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Acetylcholinesterase Activity Assay Kit

Catalog Number MAK119

Storage at Room Temperature

Product Description Components

Acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) are enzymes that The kit is sufficient for 100 assays in 96 well plates.
hydrolyze the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) to
acetate and choline. AChE is located at the synaptic Assay Buffer, pH 7.5 30 mL
cleft and functions to terminate synaptic transmission Catalog Number MAK119A
by catalyzing the breakdown of ACh allowing
cholinergic neurons to return to a resting state after Calibrator, equivalent to 200 U/L 4 mL
activation. Changes in AChE activity may result from Catalog Number MAK119B
exposure to certain insecticides, which act as
cholinesterase inhibitors. Inhibitors of AChE are also Reagent 240 mg
used to treat certain conditions such as dementia. Catalog Number MAK119C

The Acetylcholinesterase Activity Assay kit provides a Reagents and Equipment Required but Not
simple and direct procedure for measuring AChE levels Provided.
in a variety of samples such as blood, serum, and Spectrophotometric multiwell plate reader
plasma. This assay is an optimized version of the Clear 96 well flat-bottom plate
Ellman method in which thiocholine, produced by
AChE, reacts with 5,5-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) to Precautions and Disclaimer
form an colorimetric (412 nm) product, proportional to This product is for R&D use only, not for drug,
the AChE activity present. One unit of AChE is the household, or other uses. Please consult the Material
amount of enzyme that catalyzes the production of Safety Data Sheet for information regarding hazards
1.0 mole of thiocholine per minute at pH 7.5 at room and safe handling practices.
temperature. This kit has a linear range of
10600 units/L of AChE activity. Storage/Stability
This kit is shipped, and should be stored at room

Sample Preparation
Blood samples should be diluted 40-fold in Assay

Tissue or cell lysates can be prepared by briefly

sonicating or by homogenization in 0.1 M phosphate
buffer, pH 7.5, followed by centrifugation at 14,000 rpm
for 5 minutes. Used cleared supernatants for assay.

Best results are obtained when lysates are freshly

prepared. If this is not feasible, lysates should be stored
at 28 C and used within 24 hours.

Assay Reaction Calculations

1. The Working Reagent should be prepared fresh AChE Activity (units/L) =
and used within 30 minutes. Each reaction will
require 2 mg of Reagent. To prepare Working (A412)final (A412)initial n 200
Reagent, calculate the amount of reagent needed (A412)calibrator (A412)blank
in total and weigh that amount into a centrifuge
tube. Add 200 L of Assay Buffer per 2 mg of 200 = equivalent activity (units/L) of the Calibrator when
Reaction and vortex to dissolve. assayed is read at 2 minutes and 10 minutes
n = dilution factor (n = 40 for whole blood)
2. Transfer 200 L of water (Assay Blank) and 200 L (A412)calibrator = Absorbance of the calibrator at 10
of Calibrator into separate wells of a 96 well plate. minutes
Add 10 L of samples into separate wells of the (A412)blank = Absorbance of the blank at 10 minutes
96-well plate.
If the AChE activity without consideration of the dilution
3. Transfer 190 L of the freshly prepared Working factor is higher than 600 units/L, dilute sample further in
Reagent to all sample wells and tap plate briefly to Assay Buffer and repeat the assay. Multiply the results
mix. by the dilution factor.

4. Incubate the samples at room temperature. After One unit of AChE is the amount of enzyme that
2 minutes, take the initial absorbance measurement catalyzes the production of 1.0 mole of thiocholine per
at 412 nm (A412)initial. minute at room temperature at pH 7.5. This kit has a
linear range of 10600 units/L of AChE activity.
5. Continue to incubate the plate at room temperature.
At 10 minutes, take the final measurement (A412)final.

Note: This assay is based on an enzyme-catalyzed

kinetic reaction. Addition of Working Reagent should be
quick and mixing should be brief but thorough. Use of a
multichannel pipette is recommended.

These assays can be adapted for use in standard 1 mL

cuvettes. To adapt to cuvettes follow procedure as for
96 well plates but change volumes as follows: 1 mL of
water, 1 mL of Calibrator, 50 L of sample, and 950 L
of Working Reagent.

Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Possible Cause Suggested Solution
Omission of step in procedure Refer and follow Technical Bulletin precisely
Plate reader at incorrect wavelength Check filter settings of instrument
Assay not working
For UV assays, use clear plates that are UV
Type of 96 well plate used
transparent or quartz plates.
Incorrect volumes used Use calibrated pipettes and aliquot correctly
Samples with erratic
Samples measured at incorrect
readings Check the equipment and filter settings

LS,MAM 11/13-1

2013 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. All rights reserved. SIGMA-ALDRICH is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC, registered in the US and other
countries. Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the product(s) for their
particular use. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Please see product information on the Sigma-Aldrich website at and/or on the reverse side of the invoice or packing slip.

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