Building Acoustics

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Building Acoustics

Building acoustics

Irish Building Regulations Sound Building acoustics is the science of controlling noise within
Technical Guidance Document E published by the buildings. This includes minimising noise transmission
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local between compartments and the control of sound
Government is part of a series of documents forming the characteristics within a space.
Building Regulations.
The term building acoustics embraces both sound
The document specifies the required on-site performance insulation and sound absorption.
criteria for both airborne and impact sound transmission
values for separating elements between residential Sound Insulation
dwelling units. The current Building Regulations do not Sound insulation is used to describe the reduction of sound
require any specific criteria for buildings other than that passes between two spaces separated by a dividing
residential dwelling units. It is therefore often the element. The sound energy that passes between these two
designers choice to specify the appropriate level of sound spaces may occur through the dividing element (direct
performance of the dividing elements within a domestic transmission) or through the surrounding structure
dwelling and for other building types. However, guidance (indirect or flanking transmission). It is important to
to the level of sound performance is often based on distinguish between both methods of sound transmission
specific sector guidance and previous experience. as the walls and floors which flank the dividing element,
can sometimes contribute significantly to the level of sound
BS 8233 Sound insulation and noise reduction for transmission. The presence of nearby windows, doors,
buildings service ducts, etc. can also affect the level of sound
Code of practice which provides guidance to acoustic transmission performance.
ratings appropriate to different building types.

Common flanking paths

External noise

Mechanical services noise

Plant noise

Plant noise

External noise Plant noise

Plant noise

T 00353 1 629 8400 F 00353 1 623 7054 E [email protected]

Building Acoustics
It is therefore the whole acoustic environment of a room or Deflection head (subject to fire performance)
building and its ability to eliminate air paths in the vicinity
of sound reducing elements that should be considered 1
when assessing sound transmission performance. For these
reasons, it is often unlikely that RwdB figures quoted from
laboratory test conditions will be achieved in practice. 2

Also, when the background noise is low, consideration may

have to be given to a superior standard of sound insulation
performance in conjunction with the adjoining
flanking conditions.

The Irish Building Regulation requirements regarding

sound insulation of walls and partitions relates to the
transmission of airborne sound only, whereas the
regulations regarding a separating floor construction also
1 Gyproc Sealant for optimum sound insulation
includes their ability to resist the transmission of impact
sounds. Airborne sound relates to sound which is emitted 2 50mm timber head plate equivalent to channel width forming
from a source i.e speech, loudspeakers, instruments etc.
3 Gypframe GA4 Steel Angle to minimise loss of sound insulation
Impact sound relates to sound that is generated from
performance due to air leakage
contact with the separating element i.e. footsteps and
moving furniture etc.
The sound insulation performance of all Gyproc partition
To ensure airborne sound insulation is maximised it is
systems are quoted as imperforate membranes. Penetrations
important to seal any openings such as cracks, gaps, or
made through the systems will downgrade the sound
holes. For optimum airborne sound insulation a
insulation performance and should be avoided where sound
construction should be airtight. Most gaps can be sealed at
insulation is critical. Adopting best practice detailing can
the finishing stages using a variety of Gyproc products such
help to minimise the reduction in sound performance.
as Gyproc Sealant.


Two main factors affect the level of acoustic privacy

Suspended ceiling voids
achieved when designing a building:
It is recommended that where sound insulation is
The sound insulation performance of the structure
important, partitions should, if possible, extend fully to the
separating the two spaces
structural soffit. Sound can travel through a suspended
The ambient background noise present within the
ceiling void over the top of a partition where it abuts the
listening room.
underside of the ceiling.
The ambient background noise can help to mask speech
Composite constructions from an adjacent space and provide enhanced speech
A common mistake made when designing a dividing confidentiality. Indicative guidance on sound insulation
element is to specify a high performance construction levels for speech privacy are shown in the table below.
which incorporates a lower performance element e.g. a
doorway. Consideration should be given to the weakest Guide to sound insulation levels for speech privacy
element of the construction and the possible effect it will
have on the overall sound resistance. Sound insulation Speech privacy
between rooms Rw
Deflection heads 25 dB Normal speech can be overheard
Where structural movement needs to be accommodated 30 dB Loud speech can be heard clearly
with a deflection head detail at the top of a Gyproc
35 dB Loud speech can be distinguished
partition system, by definition, movement must be under normal conditions
accommodated. It is very difficult to achieve an airtight seal 40 dB Loud speech can be heard but not
at this location. Loss of sound insulation can be kept to a distinguished
minimum by including cloaking angles either side of the 45 dB Loud speech can be heard faintly
deflection detail. but not distinguished
> 50 dB Loud speech can only be heard with
great difficulty

Building Acoustics

Along with acoustic privacy, the level of sound energy LnTw

acceptable within a room should be assessed with regards The single figure rating method that is used for impact
to intrusive noise levels and the level of potential noise sound insulation tests for floors. The figure indicates the
likely to be generated within the room itself. The factors sound insulation performance between two adjacent
that affect the ambient noise level of a space are: rooms within a building as measured on site. The result
achieved is affected not only by the separating floor but
The level of external noise
also by the surrounding structure. The result achieved
The level of sound insulation offered by the surrounding
therefore become site specific.
The amount and type of sound absorbing surfaces within
the room
The single figure laboratory rating method that is used for
The noise generated by the building services
evaluating the airborne sound insulation performance of
suspended ceilings. Laboratory tests simulate the room to
Where control of the ambient noise level is critical, advice
room performance of the suspended ceiling when a
should be sought from an acoustic specialist.
partition is built up to the underside of the ceiling with
sound transmitted via the plenum.
Lightweight constructions
The sound insulation rating methods that follow are Typically the average sound insulation of a material
defined in: forming a solid partition is governed by its mass. The
BS EN ISO 717: Part 1: 1997 (airborne) heavier the material, the greater the resistance to sound
and transmission. The empirical mass law states that to increase
BS EN ISO 717 : Part 2: 1997 (impact) the sound insulation of a solid partition by about 4dB, the
solid mass must be doubled.
This single figure rating method is the rating used for Increasing mass alone is a very inefficient way of achieving
laboratory airborne sound insulation tests. The figure sound insulation. One of the advantages of using
indicates the amount of sound energy being stopped by a lightweight cavity partitions and walls is that they exceed
separating building element when tested in isolation in the the typically predicted sound reduction values that can be
absence of any flanking sound paths. With airborne sound achieved, when compared to solid constructions of the
insulation, the higher the figure the better the performance. same dimensions.

This single figure rating method that gives the airborne
sound insulation performance between two adjacent
Sound absorption is the term given to the loss of sound
rooms within a building as measured on site. The result
energy on interaction with a surface. Sound absorbent
achieved is affected not only by the separating element but
surfaces are used to provide the correct acoustic
also by the surrounding structure and junction details. The
environment within a room or space. Sound absorbing
result achieved therefore become site specific.
materials can also convert some of the sound energy to
heat, assisting in sound insulation. However, this reduction
in noise is very small and should not be considered as an
The Ctr adaption term is a correction that can be added to
adequate substitute for sound insulation.
either the Rw (laboratory) or DnTw (site) airborne rating.
The Ctr adjustment focuses on the lower band frequencies,
Reverberant energy
in particular the performance achieved in the 100-315 Hz
Reverberation is the persistence of sound in a particular
frequency range. Ctr is not a statutory requirement within
space after the original sound is removed. The length of
the Building Regulations, but is sometimes required to
this sound decay is known as the reverberation time and
meet project specific requirements.
can be controlled using sound absorbing materials. The
appropriate reverberation time will be determined by the
size and function of any given space.
This single figure rating method is the rating used for
laboratory impact sound insulation tests on separating
floors. The figure indicates the amount of sound energy
being transmitted through the floor test in isolation, in the
absence of any flanking paths. With impact sound
insulation, the lower the figure the better the performance.

T 00353 1 629 8400 F 00353 1 623 7054 E [email protected]

Building Acoustics
Speech Clarity
Reverberation time alone cannot be relied upon to deliver
a suitable environment for good speech intelligibility. In
any situation where sound communication is critical e.g.
conference room, lecture theatre or classroom, the design
of the space must consider an appropriate mixture of
sound reflective and sound absorbing surfaces.


The following ratings are calculated in accordance with BS

EN ISO 11654:1997.

Sound Absorption Coefficient, s

Individual sound absorption figures quoted in third octave
frequency bands are used within advanced modelling
techniques to accurately predict the acoustic characteristics
of space. The coeffeicient ranges from 0 (total reflection)
through to 1 (total absorption).

Practical Sound Absorption Coefficient, p

A convenient octave-based expression of the sound
absorption coefficient, commonly used by acoustic
specialists when performing calculations of reverberation
times within a building space.

Sound Absorption Rating, w

A single figure rating used to describe the performance of
a material. Sometimes a bias may be applied to a particular
frequency band range i.e. low, mid or high.

Noise Reduction Coefficient, NRC

The NRC value is the arithmetic mean of the absorption
coefficients across a limited frequency range which does
not include the upper and lower most frequencies. This can
sometimes lead to a misleading perception of a material if
they perform particularly well (or bad) at these extremes.


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