Illuminated Wrench Light-Diagnostic TSB 13-3-19 Trouble Code (DTC) B1029:11-With or Without Lack of Performance

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2011-2013 Fiesta

ISSUE 8. Disconnect C2040 at the accelerator pedal

Some 2011-2013 Fiesta vehicles may exhibit an position (APP) sensor and remove the white
illuminated Wrench Lamp with DTC B1029:11 in the terminal retainer from the connector.
Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC). The vehicle may or 9. Identify and remove circuits APP VREF2 pin 1 -
may not exhibit lack of performance concerns, and LE136 (GN-OG) and APP2 pin2 - LE137
DTCs P2126, P2127, or P2138 may be present in (BU-GY) from the connector, using a small flat
the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). blade screwdriver or other suitable tool to
ACTION release the cavity terminal locking tab. Refer to
WD, Section 23-1.
Follow the Service Procedure steps to correct the
condition. 10. Reverse the orientation of the APP twisted pair
circuits in the connector location cavities to
improve robustness against system noise.
1. Disconnect the battery. Refer to Workshop
a. New orientation: APP VREF2 pin 2 - LE136
Manual (WSM), Section 414-01.
(GN-OG) and APP2 pin 1 - LE137 (BU-GY).
2. Remove the left hand cowl side trim panel.
11. Install the white terminal retainer, and connect
Refer to WSM, Section 501-05.
the connector.
3. Remove the two (2) retaining fasteners securing
12. Remove IPC. Refer to WSM, Section 413-01.
C210 to the vehicle. Refer to Wiring Diagram
(WD), Section 151-01. 13. Disconnect the C220 by swinging the latch lock
downward on the connector and remove from
4. Identify the following circuits on both sides of
the IPC, cut the harness zip tie at the
C210: APP VREF2 pin 1 - LE136 (GN-OG),
connector, and remove 7.5 cm (3) of tape from
APP2 pin 8 - LE137 (BU-GY) and APP RTN2
the harness.
pin 9 - RE137 (YE-GN). Refer to WD, Section
23-1. 14. Use two small flat blade screwdrivers or other
suitable tools to lightly pry outward on the black
5. Cut all six (6) circuits approximately 25 mm (1)
connector cap tabs located on the harness
from the back of each connector side, and tape
side. Pull the cap away and off the gray
over the exposed ends.
6. Splice together each of the related circuits
15. Identify and remove circuits APP VREF2 pin 31
using 230 mm (9) of 18 gauge wire. The new
- LE136 (GN-OG) and APP2 pin 14 - LE137
circuits will bypass C210, and should provide
(BU-GY) from the connector, using a small flat
enough slack to allow the connector to be
blade screwdriver or other suitable tool to press
disconnected in the future. Refer to splicing
the sliver tab to release each terminal. Refer to
methods in WD, Section 5-1.
WD, Section 23-1.
7. Secure the connector to the vehicle and tape
16. Reverse the orientation of the twisted pair
the new circuits to the bundle near the
circuits in the IPC connector location cavities
and assemble the connector.
NOTE: The information in Technical Service Bulletins is intended for use by trained, professional technicians with the knowledge, tools, and equipment to do
the job properly and safely. It informs these technicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or provides information that could assist in proper
vehicle service. The procedures should not be performed by do-it-yourselfers. Do not assume that a condition described affects your car or truck. Contact a
Ford or Lincoln dealership to determine whether the Bulletin applies to your vehicle. Warranty Policy and Extended Service Plan documentation determine
Warranty and/or Extended Service Plan coverage unless stated otherwise in the TSB article.The information in this Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) was
current at the time of printing. Ford Motor Company reserves the right to supercede this information with updates.The most recent information is available
through Ford Motor Companys on-line technical resources.

Copyright 2013 Ford Motor Company Online Publication Date March 26, 2013 PAGE 1
TSB 13-3-19 (Continued)

a. New orientation: APP VREF2 pin 14 - OPERATION DESCRIPTION TIME

LE136 (GN-OG) and APP2 pin 31 - LE137 130319A 2011-2013 Fiesta: Check 0.9 Hr.
(BU-GY) DTCs, Follow The Service
17. Connect C220 to the IPC and swing the latch Procedure To Make Wiring
lock upward to fully engage. Updates (Do Not Use With
Any Other Labor
18. Tape the circuits and install a nylon tie strap in Operations)
the original location. DEALER CODING
19. Install the IPC. Refer to WSM, Section 413-01. BASIC PART NO. CODE
20. Connect the battery terminals. 14290 X2

Parts Obtained Locally

Part Description
18 Gauge Wire
Nylon Tie Strap
Electrical Tape
Heat Shrink Tube

WARRANTY STATUS: Eligible Under Provisions Of

New Vehicle Limited
Warranty Coverage And
Emissions Warranty
Warranty/ESP coverage
limits/policies/prior approvals
are not altered by a TSB.
Warranty/ESP coverage
limits are determined by the
identified causal part and
verified using the OASIS
part coverage tool.


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