Gates, 1980, p. 26; Larcher,
1983, p. 20) that the biological rate of energy consumption, B, is negligible in
comparison with the other terms of this energy balance.
(2) The substrate heat storage, G, will have a high diurnal and seasonal fluctuation,
particularly in the presence of high soil moisture, but its long-term average rate
is zero. Similarly, if we confine our interest to the long-term average, we can
omit S as being identically zero.
(3) For a typical energy budget over vegetation, Thom (1975, Table I, p. 98)
shows that D H and D Qv are small enough to be neglected for the control
volume chosen. However, for non-zero H, there must be flux divergence
external to this control volume and fixed by conditions in the planetary
boundary layer. Such geographically and seasonally variable fluxes may
drastically alter the findings of this chapter. To promote generalization, we
make the simplifying assumption that these active connections to the external
system are severed and replaced by prescribed climatic boundary conditions,
T0 , S r , u 2 , etc.

With the above assumptions

D Qv = D H = G = S = B = 0, (5.2)

and, for an evaporating (as opposed to a condensing) surface, the long-term average
climatic thermal energy balance reduces to

Rn = Q v H, (5.3)

For example, does the boundary layer entrain dry air (cf. de Bruin, 1983)?
148 Thermal energy balance

in which we have introduced the possibility that sensible heat may be added to
(i.e., H ) the control volume of Fig. 5.1 rather than being rejected by it (i.e., +H ) as
the figure shows. Using Eq. 4.129, we introduce the evapotranspiration, E T , to write
Eq. 5.3

Rn = E T H, (5.4)

where is the latent heat of vaporization of water (i.e., 585 cal g1

w at 20 C). With
D Qv = D H = 0, Eq. 5.4 applies separately to both the bare soil and the vegetated
fractions of the surface.

Plate 5.1. Royal palm. Elevation of leaf surface is one mechanism for temperature
control as employed by this palm in India. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
Evaporation in state space 149

Dividing Eq. 5.4 by E T we have

Rn H
=1 = 1 Rb , (5.5)
in which Rb is the long-term average Bowen ratio introduced earlier in Eq. 4.131.

B Evaporation in state space

It is illuminating to consider the thermodynamic relationship among the three terms
of Eq. 5.4 using the state space approach described in the classic paper by Monteith
When integrated, the ClausiusClapeyron differential equation for liquidvapor
equilibrium gives the familiar vapor pressuretemperature relationship of Fig. 5.2. In
this illustration, three curves of constant relative humidity are indicated. The upper,
solid curve is for a surface separating the liquid and vapor phases, and along which
saturation conditions, es (T ), exist. The lower, dashed curves are for progressively
smaller constant relative humidities within the unsaturated vapor phase.

Change of atmospheric state at a saturated surface

In the manner of Monteith (1965), we use Fig. 5.2 to consider the transient change in
state of a parcel of unsaturated, moist air placed adjacent to a saturated surface. In
doing so we follow a path indicated by the lines connecting the numbered points, and
to insure the unlimited moisture supply that the saturated surface offers we assume the
parcel always contains that surface. The path that we take from one point to another
through the state space of Fig. 5.2 is arbitrary (cf. First Law of Thermodynamics); that
is, only the end states matter. It is therefore possible as well as instructional to deal
only with adiabats (i.e., paths of constant heat) such as 12 (or 21) and 34 (or 43)
and with the saturated state, es (T ).
Assume point no. 1 of Fig. 5.2 to represent the initial state of the parcel before
any evaporation occurs, and point no. 4 to represent its final state. We move first
adiabatically from an unsaturated state at point no. 1 to saturation at point no. 2 which
is located on the line representing es (T ). In so doing, the parcel redistributes its energy;
it undergoes an increase in relative humidity and hence in latent heat, but to satisfy the
adiabatic requirement of constant heat, it simultaneously undergoes an equal decrease
in sensible heat. The Bowen ratio of this step is thus Rb = 1, giving (cf. Eq. 4.131)

es (T2 ) e1 = o (T1 T2 ) = o D12 , (5.6)

in which D12 is called the wet-bulb depression, that is the difference between the
actual temperature and the saturation temperature at constant heat. With = angle of
inclination of the adiabatic line 12 in Fig. 5.2, we thus have

tan = o . (5.7)
150 Thermal energy balance

e s(
Liquid Vapor
phase phase
cp D43
es(T3) ET =
3 Adiabat ra
Vapor pressure, e (mb)

e4 4
e ET =
2 + o
es(T2) 2 tan
cp D12
Adiabat ET =
e1 1 1 ra

Lines of T
humidity T2 T1 T3 T4

Temperature, T (C)
Fig. 5.2. The change of moisture state. (After Monteith, J.L., Evaporation and
environment, in The State and Movement of Water in Living Organisms, edited by
G.E. Fogg, Part II, Water in the Plant, Fig. 1, p. 207; Copyright 
c 1965 The Society
for Experimental Biology; with kind permission from J.L. Monteith.)

To move along the saturated path from point no. 2 to point no. 3, we must increase
both the latent heat (higher vapor pressure) and the sensible heat (higher temperature)
of the parcel. This requires forcing from outside the parcel through the addition of
heat at the long term average rate, Q. In our simplified case of negligible advection
and storages this added energy is the net solar radiation, and hence Q Rn . The
flux of this driving energy is partitioned between increases in latent heat ( Q v ) and
sensible heat ( H ) along the saturated path 23. If the changes e and T are small
we can replace the curve es (T ) by its chord having slope, , as given by Eq. 4.134.
The Bowen ratio definition (cf. Eq. 4.131) then gives
H o
= . (5.8)
Equations 5.8 and 5.3 yield
o Rn
H = , (5.9)
and, for either direction of H,
Q v E T2 = . (5.10)
 + o
The saturated energy partition parameter, /o , is a function (through ) of the
Evaporation in state space 151

atmospheric temperature, T0 , as is given by VanBavel (1966) and reproduced here as

Table 5.1.
We conclude the parcels transformation with an adiabatic return to an unsaturated
state through condensation (i.e., negative evaporation) and release of latent heat along
path 3-4 where, as before

es (T3 ) e4 = o (T4 T3 ) = o D43 , (5.11)

and Eq. 5.7 again applies. In this last condensation, 1 cm3 of saturated air will give up
cp (T4 T3 ) calories of latent heat which will be absorbed by the high sensible heat
capacity of the liquid water.
With the parcel being adjacent to a saturated surface, the source and depository
of the parcels liquid water is this surface. The time required for the exchange of the
released sensible heat with 1 cm2 of the saturated surface is called the atmospheric
resistance, ra (s cm1 ), and the rate at which the latent heat is removed from the parcel
in this step becomes
cp D43
E T3 = . (5.12)

Table 5.1. /o vs. temperature, T, C

T /o T /o T /o T /o T /o T /o

0.0 0.67 10.0 1.23 20.0 2.14 30.0 3.57 40.0 5.70 50.0 8.77
0.5 0.69 10.5 1.27 20.5 2.20 30.5 3.66 40.5 5.83 50.5 8.96
1.0 0.72 11.0 1.30 21.0 2.26 31.0 3.75 41.0 5.96 51.0 9.14
1.5 0.74 11.5 1.34 21.5 2.32 31.5 3.84 41.5 6.09 51.5 9.33
2.0 0.76 12.0 1.38 22.0 2.38 32.0 3.93 42.0 6.23 52.0 9.52
2.5 0.79 12.5 1.42 22.5 2.45 32.5 4.03 42.5 6.37 52.5 9.72
3.0 0.81 13.0 1.46 23.0 2.51 33.0 4.12 43.0 6.51 53.0 9.92
3.5 0.84 13.5 1.50 23.5 2.58 33.5 4.22 43.5 6.65 53.5 10.1
4.0 0.86 14.0 1.55 24.0 2.64 34.0 4.32 44.0 6.80 54.0 10.3
4.5 0.89 14.5 1.59 24.5 2.71 34.5 4.43 44.5 6.95 54.5 10.5
5.0 0.92 15.0 1.64 25.0 2.78 35.0 4.53 45.0 7.10 55.0 10.8
5.5 0.94 15.5 1.68 25.5 2.85 35.5 4.64 45.5 7.26 55.5 11.0
6.0 0.97 16.0 1.73 26.0 2.92 36.0 4.75 46.0 7.41 56.0 11.2
6.5 1.00 16.5 1.78 26.5 3.00 36.5 4.86 46.5 7.57 56.5 11.4
7.0 1.03 17.0 1.82 27.0 3.08 37.0 4.97 47.0 7.73 57.0 11.6
7.5 1.06 17.5 1.88 27.5 3.15 37.5 5.09 47.5 7.90 57.5 11.9
8.0 1.10 18.0 1.93 28.0 3.23 38.0 5.20 48.0 8.07 58.0 12.1
8.5 1.13 18.5 1.98 28.5 3.31 38.5 5.32 48.5 8.24 58.5 12.3
9.0 1.16 19.0 2.03 29.0 3.40 39.0 5.45 49.0 8.42 59.0 12.6
9.5 1.2 19.5 2.09 29.5 3.48 39.5 5.57 49.5 8.60 59.5 12.8
10.0 1.23 20.0 2.14 30.0 3.57 40.0 5.70 50.0 8.77 60.0 13.1

Source: Van Bavel (1966), with permission of the American Geophysical Union.
152 Thermal energy balance

Similarly, for the first adiabatic step, latent heat was added to the parcel at the rate

cp D12
E T1 = . (5.13)

The net evaporation rate, in heat units, is then

E T = E T1 + E T2 E T3 , (5.14)

or, using Eqs. 5.10, 5.12, and 5.13,

Rn cp (D12 D43 )

E T = + . (5.15)
 + o ra

The first term of Eq. 5.15 is commonly referred to as the radiational forcing,
and the second term as the (net) drying power of the air, that is the capacity of the
ambient atmosphere to augment (or diminish) the radiational forcing through adiabatic
transformation of excess sensible heat into additional latent heat.
It is important to remember that Eq. 5.15 is a rate equation which we have examined
over a finite interval of time, t. The thermodynamic state of a particular air mass is
therefore changing with time, and without continuous replacement of the moistened
air mass at location xi jk with a dry one at the same location, the evaporation rate
there will decline steadily. For homogeneous surfaces of infinite extent, horizontal air
movement alone will not replenish the evaporative capacity, and vertical transport of
heat and mass, primarily due to turbulence in the surface atmospheric boundary layer,
is required. We have discussed this transport at length in the preceeding chapter.

Potential evaporation from a free water surface

We now apply the ideas of the previous section to evaporation from a free water surface.
Free water surface evaporation is that which occurs from a thin film of water having
insignificant heat storage and thus it closely represents the potential evaporation from
adequately watered simple natural surfaces such as individual wet leaves and satu-
rated bare soil. In this case E T in Eq. 5.15 is called the potential bare soil evaporation,
E ps , because it is the maximum evaporation that the surface can produce under fixed
atmospheric conditions. Although this is a special case of the atmospheric moisture
state change considered in Fig. 5.2, we redraw it in Fig. 5.3 for later convenience using
the same notation but adding an energy flux density scale on the right-hand ordinate.
Once again, in Fig. 5.3 a moist parcel of air lying in contact with a saturated soil
surface has the initial state indicated either by point no. 1a or no. 1b, but in this case
the final state is the saturated one shown as point no. 3. As before, part of the radiant
energy produces evaporation

Q v E 1 = , (5.16)
 + o
Evaporation in state space 153

e s(

Energy flux density (cal cm2 min1)

Liquid Vapor
phase phase
Vapor pressure, e (mb)

( surface
) end

E1 =
+ o
2 tan Rn
tan o cp D12
E2 =
A +H
4 H
( Screen
height) start

Temperature, T (C)
Fig. 5.3. Evaporation from a warm, wet surface.

while the drying power of the ambient atmosphere leads to the additional evaporation
cp D12
E 2 = , (5.17)
which has different numerical values for the different starting-points no. 1a and no. 1b.
The total potential evaporation is then
Rn cp D12
E ps = (E 1 + E 2 ) = + , (5.18)
 + o ra
as was originally presented by Slatyer and McIlroy (1961).
The wet bulb depression, D12 , is related to the saturation vapor pressure deficit,
es (T ) e, that is the difference between saturated and actual vapor pressure at the
actual temperature, by
es (T ) e es (T1 ) e1 es (T1 ) es (T2 ) es (T2 ) e1
= +  + o , (5.19)
D12 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2
whereupon Eq. 5.18 is written
Rn + cp [es (T ) e]/ra
E ps = , (5.20)
 + o
where E ps = bare soil potential evaporation rate, and in which for practical appli-
cations all atmospheric variables are measured at screen height above the surface.
154 Thermal energy balance

Plate 5.2. Asoka tree. Leaf

angle is another mechanism
for temperature control as
employed by this Asoka
tree in Jodhpur, India.
(Photograph by Peter S.

Equation 5.20 is recognized as the classic Penman equation (Penman, 1948) for po-
tential evaporation from a saturated surface and was derived here in another fashion
in Chapter 4 (cf. Eq. 4.142). For later convenience, Eq. 5.20 is also written
E ps = (Rn + Dp ), (5.21)
1 + o /
in which the variable, Dp , is defined as
cp es
Dp (1 Sr ), (5.22)
and is called the drying power, while Sr is the (constant temperature) saturation ratio,
Sr e/es , i.e., the (fractional) relative humidity.

Understanding the state space diagram

In understanding the significance of Eq. 5.20 and Fig. 5.3 it is helpful to introduce
the vertical coordinate, z. We let the parcel of air in Fig. 5.3 span the vertical distance
between the surface (z = 0) and the screen height (z = 2 m). The parcels initial
state no. 1 (a or b) is representative of the ambient atmosphere as measured at
screen height, while the final state no. 3 is representative of the saturated underlying
Evaporation in state space 155

Consider this system to obey our now-familiar simplifying assumptions of no net

lateral advection of energy, no long-term average energy storage, and a stable atmo-
sphere. Imagine that we turn on the flow of solar energy at the rate Rn to the free
water surface where a fraction (cf. Eq. 5.10) is converted immediately to latent heat.
In response to this transient, the surface (saturation) vapor pressure, e3 , and along with
it the surface temperature, T3 , rise until the vertical gradients of vapor pressure and
temperature between the surface and screen height become such that the net vertical
energy flux vanishes and equilibrium is established. It is perhaps easiest to understand
the range of resulting equilibria by considering the surface state to be fixed and varying
the ambient atmospheric vapor pressure over a range of values:
Consider the surface state to be fixed at point C in Fig. 5.3 while we increase the
ambient (i.e., point no. 1) saturation vapor pressure deficit. Starting with a saturated
atmosphere, es (T ) e = 0, the ambient state is identical with state no. 2, the drying
power, Dp , is zero, and the fraction of solar radiation not used in evaporation must be
rejected to the ambient atmosphere in a positive flux of sensible heat. Note that this state
minimizes the evaporation and thus (cf. Eq. 5.4) maximizes the sensible heat flux. Let
us now increase the saturation vapor pressure deficit by moving point no. 1 along the
adiabat 2A in Figure 5.3 to an ever-drier ambient state. The vapor pressure deficit at
any T along this adiabat is simply the constant temperature base of the triangle it forms
with opposite angle 42D. As the deficit increases, the drying power increases and

Plate 5.3. Branched palm. Note the symmetry of the branching structure in this
unusual Kenyan species. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
156 Thermal energy balance

the sensible heat rejection decreases. When point no. 1 coincides with A, the system
is isothermal, thus H 0 and E ps = Rn (cf. Eq. 5.4). Moving still further along this
adiabat to an even drier ambient atmosphere at point no. 1b, the evaporation potential
exceeds the available solar radiation and is met by the importation of additional energy
through a negative flux of sensible heat. In all these cases, the atmospheric resistance,
ra , plays a key role in determining H for a given vapor pressure deficit. As we will see
later, the role of this resistance is markedly increased when the surface layer contains
a high-impedance vegetal canopy.

C Bounds to the Bowen ratio

The limiting evaporative conditions just discussed place corresponding limits upon
the Bowen ratio. Referring again to Fig. 5.3, the isothermal condition T1 = T4 = T3
means H 0, where the Bowen ratio (cf. Eq. 5.5) takes the limiting value

(Rb )min = 0. (5.23)

This condition might be approached, but not equaled, over deeper water bodies where
mixing in both water and air prevents the maintainance of a vertical atmospheric
temperature gradient near the surface. In such cases Eq. 5.4 gives

E ps = Rn . (5.24)

When points no. 1 and no. 2 are coincident, the atmosphere is saturated to screen
height and the vertical humidity gradient is zero. In this case, D12 0 and, using
Eqs. 5.16 and 5.5, the Bowen ratio takes on the limiting value for positive H
(Rb )max = , (5.25)

which is less than unity for temperatures above 6.5 C (cf. Table 5.1). This condition
might be expected over smooth, wet surfaces such as mud flats where the near-surface
mixing may be low enough and thus the resistance high enough to make the second
term of Eq. 5.20 negligible with respect to the first term. The same condition may
occur over shallow, wave-free water where the temperature difference between water
and atmosphere (i.e., D12 in Eq. 5.20) is small, that is whenever water is evaporating
into saturated air. In these cases, Eq. 5.20 leads to
E ps = . (5.26)
 + o
It is important to note that for negative H there is no obvious upper bound to Rb .
Short-term observations of the resistances of a pine canopy reported by Monteith
(1965, Table 2, p. 218) give Rb = 0.42, while short-term flux observations over
Sitka spruce, Scots pine, and Douglas fir (see Jarvis et al., 1976, Fig. 11, p. 210),

Philip (1987) found a higher bound above very cold surfaces at the onset of supersaturation.
Transpiration 157


0.4 Ze
(N dry
o ing
5 mi po
0.3 dit we
y r
die R
Eq. nt) b =
5.37 o /
R b 0.2 4
6 1 R =
b (1/k *)
v 1 with rc
0.1 ra = 0.5
Isothermal 9 Rb = 0
(No temperature gradient)

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
T0 (C)

Fig. 5.4. Observed Bowen ratios under wet surface conditions. No energy advection,
no energy storage, and stable atmosphere.
Observation Location Surface

1 Indian Oceana Water

2 Indian Oceana Water
3 Indian Oceana Water
4 Lake Eucumbene, Australiaa Water
5 Australia Lysimeter, pasture crop
6 Wisconsin Lysimeter, snap beans
7 Gurley, Australia Fluxatron, plowed bare soil
8 Hay, Australiab Unknown
9 Equatorial Atlantic Oceana Water

Conditions selected to be advection-free.
Dormant season.
(After Priestley and Taylor, 1972, Fig. 2, p. 87, courtesy of the American
Meteorological Society.)

lead to Rb values of 1.32, 2.31, and 0.40 respectively. Being greater than unity, the
first two of these are undoubtedly for surfaces having negative sensible heat flux.
Day-long observations over a variety of wet surfaces reported by Priestley and Taylor
(1972) and selected for the apparent absence of energy advection (1972, Fig. 2,
p. 87), yield the much smaller measured Bowen ratios plotted here in Fig. 5.4 where
they are seen to fall within the limits provided by Eqs. 5.23 and 5.25.

D Transpiration
The PenmanMonteith equation
It was shown in Chapter 4 that by using the so-called big leaf approximation for
a complex canopy of simple surfaces having aggregate flux resistance rc , Eq. 5.20
158 Thermal energy balance

Plate 5.4. Blue spruce. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by

Beverly G. Eagleson.)

can be used to approximate the transpiration from the entire dry vegetated fraction.
Monteith (1965) pointed out that the effect of the canopy resistance is as though the
simple surface of Eq. 5.20 was immersed in a different fluid having the augmented
psychrometric constant

o o (1 + rc /ra ). (5.27)

That is, for the dry vegetated fraction we have the PenmanMonteith equation

Rn + cp [es (T ) e]/ra

E v = , (5.28)
 + o (1 + rc /ra )
Transpiration 159

in which E v = rate of canopy transpiration. Remember that the horizontal conver-

gence of atmospheric sensible heat over the vegetated fraction was neglected in obtain-
ing Eq. 5.28 when we assumed Q Rn . This approximation deteriorates for M  1
as heat is advected from the hotter bare soil to the cooler vegetation.

The canopy conductance

When deriving Eq. 5.28 (i.e., Eq. 4.158) we assumed the evaporation surface within
the stomates to be saturated always, independent of the state of plant stress caused
by soil moisture shortage. We now follow the lead of Penman (1948) and introduce
a reference canopy with which to compare the transpiration from the canopy of a
particular species. Penman (1948) chose short, green grass as this reference, but here
we choose bare soil which we will find useful when normalizing the climatic water
balance equation in Chapter 6. Let us imagine the bare soil to be saturated under
atmospheric conditions at its reference level, z = 2 m, that are identical to those
defining E v (see Eq. 5.28) at its reference level, z = h + 2 m. (Alternatively, we
imagine the reference bare soil to be located at the effective transpiration elevation
of the canopy with a common atmospheric reference level for both.) Under such
hypothetical circumstances the numerator of the bare soil Eq. 5.20 will approximate
that of the plant canopy Eq. 5.28. Equations 5.20 and 5.28 may then be combined to
define the canopy conductance
Ev  + o 1
kv = = , (5.29)
E ps rc rc /ra
 + o 1 + 1 +
ra 1 + /o
which is less than unity.
In this general case, the resistance ratio, rc /ra , will depend upon the stomatal resis-
tance, the crown structure, and the canopy density, M, as we will see in Chapter 8.
Eq. 5.29 is attributed to Monteith (1965, p. 220) and has also been cited by Jarvis et al.
(1976, p. 212) and Shuttleworth (1979, p. 55) among others. The canopy conductance,
kv , and the canopy cover, M, are the two state variables we will use to define the
canopy of a given species in the water balance equations of Chapter 6. In Chapter 7 we
will add a third state variable, the long-term spatial average canopy temperature, Tl .
Empirical estimates of kv abound in the literature for various tree and agricultural
plant species (e.g., Doorenbos and Pruitt, 1977). It takes on values 0 kv < 1, and may
vary over its full range in a single day according to the many environmental influences
on ra , rc , , and o . Since some of these influences are poorly understood, and many
are difficult to quantify, agriculturalists often use a single value of kv , time-averaged
over the growing season, to reflect the relative water use of a given species at maturity.
We follow that simplification here.

Differences in surface albedo, emissivity, and shear stress (see Eqs. B.3, B.4, and B.11) will
weaken this approximation.

This is also called the transpiration efficiency (Eagleson, 1978d), or crop coefficient (Doorenbos
and Pruitt, 1977; Shuttleworth, 1979), and others have used the term plant factor.
160 Thermal energy balance

For the special case of open stomates, E v will take on its maximum value, E v = E pv ,
where E pv = potential canopy transpiration, whereupon kv has its maximum value
(kv < 1), called the potential canopy conductance
E pv
k v . (5.30)
E ps

It is important to recognize the difference between Eq. 5.29 as derived here and the
same equation as it commonly appears in the literature:

1. Here, with the stomates assumed always fully open, rc is dominated by the
interleaf layer atmospheric resistance, ri (see Chapter 4), which doesnt vary
with canopy water supply. In particular, rc doesnt vanish identically when the
canopy water supply is unlimited. Therefore, in this work the canopy
conductance takes on the maximum, open stomates value, kv k v , for the
given species. Note in particular that with rc dominated by the interleaf
atmospheric resistance, the rate of canopy evapotranspiration is approximately
the same when the exterior leaf surfaces are wet (such as after rain) as it is
when the wet evaporating surface is the interior lining of the stomatal cavity
(dry leaf stressless transpiration). The condition k v < 1 reflects that canopy
atmosphere control of the energy exchange discussed in the previous section.
2. In the literature rc is assumed to be dominated by the effective canopy stomatal
resistance. Equation 5.30 is obtained in such cases by normalizing the E v of
Eq. 5.28 with a rate given by Eq. 5.28 in which the plant canopy has saturated
leaf surfaces so that this stomatal resistance and hence rc vanish. In such cases
kv 1 as the water supply increases and the canopy (i.e., stomatal) resistance

Isothermal evaporation in eT space:

(the PriestleyTaylor equation)
As seen above, the isothermal condition, Rb = 0, provides a baseline for the estimation
of evapotranspiration from real surfaces, and we can benefit from its analysis in eT
space as we did earlier (see Fig. 5.2) for the general case. When T1 = TA , Fig. 5.3
shows this schematic of isothermal evaporation from a wet surface under the continued
assumption that the net radiation is the only heat available (i.e., Q Rn ). Note that in
this special case the triangles ABD and CBD share a common side. That is
cp D12 /ra
= o , (5.31)
BD = . (5.32)
 + o
Transpiration 161

Plate 5.5. Jeffrey pine. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum,

Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)

Eliminating BD between Eqs. 5.31 and 5.32 gives

cp D12 o Rn
= , (5.33)
ra   + o
which is substituted into Eq. 5.18 to regain Eq. 5.4 for isothermal evaporation from
bare wet soil. That is, E T E ps , giving
o Rn
E ps = 1 + Rn , (5.34)
  + o
which demonstrates that without the addition of sensible heat transferred from the
atmosphere, that is as long as T1 < T3 , only a fraction of the available energy, Rn ,
162 Thermal energy balance

can be converted into latent heat. This fraction is unity when the atmosphere and the
surface are at the same temperature or when the atmosphere is warmer than the surface.
Equation 5.34 may be written, albeit less revealingly, as

E ps = , (5.35)
 + o

where, in the isothermal case,

=1+ . (5.36)

Briscoe (1969) was one of the first to demonstrate Eq. 5.35 empirically by showing
that transpiration is also closely proportional to the available energy in studies of
barley. Without noting its implication of isothermality, Priestley and Taylor (1972)
demonstrated empirically that for open water and saturated soil surfaces, the potential
evaporation rate is proportional to available energy through Eq. 5.35 in which the so-
called PriestleyTaylor coefficient, , was presented as an empirical coefficient having
the value = 1.26 for these surfaces. A collection of observations and theoretical
estimates of from the literature is summarized here in Table 5.2.

The relationship between Bowen ratio

and canopy conductance
We use the isothermal state, Rb = 0, as the base upon which to build a second ap-
proximation transpiration model which incorporates the true, o Rb > 0, condition.
To do this we substitute Eq. 5.35 into Eq. 5.5 obtaining, for positive H,

= 1+ (1 + Rb )1 , (5.37)

which was first proposed by Kim and Entekhabi (1997). But how do we estimate the
Bowen ratio a priori?
Returning to Fig. 5.3 we note again that whenever T1 < T3 some of the net solar
radiation is not used in evaporation. In the absence of energy storage and lateral
advection, the excess energy is shed back to the atmosphere through sensible heat
transfer. Given that there is unlimited liquid water at the surface, this departure from
isothermality must be due to flux impedance in the water vapor path between surface
and atmosphere (i.e., screen height). For bare soil surfaces this path involves only
the atmospheric boundary layer over the 2-meter screen height so the impedance is
small. However, for vegetal canopies the vapor flux impedance can be high as we
have seen by the departure of the maximum canopy conductance, k v , from unity
(Eq. 5.30). Invoking Reynolds similarity between the fluxes of mass and heat, we
expect the Bowen ratio to be greater than zero to a degree that is proportional to the
difference of k v from unity (see the discussion following Eq. 5.22). In a successive
Transpiration 163

approximation we use Eqs. 5.30 and 5.34 in Eq. 5.5 to get the estimators

H Rn E ps 1
Rb = 1 1 = 1, +H (5.38)
E v E v E pv kv

H Rn E ps 1
Rb =1 1 = 1 , H. (5.39)
E v E v E pv kv

Equation 5.38 is compared with observations in a later section of this chapter.

Table 5.2. Values of the PriestleyTaylor coefficient

Surface conditions Reference

Pine forest
Dry (Norfolk, England) 0.74 Shuttleworth and Calder (1979)
Wet (Norfolk, England) 9.69 Shuttleworth and Calder (1979)
Wet 1.50 Gash and Stewart (1975)
Sitka and Norway spruce
Dry (Central Wales) 0.64 Shuttleworth and Calder (1979)
Wet (Central Wales) 1.50 Shuttleworth and Calder (1979)
Bush (wet soil) 1.33 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Pasture crop (wet soil) 1.34 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Snap bean crop (wet soil) 1.30 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Unstressed agricultural
crops and grasses 1.26 Davies and Allen (1973)
Plowed bare wet soil 1.08 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Indian Ocean (CSIRO) 1.26 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
No advection 1.25 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Indian Ocean (CSIRO) 1.30 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
No advection 1.31 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Indian Ocean
(University of Washington) 1.20 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Lake Eucumbene 1.25 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Equatorial Atlantic Ocean 1.30 Priestley and Taylor (1972)
Forest 3.62 Lhomme (1997)
Grass 1.26 Lhomme (1997)
Unsaturated surface 1 McNaughton (1976), Perrier
Moderately dry surface <1 (1982), Brutsaert (1982)
Realistic atmospheric conditions,
growing convective boundary layer <1.46; >1.08 Culf (1994)
Moderate weather in the Netherlands slightly >1.26 McNaughton and Spriggs (1989)
164 Thermal energy balance

The PriestleyTaylor coefcient

The observed values of associated with the Rb observations of Priestley and Taylor
(1972) (cf. Fig. 5.4) are presented as the circular plotted points in Fig. 5.5 where they
are bounded by the limiting Bowen ratios: Rb = 0 corresponding to = 1 + o /,
and Rb = o /, corresponding to = 1. The solid line is the theoretical value
for unstressed canopies as given by Eqs. 5.29 and 5.38 for the typical value rc /ra = 0.5
(cf. Chapter 8), and is seen to agree fairly well with the only vegetal observations
(points no. 5 and no. 6).
Shuttleworth and Calder (1979) and Gash and Stewart (1975) present observations
of (cf. Table 5.2) for wet pine and wet spruce forests in Britain. The average July
temperature in Britain is estimated (Trewartha, 1954, Fig. 1.25, p. 35) as 60 F (15.5 C)
which allows adding these points to Fig. 5.5. Two of the three tall, wet canopies are seen
to approach the isothermal condition as was reasoned earlier (Eq. 5.23) for elevated
saturated surfaces, while the third observation is well out of the plotted range.




Wet pine
Wet spruce
, 5.
5 rm
1.3 8
6 3 9 R
b =0
1.2 R =
1 b (1/k *
v )1
ra = 0
Zero drying power, R b = o /
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36
T0 (C)

Fig. 5.5. PriestleyTaylor coefficients. Numbers refer to caption of Fig. 5.4. ,

Priestley and Taylor (1972); , Shuttleworth and Calder (1979); , Gash and Stewart
Canopyatmosphere temperature 165

Observed Bowen ratios in canopy transpiration

From water balance studies, Hamon (1961) determined the total annual evapotranspi-
ration, E T , for a variety of natural watersheds. In the interest of estimating transpira-
tion, E v , we disregard those of his watersheds experiencing ice and/or snow to obtain
the reduced list summarized here in Table 5.3. For these six watersheds we assume
E T E v = E pv . Also listed in Table 5.3 for each watershed are assumed surface
albedos, along with the mean annual values of screen height atmospheric temperature,
T0 ; fractional cloud cover, N; and saturation ratio, Sr ; all as given by the National
Weather Service Climatological Summary at the nearest station. Using the material
of Appendix B, these parameters permit estimation of the mean annual net radiation
flux, Rn , which is also tabulated. Comparing paired values of E v and Rn / for each
of the six watersheds gives an estimate of the Bowen ratio, Rb , using Eq. 5.5. As is
shown in Table 5.3, these values are all positive and range from Rb = 0.22 to 0.33 for
the desert shrubs of New Mexico and Texas, to Rb = 0.10 to 0.17 in humid Georgia,
Kentucky, and Missouri.
Using the method of Appendix B, we can estimate the free water surface evapo-
ration, E ps , for the six selected catchments of Hamon (1961). These values are also
listed in Table 5.3, and in conjunction with E pv E T , they provide an estimate of
kv = k v through Eq. 5.30. The pairs of k v and Rb so calculated are very sensitive
to the shortwave albedo of the surface. Here we have assumed the surfaces to be
half grass and half forest and have used average albedo values for each as given by
Kondratyev (1969, Table 7.5, p. 425). The resulting estimates are listed in the last two
columns of Table 5.3 and are plotted in comparison with Eq. 5.38 (positive H ) in
Fig. 5.6.

E The canopyatmosphere temperature difference

Using the fluxgradient relationships Eqs. 4.115 and 4.117, and invoking the Reynolds
analogy, the definition of Rb gives
H cp K h T /z cp T
Rb = , (5.40)
E v K v qv /z qv
where qv is the specific humidity given by the thermodynamic approximation (Solot,
qv 0.622 . (5.41)
Multiplying and dividing by the saturation vapor pressure, es , allows us to use
Eq. 5.38 with Eq. 5.40 to obtain the temperature difference between canopy and

Note that Rb is a ratio of flux rates. Therefore in this calculation the observed gross annual
evaporation is doubled to obtain an estimate of the evaporation rate during daylight hours for
comparison with Rn .
Table 5.3. Estimation of potential transpiration for vegetated surfaces (negligible snow and ice)
f g j
I 0b E T a (Obs.) q i e qb Rn D ph E ps
o i
Site locationsa (N) (ly min1 ) Tc T 0d ( C) Nd Sr d (m y1 ) (ly min1 ) (ly min1 ) (ly min1 ) (ly min1 ) 1 + 
(calc.) (m y1 ) k v k Rb l
10 Mesilla, NM 32.3 0.329 0.18 14.6 0.18 0.53 0.86 0.270 0.125 0.145 0.069 1.63 1.15 0.75 0.23
11 Pecos, NM 35.6 0.316 0.18 13.8 0.18 0.45 0.90 0.259 0.126 0.133 0.081 1.65 1.14 0.79 0.33
12 Green River, KY 37.9 0.307 0.18 13.1 0.46 0.73 0.80 0.252 0.093 0.159 0.029 1.68 0.98 0.82 0.10
13 Tallapoosa River,
GA 32.5 0.328 0.18 15.4 0.36 0.77 0.84 0.269 0.103 0.166 0.028 1.60 1.06 0.79 0.10
14 West Fork of the
White River, MO 37.0 0.309 0.18 13.4 0.33 0.72 0.79 0.253 0.109 0.144 0.037 1.67 0.95 0.83 0.17
15 Cyprus Creek, TX 32.0 0.329 0.18 17.9 0.20 0.75 0.92 0.270 0.113 0.157 0.033 1.52 1.09 0.84 0.22

Hamon (1961).
Average of observations, Fig. B.2.
Kondratyev (1969, Table 7.5, p. 425); no attempt made to distinguish variations: assumed for all sites: 50% grass @ T = 0.22 and 50% forest @ T = 0.14.
U.S. Weather Service Annual Climatological Summary, 194170 (at nearest station).
qi = (1 T )I0 .
Eq. B.12.
R n = qi qb .
Eq. B.18.
Table 5.1.
Eq. B.1.
Eq. 5.30 with the assumption that E pv E T .
Eq. 5.5, using twice the observed annual E T as an estimate of the daylight-hour rate.
Canopyatmosphere temperature 167

1.0 Fig. 5.6. The Bowen

ratiocanopy conductance
R = 1 1, (+H) relation. Daylight-hour
0.8 b
k* average; numbers refer to

Table 5.3.
0.4 11

10 15

0.2 14

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
k *v


T 0.622 Sr Rb (5.42)
cp p


597.3 cal g1 ,
cp 0.24 cal g1 K1 ,
p O(1000 mb), and
es O(10 mb),

Eq. 5.42 gives the estimator

T 15Sr Rb , (K). (5.43)

Under normal conditions, Sr = O(101 ), so with Rb = O(101 ) as was found in the
previous section, Eq. 5.43 gives T = O(101 ), and the system is closely isothermal.
In this work we will make this approximation, assuming the long-term average big
leaf canopy temperature, Tl , equals the ambient (i.e., screen height) atmospheric
temperature, T0 . That is

Tl T0 . (5.44)

Gates et al. (1968) show that Tl T0 23 C for many small leaves. Monteith (1973,
p. 183) notes that in bright sunshine and in a breeze, small leaves are expected to be
only 12 C hotter than the surrounding air. Greater excess temperatures are observed
on very large leaves in a light wind. . .. Measurements within a spruce canopy bear this
out (Larcher, 1983, Fig. 2.16, p. 27). They show a temperature difference, Tl T0
1 C with averages taken over a typical midsummer day, while finding for a single
168 Thermal energy balance

Canna leaf that this difference is about +1 C with high wind but rises to about +20 C
for low wind. (Note that compared to a single leaf, the long-term canopy average Tl
is much less sensitive to wind, and the canopy Tl is much smaller than for a single
Looking at Eq. 5.42 from another direction, we can use the observed small
temperature gradients over forests (cf. Jarvis et al., 1976, Table IX, p. 204) to obtain
T = O(101 ), and with Sr = O(101 ) as before, we again obtain Rb = O(101 ).
This is in contrast to the much higher values, Rb > 1, calculated by Jarvis et al. (1976,
Fig. 10, p. 209) using much larger values of rc /ra than those derived here in Chapter 7.

Plate 5.6. Siberian larch. Author alongside larch in Arnold Arboretum, Boston.
(Photograph by Beverly G. Eagleson.)
Relevance to nutrient and carbon ux 169

F Relevance to nutrient and carbon ux

Mineral nutrients, particularly nitrogen, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus (cf.
Bormann and Likens, 1979, Table 2-7, p. 69), enter the plant dissolved in the soil
water. If the soil imposes no limit on their quantity or on their solution rate, the
nutrient flux is proportional to the through-flow of water in the average transpiration
stream, E v . Nutrient availability may be a growth-limiting factor as has been shown for
Swedish forests (Aronsson and Elowson, 1980; Jensen and Pettersson, 1980). There-
fore, maximization of E v (through maximization of k v ) in a nutrient-poor situation
will insure that this productivity is the constrained maximum.
The canopy resistance to outgoing moisture flux represented in the control of E v
by k v operates identically to control the influx of carbon dioxide. Thus, realization of
maximum canopy dry matter productivity when the latter is limited by carbon dioxide
supply also requires maximum k v and hence minimum canopy impedance, rc /ra . We
return to this issue in later chapters, particularly in Chapter 10.

Water balance

A statisticaldynamic model of the average canopy water balance during the

vegetation growing season is presented in terms of the three state variables:
average root-zone soil moisture, canopy cover, and canopy conductance.
Approximate limiting solutions are offered.
An adopted stress tolerance criterion puts the plant in incipient stress at the
end of the average growing season, and the associated critical moisture state
allows expressing the maximum canopy moisture flux in terms of climate and
vegetation properties. The critical moisture state is one of maximum produc-
tivity for the given species and climate since the stomates are fully open during
the entire growing season, and since the flux of water-borne nutrients is then
a climatic maximum. Detailed observations of three semi-arid forests confirm
that the trees use all the water available during the growing season.

A Introduction
At land surfaces the soil column responds dynamically to the climatic sequence of
precipitation and evapotranspiration events. It accepts part of the moisture during
periods of precipitation, pumps some of this back to the surface during evaporative
periods, and rejects the remainder to the water table more or less continuously. This
surface moisture exchange and the accompanying surface heat exchange, to a large
degree, depend critically upon the physical properties of the soil and vegetation as
well as upon the weather conditions during the alternate periods of precipitation and
evapotranspiration. The quantitative relation among the long-term averages of this
partition of precipitation is called the water balance.
We seek here to express this climateland surface coupling in a simplified form
which provides insight into the physical basis for the role played by water in the growth

Much of the material of this chapter is taken from Eagleson (1978a through 1978g) incorporating
the corrections and extensions provided in the MIT Master of Science thesis of Salvucci (1992).
The latter work is also available in an MIT Laboratory Report by Salvucci and Eagleson (1992).
This summary does not contain all the details of the assumptions and approximations which are
available in the original works (Eagleson, 1978ag; Salvucci and Eagleson, 1992).

Introduction 171

of vegetation communities. Such insight can come only through retention in our model
of the underlying physical determinism. At the same time however, uncertainty plays
such a large role in the climatic forcing of the water balance at its critical time-scales
that our approach must deal also with probability distributions. This is in contrast to
the approach taken in describing the radiation forcing in Chapter 3 where variability at
the time-scales of vegetation growth is dominated by deterministic planetary motions.
Analytical solutions, even approximate ones, are preferred to precise numerical
solutions whenever the objective is behavioral insight, and this model is structured ac-
cordingly. Only an outline is presented here; details are available elsewhere (Eagleson,
1978bg; Salvucci, 1992; Salvucci and Eagleson, 1992).

Plate 6.1. Giant Ficus tree exploits water source. At Ta Prom, Angkor, Cambodia,
spong tree (Ficus tetrameles nudiflora) sends spreading roots down wall to exploit soil
moisture in unvegetated courtyard. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)
172 Water balance

B Model framework
The water balance model (Eagleson, 1978a) is a one-dimensional model of soil mois-
ture dynamics forced by a stochastic climate. The model solves the equilibrium moist-
season water balance in terms of a soil moisture which is averaged temporally over
climate scale (so that storage changes may be neglected), and is averaged vertically over
the vegetation rooting depth, z r , (on the order of 1 meter). The resulting equilibrium
spacetime average soil moisture concentration, so , is the state variable determining
the average flux rates of moisture into and out of the near-surface soil. Multiplied by
a common time, season or year, these average flux rates become depths (per unit of
suface area) and must sum to zero. This sum is the water balance equation and is
commonly written on an average annual basis as

PA = E T A + RsA + RgA , (6.1)

PA = average annual precipitation (cm),
E T A = average annual evapotranspiration (cm),
RsA = average annual surface runoff (cm), and
RgA = average annual groundwater runoff (cm).

The right-hand side of Eq. 6.1 is controlled by a complex interaction of climate,

soil, and vegetation. The dynamics of soil moisture in the near-surface soil column
are governed by the Richards (1931) concentration-dependent diffusion equation.
Eagleson (1978c) modified Philips (1957, 1960, 1969) approximate analytical so-
lution to the Richards equation to incorporate a distributed vegetal root sink and in-
troduced the Brooks and Corey (1966) model of unsaturated soil properties. He then
averaged the solutions over the ensemble of surface boundary conditions arising from
a Poisson arrival of rainstorms in the form of rectangular pulses as is shown in the
upper part of Fig. 6.1. During the interstorm periods, the bare soil surface is subject to
a constant potential evaporation rate, E ps , and the vegetation to a canopy-referenced
constant potential evaporation rate, E pv , causing transpiration at the species-dependent
rate, kv E ps (cf. Eq. 5.29). With this forcing, the expected value of the stormscale sur-
face fluxes: storm infiltration, E[Ij ]; interstorm exfiltration, E[E sj ]; and interstorm

Fig. 6.1. Precipitation and

i tr tb
soil moisture representation.
Spatial average, s

(Eagleson, 1978a, Fig. 7,

h = itr i
0 p. 708; with permission of
"Actual" the American Geophysical
spatial avg. Union.)

so Simplified
spatial avg.
Time, t
Model framework 173

Wet season Dry season

between Capillary
Infiltration storms rise
during from
storms water table

Soil moisture

Wet season
percolation Continuous
to water table capillary rise
from water table

Saturated Groundwater
zone runoff

Fig. 6.2. Moisture fluxes in soil column. (Eagleson, 1978a, Fig. 6, p. 708; with
permission of the American Geophysical Union.)

transpiration, E[E vj ], are found using the simplifying assumption that the spatial av-
erage soil moisture concentration, s, is at its equilibrium value, so , at the beginning
of each storm and interstorm period. A qualitative comparison between the simplified
and actual variability of s is sketched in the lower part of Fig. 6.1.
The soil moisture dynamics at the bottom boundary of the near-surface soil column
are predicated upon the restrictive assumption of a deep water table that does not
influence the transient moisture dynamics of the upper soil layer. With this assumption,
the vertical diffusive processes throughout the soil profile are assumed to attenuate the
random near-surface variations so that at the lower boundary of the soil moisture zone
the soil moisture is at steady state yielding a constant percolation, v, down to the water
table during the wet season and a constant capillary rise, w, from the water table to
the surface year around. Long-term mass fluxes into and out of the saturated zone are
balanced by lateral groundwater runoff. These fluxes are illustrated in the sketch of
the soil column shown as Fig. 6.2.
174 Water balance

Following is a summary of the construction of the long-term average water balance

from these assumed short-term behaviors.

C Precipitation
Point precipitation is represented by Eagleson (1978b) as Poisson arrivals of rectangu-
lar intensity pulses that have random depth and duration as is illustrated in the upper
portion of Fig. 6.1. The probability density functions (i.e., pdfs) of these variables are
incomplete gamma, (o , o ), for the storm depth, h, giving
o (o h)o 1 eo h
fh (h) = (o , o ) , (6.2)
(o )
in which o = shape parameter, or index of the distribution (dimensionless),
o = scale parameter of the distribution (cm1 ),
() = factorial gamma function (see Table 6.1a),
and the mean and variance are, repectively
m h = o /o , (6.3)


h2 = o /2o ; (6.4)

and exponential for the storm duration, tr ,

ftr (tr ) = etr , (6.5)

for which the mean and variance are, respectively

m tr = 1/, (6.6)


t2r = 1/ 2 . (6.7)

The potential bare soil evaporation rate is assumed to have the same constant
value throughout all of the interstorm periods whose duration, tb , is also exponentially

ftb (tb ) = etb , (6.8)

with mean

m tb = 1/, (6.9)

and variance

t2b = 1/ 2 . (6.10)
Precipitation 175

The storm intensiy, i, is assumed to be exponentially distributed as well,

fi (i) = ei , (6.11)

with mean

m i = 1/, (6.12)

and variance

i2 = 1/2 . (6.13)

The storm arrival rate is m , storms per year (or season), so that the mean of the
annual (or seasonal) precipitation, P, is simply

PA m P = m m h , (6.14)

and finally, the variance of the annual (or seasonal) precipitation, P, is (Eagleson,

P = m P 1 +
2 2
/m . (6.15)
See Appendix F for the monthly climatology of these and other storm parameters at 74
first-order weather stations in the continental United States as determined by Hawk
and Eagleson (1992).

Plate 6.2. Weeping beech. Author alongside beech in Arnold Arboretum, Boston.
(Photograph by Beverly G. Eagleson.)
176 Water balance

D Storm inltration and surface runoff

In general, surface runoff can be caused by one of two mechanisms: (1) the rate of
precipitation supply at the surface exceeds the soil moisture-dependent infiltration
capacity of the soil column, or (2) the moisture storage capacity of the soil column
has been filled to the soil surface. The first of these processes is called Hortonian
runoff (Horton, 1933) and is found for high rainfall intensities with relatively deep
water tables. Its calculation is independent of the water table elevation as long as
the latter is deep enough. The second process is often called Dunne runoff
(Dunne and Black, 1970) and is found with shallow water tables and low rainfall
intensity. Because the latter process requires knowledge of the water table elevation
(cf. Salvucci, 1993), we omit its consideration here and assume all surface runoff
to be Hortonian. This will lead to our underestimation of surface runoff in wet cli-
When the bare soil surface is saturated, the soil can infiltrate moisture at the max-
imum rate. We call this rate the infiltration capacity, f i , and it is written by Philip
(1957, 1960, 1969) as

1 1/2
f i = Si t + A0 , (6.16)

in which Eagleson (1978e) sets the modified gravitational term to be

A0 = K (1) 1 + soc w, (6.17)

and gives the infiltration sorptivity, Si , as

Si = 2(1 so ){[5n e K (1) (1) i (d, so )]/3 m }1/2 , (6.18)

in which the dimensionless sorption diffusivity, i (d, so ), is defined as

d n 
1 1 d so
i (d, so ) = (1 so ) d
+ ,
d + 5/3 n=1 d + [(5/3) n] n 1 so

and where
ne = effective porosity of soil,
K (1) = saturated effective hydraulic conductivity of soil, cm s1 ,
(1) = saturated matrix potential of soil, cm (suction),
c = permeability index of soil,
d = diffusivity index of soil, and
m = pore size distribution index of soil.
Equation 6.19 is plotted in Fig. 6.3.
Storm inltration and surface runoff 177

i(d, so)

d =2

d =3

d =6

10 1
10 1

Fig. 6.3. Dimensionless sorption diffusivity; see Eq. 6.19. (Eagleson, 1978c, Fig. 9,
p. 727; with permission of the American Geophysical Union.)

Remembering our restrictive assumption of a deep water table which prevents soil
saturation from below, the process physics responsible for generation of storm runoff
is as shown in Fig. 6.4 for storm durations, tr , large enough such that all three distinct
stages of infiltration are operative:
(1) in the first stage the surface retention capacity, h o , is filled at rate i. This storage
is isolated from the porous soil and so no infiltration takes place in time h o /i;
(2) in the second stage infiltration takes place at rate i because the infiltration
capacity, f i , exceeds the rainfall intensity, i, and this continues until f i = i at
time to + h o /i; and
(3) in the third stage infiltration occurs at the declining rate f i due to this rate
being less than the rainfall intensity, i, and it continues, producing runoff at the
rate i f i until the storm ends at time tr with a total storm runoff Rsj .

The average value of the storm surface runoff is obtained by taking the expected
value of Rsj over the joint probability distribution of storm intensity, i, and duration,
tr . For mathematical convenience, Eagleson (1978e) made the simplifying assumption
that i and tr are independent random variables so that with Eqs. 6.5 and 6.11, the

Appendix F shows that in the continental United States |[i, tr ]| O(101 )
178 Water balance

f i*
Flux rates

fi = i

ho to Rsj

f i*
0 ho tr
to +
Time, t

Fig. 6.4. Surface runoff generation during typical storm. (Eagleson, 1978e, Fig. 1,
p. 742; with permission of the American Geophysical Union.)

desired joint pdf is simply

fi,tr (i, tr ) = fi (i) ftr (tr ) = eitr , (6.20)

in which the mean storm depth appears in its alternate form

m h = ()1 . (6.21)

With these definitions and assumptions, the expectation of storm rainfall excess,
Rsj ,
is given by the sum of the two shaded areas of Fig. 6.4 (see Eagleson, 1978e,
p. 745)

E[Rsj ] E[E r ]
= eG2 ( + 1) + (6.22)
mh mh

in which E r is the storm surface retention depth,

1 + soc w
G K (1) , (6.23)
2 K (1)
5n e 2o K (1)(1)(1 so )2 i (d, so )
, (6.24)

and by definition of the gamma function (see Abramowitz and Stegun, 1964)

(n + 1) n(n) n!, (6.25)

which is tabulated for 1 n 2 in Table 6.1.

The storm surface retention, E r , is supplied from rainfall excess, and we assume
it to be evaporated during the following interstorm period, thus the expected value of
Storm inltration and surface runoff 179

Table 6.1. The gamma functions

(a) Values of the gamma (factorial) function(n + 1) = n(n) = n!

x (x) x (x) x (x)

1.00 1.000 1.34 0.892 1.68 0.905

1.01 0.994 1.35 0.891 1.69 0.907
1.02 0.989 1.36 0.890 1.70 0.909
1.03 0.984 1.37 0.889 1.71 0.911
1.04 0.978 1.38 0.889 1.72 0.913
1.05 0.974 1.39 0.888 1.73 0.915
1.06 0.969 1.40 0.887 1.74 0.917
1.07 0.964 1.41 0.887 1.75 0.919
1.08 0.960 1.42 0.886 1.76 0.921
1.09 0.955 1.43 0.886 1.77 0.924
1.10 0.951 1.44 0.886 1.78 0.926
1.11 0.947 1.45 0.886 1.79 0.929
1.12 0.944 1.46 0.886 1.80 0.931
1.13 0.940 1.47 0.886 1.81 0.934
1.14 0.936 1.48 0.886 1.82 0.937
1.15 0.933 1.49 0.886 1.83 0.940
1.16 0.930 1.50 0.886 1.84 0.943
1.17 0.927 1.51 0.887 1.85 0.946
1.18 0.924 1.52 0.887 1.86 0.949
1.19 0.921 1.53 0.888 1.87 0.952
1.20 0.918 1.54 0.888 1.88 0.955
1.21 0.916 1.55 0.889 1.89 0.958
1.22 0.913 1.56 0.890 1.90 0.962
1.23 0.911 1.57 0.890 1.91 0.965
1.24 0.909 1.58 0.891 1.92 0.969
1.25 0.906 1.59 0.892 1.93 0.972
1.26 0.904 1.60 0.894 1.94 0.976
1.27 0.903 1.61 0.895 1.95 0.980
1.28 0.901 1.62 0.896 1.96 0.984
1.29 0.899 1.63 0.897 1.97 0.988
1.30 0.897 1.64 0.899 1.98 0.992
1.31 0.896 1.65 0.900 1.99 0.996
1.32 0.895 1.66 0.902 2.00 1.000
1.33 0.893 1.67 0.903
(b) The incomplete gamma function
xn *
(a, x) x a ex (a) = x a ex
(a + n + 1) n=0
a(a + 1)(a + 2) (a + n)

Source: Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, pp. 260261).

180 Water balance

G E[RsA] 2 ( + 1)
e = = e

[ ]
5ne o2K(1) (1) (1so)2i (d, so)

G =
[1 + soc] w
= exp 2 3/2 ]
Dry soil
Wet soil
101 1
10 1

Fig. 6.5. Surface runoff function. (Eagleson, 1978e, Fig. 6, p. 746; with permission of
the American Geophysical Union.)

the surface runoff, Rsj , is

E[Rsj ] = E[Rsj ] E[Er ] = 1 1 eG2 ( + 1) , (6.26)

Equation 6.26 is presented graphically as the solid line in Fig. 6.5 where the
plotted points represent the convenient approximation we call the surface runoff

( + 1) 2
e2 .
( ) e (6.27)

The storm infiltration, Isj , is simply the storm depth minus the surface runoff and
minus the surface retention. Averaging over all storms this becomes

E[Isj ] = E[h j ] E[Rsj ]. (6.28)

E Potential (unstressed) transpiration

Immediately following a storm the soil is moist, the leaf stomates are fully open,
and transpiration, E v , begins at the maximum rate, E pv , given by (cf. Eqs. 5.29
and 5.30)

E v = E pv = kv E ps , (6.29)
Potential (unstressed) transpiration 181

E v = long-term annual or seasonal average transpiration rate,
E pv = long-term annual or seasonal average potential transpiration rate,
kv = unstressed (i.e., maximum or potential) canopy conductance, and
E ps = long-term annual or seasonal average potential rate of evaporation from the
bare soil.

As deep percolation, interstorm evaporation, and transpiration reduce the transient

soil moisture concentration, s, the soil moisture potential, s (s), and the leaf moisture
potential, l (s), both fall in value (see Chapter 7). At the critical leaf moisture potential,
lc (s) 10 bar (Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.46, p. 123), the leaf stomates begin to close,
the resistance to moisture flux from the stomates rises, and transpiration begins to
decline from the potential value. The critical soil moisture potential at which the
decline in transpiration begins varies with the type of soil and with the structure of
the tree connecting leaf and soil. According to Larcher (1983, p. 237), trees transpire
to soil moisture potentials of approximately 15 bars negative pressure, while data
from Brix (1962), Hinckley et al. (1975, 1978), Bunce et al. (1977), Havranek and
Benecke (1978), and others, indicate that the transpiration rate of trees is variable only
between soil moisture potentials of 5 and 15 bars negative pressure. We set the critical
soil moisture potential marking the limit of potential transpiration at sc (s) = 5 bar
The equations of soil physics (e.g., Eagleson, 1978c) give

s = s (1) s 1/m , (6.30)

which, with the typical soil properties of Table 6.2, shows the critical soil moisture,
sc s5 , corresponding to s = sc = 5 bar to be: s5 = 0.16 for clay; s5 < 0.003

Table 6.2. Hydraulic properties of soils

k(1) K (1) "s (1)

(cm2 ) (cm d1 ) (cm suction) n e m c d

(a) Typical soilsa

Clay 4 1010 2.94 90 0.45 0.44 7.5 4.3
Silty loam 4 109 2.94 45 0.35 1.2 4.7 2.9
Sandy loam 4 108 294 25 0.25 3.3 3.6 2.3
Sand 107 743 15 0.20 5.4 3.4 2.2
(b) Beaver Creek soilsb
Springerville (watersheds 16) 17.2 4.5 0.46 0.48 7.1 4.1
Brolliar (watersheds 718) 15.1 92.8 0.37 0.71 5.8 3.4

From Bras, R.L., Hydrology, Table 8.1, p. 352; Copyright 
c 1990 Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., Inc.; with kind permission from R.L. Bras.
From Salvucci (1992).
182 Water balance

for silty loam; s5 < 108 for sandy loam; and s5 < 1014 for sand (Salvucci, 1992).
Except perhaps for the clay soil, exhaustion of soil moisture from so to these small
critical values at which stress appears will take a longer time, ts , than all but the rarest of
interstorm intervals, tb . Considering the fact that as modeled, so lies at the midpoint of
the interstorm soil moisture range, ts is even larger and we conclude that transpiration
will occur primarily at the stressless, potential rate. Such reasoning is fundamental to
our basic assumption that natural selection fixes E v , the expected value of interstorm
transpiration, at the unstressed level for the given climate and soil. Using Eqs. 5.30
and 6.29, we have

E v E[E vj ] = E pv m tb = kv E ps 1 . (6.31)

The time interval, m tb , is the mean evapotranspiration window over which the maxi-
mum expected values, E[E sj ] and E[E vj ] are calculated.
Salvucci (1992) pointed out that in reality the soil moisture may reach the critical
value s5 before the end of the interstorm period, whereupon the transpiration rate would
be throttled by closure of the stomates, and E[E vj ] could be much less than is given
by Eq. 6.31. This can happen in arid and semi-arid climates for two reasons:
(1) large m tb will insure that during a fraction of the interstorm intervals the critical
soil moisture is reached, and
(2) dry climates have large m tb and hence few storms (m ) annually or seasonally,
but their storm depths have small distribution indices (o ), so that from
Eq. 6.15 the variance of annual or seasonal precipitation is high, and thus the
soil moisture at the start of an arbitrary interstorm period may be much less
than the long-term average, so .
One of the more useful features of Eaglesons (1978f) mean annual water balance
is its extension, for cases of small variance (P2 ), to the exploration of the annual water
balance (Eagleson, 1978f). However, as might be expected, when this variance is not
small the stress situation described above will occur and in a dry year Eaglesons
(1978f) annual water budget cannot be balanced. Because the condition of incipient
stress lies at the critical boundary between high productivity and disaster for the plant,
it is important that our water balance formulation at least be robust there even if not
terribly accurate. We will approach this as did Salvucci (1992) by incorporating the
first of the above two possibilities (the simpler of the two and not necessarily the
most important) in our analysis, but before doing this we must look at the bare soil

F Bare soil evaporation

The process physics within a typical interstorm interval are illustrated in Fig. 6.6 for
tb large enough such that all three distinct stages of evaporation are operative:
Bare soil evaporation 183

Evaporation Evaporation
of surface of soil
Flux rates

retention moisture

f e*

fe fe

t* t * + to t * + te tb
Time, t

Fig. 6.6. Interstorm evaporation from bare soil. (Eagleson, 1978d, Fig. 2, p. 733; with
permission of the American Geophysical Union.)

(1) the first stage is evaporation of the surface retention, E r , which takes place at
the surface-referenced bare soil potential rate, E ps , until E r is exhausted at time
t = t ;
(2) the second stage is evaporation of exfiltrated soil moisture at the potential rate,
E ps , due to this rate being less than the exfiltration capacity, f e (defined
below), and it continues until E ps = f e at time t = t + to ; and
(3) the third stage is evaporation of exfiltrated soil moisture at the declining rate f e
due to this rate being less than the potential rate, E ps , and it continues until
f e = 0 and evaporation ceases at time t = t + te .

Eagleson (1978c) extended the infiltration equation of Philip (1969) to represent

the rate at which the soil can return moisture to the surface. We call this rate the
exfiltration capacity, f e , of the bare soil, and it is given by
f e = Se t 1/2 Mkv E ps + w, (6.32)
in which, with f e , E ps , and w in cm s1 , and the time, t, in seconds, the exfiltration
sorptivity, Se , is (Eagleson, 1978d)
n e K (1) (1) e (d) 1/2
Se = 2so1+d/2 , (6.33)
e (d) = dimensionless desorption diffusivity of soil.
Eagleson (1978c) reduced the number of independent soil parameters by using the
results of Burdine (1958) and Brooks and Corey (1966) to write
d= = c (1/m) 1 = 2 + 1/m, (6.34)
184 Water balance

8 Fig. 6.7. Dimensionless

for integer values of d desorption diffusivity.
7 d
(Eagleson, 1978c, Fig. 10,
e (d ) = 1 + 1.85
n=1 1.85 + n
n p. 727; with permission of
6 the American Geophysical
d= 2+ m

5 Union.)

2 1
10 10 1
e (d )

and that of Carslaw and Jaeger (1959, p. 80) and of Crank (1956, p. 256) to find
*d   1
e (d) = 1 + 1.85 (1)n dn , (6.35)
1.85 + n

which is plotted in Fig. 6.7.

The above formulation of the bare soil evaporation is valid as long as the time
to stress, ts , is equal to or greater than the time, t + te , at which exfiltration stops.
When ts < t + te , the transpiration rate falls and the bare soil evaporation rate rises
(see Eq. 6.32). In Appendix E we show that biological productivity is proportional to
transpiration, thus we assume the circumstances insuring ts t + te will be selected
naturally. This is insured (Salvucci, 1992) as long as the root depth, z r , is equal to or
greater than z e , the average penetration depth of exfiltration. Neglecting gravitational
percolation, we approximate z e from simple diffusion (cf. Eagleson, 1978c, p. 727).
Using the results of Appendix C, the characteristic diffusive penetration depth over
the average interstorm period is

z e 1.77 (De /)1/2 , (6.36)

in which De , the effective desorption diffusivity, is

E ps
De , (6.37)
2n 2e so2
while the dimensionless bare soil evaporation effectiveness, E, is
2n e K (1) (1)
E e sod+2 . (6.38)
m E ps

The average interstorm bare soil exfiltration is obtained by taking the expected value
of the integral, E sj , of the instantaneous bare soil evaporation rate, es (the smaller of
E ps and f e in Fig. 6.6), over all the possible (exponentially distributed) times between
Bare soil evaporation 185

storms. This is tedious and the somewhat unwieldy result is given in Appendix C as
Eqs. C.1C.3.
We define the bare soil evaporation efficiency, s , after Eagleson (1978d), as
E[E sj ]
s = , (6.39)
1 E ps

and its analytical expression is developed in Appendix C as Eq. C.5. For the simplified
case of zero surface retention (h o = 0), bare soil, and deep water table (w/E ps  1),
Eq. C.5 reduces to Eaglesons (1978d) important function
s = 1 [1 + 2E]eE + (2E)1/2  , E , (6.40)

which is plotted here, along with its asymptotes, in Fig. 6.8. Approximating Eq. 6.40
by its asymptotes, we see that their intersection, at E = 2/, divides the coupled
soilatmosphere behavior into two distinct zones:

(1) a soil-controlled zone (E < 2/ ) where evaporation is limited because soil

moisture cannot be raised to the soil surface fast enough to satisfy the
atmospheric evaporative demand. This may occur because the soil properties
either inhibit infiltration or adversely constrain the desorption. In either case,
the system is water-limited from the standpoint of evaporation, and
(2) a climate-controlled zone (E 2/) where evaporation is limited only by the
atmospheric evaporative demand. Because this demand can be expressed in
terms of the net radiation (see Chapter 7), climate-controlled evaporation is


E 1/2 3
s = 1 1 + 2 E e + (2E) 2 , E
s = 1

s 1

s =


Soil controlled Climate controlled
102 101 1 10

Fig. 6.8. The bare soil evaporation efficiency. (Eagleson, 1978d, Fig. 5, p. 737; with
permission of the American Geophysical Union.)
186 Water balance

Equation 6.40 gives a rational physical basis for the natural surface evaporation
function developed empirically by earlier investigators such as Pike (1964) and Budyko
(1974). Furthermore, the use of the asymptote intersection of such a saturating
function to separate regimes of distinctly different behavior, each governed by different
limiting processes, sets the stage for defining the limits to biological behavior in the
remainder of this monograph.

G Moisture-constrained transpiration
Transpiration can continue only as long as there is soil moisture available to the
plant roots. In Fig. 6.9 we sketch the average time variation of the root-zone spatial
average soil moisture, s, from its maximum value, s(0), at the end of the average
recharging interval of storm precipitation, m tr , to its critical minimum value, sc = s5 ,
at the end of the average drying interstorm interval, m tb . As a first approximation,
we assume the decay of s to be linear with time as it would be if soil moisture was
exhausted only by transpiration occurring at the constant unstressed (i.e., maximum)
rate, E v = kv E ps . The spacetime average (i.e., equilibrium) root-zone soil moisture
is then so = soc = [s(0) + s5 ]/2, and the volume of soil moisture, Ve , available for
exchange with the atmosphere (per unit of surface area) during the average interstorm
period is

Ve = 2n e (so s5 ) z r , (6.41)

in which n e is the effective soil porosity, and z r is again the rooting depth.
Following the development of Salvucci (1992), we continue the assumption that
after the surface retention has been evaporated at time t , evapotranspiration (only)
draws down the soil moisture storage, Ve , until that too is exhausted at the time to
stress, ts (cf. Fig. 6.10). That is
Ve = [(1 M) es + M E v ] dt, (6.42)

in which the vegetated fraction of the surface is denoted by the canopy cover, M,
transpiring at rate E v , and the remaining fraction, (1 M), is bare soil evaporating

Fig. 6.9. Hypothetical time

S = 0 variability of the average
root-zone soil moisture.
Average root-zone
soil moisture, s


mt s5 mt
r mt r

Time, t
Moisture-constrained transpiration 187

Evaporation Transpiration
of surface of soil
Flux rates

retention moisture

k *v Eps

Eps t s = ts t *

t* ts tb
Time, t

Fig. 6.10. Rate of vegetal transpiration. (Salvucci and Eagleson, 1992, Fig. 3.2, p. 59.)

at rate es . Using Eqs. 6.41, 6.29, and 6.32, with the guidance of Fig 6.4, Salvucci
(1992) solved Eq. 6.42 for the time to stress, ts , with the result given in Appendix C as
Eq. C.6. The time, ts , during which the vegetation transpires, is that between the evap-
orative exhaustion of surface retention at time t , and the time, ts , when stress sets in.
That is

ts ts t . (6.43)

In the manner introduced by Salvucci (1992), we are now prepared to take the
expected value of the integral of the rate, E vj , of stressed interstorm transpiration over
all the initial surface retention conditions (resulting from the gamma-distributed storm
depths), and over all the possible (immediately following) exponentially distributed
interstorm periods, i.e.,

E[E vj ] = dtb E vj (h, tb ) fh,tb (h, tb ) dh, (6.44)

in which fh,tb (h, tb ) is the joint distribution of storm depth and the immediately fol-
lowing interstorm interval. Assuming these to be independent random variables, we
use Eqs. 6.2 and 6.8 to write

o (o h)o 1 eo htb
fh,tb (h, tb ) = fh (h) ftb (tb ) = , (6.45)
(o )

which facilitates integration of Eq. 6.44. The result is presented in Appendix C as

Eq. C.7.
Using Eq. 5.30, we define the canopy transpiration efficiency, v , as

Ev Ev kv E[E vj ]
v = = = 1 , (6.46)
E pv kv E ps kv kv E ps
188 Water balance

whereupon, Eqs. 6.31 and C.7 give

[o , (o + /E pv )]
v 1 ets 1 +
o E pv (o )
(o , o h o )
+ eh o /Epv 1 , (6.47)
(o )
in which ts is given by Eqs. C.6 and 6.43, and [, ] or (, ) is the incomplete gamma
function (see Table 6.1b). Note from Eq. C.6 that as ts , such as would occur for
high soil moisture (so ) and large root depth (z r ), v 1, and the transpiration is at the
unstressed potential rate. Note also that for the simplified case of negligible surface
retention (i.e., h o 0)

v = 1 ets = 1 ets /m tb . (6.48)

Salvucci (1992, Table 3.2, p. 62) computed ts /m tb for a range of soil types and
plant coefficients at Beaver Creek, Arizona, and found ts /m tb 1 for all but the clay
soil (with kv = 1). However, because of the exponential distribution of tb , there will
always be some interstorm periods during which ts = ts < tb , and v will begin to
fall below unity before ts = ts = m tb . As mentioned above in Section E, the primary
cause of v < 1 is the variance of the initial soil moisture, so . Note that with a pdf
of so , we could derive the distribution of ts from Eqs. 6.43 and C.6, and thus incorporate
the variable moisture storage at the beginning of the interstorm interval as the important
origin of transient stress. We will not attempt that complicated refinement in this
This completes the transpiration analysis. Using Eqs. 6.39 and 6.47, the integrand
of Eq. 6.42 can be expanded to write the expected value of the total annual evapotran-
spiration, E T A , (bare soil evaporation plus vegetal transpiration) as
m E ps
ET A = [(1 M) s + Mkv v ]. (6.49)

H Percolation and capillary rise

As was discussed earlier, a percolation component and, where a water table exists, a
capillary rise component are active at the lower boundary of the soil column. Both are
assumed to be steady fluxes (Eagleson, 1978c).
The percolation rate is

v(so ) = K (1) soc , (6.50)

We recall that E ps was defined in Appendix B as an instantaneous rate keyed to the daylight hour
average insolation. Hence, in using E ps to calculate interstorm evapotranspiration volume we
must use only the daylight hour fraction of the interstorm period, 1 .
Evaporation from surface retention 189

and occurs only during the rainy season, , having mean value, m . The capillary rise
rate is
3/2 (1) mc
w = K (1) 1 + , (6.51)
mc 1 zw
and occurs throughout the entire year, TA . In the above, z w is the depth to the water

I Evaporation from surface retention

Eagleson (1978e) gives analytical expressions for both the bare soil and the vegetated
components of the temporal average evaporation of surface-retained precipitation,
E[E r ]. However, these are more complicated than is warranted by the underlying
assumptions so we will choose a simpler alternative here. There are four basic
(1) The fraction of total foliage area retaining intercepted precipitation. We
express this fraction by the product, o L t , where o is the ratio of wetted leaf
perimeter to leaf chord (cf. Chapter 2) For broad leaves only one side is
wetted, while for needle leaves surface tension wets the entire surface and the
curvature holds the moisture against gravity drainage. Thus o = 1 for broad
leaves, o 2 for the relatively flat needles of spruce, and o 2.36 to 2.50
for the fatter cross-sections of pine needles.
(2) Surface retention capacity, h o . This is a complex function of surface
properties, temperature (i.e., surface tension), leaf angle, wind speed, etc.
We assume gravity drainage proportional to the leaf angle and use a
constant nominal value, h o = 0.1 cm on all surfaces retaining intercepted
(3) The fraction of total (as opposed to bare) soil surface retaining precipitation.
The bare soil fraction, 1 M, always retains depth h o (assuming m h h o ),
while the vegetated fraction retains h o only as long as the interception
capacity, o L t h o < m h . Otherwise, no precipitation reaches the soil on the
surface fraction M.
(4) The fraction of surface retention evaporated during the subsequent interstorm
period. We assume that all is evaporated including nightly dew.

With these simplifying assumptions, we estimate the surface-retained precipitation

o L t h o
E[E r ] h o = (1 M)h o + M(1 + o L t )h o = (1 + Mo L t )h o , <1
o L t h o (6.52)
E[E r ] h o = (1 M)h o + Mm h , 1.
190 Water balance

J The mean annual (or seasonal) water balance

Guided by Fig. 6.2, we equate the long-term average inflows and outflows of the soil
column during the wet season, , to obtain the mean growing season (assumed to be
the same ) water balance

P m E[E r ] + S = m E[Rsj ] + E[E T ] + m v m w. (6.53)

In the above, the notation (i.e., subscripts) was chosen to call attention to the fact that
the long-term averages are taken for only a fraction of the year, the growing season of
mean length, m . There will normally be some difference, S (cm), in the stored soil
moisture at the two ends of a partial-year season. The major difficulty in this use of
the long-term water balance is estimating the magnitude and sign of S. The storage
change is placed on the left-hand side of the equation as in Eq. 6.53 where it will be
positive when there is carryover storage at the start of the growing season and negative
when there is carryover storage at the end of the growing season. All quantities in
Eq. 6.53, subscripted or not, are determined for the selected season.
Using Eqs. 6.26, 6.27, 6.49, 6.50, 6.51, and 6.52, and dividing through by the mean
seasonal precipitation, Eq. 6.53 gives the normalized seasonal water balance for the
common case o mLht h o < 1 to be

ho S m t E ps m K (1) c
1 eG2 [(1 M)s + Mkv v ] +
+ = b so
mh m mh mh P
m K (1) 3/2 (1)
1+ , (6.54)
P mc 1 zw
which expresses the equilibrium relationship among the climate, soil, and vegetation
for a deep water table.
For the rarer case, o mLht h o 1, in which interception capacity equals or exceeds
rainfall, there will be no rainfall input to the substrate of the vegetated fraction, and the
second term on the left-hand side of Eq. 6.54 must be multiplied by the factor 1 M.
Equation 6.54 is a complex function of the equilibrium soil moisture state variable,
so , in which different physical processes (i.e., different terms in the equation) dominate
in different ranges of so . A general analytical solution for so is unavailable. However,
in keeping with our treatment in this work of other complex saturating functions
such as bare soil evaporation (Fig. 6.8) and photosynthetic capacity (Fig. 8.7), we can
solve simpler limiting cases as is detailed in Appendix C. For the simplest case of a
very deep water table, surface retention that is small with respect to the rainstorms,
and negligible carryover storage, Eq. 6.54 gives
m tb E ps m K (1) c
1 eG2 [(1 M) s + Mkv v ] +
= so . (6.55)
mh P

Salvucci and Entekhabi (1995, corrected 1997) modify Eq. 6.54 to account for water table
Vegetation statespace 191

Fraction of mean annual precipitation 1.4

Equilibrium Mean annual
1.2 soil moisture groundwater

Sum of mean annual bare soil
evaporation, transpiration,
0.8 groundwater and surface runoff,
i.e., yield + evapotranspiration

Mean annual
Mean annual
Mean annual bare
surface runoff
0.2 soil evaporation

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Effective soil saturation, s

Fig. 6.11. Components of the annual water balance. Fixed climate, soil, and
vegetation. (Salvucci and Eagleson, 1992, Fig. 2.3, p. 38.)

It is common to speak of the long-term average water yield, Y , defined as the sum
of the surface and groundwater components of runoff. From Eq. 6.55 this is
m tb E ps
Y = P [(1 M) s + Mkv v ], (6.56)
while the normalized evapotranspiration is
E[E T ] E[E T ]
= = . (6.57)
E[E ps ] m m tb E ps
The separate terms of Eq. 6.55 are plotted in Fig. 6.11 for a typical humid climate
with clay soil and representative values of M and kv . Summing all the normalized
terms to unity locates the equilibrium soil moisture, so .

K The vegetation statespace

The role of vegetation in the water balance is expressed (Eq. 6.54) in terms of the
two vegetation state variables, M, and kv . Their specification a priori, in terms of
climate and soil, is at the core of this entire work, so we will examine their state
Eagleson (1978f) investigated the M-dimension of this space for several character-
istic soils and found (see Fig. 6.12), for a fixed kv , that the equilibrium soil moisture,
so , has a maximum at an intermediate value of the canopy cover M which coincides
with the minimum in evapotranspiration. In subsequent work (Eagleson, 1982) he
demonstrated this coincidence analytically, and through decomposition of the evapo-
transpiration into its bare soil and vegetal components he explained the cause of the
soil moisture maximum as follows.
192 Water balance

1.0 1.0
0.8 CL L
0.6 SI-L
so so SI-L
0.4 Mo 0.4 Mo
0.2 0.2
0.9 0.8 mP = 1 Infeasible
CL-L A SI-L for
-L clay-loam
0.8 0.6 Mo SA -L

0.7 A 0.4 Infeasible for clay

0.6 k v* = 1 0.2 k v* = 1
CL (a) CL (b)
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 6.12. The maximum soil moisture condition under average annual precipitation.
(a) Clinton, MA: climate controlled; (b) Santa Paula, CA: soil controlled. CL, clay;
CL-L, clay-loam; SA-L, sandy-loam; SI-L, silty-loam. (Eagleson, 1978f, Figs. 3 and 4,
p. 755; with permission of the American Geophysical Union.)

The two components of Eq. 6.49 are each plotted dimensionlessly in Fig. 6.13 for
two contrasting climatesoil systems under the condition of unstressed transpiration
(v = 1) and for two values of kv . Note first that the unstressed transpiration is linear
in M regardless of climate and soil. However, the bare soil evaporation will be linear
in M only when the soil properties do not influence the evaporation rate, that is in
climate-controlled situations where bare soil evaporation is limited only by the atmos-
pheric vapor transport capacity. Figure 6.13 clearly shows the Clinton climatesoil
system to be climate-controlled by this criterion. As we move to drier, soil-controlled
climates such as Santa Paula, the bare soil evaporation becomes progressively more
non-linear. This non-linearity is due to the dependence of the desorption velocity upon
the soil moisture which is in turn influenced by the M-dependent extraction of soil
moisture by the plant roots. The non-linearity produces the minimum in total evapo-
transpiration which is marked in Fig. 6.12 by the plotted circle at the canopy cover
labelled M = Mo . Looking now at the soil moisture in the upper part of Fig. 6.12, at
small but non-zero M, where bare soil desorption is the dominant mode of soil moisture
depletion, the composite evapotranspiration rate will be reduced over that for barren
soil yielding higher equilibrium soil moisture. As M increases, the vegetated frac-
tion, transpiring at the potential rate, becomes dominant and the composite evapo-
transpiration rate begins to increase, thereby reducing the equilibrium soil mois-
ture. Eagleson (1982) showed analytically that the maximum soil moisture and the
minimum evapotranspiration occur at the same M = Mo as long as M and kv are
Vegetation statespace 193

Eagleson (1978f) hypothesized that in natural systems M and kv are subject to

different mechanisms of change, M adapting to short-term variability in climate, and
kv changing on an evolutionary time-scale. Accordingly, he proposed separate equi-
librium states: (1) a short-term or growth equilibrium reached by the canopy cover
of a given species (i.e., of a given kv ) through adaptation to fluctuations in soil mois-
ture at the time-scale of the life span of an individual tree and (2) a long-term or
evolutionary equilibrium reached by natural selection of individual species to be
optimally compatible with the given climate and soil. He further reasoned that the
governing physical condition for the short-term is minimum stress and therefore that
at this time-scale the equilibrium canopy cover is M = Mo , the value at maximum
soil moisture. At the longer time scale he reasoned, after Odum (1959, p. 252), that
maximum biomass productivity (with its attendant maximum reproductive potential)
would guide evolution, and since plant productivity is directly proportional to its rate of
transpiration (e.g., Rosenzweig, 1968, and Appendix E), the evolutionary equilibrium
is governed by maximum transpiration. A later study by Eagleson and Tellers (1982) of

Clinton, MA Fig. 6.13. Evapotranspiration

composition in contrasting
k *v = 0.8 1.0
climates under average annual
k *v = 1.0
v = 1 precipitation. (Eagleson,
v = 1
0.8 1982, Fig. 10, p. 332; with
permission of the American
Geophysical Union.)
(1 M ) s (1 M ) s


M k v* M k v*
0.2 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.6 1.0

Santa Paula, CA
k *v = 0.8 k*v = 1.0
v = 1 v = 1

Mk v*

Mk v* 0.4
(1 M ) s
(1 M ) s
M0 M0

0.2 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.6 1.0



Plate 6.3. Treeshrubgrass savannas. (a) Shrubgrass; (b) park-like (i.e.,

treeshrubgrass): (c) treegrass. All are in a common climate with soil differences
determining the savanna type. (Unidentified species photographed in equatorial Kenya
by Peter S. Eagleson.)
Critical moisture state 195

several forested watersheds, in which the soil properties and the plant coefficient were
estimated rather than observed, gave reasonable support to the short-term equilibrium
hypothesis. However, the work of Salvucci and Eagleson (1992) suggests a different
basis for M as we will see later in this chapter.

Equation 6.54 or its three approximate solutions given in Appendix C describe all
the possible soil moisture states in a given climate and soil for a canopy of given M
and kv . However, not all of these states are feasible, for we have seen in Section E
of this chapter that there is a limiting soil moisture potential below which the canopy
conductance, kv , declines from its open stomate value, kv , due to stomatal closure. As
we will now see, incorporating the idea of this critical moisture state (cf. Salvucci,
1992) leads to an additional, independent expression for so .

L The critical moisture state

For the moment let us consider as our moisture state variable the growing season soil
moisture, spatially averaged over the root zone but varying with time. It is a random
variable which we denote as s, and its minimum value (also random) is a complex
function of:
(1) the joint distribution of interstorm duration and prior storm depth,
(2) interception, and
(3) initial soil moisture at the beginning of the growing season.
The relation of s to the critical soil moisture sc controls in some way which
species thrive in a given climatesoil wherever the supply of water is constraining
(cf. Chapter 8). How frequently and for how long can a given species tolerate stomatal
shut-down due to s < sc ? The answer depends (among other things) upon the innate
internal water storage capacity of the species and is difficult to quantify. For grasses
the tolerance is small while for some evergreens it is high enough to carry the tree
through an entire dry season.
To use the concept of stomatal shut-down quantitatively, we must select a toler-
ance criterion. We will assume that plants have evolved to survive random stress of
some unknown, species-dependent, intensity, duration, and frequency, but are vulner-
able to any degree of stress in the mean. It is consistent with selection pressure for
maximum biomass production (cf. Appendix E) that the plant transpire at its unstressed

Rodrguez-Iturbe et al. (1987, 1988) infer that these two variables are essentially independent.

Evaporation from interception truncates the distribution of rainstorms incident upon the soil.
This carryover moisture storage becomes important in seasonal climates.
Table 6.3. Estimated and observed water balance parameters: Beaver Creek, Arizona

Watershed m E ps P Y m tb m tr o ho T0 (1) K (1)

number Tree type M (day)a (cm day1 )b (cm) (cm) (day) (day) (cm1 ) o (cm) ( C) m c (cm) n e (cm day1 )

1 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 0.40 205 0.35 23.7 0.17 5.33 0.12 0.96 0.61 0.1 18.5 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
2 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 0.42 202 0.35 20.2 0.51 6.20 0.12 0.72 0.45 0.1 19.3 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
3 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 0.40 238 0.34 25.9 0.76 6.06 0.14 0.80 0.53 0.1 17.7 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
4 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 0.52 181 0.33 24.6 1.02 5.69 0.12 0.62 0.49 0.1 16.4 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
5 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 0.53 181 0.32 24.6 0.95 5.69 0.12 0.62 0.49 0.1 15.8 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
6 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 0.52 184 0.32 22.6 0.11 5.85 0.12 1.0 0.73 0.1 15.5 0.48 7.13 4.51 0.46 17.19
718 Ponderosa pine 0.85 169 0.31 22.3 0.67 5.32 0.12 0.56 0.41 0.1 14.2 0.71 5.8 92.8 0.37 15.12
Watershed Years of md E psd Pd Yd S mhd ho
c ho S 3/2
number Tree type record (day) (cm day1 ) (cm) (cm) (cm) Eo m (cm) L t e G(0) (0) (cm) mh mv mh
eG(0)2 (0)

1 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 195862 160 0.14 22.0 0.78 7.13 3.02 38.5 0.62 2.27 1.63 1.05 0.33 0.53 0.30 0.04
2 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 195880 163 0.13 23.6 2.96 6.11 2.80 32.6 0.62 2.27 1.63 1.07 0.34 0.55 0.30 0.02
3 PinyonUtah juniper woodland 195867 127 0.13 18.1 1.55 5.14 2.91 39.3 0.66 2.27 1.81 1.08 0.33 0.50 0.20 0.02
4 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 195872 184 0.14 28.4 11.3 3.16 3.10 31.8 0.77 2.58 1.38 0.91 0.44 0.57 0.13 0.04
5 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 195872 184 0.14 28.4 11.0 3.97 3.20 31.8 0.77 2.58 1.38 0.91 0.44 0.57 0.16 0.04
6 Pinyonalligator juniper woodland 195964 181 0.14 23.8 3.84 6.96 3.15 31.5 0.72 2.58 1.46 0.96 0.44 0.61 0.31 0.04
718 Ponderosa pine 195880 196 0.08 39.1 12.8 21.0 11.9 31.8 0.70 1.77 1.29 2.12 0.48 0.69 0.94 0.00

a b c d
Williams and Anderson (1967). Appendix B, Table B.2. m = m /m tb . m h = P /m .
From Baker (1950) as given here in Table 3.9 using Bakers Northern white cedar for pinyonUtah juniper and Bakers lodgepole pine for pinyonalligator juniper as suggested by
similarities of needle structure as sketched in Zim and Martin (1987, pp. 25, 36, 37, and 39).
From Eq. 6.52 using: h o = 0.1 cm; o = 2.50 (Waring, 1983).
Source: Modified from Salvucci (1992).
Critical moisture state 197

(i.e., open-stomate) rate for as long as possible; thus we estimate the minimum (i.e.,
limiting) soil moisture volume as that necessary to maintain open-stomate transpiration
throughout the mean interstorm period. Furthermore, we will show that this limiting
soil moisture volume is insensitive to the value of sc and hence is species-dependent
only through h o and kv .

Data base
It now becomes helpful to have a data base with which to evaluate comparatively terms
of the water balance and against which to test our hypotheses. Jasinski and Eagleson
(1990) located a group of forested watersheds at Beaver Creek (near Flagstaff), Arizona
having 5 to 25 year hydrologic records (Baker, 1982, 1986) as well as a soil survey
(Williams and Anderson, 1967), and canopy cover observations (Clary et al., 1974;
Baker, 1986). The composite data (after reduction by Salvucci, 1992) are summarized
here in Table 6.3, and the soil data are also compared with the properties of typical
soils in Table 6.2b.

Using the climate and soil parameters of a typical pinyonalligator juniper watershed at
Beaver Creek, Salvucci (1992) solved the simplified water balance equation (Eq. 6.55)
repetitively by trial for the equilibrium soil moisture, so , using a different assumed pair
of the vegetation state variables, kv and M, for each solution. From this field of feasible
solutions he interpolated the isolines of so shown in Fig. 6.14a. This is an expansion into
the full, two-dimensional, statespace of the marginal, one-dimensional explorations
made earlier by Eagleson (1978f) and sampled here in the upper portion of Fig. 6.12.
Two important features of Fig. 6.14a should be noted.
(1) The locus of sMo |kv = 0, i.e., the soil moisture ridge hypothesized by
Eagleson (1978f) as the optimal operating point, is indicated by the dashed
quasi-hyperbola, so max .
(2) Somewhere between the so = 0.34 and so = 0.14 contours, the soil moisture
declines abruptly as the unstressed transpiration of this model dominates the
extraction of soil moisture. The locus of this soil moisture decline is so
topographically abrupt, particularly in arid and semi-arid climates, that
Salvucci (1992) dubbed it the cliff. This cliff is illustrated for the clay and
clay-loam soils of Fig. 6.12b, and for a typical Beaver Creek watershed in
Fig. 6.14b. In the latter illustration we have indicated the critical soil moisture
at which the abrupt decline begins as so = soc = 0.15 which will be estimated
in the next section.

The availability of this unusually comprehensive data set prompted Salvuccis (1992) test of
Eaglesons (1982) optimal vegetation hypotheses.
198 Water balance

1.0 Fig. 6.14. Canopy

0.34 0.04
0.44 0.14
statespace at Beaver Creek.
0.8 (a) Contours of equilibrium
so soil moisture; (b) equilibrium
0.6 soil moisture at kv = 0.60;
k *v (c) contours of v kv . (After
0.4 Salvucci and Eagleson, 1992,
Figs. 3.3 and 3.4.)
0.45 (so)max
0.2 0.46
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) M


k v* = 0.60
0.2 estimated soc

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(b) M

1.0 1.0

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5

0.8 0.8
v k *v
0.7 mh
1-3 4-6
0.6 0.6 mt Eps
k v*

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(c) M

The cliff is illustrated more instructively by examining contours of the effective

canopy conductance, v kv , as is done in Fig. 6.14c for the same typical pinyon
juniper watershed. Let us conduct a thought experiment in which we start with a given
bare soil, and a given climate producing no carryover soil moisture from the dormant
season (i.e., S 0). We gradually add vegetation of given kv to gain increasing M.
As we saw in Fig. 6.12, the equilibrium soil moisture, so , rises initially with increasing
M until the transpirational component of moisture loss becomes dominant; thereafter
so falls as M continues to increase. The lower the space-time average so becomes,
the closer to s5 is the spatial average transient soil moisture, s, at the end of the
longest interstorm interval, and the closer the plants are to experiencing stress. As
Critical moisture state 199

long as the plant is unstressed, v = 1 and v kv = kv . However, when M becomes

so large that s reaches s5 during a significant fraction of the tb s, v 0 and the
v kv contour curves upward. The true critical state lies at the beginning of this upturn
in v kv .
For a non-seasonal climate S = 0, and we assume the critical state to occur when
so is such that s = s5 at the end of an interstorm interval of average length, m tb .
For a seasonal climate S = 0, and we assume the critical state to occur at the end
of the average growing season, m m m tb . For the given species (i.e., kv ) and
climate, canopy productivity will be a maximum at this moisture state because: (1) the
transpiration rate, Mkv , is a maximum there and thus the nutrient flux is a maximum,
(2) as modeled here the stomates remain fully open throughout the growing season
thereby maximizing the carbon flux, and (3) the canopy density is as large as the
water supply will allow. By definition, the critical state is not reached in the climate-
controlled (i.e., light-limited) system.

Estimation of critical equilibrium soil moisture

From Fig. 6.9 and Eq. 6.41 the critical spacetime average root-zone soil moisture is
so = soc = s5 + , (6.58)
2n e z r
in which z r is the vegetation root depth, and Ve is the volume of soil moisture (per
unit of surface area) available for exchange with the atmosphere during the average
interstorm period. Using Eq. 6.58 we can eliminate so from Eq. 6.54 and obtain order-
of-magnitude estimates for the individual terms of the water balance. Equation 6.58
is independent of the water balance equation (Eq. 6.54) enabling us to solve the two
equations simultaneously to obtain the maximum canopy moisture flux, Mkv . To do
this we must first estimate Ve and z r .
As a first approximation we let the available soil moisture (per unit of surface area)
be the infiltration which will be larger for the bare soil than under the canopy due to
the large interception loss in the latter case. We assume that the plant roots exploit the
moisture under the entire surface and thus the critical condition is not reached until
s = s5 under the bare soil fraction where the interception is h o . The limiting volume
of soil moisture is then
Ve m h 1 eG(0) (0) h o . (6.59)

Eagleson (1978c, p.727) assumed the rooting depth, z r , to equal the so-called pen-
etration depth, z i , of the soil wetting processes, which he estimated to be the sum
of gravitational percolation and diffusive sorption. Using the results of Appendix C,

As we will see later, this is confirmed for carbon demand-limited productivity by Eq. 10.18.
Table 6.4. Water balance summary for Beaver Creek Watersheds

T0 E ps mh m tb mt m t Term 4 Term 5 Term 6

b b
o L t ho
Watershed M kv ( C) (cm day1 ) (cm) Eo d (day) (day) (day) mh / ho mh
s5 soc (so = soc ) (so = soc ) (so = soc ) Term 7a
number (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
13 0.41 0.69b 18.5 0.35 0.63 2.88 4.1 5.86 5.06 5.57 0.90 0.53 0.04 0.15 0.02 0.03 0.0002
46 0.52 0.67b 15.9 0.32 0.75 3.23 4.1 5.74 4.74 5.43 0.86 0.58 0.04 0.15 0.01 0.05 0.0002
718 0.85 0.84b 14.2 0.31 0.70 11.9 3.4 5.32 4.61 5.00 0.63 0.69 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.001 0.0002

Bedrock is at a nominal depth of 1 meter and thus the soil moisture profile does not correspond with that for a water table at z w = , the condition for which terms 6 and 7
(cf. Eq. 6.65) were derived. We assume rather arbitrarily here (after Salvucci, 1992) that term 7 is equal (and opposite) to term 6.
Estimated using Eqs. 7.31 and 7.14. Columns (1)(8) Averaged from Table 6.03; (9) Eq. 6.63; (10) Eq. 6.64; (11) and (12) h o = 0.1 cm; o = 2.50 (Waring, 1983); L t = 4.0
(average of all pines, Table 2.02); (13) Eq. 6.30 using sc = 5 bar; (14) Eq. 6.62; (15)(18) Eq. 6.65.
Critical moisture state 201

Section E, for the diffusive component and Eq. 6.50 for the percolation, we have
 1/2 m tr K (1) soc
z r = z i = 1.77 m tr Di + , (6.60)

in which the sorption diffusivity, Di , in cm2 s1 , is given by (Eagleson, 1978c, p. 726,

following Crank, 1956, p. 256) as
5K (1) (1) i (d, soc )
Di = , (6.61)
3 mn e
where for small soc (cf. Fig. 6.3) we let i (d, soc ) i (d, 0).
Over the realistic range of soil properties as given in Table 6.2 and for storm
durations on the order of 1 hour, the second (i.e., percolation) term of Eq. 6.60 is small
with respect to the first and will be neglected. At the critical state we can then combine
Eqs. 6.58, 6.60, and 6.61 to obtain
m h 1 eG(0) (0) h o
soc s5 + 1/2 1/2
. (6.62)
3.54 n e m tr Di

Using Sc = 5 bars (cf. Section E of this chapter), the critical soil moisture, s5 , is
calculated for the Beaver Creek watersheds from Eq. 6.30 and is listed in Table 6.4
along with the resulting soc .

Estimation of maximum canopy moisture ux

To estimate the maximum canopy moisture flux, Mkv , we will first solve the full water
balance equation, Eq. 6.54, for the canopy moisture flux, Mkv v . Before doing so,
we recognize that the average interstorm time, m tb , available for transpiration, and the
average interstorm time, m tt , available for bare soil evaporation, are both less (often
significantly so) than the full interstorm period, m tb , due to the time consumed in
evaporating the stored interception. We approximate these available times as
o L t h o /2
m tb = m tb , (6.63)
E ps

in which we assume the collective transpiration rate to increase linearly with time as
leaf surface is exposed, and
m tb = m tb . (6.64)
E ps

This is of course a physically unrealistic artifact of replacing random variables by their time
averages for use in a non-linear equation, and demonstrates that it is the positive excursions of
this wetting from their mean that generate groundwater recharge.

Note that these are gross times in that they include the hours of darkness during which
evapotranspiration is negligible, but E ps must be the instantaneous value derived in Appendix B.
Because the leaves dry from the top of the canopy downward, we start canopy transpiration when
one-half the stored moisture has evaporated.
202 Water balance

Incorporating these times into the water balance, Eq. 6.54, we obtain

mh ho S m t E ps
(1 M) s e+G2
M kv v 1 + b ,- .
+ ,- . m tb E ps m m m m
+,-. + ,- . +
h h h
,- . 5
2 3 4


m K (1) c m K (1) 3/2 (1)
so + 1+ . (6.65)
mc 1
P P zw
+ ,- . + ,-

6 7

The numbered terms of Eq. 6.65, normalized where appropriate by the mean storm
depth, m h , are:
(1) the canopy moisture flux; we assume open stomates giving v = 1, and kv for
the ponderosa pine watersheds is estimated from the internal canopy
optimization presented in Chapter 7 (cf. Figure 7.4),
(2) spacetime average surface retention; estimate h o using Eq. 6.52,
(3) seasonal climate carryover soil moisture storage; estimate from site-specific
(4) bare soil evaporation; estimate s using Eq. 6.40,
(5) surface runoff; estimate and G using Eqs. 6.23 and 6.24 respectively,
(6) deep percolation; estimate from site-specific data,
(7) capillary rise; estimate from site-specific data.

Terms 4 to 6 of Eq. 6.65 contain the equilibrium soil moisture, so = soc , which we
estimate using the independent Eq. 6.62. The resulting magnitudes of these terms for
the Beaver Creek catchments are given in Table 6.4. Note that the sum of terms 4, 6,
and 7 is less than 3% of the normalized storm depth, m h /m h = 1, allowing us to write,
for v = 1,

Mkv = , (6.66)
m tb E ps
o L t h o
where for mh
< 1,
ho G(0)2 (0)3/2 S
Ve m h 1 e + , (6.67)
mh m mh
o L t h o
and (cf. Section J of this chapter) for mh
ho G(0)2 (0)3/2 S
Ve m h 1 (1 M) e + . (6.68)
mh m mh
Critical moisture state 203

Note that both terms in the denominator of Eq. 6.66 are evaluated on the basis of
consistent times.
Equations 6.666.68 express the principal role of hydrology in the structuring of
vegetation communities. The right-hand side of Eq. 6.66 uses the seasonal and storm-
scale hydroclimatology along with the soil properties dimensionlessly to define the
available rate of water supply, while the left-hand side expresses the canopy water
demand. We will return to these equations in Chapter 7 to determine separately the
canopy state variables M and kv , and in Chapter 11 to discuss their implications with
respect to climate change.

Plate 6.4. Slash pine. (Photographed by Peter S. Eagleson, Jr. in dry, sandy soil near
St. Petersburg, Florida.)
204 Water balance

Comparison with observations from moderately

dry catchments
Williams and Anderson (1967) report the Beaver Creek watersheds to have shallow
soils which give way to rock at about 1 meter depth. The resulting shallow water table
brings the capillary rise term (term 7) of Eq. 6.54 back into consideration, and with z w =
O(1) meter, the saturated soil matric potential, (1), becomes critical to estimating
this term. Table 6.3 shows that in going from the pinyonjuniper watersheds to the
ponderosa pine watersheds, the estimated pore size distribution index, m, increases
twofold while the estimated matric potential increases by an order of magnitude.
According to observations of a wide range of soils (see Eagleson, 1978c, Fig. 6,
p. 725), the value of (1) is exquisitely sensitive to m over just the m range of interest
here, thus any estimate of capillary rise made from Eq. 6.51 may be wildly inaccurate.
As an expedient, we assume (after Salvucci, 1992) that with these shallow water tables
the capillary rise returns all percolated soil moisture to the surface for evaporation and
transpiration thereby eliminating both capillary rise and percolation from the water
balance equation.
The carryover storage, S, is highly dependent upon both the soil profile and the
seasonality. Salvucci (1992) estimated S for all the Beaver Creek watersheds from
the water balance equation written for the complementary (i.e., dormant) season. In
this case S is positive, representing a recharge of soil moisture. Using the subscript
d for this season

S = Pd E T d Yd = Pd (1 M)E psd m d Yd . (6.69)

The quantities Pd and Yd were observed (Baker, 1982, 1986) along with the climatic
variables needed to estimate E psd and the season length, m d , and they are tabulated
here in the lower half of Table 6.3.
An attractive approximation to Eq. 6.66, strictly applicable only in very dry, non-
seasonal climates, but useful later for generalizations concerning habitat is
Mkv , (6.70)
m tb E ps
which is plotted on Fig. 6.14c as the topmost hyperbola using climate and soil param-
eters approximating an average pinyonalligator juniper watershed at Beaver Creek.
Equation 6.70 is seen there to give a reasonable representation of the critical moisture
condition for such canopies at least in the semi-arid conditions for which the current
approximations apply. In the highly seasonal case of the ponderosa pine canopies,
the carryover storage is large (see Table 6.3) and plays an important role in support of
vegetation growth, but is difficult to estimate accurately.
The lowermost hyperbola of Fig. 6.14c is a reproduction of the maximum soil
moisture ridge line of Fig. 6.14a. The two plotted points are the estimated canopy

Walter (1962) states In effect the density of the vegetational cover is proportional to the
precipitation . . . .
Critical moisture state 205

1.0 Fig. 6.15. Critical canopy

c moisture state. , Eq. 6.66;
Beaver creek watersheds
, Eq. 6.70.
(c) Ponderosa (7-18)

M k *v


(b) Pinyonjuniper (4-6)

(a) Pinyonjuniper (1-3)

0.2 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
mt Eps

states for the two groups of pinyonjuniper watersheds as given by Salvucci (1992).
Note that they lie much closer to the cliff than to the ridge. The two dashed
hyperbolas on Fig. 6.14c represent the locations of the ridge and the cliff following
the above-mentioned modifications in the water balance introduced by Salvucci (1992)
to accommodate the geological peculiarities of these particular watersheds.
Finally, the critical moisture state hyperbola, Eq. 6.66 and its approximation,
Eq. 6.70, are compared, in Fig. 6.15, with observations from the three groups of Beaver
Creek watersheds (two dry pinyonjuniper groups, watershed numbers 13 and 46,
and one dry ponderosa pine group, watershed numbers 718). The relevant climate,
soil, and vegetation parameters are summarized, with their sources, in Table 6.4 along
with the estimated components of the available soil moisture Ve /m h . Two conditions
of this comparison should be noted:
(1) Observations of M (Salvucci, 1992 as listed in Table 6.3) and estimation of kv
(Eqs. 7.4, 7.14, and 7.31) allow comparison of Mkv with Eq. 6.66 (plotted
circles) and its approximation Eq. 6.70 (plotted triangles) for the two groups of
pinyonjuniper watersheds as well as for the ponderosa pine watersheds. The
product, Mkv , of the two vegetation state variables fixes the ordinate for these
observations while the abscissa is calculated from properties of the water
environment using Eqs. 6.66 or 6.70.
(2) o = 2.50 for all pines as suggested for ponderosa by Waring (1983).

As we will see in Chapter 8, there is an upper limit to Mkv for a given species at a
given temperature beyond which the demand for water rather than the supply of water

is constraining. This limit is (kv ) M=1 kv1 and occurs, in a given soil, at the available
moisture conditions, Ve , which produce a closed canopy. For larger Ve there is no
206 Water balance

change in Mkv . This is indicated in Fig. 6.15 by the horizontal lines for the different
While the sample is small, the observations presented in Fig 6.15 strongly support
Eq. 6.66 (plotted circles) as defining the operating state of these water-supply-limited
canopies provided that we acknowledge an underrepresentation of the surface runoff
(and hence a slight overestimation of Ve ) in the wetter climates due to our expe-
dient choice of exclusively Hortonian runoff. The approximation, Eq. 6.70, shown
on Fig. 6.15 as the plotted triangles, is inadequate qualitatively as well as quan-
titatively in this highly seasonal climate due to its additional neglect of carryover
In evaluating Fig. 6.15 we must remember that our analysis of a highly variable
semi-arid climate has been based upon mean values producing the critical soil moisture.
This idealization can distort reality in a significant way as is easily shown: Suppose
the plant can adapt to a certain mild level of water stress. Under water-limiting cir-
cumstances the community of such plants can then develop a greater canopy cover
than if no stress was tolerable and may generate higher production. This path to higher
productivity seems certain to ensure that in the high variability of semi-arid climates
some species will develop a measure of water stress tolerance.

The special case of riparian zones in semi-arid climates

For the small P of semi-arid climates, where the soil moisture supply of their riparian
zones comes primarily from groundwater recharged at a distance, term 7 may dominate
the right-hand side of Eq. 6.65 giving, for v = 1
K (1) 3/2 (1) mc
Mkv 1+ , (6.71)
E ps mc 1 zw
in which case the soil properties are of paramount importance. Using Eq. 6.66, we
have for this special case,
3/2 (1) mc
Ve m tb K (1) 1 + . (6.72)
mc 1 zw

M Conclusions
We have seen that the concept of critical soil moisture potential, c , is essential to
understanding the limitations on stressless plant transpiration in a given climate, but
we have also seen that its magnitude affects only the negligible terms of the water
balance (i.e. terms 46 of Eq. 6.62) and hence is irrelevant to estimation of the canopy
mass flux capacity, M kv E ps . Assuming adequate nutrition, we draw the important
conclusion that species habitat is determined by parameters of the climate and not of
the soil.
Conclusions 207

It is important for the work of later chapters to note that the remarkable validation of
Eq. 6.66 presented in Fig. 6.15 may be interpreted as confirmation of our hypothesis that
natural selection seeks stresslessly to maximize the productivity (cf. Appendix E) of
biomass for a given species in a given climate. This is demonstrated by the adequacy of
the canopy mass flux capacity to deliver the available moisture to the free atmosphere
in the time available. Indeed, Fig. 6.15 shows the canopy mass flux capacity, M kv E ps ,
to be tuned to exactly match the rate, Ve /m tb , required for moisture exhaustion to the
point of incipient stress. Therefore, while water resource-limited by virtue of M < 1,
these systems are not limited by their moisture flux capacity. It seems reasonable to
conclude that this is no accident, and that natural selection in the given environment has
fixed and L t at the appropriate values to bring about this productivity maximization.
We return to this conjecture in Chapter 7.
This confirmation of the details of our water balance formulation gives reasonable
confidence in its later use in testing the important habitat hypotheses of Chapter 9.
Part II

Darwinian ecology

Optimal canopy conductance

The canopy resistance ratio is calculated for a closed canopy of homogeneous

multilayer crowns using a seriesparallel network of interleaf-layer resistances
having identical values obtained from the theoretical kinematic eddy viscosity.
For fixed leaf angle, cylindrical crowns show a minimum in the resistance
ratio (corresponding to a maximum in the canopy water vapor conductance) at
a leaf area index in the commonly observed range. At optical optimality, there
is only one species having maximum canopy conductance at a given leaf angle.
This is an optimum foliage state because it brings both maximum absorption
of useful radiation and maximum flux of nutrients from soil to plant.
For fixed leaf angle, tapered multilayer crowns show a resistance ratio that
decreases monotonically with increasing leaf area suiting these crowns for hot
temperatures where high leaf areas will favor sensible heat rejection.
For fixed needle density, tapered monolayer crowns show a minimum in the
resistance ratio at observed leaf areas due to a transition from foliage element
to solid body aerodynamic resistance and thus are favored in cold climates due
to their inhibition of heat transfer.
Conductance is approximated for open canopies by linear proportion to the
estimated conductance of a stand-alone tree.
By jointly requiring the optimum foliage state and the critical moisture
state, an optimum canopy state is defined that compares well with limited
observations in open canopies.

A Compensation light intensity

In Chapter 3 we introduced the so-called compensation value of light intensity as
that for which the light requirements of respiration are equal to those of the total
photosynthesis. That is, at compensation value, the light incident upon a leaf has the
intensity that is just sufficient to maintain life in the leaf but is not large enough
to produce any leaf biomass. This is clearly an important limit in the plants self-
organization of its structure to maximize productivity. Horn (1971, p. 72) puts it

210 Optimal canopy conductance

clearly as follows:

The optimal density of leaves is that which just reduces the light intensity below
the tree to the compensation point; as long as there is more light, additional leaves
would add more by photosynthesis than they would subtract by respiration, but
once the light reaches the compensation point, additional leaves respire more than
they photosynthesize.

Plate 7.1. London plane tree. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold

Arboretum, Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Compensation light intensity 211

12 Fig. 7.1. Canopy

parameters for optimal light
transmission. Solid lines
10 represent the minimum
transmission of light to the
lowest leaves as determined
8 2 from experiments yielding
Sugar maple (1) so-called compensation
Norway spruce (2) light intensities (Baker,
Lt 6 Red
1950, Table 12, p. 143)
1 oak summarized here in
3 Table 3.9. Plotted points
4 Ponderosa 4 represent the average of
pine (4) field observations assembled
here in Tables 2.2 and 2.3
2 assuming , and are
keyed to the curves by the
associated numbers.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

We saw in Chapter 3, that for homogeneous leafy canopies, the so-called Monsi
Saeki relationship for radiation extinction is
I ( )
= exp [ L t ], (7.1)
in which I0 is the insolation at canopy top, I ( ) is the insolation transmitted to level
of the canopy, and is an empirical decay or extinction coefficient which is dependent
primarily upon the quality of the light, the extent and arrangement of the foliage
elements, and the solar elevation. At the base of the crown, = 1, Horns (1971)
argument as quoted above puts

I ( = 1) = Ik , (7.2)

where Ik is the compensation insolation, making the special case of Eq. 7.1
Iko = exp [ L t ]. (7.3)
Values of Iko determined in laboratory experiments using artificial light with different
tree species are listed in Table 3.9 as taken from Baker (1950, Table 12, p. 143). Using
the condition of optical optimality from Chapter 3, i.e., that = , these tabulated
values define the desired species-specific horizontal leaf area index, L t , as
L t = L t = ln o , (7.4)

The species specificity of L t is demonstrated in Appendix H.
212 Optimal canopy conductance

which are plotted as the solid hyperbolae in Fig. 7.1. It should be noted that Baker
(1950, p. 143) considers these values to be inaccurate (Iko too high) due to conditions of
the experiment. Field observations of L t , , and have been presented in Tables 2.2
and 2.3 for various tree species. The average of these observed values is plotted in
Fig. 7.1 in comparison with the experimental L t = L t curves for each of the species
considered by Baker (1950) and is keyed to the Baker curves by the associated number
in Table 3.9. Agreement of the values obtained by the two methods is obtained only
for pine.

B The resistance ratio for closed canopies: M = 1

The homogeneous canopy of multilayer
cylindrical crowns
In Chapter 4 we demonstrated that when the stomata are fully open, the canopy resis-
tance, rc , may be approximated by the composite interleaf atmospheric resistance, rci .
That is

rc rci , (7.5)

where rci = rc is assembled from a network of interleaf resistances, ri , as is shown in the

simplified canopy resistance diagram of Fig. 7.2a. Assuming the stomatal evaporating
surfaces are all at a common potential on one side of the leaf, Fig. 7.2a reduces to
Fig. 7.2b from which we write

1 1 1 1 1 1 L*t 1
= + + + + = . (7.6)
rc ri 2ri 3ri (L t 1)ri ri n=1 n

From Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (1980, p. 2, no. 0.131)

1 1 *

= h + ln (n) + , (7.7)
k 2n k=2 n(n + 1) (n + k 1)

In particular, it is not clear whether the conditions of the experiment included a different full
sunlight, I0 , representative of the habitat of each species, or used a common full sunlight such
as the 107.6 klx defined by Gates (1980, p. 94). In addition, the compensation values may be
sensitive to climate.

Given the biological requirement for compensation light intensity at the lowest leaf (cf. Section A
of this chapter), homogeneous canopy foliage area distribution is realistic only for cylindrical
crowns. For tapered crowns the vertically averaged foliage density must increase with radius from
the tree axis.
This feature distinguishes the formulation of canopy water vapor efflux from that of canopy CO2
influx. The stomatal source of water vapor is at saturation vapor pressure which is constant at all
elevations in isothermal crowns, while the CO2 sink concentration within the stomata varies with
depth in the crown in a manner that is dependent upon the foliage density and upon the
concentration needed at the lowest leaf to support compensation-level photosynthesis there. The
difficulty of estimating the gradients driving the canopy fluxes motivates and justifies the use of
the big leaf approximation of the canopy intoduced for the derivation of canopy conductance in
Chapter 5.
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 213

z=h =0
ri ri ri n=1 ri

ri ri n=2 ri

ri n=3 ri

n = L t 1
z = hs = h hs


ri 1
ri ri ri 2
ri ri ri ri 3
ri ri 4

ri L t 1


Fig. 7.2. Simplified canopy resistance diagram for homogeneous cylindrical

multilayers. (a) Resistive analog to flow in crown; (b) equivalent crown resistive circuit.

where h = Eulers constant = 0.577 . . . , and

1 1 19 9
A2 = , A3 = , A4 = , A5 = . (7.8)
12 12 80 20
Thus, to within 0.2% at the common value L t = 5, and with L t 2,
L t 1
1 1
0.577 + ln (L t 1) + N (L t ). (7.9)
k 2(L t 1)

The function N (L t ) increases monotonically with L t from N (L t ) = 1.08 at L t = 2 to

N (L t ) = 2.83 at L t = 10. Introducing
stomated leaf area
ns = , (7.10)
projected leaf area
to generalize for those species having stomates on more than one leaf surface, we have
n s parallel diffusion paths and we use Eqs. 7.6 and 7.9 to write
rc = . (7.11)
n s N (L t )
214 Optimal canopy conductance

For the homogeneous cylindrical multilayer, ri is given by Eq. 4.167, and using
Eq. 7.9, Eq. 7.11 becomes
[(1 m)/m] ( L t )2
rc =   .
1m 1 1
n s (L t 1) 1 exp Lt 0.577 + ln (L t 1) + (L t 1)
m 2
Dividing Eq. 7.12 by Eq. 4.143, and using Eq. 4.59, we finally have the important
resistance ratio for the homogeneous cylindrical crown
rc [(1 m)/m] ( L t )2
ns =   .
ra 1m 1
(L t 1) 1 exp Lt 0.577 + ln (L t 1) + (L t 1)1
m 2

Equation 7.13 is presented graphically by the solid lines in Fig. 7.3 for leafy
plants (i.e., m = 1/2, n = 2) over the common range of (see Fig. 3.18). We note a

Fig. 7.3. Theoretical

1.8 canopy resistance for
= 0.7 homogeneous cylindrical
multilayers ( = ,
d M = 1, m = 1/2, n = 2).
1.6 c Dashed lines = optimal
light transmission (i.e.,
a compensation light
1.4 intensity, Table 3.9):
0.6 (a) ponderosa pine
( L t = 1.77); (b) loblolly
1.2 pine ( L t = 2.58); (c)
beech ( L t = 3.19); (d)
sugar maple ( L t = 3.91).
r 1.0
ns c
ra 0.5


0.6 0.3

= 0.25

0.2 a

0 2 4 6 8 10
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 215

minimum in the resistance ratio of n src /ra = O(1) at 4 L t 6. This minimum n src /ra
translates, through Eq. 5.29, to a maximum in the evaporative flux of water vapor at the
given temperature. The cause of this minimum in the resistance ratio can be seen from
the behavior of Eq. 7.11. The denominator, n s N (L t ), increases monotonically with L t ,
so the interesting behavior lies within the numerator, ri , as given by Eqs. 4.165 and
For low L t , dL
is controlled by the change in the dimension, z L , the numerator

of ri , which declines rapidly with increasing L t giving dLdri
= (L t 1) 2.

For high L t , dL t is controlled by the change in the eddy viscosity, K m (z), the de-

= (L
L t (L t 2)
nominator of ri , which declines rapidly with increasing L t giving dL t t 1)
We will return to further discussion of the physical basis for this interesting behavior
in Chapter 10.
In conjunction with Eqs. 5.29 and 5.30, we see that this minimum in n src /ra maxi-
mizes the canopy conductance at constant temperature.

Optimum foliage state

We have seen in Eq. 7.4 that the compensation light requirement provides a con-
straint on the foliage density in the form of species-specific and optically optimal L t ,
(cf. Table 3.9). Accordingly, the horizontal leaf area index, L t , becomes established
as the principal independent foliage parameter, and a few of these hyperbolas are su-
perimposed on Fig. 7.3 as dashed lines covering the range of species tabulated. For
a given , determined by the light conditions as described in Chapter 3, there is one
species for which the resistance ratio has its minimum value and thus the canopy
water vapor flux, and with it the nutrient flux, is maximum (cf. Eq. 5.29). Note that
at high the shape of the resistance curve is such as to be highly selective of the
species meeting the minimality condition, while as gets smaller there is a broaden-
ing range of species lying within some arbitrary percentage of the minimum resistance
We now present the information of Fig. 7.3 in a more compact form. Differentiating
Eq. 7.13 with respect to L t while holding , m, and n constant, we get the locus of
, L t pairs producing minimum n src /ra , and thus maximum canopy conductance, kv ,
in a given climate:

1m 1m Lt Lt
L t exp Lt
m m Lt L t 1 2 (L t 1)2
=2 .
1m Lt 1 1
1 exp Lt 0.577 + ln (L t 1) +
m 2 (L t 1)

Equation 7.14 is plotted as the maximum vapor flux curve in Fig. 7.4 for the
leafy plant case of m = 1/2, n = 2.

In Chapter 10 we will see that the shape of this function also leads, for large L t , to a
growth-limiting constraint on the flux of atmospheric carbon to the leaves.
216 Optimal canopy conductance

12 Fig. 7.4. Optimal foliage

state (homogeneous
cylindrical multilayers,
10 M = 1, m = 1/2, n = 2).
pine I0
ln ( )
8 k

Sugar maple
L 6


Maximum vapor flux (minimum c )
2 at constant temperature with M = 1

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Once again, Eqs. 7.4 and 7.14 together determine and L t for a given species in
a given light environment. Their joint solution is illustrated graphically in Fig. 7.4 for
four species covering the full range of those reported by Baker (1950) and repeated
here in Table 3.9. We refer to this foliage state as optimal because of the following
accompanying flux conditions:
(1) The radiant energy absorbed is the maximum possible (i.e., the crown is
optically optimal) for larger L t the lower leaves will receive insufficient
light, while for smaller L t unused energy will be transmitted through to the
forest floor.
(2) The flux of transpirate from the soil to the atmosphere, and with it the flux of
nutrients from the soil to the plant, will both be maximum for a given
temperature because the minimization of rc /ra accompanying this joint
solution assures maximization of the normalized canopy conductance, kv
(cf. Eqs. 5.29 and 5.30).
We wish to know if nature selects for this multiply optimum state. However, we are
assuming natural selection to favor increased annual productivity which depends upon
factors other than just the average canopy conductance. We return to this question in
Chapter 10 and for now offer only the following observations relative to this theoretical

There is evidence (Baker, 1950, pp. 141142) that these values may be climate-dependent.

This statement is strictly true only for the limiting, M = 1 case. As we will see later in this Chapter,
for M < 1 we must also specify the moisture supply and the geometry of the individual plant.
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 217

Plate 7.2. Cedar. (Photographed by Peter S. Eagleson in the Borghese Gardens,


Observations of foliage state

(1) Note the relatively narrow range 4 L t 6.4 associated with the optimum
foliage state for the species of Fig. 7.4 as indicated thereon by the horizontal
dashed lines. Tables 2.2 and 2.3 show the average observed L t for deciduous
trees to be (L t )avg = 5.03. Kestemont (1973), for the deciduous temperate
forest, and Carbon et al. (1979, 1981) for eucalyptus, observed the average to
be 4 (L t )avg 6, while Mooney (1972) observed the optimum leaf area
index for photosynthesis to be approximately 5. The agreement here between
theory and observation is striking. The relatively narrow range of called for

Doley (1982) found the same range of optimum L t from his model of the dependence of dry
matter production on the light extinction coefficient, .
218 Optimal canopy conductance

by growing-season light conditions over the latitudes supporting tree growth

(cf. Fig. 3.18), along with the species-constant L t required for
compensation level radiative flux (cf. Table 3.9), seriously constrain the
maximum L t that can be supported by photosynthesis for a given species in a
given climate.
(2) Monteith (1965, p. 221) noted that field crops with adequate water have a
minimum rc /ra between 1 and 2, but that rc /ra for a pine forest is 15 (not
specified to be a minimum however). Similarly, for Sitka spruce and Scots pine
Jarvis et al. (1976, pp. 212213) give 20 < rc /ra < 40 and 20 < rc /ra < 70
respectively (both having n s 1), again with no mention of minimality in
either case. These reported observations for trees are an order of magnitude
larger than those just predicted theoretically. We will offer an explanation for
this difference shortly.
(3) Further, but more indirect, confirmation of our small effective resistance ratios
is obtained using the few estimates of kv found in the literature and assembled
here in Table 7.1. From this table we see that the average value of the canopy
conductance for trees is about kv 0.73. Taking an average growing-season
atmospheric temperature of T0 21 C, we can use Eq. 5.29 , with
kv = kv = 0.73, to find the average resistance ratio for trees to be rc /ra 1.20,
which is consistent with the optimum values derived herein. In contrast, using
rc /ra 30, such as reported by Jarvis et al. (1976, pp. 212213), at the same
temperature, gives a plant coefficient, kv = 0.10 which is far less than the
estimates in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1. Collected estimates of canopy conductance for trees

Tree type kv Reference

Citrus 0.70a Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977, Table 25, p. 47)

Apple, cherry 0.85a Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977, Table 26, p. 49)
Peach, apricot, pear, plum 0.75a Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977, Table 26, p. 49)
Boreal forest 0.51b,c Arris and Eagleson (1994, Table 1, p. 6)
Deciduous forest 0.79b,c Arris and Eagleson (1994, Table 1, p. 6)
Southern pine forest 0.62b,d Arris and Eagleson (1994, Table 1, p. 6)
Oak forest 0.88e Rauner (1976, Fig. 13, p. 260)

Average 0.73

From transpiration measurement normalized by that from short, green grass.
Calculated from observations of net primary productivity.
Assuming M = 0.84 (maximum packing of circular discs).
Assuming M = 0.50 (estimated from Eyre, 1968, Plate IIIA).
From transpiration measurement normalized by that calculated from the heat balance of a
wet surface.
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 219

We conclude from this analysis that at typical temperatures, the reported values of
kvfor trees cannot be achieved as modeled with rc /ra = O(10) but can be achieved
with rc /ra = O(1). The deciding element, missing from our formulation, seems to be
advection and hence the value of the Bowen ratio, Rb , at the time of the observations
of either kv or rc /ra . Equations 5.29 and 5.38 give the rough estimate

rc 1  
= 1 1+ |Rb | 1 + , (7.15)
ra kv o o

which shows that at typical temperatures, the Bowen ratio must be greater than unity
and considerable advected energy is required for the resistance ratio to be of order ten.

The non-homogeneous canopy of multilayer

hemispherical crowns
Allowing for multiple stomated leaf surfaces as in Eq. 7.13, the resistance ratio
for a hemispherical multilayer crown having homogeneous leaf area density (cf.
Chapter 4 for a discussion of this simplifying departure from reality) is given by
Eq. A.74 as
rc Lt *
L t 1
n s = 0.97 , (7.16)
K m (L t 1)0.54
o n 0.54

in which, from Eq. A.25 for the full hemisphere

mo = 0.55 + 0.052 ( L t ) + 0.008 ( L t )2 .

K (7.17)

Equation 7.16 (using Eq. 7.17) is plotted in Fig. 7.5 where we see that in contrast
to the multilayer cylinder there is no minimum in the resistance ratio of the multilayer
hemisphere. As was pointed out in Chapter 4, this is due to the monotonic increase in
mo , with increasing L t , brought about by the open (i.e., rough)
the eddy viscosity, K
surface of tapered-crown canopies.

The non-homogeneous canopy of multilayer

conical crowns
With homogeneous crown leaf area density, Eq. A.86 gives the resistance ratio for a
canopy of conical multilayer crowns as
rc rc Lt *
L t 1
ns = ns = 1.23 , (7.18)
ra ra s mo (L t 1)1/3
K n 1/3

where the subscript s is added to the resistance ratio to distinguish its density as
sparse in contrast to that of the conical monolayer to be considered next, and in
220 Optimal canopy conductance

1.4 Fig. 7.5. Effect of crown

shape on canopy resistance
(homogeneous multilayers,
1.2 M = 1, m = 1/2, n = 2; no
consideration given to
species-dependent light
limitations on L t ).

0.8 = 0.5

= 0.5
= 0.3


0 2 4 6 8 10

which from Eq. A.27

mo = 0.605 + 0.108 ( L t ) + 0.042 ( L t )2 .

K (7.19)

Equation 7.18 (using Eq. 7.19) is also plotted in Fig. 7.5 and shows the same monotonic
behavior and for the same reasons explained above for the hemispheres.

The signicance of crown shape

From our discussions thus far (including Fig. 7.5), it would appear that tapered mul-
tilayer crowns should be universally preferred whenever the availability of water is
not limiting, since with all else being constant, lower flux resistance can always be
obtained through an increase in its photosynthetically active foliage area. Selection
and/or adaptation should then drive the development of such crowns toward ever higher
L t for given . Other factors come into play however. In the first place (considering only
the conical crown), except when 2 dh tan(h ), one crown shadows another thereby
reducing the productive potential. Furthermore, there must be an upper limit to L t in
a given climate for at least three reasons:

For each species there is a maximum L t for each , imposed by the compensation light
requirement of that species (cf. Table 3.9).
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 221

(1) Water is never truly unlimited and its vertical flux, which rises with L t , is
constrained by the presumed need to avoid water stress.
(2) As we will see in Chapter 10, biomass productivity is indifferent to crown
shape at low L t since there productivity is water-limited. However at large
L t where water is plentiful, CO2 influx becomes limiting for cylindrical
multilayers and the resistive advantages of tapered multilayer crowns do
become important. Examples of the latter case are given by the conically
crowned Japanese larch which is found in wet climates, and by the
hemispherically crowned rainforest that displays a canopy-top looking like
scoops of ice cream (cf. Odum, 1975, Fig. 7-10, p. 197).
(3) As the foliage area increases within a crown of given dimensions, the
increasing crown foliage density causes a fundamental change in the
mechanism of canopy resistance. As was argued in Chapter 4, increasing
foliage resistance to the passage of air laterally through the tapered crowns
causes a greater fraction of the air to flow around the crowns. This increases
the role of crown shape in canopy resistance while decreasing the role of the
foliage elements. A common instance of this occurs in cold climates where
maintenance of biochemically functional leaf temperature becomes important.
Structural tree forms having drooping branches that overlap closely in a
shingled fashion at their extremities may be a selective response to this heat
problem. In such structures, leaves, usually needles because of the singular
ability of needle-leaved species to survive extremely low temperatures, are
confined to the extremities where their proximity forms an insulating layer
restricting the loss of canopy heat (Gates, 1980, p. 364). The density of needles
necessary to achieve the needed insulation is such that solid body resistance is
generated. This high foliage density also causes the available light to decay to
compensation intensity over a very short distance leaving a relatively thin
skin of active vegetation at the crown surface referred to herein as a
monolayer. Of course, such limitation of heat efflux also operates to limit
water vapor efflux as well as CO2 influx, and thereby restricts the supply of
both carbon and nutrients to the plant. We examine the effect of this limitation
on plant productivity in Chapter 10, but for now we are only concerned with
the production of solid body resistance by the monolayer crown, and how this
resistance affects vertical mass flux in the canopy.

Accurate description of the transition, with increasing foliage density, from dynamic
domination by foliage element resistance to that by solid body resistance in a canopy
of tapered crowns is problematic. We base our estimate of this transition upon the
limiting cases of low-density multilayers and high-density monolayers. Having just
examined the lower limit provided by the homogeneous conical multilayer, we now
look at the upper limit given by the high-density conical monolayer.

See for example: Sakai and Weiser (1973), George et al. (1974), and Sakai (1978, 1979).
222 Optimal canopy conductance

Plate 7.3. Fir foliage texture: Douglas fir. (Photographed by William D. Rich in
Arnold Arboretum, Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)

The non-homogeneous canopy of high-density

conical monolayers
In climates where the low temperatures are a result of high latitude and/or altitude,
the relationship between leaf angle and solar altitude on the one hand (see Fig. 3.18),
and that between leaf angle and crown surface inclination on the other hand (see
Fig. 3.21), call for monolayers of conical shape. We have demonstrated in Fig. 3.18
that observations of evergreens at high latitude satisfy this relation for beam radiation
and we restrict our consideration to these.
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 223

As developed in Appendix A (Eq. A.106) using the definitions of Fig. 7.6a, the
limiting (i.e., solid body) reistance ratio is

rc rc 2 n L t 1
ns = ns =   , (7.20)
ra ra d 3 n L t exp (n L t ) K
1 m d
1 exp (n L t )
in which the subscript d on the resistance ratio is to signify its dense character
in contrast to that of the homogeneous multilayer discussed previously, and in which
o )d is given by Eq. A.57
Kmo = 0.454 + 0.009L t + 0.002L 2t . (7.21)

Equation 7.20 (using Eq. 7.21) is plotted as the upper dashed line in Fig. 7.7 and
Eq. 7.18 (using Eq. 7.19) is plotted as the lower dashed line in the same figure.
Together they represent the upper and lower limits respectively of the resistance ratio
for conical monolayers.
We now estimate a transition function between these limits in terms of the monolayer
foliage density.

h Fig. 7.6. Definition

sketches for conical
see Fig. 7.6b t
monolayer. (a) Cross-
section of crown; (b) detail
d of idealized monolayer.

z hs


1 a


224 Optimal canopy conductance

ra d

Norway spruce

= 0.033

rc 0.017
ra 0.011
ra s d
0 (multilayer)

d = Average foliage element


0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 7.7. Theoretical canopy resistance for conical monolayers (M = 1, = 0.50).

Resistance ratio weighting function for conical monolayers

It is reasonable to expect the total resistance (ratio) to be composed of fractions of
ra s
and rrca d proportioned, linearly we assume, according to the foliage volume
density within the monolayer. In Fig. 7.6b we sketch an enlarged cross-section of
the monolayer throughout which the foliage volume is assumed to be homogeneous.
Because its thickness, t, is small with respect to the crown height, h h s , the thickness
is measured perpendicular to the crown surface. When t 0, the crown surface is solid
and contains all the foliage elements. (The foliage area index, L t , is then given by the
lateral crown surface divided by the crown basal area.) As t > 0, the crown surface
must open to admit light for the leaves that are beneath the crown surface. The average
diameter of the cylindrical foliage elements within this monolayer is indicated by d,

and a single d in Fig. 7.6b represents the average thickness of a single leaf layer. There
will be an average of L t such layers in any cross-section. From this one-dimensional
approximation, the monolayer foliage volume density, f , is written

f = L t. (7.22)
Landsberg and Thom (1971) give average diameters for the needles and twigs of
spruce as 1 mm and 3 mm respectively, thus we take d 2 mm. Further, we estimate
Resistance ratio for closed canopies 225

(cf. Landsberg and Thom, 1971, Fig. 1) the diameter of the spruce shoot at 3 cm.
From these dimensions we consider four arbitrary but reasonable monolayer densities,
t = two shoots, d = 0.067; t = four shoots, d = 0.017; t = six shoots,
d/t; t t
= 0.011, and t = ten shoots, dt = 0.006.
With the definition of Eq. 7.22, the crown surface becomes solid as f 1 making

rc rc
= , (7.23)
ra ra d
and we can then write the general expression for the resistance ratio

rc rc rc
= f + (1 f ) . (7.24)
ra ra d ra s
Equation 7.24 is evaluated using Eqs. A.100 and A.106, and is plotted as the solid

lines in Fig. 7.7 for the four chosen values of dt , and for the representative value
for spruce crowns, = 0.50 (cf. Fig. 3.18). Note that the resistance ratio now has a
minimum indicating a preferred L t in the range 3 L t 6 which is to be compared
with the value L t = 3.3 observed by Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) for Sitka spruce
in northeast Scotland. Note also that over the fairly wide range of the parameters
displayed, the minimum resistance ratio lies in a quite narrow range, 0.7 < rc /ra < 1.4.
The vertical dashed lines on Fig. 7.7 represent the L t for compensation light intensity
at = 0.50 for two densely foliated, conically crowned species, tamarack (i.e., larch)

Plate 7.4. Painted maple. The author alongside maple in Arnold Arboretum, Boston.
(Photograph by William D. Rich; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)
226 Optimal canopy conductance

and Norway spruce as given by the values of Baker (1950, Table 12, p. 143) and
reproduced here in Table 3.9. Note that they fall in the L t range of minimum resistance
for these reasonable monolayer densities.

C The resistance ratio for open canopies: M  1

The basic assumption
For closed canopies we saw that the vertical fluxes occur by turbulent diffusion through
the leaf structure of the crowns. However, as the canopy cover, M, gets small, the wind
enters the crown from the side and horizontally advects the water vapor and sensible
heat from the leaf surfaces to the atmosphere over the downwind bare soil where it then
diffuses vertically out into the free atmosphere. Of course CO2 moves toward the
leaf from the air under the same assumed processes. Irrespective of the crown shape,
we will assume the velocity distribution that is effective in the vertical diffusion to
be the logarithmic distribution (Eq. 4.26) characteristic of the upwind and downwind
uniform, unvegetated substrate for which the kinematic eddy momentum viscosity is
given by Eq. 4.38. Continuing our invocation of the Reynolds analogy, we will use the
average of these two eddy momentum viscosities to make a very crude estimate of the
vertical flux of transpirate.

An approximation for all crown shapes

Averaging over the vertical distance between the bottom of the crown (z = h s ) and
the free atmosphere at canopy top (z = h), we approximate the average lumped
canopy resistance, rc , using Eqs. 4.38 and 4.165 as

(h h s )
rc z/ K 2 , (7.25)
h + hs
u k dos

in which dos is the zero-plane displacement of the unvegetated surface. Equation 7.25
simplifies to
1 1
rc .
ku hs
1+ 2
h h

Equation 4.140 gives the lumped atmospheric resistance as

ra = , (7.27)
u 2
Resistance ratio for open canopies 227

where u 0 is the wind speed at z = h. Equations 7.26 and 7.27 give the important
resistance ratio as
rc u h
= .
ra M=0 ku 0 hs
1+ 2
h h
The bulk drag parameter, ku u
, and the velocity distribution parameter dos /h are de-
pendent upon the substrate and the structure of both the crown and the canopy and hence
are variable with the species, the climate, and the soil. For this case of sparse roughness
elements (i.e., M  1) their estimation is problematic. For M  1, Raupach (1992,
Fig. 5, p. 393) finds empirically that smooth substrates give ku u
= 0.137, while forest
substrates maintain the value ku 0 1 found theoretically in Chapter 4 for M = 1. For

very sparse roughness elements, the displacement height, dos , of a fully developed
velocity profile must approach zero (Brutsaert, 1982, p. 116), while for homogeneous
canopies of M = 1, the average of many observations on vegetated surfaces gives
do /h = 2/3 (Brutsaert, 1982).
For our current purposes, we assume the bottom shear stress to remain ku u
= 1, and
the displacement height to have the value dos /h = 1/3, midway between that for the
smooth substrate and that for the closed forest. With these values Eq. 7.28 becomes
rc h ,

ra M=0
0.33 +
which is plotted as the solid line in Fig. 7.8 along with a dashed line representing the
limiting curve for d0 / h = 0 (i.e., smooth, bare substrate).
Note that our assumption of reduced effective eddy viscosity makes these estimated
resistance ratios for M  1 much larger than those for the M = 1 case presented in

4.0 Fig. 7.8. Estimated

resistance ratio for
stand-alone trees.
3.0 hs z

ra M = 0

d os
= 0.33
d os

0 0.5 1.0
hs /h
228 Optimal canopy conductance

Fig. 7.5 as long as h s /h is small. We thus expect aridity to decrease land-surface

transpiration by reduction in the canopy conductance (see Eq. 5.29) as well as by the
reduction of canopy cover. Note also in Fig. 7.8 the rapid decline of the resistance ratio
with increasing h s / h due to the elevation of the average evaporating surface rising
higher in the boundary layer. Keeping in mind that for a given temperature the canopy
conductance increases with decreasing resistance ratio (Eq. 5.29 again), the behavior
indicated in Fig. 7.8 provides ample evolutionary pressure for the development of
plant stem height, h s . Presumably, the stems will reach an equilibrium height at which
a further growth increment causes an increase in the biological overhead for stem
growth and maintenance that just balances the increase in CO2 flux brought about by
the added stem height. We will not consider this optimization here.
To make use of Eq. 7.29 we must estimate the stem fraction, h s /h. MacMahon
(1988, pp. 238250) gives photographs of creosote bush deserts showing h s /h 0.
Rauner (1976, Table 1, p. 242) lists observations of h s /h for various deciduous
forests, but with water plentiful (i.e., M 1), which give for aspen, h s /h = 0.52; for
linden, h s /h = 0.48; for oak, h s /h = 0.46; for maple, h s /h = 0.57; and for birch,
h s /h = 0.46. The average of these deciduous observations is h s /h = 0.50. For ev-
ergreen forests, Landsberg and Jarvis (1973) report h s /h = 0.67 for a Sitka spruce
canopy in the moist Fetteresso forest in Scotland. Photographs show h s /h 0.57 for
ponderosa pine (Williams and Anderson, 1967), and h s /h 0.15 for Utah juniper
(Clary et al., 1974), both near Flagstaff, Arizona. In the same manner, we measure
h s /h 0.54 for longleaf pine in central Florida (Christensen, 1988, Fig. 11.5, p. 328),
and finally, we assume h s /h 0 for a stand-alone spruce (cf. Plate 5.4).

D The resistance ratio for intermediate canopy cover

For intermediate canopy densities we will estimate the resistance ratio by linear inter-
polation between its values at M = 0 and at M = 1. That is
rc rc rc
= (1 M) + M . (7.30)
ra ra M0 ra M=1
Together with Eq. 5.29, Eq. 7.30 provides the important relation between the two
canopy state variables, kv and M:
1 + /o
kv = . (7.31)
rc rc
1 + /o + (1 M) +M
ra M0 ra M=1

This relation is a function of the crown structure through the resistance ratio, r
c /r a ; of
the climate and soil through the canopy cover, M; and of the climatic growing season
temperature through o . It serves to join the internal optimization of the canopy
resistance to the external optimization of the securityproductivity tradeoff as we
will see in the next chapter.
Resistance ratio for intermediate canopy cover 229

Some typical examples of the Mkv relation are given in Fig. 7.9 for broad vege-
tation classes using representative parameter values cited herein and which are listed
in tabular form in the caption. In interpreting this figure, it cannot be overemphasized
that the characteristic shape of the function, that is rising kv with increasing M, is
dominated both in kind and in degree by our crude model of the canopy resistance for
M  1 under which the relative values of h s /h and dos /h fix the M = 0 intercept and
hence essentially determine the slope.

0.8 4

k *v

Eq. 7.31

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fig. 7.9. Canopy conductance vs. canopy cover (multilayers). 1, deciduous; 2, loblolly
pine; 3, ponderosa pine; 4, pinyonjuniper; 5, spruce.

M =0 M =1

Species T0 ( C) dos / h a hs/ ha rc /ra b c L td rc /ra e

Deciduous f 15.6 i 0.33 0.50 0.60 0.30 3.23l 0.38

Pine f
Loblolly 21.0 i 0.33 0.50 j 0.60 0.45 2.58l 0.68
Ponderosa 14.2h 0.33 0.20 k 1.51 0.50 1.77l 0.88
Spruce g 10.0 i 0.33 0i 3.00 0.50 3.02l 0.82
Nos. 13 f,h 18.5 h 0.33 0.10 1.77 0.42 2.27m 0.83
Nos. 46 f,h 15.9 h 0.33 0.10 1.77 0.52 2.58n 0.76
Creosote bush f 21.0 i 0.33 0.50 0.75

a h l
See text. Table 3.03. Table 3.09.
b i m
Eq. 7.29. Assumption. Table 3.09, Northern
c j
Fig. 3.18. Christensen (1988, white cedar.
= from Eq. 3.52. Figs. 11.4, 11.5). n
Table 3.09, Lodgepole
e k
Fig. 7.03. Williams and Anderson pine.
Assumed cylindrical crown. (1967, Fig. 5).
Assumed conical crown.
230 Optimal canopy conductance

As we have seen in Chapter 6, the case of M < 1 is one in which available soil
moisture, Ve , determines the transpiration rate. Therefore, an alternative to Eq. 7.31
for evaluating kv in such cases is Eq. 6.66. Of course this doesnt remove the large
uncertainty in estimating kv but merely shifts it from (rc /ra ) M0 in Eq. 7.31 to Ve and
the open-canopy E ps in Eq. 6.66.

E The canopy state variables: cover and conductance

Optimum canopy state
In Chapter 6, we defined a critical soil moisture state at which canopy productivity
is maximum and proposed this as the naturally selected canopy moisture state. From
Eq. 6.66 this is

Mkv = . (7.32)
m tb E ps

Equations 7.31 and 7.32 are sketched in Fig. 7.10. If the climate and soil are such that
the soil moisture, Ve , available for stressless transpiration of a given species during the
average interstorm period, produces an intersection with the kv (M) line (i.e., Eq. 7.31)

Fig. 7.10. Optimum canopy

state (fixed species, climate
and soil).

Comparison of kv as estimated by these two very different methods should be a useful and
informative exercise. We carry it out implicitly in Fig. 7.11.
Cover and conductance 231

at M < 1, i.e., if
Ve 1 + /o
< , (7.33)
m tb E ps rc
1 + /o
ra M=1
the canopy will be water-limited and its optimum Mkv state is as shown in Fig. 7.10
by the intersection of the two functions. On the other hand, should
Ve 1 + /o
, (7.34)
m tb E ps rc
1 + /o
ra M=1
the canopy is light-limited and its optimum Mkv state is M = 1 with
kv . (7.35)
m tb E ps

Some observed canopy states

Tables 6.3 and 6.4 contain a rare data set consisting of observations of climate, soil,
and vegetation properties at the sites of several pinyonjuniper and ponderosa pine
watersheds at Beaver Creek (near Flagstaff), Arizona, and a summary of their reduction
into useful terms for water balance analysis. We now use these data to test the optimum
canopy state estimation just discussed and illustrated in Fig. 7.10.
We begin by establishing the horizontal leaf area index, L t , for a particular species
through optimal use of the available light using the compensation light intensity
at the lowest leaves as given by Baker (1950) and reproduced here in Table 3.9,
along with our empirically confirmed condition of optical optimality, (cf.
Chapter 3).
We next obtain the L t corresponding to the joint satisfaction of compensation light
intensity and minimum rc /ra (for M = 1) through simultaneous solution of Eqs. 7.4
and 7.14 which can be carried out graphically using Fig. 7.4. Using this minimum
rc /ra (for M = 1), along with the rc /ra (for M = 0) estimated earlier and listed in the
caption of Fig. 7.9, we now calculate the optimal canopy conductance, kv (M) from
Eq. 7.31 at the observed temperature for the catchment in question (cf. caption of
Fig. 7.9). To summarize, this kv (M) is optimal because it maximizes both light use
and water demand for the given species in the given climate, and it is plotted as curves
(a) in Fig. 7.11.

Of the Beaver Creek species, only ponderosa pine is tabulated by Baker (1950). We use the
physical resemblance of needle structure (cf. Zim and Martin, 1987, pp. 36, 39) to represent the
pinyonalligator juniper as pinyon using Bakers (1950) L t for lodgepole pine, and to represent
the pinyonUtah juniper as juniper using Bakers (1950) L t for Northern white cedar.
232 Optimal canopy conductance

0.9 Fig. 7.11. Limited test of

b optimum canopy state
a (Beaver Creek watersheds).
k v* 0.7 Solid lines: (a) Eq. 7.31
with Eqs. 7.4 and 7.14;
(i) Ponderosa pine (b) Eq. 7.32 using data of
0.5 Tables 6.3 and 6.4. Dashed
0.8 lines, observed canopy
cover; shaded areas,
a sensitivity of theoretical M
k v* 0.6 to non-optimal .

(ii) Pinyonalligator juniper


kv* 0.6
(iii) PinyonUtah
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

The final step in resolving the optimal canopy state is to plot, for each of the three
Beaver Creek species, the Mkv hyperbola of Eq. 7.32 representing maximum water
supply. From Chapter 6, this equation expands to
mh ho S
Mkv = (1 M) eG(0)2 (0) +
1 , (7.36)
m tb E ps mh m mh
the terms of which are quantified in Tables 6.3 and 6.4. These hyperbolae are presented
as curves (b) on Fig. 7.11 and their intersections with curves (a) define the optimal
canopy state.
We have observations only of M (cf. Table 6.3) and these are shown as the vertical
dashed lines in Fig. 7.11. Their proximity to the theoretical optimal state is remarkable
but must be viewed in relation to the sensitivity of the (a)(b) intersection to use of
other than the optimal value of . To do this we return to Fig. 7.3 and for the L t
of the given species (cf. Table 3.9) we pick off the resistance ratio corresponding to
the range of from = 0.25 to = 0.60. This allows recalculation of curve (a)
for this range of (rc /ra ) M=1 , and determines a corresponding range of non-optimal
intersections with curve (b). This last range is highlighted on Fig. 7.11 by the shaded
areas. The optimal state is that of mimimum resistance ratio (and hence highest kv ),
and thus coincides with the lower limit of this range in M. We see that for dry climates
such as the pinyonUtah juniper, the range is quite narrow and non-optimality makes

Note that Fig. 7.11 offers nothing not provided earlier by Fig. 6.15. The data are the same, but the
coordinate axes have been changed for the particular purpose of this chapter.
Cover and conductance 233

Plate 7.5. Paper birch. (Photographed by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum,

Boston; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)

little difference in our forecast of M while making a 5% difference in kv . For wetter

climates such as the ponderosa pine, sensitivity to the choice of is significant and
use of the postulated optimal state seems important.
We take these findings as moderate (albeit limited) support of the optimality hy-
pothesis presented herein, but why should nature select for minimum flux resistance?
We will discuss this further in Chapters 8 and 10.

Optimal bioclimate

The sensitivities of photosynthesis to leaf temperature and solar radiation are

examined for various plants under conditions in which water supply is non-
limiting. The photosynthetic capacity curve for C3 leaves is fitted with a saturat-
ing exponential function rather than the classical MichaelisMenton hyperbola
for mathematical convenience and in acknowledgement of the dominant role
of diffusive processes in CO2 assimilation. The relative assimilation rate, here
called the leaf light characteristic, is then described in terms of its asymptotes,
with their intersection marking the minimum insolation, ISL , for effectively
fully open stomates. The rising asymptote is shown empirically to have the
same slope for a wide range of C3 plants thereby defining the biochemical
assimilation capacity for C3 leaves.
With water non-limiting, bioclimatic optimality is postulated to occur when:
(1) the leaf temperature equals the climatic atmospheric temperature (i.e., neg-
ligible sensible heat transfer) which by selection is the leafs photosynthetically
optimum temperature, and (2) the climatic insolation, I0 , is just equal to the
minimum insolation, ISL , for fully open stomates.
With light non-limiting, the inverse relationship of root-zone soil moisture
to solar radiation is demonstrated and leads to definition of the leaf water char-
acteristic where relative assimilation falls from its peak when the insolation
exceeds the maximum value, ISW , for effectively fully open stomates.
It is shown that the relative values of the three defining insolations, I0 , ISL ,
and ISW , determine the feasibility, stability, and maximum productivity of a
given climatevegetation system, the soil being found only weakly influential
for deep water tables. Reasoned consideration of the six permutations leads to
the optimal bioclimatic state or climax state, I0 = ISL ISW , of the individual
leaf. This leaf state is then scaled up to obtain an hypothesized bioclimatic
optimality for the canopy having separate necessary propositions for heat,
light, and water, and including a climatic climax condition.

Photosynthesis 235

A Photosynthesis
The concept
Photosynthesis is the primary process of life for green plants (and for some bacteria).
It is the assimilative (i.e., anabolic) process through which these primary producers
utilize sunlight to synthesize carbohydrates from CO2 and water. In this process they
must incorporate inorganic nutrients (principally nitrogen) obtained from the soil,
thereby raising them to a higher energy level.
In biophysical and biochemical terms (Gaastra, 1963, p. 114; Gates, 1980, pp. 8,
4748), photosynthesis consists of three sub-processes: (1) a gas-diffusion process
through which the green leaf takes up CO2 from the air and transports it to the reaction
site in the chloroplasts of the palisade cells; (2) a photochemical reaction taking place
within the leaf chloroplasts which converts absorbed light energy into chemical energy
for the reduction of CO2 to carbohydrates; and (3) biochemical enzymatic processes
that both precede and follow the CO2 reduction and are highly temperature dependent.
The photochemical energy conversion can occur through one of several processes
which each release gaseous oxygen while manufacturing amino acids, proteins, and
other biologically useful compounds; they depend upon the availability of light (i.e.,
PAR) and of CO2 . The evaporation of plant water within the leaf stomatal cavities
contributes to the regulation of leaf temperature, and the evaporate diffuses out from
the leaf stomates at a rate which is closely related to that at which CO2 diffuses in
through those stomates.
Simultaneously, by both day and night, within the cells of all the plant organs,
green and non-green, the destructive (i.e., catabolic) process of respiration, sometimes
referred to as dark respiration, utilizes oxygen to break down substances in order
to provide energy for cell metabolism. Respiration releases CO2 which is diffused
outward into the atmosphere. In addition, as a component of leaf photochemistry, there
is release of CO2 in a process called photorespiration or sometimes light respiration.
Measurements of the light-induced CO2 assimilation by leaves necessarily include all
daylight respiration within their estimates of net photosynthesis.
During the day, the rate of CO2 uptake per unit of plant mass required for photosyn-
thesis is normally greater than the rate of release of CO2 in respiration. The resulting
net uptake of CO2 during daylight hours is proportional to and defines the net rate of
photosynthesis and hence plant productivity.
Plants may be distinguished in part by the predominant chemical process or path-
way they use in the fixation of carbon during photosynthesis. These processes are
several in number but the most common are (Osmond et al., 1980):
(1) Dicarboxylic acid pathway (C4 ) in which the uptake of CO2 (and hence
water loss) follows closely the changes in radiation intensity. These plants can
utilize even the most intense solar radiation, and thus their family includes
tropical grasses as well as agricultural plants such as millet, sorghum, and
236 Optimal bioclimate

Fig. 8.1. Typical

50 photosynthetic capacity
of C3 and C4 plants (water
40 non-limiting, optimal
temperature, and ambient
(mg CO2 dm h1)
Net CO2 uptake, P

CO2 ).
20 C3


10 30 50 70 90
I(PAR) (klx)

(2) Pentose phosphate pathway (C3 ) in which the process becomes

light-saturated at some radiation intensity so that strong light is not completely
utilized. Most plants, including most agricultural crops and trees (both
hardwoods and conifers) fall in this category.
(3) Crassulacean acid metabolism pathway (CAM) in which the stomata are
open at night to take up and store CO2 for processing during the day when the
solar energy is available. This mechanism minimizes water loss since the
stomata are open only during the cooler night-time. Succulent plants (cactus is
an example) exhibit this arid-region characteristic.
We consider only C3 plants in this work.
In Fig. 8.1 we sketch photosynthetic capacity curves (i.e., net CO2 uptake, P, as a
function of radiant flux, I (PAR)) for the leaves of typical C3 and C4 plants under con-
ditions of unlimited water, natural CO2 supply, and at the optimal temperature, Tm ,
for which photosynthesis is maximum. The proportionality between CO2 assimilation
and photosynthesis makes curves such as these the basis for analytical expressions of
the relationship between plant productivity and available light. Three features of the
C3 curve have particular significance for our work:
(1) The value, Ik , of insolation at which the net uptake of CO2 is zero. Once again,
at this value all the photoreduced CO2 is needed to keep the leaf alive and is
just equal to the respired CO2 . Ik is called the compensation insolation and
represents the minimum light intensity at which leaves will grow. It varies from
species to species and even within a given species according to the light and
heat regimes to which the leaves have adapted. We will return to this important
point below. Observations of the compensation insolation, Ik , are given in
Table 8.1 for broad classes of plants (from Larcher, 1983, Table 3.6, p. 104).

Note the units used in Fig. 8.1: on the ordinate, dm2 = basal square decimeter of single-sided leaf
area; and on the abscissa, klx = kilolux.
Photosynthesis 237

Table 8.1. Observations of the photosynthetic reaction (natural CO2 availability and
optimal temperature)a

Ik b ISL b
(total radiation) (total radiation) Psm c
Plant group (klx) (klx) (mg CO2 dm2 h1 )
Herbaceous plants
C4 plants 13 over 80 3080
C3 plants
Crops 12 3080 2045
Heliophytes (sun) 12 5080 2040
Sciophytes (shade) 0.20.5 510 420
Xerophytes (dry) 2045
Grains and fodder grasses 1535
Woody plants
Tropical and subtropical trees
Fruit trees 1822
Forest canopy trees 1224
Understory trees 510
Broad-leaved evergreens of
warm tropics and
sub-temperate zones
Sun leaves 1018
Shade leaves 36
Seasonally deciduous trees
Sun leaves 11.5 2550 1525
Shade leaves 0.30.6 1015 510
Winter deciduous
Evergreen 518
Sun leaves 0.51.5 2050
Shade leaves 0.10.3 510
Sclerophylls 515
Bamboos 510
Palms 610
Desert shrubs 620
Understory ferns 0.10.5 210 35
Mosses and lichens 0.42 1020 0.53

This table was prepared before the 1995 publication of Larchers latest edition of Physiological Plant Ecology.
The updated values presented in Larcher (1995, Table 2.4, p. 85, and Table 2.8, p. 98) are only quantitatively
different and do not affect those conclusions of the present work which are based upon the data presented in
this table.
From Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, Table 3.6, p. 104, for single leaves, Copyright  c 1983
Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.; with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co., and from
W. Larcher.
From Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, Table 3.4, p. 94, Copyright  c 1983 Springer-Verlag GmbH
& Co.; with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co., and from W. Larcher.
238 Optimal bioclimate

Values for various tree species are given as a percentage of full sunlight by
Baker (1950, Table 12, p. 143) while leaving the term full sunlight
undefined. Ik has an important variation with temperature because respiration
and photosynthesis have different temperature dependencies. No fixed light
value marks the threshold of existence of any species (Baker, 1950, p. 139).
Leaves adapted to shade respire at a lower rate than do those adapted to strong
light, hence the former reach the compensation value at a lower value of the
light intensity (e.g., Larcher, 1975, Fig. 26, p. 41). However, the relative
abilities of different species to survive under shade remains constant from one
light environment to another (Baker, 1950, p. 140). This suggests that the
photosynthetic behavior of a given species is relative to the incident light rather
than being absolute and accounts for the reporting of most compensation
insolations, Ik , as a percentage of the incident insolation, I0 , as we have seen in
Table 3.9. Using results of this and later chapters, we prove in Appendix H that
Ik /I0 is a species constant.
(2) The value, ISL , of insolation at which the net photosynthesis, P, can be
considered to have reached its saturation limit, Psm . ISL is called the (CO2 )
saturation insolation. It too varies from species to species, but because of the
saturating behavior of P, estimation of ISL from observations of P is
problematic. Observations of the ISL are given in Table 8.1. In Table 8.2 we
give the average (from Table 8.1) observed ISL for C3 crops and for the sun
leaves of deciduous trees and evergreen coniferous trees. We will assume that
ISL is the largest light intensity to which the plant has adapted, and therefore in
regions with larger incident radiation we expect other species with higher ISL
to be more productive and thus to predominate.
(3) The light-saturated rate of net photosynthesis, Ps . Figure 8.2 (from Kramer
and Kozlowski, 1960, Fig. 3.11, p. 83, after Muller, 1928, Fig. 2, p. 29) shows
photosynthetic capacity curves for Arctic willow (Salix glauca) for unlimited
water at three values of the ambient temperature, T0 . There we also see that
photosynthesis saturates in weak light at low temperature and in much stronger
light at high temperature. However, for a given light condition the maximum
photosynthetic rate, Ps , does not increase monotonically with ambient
temperature. Rather, it has a maximum, Psm , at an intermediate, optimum,
value of ambient temperature, T0 = Tm , as shown (for unlimited water)
for Pinus cembra in Fig. 8.3 (from Kramer and Kozlowski, 1960, Fig. 3.10,
p. 82, after Tranquillini, 1955, Fig. 6, p.169). Species-dependence of this
optimal temperature, Tm , is illustrated by the relative curves of Fig. 8.4a (from
Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.35, p. 114), and some reported values of Tm are collected in
Table 8.3. Adaptation of Tm by several degrees Celsius can occur over a few days
in response to changing environmental conditions (Larcher, 1983, pp. 118119).

Using the definition of Gates (1980, p. 94), full sunlight = 107.6 klux, making the values of Ik in
Table 3.9 much higher than those for trees in Table 8.1.
Photosynthesis 239

We have been assuming in this work that the leaf temperature, Tl , is that, Tm , for
which the photosynthetic capacity is the species maximum as is shown in Fig. 8.4a,
and furthermore, that the canopy sensible heat transfer is small enough that Tl T0 .
Under these assumptions,

Psm Ps (Tl = Tm ) = maximum light-saturated photosynthetic rate

for an isolated leaf of a given species.

Table 8.2. Averages of observed photosynthetic reaction for isolated leaves

(natural CO2 availability and optimal temperature)
Psm (MJ(total) = Psm /ISL
Plant group (gS m2 h1 )a m2 h1 ) (gs MJ(total)1 ) Reference

C3 cropsc 1.63 2.07 0.79 Larcher (1983, Table 3.6, p. 104,

Table 3.4, p. 94 )
(2.37) (2.36) (1.00) Larcher (1995, Table 2.4, p. 85,
Table 2.8, p. 98)
Deciduous treesc 0.69 0.94 0.73 Larcher (1983, Table 3.6, p. 104,
Table 3.4, p. 94)
(0.99) (1.51) (0.66) Larcher (1995, Table 2.4, p. 85,
Table 2.8, p. 98)
Coniferous treesc 0.58 0.79 0.73 Larcher (1983, Table 3.6, p. 104,
Table 3.4, p. 94)
(0.36) (1.79) (0.20) Larcher (1995, Table 2.4, p. 85,
Table 2.8, p. 98)
Sitka spruced 0.55 0.52 1.06 Jarvis et al. (1976, Fig. 21, p. 229)
European beechd 0.33 0.32 1.03 Kramer and Kozlowski (1960,
Fig. 3.9, p. 78)
Red oakd 0.28 0.46 0.61 Kramer and Decker (1944,
Fig. 1, p. 352)
White oakd 0.26 0.46 0.57 Kramer and Decker (1944, Fig. 1,
Loblolly pined 0.40e 0.60 f 0.67 Kramer and Decker (1944,
Fig. 1, p. 352), and Kramer
and Clark (1947, Fig. 3, p. 55)
Creosote bushd 2.08 2.34 0.89 Ehleringer (1985, Fig. 7.8, p. 172)
Goethalsiad 0.38 0.44 0.86 Allen and Lemon (1976, Fig. 6,
p. 290)
Arctic willowd 0.30 0.30 1.00 Kramer and Kozlowski (1960,
Fig. 3.11, p. 83)

Average 0.81

gs /g = 0.5.
I (total) = 2I (PAR).
From Table 8.1. Updated, parenthetical values from Larcher (1995) make only a 4% difference in and
are not used.
Exponential fit to data from source.
For seedlings.
For individual needles.

According to Larcher (1983, p. 119) natural selection adjusts Tm to the average climatic
temperature, T0 , of the habitat.
240 Optimal bioclimate

T 0= C
50 cm hr1)
10 C
Net photosynthesis

0 C

1 3 5 7 9 11
Light intensity, I (klx)

Fig. 8.2. Photosynthetic capacity of Arctic willow (water non-limiting, and ambient
CO2 ). (From Muller, D., Die Kohlensaureassimilation bei arktischen Pflanzen und die
Abhangigkeit der Assimilation von der Temperatur, Fig. 2, p. 29, Planta, 6, Copyright
c 1928 Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG; as given by Kramer, P.J., and
T.T. Kozlowski, Physiology of Trees, Fig. 3.11, p. 83, Copyright c 1960 McGraw-Hill
Book Co., Inc.; with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG and from
T.T. Kozlowski.)

Photosynthesis and respiration







p ir
Re s
0 10 20 30 40
Temperature range of
net photosynthesis (C)

Fig. 8.3. Effects of ambient temperature on photosynthesis (Pinus cembra; water

non-limiting). (From Tranquillini, W., Die Bedeutung des Lichtes und der Temperatur
fur die Kohlensaureassimilation von Pinus cembre Jungwachs an einem hochalpinen
Standort, Fig. 6, p. 169, Planta, 46, Copyright 
c 1955 Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.
KG; as given by Kramer, P.J., and T.T. Kozlowski, Physiology of Trees, Fig. 3.10,
p. 82, Copyright  c 1960 McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.; with kind permission from
Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, and from T.T. Kozlowski.)

The strength of the temperature dependence of plant productivity illustrated by

the curves of Fig. 8.4a makes this behavior an important determinant of competitive
advantage in establishing natural habitat. In such later discussions we will find it useful
to have an approximate expression for the generalized form of these curves. To account
Photosynthesis 241

Table 8.3. Optimum photosynthetic temperature for isolated leaves

Optimum photosynthetic
Plant type or species temperature, Tm ( C) Reference

Winter-deciduous trees 1525 Larcher (1983, Table 3.7, p. 115)

of the temperate zone
Pinus cembra 1015 Tranquillini (1955)
Loblolly pine 30 Decker (1944)
Evergreen trees of tropics 2530 Larcher (1983, Table 3.7, p. 115)
and subtropics

100 5

CO2 uptake (%)

1 4

20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
(a) Tl ( C)

1.0 Loblolly pine

Solid line:
cos [ )[

g (T
Tl ) Typical

Arctic pine

30 0 30
(b) Tl (C)

Fig. 8.4. Typical temperature dependence of net photosynthesis in woody plants

(water non-limiting). (a) Comparative behavior of individual plants: 1, Arctic pine
(Central Alps, 1850 m elevation; Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.35, p. 114); 2, European beech
(Central Europe; Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.35, p. 114); 3, typical broadleaved plant (Gates,
1980, Fig. 3.13, p. 51); 4, acacia (Western Australia; Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.35, p. 114);
5, loblolly pine (Kramer and Kozlowski, 1960), rising curve no. 2, falling curve no. 3,
100% for Tl = 2030 C; 6, creosote bush (Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.40, p. 119), for
day/night Tl = 3525 C. (After Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology, corrected
printing of 2nd Edition, Fig. 3.35, p. 114, Copyright c 1983 Springer-Verlag GmbH
& Co. KG; with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, and from
W. Larcher.) (b) Normalized behavior of various plants.
242 Optimal bioclimate

for suboptimal habitats in which Tl = Tm , we define

Ps Ps (Tl = Tm ) = suboptimal light-saturated photosynthetic rate

for an isolated leaf of a given species.

We then generalize the light-saturated rate using the approximation

Ps T0 Tm
g(Tl ) cos , (8.1)
Psm 2 30

which is compared with the curves of Fig. 8.4a in Fig. 8.4b.

Values of Psm are given in Table 8.1 for various land plants as reported by Larcher
(1983, Table 3.4, p. 94).

B Photosynthetic capacity of an isolated leaf

Analytical expression
Assuming biochemical control, the rate of photosynthesis for an isolated leaf is usually
expressed mathematically in terms of the rate of CO2 assimilation through an equation
in the form of the classical hyperbolic MichaelisMenten equation (White et al., 1968)
applicable for enzymatic reactions. This dependence of photosynthetic rate on light
intensity (the so-called photosynthetic capacity curve) has the form (Monteith, 1963,
p. 106; Horn, 1971, p. 68; Gates, 1980, p.50)

Ps I
Pt = P + Pr = , (8.2)
I +k
in which for an isolated leaf

Pt = total rate of photosynthesis,

P = net rate of photosynthesis,
Ps = light-saturated rate of photosynthesis = photosynthetic capacity,
Pr = rate of respiration,
I = insolation, and
k = empirical binding constant that measures the effectiveness of an
isolated leaf in getting and processing photons (Horn, 1971, p. ix).

Photosynthetic capacity curves are determined experimentally for a given species

by isolating one or more leaves in a closed chamber called an assimilation chamber
or phytotron with the leaf temperature, Tl , maintained at the species optimum pho-
tosynthetic temperature, Tm , the CO2 concentration maintained at its natural ambient
value, and with non-limiting water supply; the intensity of PAR is controlled using
artificial light while the mass flux of CO2 is monitored continuously in the inflowing
and outflowing air. Such observations yield the net rate of CO2 assimilation, but since
Photosynthetic capacity of an isolated leaf 243

Fig. 8.5. Michaelian net rate

of photosynthetic reaction
Relative net rate of photosynthesis

(water non-limiting, optimal
Asymptotes temperature, and ambient
CO2 ).
P o P
P = = o o
Pssm P I k

o o
k I SL = Relative saturation insolation

0 1
Relative insolation, I

the ratio Pr /Ps is only approximately 10% of Pt /Ps for trees (Larcher, 1983, Tables 3.4,
p. 95, Table 3.5, p. 97), we neglect it and rewrite Eq. 8.2 to estimate the net rate of
photosynthesis, P/Ps . This gives

P Pt I
= , (8.3)
Psm Psm I +k

where, because Tl = Tm in these experiments, we replace Ps by its maximum value,

Psm . Normalizing all quantities on the right-hand side of Eq. 8.3 by the ambient full
sunlight insolation, I0 , we define I o I /I0 , and k o k/I0 . Using this notation the
behavior of Eq. 8.3 is sketched in Fig. 8.5.
With this normalization Horn (1971, p. 69) fits Eq. 8.3 to observations of photosyn-
thesis in oak, beech, and pine using the maximum observed photosynthetic rate as Psm .
However, selection of the proper full sunlight radiance is problematic given obser-
vations of a process that saturates asymptotically with applied radiation. In response
to this difficulty, we select as an objective definition of saturation insolation, ISL , the
intersection of the asymptotes of Eq. 8.3 as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 8.5. We
locate this point by evaluating the slope of Eq. 8.3 at I = 0 as

 dP   k  1
=  = , (8.4)
 dI  (I + k)2  k
I =0 I =0

from which we see that the saturation insolation ISL k. Note that with this definition,
we have effectively replaced the photosynthetic characteristic curve of Eq. 8.3 by its
asymptotes, and therefore the saturation radiances derived in this work will be smaller
than those reported in the literature and listed here in Tables 8.1 and 8.2.
Alternatively, since photosynthesis is biophysically controlled by the uptake of
CO2 through diffusive processes in the external leaf boundary layer and in the internal
leaf protoplasm, it seems equally reasonable to fit observations with an exponential
244 Optimal bioclimate

function of the form

= 1 exp (I /k). (8.5)
As before
 dP  1  1
  =  exp (I /k) = ,
 dI  k  k
I =0 I =0

and intersection of the asymptotes again gives ISL k as is sketched in Fig. 8.6a. This
reduces Eq. 8.5 to
= 1 exp (I /ISL ). (8.6)
Equation 8.6 is compared in Fig. 8.6b with the same observations used by Horn
(1971, p. 69) where in the present case, the oak and pine photosynthetic rates have
been normalized using the observed asymptotic values. Here we see that Eq. 8.6 fits
all three species reasonably well using k o = ISL
= 0.11, a value which corresponds

Fig. 8.6. Exponential net

Relative net rate of photosynthesis

1 rate of photosynthetic
reaction for leaf (water
non-limiting, optimal
o o temperature, and ambient
P 0.63 o P I / k
P = =1e CO2 ).
Psm (a) Analytical form;
(b) comparison with
observations: , Eastern red
o o oak (Kramer and Decker,
k I SL = Relative saturation insolation
1944); , European beech
0 (Boysen-Jensen, 1932, after
0 1 Kramer and Kozlowski,
(a) Relative insolation, I 1960; , Loblolly pine
(Kramer and Clark, 1947).



0.8 P I o
= o o , with I = 0.05
Psm SL
I + I SL
0.6 o o
Psm P I / I SL o
=1e , with I SL= 0.11


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(b) I
Light control of productivity of an isolated leaf 245

Pssm Enzymatic processes and CO2 supply

Stomata fully open


Photosynthetic capacity






Fig. 8.7. Definition of the leaf light characteristic (unit basal C3 leaf area, water
non-limiting, optimal temperature, ambient CO2 ).

to ISL 11.9 kilolux (i.e., 43 MJ (total) m2 h1 ). However, according to the data of

Table 8.1, this value is appropriate for the sun leaves of both deciduous and coniferous
species only when multiplied by a factor of about 3, but we caution against direct
comparisons of reported values because of the different definition used herein.

Leaf light characteristic

We believe the more appropriate physical basis of Eq. 8.6, plus the physical signifi-
cance and objectivity of its asymptote intersection (see Appendix D), justifies its adop-
tion here to represent the photosynthetic characteristic. Hereafter, we will discuss the
photosynthetic capacity curve as though it were composed of its exponential asymp-
totes as sketched again in Fig. 8.7 under non-limiting conditions of water supply,
and with Tl = Tm . We call these asymptotes the leaf light characteristic. Because
CO2 enters the leaf through the stomates, we must look at the principal mechanisms
of stomatal control in order to understand further the physical significance of these
asymptotes and their intersection.

C Light control of productivity of an isolated leaf

Carbon dioxide control circuit
We first look back briefly at the structure of the typical stomatal cavity as idealized in
Fig. 4.27a for the C3 plants and trees to which we will limit our consideration. The
stomatal opening responds to (among other things) the difference of CO2 concentra-
tion between the boundary layer on the leaf surface and the stomatal cavity. All else
being constant, when this difference is large, the leaf is assimilating CO2 faster than it
can enter the leaf. Consequently, the stomatal opening increases, lowering the stom-
atal resistance and admitting more CO2 . This occurs under conditions of increasing
246 Optimal bioclimate

Photon flux density Fig. 8.8. Demonstration

( Einstein m2 1
s )
that stomates are effectively
open at intersection of
0 200 400 600 800 asymptotes of the
Estimated Psm= 2.10 photosynthetic capacity
2 curve (Picea sitchensis;
1.6 water non-limiting, and

O2 transfer resistance, rls

ambient CO2 ). (From
Ludlow, M.M., and P.G.
O2 influx, P

22 11

Jarvis, Photosynthesis in

(s mm )

Sitka spruce, I. General

(g m

Tl = 20 C 0.8 characteristics, Fig. 3,


rls p. 934, Journal of Applied

0.4 Ecology, 8, Copyright  c

rss 1971 Blackwell Science
0 I SL Ilc 0
Ltd; with kind permission
from Blackwell Science
0 50 100 150 Ltd, Oxford, UK.)
Il 2)

light intensity (all else again being constant), and the reverse occurs as light intensity
falls. With this understanding, and with water availability non-limiting, we see that
the stomatal opening increases with increasing light intensity along the rising, photo-
chemical asymptote of Fig. 8.7. At photosynthetic saturation (the intersection of the
asymptotes in this idealization), the stomates are fully open, the stomatal resistance has
its minimum value, and the assimilation rate becomes constant at its maximum value
(consistent with the ambient concentration of CO2 ) along the asymptote controlled by
enzymatic processes (and hence temperature).
A piece of evidence supporting the use of the intersection of the asymptotes of the
photosynthetic capacity curve to define the critical point of fully open stomates is given
here in Fig. 8.8 (adapted from Ludlow and Jarvis, 1971, Fig. 3, p. 934). Observations
of net CO2 influx, P, and of stomatal resistance, rls , are presented there as a function
of irradiance, Il , for an isolated shoot of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) undergoing
the usual phytotron test. The saturation value, P = Psm , is estimated at Psm = 2.10 g
m2 h1 as shown on the figure. Evaluating Eq. 8.4 at Il = ISL gives
(Il = ISL ) = 1 1/e = 0.632,

yielding P(Il = ISL ) = 1.33 g m2 h1 . Entering Fig. 8.8 with this value locates ISL
as is shown by the arrows entering from the P scale.
The rls data points of Fig. 8.8 were fitted by Ludlow and Jarvis (1971) with the
solid line shown, but over the range of observations could as well have been fitted
with the dashed straight line segments shown. We use the intersection of these dashed
segments to approximate the insolation, Ilc , at which the stomates first become fully
Light control of productivity of an isolated leaf 247

The proximity of Ilc to ISL supports our use of the asymptote intersection of the
exponential photosynthetic capacity curve as the point of effectively full stomatal
opening. In so doing it provides the major physical justification for our use of this
intersection to define the normalizing critical insolation when characterizing the
dimensionless photosynthetic capacity curve. We recognize that values of ISL deter-
mined in this manner will be at variance with most of the existing observations, so we
have developed our own set of ISL values using observations, taken from the litera-
ture, of the photosynthetic characteristic of single leaves of eight separate species, and
fitting each of these with an exponential function as described above. Psm is normally
measured in milligrams of CO2 assimilated per unit of stomated leaf surface per unit
of time at the optimum leaf temperature, Tl = Tm , and ISL is measured in a variety of
units of either total or shortwave incident radiant energy per unit of illuminated leaf
area per unit of time. We have converted all energy fluxes to PAR (assumed to be one
half the total radiation) in units of megajoules (i.e., MJ).
The species studied are the bottom eight entries in Table 8.2 (i.e., Sitka spruce
through Arctic willow), and their experimentally determined photosynthetic capacity
curves are from the sources in the last column of Table 8.2. The value of Psm was
determined in each case by estimating the saturation asymptote of the source curve
and is listed in the first column of Table 8.2. For each species, several points were
read from the source curve over the full range of P/Psm and were used with Eq. 8.6
to obtain an average ISL for that species. These values are listed in the second column
of Table 8.2, and the resulting values of = Psm /ISL are given in the third column.
The individual points transferred from the source curves and put in common units
are displayed in Fig. 8.9. We note there that of those species studied, all but the creosote
bush (Larrea divaricata) appear to cluster about a common exponential (i.e., the upper
curve of Fig. 8.9) while creosote bush, the lower curve, reaches maximum productivity
at a much higher insolation.
Also shown in Table 8.2 are average values of these parameters, taken from
Table 8.1, for C3 crops, and for the sun leaves of deciduous trees and evergreen
coniferous trees, the three main vegetation types under consideration here.

Dry matter : radiation quotient

For purposes of interspecies comparison, the rate of photochemical production of plant
biomass is commonly characterized by the proportionality between photosynthetic
yield and available radiation in the region of opening stomates (see Fig. 8.7). Larcher
(1975, p. 41) calls this the dry matter : radiation quotient, , commonly defined as:
grams of dry biomass produced
, (gs MJ1 ),
megajoules of intercepted radiant energy

This is another of our expedient assumptions. Larcher (1983, p. 93) points out that stomatal
opening responds to the interplay of water potential, humidity, and temperature as well as to light,
and that the stomates are completely open only rarely and briefly.
248 Optimal bioclimate



Creosote bush

(1 e1) Arctic willow (Kramer and Kozlowski, 1960)
Pssm 0.6
Eastern red oak (Kramer and Decker, 1944)

White oak (Kramer and Decker, 1944)

European beech (Boysen-Jensen, 1932)
ISSL Sitka spruce (Jarvis et al., 1976)
Creosote bush (Ehleringer, 1985)

Goethalsia (Allen and Lemon, 1976)

0 1 2 3 4

I [MJ (PAR) m2 h1]

Fig. 8.9. Photosynthetic capacity curves for isolated leaves (water non-limiting,
optimal temperature, and ambient CO2 ).

in which the intercepted radiation used is sometimes short wave and sometimes total,
while the mass of roots is usually excluded when is reported for whole trees. We
recognize as the slope, Psm /ISL , of the photochemical asymptote of the leaf light
characteristic presented in Fig. 8.7. However, in evaluating and in using values of
from the literature, we must be careful of the units.
The estimates of Psm given in the first column of Table 8.2 have been converted to
the resulting mass of solid matter using the accepted average conversion factor
g(solid matter) gs
= 0.5, (8.7)
g(CO2 assimilated) g
as given by Penning de Vries et al. (1974), and Ledig et al. (1976, fide Russell et al.,
1989b, p. 27).
The needles of some conifers have stomates on more than one side (see Chapter 2)
in which case the the stomated and illuminated areas of the leaf are unequal. To
accommodate such cases we introduce the additional modifier,
stomated (i.e., assimilating) leaf area
o = . (8.8)
illuminated (i.e., projected) leaf area
For example, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) has stomates on all three needle sur-
faces (Kramer and Decker, 1944, p. 352), thus in direct light this species has
o arc -chord = 2.36 (Raison et al., 1992). The observed value of Psm for this species

was reported per unit of stomated area and thus was multiplied by o = 2.36 for listing
in Table 8.2. For broad leaves o = 1.
Light control of productivity of an isolated leaf 249

With these modifiers we write

= o , (gs MJ1 ), (8.9)
Unfortunately there are not many observations of for trees or even for woody perenni-
als (Jarvis and Leverenz, 1983). Those which do exist have been assembled by Russell
et al. (1989b, pp. 2830) and are reproduced here in Table 8.4. Using the above di-
mensional modifiers as appropriate, we can estimate additional values of for isolated
leaves from the observations of Psm and ISL tabulated in Table 8.2. The latter are plot-
ted in Fig. 8.10 along with a solid line representing the average value of the single
leaf dry matter : radiation quotient, . This average curve has the value  = 0.81
gs MJ(total)1 which is consistent with the value = 0.80 gs MJ(tot)1 found for the
leaves of trees by Linder (1985). Other reported values are much higher, such as the
representative value = 2.2 gs MJ(tot)1 (Szeicz, 1974) and that for the leaves of
C3 plants of = 1.4 gs MJ(tot)1 (Monteith, 1977).
It is important to understand that the species-independence of defines a biochem-
ical limit to the assimilation rate of C3 leaves of a given species. We call this function,
Psm = ISL , the biochemical assimilation capacity for leaves of that species. It follows,
as we will now see, that the function, Psm = I0 , limits the C3 leaf assimilation rate
in a given radiational climate, I0 , thereby providing perhaps the primary pressure for
selection of ISL and hence species at a given I0 ; we call this latter function the climatic
assimilation potential.

Bioclimatic optimality with non-limiting water

(species control)
What is the relation of ISL to the environmental insolation I0 (i.e., insolation at the
top of the crown) assuming that the availability of water is not limiting? We reason as
(1) In Chapter 5 we saw that the temperature difference, |Tl T0 |, driving the
sensible heat transfer between the leaf and the ambient atmosphere is very
small, so that for the purposes of this chapter we may assume Tl T0 .
(2) Because of the extreme sensitivity of biological productivity (i.e.,
photosynthetic rate) to leaf temperature (Fig. 8.4), we assume that the
environmental temperature, T0 , will select a species such that Tm T0 .
(3) Consider the idealized photosynthetic capacity curve for species no. 1 shown
as the solid line in Fig. 8.11a and having the saturating insolation ISL1 . If
T0 Tm but the environmental insolation, I0 , is such that I0 > ISL1 , the system
will operate at point no. 1, and there will be unused radiance which is not
biologically productive with this species. While species no. 1 is maximally
productive in this environment which is thus a natural habitat of the species, it
is suboptimal in the evolutionary sense of the given environments potential for
250 Optimal bioclimate

Table 8.4. Estimates of the dry matter : radiation quotient, , for whole plants (water
or nutrients not limiting; main period of growth; radiation is total intercepted)
Plant name Species Reference
(gs MJ1 )a
Agricultural C3
Rape Brassica napus 1.1 Mendham et al., 1981
Pigeon pea Cajanus cajan 1.2 Hughes et al., 1981
Pea Pisum sativum 1.5 Heath and Hebblethwaite, 1985
Potato Solanum tuberosum 1.4 Scott and Allen, 1978
Typical 1.4 Monteith, 1977
Woody C3
Monterey pine Pinus radiata 0.9b Linder, 1985
1.45 Linder, 1985, plus Forrest and Ovington
(1970), and Forrest (1973), fide
Cannell (1982, p. 15), give: (root dry
weight)/(total dry weight) = 0.38.
Scots pine Pinus sylvestris 0.85b Linder, 1985
1.03 Linder, 1985, plus Malkonen (1974);
Albrektson (1980a, 1980b); Ovington
(1957, 1959, 1961); fide Cannell
(1982, pp. 63; 225; and 244), give:
(root dry weight)/(total dry weight) =
0.24 (3 sites); 0.11 (15 sites); 0.31
(3 sites).
Black pine Pinus nigra 0.85b Linder, 1985
1.06 Linder, 1985, plus Miller et al. (1980),
fide Cannell (1982, p. 247), give: (root
dry weight)/(total dry weight) = 0.20
(7 sites).
Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis 0.85b Linder, 1985
1.05 Linder, 1985, plus Deans (1979, 1981);
fide Cannell (1982, p. 242), give: (root
dry weight)/(total dry weight) = 0.19
(1 site).
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus 0.45b Linder, 1985
0.56 Linder, 1985, plus Feller (1980); Rogers
and Westman (1977, 1981), Westman
and Rogers (1977a, 1977b); fide
Cannell (1982, pp.15; 18), give: (root
dry weight)/(total dry weight) = 0.10
(1 site E. regnans, and 1 site
E. obliqua); 0.38 (1 site, E. signata
and E. umbra).
Willow Salix viminalis 1.4b Cannell et al., 1987

Radiation is total intercepted.
Above-ground biomass only (i.e., roots excluded).
Source: Russell, G., B. Marshall, and P.G. Jarvis, editors, Plant Canopies: Their Growth, Form
and Function, Cambridge University Press, 1989, Table 2.1, p. 28 and following text; reprinted
with permission of both Cambridge University Press and G. Russell.
Creosote bush

C3 crops
2 h 1)

m ila g
ssi <>

la = 0.81
ica MJ(tot)

h 1
0.8 Bi
Sitka Deciduous trees
Coniferous trees
0.4 Beech Loblolly pine
Arctic Red oak
White oak

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
I SL (MJ(tot) m2 h1)

Fig. 8.10. Biochemical assimilation capacity of C3 leaves. Data from Table 8.2. Note
that these data have been updated by Larcher (1995, Table 2.4, p. 85 and Table 2.8,
p. 98) since the original preparation of this figure. Use of the updated data here would
result in greater scatter leading to <>= 0.78.

I SL2 Fig. 8.11. Bioclimatic

Species no. 3 operating states under light
Pssm3 control (unit basal leaf area,
Operating Species no. 2 water non-limiting, optimal
point no. 2, Pssm2 temperature, ambient CO2 ).
stressed for productive
gain Species no. 1 (a) Suboptimal; (b) optimal.
species no. 3 Pssm1
Operating point no. 1
Unused radiance, species no. 1

1 I SL1 I0 I SL3 I SW

(a) I

Species no. 2

1 I0 = I SL2 I SW

(b) I
252 Optimal bioclimate

biomass production. Referring back to Fig. 8.10 now we note the direct
proportionality between Psm and ISL (i.e., constant ). Therefore (return to
Fig. 8.11a), species having larger saturation insolation at this T0 will be more
productive (i.e., larger Psm ). We hypothesize that evolutionary pressure will
move the biological system in this direction. In a single-species world we
might expect this species to evolve or adapt biochemically to a new form
having ISL2 = I0 as is indicated by operating point no. 2 in Fig. 8.11a.
However, in our multispecies world, we expect that a species no. 2, having the
same Tm but larger Psm , will take over (as indicated by the upper dashed curve)
such that ISL2 = I0 , and it will operate at point no. 2. Species no. 2 is thus
optimal for this climate; after Lindeman (1942) we will refer to it as the
climax species, that is the species that is maximally productive there, and hence
(4) Continuing our consideration of Fig. 8.11a, if T0 = Tm for species no. 3 but
I0 < ISL3 , the operating point is again no. 2. Here the photosynthetic rate, Psm2 ,
is less than Psm3 , and at operating point no. 2 species no. 3 is not producing at
capacity. Under such suboptimal operation, species no. 3 lives in an average
state of stress due to insufficient light with associated increased risk of trauma
during transient periods of lower insolation. Furthermore, plant support of such
unproductive capacity is suboptimal because the constant and non-productive
light requirements of respiration consume a greater proportion of I0 than they
do when I0 has the saturation value, ISL . Therefore, natural selection would
seem strongly to favor a new species (species no. 2), having smaller ISL at this
I0 , such that ISL2 = I0 as is shown by the lower dashed line in Fig. 8.11a. At
operating point no. 2, this species will be just as productive as species no. 3
would be at this I0 , but optimally so. Species no. 2 would again qualify as a
climax species for this environment.
(5) We conclude that with ample water and a continuous range of species-specific
Tm , the optimum relations between climate and species are T0 Tl = Tm , and
I0 = I S L , for here P = Psm which is the maximum possible photosynthetic rate
(as is shown in Fig. 8.11b). We refer to the suboptimal state I S L > I0 as
light-limited and the suboptimal state I S L < I0 as species-limited.

Note that we make this climax classification solely on the basis of full productive use of the
environmental light resource provided, of course, that water is not limiting. To the first
approximation (i.e., neglecting the stimulation of added assimilation capacity by the water-borne
flux of added nutrients) productivity is independent of excess water supply beyond that needed to
keep the stomates fully open.

These discussions of pressures for species substitution are simplistic when viewed from the
viewpoint of species succession in natural ecosystems (cf. Colinvaux, 1973, pp. 550572) where
various other strategies are believed to be operative at different successional stages.
Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 253

Plate 8.1. Norway spruce. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by William

D. Rich; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)

D Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf

Transient case
Imagine a stand of trees growing under constant weather conditions which include
adequate light (i.e., I0 ISL ), an initially saturated root-zone soil, and no further
precipitation. Under these conditions the trees are initially unstressed by shortage of
either light or water, and therefore the stomates are fully open. Accordingly, we expect
leaf transpiration to occur initially at the potential rate E v = E ps . The net rate of
biological productivity is shown in Appendix E to be directly proportional to the rate
254 Optimal bioclimate

of transpiration. We thus expect the photosynthetic rate of at least the uppermost leaf
initially to have the saturation value, P = Psm . For subsequent times, it is helpful to
understand the energetics of water movement in the plant from its reservoir in the root-
zone soil up to the surface of the spongy mesophyll cells lining a stomatal cavity in this
uppermost leaf where it undergoes an evaporative state change from liquid to vapor.
Water moves through the plant in the xylem under the influence of a potential gra-
dient between xylem terminals in the root and the leaf. However, many crucial details
of this extremely complex process remain controversial. For purposes of qualitative
reasoning only, we will follow here the simplified engineering explanation offered by
Hendricks and Hansen (1962).
Figure 8.12a gives a schematic representation of the energy grade line, and
Fig. 8.12b shows typical values of the associated energy potentials. The pressure
intensities, pc , of fluid held in the soil pores by capillary forces are negative (i.e., the
fluid is in tension) as are the related soil moisture (capillary) potentials, s = pc /
(f g) pc /f , where f and f are the mass density and the specific weight of the
fluid respectively, and g is the gravitational constant. The root-zone capillary potential
is related to the root-zone soil moisture concentration by the well-known relation
from soil physics (cf. Eq. 6.30)

s = s (1) s 1/m , (8.10)

in which s (1), the potential at saturation (i.e., s = 1), and m are hydraulic properties
of the soil.
As time progresses in our imaginary transient experiment, transpiration and down-
ward percolation in the soil reduce the average root-zone soil moisture concentration,
s, and the associated root-zone soil moisture potential, s , becomes more negative.
The withdrawal of moisture from the soil adjacent to the roots lowers the capillary
potential there by the additional amount, h s , needed to support flow to the root surfaces
against the resistance of the soil. A positive osmotic potential, Ho , exists across the
root cell membranes due to concentration differences between the soil solution and the
sap solution (Kramer, 1969, pp. 150173). This potential acts as a pump which may
(seasonally at least) develop a rise in pressure head on the order of 1 to 2 atmospheres
(Kramer, 1969, p. 158). On the plant side of the root walls there is a drop in potential
due to friction losses in the roots (h r ), xylem (h x ), and leaves (h l ), while the height of
the tree gives a positive gravitational potential, HG . Across the leafs spongy meso-
phyll cells, from the veins to the evaporation surfaces in the stomatal cavities, there is a
positive capillary potential, HL l , which can be sizeable depending upon the effec-
tive capillary diameter of the spaces between the mesophyll cells. In Fig. 8.12a these
potentials are added to their respective elevations, z, at every point along the flow path
to obtain the conventional hydraulic grade line (i.e., piezometric head line). When
the hydraulic grade line lies below the elevation of the point in question, the moisture
potential at that point is negative. As is shown in Fig. 8.12a, the fluid is under tension
in much of the tree. Conventional wisdom has rejected tension-induced cavitation by
Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 255


z h




Fig. 8.12. Energetics of transpiration. (a) Hydraulic grade line; (b) energy potentials.
(After Hendricks, D.W., and V.E. Hansen, Mechanics of evapo-transpiration, Fig. 3,
p. 73 and Fig. 4, p. 74, Proc. A.S.C.E., J. Irrigation and Drainage Div., 88, IR2,
Copyright c 1962 American Society of Civil Engineers; with kind permission from
the American Society of Civil Engineers.)
256 Optimal bioclimate

virtue of cohesion between adjacent fluid molecules (Briggs, 1950) and by adhe-
sion between the fluid molecules and the elastic vessel walls (Slatyer, 1967, p. 212).
However, more recent studies (cf. Milburn, 1993) demonstrate that xylem hydraulic
conductivity may be substantially reduced by cavitation and the resulting formation of
gas-filled passages. Holbrook and Zwieniecki (1999) hypothesize that these gas em-
boli are continuously repaired, perhaps diurnally (Zwieniecki and Holbrook, 1998),
and that measured hydraulic conductivity is a dynamic balance between the processes
of damage and repair.
Because the flow velocities are so small, the kinetic energy of the plant fluid is
negligible, and the potentials of Fig. 8.12a can be summed to give Hf , the potential
available to support friction loss, as

Hf = h s + h r + h x + h l = (Ho HG ) + (l |s (s)|), (8.11)

in which HG zl z g .
As time progresses (without additional precipitation remember!), the magnitude of
s increases sharply (Eq. 8.10), and the plant must work ever harder to pump moisture
from the soil to the stomates at the atmospheric demand rate, E ps . The values of Ho
and HG in Eq. 8.11 are fixed by the given plant, so to maintain constant Hf (and hence
E v = E ps and P = Ps ), the leaf potential, l , must increase by the same amount as
|s |.
At some (critical) value of the falling soil moisture, s = sc , the plants available
pumping capacity, Ho + l , can no longer overcome the opposing potentials, |s | +
HG + Hf , while keeping the flow at its maximum rate, E ps . At subsequent times,
without some change in the opposing potentials, the atmospheric demand would begin
to desiccate the plant structure in order to make up the deficit in the plants transpiration
capacity. To prevent this, the plant has evolved a mechanism to keep evaporative
demand more-or-less in balance with the falling transpiration capacity.
A biological sensor in the guard cells surrounding the stomatal opening senses
the moisture potential, l , in the leaf. When l reaches the critical value, lc (cor-
responding to the critical soil moisture, sc ), the guard cells respond by reducing the
stomatal opening and thereby putting the plant into a stressed (as opposed to relaxed)
physiological state. This restriction to the vapor flow raises the vapor density within
the stomatal cavity and thereby decreases the transpiration rate. The friction loss, Hf ,
then falls requiring (see Eq. 8.11) that l < s for a given negative s. This de-
cline in the transpiration rate for l > lc implies a proportional decline in the rate of
water-borne nutrient flux from the soil as well as in the rate of CO2 assimilation. Thus
there is a decrease in net biological productivity as the soil dries below the critical
value sc .
Figure 8.13 shows the typical variation of the rates of transpiration and of net
photosynthesis for several crop and tree species as a function of l under conditions

Zwieniecki et al. (2001) find that salt-sensitive gels in certain xylem membranes constantly shrink
and swell as needed to regulate the water flow.
Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 257

1.0 1.0
Net photosynthesis, P
(relative units)
1 2

s = sc

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
l (bar)

Fig. 8.13. Restriction of photosynthesis by leaf water stress (light non-limiting,

optimal temperature, and ambient CO2 ). 1, Annual vine; 2, English walnut; 3, Sitka
spruce; 4, creosote bush. (Adapted from Larcher, W., Physiological Plant Ecology,
corrected printing of 2nd Edition, Fig. 3.46, p. 123, Copyright c 1983 Springer-
Verlag GmbH & Co. KG; with kind permission from Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co.
KG, and from W. Larcher.)

of unlimited light as adapted from Larcher (1983, Fig. 3.46, p. 123). These ordinates
are presented as normalized by their maximum rates such that

kv P
kvo , and Po . (8.12)
kv Psm

Both normalized ordinates have the maximum value of unity while the stomates are
fully open (see Chapters 6 and 8). We see in Fig. 8.13 that lc has virtually a common
value of about 10 bars for the species considered.
Note in Fig. 8.13 that the stomatal control of transpiration is singularly weak in the
creosote bush. This is probably due to low soil moistures characteristic of that plants
habitat, for at low soil moisture, s /s is very large requiring a comparably large
l to accomplish a given reduction in Hf (i.e., in E v ).
Thus, in the manner just outlined for this case of transient drying, gradual stomatal
closure permits the plant to continue production, albeit at an ever-decreasing rate,
without desiccation but in a state of physiological stress until the drying soil forces
complete shut-down of the stomates. Equation 8.11 can be used to transform the
independent variable of Fig. 8.13 from l to s. With laminar flow in the soil pores and
plant veins, friction losses are proportional to the velocity in these passages and we
can write

Hf = kL E v , (8.13)

in which kL (sec) is the sum of the geometrically scaled potential-loss coefficients for
the soil, root, xylem, and leaf passages. Equations 8.11 and 8.13 then give

l |s | + Ho HG
Ev = . (8.14)
258 Optimal bioclimate

Fig. 8.14. Biological

1.2 Photosynthesis, P

response to falling soil
Transpiration, E v
1.0 moisture (loblolly pine;
Relative instantaneous

light non-limiting, and

0.8 ambient CO2 ). (a) Observed

transient transpiration and

0.6 photosynthesis of loblolly
s = sc

pine (after Brix, H., The

0.4 effect of water stress on the
rates of photosynthesis and
0.2 Water
added respiration in tomato plants
0 and loblolly pine seedlings,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Fig. 4, p. 15, Physiologia
(a) Time, t (days) Plantarum, 15, Copyright
c 1962 Munksgaard
International Publishers
Ltd., Copenhagen,
Denmark; with kind
permission from
Stomata Munksgaard International
1.0 open Publishers Ltd);
Stomatal (b) generalized
v transpiration
time-average leaf
Sto ing

transpiration efficiency.

s oc

(b) closed

Using Eqs. 8.10 and E.12, Eq. 8.14 provides the desired coordinate transformation to
Po = l s (1)s 1/m + Ho HG . (8.15)
With Eq. 8.15 each pair of values (P o , l ) for a particular species in Fig. 8.13
maps to a pair (P o , s) having the transient form illustrated for a loblolly pine canopy
in Fig. 8.14a. Note here that with falling root zone soil moisture, the photosynthetic
rate remains constant at its maximum value until the critical transient soil moisture
content, s = sc , is reached and the stomates begin to close. This maximum value of
photosynthesis corresponds to the maximum value of the canopy conductance, kv = kv
or kvo = 1. This transient case is of course the natural one where occasional additional
precipitation produces soil moisture recharge which intermittently resets the decaying
transpiration rate at a higher value 0 < E v E pv . Note particularly in Fig. 8.14a the
proportionality of P and E v .

Here the proportionality results from control of both P and E v by stomatal closure induced by the
drying soil. In Appendix E we demonstrate approximate proportionality for the condition of open
Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 259

Steady-state case
Time-averaging the succession of soil moisture transients characterizing a given cli-
mate, we define an imaginary steady-state which we assume to be representative of
climatic behavior to a degree that becomes exact only at the limit in which variance
of the weather vanishes. This steady-state approximation has yielded useful insights
into the behavior of the climatic water balance (Eagleson, 1978f), and was introduced
in Chapter 6 as the basis for analysis in this book. The time-averaged (i.e., climatic)
root-zone soil moisture concentration is denoted by so . If we change the independent
variable of Fig. 8.14a from the transient s to the climatic so , as in Fig. 8.14b, then
the sketched function represents the relative productivity of that species as a function
of soil moisture climate provided that there is always enough light in this climate for
photosynthesis at the rate P equivalent to Ev . The insolation, I , at which so attains its
critical value, soc , and plant desiccation begins is an important bioclimatic parameter
which, in comparison with ISL , and the actual climatic insolation, I0 , determines plant
habitat. In making this comparison through the radiation-driven transpiration rate we
will be careful to deal with daylight-hour time periods and rates. For example, we use
Eq. 6.46 to write, for a unit vegetated area

E v = v kv E ps

, (8.16)

in which E ps 2E ps is the average daylight hour potential rate of evaporation from
a wet surface, and v is approximated from Eqs. 6.43 and 6.48 for the period follow-
ing evaporative exhaustion of surface retention by retaining only the second term of
Eq. C.6. That is
4 ne zr
v 1 exp s
. (8.17)
M kv E ps

Equation 8.17 is sketched as the solid line labeled stomatal transpiration in Fig. 8.14b.

Leaf water characteristic

Earlier in this chapter we examined the photosynthetic rate as a function of light when
the water supply was not limiting. We called it the leaf light characteristic and sketched
it in Fig. 8.7. We now need a means of considering the joint effects of light and water in
order to specify the most productive unstressed state. To this end it will aid our physical
reasoning to define a leaf water characteristic under conditions in which light is not
limiting (i.e., I ISL ).
We begin by demonstrating that the climatic root-zone soil moisture concentra-
tion, so , is inversely related to the ambient insolation, I , all else being constant. This

That is, the time-averaged depth evaporated in one-half the time, making m t E ps m t E ps .
b b
Note that in discussing the behavior of a single leaf, kv and v can be less than unity only by
virtue of stomatal closure. This contrasts with our use of kv to describe the conductance of a
multilayer canopy in which all stomates are assumed fully open.
260 Optimal bioclimate

Plate 8.2. Golden larch. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by William D.

Rich; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)

variable transformation is important in that it allows us to present the falling leaf pro-
ductivity of Fig. 8.14b as a result of increasing environmental insolation rather than
of decreasing soil moisture, and thus facilitates comparison of the leaf water charac-
teristic with the leaf light characteristic of Fig. 8.7. Using first Eq. C.17 and then the
first-order approximation to Eq. E.1 we get, for a given moisture supply, the functional
so = f 1 E ps = f 2 (I 1 ). (8.18)

Note that the function P(I ) given in Appendix E is different when carbon is supply-limited.
Water control of productivity of an isolated leaf 261

Thus, as I increases in a given precipitation climate, so will decrease due to increasing

E ps . When the falling soil moisture causes so soc , progressive stomatal closure oc-
curs, and v declines from unity. Provided ISL is small enough to insure photosynthetic
saturation, we can now define the leaf water characteristic for a unit leaf area of a C3
species for a given soil, seasonal temperature and precipitation.
Referring to Fig. 8.15, as we increase the insolation, I , above ISL , the stomates
remain fully open under species control as discussed earlier (cf. Fig. 8.7), and the
photosynthetic rate remains constant at Psm . Increase in the evaporation rate, E v , is
damped somewhat by virtue of increasing back radiation as shown in Eqs. E.1 and E.4.

Nevertheless, with increasing I , the potential rate of evaporation, E ps , increases and so
falls (cf. Eq. 8.18) non-linearly. With still larger I , the soil moisture falls to the critical
value, so = soc , at which I = ISW and both the photosynthesis and evaporation rates
come under water control with the stomates beginning to close in response to water
stress. We define the desiccation or water-critical insolation, ISW , at which stomatal
closure begins by the intersection of the asymptotes of the P(I ) curve as is shown in
Fig. 8.15.
It is interesting and important to note through Eq. 8.15 that with lc and Ho constant,
decreasing P can be delayed to higher I (and hence to lower so ) through a decrease
in tree height as expressed through zl . Here is a direct mechanism for control of plant
height through water supply.

Soil moisture concentration, so


Pwm = Psm

Stomata fully open
P closing


Fig. 8.15. Definition of the leaf water characteristic (unit basal leaf area of given
species, unlimited saturation insolation, optimal temperature, ambient CO2 , given soil
and precipitation).

Assuming that increased transpiration maintains optimum leaf temperature.
262 Optimal bioclimate

E Joint control of leaf productivity by light and water

Bioclimatic optimality for an individual leaf
With the light and water characteristics expressed in the same coordinates we can
combine them in order to consider the limits of their interaction for a given species
and climate. We have three important values of the ambient insolation, I:

(1) I0 = actual environmental insolation,

(2) ISL Psm / = saturation or carbon-critical insolation for a leaf of given
species, and
(3) ISW = desiccation or water-critical insolation at which stomatal closure and the
accompanying water stress begin.

Their relative values determine the feasibility, stability, and optimality of a given
climatevegetation system, as well as the direction of any evolutionary pressure. Al-
though there are six permutations of the relative values of these three insolations,
the feasible set is smaller when we consider a given species and observe a series of

Constraint no. 1: Productivity is stressless and is maximized

in the given climate
Stresslessness fixes Psm Pwm , and productivity maximization fixes ISL I0 , placing
the maximum stressless productivity of this species at

ISL I0 ISW , (8.19)

as is demonstrated in the sketch of Fig. 8.16. This range of I0 defines the feasible
radiational habitat of the given species for the given soil and water supply. A few
comments about this figure are in order:

Climate Photosynthetic Climate Fig. 8.16. Jointly controlled

control control control leaf photosynthesis (fixed
(light) (species) (water)
species, soil, and
Stomata Stomata Stomata precipitation). Solid line,
opening open closing behavior of given species as
controlled by light
P saturation; dashed line,
climatic potential behavior
realizable only by a
different species having
PW habitat Psm Pwm .
Joint control of leaf productivity by light and water 263

The solid line represents the actual photosynthesis, PL , of the leaf given by its actual
light characteristic as influenced by the moisture supply of the given climate, while
the dashed line represents the potential water-limited photosynthesis of the leaf, PW ,
as influenced only by the climatic moisture supply and the stomatal opening as though
light saturation did not occur. The jointly controlled leaf photosynthetic characteristic
follows the form of the light characteristic in Fig. 8.7, until photosynthetic saturation
at I = ISL . The amount of light controls PL for I ISL , and the species, through its
photosynthetic saturation, Psm , controls PL for ISL < I ISW . In this latter range, the
stomates are fully open, there is excess water since PW > PL , and thus the canopy
cover is complete at M = 1. At I = ISW , the stomates begin to close under contol of
the available water and both the actual and the water-limited potential photosynthesis
of the individual leaf fall accordingly. At ISL = I = ISW decline of the climatic water
supply will be felt through decrease of the canopy cover, M, leaving Psm = Pwm .
Additional constraints follow from optimality considerations as we now see.
To the extent that I0 > ISL , the given species is climatically suboptimal and hence
is selectively unstable in the sense that it does not make maximum productive use
of the available radiation (cf. Fig. 8.11a) and there will be selective pressure to do so.
To the extent that I0 = ISL but I0 < ISW , the species is photosynthetically optimal and
stable, even though it does not make maximum productive use of the available water,
since there is no resulting selective pressure. Such a system is light-limited because
with larger I0 a species with correspondingly larger ISL and Psm may be substituted.
Accordingly, for optimal conditions we add additional constraints.

Constraint no. 2: Efciency of insolation utilization is maximum

Maximum energy efficiency requires ISL = I0 (as discussed above) and with Eq. 8.19
limits the stable space to the climax criterion,

ISL = I0 ISW . (8.20)

Constraint no. 3: Productive potential of given climatesoil

combination is fully utilized
Production to the full extent allowed by the available soil moisture requires I0 =
ISW and with Eq. 8.20 further reduces the stable space to the climatically optimum

ISL = I0 = ISW . (8.21)

Bioclimatic optimality for a canopy of individual leaves

In order to understand the role of canopy cover in leaf bioclimate, we now expand our
scale from the individual leaf to an imaginary canopy composed of a single leaf layer
covering fraction, M, of the surface. For the purpose of these discussions we use the
264 Optimal bioclimate

Plate 8.3. Nikko fir. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by William D.

Rich; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)
Joint control of leaf productivity by light and water 265

energy balance as written in the simple form of Eq. 5.5. Incorporating the Bowen
ratio estimator of Eq. 5.38 we have, for the daylight hours

Rn = (1 Rb ) E T , (8.22)

in which Rb (through its dependence on kv ) is a function of plant species. During the

daylight hours, the net radiation is related to the ambient insolation, I , by the definition

Rn (1 T ) I qb , (8.23)

where T = spectral reflectance (i.e., albedo) of canopy, and qb is the net longwave
back radiation as is given empirically by Eq. B.12.
Together Eqs. 8.22 and 8.23 approximate the daylight hour balance of energy fluxes
for a unit vegetated area in which we replace the nominal (i.e., 24 hour) evaporation
rate, E T , by the actual daylight-hour rate, E v , giving

I = (1 Rb ) E ps + qb , (8.24)
1 T
where E v is linearly related to the photosynthetic rate by a climate- and species-
dependent coefficient derived in Appendix E, and where the refers to sensible heat
rejection (+) or acceptance () by the canopy.
Substituting Eqs. 6.46, 6.66, and 8.16 into Eq. 8.24 gives
1 Ve v
I = (1 Rb ) + qb . (8.25)
1 T m tb M

At the critical condition I = ISW , so = soc , and v = 1. We then rewrite Eq. 8.25
for this single leaf layer,
1 Ve
ISW = (1 Rb ) + qb , (8.26)
1 T m tb M

in which, to the first approximation Eqs. 6.67 and 6.68 become independent of the soil
properties (cf. Eq. 6.65 and Table 6.4) and define, for deep water tables
ho S
Ve m h 1 + . (8.27)
mh m mh
We see from Eq. 8.26 that the larger the moisture supply rate, Ve /m tb , the larger will
be the critical radiance, ISW .
It is helpful to remember the relationship between M and ISW as the average availa-
ble soil moisture changes.
(1) Start with the situation I0 < ISW signifying that there is excess available
moisture which insures that M = 1, and that the stomates are fully open.

For the purpose of calculation in Chapter 9, we will use the PenmanMonteith formulation,
Eq. 5.28.
266 Optimal bioclimate

(2) Now decrease the rate, Ve /m tb , at which soil moisture is available (all other
environmental variables remaining constant), until the system arrives at the
critical average state, ISW = I0 , with the stomates still open, and M = 1.
(3) Continue to decrease Ve /m tb and, since ISW < I0 , there are only two
alternatives: (a) the stomates close to reduce the rate of moisture use while
maintaining M = 1 (but placing the plant in a state of stress), or (b) the
stomates remain fully open (and the plant remains unstressed) while the
canopy cover declines just enough to keep Ve /(m tb M) constant, ISW = I0 , and
thereby maintain the critical water supply for each leaf. Adhering to our basic
premise of a stressless average state, the latter alternative is the only feasible
operating state. However, to get there it is necessary for individual plants to
die off through transient pursuit of alternative (a). As the most sensitive plant
succumbs to stress, the additional soil moisture thereby made available reduces
the stress in those plants still living.
The insignificance of percolation to groundwater under these conditions of critical
soil moisture means that whenever the average operating state is I0 = ISW , ground-
water can be generated during the growing season only due to finite variance of the
climatic properties, or during the dormant season due to E v 0. This demonstrated
insensitivity of ISW to soc may be the physical basis for the previous observation by
Denmead (1973) that transpiration is almost independent of soil conditions.
In summary, our hypothesis of an optimal bioclimatic state or climax state for
the individual leaf is founded on the concept that any average operating state which
requires stomates to be less than fully open (i.e., ISW < ISL ) is stressful to the plant and
will be selected out naturally. It proposes that in a given climatesoil, natural selection
and/or adaptation leads to Tl = Tm = T0 at I0 = I S L I SW , at which point P = Psm .
We will refine these conditions after acounting for the principal interactions among
the leaves in a real canopy.

F Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf

Scaling up from photosynthetic capacity tests on an individual leaf to the lumped
behavior of a full canopy demands that we make assumptions about: (1) the repre-
sentativeness of the tested leafs light and water characteristics; and (2) the manner
of canopy response to the conditions of bioclimatic optimality for an individual leaf
which were explicated in the previous sections:

Such benefit of the group through seemingly altruistic self-sacrifice by the individual plant is not
a negation of the selfish organism assumption of natural selection (cf. Dawkins, 1989) but is
instead a reflection of variance in the transient responses of the individuals in the group.

See Table 6.4 for estimates of the terms in the water balance leading to reducing Eq. 6.67 to the
form of Eq. 8.24.
Once again we caution that this excludes significant soil moisture supply from groundwater
which is considered as a special case in Eq. 6.72.
Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf 267

Plate 8.4. Scrub pine. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by William D.

Rich; Copyright c 2001 William D. Rich.)

(1) Since all leaves tested from various tree and C3 crop species appear to have a
common value of (cf. Fig. 8.10), we are led to the enabling, but gross,
approximation that all productive leaves of a given species have identical light
capacity curves at the same temperature. Under such circumstances, Psm is the
only variable light characteristic, changing with both species and operating
temperature. Of course, Table 8.1 seems to belie this assumption with its
demonstration of different photosynthetic characteristics for sun leaves and
shade leaves of the same species at optimal temperature. We acknowledge
this by further assuming that only the sun leaves are significant contributors to
the net productivity which yields seeds, and hence only these leaves are the
determinants of plant survival strategy.
268 Optimal bioclimate

(2) The canopy is comprised primarily of sun leaves which we assume to be

distributed uniformly throughout the crown. Clearly, all leaves cannot have
bioclimatically optimal incident radiance at all daylight moments during the
growing season. The incident insolation, I , changes with time, and the leaf
insolation, Il , depends upon both I and position within the crown (cf. Eq. 3.53).
Therefore, we assume that bioclimatic optimality of the canopy is achieved
only in the spacetime average .

Canopy-averaged insolation
Using the hat, . . . , to distinguish crown-averaged values from those of a single leaf,
the above assumptions lead to the effective canopy saturation insolation, I SL , for a
crown of a given species remaining unchanged from the individual leaf at
SL ISL = , (8.28)

While the comparable effective canopy environmental insolation,  Il , is obtained by
averaging the actual insolation, Il , over the crown volume.
For cylindrical multilayers, the insolation, Il , incident upon a leaf decays with depth
into the canopy according to Eq. 3.53 which we average over the canopy depth to get
Il 1 e L t
f I ( L t ) = exp ( L t ) d = . (8.29)
I0 0 Lt
For tapered multilayers (e.g., cones or hemispherical segments), the compensation
light intensity is assumed to exist for z = h s at all radii, leading again to Eq. 8.29.
Invoking our important earlier finding that = (cf. Eq. 3.52), we then write for all
crown shapes

Il 1 e L
f I ( L t ) = . (8.30)
I0 Lt
Equation 8.30 is plotted over the important range of L t in Fig. 8.17. Over this range
Eq. 8.30 yields the approximate mean,  f I ( L t ) = 0.36.
For monolayers of course, the incident insolation acts undiminished on all leaves

f I ( L t ) = 1. (8.31)
Similarly, with ISW determined by the uppermost leaf in the canopy using Eq. 8.26,
we define the effective leaf desiccation insolation, 
ISW , for the entire canopy to be

ISW f I ( L t )ISW . (8.32)

Although generally overlooked, these canopy-average reductions of the insolation incident at
canopy-top are the effective insolations for use with big leaf canopy models.
Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf 269

0.7 Fig. 8.17. Canopy-average

Nominal range
insolation for multilayer
for multilayers crowns. Exact for
0.6 cylinders, assumes
homogeneity at constant
radius for cones.

I0 0.3
fI (Lt )



0 2 3 4 5

With these averagings, we have created a fictitious canopy in which every leaf sat-
isfies Eq. 8.28 and is exposed to the canopy environmental insolation, 
Il f I ( L t )I0 ,
in which I0 is the daylight-hour average environmental insolation during the growing

Bioclimatic optimality for a canopy of crowns

The environmental conditions yielding maximum stressless productivity of a given
species define its feasible habitat . For the canopy of crowns these conditions follow our
prior reasoning for the canopy of individual leaves and consist of the three hypotheses:

T0 Tl = Tm ; (8.33)

SL Il , (8.34)

in which the equality, together with Eqs. 8.28 and 8.30, defines the canopy climatic as-
similation potential, Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , while the degree of inequality signifies species
instability and measures the productivity pressure for species substitution; and finally,
to ensure no water stress,

 ISW , (8.35)
270 Optimal bioclimate

Plate 8.5. Cedar among oaks. Left to right: scarlet oak, white oak, and Eastern red
cedar. (Photographed in Holden Arboretum, Cleveland, by William D. Rich; Copyright
c 2001 William D. Rich.)

or, using Eqs. 8.32, 8.34, and 8.35,

ISL f I ( L t )ISW , (8.36)

in which ISW is given by Eq. 8.26 with Ve given by Eq. 8.27.

The constraints on canopy bioclimatic space are as given for the individual leaf in
Eqs. 8.19 through 8.21 by letting I0 
Il , ISW 
ISW , and I 

Species feasibility and productive optimality

SL Il ISW , (8.37)
Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf 271

Species stablility
SL = Il ISW , (8.38)

Climatic productive optimality

SL = Il = ISW . (8.39)

The feasible and productively optimal bioclimatic space for single-species canopies
is illustrated by the prism sketched in Fig. 8.18a using the boundaries provided by
Eq. 8.37. The stable subset of this region is shown by the cross-hatched sloping surface
according to Eq. 8.38, and the productively optimal climate for a given species is
defined from Eq. 8.39 by the heavy edge of this latter surface. Note in this figure that the
vertical coordinate is a species parameter since ISL Psm /, while the two horizontal
coordinates define the environmental controls of light and water (including the soil).
We see clearly from this that the range of feasible species increases with increasing

Fig. 8.18. Feasible canopy

Il bioclimatic space. (a) In one
species and two climate
= S dimensions; (b) in two
I SL dimensionless species/
: climate coordinates.
I um
SL p tim
eo Stable
(species) tiv
duc species
a tic ISL = Il < ISW (interior)
Cl Species feasible
but unstable
I SL < Il < ISW

(a) I (water)

Infeasible Climatic
Stable, light-limited optimum

L = Infeasible


0 1
(b) I
272 Optimal bioclimate

availability of light and water while the climate range becomes more restricted. The
inverse is true in resource-poor climates.
It is perhaps easier to examine this space by reducing its dimensionality through
the use of dimensionless variables. Dividing Eq. 8.37 by ISL and inverting each term
we have

1 L W , (8.40)

in which the dimensionless habitat variables are each a ratio of species-to-climate

parameters according to their prior definitions for light:
SL Psm /
L = , (8.41)

Il f I ( L t )I0
and for water:
SL ISL Psm /
W = =  . (8.42)

ISW f I ( L t )ISW f I ( L t ) Ve
(1 Rb ) + qb
1 T m tb M
The feasible canopy bioclimatic space of Fig. 8.18a is shown in these dimensionless
coordinates in Fig. 8.18b where the feasible prism transforms into a planar triangle,
the stable surface called the climatic climax becomes the uppermost boundary, and the
climatic optimum reduces to a point.

The hydrology of the stable bioclimatic state

We gain hydrologic insight into the subset of stable bioclimatic states through a plot
of W vs. the vegetation state variable, M, for L = 1 as is given in Fig. 8.19. A few
important observations are in order:
Il = 
(1) Wherever M < 1, the soil moisture is at its critical value and therefore  ISW .
(2) The condition, W = 1, M 1, is called the climatic climax condition. There
maximum productive use is made of the environmental resources, light and
(3) For W = 1, M < 1, the climax condition is productively water-limited in that
canopy productivity will rise with water availability due to increasing M.
(4) For W < 1, M = 1, there is excess water and the climax condition is
productively light-limited. However, there is a magnitude of this water excess
beyond which productivity is nitrogen-limited. This occurs due to soil flooding
which restricts oxygen concentration and thereby causes anerobic activity
producing toxic compounds that disrupt nitrogen turnover (Larcher, 1983,
p. 86). We do not consider the limits imposed by soil flooding in this work.
(5) The condition W < 1, M < 1, is a feasible natural habitat but is unstable in
Il > I
the long term due to  SL . We call it the sub-climax condition.

Note that in this representation of bioclimatic space, the branch for W 1 is shared by both the
stable light-limited climax and the limiting unstable sub-climax.
Bioclimatic optimality for the canopy-average leaf 273

Fig. 8.19. Canopy

bioclimatic space (M is a
Psm L surrogate for rate of
Pwm moisture availability,
1 Pw Ve /m tb ).
Il = ISW

I SL > Il = ISW

= 1 Water-limited climax

ISL = Il = ISW

Light-limited climax
ISL = Il < I SW

P Pw
Il L
Sub-climax thus unstable
ISL < Il = ISW
0 1

(6) The situation W > 1 is presumed to be biologically infeasible because the

stomates are partially closed at any 
Il and thereby put the plant under stress.
Any such overdeveloped capacity (such as might be present following rapid
climate change) would rapidly die back and be replaced by species with
productive capacity matching the environmental potential so that
Il = I
SL = ISW .
(7) As the above conditions are formulated, we note that the soil hydraulic
properties appear solely in the surface runoff fraction, eG(0)2 (0) , of Ve as

given by Eqs. 6.67 and 6.68, and even disappear entirely with our
approximation of Ve in Eq. 8.27. Soil hydraulic properties are indeed important
in controlling stomatal closure. However, at the critical soil moisture state, soc ,
which determines ISW , the stomates remain fully open (but at incipient
closure). The soil is therefore only weakly influential (cf. Table 6.4) as long as
the water table is deep. Nevertheless, the literature emphasizes the importance
of plantsoil water relations (e.g., Slatyer, 1957a, 1957b; Gardner, 1960; Eyre,

Note the role that advected heat (i.e., negative Rb ) from the bare soil fraction can have in increased
transpiration and thus in reducing  ISW (cf. Eq. 8.26), and the opportunity for regulation of ISW by
through its effect upon T . Note also that such increased water use will bring increased nitrogen
flux with resulting increase in ISL and in L t , the latter of which produces decreased 
Il .

Restriction of the availability of carbon and of soluble nutrients in the soil will be considered
briefly in Chapter 10.
274 Optimal bioclimate

Plate 8.6. European black pine. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by

William D. Rich; Copyright c 2001 William D. Rich.)

1968; Zahner, 1968), perhaps an indication of the pervasiveness of water table

(8) There may be multiple species, which we will call competing species, that meet
these climax conditions in the same environment. In such cases, we hypothesize
that the stable or climax species will be determined by which of the competing
species has the greatest annual production of above-ground, seed-producing,
biomass in the given environment. We deal with this issue in Chapter 10.
In Appendix H we use these results to show that L t and hence Ik /I0 (cf. Eqs. 7.3
and 7.4), are species constants under climax conditions. Observations for a wide range
of communities, from desert scrub to rainforest, are compared with these conditions
in Chapter 9.

Refer to Salvucci and Entekhabi (1995, corrected 1997) in order to find Ve under water table

Natural habitats and climax communities

The separate heat, light, and water propositions of the bioclimatic optimality
hypothesis are tested against the characteristics of observed canopies and their
environments. On the basis of the limited evidence presented all three proposi-
tions are strongly supported. Seven of the nine vegetation communities tested
appear to be in their hypothesized natural habitat, and only two are more than
6 percent removed from the hypothesized climax state.

A Review of habitat constraints

In Chapter 8 we propose a set of conditions relative to environmental heat, light, and
water that must be satisfied for a given environment to support a given species in an
unstressed (and thus feasible) state. These conditions, I  
SL Il ISW , and T0 Tm ,
define the set of feasible natural habitats for the particular species without regard to
issues of stability or competition.
We further hypothesize in the previous chapter that in a feasible habitat, natu-
ral selection and/or adaptation will lead to a stable (i.e., climatic climax) vegetative
canopy that maximizes productivity, thereby restricting the habitat space according
to I     
SL = Il = ISW when water is limiting and to ISL = Il < ISW when light is
Our hypothesis contains separate propositions for heat, light, and water which
we will now test against the characteristics of observed (assumed stable) canopies
and their environments. This implements the instruction of Billings (1985, p. 12)
that to explain species distribution we should seek tolerance ranges which make
prediction of geographical ranges possible. Note however, the data have been
taken from the literature, they are sparse, and they are used in combinations
from heterogeneous sources; thus any conclusions drawn therefrom can only be

276 Natural habitats and climax communities

Plate 9.1. Creosote bush desert community. (Larrea tridentata photographed in the
Mohave Desert, Nevada, by Robert H. Webb; courtesy of Robert H. Webb and the U.S.
Department of the Interior.)

B Proposition no. 1: Heat

The average leaf temperature, T l , has the value, Tm , at which the rate of photosyn-
thesis of the given species is maximum. Under the assumption (cf. Chapter 5) that
on average the transpiration process is closely isothermal, the average leaf temper-
ature approximates the growing season average atmospheric temperature at screen
height, T0 . This has been noted by Larcher (1983, pp. 119120) and leads to our heat
l = Tm .
T0 T (9.1)

In testing Eq. 9.1 we are limited to the species for which experimental determinations
of Tm are available and for which the geographic location (and hence T0 ) of their stable
habitat is also known. Values of Tm are given for several species in Fig. 8.4a taken
Proposition no. 1: Heat 277

from Larcher (1983, Fig. 3.35, p. 114), and the natural North American habitats of
many species are given by Burns and Honkala (1990, vols. 1 and 2). With these data,
the test is possible for only three species.

Loblolly pine
The only exact match of species between these two data sources is for loblolly pine.
Figure 8.4a gives for loblolly pine, 23 C Tm 30 C, while Baker and Langdon
(1990, Fig. 1, p. 497) present the natural habitat for loblolly pine in North America
indicated by the shaded area of Fig. 9.1. Average July atmospheric temperatures, T0 ,
for the period 194170 are given in the table accompanying Fig. 9.1 as taken from U.S.

Fig. 9.1. Natural North American habitat of loblolly pine. (From Baker and Langdon,
1990, Fig. 1, p. 497; courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
Station Location T 0 a ( C) Station Location T 0 a ( C)

1 Caribou, Maine 18.3 10 Richmond, Virginia 25.5

2 Portland, Maine 20.0 11 Beckley, West Virginia 21.1
3 Burlington, Vermont 21.0 12 Lexington, Kentucky 24.5
4 Pittsfield, 19.9 13 Nashville, Tennessee 26.5
Massachusetts 14 Raleigh, North Carolina 25.3
5 Syracuse, New York 22.0 15 Columbia, 27.3
6 Lansing, Michigan 21.6 South Carolina
7 Indianapolis, Indiana 23.9 16 Atlanta, Georgia 25.6
8 Columbus, Ohio 23.1 17 Montgomery, Alabama 27.2
9 Williamsport, 22.7 18 Jackson, Mississippi 27.6
Pennsylvania 19 Alexandria, Louisiana 27.2

Average 23.7

T0 = (Normal July Daily Maximum + Normal July Daily Minimum) / 2; 194170.
278 Natural habitats and climax communities

Weather Service climatological records at nine stations within this habitat. The stations
are located in the cities shown on Fig. 9.1 and are chosen to cover the geographical
range of the habitat.

American beech
Here we must compare two different varieties of beech. Tubbs and Houston (1990,
Fig. 1, p. 326) give the natural habitat for American beech as is shown in Fig. 9.2,
and U.S. Weather Service average July atmospheric temperatures, T0 , throughout the
habitat are again listed in the caption. Figure 8.4a records Tm = 23 C for European

Fig. 9.2. Natural North American habitat of American beech. (From Tubbs and
Houston, 1990, Fig. 1, p. 326; courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
Climatological station Location T 0 a ( C)

1 Richmond, Virginia 25.5

2 Raleigh, North Carolina 25.3
3 Columbia, South Carolina 27.3
4 Savannah, Georgia 26.9
5 Lakeland, Florida 27.5
6 Atlanta, Georgia 25.6
7 Montgomery, Alabama 27.2
8 Jackson, Mississippi 27.6
9 Shreveport, Louisiana 28.5

Average 26.8

T0 = (Normal July Daily Maximum + Normal July Daily Minimum) / 2;
Proposition no. 2: Light 279


Fig. 9.3. Natural North American habitat of Sitka spruce. (From Harris, 1990, Fig. 1,
p. 260; courtesy of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.)
Station Location T 0 a ( C)

1 Anchorage, Alaska 14.4

2 Juneau, Alaska 13.2
3 SeattleTacoma, Washington 18.0

Average 15.2
T0 = (Normal July Daily Maximum + Normal July Daily Mini-
mum) / 2; 194170.

Sitka spruce
In this last case, we are forced to make this comparison between two species of cold-
weather conifer, Arctic pine for Tm (cf. Fig. 8.4a where Tm = 15 C) and Sitka spruce
for T0 (cf. Harris, 1990, Fig. 1, p. 260). The North American habitat and average July
temperatures within the Sitka spruce habitat are given in Fig. 9.3.
The result of this limited testing of our heat proposition is summarized in Fig. 9.4
where the lines indicate the range of observation and the plotted circles the averages.
The data strongly support our proposition that T0 T l = Tm . We cannot say whether
this agreement is the result of natural selection of the species for the particular envi-
ronment or of adaptation of the species to the environmental conditions. In either case,
the result is the same.

C Proposition no. 2: Light

The minimum average leaf insolation, ISL , for photosynthetic saturation (i.e., fully open
stomates) is given by the photosynthetic characteristic of the species as Psm / which,
under climax (i.e., stable) conditions, must be identical to the incident environmental
Table 9.1. Test of solar radiation proposition
ISIb I0 e
Psm a (MJ m2 h1 ) d (MJ m2 h1 )
f I ( L t )I0
Number Species (gs m2 h1 ) (PAR) Climatec (degrees) (PAR) Lt Lt f I ( L t ) ISL

1 Arctic willow 0.30 0.15 Finland, 60 0.56 0.45 f 6.75g 3.04 0.31 1.15 Kramer and Kozlowski
1/2 (1960, Fig. 3.11, p. 83).
2 Sitka spruce 0.55 0.26 Scotland, 55 0.60 0.51 f 5.14h 2.62 f,i 0.35 0.81 Jarvis et al. (1976, Fig. 21b,
1/2 p. 229).
3 European beech 0.33 0.16 Norway, 60 0.56 3.19 j 0.30 1.05 Kramer and Kozlowski
1/2 (1960, Fig. 3.9, p. 78).
4 Eastern red oak 0.28 0.23 1/2 4332 0.73 2.60 j 0.35 1.11 Kramer and Decker (1944,
Fig. 1, p. 352).
5 White oak 0.26 0.23 1/2 4530 0.72 2.60 j 0.35 1.10 Kramer and Decker (1944,
Fig. 1, p. 352).
6 Loblolly pine 0.40k 0.30 1/2 3527 0.75 2.58 j 0.35 0.88 Kramer and Clark (1947,
Fig. 3, p. 55).
7 Creosote bush 2.08 1.17 Mojave desert, 3520 1.24 0.37l 1.00m 0.37 0.84 0.89 Ehleringer (1985, Fig. 7.8,
clear p. 172).
8 Goethalsia 0.38 0.22 Costa 10 0.62n 0.79o 3.30o 2.61 0.36 1.02 Allen and Lemon (1976,
Rica Fig. 6, p. 290).

Average 1.00

a b
From data, using conversion factor, gs g1 = 0.5 (see Eq. 8.7). From Fig. 7.15 at P/Ps = 1 1/e, shortwave only.
1/2 signifies the average of very clear sky and overcast sky radiances.
Single entry from map, using site of phytotron test; Temperate climate double entry from North American natural range (Burns and Honkala, 1990), Hot climate range
from map in MacMahon (1988, Fig. 8.18, p. 252).
e f g h i
Daylight Hour Average from Fig. 3.16. From Table 2.3 assuming = . From Table 2.2. L t = L t /. aw = L t ; average for all spruce, Table 2.2.
j k 2 1 2 2
From Baker (1950, Table 12, p. 143); see Table 3.8. 0.17 gs m (stomated area) h 2.36 m (stomated area) / m (illuminated area) (Raison et al., 1992).
l m
For Eucalyptus assuming = (see Table 2.2). Whittaker and Likens (1975) as given by Larcher (1983, Table 3.13, p. 151).
n o
Allen and Lemon (1976, p. 298). Allen and Lemon (1976, p. 288).
Proposition no. 2: Light 281



Loblolly pine

American beech

Loblolly pine
T0 ,C

European beech
Arctic pine


Sitka spruce

12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Tm, C

Fig. 9.4. Limited test of heat proposition: T0 = Tm .

insolation as averaged both in time over the growing season and in space over the
depth of the canopy. That is
f I ( L t )I0 = ISL , (9.2)

or, in dimensionless form,
L = = 1. (9.3)

Il f I ( L t )I0

Data for the test of this proposition are collected from the literature for eight species
native to a wide range of climates and are summarized here in Table 9.1.

In Fig. 8.10 we see that for C3 plants, an average value of is  = 0.81 gs MJ(tot)1 .
282 Natural habitats and climax communities

(1) The values of Psm are obtained by scaling from the source photosynthetic
capacity curves for individual leaves as determined from phytotron
experiments. The values of ISL are then obtained by fitting Eq. 8.6 to pairs of
values scaled from these curves.
(2) Estimation of the effective growing season average environmental insolation
presents a more difficult problem. We use the total light curves of Fig. 3.10
to estimate the daylight-hour average PAR. For all climates save the Mojave
desert and the rainforest, we assume the annual average to be the mean of the
values for very clear sky and overcast sky and signify this with the
notation 1/2. For the desert we use the very clear sky value unmodified by
cloudiness, while for the rainforest we use the reported site observation. The
latitude at which Fig. 3.10 is entered to obtain I0 is an estimate of that at which
the phytotron test was performed in cases where the natural range of the
species was unknown (i.e., the cold climates). In the other cases the ranges
are known from the referenced maps, and their limiting latitudes are used. The
corresponding irradiances are then averaged to get I0 .
(3) Conversion of irradiance from leaf to canopy (cf. Eqs. 8.298.31) requires an
estimate of the light decay coefficient, L t . For species nos. 3 through 6 this is
found using Bakers (1950, Table 12, p. 143) estimates of light intensity at the
compensation point (cf. Table 3.8) along with Eq. 3.48. In the other cases, we
make use of our finding that = (see Chapter 3) and obtain separate estimates
of and of L t from the literature as is described in the notes beneath Table 9.1.
The two outside members of Eq. 9.2 are compared in Fig. 9.5 to test the solar radia-
tion proposition. The ratio, L = f I (ISLL t )I0 , has a mean value of 1.00 as is shown in the
last column of Table 9.1, and a standard deviation of 12%. Considering all the ap-
proximation involved in arriving at the individual values, this remarkable agreement of
the average with that hypothesized in Eq. 9.3 must be regarded as somewhat fortuitous.
This very significant result is highlighted in Fig. 9.6 by comparison of the (small
sample) distribution of f I ( L t )I0 /ISL with the functional depiction of this ratio at
leaf scale for the case of light control. In this representation of the distribution, the
circle is the mean, the line shows the range, and the box includes all values within
one standard deviation of the mean. The scatter of this small sample about its mean,
L = 1, appears biased very slightly toward L > 1 which is opposite to the di-
rection we would expect if the communities were photosynthetically underdeveloped
Il > I
(i.e.,  SL ). Discarding this tendency and disallowing the stressed circumstance,
Il < I
 SL , we accept the hypothesis L = 1.
These results strongly support this proposition.

Note that all but one of the species tested here (i.e., Sitka spruce) appear to have homogeneous
cylindrical crowns as far as the distribution of leaf area is concerned.

For loblolly pine we use Bakers lodgepole pine and for pinyonjuniper we use either Bakers
Northern white cedar or Bakers lodgepole pine as detailed in a footnote in Chapter 7,
Section E.
Proposition no. 2: Light 283


1.0 7

[MJ (PAR) m2 h1]

fI (Lt )0


L = 1

4, 5 6
0.2 1 8 2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
ISL [MJ (PAR) m2 h1]

Fig. 9.5. Test of light proposition: f I ( L t )I0 = ISL . 1, Arctic willow; 2, Sitka spruce;
3, European beech; 4, Eastern red oak; 5, white oak; 6, loblolly pine; 7, creosote bush;
8, Goethalsia. (Data from Table 9.1.)

fI ( Lt )I0
L =
0 1 2 3


Leaf Climatic assimilation potential

Optimum bioclimatic state Psm = Pwm



Po =





limited Water

limited limited



I0 = ISW T0 = Tm
I0 = ISL
0 1 2 3
0 I0
I =

Fig. 9.6. Functional view of light proposition and the supporting evidence (fixed
species, soil, and precipitation). (Data from Table 9.1.)
284 Natural habitats and climax communities

D Proposition no. 3: Water

In order for the leaf to assimilate at its maximum rate, Psm , the water supply must be
such as to insure that ISL ISW . At canopy scale this becomes (cf. Chapter 8)
ISL f I ( L t )ISW . (9.4)

To express ISW in terms of the canopy water supply we use the energy equation in which
the latent heat term, E T , is derived from the PenmanMonteith equation (Eq. B.1).
We work with a unit of vegetated surface so that E T E v , and then use Eq. 6.46 to
write, for the crown, at v = 1

E T = E v = kv E ps = kv E ps . (9.5)

Replacing kv and E ps through Eqs. 5.29 and B.1 respectively, Eq. 9.5 becomes
R n + Dp
E v = , (9.6)
o rc
1+ 1+
in which the Dp term incorporates the Bowen ratio. We expand Rn according to Eq. B.3,
evaluate Dp empirically from Eq. B.18, and note from Eqs. 6.66 and 9.5 that the
true (i.e., daylight-hour) transpiration is controlled by the available soil moisture
to be
E v = , (9.7)
m tb M
all leading to the desiccation insolation
1 Ve o rc (1 Sr )
ISW 1+ 1+ + qb 1 . (9.8)
1 T m tb M  ra 0.85
In Eq. 9.8:
(1) Ve , the moisture supply to the root zone, is approximated using Eq. 6.65 with
v = 1 (for deep water tables and with term estimates from Table 6.4) as
h0 S
Ve m h 1 + ; (9.9)
mh m mh
(2) m tb , the daylight-hour time between storms, is (Eq. 6.63)
1 o L t h 0 /2 1
m tb mt
= m tb ; (9.10)
2 b E ps 2

There are obviously many common and much more complex cases in which the root-zone
moisture is supplied totally or in part from below and a very different approximation of Eq. 6.65
is called for. Accurate estimation of Ve is at once the most difficult and the most important task in
formulating the water limit to vegetation growth, and the devil is in the details.
Proposition no. 3: Water 285

Plate 9.2. Subalpine fir and Engelmann spruce forest. (Photographed at Bow Lake in
Banff National Park, Alberta, by William D. Rich; Copyright  c 2001 William D.
Rich. Tentative species identification by Arthur L. Fredeen from the photograph.)

(3) ra
, the crown average resistance ratio, is (Eq. 7.25)

rc rc rc
= (1 M) +M ; (9.11)
ra ra M 0 ra M = 1

(4) qb , the net longwave back radiation, is (Eq. B.12)

qb = (1 0.80N ) 0.245 0.145 1010 T0K4 ; (9.12)

(5) Sr , the atmospheric saturation ratio (i.e., fractional relative humidity) at screen
height is obtained from station meteorological records.

The water proposition has both a water-limited branch,

W = 1, M 1, (9.13)
f I ( L t )ISW

and a light-limited branch,

W < 1, M = 1. (9.14)
f I ( L t )ISW
286 Natural habitats and climax communities

1.2 Fig. 9.7. Test of water

climax 4
8 7
2 ISL = f I ( L t )ISW when
1.0 M 1 and
5 1 ISL < f I ( L t )ISW when
6 M = 1. 1, Beech; 2, oak;
0.8 3, Goethalsia (rainforest);
4, Sitka spruce;
fI ( Lt )ISW

5, ponderosa pine;

0.6 Sub-climax 6, loblolly pine;

natural habitat 7, pinyonalligator juniper;
W =

8, pinyonUtah juniper;
3 9, creosote bush (desert).
(Data from Table 9.2; solid
Light-limited points are Beaver Creek
0.2 climax watersheds.)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

We have already supported this proposition by the test in Fig. 6.15 using the extraordi-
narily complete data set for the three pinyonjuniper and ponderosa pine communities
at Beaver Creek, Arizona. Here we expand the test to a wider range of habitats using
the less direct formulation in terms of desiccation insolation as is called for in Eq. 9.13
and as prescribed in Eq. 9.8.
We test the proposition further in Fig. 9.7 (as was suggested in Fig. 8.19) by exam-
ining the observed variation of the ratio, W f I (ILSLt )ISW , with the canopy density, M,
for stands of nine different species covering the range from the desert shrub (Larrea
divaricata) to the rainforest (Goethalsia meiantha). The supporting data are presented
and their sources are identified in Table 9.2. In interpreting this figure remember that
ISW is the value of the growing season average insolation, I0 , at which the available
soil moisture has that critical value which is just sufficient to keep the stomates at
incipient closure at the given temperature. Therefore, given verification of the heat
and light propositions as just presented, and given the strong verification of the critical
water balance (cf. Eq. 6.15), the degree to which ISL = f I ( L t )ISW for M < 1 must
be viewed as a test of the energy balance.
As noted in Chapter 6, evaluation of Ve in ISW is problematic. This is particularly true
for the interception loss and the carryover storage for precipitation-fed soil moisture,
and is even more uncertain where soil moisture is recharged from the water table.
Among the data presented, the carryover storage is best known for the ponderosa
pine and pinyonjuniper watersheds of Beaver Creek (Flagstaff, Arizona) which were
studied in Chapter 6 and reported in Tables 6.3 and 6.4. However, the value of ISL
was not available for ponderosa pine or for either of the pinyonjunipers. On the other
Proposition no. 3: Water 287

hand, ISL is known for the other six species (see Table 8.2), but all components of Ve
are unknown at the sites where ISL was measured. Thus in all nine cases, completion
of the data set required either outright estimation of one or more parameters or the use
of observations of the given species at other sites. This must be kept in mind when
evaluating Fig. 9.7.
The parenthetical superscripts used in Table 9.2 and defined in the listing accompa-
nying that table, identify the source and estimators of the parameter values used in this
test. Most should be self-explanatory; however a few deserve expanded commentary
due to the uncertainty of their estimates:
(1) Canopy cover (M). This variable is seldom reported by the foresters and plant
physiologists responsible for the bulk of useful data. The studies by Whittaker
(1966) of natural beech and oak stands in the Great Smoky Mountains of
Tennessee which we utilize heavily here, report a small percentage, less than
10%, of light transmitted to the forest floor. We assume this to reflect the
structure of the canopy rather than that of the crown, and take M for these
canopies to be 1 minus the percentage of light transmitted.
(2) Interception (h 0 ). An interception depth, h 0 = 0.1 cm, was assumed retained
on the horizontal projection (i.e., L t ) of all flat leaves and on all sides
(i.e., o L t ) of needle leaves. Note from Table 9.2 and Eq. 6.52 that with this
assumption the Sitka spruce canopy gets soil moisture recharge from only
2% of the rainfall. This small Ve leads to f I (ILSLt )ISW = 5 for the spruce which is
off the scale of Fig. 9.7. There must be another moisture source for this canopy.
(3) Carryover moisture storage (S). The presence of soil moisture in storage at
either the beginning (+S) or end (S) of the growing season is known for
only the Beaver Creek watersheds (Salvucci, 1992) and is reported here in
Table 6.3. However, the seasonal asynchronism of heat (i.e., growing season)
and water (i.e., rainy season) present at Beaver Creek is similar to that found
for the Sitka spruce at Spokane, Washington. We see this in Fig. 9.8 where the
monthly precipitation is much higher just before than during the growing
season at Flagstaff and at Spokane. In contrast we note in Fig. 9.8 that for
loblolly pine at Savannah, Georgia the monthly rainfall builds to a peak at the
conclusion of the growing season raising the likelihood of a negative carryover
In addition to carryover soil moisture storage, Douglas fir (Waring and
Running, 1978), and Scots pine (Waring et al., 1979) are known to store up to
1.5 mm of water per day in the sapwood of the tree. This mechanism may be an
evolutionary response to the asynchronous seasonality just discussed and also
enables available soil moisture to be carried over either to or from the growing
In moist habitats such as those of the Sitka spruce, drip from fog
condensation and direct absorption of condensation by the foliage (cf. Stone,
1957; Goodell, 1963) may provide the missing moisture supplement.
Table 9.2. Test of water propositiona
Latitude E ps(24) S
Number Species Site ( N) T0 ( C) m (d y1 : h d1 ) (cm d1 ) m h (cm) m m tb (d) M T Sr(20) (cm)

1 Beech Knoxville, TN 36 31.0(20) 202(28) : 12(4) 0.36(34) 0.98(7) 63.0(7) 3.21(8) 0.93(9) 0.25(3) 0.62(36) unknown
2 Oak Allentown, PA 41 23.4(20) 183(28) : 12(4) 0.37(34) 0.97(7) 61.0(7) 3.00(2) 0.95(9) 0.25(3) 0.52(36) unknown
3 Goethalsia Turrialba, Costa 10 23.0(14) 365(4) : 12(4) 0.34(27) 0.68(23) 365.0(4) 0.90(4) 1.00(4) 0.25(3) 0.71(37) unknown
4 Sitka spruce Scotlandb 47 27.0(20) 106(28) : 12(4) 0.41(34) 0.44(7) 22.0(7) 4.82(8) 1.00(9) 0.25(3) 0.80(38) unknownc
5 Ponderosa pine Flagstaff, AZ 34 14.2(2) 169(2) : 12(4) 0.31(2) 0.70(33) 31.8(8) 5.32(33) 0.83(2) 0.25(3) 0.34(36) +21.0(2)
6 Loblolly pine Savannah, GA 32 27.0(20) 78(28) : 12(4) 0.48(34) 1.46(7) 25.0(7) 3.12(8) 0.80(25) 0.25(3) 0.60(36) unknownd
7 Pinyonalligator Flagstaff, AZ 34 15.9(2) 182(2) : 12(4) 0.32(2) 0.75(33) 31.7(2) 5.74(33) 0.51(2) 0.25(3) 0.34(36) +4.70(2)
8 PinyonUtah Flagstaff, AZ 34 18.5(2) 215(2) : 12(4) 0.35(2) 0.63(33) 36.8(8) 5.86(33) 0.41(2) 0.25(3) 0.34(36) +6.13(2)
9 Creosote bush Las Vegas, NVe 37 11.0(20) 60(15) : 12(4) 0.38(35) 0.45(7) 8.0(8) 7.50(8) 0.09(16) 0.35(26) 0.39(38) unknown

(MJ(tot) E v (40) qb (39) ISW
rc (13) qb ISL
No. m2 h1 ) N (41) o = Lt Lt f I ( L t ) ra
ho cm (MJ m2 h1 ) (MJ m2 h1 ) E v
(MJ m2 h1 ) R(19)
b f I ( L t )ISW

1 0.32(1) 0.41 1.00 0.73(42) 4.4(29) 3.19(5) 0.30(11) 1.15(44) 0.42 0.70 0.13 0.19 1.10 0.19 0.97
2 0.46(1) 0.37 1.00 0.53(42) 4.9(29) 2.60(5) 0.36(11) 0.89(44) 0.36 0.85 0.10 0.12 1.26 0.15 1.01
3 0.44(1) 0.50(4) 1.00 0.79(12) 3.3(12) 2.61(10) 0.35(11) 1.95(44) 0.36 2.73 0.20 0.07 3.07 0.73 0.41
4 0.52(1) 0.73 2.00(9) 0.51(30) 5.1(30) 2.62(30) 0.35(11) 0.76(45) 0.43 0.88 0.14 0.16 1.36 0.30 1.09
5 0.60(6) 0.24 2.50(21) 0.28(42) 6.3(29) 1.77(5) 0.47(11) 0.51(43) 0.47 0.93 0.07 0.07 1.33 0.17 0.96
6 0.60(1) 0.36 2.36(22) 0.52(42) 5.0(29) 2.58(5) 0.36(11) 0.81(31) 0.59 1.28 0.12 0.09 1.87 0.12 0.89
7 0.60(6) 0.24 2.50(21) 0.52(42) 5.0(29) 2.58(5) 0.36(11) 1.31(43) 0.43 1.14 0.07 0.06 1.60 0.07 1.04
8 0.60(6) 0.24 2.50(21) 0.42(42) 5.4(29) 2.27(5) 0.40(11) 1.32(43) 0.33 1.00 0.07 0.07 1.42 +0.13 1.06
9 2.34(1) 0.22 1.00 0.37(17) 1.0(18) 0.37(10) 0.84(11) 0.75(43) 0.10 1.88 0.09 0.05 3.03 0.22 0.92

a b
Parenthetical superscript numbers refer to the source listing given in the notes below. Aberdeen, Scotland for ISL ; Spokane, WA for climate.
c d
We assume S = +0.5Pd as was observed for ponderosa pine at Flagstaff, AZ. We suspect a positive S due to the seasonal rainfall (cf. Fig. 9.8).
Las Vegas for T0(20) , Ely for precipitation (Appendix F).
1. Table 8.2. 2. Williams and Anderson (1967).
3. Ross (1981, Fig. 112, p. 332). Equation 9.8 is formulated for unit vegetated area, thus we use T = 0.25 for dense plant stands rather than T = 0.16 at tree top (Iqbal, 1983,
Table 9.4.1, p. 289).
4. Estimated.
5. L t from Table 3.8: using lodgepole pine for loblolly, Northern white cedar for pinyonUtah juniper, and lodgepole pine for pinyonalligator juniper as suggested by sketches
of needle structure (cf. Zim and Martin, 1987, pp. 25, 36, 37, and 39).
6. Assumed identical to loblolly pine. 7. Appendix F. 8. m tb = m /m .
9. Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107); average of [1 % light penetration].
10. Product of separate and L t estimations. 11. Eq. 8.27 or Fig. 8.20. 12. Allen and Lemon (1976, p. 288).
13. Eq. 6.52 with h o = 0.1 cm in all cases. 14. Allen and Lemon (1976, p. 289).
15. MacMahon (1988, Fig. 8.5, p. 236), shows most favorable season to be JanFeb.
16. MacMahon (1988, Table 8.2, p. 240). 17. For Eucalyptus with = , (Whitford et al., 1995).
18. Desert shrub (Larcher, 1983, Table 3.13, p. 151). 19. This apparent Bowen ratio is calculated from Eq. 5.5. See text for discussion.
20. U.S. Weather Service (1974). 21. Waring (1983). 22. Raison et al. (1992a). 23. Whitford et al. (1995).
24. Gross seasonal rate (i.e., total for 24-h day during growing season).
25. Rogerson (1967), average of ten stands in Oxford, MS.
26. Ehleringer (1985, pp. 168169). 27. Budyko (1977, Map 34). 28. Fig. 3.11. 29. Fig. 7.4.
30. Table 2.2 for = and L t = aw , average for all spruce; L t = L t /.
31. As in Note 43 but divided by 2.36 to account for parallel flux from other stomated needle surfaces (cf. McNaughton and Jarvis, 1983; Jarvis and McNaughton, 1986).
32. Average for maple; Table 2.4. 33. Salvucci (1992); Table 6.4. 34. Kohler et al. (1959, Plate 2).
35. Farnsworth et al. (1982, Map 2) gives MayOct. E ps = 1.14 m; Kohler et al. (1959, Plate 2) gives full-year E ps = 1.83 m; thus, winter E ps = 0.69 m/180 days.
36. July @ 1 pm. 37. Allen and Lemon (1976, Table III, p. 287). 38. January @ 1 pm.
39. qb qb [1 ( 1S
)] with qb from Eq. B.12 using daily minimum (i.e., night-time) radiation temperature.
40. E v Mm with Ve and m tb from Eqs. 6.67 and 6.63 respectively. The factor 2 reflects evaporation during daylight hours only.
41. U.S. Weather Service (1974) using N = 1 % possible sunshine. 42. L t /L t . 43. Eq. 7.25 and the data in the caption of Fig. 7.9.
44. Eq. 7.13. 45. Fig. 7.6 for d/t = 0.006. 46. Eq. 9.8
290 Natural habitats and climax communities

1.2 Growing
0.4 at
Sitka spruce Allentown, Pennsylvania


Spokane, Washington 0

Monthly precipitation

Annual precipitation
Monthly precipitation
Annual precipitation

Growing season
1.6 1.2

1.2 0.8

Ponderosa pine
0.8 0.4 at
Flagstaff, Arizona
Loblolly pine
0.4 at 0
2 4 6 8 10 12
Month of year
2 4 6 8 10 12
Month of year

Fig. 9.8. Typical relationships of growing season to rainy season.

We resolve this uncertainty for the Sitka spruce rather arbitrarily by relying
on the similarity (cf. Fig. 9.8) of seasonal phases at the beginning of the
growing season and making the assumption that for the spruce S is the same
+50% of the dormant season precipitation as is observed for the ponderosa pine
(cf. Table 6.3). This assumption gives S = +17 cm for the spruce, making
f I ( L t )ISW
= 1.09 as is plotted in Fig. 9.7.
(4) Light decay coefficient ( L t ). Although admittedly inaccurate, Bakers (1950)
values of L t were used for matching species. Otherwise, separate estimates
of = and of L t were made using Tables 2.2 and 2.3. The Beaver Creek
communities have a continuous variation with topographic elevation
(Baker, 1982) from ponderosa at the top, through pinyonalligator juniper
down to pinyonUtah juniper and finally to desert shrub at the bottom. Not
knowing L t for either pinyon or juniper, we use the physical resemblance of
the needle structure to represent the pinyonalligator juniper as pinyon using
Bakers (1950) L t for lodgepole pine, and to represent the pinyonUtah
juniper as juniper using Bakers (1950) L t for Northern white cedar (see Zim
and Martin, 1987, pp. 36 and 39 for drawings of the respective needle
(5) Wet surface potential evaporation (E ps ). The gross annual water surface
evaporation was estimated for the given location from climatological maps and
then reduced to the appropriate season using the ogive distribution of Salvucci
(1992) presented here as Eq. B.13.
Proposition no. 3: Water 291

(6) Sensible heat flux (H ). Because of the large uncertainty in Ve and hence in
E T , we are uncertain of the actual values of Rb , and the values of Rb
estimated in Table 9.2 using Eq. 5.5 are termed apparent Bowen ratios. The
water balance components are best known for the pinyonjuniper canopies
where we have no evidence of sapwood storage capability and S was
observed. Indeed, the apparent Bowen ratios for these canopies are closely
zero and are assumed to be actual. All other apparent Rb are negative
indicating an apparent transfer of sensible heat from the atmosphere to the
vegetation in augmentation of the net radiation. This is likely for the moist
canopies such as oak, beech, Goethalsia, and Sitka spruce, and even for the
loblolly and ponderosa although the actual magnitudes may be different due to
the water balance uncertainties discussed above. The driest, creosote bush
canopy, has a winter growing season and may well be accepting heat as the
negative Rb indicates. In any event, with the exception of the rainforest (i.e.,
Goethalsia), and beech, the apparent Rb satisfy the criterion Rb < O(101 )
which is consistent with our finding in Fig. 9.4 that T0 T l = Tm .

The results are presented in Fig. 9.7 where we see that according to this proposition
and the assumptions discussed above, seven of the nine communities are in their
natural habitat. Note in particular that only the loblolly pine fails to satisfy closely the
conditions for climax communities specified by Eqs. 9.13 and 9.14. It seems possible
that buffered stress tolerance (see Baker, 1950, pp.140143; Whittaker, 1975, p. 179)
may be responsible for this deviation. Our reasoning follows.
For simplicity and convenience, we have developed the habitat constraints using
the approximation that random variables are replaced by their mean values. However,
this formulation does not account for the fact that while in the average a species may
satisfy the climax conditions, the distributed nature of the climatic variables guarantees
that in some years the species will be under stress in this habitat. The ability of certain
species to survive the runs of stressful seasons characteristic of climatic variability
is often called the tolerance of that species (cf. Baker, 1950, pp. 140143) and is a
function of both species and habitat. To survive, the species must be in a mean state
that falls short of optimum productivity by an amount providing a margin of safety
to accommodate the resource shortages of extreme seasons. Such a stable but sub-
climax state appears to be one of so-called buffered tolerance (Whittaker, 1975, p. 45)
in which the departure (i.e., the buffering) from climax conditions depends upon the
tolerance that the particular species has for stress. It is interesting to note that Baker
(1950, Fig. 12, p. 143) lists lodgepole (similar to loblolly) pine among the intolerant
species. This classification is consistent with the behavior demonstrated by this species
in the habitat plot of Fig. 9.7. The degree of buffering provided is probably controlled
by the population density, M. That is, for a given value of the ordinate, f I (ILSLt )ISW , the
amount of water available, on the average, to each leaf can be increased by decreasing
the canopy cover, M.
292 Natural habitats and climax communities

Plate 9.3. Nurselog. Fallen fir tree nourishes new growth in the Olympic National Park,
Washington. (Photograph by William D. Rich; Copyright  c 2001 William D. Rich.)

Further approximation of the water-limited

climax condition
For the climatic climax, W = 1, Eqs. 9.4 and 9.8 give
(1 T )Psm / o rc qb (1 Sr )
= E v 1 + 1+ + 1 .
f I ( L t )  ra E v 0.85

Table 9.2 shows that the second square-bracketed term on the right-hand side of
Eq. 9.15 may be neglected with respect to the first, leaving
(1 T )Psm / o rc
E v 1 + 1+ , (9.16)
f I ( L t )  ra
which is helpful to our reasoning. Note that, except for minor T variation with , the
left-hand side of Eq. 9.16 is a species constant as is the minimum resistance ratio on the
right-hand side. Climate is contained within E v and o . Two significant observations
flow from this:
(1) Figure 7.3 shows that the resistance ratio for a given species varies strongly
with without significant sacrifice of optimality. Thus, a given species can
maintain maximum productivity (i.e., maintain W = 1) over a range of
climates by varying while simultaneously varying L t so as to keep L t at the
species-constant value. This ability may account for some of the scatter of
around the theoretical value, = , observed in Fig. 3.18.
Conclusion 293

Plate 9.4. Baldcypress swamp community. (Photograph of the Okefenokee Swamp in

Georgia by F. Eugene Hester; Copyright 
c 1996 F. Eugene Hester.)

(2) Nutritional deficiency decreases the leaf area, L t . If increases to maintain the
species-constant L t , the resistance ratio increases (cf. Fig. 7.3) making
W < 1. With desert and rainforest soils notoriously short of nitrogen, can this
be the reason for the sub-climax position of the creosote bush and the
Goethalsia in Fig. 9.7?

E Conclusion
On the basis of the evidence presented, all three propositions are strongly supported,
and their combination, as presented in Fig. 9.7, defines both the feasible natural habitat
of species with given ISL and L t , and the climax limits thereto.

Net primary productivity and ecotones

The photosynthetic capacity of an isolated leaf is expanded to canopy scale

in order to obtain the annual above-ground carbon demand. This demand is
then normalized by that of a groundcover monolayer of the same species to
obtain the productive gain of the canopy structure subject to the availability of
adequate CO2 and nutrients. The annual canopy gain in above-ground carbon
supply is estimated using the flux-gradient relationship.
The independent variable of normalized productivity is the canopy absorp-
tion index, L t , which from optical optimality is a surrogate for tree species.

For cylindrical multilayer crowns of given leaf angle and without local carbon
recycling, there is a critical L t = L t separating species productively limited
by carbon demand from those limited by atmospheric carbon supply, and at
which the productive gain has its global maximum. For tapered multilayer
crowns the atmospheric carbon supply exceeds demand at all values of L t .
Collected productivity observations from the literature support the theory

over a wide range of plant communities from desert shrub to rainforest with
the wet communities clustering around L t .
Normalizing the productivity by the local climatic productive potential
places all species dependence in a new function of L t that displays a global
maximum over the range of L t corresponding to that observed in nature and
thereby confirming our fundamental hypothesis that selection favors increasing
Equating the productivity of unit plant areas for three competing species is
shown to predict well the latitude of the mixed forest ecotone of eastern North

A Canopy biomass production

Green plants use solar energy to synthesize organic compounds from CO2 and water
and must take up inorganic nutrients, primarily nitrogen, from the soil to manufacture
these organic components. The available solar energy creates a demand for CO2 , water,

Canopy biomass production 295

Plate 10.1. Collection of pines. Left to right: Himalayan pine, Cevennes pine, and
Japanese red pine. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by William D. Rich;
Copyright c 2001 William D. Rich.)

and nitrogen in order for the plant to fulfill its productive potential. Here we assume a
nutrient supply that is non-limiting and climatic climax conditions (cf. Chapter 8) that
guarantee light saturation and sufficient water supply to keep the stomates fully open.
We now formulate the production of canopy biomass in terms of carbon supply and

Carbon balance
The accumulated green plant biomass (plus any net transfer of organic carbon from
the green plant compartment to other compartments within the ecosystem) is termed
the net primary productivity or NPP of the community (Bormann and Likens, 1979,
p. 16), and is normally quoted on an annual basis. Larcher (1983, p. 146) expresses
this carbon budget as

NPP = B + C + D, (10.1)

where B = additions to plant biomass, C = plant matter consumed by grazers, and

D = plant matter shed as detritus.
The remainder of the annually assimilated carbon is lost back to the atmosphere
through the open stomates in a process, R, called respiration. The gross primary
296 Net primary productivity and ecotones

productivity, or GPP, is then

GPP = NPP + R. (10.2)

With NPP measured in grams of dry solid matter (i.e., gs ) and GPP measured in
grams of CO2 assimilated, we write the ratio
= , (gs g(CO2 )1 , or just gs g1 ), (10.3)
which was introduced here in Chapter 8. It is a necessary empirical quantity for
our work and is variable among plant types. Larcher (1983, p. 149) gives =
0.400.67 gs g1 for temperate forests, and 0.25 gs g1 for moistwarm tropical
forests. Furthermore, data presented by Larcher (1983, Table 3.12, p. 149) show that
for these two types of deciduous trees at least, the value of is less than 10% different
if the contributions of the roots are omitted from both R and NPP in Eq. 10.3. Here
we will not attempt to include the variability of with plant type and will instead use
the single value

= 0.50 gs g1 , (10.4)

reported by Penning de Vries et al. (1974) and by Ledig et al. (1976, fide Russell et al.,
1989b, p. 27). Consistent with this approximation then, we may also take the chosen
value of to represent gs (above-ground) g1 . We will find this alternate interpretation
convenient because the usual field observations of forest productivity omit the root
To formulate canopy NPP we begin at the leaf level following the developments
of Chapter 8. Maximization of plant NPP is taken to be the driving force behind the
natural selection processes establishing the monocultures with which we deal on the
basis of the assumption that NPP is proportional to seed productivity and hence is a
surrogate for survival probability, all else being constant. This proportionality may
vary with species.

Crown-average leaf photosynthetic capacity

In Chapter 8 we considered the process of photosynthesis for an isolated leaf and
found the photosynthetic capacity per unit of one-sided leaf area to be adequately
represented by Eq. 8.6. When modified for non-optimal ambient temperature using
Eq. 8.1 (remember, we assume Tl T0 ), and for leaf angle, Eq. 8.6 is written
PD I ( )
= 1 exp , (10.5)
g(T0 ) Psm ISL

The data compiled by Cannell (1982) indicate that between 65% and 87% of total net primary
production is above-ground production.
Canopy biomass production 297

Plate 10.2. Tupelo. The

tupelo or sourgum is the
large rounded crown in this
image. (Photographed in
Holden Arboretum,
Cleveland, by William D.
Rich; Copyright c 2001
William D. Rich.)

in which (using our alternate interpretation of ) PD is the rate of above-ground carbon

demand in gs per unit of one-sided leaf area, Psm is the maximum light-saturated
photosynthetic rate for an isolated leaf in g(CO2 ) per unit of basal leaf area, is the
ratio of basal to one-sided leaf areas, and I ( ) is the insolation on a leaf at depth, , in
a crown of similar leaves for a situation unlimited by CO2 availability.
In Chapter 9 we showed (cf. Eq. 9.3 and Fig. 9.5) that for maximum productivity

ISL = f I ( L t )I0 , (10.6)

whereupon, Eq. 10.5 becomes

PD 1 I ( )
= 1 exp , (10.7)
g(T0 ) Psm f I I0

Psm will change with changing ambient CO2 concentration.

Here, unlimited implies that the natural, ambient CO2 concentration is available at every leaf
298 Net primary productivity and ecotones

where f I is a shorthand representation of (cf. Eq. 8.27)

1 e L t
f I ( L t ) . (10.8)
We have seen earlier that I ( )/I0 captures the decay of insolation with crown depth
through (cf. Eq. 7.1)
I ( )
= exp ( L t ). (10.9)
Substituting Eq. 10.9 in Eq. 10.7 and averaging over the depth of the crown, we get
the dimensionless above-ground carbon demand, P  D , of the average leaf in the crown

P 1
exp e L t d.
= 1 (10.10)
g(T0 ) Psm 0 fI
To perform this integration, we make the substitution

e L t = u, (10.11)

whereupon Eq. 10.10 becomes

 (e L t )/ f I t
PD 1 e
=1+ dt. (10.12)
g(T0 ) Psm L t 1/ f I t
From Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 228) we recognize the exponential integral
E 1 (z) = dt (|arg z| < ), (10.13)
z t
so that Eq. 10.12 becomes
PD 1 1 L t 1
=1 E1 e E1 , (10.14)
g(T0 ) Psm Lt fI fI
and the arguments, z, of E 1 (z) are both functions of the light extinction coefficient,
L t . In Appendix H we show that L t is a species constant.
For 0 z 1, Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 229, no. 5.1.11) give

(1)n z n
E 1 (z) = ln(z) , (10.15)
n n!

in which

Eulers constant 0.577, (10.16)

and for 1 z < , Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 231, no. 5.1.54) give the
1 z 2 + a1 z + a2
E 1 (z) = z 2 + (z) , (10.17)
z e z + b1 z + b2

Professor David Benney, personal communication.
Canopy biomass production 299

Plate 10.3. Cedar of Lebanon. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by

William D. Rich; Copyright 
c 2001 William D. Rich.)

a1 = 2.334733, b1 = 3.330657,
a2 = 0.250621, b2 = 1.681534,
|(z)| < 5 105 .

Canopy annual carbon demand

To expand the rate of carbon demand from an average unit of one-sided leaf area to
the full canopy we convert P D to a unit of horizontal land area by multiplying first by
L t , the total one-sided leaf area per unit of crown basal area, and then by the canopy
cover, M. To expand from an instantaneous demand, P D , to an annual total demand,

PT , we must further multiply P D by the length of the growing season, m . Eq. 10.14
is then
 1 L t 1
PT = g(T0 ) Psm Mm L t E1 e E1 . (10.18)
fI fI
300 Net primary productivity and ecotones

We now compare this above-ground annual canopy carbon demand with that of a
groundcover monolayer of this species having = 1, L t = 1, which has the above-
ground annual carbon demand

pD = g(T0 ) Psm Mm . (10.19)

We use Eq. 10.19 to rewrite Eq. 10.18

= = fD L t, , (10.20)
pD g(T0 ) Psm Mm

for the light environment determining L t , and in which f D ( L t , ) is the potential

productive gain of the canopy structure subject to the availability of adequate CO2 ,
water, and nutrients. We note that this gain is linearly proportional to / which
suggests a selective pressure to maximize this ratio. In Chapter 3 we argued that for
optical optimality this maximum should be / = 1, and we presented supporting
observational evidence (cf. Fig. 3.19). On these bases we continue to let =
1 L t 1
f D ( L t ) = L t E 1 e E1 , (10.21)
fI fI

which vanishes for L t = 0 and theoretically is unbounded as L t .

To the first approximation,  PT equals the above-ground potential net primary pro-
ductivity, NPP, (subject to available carbon, water, and nutrients), and we write finally

= = f D ( L t ). (10.22)
pD g(T0 ) Psm Mm

Equation 10.22 is plotted as curve (a) in Fig. 10.1 where f D ( L t ) may be viewed al-
ternatively as the above-ground dimensionless carbon demand function for the given
light environment. Note that f D ( L t ) satisfies all the conditions for optical optimality
for a given species as given in Chapter 3 and is independent of all other aspects of
climate as well as of crown shape. Note also that for the diffuse monolayer, L t = 1,
f D ( L t ) < 1, as compared with the groundcover monolayer (i.e., = 1, L t = 1)
where NPP = pD as is shown by curve (f) in Fig. 10.1.

Note that the ability of the plant to use light depends upon the supply of nitrogen (Sharkey, 1985),
while its ability to use CO2 depends upon the adequacy of the water supply to maintain fully open
stomates as specified by ISL f I ( L t )ISW . This latter condition is expressed in Eq. 10.20 through
the separable variable, M.

Actually of course, there is an upper limit to L t in the neighborhood of L t = 4 to 5 imposed by
compensation light requirements (cf. Table 3.9).
Remember that here Psm has the units of g(CO2 ) m2 h1 .

With the exception of PAR which is insensitive to for these h , and is thus fixed by the leaf
texture of the species.
Canopy biomass production 301

(e) (d)

2.0 0.7

=0 6 8
CO2 and 5

NPP nutrient demand 9


p 1.0
(f ) p = pD .5 (b)
1 2
e r, y
ov op
c can
1 11

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Canopy absorption index, Lt

Fig. 10.1. Productive gain of C3 multilayer canopies. (a) CO2 demand (Eqs. 10.21 and
10.22); (b) atmospheric CO2 supply, cylindrical crown with = 0.3 (Eqs. 10.30 and
10.31); (c) atmospheric CO2 supply, cylindrical crown with = 0.5 (Eqs. 10.30 and
10.31); (d) atmospheric CO2 supply, hemispherical crown with = 0.7 (Eq. 10.33);
(e) atmospheric CO2 supply, conical crown with = 0.5 (Eq. 10.34); (f) CO2 demand,
groundcover with = 1.0, NPP/ pd = L t . Data points from Table 10.1: 1, Creosote
bush, Nye Co., Nevada; 2, ponderosa pine, Tucson, Arizona; 3, loblolly pine, Tucson,
Arizona; 4, oak, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee; 5, rainforest, Kade, Ghana; 6,
rainforest, Yangambi, Congo; 7, red spruce, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee; 8,
beech, Eastern Europe; 9, beech, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee; 10,
pinyonalligator juniper, Flagstaff, Arizona; 11, pinyonUtah juniper, Flagstaff,
Arizona; 12, sugar maple, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee.

Canopy annual atmospheric carbon supply for

cylindrical multilayers in a closed canopy
Let the downward rate of atmospheric CO2 supply to a unit basal area of the canopys
ensemble of stomata be Q. It is regulated by the average eddy diffusivity of mass, K c ,
and the vertical gradient of the CO2 concentration, dc/dz, within the crown as given
in Chapter 4 (cf. Eq. 4.116) by the fluxgradient relationship
Q = Kc . (10.23)
Invoking the Reynolds analogy, we replace K c by its equivalent, K m , for momentum, as
derived in Chapter 4. For m = 1/2 and n = 2, Eq. A.24 gives for cylindrical multilayer
crowns the spatial average diffusivity over the crown depth
L t
m = K m (0) 1 e
K , (10.24)

We are assuming neutral atmospheric stability in the long-term average because it is unwise to
calculate mass fluxes using eddy momentum diffusivities under conditions of atmospheric
instability (Jarvis et al., 1976, pp. 224225).
302 Net primary productivity and ecotones

in which K m (0) is the diffusivity at the top of the canopy, = 0. Precise evaluation of
the CO2 concentration gradient is problematic. We will approximate it by assuming
that its average over the crown depth increases with increasing foliage density in the

dc c0 cs
= (1 e L t ), (10.25)
dz h hs
in which c0 and cs represent the concentrations at the uppermost and lowermost leaves
respectively. For homogeneous canopies it follows that

h h s = kc L t , (10.26)

in which kc is a proportionality coefficient with the units of meters.

Multiplying the instantaneous, unit leaf area rate of Eq. 10.23 by L t , M and m , and
using Eqs. 10.24, 10.25 and 10.26, the annual total above-ground supply of carbon to
the canopy per unit of horizontal land area becomes, in terms of potential above-ground
solid matter
L t 2
S = K m (h) c0 cs Mm (1 e
. (10.27)
kc Lt
As we did earlier for carbon demand, we now compare this above-ground canopy
carbon supply with the above-ground supply to the monolayer, L t = 1. For this diffuse
monolayer we have the annual above-ground carbon supply
c0 c s (1 e )2
pS = K m (0) Mm . (10.28)
Assuming c0 cs is the same for the monolayer and the full crown, we may factor
Eq. 10.28 from Eq. 10.27 to obtain the annual canopy gain in above-ground carbon
= f S (, L t ), (10.29)
in which
1 e L t 2
f S (, L t ) . (10.30)
L t 1 e
Without carbon recycling, Q S equals the potential above ground NPP (subject to
available light, water, and nutrients of course) and we rewrite Eq. 10.29
= f S (, L t ), (10.31)
which is plotted in comparison with Eq. 10.22 in Fig. 10.1 as solid curves (b) for
= 0.30, and (c) for = 0.50, representative values for deciduous and evergreen

It is the elimination of unknown proportionality constants such as (c0 cs )/kc which motivates
presenting these supplydemand comparisons in terms of dimensionless ratios.
Canopy biomass production 303

trees respectively (cf. Fig. 3.18). Alternatively, we may call f S (, L t ) the above-ground
dimensionless carbon supply function. Note that the maximizing behavior of Eq. 10.31
is characteristic of turbulent vertical mass flux in the closed canopy of homogeneous
cylindrical multilayer crowns.
With vanishing canopy, the concentration gradient at the monolayer surface is max-
imized and it seems reasonable to assume that the monolayer carbon supply, ps , adjusts
to meet the monolayer carbon demand, pD . With ps = pD , we may view Fig. 10.1 as
a comparison of carbon supply and demand under the same conditions.
We see from Eq. 10.24 that K m 0 as L t gets large due to internal resistance of

the foliage elements, while from Eq. 10.25, dc dz
0 as L t 0 due to the decline of
sink strength. Thus the concentration gradient controls the turbulent flux at low L t
while the diffusivity controls that flux at large L t with a maximum in between. In
Chapter 7 we found a minimum in crown resistance which, together with Eqs. 5.29 and
5.30, dictated a maximum in plant transpiration rate at intermediate values of L t .
Note that for = 0.3, Fig. 10.1 shows the dimensionless CO2 supply rate to max-
imize at L t 1.2, while we found in Fig. 7.3 that at this same , the dimensionless
transpiration rate, kv , maximizes (i.e., rc
/ra minimizes) at L t 1.95. Equations 10.23
and 10.24 apply equally to water vapor and to CO2 , so the difference in the peak of
the two flux curves must lie with differences in the vertically averaged concentration
gradients of the two quantities. Indeed, the source concentration of water vapor is as-
sumed at saturation in all stomates throughout the crown, while the sink concentration
of CO2 in the air is presumed to decline with depth into the crown.

The critical canopy absorption index for cylindrical

multilayers without carbon recycling
We see in Fig. 10.1 that for cylindrical multilayers there is an intermediate, critical
canopy absorption index,  L t , separating regions of productivity control by carbon

demand ( L t < L t ) as limited by leaf photochemistry, from regions of productivity
control by carbon supply ( L t >  L t ) as limited by the biophysics of turbulent diffusion

within the canopy. We estimate L t , which varies inversely with , by equating the
normalized productivities of Eqs. 10.22 and 10.31 to obtain

(1 e )2
L t 2
fD ( L t ). (10.32)
Equation 10.32 is plotted as the solid line in Fig. 10.2 in comparison with the
optically optimal foliage state for several species (dashed hyperbolas) presented earlier

Note that maximization of the plant moisture flux rate, E v kv E ps , through maximization of kv ,
does not affect the canopy moisture flux rate, M E v = Mkv E ps , in a water-limiting climate,
because there the product, Mkv , is a climatic constant (cf. Eq. 6.66). However, because this
product is invariant in a given water-limiting situation, maximizing kv means minimizing M, and
the canopy biomass will decline (cf. Eq. 10.22). Thus evidence such as Fig. 7.11 in support of
maximum kv supports the concept of the selfish gene (Dawkins, 1976).
304 Net primary productivity and ecotones

in Fig. 7.1. Species lying to the left of the 

L t curve will be carbon demand-controlled
while those to the right will be carbon supply-controlled. With all the caveats put upon
both the theory and the observations displayed in Fig. 10.2, we should be cautious about
drawing species-specific conclusions therefrom. Nevertheless, we see in this figure that
the averages of Tables 2.22.4 for each of the three vegetation classes, when assessed
collectively, seem to support an operating state close to  L t . Furthermore, it is apparent
from the dashed lines of Fig. 10.2 that some species, such as ponderosa pine, may be
limited by the demand for carbon. For example, in Fig. 10.2 we see that ponderosa
pine is carbon demand-controlled at all , while Norway spruce and sugar maple are
carbon supply-controlled at all .

Atmospheric carbon supply for tapered multilayers

For tapered multilayer crowns (e.g., cones and hemispheres) the potential atmospheric
carbon supply increases monotonically with L t at least until solid-body resistance
comes into play. Retaining the above assumptions concerning concentration gradient,
and locating the reference monolayer at the crown surface, we replace only Eq. 10.24
in Eq. 10.23 to obtain for:
Hemispherical crowns (using Eq. 7.17)
NPP 0.55 + 0.052 L t + 0.008 ( L t )2 1 e L t
= , (10.33)
ps 0.55 + 0.052 + 0.008 2 1 e
Conical crowns (using Eq. 7.19)
NPP 0.605 + 0.108 L t + 0.042 ( L t )2 1 e L t
= . (10.34)
ps 0.605 + 0.108 + 0.042 2 1 e

12 Fig. 10.2. Critical canopy

absorption index without
carbon recycling. Dashed
lines from Bakers Ik /I0

(1950, Table 12, p. 143)

No Red oa

using = ; Table 3.9.




Plotted points are averages



of observations of L t,, and


Carbon Carbon

Lt 6
average of and from
Tables 2.22.4.
, Deciduous;
4 Lt , evergreen;
, crops and grasses.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Canopy biomass production 305

Plate 10.4. Collection of spruces. (Photographed in Arnold Arboretum, Boston, by

Beverly G. Eagleson.)

Equations 10.33 and 10.34 are plotted in Fig. 10.1 as dotted curves (d) and (e) re-
spectively using values of representative of the hemispherical crowns common to
rainforests (i.e., = 0.70), and conical evergreens (i.e., = 0.50).

Atmospheric carbon supply for tapered monolayers

In Eq. 7.19 and Fig. 4.25a, we saw the homogeneous, conical, multilayer crown of
low foliage density to have an eddy viscosity that increases monotonically with L t .
Incorporating the vertical concentration gradient through Eq. 10.26, the dimensionless
CO2 supply curve for such crowns is shown in Fig. 10.1 as curve (e). As this crown
of given increases in foliage density (say under the need to retain heat), the leaves
(probably needles in the assumed cold climate) concentrate in a monolayer.
In Eq. 7.21 and Fig. 4.25b we described the eddy viscosity of dense conical mono-
layers as increasing monotonically but weakly with L t . It seems reasonable to assume
that the CO2 concentration gradient under this increasing density also behaves as in
Eq. 10.26, in which case the dimensionless carbon supply for the dense conical mono-
layer will be proportional to curve (e) of Fig. 10.1 as are the eddy viscosities of the
high density monolayer and the homogeneous multilayer in Figs. 4.25b and 4.25a re-
spectively. This leaves the estimated dimensionless CO2 supply curve for the conical
monolayer higher than the dimensionless CO2 demand curve at all L t , and the same
situation obtains for the hemispherical monolayer as well. These qualitative estimates
are not shown on Fig. 10.1.
306 Net primary productivity and ecotones

Before discussing the very revealing Fig. 10.1, a few comments concerning the
other major ingredients of production are in order.

Canopy water supply and demand

For photosynthesis, the plant requires water in order to: (1) maintain turgor and hence
to keep the stomates open for CO2 assimilation; (2) maintain the moisture potential
in the protoplasm at the level necessary for cell metabolism; and (3) supply hydrogen
and oxygen for use in photosynthetic chemical reactions (Larcher, 1983, p. 121). In
addition, production of plant tissue requires a supply of nitrogen and other water-
soluble nutrients, resident in the soil but entrained and transported to the plant by
the through-flow of transpired water. In this work we focus on the plant operating
state in which the stomates are fully open (cf. Chapter 8), and concern ourselves with
the water supply required to maintain this state where we assume that the moisture
potential meets the requirements of cell metabolism, and that the photochemical water
use is a negligible fraction of the soil water through-flow induced by the climatic
transpiration potential.
In Eq. 5.30 we defined the open-stomate conductance of a unit of vegetated surface
kv = , (10.35)
E ps
so that the water use rate of the entire canopy becomes

M E v = Mkv E ps . (10.36)

In Chapter 6 we found that when kv , a function of species and temperature, satisfies

kv > , (10.37)
m tb E ps

in which Ve is the average available interstorm soil moisture, and m tb is the net in-
terstorm duration, the canopy adjusts its water demand to equal the climatic supply
by setting M < 1. Otherwise, M = 1, and there is an excess of water supply which
runs off through the natural surface water and/or groundwater drainage systems. In
this way, through self-regulation, the canopy water supply always equals or exceeds
its water demand.

Plant nitrogen (and other nutrient) demand

Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient whose demand often exceeds supply thereby
limiting plant productivity. Nitrogen demand is proportional to carbon demand

Actually of course, the ecological pressure for this adjustment arises from the individual plants
through the demise of the weakest ones due to stress induced by water shortage.
Canopy biomass production 307

Plate 10.5. Riverside community. This community along the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy)
River in Myanmar (Burma) contains a giant hemispherical tree of unknown species
within a grove of Royal palms. (Photograph by Peter S. Eagleson.)

stoichiometrically, and therefore the dimensionless nitrogen demand, ND /n D , is iden-

tical to the dimensionless carbon demand, f D ( L t ), as given by Eq. 10.21.

Plant nitrogen (and other nutrient) supply

Trees take up inorganic nitrogen from the soil, incorporate it into organic compounds
from which proteins and other nitrogen compounds are synthesized, and return it to the
soil in organic form primarily through the falling of leaves and fruits (Larcher, 1983,
pp. 175180). For plants having a relatively high root density, most of the mineral
nitrogen in the root zone is available for uptake quickly, perhaps within one or two
days, provided the nitrogen is in the form of nitrate (van Keulen et al., 1989, p. 91).
Thus, if the nitrogen reservoir is non-limiting, one of the expedient basic assump-
tions of this work, the nitrogen supply to the plant is proportional to the transpiration
(van Keulen et al., 1989, p. 91). Nitrogen carried into the plant by the soil water accu-
mulates as structural protein in the plant dry matter. As a component of chlorophyll,
nitrogen acts to aid in the assimilation of CO2 . Many studies have demonstrated, both
in annual C3 crops (cf. van Keulen et al., 1989, p. 85) and in trees (Mooney et al.,
1978, for eucalyptus; and Larcher, 1983, Fig. 3.5.1, p. 127, for spruce), that the max-
imum rate of CO2 assimilation displays a strong linear relationship to leaf nitrogen
308 Net primary productivity and ecotones

concentration over a wide range of the latter. Here then is a selection pressure for
maximizing the flux rate of the solvent water through the plant.
We begin our analysis of nitrogen supply by assuming the reservoir of soluble
nitrates in the soil to be large enough to impose no limit on their solution in the
soil water. The concentration of nitrate in the soil water will then be fixed by the
kinetics of the water uptake which is under the control of the climate, soil, and
The plant water supply equals the plant water demand which is given by Eq. 10.35

E v = kv E ps . (10.38)

Under the above assumption, the plant nitrogen supply, Ns , is then

Ns = CN kv E ps , (10.39)

in which CN is a constant for given climate, soil, and vegetation. A diffuse monolayer
under these same conditions will have the the nitrogen supply

n s = CN kvm E ps , (10.40)

in which kvm is the monolayer conductance. With Eq. 5.29, the dimensionless supply
of nitrogen and all other minerals is then

1+ +
NS kv 0 ra m
= = . (10.41)
nS kvm  rc
1+ +
0 ra

Unfortunately, our big-leaf model for the resistance ratio, rc /ra , does not hold at
the monolayer limit, L t = 1. However:
(1) For cylindrical crowns we infer from Fig. 7.3 that irrespective of , (r c /r a )m
must become large as L t 1. As noted above, there is a selection pressure to
maximize NS /n S and hence to minimize r c /r a . Thus, for the common observed
range of (i.e., 0.3 0.5), (r c /r a )min = 0.34 at L t = 1.8, and
c /r a )min = 0.81 at L t = 2.5 (cf. Fig. 7.3), and for normal temperatures,
1 + /0 3 (cf. Table 5.1). The denominator of Eq. 10.41 therefore
increases modestly with L t while the numerator stays constant. It follows
then that NS /n S > 1 for all L t .
(2) For tapered crowns we infer from Fig. 7.5 that the denominator of Eq. 10.41
decreases with L t , and that therefore NS /n S > 1 for all L t and increases
with L t .

Unfortunately, quantitative estimation of NS /n S is problematic, although nitrogen

sufficiency seems probable at all L t at least for the infinite reservoir assumed here.
Canopy biomass production 309

Plate 10.6. Northern red

oak and white oak. Stand of
Northern red oak on the left
and white oak on the right.
(Photographed by William
D. Rich in Arnold
Arboretum, Boston;
Copyright c 2001 William
D. Rich.)

Conclusions for atmospheric carbon supply

Figure 10.1 yields many conclusions for this case of minimum carbon supply:

(1) Potential carbon supply equals or exceeds carbon demand for full local carbon
recycling and atmospheric carbon replaces that exported.
(2) The CO2 (and nutrient) demand is independent of crown shape.
(3) The CO2 supply is dependent upon crown shape.
(4) For crown shapes producing a rough canopy top (e.g., tapered shapes such as
cones and hemispherical segments) CO2 supply exceeds CO2 demand for all
values of L t for both multilayer and monolayer foliage. Therefore, the
demand function governs for these crowns at all L t .
(5) For cylindrical crowns only, the CO2 supply rate maximizes at low L t making
supply equal demand at a critical intermediate value of L t denoted 
L t,
310 Net primary productivity and ecotones

which varies inversely with . At low L t for such crowns the relative canopy
resistance, rc /r a , gets very large (cf. Fig. 7.3) making the canopy conductance
and hence the transpiration rate correspondingly small. These are conditions
for low water use and regions of low water supply should favor such plants.
We have seen (cf. Chapter 8) that in water-limited situations, water demand
(i.e., use) is maintained equal to water supply (at given L t ) through
adjustment of the canopy density, M.
(6) For L t < 
L t , CO2 supply exceeds demand for all crown shapes and the
demand function governs the productivity which increases with increasing L t .
All else being constant, all crown shapes should coexist in this range of L t .
(7) For L t >  L t , CO2 demand exceeds supply for cylindrical crowns, and the
supply function governs the productivity which decreases with increasing
L t . For tapered crowns the demand function continues to govern. All else
being constant, tapered crowns will bring maximum dimensionless
productivity in this range of L t . Without supplemental CO2 supply such as by
regular fog or rain (cf. Wilson, 1948), or by the augmented mixing provided by
wind-induced leaf motion, only tapered crowns will follow the CO2 demand
curve in this region.
(8) For L t = 
L t , the dimensionless productivity of cylindrical crowns has its
global maximum.
(9) For L t 1, a monolayer groundcover, curve (f), has greater productivity than
a monolayer canopy.
(10) For 1 < L t < 1.7, a canopy has no productive advantage over the monolayer
groundcover, L t = 1. Can it be that this window of L t is vacant of natural
(11) For all L t , r
c /r a will be minimized in order to maximize the supply of
nutrients to each plant.
(12) For L t < 
L t , where CO2 supply exceeds demand, selection pressure is on the
photochemistry to develop more efficient assimilation mechanisms.
(13) For L t 
L t , where CO2 demand exceeds supply, selection pressure is on
crown shape to develop the tapered form that facilitates vertical fluxes.
(14) Water-limited communities have a more efficient CO2 flux path and thus a
higher CO2 supply curve than those for the closed canopies plotted on
Fig. 10.1. Therefore, we expect water-limited communities to be CO2
demand-limited. Under such an excess of supply over demand, natural
selection has produced more efficient photochemical processes: the C4 process

NPP limitation through foliage-induced CO2 flux constraints seems to be a new finding. Larcher
(1983, p. 85) states that CO2 supply is often a yield-limiting factor for both land and water plants
but he does not identify the constraint. Later in the same work (Larcher, 1983, p. 154) he writes,
On the continents it is almost always the water supply that limits yield, though other factors are
nutrient deficiency and . . . shortening of the production period due to cold.
Canopy biomass production 311

(found in sugar cane, maize, millet, and many savanna grasses; cf. Larcher,
1983, p. 79), that operates in a biophysically similar manner to the C3 plants
but generates much higher productivities, and the CAM process (found in
succulents such as cactus) that is fundamentally different by virtue of its
nocturnal assimilation of CO2 . Note that the demand-NPP as given by
Eq. 10.18 contains the product, Psm M. For C3 and C4 plants whose stomates
are open during the day, Eqs. E.9 and 6.46 give Psm E v E ps , while for
water-limited systems, Eq. 6.70 gives M E ps . Thus under water limitation
Psm M = constant. This removes the selection pressure for increasing Psm in
either C3 or C4 plants in the presence of excess carbon supply when water is
limiting. We can then expect M < 1 climax communities to have species in the
range L t < 
L t . Stated in another way, L t <  L t is a necessary condition for
water limitation. It is not a sufficient condition since it specifies no
(15) Following the above, species for which L t  L t will be light limited. For
light-limited communities, M 1, and the NPP as given by Eq. 10.18 remains
sensitive to changes in Psm . This preserves the selection pressure to close the
potential supplydemand productivity gap. We expect that climax communities
will have closed this gap resulting in M = 1 climax communities having
species in the range L t L t.
(16) Items 14 and 15 above lead heuristically to 
L t as a necessary condition
separating the species of water-limited (M < 1) and light-limited (M = 1)

Productivity observations
In Table 10.1 we have collected productivity observations for a small set of vegetation
communities from a variety of sources as described in the tables footnotes. As was
the case in Chapter 9, our emphasis in the data collection has been to test the theory
over the range of communities from desert to rainforest rather than to assemble masses
of observations for the commonly studied systems. Table 10.1 with its accompanying
notes is self-explanatory except that in plotting the points on Fig. 10.1 we have used
symbols evoking the crown shape according to our best estimate. That is, squares
are used for assumed cylindrical crowns, triangles for assumed conical crowns, and
semicircles for assumed hemispherical crowns. Tubbs and Houston (1990, p. 329)
describe American beech as having a round-topped head; photographs of red spruce
(Blum, 1990, Fig. 3, p. 254) show a conical form; Fechner (1990, p. 243) describes
the blue spruce as pyramidal in form; Odum (1975, Fig. 7-10, p. 197) pictures the
rainforest canopy-top as a set of spherical segments; and Godman et al. (1990, Fig. 2,
p. 80) show the sugar maple to have a cylindrical crown. Other than the beech, spruce,
and rainforest, we assume all crowns to be cylindrical. In making the comparison
Table 10.1. Observations of canopy productivitya
Number Species Site NPPb (gs m2 y1 ) Psm (gs m2 h1 ) M m (d y1 : h d1 ) Lt Lt Psm m M

1 Creosote bush Nye Co., NV 39.8(1) 2.08(2) 0.09(3) 60:12(4) 0.37(5) 1.0(6) 0.37 0.30
2 Ponderosa pine Tucson, AZ 61,200(7) 0.40(8) 0.83(9) 169:12(10) 1.77(11) 0.91
3 Loblolly pine Tucson, AZ 435(12) 0.40(8) 0.80(4) 80:12(13) 0.52(39) 5.0(38) 2.58(14) 1.41
4 Oak Gt. Smoky Mts., TN 963(15) 0.28(2) 0.95(16) 202:12(13) 0.53(39) 4.9(38) 2.60(11) 1.49
5 Rainforest Kade, Ghana 2,188(17) 0.38(18) 1.00(19) 365:12(20) 0.79(21) 3.3(21) 2.60 1.31
6 Rainforest Yangambi, Congo 2,884(22) 0.38(18) 1.00(19) 365:12(20) 0.79(21) 3.3(21) 2.60 1.73
7 Red spruce Gt. Smoky Mts., TN 950(23) 0.55(2) 0.92(24) 85:14.5(25) 0.51(26) 5.10(26) 2.62(26) 1.52
8 Beech Eastern Europe 1,300(27) 0.33(2) 0.93(28) 202:12(13) 3.19(11) 1.75
9 Beech Gt. Smoky Mts., TN 883(29) 0.33(2) 0.93(28) 202:12(13) 3.19(11) 1.19
10 Pinyonalligator juniper Flagstaff, AZ 0.19 to 0.25(30) 0.40(8) 0.52(31) 182:12(31) 1.68(32) 0.25 to 0.19
11 PinyonUtah juniper Flagstaff, AZ 0.20 to 0.26(30) 0.40(8) 0.41(31) 215:12(31) 2.27(32) 0.26 to 0.20
12 Sugar maple Gt. Smoky Mts., TN 1,340(33) 0.69(34) 0.96(35) 202:10(36) 0.35(37) 3.91(11) 1.00

Parenthetical superscript numbers refer to the source listing given in the notes below.
These values are above-ground and do not include roots. From Table 8.4 we see that if roots were included the total NPP would be 10% to 40% higher.
1. Rosenzweig (1968, Table 1, p. 69, Code A). 2. Table 8.2. 3. Average of five sites in southern California (McMahon, 1988, Table 8.2, p. 240). 4. Table 9.2.
5. Eucalyptus (Table 2.3). 6. Desert shrub (Larcher, 1983, Table 3.13, p. 151). 7. Cannell (1982, p. 311). 8. Loblolly pine (Table 8.2).
9. Williams and Anderson (1967). 10. Salvucci (1992, Table 4.5). 11. Table 3.9. 12. Whittaker and Marks (1975, Table 46, pp. 8081). 13. Fig. 3.11.
14. Lodgepole pine (Table 3.9). 15. Whittaker (1966, Table VI, p. 111, average of Sample Numbers 20, 21, 27, and 28).
16. Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107, average of Sample Numbers 20, 21, 27, and 28). 17. Nye (1961). 18. Goethalsia (Table 8.2). 19. Assumed.
20. Costa Rica; Allen and Lemon (1978, pp. 298, 300). 21. Allen and Lemon (1978, p. 288). 22. Bartholomew et al. (1953).
23. Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107, average of Sample Numbers 29 and 30). 24. Whittaker (1966, Table I, p. 106), from average light penetration.
25. Fig. 3.11 for cool multilayers; white pine and red spruce cohabit (Moore, 1917); Table 3.5 with full daylight length due to high elevation.
26. Table 2.3, = , and L t = aw , average for all spruce; L t = L t /. 27. Drozdov (1971, Table 1, p. 55).
28. Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107, average of Sample Numbers 25 and 26). 29. Average of Bray (1964) and Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107, sites 15, 25, 26).
30. Clary et al. (1974). 31. Table 6.3.
32. From physical resemblance of needle structure (cf. Zim and Martin, 1987, pp. 36 and 39) we represent the pinyonalligator juniper as pinyon using Bakers (1950) L t for
lodgepole pine, and we represent the pinyonUtah juniper as juniper using Bakers (1950) L t for Northern white cedar.
33. Cannell (1982, p. 248). 34. Table 8.2: Average for deciduous trees. 35. Whittaker (1966, Table II, p. 107, Sample Number 24).
36. Fig. 3.11 with estimated shortening of day length due to low elevation and northern exposure. 37. Table 3.7 for maple. 38. Fig. 7.4. 39. L t /L t .
Canopy biomass production 313

between theory and observation, we keep in mind that the former assumes atmospheric
carbon supply and contains other major approximations:
(1) The form of the L t -dependence of the CO2 concentration gradient has been
reasoned rather than derived (and only for M = 1), and this form is crucial to
the shape of the supply curve. While analogy with the derived canopy
conductance, kv , demonstrates that the supply curve clearly must peak, our
L t , of the important supplydemand equality must be approximate.
(2) We have in effect assumed that the annual net increase of above-ground
biomass is a constant percentage of the annual assimilated CO2 for all forest
types. This expedient permits us to use observed annual above-ground
biomass production to evaluate the theory but it limits us to qualitative
Note in Fig. 10.1 that except for the two pinyonjuniper canopies, all observations
are in reasonable agreement with the theory. In particular, we see a cluster of data points
in the vicinity of the global optimum where for cylindrical crowns with = 0.3, supply
equals demand. Furthermore, beyond this point the only canopies following the demand
curve are two apparently tapered crowns as predicted. Productivity observations in the
range L t <  L t are few but as is shown in Fig. 10.1 and Table 10.1, they support L t <
 L t being water-limited with M < 1 and L t  L t being light-limited with M = 1.
It is particularly interesting to note that the literature finds C3 trees to be carbon
supply-limited at the current atmospheric CO2 concentration (Larcher, 1983, p. 85;
Sharkey, 1985; Gunderson and Wullschleger, 1994; Drake et al., 1997) which would
imply a direct response to anthropogenic CO2 increases. Here we find, by both theory
and limited observation, that carbon is limiting only beyond a critical basal leaf area,
 L t , and then only for non-tapered crowns.
The general agreement of observation with theory supports our earlier tentative
conclusion that with an adequate nutrient reservoir, the supply of nutrients will not
limit productivity. However, the soil at the Beaver Creek site of the pinyonjuniper
canopies is described (Williams and Anderson, 1967) as a very stony clay derived
from basalt and volcanic cinders, rich in exchangeable calcium and magnesium, but
low in potassium. The nitrogen content ranges from 0.17 to 0.02 percent. It seems
possible that the productivity of these soils may be limited by the available reservoir
of either potassium or nitrogen.
In evaluating the comparisons of observations with theory we must remember that
we have not developed a theoretical predictor for m , the length of the growing sea-
son, and have estimated this important factor using a somewhat uncertain empirical
correlation (cf. Fig. 3.11). Season length is limited by complicated biochemical pro-
cesses beginning with bud-break in the spring which is commonly forecast through
some measure of accumulated heat (Valentine, 1983; Lechowitz, 1984). The season
ends in the autumn with leaf senesence. Transpiration (Gee and Federer, 1972) and
photosynthesis (Mitchell, 1936) cease as chlorophyll and other nutrients are removed
from the leaves before they fall. Our estimates of m may introduce considerable error
into the observational ordinates of Fig. 10.1.
314 Net primary productivity and ecotones

Plate 10.7. Colorado spruce. (Photograph by William D. Rich in Arnold Arboretum,

Boston; Copyright c 2001 William D. Rich.)

Verication of species productivity maximization

Underlying the whole of this work is the assumption that the natural selective pressure
on the individual plant is to maximize its reproductive potential and hence its annual
biomass and proportional seed production. Equation 10.22 gives us a means of testing
this assumption if we move all species dependence to the right-hand side.
The focus of attention when deriving Eq. 10.22 was carbon demand by a given
species. Therefore, we integrated the falling light intensity over the saturating pho-
tosynthetic capacity curve with depth into the canopy in order to obtain the total
assimilation as a function of the species-constant maximum assimilation rate, Psm . To
Canopy biomass production 315

introduce the climate supportive of this carbon demand we use Eq. 8.31 (confirmed
in Fig. 8.11), and the bioclimatic light optimum of Eq. 9.2 (confirmed in Fig. 9.5),
along with the optical optimum Eq. 3.52 (confirmed in Fig. 3.19) to replace Psm by
the climatic assimilation potential

Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , (10.42)

in which = 0.81 gs MJ(tot)1 as found in Fig. 8.10 and Psm is in gs m2 h1 .

Equation 10.42 allows us to factor additional species dependence out of the denomin-
ator on the left-hand side of Eq. 10.22. In addition, we use the thermal optimality of
Eq. 8.30 (confirmed in Fig. 9.4) to write

g(T0 ) = g(Tm ) 1. (10.43)

The canopy cover, M, is a complex function of L t through the effect of canopy

resistance on transpiration (cf. Eqs. 5.29, 5.30, and 6.66). We avoid this complication
here by restricting Eq. 10.22 to conditions of non-limiting water supply, M = 1, thereby
making the resulting NPP a potential maximum in that no limitations to the supply of
either water or carbon dioxide are considered.
With these substitutions Eq. 10.22 is rewritten to put all species dependence on the
right-hand side yielding the maximum potential (i.e. light-limited) productivity in a
given climate
= f D ( L t ) f I ( L t ). (10.44)
I0 M m
Note that the quantity by which NPP is normalized in Eq. 10.44 now represents the
productivity of a groundcover monolayer having = 1, L t = 1.
Equation 10.44 is plotted in Fig. 10.3 where we see a rising limb for small L t due
to dominance of f D ( L t ). In this range the low foliage density allows relatively undi-
minished light penetration so that each additional leaf contributes heavily to increased

0.6 Fig. 10.3. Evidence for

10 maximization of the
2 4 8 11 light-limited productivity of
1 3 9 12 13 trees. Observed range from
Bakers Ik /I0 (1950,
Table 12, p. 143) using
= ; Table 3.9.
I0 m

1, Ponderosa pine; 2, Scots

pine; 3, Northern white
cedar; 4, tamarack;
5, lodgepole pine;
6, Douglas fir; 7, red oak;
Observed range 8, hackberry; 9, Engelmann
of tree species spruce; 10, Norway spruce;
11, Eastern hemlock;
0.4 12, beech; 13, sugar maple.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Species, Lt
316 Net primary productivity and ecotones

canopy productivity. For large L t , the high foliage density causes heavy light decay
and the falling average light intensity, f I ( L t ), dominates the increasing leaf surface
so that canopy productivity falls. Importantly, there is an intermediate range of L t in
which the dimensionless productivity has the almost constant global maximum with
the approximate value

0.51. (10.45)
I0 m max
Note that at least for = 0.3 as plotted on Fig. 10.1,  L t = 2.65 lies in the center of
the productivity peak of Fig. 10.3.
In Appendix H we show that L t = L t is a species constant, and in Table 3.9
we relate L t to species through Eq. 3.53 and the compensation point observations of
Baker (1950). This allows us to associate L t with specific species and to draw the
vertical dashed lines on Fig. 10.3 representing the full range of species observed by
Baker (1950). Note that 10 of the 13 species lie in the range of the global maximum
productivity. We take this as observational confirmation of natural selection pressure
to maximize survival probability as represented by its surrogate, NPP.
Extreme climates may dictate extreme L t which are locally but not globally opti-
mum productively. For example, hot, dry growing seasons demand low L t to reduce
water use (e.g. L t = 0.37 for creosote bush; not plotted in Fig. 10.3), and cold but wet
growing seasons demand high L t to conserve heat (e.g. L t = 3.9 for sugar maple).

B Ecotones
An ecotone is a transition zone between different plant communities (Colinvaux, 1973).
Because they represent marginal conditions, we expect ecotones to be sensitive to
changing climate (Arris and Eagleson, 1994). Therefore, a necessary condition for the
utility of the present work in anticipating the effects of future climate change is the
ability of our analyses to locate principal existing ecotones.

The proposition
Let us assume that in the battle for survival, the plant with the highest productivity
wins due to its superior seed production. Let us also assume, for purposes of this
illustration, that the gradient of climatic factors controlling productivity of a given
species is expressed primarily through latitude. Extremes of latitude should depress
productivity due to the temperature control of photosynthesis leaving a preferred in-
termediate latitude at which the productivity is maximum. In the competition between
two monocultures, the geographical productivity variation is as sketched in Fig. 10.4
(Arris and Eagleson, 1994, Fig. 3, p. 4). Under these assumptions the local productivity
maximum shifts species where the two curves of Fig. 10.4 cross thereby marking the
ecotone location.
Ecotones 317

A test
As is shown in Fig. 10.5, the forest formations of eastern North America display
ecotones which are approximately latitudinal. The shaded region embracing the Great
Lakes is the broad, mixed forest transition (i.e., ecotone) between the evergreen boreal
(primarily spruce) forest and the deciduous (primarily oak) forest. The thinner shaded
band represents a second mixed forest ecotone between the deciduous and southern
pine (primarily loblolly).

Fig. 10.4. Hypothetical

relationship of productivity
and latitude for two
Net primary productivity

competing vegetation types.

(From Arris and Eagleson,
1994, Fig. 3, p. 4; with
Species a Species b
permission of the American
dominates dominates Geophysical Union.)




Boreal forest


Deciduous forest
Approximate northern
limit of Floridan 30
pine forest
aquifer system

Broadleaved 25
evergreen 0 300 600

Fig. 10.5. Forest formations of eastern North America. Map from Little (1971);
vegetation boundaries from Eyre (1968); aquifer boundary from Sun and Weeks
318 Net primary productivity and ecotones

To compare our ecotone postulate with the observations of Fig. 10.5, we return to
Eq. 10.20 rewritten to represent an individual plant as

= f D ( L t ) g(T0 ) Psm m , (gs m2 y1 ). (10.46)
The terms of Eq. 10.46 are evaluated as a function of latitude in eastern North
America for spruce, oak and loblolly pine as explained and listed in Table 10.2. The
reference growing season atmospheric temperature at each latitude is taken as the
average daily maximum July temperature which is presented in Fig. 10.6 for locations
in eastern North America from climatic records of the U.S. Weather Service (1974). A
common value of is assumed from Table 10.2, and Eq. 10.46 is plotted vs. latitude
in Fig. 10.7.
Examining Fig. 10.7 we find Eq. 10.46 to predict spruce as being the most productive
of the three species in the observed boreal forest zone and oak as the most productive in
the deciduous forest zone. The interchange of productive order among the three species
takes place clearly within the observed broad mixed forest ecotone. At variance with
the theory is the predicted strong superior productivity of oak in the observed southern
pine forest zone. Clearly some influence is present here in nature that the theory omits.
Arris and Eagleson (1989a) found this same behavior and have suggested nutrient
supply as is indicated in the following discussion paraphrased from their work.

Table 10.2. Productivity vs. latitude in eastern North America

Tl = T0 Psm d y1 : h d1 f D ( L t ) NPP/M
 ( C) g(T0 ) gs m2 h1 (Fig. 3.11) (Table 3.9) 102 gs m2 y1
( N) (Fig. 10.5) (Fig. 8.4b) (Table 8.2) (Table 3.5) (Eq. 10.21) (Eq. 10.22)
Spruce ( L t = 2.91) ( = 0.51) (Table 10.1)
50 17 0.98(1) 0.55 100 : 16 1.37 11.81
45 25 0.88(1) 0.55 85 : 15.5 1.37 8.74
40 29 0.77(1) 0.55 15 : 15 1.37 1.30

Oak ( L t = 2.60) ( = 0.53) (Table 10.1)

50 17 1.00(2) 0.28 156 : 16 1.40 9.78
45 25 1.00(2) 0.28 173 : 15.5 1.40 10.51
40 29 1.00(2) 0.28 189 : 15 1.40 11.11
35 31.5 0.98(2) 0.28 202 : 14.5 1.40 11.25
30 32.5 0.97(2) 0.28 212 : 14 1.40 11.28
Loblolly pine ( L t = 2.58) ( = 0.52) (Table 10.1)
50 17 0.97(3) 0.40 122 : 16 1.40 10.60
45 25 1.00(3) 0.40 110 : 15.5 1.40 9.60
40 29 0.98(3) 0.40 98 : 15 1.40 8.07
35 31.5 0.96(3) 0.40 85 : 14.5 1.40 6.63
30 32.5 0.95(3) 0.40 74 : 14 1.40 5.51

1. Artic pine: Tm = 15 C. 2. Beech: Tm = 23 C. 3. Loblolly pine: Tm = 26 C.

Ecotones 319

36 Fig. 10.6. Average maximum

July temperatures in eastern
34 North America. (From
records of U.S. National
Average daily maximum July temperature, T0,C

Weather Service.)








50 40 30 20
Latitude of observation in Eastern North America

10 Fig. 10.7. Ecotone location

Boreal Mixed Deciduous Southern pine
forest forest forest forest in eastern North America.
102 (gs m2 y1)

(Calculations summarized in
Eq. 10.46
Shaded areas Table 10.2.)
are observed
ecotones Oak

Loblolly pine


55 50 45 40 35 30 25
, N latitude

Note in Fig. 10.5 how this narrow ecotone separating the deciduous and the southern
pine forests takes a NESW direction along the approximate northern boundary of
the Floridan aquifer system. This marks the beginning of the sandy alluvial formation
terminating in the Florida peninsula. The coarse texture of sandy soils leads to rapid
percolation of soil moisture and to better soil aeration which causes rapid decomposi-
tion of organic matter. The small fraction of clay-sized soil particles coupled with the
low organic content dramatically reduces the surface area available to hold nutrients
in the soil against the leaching effects of percolation (Brady, 1974; Spurr and Barnes,
1980). This is particularly true for deciduous trees which, in contrast to evergreens,
contribute a concentrated pulse of nutrients to the soil in the spring when the autumn
320 Net primary productivity and ecotones

leaf fall decomposes. Evergreen leaves are shed more-or-less continuously and have
both chemical and structural differences which ensure a more gradual return of nutri-
ents to the soil with less likelihood of loss through leaching from the root zone (Monk,
1966; Spurr and Barnes, 1980; Chabot and Hicks, 1982).
Monk (1966) and Chabot and Hicks (1982) suggest that evergreen species may
dominate in areas of low nutrient availability for biological reasons also. Evergreen
leaves tend to contain smaller quantities of key nutrients which reduces the amount of
replacement nutrient required in the soil. Evergreens also have more efficient internal
nutrient cycling which results in a higher carbon gain per unit of nutrient turned over
(Chabot and Hicks, 1982).
As a result of the above, it seems likely that differential nutrient requirements may
make the loblolly pine dominate the oak in the sandy soils characterizing the southern
forest zone.

Summary, speculations, and opportunities

Through theoretical study of the fluxes of solar radiation, momentum, heat,

water, carbon dioxide, and nutrients, we have distilled and identified (in many
cases for the first time) some of the opportunities for natural selection to max-
imize plant productivity and hence the probability of its reproductive success
by shaping the form and function of natural vegetation canopies. Advancement
toward this goal has required many assumptions and simplifications, the most
serious of which are perhaps: (1) our severing of the feedback path from canopy
to atmosphere in order to consider the vegetation as being passive, (2) our for-
mulating the biophysical dynamics in terms of long-term and large-scale space
time averages over the growing season rather than by averaging the solution
to space- and time-dependent dynamic equations, and (3) our assumption of
non-limiting nutrient supply. Where possible, we have tested our resulting hy-
potheses against observations from the literature. Although these observations
are limited in number and are often the combined results of different investiga-
tors, they cover a wide range of community types from desert shrub to tropical

A Summary
Problem simplication
Interaction between the atmosphere and vegetated land surface involves the exchange
of mass, momentum, and energy between the two climate components in processes
which have characteristic time-scales varying from seconds (turbulent wind gusts) to
decades or centuries (life span of individual trees). In seeking first-order understanding
of the natural selection of vegetation form and function we have chosen a priori to
focus our attention at the time-scale of the growing season and to treat the canopy as
a steady-state passive responder to climatic forcing without feedback from canopy to
atmosphere. Additional major assumptions are:
(1) Coefficients of variation of climatic variables in both time and horizontal space
are small enough to allow writing dynamic equations in terms of the climatic

322 Summary, speculations, and opportunities

averages over the growing season for the local vegetation community
(Chapter 4).
(2) Atmosphere is neutrally stable in this climatic average (Chapter 4).
(3) Flux divergences of heat and water vapor above the canopy are negligible in
this climatic average (Chapter 5).
(4) The vegetal state in this climatic average is stressless in the interests of plant
health and productivity, and thus the stomates are in an effectively open
condition (Chapter 8).

Bioclimatic optimality
Our principal thesis here has been the existence of a relentless evolutionary pressure
toward a bioclimatically optimal vegetal state assumed to be that of maximum prob-
ability of reproductive success which we equate to maximum seed productivity and
hence, by proportion, to maximum biomass productivity (Chapter 10). From the bio-
physics we have identified the following major optimization opportunities for exercise
of this selective pressure.

Optical optimality
We propose that the optimum foliage arrangement is such as to extract the maximum
photosynthetically useful energy from the radiation beam.
This requires that the reflection of PAR is minimized, the upper leaf surfaces are
fully illuminated, the lowest leaf in the canopy has the minimum radiation intensity
needed for metabolic sufficiency (i.e., the compensation intensity), and that the basal
area of the average leaf be in full shadow. We show (cf. Figs. 3.193.20) that these
conditions result in equality of the canopy extinction coefficients for momentum and
insolation (i.e., = ) and the selection of optimum leaf angle by the solar altitude
(cf. Eq. 3.51 and Fig. 3.15, curve (b)).
We further propose that the climatic insolation, Il , on the average leaf in the crown
is just equal to the minimum insolation, I SL , for fully open stomates to insure stable
systems in which crown carbon assimilation is maximized (cf. Fig. 8.11).
This requires ISL Psm =  Il f I ( L t )I0 , where f I ( L t ) averages I0 over the
canopy (cf. Eq. 8.29). It is supported over a wide range of canopies in Figs. 8.10 and
9.5, and defines the crown climatic assimilation potential, Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , deter-
mining the maximum crown CO2 assimilation rate for a given C3 species and climate.

Mechanical optimality
We propose that with optical optimality in homogeneous cylindrical multilayer crowns,
there is a particular leaf angle for each species at which the canopy conductance of
water vapor and CO2 is maximum thereby defining an optimum foliage state.

We believe this to be a new finding.
Summary 323

With stomates fully open, the resistive network for turbulent transfer in the canopy
from stomatal cavities to the free atmosphere is shown adequately to approximate
canopy total resistance, rc , by a function solely of the interleaf layer atmospheric
resistance, ri , which is a function of L t (shown in Appendix H to be a species
constant ). The relative canopy resistance, rc /ra , is thus derived as a function of both
and L t . For homogeneous cylindrical crowns rc /ra has a minimum, and thus the
vertical turbulent fluxes are maximum at a particular leaf angle for each species. For
tapered crowns rc /ra declines monotonically with L t for a given . The dependence
of canopy conductance, kv , on rc /ra and T0 provides selective pressure toward ta-
pered crowns in climates where the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, or heat may limit

Thermal optimality
We propose that during the growing season, the average leaf temperature, Tl , equals the
photosynthetically optimum temperature, Tm , and approximates the average screen-
height atmospheric temperature, T0 , thereby making the canopyatmosphere system
isothermal on the average.
We confirm the finding of earlier investigators by our limited demonstration in
Fig. 9.4 that T0 = Tm . Minor environmental temperature regulation is provided in the
short term by temporary modulations of leaf angle, while major genetic regulation
occurs through both foliage arrangement and crown shape. We are concerned here
only with the genetic mechanisms. Some speculation is in order:
(1) Very limited evidence is presented (cf. Fig. 3.15) that in quite hot climates the
average leaf angle tends to produce upward specular reflection probably as a
means of most efficiently reflecting heat-producing longwave radiation back to
space. Hot climates appear to favor tapered multilayer crowns perhaps because
for these the canopy conductance increases monotonically with increasing leaf
area (up until the onset of significant solid body resistance) and thus maximizes
the flux of sensible heat from plant to atmosphere.
(2) Similarly limited evidence is presented (cf. Fig. 3.15) that in cold climates the
average leaf angle tends to produce horizontal specular reflection which may
be most efficient in retaining heat-producing longwave radiation within the
canopy. Cold climates appear to favor needle leaves in monolayer arrangement
probably because these best inhibit heat transfer to the atmosphere from within
the crown. Crown shape in these climates is typically conical with the
monolayer surface nearly normal to the radiation beam in order to minimize
reflection of NIR.

We believe this to be a new finding.

Among the genetic mechanisms is a tapered multilayer crown which, as we have seen in
Chapter 7, insures a maximum canopy conductance for given and L t , and hence maximum
transfer of latent and sensible heat, CO2 , and dissolved nutrients.
324 Summary, speculations, and opportunities

Hydrological optimality
We propose that at the end of the average growing season, water-limited communities
(i.e., M < 1) achieve a critical moisture state at which the individual plant is at incipient
stress and the crown-average insolation is I SW , the maximum insolation for open
stomates as given by the leaf water characteristic (cf. Fig. 8.15, Eqs. 6.67 and 8.26).
This insures that the stomates remain open for carbon assimilation the maximum
possible time and is borne out by the water balance data presented in Fig. 6.15. Joint
achievement of the optimum foliage state and the critical moisture state defines the
optimum canopy state which compares well with limited observations (cf. Fig. 7.11).

Nutritional optimality
We propose that the optimum foliage state will be that giving maximum canopy con-
ductance, because that will provide maximum water-borne nutrient flux from soil to
This requires that rc /ra = (
rc /ra )min for cylindrical multilayers as is illustrated in
Fig. 7.3 which, along with the conditions of optical optimality, selects the species and
fixes the leaf area index in this crown shape for given leaf angle (cf. Fig. 7.4). For
given species having the tapered crowns which are favored at high leaf area, the solar-
determined leaf angle along with optical optimality fixes the leaf area index and thus
the resistance ratio as given in Fig. 7.5. Strong support of this proposition is obtained
from the detailed study of three semi-arid canopies summarized in Fig. 7.11.
We further propose that tapered multilayer crowns are indicated at high basal leaf
area in order to insure that through high canopy conductance, carbon supply satisfies
the light-driven carbon demand.
This is borne out by the productivity data presented in Fig. 10.1.

Climax conditions
We propose that the maximum habitat insolation at which stomates can remain open
without water stress, I SW , is always equal to or greater than the minimum insolation
for open stomates, I SL , as given by the leaf light characteristic.
Along with optical optimality this proposition insures that the stomates are always
fully open and that for M < 1, all available moisture is used. As given in Chapter 8,
this defines the water-limited climax condition, Psm = f I ( L t )ISW for M < 1, and
the light-limited climax condition Psm f I ( L t )ISW for M = 1, which receive strong
support for a variety of canopies and habitats in Fig. 9.7.

The net primary productivity of a multilayer canopy is derived in Chapter 10 and
normalized by that of a groundcover monolayer of the same species. Derived using

We believe this to be a new finding.
Speculations 325

the optimality conditions cited above, this ratio is called the productivity gain of the
canopy. It is shown to agree quite well with observations from the literature over
a wide range of the basal leaf area, L t , which is shown in Appendix H to be a
species constant. Limited by carbon demand, productivity gain rises with increasing
L t until, for non-tapered crowns, a critical value, 
L t , is reached beyond which the
foliage density limits atmospheric carbon supply to the leaves. The zone of productive
limitation by carbon demand appears to contradict implications in the literature that C3
plants are always carbon supply-limited. It is reasoned that L t <  
L t , and L t Lt
are necessary conditions for water-limited and light-limited communities respectively.
For tapered crowns we show that carbon supply is non-limiting for all species.

Conrmation of productivity maximization

The (normalized) net primary productivity is rederived for light limitation, also in
Chapter 10, in terms of a new function of L t that incorporates all the species-
dependence and is shown there to have a maximum over a broad, intermediate range
of the species-specific parameter L t . Values of L t calculated from observations of
the relative compensation light intensity, Ik /I0 , for a wide range of tree species are
concentrated in this range of global-maximum productivity thereby confirming our
underlying assumption of productivity maximization as a surrogate goal of the natu-
ral selection process. Climate extremes beget L t extremes that differently constrain
productivity to a reduced maximum.

B Speculations
Synthesized selection
With the above mechanisms in mind, how might we synthesize the selection of the
most productive species in a given habitat?
We begin with temperate climates and the cylindrical multilayer crowns that seem
to predominate there:
(1) At the given latitude, , the mean solar altitude, h , determines the mean leaf
angle, cos1 , through optical optimality by Eq. 3.51. This equates the canopy
decay coefficients for light and momentum giving = .
(2) Mechanical optimality gives L t using Eq. 7.14 and bioclimatic optimality fixes
Psm through Eq. 8.41.
(3) The optimum canopy state (kv , M ) for this , L t , and habitat is determined
from the critical moisture state through Eqs. 6.66 and 7.31 as is illustrated in
Figs. 7.10 and 7.11.
(4) The season length, m , is estimated empirically from Fig. 3.11 and Table 3.6.

We believe this to be a new finding.
326 Summary, speculations, and opportunities

(5) Departure, g(Tl T0 ), from optimum canopy temperature, Tm , is estimated

empirically from Fig. 8.4b.
(6) The maximum productivity is now given by Eq. 10.18 with proportional reduc-
tion, as may be called for by carbon supply limitation, obtained from Fig. 10.1.
There is implicit evidence, presented here in Fig. 7.11, that the canopy conduc-
tance is maximized at least for the three water-limited communities tested. However,
mechanical optimality leads theoretically to deciduous being higher than the for
pine as is shown in Fig. 7.4, while observationally the reverse is found as is shown in
Fig. 3.18.
Evidence is clear (cf. Fig. 3.15) that various climate extremes may dictate sacrifice of
the optically optimal apparently for the control of canopy temperature and/or water
use achieved through energy retention or reflection. In other cases, excess sensible
heat or nutrient-poor soil may call for the increased canopy fluxes obtained only with
tapered crowns thereby sacrificing mechanical optimality. In all such cases is again
estimated from h but this time using the empirical curve (a) of Fig. 3.15. In the
absence of a minimum canopy resistance ratio, we must now resort to trial calculation
of the productivities of assumed species:
(1) Assume a species thus fixing the compensation light intensity, Ik , from
Table 3.9 and yielding L t .
(2) Proceed as for cylindrical multilayers beginning with no. 3 and repeat for
alternative species in the same habitat until the productivity calculated in no. 6
is maximized.

A response to global warming

To the extent that global warming increases the intensity and frequency of severe
storms while the seasonal precipitation remains unchanged, the runoff component of
the water budget will increase, the available soil moisture, Ve , will fall as will the
desiccation insolation, ISW (cf. Eq. 9.8), and existing climax communities will go into
stress. These stressed species will die off and be replaced by others with smaller ISL
(and hence smaller Psm ) in order to recover the optimum state, W = 1, all at the
cost of reduced productivity. Of course accompanying increase in the total seasonal
precipitation will counter this tendency.

Acclimation to changing ambient CO2 concentration

Studies of the response of isolated leaves or seedlings to increases in the concentration
of CO2 in the ambient atmosphere (cf. Gunderson and Wullschleger, 1994) reveal a
pattern of initial increase in CO2 assimilation rate for a year or two followed by a
return to approximately pre-change rates. This is refered to as acclimation of the plant
to permanently changed conditions without permanent change in its response. The
mechanisms for this behavior are not well understood.
Opportunities 327

The developments of Chapter 10 offer the following possible scenario for accli-
mation by trees to increased concentration of atmospheric CO2 provided the trees are
under CO2 supply limitation, and provided the nitrogen supply is adequate to support
additional foliage:
(1) Increase in ambient CO2 concentration initially brings added productivity since
it removes the CO2 supply constraint.
(2) Over a growing season (or longer), the increased productivity causes an
increase in the crown absorption index, L t , which restores the CO2 supply
limitation (cf. Fig. 10.1) and productivity falls.

C Opportunities
The first-order relationships presented here provide a simple, albeit approximate, ana-
lytical basis for sensitivity analyses and probabilistic forecasting in the manner ex-
ploited by the author in studies of the water balance (cf. Eagleson, 1978g). Accordingly,
the following extensions seem particularly promising:
(1) Both the productivity formulation and its comparison with field observations of
NPP suffer from the expedient assumption that nutrient availability is
non-limiting (cf. Chapter 10). It would be helpful to make the NPP forecasts
probabilistic by incorporating into Eq. 10.18 the natural variability in nutrient
supply as well as that of the important independent climate variables such as
season length, temperature, and available soil moisture. It would then be
possible to evaluate the accuracy of Eq. 10.18 better when compared with
reported observations, to gain a theoretical understanding of observed
interanual variability of primary production (cf. Knapp and Smith, 2001), and
to make sensitivity studies of climate change.
(2) The photosynthetic capacity curve used in generating the productivity function
(Eq. 10.18) as well as the habitat conditions (Eqs. 9.139.14) should be
generalized to incorporate variable ambient CO2 concentration in order to
investigate the effects of this climate change (cf. LaDeau and Clark, 2001).
Certain of the fundamental components of productivity remain empirically defined
and are treated here in an intellectually unsatisfactory manner which might benefit
from a fresh look. Particularly troublesome are the length of the growing season with
its multitude of constraints and influences, and the leaf angle for tapered crowns which
we have concluded to respond to the thermal need to retain or reject longwave radiation.
Finally, far more work is needed in careful testing of our results against observation
before we can claim understanding of the true basis for natural selection in trees.

Drake et al. (1997, Table 1, p. 612) collected 12 long-term studies of 8 field-grown species (crops
such as wheat and cotton, and non-forest ecosystems such as prarie, grassland and wetland) and
found only a 3% increase in leaf area following a doubling of the CO2 .

Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy

1 eddy viscosity for multilayer foliage (M = 1)

In Chapter 4 we derived the vertical distribution of atmospheric eddy viscosity
within the crown of leafy plants for closed canopies (i.e., M = 1) of homogeneous
circular cylinders (Eq. 4.40, m = 1/2), and for a nearly conical spruce (Eq. 4.102,
m = 1/2, " = 1). These crowns were assumed to have homogeneous foliage density
which is high areally and low volumetrically. Using the terminology of Horn (1971),
such crowns are often referred to as being multilayer. To compare the effect of mul-
tilayer crown geometry on the turbulent mixing we first derive the equations for a
hemispherical crown and for a pure conical crown, both again at M = 1.
Keeping in mind the requirement for compensation light intensity at the lowest leaf
level at all radii, any crown which does not fill its circumscribing cylinder must be
non-homogeneous in leaf area density, that is at = at (, r ). We will deal with this
variation in an approximate fashion by first averaging radially. In other words, we
assume at ( ) to be homogeneous and isotropic in the radial direction and deal with
slices,  , of the circumscribing cylinder which are each homogeneous over the full
cylindrical crossection (cf. Fig. A.1b).

Hemispherical multilayer crowns

In the definition sketch, Fig. A.1a, the shaded area defines a hemispherical segment with
base diameter 2r. A larger segment of basal diameter, b, is shown as a representation
of the full crown. Such a segment is probably a better representation of an actual tree
crown than is the full hemisphere. Eshbach (1936, p. 243) gives the volume, s , of a

330 Appendix A

0 h
s ho



0 h

d = 2r

1 hs
b = 2ro


Fig. A.1. Definition sketches for multilayers. (a) Hemispherical; (b) conical.

spherical segment as
s = h o 3r + h 2o , (A.1)
in which geometry allows the radius, r , to be written

r 2 = ro2 (ro h o )2 = 2ro h o h 2o . (A.2)

Examining a horizontal slice of unit thickness located at depth hz

hh s
= ho
hh s
and using Eq. A.2, the foliage area density, at ( ), is
r 2 acr r h hs 2 ro
at ( ) = 2 = 4 acr = 4 2 acr ,
b b b h hs


one-sided leaf area
acr = crown one-sided leaf area density = .
crown volume
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 331

For the special case of h o = h h s , r = b/2, and Eq. A.3 becomes

2 2
h hs
at ( ) = acr . (A.4)
2 1
h hs
Applying Eq. 4.15 to Eq. A.4
ro 1
h hs 3
at ( ) d L t = acr , (A.5)
0 r o
2 1
h hs
which, together with Eq. A.4, gives

2 2
h hs
at ( ) = L t
ro 1 ,

h hs 3
in which the homogeneity function appears as the factor

2 2
h hs
a( ) =
. (A.7)
ro 1

h hs 3
We approximate the shear distribution within the three-dimensional shape by as-
suming that Eq. 4.17 yields the areal average shear stress at any elevation. Then using
Eq. A.7 in Eq. 4.17 under the restriction that hh
1, gives the momentum flux


f ( )
= exp n L t 3
. (A.8)
f (0) 1

To match velocity gradients at = 0, the interference function for the hemisphere is

s( ) = B. (A.9)

As we did for the cone in Eqs. 4.874.90, we can now find the velocity distribution

u( )
= exp L t
, (A.10)
u0 1

where again B0 BL t . Equating velocity gradients at = 0 gives B0 = 1. Then,
with m = 1/2 and " = 1 (see Eq. 4.111 and Fig. 4.26b), Eq. 4.37 gives the eddy
332 Appendix A

viscosity variation for the arbitrary hemispherical segment having a single base
3 2 3
exp L t
K m ( ) 3 1
K mo = . (A.11)
K m (0) 6 3 2
3 1
The limiting cases of Eq. A.11 are of particular interest. For = 1 we have the
hemisphere and Eq. A.11 becomes
3 3
exp L t
2 2
K mo = , (A.12)
3 2
1 + 3
and for  1 we have a palm tree or an umbrella-like savanna tree and Eq. A.11
exp [ L t ( 2 )]
K mo = , (A.13)
1 + 2
both of which are plotted in Fig. 4.24a.

Conical multilayer crowns

Figure A.1b gives a definition sketch for the conical crown which has the volume
r 2
co = ho, (A.14)
ho 2r
= . (A.15)
h hs b
Again examining a horizontal slice of unit thickness located at = ho
hh s
, the canopy
foliage area density, at ( ), is
r 2 (1) acr r
at = 2 =4 acr = 2 acr . (A.16)
b b
at ( ) d L t = , (A.17)
0 3
and therefore

at ( ) = L t (3 2 ) = L t a( ), (A.18)

giving the homogeneity function

a( ) = 3 2 . (A.19)
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 333

Using Eq. A.19 in Eq. 4.17 gives the areal average momentum flux variation
f ( )  
= exp n L t 3 . (A.20)
f (0)
Choosing the interference function again as s( ) = B , the velocity variation is
u( )   
= exp L t 3 B0 , (A.21)
in which B0 BL t . Equating the velocity gradients at z = 0 again gives B0 = 1.
From Eq. 4.111 and Fig. 4.24b, " = 1, and with m = 1/2, Eq. 4.37 gives for the cone
exp L t ( 3 )
K mo = , (A.22)
1 + 3 2
which is also plotted in Fig. 4.24a.

Canopy-average eddy viscosity for multilayers

mo , is defined by
The vertical spatial average atmospheric eddy viscosity, K


mo K m ( )
K m ( )
d. (A.23)
K m (0) 0 K m (0)

(1) Cylindrical crown (i.e., homogeneous canopy; M = 1)

Equations 4.40 and A.23 give the lumped eddy viscosity within the
homogeneous (i.e., cylindrical) crown as
1 exp Lt
mo m
K . (A.24)

(2) Hemispherical crown (M = 1)

Equations A.12 and A.13 do not seem to be integrable analytically, but we
wish to compare values of K mo for different crown shapes. Accordingly, we
integrate Eqs. A.12 and A.13 numerically for selected values of L t and fit the
result empirically with a polynomial over the practical range, 0 L t 4.
With mn = 1, and , the fitted functions are:
full hemisphere ( = 1):
mo = 0.55 + 0.052( L t ) + 0.008( L t )2 ,
K (A.25)

limiting hemispherical segment (  1):
mo = 0.54 + 0.086( L t ) + 0.012( L t )2 ,
K (A.26)

which are displayed in Fig. 4.25a where the plotted points represent the
numerically integrated values.
334 Appendix A

(3) Conical crown (M = 1)

Equation A.22 does not seem analytically integrable either. Following the
same numerical procedure

mo = 0.605 + 0.108( L t ) + 0.042( L t )2 ,

K (A.27)

which is also shown in Fig. 4.25a. The values of K mo at the common value
L t = 1.5 are added to Fig. 4.24a as vertical dashed lines. Once again we call
attention to the quite profound qualitative difference in these functions for
differing crown shape.

2 eddy viscosity for monolayers of low foliage

density (M = 1)
We first consider the case of monolayers having foliage volume densities low enough
that flow passes readily through the crown. In this case the primary momentum ab-
sorption is internal to the crown and results from the drag of the individual foliage
elements as we have seen for leafy multilayers:

Cylindrical monolayer at low foliage density

All relationships for the homogeneous cylindrical monolayer are identical to those
already derived for the case of the homogeneous cylindrical multilayer. However, for
the monolayer, h h o = t.

Hemispherical monolayer at low foliage density

The hemispherical monolayer is illustrated in the definition sketch Fig. A.2a and its
notation is given in Fig. A.1a. Examining a horizontal slice at depth = hh
, and

Fig. A.2. The monolayer

crown. (a) Hemispherical;
(b) conical.


Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 335

using Eq. A.2, the foliage area density, at ( ), is approximately

2r t(1)acr t
at ( ) = (2 2 )1/2 acr . (A.28)
ro (1)
2 ro

From the definition of foliage area density, and using Eq. A.28
at ( ) d L t = acr , (A.29)
0 ro 4

which together with Eq. A.28 gives

at = L t (2 2 )1/2 , (A.30)

in which the homogeneity function appears as the factor

a( ) = (2 2 )1/2 . (A.31)

Using Eq. A.31 in Eq. 4.17 gives the momentum flux variation
f ( ) 4
= exp n L t (2y y ) dy ,
2 1/2
f (0) 0

which can be integrated (Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, 1980, p. 82, no. 2.262-1 and p. 81,
no. 2.261) to obtain
f ( ) 2
= exp n L t arc sin(1 ) (1 )(2 )
2 1/2
f (0) 2

The interference function will again be taken as in Eq. A.9, which gives the velocity
u( ) 2
= exp L t arc sin(1 ) (1 )(2 ) B0 ,
2 1/2
u0 2

in which B0 = 2mBL . Equating velocity gradients at the canopy top and setting " = 1
(Eq. 4.111 and Fig. 4.26b) establishes that B0 = 2 . Taking m = 1/2 then allows us
to write
exp L t (1 ) arc sin(1 ) (1 )(2 )
2 1/2
K mo = .
1 + (2 2 )1/2

336 Appendix A

Conical monolayer at low foliage density

The definition sketch for the conical monolayer is given in Fig. A.2b with notation in
Fig. A.1b, and defines hh
= db . The foliage area density is written
 2 1/2
1 b
dt 1 + acr  2 1/2
4 h hs t 1 b
at ( ) = 2 =4 1+ acr .
b b 4 h hs


Applying Eq. 4.15 to Eq. A.36

 2 1/2
t 1 b
at ( ) d L t = 2 1 + acr , (A.37)
b 4 h hs
which together with Eq. A.36 gives

at ( ) = 2 L t , (A.38)

in which the homogeneity function appears as the factor

a( ) = 2. (A.39)

Using Eq. A.39 in Eq. 4.17 gives the momentum flux variation
f ( )  
= exp n L t 2 . (A.40)
f (0)
Once again the interference function is taken as s( ) = B , giving the velocity distri-
u( )   
= exp L t 2 B0 , (A.41)
where B0 = mLBt . Equating velocity gradients at = 0, and setting " = 1 gives B0 = 1.
With m = 1/2 the eddy viscosity variation is
exp [ L t ( 2 )]
K mo = , (A.42)
1 + 2
which is identical to that found for the multilayer hemispherical segment with
hh s
= hroo  1. Once again these monolayer eddy viscosities are compared for the
typical value L t = 1.5 in Fig. 4.24b.

3 eddy viscosity for monolayers of high foliage

density (M = 1)
We next consider the case of monolayers of high foliage area density in non-cylindrical
crowns. In this case, the high solid density of the crown surface forces the bulk of the
flow to go around the crown rather than through it. The drag element then becomes
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 337

the crown shape itself and our flow field becomes the canopy rather than the interior
of the crown. In this case, the interference drag results from the separation between
adjacent crowns at a given elevation rather than from varying separation of neighboring
needles and/or shoots within the crown. This peculiar foliage area distribution is found
primarily in the conifers of cold climates where the high density serves to maintain
sufficient needle warmth for photosynthesis. We will confine our treatment of high
densities to conical monolayers.

Conical monolayer at high foliage volume density

At the upper limit of foliage volume density, the crown becomes solid. However, since
the foliage must remain photosynthetically active, its elements must lie in the surface
of the cone where they have access to light. This coincidence of leaf surface and crown
surface allows us to express the one-sided leaf area index in terms of the geometry of
the crown (see Fig. A.1b) as
b b 2
+ (h h s )2  
1 2 2 1 h h s 2 1/2
L= = 1 + 4 . (A.43)
2 (b/2)2 2 b
For L > 1, the error in letting L (h h s )/b is less than 10%. Continuing the approx-
imation L L t , Eq. A.43 then gives

h hs
Lt L . (A.44)
Making the crude assumption that the substrate shear is negligible, Eq. 4.9 is written
CD u 2 dz
f D (z) = = f aD (z), (A.45)
(b/2)2 z
so that Eq. 4.8 becomes
df d
= 4 2 dz. (A.46)
f b
Alternatively, since db = , and hz
, Eq. A.46 can be written

df h hs
= 4 d, (A.47)
f b
or, with the approximation of Eq. A.44,
= 4L t d. (A.48)
Introducing the variable of integration, x, Eq. A.48 yields

f ( )  
= exp 4L t x dx = exp 2L t 2 . (A.49)
f (0) 0
338 Appendix A

Using the interference function, Eq. 4.87, the shear stress is again as in Eq. 4.88,
and we can write the velocity variation
u f ( )  
= exp 2m L t 2 + m B . (A.50)
Equating velocity gradients inside and outside the canopy at = 0, and using Eq. 4.111,
one obtains

u h hs
mB = L t . (A.51)
ku 0 h d0
Assuming Fig. 4.26b applies, " = 1, and Eq. A.51 becomes

m B = L t = mn L t . (A.52)

With the single-sided foliage area equal to half the lateral crown surface area in this
limiting case, n = 2, and 2 , reducing Eq. A.52 to
B = L t. (A.53)

At the high crown shape Reynolds numbers associated with even moderate wind
speeds, m = 1/2 (Table 7.1). Thus from Eqs. 4.37, A.49, and A.50
exp L t +
K m ( )
K mo = = , (A.54)
K m (0) 1 +
which is compared with the low density monolayers for the value L t = 1.5 in
Fig. 4.24b. Note for the conical monolayer that the change in drag behavior induced
by the high foliage volume density causes much less vigorous vertical mixing than
was present in the low density case.

4 canopy average eddy viscosity for monolayers

Equations A.35, A.42, and A.54 are integrated numerically to obtain the spatial
mo , of the eddy viscosities over the crown depth. Respectively, this yields:
average, K

Hemispherical monolayer at low foliage density

mo = 0.51 + 0.04( L t ) + 0.0016( L t )2 ,
K (A.55)

Conical monolayer at low foliage density

mo = 0.54 + 0.086( L t ) + 0.012( L t )2 ,
K (A.56)

which is identical to that found for the hemispherical multilayer with ro

hh s
 1 in Eq. A.26, and
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 339

Conical monolayer at high foliage density

mo = 0.454 + 0.009L t + 0.002L 2t .

K (A.57)

Cylindrical monolayer
The monolayer cylindrical crown is just a shallow multilayer cylinder and its K mo has
been given as Eq. A.24.
mo are presented in Fig. 4.25b as a function of L t where
All monolayer values of K
they may be compared with the multilayer values given in Fig. 4.25a.

5 resistance ratio
Homogeneous hemispherical multilayer (M = 1)
Referring to Fig. A.1a, Eqs. A.1 and A.2, and with hroo , the volume of the spherical
segment of height h o is

s = h o 6ro h o 2h 2o = ro3 2 , (A.58)
6 3

which can be closely approximated (see Fig. A.3) by

0.7 1.85 . (A.59)

1 Fig. A.3. Volume of

hemispherical segment.

s 1.85
= 0.7

3 101



s 3
= 2
r o3 3
101 1

340 Appendix A

With the hemisphere volume defined as

2 3
so = r , (A.60)
3 o
Eq. A.59 is written
1.05 1.85 . (A.61)
With the foliage distributed homogeneously throughout the hemispherical crown
volume, and assuming the topmost leaf layer to diffuse directly into the free atmo-
sphere, we discretize the canopy into L t 1 atmospheric layers of volume
s = , (A.62)
Lt 1
each containing an equal foliage area. The bottom of the topmost layer lies at = 1 ,
so that Eqs. A.61 and A.62 give

s s (1 ) = 1.05so 11.85 , (A.63)

 1/1.85  1/1.85  0.54
1 1 0.95
1 1 = = (A.64)
1.05 Lt 1 Lt 1
is the thickness of the uppermost layer. If we now let s (2 ) = 2s , we get
s (2 ) = 1.05so 21.85 = , (A.65)
Lt 1
2 = , (A.66)
Lt 1
and the second layer down has the thickness
0.95 0.54 0.54
2 = 2 1 = [2 10.54 ]. (A.67)
Lt 1
Continuing in this fashion, the bottom layer has thickness
0.95 0.54  
 L t 1 = L t 1 L t 2 = (L t 1)0.54 (L t 2)0.54 . (A.68)
Lt 1
Using Eqs. 4.38 and 4.40, Eq. 4.165 gives the interleaf layer resistance as
h hs mo ,
ri,n = n / K (A.69)
ku (h d0 )
and using Eq. 4.111, Eq. A.69 is
L t u 0 mo .
ri,n = n / K (A.70)
u 2
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 341

As before for the cylindrical crown, the ri,n are arrayed in parallel series to give the
reciprocal of the canopy resistance as
1 1 1 1
= + + + , (A.71)
rc ri,1 ri,1 + ri,2 ri,1 + ri,2 + ri,3 + + ri,L t 1
but in this case the ri,n are unequal due to the varying thickness of the atmospheric
layers containing equal foliage area. Using Eq. A.67, Eq. A.71 becomes

1 mo  L t 1 0.54
u 2 K
rc L t u 0 0.95
1 1 1
0.54 + 0.54 + + , (A.72)
1 1 + (20.54 10.54 ) (L t 1)0.54
or, with Eq. 4.143
ra u 2 K L t 1 0.54 L*t 1
= m
. (A.73)
rc ku 0 L t 0.95 n=1
n 0.54

From Fig. 4.26b we see that 1, and that ( ku u

) 1 for a homogeneous hemisphere.
Also for these leafy trees, mn = 1, so Eq. A.73 reduces to the desired resistance ratio
5 61
rc Lt *
L t 1
= 0.97 , (A.74)
ra mo (L t 1)0.54 n=1 n 0.54

in which K o is given by Eq. A.25. Equation A.74 is plotted in Fig. 7.5 for the common
range of , and we notice that there is an important difference between the resistance
ratio for the hemispherical and cylindrical crowns.

Homogeneous conical multilayer

Referring to Fig. A.1b, the volume of the conical crown is
1 2
co = b (h h s ). (A.75)
3 4
With the foliage distributed homogeneously throughout this volume, and continuing to
assume the topmost leaf layer to diffuse directly into the free atmosphere, we discretize
the canopy into L t 1 atmospheric layers each containing an equal foliage volume
of magnitude
co b2
co = = (h h s ). (A.76)
Lt 1 12(L t 1)
The crown volume above level z is
d 2
cr (z) = (h z). (A.77)
Using the definition
hz d
= , (A.78)
hh b
342 Appendix A

Eq. A.77 becomes

cr ( ) = (h z) 2 = co 3 . (A.79)
As we did earlier for the hemisphere, the thickness, 1 , of the topmost atmospheric
layer follows from Eqs. A.76 and A.79 as
c (1 ) 1/3 1
1 = 1 = = , (A.80)
co Lt 1
while that of the second atmospheric layer is
2c (1 ) 1/3 c (1 ) 1/3 1
2 = 2 1 = = [21/3 11/3 ],
co co Lt 1

and so on until the bottom atmospheric layer is

(L t 1)c (1 ) 1/3 (L t 2)c (1 ) 1/3
 L t 1 = L t 1 L t 2 = ,
co co

 L t 1 = (L t 1)1/3 (L t 2)1/3 . (A.83)
Lt 1
Using Eqs. 4.38 and 4.40, Eq. 4.165 gives the interleaf atmospheric resistance, ri,n ,
as shown for the hemisphere in Eq. A.70. The ri,n are again arrayed in parallel series
to arrive at the reciprocal of the canopy resistance as given by Eq. A.71. The ri,n are
unequal due to the varying thickness of the atmospheric layers containing equal foliage
area. Using Eqs. A.80A.83, Eq. A.71 becomes

1 o (L t 1)1/3
u2 K
= m
rc L t u 0
1 1 1
1/3 + 1/3 + + , (A.84)
1 1 + (21/3 11/3 ) (L t 1)1/3
or, with Eq. 4.143
2 o
ra u K m (L t 1)1/3 L*t 1
= . (A.85)
rc ku 0 L t n=1
n 1/3

From Fig. 4.30b we see that = 1, and that ( ku u

) 0.9 for a conical spruce. Also,
for these leafy trees, mn = 1, so Eq. A.85 reduces to the desired resistance ratio
5 61
rc Lt *
L t 1
= 1.23 , (A.86)
ra mo (L t 1)1/3
K n=1
n 1/3
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 343

in which Kmo is given by Eq. A.27. Equation A.86 is plotted in Fig. 7.5 for the common
range of , and we notice there the same important difference between the resistance
ratio for the conical and cylindrical crowns that we previously found between the
hemispherical and cylindrical crowns.

Conical monolayer of low foliage density

Referring to the definition sketch for conical monolayers in Fig. 7.6a, we have
ho d
= , (A.87)
h hs b
and the foliage is contained within a layer of thickness, t, parallel to the cones lateral
surface. The fraction of the cone within which the foliage is distributed (homoge-
neously) is thus
b2 t h h s 2 1/2
cm = 1+4 = Acm t, (A.88)
4 b
in which the surface area, Acm , of the monolayer is
b2 h h s 2 1/2
Acm = 1+4 . (A.89)
4 b
Once again we assume that the topmost leaf layer diffuses directly into the free at-
mosphere, and we discretize the canopy into L t 1 atmospheric layers each containing
an equal foliage volume of
h h s 2 1/2
1 + 4
b2 t b
cm = . (A.90)
4 Lt 1
The crown volume above level z is
dbt h h s 2 1/2
cm ( ) = 1+4 . (A.91)
4 b
The bottom of the topmost layer lies at = 1 , so that Eqs. A.90 and A.91 give
d1 bt h h s 2 1/2
cm = cm (1 ) = 1+4 1 , (A.92)
4 b
1 1 = (A.93)
Lt 1
is the thickness of the uppermost layer. The second layer down from the top has
cm (2 ) = 2cm , so that Eqs. A.92 and A.93 give
d2 bt h h s 2 1/2 d1 bt h h s 2 1/2
1+4 2 = 2 1+4 1 , (A.94)
4 b 4 b
344 Appendix A

2 = , (A.95)
Lt 1
so that the second layer down has the thickness
(2 ) = 2 1 = (21/2 11/2 ). (A.96)
Lt 1
Continuing in this way, the bottom layer has thickness
 L t 1 = L t 1 L t 2 = (L t 1)1/2 (L t 2)1/2 . (A.97)
Lt 1
Using Eqs. 4.38 and 4.40, Eq. 4.165 gives the interleaf atmospheric resistance, ri,n ,
as is shown for the hemispherical multilayer in Eq. A.70. The unequal ri,n are again
arrayed in parallel series to arrive at the reciprocal of the canopy resistance as given
by Eq. A.71. Using Eqs. A.93 to A.97, Eq. A.71 becomes

1 o (L t 1)1/2
u2 K
= m
rc L t u 0
1 1 1
1/2 + 1/2 + + , (A.98)
1 1 + (21/2 11/2 ) (L t 1)1/2
or, with Eq. 4.143
2 o
ra u K m (L t 1)1/2 L*t 1
= . (A.99)
rc ku 0 L t n=1
n 1/2

Again using Fig. 4.26b, we see that = 1, and ( ku u

) 0.9 for a conical spruce.
Also, for these leafy trees, mn = 1, so Eq. A.99 reduces to the desired resistance

rc Lt
= 1.23   , (A.100)
ra s mo (L t 1)1/2 N (L t )

in which
5 6
L t 1
N (L t ) . (A.101)
n 1/2

In Eq. A.100, the subscript s on the resistance ratio and on the eddy viscosity signifies
they are for the case of sparse monolayer in which the wind blows freely among the
leaves or needles. Evaluating the diffusivity through Eq. A.56, Eq. A.100 is plotted as
the lower dashed line in Fig. 7.7 for the common value, = 0.5. We notice there that
ra s
declines monotonically with L t just as it does for the conical and hemispherical
multilayers (see Fig. 7.5).
Effect of crown shape on ow in canopy 345

Conical monolayer of limiting foliage density

As the foliage volume density approaches unity, that is as the crown becomes solid,
flow through the crown ceases and the drag becomes that of the solid crown shape;
all the active foliage elements lie in the surface of the crown, and the (active) foliage
area index is defined by the crown geometry. Spruce is a typical example. In this case
turbulent diffusion to and from the foliage does not pass through other interleaf layers.
Rather, it passes through the intercrown atmosphere over a distance which averages,
for the distributed elements of the conical surface
z = (h h s ). (A.102)
From Eq. 4.165, neglecting rcs
rc = rci = ri = . (A.103)

K m (z)
Using Eqs. 4.38 and A.102, Eq. A.103 becomes
(h h s )
rc = 3 . (A.104)
ku (h do ) Kmo
Equations 4.143 and A.104 give the desired resistance ratio as

rc 2 ku o h hs 1
=   , (A.105)
ra d 3 u h do K mo

where the subscript d on the resistance ratio and on the eddy viscosity signifies they
are for the limiting case of dense monolayer in which the wind blows around the
solid crown. In the absence of observations of the bulk drag parameter for the case of
solid cones, we assume kuu
= 1 (see Fig. 4.26b), and use Eq. 4.51 to write Eq. A.105

rc 2 n L t 1
=  .
n L t exp (n L t )  K
ra d 3 mo
1 d
1 exp (n L t )
For the solid cone, n = 2, = 2 , and the diffusivity is given by Eq. A.57.
Equation A.106 is plotted as the upper dashed line in Fig. 7.7 for the common value,
= 0.5. We see there that the sparse and dense conical monolayers have opposing
variations with L t . All else being constant, Eq. A.100 must apply for very small L t ,
while Eq. A.106 applies for very large L t . A weighting function to define rc /ra for the
practical, intermediate case is given in Chapter 7 as Eq. 7.24.

Estimation of potential evaporation from wet

simple surfaces

1 annual average for weakly seasonal climates

The Penman equation
In Chapter 5 we wrote the Penman equation for potential rate of evaporation from wet
surfaces, E ps , in the form (cf. Eq. 5.21)
E ps = (Rn + Dp ), (B.1)
1 + o /
in which the drying power, Dp , is defined to be (cf. Eq. 5.22)
cp es
Dp (1 Sr ), (B.2)
and Sr is the atmospheric saturation ratio (i.e., fractional relative humidity) at screen

Net radiation
The net radiation, Rn , is defined as the difference

R n qi qb , (B.3)

in which the net incoming solar radiation, qi , is given by

qi (1 T )I0 , (B.4)

in which T is the surface albedo (all wavelengths).

The material of this Appendix is adapted from the authors unpublished lecture notes for the
Tenth Annual John R. Freeman Memorial Lecture entitled Climate, Soil, and the Water Balance:
A Framework for their Analytical Coupling, MIT, Cambridge, MA, 1977.

Potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces 347

To estimate the net longwave back radiation, qb , we begin by considering the

longwave incoming radiation from a clear sky,

Ilw = a T0K
, (B.5)

in which a is the atmospheric emissivity, and T0K is the near-surface atmospheric

temperature in degrees Kelvin. Many empirical expressions have been developed to
reflect the dependence of a on vapor pressure. We choose that of Swinbank (1964)
which includes the dependence of vapor pressure on temperature to give

Ilw = 0.971 1010 T0K
0.245, (cal cm2 min1 ), (B.6)

where T0K is measured at screen height above the vegetal surface.

Water surfaces will reflect some longwave radiation which we accommodate
through the longwave reflectivity, l . The net incoming longwave radiation is then

Ilw = (1 l )Ilw . (B.7)

The outgoing or back longwave radiation is

Ilw = o TsK
, (B.8)

in which E s is the surface emissivity (o = 0.97 for water and o = 1 for other
surfaces), and TsK is the surface temperature in degrees Kelvin.
The net longwave back radiation under clear skies, Rc , is then

Rc = Ilw Ilw . (B.9)

Finally, the effect of cloud cover on the longwave radiation exchange between
atmosphere and surface is approximated by writing the net longwave back

qb = (1 kl N )Rc , (B.10)

which becomes, using Eqs. B.9, B.8, B.7, and B.6, in cal cm2 min1
qb = (1 kl N ) o TsK
(1 l ) 0.971 1010 T0K
0.245 , (B.11)

in which
N = fraction of the sky covered by clouds,
kl = reduction factor < 1,
l = longwave albedo of the surface,
o = longwave emissivity of the surface, and
= StefanBoltzmann constant = 0.826 1010 cal cm2 min1 K4 .
Here, we apply Eq. B.1 using time-averaged variables to estimate the annual aver-
age evaporation rate. However, because of the non-linearity of Eq. B.1 with respect to

This development of net longwave back radiation follows that of Snow Hydrology (U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, 1956, pp. 156161).
348 Appendix B

temperature, the estimation degenerates with increasing climatic seasonality. Conse-

quently, we restrict this approach to climates having weak seasonality and make the
following additional approximations:

(1) kl = 0.80 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1956),

(2) l = 0,
(3) T0 = Ts (assumed isothermal evaporation),
(4) T 4 T (overbars indicate long-term time average), and
(5) o 1.0.

Introducing the above and remembering that all quantities are now time-averaged,
Eq. B.11 reduces to
qb = (1 0.80 N ) 0.245 0.145 1010 T0K
, (B.12)

in cal cm2 min1 , and is in terms of readily available meteorological data.

The drying power

Estimation of Dp is problematic due to the need to evaluate the atmospheric resistance,
ra , which is a function of both wind speed and surface roughness (cf. Eq. 4.141). It is
useful to divide Eqs. B.12 and B.2 to obtain the dimensionless ratio
qb (1 0.80 N ) 0.245 0.145 1010 T0K
= cp es , (B.13)
Dp (1 Sr )

which can be written

qb (1 0.80 N ) 0.245 0.145 1010 T0K
= . (B.14)
Dp cp /ra es / 1 Sr

As is shown in Fig. B.1, the saturation vapor pressure, es , can be approximated


= 6989 51.87 TsK + 0.0966 TsK
, (dyne cm2 K1 ) (B.15)

over the range 0 C Ts 34 C, from which

es es TsK 6989 51.87 TsK + 0.0966 TsK
= , (K). (B.16)
 des /dTsK 6989 103.74 TsK + 0.29 TsK

Assuming Ts = T0 , the second factor, F2 = 0.245 0.145 0 4
es /
, of Eq. B.14 will vary by
less than 25% over the nominal range of T0 . However, the dimensionless third factor,
Potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces 349


(Tables of Physical
Properties of Fluids)
Fitted approximation
cm2 K

120 = 6989 51.87 T + 0.0966 T 2



270 280 290 300 310
T (K)

Fig. B.1. Saturated vapor pressure vs. temperature.

F3 1S 1
, will vary by 150% over the accompanying range of relative humidity. The
first factor of Eq. B.14 will be randomly variable according to cloud cover, wind speed,
and surface roughness. We thus expect, for given ra and N , that
f (Sr ). (B.17)
We now explore Eq. B.17 empirically.
Van Bavel (1966, p. 456) has pointed out that
Potential evaporation can be defined for any situation in terms of the appropriate
meteorological variables and the radiative and aerodynamic properties of the
surface. When the surface is wet and imposes no restriction upon the flow of water
vapor, the potential value is reached.

Accordingly, we use the readily available observations of free water surface evapo-
ration (cf. Farnsworth et al., 1982) in developing our estimation procedure for simple
surfaces such as bare soil and leaves.
Jensen and Haise (1963, Table 3, pp. 3031) tabulated the observed mean monthly
values of insolation, I0 , in many different climates as taken from weekly U.S. Weather
Bureau records. The resulting annual averages are plotted in Fig B.2 where the least-
squares linear fit to the observations is given by the dashed line. For comparison, the
annual average clear sky insolation is also shown as calculated by Budyko (1958).
From Jensen and Haise (1963) we select those sites for which the presence of ice
for a significant fraction of the year may be neglected, and we estimate annual water

Free water surface evaporation is that which occurs from a thin film of water having
insignificant heat storage and thus it closely represents the potential evaporation from adequately
watered simple natural surfaces such as individual leaves and bare soil (Farnsworth et al.,
1982, p. 4).
350 Appendix B


Calculated for clear sky

0.45 (Budyko, 1958)

Io (cal cm2 min1)

0.35 Average of


(Jensen and Haise, 1963)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Latitude (N)

Fig. B.2. Annual average surface insolation.

surface evaporation at these sites from the contour map of annual lake evapora-
tion (presented by Kohler et al., 1959, Plate 2). For these water surfaces we assume
an annual average reflectance, T = 0.05 (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1956).
The associated meteorological variables, N , Sr , and To at the chosen sites are averaged
for the year from the values given by the U.S. National Weather Service in their Annual
Climatological Summary using the station closest to the site. Finally, the parameter
o / is given as a function of T0 in Table 5.1.
With these assembled data (listed in Table B.1), Eq. B.1 is solved for Dp using the
observed annual evaporation at each of the nine sites, and the relationship of qb /Dp

The term lake evaporation has been used by Kohler et al. (1959) with the same meaning as
free water surface evaporation (cf. Farnsworth et al., 1982, p. 4).
Table B.1. Estimation of potential evaporation for water surfaces (negligible ice)

E psd E psk
f g
Site  I0 a T0 c u2c (observed) qi e qb Rn Dp i (calculated)
o h
location ( N) (ly min1 ) T b ( C) Nc (m s1 ) Sr c (m y1 ) (ly min1 ) (ly min1 ) (ly min1 ) 1+ 
(ly min1 ) (m y1 ) Reference

1 Phoenix, AZ 33.4 0.371 0.05 21.3 0.20 2.7 0.43 1.82 0.352 0.114 0.238 1.44 0.061 1.92 Jensen and Haise
2 Davis, CA 38.4 0.310 0.05 15.7 0.30 3.9 0.52 1.27 0.295 0.109 0.186 1.59 0.045 1.36 Jensen and Haise
3 Fresno, CA 36.8 0.317 0.05 16.8 0.25 2.8 0.43 1.52 0.301 0.114 0.187 1.56 0.084 1.48 Jensen and Haise
4 Stillwater, OK 36.1 0.286 0.05 15.6 0.40 5.5 0.50 1.45 0.272 0.104 0.168 1.59 0.095 1.26 Jensen and Haise
5 Brownsville, TX 25.9 0.307 0.05 23.2 0.40 5.2 0.77 1.47 0.292 0.090 0.202 1.40 0.033 1.42 Jensen and Haise
6 Fort Worth, TX 32.8 0.320 0.05 18.6 0.40 4.8 0.63 1.45 0.304 0.095 0.209 1.50 0.039 1.46 Jensen and Haise
7 Midland, TX 31.9 0.334 0.05 17.7 0.25 4.5 0.50 1.86 0.317 0.113 0.204 1.53 0.121 1.55 Jensen and Haise
8 Spokane, WA 47.6 0.257 0.05 8.5 0.40 3.9 0.42 0.98 0.244 0.105 0.139 1.89 0.072 0.98 Jensen and Haise
9 Lake Cochituate, MA 42.5 0.286 0.05 10.7 0.33 4.9 0.70 0.59 0.200 0.111 0.089 1.78 0.031 0.63 Hamon (1961)

Jensen and Haise (1963).
Eagleson (1970, Fig. 3-10, p. 37).
U.S. Weather Service Annual Climatological Summary, 194170 (at nearest station).
Kohler et al. (1959, Plate 2).
e f g h i k
qi = (1 T )I0 . Eq. B.6. R n = qi qb . Table 5.1. Eq. B.1. Eqs. B.1 and B.12.
352 Potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces

5.0 Fig. B.3. Empirical

qb estimation of drying
= power. Site numbers refer
Dp 1 Sr
4.0 to Table B.1.

6 5
2.0 1

0 0.5 1.0

to Sr is plotted in Fig. B.3. In agreement with our prior reasoning (refer to Eq. B.17),
we see that over the included range of variables their functional relationship may be
approximated empirically by
qb 0.85
= . (B.18)
Dp 1 Sr

Using Eqs. B.3, B.4, B.12, and B.18 in Eq. B.1 gives finally
1 (1 Sr )
E ps = (1 T )I0 qb 1 . (B.19)
1 + o / 0.85

Goodness of t
Because of the secondary importance of Dp in Eq. B.1, the errors inherent in Eq. B.18
(due to our omission of dependencies on wind speed and surface roughness) are reduced
when it is used in Eq. B.19 to estimate E ps . This is shown in Fig. B.4 where E ps as
given by Eqs. B.1 and B.18 is compared with the observed value for each of the nine
water surfaces of Table B.1. Equations B.19 and B.12 provide the estimates of E ps in
this work.

2 growing season average for strongly

seasonal climates
In strongly seasonal climates we can use the approach of the previous section by divid-
ing the year into two or more discrete seasons in each of which the climatic variables

This material is for use in Chapters 6, 7, and 9.
Potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces 353


7 1

3 1
150 5
4 6
Observed Epps (cm y1)

100 8

0 100 150 200
Calculated Epps (cm y1)

Fig. B.4. Free water surface evaporation: goodness of fit. Site numbers refer to
Table B.1.

are assumed to be only weakly variable. In this work we use potential evaporation as a
base for estimating annual transpiration, so we are concerned with climatic variables
which are time averaged over only the growing season.
In Table B.2 we present the data for 18 forested watersheds within the Beaver
Creek basin of Arizona studied by Baker (1982, 1986), Salvucci (1992), and others.
The atmospheric temperatures listed are the average for the growing season, and along
with the other average variables are used with Eq. B.19 to calculate the potential free
water surface evaporation, E ps , during the growing season, .
Cooley (1970) presents the cumulative percentage of annual water surface evapora-
tion as a function of Julian day as observed in Arizona, and Salvucci (1992) fitted this
with an ogive curve which may be approximated well (except for its cold-weather tails)

Estimation of the growing season is considered briefly in Chapter 3.
Table B.2. Estimation of free water surface potential evaporation for Beaver Creek watersheds, Arizona

Growing season Dormant season

a,b,c e, f
Watershed T0 Start d Stopd I0 qb i R nk Dpl E ps m E psdo
a b g o h 1 1 1 1 h
number Sr N ( C) (Julian day) (Julian day) (ly min1 ) T 1+ 
(ly min ) (ly min ) (ly min ) (cm d ) % Total (cm d1 )

1 0.51 0.43 18.5 130 284 0.315 0.18 1.51 0.093 0.165 0.054 0.35 65 0.14
2 0.50 0.43 19.3 126 287 0.315 0.18 1.48 0.092 0.166 0.054 0.35 68 0.13
3 0.50 0.43 17.7 125 287 0.315 0.18 1.53 0.093 0.165 0.055 0.34 68 0.13
4 0.55 0.43 16.4 141 278 0.315 0.18 1.57 0.095 0.163 0.050 0.33 59 0.14
5 0.55 0.43 15.8 144 276 0.315 0.18 1.58 0.095 0.163 0.050 0.32 56 0.14
6 0.56 0.43 15.5 144 276 0.315 0.18 1.60 0.095 0.163 0.049 0.32 56 0.14
718 0.58 0.43 14.2 151 271 0.315 0.18 1.64 0.097 0.161 0.048 0.31 65 0.08

Baker (1982).
NOAA data for Flagstaff, AZ, as reported by Salvucci (1992, Table B.2).
Baker (1986).
Interpolated from Williams and Anderson (1967).
 estimated from topographic maps.
Fig. B.2, average of observations at  = 35 N.
Kondratyev (1969, Table 7.5, p. 425): assumed 50% grass @ T = 0.22, and 50% forest @ T = 0.14.
Table 5.1. i Eq. B.6. k Eq. B.3. l Eq. B.18. m ( /365) Eq. B.19. n Eq. B.20.
o E ps  1 
E psd = 365 % tot
1 .
Potential evaporation from wet simple surfaces 355

by the linear relation

* 0,   0 tJ 65,
tJ 65
%E ps = 100 300 65
, 65 tJ 300, (B.20)
100, 300 tJ 365,
in which tJ = Julian day. Using Eq. B.20 and the tabulated season length, we find
E ps as a percentage of the total annual E ps , and from this we calculate the free water
surface potential evaporation, E psd , during the dormant season. Listed in Table B.2,
these values are useful in the water balance calculations of Chapters 6, 7, and 9.

Water balance equations

1 average interstorm bare soil exfiltration

We take the expected value of the integral, over the full range of the randomly variable
time between storms, of the bare soil evaporation rate, es , the smaller of E ps and f e in
Fig. 6.6. We simplify the notation somewhat by using the shorthand, E p , to represent
the potential transpiration rate, E ps , for bare soil. The result is
E p [o , o h o ] h o /E p o [o , o h o + h o /E p ] B E
E[E sj ] 1+ e
(o ) o h o (o )
[o , h o ]  
+ 1 1 eB Eh o /Ep 1 + Mkv + (2B)1/2 E w/E p
(o )
w 3
+ eC Eh o /Ep Mkv + (2C)1/2 E + (2E)1/2 eh o ,CE
Ep 2
3 h o /E p [o , o h o + h o /E p ]
, BE + 1+ (2E)1/2
2 o h o (o )
3 3  
,CE , BE + eC E Mkv + (2C)1/2 E w/E p
2 2
e Mkv + (2B) E w/E p
, (C.1)

where the dimensionless coefficients B and C are defined by

1M M 2 kv + (1 M)w/E p
B + , (C.2)
1 + Mkv w/E p 2(1 + Mkv w/E p )2

Water balance equations 357

C (Mkv w/E p )2 . (C.3)
In the above:
= reciprocal of mean time, m tb , between storms (s1 ),
[ ] = incomplete gamma function (dimensionless),
[ ] = gamma function (dimensionless),
o = shape parameter of gamma distribution of storm depth (dimensionless),
o = scale parameter of gamma distribution of storm depth (cm1 ),
[1] = saturated soil matrix potential (cm suction),
e = dimensionless exfiltration diffusivity,
d = soil diffusivity index (dimensionless),
h o = surface retention capacity (cm),
m = soil pore size distribution index (dimensionless),
n e = soil effective porosity (dimensionless),
so = effective soil moisture concentration (dimensionless),
E p E ps = bare soil potential evaporation rate (cm s1 ),
kv = unstressed canopy conductance E pv /E ps (dimensionless),
M = vegetated surface fraction (dimensionless),
w = rate of capillary rise (cm s1 ),
E = bare soil evaporation effectiveness (dimensionless), and
K (1) = saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm s1 ).
Defining the bare soil evaporation efficiency, s , in the manner of Eagleson (1978d),
E[E s j ]
s = . (C.4)
1 E ps
Again letting E p E ps and using Eq. C.1, Eq. C.4 becomes
(o , o h o ) h o /E p o [o , (o h o + h o /E p )] B E
s 1+ e
(o ) o h o (o )
(o , o h o ) B E(h o /E p ) w
+ 1 1e 1 + Mkv + E(2B) 1/2
(o ) Ep
+ eC E(h o /Ep ) Mkv + E(2C)1/2 + (2E)1/2 eh o /Ep
3 3 h o /E p o [o , (o h o + h o /E p )]
,CE , BE + 1+
2 2 o h o (o )
3 3 C E w
(2E) 1/2
,CE , BE +e Mkv + E(2C) 1/2
2 2 Ep
eB E Mkv + E(2B)1/2 . (C.5)
358 Appendix C

2 moisture-constrained transpiration
The time to stress is

1 n e so z r wE 1
ts /2 = t + + 1 (B C) + C E(1 M)
Mkv E ps kv E ps M

E 1   1 1
+ 1 (2B)1/2 (2C)1/2 + B E M 1 + ,
kv M Mkv kv

in which B and C are defined above and E is given in Eq. 6.38.

3 average interstorm stressed transpiration

Maintaining the shorthand, E p E ps , the expected value of the integral of the rate of
stressed interstorm transpiration is
ho 7 ts +h/Ep   8
E[E vj ] = f (h) dh kv E p tb f (tb ) dtb + ts + f (tb ) dtb
0 0 ts +h/E p Ep
7   8
ts = h o /E p
+ kv E p ts +
f (h) dh tb f (tb ) dtb + f (tb ) dtb ,
ho 0 ts +h o /E p Ep

which integrates to

kv E p [o , h o ] ts o [o , ( + /E p )h o ]
E[E vj ] = e 1+
(o ) Ep (o )
  (o , h o )
+ 1 e(ts +h o /Ep ) 1 . (C.8)
(o )

4 approximate solutions of the water

balance equation
To begin we divide the behavioral range of so into two distinct regions separated by
the intersection of the two limiting asymptotes:

Arid climates (soil control, so 0)

When the climatesoil parameter, E (cf. Eq. 6.38), satisfies E 2/ , the bare soil
evaporation is under control of the soil properties. We then let that evaporation be
given by the arid climate asymptote of Eq. 6.40 which has the form (cf. Fig. 6.8)
E 1/2
s = = E o so(d+2)/2 , (C.9)
Water balance equations 359

in which
n e K (1)(1)e
Eo 2
. (C.10)
m E ps

Because this asymptote of s has the value s = 1 at E = 2 , we can use Eq. C.9 to
define the upper limit of soil-controlled equilibrium soil moisture as

so = Eo 2/(d+2) . (C.11)

We now use Eqs. 6.52 and C.9 in Eq. 6.54 to get an approximation to the water
balance under soil-controlled conditions:
ho S m K (1) 3/2 (1) mc
1 eG2
+ + 1+
mh m mh m P mc 1 zw
m tb E ps   m K (1) c
= (1 M)E o so1+d/2 + Mkv v + s (C.12)
mh m P o
in which the left-hand side represents moisture supply, SW , to the root zone, and the
right-hand side represents the exhaustion of that moisture by bare soil evaporation,
transpiration, and percolation.
As so 0, G G(0), and (0). The data of Table 6.3 show that for so less
than about so = 0.25, the last (percolation) term on the right-hand side of Eq. C.12
vanishes. Under these dry condition and with a deep, homogeneous soil, we expect
that climatic depression of the water table, z w , will make the capillary rise term vanish
as well. Finally, since m tb  m tr in dry climates we have
m P /m h m / m tb + m tr m /m tb , (C.13)

and Eq. C.12 can be reduced in dry climates to

ho S m t E ps
1 eG(0)2 (0) [(1 M)E o so1+d/2 + Mkv v ],
+ = b
mh m mh mh

in which

G(0) K (1)/2, (C.15)

5n e 2 K (1)(1)i (d, 0)
(0) . (C.16)
Equation C.14 gives a dry climate approximation for the soil moisture state variable:
1 mh G(0)2 (0)3/2 ho S
so = 1e + Mkv v .
(1 M)E o m tb E ps mh m mh
360 Appendix C

Wet climates (climate control, so 1)

With plentiful soil moisture, v and s both approach unity, and Eq. 6.54 becomes
G2 3/2 ho S m K (1) 3/2 (1) mc
1e + + 1+
mh m mh m P mc 1 zw
m t E ps K (1) c
= b (1 M) + Mkv + s . (C.18)
mh E ps o

Equations. C.14 and C.18 are identical when the bare soil evaporation asymptotes
meet as specified by Eq. C.11. For the catchments of Table 6.3 at least, this will occur
at so 0.75, at and above which the final bracketed term on the right-hand side
of Eq. C.18 (i.e., the percolation) dominates that side of the water balance. Further
assuming negligible capillary rise and so 1, we have G G(1), and M 1. For
m tr /m tb  1, and since G(1) 2G(0), Eq. C.18 yields a wet climate approximation
for the soil moisture state variable:
mh 2G(0) ho S 3/2 (1) mc
1e + + 1+ kv .
m tb K (1) mh m mh mc 1 zw

Intermediate moisture states

For intermediate moisture states meeting the condition so less than about so = 0.75,
the water balance is approximately quadratic in s so1+d/2 . We see this by first noting
that to be quadratic, the relationship between the exponents of so in Eq. C.12 must be
d +2
c=2 , (C.20)

while through soil physics, Brooks and Corey (1966) relate these parameters according
to c = 2d 1 (cf. Eq. 6.34).
Equations 6.34 and C.20 are equal at c = 5, and are plotted in Fig. C.1 where
dashed horizontal lines represent the nominal values of c for the classic soil types
as given in Table 6.2. We note from this plot that the water balance equation does
indeed approximate a quadratic in s so1+d/2 for silty loam soils provided the above
constraint on so is met and provided the surface runoff parameters have the fixed values,
G(so ) = G, and (so ) = . With those approximations, the only positive solution of
Eq. C.12 is

B + [B2 4A C ]1/2
s so1+d/2 = , (C.21)
K (1)
A , (C.22)
E ps
B (1 M)E o , (C.23)
Water balance equations 361

9 Fig. C.1. Quadratic

approximation of soil

properties for analytical

, 19
8 solution of water balance

Clay equations.



c = 2d 1

c 6

c=2 d+2
5 2
Silty loam

Sandy loam

0 1 2 3 4 5

in which E o is given by Eq. C.10, and

mh ho S
C Mkv v 1 eG 2
m tb E ps mh m mh
K (1) 3/2 (1)
+ 1+ . (C.24)
E ps mc 1 zw

What constant values of G and should we use in this analytical determination of

the equilibrium soil moisture? Using their dry soil approximation when M = 0, and
their wet soil approximation when M = 1, we suggest for intermediate cases a linear
interpolation for the surface runoff component of Eq. C.24 in the form

eG2 (1 M) eG(0)2 (0) + M e2G(0) .

3/2 3/2

5 one-dimensional diffusion of soil moisture

The diffusion equation
Assuming constant diffusivity, D, the one-dimensional diffusion equation is written
(Crank, 1956, p. 26)
s 2s
= D 2, (C.26)
t z
in which t is time and z represents distance from the surface into the diffusive medium.
Note that z is not associated with the vertical as there is no gravitational effect
362 Appendix C

1.0 Fig. C.2. The error function

and its slope. (From
Abramowitz and Stegun,
1964, Table 7.1, p. 310.)
erf (Z)

[erf (Z)]


0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
2 (Di t)1/2

considered here. We will solve Eq. C.26 under the initial and boundary conditions
s = 1; z = 0, t > 0
. (C.27)
s = s5 ; z > 0, t = 0
The solution is (Crank, 1956, p. 30, Eq. 3.13)
s1 z
= erf erf[Z ], (C.28)
s5 1 2(Dt)1/2
which is plotted in Fig. C.2 using tabulated values from Abramowitz and Stegun (1964,
Table 7.1, p. 310). The asymptote of this function evaluated at Z = 0 is also given in the
above-referenced table and is plotted as the dashed line on Fig. C.2. The intersection of
the asymptotes of erf [Z ] locates the (dimensionless) characteristic penetration depth
of this diffusion as Z = 0.885.

Characterization of exponential decay

Consider the exponential decay function

A = A0 ekt/ , (D.1)

in which k is a dimensionless decay parameter, and is a normalizing parameter

carrying the same units as t. Since A/A0 0 as t , the choice of , which
should be physically significant, is somewhat arbitrary. The convention in physics
utilizes the average, t , where

t kt/ t 1
= e d = , (D.2)
0 k
at which point Eq. D.1 gives
= e1 , (D.3)
commonly called the e-folding value of the dimensionless dependent variable, A/A0 .
Differentiating Eq. D.1 with respect to t/ gives
d(A/A0 )
= k ekt/ , (D.4)
d(t/ )
which gives the slope of the function at t

= 0 as

(t/ ) 1
= . (D.5)
(A/A0 ) k
The tangent to A/A0 at the origin thus intersects the horizontal axis at the average
of the independent variable as we see in the sketch of Fig. D.1. This is the intersection

364 Appendix D



= ekt/
0.6 A
( A )
A 0
( t )
0.4 t


0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
t =k t
Fig. D.1. Characterization of exponential decay.

of the asymptotes of the exponential function and provides the physical justification
for using this point to characterize such a function.

Transpiration as a productivity surrogate

The canopy
In Appendix B we used the energy equation to derive the potential evaporation from
a wet simple surface in Eq. B.19. In terms of average rates over the growing season,
this is
1 (1 Sr )
E ps = (1 T )I0 qb 1 . (E.1)
1 + o / 0.85

We must carefully bookkeep the dimensions: 585 cal g1 w , the environmental

insolation, I0 , is in cal cm2 per unit time, and the potential evaporation, E ps , is in cm
per unit time.
For the forest communities of Table 9.2 we find that
(1 Sr )
qb 1
0.13, (E.2)
E ps [1 + o /]

and therefore, to the first approximation, the back radiation from the wet surface may
be neglected and Eq. E.1 reduces to

(1 + o /)
I0 = E ps . (E.3)
1 T

At the critical moisture condition, v = 1, and from Eq. 6.46

E ps = . (E.4)

366 Appendix E

Equations E.3 and E.4 give, for a horizontal unit of vegetated surface,

1 + o / E v
I0 = . (E.5)
1 T kv

As long as carbon utilization by the forest is limited by the light-driven demand

(cf. Chapter 10), we have from Eq. 10.20 at = ,

NPP = g(Tl )Psm Mm f D ( L t ), (E.6)

in which

= 1 under optimum conditions (cf. Fig. 8.4),

g(Tl )
M = canopy cover (i.e., vegetated fraction),
m= growing season length in h y1 ,
Psm= maximum light-saturated photosynthetic rate for an isolated leaf
in units of gs m2 (basal leaf area) h1 ,
NPP = net primary productivity in gs m2 (horizontal area) y1 .

Written in terms of the canopy-average insolation, and with g(Tl ) = 1, Psm is given
by Eqs. 8.9 and 9.3 as

Psm = f I ( L t )I0 , (E.7)


= (gs of dry biomass produced)/(MJ of intercepted radiant energy)

= 0.81 gs MJ(tot)1 , and
I0 = environmental insolation in MJ(tot) m2 (basal canopy area) h1

The functions f I ( L t ) and f D ( L t ) are defined in Eqs. 8.30 and 10.21 respectively.
Finally, using Eqs. E.5 and E.7, Eq. E.6 is written in dimensionless form:

NPP 1 1 + o /
= F = f I ( L t ) f D ( L t ) . (E.8)
m M E v kv 1 T

in which

= latent heat of vaporization = 597.3 cal g1 (at 0 C).

In Eq. E.8 the product, m M F, is a constant for a given climate and species.
Transpiration as a productivity surrogate 367

An isolated leaf
Again using Eqs. E.5 and E.7, the productivity, Ps , of an isolated horizontal leaf
can be written
(1 + o /)
Ps = g(Tl )Psm = g(Tl ) E v , (E.9)
1 T
where for the single leaf, f I ( L t ) 1, rc /ra 0, and therefore kv 1. This demon-
strates the linear dependence of single-leaf productivity on the transpiration rate in
which the proportionality constant is a function primarily of the leaf temperature.

Comparison with canopy observations

In order to compare Eq. E.8 with the behavior of natural canopies it is desir-
able to have observations of the two principal variables, NPP and E v . Rosenzweig
(1968) presents a collection of NPP observations from a variety of communities and
while E v , the transpiration rate for a unit vegetated area, is not measured at these
sites (as it never is for lack of appropriate sensors) he estimates the values of ac-
tual evapotranspiration, E T , using the methods of Thornthwaite and Mather (1957).
We use pairs of Rosenzweigs observations covering the full moistarid climatic
range as the plotted points in Fig. E.1. The data for this comparison are given in
Table E.1.









0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
1 . f (L ) . f (L ) 1 + /
I t D t (1
Fig. E.1. Test of NPP vs. E v linearity. 1, Creosote bush; 2, tropical forest;
3, chestnutoak; 4, loblolly pine; 5, beech.
Table E.1. Annual NPP as a linear function of transpiration rate

m References for
o c 1+ o
Number Vegetation type (gs m2 y1 ) E T (mm y1 ) dimensionless L t a fI a f Db T0 a 
Ta 1T
kv d Ma dimensionless F e NPP and E T

1 Creosote bush 40(7) 126(7) 0.16 0.37 0.84 0.22 21 0.44 0.35 2.22 0.84 0.09 0.08 0.49 Odum (1959)
2 Tropical forest 2188(8) 1230(8) 0.89 2.61 0.35 1.44 32 0.25 0.25 1.67 0.88 1.00 0.50 0.84 Nye (1961)
3 Chestnutoak 1400(9) 832(9) 0.85 2.60 0.36 1.44 31.5 0.26 0.25 1.68 0.88 0.95 0.25 0.99 Whittaker (1966)
4 Loblolly pine 380(10) 525(10) 0.36 2.58 0.36 1.42 27 0.32 0.25 1.76 0.83 0.80 0.11 0.73 Whittaker (1963)
5 Beech 977(11) 5(11) 1.00 3.19 0.30 1.68 27 0.32 0.25 1.76 0.88 0.93 0.28 1.00 Whittaker (1966)

Table 9.2.
Eq. 10.21 with = (cf. Fig. 10.1).
Table 5.1.
Fig. 7.9.
Eq. E.8.
Transpiration as a productivity surrogate 369

Note that as the climate gets more moist, the annual transpiration from a unit of
horizontal area, m M E v , grows in magnitude approaching the annual evapotranspira-
tion, E T , in the limit. We plot E T
versus the right-hand side of Eq. E.8 in Fig. E.1
where Eq. E.1 is represented by the 45 limit-line along which E T = m M E v . Since
E T > m M E v always, we expect the observations to lie below the line (which they
do), and to be farther below the line the drier the climate (which they may be). Not
much more can be said about this very limited test of the NPP vs. E v linearity proposed
by Eq. E.8 except to remind the reader of the many approximations involved.
It is interesting to speculate that the degree of agreement of these evapotranspira-
tion data with the proposed linear transpiration relation may be due to compensating
approximations. On the one hand, we neglected (as being small) the back radiation
term in Eq. E.1 which makes E ps smaller than it should be and results in the left-hand
side of Eq. E.8 being too large. This error will be largest in the hot, dry climates. On
the other hand, the left-hand side of Eq. E.8 has been evaluated from observations of
E T rather than Ev , and since E T > E v , makes the left-hand side of Eq. E.8 too small.
This error will also be largest in the hot, dry climates.

Note that the dimensions of the constituent variables of this parameter are adjusted from those
given in Table E.1 such that the resulting plotted parameter is dimensionless. With NPP in
gs m2 y1 ; E T in mm y1 ; = 0.81 gs MJ(tot)1 ; = 585 cal g1
w ; and there being
23.8 104 MJ cal1 this parameter must be divided by 1.99 to be dimensionless.

Further evidence of the NPP vs. E v proportionality is presented in Fig. 8.14a in the form of a
comparison of measured photosynthesis and transpiration during a drying transient for loblolly

Climatology of station storm rainfall

in the U.S.: Parameters of the Poisson
rectangular pulses model

Table F.1 is an index of 75 first-order stations of the U.S. Weather Service in the
continental United States containing the station identification number, name, period of
record, percentage of record useable, location, elevation, and mean annual precipitation
(Hawk and Eagleson, 1992, Table 7-5, pp. 277290).
In Table F.2 are tabulated eight parameters of the Poisson rectangular pulses model
of station rainfall averaged over each month of the year from the historical records
of hourly precipitation for each of the 75 stations identified in Table F.1. The column
headings of the table translate into the notations used in this work as follows:
Column Definition
1 Station identification number
2 Latitude of station (northern hemisphere)
3 Longitude of station
4 Month of year (January = 1)
5 Number of independent storms per month (m )
6 Storm duration, hours (m tr )
7 Storm depth, mm (m h )
8 Storm intensity, mm h1 (m i )
9 Time between storms, hours (m tb )
10 Intensityduration correlation ([i, tr ])
11 Shape index of storm depth distribution (o )
12 Scale parameter of storm depth distribution, mm1 (o )

Storm rainfall in the United States 371

Table F.1. Index of stations

of records Latitude Longitude Elevation PA
State ID Name Years usable ( N) ( W) (m) (m)

33 Huntsville 195888 96 34:39 86:46 189 1.41
34 Montgomery 194888 98 32:18 86:24 67 1.29
67 Mobile 195888 94 30:41 88:15 64 1.65
1 Flagstaff 195088 99 35:08 111:40 2137 0.56
2 Tucson 194888 98 32:08 110:57 786 0.29
55 Phoenix 194888 95 33:26 112:01 338 0.19
40 Fort Smith 194888 98 35:20 94:22 137 1.03
3 San Diego 194888 98 32:44 117:10 3 0.25
4 San Francisco 194888 98 37:37 122:23 3 0.51
75 Los Angeles 194888 98 33:56 118:24 34 0.31
5 Denver 194888 98 39:46 104:52 1609 0.39
51 Bridgeport 194888 98 41:10 73:08 3 1.04
6 Fort Myers 196088 95 26:35 81:52 6 1.34
7 Jacksonville 194888 98 30:30 81:42 9 1.32
68 Key West 195788 96 24:33 81:45 12 1.02
69 Daytona Beach 194288 98 29:44 81:02 6 1.39
8 Athens 195788 95 33:57 83:19 244 1.26
9 Atlanta 194888 98 33:39 84:26 308 1.23
56 Savannah 194888 98 32:08 81:12 15 1.25
35 Boise 194888 98 43:34 116:13 866 0.30
10 Chicago 194888 96 41:44 87:46 189 0.91
11 Peoria 194888 98 40:40 89:41 198 0.90
12 Indianapolis 194888 98 39:44 86:16 241 1.01
13 Des Moines 194888 98 41:32 93:39 293 0.80
42 Dodge City 194888 98 37:46 99:58 786 0.53
52 Paducah 194888 94 37:06 88:36 101 1.13
45 Baton Rouge 194788 97 30:32 91:09 18 1.43
49 Portland 194888 98 43:39 70:19 3 1.11
14 Boston 194888 98 42:22 71:02 6 1.09
(continued )
372 Appendix F

Table F.1. (cont.)

of records Latitude Longitude Elevation PA
State ID Name Years usable ( N) ( W) (m) (m)

66 Sault Ste Marie 194888 98 46:28 84:22 219 0.86
15 Duluth 194888 98 46:50 92:11 436 0.77
16 Internat. Falls 194888 98 48:34 93:23 360 0.62
48 Meridian 194888 98 32:20 88:45 88 1.37
44 Springfield 194888 98 37:14 93:23 387 1.05
36 Billings 194888 98 45:48 108:32 1088 0.37
64 Glasgow 195788 97 48:13 106:37 695 0.27
41 Norfolk 194888 98 41:59 97:26 472 0.63
54 Valentine 194888 98 42:52 100:33 789 0.46
17 Ely 194888 98 39:17 114:51 1908 0.24
New Hampshire
18 Mt. Washington 194888 98 43:12 71:30 107 0.94
New Mexico
19 Albuquerque 194788 97 35:03 106:37 1618 0.21
New York
53 Buffalo 194888 98 42:56 78:44 216 0.96
70 Rochester 194888 98 43:07 77:40 168 0.80
North Carolina
20 Raleigh 194888 98 35:52 78:47 116 1.05
71 Cape Hatteras 195788 95 35:16 75:33 3 1.39
North Dakota
37 Bismarck 194888 98 46:46 100:46 503 0.39
65 Williston 194888 98 48:11 103:38 579 0.35
31 Cincinnati 194883 92 39:09 84:31 232 1.03
32 Cleveland 194888 98 41:25 81:52 235 0.92
43 Oklahoma City 194788 97 35:24 97:36 390 0.82
46 Salem 194888 98 44:55 123:01 61 1.03
61 Eugene 194888 98 44:07 123:13 110 1.20
62 Astoria 195388 99 46:09 123:53 3 1.73
21 Allentown 194888 98 40:39 75:26 119 1.23
22 Philadelphia 194888 100 39:53 75:14 3 1.06
South Carolina
23 Columbia 194888 95 33:57 81:07 64 1.23
73 Charleston 194888 98 32:47 79:56 3 1.17
Storm rainfall in the United States 373

Table F.1. (cont.)

of records Latitude Longitude Elevation PA
State ID Name Years usable ( N) ( W) (m) (m)

South Dakota
38 Huron 194888 98 44:23 98:13 390 0.49
24 Knoxville 194888 98 35:48 84:00 290 1.17
25 Abilene 194088 95 32:26 99:41 544 0.59
59 El Paso 194288 96 31:48 106:24 1195 0.21
60 Corpus Christi 194788 97 27:46 97:30 12 0.75
74 Brownsville 194288 96 25:54 97:26 6 0.67
57 Salt Lake City 194888 98 40:47 111:57 1286 0.40
58 Milford 194888 97 38:26 113:01 1533 0.23
50 Burlington 194888 98 44:28 73:09 101 0.86
26 Richmond 194888 98 37:30 77:20 49 1.10
27 Roanoke 194888 97 37:19 79:58 351 1.01
72 Norfolk 195288 96 36:54 76:12 6 1.13
39 Spokane 194888 98 47:38 117:32 719 0.43
63 Seattle 196488 96 47:27 122:18 137 0.94
West Virginia
28 Charleston 194888 98 38:22 81:36 311 1.07
29 Greenbay 194888 98 44:29 88:08 207 0.72
30 Lacrosse 194869 95 43:52 91:15 198 0.74
47 Sheridan 194888 98 44:46 106:58 1201 0.37

Table F.2. Poisson rectangular pulse parameters

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
1 35.133 111.667 1 3 34 16.21 0.547 198 0.19 0.7289 0.0450
1 35.133 111.667 2 4 16 12.12 0.628 134 0.20 0.4764 0.0393
1 35.133 111.667 3 4 25 12.19 0.590 141 0.19 0.7108 0.0583
1 35.133 111.667 4 3 18 9.98 0.584 182 0.08 0.5148 0.0516
1 35.133 111.667 5 3 9 5.11 0.673 207 0.18 0.7717 0.1511
1 35.133 111.667 6 2 9 6.78 1.170 323 0.21 0.2876 0.0424
1 35.133 111.667 7 3 66 19.29 0.779 135 0.28 0.8170 0.0423
1 35.133 111.667 8 9 5 7.09 1.848 68 0.15 0.4081 0.0576
1 35.133 111.667 9 4 11 9.85 1.124 141 0.13 0.3145 0.0319
1 35.133 111.667 10 3 17 13.73 0.931 215 0.14 0.4829 0.0352
1 35.133 111.667 11 3 18 14.06 0.751 206 0.02 0.4758 0.0338
(continued )
374 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
1 35.133 111.667 12 3 22 15.88 0.642 190 0.14 0.4954 0.0312
2 32.017 110.950 1 2 19 8.41 0.594 257 0.31 0.9850 0.1172
2 32.017 110.950 2 2 13 6.92 0.858 274 0.15 0.5744 0.0830
2 32.017 110.950 3 3 8 5.36 0.578 213 0.05 0.6567 0.1225
2 32.017 110.950 4 1 7 4.50 0.810 388 0.20 0.7963 0.1769
2 32.017 110.950 5 1 3 2.44 0.763 540 0.03 0.6044 0.2474
2 32.017 110.950 6 1 3 3.53 1.271 405 0.21 0.4745 0.1344
2 32.017 110.950 7 4 44 14.65 0.814 129 0.33 0.6688 0.0456
2 32.017 110.950 8 8 3 5.94 2.102 80 0.09 0.4825 0.0812
2 32.017 110.950 9 4 4 8.10 1.994 159 0.11 0.4443 0.0549
2 32.017 110.950 10 2 14 11.32 0.999 336 0.16 0.3647 0.0322
2 32.017 110.950 11 2 9 7.18 0.876 311 0.18 0.7892 0.1098
2 32.017 110.950 12 2 15 8.76 0.775 258 0.22 0.6217 0.0709
3 32.733 117.167 1 3 26 15.04 0.737 185 0.19 0.6544 0.0435
3 32.733 117.167 2 3 17 11.58 0.746 173 0.11 0.6813 0.0588
3 32.733 117.167 3 4 13 9.81 0.772 147 0.09 0.4953 0.0505
3 32.733 117.167 4 3 11 5.89 0.547 208 0.06 0.4669 0.0793
3 32.733 117.167 5 1 10 3.15 0.381 415 0.17 0.2980 0.0948
3 32.733 117.167 6 1 1 0.85 0.363 458 0.44 0.3505 0.4148
3 32.733 117.167 7 0 15 1.02 0.400 999 0.29 0.9880 0.9698
3 32.733 117.167 8 0 27 6.91 0.746 999 0.21 0.2345 0.0340
3 32.733 117.167 9 1 6 3.62 0.710 570 0.06 0.3151 0.0869
3 32.733 117.167 10 2 4 3.46 0.762 319 0.03 0.4202 0.1216
3 32.733 117.167 11 2 17 11.78 0.797 232 0.13 0.6428 0.0545
3 32.733 117.167 12 2 17 11.30 0.769 212 0.13 0.5337 0.0472
4 37.617 122.383 1 3 48 31.04 0.718 140 0.10 0.6753 0.0218
4 37.617 122.383 2 4 22 16.30 0.757 109 0.04 0.6197 0.0380
4 37.617 122.383 3 4 28 15.98 0.631 122 0.10 0.4102 0.0257
4 37.617 122.383 4 2 21 10.13 0.590 199 0.22 0.6987 0.0690
4 37.617 122.383 5 1 8 3.68 0.472 333 0.11 0.3346 0.0909
4 37.617 122.383 6 1 3 2.33 0.479 622 0.39 0.2797 0.1202
4 37.617 122.383 7 0 7 2.08 0.477 999 0.30 0.6131 0.2946
4 37.617 122.383 8 0 2 1.24 0.508 603 0.32 0.4738 0.3817
4 37.617 122.383 9 1 3 4.50 0.887 555 0.41 0.2422 0.0538
4 37.617 122.383 10 2 15 11.60 0.705 290 0.06 0.1979 0.0171
4 37.617 122.383 11 3 32 19.59 0.728 162 0.15 0.6435 0.0328
4 37.617 122.383 12 3 46 25.43 0.674 162 0.18 0.5554 0.0218
5 39.767 104.867 1 4 9 3.03 0.331 164 0.10 0.5199 0.1717
5 39.767 104.867 2 5 5 2.88 0.427 112 0.16 0.4830 0.1679
5 39.767 104.867 3 6 9 4.79 0.495 98 0.00 0.4082 0.0851
5 39.767 104.867 4 6 11 7.46 0.711 102 0.06 0.4295 0.0576
5 39.767 104.867 5 7 10 8.55 0.865 85 0.04 0.2998 0.0351
5 39.767 104.867 6 7 6 5.90 1.126 88 0.11 0.2658 0.0451
5 39.767 104.867 7 7 5 6.05 1.551 88 0.17 0.4132 0.0683
5 39.767 104.867 8 9 2 3.97 1.466 74 0.05 0.2707 0.0682
5 39.767 104.867 9 5 6 5.35 0.995 122 0.08 0.4275 0.0799
5 39.767 104.867 10 4 8 6.27 0.704 166 0.08 0.4752 0.0757
5 39.767 104.867 11 4 7 4.49 0.535 145 0.09 0.5632 0.1253
Storm rainfall in the United States 375

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
5 39.767 104.867 12 5 6 3.08 0.406 136 0.16 0.3102 0.1008
6 26.583 81.867 1 4 4 9.49 2.558 156 0.06 0.5166 0.0545
6 26.583 81.867 2 4 9 11.12 2.177 149 0.16 0.6078 0.0546
6 26.583 81.867 3 4 3 16.10 4.276 154 0.12 0.3924 0.0244
6 26.583 81.867 4 3 3 9.40 3.171 235 0.14 0.7349 0.0782
6 26.583 81.867 5 3 22 25.06 3.204 179 0.26 0.6648 0.0265
6 26.583 81.867 6 6 31 37.74 2.553 86 0.31 0.6346 0.0168
6 26.583 81.867 7 11 9 17.87 4.675 56 0.26 0.6526 0.0365
6 26.583 81.867 8 25 1 6.37 6.371 27 0.00 0.4422 0.0694
6 26.583 81.867 9 7 18 26.36 4.020 75 0.12 0.4134 0.0157
6 26.583 81.867 10 5 9 14.88 2.608 137 0.22 0.4836 0.0325
6 26.583 81.867 11 3 4 11.78 2.741 220 0.03 0.4428 0.0376
6 26.583 81.867 12 3 4 10.31 2.778 221 0.17 0.5393 0.0523
7 30.500 81.700 1 8 6 9.70 1.491 87 0.05 0.4942 0.0509
7 30.500 81.700 2 8 5 11.31 2.161 72 0.06 0.4087 0.0361
7 30.500 81.700 3 6 7 13.94 1.832 100 0.01 0.4730 0.0339
7 30.500 81.700 4 6 4 11.87 2.953 104 0.06 0.3205 0.0270
7 30.500 81.700 5 6 7 14.11 2.677 100 0.18 0.4392 0.0311
7 30.500 81.700 6 10 7 14.41 2.832 63 0.16 0.3533 0.0245
7 30.500 81.700 7 15 3 10.19 3.269 45 0.09 0.5521 0.0542
7 30.500 81.700 8 14 4 13.27 3.451 45 0.07 0.2751 0.0207
7 30.500 81.700 9 11 8 17.39 2.995 55 0.12 0.2904 0.0167
7 30.500 81.700 10 6 10 14.47 1.602 98 0.06 0.2674 0.0185
7 30.500 81.700 11 6 5 7.82 1.618 108 0.04 0.4577 0.0586
7 30.500 81.700 12 7 6 9.36 1.339 99 0.08 0.4600 0.0491
8 33.950 83.317 1 10 8 12.39 1.205 65 0.19 0.5345 0.0400
8 33.950 83.317 2 9 7 11.68 1.405 61 0.14 0.6079 0.0500
8 33.950 83.317 3 10 6 13.57 1.783 64 0.12 0.5750 0.0400
8 33.950 83.317 4 7 7 13.74 1.803 87 0.03 0.4787 0.0300
8 33.950 83.317 5 9 4 12.36 2.510 71 0.04 0.4082 0.0300
8 33.950 83.317 6 6 10 15.06 2.184 100 0.22 0.3328 0.0200
8 33.950 83.317 7 9 6 13.81 3.072 72 0.18 0.5065 0.0300
8 33.950 83.317 8 8 7 11.89 2.984 87 0.17 0.5861 0.0400
8 33.950 83.317 9 6 8 13.38 1.715 102 0.05 0.3850 0.0200
8 33.950 83.317 10 5 9 14.55 1.856 122 0.12 0.5041 0.0300
8 33.950 83.317 11 6 11 15.07 1.478 108 0.10 0.7950 0.0500
8 33.950 83.317 12 9 7 10.77 1.190 71 0.28 0.5057 0.0400
9 33.650 84.433 1 9 8 11.96 1.214 68 0.18 0.5354 0.0400
9 33.650 84.433 2 10 6 10.85 1.472 57 0.13 0.4587 0.0400
9 33.650 84.433 3 6 20 22.34 1.516 97 0.22 0.8372 0.0300
9 33.650 84.433 4 7 8 15.31 1.907 90 0.08 0.5643 0.0300
9 33.650 84.433 5 8 6 11.35 2.148 78 0.09 0.5297 0.0400
9 33.650 84.433 6 7 8 10.98 2.210 84 0.20 0.5265 0.0400
9 33.650 84.433 7 9 9 13.87 3.031 71 0.24 0.7102 0.0500
9 33.650 84.433 8 9 4 9.82 2.950 74 0.12 0.5631 0.0500
9 33.650 84.433 9 6 7 12.76 2.097 97 0.13 0.4113 0.0300
9 33.650 84.433 10 4 11 14.96 1.363 144 0.04 0.5238 0.0300
9 33.650 84.433 11 6 11 14.26 1.370 109 0.07 0.7063 0.0400
(continued )
376 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
9 33.650 84.433 12 9 7 10.94 1.188 69 0.22 0.5126 0.0400
10 41.733 87.767 1 9 6 4.89 0.806 70 0.04 0.3346 0.0683
10 41.733 87.767 2 8 6 4.82 0.956 72 0.11 0.5264 0.1092
10 41.733 87.767 3 11 6 6.50 1.080 60 0.06 0.4965 0.0764
10 41.733 87.767 4 10 6 8.97 1.478 60 0.09 0.5164 0.0575
10 41.733 87.767 5 9 5 8.43 1.659 73 0.09 0.5218 0.0619
10 41.733 87.767 6 9 4 10.35 2.518 71 0.08 0.4397 0.0425
10 41.733 87.767 7 9 3 10.80 2.949 77 0.02 0.4677 0.0420
10 41.733 87.767 8 7 4 11.14 2.771 90 0.02 0.4677 0.0420
10 41.733 87.767 9 6 7 10.93 1.886 97 0.11 0.5837 0.0534
10 41.733 87.767 10 6 10 10.60 1.131 114 0.09 0.3364 0.0317
10 41.733 87.767 11 7 10 9.06 0.970 89 0.10 0.5487 0.0606
10 41.733 87.767 12 6 20 11.32 0.749 104 0.19 0.5432 0.0480
11 40.667 89.683 1 7 9 5.72 0.542 88 0.11 0.2921 0.0511
11 40.667 89.683 2 8 6 4.54 0.629 74 0.10 0.4362 0.0961
11 40.667 89.683 3 11 6 6.84 0.928 60 0.10 0.4972 0.0727
11 40.667 89.683 4 10 7 9.15 1.218 59 0.03 0.4355 0.0476
11 40.667 89.683 5 10 6 9.33 1.729 65 0.08 0.5113 0.0548
11 40.667 89.683 6 9 4 10.76 2.339 71 0.04 0.5177 0.0481
11 40.667 89.683 7 9 3 10.85 2.886 71 0.03 0.5713 0.0527
11 40.667 89.683 8 8 4 9.55 2.359 82 0.03 0.4696 0.0492
11 40.667 89.683 9 7 8 12.50 1.648 91 0.06 0.4441 0.0355
11 40.667 89.683 10 6 9 10.40 1.168 110 0.06 0.5162 0.0496
11 40.667 89.683 11 7 9 8.33 0.868 89 0.00 0.5877 0.0706
11 40.667 89.683 12 8 8 6.99 0.651 79 0.24 0.3822 0.0547
12 39.733 86.267 1 10 7 6.37 0.640 60 0.22 0.2946 0.0462
12 39.733 86.267 2 10 6 6.06 0.722 58 0.27 0.3877 0.0639
12 39.733 86.267 3 6 32 15.00 0.629 90 0.22 0.6949 0.0463
12 39.733 86.267 4 11 7 7.99 1.317 54 0.08 0.6044 0.0755
12 39.733 86.267 5 10 7 9.39 1.591 62 0.13 0.6097 0.0650
12 39.733 86.267 6 8 6 11.66 2.284 75 0.11 0.4491 0.0385
12 39.733 86.267 7 11 3 9.71 2.812 62 0.04 0.4701 0.0484
12 39.733 86.267 8 9 3 8.81 2.508 73 0.04 0.4969 0.0564
12 39.733 86.267 9 7 5 9.53 1.701 90 0.01 0.5363 0.0563
12 39.733 86.267 10 7 7 9.28 1.196 92 0.01 0.4470 0.0482
12 39.733 86.267 11 8 10 9.77 0.957 75 0.01 0.5721 0.0586
12 39.733 86.267 12 11 9 7.42 0.674 58 0.19 0.4317 0.0581
13 41.533 93.650 1 6 7 4.08 0.458 105 0.22 0.3087 0.0757
13 41.533 93.650 2 7 5 3.90 0.548 80 0.23 0.3671 0.0940
13 41.533 93.650 3 8 8 6.44 0.751 75 0.04 0.5002 0.0777
13 41.533 93.650 4 11 6 7.39 1.172 58 0.01 0.4474 0.0606
13 41.533 93.650 5 9 8 10.54 1.496 70 0.11 0.6166 0.0585
13 41.533 93.650 6 11 4 9.77 2.252 59 0.02 0.4264 0.0436
13 41.533 93.650 7 9 4 9.81 2.379 76 0.00 0.4583 0.0467
13 41.533 93.650 8 8 5 12.25 2.330 81 0.04 0.3939 0.0322
13 41.533 93.650 9 7 6 10.17 1.678 85 0.07 0.5267 0.0518
13 41.533 93.650 10 7 6 8.33 1.321 93 0.04 0.4953 0.0595
13 41.533 93.650 11 4 13 9.35 0.718 138 0.02 0.5283 0.0565
Storm rainfall in the United States 377

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
13 41.533 93.650 12 6 7 4.31 0.516 101 0.11 0.4788 0.1111
14 42.367 71.033 1 10 8 9.32 0.828 60 0.41 0.5194 0.0558
14 42.367 71.033 2 12 6 8.11 0.855 49 0.44 0.3813 0.0470
14 42.367 71.033 3 12 7 8.51 0.583 53 0.45 0.3691 0.0434
14 42.367 71.033 4 12 6 7.73 0.961 51 0.24 0.3476 0.0450
14 42.367 71.033 5 12 6 7.24 0.983 54 0.15 0.2487 0.0343
14 42.367 71.033 6 10 5 7.57 1.371 63 0.00 0.2864 0.0378
14 42.367 71.033 7 10 4 7.19 1.691 68 0.03 0.4043 0.0562
14 42.367 71.033 8 9 5 9.15 1.881 70 0.04 0.2137 0.0233
14 42.367 71.033 9 9 5 8.64 1.367 68 0.14 0.2829 0.0328
14 42.367 71.033 10 8 6 9.68 1.145 78 0.22 0.3668 0.0379
14 42.367 71.033 11 10 7 11.08 1.095 61 0.34 0.5068 0.0457
14 42.367 71.033 12 16 4 6.63 0.864 41 0.48 0.3248 0.0490
15 46.833 92.183 1 10 7 2.98 0.323 63 0.21 0.2924 0.0980
15 46.833 92.183 2 10 5 2.09 0.404 57 0.02 0.2944 0.1409
15 46.833 92.183 3 9 8 4.82 0.470 70 0.19 0.3262 0.0677
15 46.833 92.183 4 10 6 5.40 0.941 60 0.08 0.3967 0.0735
15 46.833 92.183 5 10 10 8.44 0.933 64 0.07 0.5099 0.0604
15 46.833 92.183 6 12 5 8.61 1.801 53 0.09 0.4826 0.0560
15 46.833 92.183 7 14 2 7.41 2.506 50 0.00 0.4335 0.0585
15 46.833 92.183 8 11 5 8.88 1.706 59 0.01 0.4097 0.0461
15 46.833 92.183 9 11 6 7.78 1.231 55 0.01 0.3711 0.0477
15 46.833 92.183 10 8 8 7.32 0.781 76 0.09 0.3449 0.0471
15 46.833 92.183 11 7 14 6.64 0.438 88 0.06 0.3698 0.0557
15 46.833 92.183 12 10 8 3.42 0.342 66 0.22 0.2360 0.0691
16 48.567 93.383 1 10 6 2.06 0.349 63 0.05 0.3921 0.1907
16 48.567 93.383 2 8 5 2.05 0.356 72 0.02 0.4376 0.2133
16 48.567 93.383 3 8 9 3.56 0.394 84 0.01 0.3608 0.1013
16 48.567 93.383 4 6 11 5.82 0.569 93 0.07 0.4419 0.0759
16 48.567 93.383 5 8 11 8.08 0.831 78 0.14 0.5755 0.0713
16 48.567 93.383 6 11 6 8.56 1.480 54 0.09 0.4500 0.0526
16 48.567 93.383 7 14 3 6.84 2.085 49 0.01 0.3581 0.0524
16 48.567 93.383 8 14 3 5.44 1.647 48 0.07 0.4090 0.0752
16 48.567 93.383 9 11 5 7.19 1.163 57 0.02 0.3600 0.0500
16 48.567 93.383 10 9 7 5.48 0.653 74 0.08 0.3187 0.0582
16 48.567 93.383 11 9 9 3.68 0.359 70 0.06 0.4001 0.1086
16 48.567 93.383 12 10 7 2.17 0.302 65 0.04 0.3766 0.1732
17 39.283 114.850 1 4 20 4.74 0.386 165 0.32 0.6604 0.1392
17 39.283 114.850 2 5 7 2.93 0.427 114 0.10 0.4488 0.1532
17 39.283 114.850 3 5 13 4.32 0.462 114 0.29 0.7384 0.1709
17 39.283 114.850 4 4 15 4.88 0.444 138 0.22 0.7710 0.1578
17 39.283 114.850 5 5 11 4.99 0.539 119 0.14 0.4679 0.0937
17 39.283 114.850 6 3 13 5.72 0.593 209 0.20 0.3712 0.0648
17 39.283 114.850 7 3 18 4.90 0.634 187 0.31 0.5802 0.1185
17 39.283 114.850 8 4 6 3.89 0.947 149 0.14 0.4918 0.1264
17 39.283 114.850 9 3 9 6.57 0.862 194 0.08 0.4002 0.0609
17 39.283 114.850 10 3 14 6.30 0.593 219 0.26 0.7992 0.1268
17 39.283 114.850 11 3 11 4.63 0.443 183 0.12 0.5858 0.1266
(continued )
378 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
17 39.283 114.850 12 4 14 4.19 0.398 156 0.23 0.5080 0.1214
18 44.267 71.300 1 22 8 8.42 0.711 24 0.39 0.2722 0.0323
18 44.267 71.300 2 20 8 10.20 0.814 24 0.32 0.1585 0.0155
18 44.267 71.300 3 15 13 13.37 0.798 33 0.25 0.3592 0.0269
18 44.267 71.300 4 16 10 11.59 0.892 32 0.22 0.3609 0.0311
18 44.267 71.300 5 14 10 12.18 1.153 40 0.01 0.4734 0.0389
18 44.267 71.300 6 14 9 12.90 1.590 40 0.09 0.5341 0.0414
18 44.267 71.300 7 17 6 10.26 1.767 35 0.06 0.5079 0.0495
18 44.267 71.300 8 15 7 12.78 1.807 39 0.07 0.4919 0.0385
18 44.267 71.300 9 16 7 11.49 1.453 36 0.05 0.4741 0.0413
18 44.267 71.300 10 12 12 14.44 1.063 49 0.07 0.4760 0.0330
18 44.267 71.300 11 17 11 13.75 0.977 30 0.24 0.3759 0.0273
18 44.267 71.300 12 23 8 9.69 0.782 23 0.40 0.2590 0.0267
19 35.050 106.617 1 2 12 3.76 0.471 252 0.25 0.7335 0.1949
19 35.050 106.617 2 3 8 3.25 0.525 187 0.37 1.0852 0.3337
19 35.050 106.617 3 4 4 3.19 0.605 170 0.09 0.4473 0.1404
19 35.050 106.617 4 2 9 4.84 0.716 293 0.27 0.5317 0.1099
19 35.050 106.617 5 3 8 3.92 0.724 208 0.21 0.5583 0.1423
19 35.050 106.617 6 3 6 4.40 0.972 209 0.13 0.4098 0.0931
19 35.050 106.617 7 5 16 6.08 1.104 116 0.29 0.6199 0.1019
19 35.050 106.617 8 9 2 4.13 1.742 77 0.07 0.4844 0.1173
19 35.050 106.617 9 4 9 5.47 1.010 160 0.26 0.6110 0.1117
19 35.050 106.617 10 3 10 7.03 0.894 211 0.13 0.4989 0.0709
19 35.050 106.617 11 2 7 3.57 0.634 249 0.25 0.9604 0.2692
19 35.050 106.617 12 3 7 3.81 0.597 213 0.16 0.5529 0.1451
20 35.867 78.783 1 10 6 9.06 1.093 67 0.23 0.5361 0.0592
20 35.867 78.783 2 10 6 9.20 1.263 60 0.13 0.6871 0.0747
20 35.867 78.783 3 11 5 8.04 1.293 59 0.08 0.5771 0.0718
20 35.867 78.783 4 7 6 9.36 1.351 86 0.01 0.5019 0.0537
20 35.867 78.783 5 8 8 11.98 2.019 83 0.20 0.6998 0.0584
20 35.867 78.783 6 8 5 10.44 2.506 76 0.11 0.4834 0.0463
20 35.867 78.783 7 9 7 12.15 2.535 72 0.21 0.6329 0.0521
20 35.867 78.783 8 9 4 11.80 2.565 71 0.04 0.5083 0.0431
20 35.867 78.783 9 6 7 12.79 2.139 100 0.10 0.5245 0.0410
20 35.867 78.783 10 6 8 11.94 1.510 116 0.04 0.5498 0.0460
20 35.867 78.783 11 7 6 9.17 1.311 84 0.13 0.3849 0.0420
20 35.867 78.783 12 8 7 9.48 1.232 81 0.04 0.7115 0.0750
21 40.650 75.433 1 12 6 6.65 0.760 52 0.45 0.4135 0.0622
21 40.650 75.433 2 11 6 7.01 0.856 53 0.42 0.5571 0.0795
21 40.650 75.433 3 13 5 7.18 0.958 50 0.28 0.4412 0.0614
21 40.650 75.433 4 10 7 9.23 1.115 59 0.09 0.5317 0.0576
21 40.650 75.433 5 11 6 8.59 1.435 56 0.04 0.4139 0.0482
21 40.650 75.433 6 10 4 8.68 1.919 63 0.06 0.4868 0.0561
21 40.650 75.433 7 11 3 9.48 2.450 59 0.05 0.5047 0.0532
21 40.650 75.433 8 10 4 11.04 2.641 67 0.10 0.4065 0.0368
21 40.650 75.433 9 9 5 11.36 1.865 72 0.04 0.3319 0.0292
21 40.650 75.433 10 8 6 9.29 1.228 83 0.15 0.5084 0.0547
21 40.650 75.433 11 10 7 9.88 1.110 65 0.28 0.4171 0.0422
Storm rainfall in the United States 379

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
21 40.650 75.433 12 12 6 7.40 0.872 53 0.46 0.4400 0.0595
22 39.883 75.433 1 11 6 7.32 0.888 56 0.41 0.4721 0.0645
22 39.883 75.433 2 10 5 6.94 0.869 55 0.39 0.4842 0.0698
22 39.883 75.433 3 12 5 7.17 0.978 54 0.32 0.5276 0.0736
22 39.883 75.433 4 10 6 8.57 1.087 61 0.17 0.5234 0.0611
22 39.883 75.433 5 10 6 8.93 1.302 64 0.02 0.5153 0.0577
22 39.883 75.433 6 10 5 8.84 1.824 62 0.05 0.4839 0.0547
22 39.883 75.433 7 10 4 9.63 2.358 68 0.05 0.4441 0.0461
22 39.883 75.433 8 9 4 10.96 2.568 75 0.03 0.4310 0.0393
22 39.883 75.433 9 7 6 12.83 2.179 89 0.08 0.4287 0.0334
22 39.883 75.433 10 7 6 10.75 1.589 97 0.06 0.4073 0.0379
22 39.883 75.433 11 7 7 10.25 1.207 89 0.20 0.4499 0.0439
22 39.883 75.433 12 10 6 8.79 1.040 66 0.33 0.4676 0.0532
23 33.950 81.117 1 9 8 11.74 1.176 68 0.23 0.5325 0.0453
23 33.950 81.117 2 9 7 11.47 1.411 65 0.14 0.5656 0.0493
23 33.950 81.117 3 11 5 11.32 1.723 62 0.13 0.5510 0.0487
23 33.950 81.117 4 7 7 12.56 1.843 91 0.06 0.5322 0.0424
23 33.950 81.117 5 7 9 13.65 2.211 97 0.19 0.5208 0.0381
23 33.950 81.117 6 8 6 13.59 2.783 81 0.16 0.4940 0.0363
23 33.950 81.117 7 9 9 15.57 2.730 74 0.18 0.5176 0.0332
23 33.950 81.117 8 10 4 14.58 3.806 68 0.08 0.4470 0.0306
23 33.950 81.117 9 7 6 13.77 2.348 95 0.03 0.3237 0.0235
23 33.950 81.117 10 5 9 14.95 1.749 139 0.07 0.4299 0.0288
23 33.950 81.117 11 5 10 13.57 1.485 125 0.11 0.7074 0.0521
23 33.950 81.117 12 9 6 9.02 1.176 72 0.25 0.4808 0.0533
24 35.800 84.000 1 13 7 9.38 1.111 50 0.20 0.4825 0.0514
24 35.800 84.000 2 12 6 8.11 1.164 46 0.17 0.6287 0.0776
24 35.800 84.000 3 14 5 8.95 1.369 46 0.19 0.3732 0.0417
24 35.800 84.000 4 11 5 8.60 1.524 58 0.00 0.5153 0.0599
24 35.800 84.000 5 9 8 10.40 1.616 69 0.16 0.4837 0.0465
24 35.800 84.000 6 9 6 10.77 2.303 73 0.16 0.6561 0.0609
24 35.800 84.000 7 11 5 9.83 2.353 59 0.13 0.5641 0.0574
24 35.800 84.000 8 9 4 8.50 2.307 73 0.12 0.4879 0.0574
24 35.800 84.000 9 7 8 10.25 1.611 93 0.15 0.6787 0.0662
24 35.800 84.000 10 7 7 10.41 1.353 94 0.07 0.5567 0.0535
24 35.800 84.000 11 8 8 11.00 1.255 76 0.00 0.7062 0.0642
24 35.800 84.000 12 13 5 8.26 1.130 49 0.40 0.4121 0.0499
25 32.433 99.683 1 2 11 7.54 0.608 293 0.12 0.3127 0.0415
25 32.433 99.683 2 2 11 7.12 0.756 313 0.17 0.7838 0.1100
25 32.433 99.683 3 2 9 8.67 1.321 270 0.20 0.6534 0.0753
25 32.433 99.683 4 3 4 7.74 2.078 213 0.14 0.6789 0.0877
25 32.433 99.683 5 3 6 10.95 2.089 197 0.13 0.6414 0.0586
25 32.433 99.683 6 2 11 14.43 2.257 247 0.25 0.7804 0.0541
25 32.433 99.683 7 2 14 15.79 2.118 303 0.18 0.7481 0.0474
25 32.433 99.683 8 3 6 13.53 2.333 217 0.08 0.9387 0.0294
25 32.433 99.683 9 3 9 14.31 2.063 213 0.11 0.3538 0.0247
25 32.433 99.683 10 2 10 14.65 1.652 246 0.13 0.3803 0.0260
25 32.433 99.683 11 2 7 11.85 1.659 243 0.02 0.2649 0.0223
(continued )
380 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
25 32.433 99.683 12 2 11 9.78 0.926 334 0.04 0.5119 0.0523
26 37.500 77.333 1 12 5 6.83 0.927 55 0.27 0.4443 0.0651
26 37.500 77.333 2 9 7 8.79 1.023 67 0.14 0.6709 0.0763
26 37.500 77.333 3 13 5 6.76 1.133 50 0.15 0.4988 0.0738
26 37.500 77.333 4 9 6 8.53 1.309 73 0.03 0.5053 0.0592
26 37.500 77.333 5 9 7 10.10 1.926 71 0.17 0.6191 0.0613
26 37.500 77.333 6 9 3 9.26 2.493 69 0.02 0.3821 0.0413
26 37.500 77.333 7 10 5 13.30 3.033 68 0.11 0.4533 0.0341
26 37.500 77.333 8 9 4 13.13 3.007 71 0.07 0.3779 0.0288
26 37.500 77.333 9 7 6 12.17 2.077 98 0.07 0.4639 0.0381
26 37.500 77.333 10 7 7 12.39 1.446 94 0.16 0.3501 0.0283
26 37.500 77.333 11 7 7 10.76 1.263 85 0.10 0.4706 0.0437
26 37.500 77.333 12 9 6 8.53 1.053 69 0.31 0.5116 0.0600
27 37.317 79.967 1 9 7 7.78 0.814 75 0.29 0.5680 0.0730
27 37.317 79.967 2 9 7 8.76 0.943 67 0.37 0.5071 0.0579
27 37.317 79.967 3 6 14 12.43 0.893 93 0.05 0.7957 0.0640
27 37.317 79.967 4 9 6 8.94 1.233 68 0.07 0.2929 0.0328
27 37.317 79.967 5 10 6 8.45 1.436 61 0.06 0.4092 0.0484
27 37.317 79.967 6 9 4 8.33 2.185 69 0.10 0.4045 0.0486
27 37.317 79.967 7 10 4 8.24 2.290 63 0.15 0.5912 0.0718
27 37.317 79.967 8 9 5 10.83 2.556 70 0.14 0.4156 0.0384
27 37.317 79.967 9 7 7 11.57 1.708 91 0.10 0.3591 0.0310
27 37.317 79.967 10 6 9 14.14 1.377 107 0.08 0.2621 0.0185
27 37.317 79.967 11 7 7 8.72 0.956 85 0.21 0.5589 0.0641
27 37.317 79.967 12 10 5 7.22 0.870 68 0.50 0.4759 0.0659
28 38.367 81.600 1 19 5 4.64 1.135 32 0.13 0.4118 0.0887
28 38.367 81.600 2 15 6 5.19 1.060 36 0.11 0.5255 0.1012
28 38.367 81.600 3 17 5 5.38 1.226 36 0.09 0.4672 0.0869
28 38.367 81.600 4 15 5 5.57 1.169 40 0.09 0.4856 0.0871
28 38.367 81.600 5 12 7 8.15 1.381 53 0.12 0.5674 0.0696
28 38.367 81.600 6 9 7 9.51 1.701 67 0.18 0.6814 0.0717
28 38.367 81.600 7 15 3 8.65 2.807 45 0.07 0.4503 0.0521
28 38.367 81.600 8 12 3 8.23 2.863 56 0.11 0.4648 0.0565
28 38.367 81.600 9 8 7 9.42 1.433 77 0.11 0.5137 0.0545
28 38.367 81.600 10 8 8 8.37 0.992 80 0.02 0.4342 0.0519
28 38.367 81.600 11 9 9 8.50 0.826 62 0.04 0.4591 0.0540
28 38.367 81.600 12 17 5 4.80 0.875 37 0.00 0.3370 0.0702
29 44.483 88.133 1 9 7 3.37 0.398 74 0.11 0.4942 0.1467
29 44.483 88.133 2 7 7 3.73 0.461 79 0.09 0.3896 0.1043
29 44.483 88.133 3 9 7 5.09 0.609 69 0.13 0.5150 0.1011
29 44.483 88.133 4 9 9 7.83 0.891 71 0.03 0.7077 0.0904
29 44.483 88.133 5 9 7 7.38 1.320 69 0.06 0.4934 0.0669
29 44.483 88.133 6 10 4 7.75 1.863 64 0.08 0.5393 0.0696
29 44.483 88.133 7 11 3 7.77 2.327 63 0.04 0.5078 0.0653
29 44.483 88.133 8 10 4 8.51 1.914 67 0.07 0.5438 0.0639
29 44.483 88.133 9 9 7 9.06 1.367 70 0.07 0.5215 0.0576
29 44.483 88.133 10 8 6 6.73 0.980 81 0.09 0.3828 0.0569
29 44.483 88.133 11 5 19 8.88 0.545 107 0.16 0.7027 0.0792
Storm rainfall in the United States 381

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
29 44.483 88.133 12 11 5 3.22 0.455 60 0.27 0.4206 0.1307
30 43.867 91.250 1 9 4 2.52 0.477 76 0.28 0.3937 0.1561
30 43.867 91.250 2 6 6 3.68 0.504 101 0.23 0.4721 0.1284
30 43.867 91.250 3 8 9 6.54 0.700 81 0.02 0.5797 0.0886
30 43.867 91.250 4 10 6 7.30 1.214 65 0.03 0.5039 0.0690
30 43.867 91.250 5 11 5 7.93 1.512 60 0.10 0.6106 0.0770
30 43.867 91.250 6 12 4 9.40 2.289 55 0.00 0.4571 0.0486
30 43.867 91.250 7 10 3 9.45 2.472 66 0.04 0.4638 0.0491
30 43.867 91.250 8 9 5 9.75 2.094 79 0.12 0.4993 0.0512
30 43.867 91.250 9 8 7 10.61 1.457 82 0.00 0.6594 0.0622
30 43.867 91.250 10 6 6 7.48 1.355 106 0.09 0.5019 0.0671
30 43.867 91.250 11 5 10 6.91 0.710 132 0.07 0.4436 0.0642
30 43.867 91.250 12 9 5 2.82 0.558 78 0.02 0.4971 0.1764
31 39.150 84.517 1 9 9 8.79 0.837 62 0.06 0.3591 0.0408
31 39.150 84.517 2 9 7 7.11 0.859 63 0.11 0.4996 0.0703
31 39.150 84.517 3 12 6 7.28 1.092 49 0.08 0.3717 0.0511
31 39.150 84.517 4 12 5 7.36 1.678 50 0.10 0.5795 0.0787
31 39.150 84.517 5 9 8 10.73 1.908 67 0.13 0.4898 0.0456
31 39.150 84.517 6 10 4 9.29 2.369 62 0.09 0.5976 0.0643
31 39.150 84.517 7 10 3 9.02 2.573 62 0.05 0.5659 0.0628
31 39.150 84.517 8 9 3 8.47 2.738 68 0.09 0.5125 0.0605
31 39.150 84.517 9 7 5 9.53 1.923 84 0.07 0.4490 0.0471
31 39.150 84.517 10 7 6 8.38 1.441 90 0.06 0.5815 0.0694
31 39.150 84.517 11 8 8 10.08 2.395 76 0.09 0.3752 0.0372
31 39.150 84.517 12 11 6 6.46 0.853 56 0.17 0.5538 0.0857
32 41.417 81.867 1 19 5 3.40 0.459 33 0.22 0.3047 0.0896
32 41.417 81.867 2 15 6 3.93 0.505 38 0.21 0.3009 0.0766
32 41.417 81.867 3 16 6 4.88 0.667 39 0.08 0.4213 0.0864
32 41.417 81.867 4 15 6 5.66 0.970 40 0.05 0.5677 0.1003
32 41.417 81.867 5 10 8 8.41 1.294 63 0.18 0.5440 0.0647
32 41.417 81.867 6 11 4 8.29 1.817 60 0.03 0.5054 0.0610
32 41.417 81.867 7 11 3 7.79 2.387 61 0.02 0.5187 0.0666
32 41.417 81.867 8 10 4 8.52 2.055 66 0.07 0.5859 0.0687
32 41.417 81.867 9 9 5 8.06 1.552 67 0.08 0.6200 0.0769
32 41.417 81.867 10 8 10 7.26 0.870 74 0.09 0.5088 0.0700
32 41.417 81.867 11 13 8 6.22 0.682 46 0.08 0.3869 0.0622
32 41.417 81.867 12 18 6 4.02 0.503 33 0.19 0.3281 0.0816
33 34.650 86.767 1 12 6 11.12 1.343 55 0.20 0.4046 0.0364
33 34.650 86.767 2 11 6 10.49 1.563 55 0.12 0.5826 0.0555
33 34.650 86.767 3 12 5 13.51 2.104 53 0.19 0.3710 0.0275
33 34.650 86.767 4 9 6 14.00 2.048 73 0.01 0.6004 0.0429
33 34.650 86.767 5 9 6 14.47 2.278 74 0.04 0.4668 0.0323
33 34.650 86.767 6 8 7 12.39 2.500 84 0.14 0.5023 0.0405
33 34.650 86.767 7 11 3 10.50 3.087 59 0.01 0.3690 0.0351
33 34.650 86.767 8 9 4 10.11 2.517 78 0.07 0.4181 0.0413
33 34.650 86.767 9 7 8 15.00 2.359 97 0.16 0.5679 0.0379
33 34.650 86.767 10 7 5 12.67 1.856 102 0.15 0.4539 0.0358
33 34.650 86.767 11 9 8 14.24 1.719 77 0.11 0.6612 0.0464
(continued )
382 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
33 34.650 86.767 12 11 6 12.15 1.455 58 0.25 0.3404 0.0280
34 32.300 86.400 1 10 6 10.47 1.657 64 0.03 0.5326 0.0509
34 32.300 86.400 2 10 6 12.84 2.079 60 0.01 0.4353 0.0339
34 32.300 86.400 3 10 6 14.84 2.643 65 0.09 0.5636 0.0380
34 32.300 86.400 4 7 5 14.46 2.416 85 0.01 0.4851 0.0336
34 32.300 86.400 5 7 7 14.15 2.589 97 0.15 0.5105 0.0361
34 32.300 86.400 6 7 6 11.90 2.910 86 0.18 0.5533 0.0465
34 32.300 86.400 7 11 4 11.98 3.634 62 0.16 0.5586 0.0466
34 32.300 86.400 8 10 2 8.42 3.183 70 0.04 0.4115 0.0489
34 32.300 86.400 9 6 9 19.61 3.004 108 0.15 0.3600 0.0184
34 32.300 86.400 10 4 8 12.85 1.866 148 0.11 0.5670 0.0441
34 32.300 86.400 11 6 7 13.64 2.085 104 0.07 0.6234 0.0457
34 32.300 86.400 12 9 6 12.97 1.790 69 0.05 0.5692 0.0439
35 43.567 116.217 1 8 12 4.50 0.396 72 0.11 0.3937 0.0875
35 43.567 116.217 2 7 10 3.80 0.423 78 0.15 0.5273 0.0875
35 43.567 116.217 3 8 7 3.61 0.524 78 0.12 0.6460 0.1791
35 43.567 116.217 4 6 7 4.52 0.644 96 0.06 0.4739 0.1047
35 43.567 116.217 5 7 6 4.29 0.694 100 0.03 0.4536 0.1057
35 43.567 116.217 6 4 7 4.59 0.697 141 0.16 0.4374 0.0953
35 43.567 116.217 7 2 2 3.14 1.204 271 0.03 0.4883 0.1557
35 43.567 116.217 8 2 6 4.33 0.849 306 0.12 0.4018 0.0929
35 43.567 116.217 9 2 11 5.85 0.597 228 0.17 0.6624 0.1133
35 43.567 116.217 10 4 9 4.37 0.566 153 0.22 0.9206 0.2107
35 43.567 116.217 11 5 26 7.15 0.385 114 0.34 0.8887 0.1243
35 43.567 116.217 12 4 38 7.15 0.302 118 0.36 0.5910 0.0827
36 45.800 108.533 1 4 22 4.76 0.336 135 0.31 0.6674 0.1401
36 45.800 108.533 2 6 8 3.00 0.361 100 0.09 0.5207 0.1736
36 45.800 108.533 3 8 7 3.36 0.466 84 0.04 0.5164 0.1537
36 45.800 108.533 4 7 8 5.77 0.574 83 0.12 0.2836 0.0491
36 45.800 108.533 5 9 8 6.68 0.873 70 0.07 0.3631 0.0543
36 45.800 108.533 6 9 5 5.30 1.106 68 0.12 0.3969 0.0749
36 45.800 108.533 7 7 3 3.56 1.527 100 0.09 0.3287 0.0924
36 45.800 108.533 8 6 3 3.81 1.157 104 0.06 0.3810 0.1001
36 45.800 108.533 9 6 8 5.62 0.759 108 0.07 0.3930 0.0699
36 45.800 108.533 10 5 6 5.02 0.631 123 0.17 0.4370 0.0871
36 45.800 108.533 11 4 10 4.28 0.457 140 0.11 0.5000 0.1167
36 45.800 108.533 12 4 12 3.94 0.402 141 0.22 0.6144 0.1559
37 46.767 100.767 1 7 7 1.86 0.279 99 0.16 0.6162 0.3316
37 46.767 100.767 2 6 6 1.92 0.299 102 0.05 0.3733 0.1946
37 46.767 100.767 3 7 6 2.82 0.371 95 0.17 0.2212 0.0783
37 46.767 100.767 4 6 9 6.24 0.671 103 0.02 0.4478 0.0718
37 46.767 100.767 5 5 18 9.93 0.818 108 0.20 0.5123 0.0516
37 46.767 100.767 6 10 5 7.16 1.651 65 0.13 0.5107 0.0713
37 46.767 100.767 7 9 3 6.14 1.995 79 0.10 0.5043 0.0821
37 46.767 100.767 8 8 3 5.33 1.600 81 0.07 0.3948 0.0741
37 46.767 100.767 9 6 5 5.16 1.002 100 0.02 0.3586 0.0695
37 46.767 100.767 10 4 10 5.58 0.503 169 0.03 0.3696 0.0663
37 46.767 100.767 11 4 9 2.95 0.357 142 0.10 0.4243 0.1437
Storm rainfall in the United States 383

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
37 46.767 100.767 12 5 14 2.32 0.233 121 0.34 0.6865 0.2953
38 44.383 98.217 1 4 8 3.21 0.306 148 0.18 0.4705 0.2130
38 44.383 98.217 2 4 8 3.67 0.392 130 0.19 0.2746 0.0748
38 44.383 98.217 3 5 12 6.71 0.483 122 0.14 0.3071 0.0458
38 44.383 98.217 4 7 8 6.70 0.770 88 0.05 0.4394 0.0656
38 44.383 98.217 5 8 8 8.43 1.170 80 0.09 0.4657 0.0552
38 44.383 98.217 6 10 3 7.73 1.953 62 0.01 0.3728 0.0482
38 44.383 98.217 7 9 2 6.90 2.312 79 0.01 0.3541 0.0513
38 44.383 98.217 8 9 3 6.15 1.914 78 0.02 0.3684 0.0599
38 44.383 98.217 9 7 4 5.84 1.158 93 0.11 0.4333 0.0742
38 44.383 98.217 10 4 8 7.47 0.931 149 0.02 0.3693 0.0494
38 44.383 98.217 11 4 8 4.61 0.481 162 0.07 0.3967 0.0860
38 44.383 98.217 12 5 6 2.78 0.355 140 0.17 0.3504 0.1261
39 47.633 117.533 1 8 17 6.82 0.420 68 0.08 0.7167 0.1051
39 47.633 117.533 2 7 13 5.22 0.447 72 0.20 0.8084 0.1550
39 47.633 117.533 3 8 11 4.46 0.476 76 0.18 0.7597 0.1705
39 47.633 117.533 4 7 7 3.98 0.537 94 0.07 0.6801 0.1708
39 47.633 117.533 5 6 10 4.94 0.642 97 0.16 0.6374 0.1290
39 47.633 117.533 6 6 6 4.81 0.848 99 0.10 0.5016 0.1043
39 47.633 117.533 7 3 6 3.89 0.745 193 0.10 0.5212 0.1339
39 47.633 117.533 8 2 19 5.88 0.610 226 0.39 0.7523 0.1280
39 47.633 117.533 9 3 21 6.14 0.498 191 0.32 0.7487 0.1219
39 47.633 117.533 10 3 27 7.27 0.399 162 0.36 0.6854 0.0943
39 47.633 117.533 11 9 11 5.90 0.546 62 0.06 0.6890 0.1167
39 47.633 117.533 12 12 9 4.84 0.491 47 0.02 0.6380 0.1319
40 35.333 94.367 1 5 10 10.20 0.956 121 0.02 0.4093 0.0401
40 35.333 94.367 2 7 6 9.24 1.233 84 0.15 0.3675 0.0398
40 35.333 94.367 3 9 5 10.68 1.725 75 0.06 0.4741 0.0444
40 35.333 94.367 4 10 4 10.01 2.001 64 0.04 0.4573 0.0457
40 35.333 94.367 5 9 6 13.93 2.506 74 0.09 0.4854 0.0348
40 35.333 94.367 6 7 6 12.63 2.533 94 0.13 0.5710 0.0452
40 35.333 94.367 7 6 5 12.86 2.538 107 0.09 0.2998 0.0233
40 35.333 94.367 8 6 4 11.08 2.479 106 0.01 0.5050 0.0456
40 35.333 94.367 9 5 10 14.46 2.037 116 0.23 0.7597 0.0525
40 35.333 94.367 10 5 10 17.78 2.047 129 0.10 0.5240 0.0295
40 35.333 94.367 11 5 8 16.77 1.873 117 0.06 0.5430 0.0324
40 35.333 94.367 12 5 10 12.73 1.147 119 0.11 0.4754 0.0373
41 41.980 97.433 1 4 11 3.54 0.361 166 0.17 0.4574 0.1291
41 41.980 97.433 2 5 7 3.89 0.456 126 0.18 0.2444 0.0628
41 41.980 97.433 3 6 9 7.23 0.723 104 0.07 0.3771 0.0521
41 41.980 97.433 4 7 8 7.78 0.999 86 0.05 0.6016 0.0773
41 41.980 97.433 5 9 7 10.58 1.660 70 0.13 0.5080 0.0480
41 41.980 97.433 6 9 4 11.62 2.338 71 0.03 0.4478 0.0386
41 41.980 97.433 7 9 3 9.19 2.783 74 0.01 0.4700 0.0511
41 41.980 97.433 8 9 2 6.67 2.176 73 0.07 0.5187 0.0778
41 41.980 97.433 9 6 6 8.46 1.425 99 0.07 0.4848 0.0573
41 41.980 97.433 10 4 10 8.78 1.080 164 0.13 0.4656 0.0530
41 41.980 97.433 11 3 10 6.48 0.554 192 0.10 0.4211 0.0650
(continued )
384 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
41 41.980 97.433 12 4 7 3.73 0.495 153 0.07 0.4843 0.1298
42 39.567 97.667 1 3 11 3.80 0.389 203 0.13 0.5407 0.1424
42 39.567 97.667 2 4 7 3.68 0.513 153 0.00 0.5373 0.1462
42 39.567 97.667 3 5 8 6.98 0.696 120 0.21 0.3892 0.0557
42 39.567 97.667 4 6 5 7.53 1.360 107 0.03 0.3224 0.0428
42 39.567 97.667 5 7 9 10.74 1.709 87 0.16 0.5387 0.0502
42 39.567 97.667 6 7 6 10.71 2.418 98 0.16 0.6736 0.0629
42 39.567 97.667 7 7 5 11.11 2.790 91 0.17 0.5267 0.0474
42 39.567 97.667 8 7 3 8.57 2.187 93 0.04 0.3934 0.0459
42 39.567 97.667 9 6 4 7.78 1.794 112 0.02 0.4101 0.0527
42 39.567 97.667 10 3 10 10.05 1.181 203 0.12 0.3248 0.0323
42 39.567 97.667 11 3 8 5.38 0.682 198 0.03 0.4447 0.0827
42 39.567 97.667 12 3 6 3.83 0.523 188 0.10 0.3632 0.0949
43 35.400 97.600 1 3 12 8.37 0.729 188 0.07 0.4959 0.0593
43 35.400 97.600 2 4 9 7.71 0.847 129 0.04 0.4536 0.0589
43 35.400 97.600 3 5 10 11.66 1.415 129 0.18 0.6606 0.0566
43 35.400 97.600 4 6 8 12.20 1.960 111 0.20 0.6693 0.0549
43 35.400 97.600 5 8 7 17.64 2.616 83 0.07 0.5244 0.0297
43 35.400 97.600 6 7 5 14.86 3.220 92 0.09 0.5062 0.0341
43 35.400 97.600 7 5 8 14.13 2.264 137 0.17 0.4835 0.0342
43 35.400 97.600 8 6 4 10.16 2.374 116 0.07 0.6066 0.0597
43 35.400 97.600 9 5 8 15.80 2.172 123 0.10 0.4965 0.0314
43 35.400 97.600 10 5 8 16.13 1.668 136 0.09 0.3112 0.0193
43 35.400 97.600 11 3 15 12.96 0.882 199 0.06 0.5799 0.0448
43 35.400 97.600 12 4 9 8.02 0.899 163 0.03 0.4209 0.0525
44 37.233 93.383 1 6 10 7.66 0.660 110 0.07 0.4150 0.0542
44 37.233 93.383 2 8 6 6.59 0.829 72 0.21 0.3064 0.0465
44 37.233 93.383 3 9 7 9.59 1.330 72 0.03 0.5404 0.0564
44 37.233 93.383 4 11 4 8.99 1.857 56 0.01 0.5405 0.0602
44 37.233 93.383 5 11 5 10.27 2.085 61 0.06 0.4968 0.0484
44 37.233 93.383 6 9 6 13.71 2.700 73 0.13 0.6009 0.0438
44 37.233 93.383 7 6 6 12.98 2.624 103 0.16 0.4049 0.0312
44 37.233 93.383 8 7 5 10.92 2.332 90 0.09 0.5337 0.0489
44 37.233 93.383 9 6 8 16.54 2.105 100 0.09 0.4748 0.0287
44 37.233 93.383 10 7 7 12.40 1.485 90 0.10 0.4242 0.0342
44 37.233 93.383 11 7 7 11.02 1.375 86 0.08 0.3454 0.0313
44 37.233 93.383 12 7 9 10.71 0.942 97 0.16 0.4768 0.0445
45 30.533 91.150 1 9 7 12.77 1.627 74 0.03 0.6483 0.0508
45 30.533 91.150 2 8 6 15.60 2.194 71 0.02 0.5317 0.0341
45 30.533 91.150 3 9 5 12.93 2.235 75 0.06 0.4883 0.0378
45 30.533 91.150 4 7 5 19.10 2.765 95 0.17 0.2593 0.0136
45 30.533 91.150 5 6 7 18.43 2.885 106 0.11 0.4914 0.0267
45 30.533 91.150 6 6 13 14.74 2.134 101 0.27 0.5310 0.0360
45 30.533 91.150 7 11 8 16.09 4.023 59 0.24 0.6517 0.0405
45 30.533 91.150 8 11 4 12.19 3.733 62 0.13 0.4305 0.0353
45 30.533 91.150 9 7 7 14.34 3.314 86 0.12 0.4006 0.0279
45 30.533 91.150 10 4 9 18.43 2.276 162 0.10 0.3770 0.0205
45 30.533 91.150 11 6 7 15.88 2.287 105 0.03 0.5861 0.0369
Storm rainfall in the United States 385

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
45 30.533 91.150 12 9 7 15.19 1.885 75 0.12 0.4510 0.0297
46 44.767 123.017 1 8 33 20.84 0.547 57 0.17 0.4031 0.0193
46 44.767 123.017 2 8 28 15.53 0.519 56 0.04 0.4042 0.0260
46 44.767 123.017 3 8 28 12.76 0.493 58 0.05 0.4491 0.0352
46 44.767 123.017 4 8 19 7.98 0.478 71 0.13 0.4218 0.0529
46 44.767 123.017 5 7 15 6.85 0.549 89 0.17 0.5080 0.0742
46 44.767 123.017 6 4 14 7.32 0.565 131 0.12 0.5000 0.0683
46 44.767 123.017 7 2 8 4.93 0.605 306 0.07 0.4259 0.0864
46 44.767 123.017 8 2 24 8.40 0.489 303 0.28 0.3643 0.0434
46 44.767 123.017 9 3 38 13.36 0.513 193 0.27 0.5487 0.0411
46 44.767 123.017 10 4 38 17.60 0.513 114 0.11 0.5252 0.0298
46 44.767 123.017 11 8 35 21.96 0.614 56 0.01 0.4480 0.0204
46 44.767 123.017 12 9 26 16.92 0.571 49 0.11 0.3380 0.0200
47 44.767 106.967 1 7 9 2.64 0.335 96 0.20 0.6229 0.2362
47 44.767 106.967 2 8 6 2.30 0.363 77 0.03 0.4478 0.1949
47 44.767 106.967 3 9 6 2.88 0.424 69 0.02 0.5918 0.2055
47 44.767 106.967 4 9 7 4.90 0.553 67 0.11 0.2244 0.0458
47 44.767 106.967 5 9 9 6.52 0.862 69 0.07 0.3998 0.0613
47 44.767 106.967 6 9 6 6.22 1.084 73 0.11 0.3785 0.0609
47 44.767 106.967 7 7 3 3.45 1.181 96 0.01 0.2211 0.0642
47 44.767 106.967 8 6 3 3.59 1.209 108 0.07 0.4429 0.1235
47 44.767 106.967 9 5 11 6.41 0.724 127 0.15 0.6401 0.0998
47 44.767 106.967 10 6 7 4.75 0.565 115 0.10 0.4720 0.0994
47 44.767 106.967 11 6 8 3.36 0.435 106 0.06 0.5128 0.1527
47 44.767 106.967 12 7 7 2.25 0.353 94 0.18 0.7894 0.3512
48 32.333 88.750 1 9 7 13.13 1.833 69 0.06 0.6107 0.0465
48 32.333 88.750 2 10 5 12.69 2.074 60 0.06 0.4906 0.0387
48 32.333 88.750 3 10 5 16.82 2.904 67 0.00 0.5900 0.0351
48 32.333 88.750 4 8 5 15.43 2.884 76 0.01 0.5109 0.0331
48 32.333 88.750 5 7 7 15.49 2.646 93 0.17 0.5519 0.0356
48 32.333 88.750 6 7 8 13.29 3.061 93 0.25 0.8273 0.0623
48 32.333 88.750 7 11 5 12.95 3.516 62 0.17 0.5409 0.0418
48 32.333 88.750 8 8 5 10.73 2.980 78 0.17 0.5593 0.0521
48 32.333 88.750 9 6 7 14.84 2.589 104 0.20 0.4282 0.0289
48 32.333 88.750 10 4 8 15.97 1.891 155 0.02 0.4141 0.0259
48 32.333 88.750 11 6 8 17.03 2.245 111 0.14 0.8753 0.0514
48 32.333 88.750 12 9 7 15.73 2.072 71 0.00 0.5807 0.0369
49 43.650 70.317 1 12 7 7.76 0.790 51 0.44 0.4537 0.0585
49 43.650 70.317 2 10 7 8.51 0.836 57 0.41 0.4005 0.0471
49 43.650 70.317 3 12 7 8.71 0.821 54 0.42 0.4067 0.0467
49 43.650 70.317 4 10 9 9.84 0.821 61 0.30 0.3737 0.0380
49 43.650 70.317 5 12 6 7.18 0.974 53 0.09 0.3941 0.0549
49 43.650 70.317 6 11 4 6.86 1.383 56 0.00 0.3436 0.0501
49 43.650 70.317 7 11 3 6.61 1.744 60 0.01 0.4377 0.0663
49 43.650 70.317 8 11 4 6.54 1.526 62 0.01 0.4368 0.0668
49 43.650 70.317 9 9 5 8.80 1.330 70 0.18 0.2891 0.0329
49 43.650 70.317 10 9 6 9.87 1.127 71 0.29 0.2880 0.0292
49 43.650 70.317 11 10 8 11.90 1.049 58 0.36 0.4260 0.0358
(continued )
386 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
49 43.650 70.317 12 15 5 6.89 0.799 41 0.59 0.2822 0.0410
50 44.467 73.150 1 16 5 3.05 0.416 40 0.32 0.2790 0.0915
50 44.467 73.150 2 11 6 3.86 0.448 50 0.33 0.3105 0.0804
50 44.467 73.150 3 11 8 4.85 0.552 55 0.08 0.4956 0.1022
50 44.467 73.150 4 12 7 5.76 0.753 51 0.02 0.5678 0.0985
50 44.467 73.150 5 11 8 6.78 0.949 54 0.09 0.5571 0.0821
50 44.467 73.150 6 12 6 7.20 1.392 52 0.13 0.5931 0.0824
50 44.467 73.150 7 15 3 6.05 1.774 46 0.04 0.4793 0.0792
50 44.467 73.150 8 16 3 6.27 1.725 42 0.02 0.4509 0.0719
50 44.467 73.150 9 13 4 6.38 1.209 49 0.07 0.3998 0.0627
50 44.467 73.150 10 10 7 6.65 0.840 60 0.02 0.5855 0.0881
50 44.467 73.150 11 13 7 5.93 0.663 46 0.16 0.5427 0.0915
50 44.467 73.150 12 19 4 3.18 0.481 33 0.41 0.2141 0.0672
51 41.167 73.133 1 11 6 7.18 0.825 57 0.41 0.3740 0.0521
51 41.167 73.133 2 10 6 7.27 0.884 57 0.40 0.4547 0.0625
51 41.167 73.133 3 11 6 8.86 0.959 59 0.36 0.3770 0.0425
51 41.167 73.133 4 10 7 9.43 1.092 64 0.18 0.4922 0.0522
51 41.167 73.133 5 11 5 8.08 1.343 59 0.03 0.4588 0.0568
51 41.167 73.133 6 8 5 8.93 1.541 79 0.01 0.3103 0.0348
51 41.167 73.133 7 8 4 10.95 2.664 79 0.05 0.4286 0.0391
51 41.167 73.133 8 10 3 8.89 2.169 67 0.02 0.4043 0.0455
51 41.167 73.133 9 7 6 10.21 1.598 87 0.02 0.4095 0.0401
51 41.167 73.133 10 7 6 11.69 1.537 100 0.12 0.4262 0.0365
51 41.167 73.133 11 8 8 11.93 1.183 79 0.20 0.5859 0.0491
51 41.167 73.133 12 12 5 7.26 0.923 53 0.41 0.4404 0.0606
52 37.100 88.600 1 6 9 30.09 0.000 114 0.16 0.1557 0.0052
52 37.100 88.600 2 5 9 14.00 2.158 110 0.18 0.4980 0.0356
52 37.100 88.600 3 4 32 25.12 1.599 131 0.30 0.6738 0.0268
52 37.100 88.600 4 8 5 12.30 3.080 76 0.16 0.6469 0.0526
52 37.100 88.600 5 6 10 17.08 3.787 103 0.13 0.6195 0.0363
52 37.100 88.600 6 6 5 15.47 3.759 110 0.19 0.7609 0.0492
52 37.100 88.600 7 4 17 20.87 3.285 151 0.27 0.7582 0.0363
52 37.100 88.600 8 6 4 13.29 4.377 110 0.18 0.7499 0.0564
52 37.100 88.600 9 4 7 17.77 4.358 148 0.16 0.5067 0.0285
52 37.100 88.600 10 5 6 13.86 3.251 133 0.11 0.6314 0.0456
52 37.100 88.600 11 5 8 16.39 2.275 110 0.19 0.6265 0.0382
52 37.100 88.600 12 4 15 20.38 2.231 136 0.13 0.8961 0.0440
53 42.933 78.733 1 24 6 3.29 0.427 24 0.20 0.2820 0.0857
53 42.933 78.733 2 17 7 3.68 0.426 31 0.20 0.2868 0.0780
53 42.933 78.733 3 15 8 4.87 0.593 40 0.02 0.4599 0.0944
53 42.933 78.733 4 15 6 5.03 0.785 41 0.00 0.5441 0.1081
53 42.933 78.733 5 11 7 6.87 0.949 59 0.00 0.5058 0.0736
53 42.933 78.733 6 10 5 7.65 1.581 66 0.06 0.3746 0.0490
53 42.933 78.733 7 11 3 6.87 1.916 64 0.02 0.4652 0.0677
53 42.933 78.733 8 10 5 10.25 2.131 65 0.12 0.5440 0.0531
53 42.933 78.733 9 11 5 7.59 1.392 58 0.02 0.3569 0.0470
53 42.933 78.733 10 9 11 8.61 0.820 71 0.05 0.4997 0.0581
53 42.933 78.733 11 14 9 6.96 0.701 39 0.08 0.4369 0.0628
Storm rainfall in the United States 387

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
53 42.933 78.733 12 22 6 3.99 0.511 26 0.24 0.3857 0.0967
54 42.867 100.550 1 3 7 1.95 0.312 189 0.15 0.5401 0.2768
54 42.867 100.550 2 3 9 3.33 0.350 168 0.01 0.4789 0.1438
54 42.867 100.550 3 5 11 4.90 0.444 136 0.01 0.4761 0.0971
54 42.867 100.550 4 7 7 6.44 0.869 89 0.03 0.4591 0.0713
54 42.867 100.550 5 9 7 8.54 1.684 73 0.15 0.4805 0.0563
54 42.867 100.550 6 10 4 6.95 1.878 61 0.07 0.5486 0.0790
54 42.867 100.550 7 9 3 7.46 2.708 72 0.06 0.4314 0.0578
54 42.867 100.550 8 8 3 7.74 2.305 86 0.07 0.4078 0.0527
54 42.867 100.550 9 6 4 5.94 1.341 105 0.07 0.5169 0.0870
54 42.867 100.550 10 4 7 5.96 0.892 177 0.04 0.6248 0.1049
54 42.867 100.550 11 4 6 3.53 0.522 175 0.04 0.4692 0.1330
54 42.867 100.550 12 4 7 2.41 0.343 181 0.02 0.3875 0.1610
55 33.433 112.017 1 2 17 7.22 0.647 297 0.20 0.7697 0.1000
55 33.433 112.017 2 2 12 6.88 0.684 279 0.18 0.6539 0.0900
55 33.433 112.017 3 2 12 8.37 0.781 288 0.15 0.7176 0.0800
55 33.433 112.017 4 1 6 4.28 0.761 548 0.06 0.6963 0.1600
55 33.433 112.017 5 1 2 3.07 1.101 643 0.08 0.5876 0.1900
55 33.433 112.017 6 0 44 7.36 0.957 999 0.27 0.4544 0.0600
55 33.433 112.017 7 2 7 6.45 2.014 270 0.23 0.3641 0.0500
55 33.433 112.017 8 6 1 2.41 2.408 113 0.00 0.2939 0.1200
55 33.433 112.017 9 2 6 7.22 1.606 308 0.15 0.3472 0.0400
55 33.433 112.017 10 2 8 7.83 0.815 341 0.07 0.4971 0.0600
55 33.433 112.017 11 1 11 8.25 0.865 413 0.25 1.1306 0.1300
55 33.433 112.017 12 2 11 8.99 0.892 292 0.11 0.5196 0.0500
56 32.133 81.200 1 8 7 9.84 1.249 81 0.02 0.5346 0.0543
56 32.133 81.200 2 11 4 7.43 1.341 55 0.19 0.4398 0.0592
56 32.133 81.200 3 8 7 12.35 1.687 84 0.02 0.5765 0.0467
56 32.133 81.200 4 6 7 13.40 2.133 113 0.11 0.5304 0.0396
56 32.133 81.200 5 7 7 15.11 2.538 94 0.14 0.5848 0.0387
56 32.133 81.200 6 9 6 15.20 2.900 69 0.14 0.4814 0.0317
56 32.133 81.200 7 13 5 13.39 3.242 50 0.11 0.4471 0.0334
56 32.133 81.200 8 12 5 15.14 3.626 54 0.13 0.4776 0.0315
56 32.133 81.200 9 9 6 14.76 2.537 70 0.07 0.2283 0.0155
56 32.133 81.200 10 5 7 10.84 1.770 129 0.10 0.3711 0.0342
56 32.133 81.200 11 6 5 8.00 1.289 111 0.07 0.4571 0.0571
56 32.133 81.200 12 8 6 8.38 1.237 82 0.14 0.5812 0.0694
57 40.783 111.950 1 6 13 4.92 0.450 95 0.19 0.7976 0.1622
57 40.783 111.950 2 6 9 4.68 0.553 89 0.14 0.7698 0.1646
57 40.783 111.950 3 8 9 5.51 0.638 77 0.08 0.8065 0.1464
57 40.783 111.950 4 7 11 7.53 0.649 87 0.00 0.5895 0.0783
57 40.783 111.950 5 6 11 6.96 0.674 104 0.10 0.5915 0.0850
57 40.783 111.950 6 4 11 4.65 0.628 166 0.14 0.5078 0.0898
57 40.783 111.950 7 3 7 5.48 1.192 193 0.19 0.4158 0.0759
57 40.783 111.950 8 4 8 5.60 0.969 165 0.17 0.3827 0.0683
57 40.783 111.950 9 3 13 7.55 0.685 173 0.10 0.3023 0.0400
57 40.783 111.950 10 4 12 7.90 0.675 160 0.09 0.7614 0.0964
57 40.783 111.950 11 4 18 7.17 0.515 133 0.27 0.9865 0.1376
(continued )
388 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
57 40.783 111.950 12 6 14 5.56 0.488 108 0.21 0.5987 0.1077
58 38.433 113.017 1 4 14 3.88 0.363 151 0.27 0.6891 0.1775
58 38.433 113.017 2 5 7 3.19 0.479 113 0.13 0.7285 0.2283
58 38.433 113.017 3 5 18 5.49 0.452 124 0.25 0.8829 0.1610
58 38.433 113.017 4 4 15 5.77 0.553 161 0.26 0.7614 0.1320
58 38.433 113.017 5 4 10 4.67 0.751 169 0.20 0.6035 0.1293
58 38.433 113.017 6 2 6 4.06 0.750 253 0.10 0.3939 0.0970
58 38.433 113.017 7 3 19 5.77 0.887 214 0.28 0.6894 0.1194
58 38.433 113.017 8 5 4 3.87 1.115 129 0.12 0.4478 0.1156
58 38.433 113.017 9 3 5 5.53 0.956 189 0.01 0.4902 0.0886
58 38.433 113.017 10 3 11 6.07 0.634 218 0.22 0.8226 0.1356
58 38.433 113.017 11 3 10 5.04 0.507 187 0.10 0.7783 0.1546
58 38.433 113.017 12 4 11 3.94 0.444 158 0.21 0.5560 0.1411
59 31.800 106.400 1 2 9 3.54 0.471 250 0.20 0.8987 0.2542
59 31.800 106.400 2 2 7 4.77 0.704 282 0.07 0.7656 0.1604
59 31.800 106.400 3 2 4 3.56 0.761 308 0.06 0.5962 0.1675
59 31.800 106.400 4 1 5 3.77 0.751 477 0.05 0.3506 0.0930
59 31.800 106.400 5 2 3 3.21 1.402 357 0.11 0.4731 0.1473
59 31.800 106.400 6 2 9 7.12 1.475 277 0.22 0.4654 0.0654
59 31.800 106.400 7 4 17 8.91 1.111 137 0.27 0.3669 0.0412
59 31.800 106.400 8 6 4 5.56 1.649 107 0.10 0.3646 0.0656
59 31.800 106.400 9 4 8 9.18 1.398 167 0.11 0.3473 0.0378
59 31.800 106.400 10 2 11 7.12 0.911 246 0.15 0.4950 0.0695
59 31.800 106.400 11 2 8 4.13 0.596 323 0.14 0.4946 0.1199
59 31.800 106.400 12 2 11 5.13 0.507 266 0.12 0.4782 0.0932
60 27.767 97.500 1 5 12 8.17 0.617 125 0.01 0.2161 0.0265
60 27.767 97.500 2 4 13 10.48 0.752 133 0.03 0.3349 0.0320
60 27.767 97.500 3 4 6 5.65 1.114 163 0.08 0.2797 0.0495
60 27.767 97.500 4 4 5 11.21 2.035 162 0.04 0.2837 0.0253
60 27.767 97.500 5 5 8 15.57 2.767 136 0.14 0.4302 0.0276
60 27.767 97.500 6 4 13 18.36 2.211 158 0.21 0.3802 0.0207
60 27.767 97.500 7 3 10 15.05 2.088 196 0.11 0.2462 0.0164
60 27.767 97.500 8 3 22 25.40 1.928 198 0.18 0.2623 0.0103
60 27.767 97.500 9 6 11 21.89 2.896 97 0.14 0.2835 0.0129
60 27.767 97.500 10 4 13 19.34 2.508 155 0.21 0.4482 0.0232
60 27.767 97.500 11 4 11 9.83 1.207 166 0.17 0.4038 0.0411
60 27.767 97.500 12 4 14 8.63 0.751 171 0.12 0.3709 0.0430
61 44.117 123.217 1 8 30 24.17 0.690 59 0.14 0.3578 0.0148
61 44.117 123.217 2 7 26 18.39 0.674 61 0.02 0.4670 0.0254
61 44.117 123.217 3 4 85 32.44 0.429 103 0.15 0.6399 0.0197
61 44.117 123.217 4 7 17 9.79 0.637 79 0.16 0.4967 0.0507
61 44.117 123.217 5 6 16 8.00 0.602 100 0.18 0.5099 0.0637
61 44.117 123.217 6 4 13 8.10 0.715 151 0.12 0.5424 0.0670
61 44.117 123.217 7 1 9 5.26 0.693 395 0.20 0.3408 0.0648
61 44.117 123.217 8 2 22 11.01 0.665 330 0.17 0.4895 0.0444
61 44.117 123.217 9 2 27 12.76 0.723 214 0.25 0.5429 0.0425
61 44.117 123.217 10 3 45 22.46 0.538 143 0.09 0.4347 0.0194
61 44.117 123.217 11 6 41 31.55 0.765 74 0.01 0.4163 0.0132
Storm rainfall in the United States 389

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
61 44.117 123.217 12 6 47 32.41 0.589 71 0.17 0.3193 0.0099
62 46.150 123.883 1 7 53 36.47 0.601 51 0.18 0.4755 0.0130
62 46.150 123.883 2 8 36 23.83 0.627 44 0.05 0.5387 0.0226
62 46.150 123.883 3 9 34 19.60 0.549 46 0.06 0.5257 0.0268
62 46.150 123.883 4 12 17 10.23 0.572 42 0.01 0.4893 0.0478
62 46.150 123.883 5 11 13 6.76 0.515 56 0.01 0.3231 0.0478
62 46.150 123.883 6 7 18 8.54 0.468 75 0.01 0.4612 0.0540
62 46.150 123.883 7 5 13 5.76 0.459 133 0.03 0.3293 0.0572
62 46.150 123.883 8 5 15 7.02 0.438 133 0.02 0.3829 0.0545
62 46.150 123.883 9 4 32 17.20 0.571 122 0.06 0.4020 0.0234
62 46.150 123.883 10 4 95 49.37 0.526 114 0.02 0.3690 0.0075
62 46.150 123.883 11 5 65 46.39 0.728 62 0.03 0.5776 0.0125
62 46.150 123.883 12 8 42 31.46 0.746 45 0.00 0.5662 0.0180
63 47.450 122.300 1 10 22 13.52 0.579 49 0.04 0.5387 0.0399
63 47.450 122.300 2 10 18 10.18 0.567 50 0.02 0.5654 0.0555
63 47.450 122.300 3 11 15 8.25 0.551 49 0.07 0.5323 0.0645
63 47.450 122.300 4 13 7 4.30 0.596 45 0.01 0.5413 0.1258
63 47.450 122.300 5 8 9 5.21 0.585 77 0.10 0.4581 0.0879
63 47.450 122.300 6 5 18 7.39 0.537 126 0.24 0.6045 0.0818
63 47.450 122.300 7 3 11 5.42 0.734 191 0.27 0.7503 0.1384
63 47.450 122.300 8 3 17 8.91 0.502 198 0.01 0.4030 0.0453
63 47.450 122.300 9 5 18 9.65 0.648 108 0.20 0.5280 0.0547
63 47.450 122.300 10 5 35 16.17 0.658 106 0.25 0.4998 0.0309
63 47.450 122.300 11 13 12 9.84 0.793 39 0.02 0.5686 0.0578
63 47.450 122.300 12 10 24 15.39 0.619 49 0.02 0.5003 0.0325
64 48.217 106.617 1 5 12 1.68 0.234 120 0.36 0.6256 0.3733
64 48.217 106.617 2 6 6 1.19 0.254 106 0.36 0.8175 0.6891
64 48.217 106.617 3 6 6 1.65 0.337 111 0.20 0.4260 0.2574
64 48.217 106.617 4 6 6 2.74 0.471 110 0.06 0.3622 0.1322
64 48.217 106.617 5 7 11 6.30 0.645 95 0.10 0.3774 0.0599
64 48.217 106.617 6 10 4 5.64 1.398 65 0.01 0.3658 0.0649
64 48.217 106.617 7 7 4 5.81 1.657 97 0.11 0.2924 0.0504
64 48.217 106.617 8 5 5 5.73 1.037 119 0.03 0.1860 0.0324
64 48.217 106.617 9 5 7 4.79 0.638 127 0.03 0.3063 0.0639
64 48.217 106.617 10 5 3 2.84 0.556 130 0.32 0.3024 0.1064
64 48.217 106.617 11 4 8 1.74 0.301 145 0.29 0.6673 0.3830
64 48.217 106.617 12 6 10 1.54 0.231 112 0.49 0.6286 0.4091
65 48.183 103.633 1 7 7 2.03 0.312 99 0.21 0.6018 0.2965
65 48.183 103.633 2 5 6 2.00 0.332 108 0.10 0.5176 0.2583
65 48.183 103.633 3 5 11 3.07 0.358 119 0.21 0.4889 0.1593
65 48.183 103.633 4 6 7 4.79 0.633 101 0.05 0.3817 0.0797
65 48.183 103.633 5 5 15 7.99 0.682 112 0.15 0.3871 0.0484
65 48.183 103.633 6 9 6 7.09 1.474 71 0.14 0.4678 0.0659
65 48.183 103.633 7 9 2 5.59 1.872 77 0.02 0.3021 0.0540
65 48.183 103.633 8 7 3 4.33 1.309 90 0.04 0.3681 0.0850
65 48.183 103.633 9 6 7 5.78 0.721 109 0.10 0.3486 0.0603
65 48.183 103.633 10 4 5 4.03 0.607 147 0.20 0.2594 0.0643
65 48.183 103.633 11 4 9 2.82 0.373 150 0.18 0.6543 0.2319
(continued )
390 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
65 48.183 103.633 12 5 14 2.77 0.276 130 0.31 0.5592 0.2019
66 46.467 84.367 1 14 12 4.09 0.309 38 0.04 0.5077 0.1240
66 46.467 84.367 2 16 6 2.64 0.349 35 0.22 0.3325 0.1260
66 46.467 84.367 3 12 8 4.60 0.491 53 0.10 0.4505 0.0980
66 46.467 84.367 4 8 11 7.03 0.607 69 0.01 0.5449 0.0775
66 46.467 84.367 5 10 7 6.98 0.963 65 0.01 0.3898 0.0559
66 46.467 84.367 6 12 5 6.95 1.278 53 0.03 0.4280 0.0615
66 46.467 84.367 7 10 4 7.09 1.646 66 0.04 0.5067 0.0715
66 46.467 84.367 8 12 4 7.18 1.416 54 0.07 0.3753 0.0523
66 46.467 84.367 9 15 5 6.28 1.108 40 0.07 0.4929 0.0785
66 46.467 84.367 10 12 9 7.23 0.798 52 0.03 0.2350 0.0325
66 46.467 84.367 11 15 10 5.59 0.499 37 0.12 0.4734 0.0847
66 46.467 84.367 12 18 9 3.85 0.373 31 0.13 0.4832 0.1256
67 30.683 88.250 1 12 5 11.09 1.545 57 0.19 0.2966 0.0267
67 30.683 88.250 2 9 6 14.33 1.991 63 0.08 0.5146 0.0359
67 30.683 88.250 3 11 4 13.77 2.370 59 0.16 0.4634 0.0337
67 30.683 88.250 4 6 5 17.68 2.720 100 0.12 0.3696 0.0209
67 30.683 88.250 5 7 6 18.99 3.136 88 0.05 0.4320 0.0227
67 30.683 88.250 6 9 8 14.38 3.021 71 0.19 0.3907 0.0272
67 30.683 88.250 7 15 4 12.60 3.478 43 0.12 0.3198 0.0254
67 30.683 88.250 8 19 2 9.12 3.311 35 0.06 0.3710 0.0407
67 30.683 88.250 9 9 7 17.53 2.848 71 0.12 0.3323 0.0190
67 30.683 88.250 10 5 8 15.86 2.096 137 0.05 0.2703 0.0170
67 30.683 88.250 11 6 8 14.59 1.860 101 0.05 0.4078 0.0280
67 30.683 88.250 12 9 7 14.68 1.794 74 0.05 0.5672 0.0386
68 24.550 81.750 1 6 4 8.73 1.781 118 0.03 0.1100 0.0126
68 24.550 81.750 2 5 5 8.48 1.658 115 0.03 0.5399 0.0637
68 24.550 81.750 3 5 3 8.70 2.414 135 0.02 0.3411 0.0392
68 24.550 81.750 4 3 5 12.34 2.297 190 0.01 0.2564 0.0208
68 24.550 81.750 5 4 21 21.36 1.752 135 0.14 0.2997 0.0140
68 24.550 81.750 6 9 9 13.92 2.408 69 0.15 0.2888 0.0207
68 24.550 81.750 7 11 4 8.47 2.358 63 0.13 0.4212 0.0497
68 24.550 81.750 8 15 4 8.56 2.615 44 0.10 0.3902 0.0456
68 24.550 81.750 9 17 3 9.19 2.629 37 0.04 0.2882 0.0313
68 24.550 81.750 10 9 7 12.44 1.819 74 0.04 0.2302 0.0185
68 24.550 81.750 11 6 5 12.08 1.744 112 0.12 0.0590 0.0049
68 24.550 81.750 12 5 6 9.91 1.595 126 0.02 0.2123 0.0214
69 29.183 81.050 1 7 4 7.80 1.453 91 0.18 0.2939 0.0377
69 29.183 81.050 2 6 8 12.04 1.679 93 0.11 0.4413 0.0366
69 29.183 81.050 3 6 8 13.53 1.794 109 0.08 0.4088 0.0302
69 29.183 81.050 4 5 5 12.98 2.294 136 0.02 0.3937 0.0303
69 29.183 81.050 5 5 12 14.05 1.807 113 0.21 0.4715 0.0336
69 29.183 81.050 6 8 12 18.38 2.669 72 0.21 0.4715 0.0336
69 29.183 81.050 7 11 7 13.45 2.884 59 0.23 0.5419 0.0403
69 29.183 81.050 8 12 6 13.71 3.380 55 0.17 0.4347 0.0317
69 29.183 81.050 9 11 7 14.95 2.475 53 0.08 0.3721 0.0249
69 29.183 81.050 10 8 10 15.16 1.785 81 0.06 0.2587 0.0171
69 29.183 81.050 11 6 5 9.50 1.740 100 0.02 0.2756 0.0290
Storm rainfall in the United States 391

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
69 29.183 81.050 12 6 6 9.47 1.394 107 0.05 0.3343 0.0353
70 43.117 77.667 1 19 6 3.02 0.422 31 0.17 0.3433 0.1137
70 43.117 77.667 2 16 6 3.46 0.441 33 0.28 0.2499 0.0722
70 43.117 77.667 3 13 7 4.52 0.568 46 0.05 0.4672 0.1034
70 43.117 77.667 4 10 11 6.84 0.688 61 0.15 0.6874 0.1004
70 43.117 77.667 5 10 7 6.38 0.973 65 0.06 0.5354 0.0839
70 43.117 77.667 6 9 5 7.60 1.500 70 0.06 0.4860 0.0640
70 43.117 77.667 7 9 4 6.80 1.938 71 0.12 0.5347 0.0786
70 43.117 77.667 8 10 4 8.30 1.965 66 0.11 0.6045 0.0728
70 43.117 77.667 9 11 4 6.40 1.225 58 0.06 0.4379 0.0684
70 43.117 77.667 10 10 8 6.38 0.770 66 0.00 0.3554 0.0557
70 43.117 77.667 11 14 7 5.17 0.626 42 0.11 0.3709 0.0718
70 43.117 77.667 12 20 5 3.27 0.470 30 0.21 0.3522 0.1076
71 35.267 75.550 1 9 6 11.28 1.472 69 0.24 0.3840 0.0340
71 35.267 75.550 2 8 5 10.47 1.537 73 0.21 0.5524 0.0528
71 35.267 75.550 3 10 4 8.01 1.469 68 0.23 0.3608 0.0450
71 35.267 75.550 4 6 4 8.63 1.611 100 0.07 0.4726 0.0548
71 35.267 75.550 5 6 9 13.51 1.811 112 0.14 0.6349 0.0470
71 35.267 75.550 6 7 5 11.52 2.269 99 0.05 0.4030 0.0350
71 35.267 75.550 7 9 6 12.48 2.455 77 0.09 0.4020 0.0322
71 35.267 75.550 8 9 5 12.68 2.286 75 0.03 0.3114 0.0246
71 35.267 75.550 9 6 8 17.03 1.985 110 0.01 0.2801 0.0164
71 35.267 75.550 10 6 7 16.49 2.010 108 0.02 0.3508 0.0213
71 35.267 75.550 11 6 6 14.29 1.683 98 0.21 0.3041 0.0213
71 35.267 75.550 12 4 23 20.24 1.325 137 0.23 0.8528 0.0421
72 36.900 76.200 1 10 7 9.27 1.056 62 0.23 0.5538 0.0597
72 36.900 76.200 2 10 6 8.37 1.083 56 0.18 0.6039 0.0722
72 36.900 76.200 3 13 4 6.93 1.205 50 0.15 0.4239 0.0611
72 36.900 76.200 4 9 5 8.13 1.422 70 0.01 0.5064 0.0623
72 36.900 76.200 5 9 7 10.78 1.921 75 0.12 0.6055 0.0562
72 36.900 76.200 6 9 4 9.86 2.363 72 0.02 0.3392 0.0344
72 36.900 76.200 7 10 6 12.90 2.843 67 0.17 0.5016 0.0389
72 36.900 76.200 8 10 4 12.53 2.780 67 0.04 0.2721 0.0217
72 36.900 76.200 9 7 7 15.88 2.015 95 0.03 0.3305 0.0208
72 36.900 76.200 10 7 7 12.01 1.588 94 0.00 0.4691 0.0390
72 36.900 76.200 11 7 7 9.51 1.216 91 0.07 0.6181 0.0650
72 36.900 76.200 12 10 6 8.40 1.049 68 0.20 0.5402 0.0643
73 32.783 79.933 1 9 6 8.03 1.175 70 0.10 0.5122 0.0638
73 32.783 79.933 2 10 4 7.28 1.374 57 0.11 0.4737 0.0651
73 32.783 79.933 3 9 6 11.88 1.801 74 0.03 0.5921 0.0498
73 32.783 79.933 4 6 6 10.18 1.589 109 0.02 0.5264 0.0517
73 32.783 79.933 5 6 8 13.48 2.067 107 0.17 0.4948 0.0367
73 32.783 79.933 6 7 11 18.12 2.181 88 0.15 0.3361 0.0185
73 32.783 79.933 7 11 5 13.46 3.890 59 0.13 0.4733 0.0352
73 32.783 79.933 8 10 7 15.41 2.913 64 0.14 0.4360 0.0283
73 32.783 79.933 9 9 6 15.22 2.832 71 0.07 0.3004 0.0197
73 32.783 79.933 10 4 9 14.54 1.620 145 0.02 0.2809 0.0193
73 32.783 79.933 11 6 5 7.86 1.372 103 0.01 0.4435 0.0564
(continued )
392 Appendix F

Table F.2. (cont.)

Station Latitude Longitude m tr mh mi m tb o

ID ( N) ( W) Month m (h) (mm) (mm h1 ) (h) [i, tr ] o (mm1 )
73 32.783 79.933 12 8 5 8.06 1.210 78 0.14 0.5212 0.0647
74 25.900 97.433 1 1 12 8.95 0.670 631 0.05 0.2856 0.0319
74 25.900 97.433 2 1 10 7.86 0.663 582 0.07 0.3644 0.0463
74 25.900 97.433 3 1 5 4.17 1.040 705 0.12 0.4284 0.1028
74 25.900 97.433 4 0 20 10.43 1.762 1852 0.31 0.5932 0.0569
74 25.900 97.433 5 0 18 20.96 3.014 1278 0.24 0.4471 0.0213
74 25.900 97.433 6 0 17 20.69 3.679 828 0.31 0.6234 0.0301
74 25.900 97.433 7 1 8 16.35 3.472 644 0.17 0.3133 0.0191
74 25.900 97.433 8 1 6 10.63 2.513 736 0.20 0.3819 0.0359
74 25.900 97.433 9 1 18 29.15 2.573 643 0.18 0.2353 0.0081
74 25.900 97.433 10 1 8 16.76 2.314 570 0.10 0.4454 0.0266
74 25.900 97.433 11 1 10 15.41 1.677 705 0.05 0.3929 0.0255
74 25.900 97.433 12 0 38 14.96 0.463 953 0.14 0.2853 0.0191
75 33.933 118.400 1 2 31 26.32 0.945 219 0.12 0.5117 0.0194
75 33.933 118.400 2 2 20 21.00 1.141 189 0.07 0.3897 0.0186
75 33.933 118.400 3 3 14 12.16 1.079 179 0.17 0.5856 0.0482
75 33.933 118.400 4 2 14 9.61 0.817 287 0.14 0.6370 0.0663
75 33.933 118.400 5 1 4 2.82 0.589 568 0.01 0.1347 0.0477
75 33.933 118.400 6 0 1 0.53 0.525 704 0.00 0.8433 1.6049
75 33.933 118.400 7 0 1 0.41 0.412 1082 0.00 0.4555 1.1068
75 33.933 118.400 8 1 1 1.52 1.521 582 0.00 0.3937 0.2588
75 33.933 118.400 9 1 3 3.91 0.770 499 0.28 0.2991 0.0765
75 33.933 118.400 10 1 2 3.08 1.115 334 0.14 0.2097 0.0680
75 33.933 118.400 11 2 17 18.18 1.084 291 0.05 0.4840 0.0266
75 33.933 118.400 12 2 21 15.89 0.864 269 0.10 0.4551 0.0286

Derivation of the G-function

In deriving the G-function neglecting scattering we follow the work of Ross and Nilson
(1965) (see Ross, 1975, 1981). We refer to Fig. 3.13 for notation.
For the special case rs = rz = z, h = 2 and the angle being averaged is that
between the vertical and the leaf normal giving

G(h ) G(L ) = cos(L ) . (G.1)

If g(L , L ) is the probability density function of foliage area orientation, its integral
over the celestial hemisphere must satisfy
g(L , L ) d# 1, (G.2)
2 0

in which an increment of the central solid angle, #, is # = sin(L )L L . It is

unusual for leaves to be oriented with downward-facing upper leaf surfaces so we
restrict the integration space of Eq. G.2 to the upper hemisphere. Equation G.2 is
expanded as
1 2
dL g(L , L ) sin(L ) dL 1. (G.3)
2 0 0

Assuming azimuthal uniformity (i.e., axial symmetry) the dependence on van-

ishes, leaving g(L , L ) = g(L ), whereupon Eq. G.3 can be written

2 2
g(L ) sin(L ) dL = g (L ) dL 1, (G.4)
0 0

in which, as in Chapter 2, g (L ) is the pdf of leaf orientation angle.

394 Appendix G

With r in the Sun direction (i.e., r = rs ), the G-function can then be written
1 2
G( ) = dL g (L ) | cos r
S rL | dL . (G.5)
2 0 0

With solar zenith angle, the law of cosines gives

cos r
S rL = cos cos L + sin sin L cos( L ). (G.6)

With azimuthal symmetry, the azimuth, , of the solar vector, rs , is arbitrary, so for
convenience we will choose = 0, and Eq. G.6 becomes

cos r
S rL = cos cos L + sin sin L cos(L ). (G.7)

Since for r = rs

h, (G.8)
we can write Eq. G.7 in the alternative form

cos r
S rL = sin(h ) cos(L ) + cos(h ) sin(L ) cos(L ). (G.9)

The notation | cos r

S rL | in Eq. G.5 signifies the absolute value which is designed to
avoid losing area by mathematical cancellation of contributions from opposite sides
of the unit sphere. To assess its significance we rewrite Eq. G.9 as

| cos r
S rL | = sin(h ) cos(L )|[1 + cot(h ) tan(L ) cos(L )]|. (G.10)

We can now see that

(1) For L h , the bracketed term of Eq. G.10 remains positive for all L , and
Eq. G.6 becomes
G(h ) = sin(h ) g (L ) cos(L ) dL , L h . (G.11)

However, by definition

g (L ) cos(L ) dL , (G.12)

or in this case, since L h , g (L ) 0 for h < L 2 , and

= g (L ) cos(L ) dL , L h . (G.13)

Using Eq. 3.16, Eq. G.11 then becomes

G(h )
= b = , L h . (G.14)
sin(h )
Derivation of the G-function 395

(2) For L > h , cot(h ) tan(L ) > 1, and the bracketed term of Eq. G.10 will be
negative whenever

cos(L ) < tan(h ) cot(L ), L > h . (G.15)

The value, o , of the azimuthal angle at which the sign change takes place is

o cos1 [tan(h ) cot(L )], (G.16)

and its supplement, os o , is

os cos1 [tan(h ) cot(L )]. (G.17)

We can then write Eq. G.05 for L > h as

1 2
G(h ) = sin(h ) g (L ) cos(L ) {1 + cot(h ) tan(L ) cos(L )} dL dL
h 0

sin(h ) g (L ) cos(L ) {1 + cot(h ) tan(L ) cos(L )} dL dL .
h o

Integrating on L gives
G(h ) 2 2
= g (L ) cos(L ) o 1 dL
sin(h ) h

2 2
+ g (L ) cos(L ) cot(h ) tan(L ) sin(o ) dL . (G.19)
Replacing o by os , noting that sin(o ) = sin(os ), and using Eq. G.17 we have
G(h ) 2 2
= g (L ) 1 + [tan(os ) os ] cos(L ) dL , L > h . (G.20)
sin(h ) h
Finally, Eqs. G.14 and G.20 can be combined to write the general relationship

G(h ) 2 2
b = + g (L ) [tan(os ) os ] cos(L ) dL , 0 L .
sin(h ) h 2

in which for L h , the second term is identically zero. Remember that Eq. G.21
neglects scattering! We note that for L > h , the second term is always positive and
that it is dominated by the magnitude of [tan(os ) os ] as given from Eq. G.17.

The canopy absorption index and compensation

ratio as species constants

The MichaelisMenten equation

A modified MichaelisMenten equation of enzyme kinetics (White et al., 1968) is
commonly used to describe the relation between photosynthesis and light intensity
(Monteith, 1963, p. 106; Gates, 1980, p. 50). For this application retain Pr to write,
after Horn (1971, p. 68),
Pt = P + Pr = , (H.1)
I k
I0 I0
in which
Pt = total rate of photosynthesis of an isolated leaf,
P = net rate of photosynthesis of an isolated leaf,
Ps = light-saturated rate of photosynthesis of an isolated leaf,
= photosynthetic capacity of an isolated leaf,
Pr = respiration rate of an isolated leaf,
I = light intensity on an isolated leaf,
I0 = intensity of full sunlight on an isolated leaf, and
k = empirical binding constant measuring the effectiveness of an
isolated leaf in getting and processing photons (Horn, 1971, p. ix).

With I = Ik , the so-called compensation light intensity, the net rate of photosynthesis
is zero by definition and Eq. H.1 becomes, for an isolated leaf
Pr = . (H.2)
Ik k
I0 I0

Canopy absorption index and compensation ratio 397

From the approximation in Fig. 8.5 we see that k is approximately equal to ISL and
Ps = Psm by definition, so that from Eq. H.2 for an isolated leaf
Pr I0
= . (H.3)
Psm Ik ISL
I0 I0
Expanding to the whole canopy, we first assume that the compensation light intensity
is the same for all leaves, i.e.,  Ik = Ik . Next, Eqs. 8.28 and 9.02 give I
SL = ISL =
f I ( L t )I0 , making Eq. H.3 for a climax canopy
Pr I0
= , (H.4)
Psm Ik
+ f I ( L t )
and using Eq. 7.4 gives finally for the climax canopy
Pr 1
= . (H.5)
Psm 1 + f I ( L t )e L t
Both Pr and Psm are species constants which are separately temperature dependent
(cf. Larcher, 1983, pp. 94, 97), but the temperature is fixed here by our optimization
at the species constant, Tm . The ratio Pr /Psm is thus a species constant at optimum
temperature as is the canopy absorption index, L t , through Eq. H.5.
Finally, since Ik /I0 = exp ( L t ) from Eq. 7.4, Ik /I0 is itself a species constant.

Fig. H.1. Compensation

4 Maple light intensity as a species
Douglas fir constant fraction of ambient
insolation. , L t = aw
from Tables 2.2 and 2.3;
, L t = L t from
1 Table 2.2; Ik /I0 from
3 1 Table 3.9.
Lt Jack pine
Lodgepole pine


1 2 3 4
398 Appendix H

Observational conrmation
For a few of Bakers (1950) genotypes listed in Table 3.9, observations of either
the canopy absorption index, L t , or both (or ) and L t , were found in the literature
and are given in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. We use these to test the equivalence of L t and,
using Eq. 3.53, Bakers Ik /I0 as is shown in Fig. H.1. Essential agreement over the full
range of Bakers species, from ponderosa pine to maple, lends observational support
to our interpretation of the compensation intensities as a constant percentage of the
ambient insolation, and therefore that L t is a constant for a given species. This result
plays an important role in our work.

Adiabat = state space path of constant heat released in the condensation from 1 cm3 of
Advection = horizontal transport of a fluid saturated air at one temperature in contact
quantity by virtue of the fluid motion with 1 cm2 of liquid water at a lower
Albedo = ratio of light reflected from to that
received by a surface Azimuth = angular position about the
Amphistomatous = broadleaved or
needle-leaved plant species having stomates Bare soil evaporation effectiveness E =
on both leaf surfaces independent climatesoil variable
Anabolic = pertaining to the synthesis, in determining the bare soil evaporation
living systems, of more complex substances efficiency
from simpler ones Bare soil evaporation efficiency s =
Arid climate = one in which the bare soil interstorm bare soil evaporation as a fraction
evaporation is under soil control, i.e., of the potential value (Eq. 6.40)
E 2/ Basal area = projected area on a horizontal
Assimilation = the total process of plant plane
nutrition including the uptake of external Basal leaf area index L t = horizontal
foods and the process of photosynthesis leaf area per unit of crown basal area
Assimilation ratio = grams of organic Beam radiation = radiation unmodified by
matter produced per hour by a gram of the effects of intervening clouds (also called
chlorophyll under the light to which the direct radiation)
system is adapted (Odum, 1975, p. 76) Beam ratio = direct radiance fraction of
Atmospheric emissivity a = efficiency total radiance
of black body radiation from atmosphere Big leaf model = representation of canopy
Atmospheric resistance ra = the time by a single leaf having the equivalent
required for exchange of the sensible heat properties of the full canopy

400 Glossary

Biochemical assimilation capacity = the assimilation per unit of crown basal area
linear empirical function, Psm = ISL , assuming unlimited carbon supply to all
relating maximum C3 assimilation rate to leaves
the carbon-critical insolation Carryover storage = the difference, S,
Biomass = weight of living plant material between the stored soil moisture at the two
Bowen ratio rate of sensible heat ends of a partial-year growing season
flux/rate of latent heat flux Catabolic = pertaining to the degradation,
Buffered tolerance = increased tolerance in living organisms, of complex substances
of unfavorable circumstances due to special into their simpler constituents
mechanisms Characteristic penetration depth =
Bulk drag parameter kuu
, and equal to the intersection of the asymptotes of the error
crown density (Eq. 4.35) function of the dimensionless diffusion
Canopy absorption index (or just canopy depth (Appendix C-5)
index) horizontal leaf area index = L t Climate = long-term (at least 30-year)
(shown to be equal to L t ) dimensionless average of the local weather
index of exponential decay of either Climate-controlled bare soil
horizontal momentum (using ) or evaporation = evaporation under the
insolation (using ) saturating asymptote of s where E 2/
Canopy conductance kv = transpiration
Climatic assimilation potential = the linear
rate/potential rate of evaporation from a wet
empirical relation, Psm = f I ( L t )I0 ,
simple surface (Eq. 5.29)
relating the maximum crown CO2
Canopy cover M = fraction of substrate assimilation rate to the climate and the
covered by vegetation species
Canopy mass flux capacity Mkv E ps Climatic climax = the globally optimal
Canopy resistance rc = lumped resistance Il = I
bioclimatic state  
SL = ISW for M 1
of all the leaves in the crown along with all Climatic insolation I0 = daylight-hour
the labyrinthine interleaf pathways to the average of the insolation during the growing
canopy top season
Canopy-scale non-homogeneity = condition Climax = the asymptotic growth state of a
in which crowns do not fill the canopy space species; a stable stage in the evolution of a
Canopy transpiration efficiency v = plant community supplantable only by
transpiration during the interstorm period as change of the environment by some outside
a fraction of the potential value (Eq. 6.47), agency (Colinvaux, 1973); we use it in
dimensionless reference to the species that while fully
Capillary rise w = rate at which water exploiting the environments productive
rises to a bare soil surface under the forces potential is itself maximally productive, and
of capillarity (Eq. 6.51) hence stable. With this definition, the climax
state is I 
SL = I l = I0 .
Carbon-critical insolation ISL =
insolation at which a leaf of a given species Closed canopy = canopy in which the
is photosynthetically saturated when water horizontally projected leaf area equals the
is non-limiting total substrate area thereby giving M = 1
Carbon demand function fD ( L t ) = the Clustered needle varieties = trees with
light-stimulated rate of crown carbon short, stiff needles clustered closely together
Glossary 401

on long twigs forming shoots; high needle Desiccation insolation ISW = insolation
drag interference causes the characteristic at which soil moisture reaches the critical
drag dimension to be that of the cluster value causing stomates to begin closing
Compensation light intensity Ik = when light is non-limiting
insolation at which gross photosynthesis is Desorption = process of soil moisture
just balanced by total respiration, making reduction through capillary rise to the
net photosynthesis equal to zero (Eq. 7.3) surface
Competing species = multiple species all Diffuse radiation = radiation arriving from
meeting the feasibility conditions in the every point of the sky
same environment Diffusely distributed foliage = assumed
Critical light intensity = intensity at which infinite number of small, unconnected
water-equivalent of absorbed solar energy resistive elements behaving as a
flux equals potential transpiration rate continuum-like sink for momentum
Critical moisture state = soil moisture Diffusive penetration depth = depth to
concentration at which stomatal closure which moisture will penetrate a soil by
begins simple diffusion during the average
Crown = that portion of the tree above the interstorm period
lowest leaves Direct solar radiation = parallel beams of
Crown density ( hd 0
hh s
) L t (cf. Eq. 4.35) the Suns rays unmodified by intervening
governs the partition of drag between the clouds (also called beam radiation)
substrate and the foliage elements for Drag area density aD (z) = foliage
closed, sparse canopies (cf. Fig. 4.26) element drag area in a unit vertical
Crown leaf area density = one-sided leaf element of the crown-circumscribing
area/crown volume circular cylinder
Crown-scale non-homogeneity = condition Drying power = the net capacity of the
in which the leaf density is variable within ambient atmosphere to augment
the crown regardless of whether the crowns (or diminish) the radiational forcing of
fill the canopy space evaporation through adiabatic
Cuticular resistance rcu = resistance transformation of excess sensible heat into
impeding diffusion through the leaf cuticle additional latent heat (Eqs. 5.22, B.2,
Fig. B.3)
Dark respiration = the use of oxygen to
break down substances in order to provide Dry matter : radiation quotient =
energy for plant metabolism grams of dry matter produced per megajoule
of intercepted radiant energy
Deep percolation = downward movement of
infiltrated water below the depth at which Dynamically active = contributing
gravity becomes the dominant motive force significant fluid drag
Dense canopy = canopy in which the Ecotone = transition zone between
momentum reaching the substrate is different plant communities (Colinvaux,
negligible and therefore the boundary shear 1973)
stress may be neglected Ecotype = same species raised in different
Dense monolayer = monolayer with foliage habitats and retaining differences when
density high enough that the canopy drag cultivated under common conditions
results primarily from the shape of the crown (Walter and Breckle, 1985, p. 198)
402 Glossary

Eddy diffusivity = dimensional moisture to the surface under given climatic

proportionality constant between turbulent conditions (Eq. 6.32)
flux density of fluid mass or sensible heat Exfiltration rate = rate at which moisture
and the gradient (in the direction of leaves the soil at its surface under the force
transport) of the mean of this mass or of capillarity less gravity
sensible heat
Extinction parameter = coefficient of
Eddy viscosity (or eddy momentum exponential decay of a fluid quantity with
viscosity) = dimensional proportionality vertical distance
constant between turbulent flux density of
Extremophile = distribution of leaves in
fluid momentum and the gradient (in the
which both horizontal and vertical
direction of transport) of the mean of this
tendencies predominate
fluid momentum
Effective canopy conductance v kv , Feasible habitat = habitat in which the
dimensionless species is unstressed

Environmental insolation I0 = insolation Fluxgradient relationship = linear

at the top of the crown relationship of turbulent flux density of fluid
quantity to gradient in the mean of the
Equilibrium soil moisture so =
quantity in the transport direction with
spacetime average concentration of soil
proportionality coefficient being known as
moistiure in the root zone of the soil, i.e.,
the kinematic eddy viscosity
the climatic soil moisture, dimensionless
Foliage area density at (z) = one-sided
Equivalent atmospheric resistance =
foliage element area per unit horizontal area
momentum concentration difference/
per unit of canopy depth (Eq. 4.15)
momentum flux
Equivalent interleaf resistance rci = Foliage area index L t = total upper
lumped resistance of the labyrinthine surface area of all foliage elements per unit
atmospheric pathway for fluxes through of basal area (assumed approximately equal
the crown to leaf area index, L)

Equivalent leaf resistance rl = resistance Foliage elements = leaves or needles, stems,

of a unit leaf area including the leaf shoots, pods, blossoms, fruit
boundary layer Fractional relative humidity Sr
Equivalent leaf stomatal resistance Free water surface evaporation = that
rls = resistance of a unit leaf area in which which occurs from a thin film of water
the density of individual stomates is having insignificant heat storage (closely
accounted for resembles potential evaporation from
Erectophile = distribution of leaves tending adequately watered simple natural
toward the vertical (Eq. 2.13) surfaces such as individual leaves and
Evapotranspiration = the undifferentiated bare soil)
sum of evaporation (say from a bare soil Genotype = group or class sharing a specific
substrate) and transpiration (from the genetic constitution: remains unaltered for a
vegetated component) as measured at screen plant maintaining itself in a complex and
height above the canopy (Eq. 6.49) changing environment (Sinnott, 1960,
Exfiltration capacity f e = the rate at p. 303)
which, by virtue of its properties and G-function G(h ) = average over the
moisture content, the soil can return canopy of the projection of a unit foliage
Glossary 403

area on a plane normal to the Sun direction; Hypostomatous = broadleaved or

G(h )/ sin(h ) = shadow area per unit of needle-leaved plant species having stomates
foliage area (Eq. G.21) on only the underside of the leaves
Global radiation = combined direct solar Incipient illumination = the state of shadow
radiation and diffuse radiation in a canopy such that any increase in
Gross primary productivity GPP = environmental insolation will reduce the
NPP + respiration fullness of that shadow

Gross time = includes the hours of darkness Individual needle varieties = trees with long
needles which are separated to the point of
Growing season = period during which relative drag independence
light, temperature and moisture conditions
are conducive to plant growth Infiltration capacity = infiltration rate as
limited by soil properties and moisture
Habitat = the native environment of a plant content (Eq. 6.16)
species; we use it in reference to the
Infiltration rate = rate at which moisture
environment in which a given species is
enters the soil under the forces of gravity
maximally productive
and capillarity
Habitat heat proposition = Eq. 9.1, Fig. 9.4
Insolation = quantity of radiant solar energy
Habitat light proposition: L = 1 (Eq. 9.3, arriving at a unit of horizontal surface
Figs. 9.5, 9.6) during a given time
Habitat water proposition; water-limited Insolation absorption index L t
branch: W = 1, M 1 (Eq. 9.13,
Insolation extinction coefficient
Fig. 9.7); light-limited branch: W < 1,
M = 1 (Eq. 9.14, Fig 9.7) Intercellular resistance ric = resistance
controlling flow within the stomatal cavity
Heliotropism = the tendency of a plant to
move toward or away from the light Interception = precipitation trapped on
foliage surfaces
Hemispherical distribution = uniform
distribution = probability density function Interception capacity = depth of water
which is constant for all values of the which surface tension and gravity forces are
variable (e.g., distribution of the normal capable of holding on the leaf surface
direction to a unit element of the surface Interference function s( ) = function
area of a hemisphere) describing the drag-modulating effects of
Homogeneity function a(z) at ( )/L t , neighboring foliage elements and/or crowns
equal unity in homogeneous canopy Interleaf layer resistance ri = average
Homogeneous the same at all points resistance of atmospheric path between
adjacent leaf layers
Homogeneous canopy = canopy of
homogeneous cylindrical crowns Interstorm period = time between cessation
with M = 1 of one rainstorm and the beginning of
the next
Homogeneous crown = same foliage
area density everywhere in crown Irradiance = the rate at which incident
radiant energy is received per unit of
Horizontal leaf area index canopy
surface area
absorption index = L t (shown to be
equal to L t and to be a species constant) Isothermal = constant temperature
(Eq. 7.4) Isotropic = insensitive to direction at a point
404 Glossary

Leaf area density aL ( ) = one-sided leaf Maximum canopy conductance = canopy

area per unit horizontal area per unit of conductance at minimum r
c /ra (Eq. 7.14)
canopy depth Maximum canopy moisture flux Mkv
Leaf area index L = total one-sided leaf (Eqs. 6.66, 7.36), dimensionless
area per unit of basal area (assumed
Maximum crown moisture flux = flux at
approximately equal to the foliage area
minimum r
c /r a
index, L t )
MichaelisMenten equation =
Leaf boundary layer resistance rla =
photosynthetic rate as a function of
resistance restricting flow from the leaf
insolation rate (Eq. 8.2)
surface out to the ambient atmosphere
Leaf inclination = leaf angle L = angle Mixing length l = average distance
between leaf surface and the horizontal = traversed by a fluctuating fluid element
cos1 before it aquires the velocity of its new
Leaf layer = horizontal crown layer
containing leaves whose one-sided surface Momentum (horizontal) absorption
equals the plan area of the crown index L t
Leaf layer stomatal resistance rlls = Momentum (horizontal) extinction
equivalent stomatal resistance of all leaves coefficient
of a leaf layer Monolayer = tree having the leaves
Leafy plants = plants with surfaces having concentrated in a thin layer of uniform
a significant horizontal projection and for density at the crown surface
which the drag is primarily skin-friction
Monolayer foliage volume density dt L t
Light characteristic = asymptotic (Eq. 7.22)
approximation of the leaf photosynthetic
MonsiSaeki radiation extinction =
capacity curve (Fig. 8.7) I ( )
= exp ( L t ), (Eq. 7.1)
Light respiration = the release of CO2 as a
Multilayer = tree having the leaves
byproduct of plant photochemistry
distributed more-or-less homogeneously
Light-limited = the suboptimal bioclimatic
throughout the crown
state in which I 
SL > Il
Natural habitat = environment where the
Light-limited climax = the bioclimatic state
 species has maximum stressless productivity
Il = I 
SL < ISW with M = 1
Limiting soil moisture volume Ve = Net primary productivity NPP = the sum
necessary soil moisture volume at beginning of the accumulation of green plant biomass
of mean interstorm period such that at end plus any net transfer of organic carbon from
of mean interstorm period the average soil the green plant compartment to other
moisture is the critical value, s = s5 compartments within the ecosystem
(Eq. 6.59) (Bormann and Likens, 1979, p. 16)

Lumped canopy resistance = rc (Eq. 7.26) Net radiation Rn = qi qb = the

difference between incoming and back
Mat surface = dull surface
Matching conditions = the canopy top value
of fluid quantities as determined separately NIR = near infrared radiation
by their different variation with vertical Open canopy = canopy in which the
distance within and above the canopy but horizontally projected leaf area is less than
which must match at canopy top the substrate area thereby giving M < 1
Glossary 405

Optical optimality = the set of physical Planophile = distribution of leaves in which

conditions producing maximum absorption the leaves tend toward the horizontal
of incident radiation by the canopy (Eq. 2.12)
Optimal bioclimatic state = I  
SW ISL = Il PriestleyTaylor equation = isothermal
Optimal canopy state = canopy with relation for potential evaporation
optimum foliage state and at critical (Eq. 5.35)
moisture state (Fig. 7.10) Primary productivity = the rate at which
Optimal foliage state = the leaf area index energy is bound or organic material created
and hence species for which, at given leaf by photosynthesis, per unit area, per unit
angle and at optical optimality, the time (Whittaker, 1975)
resistance ratio is minimum causing both the Potential rate of evaporation = the rate at
water vapor flux and nutrient flux to be which water will evaporate from a saturated
maximum (Fig. 7.4) simple surface under a particular fixed set of
PAR = photosynthetically active radiation atmospheric conditions
Penetration depth z i = average maximum Potential rate of transpiration = the rate at
penetration of the soil-wetting process, m which water will transpire from a plant
Penetration function exp ( L t ) = under given atmospheric conditions when
decay of insolation with depth into the the stomates are fully open
crown Potential water-limited photosynthesis =
Penman equation = classic expression for photosynthetic rate as limited by the
potential evaporation from a saturated available water if light were non-limiting
simple surface (Eqs. 4.142, 5.20) Primary production = the quantity of dry
PenmanMonteith equation = classic matter produced by vegetation covering
expression for potential transpiration from a an area
dry vegetated surface (Eq. 4.158) Productive efficiency = the factor by which
Phenotype = the appearance of an organism the productive demand of the non-diffusive
resulting from the interaction of the monolayer must be multiplied in a given
genotype with the environment; may change climate to get the productive demand of the
as environment changes (Sinnott, 1960, canopy (per unit basal area) (Eq. 10.44,
p. 303) Fig. 10.3)
Photosynthesis = the process by which Productive gain = the factor by which the
absorbed solar radiation is used to construct productive demand of the groundcover
energy-rich compounds in plants monolayer L t = 1, = 1 must be
Photosynthetic capacity curve = the net multiplied in a given climate to get the
rate of CO2 assimilation per unit of basal productive demand of the canopy
leaf area as a function of the insolation for a (per unit basal area) (Eq. 10.21, Fig. 10.1)
given species at optimum temperature Productive potential = the light-saturated
(Fig. 8.9) productivity of a species
Phytotron = a chamber having controlled Projected leaf area = the plan area of a leaf
environment for plant growth experiments when it lies naturally (i.e., not flattened) on
Plagiophile = distribution of leaves in a horizontal surface
which the leaves tend toward a 45 Quadratic soil = one where c = d + 2 so the
1 + d/2
inclination (Eq. 2.14) water balance is quadratic in s so
406 Glossary

Radiance = power emitted per unit solid Saturation rate of assimilation Ps =

angle per unit area of normal spherical asymptotic assimilation rate as incident
surface radiation increases
Radiant flux = rate of arrival of radiant Saturation ratio = fractional relative
energy at a normal surface humidity = vapor pressure/saturated vapor
Radiant flux density = rate of arrival of pressure, at constant temperature
radiant energy at a unit area of normal Saturation vapor deficit = difference
surface between saturated and actual vapor pressure
Radiation absorption index L t at the actual temperature
Scattering = the sum of reflection and
Radiation extinction coefficient
transmission of radiation
Radiational forcing = the component of
Screen height = 2 m = height above crown
total evaporation produced solely by net
at which ambient environmental
measurements are made
Rainfall intensity i = precipitation rate
Selective instability = the species-limited
Relative humidity = ratio of vapor density situation in which ISL < Io giving rise to
to saturated vapor density at a common pressure for productivity increase through
temperature (when written as a fraction it species substitution
is identical to the saturation ratio
Shear velocity = fluid velocity at which the
Residual resistance rr = resistance horizontal momentum per unit volume
governing flow across the cell walls into equals the canopy top shear stress, 0
the stomatal cavity
Silhouette area = projection of crown
Resistance ratio rc /ra = lumped internal surface area on a plane perpendicular to
canopy resistance/lumped atmospheric the radiation
resistance to screen height Simple natural surface = surface supporting
Respiration = exudation of metabolically a film of water thin enough to be at constant
produced carbon dioxide (Monteith, 1973, temperature (and thus devoid of thermal
p. 200) convection) and freely replenished
Reynolds analogy = equality of eddy continuously
viscosities for the transfer of momentum Soil-controlled bare soil evaporation =
and eddy diffusivities for the transfer of evaporation under the rising asymptote of s
mass and heat in turbulent transfer in stable where E < 2/
atmospheres (Eq. 4.121) Solar altitude = angle, h , between the
Riparian = of, pertaining to, or situated on observers horizon plane and the plane
the bank of a river or other body of water containing the solar hour circle measured
Roughness density = geometrical along that great circle on the celestial sphere
similarity parameter (cf. Eq. 4.106) containing the Sun, the observer, and the
governing the partition of drag between the observers zenith.
substrate and the foliage elements for dense, Sorption diffusivity Di
open canopies (cf. Fig. 4.26) Sparse monolayer = monolayer with foliage
Saturation insolation ISL = insolation at density low enough that the crown drag
which net photosynthesis can be considered results primarily from drag on the individual
to have reached its limiting value, Ps foliage elements
Glossary 407

Species = related individuals that resemble Surface emissivity o = efficiency of

one another and are able to breed only black body radiation from the surface
among themselves Surface retention capacity h o = depth of
Species-limited = the suboptimal water that can be held on a surface without
bioclimatic growth state in which ISL < Io there being infiltration
Specular reflection = sharply defined Surface roughness length z 0 = vertical
reflected beam produced by smooth surfaces measure of the effective height of boundary
such as polished metals, liquids, and mirrors roughness
(used here as an idealization of the reflection
Surface runoff Rsj = storm rainfall excess
from leaf surfaces)
less storm surface retention (Eq. 6.26)
Stand = a homogeneous community
Tapered crown = crown having an
of plants
increasing cross-section with increasing
Statespace = the joint range of those depth,
variables describing the condition of the
Time to stress = the time from cessation of
vegetation or the atmospheric moisture
rainfall until the stomates begin to close
Stemmy plants = plants with largely vertical
surfaces and in which form drag Tolerance criterion = quantitative measure
predominates of the maximum survivable stress from a
given source
Stomate = pore on leaf surface (usually
the lower surface) through which the plant Transpiration = evaporation of plant
exchanges CO2 , O2 , and water vapor with cellular moisture from the wet internal
the atmosphere stomatal surfaces of the leaves
Stomatal cavity resistance ro = overall Trunk = the stem of a tree capped by the
resistance of a single stomate from crown
surrounding cells out through the leaf Tundra = a generic term including
boundary layer vegetation types that range from tall shrub
Stomatal resistance rs = resistance (up to 2 m high) to dwarf shrub heath,
regulating plant water loss and CO2 lichens, and mosses (Lewis and Callaghan,
assimilation 1976, p. 400).
Storm infiltration = storm depth less both Turbulent flux capacity = the rate per unit
storm surface runoff and storm surface area at which foliage-generated canopy
retention turbulence is capable of vertical transport of
Storm rainfall excess Rsj = the momentum, mass and heat
un-infiltrated storm rainfall (Eq. 6.22) Turgor = the degree of rigidity of plant cells
Storm surface retention E r = actual depth resulting from internal pressure exerted by
of surface retention in a storm (a part of the cell contents
storm rainfall excess) Uniform leaf distribution = hemispherical
Stress = exposure to extraordinarily leaf orientation in that each element of solid
unfavorable conditions (Larcher, 1983, angle contains the same foliage area
p. 33) such as are created by water (Eq. 2.15), i.e., foliage area is equally
shortage and are signaled by stomatal oriented in all directions
closure Uniform sky = diffuse radiation of uniform
Substrate = ground surface intensity from all directions
408 Glossary

Unit vegetated area = a unit area covered Water-limited community = a community

completely by vegetation having canopy cover M < 1
Unstressed canopy Water supply rate = average rate of
conductance kv = E pv /E ps exhaustion of available soil moisture
UV = ultraviolet radiation Water table = elevation, z w , at which the
Water balance = quantitative relation soil is saturated from below
among the long-term averages of the Wet-bulb depression = difference between
partition of precipitation into the actual temperature and the saturation
evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and temperature at constant heat
groundwater runoff (Eqs. 6.1, 6.65) Wet climate = one in which the bare soil
Water characteristic = asymptotic evaporation is under climate control, i.e.,
approximation of leaf transpiration rate as E > 2/
a function of incident radiation for fixed Wet season = rainy portion of a seasonal
species, soil and precipitation (Fig. 8.15) climate
Water-critical insolation ISW = insolation Yield Y = sum of surface and
at which stomates begin closure due to low groundwater components of runoff
soil moisture (remaining environmental Zero-plane displacement height d0 =
components fixed) similarity parameter of the velocity
Water demand rate = atmospheric potential distribution over a rough surface (shown in
for canopy transpiration at optimum foliage Chapter 4 to be the level of action of the
state drag on the component parts of the canopy)
Water-limited climax = the bioclimatic state Zonal brightness = diffuse radiance on a
Il = I
SL = ISW with M < 1 horizontal surface

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Author index

Abramowitz, M., 28, 178, 179, 298, 362 Blum, B.M., 311
Addicott, F.T., 52 Bormann, F.H., 169, 295, 404
Ahlgren, C.E., 52 Boysen-Jensen, P., 244, 248
Akashi, S., 106 Bradley, E.F., 31, 82, 110
Albrektson, A., 250 Brady, N.C., 319
Allen, C.D., 163 Bras, R.L., 181
Allen, E.J., 250 Bray, J.R., 312
Allen, L.H., 31, 33, 101, 112 Breckle, S.-W., 31, 54, 401
Allen, L.H. Jr., 61, 239, 248, 280, 289, 312 Briggs, L.J., 256
Amiro, B.D., 22, 31, 32, 86, 103 Briscoe, P.V., 162
Anderson, M.C., 57, 61, 62, 63 Britton, N.L., 53,
Anderson, T.C. Jr., 55, 196, 197, 204, 228, 229, 289, Brix, H., 181, 258
312, 313, 354 Brooks, R.H., 172, 183, 360
Aronsson, A., 169 Brown, H.P., 55
Arris, L.L., xviii, xix, 53, 218, 316, 317, 318 Brown, K.W., 33, 81, 113, 129
Aylor, D.E., 33 Brusa, R.W., 37
Brutsaert, W.H., 82, 84, 85, 87, 90, 101, 102, 128,
Baker, F.S., 14, 18, 75, 76, 78, 79, 196, 211, 212, 163, 227
216, 226, 231, 238, 280, 282, 290, 291, 304, 312, Budyko, M.I., 186, 289, 349, 350
315, 316, 398
Bunce, J.A., 181
Baker, J.B., 277
Burdine, N.T., 183
Baker, M.B. Jr., 197, 204, 290, 353, 354
Burns, R.M., 277, 280
Baldwin, H.I., 52, 54, 55
Businger, J.A., 129
Barnes, B.V., 319, 320
Bartholomew, W.V., 312
Benecke, U., 181 Calder, I.R., 163, 164
Benney, D.J., xix, 298 Callaghan, T.V., 407
Billings, W.D., 275 Cannell, M.G.R., 21, 32, 250, 296, 312
Birkebak, R., 47 Carbon, B.A., 217
Black, R.D., 176 Carslaw, H.S., 184
Black, T.A., 20, 31, 103 Cauchy, A., 103

430 Author index

Chabot, B.F., xxxv, 320 Federer, C.A., 53, 101, 313

Charney, J., xviii Feller, M.C., 250
Chen, J.M., 20, 103 Feynman, R.P., 57
Chesterton, G.K., xvi Finnigan, J.J., 81, 82, 84, 92, 93, 95, 97, 110
Christensen, N.L., 228, 229 Fogg, G.E., 150
Cionco, R.M., 31, 32, 33, 84, 93, 101 Forrest, W.G., 250
Clark, J.S., 327 Fraser, D.A., 52
Clark, W.S., 239, 244, 248, 280 Fredeen, A.L., 285
Clary, W.P., 197, 228, 312 Fritschen, L.J., 31
Colinvaux, P., 252, 316, 400, 401 Fritz, S., 49
Condit, H.R., 49 Frohlich, C., 37
Cooley, K.R., 353
Coombe, D.E., 21
Gaastra, P., 134, 235
Corey, A.T., 172, 183, 360 Gail, F.W., 53
Covey, W., 33 Gardner, W.R., 273
Cowan, I.R., 57 Garratt, J.R., 124, 125
Crank, J., 184, 201, 361, 362 Gash, J.H.C., 163, 164
Culf, A.D., 163 Gates, D.M., xxxv, 43, 46, 56, 75, 76, 134, 136, 138,
147, 167, 212, 221, 235, 238, 241, 242, 396
Daily, J.W., 87, 129 Gee, G.W., 53, 313
Darwin, C., xvi, 2 George, M.G., 221
Davies, J.A., 33, 163 Godman, R.M., 311
Dawkins, R., 9, 266, 303 Goel, N.S., 48
de Bruin, H.A.R., 147 Goldstein, S., 108, 109
Deans, J.D., 250 Goodell, B.C., 287
Decker, J.P., 36, 239, 241, 244, 248, 280 Gradshteyn, I.S., 212, 335
Denmead, O.T., 31, 33, 61, 81, 82, 97, 129, 266 Grulois, J., 23
Dickinson, R.E., 139, 140 Gunderson, C.A., 313, 326
Doley, D., 217
Doorenbos, J., 159, 218
Haise, H.R., 52, 349, 350, 351
Drake, B.G., 313, 327
Hamon, W.R., 165, 166, 351
Drozdov, A.V., 312
Hand, I.F., 49
Druilhet, A., 121
Hansen, V.E., 254, 255
Dunne, T., 176
Harleman, D.R.F., 87, 129
Harris, A.S., 279
Eagleson, B.G., xix, 158, 168, 175, 305 Hartog, G. den, 21
Eagleson, P.S., 17, 18, 25, 29, 38, 41, 53, 63, 65, 72, Havranek, W.M., 181
76, 81, 83, 130, 144, 148, 154, 155, 159, 170,
Hawk, K.L., 175, 370
171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181,
182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, Heath, M.C., 250
194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204, 217, 218, 259, Hebblethwaite, P.D., 250
307, 316, 317, 318, 327, 351, 357, 370 Henderson-Sellers, A., 140
Eagleson, P.S. Jr., xix, 203 Hendricks, D.W., 254, 255
Ehleringer, J., 239, 248, 280, 289 Hester, F.E., xix, 293
Elowson, S., 169 Hicks, B.B., 33, 92, 97, 99
Entekhabi, D., xviii, xix, 133, 162, 190, 274 Hicks, D.J., xxxv, 320
Eshbach, O.W., 329 Hinckley, T.M., 181
Evans, G.C., 21 Hoerner, S.F., 88, 89
Eyre, S.R., 218, 273, 317 Holbrook, N.M., 256
Holmgren, P., 138
Fakorede, M.A.B., 33 Honkala, B.H., 277, 280
Farnsworth, R.K., 289, 349, 350 Horn, H.S., 75, 91, 123, 209, 211, 242, 243, 329, 396
Fechner, G.H., 311 Horton, R.E., 176
Author index 431

Houston, D.R., 278, 311 Lemon, E.R., 33, 61, 97, 112, 239, 248, 280,
Hughes, G., 250 289, 312
Leonard, R.E., 101
Illick, J.S., 55 Leverenz, J.W., 249
Inoue, E., 33, 86, 113 Levy, E.B., 21
Iqbal, M., xxxiv, 39, 289 Lewis, M.C., 407
Lhomme, J.-P., 163
Jacquemin, B., 31, 33 Likens, G.E., 169, 280, 295, 404
Jaeger, J.C., 184 Lindeman, R.L., 252
James, J.B., 107 Linder, S., 249, 250
Jarvis, P.G., 20, 22, 30, 31, 61, 78, 79, 84, 86, 101, Lindroth, A., 31, 32
104, 107, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 139, Liou, K.-N., 37
159, 168, 218, 225, 228, 239, 246, 248, 249, 250, List, R.J., 38
280, 289, 301 Little, E.L., 317
Jasinski, M.F., 197 Lotka, A.J., 2
Jensen, M.E., 52, 349, 350, 351 Loucks, O.L., xvi, 2
Jensen, P., 169 Ludlow, M.M., 246
Jones, L.A., 49 Lyon, J.L., 52
Jordan, C.F., 21

MacFarlane, J.K., xix

Kaimal, J.C., 84, 92, 93, 95, 97
MacMahon, J.A., 228, 280, 289, 312
Karman, T. von, 94, 99
Madden, E.A., 21
Kestemont, P., 217
Magi, H., 33
Kim, C.P., 133, 162
Malkonen, E., 250
Kimball, H.H., 49
Manabe, S., xviii
Klein, W.H., 49
Marie-Victorin, Fr`ere, 53, 54
Knapp, A.K., 327
Marks, P.L., 312
Knoerr, K.R., 102
Marshall, B., 250
Kohler, M.A., 289, 350, 351
Martin, A.C., 36, 103, 231, 289, 290, 312
Kondo, J., 96, 106
Martin, H.C., 101
Kondratyev, K.Ya., 39, 40, 44, 165, 166, 354
Mather, J.R., 367
Koster, R.D., xviii
McCaughey, J.H., 33
Kozlowski, T.T., 36, 103, 136, 238, 239, 240, 241,
244, 248, 280 McIlroy, I.C., 81, 129, 153
Kramer, P.J., 36, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 248, McMurtrie, R.E., 21, 31
254, 280 McNaughton, K.G., 139, 163, 289
Kriedman, P.E., 45 Mendham, N.J., 250
Milburn, J.A., 256
LaDeau, S.L., 327 Miller, H.G., 250
Lamb, H., 105 Miller, P.C., 26
Landsberg, J.J., 31, 84, 86, 101, 104, 107, 114, 115, Milly, P.C.D., xviii
118, 119, 120, 224, 225, 228 Mintz, Y., xviii
Lang, A.R.G., 21, 26, 29, 31, 33, 78, 103 Mitchell, H.L., 53, 313
Langdon, O.G., 277 Mock, J.J., 33
Larcher, W., xxxv, 31, 43, 46, 56, 72, 76, 134, 135, Monin, A.S., 94, 128
136, 137, 138, 147, 167, 181, 236, 237, 238, 239, Monk, C.D., 320
241, 242, 243, 247, 251, 257, 276, 277, 280, 289, Monsi, M., 56
295, 296, 306, 307, 310, 311, 312, 313, 397, 407
Monteith, J.L., xv, xviii, 30, 33, 43, 45, 48, 58, 60,
Lash, D., 53 62, 64, 92, 93, 98, 107, 130, 134, 137, 140, 142,
Laurenson, D., 144 149, 150, 158, 159, 167, 218, 242, 249, 250,
Laurenson, E., 144 396, 406
Lechowicz, M.J., 53, 313 Mooney, H.A., 31, 217, 307
Ledig, F.T., 248, 296 Moore, B., 55, 312
Lee, X., 31 Morganstern, E.K., 54
432 Author index

Mulhearn, P.J., 110 Rogerson, T.L., 289

Muller, D., 238, 240 Romell, L.G., 52, 56
Murphy, C.E. Jr., 102 Rosen, R., 2, 17
Rosenzweig, C., 140
Nakashima, H., 55 Rosenzweig, M.L., 193, 312, 367
Nemeth, J.C., 53 Ross, J., 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 29, 31, 33, 39, 41, 42,
Nichiporovich, A.A., 23, 26, 32, 33 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 56, 58, 59, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70,
71, 112, 289, 393
Nilson, T., 57, 58, 61, 393
Rouse, H., 87
Noilhan, J., 31, 33
Running, S.W., 287
Norman, J.M., 22, 29, 31
Russell, G., 18, 248, 249, 250, 296
Nye, P.H., 312, 368
Rutter, A.J., 138
Ryzhik, I.M., 212, 335
OLoughlin, E.M., 124, 125
Obukhov, A.M., 128
Odum, E.P., 193, 221, 311, 368, 399 Saeki, T., 56
Odum, H.T., 31 Sakai, A., 221
Oliver, H.R., 31 Salvucci, G.D., xviii, 17, 170, 171, 176, 181, 182,
184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 195, 196, 197, 198,
Osmond, C.B., 235 204, 205, 274, 287, 289, 290, 312, 353, 354
Ovington, J.D., 250 Saugier, B., 22, 33
Schlichting, H., 87, 102, 103
Paeschke, W., 107 Schmidt, W., 81
Parkhurst, D.F., xvi, 2 Schumacher, F.X., 36, 103
Pearson, G.A., 55 Scott, R.K., 250
Penman, H.L., 129, 154, 159 Seginer, I., 92, 110, 111
Penning de Vries, F.W.T., 248, 296 Sellers, P.J. , 57, 68, 139, 140
Pereira, A.R., 20, 102 Sharkey, T.D., 300, 313
Perrier, A., 163 Shaw, R.H., 20, 21, 82, 102
Pettersson, S., 169 Sheih, C.M., 33, 92, 97, 99
Philip, J.R., 21, 26, 140, 145, 156, 172, 176, 183 Shuttleworth, W.J., 82, 121, 159, 163, 164
Pike, J.G., 186 Sinnott, E.W., 18, 402, 405
Poldmaa, V., 44 Slatyer, R.O., xviii, 153, 256, 273
Prandtl, L., 81, 98 Smagorinsky, J., xviii
Priestley, C.H.B., 157, 162, 163, 164 Smith, J.W., 55
Pruitt, W.O., 129, 159, 218 Smith, L., vi
Raison, R.J., 36, 103, 248, 280, 289 Smith, M.D., 327
Rauner, J.L., 21, 22, 23, 30, 32, 33, 54, 61, 91, 92, Solot, S., 130, 165
93, 97, 98, 218, 228
Spriggs, W.T., 163
Raupach, M.R., 81, 82, 102, 124, 125, 126, 227
Spurr, S.H., 319, 320
Reader, R., 55
Stanhill, G., 102
Redmann, R.E., 33
Stegun, I.A., 28, 178, 179, 298, 362
Rees, L.W., 55
Stewart, J.B., 163, 164
Reeve, J.E., 61
Stone, E.C., 287
Relf, E.F., 109
Sun, R.J., 317
Restrepo-Posada, P.J., xviii
Swinbank, W.C., 347
Rich, W.D., frontispiece, xix, 3, 19, 35, 83, 96, 100,
Szeicz, G., 249
126, 129, 132, 161, 210, 222, 225, 233, 253, 260,
264, 267, 270, 274, 285, 292, 295, 297, 299,
309, 314 Taylor, F.G. Jr., 53
Richards, L.A., 172 Taylor, R.J., 157, 162, 163, 164
Rinaldo, A., xviii, xix Tellers, T.E., xviii, 193
Ripley, E.A., 33 Thom, A., 108, 109
Rodrguez-Iturbe, I., xiii, xviii, 195 Thom, A.S., 20, 21, 33, 81, 82, 86, 99, 101, 109,
Rogers, R.W., 250 110, 120, 127, 133, 147, 224, 225
Author index 433

Thornthwaite, C.W., 367 Westman, W.E., 250

Tolsky, A.P., 53 White, A., 242, 396
Tranquillini, W., 238, 240, 241 Whitehead, D., 31
Trewartha, G.T., 50, 164 Whitford, K.R., 31, 33, 289
Tubbs, C.H., 278, 311 Whittaker, R.H., 280, 287, 289, 291, 312, 368, 405
Wijk, W.R. van, 41, 49
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 347, 348, 350 Williams, J.A., 55, 196, 197, 204, 228, 229, 289,
U.S. Weather Service, 166, 289, 318, 319, 351 312, 313, 354
Uchijima, Z., 22, 32, 33, 86, 97, 113 Wilson, C.C., 310
Udagawa, T., 33 Wilson, N.R., 82
Wit, C.T. de, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 39, 49, 50
Valentine, H.T., 53, 313 Wright, J.L., 33, 81, 113, 129
Van Bavel, C.H.M., 130, 151, 349 Wullschleger, S.D., 313, 326
Van Keulen, H., 307
Vertessy, R.A., 32 Xiang, Y., 21, 29

Walter, H., 31, 54, 204, 401 Yaglom, A.M., 94

Waring, R.H., 36, 103, 196, 200, 205, 287, 289 Yocum, C.S., 112
Warren Wilson, J., 21, 26, 33, 57, 61
Webb, R.H., xix, 276 Zahner, R., 274
Weeks, J.B., 317 Zim, H.S., 36, 103, 196, 231, 289, 290, 312
Weiser, C.J., 221 Zwieniecki, M.A., 256
Subject index

Page numbers given in bold type refer to plates; those in italics refer to figures.

absorption index water balance equation for, 202

canopy, as species constant, 396398 water balance summary for, 200
critical, 14, 303, 304 big leaf canopy, 140
albedo, 57 resistive model of, 142
asoka tree, 154 dominance of interleaf-layer resistance in,
example of extreme leaf angle, 72 145
assimilation capacity, biochemical, for C3 leaves, 6, biomass production
249, 251 confirmation of maximization assumption
assimilation potential, climatic, concerning, 1415, 14
canopy, 269 biophysical system, 1
leaf, 249 birch, paper, 233
assumptions BoguerLambert law, 5657
in simplifying physical system, 34 boundary layer, parameters of
concerning factors of productivity, 4 in needle-leaved canopies, 107, 107
concerning available resources, 4 for velocity distribution, 95
summary of, 321322
Bowen ratio, 131
atmospheric resistance estimates of, 288289
equivalent, 133 estimation of, 157, 163
to heat flux, 151 in the long-term average thermal energy balance,
bounds to, 156157, 157
baldcypress swamp community, 243
observations of, 157
basal area, crown, 73 relation to canopy conductance,
beamleaf geometry, 61 64 167
beam ratio, 43 observed values of, 157
variation of with solar altitude and atmospheric branching, spiral example, 65
clarity, 43 buffered stress tolerance, 291
beech bulk drag parameter, 96, 97
oriental, 129 as calculated for Sitka spruce, 118
weeping, 175 theoretical value of for leafy plants, 9697, 106,
Beaver Creek 118

Subject index 435

canopy, 17 carbon dioxide, 245249

absorption index, 303304, 304, 311 assimilation of, 245, 246
big leaf model of, 140 cedar, 217, 270
bioclimatic space of, 271 Eastern red, 35
closed, 85
cedar of Lebanon, 299
conductance of, 159
estimate for trees, 218 celestial geometry, 38, 38
potential, 160 ClausiusClapeyron equation, 149, 150, 349
relation to Bowen ratio, 162165, 167 climatic assimilation potential, 249
cover, 18 canopy, 9, 9
closed, 18, 18 climax
definition sketch of, 18 community, 2
dense, 85 conditions, 273
in relation to soil moisture availability, 265266 as bounds to natural habitat, 9, 10
open, 18, 18 propositions for and summary of, 324
sparse, 90 water condition for approximation of, 292293
density, 18 species, 252
flow kinematics within, 84 state, 9, 266
fluid dynamics in, definition sketch of, 85 community, vegetation
fluxes, maximum of, 911, 12 creosote bush desert, 276
homogeneous, kinematics and dynamics of hemlock and fir, 3
flow in, 9294 oak, 309
homogeneous momentum flux in, 102113 pine, 295
leafy, 102108 riverside, 307
stemmy, 108113 savanna, 194
indices, 34, 82, 84 spruce, 285, 305
observed range of, 84 swamp, 293
see also extinction parameters
interleaf resistance, equivalent, 139 compensation light intensity, 7576, 211
moisture state, critical value of, 202 biological requirement for, 209212
comparison with observations, 205 observed values of, 75
non-homogeneity, 85 compensation ratio, as species constant, 396398
potential productive gain of, 300 competition, 3
productivity, observations of, 312 conductance, effective value for canopy, 198
reference, 159
reflectance, minimization of, 72
grams solid matter per gram assimilated CO2 ,
resistance 248, 296
diagram of in homogeneous cylindrical leaf radiance to canopy radiance, 268
multilayers, 213 stomated leaf area per unit illuminated leaf area,
effect of crown shape on, 1011, 11, 220 248
equivalent, 140; approximation for big leaf
canopy, 145, 145; insensitivity of average cover, canopy, 18
state to stomates, 140141 creosote bush, 276
shear stress within, 92 critical moisture state, 230
stomatal resistance of, equivalent, 139 light-limited vs. water-limited, 231
velocity distribution within, 93 crop coefficient see canopy conductance
capillary rise, 189 crops and grasses, observed canopy parameters for,
carbon 33
balance, 295296 crown, 18
demand conceptual model of, 141
annual for cylindrical multilayer canopy, density of, 96, 97, 126; see also drag area density
299300, 301 element areas of, 21
crown-average leaf, 297299 idealized shapes of, 18, 19
function, 300, 301 cylindrical, 19
isolated leaf, 296 leaf area index of, 20
see also photosynthetic capacity multilayer, 21, 22, 330
supply homogeneous, 21
cylindrical multilayers, 301303 non-homogeneous, 21
tapered multilayers, 304305 monolayer, 21, 22, 334
tapered monolayers, 305306 homogeneous, 21
supply function, 13, 13; see also potential non-homogeneity of, 85
productive gain resistive model of, 142
436 Subject index

crown (cont.) ecological optimality, historical concept of, 2

shape of, 220221 ecotones, 316320
conical example, 35 as observed in Eastern North America, 317
cylindrical, 19; minimum canopy resistance location by matching productivity, 317
for, 1011, 11 test of in Eastern North America, 319
effect on CO2 influx, 221
eddy diffusivity
effect on resistance ratio, 220
momentum, 81; see also eddy viscosity
hemispherical example, 25
theoretical distribution of within canopy, 97
role of in turbulent mixing, 122, 121124
test of for Sitka spruce, 120
sensitivity to solar altitude, 79
spherical sector example, 29 eddy viscosity, 97
tapered, resistance ratio for, 1011, 11 distribution of in aspen, 98
solid density of, 20 in homogeneous multilayers, 121123, 123,
solid matter distribution in, 23 329334
canopy-average for cone, 334; for cylinder,
333; for hemisphere, 333; for hemispherical
day length, northern hemisphere at summer solstice, segment, 333
50 conical, 332333
hemispherical, 329332
desiccation insolation, 261, 261, 284
kinematic see momentum eddy diffusivity
diffraction, effect of on extinction coefficient, 60 low-density monolayers, 123, 123124,
diffusion equation, one-dimensional solution of for 334336
soil moisture infiltration, 362, 362 conical, 336
diffusivity hemispherical, 334
dimensionless desorption, 184, 184 open canopy, 127
dimensionless sorption, 176, 177 role of crown shape in, 122, 123
effective, 184 vertical variation within closed canopy
displacement thickness, 99102 homogeneous conical crowns, 121
definition sketch for calculation of, 100 homogeneous hemispherical crowns, 121
mathematical definition of for forest canopy, homogeneous monolayer crowns, 122
101 homogeneous multilayer crowns, 122
comparison with observations in forest non-homogeneous conical crowns, 120
canopies, 101 see also eddy momentum diffusivity
see also zero-plane displacement energy
distribution, joint, of storm depth and immediately balance, thermal, 147149
following interstorm interval, 187 control volume for, 147
equation of, 147
drag long-term climatic average for evaporating
area density of, 96; see also crown density surface, 147
for canopy with low foliage volume density, conservation of, 131
9091 fluxes, 146147
canopy element, 8591 partition parameter, saturated, 150151
coefficients of, 8790
broadleaved, 102103 error function, 362
interference, 88, 89 evaporation
needle-leaved, 103105 bare soil, 182186
roughness, 8890, 89 effectiveness, 184
shape, 87; circular cylinders, 89; thin struts, 89 efficiency, 185, 185, 358; climate-controlled
three-dimensional circular cylinders, 108111, zone, 185, 185; soil-controlled zone, 185,
109 185
two-dimensional circular cylinders, 89, 109 interstorm variation of, 183
idealized foliage elements, 102105 stages of, 183
broadleaved plants, 102103 isothermal, 160162
needle-leaved plants, 103105 potential, 346355
horizontal force of, 87 approximations, 348
meteorological convention for, 87 estimates of for Beaver Creek watersheds,
partition of, 124127 354
open canopies, 125 estimates of for water surfaces, 351
sparse crowns, 125 free water surface, 152156, 349;
regimes for foliage elements, 86, 88 goodness-of-fit of estimates, 353
drying power, 154, 346, 348352 growing season average, 352355
empirical estimation of, 352 lake, 350
simple surface, 349
dry matter-radiation quotient, 247249 saturated surface, 130133, 149156, 153
estimates of, 250
Subject index 437

drying power in, 152 foliage

radiational forcing in, 152 area density, 90
state space for, 153 area distribution
state space diagram of, 150 maize, 112
understanding of, 154156 typical, 92
stomated surface, 133 area index, 2021, 90
surface retention in, 189 elements of, 17
wet, bare soil, 153 resistance, 85
evapotranspiration diffuse distribution of, 87
composition in contrasting climates, state, optimal, 215218, 216
193, 193 forest
expected value of, 188 deciduous, observed canopy parameters, 32
normalized, 191 evergreen, observed canopy parameters, 31
exfiltration, 183 hemlock and fir, 3
exponential decay, 363364 frontal area index, 124; see also roughness density
characterization of, 364
e-folding value of, 363
as characterizing value, 364 gain
annual potential canopy
carbon demand, 300
diffuse radiation, 66, 66
carbon supply for conical multilayers, 304
horizontal velocity within canopy, 93, 93
carbon supply for cylindrical multilayers, 302;
test of, 119
maximum of, 303304
shear stress on horizontal plane within canopy,
carbon supply for hemispherical multilayers,
91, 92
see also penetration
carbon supply for tapered monolayers,
extinction coefficients, 78 305306
comparison of theoretical and observed, 68, 69 conclusions from, 309311
constant leaf angle, 63 nitrogen supply, 308
horizontal leaves, 62 productive, 301
leaves normal to solar beam, 62
gamma function
opaque hemispheres, 65
factorial, values of, 179
opaque right circular cones, 64
probability density, 174
opaque vertical right circular cylinders, 64
optical optimality with idealized scattering, G-function, 58
74 definition sketch for calculation of, 58
equality of for light and momentum, 7, 70, 71, derivation of, 393395
7076 gap
graphical summary of, 60 distributions, 61
observations of, 61, 105 frequencies, estimation of leaf angle by, 26
uniform distribution of leaf inclination, 64 global change, some responses thereto, 326327
without scattering, 6165 GPP (gross primary productivity), 296
as related to the G-function, 58, 6165
gradient, CO2 concentration
extinction parameters, 82, 84 critical assumption for, 303
observed values of for estimation of, 302
eddy viscosity in maize, 113
groundcover monolayer, 300
m n in stemmy crops, 111112
shear in maize, 113 growing season, 4956
velocity in maize, 113 factors affecting, 313
see also canopy indices observations of for trees, 53, 5455
correlations with latitude, 53
rainy season, typical relation to, 290
fig, 25
giant, 41, 171 habitat
Moreton Bay, 144 feasible, 262, 271
fir dimensionless measures of, 272
Douglas, 3 environmental conditions for, 275; heat, 269,
foliage texture of, 222 281; light, 269, 283; water, 270, 286
Nikko, 264 natural, 249
nurselog for, 292 American beech, 278
subalpine, 285 climax bounds upon, 10, 286
fluxgradient relationship, 81, 81 loblolly pine, 277
use of, 82 Sitka spruce, 279
438 Subject index

habitat (cont.) interleaf layer

productively optimal, 271 equivalent atmospheric resistance of, 143
propositions, tests of dominance of in big leaf canopy model, 145,
heat, 12, 276279, 281 160
light, 9, 279283, 283; functional view of, 283 for homogeneous cylindrical multilayers, 143
water, 10, 205, 230, 232, 284293, 286; irradiance, 39
water-limited branch, 10, 205, 285, 286;
isothermal assumption, evaluation of, 165168
light-limited branch, 205, 285, 286
hemispherical distribution, 32, 35, 64
homogeneity joint control of leaf productivity by both light and
function, 91 water, 262, 262266
homogeneous canopies, 91
non-homogeneous conical crowns, larch
115116 golden, 260
of typical maize canopy, 112 Siberian, 168
hornbeam, European, 83 latent heat of vaporization, 131
hydrological optimality, propositions for and flux of, 131
summary of, 324 leaf
illumination, incipient, 73, 75 analytical expression of, 26, 27
erectophile distribution of, 26; see also
hemispherical distribution
capacity, 176
tropical, 72
sorptivity, 176
stages of, 177
projected or shadow, 20
storm, 176180
typical distributions in crowns, 22
insolation, 41 typical distribution in Sitka spruce, 114
annual average as function of latitude, 350 area density, 330
beam crown, 20, 23
extinction coefficient, 57; physical definition distribution in Sitka spruce canopy, 114
of, 59, 60; without scattering, 57 area index, 20
penetration function, 5657 estimation of, 21, 26
canopy average, 268269, 269 horizontal, 7, 211; species specificity of,
assumptions, 267 396398
climatic, 41 observed canopy spatial variations of,
compensation, 236 22, 23
for cylindrical multilayers, 268 optimum range and mean, 216; observational
daylight-hour average of at canopy top, 52, 269 verification of, 217218
daylight-hour average PAR, 5152, 52 theoretical constraints on, 218
decay within crown, 298 upper limit thereto, 220
desiccation or water-critical, 5, 7 inclination, 2324
environmental, effective canopy, 268 assumptions, 2425
extinction index, 7 cumulative distribution functions for
growing season average, 4952 analytical expressions of, 26, 27;
isotropic diffuse, penetration function for without observations of, 28
scattering, 66 definition sketch for, 24
leaf desiccation, 268 field estimation of, 26
for monolayers, 268 hemispheric distribution of, 32; definition
nominal, as function of solar altitude, 48 sketch for, 35; determinants of mean, 30;
saturation, 4, 5, 238 expression for mean, 27, 30; field estimates
demonstration of effectively open stomates at, of mean, 31, 32, 33, 34; in isotropic radiation
246 field, 30
dimensionless, 297298 probability density function of, 26, 29
effective canopy, 268 layer, 141
observed values of, 239 equivalent stomatal resistance of, 142
for tapered multilayers, 268 light characteristic, 45, 5, 245
total, penetration function for, 67 orientation, 78, 8, 23, 24
very clear sky PAR, 49 significance of, 23
interference properties, typical, 138
drag coefficients for, 89 resistance, schematic diagram of, 136
function, 88 type, 34
for conical crown, 116117 amphistomatous, 36
for Sitka spruce, 117 broad leaves, 34
Subject index 439

hypostomatous, 34 hemispherical, 334335

needle leaves, 36 definition sketch, 334
water characteristic, 5, 7, 261 low foliage density, 334335; canopy-average
light eddy viscosity, 338
characteristic, of leaf, 45, 5 segment volume, 339
photochemical asymptote of, 245, 248 preferred leaf area index for cones, 225
control, of isolated leaf productivity, 245252 MonsiSaeki relationship, 211
limitation, conditions for, 9, 10 mulberry tree, dense branching structure of, 126
light-saturated photosynthetic rate, 238 multilayers, 329334, 339343
characteristics of, 91
maple, painted, 225 definition sketch, 330
mass flux, 81, 82 eddy viscosity variation within, 122, 333
fluxgradient equations for, 127130 foliage area density, 332
carbon dioxide, 128 homogeneity function, 332
sensible heat, 98, 128 momentum flux variation within, 333
water vapor, 128 resistance ratio, 342
matching condition velocity distribution within, 333
momentum flux density, 97 cylindrical, 333
velocity gradient, 9497 canopy-average eddy viscosity, 333
MichaelisMenten equation, 396 definition sketches for, 330
form of, for photosynthetic rate, 242243 hemispherical, 329332, 333
canopy-average eddy viscosity, 333
mixing length, 81, 9899 definition sketch, 330
of Karman, 99 eddy viscosity variation within, 122, 332
of Prandtl, 98, 99 foliage area density, 331
relation to interleaf distance, 82 homogeneity function, 331
moisture momentum flux variation within, 331
carryover storage, examples of estimating, resistance ratio, 341
286290 velocity distribution within, 331
in soil column, 173
maximum canopy, 201203 natural selection
state, change of, 150 maximum productivity as driving force for,
momentum 296
absorption index, 7; see also horizontal leaf area verification of, 314316, 315
index neutral stability, 129
decay in Sitka spruce, 119 Nikko fir, frontispiece
diffusivity, crown average, 301 nitrogen
flux, 8291 demand for, 306307
difficulties in analysis of, 84 supply of, 307308
formulation of, 8591
non-homogeneity, of Sitka spruce, 114, 115120
in homogeneous conical crown, 121
in homogeneous hemispherical crown, 121 NPP (net primary productivity), 413, 295
in homogeneous leafy canopies, 102108 as linear function of transpiration rate, 366
in non-homogeneous leafy canopies, 113115 comparison with observations, 367, 368
in non-homogeneous needle-leaved canopy, maximization as driving force for natural
estimation of coefficients for, 117, 118, 119 selection, 296
in stemmy canopies, 108 verification of, 314315, 315
transfer, with low foliage volume density, 9091 percentage above ground, 296
monolayers nutrient flux, relation to transpiration rate, 169
above-ground carbon demand of, 300 nutrients
behavior of, 221 assumption concerning, 295
conical need for, 294295
definition sketch, 223, 334 supply vs. demand, 306308
high foliage density, 222, 336338, 345; nutritional optimality, propositions for and summary
canopy-average eddy viscosity, 339 of, 324
low foliage density, 336, 344; canopy-average
eddy viscosity, 338
cylindrical, 334 Ohms law
canopy-average eddy viscosity, 333 momentum flux analogy to, 133
diffuse, 300 vapor flux analogy to, 137
above-ground carbon supply to, 302 Okefenokee swamp, 293
440 Subject index

optimality of arctic willow, 240

bioclimatic, 9; see also climax state of isolated leaf, 242245
canopy-average leaf, 266269 examples of, 248
canopy of crowns, 269272; climax conditions exponential representation of, 243245,
for, 273; summary of, 322324 244
leaf; constraints on, 262263; role of canopy Michaelian representation of, 242243, 243
cover in, 263266; species control with pine
non-limiting water, 249252 community, 295
canopy state, 230, 230233 Eastern white, 132
test of for Beaver Creek watersheds, 232 European black, 274
foliage state, 215 scrub , 267
comparison with observations, 217218 slash, 203
conditions for, 216, 216 Jeffrey, 161
optical optimality as a corollary of, 216
plagiophile distribution of leaf angle, 26
hydrological, 324
analytical expression of, 26, 27
leaf temperature, control of, 73
light transmission, canopy parameters for, plane tree, 210
211 planophile distribution of leaf angle, 26
mechanical, 322323 analytical expression of, 26, 27
nutritional, propositions for and summary of, plant
324 area index, 20, 21
optical, 7174 factor see canopy conductance
conditions for, 78, 8 leafy,
propositions and summary of, 322 characteristics of, 91
tandem leaf geometry for, 8, 73, 74 observed parameters of, 31, 32, 33
point quadrats, method of, 61
palm Poisson rainstorm arrivals
branched, 155 mean value of, 174
royal, 148 schematic sketch of, 173
penetration variance of, 174
depth precipitation, annual, 175
diffusive, 184 PriestleyTaylor coefficient, 162
of soil moisture, 362 estimation of, 162163, 164
function, 57 values of, 162, 163, 164
total radiation, 6771 PriestleyTaylor equation, 162
see also extinction
probability density function
Penman equation, 153154, 346 gamma function, 174
combination form of, 133, 152 joint of rainstorm depth and duration, 178
PenmanMonteith equation rainstorm depth, 174
for dry leaf surface, 139 rainstorm duration, 174
for dry vegetated surface fraction, 140, 158 rainstorm intensity, 175
percolation, 188189 time between rainstorms, 174
rainy season flux, 188 productive energy, canopy containment of, 73
photosynthesis, 235242 productive gain, potential for C3 multilayer
CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism), 236 canopies, 13, 1314, 300, 301
C3 , 236 productivity
C4 , 236 as function of latitude in Eastern North America,
light control of, 245252 318320, 319
maximum rate of, 238 assumptions concerning factors of, 4
observed values of, 237, 239 leaf
restriction by leaf water stress, 257 joint control by light and water, 262,
temperature sensitivity of, 238239, 240, 242; 262266
in evergreens, 56; typical for woody plants, light control, 245252
241 stressless, 262, 262
values of optimum temperature for, 241 water control, 253261
see also light-saturated photosynthetic rate limiting resources for, 71
photosynthetic capacity net primary see NPP
averages for plant groups, 239 normalized maximum, 314316, 315
curve of, 4, 5 as natural selection pressure, 315, 325
typical for C3 and C4 plants, 236 observations of, 311313
joint control of, 262 species maximum, 13, 13
observations of, 237 summary of findings, 324325
Subject index 441

psychrometric constant, 131 homogeneous multilayer cylindrical crowns,

augmented, 158 212214, 214
non-homogeneous canopy of multilayer cones,
radiance, 39 non-homogeneous canopy of multilayer
climatic averaging, 4952 hemispheres, 219, 220
definition sketches for, 40 theoretical values for conical monolayers, 224
isotropic, 39, 44 weighting function for conical monolayers,
partition of , 4448, 45 225
absorption, 45, 45 intermediate canopy cover, 228230
at leaves of common trees, 45, 47 minimum in homogeneous cylindrical
reflection, 45, 45; theoretical, from dense plant multilayers, 214, 215
stands, 48 as determinant of maximum canopy
scattering, 45 conductance, 216
sensitivity of to angle of incidence at lettuce as determinant of maximum nutrient flux, 216
and hibiscus leaves, 46 as estimated from Bowen ratio, 219
spectrum of for poplar leaf, 46 comparison with observations, 217218
transmission, 45, 45 species selectivity of, 215216
open canopies, 226228
radiant flux, 37, 39 approximation for all crown shapes, 227
definition sketch for, 40 estimate for stand-alone trees as a function of
assumptions concerning, 4 stem fraction, 227, 227
radiation respiration, 235, 295
absorption index, 57
brightness Reynolds analogy, 81, 129
zonal, 42 in CO2 flux estimation, 301
relative, 44 Richardson number, 128
diffuse, 39, 42 riparian zones, critical moisture state of, 206
direct or beam, 41 roughness
PAR (photosynthetically active) component, density, 124; see also frontal area index
41, 43 with open canopy top, 89
NIR (near infra-red) component, 41, 43 runoff, storm, parameters of, 178
UV (ultra-violet) component, 41, 43
effect of cloud cover on, 347
isotropic, 44 savanna, different varieties of, 194
magnitudes in use by plants, 43 scattering, estimated, 68
net, 346348 from mat surface leaves, 70
overcast sky, 44, 44
screen height, 133
partition of, 4448
regime, structural conrol by, 7679 sensible heat
very clear sky, 4244 fluxgradient equation for, 128
flux of, 131
definition sketch of arrivals, 172 sequoia, giant, 19
Poisson parameters of in North America, shear stress
370392 observed in various canopies, 92
redwood, dawn, 96 theoretical variation in the vertical for
homogeneous canopy, 91
effect of leaf angle on NIR (near infra-red), 73 shielding function, 88; see also interference function
effect of leaf texture on PAR (photosynthetically single source canopy, 139140, 140; see also big
active radiation), 72 leaf canopy
specular, two-dimensional geometry of, 59 soil, hydraulic properties of, 181
resistance quadratic approximation of, 361
diagram for schematic canopy, 213 soil moisture
equivalent leaf, 136 assumed variation of root-zone average, 186
equivalent leaf stomatal, 136 biological response to, 258
leaf scale, 136, 136 cliff, 197
stomatal scale, 134, 135 critical state, 195
resistance ratio comparison with Beaver Creek observations,
closed canopies, 212226 204206, 205
effect of crown shape on, 220 estimation of, 199201
growth-limiting constraint for large horizontal for riparian zones, 206
leaf area, 215 effect on canopy cover, 265266
high-density conical monolayers, 222223 inverse relation to insolation, 260
442 Subject index

soil moisture (cont.) residual, 134, 135

maximum condition in contrasting climates, 191, stomatal, 134, 135
192 CO2 concentration within, 212
ridge, 197 effectively fully open, 246
schematic diagram of fluxes in soil column, 173 factors controlling opening of, 246
schematic time variation of, 172 properties
state equivalent canopy resistances, 140; typical, 137
dry climate approximation, 359 water vapor potential therein, 212
intermediate climate approximation, 360 storm rainfall, Poisson rectangular pulses
wet climate approximation, 360 parameters for in the U.S.A., 370392
solar altitude, effective daylight-hour average of, 51 structural controls
solar constant, 37 crown shape, 77, 79
solar declination, growing season average, 50 leaf angle, 76
solar hour angle, effective daylight-hour average, tree height, 76
51, 5152 sub-climax, 272
sorption diffusivity, 177 substrate, 17
sparse canopy, 90; see also open canopy cover assumption as bare soil, 18
drag of, 125
species constants, bioclimatic, 274, 396398 as source of horizontal resistance, 85
species limitation, conditions for, 6, 9 sunlight, full, 75, 212, 238
specular reflection surface roughness length, definition sketch for, 95
G-function for, 59
two-dimensional geometry of, 59 surface runoff
function, 180, 180
spherical law of cosines, 28 rainfall excess, 178
spherical-sector crown shape, equatorial example of, storm, 177178
63 probability density function of, 178
spherical segment, volume of, 330 diagram of generation, 178
spong (giant Ficus) trees, 41 synthesis of maximum producer, 325326
blue, 158 temperature
collection of, 305 average maximum in July for Eastern North
Colorado, 314 America, 319
Engelmann, 285 dependence of evergreen photosynthesis on, 56
Norway, 253
thermal optimality, propositions for and summary
state of, 323
bioclimatic operating
transmittance, effect of on extinction coefficient,
light control of, 6, 251
optimal, 9, 283
optimum canopy, 230 transpiration, 157159
space canopy, 158
of atmospheric moisture, 150 climatically potential, 5
of canopy at Beaver Creek, 198 from dry forest canopy, 139145
of vegetation, 191195 from dry leaf surface, 137139
variables efficiency, for canopy, 187188; see also canopy
canopy, 228230, 229, 230 conductance
energetics of, 253261, 255
StefanBoltzmann constant, 347
capillary potential, 254
stem hydraulic grade line, 254
fraction, observed values of, 228 osmotic potential, 254
height, proposed limit to, 228 interstorm, 182
stemmy plants moisture constrained, 186188
characteristics of, 91, 108 potential, 180182
vertical rods, 108111 canopy, 159160
stomate vegetated surfaces, 166
cavity wet surface, 152156
equivalent resistance of, 135 as productivity surrogate, 365369
structure of, 135 from saturated stomatal surfaces, 134136
cavity resistances, 134, 135 decoupling factor for, 139
cuticular, 134, 135 schematic time variation of, 187
intercellular, 134, 135 stomatal control of under water stress, 256, 257
leaf boundary layer, 134, 135 tree height, productivity considerations in, 76
Subject index 443

tupelo, 297 role of uncertainty in, 171

turbulent diffusion, definition sketch for, 81 space-time average equation of, 172
statistical-dynamic model of, 172173
canopy requirements for, 306
umbrella tree, 29
characteristic, leaf, 5, 7, 259261, 261
uniform distribution, 64; see also hemispherical control, of isolated leaf productivity,
distribution 253261
uniform distribution of leaf angle, 26 limitation, conditions for, 9, 10
analytical expression of, 26, 27 stress
biological response to, 258
vapor pressure of water, 130 time to, 358
as function of temperature, 150, 349 vapor flux, maximum in homogeneous cylindrical
saturated, 349 multilayers, 215
velocity foliage parameters for, 12
freestream in relation to shear, 94 yield, analytical definition of, 191
profile in array of rods, 110 water-critical insolation, 261, 261
within typical leafy canopies, 93 wet-bulb depression, 149, 153
willow, golden weeping, 100
water wind speed, 93, 93
approximate solutions thereto, 358361
equations for, 356361 zero-plane displacement, 101; see also displacement
mean annual, 190191; estimated properties of thickness
at Beaver Creek, 196, 197206, 200; definition sketch for, 95
variation of components with soil moisture, definition sketch for estimation of, 100
191 zonal brightness, 42

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