Reconfigurable Hybrid Metal-Graphene UWB Filters For Terahertz Applications

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol.

125, 241–251, 2022

Reconfigurable Hybrid Metal-Graphene UWB Filters for Terahertz


Hamza B. Krid* , Zied Houaneb, and Hassen Zairi

Abstract—This paper presents the design, analysis, and developments of a reconfigurable hybrid metal-
graphene filter for terahertz applications. In fact, through the graphene material, we can reconfigure
both the resonance frequency and the bandwidth. Further, the variation in chemical potential, relaxation
times, and temperature of graphene provides excellent proprieties performances, with a variation of the
resonant frequency from 8.60 THz to 8.85 THz, good return loss reaching −22.94 dB, and a bandwidth
reconfiguration from 1.717 THz to 1.930 THz. The simulation of the proposed filter is performed using
CST software.


In recent years, graphene is considered to be a promising future technology in order to replace materials
such as copper. As a new material, it is now attracting the attention of researchers around the
world for potential especially in the electromagnetic (EM) fields. Actually, the new 2D material
has unique thermal, chemical, mechanical, electronic, and optical properties as well as high mobility
(200000 cm2 v−1 s−1 ) [1]. Furthermore, graphene allows varying the chemical potential by polarized
voltage, chemical doping, or thermal bias thanks to its exceptional conductivity that can be adjusted
to cover a wide frequency range. It also has more confinement, low losses, and better tunability than
metal in the THz frequencies [2].
It is possible to manually or automatically change the resonance frequency, operational bandwidth,
and radiation pattern of a designed reconfigurable structure (antenna, filter,...) [3]. The most popular
reconfiguration methods are electromechanical systems (MEMS or NEMS), electrical RF switches,
varactors, tunable materials diode-based technology such as the P-type Insulator N-type diode (PIN
diode) or tunable materials using a mechanical, electrical, magnetic, light, and thermal bias [4]. The
most significant merit is that the properties of graphene-based antennas can be easily controlled using
the electric field effect in the THz frequency. Thus, graphene tunability has been used for small
reconfigurable devices in the terahertz regime. Moreover, the reconfiguration of the graphene resistance
is an interesting characteristic. In fact, its conductivity can be adjusted to dynamically cover a wide
range of domains. Therefore, this material has been widely used for compact reconfigurable systems in
terahertz and optical regime. Otherwise, the changing of graphene resistance and applied voltage an
intriguing property to microwaves [5, 6]. Therefore, it is often used as miniaturised reconfigurable
systems in terahertz, as well as medical and imaging applications [7, 8]. It should be noted that
following graphene’s groundbreaking impact, the scientific community is actively exploring other
two-dimensional semiconductors “beyond graphene,” such as Bi2 Se3 and phosphorene [9], for their
prospective application capabilities in nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, and nanomedicine [10]. The
increase of wireless communication usage has led the research community to explore new frequency
Received 19 September 2022, Accepted 14 October 2022, Scheduled 25 October 2022
* Corresponding author: Hamza Ben Krid ([email protected]).
The authors are with the Research Laboratory Smart Electricity & ICT, SEICT, National Engineering School of Carthage, University
of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia.
242 Krid, Houaneb, and Zairi

domains in the radio spectrum in order to satisfy the growing needs [11]. That is why the terahertz
band [0.1–10 THz] captivated the world community. In fact, this technology is characterized by an
unlimited bandwidth, seamless data transfer, microsecond latency, and ultra-fast download that have
great impact in revolutionizing the telecommunications domain. In 1970s, the THz term was first used
within the microwave domain to describe the water laser resonance, the frequency of interferometers,
and the diode detector coverage [12, 13].
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 will present the proposed design of the filter. Next,
Section 3 will be devoted to the modeling and the conductivity of graphene. Section 4, then, will deal
with behavior and a comparison between graphene and copper in THz band as well as the results
obtained from the reconfiguration using the geometry of the structure and the graphene chemical
potential, and the last section summarizes the main conclusions of this paper.

Table 1. Parameters of the proposed filter.

Parameters Value (µm )

Groundplan thickness 0.1
Graphene thickness 0.01
h 0.7
W1 10
W2 3.375
W3 4.2
W4 3.25
W5 1.4
L1 11.6
L2 6.2
L3 1.7




L2 L1

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Proposed filter design: (a) side view, (b) top view.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 125, 2022 243


We design a graphene and copper-based reconfigurable filter. The structure is characterized by a

miniaturized size and an ultra-wideband. In order to obtain a bandwidth reconfiguration, we place
a copper ring which resonates by coupling effect on two graphene patches. The relative permittivity
of the substrate taconic TRF-43 is ε = 4, 3, and the structure thickness is of 0.7µt . Indeed, the
rectangular patches are designed with graphene thickness 0.01µt . The following Table 1 shows the
optimized dimensional parameter of the proposed filter.


As a 2D material, graphene surface conductivity is expressed by two terms, inter-band and intra-
band conductivities. The chemical potential is expressed by substrate thickness and gate voltage as
well as controlled by applying and/or doping an electrostatic bias field [14]. Concerning the change in
chemical potential, we notice the frequency shift of the imaginary and the real parts of conductivity [15].
The surface conductivity of graphene modeled as a sheet conductor is composed of two terms, one
representing the inter-band conductivity and the other denoting the intra-band term [16]. In the
terahertz, the surface conductivity band can be expressed using only the first inter-band term and
neglecting the second term intra-band, as it has no significant effect [17].
The surface conductivity is as follows [18].
The intra-band conductivity is
[ ( µc )]
e2 KTg µc − KT
σintra = −j 2 + 2 ln e g +1 (1)
πh (ωf − j2γ) KTg
The inter-band conductivity is
[ ]
e2 2 |µc | − (ωf − j2γ)h
σinter = −j (2)
4πh 2 |µc | + (ωf − j2γ)h

where µc is the chemical potential, K the Boltzmann’s constant, e the electron charge, T the
temperature, h the reduced Planck’s, ωf the angular frequency, and γ the scattering rate. Intra-band
conductivity is a complex entity that can be expressed by [14]
( )
Res = Re (3)
( )
Rea = Im (4)
σ = σr + jσi (5)
with σr real part of the conductivity and σi the imaginary part.
Figures 2 and 3 represent, respectively, the real and imaginary parts of graphene conductivity, as a
frequency function related to four different values of the chemical potential 0.1 eV, 0.3 eV, 0.6 eV, and
1 eV. In this context, the temperature is fixed at 300 K, and the relaxation time is selected as 0.1 ps. In
addition, the effect of modifying the chemical potential on the conductivity by the polarization voltage
control (carrier density) can be seen from the two previous figures.
Figure 4 illustrates the relationship between the bias voltage and the chemical potential, defined
by the following equation.
hµ2 e
ϑg = 2 c 2 (6)
νf ε0 εr h
where εr is the permittivity of the substrate, ε0 the permittivity of free space, h the substrate thickness,
and νf the Fermi velocity in graphene.
244 Krid, Houaneb, and Zairi

Figure 2. Real part of conductivity.

Figure 3. Imaginary part of conductivity.



The structure in Figure 1 is simulated by the CST software (Computer Simulation technology). In fact,
we consider three chemical potentials, µc = 0 eV, µc = 0.2 eV, and µc = 0.4 eV, in order to reconfigure
the resonance frequency and the bandwidth.

4.1. Study of Copper Behavior in Terahertz Band

Copper material is known as an excellent conductor of electricity. In the same way, and it is the most
common material in microwave electronics and radio frequency. Despite its high electrical conductivity,
it remains unchanged at terahertz frequencies [19]. Likewise, in terahertz band the conductivity and
skin depth of copper decrease. At low terahertz frequencies, the copper kinematic inductance is smaller
than its ohmic resistance but significantly greater than its internal inductance (ωτ > 1, where τ is the
relaxation time, and ω is the angular frequency). At 6.45 THz, ωτ = 1, ohmic resistance domination,
therefore, it is too difficult to design filters or antennas at THz frequency, generally, due the decrease of
conductivity and skin depth [20]. Table 2 summarizes the behavior of the copper in the terahertz band.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 125, 2022 245

Figure 4. Voltage applied to graphene.

Table 2. Behavior of the copper.

Parameters Value (µm )

Thermal conductivity 400 W m−1 K−1
Current density ∼ 106 A cm−1
Electronic mobility 32 cm2 V−1 s−1
Tensile strength 587 MPa
Density 2700 Kg m−3

4.2. Study of No-Doped Graphene Behavior in Terahertz Band

The unique optical, thermal mechanical and electronic proprieties of graphene at THz frequency open
plethora of applications in many fields. The propagation of surface plasmon polariton is a unique
characteristic of graphene at THz frequency. Graphene may be described at THz frequency as an
infinite thin conductive sheet with a complicated surface conductivity. The intra-band conductivity,
further, dominates over inter-band conductivity in the low THz frequency range. Moreover, at low THz
frequency, a single graphene layer provides inductive surface impedance when x > 1/τ . It should be
noted that T = 300 K and τ = 0.5 are assumed in our work. Owing to supporting low loss plasmonic
resonance at THz frequencies, recently, the usage of monolayer and multilayer graphene for THz band
and filter applications has been investigated. Furthermore, the surface conductivity of graphene may be
modified by means of electrostatic bias or chemical doping, which in turn modifies the characteristics of
graphene THz filters and antennas [21]. Table 3 presents the behavior of the graphene in the terahertz

4.3. Comparative Behaviour Study between Copper and No-Doped Graphene

The first simulation aims to compare the filter in the case of copper and the same proposed structure
replacing the copper by no-doped graphene. Figure 5 represents the reflection coefficient for the two
simulated configurations. In fact, we notice that the copper-based filter is less adapted than the no-
doped graphene.
246 Krid, Houaneb, and Zairi

Table 3. Behavior of the graphene THz.

Parameters Value (µm )

Thermal conductivity 5000 W m−1 K−1
Current density ∼ 106 A cm−1
Electronic mobility ∼ 2 × 105 cm2 V−1 s−1
Tensile strength 1.5 TPa
Elastic limit ∼ 20%

Figure 5. Comparative curves of the return loss S11 of no-doped graphene filter and proposed copper

On the other hand, graphene gives better performance in terms of reflection coefficient. The return
loss is reduced from −6.440 to −15.125 dB. It is quite reasonable because copper is not used in the THz
band order.
Figure 6 shows the surface current distribution of the filter. From this figure we can see that the
graphene shows better results.


The filter proposed in Figure 1 is simulated and designed by the software CST Electromagnetic. In
order to reconfigure the bandwidth and resonance frequency of our structure, we used three different
values of the chemical potential µc (0, 0.2, 0.4 eV). There are three resonance frequencies which are
8.60, 8.75, 8.85 THz, for each value of the chemical potential and a bandwidth which covers the range
from 1.717 THz to 1.930 THz. Figure 7 and Figure 8 represent, respectively, the transmission coefficient
and reflection coefficient for the different values of the chemical potential.
To obtain the reconfiguration of the bandwidth and resonance frequency, it is necessary to switch
the value µc . For the first value of µc = 0 eV, we obtain a resonance frequency f r1 = 8.60 THz and
BW1 = 1.717 THz (7.753–9.470 THz). For the second value of µc = 0.2 eV, we obtain a resonance
frequency f r2 = 8.75 THz and BW2 = 1.810 THz (7.869–9.679 THz). The bandwidth is increased by
93 GHz, and the return loss is reduced from −21.067 dB to −22.94 dB. Concerning the last value of
µc = 0.4 eV, we obtain resonance frequency f r3 = 8.85 THz and BW3 = 1.930 THz (7.853–9.783 THz).
The bandwidth is increased by 120 GHz, and the return loss is reduced from −22.94 dB to −23.91 dB.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 125, 2022 247

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Current distribution surface: (a) graphene, (b) copper.

Figure 7. Transmission coefficient for the different values of the chemical potentials.

Table 4. Performance of the proposed antenna for various chemical potential value.

µc (eV) fr (THz) BW (THz) Return loss (dB)

µc = 0 8.60 1.717 21.07
µc = 0.2 8.75 1.810 22.94
µc = 0.4 8.85 1.930 23.91

From Table 4, it can be seen that by tuning the proposed filter, the resonant frequency varies from
8.60 THz to 8.85 THz, and the BW increases from 1.717 THz to 1.930 THz. Also, a second observation
is that as the value of chemical potential increases, the filter becomes more adaptable from −21.067 dB
to reach −23.91 dB. We notice, in addition, that the best conditions are achieved with 0.4 eV for the
248 Krid, Houaneb, and Zairi

Figure 8. Reflection coefficient for the different values of the chemical potentials.

Figure 9. S-parameters for the different values of the chemical potentials.

chemical potential.
In Figure 9, as the chemical potential varies from 0 to 0.4 eV, the positions of bandwidth and
resonance frequency vary too. Other parameters are the temperature and relaxation time of graphene,
which are studied, respectively, in Figure 10.
From Figure 11(a) we can note that, as the temperature of graphene varies from 200 K to 400 K,
the positions of bandwidth and resonance frequency are tuned of 0.46% and 1.34%.
Like in Figure 11(b) we can recognize that, as the relaxation time of graphene varies from 0 ps to
1 ps, the positions of bandwidth and resonance frequency are tuned of 0.46% and 0.67%, respectively.
The performance comparisons between previous based graphene filters and this work are listed in
Table 5. As we can see the proposed filter has the characteristic of broad bandwidth and also a low
return loss compared to [22].
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 125, 2022 249

Figure 10. Variation of resonance frequency and bandwidth vs different values of chemical potentiel.

Table 5. Performance comparison of this work and previous based graphene filter.

References S21 (dB) S11 (dB) BW (THz) Structure

[22] < −5 < −20 0.63 Graphene+ Si O2
[23] < −5 < −50 0.2 Graphene+ Duroid
This work < −10 < −30 1.71 Hybrid graphene/metal + TRF-43

250 Krid, Houaneb, and Zairi


Figure 11. Proposed filter design: (a) Variation of resonance frequency and bandwidth vs different
values of temperature, (b) Variation of resonance frequency and bandwidth vs different values of
relaxation time.


In this paper, a graphene filter intended for terahertz medical application is proposed. According to
the comparison between the copper and graphene, the new material gives a tunable results in terms of
bandwidth varying between 1.717 THz and 1.930 THz. In other words, graphene showed better results
in terms of performances with a good adaptation. In order to investigate the effect of the relaxation
time, temperature, and chemical potential, we use the CST software.


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