Red Abstract Software Engineer Resume 1

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English Teacher

7th/8th Grade English/ELD and Electives

Santa Maria Bonita School District (Fesler and El
PERSONAL PROFILE Camino Junior Highs) | August 2017 - present
Taught 8th grade ELLs, Benchmark, and Honors
I am a Single-Subject English students English, as well as 7th grade students 21st
teacher with a passion for literature Century English
and creative writing. I also embed Challenged students with units on Animal
social justice, literary theory, and Farm, Frankenstein, and The Boy in the Striped
innovative technology into my
Integrated social justice pedagogy with
lessons to prepare students for
empowering podcast units and integration of
college and the world after.
Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Created a research project unit utilizing student
MAIN SKILLS choice, social justice, and multiple technology
platforms that Was presented at the 2021 CUE
Experience with multiple Conferen
technologies Fundraised for over $14,000 of student materials
Constructivist teaching
Classroom management Student/ Substitute Teacher
Strong communication skills Fesler Junior High | August 2016 - June 2017
Differentiatied scaffolding for Planned and co-taught argumentative unit and
ELLs grammar instruction
Participated in AVID tutorials and attended the AVID

CONTACT conference in San Diego

Email: [email protected]
Website: Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Bachelor of Arts | August 2009 - June 2012
Address: 802 Haslam Drive Master of Arts | August 2012 - June 2014
Santa Maria, CA 93454 Master of Arts | August 2018 - June 2020
BA English; MA English and Curriculum and Instruction
- Completed BA in three years
- Earned MA in Curriculum and Instruction while pregnant
- Teacher Aide for college classes in Renaissance literature


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