Integrated Management System Manual: BS EN ISO 9001:2008 BS EN ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS 18001:2007
Integrated Management System Manual: BS EN ISO 9001:2008 BS EN ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS 18001:2007
Integrated Management System Manual: BS EN ISO 9001:2008 BS EN ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS 18001:2007
Revision 9.0
Last Updated 29 July 2010
Last Reviewed 29 July 2010
Design, manufacture Installation and Maintenance of Safety, Shutdown and
Sequencing Controls, Electronic Process Monitoring and Control Equipment,
Control Panels and Switchboards for Industrial, Marine and Hazardous Area
Design, Assembly and Commissioning of Steam and Hot Water Boilers.
Approved: P. Mountain
Checked: G. Evans
[List of all abbreviations used in the manual and definitions of relevant terms]
l Environmental aspect (EA): An element of Technical Control Systems activities, products, or services that can or
does interact with the environment (create an environmental impact)
l E-Project folder: An electronic folder located on the main server, used to hold all electronic documentation for a
project and accessible via the TCS intranet.
l Significant environmental aspect (SEA): An environmental aspect deemed by the company as having, or
potentially having, a significant impact on the environment.
l Non-conformity: Discrepancy between Technical Control Systems actual IMS activities and the procedures laid out in
this manual (i.e., where the actual activities do not follow the procedures)
l Indicator: A measurable parameter or predictor of performance (Quality, Health & Safety or Environmental)
l Root cause analysis: Systematic process to uncover underlying causes of a particular issue or problem.
l IMS Integrated Management System
l EA Environmental Aspect
Generic Amendment
Policy or Graph or
Register Report
Database Index
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This Manual describes the Integrated Management System (IMS) of Technical Control Systems Ltd, and is the controlling
document for all aspects of the management of Quality, Health and Safety, and the Environment.
The Management System is composed of integrated quality, environmental and occupational health and safety Management
It carries out activities in an effective way, combining three standards. The first of these is ISO 9001 for obtaining
customers satisfaction. The second is ISO 14001 for corporate social responsibility and obtaining the satisfaction of
interested parties. The third one is OHSAS18001 for obtaining the satisfaction of employees with a safe work environment
provided, and other standards.
This manual serves as a high-level "road map" to Technical Control Systems IMS and to house the procedures which
Technical Control Systems follow in implementing and maintaining its IMS.
This manual and subsequent revisions, is distributed by the IMS management representative to company directors,
management and all TCS employees, especially those involved in performing work related to the IMS.
This manual also serves as the basis for Technical Control Systems internal assessment of its IMS.
This manual is a controlled document and the master copy is authorised by the Managing Director to indicate his approval.
Printed copies of this manual are only valid at the time of printing, and should be destroyed when the intended use is
Integrated Management System Policy
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The core of Technical Control Systems IMS is our policy. The policy states in broad terms the principle commitments of
Technical Control Systems. It is signed by our Managing Director and has been communicated to all employees. The IMS
Policy is reviewed every 12 months and is posted on notice boards throughout the company, available on every computer,
posted on our web site, and is available on request to the public, customers, and authorities.
The Integrated Management System Policy is reproduced below:
To strive for continuous improvement by establishing appropriate business goals and objectives and implementing the
plans to achieve them.
To meet customer needs by providing quality products and services through an environment friendly production
To prevent pollution, injury and ill health, comply with laws and regulations to prevent prosecution, fines, adverse
publicity and ensure the well-being of all personnel.
n Reduce waste
Note: Personnel with additional job title in brackets have a dual role within the company.
Managing Director
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The Managing Director is responsible for determining the policies and objectives of the company and ensuring that the
overall company quality, Health & Safety, and Environmental objectives are achieved and has direct responsibility for the
management review and conclusion of any resultant corrective or preventative action.
The Managing Director is also the Production Manager.
Financial Director
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l operating to consistently high standards and implementing processes to maximize benefit to the company.
l preparing budgets, communicating and reporting on performance and recommending actions as appropriate.
l ensuring the commercial success of the contracts and the update of all financial budgets as a contract progresses.
Contracts Director
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l the translation of customer needs from the specifications and tender into technical design specifications for materials,
products and processes.
l design reviews and verification of designs.
l review, approval and assistance with executing testing procedures and method statements.
l ensuring the design is safe and the impact on the environment is minimised wherever possible.
l approval of all commercial matters in TCS relating to the preparation and submission of tenders to customers.
l implementing professional practices relating to tendering & negotiation with suppliers and clients.
l ensuring that customer requirements are translated from the product brief/enquiry into a quotation for products or
services, and the subsequent review of customer orders.
l contributing to the development of new concepts and techniques.
l Responsible for the sales and business development according to business plan.
l Responsible for a team of sales staff to be hired and trained based on sales growth.
l Responsible for developing the necessary commercial partnerships, resulting in high quality customer relationship
l Responsible for all Product Sales, Marketing and Sales Development Processes and Sales Operations and Support.
IMS Coordinator
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The IMS Coordinator is the management representative with the responsibility and authority to ensure the requirements of
BS EN ISO 9001, BS EN ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001, are implemented and maintained, and is responsible for:
l monitoring and managing customer satisfaction and customer comment.
l ensuring that the requirements of the IMS are implemented and maintained, to achieve and retain industry recognised
certification, and the enhancement of customer satisfaction.
l managing the interface with the BSI, our nominated third party auditors.
l determination of audit schedules, auditor competence and independence, the implementation of audits and
management review meetings.
l providing IMS operational support to the business to ensure compliance with applicable standards, legislation and
l obtaining and updating all environmental licenses, approvals and permits.
l reporting to the Managing Director on the performance of the Integrated Management System and any needs for
Production Manager
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l Ensuring that products and services are manufactured or supplied to a level of quality which meets the needs and
expectations of customers and complies with the requirements of the IMS.
l Issue and assignment of work to production and test personnel competent to carry out the work.
l Ensuring production target dates in the overall delivery schedule are maintained.
l Plan construction works in a manner that avoids or minimises impact on the environment.
l Ensure documented IMS management procedures are implemented across all sites.
l Ensure construction personnel manage construction works in accordance with statutory and approved requirements.
l ensuring that bought-in materials are obtained in time to meet production target dates.
l implementing professional practices relating to sourcing, tendering, negotiation, contracting, measuring and
monitoring of all activities (large, small, direct or indirect) which require supplier involvement.
l reducing material & running costs; either through cost take out or efficiencies through improved production.
l developing commodity strategies & driving sourcing methodology into the business.
Technical Director
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l identification, verification, documentation and implementation of Statistical Techniques used by the Company.
l ensuring that policies, procedures and other necessary information are maintained and available on the company
The Technical Director is also the IMS Coordinator.
Site Supervisor
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l Supervising the day-to-day construction activities on site under the instruction of the Production Manager.
l Ensuring site activities comply with IMS procedures and method statements and that records are kept in accordance
with the planned requirements.
l Notifying the IMS coordinator and Production Manager immediately in the event of a Health & Safety or Environmental
accident or near miss.
l Cleaning up immediately any environmental accident under the direction of the IMS Coordinator.
l Undertaking remedial action as required and ensuring health & safety and environmental controls are maintained.
l Cleaning up immediately any environmental accident under the direction of the Site Supervisor.
Sub Contractors
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l Complying with all relevant conditions of project approval and licensing requirements.
l Notify the Production Manager immediately in the event of a health & Safety or environmental accident/near miss.
l Provide adequate equipment/facilities on site to protect the health & safety of all personnel and the environment
during their works.
l Undertaking remedial action as required and ensuring health & safety and environmental controls are maintained.
l Cleaning up any environmental spillage immediately after the incident, or at the request of the Production Manager.
IMS Overview
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TCS have developed, documented and maintain an integrated management system(IMS) designed to ensure we continue to
supply high quality products and services to our customers while providing a safe, healthy workplace for our employees
and acting as a responsible member of our community.
The TCS company's IMS is designed to help us understand our environmental impacts and, through proactive management,
reduce the risks that our productive operations pose to our employees and to the environment. The IMS is also the means
through which the commitments expressed in our policy document are implemented.
The IMS covers all operations occurring on-site at our Leeds factory, from the point of entry of raw materials and energy, to
the point of exit of finished manufactured products. In addition to manufacturing processes and activities, all off-site
operations fall within the scope of the IMS, including delivery, erection and installation, and maintenance.
The IMS takes waste disposal into account in evaluating the environmental impacts of both on-site and off-site activities,
even though TCS may not ultimately be the final disposer of the waste.
The IMS is organised and structured such that technical/administrative and human factors affecting the quality of products
and services are controlled. The IMS demonstrates objective evidence of the attainment and maintenance of quality,
ensuring customer confidence in the company's ability to deliver the desired quality. Additional evidence is provided by
independent third party assessment of conformance of the quality system to the requirements of BSEN ISO9001:2008.
IMS Operational Procedures (OP's)
The IMS is defined in operational procedures (OP's) which are structured by either department operations or company wide
operations. Each procedure details actions and requirements to be achieved in IMS objectives.
A OP number uniquely identifies each operational procedure.
In addition work instructions ('WI' series) and inspection procedures ('IP' series), which are detailed instructions of process
or inspection activities, are used where necessary in supporting operational procedures and product quality.
All documented records, which are used to verify product quality and the achievement of the IMS are allocated a unique,
number (IMSD No.'s) for control of identification and referencing.
Verification Resources and Personnel
Verification requirements, I.e. Inspections, product and IMS audits, are identified by TCS Limited. Adequate financial and
physical resources in terms of plant and equipment are provided, together with the necessary training of specified
personnel for verification purposes.
Management Representative
Technical Control Systems Ltd. has appointed the Technical Director as the company representative with the responsibility
and authority to ensure the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001, BS EN ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001, are implemented and
maintained. In addition he has direct responsibility for inspection and testing, and control of all inspection, test and
measuring instrumentation.
IMS Issue
All sections of the Integrated Management System are approved and authorized by qualified personnel and checked by the
management representative prior to issue.
Operational procedures, Work instructions and Inspection procedures are installed on the company's intranet and are
available to personnel with responsibility for ensuring adherence to them and to personnel for information/reference
purposes. All updates to the IMS are controlled using the document control procedure - OP113. Issues to third parties
external to the company or issues downloaded from the company's website are identified as 'Uncontrolled'.
Integrated Management System Structure
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Operational Procedures
Operational Procedures
( Company Wide)
l A technical interface exists between the Stores and Purchasing, Engineering, Production, Suppliers and IMS.
l In the case of Free-Issue equipment/materials, the customer may also be the supplier.
OP101 - Integrated Management System
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The company has developed, implemented and maintains a documented Integrated Management System which meets the
requirements of:
l BS EN ISO 9001: 2008 Quality management systems Requirements.
The Integrated management system has been documented in a three tier system, namely:-
l The IMS Manual (IMS000).
The documented Integrated management system specifies the company policies, responsibilities and procedures for
meeting company objectives and the requirements of the international standards quoted above.
The scope of the Integrated Management System encompasses sales, design, procurement, manufacturing, inspection,
testing, installation and servicing.
OP102 -Sales Department
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All customer enquiries / requirements are translated from a product brief / specification into a documented quotation for
materials, products and services at a price and delivery satisfactorily agreed between both parties. Integration of
environmental aspects at this stage in the product design offers the flexibility to make changes and improvements to
During the quotation process, consideration is given to the following:-
l Improvement of energy efficiency: consideration of total energy use throughout the products life cycle, including the
use phase.
l avoidance of potentially hazardous substances and materials in the product.
In order to ensure that the clients, safety and environmental requirements can be met, procedures are adopted to control
and verify product design.
The design and verification activities are planned, and are assigned to personnel with adequate resources and sufficient
experience and qualifications.
The organizational and technical interfaces between different departments are identified, and the necessary information is
documented, transmitted and regularly reviewed to ensure the following:
l So far as is reasonably practicable, all products are safe for the purpose for which they are designed.
l Products are designed so that any necessary testing to ensure safety can be carried out.
l The product is energy efficient, within the constraints posed by the client.
The input specification requirements for the product design are identified and documented. They are subject to a review to
ensure their adequacy. Discrepancies in the requirements are resolved with the party responsible for initiating the
requirements. All design outputs are documented and reviewed to ensure they match with design inputs.
All design output specifications are controlled in authorization, identification, issue and modification, and are in a form that
can be verified and validated.
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The procurement of product and environmentally-related materials and/or services is controlled to ensure that the
purchased product conforms to the specified requirements.
Assessment of Subcontractors
Sub-contractors are selected on their ability to meet the specified requirements. A list of approved sub-contractors is
maintained through supplier assessment monitoring and control.
Purchasing Data
Purchase orders state sufficient data to clearly describe the product ordered, including as applicable:-
l Type, class, style, grade or other precise identification.
l Title or other positive identification, applicable specifications, drawings, inspection instructions and other relevant
technical data.
l Title, number and issue of any international standard to be applied to the product.
Written instructions are adhered to for the identification and inspection/verification of goods received against purchase
orders. Any goods found to be non-conforming are segregated and dealt with under non-conformance control and
information fed back to the supplier assessment controls.
All material is identified, handled and stored in safe locations to prevent damage and deterioration, and is only issued to
manufacturing against authorized documentation and signature.
The company has established a procedure for the inspection or purchaser supplied product (free issue).
The procedure contains the following:
l Goods receiving inspection activities to account for quantity, identification and detection of damage/corrosion during
l Purchaser supplied product is periodically inspected during long term storage to detect signs of deterioration.
Limitations on storage periods are assessed and material maintenance conducted to retain condition.
l Adequate identification of purchaser supplied product to prevent unauthorized misuse or disposal.
Conditions, which result in the unsuitability of product, are reported to the customer.
Information is maintained on usage and inventory of all hazardous materials, and the storage and shipping of waste
hazardous materials is managed.
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The company has established a procedure for identifying the product during all stages of production, delivery and
installation by means of marking and/or documentation.
Where specified in the order, the individual product or batches have a unique identification, which is recorded to ensure
Production and installation processes directly affecting quality, safety or the environment are identified and planned to
ensure that they are carried out under controlled conditions.
Controlled conditions include:
l Documented work instructions, use of suitable equipment, compliance with reference standards.
Where specified in the contract, procedures for performing servicing and verifying that it meets the specified requirements
are maintained.
Special Processes
Special processes, of which the results cannot be verified by subsequent inspection or testing, are continuously monitored
or undertaken to documented procedures to ensure the specified requirements are met.
In-process use of Hazardous Substances
The use of hazardous substances is controlled by the use of suitable personnel protective equipment and COSHH
Assessment sheets.
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l Incoming substances are not used until they have been inspected or otherwise verified as suitable for use.
l Incoming products are not used or processed until they have been inspected or otherwise verified as conforming to
the specified requirements.
In-Process Inspection and Testing
l Product is inspected and tested as required according to documented procedures. Process monitoring/control methods
are used to establish conformance to the specified requirements.
l Product is held until the required inspection and test have been carried out.
The company has established procedures to control the electrical hazards present within test areas.
These controls include:
l Documented work instructions, use of suitable equipment and compliance with procedures.
The company has established procedures to ensure that product which is non-conforming is prevented from use or
Non-conformity Review and Disposition
The responsibility for the review and disposition of non-conforming product is assigned to specific personnel.
Non-conforming product is reviewed in accordance with the documented procedures and may be:
l Re-worked to meet the specified requirements.
l Accepted as is.
l Rejected or scrapped.
Where specified in the order, the customer's authority is obtained for the use or repair of non-conforming product.
Product, which has been repaired and re-worked, is re-inspected.
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The company has established procedures for corrective and preventative action which include the following:
Investigating the cause of repetitive non-conforming product and the necessary corrective action to prevent recurrence.
Analysis of processes and work operations, records, concessions, service reports and customer complaints, to detect and
eliminate potential causes of non-conforming product.
Investigating the cause of injuries, diseases or dangerous occurrences and the necessary corrective action to prevent
Analysis of processes and work operations and records to detect and eliminate potential causes of injury.
l Initiating preventative actions.
Management conduct reviews of the total Integrated Management System, on an on-going basis.
Elements that are included in the review are:
l Management objectives, assignment, delegations and methods to ensure they are achieving the required results.
l Quality, Health & Safety, and Environmental audits and evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements.
l Training requirements.
Internal audits are conducted to verify whether company activities comply with planned arrangements and to determine the
effectiveness of the Integrated Management System.
Audits are scheduled on the basis of the status and importance of the activity. Audits and follow-up actions are carried out
in accordance with the documented procedures.
The results of the audits and any corrective actions are recorded and the appropriate personnel notified in order that timely
corrective action is implemented.
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The company has established procedures for the identification, collection, indexing, filing, storage, maintenance and
disposition of IMS records.
IMS records, including pertinent sub-contractor records, are maintained to demonstrate the achievement of the required
standards and the effective operation of the IMS.
All records are stored to enable their ready retrieval. The retention periods for records are documented in the application
Where specified in the order, these records are made available to the purchaser.
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The company has established procedures for the identification and provision of training for all personnel performing
activities affecting the Quality, Health & safety, and environmental aspects of the company.
Personnel are trained in the Integrated Management System requirements. Records of training are maintained.
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The company has established procedures for risk assessment, which include the following:
l Assessment of hazards.
The company has established procedures for the identification of the environmental aspects of its activities, products and
services which it controls and over which it may be expected to have an influence.
Environmental aspects are reviewed at least every two years or when there is a new or changed process or activity.
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The company has established procedures for the purpose of identifying, accessing and communicating legal and other
requirements that are applicable to its activities.
The legal and other requirements that apply to the company are a combination of European Directives, government
statutes, regulations, as well as internal TCS policies.
The most current european, national and local legal and other requirements are reviewed at least annually.
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The company has established and maintain a procedure for internal and external communications regarding environmental
aspects and the Integrated Management System.
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The company has a procedure to identify potential for, and respond to, accidents and emergency situations, and for
preventing and mitigating the environmental impacts that may be associated with them. Emergency methods are reviewed
on an annual basis and after the occurrence of accidents or emergency situations.
OP120 Evaluation of Compliance
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The company has a procedure for evaluating compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulations (legal
requirements) associated with its operations as defined by section of the EN ISO 14001 International Standard.
The results of the evaluation and any corrective actions are recorded and the appropriate personnel notified in order that
timely corrective action is implemented.