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The study is an experimental investigation looking into the effluent quality of septic tanks designed for different domestic wastewater combinations. It also examines the soil absorption capacity of effluent of different qualities.

The study is investigating the effluent quality of septic tanks designed for different combination of domestic wastewater. It is also looking into the matter of soil absorption capacity of effluent of different quality.

The primary on-site sanitation options in Bangladesh include septic tank systems. But many conventional sewerage technology is excluded due to its high initial costs.






Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering. Bangladesh Uniyersity

of Engineering & Technology. Dhaka in partial fulfillm,ent of the
requirements for the degree of


) December 1995
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(Supervisor) (Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman)
Associate Professor,Deptt of
Civil Engg, BUET, Dhaka

" .

Member (Dr. M. Azadur Rahman)

Professor and Head,
Deptt of Civil Engg
SUET, Dhaka .

. oJw,A-)-
Member (Dr. M. Feroze Ahmed)
Deptt of Civil Engg
BUET, Dhaka

Member (Dr. A.B.M. Badruzzainan)

Asst Professor,
Deptt of Civil Engg, .
BUET, Dhaka

~~~'-I-I- ~_

Member (Mr. Abdul Muqeet)

. (External) Chief Engineer, Dhaka WASA,

I hereby declare that the research work reported, in this thesis

work was performed by me as a partial fulfillment of .therequirement for.
the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineerirtg from Bangladesh
University of Engineering & Technology (BUET),Dhaka.

This thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma from any other institution and to
the best of my knowledge and belief, this, thesis contains no material
previously published or written by any other person, except when due
reference is made in the text of the thesis.

-- - - - -'---- - ----==::$-


The author express his profound gratitude and indebtness to his '
supervisor ,Dr.Md Mujibur Rahman, Associate professor in the
Department of Civil Engineering for extending untiring close supervision,
invaluable professional guidance, hearty support, endless encouragement,
comments and helpful suggestions . to make this -

. possible, His active interest in the topic and advice throughout the study
were praise worthy and of immense help,

Hearty thanks are expressed to Dr.Azadur Rahman Head of Civil

Engg Deptt,Dr.M Feroze Ahmed and Dr. Badruzzaman in the department
.of civil Engineering,' for valuable suggestions and co-operation rendered
by them

. The author is deeply indebted to Mr Reazul Islam, Garrison

Engineer Mitintenance, Dhaka Cantonment (South),for allowing the
author to avail the test sites for the experiment.-

, The author is very grateful to Librarian BUET for his. valuable

service in procuring reference materials from abroad in short time.

The author records with deep appreciation, the. patience,

understanding and encouragement shown by his family members and
friends throughout the study period.

Finally, the author acknowledges his gratitude to the Corps of

Engineers, and to Bangladesh Army for selecting him for the course.


The study is an experimental investigation aimed at looking into i

the effluent quality of septic tanks designed for different combination of

domestic wastewater. The study also looked into the matter of soil
absorption capacity of effluent of different quality.

In Bangladesh, sanitation programs are largely limited to on site

options and. exclude conventional sewerage technology,. because of its
high initial costs. The primary on-site sanitation options include septic
tanks system. But many of the septic tank systems malfunction or fail for
various reasons.

Septic tanks are designed normally either to receive toilet wastes

or all type of wastes. The design criteria is the volume of sewage only. No
consideration is given on the quality of septic tank effluent which is
discharged to soakwells. In this study, effluent characterestics are
determined. in three different composition of. domestic wastewater.
These are toilet wastes only,toilet and kitchen wastewater, and toilet
kitchen and bathroom wastewaters .

.The test results show that qualitatively toilet wastes together with
kitchen wastewater produce better effluent than toilet wastes only. The
waste quality parameters like BOD, COD,TOe and SS are reduced to 40%
of the original value Similarly all purpose septic tanks receiving toilet,
kitchen and bathroom wastewater produce much superior quality
effluent. In addition, organic contaminant removal efficiency of these
septic tanks are very high, about 70%. But the major disadvantage of this
combination is that the size of the septic tank and soak wells which
increase enormously compared to other cases.

The most important factor to be determined when considering
absorption system is whether the soil is suitable for the absorption of the
effluent. Soil percolation capacity tests were conducted for determining
the absorption capacity of soil. Percolation tests conducted with the three
(ypes of effluent on the same type of soil, as mentioned earlier. The
absorption rate is more for effluent with toilet andkitchen;toilet, kitchen
and bathroom than with toilets only. The toilet wastewater. contain high
amount of BOD,COD,TOCand SS which forms slime which deposit in the
infiltrative layer and gradually reduce the absorption rate.

Finally an attempt has been made t~ propose a new approach for

the design of septic tank where effluent i quality has been taken ihto .
. consideration. New approach is based on toilet and kitchen wastewater
septic tank with 3 days detention time. This will ensure better
functioning of the system and chances of failure of soakage pit will be
reduced. In addition possibility of contamination of surface and ground
water would be reduced as the effluent quality improves using this
method. The bathroom wastewater may be discharged to surface drains as
.it contain insignificant quantity of contaminent. However all wastewater
septic tank is recommanced when situation permits.


Acknowledgements i
Abstract ii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures . v
List of Abbreviations vi


1.1 Background' 1
1.2 Objectives of the Research 3
1.3 Methodologies 4
1.4 Organization of the Thesis 5

2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Septic tank design 11
2.2.1 General 11
2.2.2 Hydraulic loading 12
2.2.3 Organic loading 14
2.2.4 Size of the septic tank 16
2.2.5 Inlet and Outlet of septic tank 20
2.2.6 Septic tank compartmentation 21
2.3 Bacterial modifications of septic system effluents 24
2.4 Onsite effluent disposal system 26
2.5 Soakage pit 27
2.6 Septic tank performance 29
2.7 Causes of septic tank failure 31
.2.7.1 Soil dogging 31
2.7.2 Role of wastewater quality .34
2.7.3 Hydraulic loading rates and
insufficient absorption area 35
2.8 Effluent quality standard 35



3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Field Survey and data collection 37
3.3 Description of test sites 38
.3.'3.1 Test site 1 39
3.3.2 Test site 2 43
3.3.3 Test site 3 44
, 3.3.4 Details of Septic tank design 45
3.4 Description of experimental conditions 50
3.5 Laboratory test programme 51
3.5.1 Connections. 10 septic tanks' 51
3.5.2 Collection of samples 52
3.5.3 Detail analysis of samples 52
3.6 Experimental procedure 53
3.6: 1 Temperature 53
3.6.2 pH 54
'3.6.3 Solids content 54
, 3.6.4 Dissolved oxygen 54
3.6.5 Biochemical oxygen demand 54
3.6.6 Chemical oxygen demand 55
3.6.7 Nitrate 55
3.6.8 Phosphate 55
3.6.9 Total organic carbon 56
3.6.10..C9liform analysis 56

3.7 Field test progranune 58

3.8 Limitations' 'of the experimental: progranline . 59
I .

' ...

4.1 Introduction 61
4.2 Household water usage pattern: 61
4.3 Effluent quality under different ,composition
of sewage 63
4.3.1 Quality of untreated wastewater .64
4.3.2 Effluent quality of toile wastewater only 66
4.3.3 Effluent quality of toilet and'
kitchen wastewaters 67
4.3.4 Effluent quality for all
wastewaters 69
4.3.5 Percolation tests 71
4.3.6 Comparison .of effluent quality
under different composition of wastewater 73

4.4 Concluding remarks 82 j


5.1 Traditional design concepts 85

5.2 Some international design concepts. 85
5.3 Discussion on traditional design concepts 86
5.4 Design steps in new approach 88
5.5 Design example 91


6.1 Summary 96
6.2 Major findings of the study 97
6.3 Recommendations 99


ANNEXURE - A Test Results and Data Tables. 107

'ANNEXURE - B Plates. 146
ANNEXURE - C Questionnaire. 15I"
ANNEXURE - D Data Survey. 153

Table 2.1 Septic Tank Effluent Concentration and

Percent Removal 14
" . Table 2.2 Daily Flow Rates for Septic Tank System
. Table 2.3 .Dimensions. of Septic Tanks
Dimensions OfAbsorption Pits 29
Table 2.4
Performance of Six Small Septic Tanks 30
Table 2.5
Septic Tank Dimensions at Test Sites 45
.Table 3.1
Domestic Wastewater Flowrates Pattern 62
, Table 4.1
Table 4.2 Constituents of Untreated Wastewater
Under Different Condition 65

Table 4.3 Efficiencies of Septic Tank System

for Toilet Wastewater Only (AI condition) 66

Table 4.4 Efficiencies of Septic Tank System.

for Toilet and Kitchen Wastewater (A2 condition) 68

Table 4.5 Efficiencies of Septic Tank System

for All Wastewaters (A3 condition) 70

Absorption Capacities of Soakage Pits 72

Table 4.6
Table 4.7 Septic Tank Efficiencies for Various
Composition of wastewater .

Comperative Efficiencies in Options 84

Table 4.8
Table 5.1 Cost Analysis of Septic Tank Systems 88




ASAE American Associations of Agricultural Engineers.

ASCE American Associations of Civil Engineers.
BR Bangladesh Railways.
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand.
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand.
OOF Department of Environment.
00 Dissolved Oxygen.
DW&CE Director of Works & Chief Engineer.
EQS Environmental Quality Standard.
Fe Fecal Coliform.
GE Garrison Engineer.'
lpcd Liters per Capita per Day.
I/m2/d Gallons per Day.
LGED Local Government Engineering Department.
L/M,d Litre per Meter Square per Day ..
MES Military Engineer Services.
N03 Nitrate.
P04 .Phosphate.
PWD Public Works Department.
ppm Parts per Million.
S&A Shal1idullah & Associates Ltd.
SS Supended Solied.
TSS Total Suspended Solids.
TC Total Coliform.
TOe Total Organic Carbon.
Vol Volume.
WC Water Closet.
WHO Word Health Organization.


, I



1.1 Background

The most common type of individual sewage disposal system

, I

consists of aseptic tank and soakage pit. This' is ' the most convenient
~ '," , '

and satisfactory iTIethod of sewage disposal within the confines of the,

individual. The safe disposal of sewage and household wastewater is

necessary to protect t1;e health of the public to prevent the occurance of

nuisences and to protect the environment in general. Each household

'equipped with running water and modern plumbing is faced with the
disposal of waterbone wastes. In areas without community sewerage this
need has been met through the installation of individual sewage disposal



The primary purpose of a septic tank is to rec.eive and treat

household wastewater in order to produce

, effluent satisfactory. for
disposal into the ground or by other means. A septic tank should be
designed to ensure removal of settleable solids and soluble organic matter
by anaerobic decomposition. The partially clarified liquid which. is

discharged from the septic tank is still high in' BOD and contains a large

number of m.icroorganisms which requires: further treatment for safe

disposal. In Bangladesh, the usual practice is :to receive wastewater,~n the

tank designed for specific ,retention and then dispose of theeffltient

largely ,by soak pits.

Normally septic tank volume is determined considering liqrtid

holding time, storage of sludge and scum, and prevention of direct' flow of
wastewater out of tank. As the solids are separated and retained in the
tank, the organic matter in the sludge and sCUI~is anaerobically. digested

and ,stabilized. This retention volume of the tank is important. Depending

on the desludging period, which may be one year or three years, the tank
volum.e varies. So, the design volume of a septic tank is based on the
liquid holding period and desludging interval of the tank. In current
design practices septic tank effluent quality is not given any

consideration. 'This effluent quality may affect the ultimate disposal

system. In this study major emphasis is given on the effluent quality of

septic tanks.

Septic tank design in Bangladesh has not been standardized yet and the
organizations like PWD,LGED,MESetchave their own design
specifications primarily based on quantity considerations. SeptiC: tank
effluent quality, the most important design parameter, has received very
, '.,

little attention so far. Effluent quality significaI1tly influences the ultimate

disposal of the effluent. Although a large number of septic tanks are being

used in urban areas of the country. most of them do not have proper

effluent disposal facilities. Septic tanks. discharging directly into open

water bodies. drains or ditches are common. On the other hand septic
tank cOI].nect~dto soak pits have problems of soakage overflows. Soak

pits receiving septic tank effluents are either under designed or the pits
face the problem of early clogging apparently related to. the effluent.


1.2. Objectives of the Research


The study aims at looking into the effluent quality of septic tanks

designed for different purposes. e.g water closet only septic tanks.all

purpose septic tanks and septic tanks receiving toilet wastes and sullage
only. The study would also intended to look into the matter of soil

absorption capacity for effluents of different quality.

The primary objective of this research is to assess' the effluent

quality of septic tanks of different configuration considering various


sources of wastes. The study would also assess the absorption capacity of

soak pits for different effluent quality.

The research would give guidance in the design of septic tank

system with emphasis on the effluent quality. This would also increase

the awareness of the designers in the final disposal of effluent into the
soakage pits or to use other means. The objectives of this research work

are selected as follows:

(il to determine effluent quality of septic. tanks for different

combination of domestic wastewater.

(ij) to assess the overall efficiencies of septic tanks for treating
different composition of domestic wastewater.

(iii) to assess 'the soil absorption capacity for different

.composition of domestic wastewater.

(iv) to suggest changes in septic tank design considering effluent

quality and soil absorption capacity.

. 1.3 Methodologies
The methodologies of the research works is explained below:

-Toilet wastewater only.

-Toilet and kitchen wastewater.
-Toilet,kitchen and batllroom and wastewater(all purpose) ..

Raw sewage.is collected from different arrangement of domesjic

wastewater discharged to septic tanks as' mentioned earlier. Raw sewage
. is also collected separately from toilet, kitchen and bathroom ..

. .

AlSo.the perfarmance af saakage pits under different ca~positian
af wastewater are tested by percalatian tests. All the abave mentioned
.,tests, are carried aut in different capacity septic tanks under different

arganic and hydraulic laading..


Finally a better
arrangement af septic tank and absarptian pit has

been suggested. Far the purpase af field test, ~tandard septic tank system
af MES AnllY, . Dhaka has been taken as ideal and all. studies.. are related . to.

that system.

1.4 Organizatfon ofthe Thesis

.The study is presented in six chapters.' Chapter 2 contains a brief

and selective revjew af the relevant literature.Since, nat much wark been
dane an this tapic in Bangladesh a number af research papers have been
callected from abraad. Relevant partians af these rese'arch warks have
been critically examined and presented in chapter 2.

In Chapter 3, the detail experimental canditians are described far

determining septic tank effluent quality. AlSo..the field testing pragramme ..~.~.

and data callectian pragramme are elabarated here.

[n Chapter 4,results af the experimental canditians are presented

.[n Chapter 5, a guide-line is recammended as the basis far new

septic tank design.

Chapter 6 cantains the canclusians af the present study and


recammendatians far future warks.



2.1 Introduction

Throughout history major factors influencing the health and well

being of a community have been the proper disposal of sewage and
protection of water supplies from contamination. Safe disposal of sewl).ge
~ and. household waste water is necessary to protect the health of the
public arid to. prevent environmental. pollution. In lie~ of a high cost
conventional sewerage system, the septic tank system is Gonsidered to be
the most satisfactory method of household wastewater disposal.

A septic tank is a water tight chamber usually located just below

ground level, that receives both excreta and flush water. from toilets and
other household wastewater including sullage. Large populations in both
rural .and urban areas rely on septic tank soil absorption'system as the
principal means disposal of domestic waste materials. The main functions
of the septic tank are; to separate solids from the liquid, to store solids.
and provide digestion of organic matters, and to discharge the partially
clarified liquid for further treatment and disposal.

The process occLiring within the tank. are.' complex and

interrelated. However, the primary. processes can be identified as under:

Separation of Suspended Solids: This process results in the formation of

three distinct layer;a sludge layer at the bottom, a floating SCUj11 layer at
the top and a relatively clear liquid zone in the middle. This phase is
. . ! .

basically a coagulation process followed by sedimentation and

flotation,depending on particle size and density.

Digestion of Sludge and Scum: Organic matter in the sludge and scum is '

anaerobically digested, which is ultimately converted to carbon dioxide

and methane. The reaction is represented by the following' simplified

equation: l

Cx Hy Oz+ HzO--c-- CH4 + C02 + NH3 (2.1)

( Organic matter) (Methane)

Gas formation in the sludge layer causes flotation of the sludge flocs
which resettle after gas release at the surface. Densification of the sludge

layer occurs due to accumulation of over burden.

Stabilization of the liquid: During reaction in the tank,organic matter in

the darified liquid are stabilized by anaerobic bacteria.

Reduction of Microorganisms: Some microorganisms are separated out in

the sedimentation process. Some die off naturally in the adverse

environment in the tank. Thus there is an overall reduction in the

number of micro-organisms. However a large number of them can be

present in effluent, sludge and scum can cause health hazard if not

properly disposed off.

Baumann (1977) conducted a study on septic tank performance to

review fundamentals of treatment. As per his ,studies in normal domestic

sewage, the suspended solids average .a~out 300 mg/l of which 60

percent( 180 mg/l ) are settleable and 40 percent (120 mg/l) colloidal in

'nature and will not settle. Since suspended solids are typically about 70

'. percent volatile and 30 percent non-volatile or asl1, under ideal
conditions' of anaerobic digestion in a septic tank over a period of a year
or more, the' sludge in th'e tank might be expected to convert' to
conditions of 40% volatile and 60% percent ash. Since the ash content
. would not change by digestion, it will remain in the tank along with
biologically .resistant organic material. If the tank i~' effective in retaining
settleable solids, in three years about 40% of. tank
volume will
filled with digested sludge. Therefore, unless the septic tank is. cleaned
out at least at 3 years intervals the accumulation of digested sludge will
begin to interfere with the removal and retention of settleable solids.

The same .study on the scum accumulation shows that sewage

contain 20-40 mg/l of fats or grease. Since it Is lighter than water it float
and. accumuiates 'as scum on the surface of tlle septic tank and tend to
dty out and harden. It will digest more slowly than the solids which.
accumulates on tlle bottom of septic tank.

'In Fig 2.1, the clear space 'beneath tlle scum layer and above the
sludge surface represents the volume designated' for :use as the
sedimentation tank for the purpose of removing the settleable solids
entering the tank. Once in the tank, the highly concentrated organic
matter will deplete all the dissolved oxygen in the wastewater and
anaerobic condition will prevail. The schematic action that occure will
convert organic material'as follows:

COHNS + Anaerobic Microorganisms=Energy'

New Anaerobic Microorganism

Carbon C--- CH4 (Methane)

Thus the organic materials will be converted to gas
(CH4,COz,HzS,NH3land escape from the tank after the solubility of the

gases in water is exceeded. The escaping gases must pass through the
.sedimentation volume and will interfere with the effective sedimentation

of the settleable solids and seed the entire liquid volume with active

anaerobic organisms carried. up with the, gas bubbles. So, during the

period the liquid is stored in the tank, anaerobic decomposition of the

colloidal, suspended organic solids and the soluable organic solids is


~.r_.. _ -li.cum_
/ ,.

I-- -r-..-".
.- - -

Clear :>pace)

"__ 1 __ ~ludge clear :>pac~~
__ ._ 1-. _. _

":.;J::::l:. ;,::~. -...... -~-

Space Area Sludge Clear Space


'2.3 250
2,8 175

3.3 150

3.8 125

4.3 100

Figure 2.1 Ultimate Minimum Clear Space H.equired in Septic'

Tank (Source: Weibel et a1. 1954)

2.2 Septic Tank Design

2.2.1 General

The primary purpose of the septic tank is to improve the effluent

. quality so as to protect and extend the service life of the secondary

treatment soil disposal system. A septic tank should be designed to

. remove close to 100 percent of the settleable solids from the tank
effluent and to provide as high a degree as possible of anaerobic
decomposition of the colloidal and soluable organic solids. prior to

discharging the liquid effuent to the absorption pit: The tank design must

provide for :

Sludge storage without interfering with the. discharge of

liquid free of settleable solids.

Scum storage in such a way that no scum can accumulate in

or be carried into HIe tank outlet.

Inlet and outlet baffles to direct the flow to prevent. short

circuiting of hot and or cold water and keep scum and sludge

out of the outlet.

Gas accumulation and venting provisions to allow the escape

of methane (an explosive gas) and. hydrogen sulfide (a toxic


Access to the tank interior for inspection and cleaning. For

the design of septic tank following parameters should be

considered :

* Hydraulic loading.

* Organic loading.

* Size of the tank.

* Inlet and outlet of septic tank.

* Tank compartmentation.

2.2.2 Hydraulic Loading

Jones (1975) found in a study of 22 homes in USA (10 on a public

water supply and 12 on private water systems 1that mean daily water use

was 49 gallons
. .
per person, ranging between 32.7 and 66.1 gallons per

person per day. Homes on private and public system had 1 minute peak
flow rates of water demand of 17 and 8 gallons, respectively. Peak 15

minute demand of 124 and 87 gallons respectively, were recorded. Most,

of the hydraulic loading on a septic tank was "found to occur in a short

period of time, 25 percent in 1 hour or less and 45 percent in 4 hours or

less.The rate at which water is used in tlle home is not, however, the rate
. J
at which.water enters or leaves a septic tank. Generally, the designer of a

septic tank has little control over the reduction in the peak water use
rate. in the home sewer system before it reaches the tank. He does have

significant control over the septic tank design to control the peak

.discharge rate from the septic tank.

Septic tank should be designed to control the peak discharge rate,

from septic tank. Normally, the invert of the. inlet of a tank is set at. an
elevation 3 inches higher than the invert of the outlet of the tank since

all water that enters a septic tank must rise above the invert of the outlet
. before water
can .leave the tank. The rise bf the water serves'. to put water

into storage, the volume of storage being equal to the surface <rrea cifthe

tank times rise in elevation' of the water.. So when the surface area

increases the discharge rate from the tank fall. So a large surface area is
preferred. The rate at which water is used, in homes is discharged. to

septic tank at a lower rate. This is done by placing the used water in

storage until the depth of water rises to a high enough level to cause a

pipe flow equal to the flow of wastewaster. Due to this the time of

discharge is lengthened and the peak discharge rate is reduced. This fact

suggest that both the minimum and maximum slopes of the house line' to

the septic tank should be restricted. The discharge rate. from the septic
tank will be low for the smallest size of outlet pipe to control less flow. A

2 inch tank discharge would be preferable. hydraulically, to either a 3

inch or 4 inch pipe. However, reducing the discharge rate in this way

may cause poorer distribution of effluent in the absorption pit and

contribute to progressive clogging there due to. growth' of anaerobic

organisms utilizing the soluable and colloidal organic solids in the septic

tank effluent.

'Johnes (1975) also indicated that when a water closet is flushed. it

discharges about 4 gallons of water at about 35 gpm, most o~ the water

entiring the septic tank Within about 15 seconds: This' reprrsents the

most frequent type of high rate discharge into a septic tank. The flow will

produce a maximum rise 0.2 inch in a tank wit!l a surface area 32 square
feet. More than 20 minutes would be required for tlle water to discharge

from tlle tank witll a 4 inch outlet at a rate of 0.21 gpm.

Thus, the outlet velocity in the sludge clear space and in the

vertical pipe would be very low. So, an important part in the design
process would be the selection of hydraulic :loading rates that would yield

acceptable. hydraulic performance.

13 t'J'.'
2.2.3 Organic Loading

The organic loading is an important part of the treatment process

in the septic tank. TIle total suspended solids (TSS) in sewage entering a
septic tank range from 150 to 300 mg/1. A part of the settleable solids .

settles out and float in the scum layer. The remaining are carried out with
the septic tankeffluenL Table 2.1 give typical effluent concentrations. As

can be seen, the effluent is generally high in BOD, organic nitrogen,

.phosphorus and coliform. It has been observed that the reduction of BOD
;: and TSS can be improved by prolonging the retention time. Removal of

BOD and TSSinexcess of 80% can be achieved by providing a retention

time greater than 20 days. However such a long retention time is

. ... .. ... .. I
Table 2.1 Septic Tank Effluent Concentration and Percent Removal.

Effluent Percent

concentration in me)l Removal

BOD 160 30

COD 320 50

TOC 130 45

Total Phosphorous 18 40

Total Nitrogen 32 8

Organic Nitrogen 8 20

Total Solids 380 45

TSS 90 70

Coliforms 105-106/lOOinl ,
( Source: Selvato, 1982 )

.. r=
. 14 ".:l;. .
Septic tank pretreatment is normally employed to" provide

preliminary treatment of wastewater prior to discharge into a subsurface

soil absorption system. In the septic tank,treatment

is accomplished primarily by solids-liquid separation. The composition of

septic tank effluent varies widely depending on the characteristics of

wastewater producing source. Increased organic loading to the septic

tank requires increased detention time 'for digestion. Improperly
designed septic tank produce a poor effluent which over clogs the
seepage field and causes system failure [Lack.R,1974).Low quality

effluent is caused by the presence of excessive suspended solids,

. '.
biochemical.oxygen demand [BOD) and other nutrients.

Kalberatten et al (1980).carried out study.on three chamber septic.

tank for use in medium density housing area. There is separation of toilet

wastewater,. from the remaining household wastewater or sullage. Toilet

wastes only are discharged into the first chanlberand sullage directly

into third chamber, the second chamber provides additional and more

quiescent settling for fecal solids. First chamber designed for 0.15
M3/User requires desludging apprpximately ~very 2 years. The second
and third chambers provide 1 day detention time in each. Since the

effluent from the third chamber contain very few fecal solids, the long

term infiltration rate of the effluent is much highter, approx 30L/M2 day

- 60L/M2 day as opposed to 10L/M2 day - 30 L/M2 day for conventional

septic tank. So the required absorption area is correspondingly smaller.
From this study it is clear that when the toilet waste is' mixed with'

sullage the organic loading is reduced which results better effluent.

However, the extent of mixing of toilet waste, kitchen wastewater and
bathroom wastes has not been studied earlier. .

2.2.4 Size of the Septic Tank.

A septic tank should provide sufficient volume for sludge and scum.

s~orage and sedimentation. The tank should have a nominal liquid

capacity to within 10.% of that calculated in accordance with the

following on the basis of the number of persons served. Manual of septic

tank practice produced by the household waste treatment committee for
the Ministry of Water Resources and Water Supply, Victoria Australia,

suggests,household and other sources not exceeding 10.persons as:

w.e wastewater including kitchen wastes = Nominal

capacity 20.0.0.litres. (2:3)

All household wastes = Nominal capacity 30.0.0. liters. (2.4)

, Other classes of occupancy in accordance with the 'equation:

e= ( 20.0.0. + P ) liters. (2.5)

. Where, e = the nominal liquid capaci~ of the tanks.

P = daily flow for design popuiatioll as determined from

Table 2.2 of daily flow rates for septic tank.


Table 2.2 Daily Flow Rates for Septic Tank System:

-------------------------- ------------------------------

Contributing Source. Sewage Flow No of Persons

liters/person per unit



W.C only 40

W.C and kitchen 60 5 per house


All waste water 200

Flats and Units 150 2.5


Nursing and geriatric 200 Per patient bed

Surgical and Medical 500

Hotels. Motels and 100 1.5 Per Room

Residential homes

(Source: Draft Manual of Septic tank Practice. Melbourne.
Australia. undated)

The shape and dimensions of the tank are relatively unimportant to

its operation provided that good settling cha.I;acteristics and a minimum

hydraulic scouring occurs. For tank in excess of 2000 liters capacity, it is

subdivided into a larger first and a smaller second chamber at a ratio of 2

to 1. Multiple tanks or chambers provide an extra degree of

sedimentation for removal of suspended solids. The ideal ratio of length

to width for a single chamber tank is 3 to 1, but shall not be less than 1.5

to 1 (Draft Manu,al, Australia).

Cotteral (1969) describes size of the tank as one of the most

important factors for septic tank performance. He suggests that since

absorption system failure follows directly from the passage of solids
through septic tank and into the drain field, with the resultant clogging

of the infiltrative surface, tank must be sized to provide the best

attainable removal of suspended solids. He. assumes' that all wastes

(household) will be routed through septic tank. Approximately two thirds

of the' liquid volume of a septic tank be normally reserved for the storage

of accumulated sludge and scum. Theoretical detention time

recommended by USPHS for single compartment tank is 12 hours for' a

1000 gallon tank to 21 hours for a 750 galon tank. A septic tank pilot

study conducted by the Sanitary Engineering Research Laboratory of the

University of California revealed that an added 28% suspended solids

removal could be achieved by increasing the detention time from 20

hours to 35 hours which necessitates increasing the size of tank.

Variations in tank shape and proportions within the normal ranges used.

do not appear to have much effect on performance so long as the

detention time is same.

The volume provided in the bottom of aseptic tank for accumulated

sludge storage will depend on the size and shape of the tank and on the
sludge clear space required to keep the sludge from entering the outlet.

Weibel et al (1954)considered that the sludge clear space should be

bigger as the tank surface area gets smaller. He intimated that the tank

required cleaning when the sludge storage encroached on the sludge

clear space. which must occur unless the tank is cleaned to remove
accumulated digested sludge. Study of the hydraulics of flow into' and out

of a septic tank. however. suggest that a preferable minimum sludge clear

~. space should be provided. Increasing the' volume of a septic tank.

therefore. should provide increased efficiency of suspended solids

removal by increasing the volume of clear space provided.

Bashar (1990) made an attempt to standardize septic tanks for

. '

Bangladesh. In his study he proposed to lead toilet and kitchen sullage to

septic tank. He also, proposed to' account for 40 gpc of wastewater flow in
determining septic tank capacity. Minimum retention time considered

was 24 hours and tanks max and min length/width ratio 2: 1 and 6: 1

respectively. the tank should be of two compartment and divided in the

ratio of 2: 1 with desludging interval of 3 years. In his design. width ,and

depth of the tank are kept fixed while the length is varied directly with

the number of users. Dimensions of septic tanks proposed by him are

given in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Dimensions of Septic Tanks.

Number of Liquid Width

Depth Length Lft c '
W DistriCt ,
Towns Cities

3' 6" 2' - 6" 0.55P 0.66P

10 - 20 -

3' - 6" 3' - 6" 0.40P 0.52P

20 - 30
4' - 0" 4' - 0" 0.30P 0.40P
30 - 50
,4' - 6" 4' - 6" 0.20P' 0.26P
50 - 100
5' - 3" 5' - 3" 0.14P 0.18P
100 - 200

(Source: Basher, 1990)

In Bangladesh, septic tank systems are designed on the basis of per

capita sewage production. Public Works Department calculate the

capacity of tank on 22 gpcd sewage production and detention time is

taken one day. Shahidullah & Associates Ltd determine the capacity of

tank on the basis of 40 gpcd sewage production. Bangladesh Railways '

calculate the capacity on 'the basis of 50 gpcd sewage production.

Whereas Military Engineer Services determine the septic tank capacity
on 22 gpcd sewage production. Bangladesh National Building Code (1993)
suggests, a septic tank should have a minimum liquid capacity of 2000

liters, minimum width 1m and minimum liquid depth 1m. The length of

septic tank shall be at least twice ist width, and in no case the length of

the tank be more than four times its width. It also recommands to use

two chamber septic tank when liquid capacity exceeds 3000L.

2.2.5 Inlet and outlet of Septic Tank

The wastewater flow into and out of a septic tank must not be such

that the settleable solids are carried out of the tank. The inlet to a tank

should be designed to dissipate the energy of the incoming
water and ; to.

prevent short circuiting of the water in moving from the inlet to the

outlet of the tank.

The inlet should preferably be either a sanitary tee, an elbow or a

specially designed inlet device. The outlet may be protected by an outlet

tee, by a baffle or by special outlets. In addition to protecting the effluent

by reducing flow velocities and by providing gas deflection, large septic

tanks are compartmented. Outlet protection using gas deflection baffles

are an essential requirement for all septic tanks.

Bauman and Babbitt (1953) described tests with six septic tanks of

various volumes and found that, gas deflection baffles only on the effluent

compartment are effective in the prevention of tank unloading and in the

reduction of normal carryover of settleable solids into the effluent .. If an
outlet baffle is used instead of an outlet tee, a gas deflection baffle can be

installed across the tank to provide a larger protected volume. The

protection of the water about to be discharged from the tank is important

in keeping settleable solids in the tank.

2.2.6 Septic Tank Compartmentation

The University of Illinois(1946) studied five different tanks of 1080

gal (3.8 M3 ) each. The tanks were d,0sed 4 times/day with a 360
gal/dose of city sewage. Comparison of single. compartment, double

compartment and triple compartment arrangements showed tl1at the two

compartment tank gave best results. The compartment segments of
unequal detention time. ( 72 hrs, 48 hrs,26 hrs) were compared and it

was concluded that a more efficient tank could be a two compartment

21 !
tank with a 72 hrs first compartment. The test also confirmed that
effluent from the second compartment was better than that from the first


Studies in Australia ( 1970 s ) shows- that tanks with two equal

compartment were found to be slightly more efficient than single

, '

compartment and double compartment tanks which had a large first

compartment. Because the first compartment stored most of the solids.

Single compartment tank effluent except for large capacity tanks, were
-/ observed more turbid -as compared to the multi compartment tank


A second study was conducted by the University of minois in late

1940s usingsix different tanks; circular, cylindrical, rectangular, and two

shallow imhoff type tanks, Two series of test were done using communal

sewage, a variety of detention period from 6-48 hrs and a dosing

apparatus. The tanks or effluent, or both,were measured for BOD, solids,

turbidity and sludge accumulation, by a dye test and by a sand filter test.

The first series of tests showed that the two multi-compartment tanks
without inlet and outlet baffles were 10% - 20% less efficient than the
four compartment tanks which are baffled. All tanks performed better at

longer detention periods. The second series of tests using 27 hrs

detention time showed that gas baffles are of paramount importance in

eliminating unloading and improving the effluent qualify. The best
consistent quality effluent was achieved using a multicharnber tank with
gas baffles. The outside shape of the tank, circular, cylinderical, or
rectangular did not have any significant effect.

Additional studies (Laak, 1980) were carried. out on multi-

compartment tanks with periodic sludge additions to shorten test

duration.All of the tlve test tanks unloaded sludge occasionally, the

multicompartment tanks showed better quality effluent than a single

, .
compartment tank of equal capacity. A test showed that the minimum
size of the first compartment is more important than the size of the

second compartment.

Tests were conducted with three multicompartment tanks, having

various surface area/depth ratios. It appeared that low surface area/depth

ratios of 0.3 and 0.6 were less desirable than a ratio of 3. Current practice

is a multicompartment tank with total capacity of the tank computed to

equal a minimum detention time of 24 hrs or to equal the volume of

maximum daily flow. The

. first compartment is usually calculated to pe

equal to two thirds the total tank capacity. Greater treatment efficiency is

predicted if longer than minimum detention time are chosen.

In Bangladesh, septic tanks designed by PWD, S &. A, BR and LGED

have two compartment. Whereas MES design for single compartment


Theoretical evaluation of septic tank unit operations and unit

processes showed that multicompartment tank effluent quality would be

more stable: A mulicompartment tank has a greater potential for reducing

effluent solids, short circuiting and turbulence.


2.3 Bacterial Modification of Septic System E:ff1uents

Domestic wastewater contain bacteria. viruses. protozoa and

helminths pathogenic to humans (Burge and Marsh. 1978). In addition.

these infectious agents are widely distributed in many waste effluent and
are commonly present in high numbers. Therefore. untreated domestic
wastes embody a potential health hazard. and proper waste water

purification and disposal is an important concern (Hoadly and Loyal.


1976). Septic tank soil absorption treatment systems serve as the

principal disposer of waste effluent to the soil environment (Geraghty and

Millet. 1978). Soil percolation of septic wastes is required for

purification of drainfield effluent before it replenishes ground water

utilized by individual and public water supply wells. However. many

shallow ground water supplies have been polluted by contaminated
recharge waters. and several investigators (Brooks and Cech. 1979.
;Hackett. 1965. Maynard. 1969 ; Rock. 1960. Sandhu et 31. 1979 ; Wall
and Weibel, 1970) have attributed such a decline in water quality to

indiscriminate use of septic tank systems in soils unsuited for adequate

domestic waste purification.

The septic tank is designed to slow the movement of raw sewage

and promote the removal of solids either by settling or liquifaction. The

organic load and fecal bacterial populations are reduced only to a limited

extent. As an example of the minimum purification afforded by passage

through septic tank ; Ziebell et al (1974) .enumerated selected fecal

bacterial populations in effluents from five systems and observed mean

population densities of 3.4 x 108 /l00 ml for total coliform, 4.2 x 106
/l00 ml for fecal coliform 3.8 x 106 /lOOml for fecal streptococci, and

1x106 /l00 ml for pseudomonas areuginosa. Also BOD5reductions of only

. .~

.: ..

30-50%. were noted in all cases. Therefore, distribution of the septic'

tank effluents into unsaturated soil appears to be necessary to complete

the treatment process. The soil must furnish the bulk of physical

filtration, chemical reaction and biological transformations (Goldstein et

al, 1972).

The most comprehensive study (Bauma et al, 1972) on soil

absorption of septic system effluent has been conducted by the small

scale waste management project group at the University of Wi~consin. In
the report of investigations on the purification efficiency of 19 subsurface

soil disposal systems concluded that septic systems which exhibited

proper hydraulic functioning also served to purify septic effluent.
Bacterial filtration was determined by directing a drainfield and

enumerating indicator organisms present in the soil at various distances

ibelow the drainfield trench.' The large population of TC,FC and

enterococci present in the effluent were reduced within 61 cm below

percolation trench. Since this' cl()gged layer, a few centimeters in

, species
thickness, was highly efficient in trapping 'and holding bacterial
present in the wastewater, it served as primary barrier to subsurface.

escape of fecal organisms.

However, if the developed mat was too thick or dense and

restricted the hydraulic .functioning of the system, then the effluent could

not enter the soil and become pounded in the trench and subsequently

spilled out into the surface.

Soil samples collected 30 cm lateral to and 8 cm below the trench


produced coliform levels 100 fold less than the septic tank effluent, and

samples collected 30 cm lateral to and 38 cm below yielded values 3,000


'. /-<'.
f' l
fold less than tank effluent. Therefore, in a properly functioning

absorption field, the fecal indicator and potentially pathogenic bacteria

were almost completely removed after a rel:atively short distance through

unsaturated soil, Based on other reports, ,approximately 30-90 cm of soil
beneath the base of the drainfield trench was adequate for complete

bacterial removal of septic effluents, Therefore, US Public Health Service

, 1967, recommended for 120 to 150 cm of suitable soil as an adequate

zone for the protection of ground water fall well. ,

2.4 On - Site Effluent Disposal System

Although the effluent from or septic tank undergoes some

treatment in passing through the tank, further treatment is requited

before it can be considered safe. The appropriate method of treatment

and disposal will vary considerably according to factors like site
condition, economic considerations and environmental matters. Subsoil

disposal of effluent has occasional malfunctions or breakdowns. The

discharge of septic tank effluent beloW ground is by far the preferred
option. The absorption systems may be soakage pits, or absorption
trenches. Whatever may' be the type of absorption system it should be
based OJ;! the ability of the soil to tIlter out pollutants within the effluent

before it reaches the water table or a watercourse.

The most important factor to be determined when cqnsidering

absorption systems is whether the soil is suitable for the absorption of the
effluent. The soil factors which determine the rate of absorption are the

infiltrative capacity of the liquid soil interface and the percolative

capacity of the soil itself. Septic tank effluent is different in composition
from clear water. and therefore the long term infiltration rate will be less

26 ; .
.' -.

than the water percolation rate. The capacity of the soil to absorb the
effluent is given by the long term infiltration which can be obtained by

the soil percolation capacity test. Regarding effluent ab.sorption the most
common problem with a soil is that it is too impermeable, occasionally a

very permeable soil such as sand may also be unsuitable. Such soils may

not treat adequately and pollution of surface and groundwater may occur.

It is recommended that absorption systems be limited to a maximum ;.

dosage rate of 50 L/M2 / d,irrespeetive of how permeable the soil might

be. (Manual of Septic Tank Practice, Melbourne, Australia).


In location where the subsoil is unsuitable for the absorptioni of

effluent or where it'is not possible for absorption systems to be installed,

considerations may be given to the disposal of effluent by the process of

evapotranspiration. Evaporation from the ground. surface and.

transpiration through grasses and shrubs growing on a specially prepared
.. ,

bed or trench enables the effluent to be disposed oft without further

treatment being necessary. In rocky areas where absorption systems are
unsuitable or where the water table is high, the transpiration system can
be constructed as a mound so as to reduce the amount of excavation


2.5 Soakage Pit

Although the effluent from a septic tank has undergone some

treatment in passing through the tank,further treatment is required

before it can be considered safe. So, the septic tank effluent is allowed to

pass through a soak pit where inverted filters. are provided at the bottom
for further decomposition of organic substances present in the effluent.
Final treatment is done by filter bed so that the effluent cannot pollute

the ground water surface. Under favorable circumstances subsoil disposal

of effluent has little immediate effect on the environment. major problem

occurs due to occasionalmalftinctions or breakdowns.

The liquid ..capacity of soak wells shall be at least twice that of a

septic tank (Bangladesh National Building code 1994): The size of the
wells vary between 3 to 6 feet in diameter and 15-20 feet in depth. If the

soil permits further depth is recommended upto 40 feet or sand layer.

Soil percolation test is an important factor to, determine the suitability of
the site for soak well.The absorption capacity of sock well is detennined,

from percolation tests results.Values from Table A31 can also be assumed

Effective absorption area may be computed based on the discharge rate of

effluent from the septic tank. The absorption capacity of soakage pit ~so
depends on the effluent quality of septic tank. Turbid effluent will h.ave
different percolation rate than clear effluent". The inverted filters of

soakage pits are made of crushed stone or brick

, bats.

Other methods of on -site disposal systems such as absorption

trenches and transpiration beds require larger land area and isolated

locality which gets direct sun light and air. On the other hand soakage pit

requires minimum land area as the absorption bed is vertically down. It

does not create any nuisence and no direct sunlight and ventilation is

required. It may be constructed adjacent to septic tank .. Construction cost',

of soakage pit is low. The disadvantage is if the ground water taole is .

close. the pit is likely to be filled quickly and the soakage will be less.

In Bangladesh. soakage pits are the most suitable method of septic

tank effluent disposal. Here the population density is' more and the
houses are not much dispersed. In urban areas. there is hardly any space

left for the disposal of septic tank effluent. A soakage well hardly requires
. .
25 sq feet area. If properly designed and maintained, a septic, tank

system shall function better with soak wells in Bangladesh,. Basher (1990)

standardized the soakage pits dimension, which are given in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Dimensions of Absorption Pits

Number of District Towns Metro Cities

Users I '
Diameter No of Wells Diameter No of Wells

20 3'-0" 01 3'-0" 01

30 3'-0" 01 3'-6" 01

50 3'_6" 01 5'-0" 01

100 5'.6" 01 5'-0" 02

200 5'-6" 02 6'-0" 02

, . , ,

(Source: Basher, 1990)

Note: Depth of pits 20ft minimum. Effluent loading rate is taken

3 gal/ft2/d.

Public Works Department (PWD) of Bangladesh design soakage,

wells for effluent loading of 120L/m2/d. Military Engineering Services

(MES) and Shahidullah Associates (S&A) design soakage wells for a

loading of BOL/m2/d and 200L/m2/d respectively. All these design

parameters are applied without determining the field .!

,absorption capacities of soils.

2.6 Septic Tank Performance

The minimum performance expected from a septic tank include

nearly complete removal of settleable solids. Babbitt and Baumann(195B)


conducted tests on six small septic tanks dosed' intermittently with

municipal sewage to provide a retention time of about 30 hours, the. tank

~fficiencies are listed in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5 Performance of Six Small Septic Tanks

Raw Septic Tank Nos

Test. Units
2 3 4 5 6
Sewa e

55 63 46 85 40 79
Suspended mgll 267

0.45 0.07 0.08 0.83 0.09 1.79
Settleable mgll 8.05

70 91 84 104
BODs m 301 63 103

(Source: Baumann and Babbitt, 1953)

All tanks were dosed on a similar basis without major flow

variations. Graphs were plotted for settleable solids over a period of four
month. It was seen that the settleable solids in the effluents from the
tank not equipped with baffles ( Tank 1,4 and .6) are significantly greater
than those tanks incorporating some form of gas baffles in their design

(Tank 2,3 and 5). It also showed the removal of suspended solids by the
sixtanks,which might be expected to' parallel the removal of: settleable.

solids except for the anaerobic biological activity that takes place in the
clear. space. Such biological activity might increase the removal of

suspended solids.

Septic tank systems are reasonably efficient systems only when the'

septic tank volume and effluent disposal method have been determined
by the sewage loading from the building being served and is satisfact(jrily

installed and maintained.

2.7 Causes cifSeptic Tank Failure

2.7.1 Soil Clogging

Improperly designed septic tanks produce a poor effluent which

cloggs the seepage field and causes system failure. Low quality effluent is
caused by the presence of excessive suspended solids, BOD and _other

nutrients. On the soil interface a biological mat forms. The mati is

approximately 1 to 2 inch (2.45 - 5 cm)thick and filters discharge. The

mat's permeability depends upon the delicate balance of load and natur~
unload_ The load is caused by hydraulic head, nutrients and the solids -

applied. The mats unload results from' biological degradation,

liquification, demineralization, gravity and capil1ary flow in the mat 'and in .

the soil below the biological mat. A safe design would have art unload/load, '' .

ratio of greater than one representing the safety factor against clogging


Often the most cost effective technique to increase the safety

factor against clogging failure is to increase the efficiency of th,e tank. In

'- case of an existing clogged seepage bed, sufficiently increasing:the septic

tank treatment will reduce the degree of clogging and ,could eliminate

the need to replace or expand the field (Laak, 1980).

Microbial growth at the soil water interface occurs within the first
2 inch of soil. This growth results in a slime layer which greatly reduces
the soil permeability, within the zone. The filtration of suspended
solids adds to this reduction of the naturally occurring soil permeability.

These processes occur on a time scale of weeks while another biological

process, the reduction of sulfate to ferrous sulfide develops over months


and years. This latter process can ultimately lead to highly impermeable

conditions and to failure of the soil absorption system. Because of the

reduction in the infiltration rate, the maximum percolative capacity of

the soil is not maintained (Mara,1981).

Inadequate maintenance and design and improper construction are

the three main causes of septic system failure. Causes of vast majority

failures in septic system are associated with the problem iit the disposal
medium. The single most important failure mechanism is the formation
of an impermeable clogged or crushed layer at or near the disposal bed
soil water interface. Clogging results from three interdependent
processes; growth of a microbially ind8ced slime layer, physical
entrapment of suspended solids from the septic tank effluent and

reduction of sulfate to an impermeable ferrous sulfide. due to

development of anaerobic conditions in the slime layer (Noss ,1989).

Anaerobic condition within the clogging zone will lead to further clogging
through the growth of slimes and deposition of ferous sulfide in an even

deeper zone of 2 inch to 3 inch beyond the surface (ASCE,1969).

Since anaerobic condition results in rapid clogging of the liquid soil

interface, periodic reaeratlon of the soakage pit/drain field is important

to the life of the system. For this reason continous inundation of the

absorption pit must be avoided.

Restoration of aerobic conditions has the effect of restoring high

rate aerobic decom position. The change of the deposited ferrous sulfide
to soluble matter. in the presence of oxygen. in part accounts for the

beneficial effects of restoring a absorption pit (ASCE,1969).


There should be sufficient absorption area for.the effluent

generated from the septic tank. Failure to provide minimum soil column
length in an area with a high groundwater table will lead to 'continued

inundation and failure.

Soil with effective size ranging from 0.1 mm to 1 mm or greater

have long term inflltration rates. If the soil particle size is too small,
bacterial removal will be excellent but infiltration and percolation rates

will be unacceptable. But for coarse size particle it is otherwise.

Soil clogging can be delayed or altogether mitigated by reducing


the applied mass loading rates of total BOD and total suspended solids

either through lower' hydraulic loading rated or reduced effluent

concentration (Siegrist et aI, 1987).

, Investigation reveals that soil clogging development accelerates at

higher hydraulic loading rates or with more concentrated effluent (Jones

and Taylor, 1965 Laak, 1970; Hargettet) concentrated near the infiltrate

surface were effective in blocking and filling soil pores, thereby reducing

natural soil infiltration rates.

2.7.2 Role of Wastewater Quality

Siegrist (1986) observed that silty clay loam soils intermittently

dosed with tapwater (1.3 to 5.2 em/d) experienced no clogging during.

70 months, of loading. Soils continuously flooded with tapwater resulted

in soil clogging (Allusion, 1947). Tapwater amended with organic matter

and nutrients appeared to stimulate soil clogging (Macula, 1950). Siegrist

demonstrated that soil clogging development in a silty clay loam soil was
highly co-related with the cumulative loading of total. BOD (ultimate

carbonaceous and nitrogenous) plus TSS.

Domestic septic tank effluent (STE) dogged more rapidly than

aerobically treated STE (with a TOC and TSS content approximately 4 to

5 times lower than in the untreated STE). At high loading rates, the

untreated STE induced. a clogging rate about 3 times as fast as that of

aerobically treated STE.

Clogged infiltrative surface zone have. been consistently


characterized by elevated water conte~ts and organic matter

accumulations at the soil infiltrative surface and disposed within the first
10mm of the soil matrix (Siegrist, 1987). The organic carbon contents in

clogged infiltrative surface zone have always been less than 0.074 kg/kg
(7.4% by weight), While low, these concentrations of organic materials

have been effective in blocking and filling soil pores and thereby

dramatically reducing natural soil.infiltration rates.

Research by Weibel,' and others showed that the higher the BODs in

the septic tank effluents of the same TSS, the faster the. soils clogge~. A
study by Winneberger (1960), showed that septic tank effluent 'and

extended aeration 'plant effluent clogged soil ~t the same rate when their, "

BODs's were about the same and the TSS concentration was 15.0 percent

higher in the aerobic system, Measurements on BOD and TSS removals in

the soils showed that the aerobically prepared liquid loses more TSS in

the soil than the anaerobically prepared liquid, '

Increasing the' pretreatment of domestic wastewater prior to soil

application increases the service time of the soil surface, The service

time of the soil surface' is directly related to the sum of total SS and the


2.7.3 Hydraulic Loading Rates and Insufficient Absorption Area

Hydraulic loading rate is an important factor for the failure of septic

system, As long as loading rates are sufficiently low that soil moisture
content don't approach saturation and cause anmdc soil conditions, soil

clogging development will be' roughly equivalent at equivalent mass

loading rates. By this approach, wastewater effluents possess

concentrations of the BOD and TSS lower than typical domestic septic

tank effluent , When the loading rates are more than absorption rate, ,

failure of the system occurs.

,Similarly loading rates should correspond to the .infiltrative

capaCity of the area and sufficient absorption area is available. But if the
volume of effluent generated is more than the available absorption

capacity the system will fail. i .

2.8 Effluent Quality Standard

The pollution control programme all over the world envisage that'

need for a stringent effluent quality standard in the face of increasing

, "
waste volume with industriaIization and rapid growth of population. The
Royal Commission (RC)of UK adopted two basic effluent quality

parameters, BOD and SS and proposed that normal treated effluent

should have a quality of 20mg/L of BOD and 30 mg/L of SS or better. The

RC 20/30 standard has been widely adopted although sometimes a
stringent standard may be required for streams receiving effluent with
dilution factor less than 8 (Ahmed,1985). The tolerance limits suggested
by Indian Standard Institution (Ahmed 1985) for industrial effluents

discharged into inland water are 30 mg/L of hexavalent chromium and

5.5 to 9.0 for PH. Standard values of industrial
effluent proposed by

Department of Environment (DOE) Bangladesh is given in Table A.33 in

Annexure A. Water quality standards in Bangladesh issued by DOE is also.

given in the same annexure. However there is no. set standard for'

effluents to be discharged to soak pits. But it should be such' not to

pollute ground water or nearby surface water.

, ,



3.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the various parts of field survey, data

collection, description of ~he experimental conditions, laboratory test

programme and field test programme under-taken in this study, The
, '

purposes, equipments used and the experimental procedure of each .'


parameters are described and presented in some detail. The present , ,

study aims at looking into the effluent quality of septic tanks, designed

for different purposes e.g. water closet obly septic, tanks, all purpose
septic tanks and septic tanks receiving toilet and kitchen wastewater

only. The study would also look into the matter of soil absorption capacity

for effluents of different quality. With this aim, septic tank effluents were

collected from different locations of family quarters of Dhalm Cantonment

area from different sizes of septic tanks and different loading rates of
tanks. Field percolation testing were done using septic tank effluents/of

different composition in the close vicinity of soakage pits to determine

the absorption capacity of soakage wells. The test procedures are
analyzed and described in this chapter.

3.2 Field Survey and Data Collection

Dhaka Cantonment, originally known as Kurmitola Cantonment was

established during World War II. Gradually the area expanded and a large

number of unit lines,headquarters and family accomodations came up

over the last 35 years. The Cantonment was not expanded in a planned
. .

manner as such no sewerage system was developed. Individual offices and.


accomodations have' its own septic tank and soakage wells constructed

time to time as per MES type design.

The size of soakage pits: are same irrespective of soil absorption .

capacities. Most of the septic tanks and soak wells overflow,. which

require continuous cleaning.

In order to assess the reasons for septic tank overflowing in Dhaka.
Cantonment area, a field surVey was undertaken in different residential
y/ colonies. Data on septic tanks sizes and numbers were collected from
different areas. Also the overflow rate and frequency of septic tank.

cleaning was noted. From these data suitable sites were selected for

sampling points for the study. Field visits were made during

September,1994 to August,1995 to collect the data. In order to coiled

information regarding water consumption, a questionnaire was prepared
and a door to door survey was conducted.

3.3 .Description of Test Sites

Three test sites have been selected in Dhaka Cantonment area,

located 7 miles north of Dhaka city. These are typical of the areas
comprising multistoried buildings and the sanitation system based on"
individual septic tanks and soak pits. The tanks are of different sizes
serving different number of users. The areas are Kafrul officers quarters,
Golf club officers quarters and E in Cs complex staff quarters. The map in .

Fig 3.1 - 3.3 shows the test sites, details of which are described below.


",' J.

3.3.1 Test Site 1

It is' locat~d in Kafrul area.there are 16 numbers of 4 storied

buildings and each building has 8 family flats in the area. An average of 6

members live in each flat and in total 48 persons live in each building.
For each building domestic wastewater is~treated in a septic tank and_

discharged to a soakage pit, Waste-water is generated in each flat through

standard water using fixtures comprising 4 water closet toilet, 4 hand

wash basin, 4 showers, 1 kitchen sink & 2 laundary wash point.

Deep tube well water is supplied to all :water points. Field survey

estimates that the mean daily water use was 120 liters per person, which

. generates approximately 5760 liters of wastewater per day. There are

three plumbing lines in each building: one for carrying toilet wastes, one

for carrying kitchen sullage and the 'J

third one for bathroom and washwaters.ln the original setup of the

building only the toilet wastewater line is connected to the septic tank.
From the field survey it appears that approximately 36 lpcd wastewater is

generated from toilets, so 'a total of 1724 Ipd of toilet wastes' are

discharged to the septic tank.

The liquid volume of the septic tank is 9120 liters. The minmum

retention volume is 1/3 liquid depth which is 3040 liters. So the average

detention time is 67 hours prior to discharge of effluent to the' soakage.

pit, when the tank is 1/2 filled with sludge.

The site is on original ground and are not inundated' during

tnonsoon. The soil is sandy clay. The septic tank system of this building

faces frequent soakage overflow.

- ....
,, N

\(11(( IHT



Figure 3.1 Map Showing Location of Dhaka Cantonment


. ,



.- Mirpur

- I!I",!Ii'illiH Dha k!"
.- .,



. - .,




., "
. '" tl
" 'Uu

Figure 3.2 Enlargement Showing Dhaka Cantonment

..- , .... N
o 0:
.Z o
0: { TES T SITE NO'~
u .'-~ 4J





~ES T . SHE NO",1 '. .




, "


Figure 3.3 Sketch of Dhaka Cantonment (South) Showing Test Sites


3.3.2 Test Site 2

It is located near Kurmitola golf club area, There are six buildings,

two of which are five storied and the remainings are three storied, A five

story building (No,513) is taken as test site, It has ten flats. Average'

occupants per flat is 5. So a total of 50 persons live in this building. For

each building domestic wastewater is treated in' a septic tank and

discharged toa soakage pit, Wastewater is generated in each flat through

standard water using fixtures comprising 4 water closet toilet, 4 hand

wash basinS, 4 bath/shower point, one kitchen sink and one laundry wash

point. Deep tubewell water is supplied to all water points,

Field survey estimates the mean daily water use as 120 liters per

person, which generates approximately

6000 liters of wastewater per
day, Like test site 1 only toilet waste line is connected to septic tank,

From the field survey estimating , 36 lpcdof the totaJ. wastewater is

generated from toilets, So a total of 1800 lpd of toilet wastes are'

discharged to the septic tank

The liquid volume of the septic tank is 9120 liters, The minimum

retention volume is 1/3 liquid depth which is 3040 liters, So the averag;e

detention time is 64 hours prior to discharge of effluent to the soakage

pit, when the tank is 1/2 filled with sludge,

The site is on original ground which is not inundated during

monsoon, The soil is sandy clay, The septic tank is having the problem 'of

over flowing,


~' ..
3:3:3 Test site 3

It is located in Katchukhetarea. There.are 13 four storied building

in the area. The test site area comprise. two four . storied building

connected to a septic tank and soakage pit. The building has 16 flatsand
an average .of.6. persons live in each flat. The total population was 96.
Wastewater ge~lerated through standard. water using fixtures which
include 1 asiatlcpan, 1 hand wash basin, 2, bath/shower point, 1. kitchen ..

sink and a laundry wash point. Deep tube-well water is supplied to all

water fixtures. Field survey estimates the mean daily water use as 100
liters. per. person which generates approximately 9600. liters. of

wastewater per day. Similar to test site 1 arid 2, only toilet wastewater

line is connected to the septic tank. From the field survey estimate,36

lpd of the total wastewater is generated from toilets. So a total of 3450

liters oftoilet wastes are daily discharged to septic tank,

The liquid volume detention capacity of the .septic tank is 27900

liters. The minimum retention volume is 1/3 of liquid depth which/is

3900 liters. So the average detention time when the tank is 1/2 depth
filledwith sludge is 114 hours.

The test site is. on original ground. with sandy ..soil and. not

inundated during monsoon,. The Septic tank frequently overflows.

3.3.4 Details of Septic Tank Design

Typical plan of septic tanks and soaks wells of Chief

Engineer(Army)is followed in all the three sites. Detail dimensions' are

given below:

Table 3.1 Septic Tank Dimensions at Test Sites.

Soakage pit
Seplic Tank
Site No No of

Flals .

Liquid Length .Diameter DepUl

Leng th Width Liquid Liquid
volume width mm mm
mm mOl depth volume

I11Ill m3 liter Ratio

9120 6.6:I 1200 6500

6600 . 1000 1370 9.0
1 8

9120 6.6:1 1200 6500

6600 1000 1370 90 .
2 10

27900 3: I 1200 6500 : .

7800 2600 1370 278
3 16 ,

(Source : DW & CE Army)

The tanks are of different sizes and the flow rates are different .

.Detail sketch of the septic tanks and soakage pit is shown in Fig 3.4- 3.6.

All the three septic tanks are single compartmented. Inlet and

outlet pipes are 'T' shaped and are of diameter 4" (100 mm). They. are

placed at the same level Le375 mm from the top of tank. There is a

baffle wall constructed 300 mm from tl1.eoutlet end.

The bed of the tank is sloped (1 :20) inwards toward the center of

.the tank to facilitate deposition of sludge and cleaning. A manhole

~ .,is"

\ ...
placed L/4 distance from the inlet end for inspection and cleaning. The

tank is made of brick walls with concrete floor and ReG top.

Soakage wells are 1200 mm in dia and 6500mm depth. The sides

of the wells are brick walled upto 2400 mm depth. The top of the pit is

covered with concrete slab without any opening. The well is back filled

with brick bats.


<A51 ,RON MAN"

-OLE' ,"oveR

100l~~" (ov'R

= lOOT'" 'l('(. (,0"1

,#"MS B"'~ R.uN'" 2,050

IZ'"'""U CWTPV'STflt(':

I .

WITWr;~.PUOl.<l c:::='
aYW""~"T oP '''~1EN'

.slope .;20.,
= SLOPE ('1.~2.0

,~~-4:" :":'~~.::

l /4
f'Oll'O ~ t


6600 tylm

I '
\ M"Wl-\Ol I
450l(' 11.;OX'15~cc
9A:FF\..E WALl.
WAl.L "''3 6AR
@ ,1;0 Cole.

501 L/4


Figure 3.4 Details of Septic Tank in Test Site 1 and Test Site 2

---- u ~.
100 TH Rc'C (J:7:.d)
o 1(10TH RC.C <.1~2:4)
1101 -"L

__ wA"'IER
.. -=w_-.-;:; _

6==J - a
~ 0-
~CMS liJA~ RUM'-l;'0I
~~ 0
12."''''" c"EI'fENTPLoc\STf'~1:3)
WITH137.P .. Dl-~.


Sl"PE t: 20
= ..tLO pe 1:'lO
*.:~ s;:.:~~.~

..: :;;,'if:

L/4 ~
I;O"H Pc.c. 0:3:"


D \
,: ~

~"l ,"'


. ~
: .


2600 mm C50~

ll::NGTtI 7aoo m I"J'l


I "'.
11.-:--.-:.J, . I
, __ 'llo 41:5'0:< 12.t;ox'")'?, ~i
\ MAl4HOlJi
- e,
'... ~
~,Al=FL;:;:AI..L. 6\'w<0.

~:_~~ r

"3 'SAR ~ 1';;04<:


1250: l/4 B =l ;, ; ~

Figure 3.5 Details of Septic Tank in Test Site 3

3 BARS 100 C/C.
.B B IN CEMEN T (1: 6 )

100 ~ R C C PIPE


100 TH.R C C(1:2: 4) SLAB REINE WITH.

~ r

o ~

0. a .
f '"

~ Q
N ~ ~..rJ t-
100 ~ R C -e PIPE ~ III ~ '\
%% 0
< ~

B.B IN CEMENT (1:6) ~S ~ .

~'( ~
75 PCC (1:4:8) 0'"
~ 0
~~ ~
SOUL OC:~ l"'1\.\..lK6 .,-0 BE'
%~ ~

gI,JT IN ARfrA9 w~ ERG

'90UL ot='R~ AR..: NOT

AIi~ILAel.. ovG-R QUI:2.N1 .1200
\3Rlek~ +
;> a~T5 WI LLl)e u!>Eo


Figure 3.6 Details of Soakage Pit at All Test Sites

3.4 Descdption of Experimental Conditions

The septic tank effluent has been tested for physical, chemical and
bacteriological parameters, considering different sources of' domestic

wastewater. For this study three septic tanks and soakage wells were
selected from three different areas, The tanks are of diff~rent sizes and
the hydraulic as well ~s organic loadings are different for each tank.
Septic tank effluents were collected from these different arrangements .
and composition of domestic wastewater .as described' below.'. The"

effluents were. collected at the inlet point of so.akage pit. To ascertain the
septic tank efficiency, raw . sewage was. also collected at the inlet end of .
, ' ,.'

septic tank, which consists of toilet wastes,toilet and kitchen waste"

toilet kitchen and bathroom wastes. In addition kitchen and bathroom

wasteS were collected seperately. Arrangements ,of the septic tanks for

test conditions' are:

Arrangement - I (AI). Only toilet wastewater is discharged

to septic tank.

Arrangement - 2 (A2). Toiletwastes and kitchen wastewaters are

discharged to septic tanks.

Arrangement ~ 3 (A3). All purpose wastewater i,e.toilel,

kitchen and bathroom wastewater discharged to septic

l .

Photographs of different arrangement are shown in Annexure.'B' In .

original setup of the buildings"

. all toilet wastewater lines are . connected

to one plumbing .main pipe, sullage to another pip'e and bathroom water


to another pipe. So there are three sets of vertical wastewater pipe on
both the eastern side and western side flats separately. The toilet waste

pipes of all the flats are connected to septic tank. Other wash water pipes

discharges to surface' drain which finally falls to low laying areas. Al

facility is already existing. For A2 arrangement kitchen wastewater lines

are connected to septic tanks. Similarly for A3 arrangement bathroom

wastwater lines are connected to septic tank in addition to Aland A2

arrangement. Soil absorption capacity of effluents under arrangements

Al,A2 and A3 are measured by percolation tests for the same type of soil.

3.5 Laboratory Test Programme

The whole operation' of laboratory testing programme may be

broadly classified into three categories :

( l) Constructing connection arrangements of different septic tanks for

different test condition (2) Collection of samples (3) Detail analysis of

samples in the laboratory to evaluate the effluent quality.

3.5.1 Connections to Septic Tanks

The tests were performed in three, arrangements of the

wastwater inflow to the septic tank. Before the start of the test program

all the three septic tanks were cleaned. The test under first arrangement

starts after three weeks .from the cleaning. In Al arrangemen,t,only the

toilet wastewater was discharged into the tank'.

In A2 arrangement kitchen wastewater line was connected to

septic tanks and allowed to remain in this' condition of, operation for

three weeks. The efflument was then collected and tested for desired

parameters. In arrangement A3, bathroom' lines were also 'connected to

septic tank and allowed to remain in operation for another three weeks

before testing. PVC pipes were used for making connection to septic
tanks. Plates in Annexure B shows the connections. In this way three sets

of septic tanks in three different testing sites were prepared for carrying

out series of tests.

3.5.2. Collection of Samples

The frequency of sampling _depends on the objective of the


measurement programme and on the type of the parameters to be

measured. Since this study is for the purpose of comparison of tested

data of septic tank effluents, samples were collected under different

combination of wastewaters. Wastewater samples must be collected in a

proper manner so that these are representative. There are three main

methods of sampling viz, single sampling, composite sampling and

continous monitoring samples. However, sampling for ordinary chemical

-analysis requires no special method and precaution other than collecting

the sample in a clear glass container with glass stopper. Samples for

bacteriological analysis were collected in a sterile bottle with stopper.

Samples of effluents collected from different sources fairly represented

the body of wastewater from which these were collected. All the samples

were collected at the inlet point of soakage pits in plastic container.

3.5.3. Detail Analysis of Samples

To assess septic tank effluent quality for different combinations of

domestic wastewater; various parameters were considered. The

parameters selected for the present study are

Suspended solids (SS)

Total organic carbon (TOC)

Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

Nitrate (N03)
Phosphate (P04)


Total Coliform (TC)

Face! Coliform (FC)

3.6.4.Experimental Procedure

The physical, chemical,. and bacteriological qualities of the

wastewater are assessed through laboratory analysis. The different tests

performed were suspended solids, temperature for ascertaining physical

qualities ;pH, COO,TOC,N03 and P04 for chemical qualities, BOD for

biological quality and TC and FC for baCteriological quality. The

experimental procedure for determining each parameters are' described

in brief in this section.

3.6.1. Temperature

Temperature measurements are made with a good mercury filled

Celsius thermometer. The thermometer has' a scale marked for every


0.10 C on capillary glass.Each sample was taken in a beaker and the.

thermometer was dipped in it.' The reading was noted in degree C.


3.6.2. pH

It is determined by using automatic pH meter. pH meter is first put

in a buffer solution for calibration. Then th~ pH meter is put in the

sample solution. The pH reading. after appropriate correction. was noted.

Plate of automatic pH meter is shown in Annexure 'B'.

3.6.3. Solids Content

Solids may be classified as total solids(TS). dissolved splids (OS).

and suspended solids(SS). Total solids refer to the matter that remains as

residue upon evaporation at a temperature of 1030-1050c in oven

(ASTM 1988). The particles having size less than or equal to 0.0001

mi~rometer. when present in the waste. are known as dissolved solids.

Total solids and dissolved solids were determined by standard method

(APHA. AWWA.WPCF. 1985). Then Suspended Solids was determined

from the equation:

(TS - OS) mg!l (3.l)

SS =

3.6.4. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Dissolved oxygen is measured by HACH standard method

1985) using titration method. .I

3.6.5. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The BOD determination is an empiriCal test in which stand.ard

laboratory procedures are. used to determine. the relative oxygen

.. - 0:'."
requirements of wastewater effluent. The method consists of placing

sample in a full, airtight bottle and incubating. the bottle under specified

conditions for a specific time. Dissolved oxygen is measured initially and

after incubation. The BOD is computed from the difference between

initial and final DO. Standard reagents i,e.phosphate, buffer solution,

magnesium sulfate solution, calcium chloride solutions, ferric chloride

solution, sodium sulfide solution (0.025 N) are used.

Since the wastewater contain high BOD, dilution of the sample is

made of the order of 10,50, and 100 times as per standard procedure

before conducting test. Dilution water blank is also prepared. The initial

DO of the samples are determined.

The remaining samples are then incubated at 200 C :!: 1 C in BOD

bottle for 5 days. After 5 days of incubation DO is determined. The BOD5 is

then calculated by the equation.

(01 - 02) - (B1 - B2)f

.BOD5 mg/l=----------------------

Where, 01 = DO of diluted sample immediately after prepared


02 = . after 5 day incubation

at 200 C, mg/l
B1 = DO of seed control before incubation. mg/l
.. after "
B2 = It " "

f .= Ratio of seed in sample to seedin control.

p =. Decimal volummetric fraction of sample used'.

-~ '-

3.6.6. Chemical oxygen'Demand (COD)

In determination of COD,equal volumes (10 mil of diluted sulfuric

acid and potassium permanganate are added to 100 ml of sample and

heat in a water bath for 30 minute.After heating, 10 ml of standard

ammonium oxylate was added to the boiled sample.

permanent pink color is obtained the ml of standard potassium


permenganate added to the sample. Calculate the COD by formula:

(MI of KMn04 Used in last step x 100)

COD (mg/l) = -------------------------------------------------- (3.3)
MI of sample Used

3.6.7. Nitrate(N03)

Nitrate content of the wastewater is determined, using DR EL/4

(HACH,1984)spectrophotometer Nitraver 5 pillows were used and the

spectrometer wavelength was adjusted to 500 nm. Nitrate content was

measured by HACH standard method using spectrophotometer.

3.6.8 Phosphate (P04)

Phosphate content was determined ,using DR-EL/4

spectrophotometer (HACH, 1984).phospha ver 3 pillows were used and

spectrophotometer wavelength was adjusted to 700 nm. Phosphate

content was measured by HACH standard method using

spectrophotometer DR EL/4.



3.6.9 Total Organic Carbon (TOC).

TOC was determined using Yanco TOC .analyzer mo-c;lelTOC -8L. It

measures TOC by2 cham-iel method based on JIS (Japan Industrial

standard) method having two combustion ovens, high temperature oven

(TC oven) and low temperature oven (IC oven).

The high temp oven is controlled at 9000 C.When a sample is

subjected to combustion at such temperature,all carbon in it is oxidized

into C02.The low temperature oven is controlled at 1500 C to 160 C.
When. a sample is subjected to combustion at such temperature, only.

organic carbon in it is changed into C02. The concentration of C02

generated in each oven is measured by the infrared analyzer to determine

TC and IC. Difference between TC and IC corresponds to TOC.

, First of all span c.alibration is done using standard solutions for TC

and IC. On the basis of this value the concentration of an actual sample

can be obtained. If the sample. contains no SS aner no salts, the sample

can be injected without any processing. If sample contains SS the sample ..

Should be filtered prior to injection. The test of the sample was

performed by injecting actual sample. Each test reading is converted with

span value of standard sample to obtain TC and IC value ..Plate of Yanco -

TOC analyzer.is shown in Annxure B.


3.6.10 Coliform Analysis

Millipore corporation membrane filters (MF) procedure for

coliform analysis is used for determining TC and FC. MF technique have

much greater precision than MPN method. In determing TC,after proper

i \
sampling and filtration, the bacterial retentive membrane filter is placed

on the top of MF - Endo media. The standard volume to be filtered is 100

" .

m!. As the wastewater contains enough coliform, the samples were

diluted 106 time' before filtering, The membrane filter is then: incubated

for 24 hours at 350 C 1. 0.5C. The media defuses through the ppres in the

filter, supplying nutrients to the multiplying bacteria. Many kinds of

bacteria from the water sample can grow and form colonies under these
conditions, but only the coliform will ferment lactose. Thus the coliform

can be identified as dark yellow colonies and, can be identified even with

naked eye.'

In determining fecal coliform the filtration step is similar to that of

TC. The same media is used. The filter m'embrane is incubated for 24 '

hours at 44.50 C :to.2C allowing only coliform of fecal origiIl to grow into
visible colonies. The non fecal coliform due to heat shock will not grow.
As the Fe grow they ferment lactose and when viewed will exhibit a dark

yellow big colony, In both the cases .the colonie~ are counted as under:

Total coliform colonies I 100 ml

Coliform Colonies Counted

= x 100 (3.4)
Ml sample filtered

3.7 Field Test Programme

Field test programme consists' of conducting soil. percolation

Capacity tests to determine absorption rate .of the effluent under different
arrangement of wastermater in the septic tank. Standard percolation'

tests are performed by making absorption pits and measuring'the


, ,
percolation of effluents from septic tanks designed for different purpose

under arrangement AI,A2 and A3.For each test six numbers of 100 mm

diameter and 500 mill deep holes were drilled in the soil. Holes are

uniformly spaced over disposal area, but not closer than. 2m apart. The

sides of the holes are roughened and 5 lum coarse sand and fine gravel

were placed in the holes.

Testing procedure consists of filling the holes with water and

toppeq. up with more water to keep the level at least 150 mm above the

bottom. The holes were soaked for overnight (24 hours ). Then the water

level is adjusted to a depth of 150 mm above the bottom. The drop in

water level is measured at 10 minute intervals until the drop was

uniform. Water is added at the end of each test interval as required to

maintain a depth of 150:t10 mm. The percolation rate was calculated by

taking the uniform 10 minute rate of fall in each hole to determine the

rate, per hour. The arithmetic mean of the holes are used as the

percolation rate for the area. Then the absorption capacity' of the seepage
pit can be found consulting Table A.31 (Bangladesh National Building

Code, 1993). The percolation tests were conduced at test site 1 and 3

with effluents collected under' AI, A2 and A3 arrangement. Annuxere A

shows the percolation test results in detail.

3.8 Limitations of the Experimental Programme

In this test programme existing septic tank systems were utilized,

where inflow and outflow of sewage & effluent from the septic tank could

not be controlled. So detention time of wastewater in the septic tank

could. not be kept same for different composition of waste waters. During
, . ,

BOD testing iIi the laboratory titration method was used to determine

dissolved oxyzen content.


Absorption tests were performed by standard percolation method

using bore holes instead of conducting the test in the soakage pits.
Actually due to prolonged use of the soaks pits their absorption capacity
would be different. More so the absorption capacity was measured during
fairly dry season, which would be different in monsoon.



4.1 Introduction

In order to assess the quality of septic .tank effluent for different

loading combinations of domestic wastewaters and to determine the
absorption rate of effluent in the soakage pits. effluenL samples were
collected from' soakage pits at the. inlet from three different test sites of
Dhaka Cantonment area. Laboratory investigation on the quality of
untreated wastewater and septic tank effluept as wen as field test on soil
absorption capacity for different wastewater combination were
performed. The results of these investigations are presented. and
discussed in this chapter. A complete set of results for the entire
experimental programme can be found in Annexure A.

4.2 Household Water Usage Pattern

Household water usage pattern was determined by conducting field

questionnaire survey to all the households using the' septic tanks which .
were considered for the present study. Water used by residential hou;es.
consists of water for washing.bathing. culinary purposes. and waste
'removal. Questionmiin::survey carried out in residential areas at test sites
led to the estimation of per capita wastewater flowrates. For the purpose.
of determining residential interior water usage pattern. households are
classified as category A and B. Category-Ahouseholds are officers quarters
and category B households are troops quarters. In category A houses...the
number of toilets and water fixtures are more compared to category-B


houseS. However, the family members of each category house were more

or less the same. Table 4.1 shows the average domestic wastewater flow

rate pattern of the houses at test sites. The average flowrate p~r capita is

based on an average occupancy of about six residents per home.

Table 4.1 Domestic Wastewater Flowrates Pattern .

.Cata!.'"orvA Cata!1:orvB
Flowrates 0/0 of
Flowrates . 0/0 of
total in lpcd total
in lpcd
30~ 36 36'
Toilets 36 .

13 12 12
Kitchens 16 .

36 30 . 28 28
29 24

20 20
Laundry and washings
3 .4 4
Leakage 3

120 100 100 100


On average every person uses toilet twice a day which generates 36

liters of wastewater. Kitchen water consumption was 12-16 lpcd. The

wastewater from kitchen included fats, oils, washings of vegetables,

fishes, meat and cleanings of utensils. Cleaning detergents were used for

toilet cleaning. Soaps and detergent powders were mostly used for
laundry purposes in bathrooms. The washings and moppings of the rooms ..
were discharged through bathrooms. . . . . I'\j

During field survey it was seen that the general condition of the

septic tanks were satisfactory. But most of the tanks were filled.

Overflowing soakage pits were connected . to the surface drains for

wastewater in the septic tanks were
discharge of effluents. The
blackish and turbid with scums and bubbles. Plate in Annexure Bshows

the soak pit effluent condition. In course of conversation with inhabitants

it was understood that' the septic tanks overflow frequently. They

reported that the overflowing septic tank~ were cleaned by MES only on

reporting. Garrison Engineers Maintenance were consulted about t,he

malfunctioning of the septic tank system. They informed that a

substantial amount of money is spent every year for cleaning of

overflowing septic tanks, The frequency of cleanings were high.The.

situation worsen during monsoon when ground water table rises up.

4.3 Effluent Quality Under Different Composition of sewage

To assess the impact of different composition of domestic

wastewater on their effluent quality,samples were collected from septic

tanks and soakwells with different organic and hydraulic loading over a

period of ten months. Laboratory t.ests were performed for each sample

collected from selected, septic tanks at test sites for determining

individual constituents. In addition to testing ~f effluents in Al,A2 andA3

loading conditions (discussed'in chapter 3), untreated toilet, kitchen and

bathroom wastewaters were also tested. The characterestics of untreated

sewage and effluent vary in constituents and concentrations with the hour

of tll.e day. the day of the week, the month of the year and other local

conditions. So every time the samples were collected in the morning

around 9.30 AM to get a uniformity of sewge constituents. Details of test

results are discussed below.

4.3.1. Quality of Untreated Wastewater

Seper.ate tests were performed for assessing the quality and'.

composition of untreated domestic wastewater and their combination at

three test sites. The combination wastewaters were mixed in the

proportion assessed in Al,A2, and A3 loading conditions at test sites. The
test samples were collected from the pipe outlet points of toilets,kitchen
and bathrooms. Samples were analyzed for BOD5 COD,TOC,SS,N03 and
P04. Table 4.2 shows the constituent of untreated wastewater at different'

loading conditions.

The Table 4.2 shows that BOD and COD of toilet wastewaters are

more than those of sullage. However, while the sullage has slightly higher

value, the SS content of.tl1e sullage is much higher than the toilet wastes
only. Depending on the concentration of these' constituents ,wastewaters

were, classified according to Metcalf(1991),Table A-35 as weak sewage at

STl and ST2 and medium sewage at ST3, which are typical of domestic

sewage. AnalysiS of the results show that BOD and COD of untreated'

wastewater were reduced by 10% when toilet and kitchen wastewaters

were .mixed. When toilet, kithen and bathroom wastewaters were all

mixed this quality improvement was 40%. On the other hand, the SS

content was increased by about 9% when toilet and kitchen wastewaters

were mixed. In case of all wastewater mixed t?gether the SS content was
reduced by about 20%. The pH of the wastwater remained between 6.2 to

6.9. So there was not much change in iUt dm be seen therefore, that the

quality of raw wastewater containing toilet, kitchen and bathroom wastes .

when mixed together improves significantly.

' ..

Table 4.2 Constituents of Untreated Wastewaters Under Different


SS P04 N03.
Irest siles. . Samples
moIL moIL nwlL mo! L
moIL moIL

l02 58 25 30
160 290
Seplic Toilet (T)

ifank I .

(ST I)
105 15 15
UO 240
... 25
260 105 65 15
Toilet(THKitchen(K) 140

58 44 30 30
110 200
+ BaUuoom (B) ,

101% ' _3% -12% -20'X1 17'Y

Quality iInprovement. of sewage 12'% .

(T+K) in relation to T only
56'X1 24% -20% .0
Qnality improvement of sewage 31% .31 %

(T+K+B) in relation 10 T onlv

65 . 20 13
190 340 106
Seplic T
- .

ifank 2 .

(ST 2)
UO 129 40 20
140 290
joo 96 70 40 20
T+K 160
85 78 25 20
110 190
10% -8'% 501X) . ~53'10.
Quality improvement' of sewage 16% 12'Xl

(T+K) in relation 10 T
20% -2SIXt ~53'10/
Quality improvement of sewage 42% 44'% 20%

(T+K +B) in relalion 10 T .

160 40 15 13
200 340
Seplic T

trank 3

212 84 50 24
160 380
300 180 43 20 13
T+K 180
210 102

15 35 15
T+K+B 110
11%1 . '12% -7.5 -33%1 0
Quality improvement of sewage 10%

(T+K)in relation to T
36cyo 37% 130% -2(Yn
Q~ality improvement of sewage 45% 390/0
.iT+K +B) in relation 10 T

. "

4~3.2Effluent Quality of Toilet Wastewater Only (AI condition)

Samples of septic tank effluent were collected from septic tank

outlets during the montll of sep 94 to Aug95 in every three weeks. The

samples were collected under Al condition from three septic tanks at

three test sites.As mentioned earlier (chapter 3) samples were analyzed
for wastewater constituents pH, temperature,. BOD5.COD. TOC, SS,
septic tank system were'
N03.P03;TC andFC. The efficiency of the
evaluated with respect to removal rates of the constituents. Table 4.3

shows the efficiencies of septic tanks containing toilet wastes only.

Table 4.3 Efficiencies of Septic Tank System for Toilet Wastewater Only

(AI condition)

P04 N03 FC 1061

tresl Samples
moIL l1i.1L moIL 100ml
moiL moIL moiL
86 4 J2 15
230 370 180
ST I Raw sewaoe
59 2 5 5
110 170 91
Sentic Tank EfDnenl
31 50 58 66
52 54 50
Removal Efficiencv %
94 7 13 20
250 380 171
ST 2 Raw sewage.
66 4 7 10
Seotic Tank Efflnenl 120 180 92
30 57 46 50
Removal Efficienev % 52 53 46

93 20 13 6
100 200 56
ST 3 Raw sewage
38 56 7 6 3
Seotic Tank EfDnel1t 42 80
40 65 46 50
Removal Efficiencv % 58 60 32

The constituents of untreated wastewater indicated that the

sewage was of medium strength in STl and ST2and weak strength in

ST3. In Al condition fue average theoretical detention time of sewage in

septic tanks were 67 hours in STI.64 hours in ST2 and 114 hours in

ST3. The BOD and COD removal efficiencies were around 50% in STI and

ST2. and in ST3 it was slightly higher. Similarly the TOCremoval rate

were about 45% in STI and ST2 with slightly lower value ,in ST3. The SS

removal rate were similar in STI and ST2. whereas it was more in ST3.

The nitrate and phosphate reduction rate followed the same trend which

were around 45% in all cases. These two constituents of the wastewater

were little in amount. So a small variation in the measurement may alter

the removal efficiency to a significant extent. Therefore. the degree of

uncertanity,was enhanced in measuring these values. The Fe removal rate

were about 50% for all the cases of septic tanks. The results reflect that

the removal efficiencies for all constituents were more for bigger tanks

like STI and ST3 having longer detention time compared to ST2.

Organic contaminent and flow rates were more in ST2 compared to

STI resulting less detention time in ST2. This resulted less removal

efficiency in ST2 compared to STl. On the other hand. sewage , detention,

time at ST3 was much more and hence removal efficiencies were more.

Effluent Quality of Toilet and Kitchen Wastewater (A2


Samples of septic tank effluents were collected for A2 condition

from all three test sites. Samples were analyzed' for the constituents
similar to the previous condition.Removal, efficiencies of BOD5. COD.

TOC. SS. N03,P04 and FC were calculated with respect to influent

'quality. Table 4.4 shows the efficiencies of the same septic tanks treating

toilet and kitchen wastewaters.

Table 4.4 Efficiencies of Septic Tank SysteI1l for Toilet and

Kitchen wastewaters (A2 condition)

P04 N03 FC l05/
Test Samples
nmlL n.;ulL mulL IOOm1
I 1l1(!/L mulL nm/L
70', 45 50 250
140 250 87
ST I Raw sewaue
45 30 40 150
Seotie Tank Effluent 60 100 38
36 33 20 40
58 60 56
Removal Ellicienev%
71 35 50 15.
160 300 96
ST 2 Raw sewa~e
46 21 30 10
70 120 49
Seotle Tank Effluent
35 40 40 33
Removal Ellieiencv% 56 60 49
80 45. 35 9
180 300 82
ST 3 Raw sewaue
40 25 18 5
Seotie Tank Effluent 60 110 33
50 45 '48 45
Removal Efficiency% 66 63 60

Constituents of untreated sewage indicated that the concentration

of sewage in all the' three septic tanks wen~ of weak strength, This

indicate improvement of effluent quality in A2 condition compared to Al

condition, In A2 condition the avarage detention time of wastewaters in .

septic tanks were 46 hours in ST I, 44 hours in ST 2 and 8S hours in


The table shows that the removal effiiencies of BOD and COD were'

around 56% in STI and ST2 with more removal in STS. The TOC

reduction followed the same trend of BOD removal. Higher SS removal

'was. obtained in STS compared to STI and ST2, The phosphate and
nitrate reduction were more in STS compared' to ST2.In A2 condition
P04 and NOS values increased significantly in untreated wastewater

compared to Al condition, The FC removal rate were around 40% in A2

condition, whereas it was around 50% in Al condition. This lower

removal rate is attributed to' lower detention time of wastewater in the

septic tanks and inclusion of kitchen wastewaters in A2 condition.


In all the test sites, hydraulic loadings were' increased which,

consequently reduces the detention time of sewage by 21 hours in STl,

20 hours in ST2 and 31 hours in ST3. Kitchen wastewater added to toilet

wastes had less values of BOD and COD.. So the overall quality of

wastewater were better. compared to Al loading condition and

consequestly effluent quality was better even when the' detention time
was reduced. The removal efficiencies of N03,P04
i and FC were however,
less due to reduction of detention time and their higher initial content.

Effluent Quality for All Wastewaters(AS condition)


Samples of septic tank effluents were collected at A3 condition

which contained toilet, kitchen and bathroom wastewater, from all three

test sites in a process described earlier. Samples. were analyzed for

constituents mentioned in earlier cases. Removal- efficienies were

calculated with respect to raw sewage. Table 4.5 shows the efficiencies of

the same septic tanks containing all wastes.

Table 4.5 Efficiencies of Septic Tank System for All Wastewater (A3


P04 NO) FC 1061

trest sites Samples
nHi/L JUQ/L JUQIL 100mi
80 . 6 40 13
J10 200 l21
ST 1 Raw sewage
38 4 38 9
4() 60 55
Septic tank

50 30 16 30
63 70 46
Removal .
78 25 55 12
Raw.sewave 110 190 85
ST 2
40 20 10 24
45 50 47
Septic Tank .

40 20 10 24
60 64 45

86 45 30 8
110 210 102
ST 3 Raw sewa"e
35 30 19 5
35 60 60
. Septic tank
70 33 . 35 40
68 72 58


The constituents of raw sewage indicate that at all test sites the

concentrations were weak and hence of improved quality even in.

untreated state. These effluent quality were the best of all three

conditions. In A3 condition the average detention time of sewage in

septic tanks were 20 hours in ST1, 19 hours in ST2 and 73 hours in ST3.

It may be seen from the table that the BOD and COD removal .

efficiencies were 60% in STI and ST2. A further removal of 68% was
obtained in ST3. The TOe removal was much higher in ST3 conlpared to
STI and ST2. The SS removal efficiency in ST3 was above 70%, which

were 50% in other two cases. This higher _SS removal results .due to
addition of domestic detergent which caused increased sedimentation.


The phosphate and nitrate reduction were around 30% in A3 loading

condition. These values were lower in this condition than in Al ahd iA2 .

which is due to the presence of detergents in bathroom wastewater and

anaerobic activity in the tank. Similarly, the FC removal rates were

decreased in A3 condition. The lower removal rate of FC, N03 and P04 is

attributed to lower detention time of wastewater in the tanks and their

higher initial content.

In A3condition the flow rates were increased over 200 percent in

all septic tanks. Addition of bathroom wastewaters diluted the sewage

which reduced BOD,COD and SS of the effluent. This mixing improved

the quality of raw sewage very significantly. Although the detention time

was reduced, the removal efficiencies were found

to be fairly high

compared to AI and A2 conditions. This is due to dilution of the sewage

which helped settling and thereby BOD removal is enhanced. Though the
content of N03,P04 and FC were reduced, the .overall removal

efficiencies of these constituents were less. The result also shows that,
even with one day detention time, the removal efficiencies were 60% for.
BOD, 45% for "fOC and 40% for SS. From tlle test results, it appears that

the all purpose septic tank produces much better quality effluent.

4.3.5 Percolation Test

Soil absorption capacities of septic tank effluent were determined

by standard percolation test described in chapter 3. Percolation tests

were performed at the same test sites where septic tank I and 3 are ..

located for all the three types of sewage e.g, toilets only, toilet and

kitchen wastewater and all wastewaters.A summary of the absorption

capacities of seepage pits at different sites are given in Table 4.6. Details


of the percolation test programme are given in Annexure-A. At test site 1

the type os soil is sandy day andat test site 3 the soil is fine sand.

Table 4.6 Absorption Capacities of Soakage Pits

Seepage Seepage area

Effluent Percola-tian Absor-ption
Test Sile Types of
In mea required iu availa~ble in m2
mte for 25 mm role

I. fall Lim2/d m2

51 25 17
27 min
~est site IToilets onlv
Toilets and kitchens 26 min 53 24 -
25 min 56 23 .
All wastewaters .

78 19 17 .

Test site' Toilets only 16

14 79 19 -
Toilets and Kilchen
- :
13 83
All wastewaters

These test results indicate that percolation rate slightly increaseS

with toilet and kitchen .wastewater for the same type of soil and the rate
is highest when all types of wastewater are discharged to septic tanks.

The percolation test result confirms the previous studies by Siegrist

(1987), that increasing the pretreatment of domestic wastewater prior to

soil application, inCreases the soil absorption capacity. Test results show
that absorption rates were more for effluents i with.1ower BODS
. and SS.

As the TOe content decreased in A2 and A3 conditions, the

chances of soil clogging of soak pits would be less. The Table 4.6 'also

shows insufficient soil capacity to absorbe a higher quantity of wastewater

which resulted in functional failure of soak pits at test sites. In addition,

the infiltrative surface had been clogged due to continous inundation of

soak pits with effluents from septic tanks treating toilet wastewaters as'

indicated by Laak (1987).

4.3.6 Comparison of Effluent Quality under Different Composition

of Wastewater

As indicated. earlier, studies were carried out with untreated

sewage containing toilet, kitchen and bathroom wastewaters seperately.

and in combination, and effluents from sept;ic tanks of different sizes with

different organic and hydraulic loadings. Results show that the toilet ...

wastewater contain high BOD compared to kitchen wastewater,whereas

kitchen wastewater contain high TOe,N03
and SS. On the otherhand
bathroom wastewater contain insignificant amount of BOD,eOD,TOe, 3

and SS. But it contains .higher P04.

When toilet and kitchen wastewaters were mixed together, the

constituentsBOD,COD and TOe were reduced compared to toilets only .

but the SS content slightly increased. When all the wasteswaters were

mixed together,the resultant constituents reduced significantly.

Studies on septic tank effluent with toilets only and toilet and

kitchen wastewater indicated that for a detention time of 2 days (ST 1.

in A2 condition), the removal efficiency of effluent constituent in later

case were .lower than that of same composition of sewage with 3 days
detention (ST 3 in A2 condition). This improvement in effluent quality

was higher in case of BOD,TOe and SS'. However, the SS quality

improvement was less. This is because of kitchen wastewater contain

higher amount of SS and lower detention. time. In A2 condition, the
septic tank volume is to be increased by 40% compared to tanks with.'

discharges from toilets only. So, the daily effluent flow rate remains low

which need less absorption area.

septic. tank, it
Again, when all tl~e wastewaters are discharged to
resulted in the best quality of effluent. For a detention time. of 3 days, the

removal efficiency obtained were 68% in BOD and TOe (ST3 in A3

condition). In this option the size of septic tank will be huge involving
high iriitial cost. However, incase of a shorter detention time (1 day) of
sewage (ST. 1 and ST 3 in A3 condition) these removal efficiencies were

about 600/0which is lower than that of 3 days detention time. In this case

the volume of septic tank need to be increased by 230% compared to

tanks .receiving toilets only. Moreover, the daily effluent discharge . rate

will be much higher which would require larger absorption area.

Another option would be toilet wastewaters only septic tank with 5.

days detention time. This reduces BOD by 58%. But SS and TOe removal
were 40% and 32% only. This 5 day detention time . will increase.; the size

of tanks.

With respect to septic tank volume, septic tanks only with toilet

and kitchen wastewaters with 3 days detention would be better

compared to other options discussed.

Table 4.7 shows removal efficiencies of BOD, TOe and SS in three

composition of domestic wastewater at three test septic. tanks. From the

study of the table it is clear that in A2 condition septic tank. size is


required to be increased by 40% and corresponding BOD removal

increases by 6% compart~d to Al condition. Whereas, inA3 condition,

septic tank size need to be increased by 230%, while the corresponding


BOD removal increases only by 11% compared to Al tondition.

Therefore,it is apparent that optimal removal'rates from economic point

of view is achieved in A2 condition as the size of the t",nk is smaller.
However maximum removal would be in A3 condition;

" 74 . "
-', >
.". ,,

From the environmental sanitation. point of view kitchen

wastewater should not be discharged untreated as it contain high BOD.

TOC. SS. Coliforms and other nutrients. Therefore. it should be treated in

the septic tank before final desposal.


Table 4.7 Septic Tank Efficiencies for Various Composition of


Absorptionratein Removal rate 0/0

~est Sewage .Detention time ill

hours Llm2/d
sites volume Ipd

52 50 31
1720 67 51
58 56 36
2570 46 53
63 46 50
6240 20 56
.52. 46 30
ST 2 A2 1870 64
, 35
2800 44 . 56 49
60 45 40
A3 7020 19
58 32 40
3000. 114 78
ST 3 Al
66 60 50
4480 83 79 ;
68 58 70
8580 73 83

A set of graphs (Figure 4.1 - 4.9) are drawn as Removal efficiency V.

Detention time and Sewage volume for all three test sites. As mentioned

earlier. the sizes of the tanks were not varied at test sites. but the

detention time in the tank varied due to increase in flow rates to the
tanks. So,it can be seen from these tlgures that eventhough the detention

time of sewage were less the removal efficiencies improved due to

different combination of wastewaters. ,when kitchen wastewater.,
containing lower BOD. were mixed with toilet wastewater the overall

concentration of BOD in the mix reduced. Furthermore. when bathroom

wastewater containing insignificant amount of BOD,TOC and SS were

mixed with toilet and kitchen wastewater. the overall concentration of

these constituents in the mix reduced significantly. This enhanced BOD

reduction is attributed to increased settling resulting due to <;lilution by


The Removal efficiency Vs Volume of sewage curve in Figure 4.4 to

4.6 indicate improvement of effluent quality caused by dilution and

increased sedimentiltion as a result of increased flow volume. The 55'

curves also demonstrate tl1at the behaviour of 55 removal are similar to

that of BOD. But the, removal rate is higher due to the presence of
detergent in it: As the sewage volume increses. the removal efficiencies


From the BOD kinetics it is known that when pH is greater than 6

BOD reduction in anaerobic pond is a function' of temperature and BOD

loading. The higher the loading. the greater the reduction. optimum time.

being 5 days. Less than that will result smaller BOD removal and poorer

quality of effluent (Mara 1976). In this study it is found that BOD removal
is enhanced when organic loading is decreased .. This is because' of
bathroom and wastewater mining with the sewage resulting dilution

which helped increased settling and -BODremoval.

The FC cound of the wastewater is maximum when kitchen

wastewater is added loilet wastewater. But when bathroom wastewater is

added. the Fe count is decreased. From the treatment efficiencieS of

septic tanks it is seen that FC removal rate is lower in A2 and A3

condition ccompared to AI condition. This lower removal results due to

lower detention time and it higher initial content.

Graphical &planationof Results .

10 -e-SS

o 10 20 ~ ~ ~ w ro 80 80 1W 1W m
Detention Time ( Hours ) .. ,

Figure 4.1 BOD & 55 Removal in 5e~tic Tank 1 ~

-' .--BOD

A;---- ~......
A2 --- .......


'" o "10 20 30 40 50 60 10 80 00 100 ~'10 "120

Deten1Ion Time ( HOI.I'6 )

Figure 4.2 BOD & SS Removal in Septic Tank 2.


70 -.-55
-.-800 A3
A2 ---- "- ' .
\, 1\1
.w 50
0:: 40
"" "'II


20 o w ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ro 00 w 100 1101W

Detention Time (Hours)

Figure 4. 3BOD & SS Removal in Septic Tank. 3.


------ ----.A3
- 60


1000 1500
sewage VolUme (gpd )

Figure 4. 4BOD & SS Removal in Septic Tank. 1.





./ ./
.. ~ ~- ~.

20 1200 1500 1800

800 900
o 300
sewage Volume (gpd)

Figure 4. 5 BOD & 55 Removal In 5eptic Tank 2


70 ---BOD



20 2000.
500 1000 . 1500

Sewage Volume ( gpd )

Figure 4 6 BOD & 5S Removal in Septic Tank 3.


. i




20 120
~o 100
o 20 00 80
Detention Time ( Hours )

Figure 4 . 7TOC Removal in Seplic Tank. 1 .

70 -.-TOC
A2 \


30 Al

o 20 ~o 60 80 100 120
Detention Time (Hours)

Figure 4 . 8TOC Removal in Septic Tank. 3.



~ 60



20 eo 100 120
o 20 40 60

Detention Time ( Hours )

Figure 4 9 TOe Removal in Septic Tank 2.

The percol~tion test res~lts show that the absorption capacities of

soak pits depend on w,,\stewater quality. Table 4.7 relates'absorption rate

with wastewater quality for the same type of soil. With toilet and kitchen
wastewater the absorption rate was more than wastewaters from toilets
only. The absorption rate was best. when all the wastewaters were

discharged. to . septic tanks .. The result confirmed

' .
that better quaiity

effluents with low BOD,COD,TOC and SS reduce the chances of soil

clogging and hence increase the service life of soak pits which

coroborates the study by Seigrist(1987).

4.4 Concluding Remarks

From the present study it appears ,,that the septic tank effluent

quality varies significantly under different composition of domestic

wastewater. For domestic sewage with toilets 'only, effluent quality was
poor. With the addition of kitchen wastewater the effluent quality

improved significantly. For all purpose septic tanks receiving toilets,

kitchen and bathroom wastewater, the effluent quality is mU'ch better.

However, increased wastewater volume increases septic tank size

increasing initial cost. The kitchen wastewater contains higher BOD,

TOC, SS, FC and other nutrients, whereas the bathroom wastewater

contain insignigicant amount of these constituents.

- ... ,

From the soil percolation test it appeared that the absorption rate

. of septic tank effluent increased with the improvement of effluent quality

as suggested in literature (Siegrist, 1987). However long term effect could

not be determined within the scope of present study.

.It became clear from the study that at test sites the septic tanks are

improperly designed and soak wells have insufficient absorption area .

.Basing on the study results Four design option could be evolved. "

Option 1. Toilet and kitchen wastewaters septic tank with 3 days

detention time. Wastewater effluent constituent removal

is BOD-60%.55-50% and TOC-66%.

Option 2. All purpose septic tank with 1 day detention time.

Wastewater effluent constituent removal is BOD-60%.

55-50% and TOC-46%,

Option 3. All purpose septic tank with 3 days detention tiem.

Wastewater effluent constituent removal is BOD 68%.
55- 70% and TOC-58%,

Option 4. Toilet wastewaters only septic tank with 5 days

detention time, Wastewater effluent constituent removal

is BOD-58%. 55-40% and TOC-32%.

Table 4.8 Comperative Efficiencies in Options

From the comperative treatment efficiencies of four design options

given in Table 4.8. option 3 is the best one and option 1 is second best.



5.1 Traditional Design Concept

In Bangladesh septic tank systems are designed on the basis of per

capita sewage production. As the number of persons served increases, the

length and width of the tank size also increase. Analysis of design

drawings of some leading organisations are summerized here. However,

the details were discussed in literature review. In PWD, capacity of septic

tank is calculated on 86 lpcd with a detention time of one day. BR

calculated the volume of septic tank on 200 lpcd, whereas MES design
tanks on the basis of 88 lpccd S & A, a leading consultant in the country
base their septic tank design on 150 Ipcd.Similarly, there is a great

variation in the design of soak wells. Effluent loadings to soak wells are
considered as 120 L/m2/d by PWD,80 L/m2/d by MES and 200 L/m /d
by S & A. Basher(1990) suggested that for designing septic tanks in

cities, kitchen wastewater should also be' taken and a total wastewater

contribution be 60 lpcd. He considered detention time to be one day.

5.2 Some International Design Concepts

International design concept on septic tailk system is also based on

volume of sewage generated per day. According to British code practice

CP 302, the general equation for design of. septic tank is,

V=(2000+180xPl litres, where V is the volume of tank and P is the

. number of users contributing to the tank. Australian Household Waste.

treatment committee suggested the septic tank' volume as, C=(200+Pl

litres, where C is the nominal liquid capacity of tank andP is the daily
flow for design population. lt also suggests that absorption system be
limited to a maximum dosage of 50 L/m2 d, irrespective. of how

permeable the soil might be.

Mara (1976) suggests, septic tank volume be calculated based on.

volume of sewage generated and retentiOll. time three days .. Design

followed by UNDP is based on the Brazilian septic tank code as; Minimum

mean hydraulic retention time(th)= 1.5-0.3 log(PQl.where t is in days, P

in numbers and Q is in Lcd. The total effective depth of tank= sludge.

depth+clear space depth+maximum submerged scum depth. Sludge

depth (Vs)= 70xlO PN, where P is contributing Population, Q. is.

wastewater flow and N is desludging interval.


5.3 Discussion on Traditional Design Concepts

Septic tank design practice discussed above are all based on daily

flow rates for design population and with a detention time of one day.
None of the above design practice consider effluent quality as one of

factors of design. Septi,c tank failure is a common seen in Bangladesh.'

The main reasons for failure are attributed to the poor quality of eftluents .

from septic tanks and under designed soak wells. Effluents containing
high BOD, TOCand SS cloggs the infiltrative surfaces. of soak wells and .

thereby reduce the absorption rate.

From the present study it is clear that the effluent quality of septic

tank playa vital role in determiming the size of septic tank and soal~ pit.

Percolation test results also reveal that better quality effluent result in

better absorpti(;m. The study also indicates that optimal removal rate is

achieved with toilet and kitchen wastewater receiving septic tanks.
I '
However, rnaximum removal was obtained with a septic tank receiving all

the wastewaters. Four design options mel1tionedin article 4.4 may be

evaluated for a hypothetical situation. The datas for design are:

_ A household of 50 persons
_Wastewater flowrates in Lpcd:

Toilets - 36L

Kitchen - 16L

Table 5.1 shows the economic analysis of four design options of

septic tank system. From the environmental' sanitation point of view,

kitchen wastewater should not be discharged untreated to surface

drainage as it contain substantial amount'of BOD, TOe, SS,coliforms and

other nutrients, which would pollute environment. Basing on thes'e test

results and cost analysis a new approach could be developed

incorporating septic tank effluent quality and soil absorption rate in

design criteria. The proposed design concept is based on toilet and

kitchen wastewater septic tank with sewage detention .time of 3,'

days[option 1). From the economic point of view also[Table 5.1)this

system would be better compared to other options discussed in article


Table 5.1. Cost Arialysis of Septic Tank Systems

Daily No of .Construction
Reriloval Volume of Construction
discharge well cost of well
Efficiencies (%) septic tank cost (Tk)
to soak (Tk)
(m3 ) well


2.600 2 40,000
66 56 7.8 20,147
(491$ US) (976$~S)

15,500 6,000 .4 80,000.

2 .60 50 6
(378$ US) (I952$US

46,500 6,000 4 80,000

3 68 70 18
(I 134$S) (952$US)

1,800 2 40,000
58 40 9 23,247
(567$ US' 1976$US\

Note: Costing is done basing on MES rate of schedules.

Soak well size is assumed 2.4m diameter and 4..1m

effective depth,

5.4 Design Steps in New Approach


A new criteria has been proposed here for the design of septic tank

system. In this approach it is suggested to discharge toilet and kitchen

wastewater to septic tanks. The raw sewage is detained

in the tank for minimum 3 days before the effluent is discharged to soak

pit. The size and number of soak pit is determined by conducting field

percolation test. The design steps are given below:

, ,~
.. ,

-", .
1 l

Determine voiume of wastewater generated per day by

Step. I.

Wastewater volume (Htres) = PQT (5.1)

where T as 3 days. Q as toilet +

kitchen wastewater in Htres and P as number of users.

Calculate sludge accumulation volume by equation:


Sludge volume (litres) = PSD (5.2)

where'D is 3 years and S is 40 L per capita per year.

," .

Compute volume of septic tank by equation:


Septic tanpk volume .(m~) =PQT+PSD+G (5.3)

where G is freeboard which is 0.3m

above Hquidlevel (Dugga1,l983)

Step.4. Determine absorption capacity(L/m2 I day) of soil(R)

by percolation test. Then calculate the absorption

area required for soakwell using equation:

Absorption area (m2) = Pit (5.4)

If the absorption capacity of the soil is less than 30

L/m2/d, use other disposal option.

Step.5. Calculate diameter of soak. well using; AIL.


" ..
" '.'
A flow chart showing new approach of septlc tank design lS shown

in Figure 5.l.Notations for flow chart are

V= Total volume of tank

G= Freeboard
p= Number of users contribllting to the tank
u= percapita flowrate to the tank
T= Hydraulic detention time
::;=Per capita sludge accuITiulatJ.on
U= uisludging interval in years

consider retention
Determine volume of sewage
per day (toilet and kitchen
sullage) <- time 3 days(T) I
by formula PU'I'

Conduct- soil percolation

test at site and
consider sludge accumulation soil absorption capacity(J{)
by formula P::;liters HI L/m2.d.1f
the value lS
T 1 >lOOL/m2/d
" .
!calculate total volume of All waste septic
I septic tank by formula
i tank
,v=(Pu'I'+p::;U+G)Liters ,
Find out the ground
Calculate absorption area \
required for soak well by
ru water table and
decide depth of soak
I,e11 (1)meters
A= ________ ml'
! ,,II! .

J{ ,

L>~ ::;oakwell lS not

feasible. 'Try drain
Calculate dia of' soak wELl) \
field of other means
A ,

, L I

Figure 5.1 Flow Chart Showing New

. Approach of Septic Tank Design. '.

5.5 Design Example'

Following sections involve designing' a septic tank system for. a

hypothetical situation using the new approach developed in this study

and the UNDP and other design methods. The data for design are:

* A household of 56 persons
* 34 lpcd of toilet, and kitchen watewater

* Disludging interval 3 years

* Soil absorption rate 51 1/m2/ d

5.5.1 New Approach

Step. 1 Calculate volume of sewage by equation(5.1):

Volume of Sewage = PQT

= 56x34x3 = 5712 liters.

,Step.2 Calculate volume of sludge by equation(5.2):

Sludge accumulation Volume=PSD

=56x40x3=6720 , liters.

Step.3 Calculate volume of septic tank by equation(5.3):

Total Volume of Septic Tank

= (5712+6720)+G

= (12.4+G) m3,take G as O.3m (free board)

= 16 m3,

. ,.

Calculate absorption area required for soakage pit'

. by equation (5.4):

A = 56 x 34 = 37 m2


. Step.5 Determine size of soak well .

Use one soak well of 2.4 m dia and 5 m deep.

5.5.2 Design Proposed by Basher (1990)

Basher (1990) attempted standardization of septic tanks fot

Bangladesh. Following his recommanded approach for septic tank this

example is solved as follows.

From Table 2.3 dimensions o(the septic tank is :


Liquid depth = 4'-6" + 1 = 5'-6"

Width = 4'-6"
Length = 0.26P = 0.26x56 ,;, 14'-7"
Volume of tank = 5.5'x4.5'x14.56'=360.36 ft3

= 10.2 m3

From Table 2.4 dimensions of absorption pit is


Diameter = 5' = 1.5 m

Depth = 20' = 6m

No of well = 1

.92 . ..

5.5.3 UNDP Approach

This approach is based on Brazilian code discussed in

article 5:2.

Minimum mean hydraulic retention time.


th = 1.5 - .3 log (pq).

= 1.5 - .3 log (56x34)

= 1.5 - .984 = 0.516 day.

Volume required fot sedimentation.


Vh = 10-3 (pq) th
= 10-3 (56x34)(0.515) = 0:98 m3

Volume required for sedimentation storage


Vs = 70 x 10-3 PN
= 70 x 10-3 x (56x3) = n.8 m3.

Assume a cross - sectional area (A)of 6m2

') d h f I d 'VS ll.8
(1 Max ept 0 s u ge = A = -6- = 1.96m

(ii)Min submerged scum depth dss= 0 7 =0.ll7m

',(iii) Min sludge clear space=(0.82-(.26x6)=-O.74m

this is less than 0.3in,

(iv)Total clear space depth is =

0.075+.3=0.375m ; this is greater than VnlA =

.98=0.163m. So, the total clear space is the'



'.. '

controlling factor in design ..

Total effective depth= 1.96+0.375+0.117 =2.45m


The suitable overall internal dimensions of the'

tank would be 1.5m x 4m x2.45m= 14.7 m3.

Absorption area required for this septic tank

effluent having 24 hrs detention time would be
more since BOD. TOCand 5S in the effluent will

be more.

.5,5:.3. Comparison of Design

A design example has been solved using new approach. design

proposed by Basher and conventional Brazilian code. The 'salient features'

which came up in the design are compared and tabulated below:

Conventional Approach
New Approach

Detention time 1 day

Detention time 3 days

Liquid volume of septic tank Liquid volume of septic tank

required is 16 m3 which is 9% required is 14.7 m as per
. more volume than UNDP approach UNDP and 10.2 as per Basher.

and 57% more volume than Basher. ..

Effluent quality will be bad
'Septic tank effluent quality
'and there is no check and,
will be reduced to 40% of BOD


" .
. '

. balance. There will be

and 50% of SS.
significant quantity of BOD,
TOC and SS in the effluent

which will clog infiltrative


More chances of clogging and would

Septic tank effluent absorption
failure of soak wells. Service
be better and service life
life of septic tank and soak.
of septic tank and soak well
well would be decreased.
would be increased.

Design based on empirical

Design is more comprehensive

and scientific formula.





6.1. Summary

In Bangladesh. the sanitation programmes are largely limited to.

on site options. The primary onsite option include septic tank disposal

system. The design principles commonly in practice are based on per

capita sewage generation rate. Some organization design septic tanks for

toilet wastewaters only. whereas others design for all type of wastewaters.
, .

In none of the design practice sewage quality is taken into consideration.

Septic tank failure is a common sceen in Bangladesh. The main reasons.

for failure are improperly. designed septic tanks and soak wells.

For the purpose of carrying out studies on septic tank effluent and

its effect on soakage Dhaka Cantonment family accomodations were

selected as test sites. Accordingly. three septic tanks at three test sites

have been selected where the number of family accomodations are more
and where the septic tank failure are common. In Dhaka Cantonment

septic tanks are designed for receiving toilet wastes only. This study
deals with the quality of effluent for various composition of domestic

wastewater which include toilet wastes only. toilet and kitchen

wastewater and toilet kitchen and bathroom wastewater. For the purpose

of study three different composition of wastewaters were made for the

existing septic tanks by connecting kitchen .and bathroom

wastewaters pipelines to the septic tanks in successive arrangement .

. Keeping the size of the septic tanks fixed the variations were made in
organic and hydraulic loading. which brought variations in sewage

characterestics. Also,the absorption capacities. of soak .wellswere

determined by standard percolation test.

The result shows that septic tank eft1uent generated from toilet

wastes contain high concentration of BOD,TOe,SS and coliforms .

. Effluents generated from toilet and kitchen wastewater results better.

than toilets only. Effluents generated from all wastes septic tanks

produced best effluents among_the three cases. The detention time also

played an important role in the quality of eft1uent generated .. Soil

percolation tests showed that all wastes effluent absorption rate is better

than toilet and kitchen wastewater, and toilet wastes only.

The failure of the existing septic tanks occured due to poor quality

of septic tanks eft1uents receiving toilet wastewater only. The high

loading rates and continous inundation of soak' pits enhanced clogging of

absorption bed.

6.2 MajorFindings oHhe Study

.Major findings of the study with septic tank effluent and its soakage

are listed below.

septic tank effluent generated from toilets. only is of poor

quality.lt contains high concentration of BOD, TOe, SS arid

coliform bacteria.

Septic tank effluent generated from the combination of toilet

and kitchen wastewater, is of better quality than toilets only."



Septic tank effluents generated from all type wastewaters

containing toilets, kitchen and bathroom is of much better'

quality than other two cases.

Kitchen wastewater contain significant amount of BOD, T9C,

SS, coliforms and other nutrients and should' not be

discharged untreated.

Bathroom wastewater contain insignificant amount of BOD.

TOC, SS and other constituents and may be discharged to . ;~

surface drains untreated.

In this study it is found that BOD removal is enhanced when

organic loading is. decreased. This is because' of bathroom
and washwater mixing with sewage resulting dilution which

helped increased settling and BOD remoal.

The FC count of the wastewater is maximum when kitchen

wastewater is added to toilet wastewater. FC removal rate is

lower in A2 .and A3 condition compared to Al condition. This'

lower removal rate results due to .lower detention time and

its higher initial content.

For the same type of soil, absorption rate of effluents in

soakage well for all purpose septic tanks is better than


effluents from toilets only and toilet and kitchen. Effluent

with lower BOD, TOC and S8 enhance absorption and delay

soil clogging.

The removal of 55 in single chambered septic tanks was less ..

which resulted in reduced removal efficiency compared to

double chambered septic tanks.

None of the conventional design practices consider

effluent quality in design approach.

Four options derived for the design of septic tanks from this

study are:

Option 2. All purpose septic tank with"1 day detentiol1 time.

Option 3. All purpose septic tank with 3 days detention time.

Option 4. Toilets only septic tank with 5 days detention time.

From the functional efficiency. option 3 would be preferable if the

soil. percolation capacity is sufficient to absorb effluent generated daily

and the cost is within acceptable limit. Otherwiseoption 1 would be

better. '.

6.3 Recommendations

The present study can not be considered as a comprehensive one

covering all aspects of septic tank configuration and .long term effects on

absorption capacity' of soak wells. However, within its scope and
limitations , the study provided a guidance for improving design

concepts of septic tank and soakage.

The following recommendations are made from the present study:

(a) Septic tanks may be designed based on receiving toilet and
kitchen wastewater with 3 days detention time. The
bathroom wastewater may be discharged to surface drains.

(b) The findings of this study is by no means a omprehensive one.

The effectiveness of proposed design. may again be tested

with more field testing before put .to practice.

(c) To have a comprehensive study on the subject, followings are


(il Study with septic tank of different sizes with inflow and

outflow measuring device.

(ii) Post treatement of effluent with sand filter for direct

discharge to surface drains where soil absorption

capacity is very low.


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Data Tables give the results of Septic Tank Effluent quality, Raw sewage
characteristics, Effluent percolation test. results and Absorption
capacities of soakage pits.

Table A.I. Raw Sewage Characteristics Data and Test Results.

Actual and Diluted sewage

1. Sample Used
from se.ptic tank.

Composition of sewage Untreated toilet

. wastewater

Date of Collection 09-10-94.


Test Site Kafrul Officers Quarter

(ST 1)

5. Weather. Sunny day.

6. Test Results . Shown below.

. Parameters . Values
Temp, oC 29.5
pH, 6.9
TOC,mg/1 i80
BOD5, mg/l 230
COD,mg/1 370
SS,mg/1 86
N03,mg/1 12
P04,mg/1 4
TC, nos/lOO ml 2.5 x 107
FC, nos/IOO ml 1.5 x 107



Table A.2 Raw,Sewa:ge Characteristics Data and Test Results.

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

from septic tank ..

2. Composition of sewage Untreated toilet wastewater

3. Date of Collection 09-10-94.

4. Test Site Kunnitola Golf Club

officers club(ST 2).

5. Weather Sunny day.

6. Test Results Shown below.

Parameters Values
pH .7.0
Temp, oC 29.5
TOC, mg/l 170.8
BOD5,mg/l 250
COD, mg/l .380
SS,mg/l 94
N03,mg/l 13
P04,mg/l 7
TC,nos/100 ml 40 x 106
FC nos/100 ml 20 x 106

Table A,3 Raw Sewage Characteristics Data Imd.Test Results.

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

from septic tank.

2. Composition of sewage Untreated toilet wastewater

3. Date of collection 09-10-94.

4. Test Site Katchukhet Staff

Quarters(ST 3).

5. Weather. Sunny day.

6. Test Results Shown below.

Parameters Values
pH 7.2 .
Temp, oC 29.5
'TOC,mg/1 55.71
BOD5, mg/l 100
COD,mg/l 200
SS,mg/1 93
N03,mg/1 13 ' .

P04,mg/1 20
TC,nos/lOO ml 10 x 106
FC,nos/lOO ml 6 x 106

Table A.4 Raw Sewage Constituents

Actual and diluted samples

1. Sample used

Composition of Sewage Untreated toilet and kitchen


Date of collection 01-11-94


4. Test of site ST 2

5. Weather Dry

Test Result Shown below


Parameters . Values.
. . . .
Temp, C
. 96
BOD5,mg/l 160

COD, mg/l 300

SS, mg/l 71
N03, mg/l 50
P04,mg/l 35
TC,nos/lOO ml 15 x 107
FC,nos/lOO ml 15 x 106

Table A.5 Raw Sewage Constituents:

Actual and diluted samples

1. Sample Used

Untreated toilet and kitchen

2. Composition of sewage
wastewater >

Date of collection 01-1.1-94


Test site ST 3

Weather Dry

Shown below
6. Test Result

Parameters Values

PH 6.9
Temp, oC 28 ,
82 .
TOC, mg/I
BOD5, mg/I 180
COD, mg/I 300
SS, mg/I. 80
N03, mg/l 50
P04, mg/I 45
TC, Nos/lOO ml 35 x 107
FC, nos/lOO ml 25 x 107

TableA.6 Raw Sewage Constituents

1. Sample Used Atual and diluted samples

2. Compostion of sewage Untreated toilet, kitchen ,

and bathroom wastewater

3. Date of collection' 25-11-94

4. Test site ST 1

5. Weather Dry

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values
PH 6.8
Temp, OC 22
TOC, mg!l 121
BOD5, mg!l 110
COD, mg!l 200
SS, mg!l 80

,No3' mg!l 40
P04, mg!l 6
TC, nos/lOO ml 15 x 107
FC, nos/lOO ml ,13 x 106 ,

Table A.7 Raw Sewage Constituents

1. Samples Used Actual and diluted samples

2. Composition of sewage Untreated toilet. kitcheri

and bathroom wastewater

3. Date of collection 25-11-94.

4. Test site ST 2

5. Weather DIY

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values
pH 6.8
22 .
Temp. oC
TOC. mg/l 85
BOD5. mg/l 110
COD. mg/l 190
SS, mg/l 78
N03. mg/l 55
P04. mg/l 25
TC. nos/100 ml 17 x 107
FC. nos/lOO ml 12 x 106

Table A.S Raw Sewage Constituents

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples.

2. Composition of sewage . Untreated toilet,' kitchen

and bathroom wastewater

3. Date of collection 25-11-94

4. Test site ST 3

5. Weather Dry

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values
pH 6.8
Temp, 0c 22
TOC, mg/l 102 .
BOD5, mg/l 110
COD, mg/l 210
SS, mg/l 86
N03i mg/l 30
P04, mg/l 45 i
TC, nos/100 ml 15 x 107
FC, nos/100 ml 8 x 106


Table A.9 Raw Sewage Characterstics Test Result

Sample Used Actual and diluted Samples


Composition of sewage Raw Toilet wastewaters


3. Date of collecttion 16-8-94

Katrul (ST1),Kurmitola Golf

4. Test site
Club (ST 2),Katchukhet (ST 3) .

5. Weather. Cloudy

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values
ST I . ST2 . ST 3

63 63. 6.3
Temp,Oe 31 31 31

TOe, mg.1 76 106 160

BODs, mg/l 160 290 200

eOD,mgl! 290 340 . 340

SS; mgll 58 65 40
N03, mgll 30 13 13
P04, mgll 25 20 IS


Table A.I0 Raw Sewage Characterstics Test Result

1. Sanlple Used Actual and diluted samples

2. Composition of sewage Raw kitchen wastewaters

3. Date of collection 16-8-95

4. Test site ST!, ST2, ST3

5. Weather Cloudy

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values

pH 6.2 6.3 6.3

Temp,OC 31 31 31
TOe, mgfl 123 130 160
BOD5, mgfl 150 140 160
COD, mgfl 240 290 380
SS, njgfl 105 129 84
N03, mgfl 15 20 24
P04, mgll 15 40 50

Table A:II Raw Sewage Characterstics Test Result ..

l. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

Composition of sewage Raw Bathroom wastewater


3. Date of collection 16-8-95

4. Test site. ST I, ST 2, ST 3

5. Weather Monsoon

6. Test Result Shown below

Pal'ameters Values .


pH 6.3 6.3 6.3

Temp, 0c 31 31 . 31
TOe, mgll 36 30 100
BODs, mg!l 6 7 10
COD, mgll 20 22 ; 25
SS, mg/1 9 6 4
N03, mg/I 30 20 34
P04, mg/l 30 IS 25

t .

Table A.12 Raw Sewage Characters tics Test Result

Actual and diluted samples

1. Sample Used

Composition of sewage Raw toilet wastewater and


kitchen wastewater mixed in

proportion 2: 1 for STI and ST2
and 2,34: 1 for TS3

Date of collection 16-8-95


4. Test site

Dry .
5. Weather

Test Result Shown below


Parameters Values .
STl ST2' ST3

6.3 63 6.3
31 31 31
87 96 180
TOe, mg!l
BODS, mgll 140 160 180
260 300 300
COD, mg/I
44 70 34
SS, mgll
N03, mg/I 25 20 13
P04,mg/1 15 40 20



Table A.13 Raw Sewage Characters tics Test Result

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

2. Composition of sewage Raw toilet, kitchen and bath

room wastewater mixed in
proportin (2): (1): (3.7) for
TSI and TS2 and(2.26):(I):
(3.33) for TS3

3. Date of collection 16-8-95

4. Test site ST I, ST 2 and ST 3

5. Weather Cloudy

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values
ST 1 ST2 ST 3

6.3 6.3 6.3

Temp,oC 31 31 31
TOe, mgll 38 85 102
BODS, mgll 110 110 110
COD, mg/I 200 190 210
SS, mgll 44 78 15
N03, mgll 30 20 15
P04, mg/I 30 25 35

Table A.14 Raw Sewage Constituents

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples.

2. Composition of sewage Untreated toilet and kitchen


3. Date of collection 01-11-94

4. Test site ST 1

5. Weather Dry

6. Test Result Shown below

Parameters Values

pH 6.9 .
Temp.OC 28
TOC. mg/l 87
BOD5. mg/l 140
'COD. mg/l 250
55. mg/l 70
N03. mg/l 50
P04. mg/l 45
TC. nos/lOOml 60 x 107
FC, nos/lOO ml 25 x 106

Table A.15 Septic Tank Effluent Characteristic Data and Test Results.

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

collected. from the effluents
of septic tank in soakage pit. .

2. Composition of Sewage Toilet Wastes only(Al).

3. Date of collection 25-10-94.

4. Test Site l\:afi:iJlOfficer quarters(ST 1).

5. Weather Sunny day.

6. Test Result Shown below.

Parameters Values .

pH 7.0
28 .
Temp, oC
TOC,mg/l 90.5
At Dilution 1/10 109

At Dilution 1/50 108

At dilution 1/100 110
COD,mg/l 170
SS,mg/l 59
N03,mg/1 5 ,
P04,mg/1 2
TC, nos/100 m1 2.5 x 107
FC, nos/100 m1 5 x 106


Table A.iS Septic Tank Effluent Characteristic Data and Test Results.

L Sample Used Actual and diluted sample

collected from the effluents
of septic tank in soakage pit.

2. Composition of sewage Toilet wastes . only . (AI).

3. Date of collection .25-10-94.

4. Test Site Kurmitoal Golf club officers,

quarters(ST 2).

5. Weather Sunny day.

6. Test Result Shown below :

Parameters Values .

7.3 .
Temp. oC 28
TOC.mg/1 92
BODS. mg/l
At Dilution 1/10. 117
At Dilution 1/50 118
At Dilution 1/100 120
COD. mg/l 180
SS. mg/l 66
N03. mg/l 7
P04. mg/l 4
TC. nos/100 ml 3 x 107
FC. nos/100 ml 1 X 107


Table A. i7. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristics Data and Test Results.

Actual and diluted samples

1. Sample Used
collected from the effluents
of septic tank in soakage pit.

Composition of sewage Toilet wastes only (All.


Date of collection 25-10-94.


Katchukhet Staff
4. Test Site
quarters(ST 3).

, , .
Weather SumlYday.

Test Results Shown below.:


Parameters Values
7.1 .
. Temp, 0c 28
TOC,mg/1 38
BOD5' mg/l
At Dilution 1/10 44
At Dilution 1/50 40
. At Dilution 1/100 40
COD,mg/1 80
SS, mg/l 56
N03, mg/l 6
P04,mg/1 7
TC,nos/100 ml 8x106 ,

FC, nos/100 ml 3x106

Table A.IB. Septic Tank effluent Characteristics Data and Test Results.

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted sanlples

collected from the effluents
of septic tank in soakage pit.

2. Composition of sewage Toilet wastes and kitchen

sullage (A2).

3. Date of collection 22-11-94.

4. Test Site Kafrul Officers Quarters(ST1).

5. Weather Fair Weather.

6. Test Results Shown below :

Parameters Value .


6.9 .
Temp,OC 27
TOC,mg/l 38
At Dilution 1/10 55
At Dilution 1/50 55
At Dilution 1/100 60 i .
COD, mg/l 100
SS,mg/l 45
N03, mg/l . 40 ,
P04,mg/l 30
TC,,nos/100 ml 20 x 107
FC,nos/100 ml 15 x io7


, Table A.19. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristic Data aDd Test Results,

1. Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

collected from the effluent of
septic tank in soakage pit.

2. Composition of sewage Toilet wastes and kitchen

sullage only (A2).,

3. Date of collection 22-11-94.

4. Test Site Kurmitdla Golf club Officers

quarters(ST 2).

5, Weather Fair.

6. Test Results .Tabulated below :

Parameters Values . . .

pH 6.9 .

Temp, C 27
TOC,mg/1 48.6
BOD5,mg/1 ,
At Dilution 1/10 65
At Dilution 1/50 60
At Dilution 1/100 70
COD,mg/1 120
SS mg/l 46
N03,mg/1 30
P04.mg/1 21
TC. nosllOO ml 14 x 106
FC, nos/100ml 10 x 106

Table A.20. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristics Data and Test Results.

1. Sample Used A~tual and diluted samples ..

collected from the effluent of
septic tank in soakage pit.

2. Composition of sewage Toilet wastes and kitchen

sullage only (A2).

3. Date of collection 22-11-94.

4. Test site Katchukhet staff

quarters(ST2) .

5. Weather Fair.

6. Test Results Tabulated below :

Parameters Values
pH 6.9
Temp. DC 27
TOC. mg/l 32.7
BOD5. mg/l
At Dilution 1/10
At Dilution 1/50 35
At Dilution.l/l00 40
COD. mg/l 80
SS. mg/l 40
N03. mg/l 18
P04.mg/1 25
TC. nos/lOO ml 7x 106
FC. nos/l00 ml 5 x 106

. '.

Table A.21. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristics Data and Test Results.
. I. .

Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

collected from the effluent of
septic tank.

Composition of sewage Toilet wastes, kitchen sullage

and bathroom wastewater (A3).

Date of Collection 18-12-94.


Test Site. Kafrul Officer quarters(STI).


5. Weather Moderate ..

Test Results Tabulated below :


Parameters .

6.7 .
Temp,OC 21.5
TOC,mg/1 55
BOD5, mg/l 35
At Dilution 1/10 40
At Dilution 1/50 50
COD,mg/1 38
SS,mg/1 30
N03' mg/l 4
P04,mg/1 40
TC, nos/lOO ml 13x 106
Fe, nos/lOO ml 9 x 106

. Table A.22. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristic Data and Test Results.

Sample Used Actual and diluted samples

collected from the effluent
.of septic tank in soakage pit.

Composition of Sewage Toilet. Kitchen and bathroom

wastewater (A3).

Date of collection 18-12-94.


Kunhitola Golf Club Officers .

Test Site
quarters(ST 2).

Weather Moderate

Test Results Tabulated below :


Parameters Values ..
pH 7
21.5 ;
TOC. mg/l 47
BOD5. mg/l
At Dilution 1/10 40
At Dilution 1/50 40
COD. mg/l 50
SS. mg/l 36
N03. mg/l 50
P04. mg/l 20
TC. nos/100 ml 11 x 106
FC. nos/100 ml 9 x 106


Table A.23. Septic Tank Effluent Characteristics Data and test Results.

1. Sample Used Actual diluted sample

collected from the effluent
of septic tank in soakage pit.

2. Composition of Sewage . Toilet, kitchen and b~throom

wastewaters (A3).

3. Date of collection 18-12-94.

4. Test Site Katchukhet staff

quarters(ST 3).

5. Weather. Moderately cool.

Test Result Tabulated. below :

Parameters Values .
. . .

pH 6.7
Temp 0c 21.5
TOC, mg/l 60
BODS, mg/l
.At Dilution 1/10 35
At Dilution 1/50 40
COD, mg/l 6.0
SS, mg/l 35
N03 mg/l 19
P04 mg/l 30
TC,nos/lOO ml 7 x 106
FC, nos/100 ml 5 x 106

Table A.24 Characteristics of Raw Kitchen Wa~tewater

1. Sample Used 1).ctualand diluted samples

from kitchen wastewater line.

2. Date of collection 23-7-95

KurmJtola Golf Club "Officers.

3. Test Site

4.. Weather Summer, rainy

5. Composition of sewage Kitchen wastewaters only.

6. Test Result Shown below :

Parameters Values
pH 6.8
Temp,OC 30
TOC, mg/l 148
BOD5' mg/l 190
. COD, mg/l. 270
SS, mg/l 70
N03, mg/l 30
P04,mg/1 2.5
TC, nos/lOO ml
FC, nos/lOO ml

Table A.25. Effluent P~rcolationTest Result.

Sample Used Actual eflluent collected

from soakage pit.

Composition of sewage Toilet wastes only (Al).


3. Date of Testing 08 Jan 95

Kafrul Officer quarters(STl).

4. Test Site

Weather Fairly Cold.


Preparation of Holes Dianleter. 100 mm

Depth. 500 mm
Spacing of holes. ,Not closer'
then 2 m.
Over night soaking of holes.

7. Test Result ,Tabulated below :


.Table A.25(continued)

Test Hole 2 Test Hole 3 Mean

Tex ( Reading s .. Test Hole I
Drop ill
NO water
level em
Drop in Level Drop ill Level Drop in
Level em
w~lter elll waler ' em water
level ~
.. .
level level

15 3.5 16 3 15 . 3
I Initial
10 min U.5 13

15.5 3.5 15 2.5 15 2.5 .

2. Initial
10 min 12 12.5 12.5
15 3 15 2 15 2
3. Initial
10 min . 12 13 13
15 2 15 1.5 15 1.5
4. Initial
10 min 13 13.5 13.5
1.5 15 1 15 1.5 0.92 em/
5. Initial. 155
14 135 10 min /
10 min 14 .
35 mm in
later" '.

i 27 min
15 I 15 I . 15:5 1
6. Initial
10 min 14 14 14:5
. .

15 .75 15 1 15 1
7. Initial
10 min 14.25 14 14
8. Initial 15 .75 - - - -
10 min 14.25 .

Uniform .75 I
Drop in I .
water level

. Table A.26. Effluent Percolation Test Results.

Actual eftluent collected from

1. Sample Used
the soak pit.

Composition of sewage Toilet wastes; Kitchen.

wastewater and bathroom
wastwater(A3) .

3. Date of Testing

Test Site Katchukhet Staff

quarters(ST 3).

5. Weather Fairly. cold.

6. Test Holes Diameter 100 mm

Depth 500 mm

Spacing Not closer than 2 Ill. i

Overnight Soaking

7. Test Result Tabulated below:

Table A.26(continued)

Text Hole 2 Text Hole 3 'Mean

T'ex t Reading Test Hole I
Droli nun
No. . .

Drop in Level em Drop in Level elll Drop in -

Level em

level em level em level em

4.5 15 4 16 4
I. Initial 16
10 min later 115 11 ,.
4 is 3.5 15.5 3.5
2. Initial IS
11 11.5 12
10 min later

3.5 15.5 3 15.5 3.5

3 Initial 15.5
12 . 18.3 nun!
10 min later 12 12.5
2.5 15 3.5 10 niin
4. Initial 15 3.5 15

125 12 or
10 min later liS
2 15 3 13 min
5. Initial IS 3 15

13 12.5 for 25
10 min later 12
1.75 IS 2.5 nun fall
6. Initial 15 2.5 15
13.25 13
10 min later 12.5 ,
2 15 1.75 15 2
7. luitial 15
13 13.25 13.25
10 min later

2 15 1.75
8. htitial 15

13 13.25
10 min later
. .

2 1.75 1.75 -
Urtifonn Drop in , .

water level

Table A.27. Effluent Percolation Test Result. '

Sample Used Actual 'effluent collected from

the soakage pit.'

Composition of Sewage Toilet.kitchen and bathroom

wastewaters (A3).

3. Date of Testing 10 Feb 95

Test Site Kaftul. officers quarters(ST1).


5. Weather Fairly Cold.

6. Test Holes Diameter 100'mm

Depth 500 mm

Spacing Not closer than 2 m

Overnight soaking

7. Test Resu1t Tabulated below:

Table A.27(continued).

Text Hole 2 Text Hole 3 Mean

Itrex I Reading Test Hole I
Level em Drop in, Level em Drop in Level elll Drop in
' .
level em level em level em level em

13.5 2 13 2.01l 15 '2.5 .

1. Initial
10 min 11.5 J 1 12.5
16 1.5 16 1.75 15 2
2. later
13 10 "1111111
Iliitial 14:5 14.25
16 1.5 15 1.5 10 min
3. 10 min J7 1
14.25 i 13.5 or
later 16
16 I 15 1.25 25 tllm
. 4. Initial J7 I
15 13.75 in
10 min 16

.75 16 .I 15 1.25 25.mill:

5. later 16

lJiitial 15.26 15 13.75

6. III min 15 .75 16 I - -

. later 1425 15 -
10 min



J 0 min

later .

Unifonn Drop in .75 I 1.25

water level

Table A.28. Effluent Percolation Test Result.

Actual effluent collected from

1. Sample Used
soak pit.

Composition of sewage Toilet"wastes only (Al).


Date of Testing 10 Feb 95 .


Test Site Katchukhet staff

quarters(ST 3).

Weather Fairly ~old.


Test Holes Diameter 100 mm


Depth' 500 mm

Spacing not closer than 2 m

Overnight Soaking.

7. Test Result Tabulated below :

Table. A.28 (continued).

Tesl Hole 2 Test Hole 3 Mean

rex ( Reading Tesl Hole I
Drop em
Levc t Drop in Leve I Drop in
Leve I Drop in

level CIll em leve I

em leve I GIll

16 3.S IS 3
I. Inilial IS 4
12S 12
10 min later II
IS 3 IS 2.S
2. Initial IS 3.S
12 ] 2.S
10 min later ll.S
16 2.S 16 2
3. Initial IS 3
13.S 13
10 min later 12
2.S IS 2 IS 2
4. Initial IS
13 15.8 111m
10 min later 12.S 13
I.7S IS I.7S. in 10 min
Initial IS 2 IS
132 S 13.2 S
10 min later . 13
.IS IS I.7S or
6. Initial 16 l.5 IS
13.S 13.2 S
10 min laler 14.S
l.5 - - 25 111m ill
7. Initial - I.S IS
- 16 min
.10 min later I3.S 13.S

J.5 1.5 1.7S -

Unifonn Dr?p in

. ,I

Table. A.29. Effluent Percolation Test Result.

Actual sample collected from

1". Sample Used
the soakage pit.

Toilet wastes and kitchen

2. Composition of Sewage
wastewater (A2).

Date of Testing 10 Feb 95


Kafrul officers quarters(ST1) .

.4. Test Site

5. Weather Fairly Cold..

6. ,Test Holes Diameter 100 inm

Depth 500 mm

Spacing Not closer than 2 m

0v:ernight Soaking.

Test Result Tabulated below:



Table A.29 (continued).

Test Hole 2 Test Hole 3 Mean

Text Reading Test Hole I
Drop mill
No. .

Drop in Level Drop iil Level Drop

Leve 1

leve I em III em in
cm .

CIll level cm level cm

Initial IS 2 IS IS
13.1 1.9 13 2
tominlater 13

!Jiitial IS IS IS
13.6 14 13.5 1.5 13.3 1.8
10 min later .
IS 0.96 eli,/
3. Initial IS IS
13.7 1.3 J].S 1.5 10 min.
10 min later 13.8 1.2
IS 25 'min ill
4. Initial 14.5 ISS
14.5 I i4 I 26 min
10 minlaler 13.6 0.9
IS 15.5
s. Initial
0.9 14 I - 14.5. I
to min later 14.1

0.9 I I
Unifoml Drop in
waler level.

Table A.30. Absorption Capacity of Disposal Field and Seepage pit ..

Percolation Test Effluent Allowance Rate of Seepage unit inlitres per M2 per
Rate in limited for day ,
water to fall 25 mm .

Disposal Field Seepage pit

TrenchesrBottom) (Wall area)
128 . 172
2 or less
96 128
68 92
32 44
16 24
60 (Not
recommended) - -
Over 60 (Not

(Source: Bangladesh National Building Code (Final Draft 1994)

. Table .A.31 Absorption Capacities of Soils

Relative Soil Type Effluent Loadings

I/m2/d gal/ft2/d
Coarse sand, gravd 140 3.0
Fine sand, sandy loam 70 1.5
Medium .

Sandy clay,silt 30 0.6

Dense clay 20 04
. . - -
ImpervIOUS Rock

(Source: Khanna. P.N 1982. Indian Practical Civil Engineers HandbCJod.).


Data Tables give Water Quality Standards in Bangladesh.

Table A.32 Std Value for water use ..

Fishing Industrial lnig::lt i01~ Livestock

Parameters Drinking Recreali anal
water water water water
Water water .

6.5-8.5 6.0-9.5 6.0 ,95 5.5 -9.0

oH 6.5 -8.5 6.0 -95
4-{j 5 5 4-6
DO midI 6 4-5

0.2 3 6 10 lO -
BODs moll
4 - 3-10 - -
COD. 111011 4.
600 - 600 2000
CWoride. nm/l 150-600 600 -c-

500 800-lO00 - 750 . -

EC. mohs/em -
Turrhidit y 10 10 - 50 - -

Ammonia, 0.5 2.0 0.075 - 3 -


Chromium .05 .05 - 0.5 - - .

(hex;]va1c III as
- .

er 6)mldl ..

500 - 1000
Total colifoffil 2 200

nos/lOO mJ

- 1500 2000 5000

TDS. moll lOOO - .

SS.nm/l 10 20 25 75 - -
, .


(Source DOE, July 1991 ) .

Table A.33. Std Values for Industrial Effluent.

Discharged into Discharged on land .

Parameters. Discharged into
inl and & sUlface public sewer (irrigable/non
6.0-9.0 6.0-90 6.0-90
. 4.5 - 80 4.5 - 8.0 4.5 -8.0
50 250 500
BODS, mgfl .

200 400 400

600 600 600
Chloride, mg/l
1200 1200 1200
EC.mi cro,mehs
Icm .

5 5. 15
Arnmonia(Nlt ,
z) ,mg/l ,
0.1 1.0 1.0 i
ex avalant as cr
6) mgfl. .

10000 .10000 10000

Total coliform

nos/lOO ml
2100 2100 2100
TDS mgfl
150 500 200
SS mg/l .

l Source: DOE Jul 1991 )

Table A.34 : The Water Quality Std for Water Use.

For Laundry For Bathing For Survival of

Parameter For Recreation
(PondJOlU1l nin)
- 85
Tcmo Of - -
5.8 - 8.6 5.8 - 86 6.0 -9.0
oH 5.8 - 8.6

Color, mg!1 <30 - <50 <10-<15 <5 -<15 -

- 500 - 1000
E.C mic - - .

> 200 > 200 250
Chloride ow!1 > 300
< 10-< 15 <5-<10 25
Turbidity < 5 - <20


< 10 < 5110 < 500 -

TS mg!1
< 1000 - - . -
T.D.S mIT!1
Very Small Vcry Small 80
SS, mIT!1 <10 .

- >' or;' 4
DO,mo!1 - -
- < or - 5
BOD5,mo!1 <8-<10 -
<20 -
- -
< 1.5 < 0.5 .03 -05
Chromium <i.4

01.!1 .

< 10 - < 20 < 10 < 0.5 0.5

AnuoOllla mg!1

(Source JICA (1987) and Azad (1976) )

Table A.35 Typical Composition of Untreated Domestic Wastewater

Contaminent Unit Concentration

Weak Medium Strong
Solids (TS) mg/I 350 720 1200 .

Suspended solids mg/I 100 220 350

I (SS)
mgll 110 220 440
BODS at 200c .

TOC mgIJ 80 160 290

COD mg/I 250 500 1000.
Nitrates mgIJ 0 0 0

Phosphorus(Total mgll 4 8 15
as P). . ..
mgIJ .1 3 5
Inorganic . mg/I 3 5 10
chlorides m!l!l 30 50 100
Sulfate m!l!1 20 30 50
TC noslIOO ml 106-107 107-108 107-109

(Source : Table 3-16. Metcalf and Eddy 1991)

145 .i .

Plate B-2: Blue pipes showing kitchen and bathroom wastewater

connection to septic tank.

Plate B-3: Hach pH Tester Digital.

Plate B-4: Spectrophotometer DR-EL/4(HACH)

r 147

Plate B-5: Ynco - TOe Analyzer 8L.

Plate B-6: Laboratory Incubator.

Plate B-7 : Membrane Filter (MF)Before Placing in Incubator.

Plate B-8 : Shows Colonies of Fecal Coliform After Incubation.

Plate B-9 : A Percolation Test Hole Showing Depth.

Plate B-10 : Septic Tank Effluent Being Poured in one of the

Test Holes.



A survey on Domestic Water Consumption and Sewage Generation within

Dhaka Cantonment Residential Quarters for the Thesis on

"Studies on Septic Tank ElTIuent Quality and SoaJmge"..

1. Holding number of the Building :

2. Number of Flats in the Building


3. Name of the occupant : _

4. Name of the interviewee :

5. Number of family member:

Each Flat _
Each Building : _. _

6. N6mber of toilets in each Flat :

7.. Number of panjcomode in each Flat

8. Flushing system capacity: _

9. Number of water points in each Flat:
Shower point _
Kitchen sink
Hand basins _
Bath tap _

10. Average consumption of water per person

II. What type of detergents used for laundry : _

* Soap _ * Detergent powder

12. What type of cleaners used for washing utensils:

* * Washing Powder * Other thing .

13. What type of cleaners used for cleaning bathroom wares:

* Harpic _ * Bleaching Powder __ * Other

things .

14. What type of disinfectant used in the commode:

* Phenol * Acid * Other thing _

15. Is there any problem in present sewage dtsposal system:

Yes No

16. Is U1ere any odour in the toilet from the sewer line:

Yes No

17. What waste is thrown in the sink line


18. Mention U1e date of cleaning septic tanks in the last two
years : _


Date of construction of the Building:
20. Any other information : \__


List of Family Quarters in Dhaka Cantonment Area having Septic Tank

disposal system as on Nov 94.

Table: D-1 Garrison Engineer Maintenance (South)

Name of Are.1 No of No of family - Size of Septic No of Septic Size of soakage

Ouarte" livi1Jl.~ lallk( Ill) lallk nil(m) .
Caull Markel Area 15 24 2.8xlx 1.70 15 1.2 x 0
Moiulli Road o.oxlx U7 1 "
8 04 0.15x2.84x 8 "
2. 40
5 50 4.87x I .80x 5 "
2. 4
12 12 0.6xl. 8xl8 12 "
4 4 5.5x7x 1.8 4 "
19 19 0.7.x7.x 1.84 19 "
7 28 4.ox Ix 13 0 "
Aziz Paalli 26 26 4.3x7x 1.8 26 1.2 x 0
Kachllkhel 2 10 7.8x2. ox 2 "
Sluff guarle" 9 72 U7 9 "
KarlUl 1.4 156 5.lxlx 1.7J 14 "
Office" lk111e" 6.6xlx
Badiuzzm,Hl Road 15 02 U75 15 "
4.26x. 71 x
Yousuf Roa 44 017 U75 38 "
U75 4 "
5.48xl x
U75 2 "
3xlxl. 375

(Source On ground survey)

Table: D-2 Garrison Engineer Maintanance( North)

No of - Size of septic tonk ( No of septic Size of Soak

Name of Area Noof
Fomil)' III) I,mk pit
Qunrte rs
12.7x 1.8x I 4 1.2 x (,
Shoheed Bosher 27 184
(,.(,., Ix 1.37 5 17 "
} x 1.8 x I 8 "
28 2J3 3.5 x 1.8 x I 7 "
(,.5 x 1.8 x I 8 "
} x 1.8 x I 1 "
(,.4 x 1.8 x I 7 "
4.7 x 1.8 x I } "

4} 424 12x2.2x 1.8 2 1.8 " (,

Mostofa Kmnnl
8 x 2.2 x 1.8 4 "
Ii lie
(,x2.2x 1.8 II "
5.5 x Ix 1.8 19 1.5 x 6

}510 4.9 x 2.} x 1.5 7 1.2 x (,

Zio Colone)' 702
(,.7 x Ix 1.5 8 "
5.8 x 1 x 1.5 10 "
4.3 x I 1.5 5 "
5.5 x 1.825 x I 2 "
5.2 x 2.8 ., I } "
4 x 1 x 1.8} J3 "

(Source On ground survey)


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