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By:- Mequanent M.
[email protected]
Feb, 2013
 To thoroughly introduce the railway system and engineering
from civil works perspective .

The civil engineering sub-course aims to:

 define the system and distinguish the fixed infrastructure
of the system where civil engineers are mainly engaged
 tell the story of infrastructure development from historic
point of view
 introduce the historic background of rail in Ethiopia and its
current status
 introduce and characterize the components of the civil
 recognize the design considerations and design standards
1. Basics of Railway
2. Railway Line & Sub grade
3. Railway Track Structures
4. Railway Station
5. Switches, Turnouts & Crossings /railway joints/
6. Introduction to Tunnels & Bridges
7. Operation & Transport Management in Railway
 Block Course by power point presentation
 Supplemented by semester project,
assignments, exam…../subject to change/

 Attendance is mandatory!
Chapter 1. Basics of railway
 Railway Transport system
 Historic development of railway
 Components of railway
 General principle for railway construction and
 Railway classification and items of Main Technical
 Highlight on railway signaling, control,
communication and OCS
 Environmental impacts
 Definition :
Rail transport refers to the land transport of people or
goods along guided paths called railways. A railway
consists of two parallel rail tracks at a fixed distance
(gauge) apart, usually made of steel and mounted
upon cross beams called ties or sleepers”
 Functions:
• Important infrastructure of a country
• Artery of national economy
• Backbone of traffic and transport system
 Characteristics:
• Great transport capacity/volume
• Low cost
• Energy saving and environmentally friend
 It has a high level of passenger or cargo utilization
over a limited space
 most efficient energy consumer (1/3 of road
transport and 1/7 to 1/5 of air transport)
 Minimum friction and minimum air resistance/guided
 environmentally friendly
 Mostly electric powered
 Safest mode of land transport with the lowest
accident rate
 It offers comfortable ride options such as meal,
sleeping and entertainment
 Huge initial investment and operation costs

 Cannot support severe alignments such as

steep slopes and sharp curves

 Low flexibility in terms of network operations

 Severity of accidents is high (but low frequency)

 Security threat as it is prone to attacks

600 BC- Ship Track way in Ancient Rome and Greek

1550’s - Hand propelled tubs in Germany

1630- Wagon roads for coal mines pulled by horse carts in Beaumont,

1776- First cast iron rails on timber ties laid in tram ways in England
1807- first passenger train ran from Swansea to Mumbles and first
railway station

1830 - The first railway in the United States opens with mostly hardwood
rail topped with iron

1857 - Steel rails first used in Britain

1863 - First underground railway opened in London

1906- First use of concrete sleepers in Germany

1937-41 - Magnetic levitation (maglev) train patents awarded in Germany

1959- Construction of the Bullet train in Tokyo, Japan

Post WWII- Welded rail, heavier rail-profiles, slab track, innovative elastic
fastenings, mechanization of maintenance
Railway Dev
1897- 1906- launched by
Construc firm went CoM
tion bankrupt 1917- Regulation No.
began and the line 141/2007 and
from construction reached ERC
Djibouti halted A.A established

1901- 1908- Compagnie 2006-

first de Chemin de Fer Agreement with
commercial Franco-Ethiopien Italian Company
service from Djibouti à Addis Consta to
Djibouti to Ababa took over rehabilitate the
Dire Dawa and began line
 1000 mm gauge and diesel traction
 Owned and administered by the
governments of Djibouti and
 781km – 681 in Ethiopia and 100 in
 Suffers from old-age, lack of spares,
high operating cost, worn out track,
no Locomotives, very low capacity
 5000 km of national railway line
 Standard Gauge (1435 mm)
 Electric Traction
 High capacity (25 ton/axle)
 High speed (120 -160 km/hr for
passenger and 80 -120 km/hr for
 Concrete sleeper
(160cm X20.5cmX22cm)

• 34km of Fully electrified LRT for

Addis Ababa
•Standard Gauge (1.435 meters) and
double track for the whole route
•Capacity: 80,000 PPH (Passenger/hr)
• Headway: 6min with a potential of
reducing to 90secs
•Passenger-km based fare system
Permanent Infrastructure

Power Supply
Rolling Stock

Signal and Communication

• Railway is a permanent way composed of
subway, bridge ,culvert, tunnel ,track, station,
switches etc.
• In order to provide smooth and stable
geometry state, earth structures shall be built
by cutting and filling the ground. For spanning
rivers or gorges, bridges or culverts shall be
built. For pass through mountains, mountains
shall be excavated to construct tunnels.
 For trains passing and overtaking, stations
shall be built. As for unfavorable geologic
body which is difficult to detour, engineering
improvement measures shall be taken in
order to ensure operation safety.


Earth Work


Operation and
 Based on the strategies of national economy and
social development and the demands of territorial
 national defense
 transport market
 highlighting key points and strengthening weak
 coordinated development with other traffic and
transport modes and relevant industries such as
energy industry.
• Directed by national development strategies

• Oriented by market, centered with benefit and

on the premise of transport safety
• Actively adopting mature, advanced, economic,
practical & reliable technologies and emphasizing
comprehensive integration of technologies
• Insisting on the principle of using optimized
system to maximize comprehensive benefit
• Short term: The tenth year after delivery
for operation
• Long term: The twentieth year after
delivery for operation
N.B:- Traffic volumes in short term and long
term are both forecasted.
1.5.1 Railway Classification:
 is the class grade of a railway classified
according to its role in railway network,
properties, volume of passenger traffic,
goods traffic volume, maximum allowable
axle load, design speed, etc.
 is the basic standard of a railway system,
which is the basis to determine the technical
standards and equipment types.
 When railway is designed, railway
classification should be determined
 Due to the reasons of
 vast territory,
 complicated topography,
 unbalanced population and resources distribution
 the different economic conditions
 railway’s role in network, properties,
volume of passenger & goods traffic,
maximum allowable axle load and speed
are different. Hence, railways should be
classed in to different grades
 Basses for railway classification
 axle load of rolling stock,
 maximum running speed,
 volume of passenger and goods traffic,
 designed speed, and
 significance of railway construction.
1. Axle load of rolling stock
 Axle load is one of major basis to determine
the design load standard.
 Axle load of locomotives affect the power of
locomotive, and car’s axle load affect the
train’s load per meter. The bridge load and
track type is controlled by car’s axle loads.
2. maximum speed
 The maximum speed is one of the most
important marker of railway transportation
 It affects the travelling time of passenger and
freight trains, traffic capacity and the using
condition of rolling stock.
 It also affect construction cost, expenditure
for buying rolling stock, locomotive energy
consumption,transportation cost, etc.
The running speed is limited by the power of
locomotive, the standards of alignment and
track, level of signal facilities, method of
traffic control, traffic organization, etc.
The Maximum speed is the major technical
parameter to determine the
 radius of horizontal & vertical curves
 length of transition curve
 the type of track.
3. Annual Volume of Passenger and Goods
 it is the main base for
- designing transport capacity
- evaluation of economic effectiveness
- determination of route alternatives
 The annual volume of passenger and goods
traffic affect the track-train interaction ,
track deformation, residual life of structures.
 In general, railway investment cost, cost of
railway traffic and traffic revenue shall be
decided by annual volume of passenger and
goods traffic.
 For these reasons, under the same service
life, equipment with high standards should be
used in the railway with heavy traffic volume.
 Example:- In china, railways are classified in
to three categories based on the annual
volume of passenger and fright traffic, role
they played in railways network, and
maximum design speed. These are:
1. Railway line for passenger traffic
2. Railway line for mixed passenger and
freight traffic
3. Line for goods traffic
 These further classified in to seven grades:
 High speed line
 Rapid speed line
 Classes Ⅰ~Ⅳ
 Heavy haul railway
 Mainly responsible for transportation of
passenger with design speed of passenger car
not less than 200km/h. Further classified as:
1) High-speed railway :
 Railways for passenger with maximum design
speed of 250km/h and over and play trunk
parts in railway network
 Generally built in a developing region where
is densely populated and has a heavy volume
of passenger traffic.
 It links political center and economic center,
or economic center and economic center.
 On high-speed line, passenger trains could
operate with speed of 250km/h or over in
main section, the seating capacity could be
up to 1600 persons per train, the maximum
traffic-carrying capacity could be
2*32000person or over.
2) Rapid -speed railway
 Railways are classified as rapid-speed
railways which play a linking and auxiliary
part in railway network for passenger traffic,
with designed speed of 250km/h or lower.
 In China, rapid-speed line also classified as
rapid-speed trunk line for passenger traffic or
inter-city line in terms of the role in rapid
railway passenger transport network,
transport demand, and service area.
 These railway lines are responsible for
passenger and fright transportation, with
design speed of 160km/h or lower (passenger
train) and 120km/h (fright train).
 Railways for mixed passenger and fright
traffic can be classified as 4 grades,
ClassⅠ, ClassⅡ, ClassⅢ, and ClassⅣ.
 The class of a new line or reconstructed
railway should be determined in terms of
• the role in railway network
• Properties
• Design speed of passenger train and
• volume of passenger and fright traffic
And Should meet the following requirements
 Class I Railway: Play a trunk part in railway
network, and the volume of short-term traffic
is no less than 20 million tons.
 ClassⅡRailway: Play a linking and auxiliary
part in railway network, and the volume of
short-term traffic is less than 20 million tons.
 ClassⅢ Railway: Give service to a local zone,
and the volume of short-term traffic is less
than 20 million tons and larger than 5 million
 ClassⅣ Railway: Give service to a local zone,
and the volume of short-term traffic is less
than 5 million tons.
 Main technical standards includes the
basic standards and types of railway
facilities, which shall give obvious
influence on the traffic capacity,
construction cost, operation quality, and
the selection of other equipment
 The design of railway of mixed service shall
include main technical standards of the
- numbers of main lines
- ruling grade
- minimum radius of curvature
- available length of arrival & departure
- kind of energy supply
- types of locomotives
- tonnage rating
- locomotive routing and
- type of blocking.
 Main technical standards for railway of
passenger traffic include:
designed speed
distance between centers of main line tracks
minimum plane curve radius
maximum gradient
available length of arrival and departure line
EMU type
train operation control mode
train operation command mode
minimum head
 From the method of transmission:
Cable and wireless communication.
 From the service area: toll communication;
area communication, section
communication, station communication.
 From the service nature: public
communication, private communication
and data transmission.
Railway private communication system consists
1.Train dispatching telephone
 The train dispatching phone is a kind of
wired phone, which is used to
communicate between dispatchers and
station attendants.
2. train dispatching radio phone

 The train dispatching radio phone can be

used as the communication tool between
train dispatchers, locomotive
dispatchers, station attendants or others
and the driver.
Wireless dispatching telephone in a station train dispatching radio phone
3.Wireless dispatching telephone in a

 The wireless dispatching telephone in a

station is used by dispatchers, hump
attendants or other commanders to
communicate to the shunting locomotive
4.Other railway private communication
 Private telecom system
 Railway local telephone
 Long distance telephone and telegraph
within railway administration and mail lines
 Train out report telegraph and telephone
 Railway station communication system
Signaling consists of the systems, devices and
means by which trains are operated efficiently
and tracks are used to maximum extent,
maintaing the safety of passengers, the staff and
the rolling stock.
It includes the use and working of signals, points,
block instruments and other equipments
Signals have aspects and indication
 Aspect is the visual appearance of the signal
 Indication is the meaning
The various objectives of providing & operating signals
 To provide facilities for the efficient movement of trains
 To ensure safety between two or more trains
 To provide facilities for the maximum utility of track
 To provide facilities for safe and efficient shunting
 To guide the trains movement during maintenance and
repair of tracks
 Signals can be placed:
 At the start of a section of track
 On the approach to a movable item of
infrastructure, such as switches or a
swing bridge
 In advance of other signals
 On the approach to a level crossing
 Ahead of platforms or other places that
trains are likely to be stopped
 Railway signal equipments are the key
facilities to organize and command train
operation, ensure safety, enhance the transport
efficiency, transfer information, improve
working conditions of driving personnel .
 The foundation of railway signal equipment
includes signal machine, switch machine,
track circuit, signal relays, etc.
 Signal and signal reapter say a signal that
used to command train operation and
shunting homework.

The switch machine plays an important roles on train
operation ,which is used to complete the conversion
and locking of switch.
ZD6 seriess are used for the existing line
S700K are used for speeding track line
 The track circuit is used to monitor the
occupancy of the train and transfer the traffic
 Signal relay is not only the key component of
various relay control system but also the
interface unit of electronic or computer
control system
 Red - stop。
 Yellow - Noting and reducing speed
 Green- driving at the required speed
 Bluish-white calling-on signal or permitting
shunting signal
 Blue - permissive signal or prohibiting
shunting signal
Function: Protecting stations, indicating the
train operating conditions to ensure the receiving
route safe and reliable.
The entrance of the station must be fitted with
home signal
Function:protecting block section, Indicating
the train can enter the next block section.
Three-aspect automatic block
Four-aspect automatic bloc
8 6 4 2

8G 6G 4G

10 8 6 4 2

10G 8G 6G 4G
 Function : indicating the train can enter the
section or not, and the parking place

section station

Fouling point
function: Indicates the various shunting
operation, be Installed in interlocking yard with
shunting operation
A:single shunting signal
B:double shunting signal
C: difference shunting signal
D:stub-end shunting signal
Double Single


 One of the basic objectives of signaling is to
control the movement of trains with a view to
ensure safety by preventing accidents
 To achieve this goal, a particular system of
working should be adopted keeping in view
three important aspects i.e safety, speed and
traffic density of operation
 The Various systems of controlling the
movement of trains are:
1) one –engine only system
2) Following train/time interval system
3) Pilot guard system
4) Train staff & ticket system
5) Absolute block system
6) Automatic block system
7) C.T.C system
8) A.T.C system

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