Application Program For PCO1, PCO2, PCO3, PCOxs

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Standard Air-conditioners

Application program for pCO1, pCO2, pCO3, pCOxs

User manual
Manual version: 2.5 dated 30/06/09
Program code: FLSTDMCZ0E
We wish to save you time and money!
We can assure you that the thorough reading of this manual will guarantee correct installation and safe use of the product described.



The appliance this software is intended for has been expressly designed to ensure safe operation, provided that:
the software is installed, programmed, used and maintained by qualified personnel in full accordance with the instructions contained in this manual;
all conditions specified and contained in the appliance installation and operating manual are met.

Any other use and modification to the appliance not expressly authorised by the manufacturer shall be considered improper.
Liability for injuries or damage caused by improper use lies exclusively with the user.

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Main new features in version 2.0.............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Introduction and functions performed by the program .............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Compatible hardware ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. The user terminal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Type and operation.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 LEDs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Functions of the buttons............................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3. pLAN management between boards .............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 How to assign the pLAN addresses ........................................................................................................................................................................11
4. Selecting the language................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Starting for the first time ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
6. List of configurations ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.1 Digital inputs ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................13
6.2 Analogue inputs ......................................................................................................................................................................................................13
6.3 Digital outputs .........................................................................................................................................................................................................14
6.4 Analogue outputs....................................................................................................................................................................................................14
7. List of parameters and default values ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15
8. Screens.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.1 List of the screens...................................................................................................................................................................................................26
9. EVD400 electronic expansion valve ................................................................................................................................................................................ 28
10. Temperature control....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
10.1 Direct expansion units.............................................................................................................................................................................................29
10.2 Other temperature functions ...................................................................................................................................................................................30
10.3 Units with two water coils ......................................................................................................................................................................................30
10.4 Units with one water coil ........................................................................................................................................................................................30
11. Humidity control............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
11.1 Direct expansion units.............................................................................................................................................................................................31
11.2 Units with water coils .............................................................................................................................................................................................32
11.3 Other humidity control functions .............................................................................................................................................................................32
12. Built-in humidifier ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
12.1 Setting the parameters for selecting the humidifier ................................................................................................................................................33
12.2 Humidity and steam production control ..................................................................................................................................................................34
13. Recovery coil.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
13.1 Recovery without the cooling devices.....................................................................................................................................................................35
13.2 Recovery with the cooling devices on, direct expansion units ................................................................................................................................36
13.3 Recovery with the cooling devices on, units with water coils .................................................................................................................................36
14. Outlet limit ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
15. Condenser fans .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
15.1 Single or separate coil.............................................................................................................................................................................................38
15.2 Number of probes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................38
15.3 Prevent function ......................................................................................................................................................................................................38
15.4 Speed-up function...................................................................................................................................................................................................39
15.5 Pressure temperature conversion ........................................................................................................................................................................39
16. Temperature set point compensation ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
17. Compressors.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
17.1 Capacity control ......................................................................................................................................................................................................40
17.2 Rotation...................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
17.3 Times ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................40
17.4 Compressor alarms .................................................................................................................................................................................................40
18. Heaters .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
18.1 Heater alarms..........................................................................................................................................................................................................41
19. Modulating valves .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
19.1 Three point valves ...................................................................................................................................................................................................42
19.2 0 to 10 Volt valves ..................................................................................................................................................................................................42
20. Outlet fan ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
21. Manual device management .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
22. Switching the unit on and off.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
22.1 Automatic unit start-up and standby.......................................................................................................................................................................43
23. Alarms ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
23.1 Alarm relay..............................................................................................................................................................................................................44
23.2 Alarm summary table..............................................................................................................................................................................................44
24. Alarm log ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
24.1 Basic log..................................................................................................................................................................................................................46
24.2 Advanced log ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................46
25. Supervisor...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
25.1 Variable database....................................................................................................................................................................................................47
26. Glossary ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E

1. Introduction
1.1 Main new features in version 2.0
New functions:
1. Implemented compatibility with pCO3;
2. Implemented management of the EVD400.

1.2 Units with water coils Direct expansion units

1.3 Introduction and functions performed by the program

The Standard air-conditioners program can be used with CAREL pCO1 (small-medium), pCOXS, pCO2 (small-medium) or pCO3 (small-medium) boards, and
manages direct expansion air-conditioning units (ED) or units with water coils (CW).
The main functions of the program are:
management of the temperature and the humidity in civil or technological environments;
management of 1 or 2 hermetic or semi-hermetic compressors;
management of 1 or 2 electric heaters (including with binary management, up to 3 heating steps);
modulating heating valves, 0 to 10 Volt and 3 point;
modulating cooling valves, 0 to 10 Volt and 3 point;
external or built-in CAREL immersed electrode humidifier;
ON/OFF or modulating condenser fans, controlled by pressure or temperature;
outlet temperature control;
alarm management, alarm log, device timers, signals;
complete management of the device timers;
connection to local supervision networks and BMS (LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus).
The terminal with LCD can be used to display and modify the following data at any time:
readings and calibration of the probes connected;
unit ON/OFF;
alarm detection;
programming of the configuration parameters and the operating parameters with password-protected access;
operating hours of the controlled devices and time bands with password-protected access;
programming of the clock and the time bands with password-protected access;
choice between different languages (English, Italian, German, French).
In addition, the following functions can be managed via a CAREL pLAN connection:
1. balancing of operating hours between the air-conditioners by rotation of the spare unit (standby)
2. activation of the spare unit if another unit is shutdown due to a serious alarm or blackout
3. activation of the spare unit to compensate for excessive thermal load
4. control of up to 8 air-conditioners with just one external LCD terminal
5. operation of all the air-conditioners based on the probe readings on the Master, to harmonise the overall action
6. management of alarm printouts and probe readings using a shared external terminal
WARNING: to avoid tampering during operation, only qualified personnel must know the password.

1.4 Compatible hardware

The program is compatible with the following devices:
pCOXS, codes PCO100*;
pCO1 , pCO , pCO3 SMALL and MEDIUM;
PCOT* 4x20 LCD for panel installation and wall mounting;
PCOI* 4x20 LCD for panel installation;
PGD0*semi-graphic display;
built-in LCD on the pCOXS and pCO2, pCO3 boards.

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2. The user terminal

2.1 Type and operation
Three types of terminal are envisaged:
1. PGD0/semi-graphic/6 buttons/4 rows - 20 columns/connection with telephone cable
2. LCD/15 buttons/4 rows - 20 columns/connection with telephone cable
3. Built-in/6 buttons/4 rows - 20 columns (pCO- pCO3 only)/display on board

The user terminal can be used to perform all the operations allowed by the program, display the operating conditions of the unit at all times, and set the
It can be disconnected from the main board, and in fact is not required for operation.

2.2 LEDs

2.2.1 PGD0 terminal with 6 buttons

LED Colour Description

Red On One or more active alarm conditions
[ ] button (Alarm)
Prg button Yellow On Unit on
Flashing Unit off from supervisor or digital input

All the LEDs not described and located underneath the remaining 4 buttons indicate the correct power supply to the instrument.
Together with the backlighting on the display, these will be switched off if no button is pressed on the keypad for 5 minutes.

2.2.2 LCD terminal with 15 buttons

Each button has a green LED indicating the specific group of parameters selected during the operations to display/modify the operating parameters.
The silicone rubber buttons have three different coloured LEDs, whose meaning is specified in the following table

LED Colour Description

[ On/Off ] button Green On Unit on
Flashing Unit off from supervisor or digital input
[ Alarm ] button Red On One or more active alarm conditions
[ Enter ] button Yellow On Instrument correctly powered

2.2.3 Built-in terminal with 6 buttons

Given the number of buttons and LEDs available, these have general meanings, as described below:

LED Colour Description

Red On One or more active alarm conditions
[ ] button
[ ] button Yellow On Unit on
(Enter) Flashing Unit off from supervisor or digital input
[ Prg ] button Green On Displaying/modifying the operating parameters
[ Esc] button Green On Main menu parameters displayed

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2.3 Functions of the buttons

2.3.1 PGD0 terminal with 6 buttons



Button Description
ALARM displays the alarms, mutes the buzzer and deletes the active alarms
UP if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls up the screens in the same group; if
the cursor is in a setting field, increases the value
DOWN if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls down the screens in the same
group; if the cursor is in a setting field, decreases the value
ENTER used to move the cursor from the home position (top left corner) to the setting fields, in the
setting fields confirms the set value and moves to the next parameter
PRG accesses the menu for selecting the group of parameters to be displayed/modified (access to
the parameters is confirmed by pressing the [Enter] button)
PRG + ENTER temporarily display the pLAN serial address of the board

2.3.2 PGD0 terminal with 15 buttons

Button Description
From any point of the user interface (with the exception of the manufacturer group of parameters) returns to the
Main menu screen (M0) displaying the unit status, readings of the control probes and operating mode.
In the group of manufacturer parameters, organised into nested sub-groups, returns to screen for selecting the
Goes to the first screen of Maintenance parameters (A0)
MAINTENANCE The Maintenance parameters are used to check the operating status of devices and the probes, calibrate the
readings and run manual operations

PRINTER Goes to the printer menu (H1)

Goes to the first screen of I/O parameters (I0)

The I/O parameters display the status of the inputs and the outputs on the board
Goes to the first screen of Clock parameters (K0)
CLOCK The Clock parameters are used to display/set the operating parameters for the clock board and activate the time
Goes to the first screen of Set point parameters (S0).
SET POINT The Set point parameters are used to display/modify the unit working set point within the limits defined in the

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Button Description
Goes to the screen for entering the user password (P0)
The user parameters are used to modify the unit operating mode

Goes to the screen for entering the manufacturer password (Z0)

+ MENU+PROG The manufacturer parameters are used to configure the unit in terms of the number and type of devices connected,
enable specific accessories or special functions

In pLAN applications with more than one board connected in the network and a shared user terminal, switches the
user terminal between the different units to display/modify the parameters

RED Temporary display of the pLAN address of the current board

BLUE From printer management screen H1, starts printing screens C0 to Ca

Silicone rubber buttons

Button Description
1 ON/OFF switches the unit on/off
2 ALARM displays the alarms, mutes the buzzer and deletes the active alarms
3 UP ARROW if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls up the screens in the same group; if the cursor is in a setting field, increases the
4 DOWN if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls down the screens in the same group; if the cursor is in a setting field, decreases
ARROW the value
5 ENTER used to move the cursor from the home position (top left corner) to the setting fields, in the setting fields confirms the set value and moves
to the next parameter

2.3.3 Built-in terminal with 6 buttons



Button Description
ALARM displays the alarms, mutes the buzzer and deletes the active alarms
UP if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls up the screens in the same group; if the cursor is in a setting field, increases
the value
DOWN if the cursor is in the home position (top left corner), scrolls down the screens in the same group; if the cursor is in a setting field,
decreases the value
ENTER used to move the cursor from the home position (top left corner) to the setting fields, in the setting fields confirms the set value and
moves to the next parameter
PRG accesses the menu for selecting the group of parameters to be displayed/modified (access to the parameters is confirmed by pressing
the [Enter] button)
PRG + ENTER temporary display of the board pLAN serial address

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3. pLAN management between boards

The pLAN network identifies a physical connection between the boards (pCO1, pCO2, pCO3) and the external terminals. pLAN=.CO L.ocal A.rea N.etwork.
The purpose of the pLAN network connection between the boards is to exchange variables, according to the logic decided by the program, so as the units can
operate together. The variables exchanged between the boards are established by the program, as is the direction of exchange, and therefore there are no user
settings; the only operation required by the user involves the electrical connections.
Below is a diagram with all the components connected in the pLAN:

pCOx pCOx pCOx pCOx EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400

pLAN 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
pCOx pCOx pCOx pCOx EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400

25 27 29 31
26 28 30 32

Below is a diagram with the EVD400 driver in a tLAN connection, while the others components are connected in the pLAN:

EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
pCOx pCOx pCOx pCOx

1 3 5 7 pLAN 9 11 13 15
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 32
pCO x pCOx pCOx pCOx
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400 EVD400

3.1 How to assign the pLAN addresses

The pLAN addresses must be unique and follow the layout shown above. There are various different ways to assign the pLAN address
3.1.1 PGD0 terminal
To set the address of a PGD terminal (the default value is 32), proceed as follows:
1. Power up the terminal
2. Press the Up + Down + ENTER buttons until the display address setting screen is displayed
3. Enter the numeric pLAN address with the Up and Down buttons and then confirm by pressing Enter
4. The No link screen will be displayed
5. If the No Link screen is not displayed, press Up + Down + ENTER again
6. Once the display address setting screen is displayed, press Enter 3 times
When the adr Priv/shard screen is displayed, set the correct values and confirm with YES
3.1.2 Setting the address on the pCO1- pCO3
Operations required to set the pLAN address on the pCO and pCO3 boards.
1. Power down the pCO* board and connect a 4x20 LCD terminal / PGD0 terminal with pLAN address "0".
2. Power up the pCO* board, by holding the Alarm + Up buttons until the pLAN Address screen appears.
3. When the pLAN Address screen is shown, follow the operations shown, i.e. enter the number (1,2,3) of the pLAN address with the Up and Down
buttons and then confirm by pressing Enter.
4. Power down the pCO* board.
5. If necessary, assign the correct pLAN address to the external terminal according to the specific system configuration.
6. Power up the pCO* board.
7. Configure the pCO* to communicate speak with the terminal, if necessary.
3.1.3 Setting the address on the pCO2, PCOI/PCOT terminals
The pLAN addresses on these units are set with binary logic by changing the position of a set of dipswitches located on the rear of the pCOI / PCOT terminals and
on the pCO2 boards. This must be done with all the devices off. For further information, see the specific manual for the device.
3.1.4 Setting the address on the EVD400
To set the address of the EVD400 in both pLAN and tLAN, see the EVD400 manual (code +030220225).
In all the screens in the program, to display the address of the board that is currently connected, press the printer button or Enter+Prg, depending on the
terminal used.

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4. Selecting the language

When the unit is switched on, by default a screen is displayed for selecting the language.
This screen is displayed for 30 seconds, after which the application automatically opens the main menu (screen M0).
The language automatically loaded is English, however this can be selected from the following options: English, Italian, French, German. To modify the language,
proceed as follows:
1. press the maintenance button on the external terminal, while on the Built-in terminal or the external PGD0* terminal press the Prg button and confirm
the first item in the MAINTENANCE menu by pressing the Enter button;
2. the software presentation screen will be displayed, showing the code, the version and the date. Press the Enter button to move the cursor to the last
3. select the desired language using the Up or Down buttons;
4. press the Enter button to confirm.

5. Starting for the first time

After having checked the connections between the various boards and terminals, power up the pCO* board/boards. On power-up, the software automatically
installs the default values chosen by CAREL for the unit configuration parameters. This section explains how to restore the default values and to return to the
starting conditions. When starting for the first time, this operation is not required.
The following procedure is used to restore all the configuration parameters to the default values selected by CAREL.

CAUTION! this procedure irreversibly deletes any programming performed by the user.

As resetting the default values is an operation that involves each pCO* board, when more than one board is present, the procedure must be repeated for the all
the boards. The procedure is identical for all the boards. Proceed as follows:
press the menu and prog buttons on the LCD terminal at the same time (go to the manufacturer branch on the PGD0 terminal). When
pressed, the LEDs corresponding to the menu and prog buttons will come on;
enter the password using the arrow buttons and press Enter: this enters the manufacturer configuration branch:

enter the Initialisation branch:
Insert password V0
to install
default value
Operation done
move the cursor to the password setting field, enter 1234 and confirm by pressing Enter. At the end of the operation, the message Operation
completed is displayed.

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6. List of configurations
Both direct expansion (ED) and water coil (CW) air-conditioners can be managed, with pCO1/pCO2/pCOXS/pCO3 small/medium boards. On power-up, the program
recognises the type and the size of board, and consequently arranges the inputs and outputs, based on the type of air-conditioner (ED or CW) defined in the
manufacturer branch. The following diagrams indicate the configuration of the inputs and outputs in the possible combinations. The multiple items (xxx / xxx / )
indicate different possible uses for an input or output; the choice is made using the parameters in the Manufacturer branch of screens. For the wiring, refer to the
technical manual on the pCO boards.

6.1 Digital inputs

Direct expansion air-conditioners (ED)

No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
ID 1 Alarm C1/Low pressure C1 Alarm C 1 Low pressure C1
ID 2 Alarm C2/High pressure C1 Alarm C2 High pressure C1
ID 3 Heater 1 overload alarm Heater 1 overload alarm Heater thermal overload
ID 4 Heater 2 overload alarm Heater 2 overload alarm Fan thermal overload
ID 5 Fire / filter / Flood alarm Dirty filter alarm Air flow alarm
ID 6 Fan thermal overload alarm Fan thermal overload alarm Remote ON/OFF
ID 7 Air flow switch alarm Air flow switch alarm ---
ID 8 Remote ON/OFF Remote ON/OFF ---
ID 9 --- Low pressure alarm C1 ---
ID 10 --- Low pressure alarm C2 ---
ID 11 --- Humidifier water level ---
ID 12 --- Fire / Flood alarm ---
ID 13 --- Thermal overload alarm, cond. fan C1 ---
ID 14 --- Thermal overload alarm, cond. fan C2 ---

Water-source air-conditioners
No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
ID 1 Flood / fire alarm Flood alarm Flood alarm
ID 2 Cooling - heating selection Cooling - heating selection Smoke / fire alarm
ID 3 Heater 1 overload alarm Heater 1 overload alarm Heater thermal overload
ID 4 Heater 2 overload alarm Heater 2 overload alarm Fan thermal overload
ID 5 Dirty filter alarm Dirty filter alarm Air flow alarm
ID 6 Fan thermal overload alarm Fan thermal overload alarm Remote ON/OFF
ID 7 Air flow switch alarm Air flow switch alarm ---
ID 8 Remote ON/OFF Remote ON/OFF ---
ID 9 --- Auxiliary alarm ---
ID 10 --- Water flow switch alarm ---
ID 11 --- Humidifier water level ---
ID 12 --- Fire alarm ---
ID 13 --- --- ---
ID 14 --- --- ---

6.2 Analogue inputs

Direct expansion air-conditioners (ED)

No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
B1 Ambient humidity Ambient humidity Ambient humidity / Outside temperature /
Recovery temperature
B2 High press. C1 / Cond. temp. C1 / High press. C1 / Cond. temp. C1 High pressure C1
Outlet temperature (pCO2 pCO3)
B3 High pressure C2 / High pressure C2 / Cond. temp. C2 (pCO2 pCO3) / Recovery Outlet temperature
Cond. temp. C2 / temperature (pCO2 pCO3),
Recovery temperature Humidifier conductivity (pCO1)
B4 Outside temperature Outside temperature (pCO2 pCO3) Room temperature
Humidifier current (pCO1)
B5 Room temperature Room temperature ---
B6 Outlet temperature (pCO1) Outlet temperature
B7 --- Humidifier conductivity (pCO2 pCO3) ---
Recovery temperature (pCO1)
B8 --- Humidifier current (pCO2 pCO3) ---
Outside air temperature (pCO1)

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Water-source air-conditioners
No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
B1 Ambient humidity Ambient humidity Ambient humidity
B2 Outlet temperature Outlet temperature Outside air temperature /
Recovery temperature
B3 Recovery temperature Recovery temperature (pCO2 pCO3) / Outlet temperature
Humidifier conductivity (pCO1)
B4 Outside temperature Outside temperature (pCO2 pCO3) / Room temperature
Humidifier current (pCO1)
B5 Room temperature Room temperature ---
B7 --- Humidifier conductivity (pCO2 pCO3) / ---
Recovery temperature (pCO1)
B8 --- Humidifier current (pCO2 pCO3) / ---
Outside temperature (pCO1)

6.3 Digital outputs

Direct expansion air-conditioners (ED)

No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
DO 1 Outlet fan Outlet fan Outlet fan
DO 2 Compressor 1 Compressor 1 Compressor 1
DO 3 Compressor 2 Compressor 2 Heater 1
DO 4 Heater 1 / Open heating valve Heater 1 / Open heating valve Dehumidification
DO 5 Heater 2 / Close heating valve Heater 2 / Close heating valve General alarm
DO 6 Dehumidification Dehumidification ---
DO 7 Recovery Recovery / minor alarms ---
DO 8 General alarms Serious alarms ---
DO 9 --- Cond. fanC1 / Cap. control C 1 ---
DO 10 --- Cond. fanC2 / Cap. control C2 ---
DO 11 --- Humidification ---
DO 12 --- Fill water in humidifier ---
DO 13 --- Empty water in humidifier ---

Water-source air-conditioners
No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
DO 1 Outlet fan Outlet fan Outlet fan
DO 2 Open cooling / single valve Open cooling / single valve Open cooling valve
DO 3 Close cooling / single valve Close cooling / single valve Close cooling valve
DO 4 Heater 1 / Open heating valve Heater 1 / Open heating valve Heater
DO 5 Heater 2 / Close heating valve Heater 2 / Close heating valve General alarm
DO 6 Dehumidification Dehumidification ---
DO 7 Recovery Recovery / minor alarms ---
DO 8 General alarms Serious alarms ---
DO 9 --- --- ---
DO 10 --- --- ---
DO 11 --- Humidification ---
DO 12 --- Fill water in humidifier ---
DO 13 --- Empty water in humidifier ---

6.4 Analogue outputs

Direct expansion air-conditioners (ED)
No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
AO 1 Outlet fan / Recovery valve Outlet fan / Recovery valve Humidifier / Recovery valve
AO 2 Heating valve / Humidification Heating valve / Humidification Heating valve
AO 3 Condenser fan 1 Condenser fan 1 Condenser fan 1
AO 4 Condenser fan 2 Condenser fan 2 ---

Water-source air-conditioners
No. pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 SMALL pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 MEDIUM pCOXS
AO 1 Cooling valve / single valve Cooling valve / single valve Humidifier
AO 2 Heating valve / Recovery valve / Humidification Heating valve / Recovery valve / Humidification Heating valve
AO 3 --- --- Recovery valve
AO 4 Outlet fan Outlet fan ---

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7. List of parameters and default values

The following table describes the parameters in the program, with the following information: screen code (the screen code is shown at the top right) to help
identify the parameter, default value, minimum and maximum limits for the settings (range), unit of measure, free column for entering the desired value. To find a
parameter on the display, proceed as follows:
Identify the parameter in the following table and the code of the corresponding screen
From the list of screens (following paragraph) and the screen code, scroll to the screen on the terminal.
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal

MENU button ESC button
Temperature R M0 Room temperature C/F
Humidity R M0 Ambient humidity % RH
Cooling R M1 Operating mode N/Y
Heating R M1 Operating mode N/Y
Humidif. R M1 Operating mode N/Y
Deumidif. R M1 Operating mode N/Y
Supply Air limit R M2 Outlet temperature limit status N/Y
Dehumidif. limit R M2 Dehumidification limit status N/Y
Function.: R M2 Current operating mode Cooling/Heating
Unit status R M3 With the Built-In terminal this variable describes the current unit operating 1 to 8
status. (1.Unit ON, 2.OFF from alarm, 3.OFF from superv., 4.OFF from band,
5.OFF from Remote In., 6.OFF from button, 7.Manual Proc., 8.Standby)
- Press ENTER to - R M3 Pressing the ENTER button switches the unit on or OFF Switch on/off
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
CLOCK button PRG button and CLOCK in the menu
Regulation clock R/W K0 Hour setting Hours 0 to 23 current
Hour hour
Hour R/W K0 Minute setting minutes 0 to 59 current
Date R/W K0 Day setting 1 to 31 current
Date R/W K0 Month setting 1 to 12 current
Date R/W K0 Year setting 0 to 99 current
Day R K0 Current day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,..) 0 to 7 current
Clock R/W K1 Enter Clock password 0 to 9999 1234
On-off timezones R/W K2 Enable temperature / humidity / ON/OFF time bands No/Yes No
On-off timezones R/W K3 Start and end hour for the ON/OFF time bands F1-1 and F1-2 0 to 23 9/13/14/2
F1-1 1
On-off timezones R/W K3 Start and end minutes for the ON/OFF time bands F1-1 and F1-2 0 to 59 0/0/0/0
On-off timezones R/W K4 Start and end hour for the ON/OFF time band F2 0 to 23 14/21
On-off timezones R/W K4 Start and end minutes for the ON/OFF time band F2 0 to 59 0/0
On-off timezones R/W K5 Select ON/OFF time bands (F1,F2,F3,F4) for each day F1 to F4 F2
Temp.setpoint R/W K6 Start hour for temperature bands 1 and 2 0 to 23 0/6
Temp.setpoint R/W K6 Start minutes for temperature bands 1 and 2 0 to 59 0/0
SET R/W K6 Set point for temperature time bands 1 and 2 see P1 23.0
Temp.setpoint R/W K7 Start hour for temperature bands 3 and 4 0 to 23 12/18
Temp.setpoint R/W K7 Start minutes for temperature bands 3 and 4 0 to 59 0/0

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 15

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

SET R/W K7 Set point for temperature time bands 3 and 4 see P1 23.0
Humidity setpoint R/W K8 Start hour for humidity bands 1 and 2 0 to 23 0/6
Humidity setpoint R/W K8 Start minutes for humidity bands 1 and 2 0 to 59 0/0
SET R/W K8 Set point for humidity time bands 1 and 2 see P2 23.0
Humidity setpoint R/W K9 Start hour for humidity bands 3 and 4 0 to 23 12/18
Humidity setpoint R/W K9 Start minutes for humidity bands 3 and 4 0 to 59 0/0
SET R/W K9 Set point for humidity time bands 3 and 4 see P2 23.0
New clock R/W Ka Enter new Clock password 0 to 9999 1234
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
INPUTS/OUTPUTS button PRG button and INPUTS/OUTPUTS in the menu
Analog inputs: R I0 Pressure probe circuit 1 (also displays the corresponding temperature value) Bar Screen C9
Pr2 R I0 Pressure probe circuit 2 (also displays the corresponding temperature value) Bar Screen Ca
Amb.humidity R I0 Ambient humidity probe % Screen Cc
Analog inputs: R I1 Room temperature probe C/F -30T80 C
Room temp.
Supply air R I1 Outlet temperature probe C/F -30T80 C
Extern.temp. R I1 Outside temperature probe C/F -30T80 C
Analog inputs: R I2 Recovery probe C/F -30T80 C
Temp.cond.1 R I2 Condensing temperature probe circuit 1 C/F -30T80 C
Temp.cond.2 R I2 Condensing temperature probe circuit 2 C/F -30T80 C
Dig.inputs 1-3: R I3 Status of digital input 1
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 1-3: R I3 Status of digital input 2
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 1-3: R I3 Status of digital input 3
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 4-6: R I4 Status of digital input 4
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 4-6: R I4 Status of digital input 5
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 4-6: R I4 Status of digital input 6
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 7-8: R I5 Status of digital input 7
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 7-8: R I5 Status of digital input 8
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 9-11: R I6 Status of digital input 9
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 9-11: R I6 Status of digital input 10
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 9-11: R I6 Status of digital input 11
(C) = closed
(A) = open

Dig.inputs 12: R I7 Status of digital input 12

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 16

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 12: R I7 Status of digital input 13
(C) = closed
(A) = open
Dig.inputs 12: R I7 Status of digital input 14
(C) = closed
(A) = open
analog.output: R I8 Status of analogue output (cooling valve, single valve) Volt 0 to 10
analog.output: R I8 Status of analogue output (heating valve) Volt 0 to 10
analog.output: R I9 Status of analogue output for condenser fan 1 Volt 0 to 10 1 2 R I9 Status of analogue output for condenser fan 2 Volt 0 to 10
analog.output: R Ia Status of analogue output for humidifier Volt 0 to 10
Main fan R Ia Status of analogue output for main fan Volt 0 to 10
Recovery R Ia Status of analogue output for recovery Volt 0 to 10
Dig.outputs 1-3: R Ib Status of digital output 1 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 1-3: R Ib Status of digital output 2 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 1-3: R Ib Status of digital output 3 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 4-6: R Ic Status of digital output 4 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 4-6: R Ic Status of digital output 5 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 4-6: R Ic Status of digital output 6 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 7-8: R Id Status of digital output 7 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 7-8: R Id Status of digital output 8 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 9-11: R Ie Status of digital output 9 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 9-11: R Ie Status of digital output 10 OFF/ON
Dig.outputs 9-11: R Ie Status of digital output 11 OFF/ON
Dig.outp.12-14: R If Status of digital output 12 OFF/ON
Dig.outp.12-14: R If Status of digital output 13 OFF/ON
Current total R Ig Current total steam flow-rate kg/h, lb/hr
steam flow:
Conduct. R Ig Conductivity value uS/cm
Nominal Value R Ih Rated humidity production kg/h, lb/hr
Nom.Current: R Ih Rated current value A
Voltage: R Ih Rated voltage value V
Cylinder 1 R Ii Operating status of the cylinder (OFF, Softstart, Softstart, Stable operation,
Status: Low Prod, Stable operation, Wash)
Activity: R Ii Cylinder activity in progress (Cylinder OFF, Fill, Evaporation, Drain, Drain,
Drain, Alarm, Drain for inact., Pre-wash, Total drain, Alarm, Check Water Fill,
Period drain)
Amps: R Ii Current A
Cyl.1-Cont. R Ij Contactor status cylinder 1 OFF/ON
Cyl.1-Fill R Ij Fill status cylinder 1 OFF/ON
Cyl.1-Drain R Ij Drain status cylinder 1 OFF/ON
Water level R Ij Water level cylinder 1 OFF/ON
Driver 1 R Ik Operating mode of the driver in circuit 1 (automatic manual) AUTO/MAN AUTO
Valve Position R Ik Position of the electronic valve in circuit 1 Steps 0 to 100%
Power request R Ik Capacity required by circuit 1 % 0 to 100%
Driver 1 R Il Superheating value circuit 1 C
Evap.Temp. R Il Evaporation temperature circuit 1 C
Suct.Temp R Il Suction temperature circuit 1 C
Driver 1 R Im Evaporation pressure circuit 1 Bar
Evap.Temp. R Im Evaporation temperature circuit 1 C
Cond.Press. R Im Condensing temperature circuit 1 C
Driver 2 R In Operating mode of the driver in circuit 2 (automatic manual) AUTO/MAN AUTO
Valve Position R In Position of the electronic valve in circuit 2 Steps
Power request R In Capacity required by circuit 2 % 0 to 100%
Driver 2 superheat R Io Superheating value circuit 2 C
Evap.Temp. R Io Evaporation temperature circuit 2 C
Suct.Temp R Io Suction temperature circuit 2 C

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 17

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Driver 2 R Ip Evaporation pressure circuit 2 Bar

Evap.Temp. R Ip Evaporation temperature circuit 2 C
Cond.Press. R Ip Condensing temperature circuit 2 C
Firmware version R Iq Firmware version driver 1
Driver 1
Driver 2 R Iq Firmware version driver 2
"External modem" R Iv Type of modem used
"GSM modem"
Status: R Iv Operating status of the modem (Standby, Initialisation, Searching for GSM 1 to 12
network, Standby, Alarm, Init. error., PIN enabled error, GSM network not
found, SMS saturation, Send SMS..., Connection..., Calling)
Field R Iv Signal reception strength of the modem % 0 to 100%
Time next call R Iv Time between two successive calls
P.ERROR R Iv Display presence of permanent error ON GSM modem
Dialling number: R Iv Display number called
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
SET POINT button PRG button and SET POINT in the menu
Actual Setpoints: R S0 Current temperature set point C/F
Humidity R S0 Current humidity set point % RH
Setpoint: R/W S1 Temperature set point C/F see P1 23.0
Humidity R/W S1 Humidity set point % RH see P2 50.0

15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal

MAINTENANCE button PRG button and MAINTENANCE in the menu
FLSTDmCZ0E R A0 Display version and date of the software
Language: R/W A0 Current language of the user interface English, English
System informat. R A1 Display the version and date of the bios
Boot: R A1 Display the version and date of the boot
Running hours: R A2 Display operating hours of the main fan
Main fan
Humidifier R A2 Display humidifier operating hours
Running hours: R A3 Display operating hours of compressor 1
Compressor2 R A3 Display operating hours of compressor 2
Maintenance R/W A5 Enter password 0 to 9999 1234
Modify runn hours R/W A6 Modify compressor 1 operating hours hours 0 to 99 0 to 0
Compressor1 999
Compressor2 R/W A6 Modify Compressor 2 operating hours hours 0 to 99 0 to 0
Modify runn hours R/W An Modify outlet fan operating hours hours 0 to 99 0 to 0
ventilatore 999
Humidifier hour reset R/W An Reset humidifier operating hours No/Yes
Threshold running R/W A7 Operating hour threshold of the devices hours x 0 to 99 99
hours alarm (x1000) 1000 0 to 999
Probes Setting R/W A8 Condensing pressure probe 1 calibration % RH -9.9 to 9.9 0
Pressure 1
Pressure 2 R/W A8 Condensing pressure probe 2 calibration bar -9.9 to 9.9 0
Humidity R/W A8 Humidity probe calibration bar -9.9 to 9.9 0
Ambient temp. R/W A9 Room temperature probe calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Extern.temp. R/W A9 Outside temperature probe calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Supply Air R/W A9 Outlet temperature probe calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Temp.recup. R/W Aa Recovery probe calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Temp.cond.1 R/W Aa Cond. temperature probe 1 calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Temp.cond.2 R/W Aa Cond. temperature probe 2 calibration C / F -9.9T9.9 0
Manual Procedure R/W Ab Manual activation of digital outputs 1 2 3 OFF/ON OFF
Dout 01
Dout 02
Dout 03
Manual Procedure R/W Ac Manual activation of digital outputs 4 6 OFF/ON OFF
Dout 04
Dout 05

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 18

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Manual Procedure R/W Ad Manual activation of digital outputs 7 8 OFF/ON OFF

Dout 06
Dout 07
Dout 08

Manual Procedure R/W Ae Manual activation of digital outputs 9 10 OFF/ON OFF

Dout 09
Dout 10
Manual Procedure R/W Ao Manual activation of digital outputs 11 12 13 OFF/ON OFF
Dout 11
Dout 12
Dout 13
Manual Procedure R/W Af Set the operating mode of modulating outputs 1 2 AUTO/MAN AUTO
Aout 01
Aout 02
Manual Procedure R/W Af Manual activation of modulating outputs 1 2 Volt 0 to 10.0 0
Aout 01
Aout 02
Manual Procedure R/W Ag Set the operating mode of analogue outputs 3 4 AUTO/MAN AUTO
Aout 03
Aout 04
Manual Procedure R/W Ag Manual activation of modulating outputs 3 4 Volt 0 to 10.0 0
Aout 03
Aout 04
Integr.humidifier R/W Ah Activation of pre-wash for built-in humidifier (not pCOxs) No/Yes No
Total drain R/W Ah Activation of total drain (not pCOxs) No/Yes No
Drv1 offset probe R/W An Driver 1 probe calibration C / barg -9.9 to 9.9 0
Drv2 offset probe R/W Ao Driver 2 probe calibration C / barg -9.9 to 9.9 0
Man.proc.driver1 R/W Ai Valve control mode for Driver 1 Auto/Man. Auto.
EEV Position
Steps Opening R/W Ai Number of manual valve opening steps Driver 1 Steps 0 to 9999 0
Position R Ai Display current valve opening steps Driver 1 Steps
Man.proc.driver2 R/W Aj Valve control mode for Driver 2 Auto/Man. Auto.
EEV Position
Steps Opening R/W Aj Number of manual valve opening steps Driver 2 Steps 0 to 9999 0
Position R Aj Display current valve opening steps Driver 2 Steps
Status driver 1 R/W Ak Manual release Driver 1 when starting No/Yes No
System's waiting
for... Go ahead?
Status driver 2 R/W Al Manual release Driver 2 when starting No/Yes No
System's waiting
for... Go ahead?
New maintenance R/W Am Enter new Maintenance password 0 to 9999 1234
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
PROG button PRG button and USER in the menu
User R/W P0 Enter User password 0 to 9999 1234
Limits setpoint R/W P1 Minimum and maximum limits of the temperature set point C / F -999.9T999.9 -99.9to99.9
Limits setpoint R/W P2 Minimum and maximum limits of the humidity set point % RH 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 to100.0
Temperature: R/W P3 Proportional heating and cooling temperature bands C / F 0.0T100.0 3.03.0
Cool differ.
Heat differ.
Neutral zone R/W P3 Temperature dead zone C / F 0.0T99.9 0.0 R/W P4 Proportional humidification and dehumidification bands % RH 0.0 to 99.9 2.02.0
Humidity band
Show language R/W P5 Display language screen on board power-up No/Yes Yes
mask at start-up
Keyboard on/off R/W P5 Shutdown unit from button No/Yes No
En.remote On/Off R/W P5 Enable ON/OFF from remote No/Yes No
Recovery setpoint R/W P6 Recovery set point C / F 0T680 12
Compensation: R/W P7 Enable compensation No/Yes No
Setpoint R/W P7 Compensation set point

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 19

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Band R/W P7 Compensation band

Offset R/W P7 Compensation offset

Temperature alarm R/W P8 High and low room temperature alarm offset C / F -999.9T999.9 10.0 to
Low offset 10.0
High offset
Humidity alarm R/W P9 High and low ambient humidity alarm offset % RH 0 to 100.0 20.0 to
Low offset 30.0
High offset
Air R/W Pa Enable outlet limit function No/Yes No
limit enable:
Setpoint R/W Pa Outlet air set point for the limit function C / F -999.9T999.9 12.0
Differenz. R/W Pa Outlet air differential for the limit function C / F -999.9T999.9 4.0
Sel.type alarm R/W Pb Assign type of alarm Serious / Minor from AL01 to AL20 S/1/2 5-6-9=S
Sel.type alarm R/W Pc Assign type of alarm Serious / Minor from AL21 to AL40 S/1/2 26=S
Sel.type alarm R/W Pd Assign type of alarm Serious / Minor from AL41 to AL60 S/1/2 All = 1
Sel.type alarm R/W Pe Assign type of alarm Serious / Minor from AL61 to AL69 S/1/2 All = 1
Identific.number R/W Pf Board identification number for supervisor network 0200 1
for BMS Network:
Comm.speed: R/W Pf Board communication speed for supervisor network Baud Rate 120019200 1200
Protocol type: R/W Pf Select serial communication network CAREL, CAREL
Modbus, Lon,
RS232, GSM n.: R/W Pg Telephone numbers entered for the analogue modem 14 1
Mobile number: R/W Pg Enter telephone numbers for the analogue/digital modem 0 to 9,#,*,@, 0
1,2,.. R/W Pg Number of rings for the digital modem 0 to 9 0
Modem password: R/W Pg Access password for the pCO via analogue/digital modem from PC or cellular 0 to 9999 0
phone (SMS)
Modem rings: R/W Ph Number of rings for the analogue modem 0 to 9 0
Modem type: R/W Ph Type of analogue modem Tone/Pulse Tone
New user R/W Pi Enter new User password 0 to 9999 1234
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
PROG button + MENU PRG button and MANUFACTURER in the menu
Password R/W Z0 Enter Manufacturer password 0 to 9999 1234
BMS Network : R/W C0 Enable BMS No/Yes No
Printer : R/W C0 Enable printer No/Yes No
Select.of temp.: R/W C0 Select unit of measure for the temperature probes and the parameters C/F C
Clock board : R/W C0 Enable clock board (pCO1 and pCOxs only ) No/Yes No
Type of Unit: R/W C1 Select type of unit controlled ED/CW ED
Refrigerant: R/W C1 Select refrigerant R22, R134a,
R404a, R407C, R134a
R410A, R507c,
R290, R600,
R600a, R717,
R744, R728,
Compressors : R/W C2 Number of compressors (ED unit) 1/2 1
Unloaders : R/W C2 Number of compressor load steps (not pCOxs) (ED unit)
Heating mode: R/W C2 Heating mode (ED unit) Heaters/Coil Heaters
Heaters n. : R/W C2 Number of heaters (ED unit) 0/2/Binary 1
Valve : R/W C2 Type of valve for heating coil (ED unit) 0-10V/3-pt. 0 to 10 Volt
Battery 1: R/W C3 Type of coil (CW unit) C/H/Cool C/H
Valve 1 : R/W C3 Type of coil valve (CW unit) 0-10V/3-pt. 0 to 10
Heating : R/W C3 Heating mode (CW unit) Heater/ Heater
Coil 2
Heaters n: R/W C3 Number of heaters (CW unit) 0 to 3 2
Valve 2 : R/W C3 Type of valve for heating coil (CW unit) 0-10V/3pt. 0-10 Volt
Configuration of R/W C4 Configuration of digital input 5 (not pCOxs) Flood, Dirty Dirty
digital input 5: filters, filters
Configuration of R/W C5 Configuration of digital input 12 (not pCOxs) Smoke/fire, -
digital input 12: Flood
Configuration of R/W C6 Configuration of digital input 1 (not pCOxs) Smoke/fire, -
digital input 1:
Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 20
Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Configuration of R/W C7 Configuration of digital output 7 (not pCO ) Recovery valve, -
digital output 7: Minor alarm

Configuration of R/W C8 Configuration of analogue input 1 (pCOXS only) Ambient humidity, Ambient
analog input 1: Outside humidity
Configuration of R/W C9 Configuration of analogue input 2 (pCOXS only) Outside Outside
analog input 2: temperature, temperatu
Recovery re
Configuration of R/W C9 Configuration of analogue input 2 (not pCOxs) Pressure circ.1, -
analog input 2: Temperature
Configuration of R/W Ca Configuration of analogue input 3 (not pCOxs) Pressure circ.2, -
analog input 3: Temperature
Analog outp.1: R/W Cb Configuration of analogue input 1 (not pCOxs) Recovery valve,
analogue fan
Analog outp.1: R/W Cb Configuration of analogue input 1 (pCOXS only) Humidifier, Humidifier
Analog Humidif.: R/W Cb Enable analogue humidifier No/Yes No
Configuration of R/W Cc Configuration of analogue input 2 (pCO-pCO1 only) Recovery valve, Recovery
analog output 2: analogue valve
Recovery damper R/W Cd Enable recovery valve (CW unit) No/Yes No
Main fan damper R/W Cd Enable presence of analogue fan (CW unit) No/Yes No
Condensation: R/W Ce Enable condenser control (ED unit) No/Yes No
Cond.type : R/W Ce Select type of condenser Single, Single
Output type: R/W Ce Select type of condenser output Inverter, inverter
Fans number: R/W Ce Set number of condenser fans for control by steps 1 to 2 1
PWM output conf. R/W Cf Maximum voltage threshold for Triac % 0 to 100 92
Triac Max
Triac Min. R/W Cf Minimum voltage threshold for Triac % 0 to 100 70
Pulse width R/W Cf Triac impulse duration m seconds 0 to 10 2
Dehum.logic: R/W Cg Select type of dehumidification operating logic N.O./N.C. N.O.
Comps.for dehumid: R/W Cg Enable compressors for dehumidification (ED unit) No/Yes No
Cooling valve with R/W Cg Enable cooling valve with dehumidification (CW unit) No/Yes No
Integr.humidif. : R/W Cg Enable built-in humidifier (not pCOxs) No/Yes No
Humidifier type R/W Ch Select type of built-in humidifier
Max.produz. R/W Ch Maximum production % 0 to 1000
Board R/W Ch Select type of built-in humidifier control board PCOUMID200/PC PCOUMID
OUMID000 000
Humidity probe: R/W Ci Enable ambient humidity probe No/Yes No
Type R/W Ci Select type of humidity probe 0 to 1V, Current
Threshold min. R/W Ci Minimum humidity value % 0 to 1000 0
Threshold max. R/W Ci Maximum humidity value % 0 to 1000 1000
Pressure1 probe: R/W Cj Enable pressure probe circuit 1 No/Yes No
Type R/W Cj Select type of pressure probe circuit 1 Current, Current
0 to 5 V (pCO1-pCOxs,
Threshold min. R/W Cj Minimum pressure value circuit 1 Bar -200 to 500 0 Bar
Threshold max. R/W Cj Maximum pressure value circuit 1 Bar -200 to 500 30 Bar
Pressure2 probe: R/W Ck Enable pressure probe circuit 2 No/Yes No
Type R/W Ck Select type of pressure probe circuit 2 Current, Current
0 to 5 V (pCO1-pCOxs,
pCO only)

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 21

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Threshold min. R/W Ck Minimum pressure value circuit 2 Bar -200 to 500 0 Bar
Threshold max. R/W Ck Maximum pressure value circuit 2 Bar -200 to 500 30 Bar
Room temperature R/W Cl Type of signal from the room temperature probe NTC, NTC
type PT1000(pCO2pCO
Supply air probe R/W Cl Enable outlet probe No/Yes No
Type R/W Cl Type of signal from the outlet temperature probe NTC, PT1000 NTC
(pCO2pCO3 only)
Ext.temp.probe: R/W Cm Enable outside temperature probe No/Yes No
Type R/W Cm Type of signal from the outside temperature probe NTC, PT1000 NTC
(pCO2pCO3 only)
Recovery probe: R/W Cm Enable recovery probe No/Yes No
Type R/W Cm Type of signal from the recovery probe NTC, PT1000 NTC
(pCO2pCO3 only)
Cond.1 temp.: R/W Cn Enable condenser 1 temperature probe No/Yes Yes
Type R/W Cn Type of signal from the condenser 1 temperature probe NTC, PT1000 NTC
(pCO2pCO3 only)
Cond.2 temp.: R/W Cn Enable condenser 2 temperature probe No/Yes Yes
Type R/W Cn Type of signal from the condenser 2 temperature probe NTC, PT1000 NTC
(pCO2pCO3 only)
Units configurat. R/W Co pLAN connection class of boards 1 3 Present-rotation, Present-
U1: Present-no rot., no rot.
U2: Not present
U4: R/W Cp pLAN connection class of boards 4 6 Present-rotation, Present-
U5: Present-no rot., no rot.
U6: Not present
U7: R/W Cq pLAN connection class of boards 7 8 Present-rotation, Present-
U8: Present-no rot., no rot.
Not present
recovery valve R/W G0 Enable recovery valve No/Yes No
Rotation Comp. : R/W G1 Enable FIFO rotation between compressors No/Yes No
Regulation type: R/W G1 Type of temperature control Prop./P+I Proportion
Unload. Logic : R/W G1 Logic of the part load contact % N.C./N.O.
Cooling valve R/W G2 Star point to open modulating cooling valve (or single valve) with recovery (see % 0.0 to 100.0 50.0
(Single valve) G0)
Begin R/W G2 Start and end point to open modulating cooling valve (or single valve) % 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
End 100.0
Cooling valve 3P R/W G3 Start point to open 3-point cooling valve (or single valve) with recovery (see % 0.0 to 100.0 50.0
(Single valve 3P") G0)
Begin R/W G3 Start and end point to open 3-point cooling valve (or single valve) % 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
End 100.0
Heating damper R/W G4 Start and end point to open modulating heating valve % 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
Begin 100.0
Valve 3P hot: R/W G5 Start and end point to open 3-point heating valve % 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
Begin 100.0
Damper/Valve R/W G6 Start and end point to open modulating recovery valve % 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
recovery 100.0
Main fan damper R/W G7 Minimum and maximum modulating fan speed V 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
Min.speed 100.0
Dehumid speed R/W G7 Outlet fan speed during dehumidification V 0.0 to 100.0 5.0
Analog humidifier R/W G8 Minimum and maximum analogue humidifier speed V 0.0 to 100.0 0.0 /
Min.speed 100.0
Low temp.limit R/W G9 Low temperature limit differential (stop dehumidification) C / F 0T999 50
(stop dehumidif.):
Offset R/W G9 Temperature offset to restart dehumidification C / F 0T999 40
Addict.features R/W Ga Disable drain water to reduce set point No/Yes No
Drain by low setp.
Inactivity drain R/W Ga Disable drain due to extended humidifier standby No/Yes No
Periodic flushing R/W Ga Disable non-serious alarm messages on humidifier. No/Yes No
Addit.features R/W Gb Enable drain without power N/Y N
Unpowered drain
Cylinder warning R/W Gb Enable cylinder depleted messages N/Y N

Code +030221426 rel. 2.5 dated 30/06/09 22

Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E
Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

Addit.features R/W Gc Cylinder lifetime limit h 0 to 4000 1500

Flush period: R/W Gc Interval between two periodicals drain cycles h 1 to 120 24
Inactiv.drain: R/W Gc Days to wait for drain due to inactivity G 1 to 199 3
Addit.features R/W Gd Delay time in shutdown sec 0 to 120 0
Time to off:
Force Cond: R/W Gd Water conductivity (0=automatic measurement) uS/cm 0 to 2000 0
Thresh.conduct. R/W Ge High conductivity warning limit uS/cm 0/B6 2000
Alarm: R/W Ge High conductivity alarm limit uS/cm B5/2000 1500
Humidifier R/W Gf Set percentage of time for drain to dilute % 50 to 200 100
Percentage timing
Drain (resp.H3)
Evap.(resp.H4) R/W Gf Set frequency of drain cycles to dilute % 50 to 200 100
Pressure probe R/W Gg High pressure alarm set point bar -99.9 to 99.9 23.5
High thresh.
Differ.HP R/W Gg High pressure alarm differential bar -99.9 to 99.9 1.0
Condensation R/W Gh Condensing pressure set point bar -99.9 to 99.9 14.0
Different. R/W Gh Condensing pressure differential bar -99.9 to 99.9 2.0
Speedup time R/W Gh Modulating condenser fan speed-up time seconds 0 to 999 2
Condensation R/W Gi Condensing temperature set point C / F -99.9T99.9 55.0
Different. R/W Gi Condensing temperature differential C / F -99.9T99.9 1.0
Speedup time R/W Gi Modulating condenser fan speed-up time seconds 0 to 999 2 R/W Gj Minimum and maximum modulating condenser fan speed Volt 0 to 10.0 0.0 / 10.0
Low speed
High speed
Hp cond.prevent R/W Gk Enable high pressure alarm Prevent function No/Yes No
Setpoint R/W Gk Prevent function pressure set point Bar -99.9 to 99.9 20.0
Different. R/W Gk Prevent function pressure differential Bar -99.9 to 99.9 2.0
Hp cond.prevent R/W Gl Enable high pressure alarm Prevent function No/Yes No
Setpoint R/W Gl Prevent function temperature set point C / F -99.9T99.9 70.0
Different. R/W Gl Prevent function temperature differential C / F -99.9T99.9 1.0
Master control R/W Gm Enable Carel network Master Control function No/Yes No
Rotation type R/W Gn Unit rotation mode in the pLAN Automatic, Auto
Time bands,
Operating hours.
Stand-by units R/W Gn Number of units set in Standby mode 0/No. units in 0
present -
rotation mode
Rotation time R/W Gn Automatic rotation interval for units in pLAN Hours 1 to 240 24
Timezones units R/W Go Hour of automatic rotation for units in pLAN Hours 0 to 23 22
Rotation time
Timezones units R/W Go Minutes of automatic rotation for units in pLAN Minutes 0 to 59 00
Rotation time
Every .. days R/W Go Interval in days for automatic rotation in pLAN network Days 1 to 7 3
Force unit by R/W Gp Enable force units on function in pLAN No/Yes No
Delay low temp. R/W Gp Force on delay for high and low room temperature Minutes 0 to 999 3/3
Delay high temp.
Force unit by R/W Gq Differential to force unit on in network for low room temperature C / F 0T99.9 8
low temperature
Offset R/W Gq Offset to force unit on in network for low room temperature C / F 0T99.9 4
Force unit by R/W Gr Differential to force unit on in network for high room temperature C / F 0T99.9 8
high temperature
Offset R/W Gr Offset to force unit on in network for high room temperature C / F 0T99.9 4
CAREL EXV DRIVERS / System parameters
Number drivers R/W F0 Number of drivers
Battery Driver1 R/W F0 Type of EVD driver 400-pLAN / 400-pLAN
Battery Driver2 R/W F0 Enable driver battery N/Y N
Type drive EVD R/W F1 Type of driver probes See EVD400 ---
Type of valve R/W F2 Type of valve See EVD400 CAREL

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Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes

manual E2V
Custom vlv config. R/W F3 Custom Valve: minimum steps 0 to 8100 0
minimum steps
Custom vlv config. R/W F3 Custom Valve: maximum steps 0 to 8100 1600
Maximum steps
Custom vlv config. R/W F3 Custom Valve: closing steps 0 to 8100 3600
Closing step
Custom valve R/W F4 Custom Valve: enable extra step in opening N/Y N
Opening EXTRAs
Custom valve R/W F4 Custom Valve: enable extra step in closing N/Y N
Closing EXTRAs
Custom valve R/W F5 Custom Valve: operating current mA 0 to 1000 250
Phase current
Custom valve R/W F6 Custom Valve: holding current mA 0 to 1000 100
Still current
Custom valve R/W F6 Custom Valve: frequency Hertz 32 to 330 100
Step rate
Custom valve R/W F6 Custom Valve: duty cycle % 0 to 100 50
EEV stand-by steps R/W F7 Rest steps 0 to 8100 0
EEV position with 0%
power demand
S1 probe limits R/W F8 Minimum value for pressure probe S1 Bar -9.9 to 10.0 -1.0
pressure limits
Min value
S1 probe limits R/W F8 Maximum value for pressure probe S1 Bar 3.5 to 200.0 9.3
pressure limits
Max value
Alarms delay R/W F9 Low superheat alarm delay seconds 0 to 3600 120
Low SuperHeat
Alarms delay R/W F9 High superheat alarm delay minutes 0 to 500 20
High SuperHeat
Alarms delay R/W Fa LOP alarm delay seconds 0 to 3600 120
Alarms delay R/W Fa MOP alarm delay seconds 0 to 3600 0
Alarms delay R/W Fb Probe alarm delay % 0 to 100 60
Delay probe error
Circuit/EEV Ratio R/W Q0 Percentage ratio between cooling capacity and Driver capacity % 0 to 100 60
for startup opening
Compressor type R/W Q1 Type of compressor or unit See manual ---
Capacity control R/W Q1 Type of capacity control See manual ---
Capacity control R/W Q2 Type of exchanger in cooling mode See manual ---
Cool EVD400
Minimum satured R/W Q3 LOP protection threshold C -70.0 to 50.0 -2.0
temperature Cool
Maximun satured R/W Q4 MOP protection threshold C -50.0 to 90.0 12.0
temperature Cool
High SuperHeat alarm R/W Q5 High superheat alarm threshold C 0.0 to 99.9 20.0
Circ./EEV Ratio R/W N0 Percentage ratio between cooling capacity and Driver capacity % 0 to 100 0
Prop. Gain R/W N1 Proportional gain 0.0 to 99.9 0
Integral time R/W N1 Integral time sec 0 to 999 0
SuperHeat set C1 R/W N2 Superheat set point circuit 1 C 2.0 to 50.0 0
Low SuperHeat R/W N2 Threshold for low superheat protection circuit 1 C 0 to 9.9 0
SuperHeat set C1 R/W N3 Superheat set point circuit 2 C 2.0 to 50.0 0
Low SuperHeat R/W N3 Threshold for low superheat protection circuit 2 C 0 to 9.9 0
SHeat dead zone R/W N4 Superheat dead band C 0 to 9.9 0
Derivative time R/W N4 Derivative time sec 0 to 99.9 0
Low SHeat int.time R/W N5 Integral time for low superheat protection sec 0 to 30.0 0
LOP integral time R/W N5 Integral time for LOP protection threshold sec 0 to 25.5 0
MOP integral time R/W N6 Integral time for MOP protection threshold sec 0 to 25.5 0
MOP startup delay R/W N6 MOP protection delay at start-up sec 0 to 500 0
Dynamic prop. Gain? R/W N7 Enable dynamic proportional factor Y/N N
Blocked valve check R/W N7 Waiting time for forced closing/opening with valve blocked sec 0 to 999 0
Hi TCond.prot. R/W N8 High condensing temp. protection threshold C 0 to 99.9 0

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Parameter Type Ref. Description UOM Range Default Notes
Hi R/W N8 Integral time for high condensing temp. threshold sec 0 to 25.5 0

Delay time R/W T0 Outlet fan start and stop delay seconds 0 to 999 10 / 20
start fan
Delay time
stop fan
Integration time R/W T1 Integral time for P+I temperature control seconds 0 to 9999 600
P+I only
Opening time R/W T1 3-point freecooling travel time seconds 0 to 9999 180
3p valve
Delay alarm low R/W T2 Low pressure alarm delay seconds 0 to 9999 180
Delay alarm Low/High R/W T2 High-low temperature-humidity alarm delay seconds 0 to 9999 600
Delay alarm R/W T3 Relay 8 activation delay seconds 0 to 999 0
Relay 8
Delay alarm R/W T3 Relay 7 activation delay seconds 0 to 999 0
Relay 7
Delay alarm R/W T4 Air flow switch alarm delay seconds 0 to 9999 10
air flow
Delay alarm R/W T4 Water flow alarm delay seconds 0 to 9999 10
water flow time R/W T5 Minimum compressor off time seconds 0 to 9999 180
Min. time Power-On R/W T5 Minimum compressor on time seconds 0 to 9999 60
Start delay same R/W T6 Delay between compressor starts seconds 0 to 9999 360
Start delay diff. R/W T6 Minimum delay between starts different of compressors seconds 0 to 9999 10
Delay time among R/W T7 Start delay between load steps seconds 0 to 9999 10
Delay time among R/W T8 Activation delay between heaters seconds 0 to 9999 3
Insert password R/W V0 Enter password for restore default values function 0 to 9999 1234
to install default
Erase history R/W V1 Delete BASIC alarm LOG No/Yes No
New manufacturer R/W V2 Enter new Manufacturer password 0 to 9999 1234
15-button terminal 6-button PGD0* or Built-in terminal
INFO button (switches to the next board in the pLAN) PRG button and MANUFACTURER in the menu
Switch to unit R/W L0 Select the unit to be controlled by the terminal 1 to 8 -
Current Unit: R L0 Display the pLAN address of the board controlled 1 to 8 -

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8. Screens
The screens are sub-divided into 5 categories:
screens, not password-protected: these are located in all the branches, except for prog and menu+prog, and show the values read by the probes,
the status of the alarms, the operating hours of the devices, the time and date; they are also used to set the temperature and humidity set point and the clock.
These screens are indicated by the symbol in the following table of parameters.
USER screens, password-protected (1234, modifiable): these are accessed by pressing the prog button, and are used to set the main functions (times,
set points, differentials) for the devices connected; the screens that relate to functions that are not available are not displayed. These screens are indicated by
the symbol in the following table of parameters.
MAINTENANCE screens, password-protected (1234, modifiable): these are accessed by pressing the maintenance button, and are used for performing
the periodical checks on the devices, calibrating the probes, modifying the operating hours and manually activating the devices. These screens are indicated by
the symbol in the following table of parameters.
CLOCK screens, password-protected (1234, modifiable): these are accessed by pressing the clock button and are used to set and activate the
temperature and humidity time bands. These screens are indicated by the symbol in the following table of parameters.
MANUFACTURER screens, password-protected (1234, modifiable): these are accessed by pressing the menu+prog buttons and are used to configure
the air-conditioning unit, enable the main functions and select the devices connected. These screens are indicated by the symbol in the following table of

8.1 List of the screens

The following list shows the screens available on the display. The columns in the table represent the loop of screens, with the first screen (A0, B0) being the
one that is displayed when pressing the corresponding button, after which the arrow buttons can be used to scroll the other screens. The codes (Ax, Bx, Cx)
are displayed in the top right corner of the screens, making them easy to identify. The meaning of the symbols , is explained in the previous paragraph.
The annotation PSW indicates screens that are protected by password.


M0 A0 H0 I0 K0 S0 PSW P0 PSW Z0
M2 A2 I2 K2 P2 C1
A3 I3 K3 P3 C2
A4 I4 K4 P4 C3
PSW A5 I5 K5 P5 C4
A6 I6 K6 P6 C5
A7 I7 K7 P7 C6
A8 I8 K8 P8 C7
A9 I9 K9 P9 C8
Aa Ia Ka Pa C9
Ab Ib Pb Ca
Ac Ic Pc Cb
Ad Id Pd Cc
Ae Ie Pe Cd
Af If Pf Ce
Ag Ig Pg Cf
Ah Ih Ph Cg
Ai Ii Pi Cj
Aj Ij Ci
Ak Ik Cl
Al Il Cm
Am Im Cn
In Co
Io Cp
Ip Co
Iq Cp
Ir Cq
It G1
Iu G2
Iv G3
Iw G4

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System parameters F1
Advanced N1
Autosetup Q1

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9. EVD400 electronic expansion valve

The EVDriver module for the control of electronic expansion valves (EEV) in pLAN networks allows superheat control on the suction side for more efficient and
versatile operation of the unit.
Efficient because the optimisation and stabilisation of the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator increases the overall performance of the installation, at the same
time guaranteeing the safety (less activations of the low pressure switch, less return of liquid refrigerant to the compressor,). In addition, if the EEV is correctly
sized, the use of floating condensing (and evaporation) pressure or a low set point significantly increases the efficiency of the installation, guaranteeing lower
energy consumption, with higher cooling efficiency. Versatile because the electronic expansion valve allows the use of compressors with different capacities and
operating in different conditions.
The use of an expansion valve requires the installation not only of the EVDriver and the expansion valve, but also of a temperature sensor and a pressure
transducer, both fitted at the end of the evaporator on the refrigerant side (on the compressor intake pipe). See the diagram below to better understand the
typical layout of the installation. The priorities to be considered for the optimum control of the refrigeration system involve achieving a high and constant
refrigerating efficiency, as well as low and stable superheat values. The heart of the control system is a PID control algorithm, with settable superheat

The following values can be set: LOW (Low superheat with programmable integral time and threshold)
LOP (Low evaporation pressure, operating only in transients, with programmable integral time and threshold)
MOP (High evaporation pressure, with programmable integral time and threshold)
HiTcond (High condensing pressure, activated with condensing pressure probe read by pCO, with programmable integral time
and threshold)


tLAN Compressor
T probe

P probe


For the parameter and address settings of the EVD400 see the technical manual (Carel code +030220225)

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10. Temperature control

The heating and cooling devices are managed based on the temperature value measured by the room (or intake temperature) probe. The temperature measured is
compared against the set temperature (set point); the devices are enabled based on the difference between the two values. The proportional band identifies the air-
conditioning unit working range and can take different values in heating and cooling mode. The dead zone identifies the a zone around the set point in which the
devices are not activated. The following diagrams show the action of the heating and cooling devices. The percentage values indicate the opening of the modulating
The heating and cooling valve start and end opening parameters correspond to 0% and 100% respectively (default values) and are different for the two valves; if
necessary, the values can be modified to delay the opening or bring complete opening forward.

10.1 Direct expansion units Temp. set point

100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 26.5
22.5 23.0 0.5 C 23.5 3.0C
Room temp. (C)
3.0 C 0.5 C
Proportional band in heating Dead z. Dead z. Proportional band in cooling


19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)

19.5 21 22.5 23.0 23.5 25.0 26.5 Room temp. (C)


19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.2 25.0 25.7 26.5 Room temp. (C)


19.5 22.5 23.0 Room temp. (C)
Start opening point (0%)
End opening point (100%)
CALDA - 3 point
19.5 22.5 23.0 Room temp. (C)
3 point valve running time

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10.2 Other temperature functions

The high and low temperature alarms cause an alarm signal and have modifiable delay times.
The dehumidification stop differential establishes the minimum temperature below which dehumidification is interrupted. Dehumidification can start again if
temperature returns above the value established by the humidification start offset; the differential and offset are modifiable.
Stop dehumidification
Temp. set point

13.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 23.0 26.0 33.0
Room temp. (C)
3C 3C
Heating band Cooling band
Start dehumid. offset
Stop dehumid. diff.
10C 10C
Low temperature alarm High temperature alarm

10.3 Units with two water coils

These units feature both a hot and a cold water coil. Heating can also be performed using the electric heaters. The following diagram shows the behaviour of the
cooling devices, while for the heating devices refer to the paragraph on the direct expansion units.

Temp. set point

19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)
3C 0.5C 0.5C 3C
Proportional band in heating Proportional band in cooling

100% COLD WATER VALVE - 0 to 10 Volt

23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp.
Start opening point (0%)
End opening point (100%) 0% (C)
COLD WATER VALVE - 3 Point 100%
23.0 23.5 26.5
Room temp.
3 point valve running time (C)

10.4 Units with one water coil

In the units with just one water coil, this coil manages both the heating and cooling functions, depending on the water that flows through the coil. In practical
terms, it is the same as if there were two separate coils. The operation of the coil depends on a Cooling / Heating digital contact that informs the board if the
water is hot or cold; if the type of water circulating corresponds to the requirement, the valve is modulated to control the temperature.
Heating can also be performed using the electric heaters or, if necessary, a heating coil. For details on the operation of the coil and the heaters, refer to the
previous paragraphs.

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11. Humidity control

The humidification and dehumidification devices are managed based on the humidity value measured by the ambient (or intake) probe. The humidity measured is
compared against the set humidity (set point); the devices are enabled based on the difference between the two values. The proportional band identifies the
working range of the air-conditioning unit and can have different values in humidification and dehumidification modes. There is also a fixed dead zone around the
set point. This dead zone is equal to: proportional humidification band/10 for humidification control, and proportional dehumidification band/10 for
dehumidification control.
Humidification is available for medium and small (only for 0 to 10 Volt modulating output) boards only. Dehumidification, on the other hand, is always available,
either by activating the cooling devices enabled for this function, or using a contact for an external dehumidifier or reducing the outlet fan speed.
In case of medium boards, humidification can be managed as follows:
built-in humidifier
0 to 10 Volt modulating output (available on small board too);
ON/OFF contact.

Dehumidification can be managed as follows:

ON/OFF contact for an external dehumidifier or for reducing the outlet fan speed
activation of the compressors (including part load operation, if present)
100% activation of the 0 to 10 volt or three-point modulating cooling valve

The voltage free dehumidification ON/OFF contact is always managed, whereas the cooling devices depend on the unit configuration and the selection made by
the user. The 0 to 10 Volt modulating output for the outlet fan in dehumidification mode is automatically reduced by 50% (modifiable); with ON/OFF fan control,
use the digital contact for reducing the speed.
The following diagrams show the action of the humidification and dehumidification devices. The percentage values indicate the opening of the modulating valves.

11.1 Direct expansion units

Humidity set
48.0 2.0% 50.0 2.0% 52.0 Ambient humidity
Humidification proportional band Dehumidification proportional band (%)

48.0 50.0 52.0 Ambient humidity
100% 0% COMP.1 COMP.2
48.0 50.0 51.0 Ambient humidity
48.0 49,8 50.0 Ambient humidity

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11.2 Units with water coils

In the units with water coils, the dehumidification devices are the cold water coils. The humidification devices, on the other hand, are the direct expansion units
(ON/OFF contact, modulating 0 to 10 Volt signal, built-in humidifier) and consequently for the operation of these see the previous paragraph. Below is a
description of the behaviour of the dehumidification devices. The percentage values indicate the opening of the modulating valves. Note that the cold water coils
do not have modulating but rather total activation for dehumidification, both with 3-point valves and 0 to 10 Volt valves.

Humidity set
48.0 2.0% 50.0 2.0% 52.0 Ambient humidity
Humidification Dehumidification proportional band (%)
0% COLD WATER VALVE - 0 to 10 V
50.0 52.0 Ambient humidity
100% (%)

50.0 52.0 Ambient humidity

11.3 Other humidity control functions

Humidity set


40.0 48.0 50.0 52.0 60.0 Ambient humidity

2.0% 2.0% (%)
Humid. band Dehumid. band
10.0% 10.0%
Low humidity alarm High humidity alarm

The high and low humidity alarms cause a signal on an alarm screen and have a modifiable delay.

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12. Built-in humidifier

Integrated management of a CAREL immersed electrode humidifier. The pCO1 - pCO2 pCO3 boards manage all the functions, from the reading of the humidifier
parameters to the control of the devices (fill, drain, capacity) by relay. The humidifier parameters (current, conductivity, level) are not read directly, but rather
using an optional card (PCOUMID000/200). The built-in humidifier is available for the pCO1 - pCO2 - pCO3 medium boards only and replaces the electronic
controller normally fitted on the humidifier. The LCD terminal features screens for controlling the humidifier. Humidifiers from 1.5 to 15 kg/h (single cylinder) and
90 kg/h (two cylinders), three-phase or single-phase, with supply voltage from 208 to 575 volts can be managed. The program controls the steam production and
the humidifier operating conditions based on the humidifier current and ambient humidity signals; furthermore, it manages and displays all states and alarms.

12.1 Setting the parameters for selecting the humidifier

The following parameters are required to configure the humidifier:
0 1.5 kg/h 200 V single-phase 1
1 1.5 kg/h 208 V single-phase 1
2 1.5 kg/h 230 V single-phase 2
3 1.5 kg/h 200 V single-phase (red.) 1
4 1.5 kg/h 208 V single-phase (red.) 2
5 1.5 kg/h 230 V single-phase (red.) 2
6 3 kg/h 200 V single-phase 2
7 3 kg/h 208 V single-phase 2
8 3 kg/h 230 V single-phase 1
9 3 kg/h 200 V three-phase 1
10 3 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
11 3 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
12 3 kg/h 400 V three-phase 2
13 3 kg/h 460 V three-phase 2
14 3 kg/h 200 V single-phase (red.) 2
15 3 kg/h 208 V single-phase (red.) 2
16 3 kg/h 230 V single-phase (red.) 1
17 5 Kg/h 200 V single-phase 2
18 5 Kg/h 208 V single-phase 2
19 5 Kg/h 230 V single-phase 2
20 5 kg/h 200 V three-phase 2
21 5 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
22 5 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
23 5 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
24 5 kg/h 460 V three-phase 2
25 5 kg/h 575 V three-phase 2
26 8 kg/h 200 V three-phase 2
27 8 kg/h 208 V three-phase 2
28 8 kg/h 230 V three-phase 2
29 8 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
30 8 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
31 8 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
32 9 kg/h 208 V single-phase 1
33 9 kg/h 230 V single-phase 1
34 10 kg/h 200 V three-phase 1
35 10 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
36 10 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
37 10 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
38 10 kg/h 460V three-phase 1
39 10 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
40 15 kg/h 200 V three-phase 1
41 15 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
42 15 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
43 15 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
44 15 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
45 15 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
46 25 kg/h 200 V three-phase 1
47 25 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
48 25 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
49 25 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
50 25 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
51 25 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
52 35 kg/h 200 V three-phase 1
53 35 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
54 35 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
55 35 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
56 35 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
57 35 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
58 45 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1

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59 45 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
60 45 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
61 45 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
62 45 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
63 65 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
64 65 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
65 65 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
66 90 kg/h 208 V three-phase 1
67 90 kg/h 230 V three-phase 1
68 90 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
69 90 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
70 90 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1
71 130 kg/h 400 V three-phase 1
72 130 kg/h 460 V three-phase 1
73 130 kg/h 575 V three-phase 1

Other models of humidifier will be added in the future when available.

PRODUCTION SET POINT: maximum hourly production of steam, between 20% and 100% of rated production
TYPE OF OPTIONAL BOARD: 2 equivalent models can be chosen: PCOUMID000 and PCOUMID200
To select the end scale value of the current transformer (TAM), refer to the rated current of the humidifier, displayed on screen Ih in the I/O branch (0= 5 A,
1=10 A, 2=15 A, 3= 30 A , 4=50 A , 5=70 A).

12.2 Humidity and steam production control

The steam production of the humidifier is controlled according to:
the humidity
the production set on the screen (value between 30% and 100% of rated production)
Humidity control is performed by the program based on the reading of the humidity probe, the humidity set point and the humidity differential. The program
calculates the proportional humidity error, ERP:

ERP A 100% P NOM

100% B
20% 20% P NOM
100% ERP 10% ERP 0% ERP
The graph of humidifier production control is based on the rated production, set production and proportional error (ERP):
ERP = proportional humidity error
Set production:
A = 100% rated production
B = 75% rated production
C = 45% rated production
The humidifier has a minimum capacity equal to 20% of the rated production (for technical reasons) when ERP is between 0% and 20%, and increases as the ERP
increases until reaching the set production when ERP=100%.
Below is a brief description of the algorithm embedded in the bios for the management of a humidifier with 1 or 2 immersed electrode cylinders
In this type of humidifier, the steam is produced by boiling the water contained inside the cylinder. This occurs by simply filling the cylinder with water and
applying a voltage to the electrodes. According to the Joule effect, the current will tend to heat the water until it boils.
The current that runs through the electrodes in the cylinder depends essentially on the voltage applied to the electrodes, the conductivity of the water inside the
cylinder and the level of the water.
The aim of the algorithm is to maintain the current that runs through the electrodes at a reference value so as to ensure the percentage of steam production
required, according to the readings of the humidity probes and the parameters set by the user.
During evaporation, the level of the water falls, and as the current is directly proportional to the quantity of water present in the cylinder, to keep it constant the
cylinder would need to be constantly filled with minute quantities of water.
To avoid this, the current is maintained within a certain range around the reference value, by repeated water fill/evaporation cycles.
As well as the level of water in the cylinder, the other factor that determines the current level is the conductivity of the water inside the cylinder. In fact, during the
fill/evaporation cycles, the conductivity of the water will tend to increase, due to the increase in the concentration of salts in the water. The conductivity of the water inside
the cylinder is measured indirectly, by calculating the time required for a complete evaporation cycle. This time is then compared against a reference (typical for each
cylinder) and, if lower, a drain cycle is performed (called drain to dilute) and then the cylinder is topped up with less conductive mains water.
The humidifier also features a conductivity meter that measures the conductivity of the mains water entering the appliance during the filling cycles. In the case of high
conductivity of the supply water, the control algorithm first signals a pre-alarm (that doesn't stop operation) and then, if necessary, an alarm (that stops operation). This is
essential to avoid the introduction of excessively conductive water into the cylinder, which may compromise the correct operation of the humidifier.
Another fundamental element, installed at the top of the cylinder, is the high level sensor, used to detect any water or foam.

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The high level electrodes may be activated for one of the following reasons:
- over-filling of water in the boiler when the unit is OFF due to a leak in the fill solenoid valve;
- high water level when first filling the cylinder;
- high water level following the depletion of the cylinder due to fouling on the plates;
- formation of foam.
In the first case, when the high level sensor is activated, the algorithm stops operation and signals a cylinder full alarm, while in the other three cases the
humidifier responds by draining the water so as to decrease the level.
In the event of repeated activations of the high level sensor, the algorithm evaluates the possibility that the causes may be due to the presence of foam. In this
case, if after having performed a complete washing cycle (complete emptying-complete refill-complete emptying) the high level sensor continues to be activated,
the controller signals a foam alarm (that does not stop operation).
A crucial point in the operation of the humidifier is the control of any excess current levels. In fact, whenever voltage is applied to the electrodes in the cylinder,
after a period of inactivity, there may be short but very intense peaks in current. If the current is excessive in this initial period, the algorithm responds by
immediately switching OFF the electrodes and performing a drain cycle. If the excess current continues, the operation of the humidifier is stopped and a high
current alarm is signalled. The algorithm also controls the drain cycles, signalling a drain alarm if there is no appreciable decrease in current when the drain cycle
starts. Vice-versa, a no water alarm will be signalled if there is no appreciable increase in current when the humidifier is being filled with water.

13. Recovery coil

Recovery is an optional function: an additional cooling coil that uses water from an external source (e.g. evaporative tower) is activated if the water temperature
that flows through the coil is quite low. This is used to save the running costs of the installation. The coil is activated using an ON/OFF contract or with 0 to 10
Volt modulating control.
The following diagram shows the conditions for the activation of the recovery coil: there must be a cooling requirement and the recovery water temperature must
be less than the Recovery set point - Recovery differential.

Temp. set point

23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)
0.5C 3C
Dead z. Proportional band in cooling

Recovery set


10.0 12.0 Recovery temp.

Recovery differential


Recovery coil status

13.1 Recovery without the cooling devices

In reference to the conditions illustrated in the previous diagram, only the recovery coil is activated, while the standard cooling devices are not on; as can be seen
in the following diagram, the entire cooling proportional band is covered by the recovery coil.
Temp. set point

100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
Room temp.
3C 0.5C 0.5C 3C
Proportional band in heating Dead z. Dead z. Proportional band in cooling


23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)

23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)

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13.2 Recovery with the cooling devices on, direct expansion units
When the recovery coil is active the standard cooling devices are only ON if the room temperature exceeds a certain value; adding the effect of the recovery coil
plus the cooling devices lowers the temperature, yet before reaching the set point the cooling devices are switched off again. The cooling devices in this case
help the recovery function, but do not replace it. In the following diagram, it can be seen how the steps of the cooling devices are shifted to ensure energy
Temp. set point

22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
0.5C 0.5C 3C Room temp. (C)
Dead z. Dead z. Proportional band in cooling

OFF - 0 to 10 Volt

23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5 Room temp. (C)

OFF - 0 to 10 Volt COMP. 1
Part load C1
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 25.6 26.5 Room temp. (C)
ON/OFF C1 Part load C1 C2 Part load C2
OFF - 0 to 10 Volt
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 25.1 25.6 26.1 26.5 Room temp. (C)

13.3 Recovery with the cooling devices on, units with water coils
The following diagram shows how the activation of the cooling coil is shifted to ensure energy savings.

Temp. set point


22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
0.5C 0.5C 3C Room temp. ((C)
Dead Dead z. Proportional band in cooling
OFF - 0 to 10 Volt

23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5 Room temp. (C)

OFF - 0 to 10 Volt

23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5 Room temp. (C)

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14. Outlet limit

This function protects the environment and the people inside against excessively cold air, so as to ensure comfort and safeguard health. A temperature probe
must be fitted at the outlet of the air-conditioner, and the following parameters need to be set: Outlet set point and Outlet differential; these identify a limitation
zone, as seen in the following diagram.

Outlet set point

10.0 5.0(C 15.0 Outlet temp.
Outlet differential (C)
Temp. set point

23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)

23.0 23.5 25.0 26.5 Room temp.


23.0 23.5 24.2 25.0 25.7 26.5 Room temp.

23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp.


23.0 23.5 26.5 Room temp. (C)

As can be seen, if the outlet temperature is between the outlet set point and the outlet differential, the cooling devices are only partially limited, to a greater
extent the lower the temperature.

The activation of the limit function in dehumidification mode is different, where the modulation zone is skipped, because when dehumidifying the cooling devices
are always used at maximum output. In practice, the devices are switched off only if the outlet temperature is lower than the differential, and are started again if
the outlet temperature reaches the outlet set point, as illustrated in the following diagram:

Outlet set point

10.0 15.0 Outlet temp.
Outlet differential (C)

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15. Condenser fans

Condensing pressure control is available on direct expansion units where the fans are managed based on the pressure in the condenser coil and the status of the
compressors, and are activated using 0 to 10 V modulating outputs or digital outputs (on medium boards). The control function is based on the condensing pressure
set point and differential, as illustrated below:

Cond. pressure set


14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 23.5 24.5

2.0 bar 2.0 bar 1.0 bar Cond. pressure (bar)
Cond. press. differential Prevent differential HP differential






Condenser fan
For operation with modulating outputs, refer to the following diagram:


13.0 0% 14.0 2.0 bar 16.0 Cond. pressure (bar)

Cond. pressure differential

Maximum speed (100%)
Minimum speed (0%)

The voltage values corresponding to the minimum and maximum speeds of the fan can be set, between 0 and 10 V; if the minimum value set is greater than 0 V,
when stopping the fan is operated at the minimum speed for 1.0 bar below the condensing pressure set point, before switching off, as per the diagram above.

15.1 Single or separate coil

With single coils only one output is activated, ON/OFF or modulating as desired. In the event of units with at least one condenser probe and ON/OFF outputs
enabled (medium boards), two ON/OFF outputs can be activated in sequence, dividing the differential in two.
With separate coils two distinct outputs are activated, one per circuit, ON/OFF or modulating, as desired.

15.2 Number of probes

It should be stressed first of all that the activation of the fans not only considers the values read by the probes, but also the status of the compressors.
With just one probe and with separate coils, the activation of the fans on both circuits is based on the value read by the same probe.
With two probes and a single coil, the activation of the fans is based on the higher value between the two probes.
With two probes and separate coils, the activation of the fans in each circuit is based on the value read by its own probe.
With no probe, the fans are started at the same time as the compressors; with a single coil, when at least one compressor is on, the fans will start; with
separate coils, each compressor controls the fans in its own circuit.

15.3 Prevent function

Prevention of the high pressure alarm when the compressors are OFF. Normally the condenser fans only start when the compressors are on, but in this case they
are forced on so as to lower the pressure and attempt to prevent the high pressure alarm that would shutdown the unit. The increase in pressure with the
compressors OFF may occur due to radiation on the coil. With 0 to 10 V modulating fans there is no modulation in this phase.

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15.4 Speed-up function

To overcome the inertia when starting high power modulating fans, at start-up they can be operated at maximum speed for a few seconds, then the speed
decreases to the set value and modulation starts.

15.5 Pressure temperature conversion

Both pressure probes and temperature probes can be used. When using pressure probes, the screens in the I/O branch show the temperature value
corresponding to the pressure for each probe, keeping account of the type of refrigerant used, as selected by a parameter in the manufacturer branch.

16. Temperature set point compensation

The temperature set point can be automatically compensated for reasons of comfort. Imagine, for example, a shopping centre where people enter and exit
frequently. If the inside temperature is 10C lower than the outside temperature, the difference may bother the people inside or affect their health; in fact, the
maximum difference between the inside temperature and the outside temperature for optimum comfort should not exceed 6C. The compensation function in
this case increases the set point by 4C, consequently increasing the temperature of the centre, and in this way the difference between the inside temperature
and the outside temperature does not exceed 6C.
To use the compensation function, a temperature probe is installed outside. The function is managed based on the values of the compensation set point,
differential and offset parameters, as shown in the following diagram:

Compensation set point

2C Compensation
25.0 3C 28.0 Outside
Compensation proportional band temperature (C)

Temperature set
point (C)

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17. Compressors
The compressors are managed as simple ON/OFF loads. A maximum of 2 can be managed, and each can feature capacity control. In total, then, the compressors
+ load steps give 4 cooling steps.

17.1 Capacity control

This operates with N.O. (normally open relay) or N.C. (normally closed relay) logic. The steps are activated with a settable delay after the compressors. The steps are
only available on medium boards. In dehumidification mode, the steps are activated together with the compressors, to achieve the maximum cooling capacity.

17.2 Rotation
The rotation of the compressors follows F.I.F.O. logic (first in, first out). The compressor that starts first is the first to stop, and the last to stop is the last to start.
The aim of this function is to balance the operating hours of the compressors.

17.3 Times
17.3.1 Minimum on time
This sets the minimum time (in seconds) that compressors operate when activated. Even if called to stop, the compressor can only be deactivated after this
17.3.2 Minimum off time
This sets the minimum time (in seconds) that the compressors remain OFF. If called to start, the compressor can only be activated after this time.
17.3.3 Minimum time between starts of different compressors
This represents the minimum time (in seconds) that must elapse between the start of one device and the next. This time is used to avoid simultaneous starts
that would cause excessive peak energy consumption.
17.3.4 Minimum time between starts of the same compressor
This establishes the minimum time (in seconds) that must elapse between two starts of the same device. This parameter is used to limit the number of starts per
hour. If, for example, the maximum number of starts / hour allowed by the manufacturer is 10, simply set a time of 360 seconds to ensure this limit is observed.
17.3.5 Minimum capacity control start time
This establishes the minimum time that must elapse between the start of the compressor and the activation of part load operation. The parameter is present only
if the load steps have been selected.

17.4 Compressor alarms

The compressor alarms are divided between two digital inputs, except for the ED configuration with 2 compressors on small boards, where the alarms are
managed by a single digital input.
When there are two digital inputs, these take the meaning of thermal overload / high pressure and low pressure.
When there is just one digital input, this takes the meaning of general alarm. If one of the alarm inputs is not used, it must be electrically closed on the 24 Vac
power supply.
For the electrical connections of the alarm digital inputs, refer to the technical manual on the pCO boards.

17.4.1 High pressure - thermal overload

Immediate alarm caused by an external pressure switch or a thermal cutout; the digital input switches from closed to open and the compressor is immediately
stopped. Reset is manual, that is, the user must press the Alarm button on the terminal to be able to restart the compressor, as long as the pressure switch or
the thermal cutout have been reset and the digital input is closed. After the compressor has stopped, the safety times are enabled; for this reason, after the
alarm has been reset, the compressor cannot start again immediately.

17.4.2 Low pressure

Delayed alarm caused by an external pressure switch, the opening of the digital input starts two timers; if at the end of the time (set on the screen) the contact
is open, the compressor stops and the alarm is activated. If the contact closes again before the timer has elapsed, the alarm is not activated and the timer is
reset. The timers are: delay with compressor in stable operation and delay at compressor start. The delay in stable operation is always counted, while the delay
at compressor start is counted only if the input opens immediately on compressor power-up, and is used to allow time for the fluid to stabilise. The two timers
are counted one after the other.
Reset is manual, that is, the user must press the Alarm button on the terminal to be able to restart the compressor, as long as the pressure switch has been
reset and the digital input is closed. After the compressor has stopped, the safety times are enabled; for this reason, after the alarm has been reset, the
compressor cannot start again immediately.

17.4.3 General alarm

This alarm groups all the safety devices on the compressor in one digital input, a solution used on small boards with two compressors. The alarm is signalled
immediately when the digital input opens and stops the compressor. Reset is manual, that is, the user must press the Alarm button on the terminal to be able to
restart the compressor, as long as the digital input is closed. After the compressor has stopped, the safety times are enabled; for this reason, after the alarm has
been reset, the compressor cannot start again immediately.

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18. Heaters
The heaters are managed as simple ON/OFF loads. Normally up to 2 heaters with the same output can be managed, connected directly to the 2 outputs.
Binary management is used to manage three heating steps using two outputs. This has two possible uses:
- management of 2 loads with different outputs;
- management of 3 loads.
To use this system, an electronic recogniser is required (NOT supplied) that, connected to the outputs, both reads the logic and activates the loads. The outputs
behave in the following mode:
STEP 1 Relay 1=On Relay 2=OFF 10 Heater 1=ON / Heater 2=OFF Heat 1=ON / Heat 2=OFF / Heat

STEP 2 Relay 1=OFF Relay 2=On 01 Heater 1=OFF / Heater 2=ON Heat 1=ON / Heat 2=ON / Heat

STEP 3 Relay 1=On Relay 2=On 11 Heater 1=ON / Heater 2=ON Heat 1=ON / Heat 2=ON / Heat

The outputs are activated with a slight delay to avoid simultaneous peaks.

18.1 Heater alarms

Each heater features a digital input to be connected to a thermal cutout or circuit breaker to signal any anomalies.
If one of the inputs is not used, it must be electrically closed on the 24 Vac power supply.
The alarm is immediate, and is activated when the digital input switches from closed to open; the heater is immediately stopped. Reset is manual, that is, the
user must press the Alarm button on the terminal to be able to restart the heaters, as long as the thermal cutout - circuit breaker has been reset, closing the
digital input.

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19. Modulating valves

19.1 Three point valves
These are valves with 3 electrical contacts (in addition to the power supply): common, open and close. These contacts must be connected to the two relays on
the pCO boards, the opening relay and the closing relay. Based on the activation time of the relay, the opening of the valves ranges from 0% to 100%, with a
travel time called the running time (time used to totally open or close, this is a characteristic of the valve). The relays are never activated at the same time, so
the valves either open, close or are OFF.
The degree of opening of the valves is calculated based on the proportion between the temperature differential and the running time; when the room
temperature is equal to the set point the valves are closed, then the more the temperature moves away from the set point, the more the valves will open, up to
the maximum when the temperature is greater than or equal to the set point + / - the differential. During operation, many partial openings and closings are
performed, and the program knows the degree of opening of the valves at all times, by adding and subtracting all the partial times complete since the board was
powered on.

19.1.1 Realignment
As can be imagined, the 3-point valves are not easily managed by the program, as there is no feedback to precisely know their exact position. Indeed, a small
discrepancy between the time calculated by the program and the actual activation of the relay, or mechanical friction of the valves that stops their movement,
would mean that the actual degree of opening no longer corresponds to the value calculated by the program. To overcome this problem, the following solutions
are available:
whenever the temperature control requires the total opening or closing of a valve, the program increases the activation time of the opening or closing
relays by 25%, to ensure complete closing / opening.
whenever the board is powered (ON), the valves are closed totally for the running time, and only after this they start modulating based on the control

19.2 0 to 10 Volt valves

These are valves that use a 0 to 10 Volt modulating signal from the pCO to change their opening from 0% to 100%.
The 0 to 10 Volt electrical signal is directly proportional to the temperature proportional band. These valves have no alignment problems as in the case of the 3-
point valves, given that their degree of opening is directly proportional to the value of the analogue output.

20. Outlet fan

The outlet fan always remains on when the unit is ON. It can be managed by an ON/OFF output or a modulating output. There are two alarms relating to the fan,
thermal overload and air flow switch, which automatically switch the unit OFF. Description of modulating management:

Temp. set point

100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
Room temp. (C)
3C 0.5C 0.5C 3C
Proportional band in heating Proportional band in cooling
100% 100%

Fan speed
Minimum speed (5.0 V)
Maximum speed (10.0 V)

It should be noted how in dehumidification mode the speed is automatically reduced to the default value of 5.0 V (50%), modifiable. The minimum and maximum
speed can be set, as default these are 5.0 V and 10.0 V.

21. Manual device management

The devices connected to the outputs can be enabled manually without using the timers, compressor rotation and independent of the control and probe values. In
manual mode, the only available support is the management of the alarms safeguarding the devices. The activation of the analogue outputs in manual mode
forces a value between 0 V and 10 V.
The manual procedure can only be activated if the unit has been switched OFF from the button and ends automatically 30 minutes after the manual activation of
the last device, or alternatively by disabling manual mode on all the devices.
During the manual management of the devices, the air-conditioner cannot be switched ON. This operating mode is identified by the message Manual procedure
on the last row of the display, on the main Menu screen. The activation parameters are located in the Maintenance branch screens, and are password protected.

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22. Switching the unit on and off

Laccensione dellunit pu essere fatta in due modi a seconda del terminale che si sta utilizzando:
The switch on unit is different among the different display:
PGD0 6 keys or Built in: key PRG jump into main menu, scroll menu until On-Off Unit, enter on the on-off mask
PGD 15 keys: key On/Off
22.1 Automatic unit start-up and standby
The boards connected in the pLAN network have the advantage of being able to be managed directly by the program in certain critical situations, that is, if
anomalies occur (alarms, blackout), or alternatively due to the Rotation and Forcing functions.
The program bases its action on a number of parameters that can be displayed and modifies only on the board with pLAN add. 1:
connection class of the boards: Not present, Present / No Rotation, Present / Rotation. There are 8 parameters, one for each board. Not present: the
unit is not connected. Present / No Rotation: the unit is physically connected to the pLAN network but is excluded from the rotation function (it can
still manage the shared terminal, the prints and the CAREL Master Control function). Present / Rotation: the unit also takes part in the rotation function
number of units in Standby mode: this establishes how many units, from those selected in Present / Rotation mode, must, on power-up from the
button go to Standby mode (that is, OFF, awaiting activation). The parameter is automatically limited between 0 and the total number of units set as
Present / Rotation minus one, to guarantee that at least one unit starts.
IMPORTANT. The functions described below cannot be performed if:
there are not at least two units selected in Present / Rotation mode
the number of units in Standby set is equal to 0

The functions are managed by the board with pLAN address 1; if this is disconnected from the pLAN network or shuts down due to a blackout, the boards in
Standby are activated and the functions in question will be suspended until unit 1 is reset. Vice-versa, switching unit 1 ON/OFF from the button or the Remote
ON/OFF does not stop the network functions.

22.1.1 Critical situations

The units in Present / Rotation mode and in Standby are activated in one of the following critical situations involving the boards that are on:
power failure on one of the boards (blackout);
serious alarm on one of the boards (each alarm can be set as Serious or Minor), which activates alarm relay number 8;
one of the boards is disconnected from the pLAN network due to the disconnection of the RS485 line;
one of the boards is switched off from the button or the remote ON/OFF digital input;
one of the boards is switched off due to an alarm (see the table of alarms).
For each unit subject to one of the situations listed above, a board in Standby is automatically activated to restore the number of units on. If, for example, two
units break down or are disconnected, the program starts two Standby units; when one of the units in the critical situation is reset, this is started again and the
spare unit returns to Standby mode. If a critical situation occurs on the Standby unit, nothing happens at a pLAN level, except for the alarm signal on the unit in

22.1.2 Forcing
A unit in Present / Rotation mode and in Standby is activated automatically in the event where a unit that is on cannot manage to reach the temperature set
point in a certain time, due to the excessive thermal load. Each unit on in this situation can request the activation of a Standby unit. The parameters to be set for
the forcing function are the Differential, Offset and Delay, which are different for heating and cooling. The following diagram illustrates the function:

Forcing delay in Forcing delay in

heating cooling
Temp. set point


12.0 16.0 20.0 23.0 26.0 34.0 Room temp. (C)

4C 3C 3C 4C
Forced heat offset Heating band Cooling band Forced cool offset
8C 8C
Forced heating differential Forced cooling differential

22.1.3 Fixed time rotation

In an installation made up of units on and units in Standby, differences occur in the operating hours that cause the first to age before the others. To overcome
this situation, the pLAN network can rotate the operation of the units, so as to balance the operating hours. In practice, the rotation function places a unit that is
on in Standby and starts a unit in Standby.
Fixed time rotation is based on a parameter that establishes the time interval between rotations. The minimum time that can be set is 0h and in this case
automatic rotation is activated every 5 minutes as a test. The maximum time is 240h (10 days). The time starts counting when the unit with pLAN address 1 is
started, as this manages the rotation function. Rotation may occur following the logic of the pLAN addresses or the operating hours of the units.
When selecting the logic of the addresses, the unit that is on with the highest address switches to Standby, and the unit in Standby with the highest address is
When selecting the logic of the operating hours, the unit that is on with the highest number operating hours switches to Standby, and the unit in Standby with
the lowest number of operating hours is started.

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22.1.4 Fixed day rotation
With the clock board (optional on pCO1, pCOXS standard on pCO2 and pCO3) the time and every how many days (max. 7) can be set for performing the rotation of
the units. The logic is the same as fixed time rotation, the only difference is that in this case the actual moment the rotation takes place can be set for a certain
day and a certain time.

22.1.5 Rotation based on the operating hours

Rotation occurs between the units with the most operating hours and those with the least number of hours, switching the former to Standby and starting the
latter. The reference operating hours for this type of rotation relate to the outlet fan; for more convenience these can be modified in the maintenance branch
screens E6 and E7.

22.1.6 Master control

The units connected in the pLAN network and in Present / mode obey the operating logic of the unit with pLAN address 1 in control mode, for the purpose
of having the entire installation operate with the same logic. This avoids the problem that may occur in large areas featuring zones with different temperature or
humidity, in which the units with different logic each respond to their own probe, meaning some start humidification mode and others dehumidification, or some
heating and others cooling, cancelling out their effect and wasting energy.

IMPORTANT: the temperature and humidity probes on the control unit must be placed in an average position inside the controlled environment.
The control unit sends the information on the logic to be adopted across the pLAN network, and then the units in the network base the activation of the devices
both on the reading of their own probes, and on the order sent by the control unit, so that if the two things coincide the devices can start.
The control unit changes the operating logic if the temperature or the humidity measured exceed the set point by a few tenths. In the event of a blackout or disconnection
of the control unit from the pLAN network, the units in the network return to independent operation and based only on their own probes.

23. Alarms
The alarms managed by the program are designed to protect the connected devices and provide signals if the control parameters are outside of the range of normal
values or if there are faults on the board. The alarms may derive from the alarm digital inputs, from the probes or from the board. The effect of the alarms ranges from
signal-only, to the shutting down of one or more devices, to the shutting down (OFF) of the air-conditioning unit. Many alarms feature modifiable delays.
When an alarm goes off, the following actions occur:
- the buzzer on the external terminal sounds (absent on the Built-in terminal and the external PGD0* terminal);
- the red LED under the ALARM button comes on;
- the message AL flashes on the Menu screen.
Pressing the Alarm button mutes the buzzer and displays the alarm screen. If there is more than one active alarm, once having entered the alarm menu, simply
use the arrow buttons to scroll the alarms. Pressing any other button exits the alarm screen, however the events remain saved and are displayed again whenever
the Alarm button is pressed.
To manually reset the alarms and delete the messages, simply enter the alarm screen and press the Alarm button again; if the cause of the alarms is no longer
present (digital inputs reset or temperature returned to normal, etc) the screen disappears, the red LED goes off and the message NO ACTIVE ALARMS is
displayed. If the causes of one or more than one alarm are still present, only the alarms whose causes are no longer present are reset, while the others remain
displayed and the buzzer and the red LED comes on again.

23.1 Alarm relay

The medium boards allow the possibility of having one relay for the serious alarms and one relay for the minor alarms. The small boards group all the alarms on
the only relay available. The minor alarm relay is closed by any alarm; the serious alarm relay is closed only for serious alarms. Each alarm managed can be set as
serious (Serious) or minor (Not Serious), thus determining which relay must be activated.
For both relays, the delay before closing can be set.

23.2 Alarm summary table

AL01 General alarm compressor 1 - - Compressor 1
AL02 General alarm compressor 2 - - Compressor 2
AL03 Low pressure compressor 1 See T2 - Compressor 1
AL04 Low pressure compressor 2 See T2 - Compressor 2
AL05 No air flow See T4 yes All
AL06 Outlet fan overload - yes All
AL07 Heater 1 thermal overload - - Heater 1
AL08 Heater 2 thermal overload - - Heater 2
AL09 Fire / Smoke detected - yes All
AL10 Dirty filters - - -
AL11 High room temperature See T2 - -
AL12 Low room temperature See T2 - -
AL13 High ambient humidity See T2 - -
AL14 Low ambient humidity See T2 - -
AL15 Operating hour threshold reached for compressor 1 - - -
AL16 Operating hour threshold reached for compressor 2 - - -
AL17 Operating hour threshold reached for outlet fan - - -
AL18 Room temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - Compressors end valve

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AL19 Recovery water temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL20 Outside air temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL21 Outlet air temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL22 Ambient humidity probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - Humidifier/Dehumidifier
AL23 Condenser 1 pressure probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL24 Condenser 2 pressure probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL25 Condenser 1 temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL26 Condenser 2 temperature probe faulty or disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL27 Built-in humidifier: high current - - Humidifier
AL28 Built-in humidifier: no water in the cylinder - - Humidifier
AL29 Built-in humidifier: low current - - Humidifier
AL30 Clock board absent or not working - - -
AL31 High pressure circuit 1 - - Compressor 1
AL32 High pressure circuit 2 - - Compressor 2
AL33 Water on the floor - yes All
AL34 Auxiliary alarm - - -
AL35 High pressure + compressor 1 thermal overload - - Compressor 1
AL36 Operating hour threshold reached for humidifier - - -
AL37 High pressure + compressor 2 thermal overload - - Compressor 2
AL38 Condenser fan 1 thermal overload - - Cond. fan 1
AL39 Condenser fan 2 thermal overload - - Cond. fan 2
AL40 No water flow See T4 yes All
AL41 pLAN disconnected 60 s (fixed) - -
AL42 Driver 1 probe S1 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb Compressor 1
AL43 Driver 1 EEPROM damaged - - Compressor 1
AL44 Driver 1 valve motor faulty or damaged - - Compressor 1
AL46 Driver 1 high evaporation pressure (MOP) See Fa - Compressor 1
AL47 Driver 1 low evaporation pressure (LOP) See Fa - Compressor 1
AL48 Driver 1 low superheat See F9 - Compressor 1
AL49 Driver 1 valve not closed during blackout - - Compressor 1
AL50 Driver 1 high suction temperature See F9 - Compressor 1
AL51 Driver 2 probe S1 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb Compressor 2
AL52 Driver 2 EEPROM damaged - - Compressor 2
AL53 Driver 2 valve motor faulty or damaged - - Compressor 2
AL55 Driver 2 high evaporation pressure (MOP) See Fj - Compressor 2
AL56 Driver 2 low evaporation pressure (LOP) See Fa - Compressor 2
AL57 Driver 2 low superheat See F9 - Compressor 2
AL58 Driver 2 valve not closed during blackout - - Compressor 2
AL59 Driver 2 high suction temperature See F9 - Compressor 2
See threshold Gb:
AL60 Built-in humidifier: high conductivity alarm - Humidifier
delay 1h
See threshold Gb:
AL61 Built-in humidifier: high conductivity pre-alarm - -
delay 1h
AL62 Built-in humidifier: low steam production - - Humidifier
AL63 Built-in humidifier: water drain alarm - - Humidifier
AL64 Built-in humidifier: cylinder full alarm - - Humidifier
AL65 Built-in humidifier: cylinder being depleted signal - - -
AL66 Built-in humidifier: presence of foam - - -
AL67 Built-in humidifier: cylinder depleted - - -
0 s (fixed)
AL68 Driver 1 LAN Disconnected - Compressor 1
stable operation:
30 s (fixed)
0 s (fixed)
AL69 Driver 2 LAN Disconnected - Compressor 2
stable operation:
30 s (fixed)
AL70 Built-in humidifier: compulsory maintenance alarm Cylinder 1 - - Humidifier
AL71 Built-in humidifier: recommended maintenance signal Cylinder 1 - - Humidifier
AL72 Driver 1 probe S2 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb - Compressor 1
AL73 Driver 1 probe S3 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb - Compressor 1
AL74 Driver 1 configuration not complete - Compressor 1
AL75 Driver 2 probe S2 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb - Compressor 2
AL76 Driver 2 probe S3 faulty or disconnected alarm See Fb - Compressor 2
AL77 Driver 2 configuration not complete Compressor 2

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Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E

24. Alarm log

The alarm log is used to save the operating status of the air-conditioning unit when the alarms are generated or at certain moments. Each record saved to the
memory represents an event that can be displayed. The log is useful in troubleshooting any faults as it represents a snapshot of the installation at the moment
the alarm was generated, and may suggest the possible causes and solutions of the faults. The program features two types of log, the BASIC log and the

24.1 Basic log

The significant memory space on the pCO boards allows the events to be stored. The BASIC log can be enabled with a parameter; if the clock board is not fitted
(optional on the pCO1 and pCOXS, included on the pCO2 and pCO3), the BASIC log is not available. No other optional boards are used.
A maximum number of 100 events can be saved; on reaching the one hundredth alarm, that is, the last space available in the memory, the next alarm overwrites the
oldest alarm (001), which is thus deleted, and so on for the following events. The events saved can be deleted by parameter on screen V1 or by restoring the
default values. The BASIC log screen can be accessed by pressing the ALARM button when screen A4 is displayed, and exited by pressing the MENU button (Esc
when using the Built in terminal), and has the following layout:
History alarm H025

General al. comp1
12:30 15/08/06
The following data are saved for each alarm, corresponding to the status of the air-conditioner when the alarm occurred:
alarm description;
chronological number of the event (0 to 100).

The chronological number of the event, shown in the top right corner, indicates the age of the event in the list of 100 events available. The alarm number 001 is
the first event after the BASIC log was enabled, and therefore the oldest.
If the cursor is moved to the chronological number, the history of the alarms can be scrolled using the arrow buttons, from 0 to 100.
For example, from position 001 pressing the down arrow has no effect.
If 15 alarms have been saved and the log is in position 015, pressing the up arrow has no effect.

24.2 Advanced log

The events are saved to the 1MB or 2MB memory expansion, permanently connected to the board. The advantages and characteristics are listed below:
Log by event: a typical log by event is the alarm log. If an alarm is activated, the alarm can be saved together with other significant values
(temperature, pressure, set point, etc.).
Log by time: a typical log by time is the log of temperature/pressure values. The temperature and pressure values are saved at regular intervals.
Log of the logs: this saves the last alarms/temperature/pressure values recorded before a serious alarm. Unlike the data saved by the event and time
logs, these data are not overwritten when the memory is full.
Possibility to choose the values to be saved and the saving method at any time. The WinLoad program can be used to define the values to be saved
and the saving method, using a practical Wizard. WinLoad does not need the application software files, as it can directly request the information
required from the application software installed on the pCO.
1MB or 2MB dedicated flash memory. The system saves the data to the 1MB flash memory on the memory expansion. As an example, 1MB of
memory can contain 5000 alarm events with 5 values for each alarm, and save 2 values, for example temperature and pressure, every 5 minutes for 6
Possibility to define up to 7 different log configurations. Typically each controller will have an alarm log configured, and a log of the control values
(temperature/humidity/pressure) and some logs of the logs.
Lookup the data saved from the LCD terminal (external or built-in) or from a connected PC.
Black box operation. The memory expansion that contains the logs can be removed from the pCO on the controlled unit and inserted in another pCO
to lookup the data saved. This pCO does not need to run the same software as the original.
Reliability of the data saved. The data are saved to FLASH memory that does not require batteries that may discharge. If following a software update
the previously saved data are incompatible with the new software, all the data will be deleted (following confirmation).

24.2.1 Configuration using Winload

The Advanced Log function, including all the options described above, is configured using the On line help feature in the WinLoad32 program, the same used to
upload the program software to the pCO boards.

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Standard air-conditioners - FLSTDMCZ0E

25. Supervisor
The unit can be connected to a local or remote supervisor or telemaintenance system. The accessories available for the pCO* boards include an optional RS485
serial communication interface, supplied separately from the pCO* board (for the installation of the optional serial communication boards, see the pCO* installation
The software can manage the following supervisor protocols:
LonWorks (using the special optional board)
Trend (using the special optional board)
BACnet (using an external gateway or PCO-WEB)
If the serial communication values are set correctly, such as the serial address and communication speed, the unit will send the parameters shown in the
following table. Setting the serial identification number to 0 disables the serial supervisory system.
Below is the list of the variables that are managed by the supervisor.

25.1 Variable database

A specific communication database is featured that includes all the more important program variables, from the values read by the probes to the parameters set
on the screens. The following table describes the database, divided into digital, integer and analogue variables, indicating for each its description, address and
type, that is, read-only (R) or modifiable from the supervisor (R/W).

25.1.1 Digital variables

DESCRIPTION SCR ADD. TYPE Ambient humidity probe broken alarm A22 49 R
Digital input number 1 I3 1 R DESCRIPTION SCR ADD. TYPE
Digital input number 2 I3 2 R Pressure probe 1 broken alarm A23 50 R
Digital input number 3 I3 3 R Pressure probe2 broken alarm A24 51 R
Digital input number 4 I4 4 R Cond. 1 temperature probe broken alarm A25 52 R
Digital input number 5 I4 5 R Cond. 2 temperature probe broken alarm A26 53 R
Digital input number 6 I4 6 R High current alarm in the humidifier A27 54 R
Digital input number 7 I5 7 R Humidifier no water alarm A28 55 R
Digital input number 8 I5 8 R Humidifier no current alarm A29 56 R
Digital input number 9 I6 9 R Clock board broken alarm A30 57 R
Digital input number 10 I6 10 R High pressure alarm circuit 1 A31 58 R
Humidifier water level contact I6 11 R High pressure alarm circuit 2 A32 59 R
Digital input number 12 I7 12 R Flood alarm A33 60 R
Digital input number 13 I7 13 R Auxiliary alarm A34 61 R
Digital input number 14 I7 14 R Thermal overload and high pressure alarm, comp. 1 A35 62 R
Digital output number 1 Ib 15 R Operating hour threshold alarm, humidifier A36 63 R
Digital output number 2 Ib 16 R Thermal overload and high pressure alarm, comp. 2 A37 64 R
Digital output number 3 Ib 17 R Condenser fan 1 thermal overload alarm A38 65 R
Digital output number 4 Ic 18 R Condenser fan 1 thermal overload alarm A39 66 R
Digital output number 5 Ic 19 R Water flow alarm A40 67 R
Digital output number 6 Ic 20 R Enable compressors/cooling coil together with the G0 69 R/W
Digital output number 7 Id 21 R recovery coil
Digital output number 8 Id 22 R Enable outside temperature probe Cm 70 R/W
Digital output number 9 Ie 23 R Enable pressure probe 1 Cj 71 R/W
Digital output number 10 Ie 24 R Enable pressure probe 2 Ck 72 R/W
Digital output number 11 Ie 25 R Enable humidity probe Ci 73 R/W
Digital output number 12 If 26 R Enable outlet probe Cl 74 R/W
Digital output number 13 If 27 R Enable condenser 1 temp. probe Cn 75 R/W
General alarm compressor 1 A01 28 R Enable condenser 2 temp. probe Cn 76 R/W
General alarm compressor 2 A02 29 R Enable recovery probe Cl 77 R/W
Low pressure alarm compressor 1 A03 30 R Configure modulating output 1 (0=rec. valve; Cc 78 R/W
Low pressure alarm compressor 2 A04 31 R 1=modulating fan)
Air flow alarm A05 32 R Type of unit (0=ED; 1=CW) C1 79 R/W
Fan thermal overload alarm A06 33 R Configure modulating output 2 (0=recovery valve; Cc 80 R/W
Heater 1 overload alarm A07 34 R 1=humidifier)
Heater 2 overload alarm A08 35 R Configure digital input 1 (0=fire/smoke; 1=flood) C6 81 R/W
Fire / smoke alarm A09 36 R Configure digital input 12 (0=fire/smoke; 1=flood) C5 82 R/W
Dirty filter alarm A10 37 R Enable modulating outlet fan Cd 83 R/W
High room temperature alarm A11 38 R Heating mode C2- 84 R/W
Low room temperature alarm A12 39 R (0=heaters; 1=heating coil) C3
High ambient humidity alarm A13 40 R Type of cooling coil valve (0=0 to 10 V; 1=3p) C3 85 R/W
Low ambient humidity alarm A14 41 R Type of heating coil valve (0=0 to 10 V; 1=3p) C2- 86 R/W
Operating hour threshold alarm, compressor 1 A15 42 R C3
Operating hour threshold alarm, compressor 2 A16 43 R Enable 0 to 10 V modulating humidifier output Cb 87 R/W
Fan operating hour threshold alarm A17 44 R Type of main coil CW unit (0=single; 1=double) C3 88 R/W
Room temperature probe broken alarm A18 45 R Type of condenser (0=single coil; 1=separate coils) Ce 89 R/W
Recovery temperature probe broken alarm A19 46 R Select type of fans (0=inverter; 1=steps) Ce 90 R/W
Outside temperature probe broken alarm A20 47 R Enable condenser function Ce 91 R/W
Outlet temperature probe broken alarm A21 48 R Enable Prevent high press. function Gk-Gl 92 R/W

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Standard air-conditioners
Enable outlet limit function Pa 93 R/W Confirm hour setting K0 117 R/W
Enable compensation function P7 94 R/W Confirm minute setting K0 118 R/W
Enable cooling coil for dehum. Cg 95 R/W Confirm day setting K0 119 R/W
Enable recovery coil Cd 96 R/W Confirm month setting K0 120 R/W
Dehum. contact logic (0=NO; 1=NC) Cg 97 R/W Confirm year setting K0 121 R/W
Enable compressor FIFO rotation G1 98 R/W Reset alarms from the supervisor --- 123 R/W
Enable compressor load steps C2 99 R/W Driver 1 disconnected A68 124 R/W
Part load contact logic (0=NO; 1=NC) G1 100 R/W Driver 2 disconnected A69 125 R/W
Type of temperature control (0=P; 1=P+I) G1 101 R/W Cylinder maintenance mandatory A70 126 R/W
Enable built-in humidifier Cg 102 R/W Cylinder maintenance recommended A71 127 R/W
Enable CAREL Master Control Gm 105 R/W High conductivity alarm A60 128 R/W
Enable force unit in pLAN Gp 106 R/W High conductivity warning A61 129 R/W
Enable ON/OFF time bands K2 107 R/W Humidifier low production A62 130 R/W
Enable temperature time bands K2 108 R/W Drain alarm humidifier A63 131 R/W
Enable humidity time bands K2 109 R/W Full cylinder alarm A64 132 R/W
Enable unit shutdown from button P5 110 R/W Cylinder pre-exhaustion A65 133 R/W
Enable Remote ON/OFF dig. input P5 111 R/W Foam in the humidifier A66 134 R/W
Unit ON/OFF from supervisor --- 112 R/W Cylinder exhausted A67 135 R/W
Configure digital output 7 (0=recovery valve; 1=minor C7 113 R/W Type of 0 to 10 V modulating output (pCOXS only) Cb 138 R/W
alarms) Unit state (On/Off) --- 139 R
Select temperature unit of measure C0 114 R/W Unit in cooling mode M1 140 R
Enable clock board (pCO1 pCOxs) C0 115 R/W Unit in heating mode M1 141 R
Enable printer C0 116 R/W Unit type (0=ED; 1=CW) C1 142 R

25.1.2 Analogue variables

DESCRIPTION SCR ADD. TYPE Min condenser fan speed Gj 46 R/W
Ambient humidity probe reading I0- 1 R Condensing pressure set point Gh 47 R/W
m0 Condensing temperature set point Gh 48 R/W
Pressure probe 1 reading I0 2 R Differential to force unit for high temperature Gr 49 R/W
Pressure probe 2 reading I0 3 R Differential to force unit for low temperature Gq 50 R/W
Room temperature probe reading I1- 4 R Offset to force unit for high temperature Gr 51 R/W
m0 Offset to force unit for low temperature Gq 52 R/W
Outlet air temperature probe reading I1 5 R High room temperature alarm offset P8 53 R/W
Outside temperature probe reading I1 6 R Low room temperature alarm offset P8 54 R/W
Condensing temperature probe 1 reading I2 7 R High ambient humidity alarm offset P9 55 R/W
Condensing temperature probe 2 reading I2 8 R Low ambient humidity alarm offset P9 56 R/W
Water recovery temperature probe reading I2 9 R Maximum outlet fan speed G7 57 R/W
Temperature set point S1 10 R/W Minimum outlet fan speed G7 58 R/W
Minimum limit of the temperature set point P1 11 R/W Maximum humidifier production Ch 59 R/W
Maximum limit of temperature set point P1 12 R/W End point for opening modulating humidifier output G8 60 R/W
Humidity set point S1 13 R/W Start point for opening mod. humidifier output G8 61 R/W
Minimum limit of the humidity set point P2 14 R/W Maximum humidity probe value Ci 62 R/W
Maximum limit of the humidity set point P2 15 R/W Minimum humidity probe value Ci 63 R/W
Temperature set point time band Z1 K6 16 R/W Maximum pressure probe 1 value Cj 64 R/W
Temperature set point time band Z2 K6 17 R/W Minimum pressure probe 1 value Cj 65 R/W
Temperature set point time band Z3 K7 18 R/W Maximum pressure probe 2 value Ck 66 R/W
Temperature set point time band Z4 K7 19 R/W Minimum pressure probe 2 value Ck 67 R/W
Humidity set point time band Z1 K8 20 R/W Temp. offset to restart dehumidification G9 68 R/W
Humidity set point time band Z2 K8 21 R/W Prevent differential (pressure) Gh 69 R/W
Humidity set point time band Z3 K9 22 R/W Prevent differential (temperature) Gi 70 R/W
Humidity set point time band Z4 K9 23 R/W Prevent set point (pressure) Gh 71 R/W
Temperature dead zone P3 24 R/W Prevent set point (temperature) Gi 72 R/W
Cooling proportional band P3 25 R/W Water recovery temperature set point P6 73 R/W
Heating proportional band P3 26 R/W High pressure alarm set point Gg 74 R/W
Humidification proportional band P4 27 R/W Outlet air limit set point Pa 75 R/W
Dehumidification proportional band P4 28 R/W Outside air set point for compensation P7 76 R/W
Maximum temp. set compensation offset P7 29 R/W Outlet fan speed in dehum. G7 77 R/W
Outside temperature probe calibration A9 30 R/W Current superheating value driver 1 Il 78 R
Condensing pressure probe 1 calibration A8 31 R/W Evaporation temperature driver 1 Il-Im 79 R
Condensing pressure probe 2 calibration A8 32 R/W Suction temperature driver 1 Il 80 R
Humidity probe calibration A8 33 R/W Evaporation pressure driver 1 Im 81 R
Room temperature probe calibration A9 34 R/W Condensing temperature driver 1 Im 82 R
Outlet temperature probe calibration A9 35 R/W Current superheating value driver 2 Io 83 R
Condensing temperature probe 1 calibration Aa 36 R/W Evaporation temperature driver 2 Io-Ip 84 R
Condensing temperature probe 2 calibration Aa 37 R/W Suction temperature driver 2 Io 85 R
Recovery temperature probe calibration Aa 38 R/W Evaporation pressure driver 2 Ip 86 R
Differential temp. to stop dehumidification G9 39 R/W Condensing temperature driver 2 Ip 87 R
Outlet air differential Pa 40 R/W
Outside air differential for compensation P7 41 R/W
High pressure alarm differential Gg 42 R/W
Condensing pressure differential Gh 43 R/W
Condensing temperature differential Gi 44 R/W
Max condenser fan speed Gj 45 R/W

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Standard air-conditioners

25.1.3 Integer variables

DESCRIPTION SCR ADD. TYPE Start minutes for ON/OFF time band F2 K4 67 R/W
Analogue output 1 1 R End hour for ON/OFF time band F2 K4 68 R/W
Analogue output 2 2 R End minutes for ON/OFF time band F2 K4 69 R/W
Analogue output 3 3 R Start hour for temperature time band Z1 K6 70 R/W
Analogue output 4 4 R Start minutes for temperature time band Z1 K6 71 R/W
Current hour 5 R Start hour for temperature time band Z2 K6 72 R/W
Current minutes 6 R Start minutes for temperature time band Z2 K6 73 R/W
Day 7 R Start hour for temperature time band Z3 K7 74 R/W
Month 8 R Start minutes for temperature time band Z3 K7 75 R/W
Year 9 R Start hour for temperature time band Z4 K7 76 R/W
Day of the week 10 R Start minutes for temperature time band Z4 K7 77 R/W
Hour setting K0 14 R/W Start hour for humidity time band Z1 K8 78 R/W
Minute setting K0 15 R/W Start minutes for humidity time band Z1 K8 79 R/W
Day setting K0 16 R/W Start hour for humidity time band Z2 K8 80 R/W
Month setting K0 17 R/W Start minutes for humidity time band Z2 K8 81 R/W
Year setting K0 18 R/W Start hour for humidity time band Z3 K9 82 R/W
Number of compressors C2 20 R/W Start minutes for humidity time band Z3 K9 83 R/W
Number of compressors for dehumidification Cg 21 R/W Start hour for humidity time band Z4 K9 84 R/W
Select number of ON/OFF fans Ce 22 R/W Start minutes for humidity time band Z4 K9 85 R/W
Number of heaters C2- 23 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Monday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 86 R/W
C3 3=F4)
Input configuration probe 2 (0=cond. press.1; 1=cond. C9 24 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Tuesday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 87 R/W
temp.1; 2=outlet temp.) 3=F4)
Input configuration probe 3 (0=cond. press.2; 1=cond. Ca 25 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Wednesday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 88 R/W
temp.2; 2=recovery temp.) 3=F4)
Configuration of digital input 5 (0=flood; 1=filters; C4 26 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Thursday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 89 R/W
2=fire/smoke) 3=F4)
Type of humidity probe signal (2=0 to 1 V; 3=0-10 V; Ci 27 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Friday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 90 R/W
4=current) 3=F4)
Type of pressure probe signal 1 (2=0 to 1 V; 3=0 to 10 V; Cj 28 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Saturday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 91 R/W
4=current) 3=F4)
Type of pressure probe signal 2 (2=0 to 1 V; 3=0 to 10 V; Ck 29 R/W Select ON/OFF time bands Sunday (0=F1; 1=F2; 2=F3; K5 92 R/W
4=current) 3=F4)
Type of condenser 1 T probe signal (0=NTC; 1=pt1000; Cn 30 R/W Condenser fan speed-up time fans Gh- 93 R/W
2=0...1V; 3=0...10V; 4=current) Gi
Type of condenser 2 T probe signal (0=NTC; 1=pt1000; Cn 31 R/W Compressor 1 operating hour threshold A7 94 R/W
2=0...1V; 3=0...10V; 4=current) Compressor 2 operating hour threshold A7 95 R/W
Type of outside temperature probe signal (0=NTC; Cm 32 R/W Humidifier operating hour threshold A7 96 R/W
1=pt1000) Fan operating hour threshold A7 97 R/W
Type of recovery temperature probe signal (0=NTC; Cm 33 R/W Unit rotation mode in pLAN Gn 98 R/W
1=pt1000) Forcing delays for high room temp. Gp 99 R/W
Type of room temperature probe signal (0=NTC; 1=pt1000) Cl 34 R/W Forcing delays for low room temp. Gp 100 R/W
Type of outlet temperature probe signal (0=NTC; 1=pt1000) Cl 35 R/W Interval in days for automatic rotation Go 101 R/W
Select refrigerant (0=Any gas; 1=R22; 2=134a; 3=404a; C1 36 R/W Automatic unit rotation hours Go 102 R/W
4=407C; 5=410a; 6=R507c; 7=R290; 8=R600;
Automatic unit rotation minutes Go 103 R/W
9=R600a; 10=R717; 11=R744; 12=R728; 13=R1270)
Number of units in Standby mode Gn 105 R/W
Air flow switch alarm delay T4 37 R/W
Automatic rotation interval for units in pLAN Gn 106 R/W
Outlet fan off delay T0 38 R/W
pLAN connection class board 1 (0=not present; Co 107 R/W
Outlet fan start delay T0 39 R/W
1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Delay in activating minor alarm relay no.7 T3 40 R/W
pLAN connection class board 2 (0=not present; Co 108 R/W
Delay in activating serious alarm relay no.8 T3 41 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Water flow switch alarm delay T4 42 R/W pLAN connection class board 3 (0=not present; Co 109 R/W
Delay between starts of different compressors T6 43 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Heater start delay T8 44 R/W pLAN connection class board 4 (0=not present; Cp 110 R/W
Low pressure alarm delay T2 45 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Integral time for P+I control T1 46 R/W pLAN connection class board 5 (0=not present; Cp 111 R/W
Minimum compressor off time T5 47 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Minimum compressor on time T5 48 R/W pLAN connection class board 6 (0=not present; Cp 112 R/W
Delay between compressor starts T6 49 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
Part load activation delay T7 50 R/W pLAN connection class board 7 (0=not present; Cq 113 R/W
3 point valve travel time T1 51 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
High-low temperature-humidity alarm delay T2 52 R/W pLAN connection class board 8 (0=not present; Cq 114 R/W
High conductivity pre-alarm threshold Ge 53 R/W 1=present/no rotation; 2=present/rotation)
High conductivity alarm threshold Ge 54 R/W Valve position driver 1 Ik 115 R
Type of humidifier Ch 55 R/W Valve position driver 2 In 116 R
Start hour for ON/OFF time band F1-1 K3 58 R/W Configuration of analogue input 1 (pCOXS only) C8 117 R/W
Start minutes for ON/OFF time band F1-1 K3 59 R/W Configuration of analogue input 2 (pCOXS only) C9 118 R/W
DESCRIPTION SCR ADD. TYPE pCO* size (17=Extra large N.C.; 13=Extra large N.O.; --- 119 R
End hour for ON/OFF time band F1-1 K3 60 R/W 12=Small; 11=Medium; 10=Large)
End minutes for ON/OFF time band F1-1 K3 61 R/W pCO* type (0/2=pCO2; 1=pCO1; 3=pCOC; 4=pCOxs; --- 120 R
Start hour for ON/OFF time band F1-2 K3 62 R/W 5=pCOOEM; 6=---; 7=pCO3)
Start minutes for ON/OFF time band F1-2 K3 63 R/W Application version (i.e.: 22 -> version 2.2) A0 121 R
End hour for ON/OFF time band F1-2 K3 64 R/W
End minutes for ON/OFF time band F1-2 K3 65 R/W
Start hour for ON/OFF time band F2 K4 66 R/W

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Standard air-conditioners

26. Glossary
Branch loop: series of screens that concern the same subject and that can be reached easily by simply pressing the arrow buttons; the branch is
accessed by pressing one of the buttons on the terminal, which displays the first screen in the loop.
Buffer (memory): memory on the board used to save the default values selected by CAREL for all the parameters. Permanent memory even when
power is OFF.
Built-in: display housed on the backbone of the pCO board.
Buzzer: audible buzzer fitted on the external terminals; this sounds extendedly in the event of alarms or briefly if the limits for setting the parameters
are exceeded. The built-in terminals do not have a buzzer.
Dead zone: this defines a very small temperature zone between the set point and the proportional band, inside which the devices are not activated.
Default: this term defines the values, for example the set point and the temperature proportional band, that are automatically used by the system
without modifications made by the user.
Freecooling: the action of introducing outside air into the environment by opening a damper, so as to provide cooling while saving energy.
Manual: activation and deactivation of all the devices connected to the outputs on the board, from the special screens and with the unit OFF.
Outlet: this is the air introduced into the environment by the air-conditioner.
Proportional band: this defines a temperature zone of a few degrees around the set point, inside which the system manages the operation of the
control devices.
Ramp: this term defines the travel of a modulating valve, from 0% to 100%.
Range: interval of values allowed for a parameter.
Return intake: air from the controlled environment, taken in by the air-conditioner.
Screen: this defines the page that is shown on the display.
Set point: this defines the desired temperature (or humidity) value; the system activates the heating or cooling devices until the temperature or
humidity has reached the set point.
Sleep mode: defines the unit OFF status when requested by the Master unit, in Automatic rotation mode.
Step: this defines an area of the proportional band (temperature or humidity) inside which a device is started and at the same time defines the
activation and deactivation values for the device.
3-point valve modulating valve: 3-point valve is a commonly used valve, activated by 2 relays, one for opening and one for closing; a modulating
valve, on the other hand, is controlled by a 0 to 10 V signal and is more precise.
Upload: this is the operation that copies the application software from the computer or the programming key, to the flash memory on the pCO board.

CAREL reserves the right to make modifications or changes to its products without prior notice.

Code +030221426 rel. 2.3 of 07/06/07 50

Agenzia:/ Agency:
Cod. +030221426 rel. 2.5 30/06/09


Via dellIndustria, 11 - 35020 Brugine - Padova (Italy)
Tel. (+39) 049.9716611 Fax (+39) 049.9716600 - e-mail: [email protected]

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