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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014

Seasonal and Environmental Pollution Impact on the

Quality of Water of River Poonch near District Kotli ,
Muhammd Aslam Mirza, Muhammad Aziz Choudhary, Muhammad Yar Khuhawar,
Rafee Arain
southern limits of the Pir Punjal range. The average height in
Abstract The River Poonch enters Distric Kotli near Tata the eastern and central part of the district is about 1000 meters
Pani, collects the total sewage of Kotli city and ultimately above sea level. The rest of the area is less than 1000 meters in
embraces River Jhelum in Mangla Dam. The present work was altitude. Hills are generally covered with coniferous trees.
carried out for the estimation of trace metals in the samples
collected from River Poonch in 3 seasons (summer, winter & The climate of the study area is generally hot in
autumn) in one hydrological year during 2004-2005. summer and cold in winter. The eastern and northern parts are
Physicochemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity
dry and cold whereas the western areas are a little bit hot. June
( EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), HCO3-,
Cl-, SO42-, NO2-N, NO3-N, Kjeldahl nitrogen (KN), is the hottest month with the mean maximum and minimum
orthophosphate (o-PO4), acid hydrolysable phosphate (t-PO4), temperature of about 38 C to 25 C respectively. January is
dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), Na+, the coldest in month with the mean maximum and minimum
K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Co2+ were temperatures of about 18 C and 5 C respectively. The mean
determined. The TDS was found within the range 133-208 g/ml annual rainfall is about 1300 millimeters, more than half of
with average value 164 g/ml. Pd and Cd crossed the threshold which occurs during July and August [1].
value prescribed by WHO. Chemical analyses of the River water
indicates the order of major ions as: Ca2+ > Mg2+ >Na+ > K+ = The river is fed by snow melt and rainfall. It is one
HCO3- > Cl- > SO42- > NO3- . Study of elemental composition of the main sources of irrigation, electricity generation,
indicates that Ca2+ - Mg2+ - Na+ - HCO3- , Ca2+ Na+ Cl- - drinking water and food. Most of the flow of the river is
SO42- and Na+ - Cl- are the dominant hydro chemical types; contributed during the high run off or flood period. The
likewise SAR values set the criterion for its agricultural utility. amount of water contributed during the dry weather periods is
Correlation coefficient was also established to identify the only a small part of the total (Hymavathi et al. 1999). The
common origin of the analytes. Seasonal variations were
quality of the river water may change due to the ecological
insignificant with a few exceptions.
and anthropogenic factors.
Index Terms River Poonch, Physicochemical parameters, Hymavathi (1999) described the water quality of stream
agricultural utility. Mudasarlova, India and Sastre et al. (1998), reported the
study of samples from the stream surface. Mirza et al.
I. INTRODUCTION (2005-2009) reported the quality of ponds water in District
Bhimber (Aslam et al. 2006); chemistry of torrent water (
River Poonch enters Kotli district from the north at a
Aslam Mirza et al. 2007) ; quality of springs water in the
place called Tata Pani and flows towards south passing west
catchment areas of Indus River in Kashmir, Pakistan (Aslam
of Kotli town and finally enters Mirpur district before falling
Mirza et al. 2006); quality of snow melt in Sudhanoti and
in to Mangla Lake. Jhelum River makes the western boundary Poonch Distrcts (Aslam Mirza et al. 2005), quality of rain
of the district and flows in north-south direction. The Rangpur water in Ditrict Bhimber (Aslam Mirza et al. 2005). The
Nala (main stream) is an important western tributary of the present work examines the physicochemical characteristics of
Poonch River while two important streams namely Ban Nala water of Poonch River within the area of Kotli and Mirpur
and Mahuli Nala join it from the east. While flowing between Districts and seasonal changes in the water quality.
Kotli city and Mangla Lake, it embraces numerous small
The whole of Kotli district (run way of River The study involves preliminary survey, monitoring
Poonch) is a hilly area with narrow valleys. These hills are the of river and testing of water to ascertain the physicochemical
parameters. The objective of the field survey was to locate the
Manuscript received November 23, 2014. sampling stations for study. The rivers can be considered as
Muhammd Aslam Mirza, Mirpur University of Science and Technology representative of surface water (Magaritz et al 1980). Three
(MUST), Mirpur, Pakistan stations namely, RS-1, RS-2 and RS-3 were selected for study
Muhammad Aziz Choudhary, Mirpur University of Science and of water quality. Samples were collected from the station
Technology (MUST), Mirpur, Pakistan
Muhammad Yar Khuhawar, Institute of Advance Research Studies in RS-2 to assess the effect of domestic waste of Kotli city on the
Chemical Sciences /Dr. M.A Kazi Institute of Chemistry University of quality of river water. One sample was collected from each of
Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan the RS-1, RS-2 and RS-3 [Table 1]. The sampling was
Rafee Arain, Institute of Advance Research Studies in Chemical Sciences focused regarding the population density. The samples were
/Dr. M.A Kazi Institute of Chemistry University of Sindh, Jamshoro,
Pakistan collected three times during the months of July, November
2008 and February during 2009 and analyzed in the

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Seasonal and Environmental Pollution Impact on the Quality of Water of River Poonch near District Kotli , Pakistan

laboratories of Chemistry department university of Sindh significant change was not observed in the water pH during
Jamshoro. Measurements of 30 parameters were obtained different seasons.
through field and laboratory analysis of grab samples. The
B. Electrical Conductivity (EC) and Total Dissolved
homogenized sample was transferred to a clean 1.5 L plastic
Solids (TDS)
bottle after rinsing three times with the sample
EC and TDS varied within the range 209-330 S/cm and
III. EXPERIMENTAL 134-211 mg/L respectively [Table1]. The sample RS-2
indicated higher values of EC and TDS may be because of
The temperature of water and air 1m above the thick population around the river. The river samples RS1,
surface of water was noted with mercury thermometer. The RS2 and RS3 indicated values of EC and TDS well within the
pH was recorded with Orion 420A pH meter. Conductivity, permissible limits of WHO standards for drinking water. The
salinity, and total dissolved solids (TDS) were measured with higher values of EC and TDS for sample RS2 may be
Orion 115 conductivity meter. Hardness, chloride and suggested because of mixing of the domestic waste of Kotli
alkalinity were determined by titration with standard EDTA, city with the river water.
silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid. Total nitrogen was
determined using Kjeldahl method (APHA, 1989). C. Bicarbonates and Hardness
Spectrophotometry techniques were used to determine The bicarbonates of the river water showed concentration
orthophosphate, nitrite and nitrate. Orthophosphate was within 127.4- 165.0 mg/L calculated as CaCO3. The hardness
determined by reducing phosphomolybdic acid formed with indicated the parallel behavior with bicarbonates in all the
ascorbic acid to molybdenum blue. Total phosphate was three samples and showed concentration in the range
estimated by persulphate acid digestion method, followed by 99.2-187.0 mg/L as CaCO3 [Table1]. The values of both the
determination as of orthophosphate. Nitrate was determined parameters were found within permissible limits of WHO for
after derivatization with brucine sulphate. Nitrite was drinking water.
estimated using N-naphthyl ethylenediamine as derivatizing
reagent as reported (Magaritz et al 1980) [12]. Sulphate was
determined by turbidimetry as BaSO4 using double beam D. Total Chlorides
Hitachi 220 Spectrophotometer. The dissolved oxygen (DO) The total chlorides of river water indicated the variation
in the samples was determined by Wrinkler method (APHA, within 32.0-44.0 mg/L. A little variation in chloride
1989). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was estimated by concentration was observed with seasons and higher values
micro-dichromate oxidation method (Symons et al. 1960). were indicated in autumn, may be because of anthropogenic
The metal ions were determined with Varian Spectr AA-20 activity [Table1] [Fig 1-4].
atomic absorption spectrometer with standard burner head
E. Sulphates
and air acetylene flame. The analysis was carried out in
triplicate with integration time 3 second and delay time 3 sec. All the river samples indicated presence of SO42- in the
Na, K, Ca and Mg were determined after appropriate dilution. water. The concentration varied within 13.8-27.8 mg/L
Sample (250ml) containing nitric acid (1ml) was heated [Table1]. Seasonal variation indicated parallel results as for
gently at 90-95 C and was concentrated to about 5 8 ml. The chloride with higher values observed in autumn. The highest
final volume was then adjusted to 10 ml.The solution was concentration of sulphate was observed in sample RS-2 may
analyzed for the contents of Fe, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cd and Co by possibly be due to mixing of the waste water of the Kotli city.
air acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometer at the A significant change was not observed in the sulphate content
conditions recommended by the manufacturer. during different seasons [Fig 1-4].


The average results of physicochemical characteristics of The phosphorus in the form of orthophosphate and acid
river water are summarized in table 1 and reveal varying hydrolysable phosphate in water may be due to anthropogenic
nature of the river water. The difference in the quality of river activity and geological reasons and indicated concentrations
water may be due to some difference in the bed rock, human within the range 0.053-0.147 mg/L and 0.071-0.190 mg/L
activity and different recharge zones (Aslam et al. 2006). respectively [Table1]. The highest concentration of
Flow of river varies considerably throughout the year, orthophosphate and acid hydrolysable phosphate was found
depending upon the rate of precipitation. Maximum flow rate in sampling point RS-2 located at low lying side of Kotli city
is observed in moon soon season (July-August) due to heavy may be because of dissolution of the rock phosphate in water
rainfall and minimum in the months of May June because of and human activity.
dry and hot climate.
G. Nitrites, Nitrates and Total Nitrogen
Nitrites, nitrates, and organic nitrogen are commonly
A. pH of the River Water known forms of nitrogen. Their presence in the water body is
The pH of all the river water was found 7.21 7.64. The caused by the decomposition of proteinous compounds in
sample RS-2 which was collected after addition of city waste water (Voznaya, 1981). In natural waters, the presence
sewage in the river surrounded by high population density, of nitrogen of mineral origin is rare and presence of nitrogen
indicated pH towards basic side may be because of human compounds like nitrites, nitrates and organic nitrogen in water
activity. However, the river samples indicated pH values indicate pollution with domestic waste water. Nitrate nitrogen
within the threshold limits of WHO for drinking water. A is the highest oxidized form of nitrogen in water and
maximum permissible limit of nitrate concentration in potable

368 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014
water prescribed by WHO is 10mg/L. Water of all the L. Correlation Coefficient Matrix
samples indicated nitrate concentration within the permissible Correlation matrix of 11 selected metals was
limits of WHO. prepared (Table 2). A strong linear correlation was observed
Nitrite is more toxic and permissible limit of WHO for between Fe and Na, Zn and Cu, Ni and Na, Ni and Fe, Pb and
nitrite is 1.0 mg/L All the samples indicated nitrite values Na, Pb and Fe, Pb and Ni, Cd and Zn, Co and , Co and Mg.
within the permissible limits. Total nitrogen (Kjeldahl This positive correlation indicates the common origin of these
method) in the samples RS-2 and RS-3 crossed the limit of metals on the behalf of geological and anthropogenic
WHO which may be due to the decomposition material of activities. Similarly, a correlation was established among the
biological origin and human activity [Table 1]. Seasonal parameters such as
changes were not significant in nitrogen contents [Fig 1-4]. EC,TDS,HCO3,TH,Cl-,SO4,NO2-N,NO3-N,K-N and O-PO4
H. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (Table 3). A strong linear correlation was observed between
the pairs: TDS and EC; TH and HCO3; NO2-N and SO4;
The dissolved oxygen indicated the variation within
O-PO4 and Cl-, T-PO4 and Cl- and T-PO4 and O-PO4. Most of
6.38-7.80 mg/L [Table1]. The lowest oxygen content was
the variables are negatively correlated showing their random
observed in sample RS-2 may be because of less solubility
origin. The base value of every cell content represents the
due to pollution content of Kotli city. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
Pearson coefficient which shows the significance of
in the water body is required to prevent odor and is suitable
correlation. If the value of P coefficient is less than 0.05 then
for use by aquatic plants and other life in water. Summer
correlation is considered significant and if value of P
season indicated slightly lower value of DO content in stream
coefficient is greater than 0.05 then correlation is considered
water due to less solubility at higher temperature; however,
the change was insignificant [Fig 1-4].
I. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
BOD is considered important parameter to estimate V. CONCLUSION
concentration of waste water and to decide about the quality As an outcome of this study it is concluded that seasonal
of the drinking water. The water of river surrounded by high variation in different physicochemical parameter values for
population indicated relatively higher values within the range each river sample is not significant. Population density which
8.48-13.50 mg/L for BOD [Table1]. A slight change in BOD varies considerably around the river has some effect on water
value may be due to human activity and dilution factor during quality of river water. Higher concentrations of Pb, Cd, and
dry and rainy seasons [Fig 1-4]. organic nitrogen than permissible limits need some attention
for the use of river water for drinking purposes. The higher
J. The Cation Chemistry
concentration of lead and cadmium in river water may be due
The concentration of major metal contents (Na, K, Ca, and to geological nature of the catchments area and anthropogenic
Mg) varied within the samples and Ca was dominant activity. SAR values suggest the suitability of river water for
throughout, followed by Mg > Na > K with the ranges Na agricultural purposes.
6.89-11.20 mg/L, K 6.76-8.21 mg/L, Ca 51.23-61.20 mg/L,
and Mg 18.25- 51.20 mg/L [Table1]. It was observed that the REFERENCES
concentration of major metal contents was higher in autumn [1] www.ajk.gov.pk.com
[Fig. 5]. It may be due to less dilution of the salt contents [2] Hymavathi, V., Aruna, P., Rao, L. M. (1999). Pollut. Res; 18(1), 83.
within the catchments area of the river during the dry season [3] Sastre, A. V., Santinelli, N. H., Otano, S. H., Ivanissevich, M. E.
of autumn in Kotli District. (1998). Verch. Int. Ver. Theor. Angew. Limnol; 26(3), 951.
[4]. Aslam, M., Arain, G.M., & Khuhawar M.Y. (2006). J. Chem. Soc.
The minor metal contents were observed within the limits; Pak., 28, 430.
Fe 0.060-0.158 mg/L, Zn 0.009- 0.035 mg/L, Ni 0.021-0.032 [5]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar, M.Y., Kandhro, A.J. (2005). Pak. J.
mg/L, Cu 0.001- 0.005 mg/L, Pb 0.021-0.075 mg/L, Cd Anal. Chem., 16, 72.
0.035- 0.045 mg/L and Co 0.084-0.260 mg/L. The waters [6]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar, M. Y., Arain, R. (2008). Asian Journal
of Chemistry, 20, 5915.
indicate the following decreasing order:
[7]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar M. Y., Arain, R. (2009). Asian J.
Co > Fe > Pb > Cd > Zn > Ni > Cu Chem., 21, 3651.
All the samples indicated results within the permissible limits [8]. Aslam Mirza, M. Khuhawar, M.Y., Arain, R. (2007). The Nucl.
of WHO for metal ions except Pb and Cd. However, Pb and 44(1-2).
Cd crossed the limits of 0.01 mg/L and 0.003 mg/L [9]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar, M.Y., Asian, R.. J. (2007). Chem.
19(6), 5279.
respectively in all the samples [Table1] [Fig 6]. It may be due [10]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar, M. Y. (2006). SURJ, Pak., 38(2), 25.
to geological nature of catchments area. Seasonal variation [11]. Aslam Mirza, M., Khuhawar, M. Y., Kandhro, A. J. (2005). J. Anal.
did not affect the concentration of metal contents significantly Chem. Pak. 16(6), 72.
except Fe, Pb, Cd and Co that may be due to dissolution of [12]. Magaritz, M., Brenner, I. B., Ronen, D. (1980). .Appl. Geochem. 5,
metal contents during land sliding or anthropogenic activity. [13]. APHA, (1989). Standard Methods for Examination of Water and
Waste water, 17th Ed. American Public Health Association,
Washington, DC, 1467.
K. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) [14]. Symons, J. M., McKing R. E., Hassis. H. H. (1960). J. Water Pollut.
Sodium adsorption ratio was calculated and the results Control Fed. 32, 841.
[15]. Aslam, S. M., Ahmed, S., Azmi, A. R., Naqvi, S. S. M., Sultan, R.
obtained were within 0.5-1.8 and it is suggested that the water Pak. (1980). J. Sci. Ind. Res. 31, 830.
is suitable for agricultural purposes (Aslam et al, 1980). [16]. Voznaya, N. F. (1981). Chemistry of Water and Microbiology.
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(1980). Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 31, 830.

369 www.erpublication.org
Seasonal and Environmental Pollution Impact on the Quality of Water of River Poonch near District Kotli , Pakistan

Description of diagrams:

Fig. 1 : Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD, nitrate and
organic nitrogen contents in the station RS-1.
Fig. 2 : Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD, nitrate and
organic nitrogen contents in the stream RS-2 40
Fig. 3 : Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD, COD,

Concentration (mg/L)
nitrate and organic nitrogen contents in the stream RS-3 35
Fig. 4 : Impact of domestic pollution on the quality of river water. 30
Fig. 5 : Seasonal variation in Na, K, Ca and Mg contents in sample RS-1.
Fig. 6 : Seasonal variation in minor metal contents in sample RS-1. 25
Note : Two samples (RS-1 & RS-2) from the river were collected to assess RS-1
the effect of waste water of Kotli city. 20
Jul-04 Nov-04 Feb-05 10
60 RS-3
50 DO BOD Cl RS-1
Concentration, mg/L

40 K-N

Fig. 4: Impact of domestic pollution on the quality of river water.

Jul-04 Nov-04 Feb-05


0 70
DO BOD chloride sulphate nitrate-N KN
Fig.1: Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD, nitrate
Concentration (mg/L)

and organic nitrogen contents the river water (RS-1). 50

Jul-04 Nov-04 Feb-05
Concentration, mg/L

30 Na K Ca Mg
Fig. 5: Seasonal variation in Na, K, Ca and Mg contents in sample
10 RS-1.

DO BOD chloride sulphate nitrate-N KN
Fig. 2: Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD,
nitrate and organic nitrogen contents in the river water (RS-2). 0.1
Concentration (mg/L)

Jul-04 Nov-04 Feb-05 0.08

45 0.06
35 0.04
Concentration, mg/L

0 Feb-05
15 Fe Nov-04
Cu Zn
10 Ni Jul-04
Cd Co
DO BOD chloride sulphate nitrate-N KN Fig. 6: Seasonal variation in minor metal contents in sample RS-1.

Fig. 3: Seasonal variation in the chloride, sulphate, DO, BOD, COD,

nitrate and organic nitrogen contents in the river water (RS-3).

370 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2014
Parameters Poonch Kotli Poonch Kotli (RS-2) Poonch Siakh (RS-3)
Color Turbid Turbid Turbid
Odor odorless odorless odorless
Temperature of air (C) 16 16.5 17
Temperature of water (C) 15 15.5 16
pH (25 C) 7.51 7.64 7.21
EC S/cm 209 330 256.3
TDS mg/L 133.7 211 164.0
Salinity g/L 0.1 0.1 0.1
HCO3 mg/L 145 165 127.4
TH mg/L 180 187 99.17
Cl mg/L 15.5 44 32.02
SO4 mg/L 13.8 27.8 18.85
NO2-N mg/L 0.001 0.01 0.008
NO3-N mg/L 2.13 6.25 4.406
K-N mg/l 0.496 2.13 1.627
O-PO4 mg/L 0.058 0.053 0.147
T-PO4 mg/L 0.076 0.071 0.190
DO mg/L 7.86 7.65 6.380
BOD mg/L 8.48 13.5 9.98
Na mg/L 6.89 11.2 7.573
K mg/L 6.76 8.21 7.013
Ca mg/L 51.23 61.2 57.04
Mg mg/L 18.25 51.20 45.40
Fe mg/L 0.060 0.158 0.123
Cu mg/L BDL 0.005 0.001
Zn mg/L 0.009 0.035 0.025
Ni mg/L BDL 0.032 0.021
Pb mg/L 0.021 0.075 0.046
Cd mg/L BDL 0.045 0.035
Co mg/L 0.084 0.260 0.190

Table 1Mean values (n=3) of physico-chemical parameters of water of r Poonch.

Table 2
Correlation Coefficient Matrix of selected metals.
Na K Ca Mg Fe Cu Zn Ni Pb Cd Co
K -0.020

Ca -0.214 0.427
0.553 0.218

Mg -0.217 0.523 0.797

0.547 0.121 0.006

Fe 0.792 0.345 -0.025 0.244

0.006 0.328 0.946 0.497

Cu 0.424 -0.203 -0.073 -0.187 0.145

0.222 0.573 0.840 0.605 0.689

Zn 0.206 -0.445 -0.357 -0.544 -0.238 0.787

0.569 0.198 0.311 0.104 0.509 0.007

Ni 0.818 0.137 0.053 0.175 0.717 0.238 0.013

0.004 0.705 0.885 0.629 0.020 0.508 0.972

Pb 0.922 0.013 -0.016 -0.070 0.703 0.286 0.171 0.884

0.000 0.972 0.965 0.848 0.023 0.423 0.638 0.001

Cd 0.458 0.100 -0.071 -0.068 0.274 0.854 0.736 0.410 0.397

0.183 0.783 0.846 0.853 0.443 0.002 0.015 0.239 0.257

Co -0.001 0.830 0.280 0.671 0.483 -0.067 -0.375 0.265 0.005 0.229
0.998 0.003 0.433 0.034 0.158 0.854 0.285 0.459 0.989 0.524

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Seasonal and Environmental Pollution Impact on the Quality of Water of River Poonch near District Kotli , Pakistan

Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value

Table 3
Correlation Coefficient Matrix of selected physicochemical parameters..

TDS 0.999

HCO3 0.352 0.357

0.318 0.311

TH 0.360 0.358 0.952

0.306 0.309 0.000

Cl- 0.384 0.382 0.112 0.168

0.274 0.276 0.759 0.643

SO4 0.463 0.465 -0.351 -0.306 0.557

0.178 0.175 0.319 0.390 0.094

NO2-N 0.018 0.008 -0.385 -0.320 0.529 0.575

0.961 0.983 0.272 0.368 0.116 0.082

NO3-N 0.420 0.411 0.477 0.674 0.226 -0.068 -0.008

0.227 0.238 0.164 0.033 0.530 0.852 0.983

K-N 0.376 0.374 -0.235 -0.169 0.173 0.225 0.499 0.412

0.284 0.287 0.513 0.641 0.633 0.532 0.142 0.237

O-PO4 0.058 0.066 -0.120 -0.131 0.877 0.479 0.535 -0.055 0.161
0.874 0.856 0.741 0.719 0.001 0.161 0.111 0.880 0.656

T-PO4 0.043 0.051 -0.066 -0.077 0.887 0.454 0.510 -0.041 0.102 0.997
0.906 0.889 0.856 0.833 0.001 0.188 0.132 0.909 0.779 0.000

DO 0.025 0.018 -0.059 -0.094 -0.069 0.326 0.024 -0.528 -0.560 -0.181 -0.165
0.946 0.960 0.871 0.797 0.849 0.358 0.947 0.117 0.092 0.616 0.648

BOD 0.319 0.316 -0.140 -0.023 -0.028 -0.076 0.054 0.568 0.854 -0.067 -0.117 -0.684
0.369 0.374 0.700 0.950 0.938 0.834 0.882 0.087 0.002 0.853 0.747 0.029

Cell Contents: Pearson correlation P-Value

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