Performance Analysis of BPSK and DPSK Systems in The Presence of Nakagami-M

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Performance analysis of BPSK and DPSK systems in the presence

of Nakagami-m Fading and Noisy Phase Reference

C. M. Lo and W. H. Lam

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

[email protected]

Abstract : This paper presents closed form expressions to evaluate the average bit error rate (BER) for
coherent binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and differential PSK (DPSK) modulations over slow
Nakagami-m fading channel with noisy phase reference. The performance degradation due to the
noisy phase reference are then investigated with respect to the channel fading parameter m and the
phase error . The phase error is assumed to be uniformly distributed with maximum phase error .
At the average BER of 10-3, results show that the error performance of the BPSK with > 440 is worse
than the DPSK with =0 for m=9, i.e., the advantage of employing the BPSK over the DPSK is

Keywords: Nakagami-m fading, Noisy phase reference, Phase shift keying

Introduction fading channels with noisy phase reference has

been found.
For coherent communication systems, error
performance are usually evaluated by assuming This paper thus derives closed form expressions
that a perfect phase reference is available in the of the average BER for the BPSK and the DPSK
receiver for demodulation [1,2]. In practice, this systems in the presence of Nakagami-m fading
local phase reference is however reconstructed and noisy phase reference. Also, the analysis
from a noise-corrupted version of a received presented in this paper may be used to
signal, and thus a phase error, , is usually characterize the performance of an acquisition
resulted. The immediate effect of the phase error scheme for many wireless systems. In Section II,
is degradation of detection performance of the the derivation of the average BER for the BPSK
coherent systems. are presented and the corresponding derivation
for the DPSK are given in Section III. Numerical
Over the years, many researchers have results and discussions are given in Section IV.
investigated the error performance of binary
phase shift keying (BPSK) and differential PSK Derivation of the average BER for the BPSK
(DPSK) systems over an additive white gaussian
noise (AWGN) channel in the presence of noisy The average BER for the BPSK system in the
phase reference [2-8]. For BPSK systems, [9-13] presence of Nakagami-m fading and noisy phase
have evaluated the bit error rate (BER) in the reference is considered in this section. For fading
presence of Rayleigh fading and noisy phase channels, the conditional BER for the BPSK with
reference. The corresponding error performance phase error is given by [2]
in Rician and Lognormal fading channels have 1
Pe , erfc ( cos ) (1)
also been investigated in [9] and [12]. Amongst 2
the various fading channels, Nakagami-m fading where erfc(.) is the complementary error function
distribution is considered to be the most versatile, [14] and is the instantaneous signal to noise
since it is better in modelling mobile channels ratio (SNR) per bit of the received signal. The
than the Rayleigh, Rician and the Lognormal phase error is assumed to be uniformly
fading distributions. To the best of the authors distributed in a range of , as in [13] and the
knowledge, no error performance of the BPSK in probability density function (pdf) of it is given by
the presence of Nakagami-m fading and noisy p 1 / 2 . (2)
phase reference has been reported. In addition,
no performance analysis for the DPSK over
In addition, the pdf of for the Nakagami-m

fading channel is given by [15] 1 1

( 1) n sin( 2 n 1)
m m 1

( 2 n 1) 2
p exp (3) n 0
( m) F1 (m n 1 / 2, n 1 / 2;2n 2; / m)
where m is the fading severity parameter with .
2 F1 ( n 1 / 2, m n 1 / 2; m; 1)
values from 0.5 to and is the average SNR
per bit. The notation (m) denotes the gamma (10)
function [14]. The average BER can then be Derivation of the average BER for the DPSK
obtained using (1) to (3) as [13]
The case of the DPSK is now considered. The
Pe P , p p d d
e . (4) conditional BER for the DPSK is also an even
function of and given by [2]
Pe , exp( cos 2 ( )) . (11)
Since the conditional BER in (1) is an even 2
function of , the average BER in (4) can also be
written as By substituting (3) and (11) into (5), the average
BER for the DPSK in the presence of Nakagami-
P , p dd
e . (5) m fading and phase noise can be written as

m 1

0 0
Pe exp
2 ( m)
By substituting (1) and (3) into (5) and using a

series representation for the erfc(.) as [4] exp 2 (1 cos
( )) d d .

2 ( 1) n (n 1 / 2)

n 1 / 2
erfc ( cos ) 1
(2n 1)! (12)
n 0

By using the following identity [5]

1 F1 n ;2n 2; cos( 2n 1)

2 exp cos(2 ) I 0 2 I k cos(2k )
2 2 2

(6) k 1

the average BER in (5) becomes (13)

1 1

( 1) n ( n 1 / 2)
the average BER in (12) becomes

n 1 / 2
Pe m

2 ( 2n 1)! 1m 1 1 m

m 1
0 n 0 Pe exp

2 ( m) 2
1 F1 n ;2n 2; cos( 2n 1) d p d

2 0 m
1 m 1 sin(2k )
(7) I 0 d
2 ( m)
k 1
where 1 F1 (a; b; x) is the confluent hypergeometric
1 m

m 1
function [14]. The two integrals in (7) can be exp I k d
evaluated as 0 2 2
1 1
(1) n ( n 1 / 2) sin( 2n 1) m
n 0
( 2n 1)! (m) 2n 1

I v (a) is the modified Bessel function of
m n 1 / 2
the first kind of order v [14]. The two integrals

exp m /
1 F1 n
;2n 2; d can be evaluated
be written as
as in [16] and the (14) can then

(8) 1m 1 m
m m
m m 1 1
n Pe F1 , ;1;
1 1 ( 1) sin(( 2n 1) ) ( m n 0.5)( n 20 .5) 2 2 2 41 / 2 m / 2

n 0 ( 2n 1)! ( m)(2n 1) / m n 1 / 2
k mk

1 m 1 sin(2k ) 1 1 m

( m) k 1

4 2

1 1
2 F1 m n , n ;2n 2; (9) ( m k ) m k m k 1 1
2 2 m
2 F1 , ; k 1;
(1 k ) 2 2 41 / 2 m / 2
where 2 F1 (a, b; c; x) is the Gauss hypergeometric
function [14]. Finally, the average BER in (9) (15)
can be written in closed form as
After further manipulation, the average BER can
be simplified as

m m 1 1 therefore
equal when 520 and 440 for m=1 and
P e 1
2 F1 , ;1;
9, respectively. Hence, the advantage of using the
2 2m 2 2 41 / 2 m / 2
k m mk
BPSK is vanished with > 44 for the fading

sin( 2k ) 1 m 1 m

k 1

4 2
channel with m=9.
2 F1 m 1, k ; m k ;1

m k m k 1 References
2 F1 , ; k 1; .
2 2 41 / 2 m / 2
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Table 1. The performance degradation of the BPSK and the DPSK at the average BER of 10-3 for m and
ranging from 3 to 9 and 100 to 600, respectively. The average SNR with =00 are also given for m
increasing from 3 to 9.

Average BER at Degradation due to (dB)

maximum phase
m =3 m =5 m =7 m =9 m =3 m =5 m =7 m =9
error deg.
10 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05
20 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.20 0.19 0.20
30 0.44 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.44 0.46 0.46 0.50
40 0.89 0.92 0.95 0.96 0.90 0.93 0.95 0.98
50 1.59 1.68 1.75 1.77 1.60 1.72 1.79 1.82
60 2.73 2.96 3.07 3.14 2.78 3.08 3.20 3.31
Average SNR at 10 -3 (dB)
= 0 11.31 9.32 8.53 8.12 13.18 10.90 10.00 9.50

Fig.1 The average BER performance of the BPSK with =00, 300 and m=1,3,5,7,9.


Nakagami-m fading
No phase error
Average Bit Error Rate

Phase error = 300


10-3 m=3

10-4 m=7
AWGN with no
phase error

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

Average SNR per bit (dB)


Nakagami-m fading
m=1 No phase error
Average Bit Error Rate

Phase error = 300


10-3 m=3

AWGN with no m=5

phase error m=7


0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30

Average SNR per bit (dB)

Fig. 2. The average BER performance of the DPSK with =00, 300 and m=1,3,5,7, 9.


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