KSSR Year 4 Writting Care For The Sea

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Subject English Language

Class 4 Al Razi

Number of Pupils 27

Day/ Date 16th April 2014 / Wednesday

Time 9.45 10.45 ( 60 minutes)

Theme World of knowledge

Unit 8 Care for the sea

Focus Skill Writing

Content Standard 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be
and words in neat legible print including cursive writing.

3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

Learning Standard (b) simple sentences

3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety of media

with guidance :
(a) non- linear

Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) Identify 3 out of 5 simple sentences based on the words g

b) Make a poster entitle save our sea life based on the poin

Educational Emphases (s) Multiple Intelligence, thinking skills, contextual writing

Moral Values 1 Cooperation

2 Save our sea life

Teaching Aids 1 Worksheet

2 Power point
3 Video
1. Able to form complete sentences by using the words give
Stage Content Activities

Teaching Activities Learning Activities Notes

Set Watching video

Induction 1. Teacher shows a 1. Pupils watch
Asking simple Contextual
(5 minutes) video to the pupils. the video.
questions: Learning
1) What
2. Teacher asks 2. Pupils
can you see in Multiple
questions to the respond to
the video? Intelligence:
pupils to elicit teacher
information questions


1. Teacher shows a 1. Pupils listen to
Writing Power point .Appendix
power point teachers
(15 presentation
presentation on presentation
simple sentences. carefully.
Eg: definition on
simple 2. Teacher use
2. Pupils use the
sentences, substitution table as
substitution table
provide rules an example to the
with teachers
and examples. pupils.

While- Appendix
Writing Build the 1. Teacher divides 1. Pupils are divided
(20 sentences. pupils into a group of into five groups.
minutes) E.g.: five.
1) the beach is 2. Pupils read the Mahjong
2. Teacher distributes
dirty and smelly. sentence parts paper
the worksheet
contain in the
3. Pupils are asked to
build sentences using
the words given..
3. Pupils discuss with
4. Pupils are asked to the group
write the answers on members.
mahjong paper.
Pupils present in front
5. Pupils are asked to
of friends.
present in front of
their friends.

Post- Make a poster

1. Teacher distributes 1. Pupils create a
writing entitle save our
blank A4 paper poster using
(15 sea life.
minutes) 2. Pupils are asked to
Point : create a poster using 2. Pupils present to
1.Do not throw their creativity. the class
rubbish into the
3. Pupils are asked to
present to the class.
2.Do not kill
Closure Sum up the 1. The teacher asked 1. Pupils recall and Moral values
(5 minutes) lesson student what they tell what they had
had learn for the day learnt from todays
Inculcating moral to recall pupils lesson.
values memory.
1. Love sea

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