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Zanon et al.

Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10

DOI 10.1186/s41155-017-0065-9
Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica

RESEARCH Open Access

Brazilian study of adaptation and

psychometric properties of the Coping
Health Inventory for Parents
Regina Basso Zanon1*, Mnia Aparecida Da Silva1, Euclides Jos De Mendona Filho1, Denise Ruschel Bandeira1,
Manoel Antnio Dos Santos2, Ricardo Halpern3 and Cleonice Alves Bosa1

The Coping Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) evaluates coping patterns of parents of chronically ill children and
assesses different coping strategies using three subscales. This study aimed to translate and transculturally adapt
the CHIP for a Brazilian sample and investigate the preliminary psychometrics of the scale. Rating scale Rasch
analysis was performed on CHIP responses, and the psychometric performance of each of the three subscales was
tested. Two hundred twenty parents of individuals with health problems participated in the study, answering a
sociodemographic questionnairethe Brazilian version of the CHIPand Folkman and Lazaruss coping
questionnaire. All items exhibited good fit to the measurement model, although response categories were not used
as intended and little variability on person parameter estimates was obtained. These preliminary results suggested
that each construct being measured by the three subscales should be treated separately, corroborating the
theoretical model of the original instrument. Suggestions to address the psychometric limitations of the instrument
were made in order to improve measurement precision.
Keywords: Coping, Parents, Measurement, Test validity, Rasch analysis

Background which they connect, if at all, to the available health ser-

The diagnosis of a health condition in a child imposes vices (e.g., Zand et al. 2013).
new responsibilities and challenges on the parents. Meanwhile, when attempting to cope with their childs
There is evidence that the parents feel they are not pre- health problems, the parents frequently develop strat-
pared to deal with the new situation in the family and, egies for reducing tension and anxiety, which can (or
as a result, they seem to become more vulnerable to not) contribute to the process of adaptation to the de-
stress factors (Cantekin et al. 2015; Favero-Nunes and mands of a chronic illness. In this regard, the literature
Santos 2010). In fact, studies show that changes in the identifies as protective factors the quality of coping strat-
family routine, frequent in this context, can wear on the egies employed and familial relationships and the social
emotional, physical, and social stability of the caregivers, support received (Hebert and Koulouglioti 2010; Lai
which can trigger psychopathologies such as stress, de- et al. 2015; Lai and Oei 2014; Zablotsky et al. 2013).
pression, and anxiety disorders (Chamak and Bonniau Traditionally, coping strategies have come to be de-
2013; Favero-Nunes and Santos 2010; Zablotsky et al. fined as behavioral or cognitive efforts used by people to
2013). In turn, the impact of these symptoms on the par- deal with stressful situations (Lazarus and Folkman
ents can, among other complications, influence the qual- 1984). Operationally, a coping strategy is treated as a
ity of care provided to the children and the manner in cognitive or behavioral response to the stress, under-
taken with the goal of reducing the adverse effect of per-
ceived stress. In fact, research has shown that the use of
* Correspondence: [email protected] adaptive coping strategies correlates positively with well-
Postgraduate Program in Psychology of the Federal University of Rio Grande being and negatively with stress (e.g., Benson 2014). Be-
do Sul, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 - Trreo, Porto Alegre 90035-003, Brazil
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
yond this, studies reveal that in the context of families of

The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 2 of 10

children with chronic illnesses or with health problems 27 years old) with a health problem for whom some sort
requiring periodic interventions, those strategies can of specialized care was needed in private and/or public
vary according to parental personality traits, education, health care services. Childrens health problems included
and gender as well as to the childs diagnosis and age some kind of deficiency (e.g., autism spectrum disorder
(Lai and Oei 2014). (ASD), intellectual disability), chronic illness (e.g., asthma,
Various instruments are used throughout the world for meningitis), or acute illness (e.g., intestinal infection).
evaluating specific coping strategies, for example, The The sample was selected by convenience and by snow-
Mainz Coping Inventory (Krohne et al. 2000), the Coping balling (Silverman et al. 1990). It was treated as a mixed
Strategy Indicator, and The Measure of Daily Coping (Stone collection, involving both online and in-person inter-
and Neale 1984), among others. However, currently, there action. Contact with the participants took place in hos-
is only one scale adapted for a Brazilian sample: Folkman pitals, special schools, and associations for families of
and Lazaruss Ways of Coping checklist (Folkman and Laz- children with deficiencies. In the face-to-face data collec-
arus 1985; Savia et al. 1996), which consists of a question- tion, the parents received physical copies of the instru-
naire of 66 items that encompass the thoughts and actions ments, while for the online collection, the questionnaires
people use to deal with the internal or external demands of were made available via the SurveyMonkey platform.
a specific stressful event. This questionnaire has been much The order in which the instruments were presented was
used in the Brazilian literature (e.g., Araujo et al. 2010); the same for both collection types. The in-person par-
however, it is not designed for use with families of people ents represented 77.7% (n = 171) of the sample, while
with health problems, in particular those requiring continu- the online group was 22.3% of it (n = 49).
ous and specialized care. With this in mind, the Coping
Health Inventory for Parents (CHIP) (McCubbin, 1987) was Instruments
developed to evaluate coping patterns specifically in the The sociodemographic questionnaire, designed specific-
health care context. It is a 45-item checklist providing self- ally for the present study, consisted of 25 objective ques-
reported information about how parents perceived their tions that covered information such as education,
overall response to the management of family life with a occupational and marital status, and religion.
chronically ill child. It has three subscales: (a) family (family The final version of the CHIP in Portuguese that went
integration, cooperation, and optimistic definition of the through the process of translation and transcultural adap-
situation); (b) support (maintaining social support, self- tation for a Brazilian test sample is available in Additional
esteem, and psychological stability); and (c) medical (under- file 1. The items which constitute the instrument are
standing the medical situation through communication scored against a Likert scale, which ranges from 0 to 3,
with other parents and consultation with the medical with 0 being not helpful and 3 being extremely helpful.
professionals). Additionally, there was an option for the respondents
The CHIP has been administered in various inter- to indicate chose not to use it or not possible. It
national studies in order to measure coping patterns of should be emphasized that these response options
parents of individuals with different diagnoses and were excluded from the analysis and considered as missing
health conditions, such as cancer, Prader-Willi syn- data. The original version of the scale has three dimensions
drome, autism spectrum disorders, and asthma (Garro (i.e., maintaining family integration, cooperation, and an
2011; Lakkis et al. 2015; Tvrdik et al. 2015). Considering optimistic definition of the situation; maintaining social
the paucity of instruments for investigating parental cop- support, self-esteem, and psychological stability; and under-
ing specifically in the area of health care in Brazil and standing the medical situation through communication
the importance of understanding the means by which with other parents and consultation with medical staff). In
such strategies aid the process of the parents adaptation this study, these dimensions will be called family, support,
to the childs chronic or acute illness, the present study and medical, respectively. The internal consistency of these
sought to translate and culturally adapt the CHIP for a three subscales in the original version of the instrument
Brazilian sample, as well as to investigate the preliminary was satisfactory, with Cronbachs alphas of .79, .79, and .71,
psychometric properties of the scale. More specifically, respectively (McCubbin 1987). With regard to the transla-
an investigation of the rating scale via Rasch modeling tion and transcultural adaptation process, it is emphasized
and internal consistency of the scales as well as evidence that the content of all the items was preserved in the simple
of convergent validity was undertaken. translation from English to Portuguese. In the next
step, a back-translation from a bilingual translator,
Methods blind to the original version, was examined by two in-
Participants dependent referees regarding the semantic equivalence
Two hundred twenty fathers and mothers participated in and cultural suitability. Differences between the two
the study. All of them were parents of children (0 to versions were reconciled by consensus, resulting in
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 3 of 10

the final version, which was approved by the author subscales. This procedure estimates the location of
of the original version. The Ways of Coping checklist people in a latent continuum as result of participants re-
of Folkman and Lazarus (Folkman and Lazarus 1985) sponses following the probability of a specified response
was used in the analysis of the external validity of the (e.g., I did not use this strategy/I used it occasionally/I
CHIP. In that instrument, the questions are scored on used it often and I used it a lot) modeled as a function
a Likert scale as follows: 0 (I did not use this strat- of person and item parameters (Bond and Fox 2015).
egy); 1 (I used it occasionally); 2 (I used it often); and This model can independently assess the item difficulty
3 (I used it a lot). The scale has eight factors pro- parameters () and latent trait level of a sample of indi-
posed by the authors which were preserved in the viduals in the same linear continuum. Results are
factorial analysis in the Brazilian sample. They are the expressed as log-odds units (logits) in which both pa-
following: confrontation (factor 1); distancing (factor rameters are in a same metric.
2); self-control (factor 3); social support (factor 4); The fit of items to the measurement method was
accepting responsibility (factor 5); escape-avoidance (fac- assessed with infit mean-square and outfit mean-square
tor 6); problem-solving (factor 7); and positive reappraisal residual indexes. The infit mean-square is an
(factor 8). The instrument was translated and adapted to information-weighted measure of item fit, in which is
Portuguese by Savia et al. (1996). The authors analyzed more sensitive to the pattern of responses that are close
the concurrent, factorial, and internal validity of the in- to the item difficulty discrepancies. The outfit is not an
strument for a Brazilian sample. To evaluate the internal information-weighted measure of item fit, so it is more
validity, the authors utilized the method of halves, which sensitive to responses of people that are far from the dif-
obtained a correlation between the total scores of the test ficulty of the item. According to, outfit mean-square
and retest of r = .704. Through factorial analysis, using problems are less of a threat to measurement than the
principal factor analysis with oblique rotation, the re- infit mean-square. As much in the case of infit as outfit,
searchers found eight factors that corresponded to the items with indexes near 1.0 display good fit (Linacre
coping pattern scales from the original study (and ex- 2002). Thus, the infit mean-square and outfit mean-
plained 70.8% of the total variance). square values considered a recommended interval of
0.50 to 1.50 (Linacre 2002), with values closer to 1.0 in-
Procedures dicating a better explanation by the model and values
Initially, the process of translating and transculturally above 1.50 as degrading the measurement system.
adapting the CHIP for a Brazilian sample was developed ac- The model assumptions of unidimensionality and local
cording to the methodological recommendations proposed independence were assessed through principal compo-
by Borsa et al. (2012) and involved the following steps: (1) nent analysis of residuals and residual correlations of
translation of the instrument to the new language, done by items. For unidimensionality, items with factor loadings
two independent bilingual translators; (2) synthesis of the bigger than |0.4| on the residual correlation where con-
two translated versions, done by the team of researchers sidered meaningful for another factor. For local depend-
after comparing the different translations and evaluating ence, values above |.30| were considered evidence of
their semantic, idiomatic, conceptual, linguistic, and con- local dependence (Bond and Fox 2015).
textual discrepancies; (3) evaluation of the synthesis by ex- Person and item reliability coefficients were used as
perts, in this case by a specialist in the area of psychological an indicator of true variance and error variance. Its
evaluation; (4) evaluation by the target audience, composed interpretation is similar to the popular estimator of
of five parents of children with autism spectrum disorders, raw-score reliability, the Cronbachs Alpha, with the
with the goal of verifying that the items, the instructions, advance that for inference beyond the test, Rasch
and the answer scale were understandable by the popula- reliability is more conservative and less misleading
tion for which the instrument was intended; (5) back- (Linacre 1997). Person and item separation indexes
translation, done by two independent bilingual translators were also considered; these indexes are estimates of the
not involved in the forward-translation and presentation of samples spread relative to the precision (SE) of those
the synthesis of the two versions to the original author of measurements. Low person separation, smaller than 2, im-
the study; and (6) a pilot study done with a small but repre- plies that the instrument may not be sensitive enough to
sentative sample of the target population. distinguish between high and low performers, suggesting
that more items may be needed, whereas low item separ-
Data analysis procedures ation (smaller than 3) implies that the person sample is
To evaluate the psychometric properties of CHIP, the not large enough to confirm the item difficulty hierarchy
rating scale model of Andrich (1978), an extension of (Linacre 2010a, 2010b).
the dichotomous Rasch Model (1960; Golino et al. To investigate the external validity, the Spearman cor-
2015), for polytomous items was used in each of the relations were calculated between the CHIP person
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 4 of 10

parameters with Folkman and Lazaruss Ways of Coping Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of the participants
checklist scores. The Spearman correlation was used in (n = 220)
recognition of the asymmetric distribution of the data. Characteristic Percent Number
The analyses were performed using the Statistical Gender
Package for the Social Sciences and Winsteps (Linacre Female 82.3 181
2010a, 2010b). Male 17.3 38
No answer 0.4 1
Results Education
Table 1 presents the main sociodemographic characteris- 1st to 3rd grade of primary school 1.8 4
tics of the participants. The majority of the respondents
4th to 7th grade of primary school 9.5 21
were female (82.3%, n = 181) and lived in the South and
Completed primary school 5.5 11
Southeast Brazil (74.1%, n = 108). The average age of the
Some secondary school 8.6 19
participants was 36.24 years, (SD = 7.78). The monthly
Completed secondary school 27.3 60
income of parents (in BRL, Brazilian Reais) was R$
3635.01 (SD = 2622.70), the equivalent of US$ 1112 (SD Some college 15.0 33

= 802.69), using exchange rate at the time of the study Completed college 16.8 37
(August 2016). Regarding the education level of the par- Graduate degree (MS, PhD, etc.) 15.0 33
ents, the majority had completed secondary school or No answer 0.5 1
higher (74.1%, n = 163). Marital status
The majority of participating parents were married or Married or with a partner 75.0 165
lived with a partner (75.0%, n = 165) and most (n = 183) Single 14.5 32
were satisfied or higher with the marriage (n = 154, 84.2%). Widowed 1.4 3
Sixty-nine percent of the participants (n = 152) had a job,
Divorced 9.1 20
and most (89.1%, n = 196) cared for their own child only. A
Marital satisfaction
great many of the parents declared themselves to be
Extremely unsatisfied 4.1 9
religious or spiritual (91.4%, n = 201), and of these, 27.3%
Unsatisfied 3.6 8
(n = 60) were actively engaged in their religions.
Table 2 presents the sociodemographic characteristics Indifferent 5.5 12

and development of the children of the sample partici- Satisfied 41.4 91

pants. The average age of the children was 7.55 years Extremely satisfied 28.6 63
(SD = 4.74), ranging from 0 to 27, and majority of them No answer 16.8 37
were female and lived with their mother and father. The Has a job
majority had a chronic illness of organic origin or some Yes 69.0 152
type of deficiency (i.e., physical disability, sensory impair- No 21.9 28
ment, intellectual disability, or ASD). Regarding educa- No answer 9.1 20
tion, the largest group was in pre-school. The majority
Has religious/spiritual belief
had required some kind of intensive medical care in the
Yes 91.4 201
previous year.
No 8.1 18
No answer 0.5 1
Psychometric properties
From the preliminary analysis performed by Rasch using Actively practices spiritual/religious beliefs

the rating scale model, there was evidence that the sub- Yes, always 27.3 60
jects did not make use of all the response categories as Yes, sometimes 33.2 73
intended. The rating scale model presupposes that, along Yes, rarely 10.5 23
the latent characteristic, each response category has a No 16.4 36
distinct probability of being chosen more than any other No answer 12.6 28
category for a specific item. For example, for item 3, not Caring for more than one ill family member
one person chose 0 (not helpful), which demonstrates Yes 10.0 22
that the probability of this response category being
No 89.1 196
chosen across the latent characteristic will always be less
No answer 0.9 2
than the alternatives. Therefore, the four alternative re-
sponses of the original instrument were recategorized
into three categories. The alternatives 0 (not helpful)
and 1 (minimally helpful) were combined into one
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 5 of 10

Table 2 Sociodemographic characteristics and development of response category while the other two original alterna-
the children with health problems (n = 220) tives, moderately helpful and extremely helpful,
Characteristic Percent Number remained in their original categories. This procedure
Gender was also performed in a previous study that validated
Female 60.0 132 the CHIP (Gothwal et al. 2015).
After recoding, all scales exhibited good item reliability
Male 38.6 85
indexes indicating that each items variance was modeled
No answer 1.4 3
by the latent trait and not by measurement error. Item
Medical condition separation indexes were also satisfactory, confirming that
Deficiency (physical, sensory, intellectual, or ASD) 40.8 90 the obtained item hierarchy was robustly estimated. All of
Chronic organic illness 42.8 94 the items were fit to a measurement model. For the family
Acute organic illness 16.4 36 scale, the model was able to explain 30% of the response
variance. Two items (Chip4 and Chip5) violated the local
Lives with
dependence assumption and had factor loadings above .5
Mother and father 53.2 117
and residual correlation of .72. The support scale had 40%
Mother, father, and other family 21.8 48 of its variance explained by the model and two items
Only with mother 21.8 48 (Chip23 and Chip24) had significant factor loadings at the
Other 3.2 7 residual principal component analysis and a high residual
Education correlation of .71. Finally, the medical scale had 50% of its
variance explained by the rating scale model, items Chip42
Never went to school 15.5 34
and Chip44 factor loadings of .46 and .60, respectively, but
Pre-school 37.3 82
weak local dependence with a correlation of .28.
1st to 3rd grade 19.5 43 According to Table 3, the family and medical scales
4th to 7th grade 17.6 39 had very low person reliability and separation indexes.
Completed primary school 2.3 5 The item-person map displays the localization of the
Some secondary school 2.7 6 item parameters, as well as the distribution of the person
parameters, along the latent trait. These figures are use-
Completed secondary school 1.4 3
ful for comparing the range and position of the distribu-
Some college 0.5 1
tion of the items (right panel) with the position of the
Completed college 0.5 1 latent trait of the people (left panel). Ideally, the items
No answer 2.7 6 should be located along the whole scale to precisely
Attending school measure the intended construct (Mair et al. 2015). In ac-
Yes 79.1 174 cordance with the item-person map of the family and
medical dimensions (Figs. 1 and 2), it is worth noting
No 20.4 45
that the distribution of the participants scores was high
No answer 0.5 1
and asymmetric, with very easy items not ranging over
Receiving specialized care the total extent of the scale. The items and person pa-
Yes 66.8 147 rameters of the support scale were better distributed
No 33.2 73 along the latent scale, and thus, a greater capacity for
Required intensive medical care in the last year discriminating the participants throughout the latent
continuum is observed in Fig. 3.
Yes 40.4 89
Table 4 presents the analysis of evidence for conver-
No 59.1 130
gent validity between the CHIP and the Ways of Coping
No answer 0.5 1 checklist. Only the CHIP family dimension correlated
Health care status negatively and statistically significantly with the distan-
Public 49.1 108 cing and escape-avoidance dimensions of Folkman and
Private 17.7 39 Lazaruss questionnaire, signifying that the greater the
scores of items measuring family integrity, cooperation,
Public and private 28.2 62
and optimistic framing, the lower the scores connected
Not applicable 2.7 6
to the distancing and escape-avoidance dimensions.
No answer 2.3 5
The present study contributes to the area of psycho-
logical assessment by adapting and examining the
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 6 of 10

Table 3 Parameters and fit of items to the measurement Table 3 Parameters and fit of items to the measurement
models for each CHIP subscale (n = 220) models for each CHIP subscale (n = 220) (Continued)
Item Infit Outfit Error Polarity Item Separation 6.37
Family Chip1 0.14 1.13 1.16 0.15 0.42 Person separation 2.22
Chip2 1.38 0.93 1.13 0.25 0.3 Medical Chip38 0.12 0.76 0.7 0.17 0.66
Chip3 0.82 0.99 1.11 0.18 0.39 Chip39 0.22 1.14 1.1 0.17 0.62
Chip4 0.04 1.06 1.46 0.16 0.4 Chip40 0.09 0.74 0.62 0.17 0.68
Chip5 0.18 0.97 0.55 0.17 0.42 Chip41 0.42 0.93 1.05 0.18 0.58
Chip6 0.14 1.1 0.93 0.16 0.46 Chip42 2.62 1.33 1.39 0.15 0.75
Chip7 0.66 1.01 0.95 0.14 0.56 Chip43 1.27 1.19 1.27 0.22 0.46
Chip8 0.52 0.95 0.9 0.14 0.54 Chip44 0.23 0.85 0.78 0.16 0.7
Chip9 0.18 1.03 0.84 0.18 0.35 Chip45 1.16 1.02 1.18 0.21 0.5
Chip10 0.5 0.91 0.78 0.18 0.43 Item reliability 0.97
Chip11 0.08 0.68 0.57 0.16 0.55 Person reliability 0.61
Chip12 0.88 0.76 0.49 0.19 0.52 Item Separation 6.08
Chip13 0.09 0.9 0.84 0.15 0.53 Person separation 1.01
Chip14 0.26 1.18 0.96 0.15 0.45
Chip15 0.44 1.22 1.51 0.14 0.39
Chip16 1.85 1.31 1.26 0.12 0.53
Chip17 0.13 0.97 1.15 0.15 0.46
Chip18 0.14 0.98 0.89 0.15 0.47
Chip19 0.32 1.15 1.17 0.18 0.33
Item reliability 0.94
Person reliability 0.60
Item separation 3.84
Person separation 1.22
Support Chip20 0.59 1.04 0.95 0.12 0.5
Chip21 0.32 1.14 1.13 0.11 0.5
Chip22 1.74 1.18 1.2 0.13 0.54
Chip23 0.53 1.01 1.05 0.12 0.49
Chip24 0.7 1 1.25 0.12 0.44
Chip25 1.32 1.26 1.26 0.12 0.51
Chip26 0.93 0.82 0.82 0.11 0.68
Chip27 0.37 0.89 0.9 0.11 0.61
Chip28 0.15 1.2 1.38 0.11 0.42
Chip29 1.1 0.89 0.97 0.13 0.48
Chip30 0.16 0.98 0.97 0.11 0.57
Chip31 0.23 1.13 1.04 0.12 0.49
Chip32 0.1 0.94 0.89 0.11 0.58
Chip33 0.35 0.87 0.83 0.11 0.63
Chip34 0.12 1.07 1.11 0.12 0.51
Chip35 0.03 0.91 0.89 0.12 0.59
Chip36 0.46 0.87 0.9 0.12 0.57
Chip37 1.41 0.96 0.85 0.14 0.47
Item reliability 0.98
Person reliability 0.83
Fig. 1 Item-person map for the family dimension of the CHIP
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Fig. 3 Item-person map for the medical dimension of the CHIP

Fig. 2 Item-person map for the support dimension of the CHIP

Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 8 of 10

Table 4 Strength of the Spearman correlations between the exclude or include additional items that map onto a
dimensions of the CHIP and the Ways of Coping checklist wider range of coping patterns.
CHIP family CHIP support CHIP medical These results, while preliminary, suggest that the
Confrontation .15 .02 .04 scores of the three subscales seem appropriate to the
Distancing .34* .07 .01 measurement model, corroborating the theoretical
model of the original instrument (McCubbin 1987). In
Self-control .17 .03 .05
general, little variability in scores was observed, and in
Social support .03 .06 .19
the case of some items, no participant gave the lowest
Accepting responsibility .13 .02 .04 score (i.e., 0). This can also be checked in Table 3,
Escape-avoidance .28* .06 .02 where, for the family and medical scales, the person sep-
Problem-solving .03 .04 .09 aration index is below 2, indicating that only one distin-
Positive reappraisal .03 .08 .07 guishable stratum can be found in the sample. This
*p < .05
indicates that items that are more difficult are needed in
order to differentiate participants more precisely. The
psychometric properties of an instrument for evaluating person reliability indexes (both bellow .65) also corrob-
parental coping to a Brazilian sample. The results of the orate these findings.
rating scale analyses of the Brazilian version of the CHIP The support scale had a person separation of 2.22 sug-
scales suggests that all items satisfied the fundamental gesting that items are discriminating the sample more
requirements of the Rasch model, in accordance with effectively in comparison with the medical and family
the infit and outfit criteria used for item fit to the meas- scale. Also, the person reliability of the support scale
urement models. The three subscales of the Brazilian was .83 indicating that items range of difficulty was able
version of the CHIP revealed themselves to be unidi- to discriminate the sample, yielding reliable distinctions
mensional, as indicated by the residual principal compo- among participants.
nent analysis. Although local dependence and factor Many reasons may be interrelated to the pattern found
loadings below .4 at principal component analysis were in the family and medical scales. This could be due to
violated on two items of each scale, the high correlations (1) the fact that the greater part of the data collection
may be explained by the items content similarity. For was done in person and in specialized centers for treat-
example, item Chip42 (explaining our family situation ment of individuals with health problemsin this sense,
to friends and neighbors so that they understand) and the scores may have been influenced by social desirabil-
Chip44 (chatting with other people/parents in the same ity (it is expected that the parents of children with prob-
situation) have a clear communicative intention di- lems make greater use of coping strategies) and by the
rected to people other than family members for support. fact that they will be mobilized regarding the care of the
It is important to notice that this characteristic is theor- children (thereby using a great number of coping strate-
etically a part of a general support construct but the evi- gies)and (2) the homogeneity in the distribution of the
dence here is that these two items share some variance item difficultygiven that there was no evidence of
in common that is additive to the overall support meas- items that require a large amount of the latent trait for
ure and not a different dimension. endorsement of the highest categories like extremely
It is understood that this data can be partly seen as a helpful, many of the responses were fell into the upper-
result of limitations of the study sample. The conveni- most categories. As result, the decision to combine the
ence criterion was used to recruit the participants, so two response categories seemed useful since no discrim-
the sample was composed of parents of children with ination was obtained with those categories. The same
different health problems, levels of dependence, and procedure was carried out in a study developed in India
need for care. The study also included parents of chil- where the authors rescored the response categories by
dren with acute diseases of transitory course: 33.2% of collapsing categories 2 and 1 into a single new category
children did not receive special care and 59.1% did not upon which subsequent psychometric property analysis
require intensive medical care in the year prior to the of the Indian CHIP was performed (Gothwal et al. 2015.
study. Through the responses of the parents of children Nevertheless, the item separation and reliability in-
with less severe conditions, this sample bias may have dexes were acceptable for all of the scales, indicating
influenced the scores on items such as Chip42 and that the scales themselves have a reproducible item diffi-
Chip44. On this issue, it is thought that, although there culty ordering, implying that the person sample was
have been violations of the assumptions of the analysis, large enough to confirm the item difficulty hierarchy.
these items should be kept in the scale until additional Correlation results of person measure parameters of
analyses are carried out. Further random and more uni- the three CHIP scales with the Ways of Coping scores
form sample studies may help to decide whether to showed that only the family scale had a weak negative
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 9 of 10

correlation with the distancing and the escape-avoidance dimensions of coping and that it may be helpful for
dimensions of Ways of Coping. This indicates that the planning services for families of people with health prob-
greater the tendency for family integration, cooperation, lems. Also, the results enabled verification of the relative
and optimistic definitions, the lower the tendency of the difficulty of each item throughout the latent continuum
participants to avoid resolving problems by means of and comparison with the distribution of person parame-
distancing, avoidance, or escape. ters (item/person maps, Figs. 1, 2, and 3), which would
Concerning these points, some studies show that in not have been possible using traditional psychometric
clinical groups, coping strategies that focus on emotion statistical analyses. Future studies may extend the scale
(such as in the case with distancing and escape- by including additional items that map onto a wider
avoidance) are less adaptive and helpful and, therefore, range of parental experiences when coping with the
may be less efficacious for reducing tension and stress childs health problems.
(e.g., Dabrowska and Pisula 2010), although this is con-
troversial. However, it is noteworthy that the greater part Additional file
of the dimensions of the measurements used for the
convergent validity test were not correlated. This finding Additional file 1: Inventrio de Coping parental rea da Sade.
can be explained by the facts that (1) these instruments (DOC 87 kb)
have different dimensions with regard to content and
quantity; (2) one instrument is specific to the area of Abbreviations
ASD: Autism spectrum disorder; CHIP: Coping Health Inventory for Parents
health while the other is not; and (3) the measurements
measure different modalities of the same theoretical Acknowledgements
construct, i.e., while Ways of Coping investigates to what The authors would like to thank Hamilton McCubbin, a Professor at the
degree coping strategies are used, the CHIP evaluates University of Hawaii at Manoa and one of the authors of the original version
of the Coping Health Inventory for Parents instrument.
the judgment of people as to how helpful they are in re-
solving conflicts. This means that the participants of this Funding
study could have employed a certain strategy, but not This study was funded by the Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal
have considered it helpful. In these conditions, the lack de Nvel Superior.
of correlation between the majority of the dimensions of
Authors contributions
the measurements employed in the investigation of the RBZ conceived the study, worked in the data collection, helped analyze the
convergent validity is understandable. Another explan- data, participated in its design, and wrote the manuscript. MAS participated
ation is that the two subscales of both instruments in the study planning, worked on the data collection, helped analyze the
data, and helped write the manuscript. EJMF helped analyze the data,
measure slightly different constructs of coping, thus do participated in the design of the study, and helped write the manuscript.
not provide much additional validation of the CHIP. As DRB, RH, and CAB participated in the study planning and reviewing the
such, this psychometric property stands out as needing manuscript draft. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

further investigation in future studies. Competing interests

Further important limitations of the present research The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
deserve to be highlighted. In general, the sample size
was reduced vis-a-vis the type of analysis done. Further- Ethics approval and consent to participate
The design of the original study, to which the present subproject is
more, a convenience sample was used (as opposed to a connected, was submitted to and approved by the Committee for Ethics in
probabilistically selected one). This implies selection Research of the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio
bias. For example, the unbalanced set of respondents Grande do Sul under number 557.203 (CAAE: 27134314.8.0000.5334) in
March 2014. Additionally, it was submitted to and approved by the Research
(i.e., mothers vs. fathers): the majority were mothers.. In Alignment Committee of the Santo Antnio Childrens Hospital of Porto
addition, there was no exploration of how differential Alegre under number 1.234.760 (CAAE: 46701115.3.1001.5683) as part of the
items functioned between different demographic group- data collection which was done at this institution. The ethical questions
were developed in conformity with Resolution No. 466, of December 12th,
ings (e.g., gender, age), which could be addressed in fu- 2012, which seeks to ensure the rights and duties of the research
ture studies. participants, of the scientific community, and of the State.

Conclusions Publishers Note

Although the items seem to capture the experiences of a Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
small subset of the population, the implications of the published maps and institutional affiliations.
present study are important for professionals and re- Author details
searchers working with parents of individuals with 1
Postgraduate Program in Psychology of the Federal University of Rio Grande
health problems in Brazil. In the area of psychological do Sul, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600 - Trreo, Porto Alegre 90035-003, Brazil.
Department of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the Ribeiro Preto
assessment, it presents preliminary psychometric evi- College of the University of So Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900 - Monte
dence that CHIP can be used for measuring different Alegre, Ribeiro Preto, SP 14049-900, Brazil. 3Federal University for Medical
Zanon et al. Psicologia: Reflexo e Crtica (2017) 30:10 Page 10 of 10

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