EDM: A Field of Data Analysis To Improve Education

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International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)

Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

EDM: A field Of Data Analysis To Improve

Rishi Kumar Dubey1, Umesh Kumar Pandey2
Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya
Sundernagar, Raipur Chhattisgarh India
MATS School of IT, MATS University,
Raipur Chhattishgarh India

schools. Later a structured architecture of schooling came

Abstract: Data mining proved its worth to business world. into existence and it has been realized that novitiate may
Due to its capability of complex data study it got prominent learn and take expertise as per there interest field. This was
place among the researcher of 21st century. After business a win-win situation in every aspect of society.
domain other domains also focused on data mining. Education After privatization of schooling all income generation
domain is one of them. Elements of education like student, responsibility comes on the institution compare to early
faculty pedagogy, course content etc. generate huge size and
situation where government findings provided. Now a
complex data. This attracts researcher to focus on educational
data with data mining tools and a new field emerge named days novitiates learning capacity is not only measured
educational data mining (EDM). This paper review the research but various methods are used to enhance their learning and
organized in recent years, need of educational data mining and skill. Along with curricular activities, other than curricular
challenges to educational data mining. activities are organized for their experience.
Keywords: Educational Data Mining, paradigm of After paradigm shift in education from informal to formal,
education, Why EDM, challenges for EDM, EDM methods educational data study transforms process of learning. This
data analysis based paradigm shift provides educational
1. INTRODUCTION institution to take firm decision and offer logical learning
st path.
21 century looks everything digitally. This digital age has This paradigm shift will bring a charismatic change in the
technology and gadgets which satisfies and helps in field of education when applied with data and tools of data
achieving human expectation. Now humans try to control mining.
everything using these gadgets and technology. According to Kay J. [7] learning is lifelong activity and it
Gadgets are only medium of collecting data. These data are needs technological support to increase its efficiency. They
source of information, knowledge and wisdom. But the proposed personal data mining. They argued for evidence
question is How collector will transform this data into based EDM design guidelines and start discussion on
other useful form. The answer is hidden in data mining building infrastructure for EDM which control self data
and analytics. Data mining offer various tools of analytics and associated EDM process.
for data which in turn return valuable information.
Increasing accountability toward student created pressure
on educational institution to offer most recent updates, 3. LITERATURE REVIEW OF EDM
information; increasing skill; customizing student on Romero C & Venutra [8] suggested that in future EDM
requirement, offering best method of teaching learning will focus on e-learning system, useful for educator and
process etc. To cope up with pressure researcher applies non educator and customizing algorithm for the purpose of
data mining on educational data sets to understand hidden educational context.
information inside obtained data. Baker RSJ and Inventado PS[4] in their chapter discussed
Power of data analysis is first time realized by business and provide a timeline of development of educational data
industry. And they got benefit. To receive benefits, study (see figure 1). They also discussed four major areas
realized by business industry, a new research area has been i.e. Prediction model; structure discovery; relationship
developed in the field of computer who studies education modeling and discovery with models; in which EDM
data and known as Educational Data Mining. community is engaged and trying to find solution.
In this paper different educational data mining paper Jindal R and Borah M D [5] studied EDM objective, EDM
reviewed to reveal the journey of EDM and who are the component, EDM Software available with its key features
beneficiary and how they can use EDM. and challenges faced by EDM. According to them
educational objective can be divided into two groups
2. EDM IS PARADIGM SHIFT IN EDUCATION academic and administrative. Academic objective fulfills
the student and faculty person oriented study; study
That was the time when novitiate learn everything by department development; study any specific domain data
observing, Knowledge transferred by heredity. This causes to help them. They [5] also describe components of EDM,
heredity based professions. Thus there were no organized i.e. Stakeholders: (primary group-Student, Faculties);
Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 176
International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
(secondary group- Parents and alumni); Hybrid group- developing next generation educational interface Mind
(Employers, Administrator/educational planner and wandering(MW) reflects a shift in attention from task-
experts); EDM Environment: Formal, Informal, Computer related to task unrelated thoughts.
Supported environment-Collaborative learning, Adaptive Hutt S. et al. [16] built machine learning model using eye-
Educational System, Learning Management System, gaze data collected from ITS GuruTutor. Bayesian
Cognitive learning, recommender system, user modeling; network, logistic regression, multilayer perceptrons,
Educational data: Offline data(traditional and modern random forest and support vector machine classifier
classroom), Online data(Web logs, Email, Spreadsheet, method is used for this purpose. Finding of this research
text data, in detail. shows that eye gaze can be powerful signal of attention
Fatima D. et.al [2] research work focused on different data regardless of the learning context.
mining task and used technique for data analysis in the Chen et. al. [14] developed a COMMAND ( Combine
perspective of education and its future work. Paper student Modeling and prerequisite Discovery) algorithm,
identifies some field of study in educational data mining using expectation maximization and Bayesian network
i.e. predicting next item correctness, inferring student method, that simultaneously infers a prerequisite graph
knowledge, Mastery learning assessment, Improving and a student data model with less human intervention.
student model, Speech Act classification, Multiple Doroudi S et. al. [15] research focused on impact of
Graphical Representation, Dialogue act modeling. At pedagogical activities on student learning. They introduced
the end they recommended to create and continue strong SCOVA (Sequencing Constraint Violation Analysis)
collaboration across research, commercial and educational method for this purpose. Proposed analysis method is
sectors. useful for researchers and practitioners for refining
hypothesis and determining question and improving
design of tutor problem.
Ma Y et al. [17] studied relationship between question
difficulty level and time taken to predict performance.
They concluded that better performer student take much
time for difficult question and those student take more time
for easy question are poor performer.
Bydovsk H [18] research focuses to provide
recommendation of selective and optional courses with
respect to knowledge, interest and free time slots in their
timetables. Bydovsk H [18] proposed two algorithms
first for semester selection and another for finding path in
Bydovsk H [19] research, presents two different
approaches for predicting success or failure and final
grades of students. The first approach is based on
classification and regression algorithms that search for
patterns in study-related data and also data about students'
social behavior. The second approach is based on
Figure 1 Development of educational data analytics [4] collaborative filtering techniques. The research, predict the
final grades based on previous achievements of similar
Saranya et al[11] organized study using Nave Bayesian students.
classification method for student ( job placement Clement B, Oudeyer P, Lopes M [20] research compare
prognosis, academic performance, co curricular activity, two main approaches - Partially Observed Markov
extracurricular activity ) as well as management (job Decision Process (POMDP) is a markovian decision
placement analysis, student intake prognosis) personal process and Zone of Proximal Development and Empirical
detail to provide review for their holistic performance Success (ZPDES) that can find an optimal long-term path,
improvement. and Multi-armed bandits that optimize policies locally and
Osmanbegovic E, Sulijic M,[12] made comparative study greedily but that are computationally more efficient while
of three classification algorithm i.e. Nave Bayesian, Multi requiring a simpler learner model for online planning of
Layer Perceptron and J48, on different student data exact teaching sequences has the potential to offer a
attribute (gender, family, distance, highschool, GPA, sincerely customized coaching enjoy with a huge effect on
entrance exam, scholarship, time, Material-book, internet, the motivation and gaining knowledge of students.
grade importance, earnings) for the purpose of Hao J, Liu L, Davier A, Kyllonen P and Kitchen C [21]
classification. In this paper they concluded that data research presents the aid of educational data mining and
mining prediction success is good. In the context of statistical analysis. Hao J, Liu L, Davier A, Kyllonen P and
decision tree preparation nave Bayesian classifier is very Kitchen C [21] investigate the relationship between
good. collaboration outcomes and collaborative problem solving
Mills C. et. al. [13] research focuses on eye movement (CPS) skills exhibited during the collaboration process.
during film viewing to study mind wandering for

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 177

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
Mostafavi B, Barnes T [22] adding data-driven methods Olsen J K, Aleven V, Rummel N[28]adjust the Additive
into the Deep Thought logic tutor for the purpose of Factors Model (AFM), a standard logistic regression model
creating a fully data-driven intelligent tutoring system. for modeling individual learning, often used in conjunction
Mostafavi B, Barnes T [22] investigate how the addition with knowledge component models and tutor log data. The
of data-driven methods affects students demonstrative extended model predicts performance of students solving
knowledge of logic proof solving using their post-tutor problems collaboratively with an ITS.
examination scores. They determine which methods are Luo L, Koprinska I, Liu W[29] presented discrimination-
most beneficial to students who demonstrate higher or aware classification for mining of educational data, with a
lower knowledge of the subject matter. case study in predicting student exam performance based
Klingler S, Kser T, Solenthaler B, Gross M[23] used on enrolment information and assessment marks during the
regression analysis and analyze the influence of different semester, in the context of a computer programming
sampling parameters on the performance of the models and course. Luo L, Koprinska I, Liu W [29] applied
study their robustness under different model assumption discrimination-aware method DAAR, which is based on
violations. Original Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) association rules, and also DADT, a discrimination-aware
model have been proposed, among them two novel models decision tree method, and compared DAAR and DADT
that unify BKT and Item Response Theory (IRT). Latent with their non-discrimination-aware alternatives.
Factor Knowledge Tracing (LFKT) and Feature Aware Feild J [30] providing students with continuous and
Student knowledge Tracing (FAST) exhibit state of the art personalized feedback on their performance are an
prediction accuracy. Klingler S, Kser T, Solenthaler B, important part of encouraging self-regulated learning. As
Gross M [23] evaluate and compare properties of the part of higher education platform, Feild Jbuilds a set of
models using synthetic data sets. data visualizations to provide feedback to students on their
Paquette L, Rowe J, Baker R, Mott B, Lester J, DeFalco J, assignment performance. These visualizations give
Brawner K, Sottilare R, Georgoulas V [24] describe work students information about how they are doing compared
using the Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring to the rest of the class, and allow them to compare the time
(GIFT) to build multi-channel affect detection models for a they spent on assignments across their courses. Included in
serious game on tactical combat casualty care. Comparing the feedback are `nudges' which provide guidance on how
the creation and predictive performance of models students might improve theirperformance by adjusting
developed for two different data modalities: 1) software when they start or submit assignments.
logs of learner interactions with the serious game, and 2) Bravo J, Romero S J, Luna M, Pamplona S [31] evaluated
posture data from a Microsoft Kinect sensor and find that differences according to age in digital competence, usages,
interaction-based detectors outperform posture-based and attitude towards ICT. To fulfill this goal, hypothesis
detectors for population. testing, correlation analysis, and data mining techniques
Sabourin J, Kosturko L, FitzGerald C, McQuiggan S [25] were performed on the basis of a 72-item survey. Results
present three primary areas of concern related to student showed no strong differences between extreme groups of
privacy in practice: policy, corporate social responsibility, age. Besides, some interesting correlations between
and public opinion, based on experience as academic variables and additional information through association
researchers transitioning into industry.Sabourin J, rules were found.
Kosturko L, FitzGerald C, McQuiggan S [25] discussion Pelnek R [32] studied two flexible approaches to skill
will describe the key challenges faced within these estimation: time decay functions and the Elo rating system.
categories, strategies for overcoming them, and ways in Results of experiments in several different settings show
which the academic Educational Data Mining that these simple approaches provide good and consistent
(EDM)community can support the adoption of innovative performance.
technologies in large-scale production. Chi M, Schwartz D L, Chin D B [33] research mined
Rollinson J, Brunskill E[26] compare the predictive students' sequential behaviors from an instructional game
similarity policy to the mastery threshold policy and see if for color mixing called Lightlet. Students playing the game
using different student asinput to the predictive similarity have two broad strategies. They can either test candidate
policy yields quantitatively different policies. color combinations in an experiment room without risking
Gonzlez-Brenes J P, Huang Y[27] presented the Learner an incorrect answer. Or they can choose colors from a faux
Effort-Outcomes Paradigm (Leopard), a new framework to shopping Catalog containing several different mixing
evaluate adaptive tutoring. Gonzlez-Brenes J P, Huang Y charts. Chi M, Schwartz D L, Chin D B [33] identified the
[27] introducesTheoretical Evaluation of Adaptive crucial choice pattern(s) in students' game play that would
Learning Systems(Teal) and Whole Intelligent Tutoring contribute to their learning or subsequent performance.
System Evaluation (White), novel automatic metrics that Kser T, Koedinger K R, Gross M [34] explores a wider
apply Leopard and quantify the amount of effort required set of modeling techniques and by using a data set with
to achieve a learning outcome. Teal focuses on models of additional observations of longer term retention that
the Knowledge Tracing Family a very popular set of provide a check on whether judged mastery is maintained
student models.Knowledge Tracing uses a Hidden Markov in case of non-random factors drive. The data set at hand
Model (HMM) per skill to model the student's knowledge contains math learning data from children with and without
as latent variables. developmental dyscalculia. Kser T, Koedinger K R, Gross
M [34] test variations on logistic regression, including the

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 178

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
Additive Factors Model and others explicitly designed to Potgieter I, Coetzee M [42] determined the relationship
adjust for mastery-based data, as well as Bayesian between employees employability attributes and their
Knowledge Tracing. personality. The authors conducted a quantitative survey. It
Bazaldua D A L, Baker R S, Pedro M O Z S[35] examined involved a non-probability sample of 304 early career
metrics by distilling association rules from real educational adults enrolled for an Honors degree in business
data relevant to established research questions in the areas management in an open distance learning higher education
of affect and disengagement. Then ask three domain institution. They used correlational statistics and multiple
experts to rate the interestingness of the resultant rules and regression analyses to analyze the data.
finally analyze the data to determine which metric(s) best Thakar P, Mehta A, Manisha[43]compared various
agree with expert judgments of interestingness. classification algorithms on two datasets of MCA (Masters
Khajah M M, Wing R M, Lindsey R V, Mozer M C[36] in Computer Applications) students collected from various
propesed a principled synthesis of the two approaches affiliated colleges of a reputed state university in India.
Latent-factor models and Knowledge-tracing models in a One dataset includes only primary attributes, whereas other
hierarchical Bayesian model that predicts student dataset is feeded with secondary psychometric attributes in
performance by integrating a theory of the temporal it. The study analyzes and stresses the role of secondary
dynamics of learning with a theory of individual psychometric attributes for better prediction accuracy and
differences among students and problems. They find analysis of students performance. Timely prediction and
significant predictive value in considering the difficulty of analysis of students performance can help Management,
specific problems, a source of information that has rarely Teachers and Students to work on their gray areas for
been exploited. better results and employment opportunities.
Stefanescu D, Rus V, Graesser A C [37] paper describes a Arora R K, Badal D[44] research focuses to identify those
study which is part of a project whose goal is to detect set of students that are likely to face difficulty in getting
students prior knowledge levels with respect to a target the placements. The analysis using decision tree is being
domain based solely on characteristics of the natural done with the help of WEKA tool.
language interaction between students and a state-of-the-art Arora R K, Badal D [45] described a system that analyze
conversational Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS). They the performance of students using association analysis
collected dialogues from two versions of the intelligent algorithm.. Arora R K, Badal D [45] research assist the
tutoring system DeepTutor: a micro-adaptive-only version academic planners in identification of students that need
and a fully-adaptive (micro and macro-adaptive) version. more attention such that the extra efforts can be employed
Kokkodis M, Kannan A,Kenthapadi K[38] research on these set of students to improve the results.
focuses to rigorous formulation of the video assignment Srimani P K, Patil M M [46] mainly discusses on the
problem and presented an algorithm for assigning each application of data mining algorithms and techniques on
video to the optimum subset of logical units. Kokkodis M, academic data to potentially increase some of the aspects
Kannan A,Kenthapadi K [38] experimental evaluation of education system by developing a method called Edu-
using a diverse collection of educational videos relevant to mining which is a novel approach.
multiple chapters in a textbook demonstrates the efficacy Srimani P K, Patil M M [47] compares the data mining
of the proposed techniques for inferring the granularity at (DM) and Massive Data Mining(MDM) techniques. In the
which a relevant video should be assigned. case of MDM, Massive (M) Online (O) Analysis (A)
Agnihotri L, Ott A [39]research created a firstyear at risk framework is used to generate the data streams and Naive
model using educational data mining and to apply that Bayes classifier is used for the analysis purpose.
model at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). Pumpuang P, Srivihok A, Praneetpolgrang P[48] research
Building the model creates new challenges: (1)the model proposes the classifier algorithm for building Course
must be welcomed by counseling staff and the outputs Registration Planning Model (CRPM) from historical
need to be user friendly, and (2)the model needs to work dataset. The algorithm is selected by comparing
automatically from data collection to processing and performances of four classifiers include Bayesian Network,
prediction in order to eliminate the bottleneck of a human C4.5, Decision Forest and NBTree.
operator which can slow down the process. They chose to Dimokas D, Mittas N, Nanopoulos A, Angelis L [49]
build four different initial models: Neural Networks, Nave presents the design and development of the proposed data
Bayes, Decision Tree, and Logistic Regression. warehouse solution, which facilitates better and more
Srimani P K, Patil M M[40] developed a linear regression thorough analysis of departments data. The proposed
model for Edu-Mining using the statistical approach. The system constitutes an integrated platform for a thorough
statistical results obtained help the management to predict analysis of departments past data. Analysis of data could
the semester results and also helps in proper decision be achieved with OLAP operations. Also proposes a
making processes in TES. thorough statistical analysis with an array of data mining
Jackson D, Chapman E [41assessed the typical techniques that are appropriate for the examined tasks.
performance levels of Australian business graduates Cha S [50] describes distance or similarity measures are
against a comprehensive framework of 20 skills and 45 essential to solve many pattern recognition problems such
associated workplace behaviors. Ratings were examined as classification, clustering, and retrieval problems.
within and across the two samples and variations analyzed Various distance/similarity measures that are applicable to
by work area, business activity and business discipline. compare two probability density functions, pdf in short, are

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 179

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
reviewed and categorized in both syntactic and semantic prediction. Classification is used to label class name.
relationships. A correlation coefficient and a hierarchical Each class represents a specific characteristic.
clustering technique are adopted to reveal similarities Classification is used for performance analysis and
among numerous distance/similarity measures. prediction of class. Kaur P, Singh M & Josan G S[10]
Tsien T B K &Tsui M [51] presents a student centered, studied 152 student to predict and analyze student
collaborative and participative practice teaching model for performance also find slow learner among them.
social work. The model is learning and teaching method Regression: A regression evaluation generates an
undertaken with rather than for students, and its process equation to explain the statistical dating among one
and outcomes are owned by the team. The relationship or more predictors and the reaction variable and
between students and teachers develops during a mutual watching for new observations.
learning process and there is less power disparity between Latent Knowledge Estimation: Latent Knowledge
the two parties. Estimation, a students information of particular
skills and concepts is assessed via the usage of their
4. WHY EDM kinds of correctness on those talents.
In an education process three groups play a vital role i.e. Structure Discovery-characterizes the content to be
Academician, Administration and learner. Every groups learned and optimal instructional sequences.
wish a unlax learning environment with enhance learning Clustering: Clustering is process for finding clusters
skill. Today education sector become industry beside of data objects that are similar in some sense to one
charity work. Still its objective is not to make profit another.
openly. But its working and behavior is almost channelized Factor Analysis: a process in which the values of
in private players educational institution as other industry observed data are expressed as functions of a number
viz. manufacturing, service sector etc. These sectors got of possible causes in order to find which are the most
immense growth after applying various data study. important.
Educational data mining with artificial intelligence, Student Characterization- purpose summarization of
statistics, database management data analytics provide features in a target group/class
intrinsic knowledge of teaching and learning process so an Relationship mining: Is it possible to pick out and
effective education become true. define mechanism to generate beneficial causal inter-
Academician utilize EDM in direct participation domain, relationships across information collections.
Administrators utilize EDM for measuring the effort and Outlier analysis:-Data objects, that square measure
success of resources provided by the institution for grossly completely different from remaining set of
improved learning skill. Last but not least learners also get information, square measure referred to as outliers.
benefit by knowing their weak and strong point. Knowing The outliers are also of explicit interest, like within
oneself is key way to success. Various saying in different the case of fraud detection, wherever outliers could
language and region of world classify knows and knows indicate deceitful activity. Thus, outlier detection and
not[1] as depicted in following chart: analysis is a noteworthy data processing task, stated
as outlier analysis.
Table 1: Classification of knows and knows not [1] Association Rule Mining: Association rules area unit
Who Knows not Knows created by analyzing information for frequent
He patterns and mistreatment the standards support and
Knows Not Fool/Shun or Asleep/Awake confidence to spot the foremost necessary
avoid him relationships.
Knows Student/Teach Wise/Follow Pattern Mining: pattern mining could be a data
him him processing technique involved with finding
statistically relevant patterns between information.
EDM tries to bring knows-knows stage so that component Correlation Mining: Indicates the strength and
of learning process i.e. academician, administrator and direction of a linear relationship between random
learner act like wise. Thus overall learning will improve variables.
and effective. Causal Data Mining: Casual data processing, makes
an attempt to search out whether or not one event was
5. EDM METHODS the explanation for another event, either by analyzing
Prediction: Prediction is the method to find new the variance of two events
value from known value. In EDM prediction is used Discovery with Models: A model of a development is
to predict the student performance, building future developed via prediction, bunch or data engineering.
learning model, role of Meta cognition on learning, This model is then used as a element in another
predicting motivational factor for learner. analysis, like relationship mining or prediction
Classification: Sometimes prediction and Student modeling: A model provides elaborate info a
classification seems similar but Han & Kamber [9] few students characteristics or states, like
mentioned that predicting class labels known as information motivation and perspective.
classification and predicting values is known as

Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 180

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856

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Volume 6, Issue 2, March April 2017 Page 181

International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS)
Web Site: www.ijettcs.org Email: [email protected]
Volume 6, Issue 2, March - April 2017 ISSN 2278-6856
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