5 Year Achivement by Rdso Ti Jun 2015

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1- Format for submitting details of achievements in last five financial years for Cataloging and Displaying on

RDSO website.

Sl. Financial Broad Area of Title of Description of Likely Benefit Current

No. Year Achievement Achievement achievement Status of
1 2007-08 Miscellaneous Augmentation of High voltage test setup up -In house facility Completed
testing facility to 200kV has been developed and
for testing of installed in T.I.Lab. electrical test on 25
insulators in TI kV insulators is now
Lab. being conducted in
T.I.Lab of RDSO.
-Saving of

2 2007-08 Improvement Development of Development of new Improve protection The new

in protection new generation generation microprocessor reliability and relays and
scheme for protection based numerical protection increasing reliability C&R panels
Mumbai sub- relays for relays was done for MRVC of power supply for have been
urban area, Mumbai sub- as per RDSO specification traction load. developed.
converted from urban for MRVC no. TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/ Successful
1500V DC to 4050. The prototype tests commissioning
25kV AC on relays and panels have of protection
been completed and for scheme and
first time EMI and EMC relays in
tests as per IEC Churchgate -
specifications have been Virar section.
carried out on all the The protection
numerical relays. The new scheme is
features that will be working
available on IR for the first normal.
time will be,
microprocessor based
numerical protection
modules for transformer
protection, reverse power
flow relays, extensive
communication & memory
usage on all relays,
synchro-check relays and
bus bar protection scheme
apart from parallel
operation of TSS in sub-
urban areas.

3 2007-8 Maintenance TI/MI/0043 Maintenance Instruction Reliability of assets Instruction

Instruction for for 8-wheeler Tower issued in
8-wheeler Wagons August-2008.
Tower Wagons
4 2007-08 Up gradiation Prepare of Automatic Voltage Improvement of 110/27 KV,
of capacity of Specification Regulator, Nitrogen overall system 30MVA, ONAN
Traction Power and sent to Injection fire protection performance during , Traction
Transformer Railways , system and On Load tap low and high power
approved the changer. incoming voltage transformer
designs / conditions and and as on
Drawings/ variable demand and date
QAP/SOGP ,and Meeting the cater commissioned
prototype future load in Railways.
clearance requirements of
110/27 kV, 30 MVA,
in Mumbai area.

5 2007-08 Up radiation of Prepare of Enhance capacity forced Improvement of over 132/27 KV,
capacity of Specification cooling, Nitrogen Injection all system 30/42,
Traction Power and sent to fire protection system and performance during ONAN/ONAF,
Transformer Railways , On Load tap changer. low and high Traction
approved the incoming voltage power
designs / conditions and transformer
Drawings/ variable demand and and as on
QAP/SOGP ,and Meeting the cater date
prototype future load commissioned
clearance requirements of in Railways.
KV, 30 MVA, other
than Mumbai area.

6 2007-08 Reliability Revision of The specification Better quality Completed

specification for No.TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 insulators are being
25 kV Porcelain issued in April, 2007 to supplied by
insulators. enhanced the quality of 25 manufacturers, to
kV solid core porcelain Indian Railways.

7 2007-08 Guidelines for (i) Prepared of Guidelines Improvement of As on date

the (i) Guidelines for Traction Power overall system Guidelines for
Augmentation for Traction Supply requirements for clubbed all the Traction
of Traction Power Double/Third/Fourth previously issued Power Supply
Power Supply Supply Lines Graded Guidelines and new are used
on account of Sections/Level Section Guidelines are issued
commissioning (ii) Typical for Augmentation of
of Schematic (ii) Prepared Typical Traction Power
double/third/fo Diagram for Schematic Diagram for Supply on account of
urth lines TSS, FP, SP, TSS, FP, SP, and SSP commissioning of
and SSP with with 30 MVA Double/Third/Fourth
30 MVA Transformer lines
Transformer requirements for
requirement Double/Third/Fourth
s for Lines Graded
Double/Third Sections/Level Section
/Fourth Lines and sent to Railways

8 2008-09 Control and Development of The numerical type Improved The numerical
relay panel Numerical type protection relays has been protection. type relays
with all relays for developed and provided has been
numerical traction power with following features: Post fault analysis. developed and
relay. transformer and since Apr.
25kv shunt LVCB IDMT protection No need of periodic 2009 this type
capacitor bank. relays having TMS relay calibration. of relay
range from 0 to 0.1 in procured by
fine steps of 0.01. Zonal
HVCB IDMT OCR with Railways.
TMS fine setting steps
of 0.01.

Definite over current

protection against

Digital communication
for SCADA.

Better accuracy and

no need of periodic

Disturbance recording
for post fault analysis.

Display of latched fault

current on relay LCD.

9 2008-09 Miscellaneous Thermal Thermal mechanical test - Prototype thermal Completed

mechanical test chamber with temperature mechanical
chamber. range -400C to +500C has performance test on
been installed in T.I.Lab. . insulator is now
being conducted in
- Saving of

10 2008-09 Miscellaneous XRD test facility To conduct the XRD test Used for failure Completed
on porcelain insulators and analysis to improve
stress analysis on metal. the reliability of OHE.

11 2008-09 Protection Guidelines for RDSO has prepared Improved protection. An instruction
scheme for parallel guideline for paralleling of on protection
parallel operation of transformer and scheme for
operation of transformers protection scheme to parallel
2x21.6MVA and its facilitate augmenting of operation of
traction power protection existing power supply. 2x21,6 MVA
transformer. traction power
has been
circulated to

12 2008-09 Up gradation of Prepare of Enhance capacity forced Meeting the cater 220/132/110/
capacity of Specification cooling future load 66/27 KV,
Traction Power and sent to requirements of 21.6/30.24
Transformer Railways , 220/132/110/66/27 MVA , ONAN/
with A&C Slip approved the kV, 21.6/30.24 MVA ONAF Traction
No.09 of designs / , ONAN/ONAF 21.6 power
specification Drawings/ MVA other than transformer
No. QAP/SOGP ,and Mumbai area. and as on
ETI/PSI/118 prototype date
(10/93) clearance commissioned
in Railways.

13 2008-09 Scheme for Application of Three Schemes issued. Electrification can be Implemented
Application of Technology in done at loading/ in some
Technology in the field of Unloading zones. Railways.
the field of loading
loading Mechanism
14 2008-09 Data transfer Development The objective of the trial Actual Performance Instruction
rate and trial of High was to develop a high increased in no. of No.
enhancement Speed Data speed (more than or equal times for following TI/IN/0021
from 600 to Communication to 9600 bps) data transfer parameters (01/2010) has
9600 bps System to communication system for been issued to
achieve existing traction SCADA on Update cycle time Railways to
minimum data IR. The existing SCADA for analog implement the
rate at 9600 system at Ambala RCC was acquisition scheme.
bps for SCADA modified to accommodate - 6.09
system. the requirements of this
trial. In order to achieve Update cycle for
high speed communication, event acquisition
one of the existing - 5.69
channels was split into
two. The three RTUs Total update cycle
selected for the trial time
purpose, were allocated - 6.02
the new channel and were
configured to communicate Time for command
over RDSOs SPORT execution
protocol @ 9600 baud rate - 1.94
The SCADA software was
reconfigured, with the
three RTUs to
communicate on the new
line over SPORT protocol,
operating at 9600 baud.
Due to slow speed, some
features such as Auto Fault
Localization (AFLN) are not
in function, which causes
delay in restoration of

15 2008-09 Specification Specification no. Specification issued to Gas Type ATD can be Procurement
finalised to TI/SPC/OHE/ Eastern Railway for installed at critical action is taken
Eastern GATD/ 0080 procurement of GAS ATD & locations, where by Eastern
Railway for (09/2008) for Field Trial. availability to install Railway for
procurement of Gas Auto the counter weight Field Trial.
GAS ATD & Tensioning space is constraint.
Field Trial. Devices

16 2008-09 Design & The design, All (SP/SSP) are provided The The
development development & with CBs in lieu of numerical protection specification
Supervisory commissioning interrupters used in relays have been no. TI/SPC/
Control & Data of supervisory conventional 25kV ac utilized for RCC /SCADA/
Acquisition control and data traction system with implementation of 1080(9/08)
system acquisition protection relays and the control of devices with
(SCADA) of 25 (SCADA) associated control and i.e. circuit Amendment
kV ac traction system to meet relay panels so that the breakers and No. 1
system for special smallest possible section electrical parameters prepared
Mumbai requirements of can be isolated & faults by interfacing all such specifically for
suburban 25 kV ac localized automatically, relays with RTU on Mumbai Area
section on traction system with minimal intervention RS 485 for is applicable
Indian Railways on Mumbai by the operators. communication for the
(IR) suburban Subsequently thereby saving in development
section The requirements of terms of RTU and
integration of telemetering & controls for Hardware. implementatio
numerical relays Mumbai sub urban section n. The SCADA
with Remote increased manifolds as system of
Terminal Units compared to the Mumbai area
(RTU) based on conventional system of Western
IEC 60870-5- resulting hard wiring Railway has
103 protocol between RTU and panels been
and other for such large number of commissioned
developments in control points not feasible as per above
the field of due to space constraints specification.
substation The same is
automation also adopted
were also for SCADA
achieved. system by
Have been
and other are
under in
Mumbai area.
17 2008-09 New Preparation of The new specification No. Development of Completed.
specification specification of TI/SPC/OHE/INSTEST/009 tensile load testing
finalised. Tensile Load 0 (02/2009) issued in machine for testing of
Testing Machine February, 2009 for insulators.
for testing of Tensileload testing machine
Porcelain & for testing of 25kV porcelain
Composite & Composite Insulators
Insulators. before Installation.

18 2008-09 Adoption of Specification Specification has been Reduction of OHE Procurement

Modular No.TI/OHE/MCS issued to Northern Railway fittings and action is under
Cantilever /08/02 for for adoption in Noli- improvement in process by
System Modular Shahdara Section. reliability of OHE and Northern
Cantilever fit for 200 kmph. Railway for
System Field Trial.

19 2009-10 Gas ATDs are SMI NO. Failure rate decreased. Arrest failures of GAS SMI issued to
installed in S. TI/MI/00045 for ATD and improve Southern
Railway. In maintenance of reliability of OHE. Railway.
view of large Gas auto
no. failures of tensioning.
20 2009-10 Specification Specification No Prevent theft of Guy Rod in Theft cases reduced. Issued to
has been TI/OHE/GSSW/0 theft prone area. zonal railways
issued after 090 for for
approval of Galvanised replacement
Railway Board. Steel Stranded of guy rod
Prototype Wire (GSSW) with GSSW.
testing for anchoring of
completed and traction mast
vendor has

21 2009-10 Reliability High sensitivity To find out the hot spot of On line Hot spot of Completed
thermal imaging OHE, a high sensitivity OHE find out to
camera thermal imaging camera improve the reliability
installed at NETRA car. of OHE.

22 2009-10 Preparation of Specification Specification covers diesel Common specification No order has
Specification Finalised electric & diesel hydraulic enabling procurement yet been
No. TI/SPC/ drive. of diesel electric & placed
OHE/8WDEDHI diesel hydraulic drive.

23 2009-10 Development Indigenous The Prototype test has Easy availability of Railway Board
of indigenous Source M/s been successfully CCC rod & reduction have directed
Source for CCC Hindustan completed and wear test in cost. RE to procure
rod for Copper Ltd was conducted on contact 300 MT of
fabrication of Kolkata & M/s wire and found satisfactory contact wire
contact wire. Hindalco manufactured
developed out of
CCC rods.

24 2009-10 Procurement Prototype has Improved Reliability of Reliability So Far 143

of 4- Wheeler been OHE System by inducting Improvement & Tower Cars
Tower Wagon successfully more nos of Tower Car faster Maintenance have been
tested and inspected &
routine dispatch
inspection of clearance has
138 no. of been
Tower Car has accorded.
been completed

25 2009-10 Specification Revision of The specification Better quality Completed.

revised to specification for No.TI/SPC/OHE/POST/010 Insulators are being
improve solid core 0 (01/2010) issued in supplied by
Reliability. porcelain January, 2010 to enhance manufacturers to
cylindrical post the quality of cylindrical post Indian Railway.
Insulators for Insulators for system with
system with Nominal voltage of
Nominal voltage 66kV,110 kV, 132 kV,220
of 66 kV,110 kV, kV.
132 kV,220 kV.
26 2010-11 Stranded Wire Development of Two indigenous source for Prevent theft All railways
Galvanised Source for Stranded type Traction of Mild Steel are using in
Steel Traction Stranded type Bond has been developed Flats in theft prone
Bonds are not Traction Bond on 2010. theft prone areas.
prone to theft area.
due to no
resale value

27 2010-11 Issue of final Enabling Speed certificate has been Improved enabling More than 75
speed operation of issued after obtaining faster maintenance of Tower wagons
certificate for Tower wagons condonation on OHE & improved have been
4- Wheeler on Zonal Rlys. infringement on SOD reliability of system. commissioned
Tower Wagon 2004. on Rlys.
of M/s Phooltas

28 2011-12 For the specific Specification for 5-Pulley Auto tensioning Future Requirement Railway Board
requirement of Five Pulley ATD device can be used for in Railway has approved
Central Railway for higher anchoring of higher tension Electrification with in principle
& Eastern Cross-Section Overhead Conductors used higher Cross-Section but the
Railway, where OHE in Kolkata & Mumbai area. OHE. development
it has been of product is
decided to go in pended.
for regulated
OHE on new
lines, RDSO
has developed
and drawings
for 5 pulleys
29 2011-12 Spec No Emergency For maintenance of OHE Spec issued
TI/SPC/OHE/ER Road Vehicle through Road approach July 12
30 2011-12 Spec No. Self Propelled Shall be used Spec issued
TI/SPC/OHE/8 OHE parameter July 12
WDEITC/0012 Recording cum
(07/12) Inspection Car

31 2011-12 TI/MI/0044 Reliability Maintenance Instruction Improved Reliability Instruction

Special issued vide
Maintenance letter
Instruction for TI/OHE/TWSM
4-wheeler I/12 dated
Tower Car 19.11.2012

32 2011-12 Obtaining Prepare of Supply to TSS. Taking supply 50/75/150M

supply at on Specification Saving of by virtue of directly from NTPC VA,
GSS from and sent to Railway own TSS. at on GSS and 220/132kV,
NTPC for North Central supply to ONAN/ONAF/
catering TSS Railway TSS.Saving of by OFAF, 3-
virtue of Railway Phase, Oil
own TSS. immerged
33 2011-12 Up gradation Prepare of Up gradation capacity of Up gradation 132/27 kV,
capacity of Specification Traction Power capacity of 30/42MVA,O
Traction and sent to Transformer Traction Power NAN/ONAF,
Power Railways, Of 30/42MVA Transformer Traction
Transformer approve the and Inject Fire Of 30/42MVA Power
Of30/42MVA, design/drawin Protection System and Inject Fire Transformer
132/27kV,ON g /QAP/SOGP Protection System and as on
AN and prototype date
/ONAF, clearance. commissione
Traction d in
Power Railways.

34 2011-12 Leakage Procurement of To know the health of Reduction in failure of Instruction

current Leakage current Lightning arresters, the Lightning arrester. circulated to
Monitoring of Monitoring Leakage current of Zonal
Lightning equipment for Lightning arrester is to be Railways for
arresters measurement of monitored. implementatio
Leakage current Based on the data-base n.
of Lightning generated by measuring
arresters the Leakage current of
Lightning arresters
provided over various
traction substation, the
Instruction for
maintenance of Lightning
arrester has been prepared

35 2011-12 Proposed Modification in Height of ROBs/FOBs, Cost of constructing Addendum &

modification IRSOD-2004 Height of Power Line new FOBs/ROBs Corrigendum
regarding Crossings and Electrical saved. Slip No.7 to
Height of Clearances revised. IRSOD-
ROBs/ FOBs, 2004(Revised)
Height of has been
Power Line issued on
Crossings and 14.03.2012.
Clearances in
Revised, 2004.

36 2011-12 Improvement Relook the Easing of sectioning Reduce tripping of New

in sectioning of sectioning of arrangement of feeder CBs provided sectioning
traction power SBB/TSS traction power supply at TSS. scheme
supply of Delhi feeding to of Delhi area by Interruption of power approved and
area. inimize providing CBs at supply for traction advised to NR
tripping at sertain switching post. load minimize with for
SBB/TSS. Part faster fault isolation. implementatio
of section can Sectionalize protection n.
be considered by provision of
for protection relays and
implementation associated accessories
of Mumbai at certain intermediate
protection switching post and for
scheme. yard / locoshed feeder.

37 2011-12 On line Scanning of Project is given to IIT Reliability of OHE Project is

Monitoring Contact Wire in Kharagpur working under System by expected to be
system for OHE dynamic centre for Railway replacement of completed in
Traction condition for research Contact at 2015
Parameter measure contact condemning
wire thickness, Dimensions.
Height and

38 2011-12 Report on Report No. Provision of circular To decrease the cost Report has
prefabricated TI/REPORT/000 foundation in RE works. and save time. been issued to
RCC 88(6/2011) Board on
Foundation for 07.07.2011.
of Railway

39 2011-12 Obtaining Prepare of Taking supply directly 220/132KV ,

supply at own Specification from NTPC at own 50/75/150
GSS from NTPC and sent to GSS and supply to MVA ,
for catering Railways , TSS. Saving of ONAN/ONAF.O
TSS money in by virtue of FAF , 3 Phase
Railway own TSS. , Oil immersed

40 2011-12 Specification Specification Developed for difficult Spring ATD can be Future
prepared to No. terrain of electrification used at locations requirement
gain TI/SPC/OHE/ like J&K Railway Line. where there is space
experience in SPRATD/0110 constraint for
use of Spring for Spring type providing Counter
ATD. Auto Tensioning Weights like tunnels
Device & elevated sections.

41 2011-12 A & C-6 to the Promotion of Indigenous source of CCC Reduction in Cost and Implemented
RDSO Indigenous Rod have been cleaned reliability of Raw in Railways.
specification source of CCC material
No. Wire Rod

42 2011-12 Review of SF6Circuir .(i)Prepared of A&C Slip (i)The Circuit Breaker At present 25
Specification Breaker & No.2 to RDSO & Interrupter are KV Vacuum
regarding Interrupter are Specification the safety device Circuit
continuation of eliminated of 25 No.ETI/PSI/167 in the Traction Breaker and
use of SF6 KV applications. (09/97) with A&C Slip Distribution Interrupter
Circuit No.1 for Interrupter system. The are used in 25
Breaker& and sent to Railways. reliability is crucial KV side.
Interrupter for (ii)Prepared of A&C Slip for the safe Power
25 KV No.5to RDSO Supply.
applications. Specification (ii)Extract of
No.TI/SPC/PS/CB/0000 Schedule of
With A&C Slip No.1-4 Guaranteed
for Circuit Breaker and Performance
sent to Railways. Vacuum Circuit
/Interrupter and
SF6 Circuit
/Interrupter has
Operational life
which is four times
better than SF6at
50% Rated Current
and 100% Rated
Current it is 8
times better. All
the Rolling stock
applications are
based bon Vacuum
interruption. Thus
in view of
higher life,
Cheaper cost &
concerns, it is both
financially &
prudent to favour
Vacuum option,
over SF6 based

43 2012-13 A&C Slip No.1 DC Monitoring Monitoring of DC & AC Improve protection The modified
to RDSOs Supervision supply voltage at 25 kV reliability DC monitoring
Specification Relay TSS. Tripping of circuit relay has been
No. breakers at TSS when DC developed.
TI/SPC/PSI/PR voltage fall below 82V.
nt in DC

41 2012-13 Development of Development of High creepage i.e. 1600 Reliability Improved. Completed.
25kV Polymer 25kV Polymer mm creepage distance
Insulator with Insulator with Composite Stay arm,
specific specific Bracket & 9-Tonne
creepage creepage insulators developed for
distance of distance of very heavy polluted zone
31mm/kV. 31mm/kV. where ESDD is 0.3
45 2012-13 A&C Slip No. Prepare of Inject Fire Protection Fire protection and 220/132/110
10 of Specification System and Fiber Optic real time hot spot /66/27 kV,
Specification and sent to hot spot temperature temperature 21.6/30.24
No. Railways, measurement measurement of MVA,
ETI/PSI/118( approve the Traction Power ONAN/ONAF,
10/93) for design/drawin Transformer Traction
Traction g /QAP/SOGP Power
Power and prototype Transformer
Transformer clearance. and as on
d in

46 2012-13 Technical Prepare of Increasing the capacity Increasing the Technical

Specification Specification and Inject Fire capacity and Inject comments of
for 8 MVA and sent to Protection System Fire Protection 8 MVA Auto
Auto DFFCIL System Transformer
Transformer & 54 MVA
& 54 MVA Scott
Scott Connected
Connected Transformer
Transformer to DFCCIL

47 2012-13 Scientific Scientific Project is given to IIT To increase the Project

Evaluation of Evaluation of Kharagpur working under reliability of OHE expected to
High Voltage high voltage centre for Railway system by complete in
Insulator insulators Research identification of 2015.
conditions conditions/predi correct testing
ction of residual methods for service
life of life predictions of
Composite insulators.

48 2012-13 Improvement Protection Avoid main line power Improve reliability of Protection
in 25 kV scheme for loco supply interruption when Traction Power Scheme
Traction shed/ trip shed fault occurred in Loco Supply for Traction circulated to
Protection yard to avoid shed/ Trip shed/yard. load. user railways.
System main line power

49 2012-13 - Development of One source for Light Trains speed Routine

Light Weight Weight Section Insulator potential will be inspection has
Section has been developed on increased up to been done,
Insulator 11.04.2012 for high speed 200kmph. supply of Light
Assembly. routes. Weight
Insulators are
under process.

50 2012-13 Proposed Modification in Height of ROBs/FOBs, Cost of constructing Addendum &

modification IRSOD-2004 Height of Power Line new FOBs/ROBs Corrigendum
regarding Crossings and Electrical saved. Slip No.10 to
Height of Clearances revised. IRSOD-
ROBs/FOBs, 2004(Revised)
Height of has been
Power Line issued on
Crossings and 20.12.2012.
Clearances in
Revised, 2004.

51 2012-13 Report on Report No. Provision of higher cross To increase Report has
Proviosion of TI/REPORT/OHE section OHE(150 Sq.mm mail/Express Trains, been issued to
150 mm2 /2013/00093 Contact Wire) and 2x25kv length/number Board on
Contact Wire AC Power Supply EMU/MEMU trains. 01.11.2012.
on High arrangement
Density Routes

52 2012-13 Upgradation Prepare of Inject five protection 220/132/110/66/27 -

capacity of specification system and fiber optic hot KV 21.6/30.24 MVA
Traction Power and sent to spot temperature ONAN/ONAF, Traction
Transformer Railways, measurement Power Transformer
with Slip no. 10 approve The and as on date
of Specification design/Drawing/ commissioned in
No. QAP/SOGP and Railways.
ETI/PSI/118(10 prototype
/93) clearance

53 2012-13 reliability Specification Specification No. Speedy maintenance Spec issued

TI/SPC/OHE/8W 0 (02/09) Rev.1 for Self
DETC/0090 propelled 8-Wheeler Diesel
(02/09) Rev.1 Electric Tower Car.
for Self
propelled 8-
Wheeler Diesel
Electric Tower

54 2012-13 reliability Specification Specification No. TI/SPC/ Online monitoring Spec issued
No. OHE/8WDETC/0012 without interruption vide letter no.
TI/SPC/OHE/8W (2012). for Self propelled to traffic TI/SPC/OHE/8
DETC/0012 OHE Parameter Recording WDEITC dated
(2012). for Self Car (Dhanwantari). 02.01.2013
propelled OHE
Recording Car

55 2012-13 reliability Specification Specification No. Speedy electrification Spec issued

No. TI/SPC/OHE/WIRING/0091 work with better vide letter no.
TI/SPC/OHE/WI . for Self propelled wiring accuracy TI/SPC/OHE/M
RING/0091. for train consisting of ECH/12 dated
Self propelled multipurpose vehicle for 26.02.2013
wiring train unrolling, rerolling of
consisting of Contact & Catenary Wires
multipurpose including adjustment of
vehicle for OHE.
rerolling of
Contact &
Catenary Wires
adjustment of

56 2012-13 Development Revision of Implementation of Integration of The

of numerical specifications of numerical relays in place complete protection specification
protection protective of static relays to in limited number s revised and
relays for relays and improve protection of of module. issued to user
2x25KV control & relay 2x25KV traction system. Utilization of Railway.
traction sub- panel for use at Revised specification No. numerical Design and
station for 2x25kV AC TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/ technology drawings of
better Traction Sub- 7100(07/2012) has been M/s ASHIDA &
protection. station. issued to user Railways M/S ALIND
vide letter no. approved for
TI/PSI/PROTCT/ develop
SYSTEM/2X25 dated prototype
12.07.2012. unit.

57 2012-13 reliability Project assigned Online monitoring system Online monitoring of Railway Board
to IIT for Traction parameters OHE without vide letter no.
Kharagpur interruption to traffic 2012/RE/138/
under CRR /1 dated
projects. 21.03.2012
developed &
tested. Field
trial yet to be
completed &
Final Design
to be
58 2012-13 Report on Report No. Provision of Automatic To increase speed Report has
Conversion of TI/REPORT/OHE Regulation during variation potential of trains been issued to
Un-Regulated /2012/03 of temperature with and improve the Board on
OHE to Tensioning Devices in reliability of OHE 11.03.2013.
Regulated OHE existing Un-regulated OHE.
for Mumbai,
Kolkata Area

59 2012-13 Failure Analysis Identification of Based on the failure statics Reliability Improved. Completed
Failure Prone of past 12 years, Failure
and Suspected Prone and suspected to
to be Failure be failure Prone batches of
Prone batches insulators Identified and
of insulators. guideline regarding
replacement issued to zonal

60 2013-14 Specification Specification for Specification finalised by

for self self propelled RDSO and sent to Railway
propelled multiutility Board in july 2013
multiutility vehicle.

61 2013-14 Specification Specification no. Draft of specification pre Reliability

for self TI/SPC/OHE/NE proval and uploaded on
propelled OHE T website on 26.07.2013.
recordingcum- RA/10130
Test car
(NETRA) for
health of OHE.

62 2013-14 Specification Specification no. Finalised specification sent

for SPSV for TI/SPC/OHE/SP to Railway Board on
RE Work S 12.08.2013
V0130 (7/2013)

63 2013-14 Policy guideline Policy guideline Based on the report of Reliability Improved. Completed
regarding use regarding use of Performance of 25kV
of Insulators 25kV Porcelain Insulators (Composite &
& Composite Porcelain), policy guideline
Insulators regarding use of 25kV
issued. Insulators issued to Zonal

64 2013-14 Preparation of STR No. Schedule of Technical To develop the Completed.

Schedule of TI/STR/033 Rev Requirement No. reputed
Technical 0 for Tensile TI/STR/033 Rev 0 has manufacturers.
Requirement. load testing been prepared to develop
machine the reputed manufacturer
for tensile load testing

65 2013-14 Report on TI/Report/OHE/ Analysis of failures of To take preventive Report has

Analysis of 2013/00096 Panto-entanglement and action for Panto- been issued
Panto- same has been advised to entanglement
Entanglement Railways.

66 2013-14 Revision of Specification Specification No. Monitoring of Specification

specification No. TI/SPC/OHE/T/PS/031 for electrical connection issued vide
TI/SPC/OHE/T/P Infrared Imaging System on line letter no.
S/031 for for stationary Installation TI/OHE/DEV/T
Infrared IPS/2013
Imaging System dated
for stationary 30.12.2013

67 2013-14 Specification Specification Specification No. For speedy Railway Spec issued
No. No. TI/SPC/OHE/SPCV/0130 Electrification & vide letter no.
TI/SPC/OHE/SP TI/SPC/OHE/SP (07/2013) maintenance work TI/SPC/OHE/S
SV/0130 CV/0130 PSV/13 dated
(07/2013) for (07/2013) 29.07.2013
Self Propelled
Vehicle for un-
rolling And re-
rolling of
Contact Wire of
68 2013-14 Specification Specification Specification No. For speedy Railway Spec issued
revised for Self No. TI/SPC/OHE/SPMUV/0130 Electrification & vide letter no.
Propelled TI/SPC/OHE/SP (07/2013) for Self maintenance work TI/SPC/OHE/M
Multipurpose MUV/0130 Propelled SPMUV UV/13 dated
Utility Vehicle (07/2013) for 17.03.2013
for hauling of Self Propelled
electrification SPMUV

69 2013-14 Revision of Specification Specification for SCADA Incorporated new Completed

specification No. System for 25 kV AC single features like use of
TI/SPC/RCC/SC Phase Traction Power standard open
ADA/0130 (Rev. Supply on IR protocol, functionality
1) like data transfer rate
of 19.2 kbps for AFLN
reliable working and
efficient SCADA and
EMS for on line
monitoring of
electrical parameter,
RTU operating on
110V DC input only,
Real time display of
TSS SP/SSP power
supply provided in
Disaster Management
Board/HQ and
redundant CPU and
Power Supply in the

70 2013-14 A&C slip no. 7 RDSO To overcome from Availability of 193 completed
of specification Specification for difficulty in availability of mm2 HDGC Contact
no. Hard drawn 25.5 to 26.5 mm diameter Wire for Railways
ETI/OHE/76 grooved Copper Continuous Cast Copper
(6/97) (HDGC) Contact Wire Rod of Southwire
Wire for Process to be used in
Overhead manufacturing of 193 mm2
Electric Traction HDGC Contact Wire.
drawn out of
CCC Wire Rods.

71 2013-14 Approval Approval of Inject Fire Protection Fire protection and Development
issued to Slip Vendor System and Fiber Optic real time hot spot as per
No. 10 for hot spot temperature temperature Addendum/C
21.6/30.24 measurement measurement of orrigendum
MVA, Traction Power Slip No.10
132/27kV Transformer for
ONAN/ONAF 21.6/30.24
Traction MVA,
Power 220/132/66/
Transformer 27 kV,
specification Traction
No.ETI/PSI/1 Power
18(10/93) Transformer
with A&C Slip
No 1 to 10 of
Ltd., Thane in
month of April

72 2013-14 STR No. STR No. Schedule of Technical - Schedule of

TI/STR/014 TI/STR/014 Requirement for Technical
(Rev.2) (Rev.2) rehabilitation, repair and Requirement
issued to manufacturing of s for
Zonal different rating of Manufacturin
Railways and Traction Power g/Repair/
approved Transformer Rehabilitatio
Traction n, Testing
Power Facilities and
Transformer Quality
manufacturer Control for
s on Traction
29.05.2013 Power
for Transformer
repair and
g of different
rating of
Three phase
& Single
Phase Auto
for 2x 25 kV

73 2013-14 Revision of TI/SPC/OHE/IN Specification for Composite Better quality Completed

Specification SCOM/1071 insulators revised during insulator will be refer
April 2013 to improve the to IR
quality of insulator
74 2013-14 Design handout TI/DESIGN/OHE Based on revised Contact Train Speed Potential Report has
for running /2013/00001 Wire Height by Railway will increased from been issued to
Double Stack (Rev. 1) Board 100 kmph to 140 Board on
Container kmph 12.01.2015

75 2013-14 Miscellaneous TI/SPC/PSI/LVC Merging of nine no. of Maintained single completed

BIN/0120 (Dec Specifications specification in easier
2013) than multiple

76 2013-14 Miscellaneous Motorized Source of motorized Railway can utilise completed

Isolator isolator was developed the product for
first time in Indian Railway remote operation
for operation of Isolator from control room for
from remote location immediate isolation
of faulty lines which
result into saving of
manpower and
reduction in
operating time

77 2013-14 Revision of TI/SPC/OHE/IN Specification for Composite Better quality Completed

Specification S insulators revised during insulator will be
COM/1071 April 2013 to improve the refer to IR
quality of insulator

78 2014-15 Revision of Specification no. Portable system for Spec issued

Specification TI?SPC/OHE/OL the use of Zonal vide RDSO
for OLIVER IVER System for Railways letter no.
System overline TI/OHE/TW/N
Inspection with STRU/05
Vedio Recording dated
System for 14.01.2015
79 2014-15 Improvement Spheriodal Out of 15 MCI fittings 3 It will improve the development
of reliability of graphite OHE has been developed in reliability of OHE of balance
OHE Fittings SGCI Fittings is
under process

80 2014-15 Reduced Report No. Report for electrical Electrification can be Report issued
electrical TI/OHE/ECAC/2 clearance guide to study done wherever less on 16.01.2015
Clearance at 014 the clearance clearance available
nine locations also

81 2014-15 Improve Revised As per Board directive, the Minimise tripping of Revised
availability of Protection protection scheme for main line 25KV protection
traction power Scheme for Locoshed/Tripshed/ feeder CB in case of scheme issued
supply for main Locoshed/Tripsh Yard/Sidings feeder to fault in to Zonal
line traction ed/ avoid main line Locoshed/Tripshed/ Railway vide
load. Yard/Sidings interruption in case of fault Yard/Sidings feeder. letter No.
feeder in Locoshed/ Tripshed/ TI/PSI/
Yard/ Sidings has been PROTCT/CONV
revised. EN/12 dated

82 2014-15 Improve A&C Slip No.1 Improve protection Improve protection A&C slip no. 1
protection to RDSO against high resistive against high to existing
against high specification No. faults by changing of resistance fault. Delta-I relay
resistive fault TI/SPC/PSI/PRO fault detection issued wide
TCT/1982 of technique. letter No.
Delta-I A polygonal distance TI/PSI/RELAY/
protection relay protection element has POLICY/13
for use in 25 KV also implemented in the dated
AC traction Delta-I relay module to 30.07.2014 to
system. provide backup Zonal
protection to main feeder Railways.
relay. Relay has
developed as
per revised

83 2014-15 Development Revision of Increase disturbance log Improve protection. Revised

of better feeder specifications from 10 to 200 events. Storage of more specification
protection No.TI/SPC/PSI/ Implementation of disturbance data for has been
relay. PROTCT/5070 of polygonal characteristic post fault analysis. issued to
Feeder DPR in place of Zonal Railway
Protection parallelogram. vide letter no.
module 5000 Events storage. TI/PSI/PROTC
comprising DPR, 2-stage OCR in place of T/POLICY/ 13
OCR, WPC, PTFF instantaneous OCR. dated
& Auto Re- 19.09.2014.
closure Relay
for 25 kV AC,
single phase
Traction Sub-

84 2014-15 Improvement Revision of Provision of smart Improve protection. Revised

in traction specification No. energy meter. specification
protection TI/SPC/PSI/PRO Electromechanical type has been
system TCT/6070 relays for transformer issued to
(9/08) of auxiliary trip contact Zonal
Control & relay multiplication function. Railway vide
panel including letter no.
Numerical type TI/PSI/PROT
protection CT/POLICY/
relays for 25kV 13 dated
AC Traction 27.02.2015.

85 2014-15 Miscellaneous Reliability Replace immediately all - Board

enhancement in static/Electronic type recommenda
Protection protective relays, tion Advised
scheme of OHE. approaching their codal to Zonal
life. Railways
Replace all static/ vide letter
electronic type no.
protective relays, having TI/PSI/PROT
higher failure rate, in CT/POLICY/2
time bound manner. 013 dated

86 2014-15 Approval Approval of Inject Fire Protection Fire protection and Development
issued to Slip Vendor System and Fiber Optic real time hot spot as per
No. 10 for hot spot temperature temperature Addendum/C
21.6/30.24 measurement measurement of orrigendum
MVA, Traction Power Slip No.10
132/27kV Transformer for
ONAN/ONAF 21.6/30.24
Traction MVA,
Power 220/132/66/
Transformer 27 kV,
specification Traction
No.ETI/PSI/1 Power
18(10/93) Transformer
with A&C Slip
No 1 to 10 of
M/s TELK.,
Thane in
month of
January 2014

87 2015-16 Up gradation Prepare of Up gradation capacity of 110/27 kV, 110/27 kV,

capacity of Specification Traction Power 30/42MVA, 30/42MVA,O
Traction and sent to Transformer ONAN/ONAF, NAN/ONAF,
Power Railways, of 30/42MVA Traction Power Traction
Transformer approve the and Inject Fire Transformer and as Power
of design/drawin Protection System on date Transformer
30/42MVA,11 g /QAP/SOGP commissioned in and as on
0/27kV, and prototype Railways. date
ONAN/ONAF, clearance commissione
Traction d in
Power Railways.
of M/s TELK.,
Thane in
month of
March 2014

88 2014-15 Specification A&C Slip no. 1 A&C slip states the use Railway can utilise A&C Slip has
Revision issued to the of AC Motors in Motorised Isolator been issued
specification Motorised Isolator for operation from to Railway.
no. remote location.

2- Format for submitting Details of Technical Reports/Papers in last financial Years

Sl. Financial Report No. Description

No Year
1. 2008-09 Report No TI/Report High Productivity Tools and Plants for Maintenance of OHE & PSI.
2. 2008-09 RDSO/Report/DSC/00001 Report on test & trial of operation of freight train hauled by electric
(07/2008) locomotive fitted with high reach pantograph under 7.45m high OHE
designed for running of double stack container on JHAKHAPURA-
TOMKA Section of East Coast Railway.
3. 2008-09 Report No TI/Report /00075 Mechanization of Railway Electrification and Maintenance work
4. 2008-09 - Paper Development of numerical protection relays on 25 kV ac traction on
5. 2008-09 TI/IN/0016(05/2008) Guide line for Parallel operation of Traction Power Transformer on
Indian Railways

6. 2008-09 TI/Report/00076 (03/2009) Requirement of TRD works on High Density Routes

7. 2008-09 Paper Enhancement of data transfer speed of 25 KV ac traction SCADA
system on Indian Railways.

8. 2008-09 TI/Report/00077 (02/2009) Report on High Speed Data Transmission System for Traction SCADA
9. 2008-09 TI/REPORT/PSI/00075(1/09) Report on 25 kV ac traction metering practices on Indian Railways
10 2008-09 TI/REPORT/00077(02/2009) Report on High speed Data Transfer system for traction SCADA
system of Indian Railways.
11 2008-09 N.A. A technical paper Research cut of 25 kV insulators published in the
(Technical Papers) magazine Railway Gazette International issued in February 2009,
12 2009-10 Paper Design, development and commissioning of Protection scheme &
Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition (SCADA) of 25 kV ac traction
system for Mumbai suburban section on Indian Railways
13 2009-10 --- Report on Feasibility study of 2x25 kV
14 2010-11 TI/REPORT/OHE/00087 A Report on Failure analysis of 25 kV solid core porcelain insulators
circulated to zonal Railways.
15 2010-11 Report No. TI/REPORT/OHE/ Failures of SS Wire Rope in Winch type &
00083 (04/2010) 3-Pulley ATDs
16 2010-11 Report No. TI/REPORT/OHE/ Panto Entanglement
00087 (09/2010)
17 2010-11 TI/REPORT/0086 Techno-feasibility report On Parallel Operation of double circuit
transmission lines from GSS to TSS on Indian Railway
18 2010-11 Technical report on Lightning surge arresters in use for 25 kV side
stationary applications of ac traction on Indian Railways was send to
Railway Board
19 2011-12 TI/REPORT/0080 Failure analysis of hard drawn grooved copper contact wire

20 2011-12 TI/Report/00088(6/2011) Report on Prefabricated RCC foundation for Mechanization of Railway

Electrification work
21 2011-12 Report Investigation Report on SCADA system of RCC/MGS
22 2012-13 TI/REPORT/OHE/00091 Report on failure analysis of 25kV solid core Porcelain Insulators.
23 2012-13 TI/REPORT/OHE/2012/01 Report on performance & Upgradation of 25 kV Insulators (Porcelain
& Composite)
24 2012-13 TI/REPORT/OHE/2012/01(SUP) Supplement to report on performance & upgradation of 25 kV
Insulators (Porcelain & Composite)
25 2012-13 TI/REPORT/0088(05/2012) Report on failure analysis of Hard Drawn Grooved Copper Contact
26 2012-13 TI/MI/0047(09/2012) Special maintenance Instruction (SMI) for precautions while splicing
insulated Cadmium-Copper catenary on 25 kV AC traction system.
27 2012-13 Specification No. Issue the A&C Slip No. 6 on 09.05.2012.
8TI/OHE/76(6/97) with A&C Slip
No. 1,3,4,5
28 2013-14 TI/REPORT/OHE/2013/00098 Failure analysis of Cadmium Copper Catenary wire and Hard Drawn
Grooved Copper Contact Wire.
29 2013-14 TI/Report/PSI/2013/ 00097 Non tripping of 25kV traction power supply following snapping of live
anti-creep wire in Lucknow division, Northern Railway [12th June

30 2013-14 TI/REPORT/OHE/2013/00099 Performance analysis of 25 kV Porcelain & Composite Insulators used in Indian
Railways Traction system.

TI Instruction

1 2008-09 TI/MI/0042 (12/2008) Special Maintenance Instruction for testing of 25kV porcelain & composite
Insulators before Installation.

2 2009-10 TI/IN/0021(01/2010) Instructions for increasing data transfer speed of the traction SCADA
system on IR from 600/1200 bps to minimum 9600 bps.

3 2009-10 TI/IN/0020(12/2009) Instructions for timely replacement & up gradation of computers at

Remote Control centre of Traction SCADA system on IR.

4 2009-10 TI/IN/0023(02/2010) Instruction for operating RTUs and Power supply of 110v DC (in
place of 240v ac)for existing traction SCADA system on IR.

5 2010-11 TI/IN/0025(08/2010) Technical Instructions for improving reliability of traction SCADA

system on Zonal Railway.

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