Pest Control Articles

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Pest Control Articles

The Latest Innovations in Pest Control Technology

The pest control industry is constantly researching new technologies and products that will advance the way we
prevent and manage pests. And as these treatment and monitoring developments evolve, the overarching goal is to
also decrease the impacts they have on the environment and on non-target creatures, as well as the economic impact
on bottom lines. Whats more, they may even change the way we communicate about pest control. Here are some of
the latest pest-control technologies and products to be on the lookout for:

Bio-Rational Materials
If your facility currently utilizes an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, you wont be surprised to hear that the
pest control industry has and will continue to move toward least-impact products and services. IPMnow widely
accepted in many industries as the standard for serviceis an environmentally responsible approach to pest control
that focuses on proactive tactics, such as facility maintenance and sanitation to prevent pests from becoming a
problem in the first place.

Bio-rational materials, or pest control products that are relatively non-toxic and have little negative impact on the
environment, are another step forward in sustainability and are becoming increasingly important. One such example
is using pheromones to enhance existing control methods.

While pheromones are nothing new to pest controlpest control professionals frequently use pheromones traps as a
means to monitor pest populationsadding them to insecticides is a new concept.

The pest control industry is only beginning to understand the opportunities to improve our business with mobile and
social technologybut the possibilities are endless.

Researchers at the University of California have developed what they call a pheromone-assisted technique, which
maximizes the effectiveness of insecticides, specifically for Argentine ants. An insecticide by itself does not actually
lure ants. Instead, if the ant happens to cross a treatment zone, it will pick up the insecticide and eventually die. But
when combined with a pheromone, the ant can actually be lured away from its trails and nests to the insecticide.

Although this new product will be specifically for Argentine ants, we expect to see products for more ant species in the
future. The ultimate goal of pheromone-enhanced products will be to not only control pests, such as this invasive ant
species, but also decrease the impact on the environment, on non-target creatures and human health. For instance,
some pheromones like those used by Indian Mealmoths can be deployed in food processing facilities or warehouses
to prevent male moths from finding females. This mating disruption technique is one more new tool that could lead
to an increased reliance on bio-rational products.

Like pheromone traps, Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) use synthetic replications of insect hormones. IGRs have
been used by pest control professionals to disrupt pest lifecycles and prevent pests from reaching full maturity. But the
most recent technique to emerge is combining IGRs that prevent pests from maturing properly with IGRSs that
prevent pests from developing cuticles, or exoskeletons, leaving them defenseless and vulnerable. This combination
of IGRs can be effective in preventing re-infestation of pests such as cockroaches.

As the trend toward bio-rational products and sustainable services continues, it will be important to make sure your
pest management professional has a basic knowledge and understanding of Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED), the National Organic Program (NOP), the new (and changing) food safety regulations, and where or
when these types of materials or services can be incorporated into IPM programs.

Second-Generation Green Products

Until the past few years, much of the focus surrounding green products was from a public health perspective. But
more and more, the demand for green products is shifting to eco-protection, a move related to the EPAs focus on how
materials affect the environment.

While green products have been on the market for some time, its the second-generation green products that are now
emerging. These second-generation green products will have greater efficacy, better ingredients, and fewer
downsides. For example, a first-generation insecticide may have contained plant essential oils, but it may have also
been accompanied by an unpleasant smell. The second-generation insecticide will contain different proportions of the
original ingredients or other materials to reduce the smell, while still being effective.

Communication Tools
Technology is changing the way we communicate with the people and objects around us. When mobile data-capture
devices were introduced, pest control professionals were able to capture real-time data about the location and nature
of pest problems and then store it in a central database online that both facility managers and pest control
professionals could access. This also made it simple to track multiple facilities and allowed for more timely corrective
actions and more targeted pest-control treatments.

But what is the next big step in communication? Through video recording and real-time communication devices, such
as Apples FaceTime application and the GoPro video, property managers can capture video of their particular pest
problem and relay it directly to their pest management professional for instant diagnosis and corrective action
recommendations. And vice versa, pest management professionals can use video to record and narrate inspections
and leave a copy for the facility manager via email, or conduct a real-time video co-inspection with the customer if
they are not able to be present at their facility during the inspection.

The pest control industry is only beginning to understand the opportunities to improve our business with mobile and
social technology but the possibilities are endless.

Rodent Birth Control

For the past few years, pest management professionals have been using birth control for pest birds such as pigeons
as a means of managing populations. Now the attention has turned to rodents. Though not yet on the market, rodent
birth control may soon provide an effective way to control prolific breeders such as rats and mice without negatively
impacting many non-target creatures. Be on the lookout for rodent birth control in the near future.

Fly Baits
One of the latest innovations in fly control is an insecticide sticker panel that can discreetly control a variety of fly
species, including houseflies, blowflies, phorid flies, fruit flies, fungus gnats, and bottle flies. The small sticker is
coated with insect food and an insecticide that has the ability to knockdown flies in just one minute upon contact. It
does not release any fumes or odors once activated, and it can stay effective for up to seven months indoors.

This new fly bait is designed to work in variety of commercial settings and can be applied directly to areas where flies
congregate, including windows, trash cans, under counters, behind equipment, and near floor drains and food storage

In short, the industry is making a lot of advancements, which means good news for commercial properties fighting the
battle against pests. Be sure to talk to your pest management professional about these emerging technologies and
find out if they are appropriate for your facility.

More effective and economical pest control: Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management

(IPM) is a proven, cost-effective strategy to combat pest problems without

unnecessary pesticides. By correcting conditions that lead to pest problems and
using least-toxic pesticides only when necessary, IPM provides more effective pest
control, often without increasing costs. NRDC is collaborating with the IPM Institute
to promote a more effective alternative to conventional pest control services.

What is IPM?
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) begins with an inspection for signs of pest
activity and conditions that may lead to pest infestation. Pests need food, water,
and shelter to survive and thrive. IPM practitioners eliminate these needs to provide
lasting pest management. Preventative strategies include improving sanitation,
sealing cracks to eliminate pest habitat, installing door sweeps to keep out mice or
insects, and fixing leaking plumbing to remove access to wateramong many
others. When non-chemical measures are not adequate, baited pesticide traps in
enclosed containers kill pests and reduce human and pet exposure to pesticides.
IPM is included in green building standards and certification programs.

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