Human Ascariasis: Diagnostics Update

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Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200

DOI 10.1007/s40475-015-0064-9


Human Ascariasis: Diagnostics Update

Poppy H. L. Lamberton 1 & Peter M. Jourdan 2

Published online: 3 October 2015

# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) infect over one Introduction

billion people worldwide. Ascariasis may mimic a number of
conditions, and individual clinical diagnosis often requires a Soil-transmitted helminths (STHs) infect over 1.45 billion
thorough work-up. Kato-Katz thick smears are the standard people worldwide, with an estimated 819 million individuals
detection method for Ascaris and, despite low sensitivity, are infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, 465 million with Trichuris
often used for mapping and monitoring and evaluation of trichiura and 439 million with hookworm (Necator
national control programmes. Although increased sampling americanus and/or Ancylostoma duodenale) [1]. Single- and
(number of stools) and diagnostic (number of examinations multi-species infections cause human disease ranging from
per stool) efforts can improve sensitivity, Kato-Katz is less mild to severe and even fatal cases, as well as increased school
sensitive than other microscopy methods such as absenteeism, although this might not be detectable at a com-
FLOTAC. Antibody-based diagnostics may be a sensitive munity level [2]. Most of such neglected tropical diseases
diagnostic tool; however, their usefulness is limited to (NTDs) occur in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene; how-
assessing transmission in areas aiming for elimination. ever, increased travel and migration have made STH infections
Molecular diagnostics are highly sensitive and specific, but more common also in non-endemic areas.
high costs limit their use to individual diagnosis, drug - effi- The World Health Assembly, together with endemic coun-
cacy studies and identification of Ascaris suum. Increased tries, donors and drug-donating pharmaceutical companies,
investments in research on Ascaris and other STHs are urgent- have set ambitious goals for the control of STH-related mor-
ly required for the development of diagnostic assays to sup- bidity by 2020, aiming to treat at least 75 % of school-age
port efforts to reduce human suffering caused by these children and high-risk groups, with mass drug administration
infections. (MDA) of albendazole or mebendazole [3, 4]. Sensitive, spe-
cific, user-friendly and cost-effective diagnostic tests are im-
perative for individual diagnosis and for planning, monitoring
Keywords Ascariasis . Ascaris . Diagnosis . Microscopy . and evaluation (M&E) of mass preventative chemotherapy
Immunology . PCR programmes, and novel tools are needed, especially for mea-
suring decreased infection intensities and drug efficacy [3].
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Topics Exploring Loa-Loa,
Onchocerciasis, Hookworm, Ascaris, Trichuris With the scale-up of national STH - control programmes, the
associated scientific opportunities and known limitations of
* Poppy H. L. Lamberton the currently recommended techniques, research on Ascaris
[email protected] diagnostics is needed more than ever.
Peter M. Jourdan We review the available literature for the diagnosis of
[email protected] A. lumbricoides infection and discuss the research and field
Imperial College London, St Marys Campus, Norfolk Place, trials that inform current and potential future diagnostic as-
London W2 1PG, UK says. We cover scenarios ranging from clinical settings to
Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, Imperial College London, St large-scale control programmes, and emphasise the need for
Marys Campus, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG, UK integration of diagnosis of multi-species infections.
190 Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200

Methods Adult Ascaris Worms Light infections are frequently asymp-

tomatic, whereas heavy infections commonly lead to acute
We searched the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of abdominal pain and ileus from conditions such as mechanical
Science and EMBASE for all publications on diagnostic tech- small bowel obstruction, volvulus and intussusception, espe-
niques of Ascaris using combinations of Ascaris/Ascariasis/ cially in children [5, 9]. In endemic countries, intestinal asca-
A. lumbricoides/soil-transmitted helminths/STH/helminth and riasis is also a common cause of hepatic, biliary and pancreatic
diagnostics/diagnosis/sensitivity/specificity/Kato-Katz/ disease, including acute pancreatitis and cholecystitis [10].
FLOTAC/ethyl/midi/ether/antigen/immunology/immuno- Ultrasonography, abdominal X-ray, computed tomography
globulins/LAMP/loop/polymerase chain reaction/PCR/ and magnetic resonance imaging scans may identify the cause
FECPACK/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015, and searched [1113]. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
for individual publications by title and/or authors when nec- may be both diagnostic and therapeutic, and capsule endosco-
essary. Three hundred and sixty-eight papers were retained py can be considered, even in individuals with negative con-
based on titles, 146 articles were read after screening of ab- ventional gastrointestinal endoscopy [14, 15].
stracts, and the final number of references was limited accord- In endemic countries, Ascaris infection is a common cause
ing to the publishers guidelines. of malabsorption, and undernutrition and micronutrient defi-
ciencies may lead to growth failure and cognitive impairment,
as well as defective immune regulation and increased risk of
other parasitic infections [16, 17].
Clinical Presentation

A. lumbricoides is a parasitic nematode that causes two main

Coprological Diagnosis
forms of pathology: immune-mediated reaction to migrating
larvae and nutrient depletion and/or obstruction due to phys-
Quantifying the worm burden of A. lumbricoides in stool fol-
ical presence of adult worms in the gastrointestinal tract [5]
lowing treatment is time-consuming and cumbersome, and
(Fig. 1). Infection is often asymptomatic and may occur along-
detection of eggs by light microscopy remains the mainstay
side other diseases. Ascariasis may present as a differential
for diagnosis. The various microscopy-based techniques are
diagnosis to a wide range of conditions (Table 1).
also commonly used for other intestinal parasites.
Similar to a number of parasite infections, individual diag-
Kato-Katz thick smear [18] is currently the recommended
nosis of ascariasis often depends on a thorough investigation
method by the World Health Organization (WHO) for detec-
that may include travel history or origin from endemic countries
tion of STH infections in endemic areas [3]. For intensity of
(when presenting in non-endemic areas) and clinical and labo-
infection, measured as number of eggs per gram of stool
ratory examinations, including potentially serological, molecu-
(EPG) [3], Kato-Katz correlates well with worm burden
lar and image-based diagnostics. Recent findings suggest that
[19]. Kato-Katz slides are relatively cheap and simple to pre-
ascariasis should be suspected in patients with relevant symp-
pare, produce few false positives and allow detection of sev-
toms even without travel to A. lumbricoides endemic areas, as
eral co-endemic intestinal parasite species [20]. However, the
Ascaris suum, a species that commonly infects pigs, may also
high variance of EPG from repeated Kato-Katz sampling, with
infect and cause pathology in humans [6].
non-random egg distribution (within the same stool) and daily
fluctuations in egg detection (from different stools from the
Migrating Ascaris Larvae. Lffler syndrome, or eosinophilic same person, and potentially from mislabelled stools from dif-
pneumonitis, is an immune-mediated type I hypersensitivity ferent people), is an important limitation of this technique [19].
reaction to larvae migrating through the pulmonary tissue and Due to the high variance, probably exacerbated by the small
typically occurs in initial or intermittent infections [7]. fixed volume of stool used (normally 41.7 mg), Kato-Katz has
Following an incubation period of 4 to 16 days, patients pres- limited sensitivity at lower intensities of infection [21, 22]. In
ent with fever, cough and dyspnoea. Clinical findings may addition, the number of eggs recorded in each smear is multi-
include urticaria or other rash, abnormal breath sounds by plied to calculate EPG, but the volume-to-weight ratio is affect-
auscultation and tender hepatomegaly. The leukocyte differ- ed by stool density, and actual weights vary considerably [23].
ential count typically reveals eosinophilia, and the chest X-ray Finally, the diagnostic accuracy of Kato-Katz depends on suf-
may show pulmonary infiltrates. Serology can aid the diagno- ficiently well-trained laboratory technicians.
sis, especially if egg excretion has not yet started, although Increased sampling from one to multiple slides from stools
cross-reactivity with other parasites is common. The syn- collected on consecutive days greatly improves the sensitivity
drome may last up to 3 weeks and can ultimately be fatal. of Kato-Katz, often resulting in higher prevalence estimates
Rarely, Ascaris larvae migrate to ectopic sites, and associated [2426]. Three days of two Kato-Katz slides per stool is suf-
eosinophilia may cause complications [8]. ficient to reach 1 % false negative diagnostics for
Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200 191

Fig. 1 A. lumbricoides life cycle and diagnostic markers of infection. swallowed, ending up as an adult worm in the small intestines. The
After being swallowed, an A. lumbricoides larva hatches from the female parasite lays tens of thousands of eggs daily that, through stool
infective egg*, migrates into the vascular system and is transported excretion, enter the environment and may infect other human hosts. The
through the portal veins and right side of the heart to the pulmonary time from egg ingestion to larval migration takes 10 to 14 days, with egg
circulation. Unable to cross the capillary network, the parasite production starting from 2 to 3 months. Adult worms can live in humans
penetrates the walls of the alveoli, migrates to the larynx and is for 12 years [5]. *Only fertilised eggs may become infective

A. lumbricoides in a moderate prevalence setting, in compar- The McMaster egg counting technique provides accurate
ison with up to 20 smears required for T. trichiura [24]. On the estimates of EPG [21], is very easy to use [23] (1-day training)
other hand, multiple smears do not always improve sensitivity, and provides the most reliable estimates of drug efficacies (see
may bias results through age-related non-compliance [27] and below) [38]; however, it is not as sensitive as FLOTAC [21].
require increased human and financial resources. Other diagnostic techniques have shown promising results
FLOTAC is more sensitive than a single [21, 28] or mul- for A. lumbricoides, including the TF-Test [39], Baermann-
tiple [22, 29, 30] Kato-Katz slide/s, possibly due to the larger Moraes [39], Paratest [40], formalin-ethyl acetate sedimenta-
volume of processed stool (1 g). FLOTAC could therefore tion [41], sodium acetate formalin (SAF) [42], Hoffman-Pons-
be a useful tool for mapping and monitoring integrated control Janer [39, 40] and the spontaneous sedimentation in tube tech-
programmes and for surveillance in low-endemic areas. nique (SSTT) [43]. In contrast, other methods have shown less
However, FLOTAC requires a centrifuge, lacks 100 % sen- promise, such as the Midi Parasep [41]. Further studies are
sitivity and often results in reduced egg counts [22, 28, 29, needed to determine the diagnostic value of these tests for
31]. Ascaris and other intestinal parasite infections.
The Mini-FLOTAC is a simpler test which does not require
expensive equipment or an energy source and has been found Diagnosis in Infants. Kato-Katz has low sensitivity for
to be at least as sensitive as Kato-Katz for determining STH detection of A. lumbricoides in breastfed infants, who have
infection intensities across a number of different settings [22, more liquid stools and, if infected, lower EPGs than older
3234]. The choice of flotation solution (FS) for both children [44]. Modified Wisconsin floatation and simple
FLOTAC and mini-FLOTAC affects species-specific diag- gravity sedimentation are more sensitive for infants than
nosis, with FS2 recommended for hookworm [32], FS7 for Kato-Katz, formal-ethyl acetate sedimentation or modified
Schistosoma mansoni and A. lumbricoides [32, 33, 35, 36] formal-ethyl acetate sedimentation [44]. The gravity sedimen-
and FS4 for all STHs [37]. tation method is labour-intensive but can distinguish fertilised
Mini-FLOTAC has been found to be more expensive from unfertilised Ascaris ova and is unaffected by diarrhoeal
[34] yet quicker [33] than Kato-Katz in low-intensity in- stool, unlike the Wisconsin method [44].
fections following treatment. However, cost per detected
case increases as prevalence decreases [34]. Although Drug Efficacy. Statistical simulations indicate that McMaster
FLOTAC is more expensive than Kato-Katz [37], a single and Kato-Katz provide reliable estimates of drug efficacy and
FLOTAC is cheaper, and more sensitive, than triplicate are suitable for M&E of control programmes [23]. FLOTAC
Kato-Katz slides [31], and may be the most suitable has also been shown to be more sensitive than Kato-Katz post-
coprological technique for accurate prevalence diagnostics treatment for the detection of all three main STHs, particularly
in the field. when performed on preserved samples [21]; however, this is
192 Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200

Table 1 Differential diagnoses to ascariasis morbidity in humans, grouped by larval and intestinal stages of infection

Findings Differential diagnoses

Larval ascariasisa
Urticarial, other rash Allergy, drug reactions, infections, including other parasites, environmental causes,
dermatological conditions
Tender hepatomegaly Infections, including intestinal ascariasis (see below); other parasitic infections, including
malaria, amoebiasis, echinococcosis; bacterial infections, including enteropathogenic
bacterial abscesses, typhoid and paratyphoid fever; viral infections, including EBV,
CMV, HIV and hepatitis; fungal infections
Tumours, including metastatic or (less common) primary hepatocellular carcinoma;
haemangioma; polycystic disease; lymphoma
Vascular causes, including congestive heart failure; haemolytic disorders;
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Toxicity, including alcoholism and other toxic substances
Metabolic, including congenital deficiencies such as haemochromatosis, glycogen storage
disease; amyloidosis
Cough, dypnoea Pulmonary infections and/or inflammation, including infections with other parasites,
pneumonia, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, asthma, allergy, COPD, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis
Tumours, including primary or metastatic neoplastic tumours
Vascular causes, including congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism, coronary
artery syndrome, anaemia
Mechanical causes, including pneumothorax
Eosinophilia Other parasitic infections, allergy, drug reactions, rare congenital or malignant diseases
Increased IgE titres Other parasitic infections, allergy, drug reactions, rare congenital or malignant diseases
Intestinal ascariasisa
Acute abdominal pain Infection and/or inflammationb, including appendicitis, cholelithiasis/cystitis, pancreatitis,
diverticulitis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis
Vascular causes, including intestinal ischaemia, abdominal aortic aneurysm, sickle cell disease crisis
Other, including acute adrenal insufficiency, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian torsion, endometriosis, physiological
Ileus Bowel obstruction due to American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease),
constipation, adhesions, hernia, volvulus, intussusception, tumours, IBD, congenital disorders
Intestinal paralysis due to post-surgical paralytic ileus, drugs, acute
pancreatitis or systemic disease
Acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis, other causes of acute abdominal pain (see above)
Acute cholecystitis Acute cholecystitis,other causes of acute abdominal pain (see above)
Liver abscess, cholangitis Infections, including other parasites, enteropathogenic bacteria and opportunistic
infections associated with AIDS; cholelithiasis; tumours

EBV Epstein-Barr virus, CMV cytomegalovirus, HIV human immunodeficiency virus, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, IBD inflammatory
bowel disease, AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
In individuals with a high exposure to infection, elements from both stages may co-exist
Apart from appendicitis, conditions most commonly affect adults

in contrast to other studies where helminth egg recovery diagnosis, particularly with further technological and software
decreases with preservation time [31]. The sensitivity of development [46, 47, 48].
Kato-Katz and McMaster decreases following anti-
helminthic treatment, whereas FLOTAC remains high [21].

Diagnosis Using Mobile Phone Technology. Mobile devices Serological Diagnosis

have been adapted for examination of Kato-Katz slides and
can accurately diagnose helminth eggs in moderate- to high- Detection of antibodies or antigens could provide a simpler,
intensity infections, with a sensitivity of 81 % for more rapid diagnosis of Ascaris infection than conventional
A. lumbricoides, but lower for other STHs [45]. It is probable stool microscopy. Point-of-care tests are available for other
that mobile, lens-free devices, in combination with digital im- NTDs such as lymphatic filariasis (LF) [49] and schistoso-
age analysis, may improve stool-based point-of-care miasis [50]; however, currently, no such tests exist for STHs.
Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200 193

Humoural Immune Response. A. lumbricoides generates an Serological Diagnosis in Children. As control programmes
antibody production that varies with exposure and intensity of potentially move towards elimination of STHs, antibodies
infection, particularly in high-endemic areas [51, 52]. may provide a good marker of infection in young children,
Importantly, factors such as age, genetic predisposition, atopy, especially in areas where children are frequently exposed to
nutritional status and co-infections may affect the humoral intestinal pathogens [63, 64].
response to Ascaris [17, 53, 54]. Total immunoglobulin (Ig)
titres are associated with worm burden in individuals living in Biomedical Markers. Few studies have identified biomedical
endemic areas [51]. In some studies, certain Ig isotypes, such target markers for A. lumbricoides infection. Fatty acid prod-
as IgG4, have been found to be sensitive and specific markers ucts of A. lumbricoides infection may be detected in urine by
of chronic A. lumbricoides infection, and to positively corre- gas-liquid chromatography, and the levels correlate well with
late with intensity of infection [55, 56]. These findings are worm burden [65]; however, to our knowledge, no such tests
consistent with other parasite infections [57], although others are currently available as commercial products.
have found more variable results for Ascaris [52].
Cross-reactivity of anti-Ascaris antibodies with epitopes of
other helminths is common [51], and standardisation of Molecular Diagnosis
Ascaris antigens for research and diagnostic purposes is war-
ranted, including recombinant antigens, Ascaris-associated al- Molecular diagnostic tools are highly sensitive and specific,
lergens and antigens of other ascarid species [56, 58, 59]. and rapid advances are being made, resulting in reduced costs
and improved techniques such as real-time quantitative PCR
(qPCR) and multiplex assays.
Antibodies as Markers of Active Infection. Few studies
The DNA extraction and amplification of the nuclear first
have evaluated the use of serological diagnosis of Ascaris at
internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1) from single Ascaris
the community level. In one study of individuals with high-
eggs have primarily been optimised for population genetic
intensity infections treated repeatedly over several months,
analyses [66]. These techniques, used on stool samples, could
anti-Ascaris IgG4 fell to levels equal to negative controls
enable highly sensitive detection of Ascaris, particularly by
[60]. In another study, however, antibody titres did not corre-
amplification of DNA from single eggs. Methods to detect
late with worm - load expulsion after treatment [56].
small amounts of ancient DNA, such as molecular
Anti-Ascaris antibody titres have been associated with lar-
paleoparasitological hybridization approach [67], may im-
val stage ascariasis in particular and may remain elevated for
prove sensitivity for very low infections.
several months, even following treatment, especially in areas
Multiplex PCR enables the detection of multiple parasite
where re-infection is frequent [7, 60]. Anti-Ascaris antibodies
species in a single reaction and can simplify diagnostics by
are therefore generally not seen as suitable to detect active
replacing several individual tests with one molecular test.
Ascaris infection and could overestimate the number of indi-
High-throughput PCR assays have been developed, and a
viduals in need of treatment in mass control programmes. A
multiplex PCR showed promising results for
number of commercial diagnostic tests are available for detec-
A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and N. americanus [68].
tion of anti-Ascaris lumbricoides IgG and IgM; however, to
Unlike conventional PCR, which can only indicate pres-
our knowledge, most are based on somatic A. lumbricoides
ence of infection, qPCR enables quantification of amplicon
worm antigens and frequently cross-react with other hel-
(and associated infection intensity). High intensity reac-
minths. Interestingly, saliva-based detection of IgG performed
tions result in rapid amplification and early fluorescence.
well in high-intensity T. trichiura infection, but not in Ascaris
qPCR is more sensitive than Kato-Katz and the flotation
infection [61].
technique (FS7) for detection of A. lumbricoides infections
and co-infections [69, 70, 71]. Multiplex qPCR assays
Antigen Detection. Whilst antibody detection could represent have successfully detected A. lumbricoides infection
past infection or exposure, as well as current infections, anti- alongside multiple intestinal parasites [69, 70, 72], with
gen detection only represents current infections. We did not over 90 % of children under 10 years of age harbouring
find any studies of detection of antigens in blood or other two or more parasites [72]. These findings highlight the
specimens for A. lumbricoides infection. Detection of schisto- importance of multi-species diagnostic tests, even in young
some antigen in urine is highly sensitive and is available as a children, including common intestinal infections that are
commercialised point-of-care test [50, 62]. Similar tools for often neglected by control programmes. All primers had
STHs may be limited by the location of the adult worms in the high sensitivity and specificity, and the quantified DNA
intestines, rather than in the blood vessels as is the case for correlated strongly with EPG [70], indicating its potential
schistosomes, and it is possible that coproantigen tests would for measuring parasite reduction following anti-helminthic
be more sensitive than urine or blood tests for STHs. treatment [70].
194 Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200

Alternatively, amplicons for several STHs and protozoa published mitochondrial genome of A. lumbricoides [90] and
can be hybridised to beads for probe-based detection on a A. suum [91] and the complete A. suum [92] and
Luminex platform providing a high-throughput diagnostic A. lumbricoides genome (Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute for
tool with less equipment required than for qPCR [73]. the 50 Helminth Genomes Initiative) may reveal genes suitable
Further, reverse transcriptase PCR can identify specific stages for differentiating infections. However, the mitochondria vary
of schistosomes [74] and could be useful for distinguishing by only 1.9 % [89] and differentiation may not be possible if
new and treatment-resistant Ascaris infections. they are in fact not two distinct species [93, 94].
The significantly higher sensitivity of qPCR over stool mi-
croscopy typical for a number species is not always observed
for Ascaris due to high egg output and technical challenges Discussion
related to isolating parasite DNA from the resistant, four-
layered Ascaris egg shell [75]. This may limit the usefulness Despite global efforts to control STH-related morbidity, only
of future PCR methods such as USB DNA-chip technology approximately 30 % of children worldwide in need of treat-
[76] for field diagnosis of ascariasis. Also, specific multiplex ment are currently receiving preventive chemotherapy [4].
assays are limited to the species targeted in the respective tests, Key factors for optimal planning, M&E and surveillance of
and DNA from high-intensity infections will compete for control programmes include accurate diagnostic tools and op-
dNTPs, thereby deterring detection of species of lower infec- timal survey protocols with appropriate sample sizes, number
tion intensities. Finally, the price of molecular diagnostic tech- of repeated measurements and timing. The choice of diagnos-
niques limits its use in endemic areas [69, 70], and until tic technique and protocol will vary depending on the research
equipment costs decrease, other diagnostics may remain more question being addressed. To date, the development of diag-
cost-effective. nostic tests for ascariasis has been limited by largely insuffi-
cient investments and is further complicated by the fact that no
true gold standard exists for comparison of tests. There is a
Parallels to Diagnostic Tools for Ascaris suum need for tests which compare adult worm expulsion (for up to
a week), repeated Kato-Katz and/or other tests that estimate
Recent studies suggest that A. suum may be a relatively com- EPG, and PCR, to standardise analyses of current and future
mon cause of infection in humans, also in areas non-endemic diagnostic methods. Ideal relationships should be linear, with
for A. lumbricoides, and tools for species-specific diagnosis low variance. We have reviewed the published literature to
are required on a larger scale than previously anticipated [6, identify currently available diagnostic tests that may support
7782]. The zoonotic potential of Ascaris spp. may be rein- endemic countries to achieve global targets, and below we
forced by drug resistance to anti-helminthic treatment in do- provide our recommendations for each of the components of
mestic pigs [83] and could change public health strategies such control programmes (summarised in Table 2).
[77]. Although adult A. lumbricoides and A. suum worms
differ in structure [84], the absence of differences in egg mor- Geographical Mapping of Disease Distribution
phology makes stool-based species diagnosis difficult.
Currently Available Tests Mapping of disease for defining
Serological Diagnosis An A. suum antigen-based immuno- appropriate frequency of MDA is currently done through stool
blot assay was developed that successfully diagnosed human microscopy, most commonly Kato-Katz, with A. lumbricoides
visceral larva migrans (VLM) syndrome assumed to be caused EPG categories of light (14999 EPG), moderate (500049,
by A. suum [85]. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 999 EPG) and heavy (>50,000 EPG) infections [3]. These
(ELISA) using the A. suum haemoglobin antigen correlates thresholds need to be refined, and more research is required
well with EPG and worm load, is more sensitive than micros- to determine the correlation between EPG calculated by
copy and has low cross-reactivity with Trichuris suis in ex- FLOTAC, McMaster and Kato-Katz. Unlike some common
perimentally infected pigs [86]. Although developed as a vet- NTDs, questionnaires are not a sensitive tool for identification
erinary tool, it could be useful for rapid, multi-species diagno- of communities targeted for STH treatments [95].
sis in human Ascaris infection [87].
Ideal Tools Although current stool-based tests may be suffi-
Molecular Diagnosis Although PCR may detect a single cient to define mass treatment strategies, especially in
Ascaris egg, it does not appear to discriminate A. lumbricoides moderate- to high-endemic areas, tests with higher sensitivity
from A. suum [88]. Additional studies from sympatric popula- are needed as infection intensity is reduced [4]. Similar to
tions using multi-locus genotype data are required to determine rapid, point-of-care diagnostic tests developed for other infec-
if cross-transmission is a global issue, and to determine what tious diseases [48, 96, 97], mapping for STH control
diagnostics are required. Detailed comparisons [89] of the programmes need more convenient, reliable and affordable
Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200 195

Table 2 Characteristics of the most common current and potential laboratory-based diagnostic techniques, and their use in national control

Strengths and limitations Recommendations for use Integration with other NTDs
in control programmes

Spec Sens Field-based Cost Samplea Mapping M&E Drug efficacy Surveillanceb STHs Common intestinal

Kato-Katz F
McMaster F
Antibodies B
Antigensd ? ? ?e
PCR - F/B f
qPCR - F/B f

Spec specificity, Sens sensitivity, M&E monitoring and evaluation, NTDs neglected tropical diseases, STHs soil-transmitted helminths, qPCR quantita-
tive PCR
F=faeces, B=blood/serum
Surveillance for elimination and/or recrudescence
Choice of flotation solution affects diagnostic accuracy of different species, with FS2 recommended for hookworms, and FS7 for A. lumbricoides and
S. mansoni. Duplicate FLOTAC using two different flotation solutions is recommended in areas where multiple species co-exist
No antigen tests are available; however, antigen detection has the potential for accurate, non-invasive and rapid diagnosis of active infection
Future diagnostic tools based on non-invasive specimens such urine or oral fluid may be highly applicable for field use, as well as coproantigen tests
Analysis of pooled samples in order to reduce costs

tools, including tests for detection of antigens, host immuno- (ERRs). Although cost and ease of use have historically been
logical markers and/or parasite DNA, ideally in urine, blood more important than diagnostic sensitivity, especially for prev-
or oral fluid [98100]. However, due to the location of STHs alence and CR, more sensitive tools may be needed as suc-
in the intestines, it is possible that coproantigen tests will be cessful control programmes lead to reduced prevalence and
more sensitive, although research to support this prediction is intensity of infection.
needed. Moreover, improved coordination of disease map-
ping, including specimens sampled for other NTD surveys,
could strengthen cooperation between health and non-health Ideal Tools As infection intensity decreases, measuring
sectors, as well as attract sustainable funding for control disease transmission becomes increasingly important,
programmes [101, 102]. and direct markers of infection, including antigens, will
be required. As integrated control programmes develop,
Monitoring and Evaluating Impact of Anti-helminthic increased precision of diagnostic tests may improve the
Treatment interpretation of the effect of complementing interven-
tions, such as WASH [101]. As albendazole is used to
Currently Available Tests The impact of mass control treat both LF and STH infections, disease impact surveys
programmes is currently evaluated through sentinel site sur- may be coordinated [103], and collection of the same,
veys [3]. In some instances, evaluating impact through repeat- conveniently sampled specimens would improve data va-
ed mapping is conducted, although the value of comparing lidity and cost-effectiveness. Alternatively, techniques in-
cross-sectional survey results, often with differing protocols cluding a preservation stage, such as FLOTAC, could
and techniques, is debatable [101]. At present, stool-based be incorporated, and stools processed at a central loca-
microscopy, especially Kato-Katz, remains the main diagnos- tion [36]. However, LF surveillance will probably scale
tic test to evaluate impact of treatment, and outcomes include down as the disease becomes eliminated ahead of STH
binary values of prevalence and cure rate (CR; recommended programmes, and rapid on-site tools for STH diagnosis
by WHO), and numeric values of EPG and egg reduction rates are highly required.
196 Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200

Although the limitations of currently available STH stool Surveillance of Disease Elimination and Recrudescence
tests may be overcome by adjusted reporting metrics [38], a
convenient point-of-care test is needed for M&E of STH con- Currently Available Tests In contrast to other NTDs, global
trol programmes, including ascariasis. Ideally, the test would targets for STH control programmes do not currently include
also detect other common tropical diseases, such as malaria, elimination. Nevertheless, recent guidelines [49] recom-
through a multi-array platform [104, 105]. Although novel mend the coordination of various NTD surveillance surveys,
NTD diagnostic tools are currently moving towards urine and reports have highlighted how the need for stool collection
and blood specimens [50, 102], coproantigen tests, such as for STH diagnosis, as opposed to blood or urine, remains an
those available for other intestinal infections [106108], may important challenge [114]. In areas where elimination is rele-
be the most sensitive diagnostic marker in A. lumbricoides vant, antibody detection in young children may be an appro-
infection. priate measure of active transmission, although identification
In areas where elimination of STH may become a target of appropriate Ig isotypes is needed.
for control programmes, antigen, antibody and/or multi-
plex qPCR assays may improve detection of disease. Ideal Tools Serology and PCR-based diagnostic tests are
However, unlike microscopy, PCR results do not correlate currently being developed for other NTDs with Ascaris
with morbidity, unless infection intensity is accounted for primers or antibodies as add-ons. In order to ensure
[71], and PCR remains prohibitively expensive at this integrated diagnosis for all STH species, it is essential that
stage. research on antigen, antibody and molecular-based diagnostic
tools for Ascaris is not left behind.
Measuring Drug Efficacy

Currently Available Tests Drug resistance is not routinely Conclusions

monitored by STH control programmes. Although rarely
detected to date, resistance to benzimidazoles may arise There is a paucity of data on novel, convenient diagnostics for
from parasite selection pressure due to high frequency of ascariasis, even compared to other NTDs. Standardised proto-
mono-drug treatment [109]. Few studies have assessed the cols and validated diagnostics are required for assessing the
accuracy of available coprological methods for estimating epidemiological situation, burden of disease and drug efficacy.
drug efficacy, either for CR or even more rarely for ERR, Based on an updated review of the literature, we have present-
and tools for measuring drug efficacy are commonly neglected ed the currently available tools for clinical diagnosis and for
[110]. ERR determined by Kato-Katz is currently recom- field tests used in national control programmes. It is possible
mended for measuring anti-helminthic drug efficacy; howev- that Ascaris diagnostics will shift to more sensitive tech-
er, other stool techniques may be more sensitive, including niques, such as FLOTAC, serological tests and qPCR, as
pooled stool samples which may reduce volume-to-weight areas of low-intensity infection become more common. As
ratio confounders, as well as the costs [21, 23, 26, 33, 111, control programmes are scaled up, the shifting epidemiology
112, 113]. of STH will need to be addressed, and quantitative rapid,
point-of-care tests are required for successful control.
Increased investments in research on Ascaris and other
Ideal Tools Despite high costs, the increased sensitivity STHs is urgently needed for the development of simple and
and specificity of PCR and qPCR could help establish ac- affordable diagnostic tools to support efforts to reduce human
curate baseline prevalence and determine measures of drug suffering caused by these infections.
efficacy, although a better understanding of the correlation
between EPG and worm burden with qPCR quantifications Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Professors Patrick
is required. We recommend that PCR methods [70] are Lammie, Lisette van Leishout, Peter Geldof and Drs Bruno Levecke
used in conjunction with Kato-Katz, and ideally an addi- and Govert van Dam for very helpful discussions of the current research
on Ascaris diagnostic methods, and Professor Roy Anderson for insight-
tional stool-based microscopy method, for accurate mea- ful comments on the text.
surement of drug efficacy. Single-nucleotide polymor-
phisms, associated with drug resistance in veterinary nem- Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
atodes, may be useful molecular markers to detect early
resistance in human A. lumbricoides infections [109]; how- Conflict of Interest Poppy H L Lamberton and Peter M Jourdan declare
that they have no conflict of interest.
ever, more studies are needed to clarify their phenotypic
relevance. Finally, studies suggest that monitoring of drug
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
resistance could be integrated with other NTD control not contain any studies with animal subjects performed by any of the
programmes [102]. authors. Among cited articles where one of the authors of the current
Curr Trop Med Rep (2015) 2:189200 197

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