The New Gotthard Rail Link

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The New

Gotthard Rail Link

AlpTransit Gotthard is creating a flat rail link for future
travel through the Alps. At the heart of the new trans-
alpine rail route is the worlds longest tunnel the 57 km
Gotthard Base Tunnel. This pioneering achievement of the
21st century will bring major improvements to travel and
transportation systems in the heart of Europe.
The high-speed link
with Europe
By constructing the New Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA),
Switzerland is integrating itself into the growing European high-
speed network. The future rail link will bring the economic centres
on both sides of the Alps closer together the flat link under the
Gotthard opens up new prospects for rail traffic through the Alps.

The European high-speed rail network in 2020

In the last 20 years a pan-European such a well-developed railway system, The high-speed systems in Europe are
network of high-speed railways has come passenger travel by train becomes an being expanded further, and coordination
into existence and is steadily growing attractive alternative to the car. If the train between them is being improved. The
further. Depending on how projects de- journey time between two cities can be goal is for signalling systems and train
velop, there may be up to 20,000 km of reduced to under four hours, the railway control systems to be standardised across
high-speed lines in Europe by 2020. With also offers serious competition to flying. national boundaries. The resulting inter-
operability is a key factor for efficient
Journey time in hours The new lines in Switzerland are also

0 1 2 3 4 designed for inter-operability. The New
Rail Link through the Alps (NRLA) will
make high-speed travel in Switzerland a
Today EC 4 h 10
reality: the AlpTransit trains of the future
CIS 3 h 40 will travel at 200 to 250 km/h. In add-
ition, the new Gotthard route is the most
impressive Alpine crossing ever made: at
2 h 50
Base Tunnel alone 57 km the Gotthard Base Tunnel will be
the longest railway tunnel in the world.
Gotthard with
Gotthard, Ceneri 2 h 40
and Zimmerberg
Base Tunnels

Optimal connections
in Zurich and Milan
Journey times for passenger trains between Zurich
and Milan at different project stages
A new era
in transalpine transportation
More and more people and goods cross the Alps. Switzer-
land wants as much as possible of this growing volume of
traffic to travel by rail. Construction of the NRLA sets a mile-
stone in Swiss transport policy and lays the foundation for
environmentally compatible management of mobility.
Transalpine freight traffic by road and If this trend continues it will endanger
rail has increased continuously in the the quality of the environment for our-
EU and Switzerland. International trade selves as well as future generations. Earlier
is growing faster than domestic trade. than other nations, Switzerland has there-
Demand for freight transportation to and fore incorporated into its constitution a
from Italy will continue to rise steeply. traffic policy aimed at making mobility as
environmentally compatible as possible.

European freight traffic across the Alps However, such traffic volumes are more
today mainly burdens the roads. Trans- than the 130-years-old Gotthard route
alpine road traffic doubles every eight can accommodate. Only by upgrading
years whereas rail traffic remains constant. its railway infrastructure can Switzerland
Raising the weight limit from 28 to 40 meet the rising demand for freight trans-
tonnes has resulted in fewer trucks bypass- portation and the increasing needs of
ing Switzerland via Austria and France. customers. Thanks to the two NRLA routes
Transit traffic will continue to increase. through the Gotthard and Ltschberg,
Freight traffic in the entire Alpine region annual freight transportation capacity will
will grow by as much as 75% by 2010 ac- be more than doubled from 20 million
cording to a study by the EU Commission. tonnes now to around 50 million tonnes.
That is sufficient to cope with the forecast
increase. Higher capacity and quality bring
major benefits for customers.
the railway infrastructure
Transferring traffic from road to rail is a step towards Switzer-
lands goal of sustainable, environmentally compatible trans-
portation. To achieve this goal, enormous investments in public
transport infrastructure are needed.

Switzerlands existing railway net- Passengers Freight

work is being expanded and modernised
with four key objectives: making Switzer-
land more attractive to business; impro- Million passenger trips/year Million tonnes/year

ving environmental compatibility; ensuring

that public transport can be financed; and
embedding the Swiss transportation infra-
structure in the European network.

Four projects will achieve these objec-

tives: AlpTransit, Rail 2000, integrating
Switzerland into the European high-speed
network, and noise reduction on existing Traffic through the Alps via Traffic through the Alps via
lines and rolling stock. The demand for Mt. d'Ambin/Frjus and Brenner (rail + road) Mt. d'Ambin/Frjus and Brenner (rail + road)

freight traffic will be met mainly by expand-

ing the north-south axis to make it more Proportion Gotthard railway Proportion Gotthard railway

attractive in the domestic market, as well Forecast growth in transalpine traffic from 1991 to 2020
as to provide more efficient connections
between economically strategic areas of
Switzerland, Italy and Germany.
backdrop, integration into the European Thanks to AlpTransit the north-south
Passenger traffic today stays mainly high-speed railway network is vitally rail link will become an ultramodern,
within Switzerland, or travels between important for Switzerland. highly efficient traffic carrier offering
Switzerland and Italy, rather than crossing increased transportation capacities and
the country from border to border. How- Freight traffic will enter a new era shorter journey times. In addition, it will
ever, implementation of a pan-European when high-performance freight trains guarantee sustainable, environmentally
high-speed railway network is proceeding travel at speeds of up to 160 km/h. friendly management of mobility for the
rapidly, business is becoming increasingly Thanks to these high speeds, freight trains ever increasing volumes of traffic.
international, and cross-border mobility will not have to stop so often, or so long,
is growing in significance. Against this to let passenger trains overtake.
the modernisation
Modernisation of the railways is part of an integral financing
plan approved by Swiss voters in 1998.

The Swiss electorate accepted the Approximately CHF 30 billion are being

proposal for financing construction of invested over a period of 20 years in the
the public transport infrastructure (Finv) modernisation package, of which about
on November 29, 1998. This provides the half is for the New Rail Link through the
means for comprehensive modernisation Alps (NRLA). Construction of the Gotthard
and expansion of the railway infrastruc- Base Tunnel, for example, will cost about
ture. In addition to the NRLA and Rail CHF 7 billion and construction of the Ce-
2000, connections from east and west neri Base Tunnel more than CHF 2 billion.
Switzerland to the European high-speed
network, as well as noise reduction The two base routes are being construc-
measures along the railway lines, will be ted in phases. On the new Gotthard
implemented. route, construction of the Gotthard Base
Tunnel has started. Construction of the
Financing is through a special fund base tunnels under the Ceneri and the
fed by a tax on oil products, a heavy- Zimmerberg will follow somewhat later.
vehicle tax, and one-tenth of one percent
value added tax (VAT).

Origin of revenues Use of the financial resources

Total approx. CHF 30 billion Total approx. CHF 30 billion

Oil tax Rail 2000

approx. 25% approx. 44%

AlpTransit Gotthard
approx. 34%

approx. 11% Noise reduction
(incl. rolling stock)
approx. 7%

Value added Connection

tax Heavy-vehicle tax of Switzerland
approx. 10% approx. 65% to the European
high-speed network
approx. 4%
Faster trains,
better connections, quicker journeys
Future rail services will be improved not only by the superior
railway network but also through new rolling stock. The main
passenger axis will be between the centres of Zurich and Milan.

The new Gotthard railway, along with

improvements made within Rail 2000,
and thanks to new rolling stock, will bring
much shorter journey times. The 3 hours
and 40 minutes needed now to travel
from Zurich to Milan through the Gott-
hard on the Cisalpino tilting train will be
cut to 2 hours and 40 minutes. Further
reductions are entirely conceivable. Rail
travel is then a genuine alternative to
road and air. The shorter travel times will
benefit approximately 20 million people
living in the immediate catchment area of
the new line through the Gotthard.

The Gotthard: the fastest Alpine crossing

International passenger connections Rolling stock will match the new infra-
between the hubs of Zurich and Milan 
structure. international passenger trains
will be much faster through the Gotthard will be more comfortable, faster and
Base Tunnel. They will bring the centres of quieter. Modern tilting trains, as well as
southern Germany and the industrial cities
the familiar TGV and ICE high-speed
of northern Italy especially its metropolis
trains, can travel at more than 200 km/h
Milan much closer together.
on the new lines, and on existing tracks
are up to about 30% faster than con-
Trains on the new route through the
ventional trains. Transit freight trains will
Gotthard will travel according to the
also be faster and quieter.
basic-interval timetable of Rail 2000 north
of the Alps. The basic-interval systems of
Rail 2000 and Italian National Railways
(Trenitalia) can be integrated. There will be
hourly connections from eastern Switzer- m
land to Arth-Goldau. Milan will become
the southern hub of the Rail 2000 system.
Hourly connections between Zurich/Basel
and Milan will form the basic interval. Vorarlberg
Zurich and Bellinzona will be within com- m
muting distance. Switzerland


More than 20 million people

live in the Gotthard catchment area
Freight travels
by rail best
European demand for freight traffic will continue to grow.
The biggest market opportunities for railway freight
traffic will be in unaccompanied intermodal transport
and high-performance freight trains.

Future freight trains Maximum Maximum Maximum length, Demand for freight traffic in Switz-
10 speed load hauled incl. locomotive
(km/h) (t) (m) erland will increase by up to 78% by
Qualified freight trains
2030 according to studies conducted
by the Swiss Federal Office for Spatial
Unaccompanied intermodal transport Development. Transit traffic will grow
faster than this. The proportion of freight
traffic which travels by rail will increase in
Roll-on/roll-off transport
response to the Swiss traffic policy. Cus-
tomers will also demand improvements in
Traditional rail transport operations and administration. The future
quality of the timetable for freight traffic
must be improved, and coordinated with
Freight transportation will be more efficient
the timetable for passenger trains.

150 freight trains per day cross the

Gotthard today. Construction of the Alp-
Transit Gotthard will increase this capacity
to more than 200 trains per day and also
allow longer trains. Compared with the
present, this will just about double the
amount of freight which can be transport-
ed to around 40 million tonnes per year.

To reach Italy it is planned that a good

third of the freight trains through the
Gotthard Base Tunnel will continue via
Luino to the loading and unloading
terminals for unaccompanied intermodal
traffic in northern Italy. Slightly under two
thirds of the freight trains will enter Italy
via Chiasso.
Flat all the way
and faster, too
Creation of a flat rail link on the Gotthard route makes freight
transportation more productive, while passenger traffic
benefits from massively shorter journey times.

Construction of base tunnels under the Basel Zrich 11

Gotthard and Ceneri creates an ultramodern Zimmerberg
Base Tunnel
flat rail link whose highest point at 550
Thalwil Phase 1 (2.
+ Phase
metres above sea level is no higher than the length 20 km
city of Berne. This is much lower than the
highest point of the existing route through
the mountains at 1150 metres. Gradients will
be no steeper than where the railway crosses
the Jura mountains through the Hauenstein Arth-Goldau
tunnel (Basel Olten) or the Bzberg tunnel Schwyz
(Basel Brugg). The route through Switzer-
land becomes flatter and 40 km shorter. Italy
and Germany come much closer together.
Freight trains travelling on the flat route Erstfeld
can be longer and pull up to twice todays Amsteg
weight 4000 tonnes instead of 2000
tonnes. They will be up to twice as fast, Gotthard
Sedrun Base Tunnel
too: the fastest freight trains will have a
length 57 km
top speed of 160 km/h. Trains like this
cannot be used on existing Alpine routes
because of the steep gradients and tight
curves. When the flat route is complete,
it will be possible to transport an equal Faido
volume of freight with fewer locomotives
and personnel, and less energy.
Tunnel line Giustizia
Rail 2000 Bellinzona
Existing railway line Camorino
Shaft, access tunnel
m Base Tunnel
Scale Vezia
Lugano length 15 km
m 0 12.5 25 km Milano
m Gotthard Base Tunnel

m Gschenen Airolo Ceneri Base Tunnel

m Zrich Arth-Goldau
Basel Zug Erstfeld Biasca Chiasso Milano
m Bellinzona
Zimmerberg Base Tunnel
All good come
thingsin threes
The base tunnel under the Zimmerberg complements the
Gotthard and Ceneri base tunnels to the north. Together,
the three tunnels create an ultramodern and efficient
flat rail link through the entire Alpine region.

The Zimmerberg Base Tunnel com-

12 SFR
plements the new Gotthard link to the
north. The three base tunnels cut the
journey time between Zurich and Milan
to 2 hours and 40 minutes. This allows
optimal connections between the Swiss
and Italian timetable systems. Without
the Zimmerberg Base Tunnel the journey
time would be 2 hours and 50 minutes
and the optimal connections would then
not be possible.

The Zimmerberg Base Tunnel in the north

The first section of the Zimmerberg

Base Tunnel between Zurich and
Thalwil was built as part of Rail 2000 and
is already in operation. Close to Thalwil,
at Nidelbad in the Canton of Zurich,
the new line of the AlpTransit Gotthard
branches off underground and continues
towards Zug. This creates a tunnel with a
total length of approximately 20 km.
Construction was due to start in 2006 but
has been postponed to a later date by the
Swiss Federal Government as part of its
cost-saving programme.
AlpTransit Gotthard connection at Nidelbad
A tough
Systematically mastered!
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. was established in May 1998 as a
subsidiary of Swiss Federal Railways Ltd. As constructor, it is
responsible for the overall task of building the Gotthard Base
Link between Zurich and Lugano with the agreed quality,
as rapidly as possible, and at minimum cost.

The certified integral management

system of AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd., which
Risk factors
covers quality and environmental manage-
ment as well as occupational safety and
Threats Opportunities information security, provides the basis
with which to accomplish the challenging
project goals.

The project management interfaces

Project Processes/key issues Goal are an important factor for the desired
require- = project
requirements success of the overall project. Goals-
ments fulfilled oriented collaboration of the many project
participants (Swiss Federal Government
constructor planners contractors
Measures suppliers) is vital. Within the project-
Master Exploit related quality management system (PQM),
threats opportunities AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. emphasises clear
definition and management of the inter-
The AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. risk management system faces within the project organisation, i.e.
where tasks, information and responsi-
bilities change hands.
Mission of AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.
The risk management system addres-
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. realizes under the Gotthard, the Ceneri and the Zimmerberg a
continuous flat rail link which meets the requirements for an economically attractive and ses two key questions:
environmentally friendly traffic axis through the Alps. Connections shall be so planned that Threats: What could hinder or prevent
subsequent extension into a border-to-border high-speed rail network is possible.
accomplishment of the goal?
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. undertakes to the Swiss Confederation as client, as well as to Swiss Opportunities: What could assist or
Federal Railways Ltd., to adhere to the agreed standards, costs and deadlines. AlpTransit
Gotthard Ltd. is characterised by professional project management and entrepreneurial enable accomplishment of the goal?
thinking. Concrete measures are taken to minimise
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. continuously reviews and reports to the client on the prescribed threats and exploit opportunities.
standards and time schedules in order to identify potential savings on investments and future
operating costs.
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd., and all involved
It also strives to ensure that investments once made can be economically utilised as soon as in the project, have a duty to periodically
analyse the risks in their respective areas
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. acts according to ethical principles. of responsibility and to plan and imple-
ment suitable measures.
The Gotthard Base Tunnel:
50 years of planning
The idea of building a Gotthard base tunnel is not new: a
first idea was already put forward in 1947. Half a century
after the first project of 1962, the worlds longest railway
tunnel will finally go into operation. Needless to say, those

50 years have left their mark on the project.

Acceptance in 1992 of the proposals

for the New Rail Link through the Alps
(NRLA) provided the basis for planning.
Acceptance in 1998 of the Heavy Vehicle
Tax (HVT), as well as the proposal for
modernization of the railways, finally
cleared the way for construction. In 2015,
the worlds longest railway tunnel will
start to go into operation.

The first project for a base tunnel

through the Gotthard was formulated by
the Swiss Federal Department of Home
Affairs in 1962. The plan envisaged a
double-track tunnel running in a straight
line from Amsteg to Giornico and
accessed from two intermediate headings.
It would be 45 km long with an over-
taking track in the middle. Trains would
travel through the tunnel at a maximum
speed not much lower than is planned
today: up to 200 km/h. Excavating a crossover in the multifunction station at Sedrun

Other aspects of the first plan were tunnel with service tunnel or two single-
radically changed. Lively discussion track tunnels (with or without service
centred on the tunnel system. In a report tunnel) was only decided much later, in
published in 1971, the Committee for a 1995.
Railway Tunnel through the Alps of the The final winner was a combined solution:
Swiss Federal Department of Environment, two single-track tunnels with no service
Transport, Energy and Communications tunnel but linked by connecting galleries
concluded that a two-track tunnel, about every 180 metres so that each tun-
possibly with some sections split into two nel can serve as an escape route for the
single-track tunnels, would be the best other. There are also two multifunction
solution. The choice between a two-track stations and crossovers.
Two tunnels?
Thats not all!
The Gotthard Base Tunnel has two single-track tunnels which
are linked to each other by connecting galleries. Two multi-
function stations at the one-third-way points of the tunnel
house crossovers, emergency stop stations, and technical
installations for railway operations and ventilation.

In 1995, when the Swiss Federal to the other which may be necessary to The emergency stop stations provide
Council approved the preliminary plan allow maintenance work or if an incident a place for trains to stop in an emergency
for the Gotthard Base Tunnel, it spoke occurs. Trains can change tunnels in the from where passengers can escape and
in favour of a tunnel system with two multifunction stations at Sedrun and be evacuated. To reach the other railway
single-track tunnels. The two rail tunnels Faido. These stations also house ventila- tunnel, passengers do not have to cross
are about 40 metres apart and joined tion equipment, technical infrastructure, railway tracks, climb steps, or use lifts.
approximately every 325 metres by con- safety and signalling systems, as well as Should an incident occur, smoke is sucked
necting galleries. Two double crossovers two emergency stop stations which are out of the affected tunnel and fresh air
allow trains to change from one tunnel directly linked by separate access tunnels. blown into the emergency stop station
through the side tunnels and connecting
galleries. A slight overpressure is enough
to prevent smoke entering the escape
Connecting galleries route to the unaffected tunnel. From the
emergency stop station an evacuation
Crossover train transports passengers out of the
tunnel. If a train stops before it reaches an
emergency stop station, passengers can
use the connecting galleries to escape to
Emergency stop station
the other railway tunnel.
stop station

Faido access tunnel


Multifunction station
Sedrun shafts and Emergency
intermediate heading stop station

Access tunnel Faido

Shaft II
Shaft I

Multifunction station Emergency

Sedrun stop station

portal Cable tunnel

Simplified sketch of the two-tunnel system

Access tunnel Amsteg


thick and thin
in gentle curves
The best route between two points is not always a straight line.
Many factors affect the choice of direction. One criterion influen-
cing the optimal route for the Gotthard Base Tunnel was the geol-
ogy. Forecasts by experienced geologists and sample bores give
a reasonable degree of certainty. But what the tunellers actually
experience at the rock face can never be predicted in advance.

Above ground, the choice of route is

affected by concerns of local residents as
Altdorf well as political decisions. The Consulting
Group for Landscape and Design a team
of architects, landscape planners and en-
Erstfeld vironmental specialists is responsible for
Erstfeld length 7.4 km optimal adaptation to the landscape and
aesthetic integration of the tunnel portals
into their surroundings. Geographical
Amsteg aspects, such as the location of towns and
length 11.4 km villages, as well as hydro-electric reservoirs
and access routes to the construction
sites, must also be taken into account.

Sedrun Sedrun Below ground, the choice of route is no

length 6.8 km easier. Millions of years ago, where the
Alps stand today, there was a prehistoric
ocean in which marine sediments were
Gotthard deposited over a crystalline substratum.
Base Tunnel When the European and African tectonic
length 57 km
Faido plates collided, the rocks formed from the
length 14.6 km marine sediments were pushed together
and lifted out of the sea. Then they were
either twisted together or transported
northwards on top of other rocks. The
crystalline cores of the Aare and Gotthard
massifs were squeezed together, while
Open Bodio
Tunnel line
length 16.6 km

Gotthard Base Tunnel

Existing railway line
Shaft, adit
Exploratory bores Biasca
Piora syncline
the layers further south were squashed indicated that conditions at that depth
flat and piled on top of each other. In a are solid rock with no water pressure or
process lasting tens of millions of years, circulation. Subsequent analyses of bore
the Alps were formed. samples, as well as temperature meas-
urements and seismic tests, confirmed
The Aare and Gotthard massifs are these extremely favourable findings for
the backbone of the Swiss Alps. Both construction of the tunnel.
massifs consist mainly of gneisses and
granites. Wedged in between are younger Squeezing rock conditions in parts of
sedimentary rocks, some of which are the Tavetsch intermediate massif, on the
massively fractured. Because of this, when other hand, require special methods of
constructing the Gotthard Base Tunnel, tunnel construction to be used.
highly diverse rock strata must be tra-
versed. They range from the tough Gott- Intermediate headings providing add-
hard granites, through the highly-stressed itional access to the tunnel from above
pennine gneisses of the Leventina, to the (shafts) or from the sides (adits) shorten
butter-soft rocks of the Tavetsch inter- the construction time of long tunnels. The
mediate massif. intermediate headings at Amsteg, Sedrun
and Faido halve the construction time of
The Piora syncline was a key point in the Gotthard Base Tunnel and divide it
the geology, since its structure and ex- into five sections: Erstfeld (with the north
tent were initially unclear. However, four portal), Amsteg, Sedrun, Faido and Bodio
inclined test bores down to tunnel level (with the south portal).

Above: Geology and test-bore system of the Piora syncline

Below: Geological section along the Gotthard Base Tunnel

Piora syncline
m a.s.l.

limit Gy Southern
ps u m c ap limit

1000 Exploration tunnel

Base tunnel Base tunnel

0 level

5 km 0 km

Aare massif Dolomitic marble

Construction concept
of the Gotthard Base Tunnel
The route of the new AlpTransit Gotthard between Erstfeld
and Giustizia/Osogna was determined by the Swiss Federal
Government in April 1995. To optimize time and costs, con-
struction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is proceeding

simultaneously on five separate sections of different length.

In the planning phase of the project, them, and the multifunction stations are
answers were found to the questions being built.
of when, where, and in what sequence
construction must take place to optimise The north portal of the Gotthard Base
construction time and costs. The concept Tunnel at Erstfeld is reached from the exist-
for the Gotthard Base Tunnel is to drive ing main line of Swiss Federal Railways
five separate sections of different length via an overground approach line from
simultaneously. For the construction Ryncht-Altdorf.
project, two alternative approaches were
developed using two methods of driving: The Erstfeld section is the most north-
tunnel boring machines or drilling and erly section of the Gotthard Base Tunnel.
blasting. It includes an underground branch-off
to allow future extension of the tunnel
Construction work began on the Piora to the north without having to interrupt
test bore system in 1993, which in 1998 train services. The first part of the tunnel
delivered clear results regarding the will be constructed by digging an open
geology of the Piora syncline. Starting in trench which will be covered over again
1996, all necessary adits and shafts were after completion. The rest of the Erstfeld
constructed. Now, the railway tunnels section will be cut with tunnel boring
themselves, the cross-passages between machines. Shaft bottom at Sedrun

The Amsteg section is the second sec-
tion from the north. A 1.8 km adit and a
construction tunnel were driven by drilling
and blasting to the position of the railway
tunnels where assembly caverns were ex-
cavated. From these caverns, two tunnel
boring machines started cutting south
towards the Sedrun section in 2003.

The Sedrun section is reached from

the surface through a 1-km-long access
tunnel and two parallel vertical shafts 800
meters deep. This section is also the site
of one of the two multifunction stations,
which will house technical installations,
emergency stop stations, and track cross-
overs. Excavation of the railway tunnels
South portal at Bodio
to the north and south from the bottom
of the shafts began in 2004 using drilling
and blasting. Tunnel boring machines
cannot be used because of the geological
conditions. The Bodio section is the longest section From the south portal at Bodio, an
of the Gotthard Base Tunnel. The first overground approach line links the
The Faido section is reached from the part of the section was constructed above Gotthard Base Tunnel to the existing main
surface through a 2.7-km-long adit with a ground, and then through loose rock, line of Swiss Federal Railways at Giustizia/
gradient of up to 13%, and for construc- before sufficiently solid rock was reached Osogna.
tion logistics is linked to the Bodio section. to allow driving with tunnel boring ma-
The second multifunction station is lo- chines. To allow faster construction of the
cated in the Faido section. Because of the underground assembly caverns for the
geological conditions, it is being construc- tunnel boring machines, a bypass tunnel
ted further south than originally planned. was dug round the site of the portal. From
When the two tunnel boring machines the assembly caverns, two tunnel boring
cutting from Bodio arrive here they will be machines started cutting north towards
repaired and modified before continuing Faido in 2003.
north towards the Sedrun section.

The Ceneri Base Tunnel
the logical continuation
Only with the Ceneri Base Tunnel will the new Gotthard
route become a continuous flat rail link through the Alps
with the corresponding advantages and desired economic
benefits. In addition, the Canton of Ticino will benefit

from massive improvements in regional transportation.

The ramps of the present-day rail-

ways through the Gotthard and Ceneri
have gradients of up to 26 per thousand.
The flatness and straightness of the base
route maximum gradient 12.5 per thou-
tunnel Bellinzona sand overground and 8.0 per thousand
Locarno in the base tunnels allow productive
deployment of long, heavy trains through
elimination of time-consuming shunting
Camorino operations. Today, a heavy freight train
junction Camorino
travelling north-south over the Gotthard
and Ceneri mountain routes requires
Vigana a pushing locomotive because of the
steep gradients. The goal of freight trains
hauling more than 2000 tonnes travelling
through Switzerland without stopping at
Erstfeld or Bellinzona, and without mid-
train or pushing locomotives, can only be
accomplished when both the Gotthard
and Ceneri base tunnels are completed.

Ceneri Base Tunnel

Sigirino 15.4 Km

Tunnel and open line

Ceneri Base Tunnel
Access tunnel
Postponed Road tunnel project
Connection Vedeggio-Cassarate
Existing line
South corridor
(link to Italy)

1 2,3

Freight train near Bellinzona

The continuous flat route will allow In the Canton of Ticino the Ceneri Base completed it will eliminate the detour via
fast, economical freight transportation Tunnel and the two connections in the Bellinzona on the trip between Lugano
services to be offered which are the north towards Bellinzona and Locarno and Locarno and shorten the journey time
precondition for achieving the desired will allow construction of a rapid-transit from todays 50 minutes to only about 22
transfer of freight off the roads onto the system. Fast, frequent, direct connections minutes. In addition, a direct link to the
railways. The Ceneri Base Tunnel also between the urban centres of Bellinzona, Ceneri Base Tunnel will also integrate the
allows passenger journey times between Locarno, Lugano, Mendrisio-Chiasso, area around Locarno into the new TILO
Zurich and Milan to be shortened by Como and Varese will be possible. The system.
the amount necessary to assure optimal Ticino-Lombardy (TILO) regional rail
connections in both the Swiss and Italian system will cut journey times to half of
timetable systems. todays duration. For example, when

Geological section along the Ceneri Base Tunnel

Construction concept
of the Ceneri Base Tunnel
In 1999, the Swiss Federal Government approved the preliminary
project for the 15.4 km Ceneri Base Tunnel between Camorino,
near Bellinzona, and Vezia, near Lugano. Construction of the two
single-track tunnels will start in 2006. Opening of the tunnel is
scheduled for 2016.

After the preliminary project was ap-

proved in 1999, the Swiss Federal Office
of Transport (FOT) commissioned AlpTran-
sit Gotthard Ltd. to prepare a detailed
project for construction of the Ceneri
Base Tunnel. In 2001, mainly for reasons
of safety, the Swiss Federal Government
decided that the Ceneri Base Tunnel
should also have two single-track tunnels
connected together by cross-galleries. The
public application for planning permission
was made in April 2003. The required
credit was approved by the Swiss Council
of States in December 2003 and the Na-
tional Council in June 2004. Construction
of the Ceneri Base Tunnel can therefore
start in 2006.

A tunnel system comprising two single-

track tunnels with connecting galleries is Magadino plain and site of the north portal at Vigana/Camorino

not only safer. With this system, the cross-

section of the one dual-track tunnel which
was originally planned is spread over two
smaller single-track tunnels. These tunnels
can be excavated faster by using tunnel
boring machines in addition to drilling and
blasting. Relative to the original construc-
tion plan, this shortens the tunnelling time
by two to three years. The Ceneri Base
Tunnel is scheduled to become oper-
ational in 2016. A further benefit of the
selected system is that subsequent under-
ground extension of the tunnel to the
south, or crossing of the Magadino plain
to the north, can be undertaken without
interruption of rail traffic in the Ceneri
Base Tunnel.

Site of the south portal at Vezia

Sigirino with exploratory tunnel (left) and excavated material (right)

The Ceneri Base Tunnel traverses many regarding the geology to be expected
different layers of rock between the north when cutting the tunnel. In preparation
portal at Camorino, near Bellinzona, and for driving the Ceneri Base Tunnel, an
the south portal at Vezia, near Lugano. access tunnel will be constructed at
Two single-track tunnels will be construct- Sigirino. Underground caverns (caverna
ed which are linked at intervals of 300 m operativa) at the end of the access and
by connecting galleries. Because the exploratory tunnels will serve as the
Ceneri Base Tunnel is only 15.4 km long, starting points for excavation of the main
it will have no crossovers or multifunction tunnels to the north and south. As in the
stations. On the other hand, underground Gotthard Base Tunnel, as much as possible
branch-off caverns will be built close to of the excavated rock will be recycled, or
the north portal in both single-track tun- used for landscaping the area around the
nels. From there, connecting ramps will construction site to avoid long transporta-
lead into a later crossing of the Magadino tion distances.
plain. There will also be an underground
branch-off about 2.5 km before the south Construction sites will be set up not only
portal, at Sar. This will allow future ex- at Sigirino but also at the north and south
tension of the tunnel to the south. portals of the tunnel. These are required
to drive the tunnel sections near the
Sigirino exploratory tunnel At Sigirino just about in the middle portals and for construction of the portals
of the tunnel a 3.1-km-long exploratory themselves. In addition, at Camorino in
tunnel was excavated between 1997 and the north, the Ceneri Base Tunnel must be
2000. This provided valuable information linked to the existing railway lines as well
as various other installations.

Partially excavated caverna operativa at Sigirino

and connections
What needs to be done before the tunnel boring machines
can start their work? Construction of a tunnel demands
meticulous and environmentally compatible planning of the
surface installations for access, supply and disposal.

Water supplies on construction sites are

classified as drinking water or industrial
water. Drinking water can be taken from
the local supply network. About 300 l are
required per person per day. Industrial
water is required in far greater quantities
up to 500,000 litres per day at each site.
However, the water does not have to be
of such high quality. It is usually obtained
from a separate source, such as a river or
groundwater, so as not to overload the
local supply. This water is used on the
surface site and in the tunnel: for concrete
production, cooling, or simply washing
the machines. To provide sufficient water
for fire-fighting, water reservoirs are built
on the construction sites. Purified waste
On the various construction sites water will be produced? How will the water is returned to the natural cycle.
of the tunnel, enormous volumes of water from the tunnel be purified? How
construction material and excavated rock will waste water from the surface site be
must be handled. Delivery of the construc- transported to the local water purification
tion materials and disposal of the excav- plant?
ated rock must be done with due respect
for the environment. Operation of the
surface site, as well as the construction
work itself, requires electricity and water
in such quantities that they cannot simply
be tapped off the local supply networks.
Precisely defined requirements for electric
power must be ordered from the electri-
city supply companies, and the availability
of water has to be carefully investigated.
The needs of the workers and other ques-
tions also arise: Where will the tunnellers
living quarters be built? How much soiled

Above: Water purification plant at Amsteg

Below: The Val Bugnei railway bridge was specially

built to access the Sedrun site
Electric power for construction must
be planned well in advance. For ex-
ample, on peak days the construction
site at Amsteg requires a power supply
of around 11 megawatts. That is exactly
double the demand of the town of
Sedrun at Christmas, when the hotels
are full and the ski lifts running. So it is
clear that the local supply to the town
cannot also provide the electric power for
construction. Even if there were sufficient


Above: Transformer at Arniberg power station supplies the Amsteg construction site
Below: Surface site at Sedrun with tunnellers accommodation in the foreground

capacity, it would be impractical to use permits obtained, switching stations expan- to meet new needs. Vegetation and top-
it, since much of the machinery used in ded and new transformer stations built. soil are removed. Work can then begin on
tunnel construction requires a high-volt- building living quarters, concrete produc-
age supply. For example, a tunnel boring The layout and construction of the tion plants, workshops and warehouses,
machine requires a power supply of 5 facilities should not just ensure optimal etc. Only when the conditions for smooth
megawatts. This corresponds to simul- construction activities but also protect and environmentally friendly construction
taneous use of approximately 2 500 the local population from noise and dust. site operation have been created can work
cooker hotplates or about 50 000 light Construction of a surface site, including begin on building the tunnel.
bulbs. Power is therefore supplied to the access and connections, takes from three
construction site via high-voltage lines. to six months. Existing utility lines have
Which means that existing lines have to to be relocated and new connections
be extended, branch lines planned, made. Roads and paths must be adapted
Accurate to the centimetre
through the mountains
Highly accurate surveying techniques guarantee that the
tunellers always drive in the right direction and meet
exactly where they should. The surveyors ensure that the flat
track will meet the demanding needs of high-speed trains.

The routes of the Gotthard and Ceneri necessary. Use of several different height of the line between the portals
Base Tunnels had been decided. Before surveying techniques and independent at the north and south of the 57 km
construction of the tunnel could begin, all cross checks highlights any errors in long Gotthard Base Tunnel was mapped
its components had to be accurately surveying and makes the direction of out accurately to within one centimetre.
marked out, not only above ground but driving more reliable and accurate. In the past, surveyors had to map out
also deep under the mountains. The sur- the route using triangulation points on
veyors of the old Gotthard and Ltschberg The surveyors used satellite systems mountain peaks and ridges. The surveying
tunnels had to mark out the planned line to create a grid of reference points co- campaigns and subsequent calculations
of the tunnel above ground to confirm vering the entire area of the projected in those days without computers took
their calculations. However, modern simu- tunnel which serve to link the plans with several months. Today, a few weeks are
lation programs are sufficiently accurate the ground surface. The quality they enough.
to make overground marking out un- achieved is amazing: The length and

Network of survey points between Amsteg

and Sedrun

eg - S
n - Am
Portal base network
Survey traverse
Optical-mechanical plumbing
Gyroscopic measurement
Levelling at the shaft bottom in Sedrun

Long underground structures such Simulation of all the planned measure-
as the Gotthard Base Tunnel cannot ments by a computer model has indicated
be marked out with normal surveying that with 95% certainty the individual
techniques because the stars, points on tunnel bores will meet with a maximum
mountain tops, or points set with satellite alignment error of 20 cm. Thats about as
systems are not visible. Instead, to deter- much as the width of this page!
mine the direction underground, a rapidly
rotating gyroscope with a horizontal axis The Alps are still moving today, even
is used which always points north as the though they appear to be stable. Besides
earth rotates. A magnetic compass is not a general upward movement of the Alps
sufficiently accurate. of about 1 mm per year, geotechtonic dis-
placements between individual mountain
The earth is a geoid (irregularities
Shape of xthe
15 Earth
000) High-precision plumbing instruments formations can also be detected, which
(geoid altitudes magnified 15 000 times)
were developed to transfer the coord- could affect construction of the Base Tun-
inates down the 800 m deep shaft at nel. Surveyors monitor these movements
Sedrun. at various overground measuring points
and in existing tunnels. The information
Minute sources of error, which in obtained in this way is then used by civil
normal engineering surveying would be engineers to plan measures for protecting
of no significance, had to be taken into the future railway lines.
account. The huge masses of rock in
the Gotthard massif cause discrepancies
in the plumb line due to the difference
between the mathematical shape of the
earth, which is an ellpsoid of revolution,
and its actual shape, which is a geoid.
The measuring beam is also deflected by
temperature differences in the tunnel.

Data management so everyones working on the same project

On a construction project as big as the new Gotthard Rail Link, which has such long planning and
construction phases, care must be taken that everyone works with the same planning data and always
knows the up-to-date status of the project. Also, when the project is complete, the future owner and
operator of the tunnel must be given thorough documentation of the construction.

At AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. this information is created, managed and exchanged among people in-
volved in the project in digital form. Essential paper plans needed on the construction site are produced
from this data.
Of classes, shifts
and people
The rate of advance depends mainly on the geology. The speed
of excavation, on the other hand, depends on the performance
of the machines used, the people who operate them, and the
number of shifts worked.

The geological forecast provides infor-

mation about the rock conditions to be
expected below ground. Based on this
forecast, the engineers divide the rock
into classes. The class of rock determines
the rate of advance which can be expect-
ed. In good classes of rock, daily advance
rates of more than twenty metres can be
achieved, but if the rock class is poor, the
rate may drop below one metre per day.

The slower advance rate is mainly be-

cause of the work involved in supporting
the excavated section. The more measures
that are needed to provide support, the
longer it takes until the next metre of tun-
nel can be tackled. Whereas in compact
gneiss the tunnel can be advanced and
supported simultaneously, in poor rock
every metre that is blasted or bored has to
be supported immediately. Inserting steel Control cab of a multi-head drilling jumbo at Faido
arches is very time-consuming, and if the
rock is particularly brittle, a thicker layer of
shotcrete has to be applied. The right specialists in the right places Driving by TBM is substantially more
work together in shifts as a strong team. difficult to adapt to changing conditions.
State-of-the-art technology allows driv- Shift operations are planned to the last The complete driving unit (TBM and
ing the tunnel to be largely mechanized. minute of a 24-hour day. backup train with a total length of up
However, this also places greater demands to 400 m) is a permanently assembled,
on the tunellers who operate the ma- The choice between drilling/blasting largely rigid unit with mostly standardised
chines. Specialists are needed. It is no and TBM depends on the expected rock procedures.
longer enough to have a feeling for the conditions.
rock and to know how to use explosives. The drilling and blasting cycle
New technical machinery must be opera- Drilling and blasting is a highly flexible
ted: computer-controlled tunnel boring construction method. The length of excav- Three shifts are worked of 8 hours each.

machines (TBMs), drilling jumbos with ation and use of supporting means (e.g. Drill, charge, detonate, ventilate, support/
muck: under good rock conditions, these
multiple drilling heads, muck vehicles, shotcrete, anchors, steel inserts, reinforc-
operations are completed in one eight-hour
laser instruments and hydraulically opera- ing mesh) can be continuously adapted to shift. In poor conditions, particularly the
ted steel tunnel liners. the conditions encountered. With drilling support phase requires more time, and the
removal of muck (blast debris) can only start
and blasting, an average advance rate of when supporting work is complete. The cycle
between 6 and 10 meters per working may then spread over several shifts.

day can be achieved.

In good rock conditions, a TBM can cut
from 20 to 25 metres per working day. In
constructionally more difficult conditions,
daily rates of progress are much slower.
In some cases, only a few metres per
day can be cut and supported. Not infre-
quently, additional measures may also be

The investment costs for a TBM are

much higher than for driving by drilling
and blasting. Procurement and installation
of a TBM also generally take much long-
er than the equipment for drilling and

The decision whether to excavate a sec-

tion by drilling and blasting or with a TBM
therefore depends mainly on the range
of constructional conditions expected,
the length of the section and the total
amount of time available for construction.
The greater the diversity of constructional Assembly of a tunnel boring machine at Bodio
conditions and the shorter the section,
the greater the advantages of drilling and
blasting, and vice versa.

The geology remains an unknown no

matter how much exploration is done,
and can present surprises right up to the
last metre. Despite the high degree of
mechanisation, taking the right decisions
inside the tunnel still depends on people.
The tunnel boring machine cycle
The experience of experts whether geolo-
gists, blasting specialists or shift workers Three shifts are worked of 8 hours each.
is irreplaceable. Shifts 1 and 2
The TBM bores a length of two metres and automatically clears out the cut rock. Supporting with
anchors, shotcrete or steel arches is done from the machine itself. Then the machine moves forward by
the length it cut. This cycle is repeated several times each shift.

Shift 3
The TBM is cleaned, serviced and repaired. Worn cutters are replaced.
The mountain
from under the Alps
Construction of the Gotthard Base Tunnel is producing millions
of tonnes of excavated rock a veritable mountain from under
the Alps. This enormous volume is potentially of great value as
raw material for construction purposes. To exploit the benefits,
innovative techniques of concrete production are required.

To build a railway under the Alps, very

long tunnels have to be dug which pro-
duce huge quantities of excavated rock:
24 million tonnes, or 13.3 million cubic
metres, from the Gotthard Base Tunnel
alone. At the same time, quarrying the
richly available gravel deposits in the Swiss
midlands is becoming increasingly diffi-
cult. Given this situation, the rock excav-
ated from the tunnel presents a valuable
alternative for concrete production.

In modern tunnel construction, excav-

ation is increasingly done with tunnel
boring machines (TBMs). By comparison
with conventional gravel from the Swiss Shoreline remediation in the Lake of Uri
midlands, the rock cut by the TBMs is
very finely grained and distinctly chip- fore unacceptable for the manufacture For the AlpTransit Gotthard project,
like. Because of this, it does not comply of high-quality concrete. Instead of being this situation was regarded as unsatis-
with important standards for concrete recycled, it was used for embankments or factory from the beginning. A major
aggregate, and until recently was there- as landfill for disposal sites. programme of experiments was already
launched in 1993. After four years of
collaboration with universities, research
The volume of excavated rock compared with the pyramids of Gizeh institutes and the concrete industry, with
research in laboratories and tests
on construction sites, it was finally proved
that the rock chips from the tunnel
boring machines can indeed be used to
produce high-quality concrete. To do so,
Gotthard however, requires state-of-the-art plants
Base Tunnel for aggregate production and leading-

Technical Terms

Rock excavated from the tunnel is crushed,
washed and screened to give it the shape and
quality needed for recycling.

Concrete aggregate
The raw materials used to make concrete are
cement, water and different sizes of gravel
which is called aggregate.
A trainload of excav-
ated rock at Flelen
wharf on Lake Uri

Faido material
processing plant

edge concrete technology. In addition, an

innovative testing system ensures that the
successfully tested product fulfils the high
standards required for tunnel concrete.

High-quality excavated rock is being

converted into around 5 million tonnes
of concrete aggregate. The conversion is
done locally on the construction sites. As
a by-product, the conversion process will
yield about 0.8 million tonnes of extreme-
ly fine slurry which can be used by the
brick-making industry.

Excavated rock which is surplus to

requirements is offered to external cus-
tomers. Great emphasis is placed on
environmentally protective transpor-
tation. Rock excavated from Erstfeld and
Amsteg is transported by rail and barge
to the nearby Lake of Uri for shoreline
remediation in the delta of the river Reuss.
Surplus material from Sedrun is used to
satisfy local requirements for gravel. The
remaining quantity is deposited in the Val
Bugnei and Val da Claus valleys. Surplus
material from Faido and Bodio which
cannot be used for embankments along
the new railway line is transported by belt
conveyor to landfill nearby quarries at
Cavienca und Buzza di Biasca.

These modern methods of recycling

have dual benefits: as well as substantially
cutting costs, they also conserve valuable
natural resources.
Supports and linings
solid and lasting
A railway line under the mountains requires a higher standard
of materials technology because repairs cost much more than
for an overground line. The construction materials for the new
Gotthard Rail Link must therefore have a long lifetime.

The correct choice of materials for

supporting, sealing and lining the tunnel
is vital to ensure the safety of the tunellers
at all times as well as trouble-free opera-
tion for 100 years.

Faults and other areas which make

tunnel construction difficult can be pre-
pared before excavation of the tunnel
itself begins. When driving through rock,
injections are frequently used. The injec-
tions are usually of cement, and serve to
bind the rock before it is excavated, as
well as reducing its permeability to water.
They also provide long-term stability.

Initial supports prevent rock falling

from the roof before the permanent
supporting measures are installed. De-
pending on the geology, tunnel constructors
have a range of supporting means at
their disposal: anchors, shotcrete and

steel arches can be combined in variable

numbers and strengths.
Control cabin Hoisting crane Gripper Bolt drilling machine The initial support is in direct contact with
the rock, and therefore suffers the great-
est exposure to the effects of rock and

Automatic shotcreting machine Conveyor belt Wire mesh erector Cutter head

Bench Crown
Rock bolts excavation support Top heading

Fresh air

Above: Installing steel arches at Faido

Drilling truck Shotcrete truck Drilling jumbo
Concrete Dump truck Rubber-tyred
mixer truck front loader Below: Driving with a tunnel boring machine (TBM)
(above) and blasting (below)
Tunnel sealing at Bodio

The water management system in the The high speeds of the trains require a
Technical terms used in tunnelling 33
Gotthard Base Tunnel directs groundwater smooth inner lining of concrete. Because
Rock pressure: Creation of a hollow space via surface drainage into drainage pipes the initial support only provides support
inside the mountain causes a shift in stresses.
and prevents direct ingress of water into for a limited period of time, the inner
High overburdens in soft rock cause deform-
ation of the hollow space. To prevent squeezing the tunnel by means of a sealing foil. This lining must assure safe support on its own
of the hollow space when a tunnel is construct- system meets railway engineering require- and therefore be at least 30 cm thick. In
ed, anchors, shotcrete and steel arches are used
to create a counterpressure. ments at the same time as preventing a areas where the inner lining is subjected
Corrosive groundwater: Groundwater con- build-up of groundwater pressure. to heavy stresses, it is reinforced with
taining chlorides or sulphates which impair the steel.
durability and usability of construction materials.
Concrete exposed to water containing sulphates
swells unless special cement is used. Anchors
are corroded by chlorides unless they are appro-
priately protected.

Sintering: A substance dissolved in water (for

example calcium carbonate in drainage pipes)
decomposes by chemical action and forms min-
eral deposits. Over time, sintering reduces the
cross section of the pipe and causes blockages.
Safety at has
worktop priority
The safety of everyone involved in constructing the new
Gotthard Rail Link has top priority. For AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.,
safety at work is a central issue of the project. Consideration
of work safety in the planning phase, when inviting tenders,
and in work contracts, as well as strict enforcement of con-
tractual and legal regulations, creates an exemplary safety
culture with low accident rates on the construction sites.

At the end of the 19th century, many

tunnellers died when constructing the
great Alpine crossings. They were killed
underground by falling rocks, surprised by
water bursting into the tunnel, or maimed
through incorrect handling of explosives.
Others died later of silicosis, an insidious,
incurable disease of the lungs caused by
unprotected inhalation of quartz dust.

Fortunately, those days are gone! The

driving concepts used on the project, as
well as the ventilation and cooling sys-
tems, give maximum attention to ques-
tions of health. Work safety is increased
by already including a large number of
constructional, technical and organisa-
tional preventive safety measures in the Ventilation installations at Faido
planning phase. Work safety was, and
continues to be, an important aspect of stipulations are implemented, monitored Insurance Fund (SUVA). Key factors for
the work contracts awarded by AlpTransit and enforced on the construction sites ensuring health and safety in the tunnel
Gotthard Ltd. The contractual and legal in collaboration with the Swiss Accident are ventilation and cooling.

Ventilation system

Forced ventilation: In most sections worked

East tunnel
by AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. forced ventilation
systems are employed. Fresh air is sucked in
at the portals and intermediate headings,
and blown through ducts to the tunnel-face
workplaces. Pollutants in diluted form are
carried by the stream of air through the
tunnel cross-section back to the portals either
West tunnel automatically or assisted by fans. The venti-
lation system uses one of the railway tunnels
to supply fresh air and the parallel tunnel to
extract used air.
Incoming air in tunnel Fan
Incoming air in conduit Dust arrester

Exhaust air in tunnel Temporary separators

Exhaust air in conduit

Tunnel ventilation system during the construction phase

Ventilation dilutes the pollutants machines used for constructing the tun-

which are released by blasting and by the nel. It would therefore be unacceptably
vehicles which are used to remove the ex- hot for the tunnellers unless measures to
cavated rock. Permissible values are clearly cool the workplace are implemented. A

defined by law. Dust concentrations at certain amount of heat is removed by the
the workplace can be reduced further by ventilation system. However, to reduce
spraying water onto the excavated rock. temperatures to the level allowed by the
Today, lung diseases such as silicosis are Swiss Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA),
no longer an issue. extra cooling has to be installed at the
tunnel faces. This takes the form of water
A particular hazard in tunnel construc- which is circulated in a system of pipes
tion is presented by gas. When methane to remove heat from the rocks and
and oxygen are mixed in certain propor- machines. Using this method the atmos-
tions they form an explosive gas called phere can be cooled to 28 C.
firedamp. Since 4% of methane in the air
is already sufficient to cause an explosion, For maximum safety, AlpTransit Gott-
firedamp is a feared hazard in tunnel hard Ltd. collaborates with the Swiss Acci-
construction. Here too, ventilation to dent Insurance Fund (SUVA) and the main
dilute the concentration of methane gas contractors in Stop Risk campaigns
to below 1% is the only countermeasure. on the construction sites. These aim for
Gas sensors at the tunnel face ensure that complete and intensive sensitization of
any occurrence of gas can be detected everyone involved.
and monitored immediately.
All these measures contribute to
The temperature of the rocks increas- minimizing work-related accidents as far
es with increasing depth below ground. as possible. There is still a residual risk to
Since the Gotthard Base Tunnel has the health and life of the tunnellers but
more than 2000 m of overlying moun- observance of the regulations and safety
tain, rock temperatures up to 45 C are measures ensures that working conditions
expected. Additional heat is generated by are as good as they can possibly be under
the increasingly numerous and powerful the prevailing circumstances.

Construction work at Bodio

the environment
Environmental considerations are integrated into plans for the
AlpTransit Gotthard by means of an environmental management
system as well as three-stage environmental compatibility
testing. Consistent implementation of environmental measures
on the individual construction sites is monitored by on-site
environmental representatives within an overall environmental
coordination system.

Environmental protection measures include, for example, temporary storage

were specified by the Swiss Federal Gov- of topsoil as embankments to provide
ernment when it authorised construction noise protection. All installations such as
of the tunnel. The environmental repre- concrete production plants, workshops,
sentative at each individual construction warehouses and even belt conveyors are
site is responsible for the on-site imple- deliberately enclosed.
mentation of these measures. The same
person must also ensure that correct Air pollution from construction activities
measures are taken should an incident is kept as low as possible. As a basic prin-
with potential environmental impact ciple, all transportation of bulk materials is
occur. Consistent measures are defined by belt conveyor, rail or water. To minim-
within the overall coordination system. ize the emission of pollutants into the air,
Monitoring water quality at Amsteg
all vehicles on the construction sites of
The responsible bodies of the Swiss AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. must with few purification systems are optimised. When
Federal Government and the cantons exceptions be fitted with particle filters. construction is complete, the surface sites
are periodically invited to environmental will be restored to their original condition.
audits. Regular information is also provi- Water from the mountain and tunnel The land surface will regain its former
ded to environmental protection organisa- is polluted by traffic and operations on agricultural and ecological function.
tions. Throughout the entire construction the construction site. It is purified accord-
phase a wide range of environmental ing to legal regulations, cooled, and fed
protection measures are implemented on into rivers in compliance with strict rules.
the individual construction sites. These Regular monitoring ensures that the
Enclosed belt conveyors at Sedrun
The landscape is changed by the new Where the effects are only temporary, new Gotthard Rail Link undergo ECT in
rail link along parts of the route. To restoration measures are planned, while three stages. The first stage was within
ensure that above-ground installations for some areas whose use is changed the scope of the report on the New Rail
blend inconspicuously into the landscape, permanently, replacements are found Link through the Alps of May, 1990; the
the Consulting Group for Landscape and before construction work begins. second stage evaluated the conceptional
Design specifies corresponding guidelines. projects; and the third stage is applied to
Construction work affects the habitats of Environmental protection laws require the projects in the form they are adver-
animals and plants. In some cases they installations which could pollute the tised for tendering.
are only temporarily affected, but in other environment to undergo environmental
cases their use is permanently changed. compatibility tests (ECT). Plans for the

The 3 stages of environmental compatibility testing The Insla at Sedrun: an environmental compensation measure

Environmental Fitness-for-
Impact Assessment purpose
1st stage assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment

of alternatives
Planning and design phases

of alternatives

Impact Assessment
2st stage

Environmental Public project

Impact Assessment Gotthard
3st stage Base Tunnel

The environmental policy of AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.
Environmental Management Plan

project design
AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. as constructor of the NRLA Gotthard axis realizes an environmentally friendly
Call for tenders flat rail link through the Alps while giving environmental issues a very high priority.

AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. plans and realizes sustainable project solutions which are ecologically and
Construction phase

economically compatible and have an optimal cost-benefit ratio.

AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. strives to minimise emissions and other adverse environmental impacts and
to conserve resources.

AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd. complies strictly with the environmental protection laws and stipulations
and provides open information on environmental matters.
Prepared every
for situation
Because the Gotthard Base Tunnel is so long, safety is
exceptionally important. The goal is for a well-balanced
level of safety, but even after all safety precautions
have been taken, a residual risk remains.

Operation of the future Base Tunnel defined safety goals for the operation of rescue. Efficient external rescue requires
is not entirely free of hazards. These must their new transportation facilities. Safety well-organised rescue teams and an
be countered with appropriate safety planning will be successively refined right operationally practical rescue concept.
measures. A balanced mix of construc- up to the time when the Gotthard Rail
tional, technical and operational meas- Link goes into operation, and experience There is regular exchange of experi-
ures is vitally important. For example, a risk of incidents like the fire in the Channel ence with the project teams of other
analysis was performed on the necessary Tunnel will be taken into consideration. major European tunnels (the Ltschberg,
number of emergency stop stations and Brenner, Mont dAmbin, Semmering and
cross passages as well as other compon- Four goals underlie the measures Channel tunnels). In particular, this has
ents of the project. It showed that the being planned. The main emphasis is on confirmed the practicality of a tunnel
risks in the tunnels of the new lines are incident prevention. Should an incident system with two single-track tunnels and
substantially less than on the existing lines occur, the priorities are then containment, no service tunnel for the long railway
of Swiss Federal Railways. self-rescue, and external rescue. Suitable tunnel under the Alps.
evacuation routes, emergency stops and
Swiss Federal Railways in collabora- trackside pathways are provided for self-
tion with other European railway oper-
ators and supervisory authorities have

Fire-fighting and rescue train

Rescue vehicle of the fire-
fighting and rescue train

So anyone hoping for an exciting

Special aspects affecting safety 39
adventure when crossing the Alps by train
will find the journey disappointing. Thanks Special aspects affecting the safety of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel:
to the safety measures in the tunnels of The length of the tunnels (Gotthard 57 km, Zimmerberg 20 km, Ceneri 16 km)
the new Gotthard Rail Link, incidents are The great depth of overlying rock in some places (up to 2300 m in the Gotthard Base Tunnel)
practically ruled out. causing exceptional rock pressure and climatic conditions

Speeds up to 250 km/h

A moderate to high train density with a large proportion of freight trains

Its major international importance as a transalpine rail link which calls for exceptionally high
standards of reliability and safety

Safety concept in the Gotthard Base Tunnel


Multifunction station
Faido Emergency
Shafts Sedrun stop station

Access tunnel
Shaft II Faido
Shaft I

Multifunction station Emergency

Sedrun stop station

Main tunnel

Emergency stop
in the tunnel

Access tunnel

Exhaust air

Fresh air/evacuation tunnel

for the future
The tunnel operating concept is based on simple, clearly
structured processes and an infrastructure which is restricted
to the essentials. The railway equipment must ensure safe
long-term operation.

The technical equipment in the

Gotthard Base Tunnel allows practically
automatic operation, so that human
intervention is reduced to a minimum.
The minimalist principle is also applied
to the equipment installed in the tunnel:
everything which does not absolutely
need to be in the tunnel is installed
outside. The result is high availability and
a low incidence of faults.

The items of railway infrastructure

can be grouped into the following main
superstructure: tracks, points, points
mechanisms, slab
safety and automation systems: track-
release signalling systems, drivers cab
signalling and signals, control centres,
points monitoring systems The superstructure is also designed for An important component of the rail-
telecommunication systems: mobile maximum availability and minimum costs way infrastructure are the safety installa-
radio, data transmission and switch- as well as best possible prevention of tions. The control centre sets and monitors
ing, power information system incidents. In pursuit of these goals, three the points and gives the trains permission
traction current systems: catenary, principles are applied: to proceed via trackside signals or displays
switching stations at 15 kV/16.7 Hz smallest possible number of points in the drivers cab. Drivers cab signalling
level straightest possible line uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure
electrical systems: lighting, 50 Hz ballastless track in the tunnel for that the train does not travel beyond the
power supply, cable systems. maximum stability. boundaries set for it by the control centre.
AlpTransit Gotthard will be equipped with
the new standardised European Train
Control System (ETCS) Level 2 which will
also be introduced on other European
railway networks at the same time.

Installing ballastless track

The safety and automation systems
of the AlpTransit Gotthard have the follow-
ing characteristics:
uninterrupted monitoring of the
trains on the new lines through
drivers cab control signalling
few faults thanks to high availability
of the track and train equipment
inter-operability with the other rail-
ways in Europe thanks to standard-
ised signalling systems
simplified track infrastructure through
data transmission by digital radio
central operations management and
automation of railway processes by
remote control from the tunnel
control centre integrated in the
regional operations centre.

Logistics Police and

rescue services

Repair and Emergency

construction services

Tunnel control centre

Tunnel control center integrated in the
regional operations centre

Technical, scheduling and

Ventilation and operational management Train control
lighting system

Contact lines Signal box

and traction
power supply

Installing the catenary

The production and delivery of the The traction current is supplied from
traction current is known as traction the power stations via substations, where
current supply. The catenary serves for the maximum voltage of the transmission
the fine distribution of traction current. It lines is reduced by transformers to the
is a highly important system component 15 kV of the contact wire, and then to
which cannot be duplicated. Its availability the catenary. The substations are so
is optimised by dimensioned that in the event of total
the use of proven technology adapted failure of one of them, the line can still
to the conditions in the tunnel; be supplied by the others.
division of the catenary into sections:
as few sections as possible, as many The electricity supply system supplies
as necessary; electricity to fixed equipment at the side
a sufficiently large distance between of the track as well as in the control
the tops of the vehicles and the centre. The electricity is used mainly for
contact wire to reduce the likelihood the points and communication systems as
of damage or a short circuit through well as air conditioning and lighting. The
the trains. electricity is distributed through cables
which are usually installed alongside the
track in conduit blocks or cable channels.
These are designed for reliability and avail-
ability since they indirectly affect safety.
temperature and humidity
The temperature and humidity in the tunnel influence
the ageing process. Optimal temperature and humidity
avoid system faults and thereby reduce maintenance
work. The frequency of maintenance work affects the
capacity of the new rail link. Maintenance should
therefore be kept to a minimum.

A further important element of the

maintenance concept are preventive
constructional measures to control the
temperature and humidity of the air
in both the Gotthard and Ceneri base
tunnels. The temperature inside the
tunnel is the result of many interrelated
factors. Not only is the rock deep under
the mountains much hotter, but further
heat is added by the locomotives. If there
is no exchange of air in the tunnel, the
temperature soon becomes very high. The
necessary exchange of air is created by
the piston effect of the trains themselves.

An important decision taken at the

planning stage was to construct the Gott-
hard Base Tunnel with a continuous inner
lining of cast-in-place concrete. This lining
lowers the air resistance, which lessens
the amount of heat generated by the
trains. The lining also improves the natural
Concrete tunnel lining at Bodio
air circulation in the tunnel, reduces hu-
midity and limits seepage of groundwater
The maintenance concept of the Alp- This concept brings a sharp increase into the tunnel.
Transit Gotthard is quite different from in efficiency through lower costs, and in
that on existing lines of Swiss Federal safety through fewer work-related Optimal temperature/humidity
Railways: accidents. Simplification of the infra- The following values should not be exceeded
Each section of track is either open for structure reduces the extent of the main- for more than short periods or distances in
the tunnel:
trains to pass over or closed for tenance work, the investment costs and
Temperature: 35 C
maintenance work. the frequency of faults. The separation of
Relative humidity: 70%
On sections of track which are closed, train traffic from maintenance activities in-
Water seepage: 35 g/s per km
maintenance work is carried out as a creases safety. Speed and quality of work through the
coordinated operation by the various are improved by the absence of interrup- tunnel lining
specialist services. tions and disturbances from passing trains.
Travel fast, travel safely,
arrive relaxed
Today we travel more comfortably, more punctually, and above
all faster than in the past. But when choosing how to travel,
efficiency is not the only consideration. Safety is also increasingly
important. And high-speed rail travel is statistically the safest
means of transport.

The chances of being involved in an

accident while travelling have gone down
enormously in the last century. Today,
the risks of being involved in an accident
when travelling by train or aeroplane are
very low much lower than for travel
by car. And safest of all is travelling by
high-speed train: high-speed rail travel is
almost 100 times safer than travelling by

There are several reasons for this.

When planning and constructing high-
speed railway lines, and the rolling stock
which runs on it, carefully thought-out
measures are included to optimise safety
and prevent accidents. For example, high-
speed lines are designed so that certain
causes of accidents are eliminated right
from the start: there are no level cross-
ings, few points, and a wider distance
between the pairs of tracks than with
normal lines. This reduces the danger of
collision with other vehicles, derailment,
or an incident involving trains travelling in
opposite directions. The trains themselves
are equipped with an automatic safety
system: it is impossible for them to ex-
ceed the maximum speed limit or overrun
a stop signal.
Switzerlands new railway lines In the Gotthard and Ceneri base the tunnel are not simply left stranded:
are not pure high-speed lines but carry tunnels, certain types of incident sim- emergency stop stations and connecting
mixed passenger and freight traffic. ply cannot occur. For example, trains galleries provide immediate escape routes
However, thanks to optimal planning and travelling in opposite directions cannot and ensure fast and safe evacuation of
comprehensive safety measures, they are collide because they travel in two separate the tunnel.
more reliable than the rest of the railway single-track tunnels. Additional all-round
network. Because of their international safety is provided by a highly sophisticated So travellers can feel safe in the high-
importance, it is vital for the new lines to package of technical measures. And even speed trains. They can enjoy the quick
function smoothly. if something does happen, passengers in journey and arrive at their destination
completely relaxed.
The railway of the future:
attractive and reliable
The new rail links through the Alps are Switzerlands link with
the future. They enable the railways to provide attractive ser-
vices at the heart of the international passenger and freight trans-
portation system under the motto fast, economical, safe.

The new high-speed lines are an impressive comeback for the

railways in Europe: the means of transport of the future.

More than one hundred years ago The fastest trans-Europe connections The railways are capturing a new
Europes first transalpine railway system will cross Switzerland like the famous position in the European transportation
was built. The idea of having tunnels trains of history: the Orient Express market. For Switzerland to be integrated
at their highest points, as well as spiral (London Paris Lausanne Istanbul) into the railway network of modern times,
tunnels on daringly routed approach lines, and Arlberg Express (Paris Zurich Vi- lines must be built which can carry high-
was regarded as revolutionary. Penetration enna). Other regular connections of the speed traffic. Building the new Gotthard
of the Gotthard, Ltschberg and Simplon past such as Hamburg Stuttgart Zurich Rail Link is laying the foundation stone
heralded a new era for transalpine traffic. Milan and others will become reality for Swiss railways of the future upgrad-
again. But journey times will dramatically ing the approach lines will complete the
This system is now being adapted to overtake the leisurely speeds of the belle construction project of the century.
the changed needs of passenger travel poque.
and freight transportation today. Modern-
ising the system is no less spectacular than
originally building it. It is based on clearly
defined, simple and consistent planning
principles combined with state-of-the-art
technology which is standardised across
Europe. As a result, the new lines attain
unprecedented levels of reliability, safety
and economy.
Design study for the Cisalpino high-speed tilting train
Additional new lines whose routes are
defined in the overall AlpTransit plan will
one day extend and connect with the
base tunnels under the Zimmerberg, Gott-
hard and Ceneri. Gaps now being studied
between Lugano and Milan or Arth-Gol-
dau and Erstfeld will be closed. That will
cut the journey time between Zurich and
Lugano to one hour, from Zurich to Milan
to one-and-a-half-hours, and between
Munich and Milan to under four hours.
Public involvement
through open information
The new Gotthard Rail Link is the most far-reaching environ-
mental project Switzerland has ever known. Public interest
is correspondingly strong. As constructor, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.
aims to provide competent, complete and transparent information
on developments, progress, milestones, challenges and solutions
at all times.

The Internet is the fastest medium The visitor centres offer not only charge- each year until the Gotthard Base Tunnel
for exchanging information. AlpTransit able guided tours of the construction is opened. They can be purchased or
Gotthard Ltd. maintains an extensive sites but also extensive exhibitions cover- ordered at the visitor centres. Information
multilingual website which is continuously ing several hundred square metres. about ordering is also contained on the
updated. At latest Audiovisuals, models and original objects website.
information on the status of work will turn construction of the new Gotthard
be found, along with many fascinating Rail Link into an experience. Entrance to
details about construction of the new the exhibitions is free of charge. Opening
Gotthard Rail Link. times and contact addresses are on the
Brochures and leaflets provide compre-
hensive background information in print- Documentary films with thrilling,
ed form. Several times a year, information intensive scenes show progress on the
flyers about the status of work on the new Gotthard Rail Link and the frequently
individual construction sites are published tough and challenging work under-
and sent directly to local residents. They ground. Further films will be produced
can also be obtained via the Internet or
directly from the secretariat of AlpTransit
Construction site open day at Amsteg
Gotthard Ltd.

Construction site visits are a favourite

way for adults to gain on-site information
about the status of work. Interest is so
strong that visits have to be notified and
reserved in advance. The construction sites
at Amsteg and Bodio have visitor trails
with information boards. These easy walks
allow visitors to explore the construction
sites without guides. Further details and
contact addresses are on the website.

Open days are held once yearly at all

construction sites. Experts give compe-
tent information, and refreshments are
available. Children accompanied by adults
may also go underground on these days.
The dates are published on the Internet.

Alain D. Boillat, Swiss Federal Railways Photo

Service, Berne
Pages 3, 8, 9, 10, 21, 38, 40, 41 top, 42, 44, 45
Guy Perrenoud, Swiss Federal Railways Photo
Service, Berne
Page 41 bottom
Courtesy of Swiss Federal Railways, Berne
Page 46
BLS AlpTransit Ltschberg Ltd., Thun
Page 40 bottom
Alexander Dietz
Page 4 left
Hans Eggermann
Pages 12, 27, 29 bottom
Photo Studio Battaglia
Page 22
Projectmanagement Shoreline remediation in the
Lake of Uri, Page 30 top
Martin Rtschi/Keystone
Pages 28 & 29 top
Armin Schmutz
Pages 15 & 31 top
Philipp Unterschtz, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.
Pages 4/5 middle, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25 bottom,
31 bottom, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 47

Published by

AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd.

Zentralstrasse 5
6003 Lucerne
Phone +41 41 226 06 06

Text & design

Philipp Unterschtz
Brigitta Schamberger, graphic design
Communication, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd., Lucerne

Printed by

Engelberger Druck AG, Stans

10/2004, 10'000 copies

11/2005, 10'000 copies

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