Acid Phosphatase: Orthophosphoric - Monoester Phospho-Hydrolase

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Acid Phosphatase Pipetting Scheme

Warm working reagents and cuvettes up to the desired temperature.

Orthophosphoric - Monoester Phospho- Temperature must be kept constant (±0.5°C) for the duration of the test.
hydrolase Assay temperature 25°C / 30°C / 37°C
Assay Semi micro Macro
Package Size
[REF] 10660 6 x 15 ml Complete test kit Sample 100 µl 200 µl
Working reagent 1000 µl 2000 µl
Mix, read the absorbance A1 after 5 minutes and start the stop watch
Method1 at the same time. Read the absorbance A2 exactly after 3 minutes at
1-Naphthyl phosphate is hydrolysed by acid phosphatase (Ac. P.) to phos- 30°C and 37°C or after 5 minutes at 25°C. A2 – A1 = A
phate and 1-naphthol, which is converted with FRTR-salt (see "Contents",
[SUB]) to an azo dye. The increase of absorbance at 405 nm is propor- Calculation
tional to the total acid phosphatase activity in the sample. Calculate the total acid phosphatase activity in the sample using the
following factors:
Reaction Principle
Ac. P.
U/l Semi micro / Macro assay
1-Naphthyl phosphate + H2O phosphate + 1-naphthol Assay temperature 25°C 30°C or 37°C
1-Naphthol + FRTR-salt azo dye Total acid phosphatase
A x 149 248
Conversion factor of the traditional units (U/l) in SI-units (kat/l):
[BUF] 1 x 100 ml Buffer Solution
Citrate buffer (pH 5.2) 100 mmol/l 1 U/l = 16.67 x 10-3 µkat; 1 µkat/l = 60 U/l
[SUB] 6 x 15 ml Substrate (powder) Performance Characteristics
1-Naphthyl phosphate 143 µmol Linearity
FRTR-salt 15 µmol If the absorbance change exceeds A = 0.3 at 30°C or 37°C or A = 0.5 at
(4-chloro-2-methylphenyl diazonium salt) 25°C or if the activity is higher than 63 U/l dilute 0.1 ml of sample with
0.2 ml physiological saline (0.9%) and repeat the assay using this dilution.
[STAB] 1 x 4 ml Stabiliser Multiply the result by 3.
Acetic acid 0.7 mmol/l Typical performance data can be found in the Verification Report, acces-
sible via:
Additional material recommended but not supplied with the kit or
[REF] 13160
for 5 ml lyophilised calibrator for HUMAN Clinical Chemistry Reference Values2
Total acid phosphatase
[REF] 13511 13512 13951 13151
Assay temperature 25°C 30°C 37°C
6 x for 5 ml 6 x for 5 ml 6 x for 5 ml 6 x for 5 ml Men up to (U/l) 3.6 5.0 6.5
Control serum Control serum Control serum Control serum Women up to (U/l) 3.0 4.2 5.5
normal abnormal normal abnormal
lyophilised control serum for HUMAN Clinical Chemistry Quality Control
Reagents For quality control use the control material recommended in “Additional
material recommended but not supplied with the kit” or other suitable
Reagent Preparation control material. The control intervals and limits must be adapted to the
Working reagent (total acid phosphatase determination) individual laboratory requirements. Values obtained should fall within
Dissolve the contents of one bottle [SUB] with exactly 15 ml of [BUF]. established limits. Each laboratory should establish corrective measures
Mark label with date of preparation. to be taken if values fall outside the limits.

Reagent Stability Automation

The reagents are stable up to the stated expiry date when sealed and Proposals to apply the reagents on analyzers are available on request.
stored at 2...8°C. Each laboratory has to validate the application in its own responsibility.
After reconstitution, the working reagent is stable for 5 days at 2...8°C References
and for 24 hours at 15...25°C protected from light. 1. Hillmann G., Z. Klin. Chem. Klin. Biochem. 9, 273 (1971)
Specimen 2. Junge W. et al., Data presented at the 45th National Meeting of the
Serum, no plasma! AACC, New York, July 1993
Avoid hemolytic and icteric sera!
Sample Preparation
EN-ACP INF 1066001 GB 02-2011-14 |
Stabilise samples, AUTOCAL and controls by addition of one drop of
[STAB] to 1 ml sample immediately after separation / reconstitution.
Thus samples remain stable for 3 days at 2...8°C and 24 hours at 15...25°C.
Wavelength: Hg 405 nm
Optical path: 1 cm
Temperature: 25°C, 30°C or 37°C
Measurement: against air (increasing absorbance)

Human Gesellschaft für Biochemica und Diagnostica mbH

Max-Planck-Ring 21 · 65205 Wiesbaden · Germany
Telefon +49 6122-9988-0 · Telefax +49 6122-9988-100 · e-Mail [email protected]

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