AAT Bacnet MSTP Card Addressing BIOS 4.9 and Earlier

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AboveAir Technologies: BACnet MSTP Card Addressing

These instruc ons apply to controllers with BIOS ver- Factory Reset
sions prior to the 5.0 revision. Rese ng the card to the factory default parameters
is accomplished using the cards pushbu on.
Programming Requirements
A RS-485 interface is required. A USB to RS-485 To reboot the card, verify that the status LED is
adapter is available from AboveAir or your local flashing regularly. Press and hold the pushbu on
Carel representa ve (model number CVSTDU- for approximately 7 seconds and release. A er 10
MOR0). An integral RS-485 pc card, serial to seconds, the LED will stop flashing. A er another 15
RS-485 adapter, or a USB to RS-485 adapter from seconds, the status LED will flash quickly red-green-
another manufacturer may be used. red-green indica ng the serial card is restar ng.
The BACset programming tool, provided for free
from Carel, is required and available at h p:// To revert to the factory parameters, press and hold
ksa.carel.com. You will be required to sign up for the pushbu on a er the reboot for approximately
a free account in order to download the so - 20 seconds. Release the bu on with the LED begins
ware. The download includes an instruconal to flash slowly red. The status LED will come on solid
PDF (BACset Users Guide) detailing the use of green, flash red quickly 3 mes, then come on green
the soware to program your serial card pa- again to signal that the reset was successful. The
rameters. card will automa cally reboot and be available for
If you are using a USB to RS-485 converter for the connec on in approximately a minute.
first me, you will need to download a virtual
com port driver, available at h p://www. dichip. Troubleshoong Notes
com/drivers/VCP.htm. Download the most up- If you are having diculty communica ng with the
to-date version for your opera ng system and serial card via BACset, verify the following:
install in accordance with the installa on guide Verify connec on and wiring to the card: GND to
available on the website. GND, Rx+/Tx+ to Rx+/Tx+, and Rx-/Tx- to Rx-/Tx-.
Confirm that you have selected the correct COM
Factory Parameters port - Windows assigns this value and it can be
If your card was not pre-programmed by the techni- checked under your device manager in the con-
cal sta at AboveAir Technologies prior to shipment, trol panel. Refer to the BACset manual for direc-
the card will be set at the following default values: ons for changing the COM port via the BACdoor
OEM Client Status Window.
Parameter Min Max Factory Confirm the baud rate your computer is using
Device Instance 0 4194303 77000 for communica on. Refer to the BACset Users
Manual for direc ons for changing the baud rate
Sta on Address 0 127 0
via the BACdoor OEM Client Status Window.
Max Master 0 127 127
Max Info Frames 0 255 20
Baud Rate 9600 - 19200 - 38400
38400 - 76800

BACnet MSTP Addressing

AboveAir Technologies

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