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The last years have sen a rapidly growing
interest, both and popular, in the subject of
acoustics. The discovery of the thermionic effect and the
resulting development of the vacuum tube have made
possible the amplification and measurement of minute
alternating currents, giving to physicists a powerful new
d?vice for the quantitative study of acoustical phenomena.
As a result, there have followed remarkable developments
in the arts of communication and of the recording and
reproduction of sound. These have led to a demand for
increased knowledge of the principles underlying the
control of sound, a demand which has been augmented
by the necessity of minimizing the noise resulting from the
ever increasing mechanization of all our activities.
Thus it happens that acoustical problems have come to
claim the attention of a large group of engineers and tech-
nicians. Many of these have had to pick up most of their
knowledge of acoustics as they went along. Even today,
most colleges and technical schools give only scant instruc-
tion in the subject. Further, the fundamental work of
Professor Wallace Sabine has placed upon the architect
the necessity of providing proper acoustic conditions In
any auditorium which he may design. Some knowledge
of the behavior of sound in rooms has thus become a neces-
sary part of the architect's equipment.
It is with the needs of this rather large group of possible
readers in mind that the subject is here presented. No
one can be more conscious than is the author of the lack of
scientific elegance in this presentation.
Thus, for example,
the treatment of simple harmonic motion and the develop-
ment of the wave equation in Chap. II would be much
more neatly handled for the mathematical reader by the
use of the differential equation of the motion of a particle
under the action of an elastic force. The only excuse for
the treatment given is the hope that it may help the non-
mathematical reader to visualize more clearly the dynamic
properties of a wave and its propagation in a medium.
In further extenuation of this fault, one may plead the
inherent difficulties of a strictly logical approach* to tho
problem of waves within a three-dimensional space whose
dimensions are not great in comparison with the wave
length. Thus, in Chap. Ill, conditions in the steady state
are considered from the wave point of view; while in Chap.
IV, we ignore the wave characteristics in order to handle
the problem of the building up and decay of sound in room&.
The theory of reverberation is based upon certain simplify-
ing assumptions. An understanding of these assumptions
and the degree to which they are realized in practical cases
should lead to a more adequate appreciation of the precision
of the solution reached.
No attempt has been made to present a full account
of all the researches that have been made in this field in
very recent years. Valuable contributions to our knowl-
edge of the subject are being made by physicists abroad,
particularly in England and Germany. If undue promi-
nence seems to be given to the results ofwork done in this
country and particularly to that of the Riverbank Labora-
tories, the author can only plead that this is the work
about which he knows most. Perhaps no small part of
his real motive in writing a book has been to give per-
manent form to those portions of his researches which in
his more confident moments he feels are worthy of thus
Grateful recognition is made of the kindness of numerous
authors in supplying reprints of their papers. It is also a
pleasure to acknowledge the painstaking assistance of
Miss Cora Jensen and Mr. C. A. Anderson of the staff of
the Riverbank Laboratories in the preparation of the
manuscript and drawings for the text.

In conclusion, the author would state that whatever

is worth while in the following pages is dedicated to his
friend Colonel George Fabyan, whose generous support
and unfailing interest in the solution of acoustical problems
have made the writing of those pages possible.
P. E. S.
July, 1932.
























Next to mechanics, acoustics is the oldest branch of

Ideas of the nature of heat, light, and electricity have

undergone profound changes in the course of the experi-

mental and theoretical development of modern physics.
Quite on the contrary, however, the true nature of sound
as a wave motion, propagated in the air by virtue of its
elastic properties, has been clearly discerned from the very
beginning. Thus Galileo in speaking of the ratio of a
musical interval says: "I assert that the ratio of a musical
interval is determined by the ratio of their frequencies,
that is, by the number of pulses of air waves which strike
the tympanum of the ear causing it also to vibrate with the
same frequency." In the "Principia," Newton states:
When pulses are propagated through a fluid, every particle
with a very small motion and is accelerated and
retarded by the same law as an oscillating pendulum."
Thus we have a mental picture of a sound wave traveling
through the each particle performing a to-and-fro

motion, this motion being transmitted from particle to

particle as the wave advances. On the theoretical side,
the study of sound considered as the physical cause of the
sensation of hearing is thus a branch of the much larger
study of the mechanics of solids and fluids.

Branches of Acoustics.

On the physical side, acoustics naturally divides itself

into three parts: (1) the study of vibrating bodies including
solids and partially inclosed fluids; (2) the propagation of
vibratory energy through elastic fluids; and (3) the study
of the mechanism of the organ of perception bj; means of
which the vibratory motion of the fluid medium is aftle to
induce nerve stimuli. There is still another branch of
acoustics, which involves not only the purely physical
properties of sound but also the physiological and psycho-
logical aspects of the subject as well as the study of sound
in its relation to music and speech.
Of the three divisions of purely physical acoustics, the
study of the laws of vibrating bodies has, up until the last

twenty-five years, received by far the greatest attention of

physicists. The problems of vibrating strings, of thin
membranes, of plates, and of air columns have all claimed
the attention of the best mathematical minds. A list of the
outstanding names in the field would include those of
Huygens, Newton, Fourier, Poisson, Laplace, Lagrange,
Kirchhoff, Helmholtz, and Rayleigh, on the mathematical
side of the subject. Galileo, Chladni, Savart, Lissajous,
Melde, Kundt, Tyndall, and Koenig are some who have
made notable experimental contributions to the study of
the vibrations of bodies. The problems of the vibrations
of strings, bars, thin membranes, plates, and air columns
have all been solved theoretically with more or less com-
pleteness, and the theoretical solutions, in part, experiment-
ally verified. It should be pointed out that in acoustics,
the agreement between the theory and experiment is
lessexact than in any other branch of physics. This is due
partly to the fact that in many cases it is impossible to set
up experimental conditions in keeping with the assumptions
made in deriving the theoretical solution. Moreover, the
theoretical solution of a general problem may be obtained
in mathematical expressions whose numerical values can
be arrived at only approximately.

Velocity of Sound.

Turning from the question of the motion of the vibrating

body at which sound originates, it is essential to know the
changes taking place in the medium through which this
energy is propagated. The first problem is to determine the
velocity with which sound travels. The theoretical solu-
tion of the problem was given by Newton in 1687. Starting
with the assumption that the motion of the individual
particle of airis one of pure vibration and that this motion

is transmitted with a definite velocity from particle to

particle, he deduced the law that the speed of travel of a
disturbance through a solid, liquid, or gaseous medium is
numerically equal to the square root of the ratio of the
volume elasticity to the density of the medium. The
volume elasticity of a substance is a measure of the resist-
ance which the substance offers to compression or dilata-
tion. Suppose, for example, that we have a given volume
V of air under a given pressure and that a small change of
pressure BP is produced. A small change of volume
dV will result. The ratio of the change of pressure to the
change of volume per unit volume gives us the measure of
" "
the elasticity, the so-called coefficient of elasticity of the

Boyle's law states a common property of all gases,

namely, that if the temperature of a fixed mass of gas
remains constant, the volume will be inversely proportional
to the pressure. This is the law of the isothermal expansion
and contraction of gases. It is easy to show that under the
isothermal condition, the elasticity of a gas at any pressure
is numerically equal to that pressure; so that Newton's

law for the velocity c of propagation of sound in air becomes

/pressure _ JP
> density >p
The pressure and density must of course be expressed in
absolute units. The density of air at C. and a pressure

76 cm. of mercury is 0.001293 g. per cubic centimeter. A

pressure of one atmosphere equals 76 X 13.6 X 980
1,012,930 dynes per square centimeter; and by the Newton
formula the value of c should be

c = = 27,990 cm./sec. = 918.0 ft./sec.


The experimentally determined value of c is about 18

per cent greater than this theoretical value given by the
Newton formula. This disagreement between theoTy and
experiment was explained in 1816, by Laplace, who pointed
out that the condition of constant temperature under which
Boyle's law holds is not that which exists in the rapidly
alternating compressions and rarefactions of the medium
that are set up by the vibrations of sound. It is a matter
of common a volume of gas be suddenly
experience that if

compressed, its
temperature This rise of temperature
makes necessary a greater pressure to produce a given
volume reduction than is necessary if the compression takes
place slowly, allowing time for the heat of compression to
be conducted away by the walls of the containing vessel or
to other parts of the gas. In other words, the elasticity of
air for therapid variations of pressure in a sound wave is
greater than for the slow isothermal changes assumed in
Boyle's law. Laplace showed that the elasticity for the
rapid changes with no heat transfer (adiabatic compression
and rarefaction) is 7 times the isothermal elasticity where
7 the ratio of the specific heat of the medium at constant

pressure to the specific heat at constant volume. The

experimentally determined value of this quantity for air is
1.40, so that the Laplace correction of the Newton formula
gives at 76 cm. pressure and C.

C = _
yP = -
1. 40 X -

= 1,086.2 ft./sec. (1)

Table I gives the results of some of the better known
measurements of the velocity of sound.

Otherdeterminations have been made, all in close

agreement with the values shown in Table I, so that it may
be said that the velocity of sound in free atmosphere is
known with a fairly high degree of accuracy. The weight
of all the experimental evidence is to the effect that this

velocity is independent of the pitch, quality, and intensity of

the sound over a wide range of variation in these properties.

Effect of Temperature.

Equation (1) shows that the velocity of sound depends

only upon the ratio of the elasticity and density of the trans-
mitting medium. This implies that the velocity in free air
is independent of the pressure, since a change in pressure

produces a proportional change in density, leaving the ratio

of pressure to density unchanged. On the other hand, since
the density of air is inversely proportional to the tempera-
ture measured on an absolute scale, it follows that the velocity
will increase with rising temperature. The velocity of sound
c at the centigrade temperature t is given by the formula

ct = 1 + (2a)
331.2^: 273
or, if temperature is expressed on the Fahrenheit scale,
ct = 1 + t
_32 (26)
331.2^ 491
A simpler though only approximate formula for the velocity
of sound between and 20 C. is

ct = 331.2 + 0.60*

Velocity of Sound in Water.

As an
illustration of the application of the fundamental

equation for the velocity of sound in a liquid medium, we

may compute the velocity of sound in fresh water. The
compressibility of water is defined as the change of volume
per unit volume for a unit change of pressure. For water at
pressures less than 25 atmospheres, the compressibility as
defined above is approximately 5 X 10~ u c.c. per c.c. per
dyne per sq. cm. The
coefficient of elasticity as defined
above is the reciprocal of this quantity or 2 XlO 10 The .

density of water is approximately unity, so that the velocity

of sound in water is

fe = /2
-- X 10 10 = 1>M Anr ,

i 141,400 cm./sec.

Colladon and Sturm, in 1826, found experimentally a

velocity of 1,435 m. per second in the fresh water of Lake
Geneva at a temperature of 8 C. Recent work by the
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey gives values of sound in
sea water ranging from 1,445 to more than 1,500 m. per
second at temperatures ranging from to 22 C. for depths
as great as 100 m.
Here, as in the case of air, the difference
between the isothermal and adiabatic compressibility
tends to make the computed less than the measured
theoretical value of the velocity. 1
The velocity of sound in water is thus approximately four
times as great as the velocity in air, although water has a
density almost eighty times that of air. This is due to the
much greater elasticity of water.

Propagation of Sound in Open Air.

Although the theory of propagation of sound in a homo-
geneous medium is simple, yet the application of this theory
to numerous phenomena of the transmission of sound in the
It is important to have a clear idea of the meaning of the term "elastic-

ity" as denned above. In popular thinking, there is frequently encoun-

tered a confusion between the terms "elasticity" and "compressibility."

free atmosphere has proved extremely difficult. For

example, if we assume a source of sound of small area set up
in the open air away from all reflecting surfaces, we should
expect the energy to spread in spherical waves with the
source of sound as the center. At a distance r from the
source, the total energy from the source passes through
the surface of a sphere of radius r, a total area of 4?rr
If . E
is the energy generated per second at the source, then the

energy passing through a unit surface of the sphere would

be E/^Trr* that is, the intensity, defined as the energy per

second through a unit area of the wave front, decreases as


/dhtp velocity*

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Distance in Thousands of Feet

FIG. 1. Variation of amplitude of sound in open air with distance from sou roe.
(AfterL. V. King.)

the square of the distance r increases. This is the well-

known inverse-square law of variation of intensity with
distance from the source, stated in all the elementary text-
books on the subject. As a matter of fact, search of the
literature fails to revealany experimental verification of
this law so frequently invoked in acoustical measurements.
The difficulty comes in realizing experimentally the con-
ditions of "no reflection" and a homogeneous medium."
Out of doors, reflection from the ground disturbs the ideal

Elasticity is a measure of the ability of a substance to resist compression.

In this sense, solids and liquids are more elastic because less compressible
than gases.

condition, and moving air currents and temperature

variations nullify our assumption of homogeneity of the
medium. Indoors, reflections from walls, floor, and ceiling
of theroom result in a distribution of intensity in which
usually there is little or no correlation between the intensity
and the distance from the source.
Figure 1 is taken from a report of an investigation on the
propagation of sound in free atmosphere made by Professor
Louis V. King at Father Point, Quebec, in 1913! l A
Webster phonometer was used to measure the intensity

FIG. 2. Variation of amplitude of sound in an enclosure with distance from


of sound at varying distances from a diaphone fog signal.

The solid lines indicate what the phonometer readings
should be, assuming the inverse-square law to hold.
The observed readings are shown by the lighter curves.
Clearly, the law does not hold under the conditions pre-
vailing at the time of these measurements.
Indoors, the departure from the law is quite as marked.
Figure 2 gives the results of measurements made in a large
armory with the Webster phonometer using an organ
pipe blown at constant pressure as the source. Here
the heavy curve gives what the phonometer readings would
have been on the assumption of an intensity decreasing as
the square of the distance increases. The measured
values are shown on the broken curve. There is obviously
little correlation between the two. The actual intensity
does not fall off with increasing distance from the source
Phil. Tram. Roy. $oc. London, Ser. A, vol. 218, pp. 211-293.

nearly so rapidly as would be the case if the intensity were

simply that of a train of spherical waves proceeding from a
source and we note that the intensity may actually increase

as we go away from the source.

Acoustic Properties of Inclosures.

The measurements presented in Fig. 2 indicate that the

behavior of sound within an inclosure cannot, in general,
be profitably dealt with from the standpoint of progressive
waves in a medium. The study of this behavior constitutes
the subject matter of the first part of
" Architectural

Acoustics/' namely, the acoustic properties of audience

rooms. One may draw the obvious inference from Fig.
2 that, within an inclosed space bounded by sound-reflect-
ing surfaces, the intensity at any point is the sum of two
distinct components: (1) that due to the sound coming
directly from the source, which may be considered to
decrease with increasing distance from the source according
to the inverse-square law; and (2) that which results from
sound that has been reflected from the boundaries of the
inclosure. From the practical point of view, the problem
of auditorium acoustics is to provide conditions such that
sound originating in one portion of the room shall be easily
and naturally heard throughout the room. It follows then
that the study of the subject of the acoustic properties of
rooms involves an analysis of the effects that may be pro-
duced by the reflected portion of the total sound intensity
upon the audibility and intelligibility of the direct portion.
Search of the literature reveals that practically no
systematic scientific study of this problem was made prior
to the year 1900. In Winkelmann's Handbuch der Physik,
one entire volume of which is devoted to acoustics, only
three pages are given to the acoustics of buildings, with
only six references to scientific papers on the subject.
On the architectural side, we find numerous references
to the subject, beginning with the classic work on archi-
tecture by Vitruvius ("De Architectural- In these

references, we find, for the most part, only opinion, based

on more or less superficial observation. there Nowhere is

evidence either of a thoroughgoing analysis of the problem

or of any attempt at its scientific solution.
In 1900, there appeared in the American Architect a
series of articles by Wallace C. Sabine at that time an
instructor in physics at Harvard University giving an
analysis of the conditions necessary to secure good hearing
in an auditorium. This was the first study ever made
of problem by scientific methods. The state of
knowledge on the subject at that time can best be shown
by quoting an introductory paragraph from the first of
these papers. 1
No one can appreciate the condition of architectural acoustics
the science of sound as applied to buildings who has not with a pressing
case in hand sought through the scattered literature for some safe
guidance. Responsibility in a large and irretrievable expenditure of
money compels a careful consideration and emphasizes the meagerness
and inconsistency of the current suggestions. Thus the most definite
and often-repeated statements are such as the following that the dimen-

sions of a room should be in the ratio 2:3:5 or, according to some

writers, 1:1:2, and others, 2:3:4. It is probable that the basis of these

suggestions is the ratios of the harmonic intervals in music, but the

connection is untraced and remote. Moreover, such advice is rather
difficult to apply; should one measure the length to the back or to the
front of the galleries, to the back or front of the stage recess? Few
rooms have a flat roof where should the height be measured? One
writer, who had seen the Mormon Temple, recommended that all
auditoriums be elliptical. Sanders Theater is by far the best auditorium
in Cambridge and is semicircular in general shape but with a recess
that makes it almost anything; and, on the other hand, the lecture
room in the Fogg Art Museum is also semicircular, indeed was modeled
after Sanders Theater, and it was the worst. But Sanders Theater
is in wood and the Fogg lecture room is plaster on tile; one seizes on this

only to be immediately reminded that Sayles Hall in Providence is

largely lined with wood and is bad. Curiously enough, each suggestion
is advanced as if it alone were sufficient. As examples of remedies may
be cited the placing of vases about the room for the sake of resonance,
wrongly supposed to have been the object of the vases in Greek theaters,
and the stretching of wires, even now a frequent though useless device.
SABINE, WALLACE C., "Collected Papers on Acoustics," Harvard
University Press, p. 1. Cambridge 1922.

In a succeeding paragraph, Sabine states very succinctly

the necessary and sufficient conditions for securing good
hearing conditions in any room. He says:
In order that hearing may be good in any auditorium, it is necessary
that the sound should be sufficiently loud; that the simultaneous
components of a complex sound should maintain their proper relative
intensities; and that the successive sounds in rapidly moving articula-
tion, either of speech or music, should be clear and distinct, free from
each other and from extraneous noises. These three are the necessary,
as they are the entirely sufficient, conditions fof~good
architectural problem is, correspondingly, threefold, and in this intro-
ductory paper an attempt will be made to sketch and define briefly the
subject on this basis of classification. Within the three fields thus
defined is comprised without exception the whole of acoustics.

Very clearly, Sabine puts the problem of securing good

acoustics largely as a matter of eliminating causes of
acoustical difficulties rather than as one of improving hear-
ing conditions by positive devices. Increasing knowledge
gained by quantitative observations and experiment during
the thirty years since the above paragraph was written
confirms the correctness of this point of view. It is to be
said that during the twenty-five years which Sabine himself
devoted to this subject, his investigations were directed
along the lines here suggested. Most of the work of others
since his time has been guided by his pioneer work in this
field. In the succeeding chapters, we shall undertake to
present the subject of sound in buildings from his point
of view, including only so much of acoustics in general
as is necessary to a clear understanding of the problems
in the special field.


We may define sound either as the sensation produced
by the stimulation of the auditory nerve, or we may define
itas the physical cause of that stimulus. For the present
purpose, we shall adopt the latter and define sound as the
undulatory movement of the air or of any other elastic
medium, a movement which, acting upon the auditory
mechanism, is capable of producing the sensation of hearing.
An undulatory or wave motion of a medium consists of the
rapid to-and-fro movement of the individual particles, this
motion being transmitted at a definite speed which is deter-
mined by the ratio of the elasticity to the density of the

Simple Harmonic Motion.

For a clear understanding of the origin and propagation
of vibrational energy through a medium, let us consider
in detail, though in an elemen-
tary way, the ideal simple case of
the transfer of a simple harmonic
motion (S.H.M.) as a plane
wave in a medium. Simple
harmonic motion may be defined
as the projection of uniform
circular motion upon a diameter
of the circular path.
FIG. 3. Relation Thus if the particle P (Fig. 3)
of simple
harmonic motion to uniform
with a constant speed
circular motion.
moving is

upon the circumference of a

circle of radius A, and P is moving upon a horizontal

diameter so that the vertical line through P always passes

through P' then the motion of P' is simple harmonic motion.


If the angular velocity of P is co radians per second, and

time is measured from the instant that P passes through

N, and JP', moving to the right, passes through 0, then

of P is given by the equation
the displacement
= A sin <at (3)

The position of P' as well as motion is given its direction of

by the value of the angle This angle is called the coL

phase angle and is a measure of the phase of the motion

of P
Thus when the phase angle is 90 deg., 7r/2 radians,

P f is at the point of maximum excursion to the right.

When the phase angle is 180 deg., TT radians, P f is in its
undisplaced position, moving to the left. When the phase
is 360 deg., or 2?r radians, P' is again in its undisplaced

position moving to the right. The instantaneous velocity

of P is the component of the velocity of P parallel to the

motion of P' or, as is easily seen from the figure,

= AOJ cos co = ylco sin f coZ + (4)


In simple harmonic motion, the velocity is 90 deg. in

phase in advance of the displacement.
Now the acceleration of the particle P moving with a
uniform speed s, on the circumference of a circle of radius

A, is s
(Aco) /A/A = Aco 2 =
Since the tangential speed 2

is constant, this acceleration must be always toward the

center of the circle. The acceleration of the particle P'

is the horizontal component of the acceleration of JP,

namely, Aco 2 sin co. Let m be the mass of the particle

P' its acceleration, and Fx the force which produces its

motion. Then by the second law of motion

Fx = m = mAu 2
sin ut = mAw 2 sin (o)t + TT) (5)

Comparing Eqs. (3) and (5), it appears that the force

is directly proportional to the displacement but of opposite
sign. Thus if P' is displaced toward the right, it is acted
upon by a force toward the left, which increases as the
displacement increases. The force Fx always acts to

restore the particle to its undisplaced position, and its

magnitude is directly proportional to the displacement.
Now the restoring forces called into play when any
elastic body is subjected to strain are of just this type.

Therefore, it follows that a particle moving under the

action of an elastic restoring force will perform a simple
harmonic motion. Further, it can be shown that the
free movement of any body under the action of elastic
forces only can be expressed as the resultant of a series of
simple harmonic motions.

Displacement Velocity Acceleration

FIG. 4. Simple harmonic motion projected on a uniformly moving film.

Suppose now that the motion of P' is recorded on a

film moving with uniform speed at right angles to the
vibration. The trace of the motion will be a sine curve.
For this reason simple harmonic motion is spoken of
as sinusoidal motion. If at the same time we could devise
mechanisms that would record particle velocity and particle
acceleration, the traces of these magnitudes on the moving
film would be shown as in Fig. 4.
The maximum excursion on one side of the undisplaced
position, the distance A, is the amplitude of the vibration.
The number of complete to-and-fro excursions per second
is the frequency/ of vibration. Since one complete to-and-
fro P
movement of 1 occurs for each complete rotation of P 9

corresponding to 2?r radians of angular motion, then

co = 2irf

Energy of Simple Harmonic Motion.

It is evident that, in the ideal case we have assumed,
the kinetic energy of the particle P is a maximum at 0,

the position of zero displacement and maximum velocity.

Here the velocity is the same as that of P, namely coA,
and the kinetic energy is

= Hrae^ 2 - 27T
W/ A
2 2

At the maximum excursion, when the particle is momen-

tarily stationary, the kinetic energy is zero. The total
energy here is potential. At intermediate points the sum
of the potential and kinetic energies is constant and equal
to i^racoM. 2 . The average kinetic as well as the average
potential energy throughout the cycle is one-half the maxi-
mum or j^wwM. 2 or Trra/M. 2 1 The total energy, kinetic

and potential, of a vibrating particle equals J^mco 2 A 2 or

Wave Motion.

Having considered the motion of the individual particle,

let us trace the propagation of this motion from particle
to particle as a plane wave, that is, a wave in which all
particles of the medium in any given plane at right angles
to the direction of propagation have the same phase. Let
the wave be generated by the rapid to-and-fro movement
of the piston moving in parallel ways and driven with
" "
simple harmonic motion by the disk-pin-and-slot mech-
anism indicated in Fig. 5a. The horizontal component
of the uniform circular motion of the disk is transmitted
to the piston by the pin, which slides up and down in the
vertical slot in the piston head as the disk revolves. We
may consider that the disturbance is kept from spreading
The mathematical proof of this statement is not difficult. The interested
reader with an elementary knowledge of the calculus may easily derive the
proof for himself.

laterally by having the propagating medium confined

in a tube so long that we need not consider what happens at
the open end. Represent the undisturbed condition of
the air by 41 equally spaced particles. Let the distance
from to 40 be the distance the disturbance travels during
a complete vibration of a single particle. 1 This distance is
n *TL
K3 K4
X\t //'....> .?.; h



FIG. 6.
Fia. 5a. Compreseional plane wave moving to the right.
Fia. 56. Compressional plane wave reflected to the left.
FIG. 6. Stationary wave resultant of Figs. 5a and 56.

called thewave length of the wave motion and is denoted

by the Greek letter X.
The line A shows the positions of each of the particles
at the instant that P the first particle, having made a

complete vibration, is in its equilibrium position and is

According to the conception of the kinetic theory of gases, the molecules


of a gas are in a state of thermal agitation, and the pressure which the gas
exerts is due to this random motion of its molecules. Here for the purpose
of our illustration we shall consider stationary molecules held in place by
elastic restraints.

moving to the right. The first member of the family

of sine curves shown is the trace on a moving film of the
motion of P . PI having performed only thirty-nine-
fortieths of a vibration at this instant, displaced slightly
to the left. Curve 1represents its motion during the
interval that P performs the motion shown by curve 0.
The phase difference between the motions of two adjacent
particles 27T/40 radians, or 9 deg.
is 20 is 180 deg. in P
phase behind P
and is in its undisplaced position and
moving to the left. P
40 is 2?r radians or 360 deg. behind
P and the motions of the two particles coincide, P having

performed one more complete vibration than P 40 -

Lines B, C, D, E (Fig. 5a) give the positions of the 41

particles *, 3^, %> and 1 period respectively later than
those shown at A.

Types of Wave Motion.

It will be noted that the motion of the particles is in
the line of propagation of the disturbance. This type of
motion is called a compressioiial wave, and, as appears, such
a wave consists of alternate condensations and rarefactions
of the medium. This is the only kind of wave that can
be propagated through a gas. In solids, the particle motion
may be at right angles to the direction of travel, and the
wave would consist of alternate crests and troughs and is

spoken of as a transverse wave. As a matter of fact, in

general when any portion of a solid is disturbed, both
compressional and transverse waves result and the motion
becomes extremely complicated. A wave traveling through
the body of a liquid is of the compressional type. At the
free surface of a liquid, waves occur in which the particles
move in closed loops under the combined action of gravity
and surface tension.

Equation of Wave Motion.

Equation(3) gives the displacement of a vibrating par-

ticle in terms of the time, measured from the instant the
particle passed through its undisplaced position, and of the

amplitude and frequency of vibration. The equation

of a wave gives the displacement of any particle in terms
of the time and the coordinates that determine the undis-

placed position of the particle. In the case of a plane wave,

since all the particles in a given plane perpendicular to the
direction of propagation have the same phase, the distance
of this plane from the origin is sufficient to fix the phase
of the particle's motion relative to that of a particle located
at the origin. Call this distance x.
In Fig. 5a, consider the motion of a particle at a distance
x from the origin P Let c be the velocity with which

the disturbance travels, or the velocity of sound. Then the

time required for the motion at P to be transmitted the
distance x is x/c. The particle at x will repeat the motion
of that at P , x/c sec. later. The equation therefore for
the particle at x, referred to the time when P is in its neutral
position, is

Jt - -
= A sin
^=A sin 2*f(t
^} (la)

Similarly the velocity of the particle at x is

- Aco cos Jt = 27T.4/ cos 2<jrf(t

- ~] (76)
and the acceleration

I = -4cu 2
sin w(t - = -4rr 24/2 sin 2wf(t - (7c)
^) ^j
Equation (7o) is the equation of a plane compressional
wave of simple-harmonic type traveling to the right, and
from it the displacement of any particle at any time may

be deduced. In the present instance we have assumed a

simple harmonic motion of the particle at the origin. We
might have given this particle any complicated motion
whatsoever, and, in an elastic medium, this motion would
be transmitted, so that each particle would perform this
same motion with a phase retardation of a>x/c radians. In
other words, the reasoning given applies to the general
case of a disturbance of any type set up in an elastic medium

in which the velocity of propagation is independent of the

frequency of vibration.

Wave Length and Frequency.

Now the wave length
of the sound has been defined as
the distance the disturbance travels during a complete
vibration of a single particle, for example, the distance P
to 4o P
(Fig- 5a). The phase difference between two
particles one wave length apart is 2ir radians. Letting x
= X, we have

A= c (8)

This important relationship makes it possible to compute

the frequency of vibration, the wave length, or the velocity
of sound if the two other quantities are known. Since c,
the velocity of sound in air at any temperature, is known,
Eq. the wave length of sound of any given fre-
(8) gives
quency. I of Appendix A gives the frequencies and
wave lengths in air at 20 C. (68 F.) of the tones of one
octave of the tempered and physical scales.
The frequencies and wave lengths given are for the first
octave above middle C (C 3 ). To obtain the frequencies
of tones in the second octave above middle C we should
multiply the frequencies given in the table by 2. In the
octave above this we should multiply by 4, and in the next
octave by 8, etc. For the octaves below middle C we
should divide by 2, 4, 8, etc.

Density and Pressure Changes in a Compressional Wave.

In the preceding paragraphs, we have followed the pro-
gressive change in the motion of the individual particles.
Figure 5a also indicates the changes that occur in the con-
figuration of the particles with reference to each other.
Initially, there is a crowding together of the particles at
F with a corresponding separation at 2 o- One-quarter
of a period later, the maximum condensation is at PI O ,

and the rarefaction is at 30 At the end of a complete

period, there is again a condensation at F

wave length- A
therefore as defined above includes one complete condensa-
tion and one rarefaction of the medium.
The condensation, denoted by the letter s, is defined as
the ratio of the increment of density to the undisturbed
Thus if the density of the undisturbed air is 1.293 g: per
literand that in the condensation phase of a particular
sound wave is 1.294 g. per liter, the maximum condensation
is 1/1,293. It is apparent that a condensation results
from the fact that the displacement of each particle at any
instant is slightly different from that of an adjacent particle.
Referring once more to Fig. 5a, one sees that if all the
particles were displaced by equal amounts at the same
time there would be no variation in the spacing of the
particles, that is, no variation in the density. It can be

easily shown that in a plane wave the condensation is equal

to minus the rate per unit distance at which the dis-
placement varies from particle to particle. Expressed
= Sp =
p -I*
OX (9o)
^ '

Differentiating Eq. (la) with regard to x, we have

?)= (96)

We thus arrive at the interesting relation that the conden-

sation in a progressive wave is equal to the ratio of the
particle velocity to the wave velocity. Further, it appears
that the condensation is in phase with the velocity and
7T/2 radians in advance of the particle displacement.
At constant temperature, the density of a gas is directly
proportional to the pressure. As was indicated in Chap.
I, for the rapid alternations of pressure in a sound wave,
the temperature rises in compression and the pressure

increases more rapidly than the density, so that the frac-

tional change in pressure equals y (1.40) times the frac-
tional change in density. Whence we have
- *- *! <

The maximum pressure increment, which may be called

the pressure amplitude, is therefore 2iryPAf/c.

Energy in a Compressional Wave.

We have seen that the total energy, kinetic and potential,
of a particle of mass m vibrating with a frequency / and
amplitude A is 2ir
mA f
2 2
. If there are N
of these particles
per cubic centimeter, the total energy in a cubic centimeter
is 2Nmir A f
2 2 2
.The product Nm
is the weight per cubic

centimeter of the medium, or the density. The total

energy per cubic centimeter is, therefore, 2w pf A of which,
2 2 2

on the average, half is potential and half kinetic.

The term " intensity of sound" may be used in two ways:
either as the energy per unit volume of the medium or as
the energy transmitted per second through a unit section
perpendicular to the direction of propagation. The former
would more properly be spoken of as the "energy density/'
and the latter as the "energy flux." We shall denote the
energy density by symbol / and the energy flux by symbol
/. If the energy is being transmitted with a velocity of c
cm. per second, then the energy passing in 1 sec. through 1
sq. cm. is c times the energy per cubic centimeter, or
J = cl = 27r pA 2f2c

Equation (11) and the expression for the pressure

amplitude given above may be combined to give a simple
relationship between pressure change and flux intensity.

A/ ~2
_ 2y P
2 2

J 2w 2pA 2f2~c* pc

Using the relationship c = VyP/p, we have


Now it can be shown that the average value of the square

of dP over one complete period is one-half the square
of its maximum value. Hence, if we denote the square root
of the mean square value of the pressure increment by p,
Eq. (12) may be put in the very simple form

J = 2! = P.' =J^ = Pl
Q 3)
pc VyPp Vep
in which
r = Vep and e = yP.
expression \/cp has been called the "acoustic resist-
ance" medium. Table II of Appendix A gives the
of the
values of c and r for various media.
Comparison of Eq. (13) with the familiar expression
for the power expended in an electric circuit suggests the
reason for calling the expression r, the acoustic resistance of
a medium. It will be recalled that the power expended W
in a circuit whose electrical resistance is R is given by the

where E
is the electromotive force (e.m.f.) applied to the

circuit. In the analogy between the electrical -transfer of

power and the passage of acoustical energy through a
medium E, the e.m.f. corresponds to the effective pressure
increment, and the electrical resistance to r, the "acoustic
resistance" of the medium. The analogue of the electrical
current is the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) value of the
particle velocity.
The mathematical treatment of acoustical problems from
the standpoint of the analogous electrical case is largely due
to Professor A. G. Webster, 1 who introduced the term
"acoustical impedance" to include both the resistance and
reactance of a body of air in his study of the behavior of
horns. For an extension of the idea and its application
to various problems, the reader is referred to Chap. IV
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 5, p. 275, 1919.

of Crandall's Theory of Vibrating Systems and Sound"
and to the recently published " Acoustics" by Stewart and
Equation (13) gives flux intensity in terms of the r.-m.-s.
pressure change and the physical constants of the medium
only. It will be noted that it does not involve the fre-

quency of vibration. This leads to the very important fact

that if we have an instrument that will measure the pressure
changes, the flux intensities of sounds of different fre-
quencies may be compared directly from the readings of
such an instrument. For this reason, instruments which
record the pressure changes in sound waves are to be
preferred to those giving the amplitude.

Temperature Changes in a Sound Wave.

We have seen that to account for the measured velocity
of sound, it is necessary to assume that the pressure and

density changes in the air take place adiabatically, that is,

without transfer of heat from one portion of the medium to
another. This means that at any point in a sound wave
there is a periodic variation of temperature, a slight rise
above the normal when a condensation is at the point in
question, and a corresponding fall in the rarefaction. The
relation between the temperature and the pressure in an
adiabatic change is given by the relation


where 7 is the ratio of the specific heats of the gas, equal to

1.40, and 6 is the temperature on the absolute scale.
Now 60/0 will in any case be a very small quantity,
and the numerical value of
is 3.44. Expanding the
second member of (14) by the binomial theorem and
neglecting the higher powers of 50/0 we have

Obviously the temperature fluctuations in a sound wave

are extremely small too small, in fact, to be measurable;
but the fact of thermal changes is of importance when we
come to consider the mechanism of absorption of sound by
porous bodies.

Numerical Values.
The qualitative relationships between the various phe-
nomena that constitute a sound wave having been 'dealt
with, it is next of interest to consider the order of magnitude
of the quantities with which we are concerned. All values
must of course be expressed in absolute units. For this
purpose we shall start with the pressure changes in a sound
of moderate intensity. At the middle of the musical
range, 512 vibs./sec., the r.m.s. pressure increment of a
sound of comfortable loudness would be of the order of 5
bars (dynes per square centimeter), approximately five-
millionths of an atmosphere. From Eq. (13) the flux
intensity J for this pressure is found to be p* -f- 41.5 = 0.6
erg per second per square centimeter or 0.06 microwatt per
square centimeter. From the relation that J = HH; 2 max.
we can compute the maximum particle velocity, which is
found to be 0.17 cm. per second. This maximum velocity
is 27T/A, and the amplitude of vibration is therefore
0.000053 cm. A moment's consideration of the minuteness
of the physical quantities involved in the phenomena of
sound suggests the that are to be encountered
in the direct experimental determination of these quantities
and why precise direct acoustical measurements are so
difficult to make. As a matter of fact, it has been only
since the development of the vacuum tube as a means of
amplifying very minute electrical currents that quantitative
work on many of the problems of sound has been possible.

Complex Sounds.
In the preceding sections we have dealt with the case of
sound generated by a body vibrating with simple harmonic
motion. The tone produced by such a source is known as

pure tone, and the most familiar example is that produced by

a tuning fork mounted upon a resonator. The phono-
graphic record of such a tone would be a sinusoidal curve, as
pictured in Fig. 3. If we examine records of ordinary
musical sounds or speech, we shall find that instead of the
simple sinusoidal curves produced by pure tones, the traces
are periodic, but the form is in general extremely compli-
cated. Figure 7 is an oscillograph record of the sound of a
vibrating piano string, and it will be noted that it consists of
a repetition of a single pattern. The movement of the
air particles that produces this record is obviously not the

simple harmonic motion considered above.

However, it is possible to give a mathematical expression
to a curve of this character by means of Fourier's theorem.

FIG. 7. Osoillogram of sound from a piano string. (Courtesy of William Braid


In general, musical tones are produced by the vibrations

either of strings, as in the piano and the violin, or by those
of air columns, as in the organ and orchestral wind instru-
ments. When
a string or air column is excited so as to
produce sound, it will vibrate as a whole and also in seg-
ments which are aliquot parts of the whole. The vibration
as a whole produces the lowest or fundamental tone, and the
partial vibrations give a series of tones whose frequencies
are integral numbers 2, 3, 4, etc., times this fundamental
frequency. The motion of the air particles in the sound
thus produced will be complex, and the gist of Fourier's
theorem is that such a complex motion may be accurately
expressed by a series of sine (or cosine) terms of suitable
FOURIER, J. B. J., "La ThSorie Analytique de la Chaleur," Paris, 1822;
CARSE and SHEARER, "Fourier's Analysis," London, 1915.

amplitude and phase. Thus the displacement of a point on

the vibrating body at any time t is given by an equation of
the form

= AI sin (wt + (pi) + At sin

A 3 sin (3co + <f>z) +, etc.

That property of musical sounds which makes the difference

between the sounds of two different musical instruments
" "
producing tones of the same pitch is called quality or
"timbre," and its physical basis lies in the relative ampli-
tudes of the simple harmonic components of the two com-
plex sounds.

Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis.

The harmonic analysis of a periodic curve consists in
the determination of the amplitude and phase of each
member the series of simple harmonic components.
This may be done mathematically, but the process is
tedious. Various machines have been devised for the
purpose, the best known being that of Henrici, in 1894,
based on the rolling sphere integrator. This and other
mechanical devices are described in full in Professor Dayton
C. Miller's book, "The Science of Musical Sounds," 1 to
which the reader is referred for further details.
The reverse process, of drawing a periodic curve from its

harmonic components, is called "harmonic synthesis." A

machine for this purpose consists essentially of a series of
elements each of which will describe a simple harmonic
motion and means by which these motions may be com-
bined into a single resultant motion which is recorded
graphically. Perhaps the simplest mechanical means of
producing S.H.M. is that indicated in Fig. 5, in which a pin
carried off center by a revolving disk imparts the component
motion in a single direction to a member free to move
of its
back and forth in this direction and in no other.
In his book, Professor Miller describes and illustrates
numerous mechanical devices for harmonic analysis and
The Macmillan Company, 1916.

synthesis including the 30 element synthesizer of his own

construction. In Fig. 8 are shown the essential features of

FIG. Sa. Disc, pin and slot, and chain mechanism of the Riverbank harmonic

the 40-element machine built by Mr. B. E. Eisenhour of the

Riverbank Laboratories.
The rotating disks are driven by a common driving shaft,
carrying a series of 40 helical gears. Each driving gear

FIG. 86. Helical gear drive of the Riverbank synthesizer

engages a gear mounted on a vertical shaft on which is

also mounted one of the rotating disks. The gear ratio

for the first element is 40:1, while that for the fortieth is
1:1, so that for 40 rotations of the main shaft the disks
revolve 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 40 times respectively. Each disk
carries a pin which moves back and forth in a slot cut in a
sliding member free to move in parallel ways. Each of
these sliding members carries a nicely mounted pulley.
The amplitude of motion of each sliding element can be
adjusted by the amount to which the driving pin is set off

center, and this is measured to 0.01 cm. by means of a scale

and vernier engraved on the surface of the disk. The phase
of the starting position of each disk is indicated on a circular

Fia. 9. Forty-element harmonic synthesizer of the Riverbank Laboratories.

scaleengraved on the periphery by reference to a fixed line

on the instrument. It is thus possible to set to any desired
values both the amplitude and the phase of each of the 40
sliding elements.
The combined motion of all the sliding members is trans-
ferred to the recording pen, by means of an inextensible
chronometer fusee chain, threaded back and forth around
the pulleys and attached to the pen carriage. The back-
and-forth motion of each element thus transmits to the
pen an amplitude equal to twice that of the element. The
pen motion is recorded on the paper mounted on a traveling
table which is driven at right angles to the motion of the
pen carriage by the main shaft by means of a rack-and-

pinion arrangement. The chain is kept tight by means of

weights suspended over pulleys at each end of the syn-
thesizer. An ingenious arrangement allows continuous
adjustment of the length of table travel for 40 revolutions
main shaft over a range of from 10 to 80 cm. so that a
of the ;

wave of any length within these limits may be drawn.

Fio. 10. Analysis and re-synthesis of 30 elements of complex sound wave by

harmonic synthesizer. Re-synthesis of 40 elements gives original curve.

With this instrument we are able to draw mechanically

any wave form, which may be expressed by an equation of
the form

= 2} A k sin (ko)t + <pk)

Moreover, the instrument may be used as an analyzer
to determine the amplitudes and phases of a Fourier series of

40 terms that will be an approximate representation of any

given wave form as shown by Dr. F. W. Kranz.

Figure 10 shows the simple harmonic components of an

oscillograph record of the vowel sound 0, spoken by a
masculine voice, as determined by Kranz's method of
analysis. A resynthesis of these components reproduces
the original wave form with an exactness that leaves no
doubt as to the reliability of the instrument or the correct-
ness of the analysis. The method thus affords a means of
studying and expressing quantitatively the quality or
timbre of musical sounds.

Properties of Musical Sounds.

musical sound as distinguished from noise is charac-
terized by having a fairly definite pitch and quality, sus-
tained for an appreciable length of time. Pitch is expressed
quantitatively by specifying the lowest frequency of vibra-
tions of the sounding body. Quality is expressed by giving
the relative amplitudes or intensities of the simple har-
monic components into which the complex tone may be
analyzed. In the recorded motion of the sounding body or
of the air itself, the length of the wave is the criterion of the
pitch of the sound, while the shape of the wave determines
the quality. The record of a musical sound consists of a
definite pattern repeated at regular intervals.
Noise is sound without definite pitch characteristics
an indeterminate quality. On the physical side, the line
of distinction between musical sounds and noises is not
sharp. Many sounds ordinarily classified as noises will
upon careful examination be found to have fairly definite
pitches. Thus striking a block of wood with a hammer
would commonly be said to make a noise. But if we assem-
wood of the proper lengths, we find
ble a series of blocks of
that the tones of the musical scale can be produced by
striking them, and we have the xylophone, though whether
the xylophone is really a musical instrument is perhaps a
matter of opinion.
Jour. Franklin Inst., pp. 245-262, August, 1927.

Speech sounds are a mixture of musical sounds and

noises. In the vowels, the musical characteristics pre-
dominate, although both pitch and quality vary rapidly.
The consonant sounds are noises that begin and terminate
the sounds of the vowels. In singing and intoning, the
pitch of each vowel is sustained for a considerable length
of time, and only the definite pitches of the musical scale
are produced that is, in good singing.
For the most recent and complete treatment of this
subject the reader should consult Dr. Harvey Fletcher's
book on "
Speech and Hearing" and Sir Richard Paget's
Human Speech."

Starting with the case of a body performing simple
harmonic motion, we have considered the propagation of
this motion as a plane wave in an elastic medium. To
visualize the physical changes that take place when a
sound wave travels through the air, we fix our attention on a
single small region in the transmitting medium. We see
each particle performing a to-arid-fro motion through its
undisplaced position similar to that of the sounding body.
Accompanying this periodic motion is a corresponding
change in its distance from adjacent particles, resulting in
changes in the density of the medium and consequently a
pressure which oscillates about the normal pressure.
Accompanying these pressure changes are corresponding
slight changes in the temperature.
Viewing the progress of the plane wave through the air,
we see all the foregoing changes advancing from particle
to particle with a velocity equal to the square root of the
ratio of the elasticity to the density. In time, each set of
conditions is repeated at any point in the medium once in
each cycle. In space, the conditions prevailing at any
instant at a given point are duplicated at points distant
from by any integral number of wave lengths.

. We have also seen that any complex periodic motion

may be closely approximated by a series of simple harmonic

motions whose relative frequencies are in the order of

1, 2, 3, 4, etc., and whose amplitudes and phase may be
determined by a Fourier analysis of the curve showing the
complex motion. The derivation of the relationship for
a single S.H.M. may be considered as applying to the
separate components of the complex sound. In other
words, the propagation of a disturbance of any type in a
medium in which the velocity is independent of the fre-
quency willtake place as in the simple harmonic case*

treated. The assumption of a plane wave, while simplify-

ing the mathematical treatment, does not alter the physical
picture. For a more general and a more rigorous mathe-
matical treatment, standard treatises such as Lord Ray-
leigh's "Theory of Sound" or Lamb's "Dynamic Theory
of Sound" should be consulted. Among recent texts,
"Vibrating Systems and Sound," by Crandall; "A Text-
book on Sound," by A. B. Wood; "Acoustics," by Stewart
and Lindsay, will be found helpful.


In the preceding chapter, we have considered the
phenomena occurring in a progressive plane wave, that is, a
wave in which any particle of the medium repeats the
movement of any other particle with a time lag between
the two motions of x/c. Within an inclosure, sound
reflection occurs at the bounding surfaces, so that the
motion of any particle in the inclosure is the resultant of the
motion due to the direct wave and to waves that have
suffered one or more reflections. The three-dimensional
case is complicated, and the general mathematical solution
of the problem of the distribution of pressures and velocities
throughout the space has not yet been effected. This
distribution within a room is called the sound pattern "
or the interference pattern," and the variation of intensity
from point to point within rooms with reflecting walls is one
of the chief sources of difficulty in making indoor acoustical

Stationary Wave in a Tube.

We may clarify our ideas as to the general sort of thing
taking place with sound in an inclosed space by a detailed
elementary study of the one-dimensional case of a plane
wave within a tube closed at one end by a perfectly reflect-
ing surface, that is, a surface at which none of the energy of
the wave is dissipated or transmitted to the stopping barrier
in the process of reflection. This condition is equivalent to
saying that there is no motion of the barrier and correspond-

ingly no motion of the air molecules directly adjacent to it.

By Newton's third law of motion, the force of the reaction
of the reflecting surface is exactly equal in magnitude and

opposite in direction to the force under which the vibrating


air particle adjacent to it moves. In other words, the

reflected motion is the same as would be imparted to sta-
tionary particles by a simple harmonic motion generator
180 deg. out of phase with the motion in the direct wave.
This reaction generator is indicated in Fig. 56. Its motion
isgiven by the equation
= -Asinut (16)

Considered alone, this motion gives rise to a reflected wave,

and the equation for the displacement in the reflected wave

-Arin^ + ^ (17)

be noted that the sign of x/c is positive, since the

It is to
reflected is advancing in the opposite direction from
that in which x increases. The progress of the reflected
wave considered alone is shown in Fig. 56.
The resultant particle displacement due to the super-
position of both the direct and the reflected waves is

= - - sin + =
A[sin (* Jj (* *JJ
wt sin 1 (18)
In Fig. 6, the particle positions at quarter-period intervals
are shown, each displacement being the resultant of the
two displacements due to the direct and reflected waves
shown 5a and 56 respectively. One notes imme-
in Figs.
diately that particles P P-20, and P 40 remain stationary

throughout the whole cycle, while particles Pi and P 30

have a maximum amplitude of 2A. The first are the nodes
of the "stationary wave spaced at intervals of half a wave
7 '

length. The second are the antinodes. At the nodes,

there is a maximum variation with time in the condensation
and hence in the pressure; while at the antinodes, there is
no variation in the pressure. (Note that the distance
between particles 9 and 11 is constant.) In a stationary

wave, the nodes are points of no motion and maximum

pressure variation; while at the internodes, there is maxi-
mum motion and zero pressure change. It is to be observed
further that within the half wave length between the nodes,
all the particles move together, while corresponding particles
on opposite sides of a node are at any instant equally
displaced but moving in opposite directions.
It is easy to see, both from the concept of the stationary
wave as the resultant of two waves of equal amplitudes
moving in opposite directions and also from the fact that
all the particles between nodes move together, that there is

no transfer of energy from particle to particle in either direc-

tion, so that the energy flux in a stationary wave is zero.
We may derive all these facts from consideration of
Eq. 18. Thus for a given value of ,
the displacement
varies as the sine of cox/c, being a maximum at the points
for which wx/c = 2irx/\ = x/2, 37T/2, 5?r/2, etc., that is, at
points for which x = X/4, 3X/4, 5X/4, etc. The displace-
ment is always zero for all points at which sin &x/c
= 0,
that is, at values of x = 0, X/2, X, 3X/2, etc.
The velocity is obtained
particle by differentiating
Eq. (18) with respect to the time

= 2 Aco sin coZ sin (19)


while the condensation is given by differentiating with

respect to x
s = ~- = 2A- cos co cos (20)
c/x c c
The kinetic-energy density
1 0)X
U =
f -
* = 2pA 2co 2
sin 2 cousin 2

= 8p7r
A /2 sin
2 2
co* sin 2

The maximum kinetic-energy density is at the mid-

point between the nodes for values of i = J4, %, %, etc.,
times the period of one vibration, that is, where sin co and sin

are both unity; hence

This, it will be noted, is four times the maximum kinetic

energy in the direct progressive wave, a result which is to
be expected, since the amplitude of the stationary wave at
this point is twice that of the direct wave and the energy is
proportional to the square of the amplitude. However, the
kinetic-energy density of the stationary wave averaged Over
an entire wave length may be shown to be only twice the
energy of the direct wave.
Total kinetic energy per wave length equals
o># ,

2pA 2w 2 sin 2 a>t


sin 2
ax = (21)

The kinetic-energy density, averaged over a wave length, is

A*pu 2 sin 2 cot. The maximum kinetic energy exists in the
medium at the times when ut = ?r/4, 3?r/4, 5?r/4 and
sin &t is unity. At these times, its value is pA 2co 2 or twice
the energy density of the direct wave.
The results of the foregoing considerations may be
summarized in the following tables of the analytical
expressions for the various quantities involved in the
progressive and stationary waves pictured in Figs. 5a
and 6.

It should be said that the form of the expressions for the

various quantities considered depends upon the convention
adopted as to sign and phase of the motion at the origin.
The convention here used is such' that in the condensation
phase the particle motion coincides with the direction of

Vibrations of Air Columns.

Referring again to Fig. 6, we note that the particles at

PO and at P 2 o under the action of the direct and reflected
waves are at all times stationary. Accordingly, after the
actual source has performed two complete vibrations, giving
a complete wave down the tube to the reflecting end and
back, thus setting up the column vibration, we may suppose
the source removed and a rigid wall placed at the point
PO (or P 2 o) which will reflect the particle motion, and, in the
absence of dissipative forces, the air column as a whole will
continue its longitudinal vibration indefinitely just as does
a plucked string or a struck tuning fork. It is plain,
therefore, that the term stationary wave" is something
of a misnomer. What we have is the compressional vibra-
tion of the air column as a whole. Since the length of the
vibrating column is one-half or any integral number of
halves of the wave length, it appears that a given column of
air closed at both ends may vibrate with a series of fre-

quencies, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., times the lowest frequency, that

at which the length of the column is one-half the wave
Algebraically, if m is any integer, / a possible frequency

of vibration, and / the length of the inclosed column of air,

1 = 1 mX =


i - <m

The series of frequenciesobtained by giving successive

integral values 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., to m
are the natural fre-
quencies or the resonant frequencies of the air column.

The point will be further considered in connection with the

resonance in rooms.

Closed Tube with Absorbent Ends.

In the foregoing discussion of the standing wave set up
by the reflection of a plain wave, we have assumed that none
of the vibrational energy is

dissipated in the process of

reflection and also that there
_ ""T: I7~7
~ ! 77
is no dissipation
^ ^ in
energy of
FIG. 11. Stationary wave in a tube with
reflecting ends. the passage of sound along
the tube.
In Fig. 11, the maximum
displacement of the particles
is pictured at right angles to the direction of propagation,
and the envelope of the excursions of the particles is
shown. Suppose now that the ideal perfectly reflecting
barrier is replaced by one
at which a part of the in-
cident energy is absorbed,
so that the amplitude of
the reflected wave is not A m
Fi<;. 12. Stationary wave a tube with
but kA, k being leSS than absorbent ends.

Referring to Eq. 18, we may write in the case of an
absorbent barrier

? (d+r) = - - k sin +
A[sin co(< 5) co(*

- k) sin wt cos
- (1 + k) cos *>* sin 1 (23o)
L c c J

= -2fc A cos - u(t - -}

art sin
^ -tA(l *) sin (236)

At the intcrnodes, cos J

is zero, and sin - = 1; hence
c c

at these points the displacement amplitude is A(l + k} t

while at the nodes cos = 1, and sin = 0, and the

c c

amplitude is A (1 k).

We note from the form of Eq. (236) that the particle

displacement due to the direct and reflected waves repre-
sents a progressive wave of amplitude A (I k) super-
imposed upon a stationary wave of amplitude 2kA.
Thus the state of affairs set up in a tube with partially
absorbing ends is not a true stationary wave, since there is a
transfer of energy in the direct portion which represents
the energy absorbed at the end of the tube.
The foregoing is in a very elementary way the basis of
the so-called stationary-wave method" of measuring the
sound-absorption coefficients of materials, first proposed
and used by H. O. Taylor 1 and adopted in modified form at
the Bureau of Standards and the National Physical
Laboratory. The development of the theory of the method
from this point on will be given in Chap. VI.

Intensity Pattern in a Room. Resonance.

We have considered somewhat at length the one-
dimensional case of a sound wave in a tube with reflecting
ends. If we extend the two dimensions which are at right

angles to the axis of the tube, the tube becomes a room, and
the character of the standing wave system becomes much
more complicated. We no longer assume that the particle
motion occurs in a single direction parallel to the axis of
the tube. As a result, the simple distribution of nodes and
loops in the one-dimensional case gives place to an intricate
pattern of sound intensities, a pattern which may be
radically altered by even slight changes in the position of
reflecting surfaces in the room and of the source of sound.
The single series of natural or resonance frequencies
obtained for the one-dimensional case by putting integral
values 1, 2, 3, etc., for m in Eq. (22) is replaced by a trebly
infinite series with the number of possible modes -of vibra-
tion greatly increased. The simplest three-dimensional
case would be that of the cube. For the sake of com-
parison, the first five natural frequencies of a tube 28 ft.

TAYLOR, H. O., Phys. Rev., vol. 2, p. 270, 1913.

long and of a room 28 by 28 by 28 ft., assuming a velocity

of sound of 1,120 ft. per second, are given. 1
Tube Room
20 20
40 28.3
80 34.7
160 40
320 44 6

The term " resonance" is somewhat loosely used to mean

the vibrational response of an elastic body to any periodic
driving force. Thus, the enhancement of sound produced
violin or the sounding board of a piano over
by the body of a
the sound produced by the string vibrating alone is usually
spoken of as resonance." With strict nomenclature we
should use the term "forced vibration," reserving the
term " resonance" to apply to the enhanced response of a
vibrating body to a periodic driving force whose frequency
coincides with the frequency of one of the natural modes
of vibration of the vibrating body. We shall use the term
in this latter sense.
It is apparent that resonance in a room of ordinary
dimensions, that the pronounced response of the inclosed

volume of air to a tone of one particular frequency corre-

sponding to one of its natural modes of vibration, cannot
be very marked, since the frequencies of the possible modes
of vibration are so close together, and that moreover these
frequencies for the lower terms of the series are very low
in actual rooms of moderate size. In small rooms, reso-
nance may frequently be observed, but the phenomenon is
not an important factor in the acoustic properties of rooms
in general. 2

Survey of Intensity Pattern.

The mathematical solution of the problem of the distri-
bution of sound intensities even in the simple case of a rec-
The theoretical treatment of the problem of the vibration in a rectangular

chamber with reflecting walls is given in Rayleigh's "Theory of Sound,"

vol. 2, p. 69, Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1896.
An interesting study of the effects of resonance in small rooms is reported
by V. O. Knudsen in the July, 1932 number of the Journal of the Acous-
tical Society of America.

tangular room, has not, to the writer's knowledge, yet been

effected. There are clearly two distinct problems: first,
assuming that there is a sustained source of sound within
the room, in which case the solution would depend upon
the location of the source and the degree to which its
motion is affected by the reaction of the resulting stationary
wave on the source; and second, assuming that the sta-
tionary wave has been set up and the source then stopped.
Stopping the source produces a sudden shift from one
condition to the other, a fact which accounts for the fre-
quently observed phenomenon of a sudden rise of intensity
at certain places in a reverber-
ant room with the stopping of
the source of sound.
In 1910, Professor Wallace
Sabine made an elaborate series
of experimental investigations
of the sound pattern in the
constant-temperature room of
the Jefferson Physical Labora-
tory. This room is wholly of
brick, rectangular in plan, 23.2
by 16.2 ft., with a cylindrical
ceiling. The axis of curvature
of the ceiling arch
floor level. The height
is at the
Of the
distribution of sound intensity in
a r m '

room is 9.75 ft. at the sides and

12 ft. at the center of the arch. A detailed account of
these experiments has never been given, although in a paper
published in March, 1912, Professor Sabine gave the general
results of this study and stated that the subject would be fully
treated in a forthcoming paper "now about, ready for
publication." This paper never appeared, probably for
the reason that with his passion for perfection, Professor
Sabine felt that the work was still incomplete and awaited
opportunity for further study. From his notes of the

period it is possible to give the experimental details of the

investigation, and the importance of the results in the light

which they throw on the distribution of sound within an

inclosure is offered as a justification for so doing.
Figure 13 shows the experimental arrangement. The
source of sound was an electrically driven tuning fork, 248
vibs./sec., associated with a Helmholtz resonator mounted
at a height of 4.2 ft. above the floor. The amplitude of
vibration of the tuning fork was measured by projecting
the image of an illuminated point on the fork on to a distant
scale. An interrupted current of the same frequency as
that of the fork was supplied from a direct-current source
interrupted by a second fork of this same frequency. This
current was controlled so as to give any desired amplitude
of the fork by means of a rheostat in the circuit.

FIG. 14, Record of sound amplitude at different points in a room.

The intensity pattern was explored by means of a travel-

ing telephone receiver associated with a resonator mounted
on a horizontal arm, supported by a vertical shaft, which
was driven at a uniform speed by means of a weight-driven
chronograph drum belted to the vertical shaft. The
exploring telephone was supported by a carriage which was
pulled along the horizontal shaft by a cord wound up on a
fixed sleeve around the vertical shaft as the latter turned.
The exploring telephone thus described a spiral path in
the room in a horizontal plane, the pitch of the spiral
being the circumference of the fixed sleeve.
The current generated in the exploring telephone passed
through the silvered fiber of an Einthoven string dynamom-
eter, the magnified image of which was focused by means
of a magnifying optical system upon a moving film. This
film was driven by a shaft geared to the rotating shaft
bearing the exploring telephone which also carried a finger
that opened a light shutter on to the moving film at each
revolution of the vertical shaft, so as to mark the position

f the exploring telephone corresponding to any point on

he film.
Figure 14 is a reproduction of one of the films. Dis-
ances along the film are proportional to distances along the
piral. The width of the light band produced by the image

FIG. 15. Spiral paths followed in acoustical survey of a room.

>f the dynamometerstring gives the sound

implitudes at points along the spiral. Employing two
>arallel spirals of the same pitch gave a fairly fine-grained
lurvey of the sound-amplitude pattern. These spiral
>aths are shown on Fig. 15, while Fig. 16 shows a map of a
lection of the room with the amplitudes noted at various
>oints of the exploring spirals. In Fig. 17 we have the

results expressed by a map of what may be called "iso-

phonic" lines or lines of equal intensities after the manner
of contour lines of a topographic map.
The distribution shown that in a single horizontal

plane. To map out the sound field in a vertical plane, one

FIG. 16. Relative amplitudes of sound in a room with a steady source.

may work from spiral records taken in a series of horizontal

planes. Figure 18 is a series of records made in planes at

four different levels above the mouth of the source resona-
tor. The upper series shows the sound pattern with no
absorbent material present, and the lower series shows it
when the floor of the room is covered with absorbent
material. It is obvious that the distribution in three

dimensions does not admit of easy representation either

graphically or mathematically and that the intensity at
any point of the room is a function of the position of the
source and of every reflecting surface in the room. For
these reasons, intensity measurements made within rooms
are extremely difficult of interpretation. The point will be
further considered in Chap. VI in connection with the
problem of the reaction of the
room on the source of sound.
We are now in a position to vis-
ualize the condition that exists in
a room in which a constant
source of sound is operative. We
have seen that by actual measure-
ments the intensity of the sound
does not fall off with the distance
from the source according to the
inverse-square law but that the
intensityis much more nearly uni-

form than would be predicted

from this law. At any point and
j. j j_i it i Fio. 17. Distribution of sound
i -t ,

at any time, there is added to the amplitudes at points in a single

direct sound from the source the horizontal plane.

combined effect of waves emitted earlier, which arrive,

after a series of reflections from the bounding surfaces,
simultaneously at the given point. The intensity at any
point is thus the resultant of a large number of separate
waves and varies in a most complicated manner from point
to point. It is an interesting experience to walk about an

empty room in which a pure tone is being produced and note

this point-to-point variation. It is not slight. With a
fairly powerful source, movement of only a foot or so or
even a few inches, with a high-pitched sound, will change
the intensity from a very faint to a very intense sound.
Moreover, this distribution shifts with changes in the
positions of objects within the room and with any shift in
the pitch of the sound. One may easily note the effect
of the movement of a second person in an empty room by

the shift produced in the intensity pattern. Fortunately,

however, this very complicated phenomenon is a rather
infrequent source of acoustical difficulty, since most of
the sounds in both music and speech are not prolonged in

Sound Pcdtern With Absorbing Material

FIG. 18. Sound patterns at four different levels. Upper figure is for the empty
room, lower figure, with entire floor covered with sound-absorbent material.

time or constant in pitch, so that in listening to music or

speech in ordinary audience rooms, it is the direct sound
which plays the predominating role. Only when one
comes to make instrumental measurements of the intensity
of pure sustained tones of constant pitch do interference
phenomena become troublesome. Here the difficulties
of quantitative determination are almost insuperable.
It is for this reason that progress in the scientific treatment
of acoustical properties of rooms has been made by a method
which, on its face, seems almost primitive, namely, the
reverberation method, which will be considered in the next

In Chap. Ill, we have noted that with a sustained source
of sound within an inclosure, there is set up an intensity
pattern in which the intensity of the sound energy varies
from point to point in a complicated manner and that in the
absence of dissipative forces, the vibrational energy of the
air within the inclosure tends to persist after the source has
ceased. This prolongation of sound within an inclosed
space is the familiar phenomenon of reverberation which
has come to be recognized as the most important single
factor in the acoustic properties of audience rooms.

Reverberation in a Tube.
We shall now proceed to the consideration of this
phenomenon, the one-dimensional case of a plane
first in

wave within a tube and then in the more complicated

three-dimensional case of sound within a room. In this
consideration, the variation of sound intensity from point
to point mentioned in the preceding chapter will be
ignored, and it will be assumed that there is a uniform
average intensity throughout the inclosure. It will further
be assumed that the dissipation of the energy occurs
wholly at the bounding surface of the inclosure and that
dissipation throughout the volume of the inclosure is
negligibly small, in comparison with the absorption at the
boundaries. We shall first, following Sabine, consider
that the dissipation of acoustic energy takes place con-
tinuously and develop the so-called reverberation formula
on this assumption and then give the analysis recently
presented by Norris, Eyring, and others, treating both the
growth and the decay of sound within an inclosed space as
discontinuous processes.

Growth of Sound Intensity in a Tube.

In Fig. 19, we represent a tube of length I and cross

section S with absorbent ends, whose coefficient of absorp-
tion is a, and with perfectly reflecting walls. At one end
we set up a source of sound which sends into the tube E
units of sound energy per second. For simplicity we shall

FIG. 19. Tube with partially absorbent ends and source at one end.

assume that form of a plane wave train. The

this is in the
energy density of the direct wave that has undergone no
reflections will be E/c.

A = time required for sound to travel length of tube

m = number of reflections per second = c/l = 1/A2
We desire to find the total energy in the tube t( = n&t)
sec. after the source was started. In the interval between
reflections, the source emits units of sound energy.
c i

The total energy in the tube therefore at the end of any

interval nAt is this energy plus the residues from those
portions of the sound which have undergone 1, 2, 3 . . .

n 1 reflections respectively. Of the sound reflected

once, c
(1 a) units remain. From the twice-reflected
sound, there is -^-(1 a) ; and of the sound that has been
reflected n" 1
(n 1) times, the residue is (1 a) .

Summing up the entire series, we have
Total energy = [1 + (1
- a) + (1
- a)
+ (1
- a)

- a)"-

Note that in the analysis given, we have tacitly assumed


that the sound is emitted discontinuously in instantaneous

puffs or quanta of El/c units each and that it is absorbed
instantaneously and discontinuousiy at the two ends of the
tube. In Fig. 20, the broken line shows the building up of
the intensity in the tube according to this analysis, for a
value of a = 0.10.
If we assume that n is very large that is, if sound is
produced for a long time we may take the limiting value

5 600
c 400

1 2 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 ia 19 20

FIG. 20. Growth of average intensity of sound in tube with partially absorbent
ends. (1) Emission and absorption assumed continuous. (2) Discontinuous
emission and absorption.

of the sum of the series as n increases indefinitely, which is

I/a, and we have

Total energy in steady state =
and for the steady-state energy density we have this total
energy divided by the volume, El/caV.
We may arrive at the same result for the average value
of the steady-state intensity by assuming that the processes
of emission and absorption are both continuous.
The rate at which the intensity increases due to emission
from the source is E/V. al is the energy absorbed at each
reflection from an end of the tube, and mal is the energy
absorbed per second. Call the net rate of intensity
change dl/dt. The net rate of change of intensity is
given by the equation

dl E E
'ft F V (24)

As / increases, the energy absorbed each second increases

and approaches a final steady state in which absorption
and emission take place at the same rate, and hence the
change of intensity becomes vanishingly small, as time goes
on. Call this final steady-state intensity /i; then

E caI 1

V~ I


Equation (24) is easily solved by integration. The

solution gives the familiar form

I = Ml -e l

or, expressed logarithmically,

The continuous line in Fig. 20 shows the development of

the average intensity upon the assumption of a continuous
emission and absorption of sound energy at the source and
the absorbing boundaries respectively. The broken line
represents the state of affairs assuming that the sound is
emitted instantaneously and absorbed instantaneously at
the end of each interval. The height of each step repre-
sents the difference between the total energy emitted
during each interval and the total energy absorbed. The
energy absorbed increases with time, since we have assumed
that it is a constant fraction of the intensity. We note
that the broken line and the curve both approach asymptot-
ically the final steady-state value /i = El/acV. Further,
it is also to be observed that neither the broken line nor

the curve represents the actual condition of growth of

intensity in the tube. The important point is that both
approximations give the same value for the final steady
state after the source has been operating for a long time.

Decrease of Intensity. Sabine's Treatment.

After the sound has been fed into the tube for a time
long enough for the intensity to reach the final steady
state, let us assume that the source is stopped. Consider
first the case assuming that the absorption of energy at the

ends of the tube takes place continuously. Then in Eq.

(24), E 0, and we have, if T is the time measured from
the moment of cut-off,
ad - dl
T _ ~
dT (27)

with the initial condition that / = /i = El/<xcV, when

T = 0. The solution of (27) gives
I = / ie -~ r = I ie l

or, in the logarithmic form,

= ~ (286)

It is well to keep in mind the assumptions made in the

derivation of (28o) and (286), namely, that we have an
average uniform intensity throughout the tube at the
instant that the source ceases and that, although the dissi-
pation of energy takes place only at the absorbing surfaces
placed at the ends of the tube, yet the rate of decay of this
average intensity at any time is the same at all points in
the tube. With these assumptions, (28a) and (286) tell
us that during the decay process, in any given time interval,
the average intensity decreases to a constant fraction of
its value at the beginning of this interval.
Now the " reverberation time" of a room was defined by
Sabine as the time required for the average intensity of
sound in the room to decrease to one millionth of its
initial value. Denote this by T Q and we have
for the tube,

considered as a room, y- = log e 1,000,000 = 13.8


r. -

That the reverberation time for a tube varies inversely

as the
absorption coefficient of the absorbing surface
and directly as the length of the tube. When we come to
extend the analysis to the three-dimensional case, we shall
see what other factors enter into this quantity.

Decay Assumed Discontinuous.

The foregoing is essentially the method of treatment,
given by Wallace C. Sabine, of the problem of the growth
and decay of sound in a room, applied to the simple one-
dimensional case. Before proceeding to the more general
three-dimensional problem, we shall apply the analysis
2 3
given by Schuster and Waetzmann, Eyring, and Norris

to the case of the tube in order to bring out the essential

difference in the assumptions made and in the final equa-

___ -
a b
Fia. 21. Tube with end reflection replaced by image sources.

tions obtained. We shall follow Eyring in method, though

not in detail, in this section. This analysis is based on the
assumption that image sources may replace the reflecting
and absorbing walls in calculating the rate of decay of
sound in a room.
Suppose that sound originating at a point P is reflected
from a surface S. The state of affairs in the reflected
sound is the same as though the reflecting surface were
removed and a second source were set up at the point P',
which is the optical image of the point P formed by the
surface S, acting as a mirror. Hence, for the purposes of
this analysis, we may think of the length of the tube simply
as a segment without boundaries of an infinite tube, with
a series of image sources that will give the same distribution
of energy in the segment as is given by reflections in the
actual tube.
Ann. Physik, vol. 1, pp. 671-695, March, 1929.
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 1, No. 2, p. 217.
Ibid., p. 174.

The energy in the actual tube due to the first reflection

is the same as would be produced in the imagined segment
by a source whose output is (1 a)E located at a distance
/ to the right of 6 (Fig. 21). That due to the second reflec-
tion may be thought of as coming from a second image
a) located at a distance 21 from a.
source of power E(l
The third reflection contributes the same energy as would
be contributed by a source E(l a) located a distance 31
to the right of 6; and so on. The number of images will
correspond to the number of reflections which we think of
as contributing to the total energy in the tube.
In the building-up process, we think of all the image
sources as being set up at the instant the sound is turned on.
Their contribution to the energy in Z, however, will be
recorded in each case only after a lapse of time sufficient
for sound to travel the distance from the particular image
source to the boundaries of the segment. We thus have
the discontinuous building-up process shown in the broken
line of Fig. 20. The final steady state then would be that
produced by the original source E and an infinite series of
mage sources and would be represented by the equation
/! = [1 + (1
- ) + (1
- a)
+ (1
-a )

Now when steady state has been reached, the

source of sound stopped. All the image sources are

stopped simultaneously, but the stoppage of any image

source will be recorded in the segment only after a time
interval sufficient for the last sound in the space between
the image source and the nearer boundary of the tube to
reach the latter. Thus the intensity measured at any
point in the tube discontinuously. For
will decrease
example, suppose we measure the instantaneous value at
the point 6, I meters from the source. When the source is
stopped, the intensity at 6 will remain the constant steady-
state intensity I\ for the time l/c required for the end of

the train of waves from E to travel the length of the tube.

At the end of this interval, the recording instrument at b
will note the absence of the contribution from E, and at the
same time it will note the drop due to the cessation of
Ei = E(l a), which is equally distant from b. No
further change will be recorded at this point until after the
lapse of a second interval 2Z/c, at which time the effect of

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

FIG. 21a. Decay of sound in a tube. (1) Average intensity, absorption
assumed continuous. (2) Intensity at source end, absorption discontinuous.
(3) Intensity at end away from source, absorption discontinuous.

stopping E 2 and E^ both at the distance 3Z meters from fc,

will be recorded. A succession of drops, separated by
time intervals of 2Z/c, will be recorded at b as the sound
intensity in the segment decreases, as pictured in the solid
line 3 of Fig. 21a.
If instead of setting up our measuring instrument at 6,
the most distant point from the source, we had observed
the intensity at a, near the source, the first drop would have
been recorded at the instant the source was turned off, and
the history of the decay would be that shown by the broken
line2 of Fig. 21a.
now we could set up at the mid-point of the tube an
instrument which by some magic could record the average*
intensity in the tube, its readings would be represented by
the series of diagonals of the rectangles formed by the
solid and dotted lines of Fig. 21a. The reading of this
instrument at the exact end of any time T = nl/c is

1 = 1,- + (1
- a) + (1
- a)
+ (1
- a)
- a)"-']

The sum of the series for a finite number of terms is

1 - )" _ 1
- ~ " (1 )"
1 (1 a) a
- - m " _ (i
_ /( i
_ a)"

= (1
- a) (30)

Taking the logarithm of both sides of Eq. (30), we have

= n a) or
y log e (1

log. 7!
- log e 7 = -~- log. (1
- OL) (31)

If, as in Eq. (29), we substitute for I\ and / the values

of 1,000,000 and 1 respectively, we have

- log e (1
- a) = 13.8

Comparison of the Two Methods.

We note that the analysis based upon the picture of the
decay of sound as a continuous process and that considering
it as a step-by-step process led to two different expressions

for the reverberation time. The first contains the term

a where the second has the term loge (1 a). Now for
small values of a. the difference between a. and logc (1 a)
is not great, as is shown in the following table, but increases

with increasing values of a. In this same table we have

given the number of reflections necessary to reduce the
intensity in the ratio of 1,000,000:1 and the times, assuming

that the time is 10 sec., when the absorption coefficient of

the ends of the tube 0.01, first using the Sabine formula

and second using the later formula developed by Eyring and

We note in the example chosen, that while the percentage
difference in the values of T Q computed by the two formulas
increases with increasing values of the assumed coefficient
of absorption, yet the absolute difference in T does not
From the theoretical point of view, it should be said
that the later treatment is logically more rigorous in the
particular example chosen. In this instance, we are dealing
with a special case in which the sound travels only back and
forth along a given line. Reflections occur at definite
fixed intervals of time, so that, in both the growth and
decay processes, the rate of change of intensity must alter
abruptly at the end of each of these intervals. Further,
we note that in the assumption of a continuously varying
rate of building up and decay, we also assume that the
influence of the absorbing surface affects the intensity of a*
train of waves both before and after reflection. Thus
when the source starts, the total energy actually in the tube
increases linearly with the time, since the absorbing process
does not begin until the end of the first interval. In

setting down the differential equation, however,, we assume

that absorption begins at the instant the sound starts.
We arrive at the same final steady state by the two methods
of analysis only by assuming that the source operates so
long that the number of terms in the series may be con-
sidered as infinite. But in the decay, we are concerned
with the decrease of intensity in a limited time, and n is a
finite number. The divergence in the results of the final
equations increases with increasing values of a and cor-
responding decrease in n.

Growth of Sound in a Room :

Steady State.
In the case of the tube, we have assumed that the sound
travels only back and forth as a plane wave along the tube,
so that the path between reflections is /, the length of the
tube. To take the more general case of sound in a room,
we assume that the sound is emitted in the form of a spheri-
cal wave traveling in all directions from the source, that it
strikes the various bounding surfaces of the room at all
angles of incidence, and that hence after a comparatively
small number of reflections the various portions of the
initial sound be traveling in all directions. The
distance between reflections will not be any
definite length. Its maximum value will be the distance
between the two most remote points of the room, while its
minimum value approaches zero. To form a picture of the
two-dimensional case, one may imagine a billiard ball shot
at random on a table and note the varying distance it will
travel between its successive impacts with the cushions.
If we think of the billiard ball as making a large number of
these impacts and take the average distance traveled, we
shall have a quantity corresponding to what has been called
the "mean free path" of a sound element in a room. We
can extend the picture of the building-up process in a tube,
where the mean free path is the length of the tube, to the
three-dimensional case, simply by substituting for I, the
length of the tube, p, the mean free path of a sound element
in the room, and for a the coefficient of the ends, aa the ,

average coefficient of the boundaries. In the case of a

room, then, with a volume F, a source of sound emitting E
units of sound energy per second, and an average coefficient
of absorption of we should have by analogy the average

steady-state intensity



<* 2 , 3,


whose areas are

= --


S2 S3
+ a3S3

are the absorption coefficients of the sur-

+ _

Sthe total area of the bounding surfaces of the room,


and the summation of the products in the numerator

includesall the surfaces at which sound is reflected. This
sum has been called the "total absorbing power" of the
room and is denoted by the letter a. Hence
aa =
and Eq. (33a) becomes

further simplification is effected if we can express
p, the mean free path, in terms of measurable quantities.
As a result of his earlier experiments, Sabine arrived at a
tentative value for p of 0.62 F He recognized that this

expression does not take account of the fact that the mean
free path will depend upon the shape as well as the size of
the room and, subsequently, as a result of experiment put
his equations into a form in which p is involved in another
constant k. Franklin first showed in a theoretical deriva-
tion of Sabine's reverberation equation 1 that

For the derivation of this relationship, see Franklin, Phys. Rev., vol. 16,
p. 372, 1903; Jaeger, Wiener Akad. Ber. Math-Nature Klasse, Bd. 120, Abt.
Ho, 1911; Eckhardt, Jour. Franklin Inst., vol. 195, pp. 799-814, June, 1923;
Buckingham, Bur. Standards Sci. Paper 506, pp. 456-460.

Putting this value of p in Eq. (336), we have

/! = (33c)
v x

This expression for the steady-state intensity has been

derived by analogy from the case of sound in the tube.
Since the result of the analysis for the tube is the same
regardless of whether we treat the growth of the sound as a
continuous process or as a series of steps, Eq. (33c) gives the
final intensity on either hypothesis.

Decay of Intensity in a Room. Sabine's Treatment.

We proceed to derive the equation for the intensity at

any time in the decay process in terms of the time, measured
from the instant of cut-off, in a manner quite similar to that
used in the case of the tube. On the average, the number of
reflections that will occur in each second is c/p. At each
reflection, the intensity / is decreased on the average by the
fraction <xa l = o/. The rate of change per second is then

c a
dl _
~ ~~
ad ~
_ acl
dt Sp ~47

Integrating, and using the initial condition that / = /i

when T = 0, we have
= -acT f*A

or, in the exponential form,

For the reverberation time T the time required for the


sound to decrease from an intensity of 1,000,000 to an

intensity of 1, we have

-- - ^
= acT Q


Taking the velocity of sound as 342 m. per second, we

have K
equal to 0.162, when a is expressed in square meters
and V in cubic meters (or 0.0495 in English units).
Sabine's experimental value is 0.164, a surprisingly close
agreement when one considers the difficulties of precise
determination under the conditions in which
he worked.

Process Assumed Discontinuous.

We dying away of sound in a
shall consider next the

room, picturing the process from the image point of view.

In the case of a room, where p the mean free path, is a y

statistical mean of a number of actual paths, ranging in

magnitude from the distance between the two most remote

points of the room to zero, the picture of the decay taking
place in discrete steps is not so easy to visualize as in the
case of the tube already considered, where the distance
between reflections is definitely the length of the tube.
In his analysis, Eyring assumes that the image sources
which replace the reflecting walls can be located in discrete
zones, surfaces of concentric spheres, whose radii are
p, 2p, 3p, etc., from the source. Then p/c is the time
interval between the arrival of the sound from any two
successive zones. The energy supplied by the source
E in this interval is E&t = Ep/c and by the first zone of
Ep Ev
images is (1 ex a ). That by the second zone is
c c.-

(1 a )
. Hence the total energy in the steady state

- - aa - =
^[1 +
(1 ) + (1 )
(1 .)-]
g (36)

~ J&

We then consider that the source is stopped and with

it the sources in the image zones. If our point of

observation is taken near the source, the average intensity

will drop by an amount Ep/cV at the instant the source

Ep ~~ Ep
stops, and there will be drops of <*)>
7^(1 ~7y

(1 a )
, etc., at the beginning of each succeeding p/c
interval. The total diminution in the intensity at the
end of the time T = np/c will be

+ (1
- aa + ) (1
- aa + )
- aj' +
- a,,)"-

and we have
- a a )\
7 = 7i - Ep(\ (1
= /l(1
~ a] =
^KT^O--- j y
- a.)?
Taking the logarithm of both sides of this equation, we

log e
y =
log, (1
- aa - )
log, (1
- a) (37)

For the reverberation time T = TQ , /i/7 = 1,000,000

we have
- -
_ 13.8 X 4F

Comparing (35) and (38), we note, as in the case of

the tube, that the final equations arrived at by the two
analyses differ only in the fact that for a in the Sabine

formula we have S log c ( 1

) in the later formula.

We for values of aa = a/S, less than

have also seen that
0.10 the computed values of the reverberation time will
be the same by the two formulas. We have also seen that
while the percentage difference increases with increasing
values of the average coefficient, yet due to the decrease

in the absolute value of the reverberation time the numer-

ical difference does not increase proportionately.
Eyring's argument in favor of the new formula is much
more detailed and carefully elaborated than the foregoing,
but one has the suspicion that as applied to the general
case it may not be any more rigorous. Certainly in the
case of an ordered distribution of direction and intensity
of sound in an in closure, as would be the condition, for

example, of sound in a tube, or from a source located at

the center of a sphere, the assumptions of a diffuse distribu-
tion and a continuously changing rate of decay do not hold.
But in a room of irregular shape, where the individual
paths between reflections vary widely, replacing the average
reflections by average image sources all located at a fixed
distance from the point of observation introduces a dis-
continuity which does not exist in actuality. It is true
that the earlier analysis implicitly assumes that each
element of an absorbing surface effects a reduction in any
particular train of waves both before and after reflection,
whereas the later treatment recognizes that, viewed from
an element of the reflecting surface, there will be a constant-
energy flow toward the surface from any given direction
during the time required for sound to travel the distance
from the preceding point of reflection in this direction.
The latter reasoning, however, is valid, on the assumption
that the actual paths of sound from all directions may be
replaced by the mean free path. The point at issue seems
to be whether or not the introduction of the idea of the
mean free path makes valid the concept of the decay as a
continuous process and the use of the differential equation
as a mathematical expression of it. For "dead" rooms
where n the total number of reflections in the time To,

is small the older treatment is not rigorous. On the other

hand, there is the question whether, in such a case, the
assumption of a mean free path is compatible with the
fact of a small number of reflections.
In this dilemma, we shall in the succeeding treatment
adhere to the older point of view, since the existing values

of the absorption coefficients have been obtained using the

Sabine equations, and the criterion of acoustical excellence
has been established on the basis of Sabine coefficients and
the 0.05 V/a formula. We can, if desired, shift to the
later point of view by substituting for a in the older expres-

sion S log e f 1
It must be remembered, however,
that the absorption coefficients of materials now extant
are all derived on the older theory, so that to shift would
involve a recalculation of all absorption coefficients based
on the later formula.

Experimental Determination of Reverberation Time.

We have developed a simple usable formula for com-
puting the reverberation time T from the values of volume
and absorbing power. We next have to consider the
question of the experimental measurement of this quantity.
To do this directly we should need some means of direct
determination of the average intensity of the sound in a
room at two instants of time during the decay process
and of precise measurement of the intervening time. We
have already seen the inequality that exists in the intensities
at different points due to interference, a phenomenon
that in the theoretical treatment we have ignored, by
assuming an average uniform intensity throughout the
room. Moreover, there has not as yet been developed any
simple portable apparatus by which the required intensity
measurement can be made. We are thus forced to indirect

methods for experimental determination.

The method employed by Sabine involved the minimum
audible intensity or the threshold of hearing, for the lower
of the two intensities used in defining reverberation time.

Very recently, apparatus has been devised for making direct measure-

ments of this character. In the Jour. Soc. Mot. Pict. Eng., vol. 16, No. 3,
p. 302, Mr. V. A. Schlenker describes a truck-mounted acoustical laboratory
for studying the acoustic properties of motion-picture theaters, in which an
oscillograph is used for recording the decay of sound within a room. The
equipment required is elaborate. The spark chronograph of E. C. Wente
described in Chap. VI has also been used for this purpose.

The absolute value of this quantity varies with the pitch

of the sound and is by no means the same at any given
pitch for two observers or, indeed, for the two ears of any
one observer. Fortunately, it does remain fairly constant
over long periods of time for a given observer, so that with
proper precautions it may be used in quantitative work.
Another quantity which Sabine assumed could be con-
sidered as constant under different room conditions is
the quantity E, the energy emitted per second by an organ
pipe blown at a definite wind pressure. We note that
neither E, the power of the source, nor i, the intensity at
the threshold of hearing, is known independently, but we
may put our equations into a form that will involve only
their ratio.
We the following, denote by TI the time that
shall, in
sound from a source of output E, which has been sustained
until the steady state I\ has been reached, remains audible
after the sourceis stopped. Let i be the threshold intensity
(ergs per cubic meter) for a given observer. Then, by
Eq. (34a), we have

Putting in the value of /i given by Eq. (336), we have

TI is a directly measurable quantity. The same mecha-

nism that stops the pipe may simultaneously start the
timing device, which, in turn, the observer stops at the
moment he judges the decaying sound to be inaudible.
The quickness and simplicity of the operation allow
observations to be made easily, so that by averaging a
large number of such observations made at different parts
of the room, the differences due to interference and the
personal error of a single observation may be made reason-
ably small. However, in Eq. (39), there are two unknown
quantities, a and E/i. Obviously, some means of deter-
mining one or the other of them independently of Eq.

(39) is necessary. Thus, if the output of a given source of

sound is known in terms of the observer's threshold inten-
sity, the measured value of the duration of audible
from this source within a room allows us to compute the
total absorbing power of the room.
The extremely ingenious method which Sabine employed
for experimentally determining one of the two unknown
quantities of Eq. (39) with no apparatus other than the
unaided ear, a timing device, and organ pipes will be con-
sidered in the next chapter.


In the preceding chapter, we have treated the question

of the growth and decay of sound within a room from the
theoretical point of view. Starting with the simple one-
dimensional case, in which visualization of the process is
easy, we proceeded by analogy to the three-dimensional
case and derived the relations between the various quanti-
ties involved.
A connected account of Professor Sabine's series of
experiments, on which he based the theory of reverberation,
should prove helpful to the reader who is interested in
something more than a theoretical knowledge of the
In the place, it is well to remind ourselves of the
situation which confronted the investigator in the field
of architectural acoustics at the time this work was begun
nearly forty years ago. In undertaking any problem,
the first thing the research student does is to go through
the literature of the subject to find what has already been
done and what methods of measurement are available.
In Sabine's case, this first part of the program was easy.
Aside from one or two small treatises dealing with the prob-
lem purely from the observational side and an occasional
reference to the acoustic properties of rooms in the general
texts on acoustics, there were no signposts to point out the
direction which the proposed research should follow. It
was a new and untouched field for research. To offset
the attractiveness of such a field, however, there were no
known means available for direct measurement of sound
intensity. Tuning forks and organ pipes were about the
only possible sources of sound. These do not lend them-

selves readily to variation in pitch or intensity. Study

of the problem thus involved the invention of a wholly
new technique of experimental procedure.

Reverberation and Absorbing Power.

The immediate occasion for the research was the neces-

sity of correcting the very poor acoustic properties of the

40 80 120160200240
y Meters of, Cushions

40 80 120160200240280320360400

FIG. 22. W. C. Sabiiie'a orig- Fio. 2,3. Reciprocal of re-

inal single-pipe apparatus for verberation time, constant
reverberation measurements. source, plotted against length
of seat cushion introduced.

then new lecture room of the Fogg Art Museum. This

room was semicircular in plan, not very different in general
design from Sanders Theater, a much larger room, but
one which was acoustically excellent.
To even casual observation, one outstanding difference
between the two rooms was in the matter of the interior
finish and furnishing. There was a considerable area of
wood paneling in Sanders Theater. Aisles were carpeted
and the pews were furnished with heavy cushions. Rever-
beration in the smaller room of the Fogg Art Museum was
markedly greater.
The first thing to try, therefore, was the effect of the
seat cushions upon the reverberation in the new lecture

The apparatus was simple. An organ pipe blown by

air from the constant-pressure tank shown in Fig. 22 was
the source of sound. The time of stopping the source
and the time at which the reverberant sound ceased to be
audible to the observer were recorded on a chronograph.
Seat cushions were introduced and the duration of the audi-
ble sound with varying lengths of seat cushion present was
measured. The relation found between these two variables
is shown on the graph (Fig. 23), on which is plotted not

T but l/T as a function of the length of cushions.

- + Lc)
T l (Lr (40)

where A: is a constant, the reciprocal of the slope of the

straight line; L c is the length of seat cushions brought
in; and L r is obviously the length of seat cushion that

is the equivalent in absorbing power of the walls and

contents of the room before any cushions were introduced.
If we include in the term ac the total absorbing power of
the room and its contents, measured in meters of seat
cushion, the expression assumes the now familiar form
ac T = kc (41)
The numerical value of ac and consequently of k c is
determined by the number which finally is to be attached
to the absorbing power of one meter of cushions as measured
by on
its effect the reverberation time.
We note that the experimental points of Fig. 23 show
a tendency to fall further and further from the straight
line as the total absorbing power is increased. So carefully
was the work done that Sabine concluded that this depar-
ture was more than could be ascribed to errors of experiment.
The significance which he attached to it will be considered
later. For the time being we shall retain Eq. (41) as an
approximate statement of the facts so far adduced.

Reverberation and Volume.

The next step was to extend the experiment to a number
of different rooms, first to establish the generality of the

ation found for the single room and, also, to ascertain

at meaning is to be ascribed to the constant k. Accord-
;ly the laborious task of performing the seat-cushion
jeriment in a number of different rooms of different
ipes and sizes was undertaken. These ranged from a
all committee room with a volume of 65 cu. m. to a
xater seating 1,500 persons and having a volume of
00 cu. m.
[n order to secure the necessary conditions of quiet, the
rk had to be done in the early hours of the morning,
e mere physical job of handling the large number of
,t cushions necessary for the experiments in the larger
uns was a formidable task. There was, however, no
ter way. The results of this work well repaid the effort,
ey showed first that the approximate constancy of the
>duct of absorbing power and time held for all the rooms
which the experiment was tried. More important
1, it appeared that the values of this product for different

uns are directly proportional to their volumes. Equa-

n (41) may therefore be written in the form

ac T = K V,
C (42)

ere K c a new constant, approximately the same for


rooms. Again its numerical value will depend upon the

iiber which is to be attached to the absorbing power of

en-window Unit of Absorbing Power.

>abine recognized that in order to give K c something
ier than a purely empirical significance, it was necessary
express the total absorbing power of rooms in some more
idamental and reproducible unit than meters of a
ticular kind of seat cushion. He proposed, therefore,
treat the area presented by an open window as a surface
which all the incident sound energy is transmitted to
/side space with none returned to the room. In other
rds, at this stage of the investigation the open window
3 to be considered as an ideal perfectly absorbing surface

with a coefficient of absorption of unity. A comparison

between the absorbing power of window openings and
seat cushions as measured by the change in the reverbera-
tion time was accordingly made in a room having seven
windows, each 1.10 m. wide. The width of the openings
was successively 0.20, 0.40, and 0.80 m. The experiment
showed that within the limits of error of observation the
increase in absorbing power was proportional to the
width of the openings. It should be noted, in passing,
that in this experiment the increase in absorbing power was
secured by a number of comparatively small openings.
Later experiments have shown that had the increased
absorption been secured by increasing the dimensions of a
single opening, the results would have been quite different.
That Professor Sabine 1 recognized this possibility is shown
by his statement "that, at least for moderate breadths, the
absorbing power of open windows as of cushions is accu-
rately proportional to the area."
Experiments comparing seat cushions and open windows
in several rooms gave the absorbing power of the cushion
as 0.80 times that of an equal area of open window.
This figure gave him the data for evaluating the con-
stant K, using a square meter of open window as his unit
of absorbing power simply by multiplying the parameter
K c as obtained by experiment with cushions by the factor
0.80. This operation yielded the equation
aT = 0.1717 (43)
Here T
the duration of sound produced by the par-

ticular organ pipe used in these experiments, a gemshorn

pipe one octave above middle C, 512 vibs./sec., blown
at a constant pressure. V is the volume of the room in
cubic meters, and a is the total absorbing power in square
meters of open window, measured as outlined above.

Logarithmic Decay of Sound in a Room.

At this point in his study of reverberation, Sabine
was confronted with two problems. The first was to give
"Collected Papers on Acoustics," p. 23.

a coherent theoretical treatment of the phenomenon that

would lead to the interesting experimental fact expressed
in Eq. (43). The second was to explain the departure from
strict linearity in the relation between the reciprocal of
the observed time of reverberation, using a presumably
constant source, and the total absorbing power. Obviously
Eq. (43) does not involve the acoustical power of the
source. It is equally evident that the time required after
the source has ceased for the sound to decrease to the
threshold intensity should depend upon the initial inten-
sity, and this, in turn, upon the sound energy emitted per
second by the source. The next step then in the investiga-

FIG. 24. W. C. Sabine's four-organ apparatus.

tion is to find the relation between the acoustical power of

the source and the duration of audible sound. Here, again*
the experimental procedure was simple and direct. The
apparatus is shown in Fig. 24. Four small organs were
set up in a large reverberant room. They were spaced at a
distance of 5 m. from each other so that the output of
one might not be affected by the close proximity of another
pipe speaking at the same time. They were supplied
with air pressure from a common source. Each pipe was
controlled by an electropneumatic valve, and the electric
circuits were arranged so that each pipe could be made to

speak alone or in all possible combinations with any or all

of the remaining pipes. The time between stopping the

pipe and the moment at which it ceased to be audible was

recorded on a chronograph placed in an adjoining room.
By sounding each pipe alone and then in all possible com-
binations with the remaining pipes, allowance was made
for slight inequalities in the acoustic powers of the indi-
vidual pipes.
The results of one experiment of this sort were as follows :*
= 8.69 t2 = 0.45
*2 = 9.14 - h = 0.67
= 9.36 - ^ = 0.86
U = 9.55 - ^3 = 0.19
- =
t2 0.22

The fact that the difference in time for one and two
pipes is very nearly one-half of the difference for one and
four pipes suggests that the
difference in times is propor-
tional to the logarithm of the
ratio of the number of pipes,
a relation that is clearly
brought out by graph 1 of
Fig. 25.
Four Organ experiment Let us now assume that the
1. Room bare .

average intensity of sound

in the room, that is, the

average sound energy per

cubic meter
set up by n
0.7 04 06 08 . ,.. ,,
Difference m Time pipes, n times
is the average
FIG. -Results of the four-organ
intensity produced by a single
experiment. TTT

pipe. We may write

In - log e /I
= = A(t n - (44)
1 1

wherein A is the slope of the line in Fig. 25. Its numerical

value in the example given is 1.59.
Suppose, now, that we have a pipe of such minute power
that the average intensity which it sets up is i, the minimum
audible intensity. The sound from such a pipe would, of
"Collected Papers on Acoustics," p. 36.

course, cease to be audible the instant the pipe stops.

Therefore T for such a pipe is zero. If the relation given
in Eq. (44) is a general one, then we may write

= A(T, - 0) (45o)

In other words, the time required for sound of any given

initial intensity to decrease to the threshold of audibility
is proportional to the logarithm of the initial intensity
measured in terms of the threshold intensity.
The next step in the investigation was to relate the
quantity A, which is the change per second in the natural
logarithm of the intensity of the reverberant sound, to the
total absorbing power of the room. To do this, a large
quantity of a highly absorbent felt was installed upon the
walls of the room, and the four-organ experiment was
repeated. The following results were obtained:
t\ = 3.65 t' t
- t\ = 0.20
t\ = 3.85
- t'i
= 0.31
t\ = 3.96 t\ - t'i
= 0.42
*' 4
= 4.07 i\ - t' 9
= 0.11
t' 9
- if = 0.11

Plotting all the possible relations between the difference

in times and the ratio of the number of pipes, we have the

straight line 2, in Fig. 25. The slope of this line is 3.41.

It is apparent that the logarithmic decrement in the A
intensity increases as the absorbing power of the room
increases. Now the experiment with the seat cushions gave
the result that the product of absorbing power and time for
a given room is nearly constant. The results of the four-
organ experiments give the same sort of approximate rela-
tion between the logarithmic decrement and the time.
1.59 X 8.69 = 13.80 = log e l

3.41 X 3.65 = 12.45 = log,^


Solving for / and /', we have

/ = 1,000,000;, and I' = 250,000i.

We have here the explanation of the departure from a

constant value of the product a X T in the experiments
with seat cushions. It lies in the fact that with a source that
generates sound energy at a constant rate, independently
of room conditions, the level to which the intensity (sound
energy per cubic meter) rises is less in the absorbent tha'n in
the reverberant room. The presence of absorbent material
thus acts in two ways to reduce the time of reverberation
from a fixed source: first, by increasing the rate of decay
and, second, by lowering the level of the steady-state
intensity. The complete theory must take account of both
of these effects.

Total Absorbing Power and the Logarithmic Decrement.

It still remains to connect the quantities a, the total
absorbing power of the room in the equation aT = 0.171F,
and A, the change per second in the natural logarithm

of the decaying sound in the equation ATi = log e %

- 1

latter equation suggests that the rate at which the intensity

decreases is proportional to the intensity at that instant,
that is,

Integrating, we have
- log e 7 +C= AT.
When T is 0, that is, at the moment of cut-off of the source,
/ = /i. So that - log I\ + C = e

log./!- log,/ = AT
If T =TI, the time required for the reverberant sound to
decrease to the threshold intensity i, we have

AT, = log.^V (456)


Thus A, the slope of the straight line in the four-organ

experiment, is the instantaneous rate of change of intensity
per unit intensity, when no sound is being produced in the
Now a, the total absorbing power of a room in the
reverberation equation, is the area of perfectly absorbing
surface (open window) that would, in an ideal room that is
otherwise perfectly reflecting, produce the same rate of
decay as that of the actual room. If we divide this area by
S, the total area of the exposed surfaces in the room, we
have the average absorption coefficient of these surfaces or
the fraction by which the intensity of the sound is decreased
at each reflection. Call this average coefficient a a Then .

aa -o
= change of intensity per unit intensity per reflection
A = change of intensity per unit intensity per second
Then A = maa where ra is the average number of
reflections per second which any single element of the
sound undergoes in its passage back and forth across the
room during the decay process. In terms of the mean free
path, already referred to in Chap. IV,

A = ~a a = - -
We may now express the results of the four-organ
experiment terms of the total absorbing power as
measured by the cushion and open-window experiments.
We have

o f) t

aTl = SP log. k (47)
C if

Power of Source.

The experimentally determined value of A makes it

possible to express the acoustical power of the source in

terms of the threshold intensity.

Let E
be the number of units of sound energy supplied
by the source to the room in each second. The rate then
at which the sound energy density / is increased by E is
E/V. The rate at which the energy decreases due to
absorption is AI. The net rate of increase while the source
is operating is therefore given by the equation
dl _E _ Al
~3JL V
The steady-state intensity I\ is that at which the rates
of absorption and emission are just balanced, so that
/J T P 1

when 7 = = and we have AIi = whence

/i, -,- 0, ^ 0,

AT, = log,'
= log,
~ (48)


= AI + 7
! log. VA

Approximate Value of Mean Free Path.

Equations (43) and (46) make it possible to arrive at

an approximate experimental value of the mean free path.
To a first approximation
ac (UTlcF
p = AS = -

performing the four-organ-pipe experiment in two

rooms of the same relative dimensions but of different
volumes, Sabine arrived at a tentative value of p = 0.62V .

This clearly is not an exact expression, since it is apparent

that p, the average distance between reflections, must
depend upon the shape as well as the volume. For this
reason, it was desirable to put the expression for p in a form
which includes this fact. This was done by a more exact
experimental determination of the constant K making use
of the results of the four-organ experiment.

Precise Evaluation of the Constant K.

The experiment with the seat cushions and open windows
led to the approximate relation aTi = 0.171F, while the

four-organ experiment gave the equation aTi = log e


c %

The complete solution of the problem then involves an

exact correlation of the expressions 0.171F and loge -^-

c %
We note immediately that since p is proportional to
F M and the surface S is proportional to F*' their product 1

must be proportional to V itself. We may therefore write

Eq. (47) in the form
aTi - kV log, . = kV log, (50)

In the rooms in which his experiments had been con-

ducted, the steady-state intensities set up by the particular
pipe employed were of the order of 10 X i. Sabine there-

fore adopted this as a standard intensity, and upon the

assumption of this fixed steady-state intensity, the results
of the four-organ experiment reduce to the form given by
the cushion experiments, namely,

aT = kV log, 10
6 = k X 13.8V

where T n
is the time required for a sound of initial intensity
10 6 X to decrease to the threshold intensity,
i and k is a
new constant whose precise value is desired.
One compelled to admire the skill with which Sabine

handled the various approximate relations in order to

arrive at as precise a value as possible for his fundamental
constant. His procedure was as follows: From the four-
organ-pipe experiment he derived the value of J&7, the acous-
tic power of his organ pipe. He then measured the times
with this pipe as a source in a number of rooms of widely
varying sizes and shapes, with windows first closed and
then open. He assumed that the open windows produced
the same change in reverberation as would a perfectly
absorbing surface of equal area.

Let w equal the open- window area, and T'\ the time under
the open-window condition. Then


Dividing (50) by (51) gives

lo *
aT l
(a + w)I",

In this equation we have two quantities a and p, both

of which are known approximately, a = 0.171V /T and
p = 8
0.62 F* are both approximations. In the right-hand
member of (52), these quantities are involved only in
logarithmic expressions, so that slight departures from
their true values will not materially affect the numerical
value of the right-hand member of the equation. Evalu-
ating the right-hand member of (52) in this way, the equa-
tion was solved for a. Using this value of a, Eq. (50) may
be solved for k. The constant Kof Sabine's simple rever-
beration equation is 13.8&.
The following are the data and the results of the experi-
ment for the precise determination of K.

Experimental Value of Mean Free Path.

Equation (47) and Sabine's experimental value for K

enable us to arrive at an expression for p, the mean free

path in terms of the volume and bounding surface of an

inclosure. If in Eq. (47) I/i is put equal to 1,000,000, we
aT Q = ^c
oge (1,000,000) = 13.8^ =

With a velocity of sound at 20 C. of 342 m. per second,

this gives
4.067 ,. Q v
P = g (53)

The p = 4F'/S is
theoretical derivation of the relation
given in Appendix B. The close agreement between the
experimental and theoretical relations furnishes abundant
evidence of the validity of the general theory of reverbera-
tion as we have it today. We shall hereafter use the value
of K = 0.162, corresponding to the theoretically derived
value of p, where V is expressed in cubic meters and a is
expressed in square meters of perfectly absorbing surface.
If these quantities are expressed in English units, the
reverberation equation becomes

aT Q = 0.0494F
Complete Reverberation Equation.
In Chap. IV, the picture of the phenomenon of reverbera-
tion was drawn from the simple one-dimensional case of
sound in a tube and extended by analogy to the three-
dimensional case of sound within a room, considering the
building up and decay of the sound. In the preceding
paragraphs, we have followed the experimental work, as
separate processes, by which the fundamental principles
were established and the necessary constants were evaluated.
We shall now proceed to the formal derivation of a single
equation giving the relation between all the quantities
The underlying assumptions are as follows :

1. The acoustic energy generated per second by the

source is constant and is not influenced by the reaction of

sound already in the room.

2. The sustained operation of the source sets up a final

steady-state intensity. In this steady state, the sound

energy in the room is assumed to be "diffuse"; that is, its
average energy density is the same throughout the room,
and all directions of energy flow at any point are equally
3. In the steady state, the total energy per second

generated at the source equals the total energy dissipated

per second by absorption at the boundaries. Dissipation
ofenergy throughout the volume of the room is assumed to
be negligibly small.
4. The time rate of change of average intensity at any
instant is directly proportional to the intensity at that
instant, provided the source is not operating.
5. At any given surface whose dimensions are large
in comparison with the wave length, a definite fraction of
the energy of the incident diffuse sound is not returned by
reflection to the room. This fraction is a function of the
pitch of the sound, but we shall assume it to be independent
of the intensity. It is the absorption coefficient of the
6. The absorbing power of a surface is the product of the
absorption coefficient and the area. The total absorbing
power of the room" is the sum of the absorbing powers of
all of the exposed surfaces in the room.

While the sourceis operating, the rate of change of

energy density the difference between the rates per unit


volume of emission and absorption or

dl = E AT
dt v~
Remembering that in the steady state, the rate of
change of intensity dl/dt = and that therefore All =
fl/V, we may write

Integrating and supplying the constant of integration, we


I t
= A(l - e-") = -(\ - e- A ') (54)

has been operating for a time t it is

Tf after the source

suddenly stopped, the sound begins to die away. During

this stage E = 0, and, denoting the time measured from
the instant of cut-off by !T, we have for the decay process
dl -
dT~ -AT

Integrating, and supplying the constant of integration from

the fact that at the moment of cut-off T = 0, I T = It, we
= AT
IT Ifi-

= e
AT or K(l -- -
= e

Taking the logarithm of both sides, we have

AT = log e (l
- -*) (55a)

In order not to complicate matters unduly, let us simply call

T the time from cut-off required for sound to decrease
to the threshold intensity i. Putting I T = i, (55a) then is
/ 7
7v \

This may be expressed in terms of the total absorbing power

a, by the relations already deduced, namely, A = ac/Sp
acT 4E/ - jn*\
whence we have = e* v
-^ loge
^1 J

Here t is the time interval during which the source speaks,

while T is the period from cut-off to the instant at which the
sound becomes inaudible

The expression 1 e *v is the fraction of the final

steady intensity which the intensity of the sound in the

building-up process attains in the time L The greater the
ratio of absorbing power to volume the shorter the time
required to reach a given fraction of the steady state. As
t increases indefinitely, e 4F approaches zero, and I t

approaches /i, the steady-state intensity. If Ti equals the

time required for the intensity to decrease from this steady
state to the threshold, we have

= 4F log, .


which reduces to the Sabine equation aT Q = 0.162y, if

4E/aci is set equal to 10 .

The whole history of the building-up and decay of sound

in a room is shown graphically in Fig. 26.
It must be


Time From Start Time From Cuf-off
Fio. 26. Statistical growth and decay of sound in a room absorption assumed

remembered that what is here shown is the theoretical value

of the average intensity (sound-energy density). In both
the building-up and decay processes, the actual intensity at
any point fluctuates widely as the interference pattern
referred to in Chap. Ill shifts in an altogether undetermined
way. Figure 27 is an oscillograph record of the decay of
For an instructive
series of curves, showing many of the implications of
the general reverberation equation as related to the acoustic properties of
rooms, the reader is referred to an article by E. A. Eckhardt, Jour. Franklin
Inst., vol. 195, p. 799, 1923.

sound in a room, kindly furnished by Mr. Vesper A.

Schlenker. 1

Extension of Reverberation Principles to Other Physical

Reference should be made here to an extremely interesting
by Dr. M. J. O. Strutt, in which from
theoretical paper

FIG. 27. Oscillogram of decay of sound at a single point in a room. (Courtesy

ofV.A. Schlenker.)

the most general hydrodynamic considerations he deduced

Sabine's law. This he states as follows:
The duration of residual sound in large rooms measured by the time
required for the intensity to decrease to 1/1,000,000 of the steady-state
intensity is proportional to the volume of the room over the total
absorbing power but does not depend upon the shape of the room, the
places of source, and experimenter, while the frequency does not change
much after the source has stopped.
He shows that the law holds even without the assumption
Further, he
of a diffuse distribution in the steady state.
shows that the law does not hold unless the frequency of
the source is much higher than the lowest resonance fre-
A Truck-mounted Laboratory, Jour. Soc. Mot. Pict. Eng., vol. 16, No. 3,
p. 302.
Phil Mag., vol. 8, pp. 236-250, 1929.

quencies of the room, that is, unless the dimensions of

the room are considerably greater than the wave length
of the sound. This has an important bearing upon the
problem of the measurement of sound absorption coeffi-
cients by small scale methods.
It is also shown that a similar law holds for other physical

phenomena, as, for example, radiation within a closed space

and the theory of specific heats of solid
Perhaps the most interesting fact
brought out by Strutt is the proof that
the amplitude at any point in the room
at any time in the building-up process
is complementary to the corresponding
amplitude in the decay process; that
is, at a given point, the amplitude at
FIG. 28. Osciiiograms
showing that the building ,, . - ,,
the time t measured irom tne moment
, -, j,

up and dying out of sound

P lus the amplitude at the
of startin S
time T measured from stopping the
source after the steady state has been reached equals the
amplitude in the steady state. This is shown in Fig. 28
taken from Strutt's paper. That this is true for the average
intensities follows from the fact that in the building-up

process, /i I decreases according to the same law as


that followed by I T in the decay process. That it should

be true for building-up and decaying intensities at every
point of theroom is a fact not brought out by the ele-

mentary treatment here given.

In the present chapter we have followed Sabine's attack
on the problem of reverberation from the experimental
side to the point of a precise evaluation of the constant
in his well-known equation. This equation has been shown
to be a special case of the more general relation given in
Eq. (56). He expressed all the relations with which we
are concerned in terms of this constant K
with correction

terms to take care of departures from the assumption of a

steady-state intensity of 10 X i. The simplicity of

Sabine's equation makes it extremely useful in practical

applications of the theory. It is well, however, to hold
in mind the rather special assumptions involved in its


In order to apply the theory of reverberation developed
in Chaps. IV and V to practical problems of the control of
this phenomenon, it is necessary to have information as to
the sound-absorptive properties of the various materials
that enter into the finished interiors of rooms. These
properties are best expressed quantitatively by the numer-
ical values of the sound-absorption coefficients of materials.
In this chapter, we shall be concerned with the precise
significance of this term and the various methods employed
for its determination.

Two Meanings of Absorption Coefficient.

In the study of the one-dimensional case of sound in a
tube, a (the absorption coefficient) was defined as the
fraction of itself by which the incident energy is reduced at
each reflection from the end of the tube. Here we were
dealing with a train of plane waves, incident at right angles
to the absorbing surface. If Id is the energy density in the
direct train and I r that in the reflected train, then

I *- Ir -
a = = 1
f (58a)
J. d *-

In going to the three-dimensional case, diffuse sound was

assumed to replace the plane unidirectional waves in the
tube. In a diffuse distribution, all angles of incidence from
to 90 deg. are assumed to be equally probable. Now it is
quite possible that the fraction of the energy absorbed at
each reflection will depend upon the angle at which the wave
strikes the reflecting surface, so that the absorption coeffi-
cient of a given material measured for normal incidence may
be quite different from that obtained by reverberation

methods. It is not
easy to subject the question to direct
experiment. In view of the fact that there is not a very
close agreement between measurements made by the two
methods, we shall for the sake of clarity refer to coefficients
obtained by measurements in tubes as " stationary-wave
coefficients." Coefficients obtained by reverberation meth-
ods we shall call "reverberation coefficients."

Measurement of Stationary-wave Coefficients. Theory.

In Eq. (23a), Chap.- Ill, let the origin be at the absorbing
surface. Then the equation for the displacement at any
point at a distance x from this surface due to both the direct
and reflected waves is

A o sin co(t H ft sin o>(t =

J j

AO (1 ft) sin ut cos + (1 + ft) cos o)t sin (586)

If we elect to express the condition in the tube in terms

of the pressure, we have
ft) sin cot sin +
(1 + k) cos ut cos

For values of cox/c = 0, TT, 2?r, etc., dP max = 5(1 . + ft),

while for the values of wx/c = ?r/2, 3?r/2, etc., dP max .

B(l ft), where J? is a constant.

Let M be the value of dPmax at the pressure internodes

Let N be the value of rfP max at the pressure nodes

M = B (1 + ft)

N = B (I
- ft)

M + N = 2B
M-N= 2ftJ5


For a fixed frequency, the intensity is proportional to the

square of the amplitude. Then

By definition,

a = 1
1 - Ir
- 1
1 -P
,2 - !
1 - M ~ N2

(M + TV)

The absorption coefficient then can be determined by

the use of any device the readings, of which are proportional
to the alternating pressure in the stationary wave. It is
obvious that the absolute value of the pressures need not be
known, since the value of a depends only upon the relative
values of the pressures at the maxima and minima. One
notes further that the percentage error in a is almost the
same as the percentage error in N, the relative pressure at
the minimum. For materials which are only slightly
absorbent N will be small, and for a given absolute error
the percentage error will be large. For this reason the
stationary-wave method not precise for the measurement

of small absorption coefficients. It is also to be observed

that a velocity recording device may be used in the place of
one whose readings are proportional to the pressure. M
and N
would then correspond to velocity maxima and
minima respectively.
The foregoing analysis assumes that there is no change
from the absorbent surface. A more
of phase at reflection
detailed analysis shows 1 that there is a change of phase
upon reflection.The effect of this, however, is simply to
shift the maxima and minima along the tube. 2 If, in the
experimental procedure, one locates the exact position of
the maxima and minima by trial and measures the pressure
at these points, no error due to phase change is introduced.

PARIS, E. T., Proc. Phys. Soc. London, vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 269-295, 1927.

DAVIS and EVANS, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. A, vol. 127, pp. 89-110, 1930.

Dissipation along the Tube.

Eckhardt and Chrisler 1 at the Bureau of Standards

found that due to dissipation of energy along the tube there
was a continuous increase in the values of both the maxima
and minima with increasing distance from the closed end.
Thus the oncoming wave diminishes in amplitude as it
approaches the reflecting surface, while the reflected wave
diminishes in amplitude as it recedes from the reflecting
surface. Taking account of this effect, Eckhardt and
Chrisler give the expression

- Ni
+ i

a = 1 - (60)

Nz Ni is the difference between the pressures measured

at two successive minima.
Davis and Evans give this correction term in somewhat
different form. Assuming that as the wave passes along
the tube the amplitude decreases, owing to dissipation at
the walls of the tube, according to the law

the values for the nth maximum and minimum respectively

M n = M + y (n
- 1)AXAT (61)

Nn = N + -AXM (62)

In order to make the necessary correction, a highly

was placed in the closed end of the tube,
reflecting surface
and successive maxima and minima were measured. From
these data, the value of A was computed, which in Eqs.
(61) and (62) gave the values for and M
to be used in N
Eq. (59).
It is to be noted that since N is small in comparison with

M, the correction in the former will have the greater

Bur. Standards Sci. Paper 526, 1926.

effect upon the measured value of a. For precision of

results therefore desirable to have A, the attenuation
it is

coefficient of the tube, as small as possible. This condition

is secured by using as large a tube as possible, with smooth,

rigid, and massive walls. The size of the tube that can be
used is limited, however, since sharply defined maxima and
minima are difficult to obtain in tubes of large diameter.
Davis and Evans found that with a pipe 30 cm. in diameter,
radial vibrations may be set up for frequencies greater
than 1 ,290 cycles per second. This of course would vitiate
the assumption of a standing-wave system parallel to the
axis of the tube, limiting the frequencies at which absorp-
tion coefficients can be measured in a tube of this size.

Standing-wave Method (Experimental).

H. O. Taylor 1 was the first to use the stationary-wave
method of measuring absorption coefficients in a way to
yield results that would be comparable with those obtained
by reverberation methods.
The foregoing analysis is
essentially that given by him. For a source of sound he
used an organ pipe the tone of which was freed from
harmonics by the use of a series of Quincke tubes, branch
resonators, each tuned to the frequency of the particular
overtone that was to be filtered out. The tube was of
wood, 115 cm. long, with a square section 9 by 9 cm. The
end of this tube was closed with a cap, in which the test
sample was fitted. A glass tube was used as a probe for
exploring the standing-wave system. This was connected
with a Rayleigh resonator and delicately suspended disk.
The deflections of the latter were taken as a measure of the
relative pressures at the mouth of the exploring tube and
gave the numerical values of and M
in Eq. (59). N
Tube Method at the Bureau of Standards.

Figure (29) illustrates the modification of Taylor's

experimental arrangement developed and used for a time
Phys. Rev., vol. 2, p. 270, 1913.
The method was first proposed by Tuma (Wien. Ber., vol. Ill,
p. 402,
1902), and used by Weisbach (Ann. Physik, vol. 33, p. 763, 1910).

at the Bureau The source of sound was a

of Standards. 1
loud-speaker, supplied with alternating current from a
vacuum-tube oscillator. The
standing-wave tube was of
brass and was tuned to reso-
nance with the sound produced
by the loud-speaker. The
exploring tube was terminated
by a telephone receiver, and
the electrical potential gener-
ated in the receiver by the surface\

sound was taken as a measure FlG 29 ._ Apparatus for measuring

of the pressure in the Standing absorption coefficients formerly used
T , at the Bureau of Standards.
wave. In order to measure
the e.m.f. generated by the sound, the current from the
telephone receiver after amplification and rectification
was led into a galvanometer. The deflection of the
galvanometer produced by the sound was then duplicated
by applying an alternating e.m.f. from a potentiometer
whose current supply was taken from the oscillator. The
potentiometer reading gave the e.m.f. produced by the

FIQ. 30. Stationary-wave apparatus for absorption measurements used at the

National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England.

sound. These readings at maxima and minima gave

the M' s and N's of Eq. (59), from which the absorption
coefficients of the test samples were computed.
ECKHARDT and CHRISLEB, Bur. Standards Sci. Paper 526, 1926.

Dr. E. T. Paris, 1 working at the Signals Experimental

Establishment at Woolwich, England, has carried out
investigations on the absorption of sound by absorbent
plasters using the standing-wave method. His intensity
measurements were made with a hot-wire microphone.

Work at the National Physical Laboratory.

Some extremely interesting results have been obtained

by the stationary-wave method by Davis and Evans, at the
National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, England.

Distance from Plate in Fractions of Wave Lengtti A

FIG. 31. Absorption coeffi- Fio. 32. Variation in absorption

cient as a function of the thick- affected by position of test sample in
ness. (After Davis and Evans.') stationary wave.

This apparatus shown in Fig. 30 and is not essentially


different in principle from that already described. Experi-

mental details were worked out with a great deal of care,
and tests of the apparatus showed that its behavior was
quite consistent with what is to be expected
on theoretical
grounds. A loud-speaker source of sound was used.
The exploring tube was of brass 1.2 cm. in diameter, which
communicated outside the stationary-wave tube with a
moving-coil loud-speaker movement. The pressure meas-
urements were made by determining the e.m.fs. generated
in a manner similar to that employed at the Bureau of
Proc. Phys. Soc., vol. 39, p. 274, 1927.
DAVIS and EVANS, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. A, vol. 127, 1930.

Among the facts brought out in their investigations was

the experimental verification of a prediction made on
theoretical grounds by Crandall, that at certain thicknesses
an increase of thickness will produce a decrease of absorp-
tion. The phenomenon is quite analogous to the selective
reflection of light by thin plates with parallel surfaces. In
Fig. 31, the close correspondence between the theoretical
and experimental results is shown. A second interesting
fact presented by the graph of Fig. 32, in which the

absorption coefficient of J^-in. felt is plotted against the

distance expressed in fractions of a wave length at which it
is mounted from the reflecting end plate of the tube. We

amplifier ana/

To oscillafor

Fia. 33. Measurement of absorption coefficient by impedance method. (After


note that the absorption is a minimum at points very close

to what would be the pressure internodes and the velocity
nodes of the stationary wave if the sample were not present.
In other words, the absorption is least at those points
where the particle motion is least. The points of maximum
absorption are not at what would be the points of maximum
motion in the tube if the sample were not present. The
presence of the sample changes the velocity distribution in
the tube.
The very great increase in the absorption coefficient when
the sample is mounted away from the backing plate is to
be noted. It naturally suggests the question as to how we
shall define the absorption coefficient as determined by
standing-wave measurements. Its value obviously depends
upon the position of the sample in the standing-wave
pattern. As ordinarily measured, with the sample mounted
Theory of Vibrating Systems and Sound," D. Van Nostrand Company,
p. 195

end of the tube, the measured value is that

at the closed
forthe sample placed at a pressure node, almost the
minimum. We
shall consider this question further when
we come to compare standing-wave and reverberation

Absorption Measurement by Acoustic Impedance Method.

This method was devised by E. C. Wente of the Bell
Telephone Laboratories.
The analysis is based upon the
analogy between particle velocity and pressure in the
standing-wave system and the current and voltage in an
electrical-transmission line. Acoustic impedance is defined
as the ratio of pressure to velocity. The experimental

30 60 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Frequency^Cycles per Second

FIG. 34. Absorption coefficients of felt by impedance method. (After Wcntc.)

arrangement is indicated in Fig. 33. The tube was 3-in.

internal diameter Shelby tubing, 9 long, with j^-in. ft.

walls. The test sample was mounted on the head of a

nicely fitting piston which could be moved back and forth
along the axis of the tube. The source of sound was a
heavy diaphragm 2% in. in diameter, to which was attached
the driving coil lying in a radial magnetic field. The
annular gap between the diaphragm and the interior of the
tube was filled with a flexible piece of leather.
Instead of measuring the maximum and minimum
pressures at points in a tube of fixed length, the pressure at a
point near the source, driven at constant amplitude, is
measured for different tube lengths. Wente's analysis
Bell System Tech. Jour., vol. 7, pp. 1-10, 1928.

gives for the absorption coefficient in terms of the maximum

and minimum pressures measured near the source

ot (63)

The pressures were determined by measuring with an

alternating-current potentiometer the voltages set up in a
telephone transmitter, connected by means of a short tube,
to a point in the large tube near the source. Figure 34
shows the absorption coefficients of felt of various thick-
nesses as measured by this method. Figure 35 shows the
effect on the absorption produced by different degrees of

1" l" Hair felt- normal thickness

080 ~2- Hair
I" felt-expanded to 2" thickness

5 0.40


30 60 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Frequency-Cycles per Second

Fia. 35. Effect of compression of hair felt on absorption coefficients.

packing of the hair felt. The three curves were all obtained
upon the same sample of material but with different degrees
of packing. They are of a great deal of significance in the
light which they throw upon the discrepancy of the results
obtained by different observers in the measurement of
absorption coefficients of materials of this sort. Both
thickness and degree of packing produce very large differ-
ences in the absorption coefficients, so that it is safe to say
that differences in the figures quoted by different authorities
are due in part at least to actual differences in the samples
tested but listed under the same description.

> :

rt CD CO O5 O5 "*<
<N r-

odddod do do do


S d dd ddd do" do
w CO i-< -CO
B eq rt< -co
O o :

O '"^ O5 00 O O 00 CO

o d -
do o' o d d

o o o o dd d dd

<x> o>
1=! "S


s a a a s s
o o o o o
as..x : -

.. CO O5 O iO C ts 1C
^ ' '

W2 1

^ ^H ** <N <M' <M' c w PQ PQ PQ

J i

Comparison of Standing-wave Coefficients by Different


In Table V are given values of the absorption coefficients

of a number of materials which have been measured by the
investigators mentioned, using some form of the standing-
wave method.
For values on other materials reference may be made to
the papers cited. Unfortunately there has not been any
standard practice in the choice of test frequencies. More-
over, in certain cases all the conditions that affect the
absorption coefficients are not specified, so that comparison
of exact values is not possible. The materials here given
were selected as probably being sufficiently alike under the
different tests to warrant comparison with each other and
also with the results of measurements made by reverbera-
tion methods. Inspecting the table, one notes rather wide
differences between the results obtained by different
observers in cases where a fair measure of agreement is to be
On the whole, has to be said that while the stationary-

wave method has the advantage of being applicable to

measurements on small samples and, under a certain fixed
condition, is capable of giving results that are of relative
significance, yet it is questionable whether coefficients of

absorption so measured should be used in the application

of the reverberation theory.

Reverberation Coefficient Definition. :

We shall define the reverberation coefficient of a surface

in terms of the quantities used in the reverberation theory
developed in Chaps. IV and V. We
can define it best in
terms of the total absorbing power of a room, and this in
turn can be best defined in terms of A, the rate of decay.
A is defined by the equation


and a in turn by the relation

a _

We shall define the absorption coefficient of a given surface

as its contribution per unit area to the total absorbing power
(as just defined) of a room. If, therefore, QJI, a 2 #3, etc., ,

be the reverberation coefficients of the exposed surfaces

whose areas are sh s.2 , s 3 , etc., then
a = aiSi + a<2 s-2 + 3 3 + ' ' '

where the summation includes all the surfaces in the room

exposed to the sound. As will appear, this definition
conforms to the usual practice in reverberation measure-
ments of absorption coefficients and is based on the assump-
tions made in the reverberation theory.

Sound Chamber.
Any empty room with highly reflecting walls and a
sufficiently long period of reverberation may be used as a
sound chamber. The calibration of a sound chamber
amounts simply to determining the total absorbing power
room in its standard condition for tones covering the
of the
desired frequency range. This standard condition should
be reproducible at will. For this reason, whatever furnish-
ing it may have in the way of apparatus and the like should
be kept fixed in position and should be as non-absorbent as
possible. If methods depending upon the threshold of

audibility are employed, the room should be free from

extraneous sounds. In any event, the sound level from
outside sources should be below the threshold of response
of the apparatus used for recording sound intensities. The
ideal condition would be an isolated structure in a quiet
place, from which other activities are excluded. If the
sound chamber is a part of another building, it should be
designed so as to be free from noises that originate else-
where. The first room of this sort to be built is that at the
Riverbank Laboratories, designed by Professor Wallace
Sabine shortly before his death and built for him by Colonel

George Fabyan. It was fully described in the American

Architect of July 30, 1919, but for those readers to whom
that article may not be accessible, the plan and section of
the room are here shown.

18 air space

Section A-A
Plan and section of Riverbank sound rhamber

The dimensions of the room are 27 ft. by 19 ft. by 19 ft.

10 in., and the volume is (286 cu. m.). To

10,100 cu. ft.

diminish the inequality of distribution of intensity due to

interference, large steel reflectors mounted on a vertical

View of sound chamber of the Riverbank Laboratories.



A -A

Fro. 36. Plan and section of sound chamber at Bureau of Standards.


shaft are rotated noiselessly during the course of the

observations. The source of sound usually employed is a
73-pipe organ unit, with provisions for air supply at con-
stant pressure to the pipes. A loud-speaker operated by
vacuum-tube oscillator and amplifier is also used as a
sound source.
Other sound chambers have been subsequently built in
this country, notably those at the University of Michigan
and the University of California at Los Angeles. The
plan and section of the chamber recently built at the
Bureau of Standards are shown in Fig. 36. The dimen-

sions of this room are 25 by 30 by 20 ft., and the double

walls are of brick 8 in. thick with 4-in. intervening air space.
In order to reduce the effect of the interference pattern, the
source of sound is moved on a rotating arm, approximately
2 ft. long, during the course of the observations.

Sound-chamber Methods Constant Source. :

Essentially any sound-chamber method of measuring the

reverberation coefficients of a material is based upon
measuring the change in total absorbing power produced
by the introduction of the material into a room whose total
absorbing power without the material is known. If a and
a'be the total -absorbing power of the room, first empty and
then with an area of s square units of absorbing material
introduced, then (a' a)/s is the increase in absorbing
power per square unit effected by the material. If the
test material replaces a surface of the empty room whose
absorption coefficient is i, then the absorption coefficient of
the material in question is

a = on + ^~ (64)

The equations of Chap. V suggest various ways in which

a and be measured, either by measurements of time
a! may
of decay or by measurements of intensities. The procedure
developed by Professor Sabine which has been followed
Bur. Standards Res. Paper 242.

for the most part by investigators since his time is as

1. The value
of a, the absorbing power of the empty
room, determined by means of the four-organ experiment

or some modification thereof, in which the times for sources

of known relative powers are measured.
2. From the known value of the absorbing power of the

empty room and the time required for the reverberant

sound from a given source to decrease to the threshold of a
given observer, the ratio E/i for this particular source and
observer can be computed by Eq. (39).
3. E/i being known, and assuming that E, the acoustic

output of the source, is not influenced by altering the

absorbing power of the room, Eq. (39) is evoked to deter-
mine a' from the measured value of T", the measured time
when the sample is present. Since Eq. (39) contains both
a' and log a' , its solution for a has to be effected by a method

of successive approximations. As a matter of convenience,

therefore, it is better to compute the values of T' for various
values of a! and plot the value of a' as a function of T'.
The values of a' for any value of T' are then read from this

Calibration of Sound Chamber Four-organ Method.


Illustrating the method of calibration and the measure-

ment of absorption coefficients outlined above, the proce-
dure followed at the Riverbank Laboratories will be given
somewhat Four small organs, each provided
in detail. 1
with six C pipes,
128 to 4,096 vibs./sec., operated by electro-
pneumatic action, were set up in the sound chamber.
These were operated from a keyboard in the observer's
cabinet, wired so that each pipe of a given pitch could be
made to speak singly or in any combination with the other
pipes of the same pitch. Air pressure was supplied from the
organ blower outside the room. The pressure was con-
trolled by throttling the air supply so that the speaking
Jour. Franklin Imt., vol. 207, No. 3, p. 341, 1929.

pressure was the same whether one or four pipes were

speaking. The absorbing power of the sound chamber was
increased over that of its standard condition by the presence
of this apparatus. Before the experiment the four pipes of
each pitch were carefully tuned to unison. Slight varia-
tions of pitch were found to produce a marked difference in
the measured time. As in all sound-chamber experiments,
the large steel reflector was kept revolving at the rate of
one revolution in two minutes. It was found that even
with the reflector in motion, the observed time varied
slightly with the observer's posi-
tion. For this reason timings
with each combination of pipes 5

were made in five different posi-

tions. At the end of the series
of readings, the time for the pipe
of the large organ was measured,
with the apparatus
first in and then out room.
of the
This gave the necessary data for
evaluating E/i for the pipes of
the large organ used as the stand- the logarithm of the number of

ard sources of sound and also for

determining the absorbing power of the room in its standard
condition from the measurements made with the four organs
Figure 37 gives the results of the four-organ experiment
made in 1925. The maximum departure from the straight-
line relation called for by the theory is 0.04 sec.
Let a! be the absorbing power at a given frequency of the
sound chamber with the four organs present.

= 47 loge n " 4 X 286 X 2.3 logio n

c(Tn - ro
where m
the slope of the corresponding line of Fig. 37.

Computing E/i for the pipe of the large organ and the
particular observer, we can compute a for the sound
chamber in its standard condition.

* Relative
humidity 80 per cent,
t Relative humidity 63 per cent.

Table VI gives the values of absorbing powers of the

sound chamber, and logic E/i for the organ-pipe sources used
in measuring absorption coefficients of materials. It is to be
noted that i is the threshold of audibility for a given
observer. Knowing the absorbing power, E/i for a second
observer can be obtained from his timings of sound from
the same sources. In this way, the method is made
independent of the absolute value of the observer's thresh-
old of hearing. Comparison of the values of E/i for two
observers using the same sources of sound is made in Table
VII. One notes a marked difference in the threshold of
two observers, both
audibility of these of whom have what
would be considered normal hearing. 1


For the variation in the absolute sensitivity of normal ears see FLETCHER,
"Speech and Hearing," p. 132, D. Van Nostrand Company, 1929; KRANZ,
F. W., Phys. Rev., vol. 21, No. 5, May, 1923.

Effect of Humidity upon Absorbing Power.

In Table VI, the values of the absorbing power at 4,096
vibs./sec. are given for two values of the relative humidity.
It was early noted in the research at the Riverbank Labora-
tories that the reverberation time at the higher frequencies
varied with the relative humidity, being greater when the
relativehumidity was high. It was at first supposed that
this effectwas due to surface changes
in the walls, possibly an increase in
the surface porosity of the plaster
as the relative humidity decreased.
Experiments showed, however, that
changes in reverberation time fol-
lowed too promptly the decrease in
humidity to account for the effect as
due to the slow drying out of the
walls. Subsequent painting of the
walls with an enamel paint did not
alter this effect. Hence, it was con-
cluded that the variation of rever- Per Cent Relive Humidify,
17 Deg.C.)
( Temp,
beration time with changes in
FIG. 38. Variation of re-
, ,
mUSt be due to the ettect vcrberation time with rela-
of water vapor upon the
in the air
of acoustic
j^ umidity

atmospheric absorption
energy. High-frequency sound is more strongly absorbed

in transmission through dry than through moist air.

Erwin Meyer, 1 working at the Heinrich Hertz Institute,
has also noted this effect. Figure 38 shows the relation,
as given by Meyer, between reverberation time and relative
humidity at 6,400 and 3,200 vibs./sec.
The most recent work on this point has been done by
V. O. Knudsen. 2 The curves of Fig. 39a taken from his
paper show the variation of reverberation times for fre-
quencies from 2,048 to 6,000 vibs./sec. with varying relative
humidities. We note that the time increases linearly with
Zeits. tech. Physik, No. 7, p. 253, 1930.
Jour. Acous. Soc. Arner., p. 126, July, 1931.

relative humidity up to about 60 per cent. In these

experiments the temperature of the wall was lower than
that of the air in the room. It was observed that condensa-
tion on the walls began at a relative humidity of about 70
to 80 per cent. In other experiments, conducted when the
wall temperature was higher than the room temperature
and there was no condensation on the walls, the reverbera-
tion time increased uniformly with the relative humidity
up to more than 90 per cent. Knudsen ascribes the bend
in the curves to surface effects which increased the absorp-
tion at the walls when moisture collected on them.

20 30 40 50 60 70- 80 90 100

Percentage Relative Humidity (eitoe2C)

FIG. 39a. Knudsen's results on variationof reverberation time with changes in
relative humidity.

Knudsen further found that when the relative humidity

was maintained at 100 per cent and fog appeared in the
room, the reverberation times became markedly lower for
all frequencies. Thus the reverberation time at 512 vibs./
sec. was decreased from 12.65 sec., relative humidity 80

per cent to 6.52 sec., relative humidity 100 per cent with
fog present. Knudsen is inclined to ascribe this marked
increase in absorption with fog in the air to the presence
of moisture on the wall. The author questions this
explanation in view of the magnitude of the effect, par-
ticularly at the low frequencies. The decrease from 12.65
to 6.52 sec. calls for a doubling of the coefficient of absorp-
tion, if we assume the effect to be due only to changes in

surface condition. In numerous instances, in the River-

bank sound chamber, moisture due to excessive humidity
has collected on floors and walls but without fog in the
room. No marked change in the reverberation has been
observed in such cases. It would seem more likely that
the effect noted when fog is present is due to an increase of
atmospheric absorption. The question is of considerable
importance both theoretically and practically in atmos-
pheric acoustics.
Making reverberation measurements in two rooms of
differentvolumes but with identical surfaces of painted
concrete,Knudsen was able to separate the surface and
volume absorption and to measure the attenuation due to





EO 30 40 50 60 v 70
Relaiive Humidity (21 to 22 C)
Fia. 396. Values of m (sec toxt) as a function of relative humidity. (After

absorption of acoustic energy in the atmosphere. Assume

that the intensity of a plane wave in air decreases according
to the equation / = I Q e
~~ ct
Then if we take account of

both the surface and volume absorption, the Sabine

formula in English units becomes
0.049 V
a + 4mV
or, with the Eyring modification,
= 0.049F
-5 log, (1
- a.) + 4mV

Figure 396 gives Knudsen's values of m in English units

for different frequencies and different relative humidities.
For frequencies below 2,048 vibs./sec. m
is so small as to

render the expression 4m V negligible in comparison with

the surface absorption.
Experiments on the effect of moisture on the viscosity
of the atmosphere show that while there is a slight decrease
in viscosity with increase in relative humidity, the magni-
tude of the effect is far too small to account for observecl
changes in atmospheric sound absorption. A greater heat
conductivity from the compression to the rarefaction phase
for low than for high humidity is a possible explanation.
If this be true, then the velocity of sounds of high fre-

quency should be greater in moist than in dry air, since,

assuming a heat transfer between compression and rarefac-
tion, the velocity of sound would tend to the lower New-
tonian value. The writer knows of no experimental
evidence for such a supposition. The point is of con-
siderable theoretical interest and is worthy of further study.

Calibration of Sound Chamber with Loud-speaker.

The development in recent years of the vacuum-tube
oscillator and amplifier together with the radio loud-speaker
of the electrodynamic or moving-coil type gives a con-
venient source of sound of variable output, for use in the
measurement of sound-absorption coefficients. Experi-
ment shows that the amplitude response of the electro-
dynamic free edge-cone type of loud-speaker is proportional
to the alternating-current input. 1
Under constant room conditions, therefore, the acoustic-
power output is proportional to the square of the input
current, whence we may write

E= kC*

where A; is a constant.

Recent experiments show that this relation holds over only a limited
range for most commercial types of dynamic loud speakers.

Equation (57) then may be written

aT =1

The equivalent of the four-organ experiment then may be

very simply performed by measuring the reverberation
time for different measured values of the audiofrequency
current input of the loud-speaker source. If T z be the
measured time with a constant input C 2 we have ,


a - 4yrio ge
_ Ct loge c,i _
~ gVriogio(CiVCi)-|
J 2
TL T, - T* \

cL T,-T t \

For the Riverbank sound chamber this becomes


In Fig. 40 the logarithm of the ratio of the current in the

loud-speaker to the minimum current employed is plotted

4 "7

/ 1-5/2 vi

Z bs/sec.

FIG. 40. Difference in reverberation time as a function of logarithm of loud-
speaker current ratio.

against the difference in the corresponding reverberation


The expression T -^T ^ or eac ^ f fecl uenc y *s ^e


slope of the corresponding line in Fig. 40. We note that

with the loud-speaker we have a range of roughly 250 to 1
in the currents, corresponding to a variation of about

62,500 to 1 in the intensities, whereas in the experiment with

the organ pipes the range of intensities was only 4 to 1.
The loud-speaker thus affords a much more precise means
of sound-chamber calibration. In Table VIII, the results
of the four-organ calibration and of three independent
loud-speaker calibrations are summarized.

* Room conditions slightly altered from those of 1930.

We note fair agreement between the results with the

four organs and the loud-speaker at 512 and 1,024 but
considerable difference at the low and high frequencies.
It is quite possible that for the lower tones the separation
of the four organs was not sufficiently great to fulfill the
assumption that the sound emitted by a single pipe is
independent of whether or not other pipes are speaking
simultaneously. At 2,048 the difference in times between
one and two or more pipes was small, so that the possible
error in the slope of the lines was considerable, in view of
the limited range of intensities available in this means of
Data are also presented in which a so-called " flutter
tone" was employed, that is, a tone the frequency of which
is continuously varied over a small range about a mean

frequency. The flutter range in these measurements was

about 6 per cent above and below the mean frequency, and
the flutter frequency about two per second. This expedient
serves to reduce the errors in timing due to interference.

Calibration Using the Rayleigh Disk.

A variation of the four-organ method of calibration has

been used by Professor F. R. Watson 1 at the University of
Illinois. He used the Rayleigh disk as a means of evaluat-
ing the relative sound outputs of his sources of sound.
For the latter he used a telephone receiver associated with a

Time in Seconds
FIG. 41. Sound-chamber calibration using Rayleigh disk. (After Watson.)

PTelmholtz resonator. The receiver was driven by current

from a vacuum-tube oscillator and
The relative outputs of the source for different values of
the input current were measured by placing the sound
source together with a Rayleigh disk inside a box lined with
highly absorbent material. The intensities of the sound
for different values of the input current were taken as

proportional to 0/cos 26, where 6 is the angle through which

the disk turns under the action of the sound against the
restoring torque exerted by the fiber suspension. The
maximum intensity was 1830 times the minimum intensity
used. Figure 41, taken from Watson's paper, shows the
Univ. III. Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 172, 1927.

linear relation between the logarithm of the intensity

measured by the Rayleigh disk and the time as measured
by the ear. From the slope of this line and the constants
of the room the absorbing power was computed. With
this datum the absorption coefficients of materials are
measured as outlined in the preceding section.

Other Methods of Sound-chamber Calibration.

The ear method of calibration is open to the objections
that it is laborious requires a certain amount of
and that it

training upon the part of the observer to secure consistency

in his timings. The objection is also raised that variation


Fia. 42. Reverberation meter of Werite and Bedell.

in the acuity of the observer's hearing may introduce

considerable personal errors. However, the writer's own
experience of twelve years' use of this means is that with
proper precautions the personal error may be made less
than errors due to variation in the actual time of decay
due to the fluctuation of the interference pattern, as
the reverberant sound dies away. Various instrumental
methods either of measuring the total time required for
the reverberant sound to die away through a given intensity
range or of following and recording the decay process con-
tinuously have been proposed and used.

Relay and Chronograph Method.

The apparatus, devised at the Bell Laboratories and
described by Wente and Bedell, 1 is shown in Fig. 42. The
authors describe the method as consisting of an "electro-
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. I, No. 3, Part 1, p. 422, April, 1930.

acoustical ear of controllable threshold sensitivity." The

microphone T serves as a "pick-up" and is connected to a
Vacuum-tube amplifier provided with an attenuator which
may control the amplification in definite logarithmic steps.
The amplifier isterminated by a double-wave rectifier.
The rectified current passes through the receiving windings
of a relay, which is constructed so that when the current
exceeds a certain value, the armature opens the contact at
A, charging the condenser C. When the current falls
below a certain value, the armature is released and the
condenser discharges through the primary windings of the
spark coil M causing a spark to pass to the rotary drum
D at P. The drum is rotated at a constant speed and is
covered by a sheet of waxed paper on which the passage
of the spark leaves a permanent impression. The key k
opens the circuit from the oscillator which supplies current
to the loud-speaker source, thus cutting off the sound.
This key is operated mechanically by a trigger not shown.
This trigger is released automatically when the drum is in a
given angular position.
The threshold of the instrument is set at a definite value
by adjustment of the attenuator. The sound source is
started. After the sound in the room has reached a steady
state, the trigger of the key k is set and is then auto-
matically released by the rotating drum. When the
decaying sound has reached the threshold intensity of
the instrument, the relay A operates, causing the spark to
jump. The distance on the waxed paper from the cut-off
of the sound to the record of the spark gives the time
required for the sound to decrease from the steady state
to the threshold of the instrument. Call this initial thresh-
old ii. The threshold of the instrument is then raised
to a second value 2 The point P is shifted on the scale S
i' .

to the right an amount proportional to the log i 2 log f i,

and the operation is repeated; and by repeatedly raising
the threshold and shifting the point P, a series of dots
giving the times for the reverberant sound to decrease
from the steady state to known relative intensities are

recorded on the waxed paper. Such a record is shown

in Fig. 43. The authors state: "If the decay of a sound
at the microphone had been strictly logarithmic, these dots
would all lie along a straight line. This ideal will almost
never be encountered in practice. We must therefore be
content with drawing a line of
best fitthrough these points."
From the slope of the line and
the peripheral speed of the
drum the absorbing power of
theroom may be obtained, in
the manner already described
i i i i I in the four-organ experiment.
We note that this method is
logarithmic Gain of Amplifier
based on measurement of the
FIG. 43. Decay of reverberant
sound as obtained with reverberation times from a fixed steady-
state intensity to a threshold,
variable in known ratios, whereas the four-organ experiment
and its loud-speaker variant measure the time from a
variable steady state to a fixed threshold. Properly
designed and freed from mechanical and electrical sources
of error, the apparatus is not open to the objection of

Amplifier May for

sfop worfch

FIG. 44. Vacuum-tube circuit for automatically recording reverberation times.

(After Meyer.)

personal error. The uncertainties due to the shifting

interference pattern, however, still exist.

Another arrangement for automatically determining the

reverberation time, due to Erwin Meyer 1 of the Heinrich
Hertz Institute, is shown in Fig. 44. Here the reverberant
sound is picked up by a condenser microphone. The
Znt*. Physik, vol. 11, NO. 7, p. 253, 1930.

current is amplified and rectified, and the potential drop

of the rectified current is made to control the grid voltage
of a short radio-wave oscillator. In the plate circuit of
this oscillator is a sensitive relay which operates the

stopping mechanism of a stop watch. As long as the sound

is above a given intensity, the negative grid voltage of

the oscillating tube is sufficiently great 20

to prevent oscillation. As the rever- 1^

berant sound dies away, the negative | JO
grid bias decreases. When the intensity j>05
10 20 30 40 50
reaches the given value, oscillations are Time in Seconds

set up, increasing the plate current, oper- FIG. 45. D e c a y of

sound intensity, Bureau
ating the relay, and stopping the watch. of Standards sound
chamber, oscillograph
Oscillograph Methods. method.

The oscillograph has been employed for recording the

actual decay of sound in a room. Experiments using a
steady tone have shown that the extreme fluctuations of
intensity due to the shifting of the interference pattern
give records from which it is extremely difficult to obtain
precise quantitative data.
Employing a flutter tone
and at the same time rotat-
ing the source of sound,
Chrisler and Snyder 2 found
that oscillograms could be
made on which the average
amplitude of the decaying
128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 sound could be drawn as the
FIG. 46. Total absorption, Bureau of envelope of the trace made
Standards sound chamber, by the oscil- by the OSClllograph mirror
lograph and ear measurements.
Qn ^ moving film Thege
envelope curves proved to be logarithmic, and by measuring
the ordinates for different times the rate of decay can be
obtained. In Fig. 45, the squares of the amplitudes from one
KNUDSEN, V. O., Phil. Mag., vol. 5, pp. 1240-1257, June, 1928.
CHRISLER, V. L., and W. F. SNYDER, Bur. Standards. Jour. Res., vol. 5,
pp. 957-972, October, 1930.

of their curves are plotted against the time. In Fig. 46, the
absorbing powers of the sound chamber at the Bureau of
Standards as determined both by oscillograph and by the
ear method are plotted as a function of the frequency of
the sound. In summing up the results of their research
with the oscillograph, Chrisler and Snyder state that for


FIG. 47. Meyer and Just's apparatus for recording decay of sound intensity.

accuracy of results a considerable number of records must

be made and that the time required is greater than that
required to make measurements by ear. For these reasons
the oscillograph method has been abandoned at the
Bureau of Standards.

Fia. 48. Decay of sound intensity recorded with apparatus of Meyer and Just-

A modificationof the oscillograph method has been used

by E. Meyer and P. Just. 1 Their electrical circuit is shown

in Fig. 47. A microphone placed in the room in which the

reverberation time is to be measured. The current is

amplified a
by two-stage amplifier.
first Before the third
stage is an automatic device which at the end of a given
period increases the amplification by a factor of ten,

Electr. Nachr-Techn., vol. 5, pp. 293-300, 1928.

thus increasing the sensitivity in the same ratio. The

amplified current is passed through a vacuum-tube rectifier,
in the output of which is a short-period galvanometer. The
deflection of the galvanometer is recorded upon a moving
film, on which time signals are marked. A series of records
from their paper is shown in Fig. 48. The logarithmic
decay is computed from these records as indicated in the

previous paragraph.

Methods Based on Intensity Measurements.

With a source of acoustic power E y
the output of which
is independent of room conditions, we have for the steady-
state intensity

acl l = 4E
If now an absorbing area be brought into the room, the
total absorbing power becomes a', and the steady-state
intensity 7'i, so that

a'c/'i = 4E


a! - a = A~ f/1
a[ ]

Equation (66) offers an attractively simple method of

measuring the absorbing power of the material brought
into the room, provided one has means of measuring the
average intensity of the sound in the room and knows the
value of a, the absorbing power of the room in its standard
condition. Professor V. O. Knudsen 1
at the University of
California in Los Angeles has used this method of measuring
change in absorbing power. The experimental arrange-
Mag., vol. 5,pp. 1240-1257, June, 1928.

ynent is shown in Fig. 49. A loud-speaker source driven

by an and amplifier was used, and in one series
of experiments the sound was picked up by four electro-
magnetic receivers, suitably mounted on a vertical shaft
which was rotated with a speed of 40 r.p.m. In other
experiments, an electrodynamic type of loud-speaker was
substituted, and the sound was received by a single-con-
denser microphone mounted on a swinging pendulum.

Motor *sariv&
variable inductance

FIG. 49. Knudsen's apparatus for determining absorbing power by sound-

intensity measurements.

TableIX gives results taken and computed from Knud-

sen'smeasurement by this method of the absorbing power of
a room as more and more absorbing material is brought in.


Calibration of the amplifier showed that the galva-

nometer deflection was proportional to the square of the

voltage input of the amplifier and therefore proportional

to the sound-energy density in the room. The values of a'
are based upon a value of a = 28.3 units, obtained by rever-
beration measurements in the empty room. Absorbing
powers are given in English units.
The mean value of the absorption coefficient of this same
material obtained by both the reverberation method and the
intensity method is given by the author as 0.433. It is
obvious that the precision of the method is no greater than
that with which a, the absorbing power of the empty room,
can be determined, and this in turn goes back to rever-
beration methods.


Computed from t/'mes

(5amjj/e in anc/sampfe

Steady) t a 9'
W t'
8.19 473 8.QS

a' -4 "3.31 a'- a * 3.41

Coefficient * 75.5 % Coefficient = 775 %
5 10 15

FIG. 50. Data for determination of absorption coefficients by various methods

Absorption Coefficient Using Source with Varying Output.

With a source of sound whose acoustic output can be
varied in measured amounts the absorbing power of the

reverberation chamber both in its standard condition and

with the absorbent material present can be determined

directly. A carefully conducted experiment of this sort
serves as a useful check on the validity of the constant-
source method and the assumptions made and also shows
the degree of precision that may be obtained in reverbera-
tion methods of measurement. Figure 50 presents the
results of such an experiment. Here the logarithm of
the current in milliamperes in the loud-speaker is plotted
against the duration of audible sound, first without absorb-
ent material and then with 4.46 sq. m. (48 sq. ft.) of an
absorbent material placed in the sound chamber. The
data presented afford two independent means of computing
the absorption coefficient of the material: (1) From the
slopes of the straight lines a and a' may be determined by
Eq. (65). Thus
a = 15.4m
a' = 15.4w'

ra, and m 1
being the slopes of the straight lines representing
the experimental points without and with the absorbent
material present. (2) Assuming equal acoustic outputs
for equal loud-speaker currents, o! maybe computed from
the values of T and T", the times for any given current
value before and after the introduction of the absorbent
material, and a, the absorbing power of the empty room.
Thus if E be the acoustical power of the source, assumed
for the moment to be the same for a given current under
the two room conditions, we have

aT = 7.70 lo glo
= 7.7 lo glo
7 (67a)
CiCt' L

4/T J
a'T = 7.70 logio -=F-. = 7.7 logio -^ (676)
a ci %

Whence by eliminating 4E/ci, we have


a' = - 7.7 log (68)

y \aT

We note, however, that if the straight lines of Fig. 50
be extrapolated, their intersection falls on the axis of zero
time. This means that equal currents in the loud-speaker
set up equal steady-state intensities throughout the room,
whereas the assumption of equal acoustical powers for a
given current implies a lower intensity in the more absorbent
room. We are forced to the conclusion, therefore, that the
sound output of a loud-speaker operating at a fixed amplitude
is not independent of the room conditions. The data
here presented indicate that for a fixed amplitude of
the source the output of the speaker is directly proportional
to the absorbing power; that is, E'/a' = E/a, I = /', and

^ (69)

The values of the absorption coefficients for the material as

determined by organ-pipe data and by the two methods
from the loud-speaker data are shown in Fig. 50. The
computations from the organ-pipe data are based on the
assumption that the power of the pipe is constant under
altered room conditions. The value of a' is computed from
Eq. (69) instead of Eq. (68), since the latter would give
different values of a', depending upon the particular current
values for which T and T are taken.

Reaction of Room on the Source.

The foregoing brings up the very important question of
the assumption to be made as to what effect on the rate of
emission of sound energy from a source of constant ampli-
tude results from altering the absorbing power of the room
in which it is placed. On this point Professor Sabine
states: 1

In choosing a source of sound, it has usually been assumed that a

source of fixed amplitude is also a source of fixed intensity (power) On.

" Collected
Papers on Acoustics," Harvard University Press, p. 279,


the contrary, this is just the sort of source whose emitting power varies
with the position in which it is placed in the room. On the other hand,
an organ pipe is able within certain limits to adjust itself automatically
to the reaction due to the interference system. We may say briefly that
the best standard source of sound is one in which the greatest percentage
of emitted energy takes the form of sound.

Sabine is here speaking of the effect of shifting the source

of sound with reference to the stationary-wave system. Tn
the experiment of the preceding section, the large steel
reflectors already mentioned were kept moving, thus
continuously shifting the stationary-wave system. The
use of the flutter tone also would preclude a fixed inter-
ference pattern, so that if there were a difference in the
output of the loud-speaker brought about by the introduc-
tion of the absorbent, this difference was due to the change
in the total absorbing power of the room. Repeating the
experiment for the tones 1,024 and 2,048 vibs./sec. gave
the same results, namely, straight lines whose intersection
was on the axis of zero times. Earlier experiments, using 1

a different loud-speaker and slightly different electrical

arrangements, showed the intersection of the lines at positive
values of the time. On the other hand, Chrisler reports 2
a few sets of measurements in which the intersection of the
lines was at negative values of the time, indicating that the

loud-speaker at constant-current input acts as a source of

constant acoustical output independent of room conditions.
Existing data are therefore equivocal as to just how a loud-
speaker driven at constant amplitude behaves as the absorb-
ing power of the room is altered.
In this connection, the results of Professor Sabine's
acoustical survey of a room shown in Fig. 18 of Chap. Ill
are interesting. The upper series shows the amplitudes at
points in the empty room. The lower series gives the
amplitudes at the same points when the entire floor is
covered with hair felt. The amplitude of the source was
the same in the two cases. Comparing the two, one notes
Jour. Franklin InsL, vol. 207, p. 341 March, 1929.
Bur. Standards Res. Paper 242.

that the introduction of the felt does not materially alter

the general distribution of sound intensity. The maxima
and minima fall at the same points for the two conditions.
Further, the minima in theempty room are for the most
part more pronounced than when the absorbent is present,
and finally we note that on the whole the amplitude is
less in the empty than in the felted room. Taking the
areas of the figures as measured with a planimeter, we
find that the average amplitudes in the empty and felted
rooms are in the ratio of 1:1.38, and this for a source in
which the measured amplitude is the same in the two cases.
One cannot escape the conclusions (1) that in this experi-
ment, at least, covering the entire floor with an absorbent
material did not shift the interference pattern in horizontal
planes and (2) that the acoustic efficiency of the constant-
amplitude source set up in the absorbent room was enough
greater than in the empty room to establish a steady-state
intensity 1.9(1. 38)
times as great. The same output
should, on the reverberation theory, produce a steady-state
intensity only about one-half as great.
Lack of sufficient data to account for the apparently
paradoxical character of these results probably led Professor
Sabine to withhold their publication until further experi-
ments could be made. Penciled notations in his notes of
the period indicate that further work was contemplated.
Repeating the experiment with the tremendously improved
facilities now available both with loud-speaker and organ-

pipe sources and with steady and flutter tones would be

extremely interesting and should throw light on the
question in point.
The writer's own analysis of the problem indicates that
with a constant shift of the interference pattern, by means
of a flutter tone or a moving source or by moving reflectors,
the constant-amplitude source should set up the same
steady-state intensity under both the absorbent and the
non-absorbent room conditions. Operated at constant
current, a loud-speaker should thus act as a source whose
output in a given room is directly proportional to the

absorbing power, while at a constant power input it

should operate as a constant-output source. Experimental
verification of these conclusions has not yet been attained,
so that there is still a degree of uncertainty in the determi-
nation of absorption coefficients by the reverberation
method using the electrical input as a measure of the
sound output of the source.
In Table X are given the values of the absorption
coefficients at three different frequencies of a single material,
computed in the manners indicated from organ-pipe and
Organ pipe, a' -r\
at> 7.7 lg ~~) (1)

Loud-speaker, of = , (at) (2)

gl Cii
Loud-speaker, variable current, a
= 1
15.4^^^ _ |

loud-speaker data obtained in the Riverbank sound

chamber. For comparison, figures by the Bureau of
Standards, by F. R. Watson and V. O. Knudsen, on the
same material are given. The latter were all obtained by

the reverberation method. The table gives a very good

idea of the order of agreement that is to be expected in

measurements of this sort. The fact that the coefficient

is obtained by taking the difference between two quantities
whose precision of measurement is not great will account
for rather large variations in the computed value of the
coefficient. Thus in Fig. 50, errors of 1 per cent in the
value of a and a would, if cumulative, make an error of

4.5 per cent in the computed values of the coefficient.

The variations that are to be expected in determining
a and a', due to interference, are certainly as great as 1
per cent, so that the precision with which absorption
coefficients can be measured by existing methods is not

Wehave seen that the standing-wave method gives
coefficients of absorption fornormal incidence only and
motion node of the standing-
for samples placed always at a
wave system. Moreover, with materials whose absorption
is due to inelastic flexural vibrations, the small-scale
measurements on rigidly mounted samples fail to give
the values that are to be expected from extended areas
having a degree of flexural motion. On the other hand,
reverberation coefficients are deduced on the assumptions
made and verified in the reverberation theory as it is
applied to the practical problems of architectural acoustics.
We have seen also that all of the reverberation methods
now in use go back to the determination of the rate of
decay of sound in a reverberation chamber and the effect
of the absorbent material on this rate of decay and that
very nature of the case, the precision of such measure-
in the
ments is not great. The oscillograph method is equally
laborious and requires repeated measurements in order to
eliminate the error due to the irregularities in the decay
curve resulting from interference. Finally, we have noted
that there is a certain degree of uncertainty as to the

assumptions to be made when we take the electrical input


of a telephonic source of sound as a measure of the sound

energy which itgenerates under varying absorbing powers
of the room. As will be seen in the succeeding chapter,
there are a number of other factors that affect the measured
values of reverberation coefficients. All things considered,
it has to be stated that before precise agreement on meas-

ured values can be attained, arbitrary standards as to

methods and conditions of measurement will have to be


In this chapter,it is proposed to consider the physical

properties that affect the sound-absorbing efficiency of

materials and the variation of this efficiency with the
pitch and quality of the sound. We shall also consider
various conditions of test that affect the values of the
absorption coefficients of materials as measured by rever-
beration methods and finally deal with some questions that
arise in the practical use of sound absorbents in the correc-
tion of acoustical defects and the reduction of noise in

Physical Properties of Sound Absorbents.

The energy of a train of sound waves in the air resides
in the regular oscillations of the molecules. The absorption
of this energy can occur only by some process by which
these ordered oscillations are converted into the random
molecular motion of heat. In other words, the absorption
of sound is a dissipative process and occurs only when the
vibrational motions are damped by the action of the forces
of friction or viscosity. Now experience shows that only
materials which are porous or inelastically flexible or
compressible absorb sound in any considerable degree.
For a material to be highly absorbent, the porosity must
consist of intercommunicating channels, which penetrate
the surface upon which the sound is incident. Cellular
products with unbroken cell walls or with an impervious
surface do not show any marked absorptive properties.
A simple practical test as to whether a material possesses
absorbing efficiency because of its porosity is to attempt
to force air into it or through it by pressure. If air cannot
be forced into it, it will not show high absorbent properties.

By inelastically flexible and compressible materials we

mean those in which the damping force is large in com-
parison with the elastic forces brought into play when such
materials are distorted.

Absorption Due to Porosity.

The theoretical treatment of this problem is beyond

the scope of our present purpose. Theoretical treatment's
given in papers by Lord Rayleigh, by E. T. Paris, and by
Crandall. 1 In an elementary way, it can be said that the
absorption coefficient of a porous, non-yielding material
willdepend upon the following factors (a) the cross section

of the pore channels, (6) their depth, and (c) the ratio of
perforated to unperforated area of the surface. Rayleigh's
analysis is for normal incidence and leads to the conclusion
that the absorption increases approximately as the square
root of the frequency. For
a given ratio of unperforated
to perforated area, the ab-
sorption low frequencies
increases, though not linearly
200 400 fiOO 3200 6400
with the radius of the pores,
considered as cylindrical
Fia. 51. Theoretical absorption of
a closely packed porous material of tubes. the radius of pores
great thickness. (After Crandall.) be greater than 0.01 cm., the
assumptions made in the theory do not hold. For a
coarse-grained structure, the thickness required to produce
a given absorption at a given frequency is greater than
with a fine-pored material. Crandall 2 has worked out
the theoretical coefficients of absorption of an ideal wall
of closely packed honeycomb structure (i.e., one in which
the ratio of unperforated to perforated area is small),
the diameter of the pores being 0.02 cm. The thick-
RAYLEIGH, "Theory of Sound," vol. II, pp. 328-333.
,Phil. Mag., vol. 39, p. 225, 1920.
PARIS, E. T., Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. A, vol. 115, 1927.
CRANDALL, "Theory of Vibrating Systems and Sound," p. 186, D. Van
Nostrand Company, 1926.
CRANDALL, op. tit., p. 189.

ness is assumed great enough to give maximum absorp-

tion. His values are plotted in Fig. 51. We note a maxi-
mum of absorption at 1,600
vibs./sec. This suggests
selective absorption due to
resonance; but as Crandall
points out, it is quite acci-
dental, as no resonance phe-
nomenon or selective absorp-
tion has been implied" in the
problem. On his analysis, we
should expect a porous ma-
terial always to show a maxi- 128 256 512 1024 3048 4096
mum of absorption at some FKJ. 52. Absorption coefficients of

frequency, this maximum asbestos hair felt of different thick-

shifting to lower frequencies
as the coarseness of the porosity is increased. Thus, he
states, if the cross section of the pores is doubled, the curve
shown would be shifted one octave lower. It is to be

Thickness in Inches
Fio. 52a. Absorption coefficients of asbestos hair as a function of thickness.

remembered that a porous wall of great thickness is


Effect of Thickness of Porous Materials.

For limited thickness, the absorption coefficient of a

porous material increases in general with the thickness
approaching a maximum value as the thickness is increased.

The curve shown in Fig. 31 shows the absorption by the

stationary-wave method of cotton wool as a function of
thickness. Davis and Evans state that the maximum
absorption there shown occurs at thicknesses of one-quarter
of the wave length of sound in the material. In Fig. 52
are shown the reverberation coefficients of an asbestos hair
thicknesses at different frequencies. Figure
felt of different
53 shows the absorption coefficients of a porous tile as
given by the Bureau of Standards. We note, in all cases,
a maximum absorption over a frequency range. This

126 356 512 1024 4.096

FIG. 53. Absorption coeffi- FIG. 54. Effect of scaling the surface
cients of porous tile. (Bureau of a porous compressible material.
of Standards.)

maximum shifts to lower frequencies as the thickness

of the absorbing layer is increased. These facts are in

qualitative agreement with the theory of absorption by

porous bodies deduced by Rayleigh and Crandall.
In soft, feltlike materials, the absorption, particularly
at lower frequencies, is due both to porosity and to inelastic
compressibility. The curves of Fig. 54 show the effect
of sealing the surface of felt with an impervious membrane.
Curve 2 may be assumed to be the absorption due to the
compressibility of the material. We note the marked
falling off at the higher frequencies where the porosity is

the more important factor.

Absorption Due to Flexural Vibrations.

The absorption of sound by fiber boards is due very

largely to the inelastic flexural vibration of the material

under the alternating pressure. The absorption of sound

by wood paneling is of Figure 55 shows the
this character.
coefficients of pine sheathing 2.0 cm. thick as given by
Professor Sabine. We note the irregular character of the
curve suggesting that resonance plays an important r61e
in absorption by this means. The difference in the
mechanics of the absorption of sound by damped flexible
materials and absorption due to porosity is shown by
comparison of the curves of Fig. 56 with those of felt in





256 512 1024 2048 4096

Frequency Frequency
FIG. 55. Absorption coeffi- FIG. 56. Effect of thickness of
cients of pine sheathing 2.0 cm. material whose absorption is due to
thick. (After W. C. Sabine.) damped flexural vibrations.

Fig. 52a. The former are for a stiff pressed board with a
fairly impervious surface made of wood fiber. The lower
curve is for a %-in. thickness, while the upper curve is for
the same material %e in. thick. In contrast to the felt,
the thinner more flexible material shows the higher absorp-
tion. In absorption due to flexural vibration, the density,
stiffness, and damping coefficient of the material affect
the absorption coefficient. The mathematical theory of
the process has not yet been worked out. The almost
uniform value of the coefficients for different frequencies
in Fig. 56 indicates the effect of damping in decreasing the
effects due to resonance.

Area Effects in Absorption Measurements.

In an investigation conducted in 1922, upon the absorp-
tion of impact sounds, it appeared that the increase of
absorption of sounds of this character was not strictly

proportional to the area of the absorbent surface, intro-

duced into the sound chamber, small samples showing
markedly greater absorption per unit area than large
samples of the same material. The investigation was
extended, using sustained tones, and the same phenomenon
was observed as in the case of short impact sounds. In
Fig. 57 are shown the apparent absorbing powers per unit
area of a highly absorbent hair felt plotted against the
area of the test sample.
The same effect under somewhat less ideal conditions
was observed in the case of the absorbing power of (trans-

"0133456789 Area
FIG. 57. Absorbing power per unit area as a function of area.

mission through) an opening. A large window in an empty

room 30 by 30 by 10 ft. was fitted with a series of frames so
that the area of the opening could be varied, the ratio of
dimensions being kept constant. The absorption coeffi-
cient for these openings at 512 vibs./sec. varied from 1.10
to 0.80 as the size was increased from 3.68 to 30.2 sq. ft.
A doorway 8 by 9 ft. in a room 30 by 30 by 9 ft. showed an
apparent coefficient as low as 0.65. (In this case, condi-
tions were complicated by reflection of sound from the
ground outside.)
In view of the fact that the earlier measurements of
Professor Wallace Sabine were based on the open window as
an ideal absorber with an assumed coefficient of 1.00, it was
of interest to recompute from his data the values of the
absorption coefficients of openings. These data were

used by him, assuming a coefficient of LOO in the deter-

mination of the constant K
of the simple reverberation
formula. Fortunately the data necessary for these com-
putations are found in his original notes, but, unfortunately
for the present purpose, only the total open-window area is
given and not the dimensions of the individual openings.
The figures are shown in Table XI, where w is the total
area of the open windows, and a and a! are computed from
the equation
_ 9.2 V


It will be noted that there is a marked variation in
the values of the coefficients for the open window. The
data for Room 15 show a decrease in the apparent absorb-
ing power as the area of the individual openings is increased,
quite in agreement with the results obtained in this

One an explanation of these facts in the phenomenon
of diffractionand the screening effect of an absorbent area
upon adjacent areas In the reverberation theory, we
assume a random distribution of the direction of propaga-
tion of sound energy. Thus, on the average, two-thirds of
the energy is being propagated parallel to the surface of
the absorbent material. Neglecting diffraction, in such a
distribution, only that portion traveling at right angles

to the absorbent surface would be absorbed by a very large

area of a perfectly absorbent material. Due to diffraction,
however, the portion traveling parallel to the surface is
also absorbed over the entire area but more strongly at the
The following experiment illustrates this "edge effect/'
Strips of felt 12 in. wide were laid on the sound-chamber floor,
forming a hollow rectangle 8 by 5 ft. (2.44 by 1.53 m.).
The increase in the absorbing power due to the sample Was
measured. The space inside was then filled and the
increase produced by the solid rectangle measured. The
absorbing power per unit area of the peripheral and central
portions is given below :

The screening effect of the edges is obvious and serves to

explain the decrease in absorbing power per unit area
shown in Fig. 57. In a similar manner, long, narrow
samples show more effective absorbing power than equal
areas in square form, as shown below :

The fact that small samples show an apparent absorption

coefficient greater than unity calls for notice. It is to be
remembered that we are here dealing with linear dimensions
that are of the order of or even less than the wave length
of the sound. The mathematics of the problem involves
the same considerations as that of radiation of sound from

the open end of an organ pipe or the amplification by a

spherical resonator. Diffraction plays an important role,
and just as in the case of the resonator energy is drawn
from the sound field around the resonator to be reradiated,
so the presence of the small absorbent sample or small
opening affects a portion of the wave front greater than its
own area. Qualitatively, the effect is shown by the sound

photograph of Fig. 58, which shows a sound pulse reflected

FIG. 58. Sound pulse incident, upon a barrier with an opening. A-B marks the
limits of the opening.

from the surface of a barrier with an opening. The cross

section of the portion cut out of the reflected pulse is clearly
greater than that of the opening.

Absorption Coefficients of Small Areas.

Some very interesting results flowing from the phe-
nomena described in the preceding section were brought
out in a series of experiments conducted at the Riverbank
Laboratories for the Johns-Manville Corporation and
reported by Mr. John S. Parkinson.

A fixed area 48 sq. ft. (4.46 sq. m.) of absorbent material

was cut up into small units, which were distributed with
various spacings and in various patterns. The addition
to the total absorbing power of the room was measured by
the reverberation method. In Fig. 59, the apparent
absorption coefficients of 1-in. hair felt are shown, under the
conditions indicated. The explanation of the increase in
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 112-122, July, 1930.

absorbing power as the units are separated lies in the

screening effect of an absorbent surface on adjacent
surfaces. We note that the increase in absorption with
separation is a function both
of the absorbing efficiency and
wave length of the sound.
of the
The experiment does not per-
mit us to separate the effects
of these two factors. We* do
note, however, that for the
two lower frequencies, where
the absorption coefficient and
the separation measured in
wave lengths are both small,
the effect of spacing the units
FIG. 59. Effect of
spacing on is Small.
absorption by small units.
An interesting fact is broughtL
A i i r j_ i i

out by the curves of Fig. 60, taken from Parkinson's

paper. Here the absorbing power per unit area of the
total pattern is plotted as ordinate against the ratio

wo aa 030 0.40 oso aeo o?o o.w ago IDO

Ratio of Treated to TotaUrea

FIG. 60. Absorbing power per square unit of distributed material plotted as a
function of ratio of absorbent area to total area of pattern. (After Parkinson.)

of the actual area of felt to the total area over which

it is In any one case, the units were all
of one size and uniformly spaced, but the different

points represent units ranging in size from 1 by 1 ft. to 2

by 8 ft. spaced at distances of from 1 to 4 ft. Diamond-

laped and hexagonal units are also represented. The

ict that points so obtained fall upon a smooth curve shows
lat with a given area of absorbent material cut into units
f the same size and uniformly distributed over a given

rea, the total absorption is independent of the size and

tiape of the units and of the particular pattern in which
tiey are distributed. The difference between the ordinate
f the straight line and the curve for any ratio of treated to
3tal area gives the increase in absorbing power per square
)ot due to spreading the material.

rffect of Sample Mounting on Absorption Coefficients.

Figure 32 (Chap. VI) shows the very marked increase in

bsorption, as measured by the stationary-wave method,
f shifting a porous material from a motion node to a

lotion loop of the standing wave. In this case, the change

f position of the test sample was of the order of half a wave

mgth. Professor Sabine measured the effect of mounting felt at distances of 2, 4, and 6 in., respectively,
[*om the wall of the sound chamber. The absorption
oefficient at 512 vibs./sec. was increased from 0.57 to 0.67
rith an air space of 6 in. between the felt and the wall, with
orresponding increases at lower frequencies. At higher
requencies the increase was negligibly small. That the
ffect of the method of mounting flexible, non-porous
naterials may be very pronounced is shown by the above
gures for a pressed-vegetable fiber board >- in. thick,
n the first instance, it was nailed loosely on 1-in. furring

strips laidon the floor of the sound chamber, while in the

second case, it was nailed firmly to a 2 by 4-in. wood-stud

construction, with studs set 16 in. apart. The more rigid

attachment to the heavier structure, allowing less freedom
of motion, accounts for the difference.
In the table of absorption coefficients given in Appendix
C y
we note the marked difference in the absorbing efficiency
of draperies resultingfrom hanging at different distances
from the wall and from different amounts of folding.

Effect of Quality of Test Tones.

It is well known that the tones produced by organ pipes

are rich in harmonic overtones. In using an organ pipe as
a source of sound for absorption measurements, one assumes
that the separate component frequencies of the complex
tone are absorbed independently and that the absorption
coefficient measured is that for the fundamental frequency.
It is if the strength of any given harmonic
obvious that
relative to the fundamental is so great that this particular
harmonic persists longer than the fundamental itself in the
reverberant sound or if the conditions are such that the rate
of decay of this harmonic is less than that of the funda-
mental under the two conditions of the sound chamber,
then the absorption coefficient obtained by reverberation
measurements will be that for the frequency of this har-
monic rather than for the fundamental. The fact that the
reverberation time of a sound chamber decreases as the
pitch of the sound is raised makes for purification of the tone
as the reverberant sound dies away; that is, the higher-
pitched components die out first, leaving the fundamental
as the tone for which the times are measured. If this
condition exists, and if the assumption of the independent
absorption of the harmonic components is correct, then the
absorption coefficient obtained from a complex source
should be the same as that for a pure tone of the same
The following data bear evidence on the question of the
effect of tone quality upon the measured values of absorp-

tion coefficients. The absorption at 512 vibs./sec. of four

different materials was measured using seven organ pipes
of different tone qualities. These measurements on each
material with the different pipes were all made under
identical conditions. Three of the pipes were of the open
diapason stop, from different manufacturers. The tone
qualities may be roughly described as follows :

1. Tibia clausa Stopped wooden pipe, strong fundamental,

weak octave and twelfth
2. Melodia Open wood pipe, strong' fundamental, weak
octave and twelfth
3, 4, 5. Open diapason. Strong fundamental and strong octave
6. Gemshorn . . .
Strong fundamental, weak octave, strong
higher harmonics
7. Gamba Weak fundamental, weak octave, strong higher

The materials were chosen so as to represent a wide-

diversity of characteristics as regards the variation of
absorption with pitch.

be said that for materials 1, 3, and 4 the coeffi-

It is to
cients for the open diapason tones are higher than for the
other pipes. All of these materials have higher coefficients
at the octave above 512, so that it seems fair to conclude
that the presence of the strong octave in these tones tends
to raise the coefficient at 512. The wood-fiber tile, on the
other hand, has a nearly uniform coefficient over the whole
frequency range, and we note no very marked difference
which can be ascribed to the difference in quality. On the
whole, it may be said that the presence of strong harmonics
in the source of sound will occasion somewhat higher

measured coefficients for materials that are decidedly more

absorbent at the harmonic than at the fundamental
frequency. With the exceptions just noted, the differences
shown in Table XII are little if any greater than can be
accounted for by experimental error.

Absorbing Power of Individual Objects.

In practical problems of computing the reverberation
time in rooms, we must include the addition to the total
absorbing power made by separate articles of furniture,
such as seats and chairs and more particularly the absorbing
power of the audience. The experimental data are best
expressed not as absorption coefficients pertaining to the
exposed surface but as units of absorbing power contributed
to the total by each of the objects in question. Thus, in
the case of chairs, for example, we should measure the
change in the total absorbing power by bringing a number
of chairs into the sound chamber and divide this change by
the number.

Absorbing Power of Seats.

The wide variation in the absorbing power of seats of
different sorts is shown in Table I (Appendix C), compiled
from various sources. It is a difficult matter to specify all
of the factors which affect the absorbing power, so that the

figures given are to be taken as representative rather than

exact. In the table, the absorbing power is expressed in
English units, that is, as the equivalent area in square feet
of an ideal surface whose coefficient is unity. The values
in metric units be obtained by dividing by 10.76, the
number of square feet in a square meter.

Absorbing Power of an Audience.

By far the largest single contributor to the total absorbing
power of an auditorium is the audience itself, and for this
reason the reverberation will be markedly influenced by
this factor. The usual procedure in estimating the total
absorbing power of an audience is to find by measurement

the absorbing power per person and multiply this by the

number of persons. The data generally accepted for the
absorbing power per person are those published by Wallace
C. Sabine in 1906. Expressed in English units they are as
follows :

The audience on which these measurements were made con-

sisted of 77 women and 105 men, and the measurements
were made in the large lecture room of the Jefferson Physi-
cal Laboratory. These values are considerably higher than
those given by the results of more recent measurements
made under more ideal conditions as regards quiet. The
effect of the inevitable noise created by this number of

persons as well as disturbing sounds from without would

tend toward higher values. Moreover, the much lighter
clothing, particularly of women, at the present time, is not
an inappreciable factor in reducing the coefficient from these
earlier figures. The fact that Sabine's auditors were
seated in the old ash settees with open backs, shown in
his Collected Papers/' thus exposing more of the clothing
to the sound, would give higher absorbing powers than are
to be expected with an audience seated in chairs or pews
with solid, non-absorbent backs. In view of the results
already noted on the effect of spacing on the effective
absorbing power of materials, it is apparent that the
seating area per person also is a factor in the absorbing
power of an audience.
The table shown on p. 142 gives some recent data on the
measured absorbing power of people.
As be noted, these figures are considerably lower
than those of Sabine. There is another way of treating the
absorbing power of an audience, and that is to regard the

Jour Aeons Soc. Amer,, p. 126, July, 1930.

audience as an absorbing surface and to express the absorb-

ing power per unit area. The following are the results so
expressed obtained by the writer compared with the earlier

The materially higher values of the earlier measurements

can be accounted for partly by the change of style in cloth-
ing and partly by the difference in conditions as regards
Chrisler 1 gives the following figures for a mixed audience
of six men and six women occupying upholstered theater
chairs :

Jour. of Acou*. Soc. Awcr., Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 127, July, 1930.

These values are more nearly in accord with those that are
universally used in practice.
It is. apparent from the foregoing that the sound-absorb-

ing power of an audience is a quantity which depends upon

a number of variable and uncontrollable factors and cannot
be specified with any great degree of scientific precision.

Up to the present time, the universal practice has been to

use the values given by Professor Sabine, and the criteria
of acoustical excellence are all based on these figures.
We shall therefore, in considering the computation of the
reverberation time of rooms in Chap. VIII, use his values,
even while recognizing that they are higher than those
which in scientific accuracy apply to present-day audiences.

Absorption Coefficients of Materials.

The last ten years have seen the commercial development
and production of a very large number of materials designed
for use as absorbents in reducing the reverberation in
auditoriums and the quieting of noise in offices, hospitals
and the like. The problems to be solved in the develop-
ment of such materials are threefold: (1) the reduction of
cost of material and application, (2) the production of
materials that shall meet the practical requirements of
appearance, durability, fireproofness, and cleanliness, and
(3) the securing of materials with sufficiently high absorp-
tion coefficients to render them useful for acoustical
In the earliest application of the method, hair felt was
extensively used. This was surfaced with fabric of
various sorts stretched on furring over the felt. Painting
of this fabric in the usual manner was found materially to
lessen the absorbing efficiency. The development of better
grades of felt mixed with asbestos, the gluing of a perfo-
rated, washable membrane directly to the felt, and finally
the substitution of thin, perforated-metal plates for the
fabricmark the evolution of this form of absorbent treat-
ment. Boards made from sugar-cane fiber show moder-
ately high absorption coefficients. These have been

markedly increased by the expedient of increasing their

thickness and boring holes at equally spaced intervals.
Professor Sabine early developed a porous tile composed of
granular particles bonded only at their points of contact,
which has found extensive use in churches and other rooms
where a tile treatment is applicable. In 1920, the writer
began a series of investigations looking to the development
of a plaster that should be much more highly absorbent
than are the usual plaster surfaces. These investigations
have resulted in a practicable commercial product of con-
siderable use. Recently a highly absorbent tile of which
the chief ingredient is mineral wool has been extensively
used. Materials fabricated from excelsior, flax fiber, wood
wool, and short wood fiber are also on the market.
The more widely used of these materials are listed
under their trade names in the table of absorption coeffi-
cients given in Appendix C. As a result of development
research, many manufacturers are effecting increases in
the absorption coefficients of their materials, so that the
date of tests is quoted in each instance. Earlier published
data from the Riverbank Laboratories were based on the
four-organ calibration. The figures given in the table are
corrected to the more precise values given by loud-speaker
methods of calibration.


Having developed the theory of reverberation and its

application to the measurement of the absorption coeffi-

cients of materials, we are now in a position to apply the
theory to the prediction and control of reverberation.
In this chapter, we shall consider first the detailed methods
of calculating the reverberation time from the architect's
plans for an audience room and, second, the question of the
desired reverberation time considered both from the
standpoint of the size of the room and also as it depends
upon the uses for which the room is intended.
Calculation of Reverberation Time: Rectangular Room.
While it is theoretically possible to calculate precisely
the reverberation time of any given room from a knowledge
of volume and the areas and absorption coefficients of all
the absorbing surface, yet in any practical case, certain
approximations will have to be made, and the prediction
of the reverberation in advance of construction is a matter
of enlightened estimate rather than precise calculation.
The nature of these approximations will be indicated in
the two numerical examples given. Fortunately the limits
between which the reverberation time may lie without
materially affecting hearing conditions are rather wide, so
that such an estimate will be quite close enough for practical
We shall take as our first example a simple case of a small
high-school auditorium, rectangular in plan and section,
without balcony. From the architect's plans the following
data are secured:
Dimensions, 100 by 50 by 20 ft.

Walls, gypsum plaster on tile, smooth finish

Ceiling, gypsum on metal lath, smooth finish

Stage opening, 30 by 12 ft., velour curtains

Wood floor

Wood-paneled wainscot, 6 ft. high, side and rear walls

700 unupholstered seats.

The common practice is to figure the reverberation for

the tone 512 vibs./sec. The absorption coefficients are
taken from Table II in Appendix C.

Volume = 100 X 50 X 20 = 100,000 cu. ft.

In computing the absorption due to the audience, it is

the common practice to assume that the additional absorp-
tion due to each person is 4.6 minus the absorbing power of
the seat which he occupies. We have then the following
for different audiences:

In passing, the preponderating role which the audience

plays in the total absorbing power of the room is worth
noting. In this case, 77 per cent of the total for the occu-
pied room is represented by the audience. It is apparent
that the absorption characteristics of an audience consid-

ered as a function of pitch, will in large measure determine

the absorption frequency characteristics of audience rooms.
We may for the sake of comparison calculate the rever-
beration times using the later formula
0-05 F
lo ~
-5 log. (1- a)
where a is the average coefficient of all reflecting surfaces,
and S is the total surface. In this very simple case, the
average coefficient may be obtained by dividing the total
absorbing power by the total area of floors, walls, and ceil-
ing. In more complicated problems of rooms with bal-
conies and recesses, arbitrary judgments will have to be
made as to just what are to be considered as the bound-
ing surface. In the present example, S = 16,000, and
0.05 FAS = 0.312. We have the following values:

We shall refer to this difference in the results of computa-

tion by the two formulas in considering the question of
desirable reverberation times.

Empirical Formula for Absorbing Power.

Estimating the areas of the various surfaces in a room
when the design is not simple may be a tedious process.
Since, in audience rooms, the contribution to the total
absorbing power of the empty room exclusive of the seats
is usually only about one-fourth or one-fifth of the total
when the room is filled, it is apparent that extreme precision
in estimating the empty room absorption is not required.
Thus in the example given, an error of 10 per cent in the
empty-room absorption would make an error of only 3.4

per cent in the reverberation time for an audience of 400

and 2.3 per cent for the full audience.
The following empirical rule was arrived at by computing
from the plans the absorbing powers of some 50 rooms
ranging in volume from 50,000 to 1,000,000 cu. ft. Assum-
ing only the usual interior surfaces of masonry walls and
ceilings, wood floors, and having seats with an absorbing
power of 0.3 unit each, the absorbing power exclusive of
carpets, draperies, or other furnishings is given approxi-
mately by the relation
a (empty) = 0.3 V*

Illustrating the use of this empirical formula, we estimate

the total absorbing power of the empty room of the preced-
ing example.
Bare room, masonry walls throughout, wood seats,
0.3^(100^000p 630
For 1,500 sq. ft. wood-paneling coefficient 0.10 in place of
masonry coefficient 0.02, add 1,500 (0.10 0.02) 120
Stage opening 159

Total 909

The total of 909 units is quite close enough for practical

purposes to the 926 units given by the more detailed esti-
mate. In more complicated cases, the rule makes a very
useful shortcut in estimating the empty-room absorbing
power. We shall use it in estimating the reverberation
time of a theater with balconies.

Reverberation Time in a Theater.

Figure 61 shows the plan and longitudinal section of

the new Chicago Civic Opera House. The transverse
section is rectangular, so that the room as a whole presents

a series of expanding rectangular arches. In figuring the

total volume, the volumes of these separate sections were
computed, and deductions made for the balcony and box
spaces. The necessary data, taken from the plans and
preliminary specifications, are as shown on page 150.

Fia. 01. Plan and section, Chicago Civic Opera.

Total volume, from curtain line and including spaces under balcony, 842,000
cu. ft.

Walls and ceiling of hard plaster

Floors of cement
All aisles carpeted
Boxes carpeted and lined with plush
Heavy velour draperies in wall panels
3,600 seats, upholstered, seat and back
Velour curtain, 36 by 50 ft.

The figures for the total absorbing power follow:

1. Absorbing power of bare room, 0.3^842,000*
(assuming wood seats 0.3) .... 2 630

2. Boxes,* 8 by 112ft, X 1.0 896

3. Stage, 1,800 sq. ft. X 0.44 ... . 792
4. Carpets, 3,200 sq. ft.X 0.25 800
5. Seats, f 3,600 X (2.6
- 0.3)... . .
6. Wall drapes, 2,400 sq. ft. X 0.44. .

Total absorbing power of empty room . . . . 14 468


r '-
0.5 X 842,000 = 2 - 91s .

On account heavy padding of the boxes, the total opening of the boxes into the
of the
main body of the room was considered as an area from which no sound was reflected.
t Seats with absorbing power of 0.3 are assumed in the formula for the bare room; hence
the deduction of 3 from 2.6, the absorbing power of the seats used.

Upon completion, careful measurements were made to

determine the reverberation time. organ pipe whose An
acoustic output was measured by timing in the sound
chamber was used for this purpose. From the known
value of a, the total absorbing power of the sound chamber,
the value of E/i for this particular pipe and observer was
determined from Eq. 39. With this value known, and the
measured value of TI in the completed room, the value
of the total absorbing power of the latter was computed
using the same equation. The total absorbing power thus
measured turned out to be 13,830 units, giving for the
reverberation time a value of 3.05 sec., as compared with
the estimated value of 2.91 sec.
Noting the effect of an audience occupying the more
highly absorbent upholstered seats in comparison with the
less absorbent chairs of the first example, we have the

following reverberation times:


The added absorbing power per person is assumed to be 4 6. The absorbing power of
the person less 2 6, the absorbing power of the seat, which he is assumed to replace, is 2 0.

The value
of the upholstered chairs in minimizing the
audience upon the reverberation time is well
effect of the

brought out by the two examples chosen.

Allowance for Balcony Recesses.

In the foregoing, we have treated the recessed spaces
under the balconies as a part of the main body of the room,
contributing both to the volume and to the absorbing
power terms of the reverberation equation. We may also
consider these spaces as separate rooms coupled to the main
body of the auditorium. 1 Assuming, for the moment, that
the average coefficient of absorption of the surfaces of the
under-balcony spaces is the same as that of the main room,
it is apparent that the rate of decay of sound intensity
in the former will be greater due to the fact that the mean
free path is smaller and the number of reflections per second
is correspondingly greater. In a recent paper, Eyring
reports the results of some interesting experiments on the
reverberation times as measured in an under-balcony space
27 ft. long and 12 ft. deep, with a ceiling height of 11 ft.
All the surface in this space except the floor was covered
with sound-absorbent material. His measurements showed
that at the rear of the space, there were two distinct rates
of decay for tones of frequencies above 500 vibs./sec., the
more rapid rate taking place during the first part of the
decay process, while the slower rate at the end corresponds
For a recent account of experimental research on this question the

reader is referred to Reverberation Time in Coupled Rooms, by Carl F.

Eyring, Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 3, No. 2, p. 181, October, 1931.
Jour. Soc. Mot. Pict. Eng., vol. 15, pp. 528-548, October, 1930.

very closely to that in the main body of the room. At

the front, there was only a single rate of decay, except
for the highest frequency of 4,000 vibs./sec. This single
rate was nearly the same as the slower rate measured in
the main body of the room.
The initial higher rate at the rear is thus the rate of
decay sound in the under-balcony space considered as
a separate room. During this stage of the decay, the
balcony opening feeds some energy back into the 'main
body of the room and hence, looked at from the large space,
does not act as an open window. Later on, however, the
sound originally under the balcony having been absorbed,
energy is fed in through the opening, and the opening
behaves more like a perfectly absorbent surface for the main
body of the room.
It is apparent that there is no precise universal rule by
which allowance can be made for the effect of a recessed
space upon the reverberation time. It will depend upon
the average absorption coefficient of the recessed portion,
the wave length of the sound, and the depth of the recess
relative to the dimensions of the opening. A common-
sense rule, and one which in the writer's experience works
very well in practice, is the following:

Compute the total absorbing power of the space under the balcony.
than the absorption supplied by treating the opening as a
If this is less

totally absorbing surface with a coefficient of unity, then consider this

space as contributing to the volume and absorbing power of the room.
Otherwise neglect both the volume and the absorbing power of the
recessed space and consider the opening into the recessed portion as
contributing to the main body of the room, an absorbing power equal to
its area.

We shall, as an illustration, estimate the reverberation

time of the Civic Opera House treating the balcony open-
ings as perfectly absorbing surfaces. In the space under
the balconies, there were 1,150 seats and 1,200 sq. ft. of
carpet. These are to be deducted from the figures for the
room considered as a whole.

Volume (excluding space under boxes and in

the first balcony) 765,000 cu. ft.

1. Absorbing power of bare room O.S^?" . .
2. Boxes, 8 by 112 ft. X 1.0 .............. 896
3. Stage, 1,800 sq. ft. X 0.44 .............. 792
4. Carpets, 2,000 sq. ft. X 0.25 ............. 500
5. Seats, 2,450 X (2.6
- 0.3) .......... 5,650
6. Wall drapes, 2,400 sq. ft. X 0.44 ......... 1 ,050
7. Balcony opening, 15 by 112 ft. X 1.0.. .. 1,680
8. Balcony opening, 15 by 114 ft. X 1.0 .... 1,710

Total ........................... 14,678

This we note is decidedly less than the measured value of

3.05 sec. Upon comparison of the data with that con-
sidering the under-balcony spaces as part of the main body
of the room, appears that the total absorbing power under

the balconies 3,190 units while the area of the openings


is 3,390. According to the rule given above, we should

expect the results of the first calculation to agree more
nearly with the measured value, as they do. It turns out,
in general, that if the depth of the balcony is more than
three times the height from floor to ceiling at the front,
then calculations based on the "open-window" concept
agree more closely with measured values. It also appears
that when the space under the balcony has a total absorbing
power considerably greater than that of the opening con-
sidered as a surface with a coefficient of unity, the results of
computing the reverberation times on the two assumptions
do not differ materially.
last follows from the fact that we reduce both the
assumed volume and the total absorbing power when we
treat the balcony opening as a perfectly absorbing portion
of the boundary of the main body of the room. This
decrease in both V and a will not materially alter their
ratio, which determines the computed reverberation time.
The interested reader may satisfy himself on this point
by computing the reverberation time for the full-audience

condition, treating the balcony opening as a perfectly

absorbing surface.

Effect of Reverberation on Hearing.

Referring to the conditions for good hearing in audience
rooms, as given by Professor Sabine, we note that the last
of these is that "the successive sounds in rapidly moving
articulation, either of music or speech, shall be free from
each other. The effect of the prolongation of individual
sounds by reverberation Obviously militates against this
requirement for good hearing. For example, the sound
of a single spoken syllable may persist as long as 4 sec.
in a reverberant room. During this interval, a speaker
may utter 16 or more syllables. The overlapping that
results will seriously lessen the intelligibility of sustained
speech. With music, the effect of excessive reverberation
is quite similar to that of playing the piano with the sus-

taining pedal held down. On the other hand, common

experience shows that in heavily damped rooms, speech,
while quite distinct, lacks apparent volume, and music is
lifeless and dull. The problem to be solved therefore is to
find the happy medium between these two extremes. Two
lines of attack suggest themselves. By direct experiment
one may vary the reverberation time in a single room to
what is considered to be the most satisfactory condition
and measure, or calculate this time; or one may measure
the reverberation time in rooms which have an established
reputation for good acoustical properties. The first method
was employed by Professor Sabine for piano music in small
rooms. 1 His results showed a remarkably precise agree-
ment by a jury of musicians upon a value of 1.08 sec.
as the most desirable reverberation time for piano music,
for rooms with volumes between 2,600 and 7,400 cu. ft.
(74 and 210 cu. m.) His contemplated extension of this
investigation to larger rooms and different types of music
was never carried out.

"Collected Papers on Acoustics," p. 71.

Reverberation Speech Articulation, Knudsen's Work.


V. O. Knudsen 1 has made a thoroughgoing investigation

of the effect of reverberation upon articulation. The
method employed was that used by telephone engineers in
testing speech transmission by telephone equipment.
The " percentage articulation " of an auditorium is the
percentage of the total number of meaningless syllables
correctly heard by an average listener in the auditorium.
Typical monosyllabic speech sounds are called in groups of
three by a speaker. Observers stationed at various parts
of the room record what they
think they hear. The number lioo
of syllables correctly recorded 5 so
expressed as a percentage of the Jf60
number spoken is the percentage ^ 40 o io"2o 30 40 so Jo TO so 9 >

Reverbe*,*,- seconds
articulation for the auditorium.
FIG. 62. Relation between
1 he CUrveS OI I Ig. 52 1

taken trom percentage articulation and

e rafcion timc (Afi " r
Knudsen's paper show the per- ^J^ )

centage articulation in a number

of rooms similar in shape and with volumes between 200,000
and 300,000 cu. ft. The lower curve gives the best fit
with the observed data, while the upper curve shows the
percentage articulation assuming that the level of intensity
in all cases was 10 7 X i. (It will be recalled that for a
source of given acoustical power, the average intensity
set up is inversely proportional to the absorbing power.)
We note that increasing the reverberation time from 1.0 to
2.0 sec. lowers the percentage articulation from 90 to 86
per cent, while if the reverberation is still further increased
to 3.0 sec., the articulation becomes about 80 per cent.

Reverberation and Intelligibility of Speech.

figures, however, do not give the real effect of
reverberation upon the intelligibility of connected speech.
In listening to the latter, the loss of an occasional syllable
produces a very slight decrease in the intelligibility of con-

Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 1, No. 1, p. 57. 1929.

nected phrases and sentences. The context supplies the

meaning. Tests made on this point by Fletcher at the

Bell Laboratories show the following relation between the

percentage articulation and the intelligibility of connected

Percentage Intelligibility,
Articulation Per Cent
70 98
80 99
90 99 +

In these tests, the intelligibility was the percentage of

questions correctly understood over telephone equipment,
which gave the single-syllable articulation shown. These
figures taken with Knudsen's results indicate that rever-
beration times as great as 3 sec. may not materially affect the
intelligibility of connected speech.
Further, it seems fair to say that with a reverberation
time of 2 sec. or less in rooms of this size (200,000 to 300,000
cu. ft.) connected speech of sufficient loudness should be
quite intelligible. This conclusion should be borne in
mind when we come to consider the reverberation time
in rooms that are intended for both speech and music.
Viewed simply from the standpoint of intelligibility, the
requirements of speech do not impose any very precise
limitation upon the reverberation time of auditoriums
further than that it should be less than 2.0 sec. While
in Knudsen's tests the decrease in reverberation time below
2.0 sec. produced measurable increase in syllable articula-
tion, yet the improvement in intelligibility of connected
speech is negligibly small.

Reverberation and Music.

In order to arrive at the proper reverberation for rooms
intended primarily for music, the procedure has been to
secure data on rooms which according to the consensus
of musical taste as well as of popular approval are acousti-
cally satisfactory. Obviously both of these are, in the very
"Speech and Hearing," D. Van Nostrand Company, p. 266, 1929.

ture of the case, somewhat difficult to arrive at. With

me rare and refreshing exceptions the critical faculties
musicians do not extend to the scientific aspects of their
b, while public opinion seldom becomes articulate in
icing approval.
However, the data given in Table XIV, compiled from
rious sources, are for rooms which enjoy established


(9.1 -

r. -
log, a).

* 0.05V
Computed by formula TQ =
t Reverberation considered too low
t Reverberation considered too high.

mutations for good acoustics. In Fig. 63, the reverbera-

n times computed by the formula T == 0.05 V/a are
)tted as a function of the volume in cubic feet. So
)tted, these data seem to justify two general statements.
rst, the reverberation time for acoustically good rooms
3ws a general tendency to increase with the volume in
bic feet and, second, for rooms of a given volume there is a

fairly wide range within which the reverberation time

may fall.

In Fig. 64 isshown an empirical curve given by Professor

Watson 1
of what he has called the " optimum time of
Acceptable Reverberation Times reverberation," also a curve
partly empirical and partly
theoretical proposed by
Lifshitz. 2
Watson's curve is de-
duced from the computed
Concert halls
andauditoriums reverberation times of
Motion picture *rj
acoustically good rooms,
Lifshitz finds experimental
i i i 1" I~ s i" s
volume m Cub.c Peer verification f or his curve in
FIG. 03. Acceptable reverberation times the judgment of trained
for rooms of different volumes.
mus i c a ns to the best i flfl

time of reverberation in a small room (4,500 cu. ft.) and the

reverberation times of a number of auditoriums in Moscow.
Recently MacNair has undertaken to arrive at a theo-
retical basis for the increase -g2
in desirable reverberation time 1 2.0 -
with the volume of the room 3i&-
by assuming that the loudness
of reverberant sound
the .i

w l' 2
integrated over the total time
of decay shall have a constant
value. This implies that both
the maximum intensity and
Volume in Cubic Feet
the duration of a sound con-
PIG. 64. Optimum reverberation
tribute to the magnitude OI times proposed by Watson and
Llfshltz -

the psychological impression.

MacNair's theoretical curve for optimum reverberation
time does not differ materially from those shown in Figs.
63 and 64, a fact which would seem to give weight to his
assumption. Experience in phonograph recording also
Architecture, vol. 55, pp. 251-254, May, 1927.
Phys. Rev., vol. 3, pp. 391-394, March, 1925.
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amcr., vol. 1, No. 2, p. 242, January 1930.

aows that a certain amount of reverberation gives the effect

f increased volume of tone to recorded music, an effect
hich apparently cannot be obtained by simply raising the
>vel of the recorded intensity.

Optimum Reverberation Time."

practical question arises as to whether, in the light
f present knowledge, given a proposed audience room
f given volume, we are justified in assigning a precise
alue to the reverberation time in order to realize the best
earing conditions. (The author objects strenuously to
le frequently used term "perfect acoustics.") There
i also the other question as to whether this specified time
freverberation should depend upon the use to which the
3om is to be put, whether speech or music, and, if the latter,
pon the particular type of music contemplated.
The data on music halls given above suggest a negative
nswer to the first question, if the emphasis is laid upon the
ord precise.

To draw a curve of best fit of the points shown and say

lat the time given by this curve for an auditorium of any
iven volume is the optimum time would be straining for a
jientific precision which the approximate nature of our
stimate of the reverberation time does not warrant. Take
le best-known case, that of the Leipzig Gewandhaus.
abine's estimate of the reverberation time, based on the
iformation available to him, was 2.3 sec. Bagenal, 1
*om fuller architectural data obtained in the hall itself,
stimates the time at 1.9 sec.; Knudsen, from
3verberation measurements in the empty room, estimates
time of 1.5 sec. for the full-audience condition.Further,
icre a question as to the precision of musical taste as

pplied to different rooms. Several years ago, a question-

aire was sent to the leading orchestra conductors in
jnerica in an attempt to elicit opinions as to the relative

BAGENAL, HOPE, and BURSAR GODWIN, Jour. R.I.B.A., vol. 36, pp.
56-763, Sept. 21, 1929.

acoustical merits of American concert halls. Only five 1

of the gentlemen replied.
Rated both by the number of approvals and the unquali-
fied character of the comments of these five, of the rooms
for which we have data the Academy of Music (Phila-
delphia), Carnegie Hall (New York), the Chicago Audito-
rium, Symphony Hall (Detroit), and Symphony Hall
(Boston) may be taken as outstanding examples of satis-
factory concert halls. Referring to Fig. 63, we note that
all of these, with the exception of the Chicago Auditorium,
failto satisfy our desire for scientific precision by refusing
to fall exactly on the average curve. The shaded area
of Fig. 63 represents what would seem to be the range
covered by the reverberation times of rooms which are
acoustically satisfactory for orchestral music. The author
suggests the use of the term acceptable range of reverbera-
" reverberation
tion times" in place of optimum time,"
as more nearly in accord with existing facts as we know
them. There can be only one optimum, and the facts do
not warrant us in specifying this with any greater precision
than that given by Fig. 63.

Speech and Musical Requirements.

Turning now to the question of discriminating between
the requirements for speech and music, we recall that
on the basis of articulation tests a reverberation time as
great as 2.0 seconds does not materially affect the intelli-
gibility of connected speech. Since the requirements for
music call for reverberation times less than this, there
appears to be no very strong reason for specifying condi-
tions for rooms intended primarily for speaking that are
materially different from those for music. As a practical
matter, auditoriums in general are designed for a wide
variety of uses, and, except in certain rare instances, a
reasonable compromise that will meet all requirements
It is a pleasure to acknowledge the courteous and valuable information
supplied by Mr. Frederick Stock, Mr. Leopold Stokowski, Mr. Ossip
Gabrilowitsch, Mr. Willem Van Hoogstraten, and Mr. Eric De Lamarter.

isthe more rational procedure. The range of reverberation

times shown in Fig. 63 represents such a compromise.
Thus the Chicago Auditorium and Carnegie Hall have
long been considered as excellent rooms for public addresses
and for solo performances as well as for orchestral music,
while the new Civic Opera House in Chicago, intended
primarily for opera, has received no criticism when used for
other purposes. Tests conducted after its completion
showed that the speech of very mediocre speakers was
easily understood in all parts of the room.

European Concert Halls.

V. O. Knudsen 2 gives an interesting and valuable account
of some of the more important European concert halls.
His findings are that reputations for excellent acoustics
are associated with reverberation times lying between 1
and 2 sec., with times between 1.0 and 1.5 sec. more com-
monly met with than are times in the upper half of the
range. The older type of opera house of the conventional
horseshoe shape with three or four levels of boxes and
galleries all showed relatively low reverberation times,
of the order of 1.5 sec. in the empty room. This is to be
expected in view of the fact that placing the audience in
successive tiers makes for relatively small volumes and large
values of the total absorbing power. Custom would
account, in part, for the general approval given to the low
reverberation times in rooms of this character. The
no doubt, is also responsible for
desirability of the usual,
the general opinion that organ music requires longer
reverberation times than orchestral music. Organ music
is associated with highly reverberant churches, while the
orchestra is usually heard in crowded concert halls.

In the paper referred to, Knudsen gives curves showing

reverberation times which he would favor for different
Severance Hall in Cleveland may be cited as a further instance. In the
design of this room, primary consideration was given to its use for orchestral
music. Its acoustic properties prove to be eminently satisfactory for speech
as well.
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, No. 4, p. 434, April, 1931.

types of music and for speech. The allowable range which

he gives for music halls is considerably greater than that
shown in Fig. 63, although the middle of the range coincides
very closely with that here given. He proposes to distin-
guish between desirable reverberation for German opera
as contrasted with Italian opera, allowing longer times
for the former. He advocates reverberation times for
speech, which are on the average 0.25 sec. less than the
lowest allowable time for music. These times are con-
siderably lower than those in existing public halls, and their
acceptance would call for a marked revision downward
from present accepted standards. The adoption of these
lower values would necessitate either marked reduction
in the ratio of volume to seating capacity or the adoption
of the universal practice of artificially deadening public
halls. Whether the slight improvement in articulation
secured thereby would justify such a revision is in the mind
of the author quite problematical. 1

Formulas for Reverberation Times.

In the foregoing, all computations of reverberation times
have been made by the simple formula T 0.05F/a,
which gives the time for the continuous decay of sound
through an intensity range of 1,000,000 to 1. Since the
publication of Eyring's paper giving the more general
Q 05 y
relation T = ~i 71 - x
> some writers on the subject

-ASlog e (1 Ota)
have preferred to use the latter. As we have seen, this
gives lower values for the reverberation time than does the
earlier formula, the ratio between the two increasing with
the average value of the absorption coefficient. Therefore,
there is a considerable difference between the two, partic-
ularly for the full-audience conditions. As long as we
adhere to a single formula both in setting up our criterion
of acoustical excellence on the score of reverberation and
Since the above was written, the author has been informed by letter that
Professor Knudsen's recommended reverberation times are based on the
Eyring formula. This fact materially lessens the difference between his
conclusions and those of the writer.

also in computing the reverberation time of any proposed

room, immaterial which formula is used. Consistency
it is

in the use of one formula or the other is all that is required.

In view of the long-established use of the earlier formula
and the fact that the criterion of excellence is based upon
it, and also because of its greater simplicity, there appears

to be no valid reason for changing to the later formula in

cases in which we arc interested only in providing satisfac-
tory hearing conditions in audience rooms.

Variable Reverberation Times.

Several have proposed that, in view of the
supposedly different reverberation requirements of different
types of music, means of varying the reverberation time of
concert halls is This plan has been employed in
sound-recording rooms and radio broadcasting studios.
Osswald of Zurich has suggested a scheme whereby the
volume term of the reverberation equation may be reduced
by lowering movable partitions which would cut off a part
of a large room when used by smaller audiences and for
lighter forms of music. Knudsen intimates the possible
use of suitable shutters in the ceiling with absorptive
materials behind the shutters as a quick and easy means of
adapting a room to the particular type of music that is
to be given. In connection with Osswald's scheme, one
must remember that in shutting off a recessed space, we
reduce both volume and absorbing power and that such a
procedure might raise instead of lower the reverberation
time. Knudsen's proposal is open to a serious practical
objection in the case of large rooms on the score of the
amount of absorbent area that would have to be added
to make an appreciable difference in the reverberation
time. Take the example given earlier in this chapter.
Assume that 2.0 sec. is agreed upon as a proper time for
"Tristan and Isolde and 1.5 sec. for "Rigoletto." The
absorbing power would have to be increased from 21,600
to 28,800 units, a difference of 7,200 units. With a material
whose coefficient is 0.72 we should need 10,000 sq. ft. of

shutter area to effect the change. Even if he were willing

to sacrifice all architectural ornament of the ceiling, the
architect would be hard put to find in this room sufficient
ceiling area that would be available for the shutter treat-
ment. One is inclined to question whether the enhanced
enjoyment of the average auditor when listening to "Rigo-
letto" with the shutters open would warrant the expense of
such an installation and the sacrifice of the natural archi-
tectural demand for normal ceiling treatment.
Waiving this practical objection, one is inclined to
wonder if there is valid ground for the assumption that
there a material difference in reverberation requirements

for different types of music. Wagnerian music is asso-

ciated with the tradition of the rather highly reverberant
Wagner Theater in Bayreuth. Italian opera is associated
with the much less reverberant opera houses of the horse-
shoe shape and numerous tiers of balconies and boxes.
Therefore, we are apt to conclude that Wagner's music
demands long reverberation times, while the more florid
melodic music of the Italian school calls for short reverbera-
tion periods. Organ music is usually heard in highly
reverberant churches and cathedrals, while chamber music
is ordinarily produced in smaller, relatively non-reverberant

rooms. All of these facts are tremendously important in

establishing not musical taste but musical tradition.
On the whole it would appear that the moderate course
in the matter of reverberation, as given in Fig. 63, will lead
to results that will meet the demands of all forms of music
and speech, without imposing any serious special limitations
upon the architect's freedom of design or calling for elabo-
rate methods of acoustical treatment.

Reverberation Time with a Standard Sound Source.

In 1924, the author 1 proposed a formula for the calcula-
tion of the reverberation time based on the assumption of
a fixed acoustic output of the source, instead of a fixed
value of the steady-state intensity of 10 6 X i. For a source
Am&r. Architect, vol. 125, pp. 57&-S86, June 18, 1924.

of given acoustic output E, the steady-state intensity is

given by the equation

II ~ 4E

so that the steady-state intensity for a given source will

vary inversely as the absorbing power. This decrease of
steady-state intensity with increasing absorbing power
accounts in part for the greater allowable reverberation
time in large rooms, so that it would seem that the rever-
beration in good rooms computed for a fixed source would
show less variation with volume than when computed for a
fixed steady-state intensity. The acoustical output of the
fundamental of an open-diapason organ pipe, pitch 512

vibs./sec., is of the order of 120 microwatts. This does not

differ greatly from the power of very loud speech. Taking
this as the fixed value of the acoustic output of our sound
source, we have, by the reverberation theory,

-1 _ logjoa) (7Q)

The bracketed expression is the logarithm of the steady-

up by a source
state intensity set of the specified output in a
room whose absorbing power is a. When this equals 6.0
(logarithm of 10 ), Eq. (70) reduces to the older formula.
The expression log a thus becomes a correction term for
the effect of absorbing power on initial intensity. The
values of T\ computed on the foregoing assumptions, are

included in Table XIV. We note a considerably smaller

spread between the values of the reverberation times for
good rooms when computed by Eq. (70) and a less marked
tendency toward increase with increasing volume. For
rooms with volumes between 100,000 and 1,000,000 cu. ft.
we may lay down a very safe working rule that the rever-
beration time computed by Eq. (70) should lie between
1.2 and 1.6 sec. For smaller rooms and rooms intended
primarily for speech the reverberation time should fall
in the lower half of the range, and for larger rooms and
rooms intended lor music it may fall in the upper half.

Reverberation for Reproduced Sound.

An important difference between original speech and
music and that reproduced in talking motion pictures lies
in the fact that the acoustical output of an electrical loud-
speaker may be and usually is considerably greater than
that of the original source. This raises the average steady-
state intensity set up by the loud-speaker source above that
which would be produced in the same room by natural
sources and hence for a given relation of volume to absorb-
ing power produces actually longer duration of the residual
sound. For this reason it has generally been assumed that
the desirable computed reverberation should be somewhat
less than for theaters or concert halls. R. K. Wolf 1 has
measured the reverberation in a large number of rooms that
are considered excellent for talking motion pictures and
gives a curve of optimum reverberation times. Interest-
ingly enough, his average curve coincides almost precisely
with the lower limit of the range given in Fig. 63. Due
to the directive effect of the usual types of loud-speaker,
echoes from rear walls are sometimes troublesome in
motion-picture theaters. What would be an excessive
amount of absorption, reverberation alone considered, is
sometimes employed to eliminate these echoes. By raising
the reproducing level, the dullness of overdamping may be
partly eliminated, so that talking-motion-picture houses
are seldom criticised on this score even though sometimes
considerably overabsorbent. At the present time, there
isa tendency to lay many of the sins of poor recording
and poor reproduction upon the acoustics of the theater.
The author's experience and observation would place the
proper reverberation time for motion-picture theaters in the
lower half of the range for music and speech, given in Fig.
63, with a possible extension on the low side as shown.
Sound recording and reproduction have not yet reached a
stage of perfection at which a precise criterion of acoustical
excellence for sound-motion-picture theaters can be set up.

Jour. Soc. Mot. Pict. Eng., vol. 45, No. 2, p. 157.

Reverberation in Radio Studios and Sound-recording

Early practice in the treatment of broadcasting studios
and in phonograph-recording rooms was to make them
as "dead" (highly absorbent) as possible. For this pur-
pose, the walls and ceilings were lined throughout with
extremely heavy curtains of velour or other fabric, and the
floors were heavily carpeted. Reverberation was extremely
low, frequently less than 0.5 sec., computed by the 0.05 V/a
formula. The best that can be said for such treatment
is that from the point of view of the radio or phonograph

Early radio broadcasting studio. All surfaces were heavily padded with absorb-
ent material.

auditor the effect of the room was entirely negative one

got no impression whatsoever as to the condition under
which the original sound was produced. For the performer,
however, the psychological effect of this extreme deadening
was deadly. It is discouraging to sing or play in a space
where the sound is immediately " swallowed up" by an
absorbing blanket.
One of the best university choirs gave up studio broad-

casting because of the difficulty and frequent failure to

keep on the key in singing without accompaniment.
Gradually the tendency in practice toward more rever-
berant rooms has grown. In 1926, the author, through the
courtesy of Station WLS in Chicago, tried the effect on

the radio listeners of varying the reverberation time in a

small studio, with a volume of about 7,000 cu. ft. The
reverberation time could be quickly changed in two succes-
sive steps from 0.25 to 0.64 sec. The same short program
of music was broadcast under the three-room conditions,
and listeners were asked to report their preference. There
were 121 replies received. Of these, 16 preferred the least
reverberant condition, and 73 the most reverberant con-
dition. It was not possible to carry the reverberation to
still longer times. J. P. Maxfield states that in sound

Modern broadcasting studio. Absorption can be varied by proper disposal of


recording for talking motion pictures,, the reverberation

time of the recording room should be about three-fourths
that of a room of the same size used for audience purposes.
This, he states, is due to the fact that in binaural hearing,
the two ears give to the listener the power to distinguish
between the direct and the reverberant sound and that
attention is therefore focused on the former, and the latter is
ignored. With a single microphone this attention factor
is lacking, with the result that the apparent reverberation

is enhanced.
On this point, it may be said that phonograph records
of large orchestras are often made in empty theaters.

Music by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra is recorded

in the empty Academy of Music in Philadelphia, where
accordirg to the author's measurements, the measured
reverberation time is 2.3 sec. It is easy to note the rever-
beration in the records, but this does not in any measure
detract from the artistic quality or naturalness of the
recorded music.
The Sunday afternoon concerts of the New York Philhar-
monic Orchestra are broadcast usually from Carnegie Hall
or the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Here the reverbera-
tion of these rooms under the full-audience condition is not
noticeably excessive for the radio listener. All these facts
considered, it would appear that reverberation times
around the lower limit given for audience rooms in general
will meet the requirements of phonograph recording and
radio broadcasting.
In view of the fact that in sound recording the audience
is lacking as a factor in the total absorbing power, it follows

that this deficiency will have to be supplied by the liberal

use of artificial absorbents. It is at present a mooted
question as to just what the frequency characteristics of such
absorbents should be. If the pitch characteristics of the
absorbing material do have an appreciable effect upon the
quality of the recorded sound, then these characteristics
are more important than in the case of an auditorium. In
the latter, the audience constitutes the major portion of the
total absorbing power, and its absorbing power considered
as a function of pitch will play a preponderant role. This
r61e is taken by the artificial absorbent in the sound stage.
A " "
straight-line absorption, that is, uniform absorption at
all most desirable
frequencies, has been advocated as the
material for this use. As has already been indicated,
porous materials show marked selective absorption when
used in moderate thickness. Thus hair felt 1 in. thick is
six times as absorbent at high as at low frequencies, and
this ratio is 2.5:1 for felt 3 in. thick. Certain fiber boards
show almost uniform absorption over the frequency range,
but the coefficients are relatively low as compared with

those of fibrous material. The nearest approach to a

uniform absorption for power over the entire range of which
the writer has any knowledge consists of successive layers of
relatively thin felt, } $ in. thick, with intervening air space.
A rather common current practice in sound-picture stages
isthe use of 4 in. of mineral wool packed loosely between
2 by 4-in. studs and covered with plain muslin protected by
poultry netting. The absorption coefficients of this mate-
rial are as follows:

Frequency Coefficient
128 46
256 61
512 82
1,024 82
2,048 64
4,096 60

Here the maximum coefficient is less than twice the mini-

mum, and this seems to be as near straight-line absorption
as we are likely to get without building up complicated
absorbing structures for the purpose.
Whether or not uniform absorption is necessary to give
the greatest illusion of reality is a question which only
recording experience can answer. If the effect desired is
that of out of doors, it probably is. But for interiors,
absorption characteristics which simulate the conditions
pictured would seem more likely to create the desired
illusion. For a detailed treatment of the subject of rever-
beration in sound-picture stages the reader is referred to
the chapter by J. P. Maxfield in "Recording Sound for
Motion Pictures.
' M
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1931.
The definition of the term auditorium implies the neces-
sity of providing good hearing conditions in rooms intended
for audience purposes. The extreme position that the
designer might take would be to subordinate all other
considerations to the requirements of good acoustics. In
such a case, the shape and size of the room, the contours of
walls and ceiling, the interior treatment, both architectural
and decorative, would all be determined by what, in the
designer's opinion, is dictated by acoustical demands. The
result, in all probability, would not be a thing of architec-
tural beauty. Acoustically, it might be satisfying, assum-
ing that the designer has used intelligence and skill in
applying the knowledge that is available for the solution
of his problem.
Fortunately, good hearing conditions do not impose any
very hard and fast demands that have to be met at the
sacrifice of other desirable features of design. Rooms are
good not through possession of positive virtues so much as
through the absence of serious faults. The avoidance of
acoustical defects will yield results which experience shows
are, in general, quite as satisfying as are attempts to secure
acoustical virtues. The present chapter will be devoted to
a consideration of features of design that lead to undesired
acoustical effects and ways in which they may be avoided.

Defects Due Curved Shapes.


Figure 65 gives the plan and section of an orchestral

concert hall, very acceptable in the matter of reverberation
but with certain undesirable effects that are directly
traceable to the contours of walls and ceilings. These
effects almost wholly confined to the stage. The
conductor of the orchestra states that he finds it hard to

secure a satisfactory balance of his instruments and that the

musical effect as heard at the conductor's desk is quite
different from the same effect heard at points in the audi-
ence. The organist states that at his bench at one side and
a few feet above the stage floor, it is almost impossible to
hear certain instruments at all. A violinist in the front
row on the left speaks of the sound of the wood winds on the

FIG. 65. Plan and section, Orchestra Hall, Chicago.

right and farther back on the stage as "rolling down on his

head from the ceiling." A piano-solo performance heard
at a point on the stage is accompanied by what seems like
a row of pianos located in the rear of the room. In listening
to programs broadcast from this hall, one is very conscious
of any noise such as coughing that originates in the audi-
ence, as well as an effect of reverberation that is much
greater than experienced in the hall itself. None of

these effects is apparent from points in the audience.


The sound photographs of Fig. 66 were made using plaster

models of plan and section In A and B, the
of the stage.
source was located at a position corresponding to the

FIG. 66. Reflection from curved walls, Orchestra Hall stage.

conductor's desk. Referring to the plan drawing, we note

that this is about halfway between the rear stage wall and
the center of curvature of the mid-portion of this wall.
In the optical case, this point is called the principal focus of
the concave mirror, and a spherical wave emanating from

wave from the concave

this point is reflected as a plane

surface, a condition shown by the reflected wave in A.

In B, we note that the sound reflected from the more
sharply curved portions is brought to two real focuses at
the sides of the stage. In C, with the source near the
back stage wall, the reflected wave front from the main
curvature is convex, while the concentrations due to the

FIG. 67. Concentration from curved rear wall.

coved portions at the side are farther back than when the
source is located at the front of the stage. In ''Collected
Papers," Professor Sabine shows the effect of a cylindrical

rear stage wall upon the distribution of sound intensity

on the stage, with marked maxima and minima, and an
intensity variation of 47 fold. The example here cited is
somewhat more complicated by the fact that there are two
regions of concentration at the sides instead of a single
region as in the cylindrical case. But it is apparent that
"Collected Papers on Acoustics," Harvard University Press, p. 167, 1922.

the difficulty of securing a uniformly balanced orchestra

at the conductor's desk is due to the exaggerated effects of
interference which these concentrations produce. The
effect of the ceiling curvature in concentrating the reflected
sound is apparent in Z>, which accounts for the difficulty
reported by the violinist. This photograph also explains
the pronounced effect at the microphone of noise originating

FIG. 08. Plane roiling of stage prevents concentration.

in the audience. Such sounds will be concentrated by

reflection from the stage wall and ceiling in the region
of the microphone. The origin of the echo from the rear
room noted on the stage is shown in Fig. 67.
wall of the
Here the wave was plotted by the well-known
Huygens construction. We note the wave reflected from
the curved 'rear wall converging on a region of concentra-
tion, from which it will again diverge, giving
to the listener
on the stage the effect of image sources located in the rear

of the room. Again, a second reflection from the back

stage wall will refocus it near the front of the stage. The
conductor's position thus becomes a sort of acoustical
storm center/' at which much of the sound reflected once
or twice from the principal bounding surfaces tends to be
concentrated. Figure 68 shows the effect of substituting
plain surfaces for the curved stage ceiling. One notes
that the reflected wave front is convex, thus eliminating
the focusing action that is the source of difficulty.

Allowable Curved Shapes.

If we were to generalize from the foregoing, we should
immediately lay down the general rule that all curved
shapes in wall and ceiling contours of auditoriums should be
avoided. This rule is but not eminently sane, since
there are many good rooms with curved walls and ceilings.
Moreover, the application of such a rule would place a
serious limitation upon the architectural treatment of
auditorium interiors. In the example given, we note that
the centers of curvature fall within the room and either
near the source of sound or near the auditors. We may
borrow from the analogous optical case a formula by which
the region of concentration produced by a curved surface
may be located. If s is the distance measured along a
radius of curvature from the source of sound to the curved
reflecting surface, and R the radius of curvature, then the
distance x from the surface (measured along a radius) at
which the reflected sound will be concentrated will be given
by the equation
- sR
X ~~
- R

The but it will serve as a means

rule is only approximate,
of telling us whether or not acurved surface will produce
concentrations in regions that will prove troublesome.
Starting with the source near the concave reflecting
surface, s < J^jR, x comes out negative, indicating that
there will be no concentration within the room. This is
the condition pictured in C (Fig. 66). When s = J^/2, x

becomes infinite; that is, a plane wave is reflected from the

concave surface as shown in A. When s is greater than %R
and less than /?, x comes out greater than 72, while for any
value of s greater than /?, x will lie between and R. %R
When s equals R x comes out equal to R. Sound originat-

ing at the center of a concave spherical surface will be

focused directly back on itself. This is the condition
obtaining in the well-known whispering gallery in the Hall
of Statuary in the National Capitol at Washington. 1 There
the center of curvature of the spherical segment, com-
prising a part of the ceiling, falls at nearly head level
near the center of the room. A whisper uttered by the

- i I

FIG. 69. A. Vaulted ceiling which will produce concentration. B. Flattening

middle portion of vault will prevent concentration.

guide at a point to one side of the axis of the room is heard

with remarkable clearness at a symmetrically located point
on the other side of the axis. If the speaker stands at
the exact center of curvature of the domed portion of the
ceiling, his voice is returned with striking clearness from
the ceiling. Such an effect, while an interesting acoustical
curiosity, is not a desirable feature of an auditorium.
From the foregoing, one may lay down as a safe working
rule that when concave surfaces are employed, the centers or
axes of these curvatures should not fall either near the source
of sound or near, any portion of the audience.
Applied to ceiling curvatures this rule dictates a radius of
curvature either considerably greater or considerably less
than the ceiling height. Thus in Fig. 69, the curved ceiling
See "Collected Papers on Acoustics," p. 259.

shown in A would result in concentration of ceiling-reflected

sound with inequalities in intensity due to interference
enhanced. At B is shown a curved ceiling which would
be free from such effects. Here the radius of curvature
of the central portion approximately twice the ceiling

height. No real focus of the sound reflected from this

portion can result. The coved portions at the side have
a radius so short that the real
focuses fall very close to the

ceiling without producing any

difficulty for either the per-
formers or the auditors.
Figure 70 shows the plan
and longitudinal section of a
large auditorium, circular
in plan, surmounted by a
spherical dome the center of
curvature of which falls about
15 ft. above the floor level.
In this particular room, the
general reverberation is well
within the limits of good hear-
ing conditions, yet the focused
echoes are so disturbing as
to render the room almost
Fio. 70. Auditorium in which Unusable. It is to be noted
circular plan and spherical dome that a Spherical surface
produce focused echoes.
produces much more marked
Focusing action due to the concentration in two planes,
whereas cylindrical vaults give concentrations only in
the plane of curvature. Illustrating the local character
of defects due to concentrated reflection, it was observed
that in the case just cited, speech from the stage was
much more intelligible when heard outside the room in the
lobby through the open doors than when the listener was
within the hall. It is to be said, in passing, that while
absorbent treatment of concave surfaces of the curvatures
just described may alleviate undesired effects, yet, in

general, nothing short of a major operation producing radi-

cal alterations in design will effect a complete cure.
In talking-motion-pieture houses, the seating lines
and rear walls are frequently segments of circles which
center at a point near the screen. Owing to the directive
action of the loud-speakers the rear-wall reflection not
infrequently produces a pronounced and sometimes trouble-
some echo in the front of the room which absorbent treat-
ment of rear-wall surface will only partially prevent. The
main radius of curvature of the back walls in talking-
motion-picture houses should be at least twice the distance
from the curtain line to the rear of the room. This rule
may well be observed in any room intended for public
speaking, to save the speaker from an annoying "back
slap" when speaking loudly. The semicircular plan of
many lecture halls with the speaker's platform placed
at the center is particularly unfortunate in this regard,
unless, as is the case, for example, in the clinical amphi-
theater,the seating tiers rise rather sharply from the
amphitheater floor. In this case, the absorbent surface
of the audience replaces the hard reflecting surface of the
rear wall, so that the speaker is spared the concentrated
return of the sound of his own voice. In council or legisla-
tive chambers, where the semicircular seating plan is
desirable for purposes of debate, the plan of the room itself
may be semioctagonal rather than semicircular, with panels
of absorbent material set in the rear walls to minimize
reflection. Rear-wall reflection is almost always acousti-
cally a liability rather than an asset.

Ellipsoidal Shapes Mormon Tabernacle.


The great Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City has a

world-wide reputation for good acoustics, based very largely
on the striking whispering-gallery effect, which is daily
demonstrated to hundreds of visitors. This phenomenon
is treated by Professor Sabine in his chapter on whispering

galleries in "Collected Papers," together with an interesting

series of sound photographs illustrating the focusing effect

of an ellipsoidal surface. As a result of the geometry of the

figure, a sound originates at one focus of an ellipsoid,


it will after reflection from the surface all be concentrated

at the other focus. In the Tabernacle, these two focuses are

respectively near the speaker's desk and at a point near the
front of the rear balcony. A pin dropped in a stiff hat at
the former is heard with considerable clarity at the latter

a distance of about 175 ft. (Parenthetically it may be said

An old illustration of the concentrated reflection from the inner surface of an

ellipsoid. The two figures are at the foci. (Taken from Neue Hall-und Thon-
Kunst, by Athanasius Kircher, published in 1684.)

that under very quiet conditions, this experiment can be

duplicated in almost any large hall.)
Based on this well-known fact and the fact that the Salt
Lake tabernacle is roughly elliptical in plan and semi-
elliptical in both longitudinal and transverse section,
superior acoustical virtues are sometimes ascribed to the
ellipsoidal shape. That the phenomenon just described
is due to the shape may well be admitted. It does not

follow, however, that this shape will always produce

desirable acoustical conditions or that even in this case the
admittedly good acoustic properties are due solely to the
shape. In 1925, through the courtesy of the tabernacle
authorities, the writer made measurements in the empty
room, which gave a reverberation time of 7.3 sec. for the
tone 512 vibs./sec. Mr. Wayne B. Hales, in 1922, made a

study of the room. From his unpublished paper the

following data are taken :

Length 232 ft.

Width. 132 ft.

Height 63.5ft.
Computed volume 1,242,400 cu. ft.

Estimated seating capacity 8,000

From these data one may compute the reverberation

time as 1.5 sec. with an audience of 8,000 and as 1.8 sec.
with an audience of 6,000.
One notes here a low reverberation period as a con-
tributing factor to the good acoustic properties of this
In 1930, Mr. Hales published a fuller account of his
study. Articulation tests showed a percentage articula-
tion of about that which would be expected on the basis
of Knudsen's curves for articulation as a function of
reverberation. That is to say, there is no apparent
improvement in articulation that can be ascribed to the
particular shape of this room. Finally he noted echoes
in a region where an echo from the central curved portion
of the ceiling might be expected.
Taken altogether, the evidence points to the conclusion
that apart from the whispering-gallery effect there are no
outstanding acoustical features in the Mormon Tabernacle
that are to be ascribed to its peculiarity of shape. A
short period of reverberation 2 and ceiling curvatures which
for the most part do not produce focused echoes are suffi-
cient to account for the desirable properties which it
possesses. The elliptical plan is usable, subject to the
same limitation as to actual curvatures as are other curved
forms. 3
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 1, pp. 280-292, 1930.
This is due to the small ratio of volume to seating capacity about 155

cu. ft. per seat. A balcony extending around the entire room and the
relatively low ceiling height for the horizontal dimension yields a low value
of the volume-absorbing power ratio.
8 The case of one of the best known and most beautiful of theaters in New
York City may be cited as an example of undesirable acoustical results from
elliptical contours.

Paraboloidal Shapes : Hill Memorial.

Figure 71 shows the important property of a paraboloidal

mirror of reflecting in a parallel beam all rays that originate
at the principal focus of the paraboloid. Hence if a source
of sound be placed at the focus
of an extended paraboloid of

^rr^i rxr-h^ revolution, the reflected wave

/,/' I ^V will be a plane wave traveling
fi j ^^ parallel to the axis. The action
/I | \
I is quite analogous to the directive

FIQ. 71. Rays originating at

action of a searchlight. This
the focus of a paraboloid mirror the paraboloid has
are reflected in a parallel beam.
property of
from time to time commended it to
designers as an ideal auditorium shape, from the standpoint
of acoustics. The best known example in America of a
room of this type is the Hill Memorial Auditorium of the
University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. The main-floor
plan and section are shown in Fig. 72. A detailed descrip-
tion of the acoustical design is given by Mr. Hugh Tallant,
the acoustical consultant, in The Brickbuilder of August,
1913. The forward surfaces of the room are paraboloids
of revolution, with a common focus near the speaker's
position on the platform. The axes of these paraboloids
are inclined slightly below the horizontal, at angles such
as to give reflections to desired parts of the auditorium.
The acoustic diagram is shown in Fig. 73. Care was
taken in the design that the once-reflected sound should
not arrive at any point in the room at an interval of more
than )f 5 sec. after the direct sound. This was taken as
the limit within which the reflected sound would serve to
reinforce the direct sound rather than produce a perceptible
echo. Tallant states that the final drawings were made
with sufficient accuracy to permit of scaling the dimen-
sions to within less than an inch. In 1921, the author made
a detailed study of this room. The source of sound was set
up on the stage, and measurements
at the speaker's position
of the sound amplitude were made at a large number of

Longitudinal Section A-A


irMain Floor Plan

FIG. 72. Paraboloidal plan and section of the Hill Memorial Auditorium,
Arbor, Michigan.

points throughout the room. The intensity proved to be

very uniform, with a maximum value at the front of the
first balcony and a value throughout the second balcony

a trifle greater than on the main floor, a condition which

the acoustical design would lead one to expect. This
equality of distribution of intensity was markedly less
when the source was moved away from the focal point. In
the empty room, pronounced echoes were observed on the
stage from a source on the stage, but these were not app&r-
ent in the main body of the room. The measured rever-

Grade 100-0-
FIG. 73. Ray reflections from parabolic surface, Hill Memorial Auditorium.

beration time in the empty room was 6.1 instead of 4.0

sec. computed by Mr. Tallant. The difference is doubtless
due to the value assumed for the absorbing power of the
empty seats. The reverberation for the full audience,
figured from the measured empty-room absorbing power,
agreed precisely with Tallant's estimate from the plans.
The purpose of the design was skillfully carried out,
and the results as far as speaking is concerned fully meet
the designer's purpose, namely, to provide an audience room
seating 5,000 persons, in which a speaker of moderate voice
placed at a definite point upon the stage can be distinctly
heard throughout the room.
For orchestral and choral use, however, the stage is
somewhat open to the criticisms made on the first example
given in this chapter. Only when the source is at the
principal focus is the sound reflected in a parallel beam.
If the source be located closer to the rear wall than this,

the reflected wave front will be convex, while if it is outside

the focus, the reflected wave front will be concave. This

FIQ. 74. Plan and section of Auditorium Theater, Chicago.

fact renders it difficult to secure a uniform balance of

orchestral instruments as heard by the conductor. This
is particularly true for chorus accompanied by orchestra,

with the latter and the soloists placed on an extension of

the regular stage.
This serves to indicate the weakness of precise geometri-
cal planning for desired reflections from curved forms.
Such planning presupposes a definite fixed position of the
source. Departure of the source from this point may

, materially alter the effects

\ /',\--:_ -'
'7^i r produced. Properly dis-
posed plain surfaces may
be made to give the same
general effect in directing
the reflected sound, with-
out danger of undesired
results when the position
of the source is changed.
A second objection lies
in the that just as
sound from a given point
on the stage is distributed
uniformly by reflection to
Fio. 75.- Plan and section of Carnegie n , ,-

Hull, New York. (Courtesy Johns- a11 P arts ot tne room, SO

Manviiic Corporation.) sound or noise originating
at any part of the room tendsto be focused at this point
on the stage. This fact has already been noted in the first
example given.
Finally it has to be said that acoustically planned curved
shapes are apt to betray their acoustical motivation.
The skill of the designer will perhaps be less seriously
taxed in evolving acoustical ideas than in the rendering of
these ideas in acceptable architectural forms.
By way of comparison and illustrating this point Fig. 74
shows the plan and section of the Chicago Auditorium.
By common consent this is recognized as one of the very
excellent music rooms of the country. We note, in the
longitudinal section, the same general effect of the ceiling

rising from the proscenium; while in plan, the plain splays

from the stage to the side walls serve the purpose of reflect-
ing sound toward the rear of the room instead of diagonally

across Figure 75 gives plan and section of Carnegie


Hall in New York. Here is little, if any, trace of acoustical

purpose, and yet Carnegie Hall is recognized as acoustically
very good.
All of which serves to emphasize the point originally
made, that the acoustical side of the designer's problem
consistsmore in avoiding sources of difficulty than in
producing positive virtues.

Reverberation and Design.

Since reverberationcan be controlled by absorbent
treatment more or independently of design, it is all too

frequently the practice to ignore the extent to which it

may be controlled by proper design. It is true that in
most cases any design may be developed without regard to
the reverberation, leaving this to be taken care of by
absorbent treatment. While this is a possible procedure,
it seems not to be the most rational one. Since reverbera-
tion is determined by the ratio of volume to absorbing
power, it obviously is possible to keep the reverberation in
a proposed room down to desired limits quite as effectively
by reducing volume as by increasing absorbing power.
As has already appeared, the greater portion of the absorb-
ing power of an audience room in which special absorbent
treatment is not employed is represented by the audience.
It is therefore apparent that, without any considerable
area of special absorbents, the ratio of volume of the room
to the number of persons in the audience will largely^
determine the reverberation time.
Table XV gives the ratio of volumes to seating capacities
for the halls listed in Table XIV. In none of these are
there any considerable areas of special absorbents, other
than the carpets and the draperies that constitute the
normal interior decorations of such rooms. We note that,
with few exceptions, a range of 150 to 250 cu. ft. per person
will cover this ratio for these rooms. A similar table
prepared for rooms of the theater type with one or two
balconies gave values ranging from 150 to 200 cu. ft. per

person. One may then give the following as a working rule

for the relation of volume to seating capacity :



If the requirements of design allow ratios of volume to

seating capacity as low as the above, then for the full-
audience condition additional absorptive treatment will
not in general be needed. On the other hand, there are
many types of rooms such as high-school auditoriums,
court rooms, churches, legislative halls, and council
chambers in which the capacity audience is the exception
rather than the rule. In all such rooms the total absorbing
power should be adjusted to give tolerable reverberation

times for the average audiences, rather than the most

desirable times for capacity audiences. In such rooms, a
compromise must be effected so as to provide tolerable
hearing under all audience conditions.

Adjustment for Varying Audience.

For purposes of illustration, we shall take a typical case
of a modern high-school auditorium. A room of this sort
is ordinarily intended for the regular daily assembly of the
school, with probably one-half to two-thirds of the seats
occupied. In addition, occasional public gatherings, with
addresses, or concerts or student theatrical performances
will occupy the room, with audiences from two-thirds to
full seating capacity. In general, the construction will
be fireproof throughout, with concrete floors, hard plaster
walls and ceiling, wood seats without upholstery, and a
minimum of absorptive material used in the normal
interior finish of the room.
The data for the example chosen, taken from the pre-
liminary plans, are as follows :

Dimension, 127 by 60 by 48 ft. or 366,000 cu. ft.

Floors, cement throughout, linoleum in aisles
Walls, hard plaster on clay tile
Ceiling, low paneled relief, hard plaster on suspended metal lath
Stage opening, velour curtains 36 by 20 ft.
1,600 wood seats, coefficient 0.3

Empty room including seals, 0.3 \/V* .
Stage, 36 by 20 X 0.44 316

Absorbing power of empty room 1 , 796

1 (Fig. 76) shows the reverberation times plotted

against the number of persons in the audience, assuming
the room to be built as indicated in the preliminary design.
We note that the ratio of volume to seating capacity is
somewhat large 230 cu. ft. per person. This, coupled
with the fact that there is a dearth of absorbent materials
in the normal furnishings, gives a reverberation time that

is great even with the capacity audience present. In this

particular example, it was possible to lower the ceiling

height by about 8 ft., giving a

volume of 305,000 cu. ft. Curve 2
shows the effect of this alteration
in design. This lowers the rever-
beration time to 1.75 sec. with the
maximum audience, a value some-
what greater than the upper limit
for a room of this volume shown in
Fig. 63. In view of the probably
frequent small audience use of the
room, the desirability of artificial
FIG. 76. Effect of volume,
absorbents is apparent. The ques-
character of seats, size of audi- tion as to how much additional
ence, and added absorption on
reverberation time. absorption ought to be specified
should be answered with the par-
ticular uses inmind. At the daily school assembly, 900 to
1,000 pupils were expected to be present. reverberation A
time of 2 sec. for a half audience would thus render
comfortable hearing for assembly purposes. The total
absorbing power necessary to give this time is

Without absorbent treatment the total absorbing power

with 800 persons present is as follows :

Empty room, *\/V* 1,330
Stage, 36 by 20 X 0.44. 316
800 persons X 4.3 . . . .

Total 5,086

Additional absorption necessary to give reverberation

of 2.0 sec. with half audience 7,630 - 5,086 = 2,544 units.
Curve 3 gives the reverberation times with this amount of
added absorbing power. It is to be noted that with this
amount of acoustical treatment, the reverberation time
with the capacity audience is 1.4 sec., which is the lower

limit for a room of this volume given by Fig. 63, while

with a half audience it is not greater than 2.0 sec. a
compromise that should meet all reasonable demands.
An even more satisfactory adjustment can be effected,
if upholstered seats be specified. In curve 4, we have the
reverberation times under the same conditions as curve 3,
except that the seats are upholstered in imitation leather
and have an absorbing power of 1.6 per seat instead of the
0.3 unit for the wood seats. The effect of this substitution
is shown in the following comparison:

Seated in the wood seats, the audience adds 4.3 units per
person and in the upholstered seat 3.0 units per person, so
that we have:

Absorbing power

The effect of the upholstered seats in reducing the

reverberation for small audience use is apparent. With
the upholstered seats and the added absorbing power the

reverberation is not excessive with any audience greater

than 400 persons.

Choice of Absorbent Treatment.

The area of absorbent surface which is required to give

the additional absorbing power desired will be the number
of units divided by the absorption coefficient of the material
used. Thus with a material whose absorption coefficient
is needed in the preceding example would be
0.35, the area
2,466 0.35 = 7,000 sq. ft., while with a material twice
as absorbent, the required area would be only half as great.
*As a practical matter, it is ordinarily more convenient to
apply absorbent treatment to the ceiling. In the example
chosen, the area available for acoustical treatment was
approximately 7,000 sq. ft. in the soffits of the ceiling
panels. In this case, the application of one of the more
highly absorbent of the acoustical plasters with an absorp-
tion coefficient between 0.30 and 0.40 would have been a
natural means of securing the desired reverberation time.
Had the available area been less, then a more highly
absorbent material applied over a smaller area would be
indicated. In designing an interior in which acoustical
treatment is required, knowledge, in advance, of the amount
of treatment that will be needed and provision for working
this naturally into the decorative scheme is an essential
feature of the designer's problem. The choice of materials
for sound absorption should be dictated quite as much
by problem in hand as
their adaptability to the particular
by their sound-absorbing efficiencies.

Location of Absorbent Treatment.

As has been noted earlier, sound that has been reflected
once or twice will serve the useful purpose of reinforcing
the direct sound, provided the path difference between
direct and reflected sound is not greater than about 70 ft.

producing a time lag not greater than about J^ 6 sec. For

this reason, in rooms so large that such reinforcement is

desirable, absorbent treatment should not be applied on


surfaces that would otherwise give useful reflections. In

general, this applies to the forward portions of side walls
and ceilings, as well as to the stage itself. Frequently
one finds stages hung with heavy draperies of monk's
cloth or other fabric. Such an arrangement is particularly
bad because of the loss of all reflections from the stage
boundaries thus reducing the volume of sound delivered
to the auditorium. Further, the recessed portion of the
stage acts somewhat
as a separate room, and if this space is
"dead," the speaker or performer has the sensation of
speaking or playing in a padded cell, whereas the reverber-
ation in the auditorium proper may be considerable.
Professor F. R. Watson 1 gives the results of some
interesting experiments on the placing of absorbent
materials in auditoriums. As a
result of these experiments
he advocated the practice of deadening the rear portion of
audience rooms by the use of highly absorbent materials,
leaving the forward portions highly reflecting. Carried to
the extreme, in very large rooms this procedure is apt to
lead to two rates of decay of the residual sound, the more
rapid occurring in the highly damped rear portions. In
one or two instances within the author's knowledge, this
has led to unsatisfactory hearing in the front of the room,
while seats in the rear prove quite satisfactory. As a
general rule, the wider distribution of a moderately absorb-
ent material leads to better results than the localized
application of a smaller area of a highly absorbent material.
In general, the application of sound-absorbent treatment
to ceilings under balconies is not good practice. Properly
designed, such ceilings may give useful reflection to the
extreme rear seats. Moreover, if the under-balcony space
is deep, absorbents placed in this space are relatively

ineffective in lowering the general reverberation in the

room, since the opening under the balcony acts as a nearly
perfectly absorbing surface anyway. Rear-wall treatment
under balconies may sometimes be needed to minimize
reflection back to the stage.
Jour. Amer. Inst. Arch., July, 1928.

Wood as an Acoustical Material.

a long-standing tradition that rooms with a
There is

large of wood paneling in the interior finish have

superior acoustical merits. Very recently Bagenal and
Wood published in England a comprehensive treatise on
architectural acoustics.
These authors strongly advocate
the use of wood in auditoriums, particularly those intended
on the ground that the resonant quality of wood
for music,
"improves the tone quality," "brightens the tone." In
support of this position, they cite the fact that wood is
employed in relatively large areas in many of the better
known concert halls of Europe. The most noted example
is that of the Leipzig Gewandhaus, in which there is about
5,300 sq. ft. of wood paneling. The acoustic properties
of this room have assumed the character of a tradition.
Faith in the virtues of the wood paneling is such that its
surface is kept carefully cleaned and polished.
The origin of this belief in the virtue of wood is easily
accounted for. It is true that wood has been extensively
used as an interior finish in the older concert halls. It is
also true that the reverberation times in these rooms are
not excessive. For the Leipzig Gewandhaus, Bagenal and
Wood give 2.0 sec. Knudsen estimates it as low as 1.5
sec. with a full audience of 1,560 persons. It is not impos-
sible that the acoustical excellence which has been ascribed
to the use of wood may be due to the usually concomitant
fact of a proper reverberation time. Figure 55 shows that
the absorption coefficient of wood paneling is high, roughly
0.10 as compared with 0.03 for plaster on tile. Small .

rooms in which a large proportion of the surface is wood

naturally have a much lower reverberation time than
similarrooms done in masonry throughout, particularly
when empty. Noting this fact, a musician with the
piano sounding board and the violin in mind would
naturally arrive at the conclusion that the wood finish
as such is responsible for the difference.
"Planning for Good Acoustics," Methucn & Co., London, 1931.

That the presence wood

is not an important factor
in reducing reverberation evidenced by the fact that the

5,300 sq. ft. of paneling accounts for only about 5.5 per
cent of the total absorbing power of the Leipzig Gewand-
haus when the audience is present. Substituting plastered
surfaces for the paneled area would not make a perceptible
difference in the reverberation time, nor could it change
the quality of tone in any perceptible degree, in a room of
this size. It is possible that in relatively small rooms, in
which the major portion of the bounding surfaces are of a
resonant material, a real enhancement of tone might result.
In larger rooms and with only limited areas, the author
inclines strongly to the belief that the effect is largely
, For the stage floor, and perhaps in a somewhat lesser
degree for stage walls in a concert hall, a light wood con-
struction with an air space below would serve to amplify
the fundamental tones of cellos and double basses. These
instruments are in direct contact with the floor, which
would act in a manner quite similar to that of a piano
sounding board. This amplification of the deepest tones
of an orchestra produces a real and desired effect. One
may note the effect by observing the increased volume of
tone when a vibrating tuning fork is set on a wood table

Orchestra Pit in Opera Houses.

Figure 77 shows the section of the orchestra pit of the

Wagner Theater in Bayreuth. This is presented to call
attention to the desirability of assigning a less prominent

Of interest on some recent work by Eyring (Jour. Soc. Mot.
this point is
Pict. Eng., vol. 15, No. 4, p. 532). At points near a wall made of fKe-in.
ply-wood panels in a small room, two rates of decay of reverberant sound
were observed. The earlier rate, corresponding to the general decay in the
room, was followed by a slower rate, apparently of energy, reradiated from
the panels. This effect was observed only at two frequencies. Investiga-
tion proved that the panels were resonant for sound of these frequencies and
that the effect disappeared when the panels were properly nailed to supports
at the back.

place to the orchestra in operatic theaters. The wide

orchestra space in front of the stage as it exists in many
opera houses places the singer at a serious disadvantage
both in the matter of distance from the audience and in the
fact that he has literally to sing over the orchestra. Wag-
ner's solution of the problem was to place most of the
orchestra under the stage, the sound emerging through a
restricted opening. Properly designed, with resonant floor
and highly reflecting walls and ceiling, ample sound can
be projected into the room from an orchestra pit of this

FIG. 77. Section of orchestra pit of Wagner Theater, Bayreuth.

type. With the usual orchestra pit, the preponderance

of orchestra over singers for auditors in the front seats
is decidedly objectionable.

Acoustical Design in Churches.

No type of auditorium more careful treatment
calls for
from the acoustical point view than does that of the
modern evangelical church in America. Puritanism gave
to ecclesiastical architecture the New England meeting
house, rectangular in plan, often with shallow galleries on
the sides and at the rear. With plain walls and ceilings
and usually with the height no greater than necessary to
give sufficient head room above the galleries, the old New
England meeting house presented rio acoustical problems.
The modern version is frequently quite different. Sim-
plicity of design and treatment is often coupled with
horizontal dimensions much greater than are called for by
the usual audience requirements and with heights which are
correspondingly great. Elimination of the galleries and

the substitution of harder, more highly reflecting materials

in floors, walls, and ceilings often render the modern
church fashioned on New England colonial lines highly
unsatisfactory because of excessive reverberation. Fre-
quently the plain ceiling is replaced with a cylindrical
vault with an axis of curvature that falls very close to the
head level of the audience, with resultant focusing and
unequal distribution of intensity due to interference.

These difficulties have only to be recognized in order to

be avoided. Excessive reverberation may be obviated
by use of absorbent materials. A flattened ceiling with
side coves will not produce the undesired effects of the
cylindrical vault. Both of these can be easily taken care
of in the original design. They are extremely difficult to
incorporate in a room that has once been completed in a
type of architecture whose excellence consists in the
simplicity of its lines and theperfect fitness of its details.
The Romanesque revival of the seventies and eighties
brought a type of church auditorium which is acoustically
excellent, but which has little to commend it as ecclesiastical
architecture. Nearly square in plan, with the pulpit and
choir placed in one corner (Tallmadge has called this
period the cat-a-corner age") and with the pews circling
about this as a center, the design is excellent for producing
useful reflections of sound to the audience. Add to this
the fact that encircling balconies are frequently employed,
giving a low value to the volume per person and hence of
the reverberation time, and we have a type of room which
is excellent for the clear understanding of speech. This
type of auditorium admirably adapted to a religious

service in which liturgy is almost wholly lacking and of

which the sermon is the most important feature.

The last twenty-five years, however, have seen a marked
tendency toward ritualistic forms of worship throughout
the Protestant churches in America. Concurrently with
this there has been a growing trend, inspired largely by
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue and Ralph Adams Cram,
toward the revival of Gothic architecture even for non-

liturgical churches. Now, the Gothic interior, with its

great height and volume, itssurfaces of stone, and its

relatively small number of seats, is of necessity highly

reverberant. This is not an undesirable property for a
form of service in which the clear understanding of speech
is of secondary importance. The reverberation of a great
cathedral adds to that sense of awe and mystery which is
so essential an element in liturgical worship.
The adaptation of the Gothic interior to a religious
service that combines the traditional forms of the Roman
church with the evangelical emphasis upon the words of
the preacher presents a real problem, which has not as yet
had an adequate solution. Apart from reverberation, the
cruciform plan is acoustically bad for speech. The usual
locations of the pulpit and lectern at the sides of the chancel
afford no reinforcement of the speaker's voice by reflection
from surfaces back of him. The break caused by the
transepts allows no useful reflections from the side walls.
Both chancel and transepts produce delayed reflections,
that tend to lower the intelligibility of speech. The great
length of the nave may occasion a pronounced echo from
the rear wall, which combined with the delayed reflections
from the chancel and transepts makes hearing particularly
bad in the space just back of the crossing. The sound
photograph of Fig. 78 show the cause of a part of the
difficulty in hearing in this region. Finally the attempt
by absorption to adjust the reverberation to meet the
demands of both the preacher and the choirmaster usually
results in a compromise that is not wholly satisfactory to
The chapel of the University of Chicago, designed by
Bertram Goodhue, is an outstanding example of a modern

Gothic church intended primarily for speaking. The plan

is shown in Fig. 79. The volume is approximately 900,000
cu. ft., and 2,200 seats are provided. The ratio of volume
to seating capacity is large. In order to reduce reverber-
ation, all wall areas of the nave and transept are plastered
with a sound-absorbing plaster with a coefficient of 0.20.

The groined ceiling is done in colored acoustical tile with a

coefficient of 0.25. The computed reverberation time for
the empty room is 3.6 sec., which is reduced to 2.4 sec.
when all the seats are occupied. The reverberation
measured in the empty room is 3.7 sec. The rear-wall echo
is largely eliminated by the presence of a balcony and,

above this, the choir loft in the rear. Speakers who use a
speaking voice of only moderate power and a sustained

FIG. 78. Sound pulse in modified cruciform plan. Hearing conditions much
better in portion represented by lower half of photograph.
0, Pulpit; 1, direct sound; 2, reflected from side wall A; 3, diffracted from P\
4, reflected and focused from curved wall of sanctuary.

manner of speaking can be clearly heard throughout the

room. Rapid, strongly emphasized speech becomes diffi-
cult to understand. Dr. Gilkey, the university minister,
has apparently mastered the technique of speaking under
the prevailing conditions, as he is generally understood
throughout the chapel. In this connection, it may be said
that the disquisitional style of speaking, with a fairly
uniform level of voice intensity and measured enunciation,
is much more easily understood in reverberant rooms than

is an oratorical style of preaching. In fact it is highly

probable that the practice of intoning the ritualistic service

had its origin in part at least in the acoustic demands of

highly reverberant medieval churches.

FIG. 79. Plan of the University of Chicago Chapel

Interior of the University of Chicago Chapel. (Bertram Goodhue Associates,


The choirmaster, Mr. Mack Evans, finds the chapel

very satisfactory both for his student choir and for the
organ. The choir music is mostly in the medieval forms,

sung a capella, with sustained harmonic rather than rapid

melodic passages.
All things considered, it may be fairly said that this
room represents a reasonable compromise between the
extreme conditions of great reverberation existing in the
older churches of cathedral type and proportions and that
of low reverberation required for the best understanding of

speech. It has to be said that, like all compromises, it

fails to satisfy the extremists on both sides. The conditions

Fm. 80. Plan of Riverside Church, New York.

inherent in the cruciform plan, of the long, narrow seating

space and consequently great distances between the speaker
and the auditor, and the lack of useful reflections are
responsible for a considerable part of what difficulty is
experienced in the hearing of speech. These difficulties
would be greatly magnified were the room as reverberant
as it would have been without the extensive use of sound-
absorbent materials.

Riverside Church, New York.

This building is by far the most notable example of
the adaptation of the Gothic church to the uses of Protes-
tant worship. We note from the plan 1 (Fig. 80) the
Acknowledgment is made of the courtesy of the architects Henry C. Pel-
ton and Allen and Collens, Associates, in supplying the plan and photograph.

rectangular shape, the absence of the transepts, and a

comparatively shallow chancel. The height of the nave
is very great 104 ft. to the center of the arch, giving a
volume for the main cell of the church of more than 1,000,-
000 cu. ft. With the seating capacity of 2,500, we have
over 400 cu. ft. per person. To supply the additional
absorption that was obviously needed, the groined ceiling
vault of the nave and chancel, the ceiling above the aisles,
and all wall surfaces above a 52-ft. level were finished in
acoustical tile.

Interior of Riverside Church, New York. (Henry C. Pclton, Allen & Collens
Associates, Architects.)

The reverberation time measured in the empty room

is 3.5 sec., which with the full audience present reduces
to 2.5 sec. While the room is still noticeably reverberant
even with a capacity audience, yet hearing conditions
are good even in the most remote seats. A very successful
public-address system has been installed. The author is
indebted to Mr. Clifford M. Swan, who was consulted on
the various acoustical problems in connection with this
church, for the following details of the electrical amplifying
system :

Speech from the pulpit is picked up by a microphone in the desk,

amplified, and projected by a loud-speaker installed within the tracery

of a Gothic spire over the sounding board, directly above the preacher's
head. Thu voices of the choir are picked up by microphones concealed
in the tracery of the opposing choir rail and projected from a loud-
speaker placed at the back of the triforium gallery in the center of the
apse. The voice of the reader at the lectern is also projected from this
position. The amplification is operated at as low a level of intensity
as is consistent with distinct hearing.

It worth noting that the success of the amplifying


system largely conditioned upon the reduced reverber-


ation time. Were the reverberation as great as it would

have been had ordinary masonry surfaces been used
throughout, amplification would have served little in the
way increasing the intelligibility of speech.
of Loud
speaking in a too reverberant room does not diminish the
overlapping of the successive elements of speech. The
judicious use of amplifying power and the location of the
loud-speakers near the original sources also contribute to
the success of this scheme. It would appear that with the
rapid improvement that has been made in the means for
electrical amplification and with highly absorbent masonry
materials available, the acoustical difficulties inherent in
the Gothic church can be overcome in very large measure.
It has been noted in Chap. II that a musical sound as
distinguished from a noise is characterized by having
definite and sustained pitch and quality. This does not
tell the whole story, however, for a sound of definite pitch
and quality is called a noise whenever it happens to be
annoying. Thus the hum of an electrical motor or gener-
ator has a definite pitch and'quality, but neighbors adjacent
to a power plant may complain of it as noise. The desira-
bility or the reverse of any given sound seems to be a
determining factor in classifying it either as a musical
tone or as a noise. Hence the standardization committee
of the Acoustical Society of America proposes to define
noise as "any unwanted sound/' Obviously then, the
measurement of a noise should logically include some means
of evaluating its undesirability. Unfortunately this psy-
chological aspect of noise is not susceptible of quantitative
statement. Moreover, neglecting the annoyance factor,
the mere sensations of loudness produced by two sound
stimuli depend upon other factors than the physical
intensity of those stimuli. Therefore to deal with noise
in a quantitative way, it is necessary to take account of the
characteristics of the human ear as a sound-receiving
apparatus, if we want our noise measurements to correspond
with the testimony of our hearing sense.
To go into this question of the characteristics of the ear
in any detail would quite exceed the scope of this book.
For our quantitative knowledge of the subject we are
largely indebted to the extensive research at the Bell
Telephone Laboratories, and the reader is referred to the
comprehensive account of this work given in Fletcher's
"Speech and Hearing." For the present purpose certain
general facts with regard to hearing will suffice.

Frequency and Intensity Range of Hearing.

There is a wide variation among individuals in the range

of frequencies which produce the sensation of tone. In
general, however, this range may be said to extend from
20 to 20,000 vibs./sec. Below this range, the alternations
of pressure are recognized as separate pulses; while above
the upper limit, no sensation of hearing is produced.
The intensity range of response of the ear is enormous.
Thus for example, at the frequency 1,024 vibs./sec. the
physical intensity of a sound so loud as to be painful is
something like 2.5 X 10 times the least intensity which

can be heard at this frequency. One cannot refrain from

marveling at the wonder of an instrument that will register
the faintest sound and yet is not wrecked by an intensity
25 trillion times as great. Illustrating the extreme sensi-
tivity of the ear to small vibrations, Kranz has calculated

that the amplitudes of vibration at the threshold of

audibility at higher frequencies are of the order of one-
thirtieth of the diameter of a nitrogen molecule and one
ten-thousandth of the mean free path of the molecules.
Another calculation shows that the sound pressure at
minimum audibility is not greater than the weight of a
hair whose length is one-third of its diameter.
intensity range varies with the frequency. It
isgreatest for the middle of the frequency range. The
data for Table XVI are taken from Fletcher and show the
pressure range measured in bars between the faintest and
most intense sounds of the various pitches and also the
intensity ratio between painfully loud and minimum-
audible sound at each pitch.

Decibel Scale.
The enormous range of intensities covered
by ordinary
auditory experience suggests the desirability of a scale
whose readings correspond to ratios rather than to differ-
ences of intensity. This suggests a logarithmic scale, since
Phys. Rev., vol. 21, No.
5, May, 1923.

the logarithm of the ratio of two numbers is the difference

between the logarithms of these numbers. The decibel
scale is such a scale and is applied to acoustic powers,
intensities, and energies and to the mechanical or electrical
sources of such power. The unit on such a logarithmic
scale is called the bel in honor of Alexander Graham Bell.
The difference of level expressed in bels between two
intensities is the logarithm of the ratio of these intensities.
The intensity level expressed in bels of a given intensity
is the number of bels above or below the level of unit

intensity or, since the logarithm of unity is zero, simply

the logarithm of the intensity. Thus if the microwatt per
square centimeter is the unit of intensity, then 1,000
microwatts per square centimeter represents an intensity
level of 3 bels or 30 db. (logic 1,000 = 3). An intensity of
0.001 microwatt gives an intensity level of 3 bels or
30 db. Two intensities have a difference of level of 1 db.
if the difference in their logarithm, that is, the logarithm
of their ratio, is 0.1. Now the number whose logarithm
is 0.1 is 1.26, so that an increase of 26 per cent in the
intensity corresponds to a rise of 1 db. in the intensity
level. The table on page 207 shows the relation between
intensities and decibel levels above unit intensity:
Obviously, we can express the intensity ratios given in
Table XVI as differences of intensity levels expressed in
decibels. Thus, for example, at the tone 512 vibs./sec.,
the intensity ratio between the extremes is 1 X 10 13 . The

logarithm of 10 is 13, and the difference in intensity levels
between a painfully loud and a barely audible sound of
this frequency is 13 bels or 130 db.

Sensation Level.
The term " sensation level is used to denote the intensity
' '

level of any sound above the threshold of audibility of

that sound. Thus in the example just given, the sensation
level of the painfully loud sound is 130 db. We note that
levels expressed in decibels give us not the absolute values
of the magnitudes so expressed but simply the logarithms
of their ratios to a standard magnitude. The sensation
level for a given sound is the intensity level minus the
intensity level of the threshold.

Threshold of Intensity Difference.

The decibel scale has a further advantage in addition
to its convenience in dealing with the tremendous range of
intensities in heard sounds. The Weber-Fechner law in
psychology states that the increase in the intensity of a
stimulus necessary to produce a barely perceptible increase
in the resulting sensation is a constant fraction of the
original intensity. Applied to sound, the law implies

that any sound intensity must be increased by a constant

fraction of itself before the ear perceives an increase of
loudness. If A/ be the minimum increment of intensity
that will produce a perceptible difference in loudness, then
according to the Weber-Fechner law

= k (constant)

Hence, if and 7 be any two intensities, one

/' of which is

just perceptibly louder than the other, then

log /' log /
= constant
On the basis of the Weber-Fechner law as thus stated,
we could build a scale of loudness, each degree of which is
the minimum perceptible difference of loudness. The
intensities corresponding to successive degrees on this
scale would bear a constant ratio to each other. They
would thus form a geometric series, and their logarithms
an arithmetical series.
The earlier work by psychologists seemed to establish
the general validity of the Weber-Fechner law as applied to
However, more recent work by Knudsen, and
subsequently by Riesz at the Bell Laboratories, has shown
that the Weber-Fechner law as applied to differences of
intensities is only a rough approximation to the facts, that
the value of A/// is not constant over the whole range of
intensities. For sensation levels above 50 db. it is nearly
constant, but for low intensities at a given pitch it is much
greater than at higher levels. Moreover, it has been found
that the ability to detect differences of intensities between
two sounds of the same pitch depends upon time between
the presentations of the two sounds. For these reasons,
a scale based on the minimum perceptible difference of
intensity would not be a uniform scale. However, over
the entire range of intensities the total number of threshold-
of -difference steps is approximately the same as the number
of decibels in this range, so that on the average 1 db. is the
minimum difference of sensation level which the ear can
Phys. Rev., vol. 21, No. 1, January. 1923.

detect. For this reason, the decibel scale conforms in a

measure to auditory experience. However, there has not
yet been established any quantitative relation between
sensation levels in decibels and magnitudes of sensation."
That is to say, a sound at a sensation level of 50 db. is not
judged twice as loud as one at 25 db.
Reverberation Equation in Decibels.
It will be recalled that the reverberation time of a room
has been defined as the time required for the average energy
density to decrease to one-millionth of its initial value and
also that in the decay process the logarithm of the initial
intensity minus the logarithm of the intensity at the time
T is a linear function of the time. The logarithm of
1,000,000 is 6, so that the reverberation time is simply the
time required for the residual intensity level to decrease
by 60 db. Denote the rate of decay in decibels per second
by 5; then
_ 60 60a a
8 = = = 1 2
ri .057 >
The rate of decay in decibels per second is related to A,
the absolute rate of decay, by the relation
d = 4.35A
Recent writers on the subject sometimes express the
reverberation characteristic in terms of the rate of decrease
in the sensation level. The above relations will be useful
in connecting this with the older mode of statement.

Intensity and Sensation Levels Expressed in Sound

In Chap. II (page 22), we noted that the flux intensity
of sound is given by the relation J = p 2 /r, where p is the
Very recently work has been done on the quantitative evaluation of the
loudness sensation. The findings of different investigators are far from
congruent, however. Thus Ham and Parkinson report from experiments
with a large number of listeners that a sound is judged half as loud when the
intensity level is lowered about 9 db. Laird, experimenting with a smaller
group, reports that an intensity level of 80 db. appears to be reduced one-
half in loudness when reduced by 23 db. It is still questionable as to just
what we mean, if anything, when we say that one sound is half as loud as

root mean square of the pressure, and r is the acoustic

resistance of the medium. Independently of pitch, the
intensity of sound is thus proportional to the square of
the pressure, so that intensity measurements are best made
by measuring sound pressures. The intensity ratio of two
sounds will be the square of this pressure ratio, and the
logarithm of the intensity ratio will be twice the logarithm
of the pressure ratio. The difference in intensity level in
decibels between two sounds whose pressures are pi and fa
is therefore 20 Iogi *


Loudness of Pure Tones.

"Loudness" refers to the magnitude of the psychological
sensation produced by a sound stimulus. The loudness of a
sound of a given pitch increases with the intensity of the
stimulus. We might express loudness of sound of a given
pitch in terms of the number of threshold steps above
minimum audibility. As has already been pointed out,
such a loudness scale would correspond only roughly to
the decibel scale. Moreover, it has been found that two
sounds of different pitches, at the same sensation levels,
that is, the same number of decibels above their respective
thresholds, are not, in general, judged equally loud, so
that such a scale will not serve as a means of rating the
loudness either of musical tones of different pitches or
of noise in which definite pitch characteristics are lacking.
It is apparent that in order to speak of loudness in quantita-
tive terms, it is necessary to adopt some arbitrary conven-
tional scale, such that two sounds of different characters
but judged equally loud would be expressed by the same
number and that the relative ratings of the loudness of a
series of sounds as judged by the ear would correspond at
least qualitatively to the scale readings expressing their
In "Speech and Hearing," Fletcher has proposed to use
as a measure of the loudness of a given musical tone of
definite pitch the sensation level of a 1,000-cycle tone which

normal ears judge to be of the same loudness as the given

tone. This standard of measurement seems to be by way
of being generally adopted by various engineering and
scientific which are interested in the problem.
The use of such a scale calls for the experimental loudness
matching of a large number of frequencies with the standard
frequency at different levels. To allow for individual
variation such matching has to be done by a large number
of observers. Kingsbury of the Bell Telephone Labora-
Contour Lines of Equal Loudness for
60 Pyre Tones



ooog ~
<3*CPoo<-> Q
Q =
Fr?qU5 nV W * **o-
FIG. 81. Each ourved line shows the intensity
levels at different frequencies
which sound as loud as a 1,000-cycle tone of the indicated intensity level above
threshold. (After Kingsbvry.)

tories has made an investigation of this sort using 22

different observers. The results of this work are given in
Fig. 81. Here the zero intensity level is one microwatt per
square centimeter. The lines of the figure are called con-
tour lines of equal loudness. The ordinates of any contour
line give the intensity levels at the different frequencies
which sound equally loud. The loudness level assigned
to each contour is the sensation level of the 1,000-cycle tone
at the intensity shown on the graph. Illustrating the use

of the diagram, take, for example, the contour marked 60.

We have for equal loudness the following:

According to Kingsbury's work these frequencies at

the respective intensity levels shown sound as loud as a
1,000-cycle tone 60 db. above threshold.
To the layman this doubtless sounds a bit complicated,
but it is typical of the sort of thing to which the physicist
is driven whenever he attempts to assign numerical meas-
ures to psychological impressions.

Loudness of Noises.

Numerical expression of the loudness of noises becomes

even more complicated by virtue of the fact that we have
to deal with a medley of sounds of varying and indiscrimi-
nate pitches. As we have seen, the sensation of loudness
depends both upon the pitch and upon the intensity of
sound. Moreover, the annoyance factor of noise may
depend upon still other elements which will escape evalua-
tion. The sound pressures produced by noises may be
measured, but their relative loudness as judged by the ear
will not necessarily follow the same order as these measured

pressures. At the present time, the question of evaluating

noise levels is the subject of considerable discussion
among physicists and engineers. Standardization com-
mittees have been appointed by various technical societies,
notably the American Institute of Electrical Engineers,
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the
Acoustical Society of America.

The whole subject of noise measurement is still young,

and much research still is needed before we are sure that our

quantitative values correspond to the testimony of our

ears with regard to the loudness of noises. For example,
one might ask whether the ear forms any quantitative
judgments at all as to the relative loudness of noise.
Further, does the ear rate the noise of 10 vacuum cleaners
as ten times that of one? The probable answer to the
latter question is in the negative, but merely asking the
question serves to show the inherent difficulties in express-
ing the loudness of noise in a way that will be meaningful
in terms of ordinary experience.

Comparison of Noises. Masking Effect.

While the exact measurement of the loudness level

of noise is still a matter of considerable uncertainty, yet

it is possible to make quantitative comparisons that will

ffotse fobe
measured enters
same ear
FIG. 82. Buzzer audiometer.

serve a great many useful purposes. Various types of

audiometers, devised primarily for the testing of the acuity
of hearing, have been employed. That most commonly
used is the Western Electric 3-A audiometer (Fig. 82)
of the so-called buzzer type. In this, a magnetic inter-
rupter interrupts an electric current which passes through a
resistance network called an attenuator, consisting of
parallel- and series-connected resistances arranged to reduce
the current by definite fractions of itself.
The attenuator dial is graduated to read the relative
sound-output phone in decibels. The
levels of the ear
zero of the instrument for a given observer is determined
by setting the attenuator so as to produce a barely audible
sound in a perfectly quiet place. The reading above this

zero is the sensation level of the sound produced by this

setting for this particular observer.

In comparing noises by this type of instrument, one
makes use of the so-called masking effect of one sound
upon another. Suppose that a sound is of such intensity
as to be barely audible in a quiet place. Then in a noisy
place it will not be heard due to the masking effect of the
noise. The which must be effected!
rise in intensity level
in the sound before can be heard in the presence of a given

noise is the masking effect of that noise. In using the 3- A

audiometer, the instrument is taken to a perfectly quiet
place (which, by the way, is seldom easy to find), and the
attenuator dial is adjusted so that the buzz is just heard
in the receiver by the observer. The difference between
this and the setting necessary to produce an audible sound
in the receiver in a noisy place is themasking effect of the
noise on the sound from the audiometer. Different noisesji
are compared by measuring their masking effects on the?
noise from the audiometer. Measurements may also be
made by matching the unknown noise with that made ^
by the audiometer, but experience shows that judgments of
equal loudness are apt to be less precise than are those on
masking. No very precise relation can be given between
the matching and the masking levels. Gait 1 states that
for levels between 20 and 70 db. above the threshold,
matching level is 12 db. higher than the masking level.
For very loud noises such as that of the cheering of a large
crowd the difference is apparently greater, probably 20 db. ;

for levels of around 100 db.

Tuning-fork Comparison of Noises.

A. H. Davis 2 has proposed and used an extremely
simple method of comparing noises by means of tuning
forks. The dying away of a sound of a struck tuning fork
is very approximately logarithmic, so that time intervals

GALT, R. H., Noise Out of Doors, Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, No 1,

pp. 30-58, July, 1930.

Nature, Jan. 11, 1930.

measured during the decay of the fork are proportional

to the drop in decibels of the intensity level of the sound.

The decibel drop per second can be determined by measur-

ing in a quiet place the times required for the sound of the
fork to sink to the masking levels for two different settings
of an audiometer. An alternative method of calibration
is to measure by means of a microscope with micrometer

eyepiece the amplitude of the fork at any two moments

in the decay period. Twice the logarithm of the ratic^
of the two amplitudes divided by the intervening time{
interval gives the drop of intensity level in bels per second.
(The intensity of the sound is proportional to the square
of the amplitude of the fork, hence the factor 2.)
In use, one measures in a perfectly quiet place the time
required for the sound of the fork to decrease to the
threshold. In strict accuracy,
the fork should always be struck
with the same force. However,
considerable variation in the force
of the blow will make only slight
difference in the time. Measure-
ment is then made of the time

required for the sound of the

fork to become inaudible in the
presence of the noise to be meas-
ured. The difference in time ,

between the quiet and noisy con- !

ditions multiplied by the number

i_ j FlG ' 83 ' Rivcrbank tuning
OI decibels drop per Second gives forks designed for noise measure-
the masking effect of the noise oh

the sound of the fork. Different noise levels may be

directly compared in this manner. Obviously, the pitch
of the fork will make a difference, but with forks between
500 and 1,000 vibs./sec. this difference is less than the
fluctuation in levels which commonly occurs in ordinary
noises. Figure 83 shows the type of fork designed by
Mr. B. E. Eisenhour of the Riverbank Laboratories
for noise measurements of this sort. The particular shape

is such that the damping of the fork is about 2 db. per

second and the duration of audible sound is approximately

60 sec. By means of Gradenigo figures etched on the prong
of the fork it is possible to measure the time from a fixed

amplitude. This makes an extremely simple means of

rating noise levels.

FIG. 84. A single sound pulse is shown in A. In D, the pulse is reflected

from a hard surface with slight decrease in energy. In (7, the energy reflected
from the absorbent surface is too small to be photographed. D shows the
repeated reflections inside an iiiclosure.

Measured Values of Noise Levels.

The most comprehensive survey of the general noise
conditions in a large city that conducted in 1930 by the

Noise Abatement Commission under the Department of

Public Health of the city of New York. A complete
report is published under the title "City Noise/' issued by
the New York Health Department. In Appendix are D
given average values of both indoor and outdoor noise
levels above the threshold of hearing as measured in a

large number of places and under varying conditions in

that survey. Such figures help very materially in relating
noise-level values to auditory experience. The value of a
decibel rating is shown when we consider that the range of
physical intensities is from 1 to 10 .

Reverberation and Noise Level in Rooms.

The sound photographs of Fig. 84 will serve to show
qualitatively how the repeated reflection of sound to and
fro will increase the general noise level within a room and
also the effect of absorbent materials in reducing this

I 2 3 4 b
Time in Fifth Seconds

FIG. 85. Increase in noise due to reverberation.

level. A shows the pulse generated by a single impact

sound. B shows the reflection of this pulse from a hard,
highly reflecting wall or ceiling with only a slight diminu-
tion of its intensity. C shows its dissipation at a highly
absorbing surface. In D
we have the state of affairs within
a room sound has undergone one or two reflections
after the
from non-absorbent surfaces. In a room 30 by 30 ft.,
D would represent conditions 0.05 sec. after the sound was
produced. Assume that the absorption coefficient of the

bounding surfaces is 0.03 and that the mean time between

reflections is 0.05 sec. Then at the end of this time 97 per
cent of the energy would still be in the room. At the end
of two such energy would be (0.97)
intervals, the residual
or 94.1 per cent of the original. If at the end of 0.1

sec. the impact producing the sound is repeated, then the

total sound energy in the room due to the two impacts
would be 1.94 times the energy of a single impact. If we
imagine the impacts repeated at intervals of 0.1 sec., the
sound of each one requiring a considerable length of time
to be dissipated, the cumulative effect on the general noise
level is easily pictured. The effect of introducing absorbing
material in reducing this cumulative action is also obvious.
Figure 85 shows quantitatively the effect of reverber-
ation on the noise produced by the click of a telegraph
sounder in the sound chamber of the Riverbank Labora-
tories. In this room, the sound of a single impact persisted
for about 7.5 sec. Experiments showed that the intensity
decreased at the rate of about 8 db. per second.
In the figure, it is assumed that the impacts occur at
the rate of five per second, and the total sound energy
in the room due to one second's operation of the sounder
is, as shown, 2.88 times that produced at each impact.

Under continuous operation, this would be further increased

by the residual sound from impacts produced in preceding
An analysis similar to that given in Chap. IV for the
steady-state intensity set up by a sustained tone is easily
Let e = sound energy of a single impact
N = number of impacts per second
ct average coefficient of absorption
p = mean free path = 4V /S
Then we may treat the source of noise as a sustained source
whose acoustic output is Ne. The total energy in the room
under sustained operation is

Total energy = ~[l + (1

- a) + (1
- a)
+ (I
- a)

- .
- a)

Making n large, the sum of the series is I/a; hence

m .
&J =
= 4A NeV
^- = 4
NeV A - ac

The average energy density of the sound in the room under

continued operation is Ne/ac.
It is to be noted that the analysis is based on the assump-
tion that the repeated impact sounds may be treated as a
sustained source whose acoustic output is Ne. This
assumption holds if the interval between impacts is short
compared with the duration of the sound from the impact.
It appears from the foregoing that with a given amount
of noise generated in a room, the average intensity due to

diffusely reflected sound is inversely proportional to the

total absorbing power of the room. Now
the noise level is
roughly proportional to the logarithm of the intensity
Hence with a given source of sound in a room, the nois-
level will decrease linearly not
Total Absorbiri Power
with the absorbing power but with 8 fi $
the logarithm of the absorbing
power. This fact should be borne
in mind in considering the amount
of quieting in interiors that can be
secured by absorbent treatment.
Figure 86 shows the variation of
noise intensity and noise level with
total absorbing power in a typical
case of office quieting. have We
assumed an space 100 by 40
office 003 013 023 033 043 Q53 063 073 083
Absor on Coefficient of Ce nq
pti 1 1 1

by 10 ft., occupied by 50 typists FIG. 86. Noise level in a

and initially without any absorbent room as a function of absorp-
tion coefficient of ceiling.
material other than that of the
usual office furniture and the clothing of the occupants. The
absorbing power of such a room would normally be about 500
square units. We shall consider that this is initially a
fairly noisy office, with a noise level of 50 db. above thresh-
old (7 =
100,0000, and that the ceiling originally has an
absorption coefficient of 0.03. The curves show the effect
upon the intensity and the noise level of surfacing the 4,000

sq. ft. of ceiling successively with materials of increasingly

greater coefficient.

We note here what may be called a law of diminishing

returns. Each
additional increment of absorption yields
a smaller reduction in the intensity and noise level than
does the preceding. Thus the first 10-point increase of
absorption effects a reduction of 2.5 db. the last 10-point

increase, a reduction of only 0.5 db. Since the threshold

of intensity difference is approximately 1 db., it is plain
that an increase of from 0.73 to 0.83 in the absorption
coefficient of the ceiling treatment would not make a

perceptible difference in the noise level, while an increase

from 0.63 to 0.83 would effect only a barely perceptible

Measured Reduction Produced by Absorption.

The most important practical use of the reduction
of noise by absorbent treatment is in the quieting of business
offices and hospitals. The use of absorbent treatment in
large business-office units is a matter of common practice
in this country, and the universal testimony is in favor of
this means of alleviating office noise. There are, however,
comparatively few published data on the actual reduction
so effected. The writer at various times has made audi-
ometer measurements both before and after the application
of absorbent treatment in the same offices. The most
carefully conducted of these was under conditions approxi-
mately described in the example of the preceding section.
The average noise level before treatment, using a Western
Electric 3-A audiometer, was 55.3 db. A
material with an
absorption coefficient of 0.65 was applied to the entire
ceiling, and the measured value was reduced to 48 db. The
introduction of the absorbent treatment increased the
total absorbing power about fivefold. The theoretical
reduction in decibels would be 10 logio 5 = 7.0 db. as
compared with the measured 7.3 db. R. H. Gait 1 has
measured, under rather carefully controlled conditions, the
absorbent treatment upon the noise level generated
effect of
Method and Apparatus for Measuring the Noise Audiogram, Jour.
Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 147-157, October, 1929.

by a fixed source of noise. A phonograph record of the

noise in a large office was made. The amplified sound
from this record was admitted to a test room by way of
two windows from a smaller room in which the record was
reproduced. The absorbing power of the test room was
varied by bringing in absorbent panels. Gait found that
a fivefold increase in the total absorbing power reduced
the intensity to one-fifth, corresponding to a reduction
of 7 db. in the noise level. He found that closing the win-?
dows of a tenth-floor office room reduced the noise from
the street by approximately this same amount. Perhaps
this comparison affords a better practical notion of what
is to be expected in the way of office quieting by absorbent

treatment than do the numerical values given. Tests

conducted by the author for the Western Felt Works
showed a reduction of 7 db. in the noise of passing street
cars as a result of closing the windows.

Computation of Noise Reduction.

By Eq. (72) we have for the intensity of the noise


If the absorbing power of the room is increased to a',

then the intensity is reduced to

L= ?_' = Z
/' a T'o

The reduction in bels is the logarithm of the ratio of the

two intensities; hence

Reduction (db)
= 10 log -=
10 log ^
1 o

It is apparent that the degree of quieting effected by

absorbent treatment depends not upon the absolute value

of the added absorbing power but upon its ratio to the

original. Adding 2,000 units to a room whose absorbing
power is 500 increases the total absorbing power fivefold,
giving a noise reduction of 10 log 5 = 7 db. Adding the
same number of units to an initial absorbing power of 1,000
units increases the total threefold, and the reduction is
10 log 3 = 4.8 db.

Quieting of Very Loud Noise.

It is evident that the reduction in the noise level secured

by the absorbent treatment of a room is the same inde-

pendently Thus
of the original level. if the introduction

of sound-absorbing materials into a room reduces the noise

level from 50 to 40, let us say, then the same treatment
would produce the same reduction 10 db. if the original
noise level were raised to 80 or 90 db. This suggests the
comparative ineffectiveness of absorption as a means of

quieting excessively noisy spaces. A treatment that would

lower the general noise level in an office from 50 to 40 db.
would make a marked difference in the working conditions.
In its effect on speech, for example, the 40-db. level is
10 db. below the level of quiet speech, and its effect on
intelligibility is decidedly less than that of the original
50-db. noise level. In a boiler factory, however, with an
original noise level of 100 db. this 10-db. reduction to 90
db. would still necessitate shouting at short range in order
to be heard. Moreover, it must be remembered that
absorption can affect only the contribution to the general
noise level made by the reflected sound. The operator
working within a few feet of a very noisy machine where
the direct sound is the preponderating factor is not going
to be helped very much by sound-absorbent treatment
applied to the walls.
While these common-sense considerations are obvious
enough, yet one finds them frequently ignored in attempts
to achieve the impossible in the way of quieting extremely
" '*
noisy conditions. The terms noisy" and quiet" are
relative. A given reduction of the noise level in an office,

where the work requires mental concentration on the part

of the workers, may change working conditions from noisy
to quiet. The same reduction in a boiler factory would
produce no such desired results.

Effect of Office Quieting.

In addition to the actual physical reduction of the

noise level from the machines in a modern business office,
there are certain psychological factors that are operative in
promoting the sense of quiet in rooms in which sound
reflection is reduced by absorbent treatment. We have
noted the effect of reverberation upon the intelligibility of
speech. In reverberant rooms, there is therefore the tend-
ency for employees to speak considerably above the ordi-
nary conversational loudness in order to meet this handicap.
The effect is cumulative. Employees talk more loudly
in order to be understood, thus adding to the sense of noise
and confusion. Similarly, the reduction of reverberation
operates cumulatively in the opposite sense. Further,
there is evidence to indicate that under noisy conditions
the attention of the worker is less firmly fixed upon the work
in hand. Hence his attention is more easily and frequently
distracted, and he has the sense of working under strain.
A relief of this strain produces a heightened feeling of well-

being which increases the psychological impression of relief

from noise. If these and other purely subjective factors
could be evaluated, it is altogether probable that they would
account for a considerable part of the increased efficiency
which office quieting effects.
Precise evaluation of the increased efficiency due to
office quietingattended with some uncertainty. Perhaps

the most reliable study of this question is that made in

certain departments of the Aetna Life Insurance Company
of Hartford, Connecticut, the results of which were reported
by Mr. P. B. Griswold of that company to the National
Office Management Association, in June, 1930. The study
was made in departments in which the employees worked
on a bonus system, the bonuses being awarded on the basis

of the efficiency of the department as a whole. Records of

the efficiency were kept for a year prior to the installation
of absorbent treatment and for a year thereafter. All
other conditions that might affect efficiency were kept
constant over the entire period. The reduction in noise as
measured by a 3-A audiometer was from 41.3 to 35.3 db.
(These were probably masking levels.) The observed
over-all increase in efficiency in three departments was
8.8 per cent. The quieting was found to produce a decrease
of 25 per cent in the number of errors made in the depart-
ment. A large department store reports a reduction in
the number of errors in bookkeeping and in monthly state-
ments from 118 to 89 per month a percentage reduction of
24 per cent.

Physiological Effects of Noise.

In psychological literature, there is a considerable body
of information on the effect of noise and music on mental
statesand processes. A bibliography of the subject is given
" "
by Professor Donald A. Laird in the pamphlet City Noise
already referred to. A paper by Laird on the physiological
effects of appeared in the Journal of Industrial
paper gives the results of measurements
Hygiene. This
on the energy consumption as determined by metabolism
tests on typists working under extreme conditions of noise,
in a small room (6 by 15 by 9 ft.), with and without absorb-
ent material. Laird states that the absorbent treatment
reduced the heard sound in the room by about 50 per
cent." Four typists working at maximum speed were the
subject of the experiment. The outstanding result was
that the working-energy consumption under the quieter
conditions was 52 per cent greater than the consumption
during rest, while under the noisier condition it was 71
per cent greater. Further, the tests showed that the slow-
ing up of speed of the various operators was in the order
of their relative speeds; that is, the speedier the worker the
more adversely his output is affected by the distraction of
October, 1927.
noise. If fatigue is directly related to oxygen consump-

tion, would appear that these tests furnish positive


evidence of the increase of fatigue due to noise.

Absorption Coefficients for Office Noises.

Due to the nondescript character of noise in general
and to the fact that most data on the
of the published
absorbing musical
efficiencies of material are for tones of
definite pitch, it is not possible to assign precise values
to the noise-absorbing prop-
erties of materials. In 1922,
the writer made a series of
measurements on the relative
absorbing efficiencies of vari-
ous materials for impact
sounds, such as the clicks of
telegraph sounders and type-
writers. 1The experimental
procedure was quite anal- u> <o to vd i

Time Seconds
ogous to that used in the in

afvanrrktirm Flo> 87. Reverberation time of

measurement aosorption sound of a sing impact> (1) Room

Coefficients by the reverbera- empty. (2) With absorbent material

tion method for musical tones.

As a source of variable intensity a telegraph sounder was
employed. The intensity of the sound was varied by alter-
ing the strength of the spring which produces the upstroke
of the sounder bar. In Fig. 87, the logarithm of the energy
of the impact of the bar is plotted against the measured
reverberation times. We note the straight-line relation (

between these two quantities, quite in agreement with


the results obtained using a musical tone of varying initial

intensities. It follows therefore that the sound energy>

generated by an impact is proportional to the mechanical

energy of the impact. From the slope of the straight line,
we determine the absorbing power of the empty room, and
proceeding in a manner similar to that for musical tones,
Nature and Reduction of Office Noise, Amer. Architect, May 24; June 7,

we may measure the absorption coefficients of materials for

this particular noise. The experiment was extended to
include other impact sounds including noise of typewriters
of different makes. It appeared that the absorbing power/
of the empty sound chamber was the same as that for'
musical tones in the range from 1,024 to 2,048 vibs./sec.
and that the relative absorbing efficiencies of a number of
different materials were the same as their efficiencies for
musical tones in this range.
If we include voice sounds as one of the components of
office noise, it would appear that the mean coefficient over

the range from 512 to 2,048 vibs./sec. should be taken as the

measure of the efficiency of a material for office quieting.

Figure 88 gives the noise audiogram of the noise in offices as

given by Gait.
Here we note that the range of maximum deafening for
the large office in active use extends from 256 to 2,048,
while in the room with telegraph sounders, the maximum
occurs in the range 500 to 3,000 vibs./sec.

Quieting of Hospitals.
Nowhere is the necessity for quiet greater than in the
hospital, and perhaps no type of building, under the usual
conditions, is more apt to be noisy. The accepted notions
of sanitation call for walls, floors, and ceiling with hard, non-

porous, washable surfaces. The same ideas limit the

furnishings of hospital rooms to articles having a minimum
of sound absorption. The arrangement of a series of

patients' rooms all opening on to a long corridor with!

highly reflecting walls, ceiling, and floor makes for the easy i

propagation of sound over an entire floor. Sanitary

equipment suggests basins and pans of porcelain or enamel!
ware that rattle noisily when washed or handled. Modern
fireproof steel construction makes the building structure a
solid continuous unit through which vibrations set up by

pumps or ventilating machinery and elevators are trans-

mitted with amazing facility. In the city, the necessity for
open-window ventilation adds outside noises to those of
internal origin.
The solution of the problem of noise in hospitals is a
matter both of prevention and of correction. Prevention
calls for attention to a host of details. The choice of a site,
the layout of plans, the selection, location, and installation
of machinery so that vibrations will not be transmitted to
the main building structure, acoustical isolation of nurs-
eries, delivery rooms, diet kitchens, and service rooms,
provision for noiseless floors, quiet plumbing, doors that
will not slam, elevators and elevator doors that will operate
with a minimum of noise attention to all of these in the
planning of a hospital will go far toward securing the desired
degree of quiet. The desirability of a quiet site is obvious.
City hospitals, however, must frequently be located iity
places where the noise of traffic is inevitable. In such
cases, a plan in which patients' rooms face an inside court[
with corridors and service rooms adjacent to the street,
will afford a remarkable degree of shielding from traffic
noise. Laundries and heating plants should, whenever^
possible, be in a separate building. Failing this, location in
basement rooms on massive isolated foundations with
proper precautions for the insulation of air-borne sounds to
the upper floors can be made very effective in prevent-
ing the transmission of vibrations. Properly designed
spring mountings afford an effective means of reducing
structural vibrations that would otherwise be set up by
motors and other machinery that have to be installed in
the building proper.

In addition to the prevention of noise, there is the

possibility of minimizing its effects by absorbent treatment.
There has been a somewhat general feeling among those
responsible for hospital administration against the use of
sound-absorbent materials on grounds of sanitation. It
has been assumed that soft or porous materials of plaster,
felts, fiber, and the like are open to objections as
harboring and breeding places for germs and bacteria.
Hospital walls and ceilings come in for frequent washings
and for surface renewals by painting.
The whole question applicability of sound-
of the
absorbent treatment to the reduction of hospital noises,
including the important item of cost of installation and
upkeep, has been gone into by Mr. Charles F. Neergaard of
New York City. The results of his investigations have
been published in a papers which should be con-
series of
sulted by those responsible for building and maintenance
of a hospital. 1
A number of acoustical materials were investigated,
both as to the viability of bacteria within them and as to the
possibilities of adequately disinfecting them. The general
conclusion reached was that certain of these materials are
well adapted for use in hospitals, that the sanitary hazard
is more theoretical than real, and that the additional cost
of installation and upkeep more than compensated for

by the alleviation of noise which they afford.

the strength of these findings, one feels quite safe in
urging the use of sound-absorbent treatment on the ceilings
and upper side walls of hospital corridors, in diet kitchens,
service rooms, and nurseries, as well as in private rooms
intended for cases where quiet and freedom from shock are
essential parts of the curative regime.

to Achieve Quiet Surroundings in Hospitals, Modern Hospital,
vol. 32,Nos. 3 and 4, March and April, 1929; Practical Methods of Making
the Hospital Quiet, Hospital Progress, March, 1931; Are Acoustical Materials
a Menace in the Hospital? Jour. Acous. 8oc. Amer., vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1930;
Correct Type of Hardware, Hospital Management, February, 1931.

Noise from Ventilating Ducts.

A frequent source
of annoyance and difficulty in hearing
in auditoriums the noise of ventilating systems. There

may be several sources of such noise; the more important

are (1) that due to the fluctuations in air pressure as the
fan blades pass the lip of the fan housing; (2) noise from the
motor or other driving machinery; (3) noise produced by
the rush of air through the ducts, and particularly at the
ornamental grills covering the duct opening. It is not
uncommon to find cases in which complaints are made of
poor acoustical conditions, which upon investigation show
that the noise level produced by the ventilating system is
responsible. The noise from the motor and fan is trans-
mitted in two ways: as mechanical vibrations along the
walls of the duct and as air-borne sound inside the ducts.
It is good practice to supply a short-length flexible rubber-
lined canvas coupling between the fan housing and the duct
system. This will obviate the transfer of mechanical
Lining the duct walls with sound-absorbent material
measurably reduces the air-transmitted noise. Such treat-
ment is more effective in small than in large conduits.
Both duct and fan noises, however, increase with the speed
of the fan and the velocity of air flow, so that in absorbent-
lined ducts, the preference as between low speeds through
large ducts and high speeds through small ducts is doubtful.
Larson and Norris have reported the results of a valuable

study on the question of noise reduction in ventilating

systems. The tests were made on a 30-ft. section of 10
by 10-in. galvanized iron duct made up in units 2 ft. long.
Air speeds ranged from about 300 to 5,000 ft. per minute,
and fan speeds from 100 to 1,300 r.p.m. The noise level
was measured by means of an acoustimeter, with the receiv-
ing microphone set up 2 ft. from the duct opening. Two

Some Studies on the Absorption of Noise in Ventilating Ducts, Jour.
Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning, Amer. Soc. Heating Ventilating Eng. t
January, 1931.

types of absorbent lining were used. The absorbent

material was a wood-fiber blanket 1 in. thick. In one case
it was bare and, in the other, covered with thin, perforated

sheet metal. In the lined duct, the outer casing was 12

by 12 in. giving the same section 10 by 10 in. for the air
flow through both the lined and the unlined ducts.
The following are some of the more important facts
deduced :

1. The perforated metal covering over the absorbent

material produced no reduction in the air flow for a given
fan speed. The bare absorbent reduced the air flow by
about 11 per cent.
2. The reduction
of noise was the same with as without
the perforated metal covering over the absorbent material.
3. The reductions in decibels in the noise level produced

by lining the entire duct are given below.

4. Absorbent lining placed near the inlet end of the duct

produces a somewhat greater reduction than the same

length at the outlet end. Thus 6 ft. at the intake produced
a greater reduction than 12 ft. at the outlet.
5. The authors state that a 41-db. level at the outlet
end does not materially affect the hearing in an auditorium.
At this level, lining the duct throughout would allow an
increase of 75 per cent in the air speed over that which
would produce this level in an unlined duct.
6. The noise reduction increases with the length of duct
that is lined. The increment in the reduction per unit of
lining decreases as the lining already present increases.

These results serve to show the general effect on noise

reduction of lining ducts. The reduction effected will also
depend upon the size of the duct, decreasing as the cross sec-
tion increases. Data on this point are lacking. Another
source that due to the rush of air through the grill work

covering the opening. This may be expected to increase

markedly with the air velocity. All things considered, it
would appear that a high-velocity system is apt to produce
more noise for a given delivery of air to the room than a
low-speed system.
Nature of the Problems.
Two distinct problems arise in the study of the trans-
mission of sound from room to room within a building.
The first is illustrated by the case of a motor or other
electric machinery mounted directly upon the building
structure. Due to inevitable imperfections in the bearings
and to the periodic character of the torque exerted on the
armature, vibrations are set up in the machine. These are
transmitted directly to the structure on which it is mounted
and hence by conduction through solid structural members
to remote parts of the building. These vibrations of the
extended surfaces of walls, floors, and ceiling produce sound
waves in the air. Consideration of this aspect of sound
transmission in buildings will be reserved for a later chapter.
The second problem is the transmission of acoustic
energy between adjacent rooms by way of intervening
solid partitions, walls, floors, or ceiling. Transmission of
the sound of the voice or of a violin from one room to
another is a typical case. The transmission of the sound of
a piano or of footfalls on a floor to the room below would
come under the first type of problem.
Mechanism of Transmission by Walls.
Let us suppose that A and B (Fig. 89) are two adjacent
rooms separated by a partition P and that sound is pro-
duced by a source S in A. The major portion of the sound
energy striking the partition will be reflected back into A,
but a small portion of it will appear as sound energy in B.
There are three distinct ways in which the transfer of
energy from A to B by way of the intervening partition is

effected: (1) If P is perfectly rigid, compressional air waves

in A will give rise to similar waves in the solid structure P,

which in turn will generate air waves in B. (2) If P is a
porous structure such as to allow the passage of air through
it, the pressure changes due to the sound in A will set up

corresponding changes in B by way of the pore channels in

the partition. A part of the energy entering the pore
channels will be dissipated by friction; that is, there will be
a loss of energy by absorption in transmission through a
porous wall. (3) If P is non-porous and not absolutely

FIG. 89.

rigid, the alternating pressure changes on the surface will

set up minute flexural vibrations of the partition, which
will in turn set up vibrations in B.
Of these three modes of transmission the first is of
negligible importance in any practical case, in comparison
with the two others. When sound in one medium is
incident upon the surface of a second medium, a part of its
energy is reflected back into the first medium and part is
refracted. The ratio of this refracted portion to the
incident energy is equal to the ratio of the acoustic resist-
ances of the first medium to that of the second. From the
values of acoustic resistances in various media given in
Table II of Appendix A it will be seen that for solid
materials the acoustic resistance is very high as com-

pared with that of air, so that the sound entering a solid

partition is a very small fraction of the incident sound, and
hence very little sound is transmitted through solid walls in
this manner. Davis and Kaye state that a mahogany

board two inches thick, if rigid, would transmit only 20

parts in 1, 000,000.
We shall consider the transmission of energy in the two
other ways in Chap. XII.

Measurement of Sound Transmission : Reverberation

The first serious attempt at the measurement of the
sound transmitted by walls was made by W. C. Sabine
prior to 1915. The results of these earliest measure-

FIG. 90. W. C. Sabine's experimental arrangement for sound transmission


ments for a single tone are described in his Collected
Papers." The method used was based on the reverberation
theory, already employed in absorption measurements.
The experimental arrangements are shown in Fig. 90
taken from the " Collected Papers." Sound was produced
by organ pipes located in the constant-temperature room
of the Jefferson Physical Laboratory. The test panels were
mounted in the doorway constituting the only means of
entrance into the room, so that when the panel was in place
the experimenter had to be lowered into the room by means
"Acoustics of Buildings," p. 179, George Bell & Sons, 1927.

of a rope through a manhole in the ceiling. The experi-

mental procedure was to measure the time of decay of
sound heard in the constant-temperature room and then
the time as heard through the test panel in a small vestibule
outside. If the average steady-state intensity set up by
the source in the larger room is /i, and / is the intensity t sec.
after the source is stopped, then the reverberation equation
11 act act

- = At
A = = TT/
/r sp 4V
If be the time required for the intensity in the source room

to decrease to the threshold intensity i, then

, /i = acti
Iog <
T 4F
Let the reduction factor of the partition, be the ratio
at any moment of the average intensity of the sound in
the source room to the intensity at the same moment on the
farther side of the partition and close to it. Then when
the sound heard through the partition has just reached
the threshold intensity, the intensity / in the source room
is given by the relation
I = Id

If a sound of initial intensity /i can be heard for tz sec.

through the test partition, we have

1 - actz 1

ft 4F
whence, by subtraction, we have

log e k = ~(ti -


logic t
= - W
~g ~(ti (73)

The value of the total absorbing power of the source room

isknown from ti, the measured reverberation time in the
source room and the initial calibration as described in
Chap. V.

This method is simple and direct and involves no assump-

tions save those of the general theory of reverberation.
Using this method, Professor Sabine made measurements
upon a considerable number of materials and structural
units such as doors and windows of various types. His
only paper on the subject of sound transmission, however,
gives the results only for hair felt of various thicknesses and
a complex wall of alternate layers of sheet iron and felt, and
these at only a single frequency. The experiments with
felt showed a strictly linear relation between the thickness
and the logarithm of k as defined above. The intervention
of the World War and Professor Sabine's untimely death
just at its close prevented the carrying out of the extensive
program of research along this line which he had planned.

Experimental Arrangement at Riverbank Laboratories.

The sound chamber of the Riverbank Laboratories was
built primarily to provide for Professor Sabine the facilities
for carrying on the research to which reference has just been
made. A general description together with detailed draw-
ings have already been given in Chap. VI (page 98). To
that description it is necessary to add only the details of
construction of the test chambers rooms corresponding
to the small vestibule of the constant-temperature room at
Harvard. As will be noted, the sound chamber is built
upon a separate foundation and is structurally isolated from
the rest of the building as well as from the test chambers.
The openings from the two smaller test chambers into the
sound chamber are each 3 by 8 ft., while that from the
larger is 6 by 8 ft. The test chambers are protected from
sounds of outside origin by extremely heavy walls of brick,
and entrance is effected by means of two heavy ice-box doors

through a small vestibule. Tests on small structural units

such as doors and windows are made with these mounted in
the smaller opening, screwed securely to heavy wooden
frames set in the openings. All cracks are carefully sealed
with putty. Leads for electrically operating the organ are
supplied to each of the test chambers. Originally, experi-

ments were made to determine the effect of the size and

absorbing power of the receiving space upon the measured

duration of sound from the sound chamber as heard through
a test wall. It was found that both of these factors pro-
duced measurable effects, so that the standard practice
was adopted of closing off a small space adjacent to the test
wall by means of highly absorbent panels. Reverberation
in the test rooms was thus rendered negligibly small in
comparison with that in the sound chamber. The effect of
this willbe considered somewhat in detail later. During
the twelve years of the laboratory's operation, test condi-
tions have been maintained constant so that all results
might be comparable.
All hitherto published results from this laboratory have
been based upon the values of absorbing power obtained by
the four-organ calibration of the sound chamber. It will be
noted in Eq. (73) that the value of the logarithm of k
varies directly as the value assigned to a, the absorbing
power sound chamber. In view of the commercial
of the
importance attached to many of the tests, these earlier
values have been adhered to for the sake of consistency,
even though the work of recent years using a loud-speaker
source indicated that for certain frequencies these values
were somewhat too low. Correction to these later values
for the sound-chamber absorption are easily made, however,
and in the results hereinafter given these corrections are

Bureau of Standards Method.

Figure 91 shows the experimental arrangements for

sound-transmission measurements at the Bureau of Stand-
ards. 1 The source of sound is placed in a small room AS,
provided with two openings in which the test panels are
placed. The source room is structurally isolated from the
receiving rooms Ri and 72 2 in the manner shown. The walls
ECKIIARDT and CHRISLER, Transmission and Absorption of Sound by
Some Building Materials, Bur. Standards Sci. Paper 526.

are of concrete 6 in. thick, separated from the receiving

room walls by a 3-in. air space. Lighter constructions are
prepared as panels and mounted in the ceiling opening,
while heavier walls are built directly into the vertical
The source, supplied with alternating current from a
vacuum-tube oscillator, is mounted on an arm approxi-
mately 2 ft. long, which rotates at a speed of about one
revolution per second. The frequency tone is
of the
varied cyclically over a limited range of frequencies. The
width of the frequency band can be controlled within
limits by varying the capacity of a rotating condenser

FIG 91. Room for sound transmission measurements at the Bureau of Standards.

which is associated with the fixed capacity of the oscillator

circuit. The frequency variation and the rotation of the
source serve to produce a constantly shifting interference
pattern in the source room. The intensity measurements
are made by means of a long-period galvanometer, which
tends to give an averaged value of the intensity at any
position of the pick-up device.
To determine relative intensities, a telephone receiver is
placed in the position at which the intensity is to be
measured. The e. m. f. generated in the receiver windings
is taken as proportional to the amplitude of the sound.

The alternating current produced, after being amplified and

rectified, ispassed through a long-period galvanometer, and
the deflection noted. Shift is then made from the telephone
pick-up to a potentiometer which derives oscillating current

from the oscillator which operates the sound source, and

the potentiometer is adjusted to give the same deflection
of the ga^anometer as was produced by the sound. The
potentiometer reading is taken as a measure of the sound
amplitude, and the relative intensities of two sounds are
to each other as the squares of these values. The validity
of this method
of measurements rests upon the strict

proportionality between the amplitude of the sound and

the e. m. f. generated in the field windings of the pick-up.
In measuring the reduction of intensity, the procedure is
as follows Without the panel in place, a series of intensity

measurements is made at points along a line through the

middle point of the opening and perpendicular to its plane.
Denote the average values of these readings in the trans-
mitting room by T and in the receiving room by R. The

panel is then placed and the readings repeated. It is found

that T is usually increased to T + t, let us say, while is R
reduced to R r. The apparent ratio of the intensities in
the receiving room without and with the panel in place is
R/(R r). But the placing of the panel has increased the
T -\
intensity in the transmitting room in the ratio of > so

that for the same intensity in the transmitting room under

the two conditions the ratio of the intensities in the receiv-
ing room is R(T
t)/T(R r).+ -
This expression Eckhardt and Chrisler have also called
the reduction factor. Obviously it is not the same thing
as the reduction factor as defined above. (T f)/(R r) is +
the ratio of the intensities in the two rooms with the parti-
tion in place, which is the reduction factor k as defined by
the writer. The Bureau of Standards reduction factor
is kR/T. R/T is the ratio of the intensities in the
receiving and transmitting rooms without the partition.
This is less than unity, so that values for the reduction
factor given by the Bureau of Standards should, presuma-
bly, be less than those by the reverberation method as
outlined in the preceding section.

Other Methods of Transmission Measurements.

Figure 92 shows the experimental arrangement proposed
and used by Professor F. R. Watson 1 for the measurement
of sound transmission. An organ pipe was mounted at the
focus of a parabolic mirror, which is presumed to direct a
beam of sound at oblique incidence upon the test panel
mounted in the opening between two rooms. The inten-
sity of the sound was measured by means of a Rayleigh
disk and resonator in the receiving room, first without and
then with the transmitting panel in the opening. The

FIQ. 92. Arrangement for sound transmission measurements at the University

of Illinois. (After Watson.)

relative sound by various partitions were

compared by comparing the ratios of the deflections of the
Rayleigh disk under the two conditions. Observations
were made apparently at only a single point of the sound
beam, so that the effect of the presence of the panel on the
stationary-wave system in the receiving room was ignored.
A modification of the Watson method has been used at
the National Laboratory in England.
Physical Two 2

unusually well-insulated basement rooms with double walls

and an intervening air space were used for the purpose.
The opening in which the test panels were set was 4 by 5
ft. Careful attention was paid to the effects of inter-
ference, and precautions taken to eliminate them as far as
possible by means of absorbent treatment. The measure-
Univ. 111., Eng. Exp. Sta. Bull. 127, March, 1922.
DAVIS and LITTLER, Phil. Mag., vol. 3, p. 177, 1927; vol. 7, p. 1050, 1929.

ments were made by apparatus not essentially different

from that used at the Bureau of Standards. The general
set-up is chown in Fig. 93. Some interesting facts were
brought out in connection with these measurements. For
example, experiments showed that with an open window
between the two rooms there was a considerable variation


Fia. 93. National Physical Laboratory rooms for sound transmission measure-
ments. (After Davis and Littler.)

along the path of the beam sent out by the parabolic

reflector but that the distribution of intensity in the receiv-
ing room was practically the same with a felt panel in
place as when the sound passed through the unobstructed
opening. This implies that the oblique beam is transmitted
through the felt unchanged in form. It was further found
that even with a 4^-in. brick wall interposed there was a

pronounced beam in the receiving room and that the

intensity of sound outside this beam was comparatively
small. In actual practice, measurements were made at a
number of points, and the average values taken.
Davis and Littler used the term reduction factor" for
the ratio between the average intensity along the sound
beam in the receiving room without the partition to the
intensity at the same points with the partition. This is
clearly not quite the same thing as either the Riverbank or
Bureau of Standards definition. It differs from both
in the fact that it assumes transmission at a single angle

of incidence instead of a diffuse distribution of the incident

sound. Further, it is assumed that the intensity on the
source side is the same regardless of the presence of the
Sound transmission measurements have also been made
by Professor H. Kreuger of the Royal Technical University
in Stockholm. His experimental
arrangement is taken from a paper
by Gunnar Heimburger and is shown

in Fig. 94. A loud-speaker is set up

very close to one face of the test wall,
and a telephone receiver is similarly
placed on the opposite side. The
loud-speaker and the telephone pick-
up are both inclosed in absorbent-
lined boxes. The current generated
in the pick-up is amplified and meas-
FIG. 94. Experimental ured in a manner similar to that

^ UP

JSl^ ^3 t
t I

employed at the Bureatf of Standards.

The intensity as recorded by the
pick-up when the sound source is directly in front of the
receiver divided by the intensity when the two are placed on
opposite sides of the test wall is taken as the reduction
factor of the wall. It is fairly obvious that this method of
measurement, while affording results that will give the
relative sound-insulating properties of different partitions,
Amer. Architect., vol. 133, pp. J25-128, Jan. 20, 1928.

will not give absolute values that are comparable with

values obtained when the alternating pressures are applied
over the entire face of the wall or to the sound reduction
afforded by the test wall when in actual use.
Here the driving applied over a limited area, but
force is

the entire partition is set into vibration. The amplitude

of this vibration will be very much less and the recorded
intensity on the farther side will be correspondingly lower
than when the sound pressure is applied to the entire wall as
is the case in the preceding methods.

Audiometer receiver]
with offset cap

FIQ. 95. Audiometer method of sound transmission measurements. (After


Anaudiometric method of measurement has been used

b*y Wallace Waterfall. 1 The experimental arrangement is
shown in Fig. 95. The sound is produced by a loud-
speaker supplied with current from a vacuum-tube oscil-
lator and amplifier. The output of the amplifier is fed into
a rotary motor-driven double-pole double-throw switch,
which connects it alternately to the loud-speaker and to an
attenuator and receiver of a Western Electric 3-A audiome-
ter. The loud-speaker is set up on one side of the test
partition, and the attenuator is adjusted so that the tone
as heard through the receiver is judged to be equally loud
with the sound from the speaker direct. The observer
moves to the opposite side of the partition, and a second
loudness match is made. The dial of the attenuator being
graduated to read decibel difference in the settings on the
two sides gives the reduction produced by the wall. The
apparatus is portable and has the advantage of being
applicable to field tests of walls in actual use. The
results of measurements by this method are in very good
Jour. Acorn. Soc. Amer., p. 209, January, 1930.

agreement with those obtained by the reverberation

Not essentially different in principle is the arrangement
used by Meyer and Just at the Heinrich Hertz Institute and
shown in Fig. 96. Two matched telephone transmitters
are set up on the opposite sides of the test wall. Number 1
on the transmitting side feeds into an attenuator and
thence through a rotary double-pole switch into a poten-
tiometer, amplifier, and head set. Number 2, on the
farther side, feeds directly into the potentiometer. The
attenuator is adjusted for equal loudness of the sounds from

Fiu. 96. Method of sound transmission measurements used by Meyer and Just.

the two transmitters as heard alternately in the head set

through the rotating switch. The electrical reduction
produced by the attenuator is taken as numerically equal
to the acoustical reduction produced by the wall. The
reduction as thus measured corresponds closely to the
reduction factor as defined under the reverberation method.

Resonance Effects in Sound Transmission.

As has been indicated, sound is transmitted from room
to room mainly by virtue of the flexural vibrations set up
in the partition by the alternating pressure of the sound
waves. The amplitude of such a forced vibration is
determined by the mass, flexural elasticity or stiffness, and
the frictional damping of the partition as a whole, as well
as by the frequency of the sound. A partition set in an
opening behaves as an elastic rectangular plate clamped at
the edges. Such a plate has its own natural frequencies
of vibrations which will depend upon its physical properties

of mass, thickness, stiffness and its linear dimensions.

Under forcing, the amplitude of the forced vibrations at
a given frequency will depend upon the proximity of the
forcing frequency to one of the natural frequencies of the
plate. For example, it can be shown that a plate of K-in.
glass 3 by 8 ft. may have 37 different natural modes of
vibration and the same number of natural frequencies
below 1,000 vib./sec.
any of these frequencies would theoreti-
Its response to
cally be much
greater than to near-by frequencies, and its
transmission of sound at these natural frequencies cor-
respondingly greater. As an experimental fact, these
effects of resonance do appear in transmission measure-
ments, so that a thorough study of the properties of a
single partition would involve measurements at small
frequency intervals over the whole sound spectrum. To
rate the relative over-all sound-insulating properties of
constructions on the basis of tests made at a single fre-
quency would be misleading. Thus, for example, in tests
on plaster partitions it was found that, at a particular
frequency, a wall 1J^ in. thick showed a greater reduction
than a similar wall 2j^ in. thick, although over the entire
tone range the thicker wall showed markedly greater
For this we can scarcely expect very close
agreement the
inresults of measurements on a given
construction at a single frequency under different test
conditions. In addition to this variation with slight
variations in frequency, most constructions show generally
higher reductions for high than for low frequencies. It
appears, therefore, that in the quantitative study of sound
transmission, it is necessary to make measurements at a
considerable number of frequencies and to adopt some
standard practice in the distribution of these test tones in
the frequency range.
Up to the present time, there has been no standard
practice among the different laboratories in which trans-
mission measurements have been made in the selection

of test frequencies. At the Riverbank Laboratories, with

few exceptions, tests have been made at 17 different
frequencies ranging from 128 to 4,096 vibs./sec., with 4
frequencies in each octave from 128 to 1,024, and 2 each in
the octaves above This choice in the distribution of
test tones was made
view of the fact that variation in the
reduction with frequency is less marked for high- than for
low-pitched sounds and also because in practice the more
frequent occurrence of the latter makes them of more
importance in the practical problem of sound insulation.
At the Bureau of Standards, most of the tests give more
importance to frequencies above 1,000, while the total
frequency range covered has been from 250 to 3,300. The
National Physical Laboratory has used test tones of 300,
500, 700, 1,000, and 1,600. Kreuger employed a series of
tones at intervals of 25 cycles ranging from 600 to 1,200
vibs./sec. This lack of uniformity renders comparisons at
a single frequency impossible and average values over the
whole range scarcely comparable.

Coefficient of Transmission and Transmission Loss.

As has been noted above, different workers in the field
of sound transmission have used the term " reduction
factor" for quantities which are not identically defined.
In any scientific subject, it is highly desirable to employ
terms susceptible of precise definition and to use any given
term only in its strict sense. The term reduction factor was
originally employed by the author as a convenient means of
expressing the results of transmission measurements as
conducted at the Riverbank Laboratories. 1 Since its sub-
sequent use, with a slightly different significance, by other
investigators leaves its precise definition by usage somewhat
in doubt, the introduction of another term seems advisable.
It was early recognized that the volume and absorbing
power of the receiving room had a measurable effect upon
the reverberation time as heard through the partition
and that therefore the computed value of k would depend
Amcr. Architect, vol. 118, pp. 102-108, July 28, 1920.

upon the acoustic conditions of the receiving room as well as

upon the sound-transmitting properties of the test wall.
Accordingly the standard practice was adopted of measur-
ing the time in a small, heavily padded receiving room,
with the observer stationed close to the test partition.
This procedure minimizes the effect of reflected sound in
the receiving room and gives a value of k which is a function
only of the transmitting panel.
In 1925, Dr. Edgar Buckingham published a valuable1

critical paper on the interpretation of sound-transmission

measurements, giving a mathematical treatment of the

effect of reflection of sound in the receiving room upon the
measured intensity. Following his analysis,
Let J{ = energy incident per second per unit of surface
of test wall.
J =
t energy per second per unit surface entering
receiving room
r = coefficient of transmission = J /Ji t

S = area of test wall

/i = average sound density in transmitting room
7 = average sound density in receiving room

Vij ai = volume and absorbing power of transmitting

F 2, 02 = volume and absorbing power of receiving room
Buckingham showed that for a diffuse distribution Jt the
incident energy flux is given by the relation

Jt =

and the total energy per second E 2 entering through the

entire surface is

E, = SJ =
t (74)

Bur. Standards Sci. Paper 506.

In the steady state, the wall acts for the receiving room
as a sound source whose acoustic output is J? 2 and the ,

average steady-state sound density 7 2 is given by the

T 4E 2 4
dzC a^c 4 0,2

1 IlS

The coefficient of transmission r is a quantity which

pertains alone to the transmitting wall and is quite inde-
pendent of the acoustic properties of the rooms which it
separates. The intensity reductions produced by parti-
tions separating the same two rooms will be directly pro-
portional to the reciprocals of their transmission coefficients,
so that 1/r may be taken as a measure of the sound-insulat-
ing merits of a given partition. Knudsen 1 has proposed
that the term transmission loss in decibels" be used to
express the sound-insulating properties of partitions and
that this be defined by the relation

T. L. (transmission loss) = 10 logio - (76)

This would seem to be a logical procedure. Thus

defined and measured, the numerical expression of the
degree of sound insulation afforded by partitions does not
depend upon conditions outside the partitions themselves.
Moreover, this is expressed in units which usage in other
branches of acoustics and telephony has made familiar.
Illustrating its meaning, if experiment shows that the
energy transmitted by a given wall is Kooo of the incident

energy r = 0.001,
- = 1,000, log
- = 3, and the transmis-
" "
sion loss is 30 db. The relation between
reduction f actor
as measured and transmission loss as just defined remains to
be considered.
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 11, No. 1, p. 129, July, 1930.

Transmission Loss and Reduction Factor.

We note in Eq. (75) that l/r is equal to the ratio of the

average intensity in the transmitting room to that in the
receiving room, multiplied by the expression S/a 2 This .

equation applies to the steady-state intensity set up while

the source is in operation. It would appear therefore that
in any method based on direct measurement of the steady-
state intensities in two rooms on opposite sides of a parti-
tion, the reduction factor, defined as the ratio of the
measured value of /i//2, multiplied by S/a 2 gives the value
of l/r. Hence

T. L. = 10 log (k .
^] = loftog k + log ~1 (77)
\ fib/ L #2 J

Obviously, if the area of the test panel is numerically equal

to the total absorbing power of the receiving room, then

IV ~~~

In the case of the Riverbank measurements, we have

not steady-state intensities but instantaneous relative
values of decreasing intensities. This case calls for
further analytical consideration, which Buckingham gives.
From his analysis, and assuming that the coefficient of
transmission is small, so that the amount of energy trans-
mitted from the sound chamber to the test chamber and
then back again is too small to have any effect on the inten-
sity in the sound chamber, and that the reverberation time
in the test chamber is very small compared with that of the
sound chamber, we have

- = logic k + lo glo - - logic
- ^/] (78)
T (l
2 \ ttaKi/

Here logio k is taken as {pnr(h *""

k)> the logarithm of the
y.z y i

reduction factor of the Riverbank tests.


If the sound chamber is a large room with small absorbing

power, and the test chamber is a small room with a rela-

tively large absorbing power, the expression a 1 F 2 /a 2 7i is
numerically small, and the third term of the right-hand
member of Eq. (78) becomes negligibly small. We then
have for the transmission loss

T. L. - 10 logic = loflogio* + logio

The relation between reduction factor and transmission loss
issensibly the same when measured by the reverberation
method as when measured by the steady-intensity method.
Using the values of S and a 2 for the Riverbank test
chambers, the corrections that must be added to 10 log k
to give transmission loss in decibels are as follows:

Frequency Correction
128 2 5
256 1.2
512 0.5
1,024 0.5
2,048 1 3
Average 1

This correction is scarcely more than the experimental

errors in transmission measurements.

Total Sound Insulation.

sometimes desirable to know the over-all reduction

It is
of sound between two rooms separated by a dividing struc-
ture composed of elements which have different coefficients
of transmission. 1
Suppose that a room is located where the average inten-
sity outside is I\ and that Si, s 2 $3, etc., sq. ft. of the inter-

vening wall have coefficients of TI, r 2 r 3 etc., respectively.

, ,

Let the average intensity of the incident sound be /i.

Then the rate at which sound strikes the bounding wall is
c/i/4 per square unit of surface. Calling E% the rate at
which transmitted sound enters the room, we have
The theoretical treatment that follows is due to Knudsen.


Then 7 2 the, intensity inside the room, will be

/, = 4^ = b [8lTl + S2T2 + S3T3 +...

where T is the total transmittance of the boundaries, and
/i = 02
/t T
The reduction of sound level in decibels is

f =
10 log 10 log
*2 %1 (79)

Illustrating by a particular example: Suppose that a

hotel room with a total absorbing power of 100 units is
separated from an adjacent room by a 2>-in. solid-plaster
partition whose area is 150 sq. ft., with a communicating
door having an area of 21 sq. ft. The transmission loss
through such a wall is about 40 db., and for a solid-oak
door \% in. thick, about 25 db.
For wall:

40 = 10 log -, log
- = 4, and r = 0.0001

For door:
25 = 10 log -
, log
- = 2.5, and r -= 0.0032

For wall and door, total transmittance is

T = (150 X 0.0001) + (21 X 0.0032) = 0.015 + 0.0672 = 0.082

Reduction in decibels between rooms ... ... 10 log n n = 30.9

If there were no door, the reduction would be 36.8

db. If we substitute for the heavy oak door a light paneled
door of veneer, with a transmission loss of 22 db., the reduc-
tion becomes 28.2, while with the door open we calculate a
reduction of only 6.8 db.
The illustration shows in a striking manner the effect
on the over-all reduction of sound between two rooms of
introducing even a relatively small area of a structure
having a high coefficient of transmission. We may carry
it a step further and compute the reduction if we substitute

an 8-in. brick wall with a transmission loss of 52 db. for

the 2>^-in. plaster wall. The comparison of the sound
reductions afforded by two walls, one of 8-in. brick and the
other of 2>-in. plaster, is given in the following table :

This comparison brings out the fact that any job of

sound insulation is little better than the least efficient
element in it and explains why attempts at sound insulation
so frequently give disappointing results. Thus in the
above illustration, we
see that to construct a highly sound-
insulating partition between two rooms with a connecting
doorway is of little use unless we are prepared to close
this opening with an efficient door. The marked effect
of even very small openings in reducing the sound insulation
between two rooms is also explained.
Equation (79) shows that the total absorbing power in
the receiving room plays a part in determining the relative
intensities of sound in the two rooms. With a given wall
separating a room from a given source of sound the general
level of sound due to transmission can be reduced by
increasing the absorbing power of the room, just as with
sound from a source within the room the intensity produced
from outside sources is inversely proportional to the total
absorbing power. The general procedure then to secure
the minimum of noise within an enclosure, from both
inside and outside sources, is to use walls giving a high
transmission loss or low coefficients of transmission and
inner surfaces having high coefficients of absorption.


Owing to the rather wide diversity not only in the
methods of testbut in the experimental conditions and the
choice of test frequencies, scarcely possible to present
it is

a coordinated account of the experimental work that has

been done in various laboratories on the subject of sound
transmission by walls. We shall therefore, in the present
chapter, confine ourselves largely to the results of the
twelve years' study of the problem carried on at the
Riverbank Laboratories, in which a single method has
been employed throughout, and where all test conditions
have been maintained constant. The study of the problem
has been conducted with a threefold purpose in mind:
(1) to determine the various physical properties of parti-
tions that affect the transmission of sound and the relative
importance of these properties; (2) to make quantitative
determination of the degree of acoustical insulation afforded
by ordinary wall constructions; and (3) to discover if

possible practicable means of increasing acoustic insulation

in buildings.

Statement of Results.
Reference has already been made to the fact that due
to resonance, the reduction of sound by a given wall may
vary markedly with slight variations in pitch. For this
reason, tests at a single frequency or at a small number of
frequencies distributed throughout the frequency range
may be misleading, and difficult to duplicate under slightly
altered conditions of test, such, for example, as variations
in the size of the test panel. It appears, however, that
for most of the constructions studied there is a general
similarity in the shape of the frequency-reduction curve,

namely, a general increase in the reduction with increasing

frequency, so that the average value of the logarithm of
the reduction will serve as a quantitative expression of the
sound-insulating properties of walls. For any frequency,
we shall call ten times the logarithm of the ratio of the
intensities on the two sides of a given partition under the
conditions described in Chap. XI the "reduction in
decibels" produced by the partition or, simply, the reduc-
The " average reduction is the average of these
7 '
single-frequency reductions over the six-octave range from
128 to 4,096 vibs./sec., with twice as many test tones in
the range from 128 to 1,024 as in the two upper octaves.
This average reduction can be expressed as average "trans-
mission loss" as defined by Knudsen by simply adding 1 db.

Doors and Windows.

A door or window may be considered as a single structural
unit, through which the transmission of acoustic energy
takes place by means of the minute vibrations set up in the
structure by the alternating pressure of the incident sound.
Therefore the gross mechanical properties of mass, stiffness,
and internal friction or damping of these constructions
determine the reduction of sound intensity which they
afford. Of these three factors it appears that the mass per
unit area of the structure considered as a whole is the most
important. As a general rule, the heavier types of doors
and windows show greater sound-insulating properties.
Table XVII is typical of the more significant of the
results obtained on a large number of different types of
doors and windows that have been tested. These tests
were made on units 3 by 7 ft., sealed tightly, except as
otherwise noted, into an opening between the sound
chamber and one of the test chambers. Numbers 2, 6,
and 7 show the relative ineffectiveness of filling a hollow
door with a light, sound-absorbing material. Comparison
of Nos. 4 and 5 indicates the order of magnitude of the
effect of the usual clearance necessary in hanging a door.
Inspection of the figures for the windows suggests that the

cross bracing of the sash effects a slight increase in insu-

lation over that of larger unbraced areas of glass. On the
whole, it may be said that ordinary door and window
constructions cannot be expected to show transmission
losses greaterthan about 30 db.

Sound-proof Doors.
" "
Various types of nominally sound-proof doors are
now on the market. These are usually of heavy construc-
tion, with ingenious devices for closing the clearance
Table XVIIa presents the results of measurements made
on a number of doors of this type. It is interesting to note
the increase in the sound reduction with increasing weight,
and this regardless of whether the increased weight is due
to the addition of lead or steel sheets incorporated within
the door or simply by building a door of heavier con-
struction. The significance of this will be considered in a
later section.

Number Description reduction,

1 >-in. steel door 34 7

2 Refrigerator door, 5>2- m yellow pine filled with cork
- 29.4
3 Solid oak, 1? in. thick 25.0
4 Hollow flush door, 12 in. thick ... .... 26.8
5 No. 4, as normally hung 24.1
6 No. 4, with 2 layers of } 2-in. Celotex in hollow space 26.8
7 No. 4 with 1-in. balsam wool in hollow space . 26.6
8 Light- veneer paneled door 21.8
9 Two- veneer paneled doors, with 2-in. separation,
normally hung in single casement 30.0
10 Window single pane 79 X 30 in. >-in. plate glass . . 26.2
11 Window, 4 panes each 15 X 39 in. }-m. plate glass 29.2
12 Window 2 panes each 31 X 39 in. ?f 6-in plate glass.
- 22.8
13 Same as 12, but double glazed, glass set in putty both
sides, 1-in. separation 26.6
14 Same as 13, but with glass set in felt 28.9
15 Diamond-shape leaded panes, %Q-m. glass 28.4
16 Window, 12 panes 10 X 19 in., >-in. glass 24.7


* These data are

published with the kind permission of Mr Irving Hamlin of Evanston,
and of the Compound and Pyrono Door Company of St. Joseph, Michigan, for
whom these tests were made.

It is of interest to compute the reduction in the example

given at the end of Chap. XI. When a door giving a
reduction of 35 db. is placed in the brick wall, in place of the
oak door with a reduction of 25 db., we find, upon calcu-
lation, that with the 35-db. door the over-all reduction is
41 db. only 6 db. lower than for the solid wall. With the
25-db. door the over-all reduction is 31.7 db. The com-
parison is instructive, showing that in any job of sound
insulation, improvement is best gained by improvement
in the least insulating element.

Porous Materials.

In contrast to impervious septa of glass, wood, and

steel,porous materials allow the direct transmission of the
pressure changes in the sound waves by way of the pore
channels. We should thus expect the sound-transmitting
properties of porous materials to differ from those of solid
impervious materials. Experiment shows this to be the
case. With porous materials, the reduction in transmission
increases uniformly with the frequency of the sound. Fur-
ther, for a given frequency the reduction in decibels
increases linearly with the thickness of the material. 1

For a full account of the study of the transmission of sound by porous
materials, see Amcr. Architect, Sept. 28, Oct. 12, 1921.

Experiments on six different materials showed that, in

general, the reduction of sound by porous materials can

be expressed by an equation of the form

R = 10 log k = 10 log (r + qf) (80)

where r and q are empirical constants for a given material,

and t is the thickness.
Both r and q are functions of the frequency of the sound,
which with few exceptions in the materials tested increase
as the frequency is raised. In general, the denser the
material of the character here considered the greater the
value of q. From the practical point of view, the most
interesting result of these tests is the fact that each addi-
tional unit of thickness gives the same increment in insu-
lating value to a partition composed wholly of a porous
Davis and working at the National Physical
Laboratory at Teddington, England, by the method
described in Chap. XI made similar tests on a somewhat
heavier felt than that tested at the Riverbank Laboratories.
For frequencies above 500 vibs./sec. they found a linear
relation between the reduction and the number of layers
of felt. For frequencies between 250 and 500 vibs./sec.
their results indicate that the increase in reduction with
increasing thickness is slightly less than is given by Eq. (80).
The difference in method and the slightly different defini-
tions of the term reduction" are such as to explain this
difference in results.
Equation suggests that the reduction in trans-
mission by porous materials results from the absorption of
acoustic energy in its passage through the porous layers.
Each layer absorbs a constant fraction and transmits a
constant fraction of the energy which comes to it. Let
/i be the average intensity throughout the sound chamber,
and Ii/r be the intensity in the sound chamber, directly
in front of the panel. Let l/q be the fraction of the energy

3, p. 177, 1927.
Phil. Mag., vol.

transmitted by a unit thickness of the material; then

(1/qY is the fraction transmitted by a thickness t. Hence

7 2 the intensity on the farther

, side, will be -A>

= +
log Y
* 2
log (r 0)
R = 10 log (r + qt)

The altered character of the phenomenon when layers

of impervious material are interposed is shown by reference
to the curves of Fig. 97. The
straight line gives reduction
at 512 for thicknesses from
1 to 4 in. of standard hair felt.
The upper curve gives the
reduction of alternate layers of
felt and heavy building paper.
We note a marked increase
in reduction. Experiments
showed that this increase is
2 3 considerably greater than the
Number of Layers
measured value of the reduc-
Fia. 97. Reduction by (1) hair .

felt, (2) by alternate layers of hair tlOn afforded by the paper

felt and building paper.

additional unit of paper and does not produce an equal

increment in the reduction. In similar experiments with
thin sheet iron and felt, Professor Sabine obtained similar
results. Commenting on this difference, he states: "The
process [in the composite structure] must be regarded not
as a sequence of independent steps or a progress of an
independent action but as that of a structure which must
be considered dynamically as a whole/'
Subsequent work disclosed the fact that the average
reduction produced by masonry walls over the entire
frequency range is almost wholly determined by the mass
per unit area of the wall. This suggests the possibility

that this may also hold true for the composite structures
just considered. Accordingly, in Fig. 98 we have plotted
the reduction against the logarithm of the number of
layers for the paper and felt, for the sheet iron and air
space, and for the sheet iron, felt, and air space. (In
Sabine's experiments, >^-in. felt was placed in a 1-in.
space between the metal sheets.) We note, in each case,
a linear relation between the reduction and the logarithm
of the number of layers, which, in any one type of con-

Logarithm of Number of Layers

FIQ. 98. Intensity reduction in transmission by composite partitions of steel
and felt.

struction, proportional to the weight. As far as these


experiments go, the results lead to the conclusion that

the reduction afforded by a wall of this type wherein
non-porous layers alternate with porous materials may be
expressed by an equation of the form

k Y-
= aw b
where w is the weight per unit area of the composite
structure, and a and b are empirical constants whose
values are functions of the frequency of the sound and also
of the materials and arrangement of the elements of which
the wall is built. The values of 6 for the single frequency
512 vibs./sec. for the three walls are as follows:

Paper and felt 1 .67

Steel with air space 1.47
Steel, felt, air space 3.1

We shall have occasion to refer to a similar law when

we come to consider the reduction given by masonry walls.
It is to be borne in mind that under the conditions of the
experiment, we are not dealing with structurally isolated
units. The clamping at the edges necessarily causes the
entire structure to act as a unit.
The figures given in Table XVIII show the average
reductions given by porous materials. As will subse-
quently appear, one cannot draw conclusions from the
results of tests conducted on porous materials alone as
to how these will behave when incorporated into an other-
wise rigid construction. In such cases, sound reduction
is dependent upon the mechanical properties of the struc-
ture as a whole, rather than upon the insulating properties
of its components.

Continuous Masonry.
" "
By continuous masonry we shall mean single walls,
as contrasted with double walls, of clay or gypsum tile,
either hollow or solid, of solid plaster laid on metal lath
and channels, and of brick or concrete. These include
most of the common types of all-masonry partitions.
Figure 99 shows the general similarity of the curves

obtained by plotting the reduction as a function of the

frequency. This similarity in shape justifies our taking
the average reduction as a measure of the relative sound-
insulating merits of walls in general. The graph for the
4 in. of hair felt is instructive, as
showing the much smaller sound-
insulating value of a porous material
and the essentially different charac-
ter of the
phenomena involved. In
Table XIX, the average reduction
for 16 partitions of various masonry
materials is given, together with
the weight per square foot of each 256 512 1024 2048 4096:

finished construction.
In the column headed "Relative
stiffness" are given the steady pres- for homogeneous partitions.
sure in pounds per square foot over the entire face of the
walls that produce a yielding of 0.01 in. at the middle
point of the wall.In each case, the test partition was 6 by
8 ft. built solidly into the opening. Gypsum plaster was
used throughout this series of tests.



One notes in the table a close correspondence between

the weight and the reduction. Figure 100, in which the
average reduction is plotted against the logarithm of the
weight per square foot of continuous masonry partitions,
brings out this correspondence in a striking manner. The



- Continuous
/ masonry plaster, file and'brick
2- Cinder, slag and haydife concrete

30 30 40 80 90 100
Weight per Sq. Ft

FIG. 100. Riverbank measurements on (1) plaster, tile, and brick; (2) cinder,
slag, and haydite concrete.

equation of the straight line, along which the experimental

points lie, is

R = 10 log k = 10(3 log w - 0.4)

This may be thrown into the form

k = QAw 3 (81)
It should be pointed out and mind that
clearly borne in
Eq. (81) is a purely empirical equation formulating the

results of the Riverbank tests on masonry walls. The

values of the two constants involved will depend upon the
range and distribution of the test tones employed. Thus it
is from Fig. 99 that if relatively greater weight in
averaging were given to the higher frequencies, the average
reductions would be greater. Equation (81) does, however,
give us a means of estimating the reduction to be expected
from any masonry wall of the materials specified in Table
XIX and a basis of comparison as to the insulating merits

of other constructionsand other materials. For example,

other things being equal, a special construction weighing
20 Ib. per square foot giving an average reduction of 40
db. would have the practical advantage of smaller building
load over a 4-in. claytile partition giving the same reduc-
tion but weighing 27 Ib. per square foot. Further, having
determined the reduction for a particular type of con-
struction, Eq. (81) enables us to state its sound-insulating
equivalent in inches of any particular type of solid masonry
brick, let us say. Thus a staggered- wood stud and metal-
lath partition weighing 20 Ib. per square foot showed a
reduction of 44 db., which by Eq. (81) is the same as that
for a continuous masonry partition weighing 41 Ib. per
square foot. Now a brick wall weighs about 120 Ib. per
cubic foot, so that the staggered-stud wall is the equivalent
of 4.1 in. of brick. The use of the staggered stud would
thus effect a reduction of 21 Ib. per square foot in building
load over the brick wall. On the other hand, the over-all
'thickness of the staggered-stud wall is 7>^ in., so that the
advantage in decreased weight is paid for in loss of available
floor space due to increased thickness of partitions. Obvi-
ously, thesound-insulating properties of partition-wall
constructions should be considered in connection with
other structural advantages or disadvantages of these
constructions. The data of Table XIX and the empirical
formula derived therefrom make quantitative evaluation
of sound insulation possible.

Relative Effects of Stiffness and Mass.

Noting the values of the relative stiffness of the walls

listed in Table XIX, we see no apparent correspondence
between these values and the sound reductions. This does
not necessarily imply that the stiffness plays no part in
determining the sound transmitted by walls. At any
given frequency, the transmitted sound does undoubtedly
depend upon both mass and stiffness. The data presented
only show that under the conditions and subject to the
limitations of these tests the mass per unit area plays the

predominating r61e in determining the average reduction

over the entire range of frequencies. Dynamically con-
sidered, the problem of the transmission of sound by an
impervious septum is that of the forced vibration of a
thick plate clamped at its edges. The alternating pressure
of the incident sound supplies the driving force, and the
response of the partition for a given value of the pressure
amplitude at a given frequency will depend upon the mass,
stiffness (elastic restoring force), the damping due* to
internal friction,and also the dimensions of the partition.
In the tests considered, the three factors of mass, stiffness,
and damping vary from wall to wall, and it is not possible
to segregate the effect due to any one of them. The ratio
of stiffness to mass determines the series of natural fre-

quencies of the wall, and the transmission for any given

frequency will depend upon its proximity to one of these
natural frequencies; hence the irregularities to be noted
in the graphs of Fig. 99.
It is easy to show mathematically that if we have a
partition of a given mass free from elastic restraint and
from internal driven by a given alternating
pressure uniformly distributed over its face, the energy of
vibration of the partition would vary inversely as the
square of the frequency and that the ratio of the intensity
of the incident sound to the intensity of the transmitted
sound would vary directly as the square of the frequency.
At any given frequency, the ratio of the intensities would
be proportional to the square of the mass per unit area.
If we were dealing with the ideal case of a massive wall
free from elastic and frictional restraints, the graphs of
Fig. 99 would be parallel straight lines, and the exponent of
w, in Eq. (81), would be 2 instead of 3. For such an ideal
case, the increase with frequency in the reduction by a wall
of given weight would be uniformly 6 db. per octave.
The departure of the measured results from the theo-
retical results, based on the assumption that both the
elasticity and the internal friction are negligible in com-

parison with the effects of inertia, indicates that a


complete theoretical solution of the problem of sound trans-

mission must take account of these two other factors.
With a homogeneous wall, both the stiffness and the fric-
tional damping will vary as the thickness and, conse-
quently, the weight per unit area are varied. The empirical
equation (81) simply expresses the over-all effect of varia-
tion in all three factors in the case of continuous masonry
walls. There is no obvious theoretical reason for expecting
that it would hold in the case of materials such, for example,
as glass, wood, or steel, in which the elasticity and damping
for a given weight are materially different from those of

Exceptions to Weight Law for

As bearing on this point we may cite the results for
walls built from concrete blocks in which relatively light
aggregates were employed. Reference is made to the line 2,
in Fig. 100. The description of the walls for the three
points there shown, taken in the order of their weights, is
as follows:

For this series we note a fairly linear variation of the

reduction with logarithm of the weight per square foot.
But the reduction is considerably greater than for tile,
plaster, and brick walls of equal weight. The three walls
here considered are similar in the fact that the blocks are
all made of a coarse angular aggregate bonded with

Portland cement. The fact that in insulating value they

depart radically from what would be expected from the
tests on tile, plaster, and brick serves to emphasize the

point already made, that there is not a single numerical

relation between weight and sound reduction that will
hold for all materials, regardless of their other mechanical

Bureau of Standards Results.

fact of the predominating part played by the weight
per unit area in the reduction of sound produced by walls
of masonry material was first stated by the writer in 1923. x
No generalization beyond the actual facts of experiment
was made. Since that time, work in other laboratories
has led to the same general conclusion in the case of other

001 002 004 01 02 0.4 0.6 10 20 40 60 100 20 40 60 100

Fio. 101. Reduction as a function of weight per unit area. Results from
different laboratories compared.

homogeneous materials. The straight line 1 (Fig. 101)

shows the results of measurements made at the Bureau of
Standards 2 on partitions ranging from a single sheet of
wrapping paper weighing 0.016 to walls of brick weighing
more than 100 Ib. per square foot. For comparison, the
Riverbank results on masonry varying from 10 to 88 Ib.
Amer. Architect, July 4, 1923.
CHRISLER, V. L. f and W. F. SNYDBR, Bur. Standards Res. Paper 48,
March, 1929.

per square foot and also results for glass, wood, and steel
partitions are shown.
We note that from the Bureau of Standards tests the
points for the extremely light materials of paper, fabric,
aluminum, and fiber board show a linear relation between
the average reduction and the logarithm of the weight per
unit area. The heavier, stiffer partitions of lead, glass,
and steel as well as the massive masonry constructions
tested by the Bureau show, in general, lower reductions
than are called for by the extrapolation of the straight line
for the very light materials.
Taken by themselves, the Bureau of Standards figures
for heavy masonry constructions, ranging in weight from
30 to 100 Ib. per square foot, do not show any very definite
correlation between sound reduction and weight. On the
whole, the points fall closer to the Riverbank line for
continuous masonry than to the extension of the Bureau
of Standards line for light materials.
Figure 101 gives also the results on homogeneous struc-
tures ranging in weight from 10 to 50 Ib. per square foot,
as reported by Heimburger. 1 As was indicated in Chap.
XI, in Kreuger's tests, a loud-speaker horn was placed
close to the panel and surrounded by a box, and the
intensities with and without the test panels intervening
were measured. This method will give much higher
values of the reduction than would be obtained if the whole
face of the panel were exposed to the action of the
sound. It is worth noting, however, that the slope of the
line representing Kreuger's data is very nearly the same
as that for the Riverbank measurements.
Here, again, the data presented in Fig. 101 lead one to
doubt whether there is a single numerical formula connect-
ing the weight and the sound reduction for homogeneous
structures that will cover all sorts of materials. Equation
(81) gives an approximate statement of the relation
between weight and reduction for all-masonry construc-
tions. The Bureau of Standards findings on light septa
Amer. Architect, vol. 133, pp. 125-128, Jan. 20, 1928

(less than 1 Ib. per square foot) can be expressed by a

similar equation but with different constants, namely:
k = SGOw 1- 43

It should be borne in mind that both Eqs. (81) and (82)

are simply approximate generalizations of the results
of experiment and apply to particular test conditions.
The data obtained for the sound-proof doors bear inter-
estingly upon this point. Plotting the sound reduction
against the weight per square foot, we find again a very
close approximation to a straight line. From the equation
of this line one gets the relation

as the empirical relation between weight per square foot

and sound reduction for these constructions. Here the
exponent 2.1 is close to the theoretical value 2.0, derived
on the assumption that the mass per unit area is the only
variable. In this series of experiments, this condition was
very nearly met. The thickness varied only slightly,
2% to 3 in., and the metal was incor-
porated in the heavier doors in such a
way as not materially to increase their
structural stiffness, while adding to
their weight.
Lacking any general theoretical
formulation, the graphs of Fig. 101
furnish practical information on the
degree of sound insulation by homo-
geneous structures covering a wide
variation in physical properties.

Double Walls, Completely Separated.

Fio. 102. Double
partitions completely In practice, it is seldom possible to
build two walls
entirely separated.
They will of necessity be tied together at the edges.
The construction of the Riverbank sound chamber and
the test chambers is such, however, as to allow two
walls to be run up with no structural connection what-

soever (Fig. 102). This arrangement makes it possible

to study the ideal case of complete structural separation
and also the effect of various degrees of bridging or tying
as well as that produced by various kinds of lagging fill
between the walls. Figure 103 gives the detailed results
of tests on a single wall of 2-in. solid gypsum tile and of two
such walls completely separated, with intervening air
spaces of 2 in. and 4 in., respectively. One notes that the
increased separation increases the insulation for tones up
to 1,600 vibs./sec. At higher frequencies, the 2-in.

1E8 E50 512 IOZ4 2048 4096

FIG. 103. Effect of width of air space between structurally isolated partitions.

separation is better. Another series of experiments showed

that still further increase in the separation shifts the dip
in the curve at 2,048 vibs./sec. to a lower frequency. This
fact finds its explanation in the phenomenon of resonance
of the enclosed air, so that there is obviously a limit to the
increased insulation to be secured by increasing the
Figure 104 shows the effect (a) of bridging the air gap
with a wood strip running lengthwise in the air space and
in contact with both walls and (&) of filling the inter-wall
space with sawdust. One notes that the unbridged,
unfilled space gives the greatest sound reduction and,
further, that any damping effect of the fill is more
offset by its bridging effect. Experiments with felt and

granulated blast-furnace slag showed the same effect, so

that one arrives at the conclusion that if complete structural
separation were possible, an unfilled air space would be the
most effective means of securing sound insulation by means
of double partitions. As will appear in a later section,

256 512 1024 2046 4096

FIG. 104. Effect of bridging and filling the air spaoe between structurally iso-
lated partitions.

this conclusion does not include cases in which there is a

considerable degree of structural tying between the two
members of the double construction.
Table XX
gives the summarized results of the tests on
double walls with complete structural isolation.

Double Partitions, Partially Connected.

Under this head are included types of double walls in

which the two members are tied to about the same degree
as would be necessary in ordinary building practice. In
this connection, data showing the effect of the width of the
air space may be shown. This series of tests was conducted
with two single-pane K-in. plate glass windows 82 by 34 in.
set in one of the sound-chamber openings. Spacing
frames of 1-in. poplar to which 2^-in. saddler's felt was
cemented were used to separate the two windows.
The separation between the windows was increased by
increasing the number of spacing frames. It is evident
that the experiments did not show the effect of increased
air space alone, since a part of the transfer of sound energy
is by way of the connection at the edges. However, the
results presented in Table XXI show that the spatial
separation between double walls does produce a very
appreciable effect in increasing sound insulation.

Experiments in which a solid wood spacer replaced the

alternate layers of felt and wood showed practically the
same reduction, as shown by the alternate wood and felt,
indicating that the increasing insulation with increasing
separation is to be ascribed largely to the lower transmission
across the wider air space rather than to improved insula-
tion at the edges.


Rock lath r -
"*4"batten \- <
cr/es- 7'apart

24" fe
/4"C-/2"O.C. &$* /Vo30 flat expJath

^t Gypsum plaster

Ce/ofex (Loose)


^ P/asfer on tile

FIG. 105. Double walls with normal amount of bridging.

126 256 512 1024 2048 4096

FIQ. 106. Double walls: (1) loosely tied; (2) closely tied.

Figure 105 shows a number of types of double wall con-

struction that have been tested, with results shown in
Table XXII.

Figure 106 shows in a striking way the effect of the

bridging by the batten plates tying together the two >-in.
steel angles forming the steel stud of No. 57. Table XXII
indicates the limitation imposed by excessive thickness upon
sound insulation by double wall construction. In only one
case that of the undipped double metal-lath construction
is the double construction thinner than the equivalent

masonry. The moral is that, generally speaking, with

structural materials one has to pay for sound insulation
either in increased thickness using double construction or
by increased weight using single construction.
Wood-stud Partitions.

The standard wood-stud construction consists of 2 by

4-in. studs nailed bottom and top to 2 by 4-in. plate and

header. One is interested to know the effect on sound

insulation of the character of the plaster whether lime or
gypsum the character of the plaster base wood lath,
metal lath, or fiber boards of various sorts and finally the
effect of filling of different kinds between the studs.
Table XXIII gives some information on these points.
The plaster was intended to be standard scratch and
brown coats, J- to ^g-in. total thickness. The weight in
each case was determined by weighing samples taken from
the wall after the tests were completed. Figure 107 shows
the effect of the sawdust fill in the Celotex wall both with
and without plaster. The contrast with the earlier case,

where there was no structural tie between the two members

and in which the sawdust filling actually decreased the
insulation, is instructive. In the wood-stud construction,
the two faces are already completely bridged by the studs,
so that the addition of the sawdust affords no added bridging
effect. Its effect is therefore to add weight and possibly
to produce a damping of the structure as a whole. This
suggests that the answer to the question as to whether a
lagging material will improve insulation depends upon the
structural conditions under which the lagging is applied.
In Fig. 107, it is interesting to note the general similarity
in shape of the four curves and also the fact that the

addition of the sawdust mak'es a greater improvement in

the light unplastered wall than in the heavier partition
after plastering.

128 256 512 1024 2048 4096

FIG. 107. Effect of filling wood stud, Celotcx, and plaster walls.


8 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 100

Weight per Sq Ft.

FIG. 108. Various constructions compared with masonry walls of equal weight.

General Conclusions.

Figure 108 presents graphically what general conclusions

seem to be warranted by the investigation so far. In the

figure, the vertical scale gives the reduction in decibels; and

the horizontal scale, the logarithm of the weight per square
foot of the partitions. The numbered points correspond
to various partitions described in the preceding text.
For continuous masonry of clay and gypsum tile,

plaster, and brick the reductions will fall very close to the
straight line plotted. Wood-stud construction with gyp-
sum plaster falls on this line (No. 62). Lime plaster on
wood studs and gypsum plaster on fiber-board plaster
bases on wood studs give somewhat greater reductions than
continuous masonry of equal weight (Nos. 63, 68, 66).
Glass and steel show greater reductions than masonry of
equal weights (Nos. 1 and 10). The superiority of lime
over gypsum plaster seems to be confined to wood-stud
constructions. The Bureau of Standards reports the results
of tests in which lime and gypsum plasters were applied to
identical masonry walls of clay tile, gypsum tile, and
brick. In each case, two test panels were built as nearly
alike as possible, one being finished with lime plaster. In
each case, the panel finished with the gypsum plaster
showed slightly greater reduction than a similar panel
finished with lime plaster. The difference, however, was
not sufficiently great to be of any practical importance. 1
These facts bring out the fact referred to earlier, that the
sound insulation afforded by partitions is a matter of struc-
tural properties, rather than of the properties of the
materials comprising the structure.
2. The reduction afforded by double construction is

a matter of the structural and spatial separation of the two

units of the double construction (cf. Nos. 45, 40, 42, also
58a and 586). In double constructions with only slight
structural tying, lagging fills completely filling the air
space are not advantageous. In hollow construction, where
filling appreciably increases the weight of the structure,
filling gives increased insulation (compare No. 64 with No.
65, and No. 66 with No. 67). In each case, the increased
reduction due to the filling is about what would be expected
See Bur. Standards Sci. Papers 526 and 552.

from the increase in weight. It is fairly easy to see that since

the filling incorporated in the wall, it can have
material is

only slight damping effect upon the vibration of the structure

as a whole. Following this line of reasoning, the increase
in reduction due to filling should be proportional to the
logarithm of the ratio of the weight of the filled to the
unfilled wall. This relationship is approximately verified
in the instances cited. However, the slag filling of the metal
lath and plaster wall (Nos. 60 and 61) produces a somewhat
greater reduction than can be accounted for by the increased
weight, so that the character of the fill may be of some slight

Meyer's Measurements on Simple Partitions.

Since the foregoing was written, an important paper by
Meyer on sound insulation by simple walls has come
to hand.
This paper not only reports the results on sound trans-
mission but also gives measurements of the elasticity and
damping of 12 different simple partitions ranging in weight
from 0.4 to 93 Ib. per square foot. The frequency range
covered was from 50 to 4,000 vibs./sec. Actual measure-
ments of the amplitude of vibration of the walls under
the action of sound waves were also made. For this
purpose, a metal disk, attached to the wall, served as one
plate of an air condenser. This condenser constituted a
part of the capacity of a high-frequency vacuum-tube
oscillator circuit. The vibration of the walls produced a
periodic variation in the capacity of this wall plate-fixed
plate condenser, a variation which impressed an audio-
frequency modulation upon the high-frequency current
of the oscillator. These modulated high-frequency cur-
rents were rectified as in the ordinary radio receiving set,
and the audiofrequency voltage was amplified and measured
by means of a vacuum-tube voltmeter. The readings of
the latter were translated into amplitudes of wall vibrations
Fundamental Measurements on Sound Insulation by Simple Partition
Walls, Sitzungber. Preuss. Akad. Wis. Phys.-Math. Klasse, vol. 9, 1931.

by allowing the wall to remain stationary. The fixed

plate of the measuring condenser was moved by means of a

micrometer screw. The tube voltmeter reading was thus

calibrated in terms of wall movement. The author of the
paper claims that amplitudes as small as 10~ cm. can be
measured in this way.
The same device was also used to measure the deflection
of the walls under constant pressure. From these measure-
ments the moduli of elasticity were computed. Finally,
by substituting an oscillograph for the vacuum-tube
oscillator,records of the actual vibration of the walls
when struck by a hammer were made. From these
oscillograms the lowest natural frequency and the damping
were obtained.
In Table XXIV, data given by Meyer are tabulated.
We note the low natural frequency of these walls, for the
most part well below the lower limit of the frequency range
of measurements. We note also their relatively high
damping, with the exception of the steel and wood. This
high damping would account for the fact that the changes
in sound reduction with changes in frequency are no more
abrupt than experiments prove them to be. It is further
to be noted that, excepting the first three walls listed,
the moduli of elasticity are not widely different for the

different The steel, however, has very much


greater elasticity than any of the other walls, and it is to

be noted that the steel shows a much greater transmission
loss for its weight than do the other materials. This fact
has already been observed in the Riverbank tests. We
should expect this high elasticity of steel to show an even
greater effect than it does were it not for the fact that the
great elasticity is accompanied by a relatively low damping.
Meyer's work throws light on the "why" of the facts
that the Riverbank and the Bureau of Standards researches
have brought out. For example, the fact that the relation
between mass and reduction is so definitely shown by the

II I I I 1 1 1 I I I I
1.1 1 II _L
~04 0506 0810 20 30 40 5060 ao 10 20 30 40 5060 80100
FIG. 109. Comparison of results obtained at different laboratories.

walls listed in Table XIX finds an explanation in the fact

that the modulus of elasticity is probably fairly constant
throughout the series of walls and that the internal fric-
tioiial is nearly constant, hence the damping
increases according to a definite law with increasing
massiveness of the walls. These facts, together with the
fact that the fundamental natural frequency is low in all
cases, would leave the predominating role in determining
the response to forced vibrations to be played by the mass
Further, Meyer's work would seem to show that in the
cases of wide variation in the damping and elasticity, this
effect of mass alone may be masked by these other factors.
Sheet iron is a case in point. The fact that sheet iron only

0.08 in. thick stiffened at the middle shows so high a reduc-

tion is quite in agreement with the Riverbank tests on
windows, which showed that the cross bracing of the sash
effected an appreciable increase in the insulating power.
In Table XXV, Meyer's results are given together with
figures on comparable constructions as obtained at the
Riverbank Laboratories. These values are plotted in
Fig. 109. On the same graph, values given by Knudsen 1
are shown for a number of walls, the characters of which
are not specified. For further comparison, the Bureau of
Standards line for light septa of paper, fabric, aluminum,
and wood as well as the Riverbank line for tile, plaster,
and brick are shown.

One notes very fair agreement between Meyer's figures

and the Riverbank figures for glass (c/. Nos. 3, 3a, 36).

Moreover, the transmission loss shown by the plastered

compressed straw measured by Meyer is quite comparable
Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, No. 1, p. 133, July, 1930.

to the Riverbank figures for plastered Celotex board of

nearly the same weight (cf. Nos. 6a, 66) . With the excep-
tion of the 10>^-in. brick wall, Meyer's values for brick
do not depart very widely from the line for plaster, tile,
and brick, shown by the Riverbank measurements. The
unplastered brick (No. 10) and the Schwemmsteinwand
(No. 7) both fall below Meyer's line. On the other hand,
the pumice concrete, which falls directly on Meyer's line,
is similar in structure to those materials, such as cinder and

slag concrete, which according to the Riverbank tests

showed higher transmission losses than walls of ordinary
masonry of equal weight.
On the whole, Meyer's results taken alone might be
thought to point to a single relation between the mass and
the sound insulation by simple partitions. Viewed criti-
cally and in comparison with the results of other researches
on the problem, however, they still leave a question as to
the complete generality of any single relation. Obviously
there are important exceptions, and for the present at
least the answer must await still further investigation.
The measurements of the elasticity and damping of struc-
tures in connection with sound-transmission measurements
is a distinct advantage in the study of the problem.

In every large modern building, there is usually a certain
amount of machine installation. The operation of venti-

lating, heating, and refrigerating systems and of elevators

calls for sources of mechanical power. In many cases,
both manufacturing and merchandising activities are
carried on under a single roof. It therefore becomes

important to confine the noise of machinery to those por-

tions of a building in which it may originate. There are
two distinct ways in which machine noise may be propa-
gated to distant parts of a building.
The first is by direct transmission through the air. The
second is by the transmission of mechanical vibration
through the building structure itself. These vibrations
originate either from a lack of perfect mechanical balance
in machines the case of electric motors, from the
or, in

periodic character of the torque on the armature. These

vibrations are transmitted through the machine supports to
the walls or floor, whence, through structural members,
they are conducted to distant parts of the building. The
thoroughly unified character of a modern steel structure
facilitates, to a marked degree, this transfer of mechanical
vibration. In the very nature of the case, good construc-
tion provides good conditions for the transfer of vibrations.
The solution of the problem therefore lies, first, in the design
of quietly operating machines and, second, in providing
means of preventing the transfer of vibrations from the
machines to the supporting structure.
The reduction of vibration by features of machine design
is a purely mechanical problem. 1

For a full theoretical treatment the reader should consult a recent text

on the subject: "Vibration Problems in Engineering," by Professor S.


Related to this problem but differing from it in certain

respects is the problem of floor insulation. In hotels
and apartment houses, the impact of footfalls and the sound
of radios and pianos are frequently transmitted to an
annoying degree to the rooms below. Experience shows
that the insulation of such noise is most effectively accom-
plished by modifications of the floor construction. The
difficulty arises in reconciling the necessities of good con-
struction with sound-insulation requirements.

Natural Frequency of a Vibrating System.

The usual method of vibration insulation is to mount
the machine or other source of vibration upon steel springs,

pads of cork, felt, rubber, or other yielding material. The

common conception of just how such a mounting reduces
the transmission of vibration to the supporting structure is
usually put in the statement that the "pad damps the vibra-
tion of the machine/'
As a matter of fact, the damping action is only a part
of the story, and, as will appear later, a resilient mounting
may under certain conditions actually increase the trans-
mission of vibrational energy. It is only within recent
years that an intelligent attack has been made upon the
problem in the light of our knowledge of the mechanics of
the free and forced vibration of elastically controlled
complete mathematical treatment of the problem is
beyond our present purpose.
We shall try only to present
as clear a picture as possible of the various mechanical
factors involved and a formulation without proof of the
relations between these factors. For this purpose, we
shall consider the ideally simple case of the motion of a

Timoshenko, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1928. A selected

bibliography is to be found in Noise and Vibration Engineering," by
S. E. Slocum, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1931.
For such a mathematical treatment, the reader should consult any

text on the theory of vibration, e.g., Wood, "Textbook of Sound," p. 36

etscq., G. Bell & Sons, London, 1930. Crandall, "Theory of Vibrating
Systems and Sound," p. 40, D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1926.

system free to move

in only one direction, displaced from
itsequilibrium position, and moving thereafter under the
action of the elastic stress set up by the displacement and
the frictional forces generated by the motion. Figure 110
represents such an ideal simple system. The mass m is

supported by a spring, and its motion is damped by

the frictional resistance in a dashpot. Assume that T y
force of compression of the spring, is proportional to the

Fia. 110. The mass m moves under the action of the elastic restoring force of the
spring and the frictional resistance in the dash pot.

displacement from the equilibrium position (Hooke's


where s is the force in absolute units that will produce a

unit extension or compression of the spring. We shall call s
the spring factor."
Assume further that the frictional resistance at any time
due to the motion of m
is proportional to the velocity at

that time and that opposes the motion. The frictional


force called into play by a velocity is r. The force due

to the inertia of the mass m
moving with an acceleration
is m. If there is no external applied force, then the force
equation for the system is

= (83)

In mathematical language, this is a " homogeneous linear

differential equation of the second order/' and its solutions
are well known. 1

For the present purpose, the most useful form for the
solution of Eq. (83) is


where "
k, called the damping coefficient/' is defined by
the equation k = r/2m, and coi is defined by the equation


an arbitrary constant whose value depends upon the

<p is

displacement at the moment from which we elect to measure

times, /i is the frequency of the damped system. If the
system is displaced from its equilibrium position and then
allowed to move freely, its motion is given by Eq. (84).
There are two possible cases. If r 2 /4w 2 > s/m, i.e., if the
r2 \
ig negative,
(s 4 2)
and its square root is imaginary. The physical inter-
pretation of this is that in such a case the motion is not
periodic, and the system will return slowly to its equilibrium
position under the action of the damping force. Under
the other possibility, r 2 /4m 2 < s/m, the system in coming
to rest will perform damped oscillations with a frequency of
-- .__ B j n the usual dashpot damping, the resist-

ance term is large, thus preventing oscillations. The

automobile snubber is designed to increase the frictional
WOOD, "Textbook of Sound," p. 34. MELLOR, "Higher Mathematics
for Students of Chemistry and Physics," p. 404, Longmans, Green & Co.,
London, 1919.
For the solution in the analogous electric case of the discharge of a
condenser through a circuit containing inductance and resistance, see
PIEBCE, "Electric Oscillations and Electric Waves," p. 13, McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1920.

resistance and thus reduce the oscillations that would other-

wise result from the elastic action of the spring.
In any practical case of machine isolation in buildings,
the free movement of the machine on a resilient mounting
will be represented by the second case, r*/4ra 2 < s/m.
The motion is called damped sinusoidal oscillation" and
is shown graphically in Fig. 111. The dotted lines show
the decrease of amplitude with time due to the action of
the damping force.

1.0 Sees,

Graph of damped sinusoidal oscillation. Ao/Ai Ai/A?

Forced Damped Oscillations.

In the foregoing, we have considered the movement

when no external force isimpacts are delivered
applied. If

at irregular intervals, the motion following each impact is

that described. If, however, the system be subjected to a

periodically varying force, then in the steady state it will

vibrate with the frequency of the driving force. Thus in
alternating-current generators and motors there is a periodic
torque of twice the frequency of the alternating current.
Rotating parts which are not in perfect balance give rise
to periodic forces whose frequency is that of the rotation.
For mathematical treatment, suppose that the impressed
force is sinusoidal with a frequency / = co/2w and that it
has a maximum value F Then the motion of the system

shown in Fig. 110, under the action of such a force, is

given by the equation

ml +r + s = FQ sin otf (86)

The solution of this equation is well known, 1 and the

form of the expression for the displacement in the steady
state in terms of the constants of Eq. (86) will depend upon
the relative magnitudes of m, r, and s. There are three
cases :

w2 o
Case I
< 2 (small damping)

r2 s
Case II -2
= (critical damping)

T2 S
Case III
> (large damping)


Here o>
by the equation
L*. = Ao = ^ \4fc^F

W _ W2
Practical problems of machine isolation come under
I, and the particular solution under this condition is


= s/m, k = r/2m, and o> = 2?r times the frequency


of the impressed force. It can be easily shown that the

natural frequency of the undamped system is given by the
relation __
* = =
27T 2w\m
From Eq. (87) it is apparent that the amplitude of the
forced vibration for a given value of the impressed force is
a maximum when w = w , i.e., when the frequency of the
impressed force coincides with the natural frequency of
the vibrating system. In this case, Eq. (87) reduces to
T~ ~ Fo
^ ~~
m \4A; 2 co 2 r

This coincidence of the driving frequency with the

WOOD, A. B., "A Textbook of Sound," p. 37.

natural frequency of the vibrating system is the familiar

phenomenon of resonance, and Eq. (88) tells us that the
amplitude at resonance in the steady state is directly
proportional to the amplitude of the driving force and
inversely proportional to the coefficient of frictional
resistance. It is apparent that when the impressed fre-
quency is close to the resonance frequency, the frictional
resistance plays the preponderant r61e in determining the
amplitude of vibration set up. If we could set up a system
in which there were no frictional damping whatsoever,
then any periodic force no matter how small operating at
the resonance frequency would in time set up vibrations of
infinite amplitude. This is the scientific basis for the often
repeated popular statement that the proper tone played
on a violin would shatter the most massive building.
Fortunately for the permanence of our buildings, move-
ments of material bodies always call frictional forces into

play. The vibrations setup in the of an automobile

for certain critical motor speeds a familiar example of

the effect of resonance. It frequently occurs that machines

which are mounted on the floor slab in steel and concrete
construction set up extreme vibrations of the floor. This
can be frequently traced to the close proximity of the oper-
ating speed of the machine to a natural frequency of the
floor supporting it. The tuning of a radio set to the
incoming electromagnetic frequency of the sending station
is an application of the principle of resonance.

Inspection of Eq. (87) shows that while the frictional

damping is most effective in reducing vibrations at or near
resonance, yet increasing k decreases the amplitude for
all values 'of the frequency of the impressed force. In
general, it may be said therefore that if we are concerned
only with reducing the vibration of the machine on its
support, the more frictional resistance we can introduce
into the machine mounting the better. As we shall see,

however, this general if we

statement does not hold true,
concern ourselves with the transmission of vibration to the
supporting floor.

Inertia Damping.
We consider now the question of the effect of mass
upon the amplitude of vibration of asystem under the
action of an impressed periodic force. In the expression
for the amplitude given in Eq. (87), it would appear that
increasing m
will always decrease A since appears in ,
the denominator of the right-hand member of the equation.
It must be remembered, however, that is involved in m
both k( r/2m) and co (= ^s/m).Putting in these
values, Eq. (87) may be thrown into the form

- <mo> 2 ) 2

It is produced on A by increasing m
clear that the effect
will depend upon whether this increases or lowers the
absolute value the expression (s
of wco 2 ) 2 . If co
2 =
sjm < co
then increasing m
decreases (s mco 2
ing the denominator of the fraction and hence increasing
the value of A Q In other words, if the driving frequency

is below the natural frequency, increasing the mass and

thus lowering the natural frequency brings us nearer to

resonance and increases the vibration. If, on the other
hand, the driving frequency is above the natural frequency,
the reverse effect ensues. Added mass is thus effective in
reducing vibration only in case the driving frequency is
above the natural frequency of the vibrating system. By
similar reasoning it follows that under this latter condition,
decreased vibration is effected by decreasing the spring
factor, i.e., by weakening the supporting spring.

Graphical Representation.
The foregoing discussion will perhaps be clarified by
reference to Fig. 112. Here are shown the relative ampli-
tudes of vibration of a machine weighing 1,000 Ib. for a
fixed value of the amplitude and frequency of the impressed
force. These are the familiar resonance curves plotted so

as to show their application to the practical problem in

hand. Referring to the lower abscissae, we note that
starting with a low value of the spring factor, the amplitude
increases as s increases up to a certain value and then
decreases. The peak value occurs when the relation
between the spring factor and the mass of the machine is
such that s/m = co 2 We note further that increased

damping decreases the vibration under all conditions but

0.1 02 0.4

FIG. 112. Amplitudes of forced vibrations with a fixed driving frequency and
varying values of the stiffness of the resilient mounting. The upper abscissae
are the ratios of the natural frequencies to the fixed driving frequency
5 = Trr/VSw = fc//o = Ao/Ai, in Fig. 111.

that this effect is most marked when the natural frequency

isin the neighborhood of the impressed frequency. Finally,
it is to be observed that if we are concerned
only with
reducing the vibration of the machine itself, this can best
be done by using a very stiff mounting, making the natural
frequency high in comparison with the impressed frequency,
i.e., with a rigid mounting. As we shall see subsequently,
however, this is the condition which makes for increased
transfer of vibrations to the supporting structure.

Transmission of Vibrations.
Let us suppose that the mass m of Fig. 110 is a machine
which due to unbalance or some other cause exerts a
periodic force on its mounting. Suppose that the maximum
value of the force exerted by the machine on the support
is FI and that this transmits a maximum force F 2 to the

floor. The transmissibility r of the support is defined as

Fi/Fz. Soderberg has worked out an expression for the

value of T in terms of the mass of the machine and the

spring factor and damping of the support.
A convenient form for the transmissibility of the support
is given by the equation

r = (89)
\4A 2co 2 + (co
2 - co

where co =
27r/ and co
= 2?r/, / and / being the natural ,

frequency and the impressed frequency respectively.

In most cases of design of resilient machine mounting,
the effect of frictional damping is small. Neglecting
the term 4& 2 co 2 Eq. (89) reduces to the simple form

_ 2 -
_ 2
__ 2
R - 2
_ l

where R isthe ratio of the impressed to the natural fre-

quency. We note that for all values of R between and
\/2, r is greater than unity. In the neighborhood of
resonance, therefore, the resilient mounting does not
reduce but increases the vibratory force on the floor.
Figure 113 gives the values of the transmissibility for
varying values of the spring factor and for four different
values of the logarithmic decrement d = Trr/Vsra. We
note that the transmissibility is less than unity only for
low values of the natural frequency w = s/m. By
inspection of Eq. (89) it is seen that, when w /a>
= J^ \/2^
the value of r is unity regardless of the damping. This is
shown in the common point for all the curves of Fig. 113.
SODERBERG, C. R., Elec. Jour., vol. 21, pp. 160-165, January, 1924.

This means that for any resilient mounting to be effective

in reducing the transmission of vibration to the supporting
structure, the ratio of s/m must be such that the natural
frequency is less than 0.7 times the driving frequency.

We have already noted that if it is a question of simply

reducing the vibration of the machine itself, placing the
natural frequency well above the impressed frequency will
be effective.This, however, increases the transmission
of vibration to the floor, as shown by the curves of Fig. 113.

08 10 15

FIG. 113. Transmissibility of resilient mounting. The upper abscissae are the
ratios of the natural frequencies to the driving frequency.

In other words, isolation of the machine has to be secured

at the price of increased vibration in the machine itself.
The limit of the degree of isolation that can be secured by
resilient mounting is thus fixed by the extent to which
vibration of the machine on its mounting can be tolerated.
If the floor itself were perfectly rigid, then a rigid mounting
would be best from the point of view both of reduced
machine vibration and of reduced transmission to other
parts of the building. In general, resilient mounting will
be effective in reducing general building vibration only

provided the natural frequency of the machine on the

resilient mounting is farther below the driving frequency
than is the natural frequency of the floor, when loaded with
the machine. Obviously, a complete solution of the
problem calls for a knowledge of the vibration character-
istics of floor constructions. Up to the present, these
facts are lacking, so that the effectiveness of a resilient
mounting in reducing building vibrations in any particular
case a matter of some uncertainty, even when the

machine base is properly designed to produce low values of

the transmissibility to the supporting floor.

We shall assume in the following discussion that the
natural frequency of the machine on the resilient base is
farther below the driving frequency than is the natural
frequency of the floor. In such case, the proper procedure
for efficient isolation is to provide a mounting of such com-
pliance that the natural frequency is of the order of one-
fifth the impressed frequency. Inspection of the curves of
Fig. 113 shows that decreasing the natural frequency below
this gives a negligible added reduction in the transmission.

Effect of Damping on Transmission.

Inspection of Fig. 112 shows that damping in the support
reduces the vibration of the spring mounted body at all
frequencies, while Fig. 113 shows that only in the frequency
range where the transmissibility is greater than unity does
it reduce transmission. It follows, therefore, that when
conditions are such as to reduce transmission, damping
action is detrimental rather than beneficial. For machines
that are operated at constant speed, which is always
greater than the resonance speed, the less damping the
better. On the other hand, when the operating speed
comes near the resonance speed, damping is desirable to
prevent excessive vibrations of the mounted machine.

Practical Application. Numerical Examples.

There are two distinct cases of machine isolation that
may be considered. The first is that in which the motion

of the machine produces non-periodic impacts upon the

structure on which it is mounted. The impacts of drop
hammers and of paper-folding and paper-cutting machines,
in which very great forces are suddenly applied, are cases
in point. Under these conditions, a massive machine base
mounted upon a resilient pad with a low spring factor and
high damping constitutes a system in which the energy of
the impact tends to be confined to the mounted machine.
In extreme cases, even these measures may be insufficient,
so that, in general, massive machinery of this type should
be set up only where it is possible to provide separate
foundations which are not carried on the structural mem-
bers of the building.
The more frequent, and hence more important, problem
isthat of isolating machines in which periodic forces result
from the rotation of the moving parts. It appears from the
foregoing that the isolation of the vibrations thus set up
can be best effected by resilient mounting so designed that
the natural frequency of the mounted machine is well
below the frequency of the impressed force.
i /^
In the practical use of the equation / = 9~~A/ ,
s and m
must be expressed in absolute units. In the metric system,
s is the force in dynes that produces a deflection of one
centimeter, and m
is the mass in grams. Engineering
data on the compressibility of materials are usually given
in graphs on which the force in pounds per square foot is
plotted against the deformation in inches. For a given
material, the spring factor is roughly proportional to the
area of the load-bearing surface and inversely proportional
to the thickness. 1 If a force of L Ib. per square foot

produces a decrease in thickness of d in. in a resilient

mounting whose area, A sq. ft., carries a total mass m Ib.

not even approximately true for a material like rubber,
This statement is

which practically incompressible

is when confined. When compressed,
the change in thickness results from an increase in area, so that Young's
modulus for rubber increases almost linearly with the area of the test sample.

J .- ~\l U\J*S

2ir md
As an example, let us take the case of a motor-driven
fan weighing 8,000 lb., with a base 3 by 4 ft. Suppose
that a light-density cork is to be used as the isolating
medium. For 2-in. thickness, a material of this sort
shows a compression of about 0.2 in. under a loading of
5,000 lb. per square foot. If the cork is applied under
the entire base of the machine, then we shall have the
natural frequency of the machine so mounted

f = 3 13 /^OQQ"^"^ = 19 l

If the vibration to be isolated is that due to the varying

torque on the armature produced by a 60-cycle current,

the applied frequency is 120 vibs./sec., and the mounting
will be effective. If, on the other hand, the motor operates
at a speed of 1,800 r.p.m., then the vibration due to any
unbalance in the motor will have a frequency of 30 per
second. Effectively to isolate this lower-frequency vibra-
tion, we should need to lower the natural frequency to
about 6 per second. This can be done either by decreasing
the load-bearing area of the cork or by increasing its
thickness. We can compute the area needed by Eq. (90),
assuming that the natural frequency is to be 6 vibs./sec.

= 6
ft = t 5,000
/ /
8,000 X 0.2
from which we find A 1.17 sq. ft. This gives a loading
of about 6,800 lb. per square foot. A larger area of material
is perhaps desirable. We can keep the same spring factor
by using a larger area of a thicker material. Thus if we
double the thickness, we should need twice the area, giving
a loading of only 3,400 lb. per square foot and the same
It is apparent from the foregoing that the successful
use of a material like cork or rubber involves a knowledge
of the stress-strain characteristics of the material and the

frequencies for which isolation is desired. Figure 114

shows the deformation of three qualities of cork used for
machine isolation. 1 The lines and CD indicate the AB

0.10 0.20 030 0.40 050 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
Deformation in Inches

Fio. 114. Compressibility of three grades of machinery cork. (Courtesy of

Armstrong Cork Co.)

30 70
Natural Frequency

FIG. 115. Natural frequencies for various loadings on the light density cork of
Fig. 114.

limits of loading recommended by the manufacturers.

We note that the increase in deformation is not a linear
function of loading, indicating that these materials do not
Acknowledgment is made to the Armstrong Cork Company for per-
mission to use those data.

follow Hooke's law for elastic compression. For any

particular loading, therefore, we must take the slope of
the line at that loading in computing the load per unit
In Fig. 115, the natural frequencies of machines mounted
on the light-density cork are given for values of the load
per square foot carried by the cork. The compressibility
of cork is known to vary widely with the conditions of
manufacture, so that the curves should be taken only as
typical. Similar curves for any material may be plotted

load per Pc*d , Lb.

FIG. 116. Effect of area of rubber pads upon the natural frequency for various
loadings. (Hull and Stewart.)

using Eq. (90) giving the deformation under varying load-

ings. For the heavier-density corks shown in Fig. 114,
the loading necessary to produce any desired natural
frequency would be considerably greater. For 1-in. cork
the loading necessary to produce any desired natural
frequency would theoretically have to be twice as great
as those shown, while for 4-in. material the loading would
need to be only half as great.
As has been indicated, when rubber is confined so as
not to flow laterally, its stiffness increases. For this
reason, rubber in large sheets is much less compressible
than when used in smaller units. The same thing is true
to a certain degree of cork when bound laterally. To
produce a given natural frequency, cork confined laterally
by metal bands will require greater loading than when free.

The curves of Fig. 116 are taken from a paper by Hull

and Stewart. They show
the size and loading of square

rubber pads 1 in. thick that must be used to give natural

frequencies of 10 and 14 vibs./sec. These pads are of a
high-quality rubber containing 90 per cent pure rubber.
From the curves we see that the 8,000-pound machine
mounted on 10 of these pads each approximately 10 sq.
in. will have a natural frequency of 10 vibs./sec.; while
if it is mounted on 10 pads each 17 sq. in., the natifral
frequency is 14 vibs./sec.

Natural Frequency of Spring Mountings.

The computation of the natural frequency of a machine
mounted on metal springs is essentially the same as that
when the weight is distributed over an area. Suppose it
were required to isolate the 8,000-lb. machine of the
previous example using springs for which a safe loading
is 500 Ib. We should thus need to use for the purpose
-r- 500 = 16
8,000 springs, designed so that each spring
with a load of 500 Ib. will have a natural frequency of 6
per second. Then we may compute the necessary deflec-
tion for this load by the formula
6- 3.^ 50()d
from which
d = 0.27 in.

From known
properties of steel, springs may be
designed having any desired characteristics over a fairly
wide range. From the standpoint of predictability of
performance and the control of spring factor to meet
any desired condition, spring mounting is advantageous.
Because of the relatively low damping, in comparison with
organic materials, the amplitude of vibration of the machine
and the transmission to the floor are large when the machine
is operating at or near the resonance speed. The trans-
Elastic; Supports for Isolating Rotating Machinery, Trans. A. I. E. E.,
vol. 50, pp. 1063-1068, September, 1931.

mission, however, is less when the machine is operating

at speeds considerably above resonance.

Results of Experiment.

Precise experimental verification of the principles de-

duced in the foregoing is difficult, due to the uncertainty
pertaining to the vibration characteristics of floor con-
struction. We have assumed that the floor on which the
machine is mounted is considerably stiff er, i.e., has a higher
natural frequency than that of the mounted machine.


(c) (d)
FIG. 117. (a) Vibration of machine with solid mounting, (b) Vibration of
floor with solid mounting, (c) Vibration of machine mounted on U. S. G. 500 Ib.
clip, (d) Vibration of floor machine mounted on U. S. G. 500 Ib. clip.

The oscillograms of machine and floor vibrations in Figs.

117 and 118 were kindly supplied by the Building Research
Laboratory of the United States Gypsum Co. They were
obtained by direct electrical recording of the vibration
conditions on and under a moderately heavy machine with
a certain amount of unbalance, carried by a typical clay-
tile arch concrete floor. The operating speed was 1,500

r.p.m. In Fig. 117 are shown the vibration of the machine

and floor, first, when the machine is solidly mounted on
the floor and then with the machine mounted on springs

(c) (d)


FIG. 118. (a) Vibration of machine with solid mounting, (fe) Vibration of
floor with solid mounting, (c) Vibration of machine on 1-in. high-density cork;
loading 1,000 Ib. per square foot, (d) Vibration of floor, machine mounted on
1-in. high-density cork; loading 1,000 Ib. per square foot, (c) Vibration of
machine on 2-in. low-density cork; loading 3,000 Ib. per square foot. (/) Vibra-
tion of floor, machine mounted on 2-in. low-density cork; loading 3,000 Ib. per
square foot.

each of which was designed to carry a load of 500 Ib. and

to have, so loaded, a natural frequency of 7.5 vibs./sec.
Figure 118 shows the necessity of proper loading in order

to secure efficient isolationby the use of cork. The middle

curves show increased vibration both of the machine and
of the floor when 1 in. of heavy-density material loaded
to 1,000 Ib. per square foot is used. This is probably
explained by the fact that on this mounting the natural
frequency of the machine approximates that of the floor
slab. In the lower curves, the loading on the cork is much
nearer what it should be for efficient isolation. From the
graph of Fig. 115, we see that the natural frequency of
the 2-in. light-density cork loaded 3,000 Ib. to the square
foot is about 9 per second. This is a trifle more than one-
third the driving frequency and is in the region of efficient
isolation. These curves show in a strikingly convincing
manner the importance of knowing the mechanical proper-
ties of the cushioning material and of adjusting the loading
and spring factor so as to yield the proper natural fre-
quency. In general, this should be well below the lowest
frequency to be isolated, in which case higher frequencies
will take care of themselves.

Tests on Floor Vibrations under Newspaper Presses.

In June, 1931, the writer was commissioned to make
a study of the vibrations of the large presses and of the
floors underneath them and in adjacent parts of the

building of the Chicago Tribune. For the purpose of this

study, a vibration meter was devised consisting of a light
telephonic pick-up, associated with a heavy mass the
inertia of which held it relatively stationary, while the
member placed in contact with the vibrating surface moved.
The electrical currents set up by the vibration, after being
amplified and rectified, were measured on a sensitive
meter. The readings of the meter were standardized by
checking the apparatus with sources of known vibra-
tions and were roughly proportional to the square of the
In the Tribune plant, three different types of press
mounting had been employed. In every case, the presses
were ultimately carried on the structural steel underneath

the reel room at the lower-basement floor level. Still

a fourth type had been used in the press room of the
Chicago Daily News, and permission was kindly granted to
make similar measurements there. The four types of
mounting are shown in Fig. 119. A shows the press
columns mounted directly on the structural steel with no

FIG. 119. Four types of newspaper press mountings studied.

attempt at cushioning. In JS, the press mounting and

floor construction are similar, except that layers of alternat-

ing %-in. steel and /4-in. compressed masonite fiber board


are interposed between the footings of the press columns

and the structural girders. The loading on these pads
was about 13,000 Ib. per square foot. G shows the press

supports carried on an 18-in. reinforced concrete base,

floated on a layer of lead and asbestos J in. thick. This
floated slab is carried on a 7J^-in. reinforced concrete
bed carried on the girders. D is essentially the same as
(7, except that a 3-in. continuous layer of Korfund (a steel-

framed cork mat) is interposed between the floated slab

and the 12-in. supporting floor. Here the loading was
approximately 4,000 Ib. per square foot.
Experiment showed that the vibration varied widely for
different positions both on the presses themselves and on
the supporting structure. Accordingly, several hundred
measurements were made in each case, an attempt being
made to take measurements at corresponding positions
about the different presses. Measurements were made

with the presses running at approximately the same speed,

namely, 35,000 to 40,000 papers per hour.

The averages of the measurements made are shown in

Table XXVI.
Since the vibrations of the presses themselves vary
rather widely, it will be instructive to find the ratio of the
press vibrations to the vibration at the other points of
measurement. These ratios are shown in Table XXVII.
So many factors besides the single one of insulation
affect the vibration setup in the building structure that
it is draw any general conclusions from these
dangerous to
tests. Oscillograph records of the vibrations showed no
preponderating single frequency of vibration. The weight
and stiffness of the floor structures varied among the
different tests, so that it is not safe to ascribe the differences
found to the differences in the mountings alone. However,
it is apparent from comparison of the ratios in Table XXVII

that all of the three attempts at isolation resulted in less

building vibration than when the presses were mounted
directly on the steel. Conditions in A and B were nearly
the same except for the single fact of the masonite and
steel pads B. The vibrations of the presses themselves
was about the same in the two cases (1,375 and 1,450),
so that it would appear that this method of mounting in
this particular case reduced the building vibration in about
the ratio of 13:1. The loading was high 13,000 Ib. per
square foot and the masonite was precompressed so as
to carry this load. The steel plates served to give a
uniform loading over the surface of the masonite.
Study of the figures for C and D discloses some interesting
facts. In C (Table XXVI), with the lead and asbestos,
we note that the vibrations of the press and of the floated
slab are both low and, further, that there is only slight
reduction in going from the slab to the reel-room floor.
Comparison with Z), where vibration of both presses and
floated slab was high, indicates that the cushioning action
of the % in. of lead and asbestos was negligibly small, in
comparison with 3 in. of cork. This latter, however, was
obtained at the expense of increased press vibration. The
loading on the 3 in. of cork was comparatively low. In

the light of both theory and experiment, one feels fairly

safe in saying that considerably better performance with
the cork would have resulted from a much higher loading.

General Conclusions.

apparent from what has been presented that

It is fairly
successful machine isolation is a problem of mechanical
engineering rather than of acoustics. Each case calls for a

solution. Success rests more on the intelligence used in

analysis of the problem and the adaptation of the proper
means of securing the desired end than on the merits of
the materials used. Mathematically, the problem is

quite analogous to the electrical problem of coupled cir-

cuits containing inductance, and capacity.
The mathematical solutions of the latter are already at
hand. Their complete application to the case of mechani-
cal vibrations calls for more quantitative data than are
at present available. In particular, it is desirable to know
the vibration characteristics of standard reinforced floor
constructions and the variation of these with weight,
thickness, and horizontal dimension. Such data can be
obtained partly in the laboratory but more practically
by field tests on existing buildings of known construction.
Since the problem is of importance to manufacturers of
machines, to building owners, to architects, and to struc-
tural engineers, it would seem that a cooperative research
sponsored by the various groups should be undertaken.
A more detailed theoretical and mathematical treatment
of the subject may be found in the following references.

HULL, E. H.: Influence of Damping inthe Elastic Mounting of Vibrating
Machines, Trans. A. S. M. E., vol.
53, No. 15, pp. 155-165.
and W. C. STEWART: Elastic Supports for Isolating Rotating
Machinery, Trans. A. I. E. E. t vol. 50, pp. 1063-1068, September, 1931.
KIMBALL, A. L.: Jour. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 297-304, October,
NICKEL, C. A.: Trans. A. I. E. E. p. 1277, 1925.

ORMONDHOYD, Protecting Machines through Spring Mountings, Machine

J. :

Design, vol. 3, No. 11, pp. '25-29, November, 1931.

SODERBERG, C. R.i Elfic. Jour., vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 160-165, January, 1924.

Velocity of sound at 20 C. = 343.33 m /sec. = 1,126.1 ft./sec.


c = coefficient of volume elasticity in bars

p =s density, grams per cubic centimeter
c velocity of sound, meters per second
r acoustic resistance, grams per centimeters"* seconds" 1
Mean Free Path within an Inclosure.
Given an inclosed space volume V and a bounding
surface S, in which there a diffuse distribution of sound

of average energy density 7: To show that p, the mean

free path between reflections at the boundary, of a small
portion of a sound wave, is given by the equation

v = 4F

A is one in which the flow of energy

diffuse distribution
through a small section of given cross-sectional area is the
same independently of the orientation of the area. For the

FIG. 1.

purpose of this proof we may consider that the energy is

concentrated in unit particles of energy, each traveling
with the velocity of sound and moving independently of all
the other particles. The number of particles per unit
volume is /, and the total energy in the inclosure is VI.

In the proof, we shall first derive an expression for the

energy incident per second on a small element dS of the
bounding surface and then, by relating this to the mean
freepath of a single particle, arrive at the desired relation.
In Fig. 1, dV is any small element of volume at a distance
r from the element of surface dS. We can locate dV on
the surface of a sphere of radius r by assigning to it a
colatitude (f> and a longitude 6. We shall express its
volume in terms of small increments cfy?, dO, and dr of the
three coordinates. From the figure we have
dV - r* sin <pdOdr (1)

The number of unit energy particles in this volume is

IdV = Ir* sin <f>d<pdOdr (2)

In view of the diffuse distribution, all the energy con-

tained in dV will pass through the surface of a sphere of
radius r. The fraction which will strike dS is given by
the ratio of the projection of dS on the surface of this
sphere, which is dS cos <p, to 4?rr the total surface of the

sphere. Therefore the energy from dV that strikes dS is

dS cos <p TJTr IdS .

77/17 /o\
Id V -j
sin (p cos <pd<pdvdr (3)

Energy leaving dV will reach dS within one second for

all values of r less than
c, the velocity of sound. Hence
the total energy per second that arrives at dS from all
directions is given by the summation of the right-hand
member of Eq. (3) to include all volume elements similar
to dV
within a hemisphere of radius c. This summation is
given by the definite integral

IdS fi . .
f ad r-
= IcdS
- (4)'
I sin (f>
cos <pd<f> \ \
dr A
47T Jo JO Jo ^
The total energy that is incident per second on a unit-
area is therefore /C/4, and on the entire bounding surface
S is IcS/4.
Now we can find an expression for this same quantity
in terms of the mean free path of our supposed unit energy

particles. Ifp is the average distance traveled between

impacts by single particle, the average number of impacts
per second of each particle on some portion of the bounding
surface S is c/p. The total number of particles is VI, so
that the total number of impacts per second of all the
particles on the surface S is VIc/p. By the definition of
the unit particle this is the total energy per second incident
upon S, so that we have
- Vic _
-4- -y
P =^r (6)

the relation which was to be shown.




Measurements made by timing duration of audible sound from organ-pipe source.
Krnpty-room absorbing power measured by variable source methods (loud-speaker). River-
bank Laboratory tests.


B. S. = Bureau of Standards F. R. W. - F. R. Watson
B. R. S. = Building Research Station V. 0. K. = V. O. Knudsen
W. C. S. = W. C. Sabine C. M. S. = C. M. Swan

Level above
Location and Source Decibels

Boiler factory . . 97
Subway, local station with express passing 95
Noisy factories 85
Very loud radio in home 80
Stenographic room, large office. .. 70
Average of six factories 68
Information booth, large railway station . . 57
Noisy office or department store . . . .57
Moderate restaurant clatter .... 50
Average office . . . 47
Noises measured in residence .45
. .

Very quiet radio in home. . 40

Quiet office 37
Quietest non-residential location . . 33

Average residence. . . 32
Quietest residence measured . 22
Taken from City Noise," Department of Health, New York City.
Within the past year, a considerable amount of research has been done
in an attempt to standardize methods of measurement of absorption coeffici-
ents. Diverse results obtained by different laboratories on ostensibly the
same material have led to considerable confusion in commercial applica-
tion. Early in 1931, a committee was appointed by the Acoustical Society
of America to make an intensive study of the problem with a view to estab-

lishing if possible standard procedure in the measurement of absorption

coefficients. The work of this committee has taken the form of a cooperative
research to determine first the sources of disagreement before making recom-

mendations as to standard practice.

The Bureau of Standards sponsored a program of comparative measure-
ments using a single method and apparatus in different sound chambers.
This work was carried on by Mr. V, L. Chrisler and Mr. W. F. Snyder.
The apparatus developed and used at the Bureau was transported to the
Riverbank Laboratories, the laboratory at the University of Illinois, and
the laboratory of the Electrical Research Products, Incorporated, iiiNew
York. Measurements were made on each of three identical samples in
each of these laboratories. The Bureau of Standards equipment consisted
of a moving-coil loud-speaker as a source of sound. The source was rotated
as described in Chap. VI. The sound was picked up by a Western Electric
condenser microphone. The microphone current was fed into an attenuator,
graduated in decibels of current squared, and amplified by a resistance-
coupled amplifier. By means of a vacuum-tube trigger circuit and a delicate
relay, the amplified current was made to operate a timing device.
This device measured automatically the time between the instant of cut-off
at the sourceand the moment at which the relay was released. By varying
the attenuation in the pick-up circuit, one measures the times required for
the sound in the chamber to decay from the initial steady state to different
intensity levels and thus may plot the relative intensities as a function of
the time. It consists essentially of an electrical ear whose threshold can
be varied in known ratios.
The purpose work was to determine the degree to which
of the Bureau's
the measured values of coefficients are a function of the room in which the
measurements are made.
At the Riverbank Laboratories, a comparison of the results obtained by
different methods in the same room has been undertaken. The methods may
be summarized as follows:
1. Variable pick-up, constant source.
a. Loud-speaker, fixed current.
b. Organ pipe, constant pressure.
2. Variable source (loud-speaker) constant pick-up.
a. Moving microphone, with electrical timing.
b. Ear observations (four positions).
Constant source (organ pipe).
Constant pick-up, ear (calibrated empty room).
In these measurements, the loud-speaker source was mounted at a fixed
position in the ceiling of the room. The organ pipes were stationary. In
all eases, the large steel reflectors already described were in motion during
all measurements. When the microphone was used, this was mounted 011
the reflectors. The ear observations were made with the observer inclosed
in a wooden cabinet placed successively at four different positions in the
room. A detailed account of these experiments cannot be given here, but
a summary of the results is presented in Tables I and II.





A full report of the Bureau of Standards investigation has not as yet been
published, and further study of the sources of disagreement is still in progress
at the Riverbank Laboratories. The data of the foregoing table serve,
however, to indicate the degree of congruence in results that is to be expected
in methods of measurements thus far employed.
Method la in the same as the Bureau of Standards method
Table II is

except that in the former, we have a moving pick-up with a stationary

source; while in the latter, we have a stationary pick-up with a moving

source. The agreement is quite as close as can he expected in measurements

of this sort. In Table II, we note rather wide divergence at certain fre-
quencies between the results of ear observations and those in which a
microphone WPS employed. Very recent work at both tho Bureau of Stand-
ards and the Riverbank Laboratories points to the possibility that in some
cases, the rate of decay of reverberant sound is not uniform. If this is

true, then the measured value of the coefficient of absorption will depend
upon the initial intensity of the sound and the range of intensities over which
the time of decay is measured. In such a case, uniformity of results can be
obtained only by adoption by mutual agreement of a standard method and
carefully specified test conditions. This is tho procedure frequently fol-
lowed where laboratory data have to be employed in practical engineering
problems. The measurements of thermal insulation by materials is a caso
in point. Pending such an establishment of standard methods and specifica-
tions, the data on absorption coefficients given in Table II (Appendix C)
may be taken as coefficients measured by the method originally devised and
used by W. C. Sabiiie. The data given out by the Bureau of Standards for
1931 and later were obtained by the method outlined in the second para-
graph of this section.
Audiometer, buzzer type, 213
Auditorium Theater, Chicago, 185
Absorbents, commercial, 143, 313
Absorbing power, of audience, 140 B
defined, 58
empirical formula for, 147 Bagenal and Wood, 194
of seats, 140, 312 Balcony recesses, allowance for, 151
total and logarithmic decrement, Buckingham, E. A., 58, 247
74 Bureau of Standards, absorption
unit of, 69 measurements, 90
Absorption, due to flexural vibra-
tion, 130
due to porosity, 128
Carnegie Hall, New York, 186
uniform, 169 Chrisler, V. L., 89, 122, 142, 237
Absorption coefficient, definition of, Chrisler and Snyder, 115, 266
Churches, Gothic,, 197
effect of area on, 131
various types of, 196
of edges on, 134
Concert halls, 161
of thickness on, 92, 129
Condensation, in compressional
of mounting on, 137
wave, 20
of quality of test tone on, 138
Cork, for machine isolation, 296,
of spacing on, 136
300, 302
impedance measurement of, 93
Crandall, I. B., 23, 93, 128
measurement of, by different
Cruciform plan, reflections in, 199
methods, 119, 319 Curved shapes, allowable, 176
of small areas, 135
defects caused by, 171
stationary-wave measurement of,
87 D
two meanings of, 86
Absorption coefficients of materials, Damping, due to inertia, 289
313-316 on transmission, 293
effect of,

Acoustical impedance, 93 Davis, A. H., 214

Acoustical materials in hospitals, 228
Davis and Kaye, 234
Davis and Littler, 240, 257
Acoustical power of source, 75
Davis and Evans, 88, 92
Acoustical resistence, 22, 308
Decibel scale, 205
Air columns, vibrations of, 37
Density, changes in compressional
Amplifying system, 203
wave, 19
Analysis, harmonic, 26 Diffuse distribution, 86
Articulation, 156 Doors, sound proof, 255
Asbestos, 302 transmission by, 254

Echoes, focused, 178, 181 Jaeger, S., 58

Eckhardt, E. A., 58, 82, 89, 237
Eisenhour, B. E., 27, 215 K
Energy, in coinpressionnl wave, 21
density, 21 Kimball, A. L., 305
flux, 21 King, L. V., 7
Eyring, C., 52, 107, 151, 195 Evingsbury, B. A., 211
Knudsen, V. O., 105, 115, 117, 155,
161, 208, 280
Kranz, F. W., 30, 104, 205
Fletcher, H., 31, 104 Krueger, H., 242
Fourier series, 25
Four-organ experiment, 71, 103 L
Franklin, W. S., 58
Laird, D. A., 224
G La Place, 4
Larson and Norris, 229
Gait, R. II., 214, 226 Lead, for machine isolation, 302
Griswoid, P. B., 223 Leipzig, Gewanclhaus, 194
Lifschitz, 8., 158
II Loudness, contours of equal, 211
of noises, 212

Hales, W. B., 180 of pure tones, 210

Hearing, frequency and intensity Loud speaker, for sound-chamber
range of, 205 calibration, 108
Ileimburger, G., 267
Hill Memorial, Aim Arbor, 182 M
Hospitals, quieting of, 226
Hull, E.II., 305 Machine isolation, 282-305
Hull and Stewart, 298, 305 Machines, resilient mountings for,
Humidity, effect of, on absorbing 292, 298, 302
power, 105 Masking effect of noise, 213
Masonite for machine isolation, 302,
Masonry, sound transmission by,
Image sources, 52 260-266
Inertia damping, 289 Maxfield, J. P., 168, 170
Intensity, decrease of, in a room, 59 McNair, W. A., 158
in a tube, 51, 54 Mean free path, defined, 57
distribution in rooms, 39, 41 derivation of formula for, 309
effect of absorption on, 46 formula for, 58
growth of, in a room, 59 experimental value of, 78
in a tube, 48 Meyer, 277
E., 105, 114,
level in decibels, 206 Meyer and Just, 116, 244
logarithmic decrease of, 70 Miller, D. C., 26
steady state, 57 Mormon Tabernacle, 179

N Pressure, changes in compressions!

wave, 19
Neergard, C. F., 228 related to intensity level, 210
Newton, Sir I., 1, 3 Propagation of sound in open air, 6
Newspaper presses, 301 in rooms, 7
Nickel, C. A., 305
Noise, comparison of, 213 R
defined, 30, 204
measurement and control of, 204- Radio studios, 167
231 Rayleigh, Lord, 128
physiological effect of, 224 Rayloigh disk, 111
from ventilating ducts, 229 Reduction factor, compared with
very loud, quieting of, 222 transmission loss, 249
Noise level, as a function of absorp- definition of, 235, 239, 242
tion, 219 Reflection from rear wall, 174
Noise levels, computation of reduc- Resonance, defined, 40
tion in, 221 effects in sound transmission, 244
effect of reverberation on, 217 in rooms, 40
indoors, 318 Reverberation, and character of
measured reduction in, 219 seats, 190
outdoors, 317 coefficient, defined, 97
Norris, R. F., 52, 229 constant, 60, 77
effect of, in design, 187
O on hearing, 154
on music, 157
Office noises, coefficients for, 225 on speech articulation, 155
Office quieting, effect of, 223 relation to absorbing power, 67
Open window, absorbing power of, to volume, 68
69, 133 to volume and seating capacity,
Orchestra Hall, Chicago, 172 188
Orchestra pit, 195 in a room, 59
Ormondroyd, J., 305 in a tube, 47
Oscillations, forced damped, 286 Reverberation equation, absorption
free damped, 284-286 continuous, 60
Oscillograph, for sound chamber absorption discontinuous, 61
calibration, 115 applies to other phenomena, 83
Osswald, F. W., 163 complete, 79
in decibels, 209
Reverberation meter, Meyer, 114
Meyer and Just, 116
Paget, Sir. R., 31 Wente and Bedell, 112
Paris, E. T., 88, 92, 128 Reverberation theory, assumptions
Parkinson, J. S., 135 of, 80
Parkinson and Ham, 209 Reverberation time, acceptable, 158
Phase angle, 13 of acoustically good rooms, 157
Pierce, G. W., 285 for amplified sound, 166
Pitch of musical tones, 307 calculation of, 144, 150
Porous materials, absorption by, 128 defined, 51
transmission by, 256 experimental determination of, 63
Reverberation time, optimum, 159 Sound transmission, loss, 246
for speech and music, 160 measured by reverberation
with standard source, 164 method, 234
variable, 163 measurement at Bureau of Stand-
with varying audience, 189 ards, 237
Riesz, R. R., 208 mechanics of, 232
Riverbank Laboratories, 99, 236 in, 244
resonance effects
Riverside Church, New York, 201 theory and measurement of, 232-
Rubber, for machine isolation, 297 252
Sounds, musical, 30
S speech, 31
Spring mountings, experiments with,
Sabine, W. C., 41, 66, 121, 132, 142, 299
154, 174, 234, formachine isolation, 298
Schlenker, V. A., 83 Stationary waves, 33
Schuster and Waetzmann, 52 equations of, 36
Seating capacity, related to volume, in a tube with absorbent ends, 38
188 Stewart and Lindsay, 23
Sensation level, 207 Strutt, M. J. O., 83
Shapes, cruciform, 198 Swan, C. M., 202
ellipsoidal, 179 Synthesis, harmonic, 26
paraboloidai, 182 Synthesizer, harmonic, 27
spherical, 178
Simple harmonic motion, definition
of, 12
energy of, 15 Tallant, H., 182
Sinusoidal motion, 14 Taylor, H. O., 39, 90
Slocum, 283
S. E., Timoshenko, S., 282
Soderberg, C. R., 291 Tone, complex, 25
Sound absorbents, choice of, 192 pure, defined, 25
location of, 192 Transmission, effect of damping on,
properties of, 127 293
Sound chamber, 98 of vibrations, 291
calibration, 102, 108, 111 Tuma, J., 90
methods, 101 Tuning fork, for noise comparison,
Sound insulation, computation of, 214
Sound recording rooms, 167 U
Sound source, reaction of room on,
121 University of Chicago Chapel, 200
Sound transmission, coefficient of,
246 V
by continuous masonry, 260-263
effects of stiffness and mass on, Velocity of sound, in air, 3
263-265, 277 effect of elasticity and density
by doors and windows, 254 on, 3
by double walls, 268-270 of temperature on, 5
by ducts, 229 in solids, 308
by porous materials, 256-260 in water, 6

Ventilating ducts, 229 Wave motion, 15

Vibrating system, natural frequency definition of, 12
283 equation of, 17
reflection of, 16
Vibrations, of air columns, 37
284 Waves, equations of progressive, 36
damped, free,
of floors, 301-305
temperature changes in, 23
types of, 17
forced, damped, 286 Weber-Fechner Law, 207
transmission of, 291
Webster, A. G., 22
Volume, related to seating capacity, Weight, effect of, on sound insula-
188 tion, 262, 280
Weight law, exceptions to, 265
W in sound transmission, 262, 264
Weisbach, F., 90
Walls, double, completely separated, Wente, E. C., 93
Wente and Bedell, 112
Whispering gallery, 177, 179
partially bridged, 271, 272
Windows, sound transmission by,
Waterfall, W., 243 254
Watson, F. R., Ill, 158, 193, 240 Wolf, S. K., 164
Wave length, relation of, to fre- Wood, absorption coefficients of, 131
quency, 19 as an acoustical material, 194
table of, 307 stud partitions, 272

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