Classical Physics (PHY201) Symmetries and Conservation Laws Assignment #7

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Classical Physics (PHY201)

Symmetries and conservation laws

Assignment #7

Q.1. A particle moves under a force field whose associated potential

energy in Cartesian coordinates is given by: V(x,y) = -k/(x2 + y2) (k,
x, y >0).

i. Write the Lagrangian in terms of suitable generalized coordinates.

[Hint: since the potential energy depends only on distance from the
origin, a choice of polar coordinates is advised. That is, choose q1 =
r and q2 = , resulting in transformation equations of the form x =
x(r, ) = rCos, y = y(r, ) = rSin)]

ii. Show that the component of angular momentum perpendicular to the

plane of motion remains conserved (Lz). Now, having proved conservation
of (Lz), take a gasp and ask yourself what is so special about it. See,
in this particular problem, the symmetry demands that if you fix the
value of r (to say, R) and vary only ; the Lagrangian remains
invariant. That is, the Lagrangian of the system is invariant under
rotation (howsoever small the rotation is) about the z-axis, hence LZ
is conserved. Similarly, if the system is spherically symmetric then
one can conclude (without further ado) that all components of angular
momentum are conserved.

iii. Should the total energy be conserved as well (remember the Energy
conservation is related to time invariance)?

iv. What about the conjugate momentum Pq1 and Pq2 (where q1 and q2 are
your generalized coordinates).

Q.2. Consider an infinite plane z = 0 of mass density . The

gravitational potential energy, as you must have worked out in your
previous physics courses, depends only on z (i.e., distance as
measured from the plane) and is independent of x and y. For a test
mass (m) moving above the plane write the Lagrangian in Cartesian
coordinates. Show that Px and Py is conserved. [Remark: Of course, one
can immediately see that both x and y are cyclic coordinates, so no
surprise that Px and Py are conserved quantities. But try to understand
the deeper significance of x and y being cyclic through this problem.
Q.3. This problem is an extension of question 2 above. For the
following fixed homogeneous mass distribution, state the conserved

i. The mass is uniformly distributed in the half-plane z=0, y>0.

ii. The mass is uniformly distributed in a circular cylinder of

infinite length, with axis along the z-axis. What if the length of
cylinder is finite?

Q.4. For a simple pendulum, find the h-function (remember it is q

times p-dot minus L). Show that it is same as the total energy of the
pendulum (as it should have been, L being devoid of an explicit q-

Q.5. Properties of kinetic energy

For a dynamical system of N particles with k holonomic constraints

there are (3N-k) degrees of freedom and the same number of generalized
coordinates. Let {xi: i = 1 to 3N} be the 3N Cartesian coordinate and
{qs: s = 1 to f = (3N-k)} be the f generalized coordinates, then, under
what condition will the kinetic energy T expressed in generalized
coordinates will have a homogenous quadratic form. If this condition
is not met, what additional terms are there?

(i) Consider now a simple example of a particle moving under the

gravitation field of an infinitely long wire of uniform mass
density . Write down the kinetic energy of the particle in
cylindrical coordinates. It should have a homogenous quadratic
form since the transformation equations does not contain time
explicitly. Can you find the Lagrangian of this system (for
that you need potential energy due to an infinitely long line
mass I presume you did this problem in previous physics
courses; at any rate it is a straight forward integration to
get the potential).

Also verify the equality = 2T (We proved this relation

in the class for a general case).

(ii) A simple pendulum whose point of suspension is connected to a

rotating disc in the plane of oscillation of the pendulum (see
figure). The disc is of negligible mass and it rotates with a
uniform angular velocity . The pendulum string is of
negligible mass and is supposed to be inextensible.

(i) Find the transformation equations: x = x(, t), y = y(, t).

(ii) Write the kinetic energy (T) in terms of .

Hint: T = T2 + T1 + T0
Since, the only degree of freedom is (q = ), Tis are going to
look like this:

T2 =

T1 =

T0 =
(iii) An alternative way of writing T in terms of generalized
coordinates would be to take the total time derivative
of the transformation equations and then T is simply:
. Compute and show that it same as in part
(iv) In this problem the transformation equations have
explicit t dependence; so, you what would expect h-
function to not to be same as the total energy. Write
both, the total energy E and the h-function and verify
that h is indeed different form E. Which of the two is


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