Immunodiagnostic Methods
Immunodiagnostic Methods
Immunodiagnostic Methods
Review Article
Immunodiagnostic Methods: What Is Their Role in Areas of
Low Endemicity?
Copyright © 2012 Rafaella Fortini Queiroz Grenfell et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Worldwide Schistosomiasis mansoni continues to be a serious public health problem. Over the past decades, control programmes
have made remarkable progress in reducing S. mansoni infections to a relatively low level in Brazil and African countries.
Endemic regions are currently circumscribed in certain core areas where reinfection and repeated chemotherapy are frequent
and, consequently, are related to residents with low parasite load. At present, diagnosis is predominately a key step for final disease
control although low endemicity area residents are hardly detected by most of the available assays. In this paper, we review the
current status and efforts made aiming at the improvement of diagnostic tools for S. mansoni in low endemicity infections. The
establishment of diagnostic assays—simple, affordable, sensitive, and specific for field diagnosis of S. mansoni—is essential and
should be given high priority.
the 1970s as part of the Special Program for Schistosomiasis 2. Immunodiagnostic Methods for
Control in Brazil, and it is still in progress in Africa [8]. Antibodies Detection
Although this strategy could have led to an effective control
of parasite transmission, it showed a different scenario in New indirect diagnostic tests based on antibody detection
endemic areas. There is evidence that prevalence and worm have been developed. Indirect methodologies are highly
burden have decreased significantly since the introduction of sensitive even when parasite burden is low, but they are
this program [10–12]. Given this fact, new objectives need to unable to distinguish past from current infections and are
be defined transferring from control programs designed for relatively nonspecific and prone to cross-reactions with other
morbidity reduction to strategies for transmission control antigens [5, 21]. Since it is based on the determination of
the humoral immune response, positive antibody test results
may take an indefinite period of time to convert to negativity
In a recent review [9] the authors show the absence of after elimination of infection [22] and do not reflect the
exact mechanisms of action of praziquantel, the mechanisms intensity of infection [23].
of drug resistance in schistosomes that remain unclear.
The presence of cross-reactive IgG antibodies in serum
The study evidences the urgent and great importance to samples of schistosomiasis patients was detected by different
strengthen the monitoring of praziquantel sensitivity and authors when tested with antigens of other parasite species
detection of praziquantel resistance in schistosomes and a by ELISA and Western blot [24–26]. Nevertheless, good
development of an effective and rapid detection technique specificity (98.2%) was observed when detection of IgM
that is urgently needed. antibodies to gut-associated antigens by immunofluorescent
Prevalence and egg burden in feces is expected to be test (IFT). This IFT was applied in different areas of the
low in areas either under advanced control of transmission State of São Paulo, Brazil, with no schistosomiasis and high
[14] or with recent introduction [15, 16]. The increasing prevalence for other helminth infections, such as ascaridiasis,
number of individuals showing low parasite load, most trichuriasis, and enterobiasis [27]. There are various studies
of the time with less than 10 eggs per gram of feces that assess the potential of different immunodiagnostic
after extensive examination, turns the diagnosis even harder methods in populations [28–31], and, even when applied in
to be performed. Moreover, the exact definition of the low endemicity areas, these immunodiagnostic assays show a
prevalence of a population, as well as the identification good relation between sensitivity and positivity ratio but still
of asymptomatic carriers, becomes unviable because a cannot discriminate the active infection.
large amount of unnecessary stool examinations has to be Nonetheless, these methodologies have their own advan-
carried out to find a relatively small number of infected tages when leading with low endemicity infections as
individuals. confirmatory diagnosis. That said, schistosome egg antigen
(SEA) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) can be
Herein, diagnosis plays a crucial role in the monitoring of
used as a complementary field-based method for monitoring
the infection as well as efficacy of treatment. Currently, the
infection. It performs well over a range of endemic settings
“gold” standard remains the detection of schistosome eggs
and would be best applied to monitor the incidence of
in stools. The Kato-Katz technique is the most widely used
“new” infections in young children in environments where
copromicroscopic method in epidemiological surveys [17].
transmission was thought to be interrupted [21]. The most
However, because of low egg production in endemic areas, important point to be considered is that the use of different
the risk of having a large number of individuals who remain antigens in immunological methods can be applied as
undiagnosed is considerable. Consequently, undiagnosed potential tools for the analysis of the chronological evolution
individuals remain infected and contribute to transmission of S. mansoni infection [32]. Recent analysis has shown that
of the disease. Siqueira et al. [18] showed that the prevalence the antigens from different life stages as schistosomula, adult
obtained from the examination of one Kato-Katz slide in a worms, and eggs can be markers for prepatent, acute and
low-transmission area in Brazil (the methodology adopted chronic phases. Results from individual laboratories and,
by the Brazilian control programme) was 8% compared to from multicentre trials, suggest that egg antigens provide
35.8% from the “gold standard” (Kato-Katz method—18 greater diagnostic sensitivity and specificity than worm
slides plus a quantitative commercial test—TF-Test), which antigens for the detection of an infection [33, 34].
was a 4.5-fold difference. It is clear however that diagnostic tests based on egg
Development and implementation of optimal method- antigens should be postponed until egg laying is started. To
ologies for diagnosis is crucial in all aspects of schistosomiasis obtain a positive result, the parasite cycle must be completed
control, and high sensitivity, as well as absolute specificity, within the definitive host with the development of male
will be needed as programmes shift their emphasis from and female adult worms, which reproduce and lead to
control to elimination [19]. Since initial disease surveillance the oviposition [35]. Also, although extracts prepared by
must be enhanced so that drug delivery can be focused [20], homogenizing Schistosoma eggs contain a large number of
research has been mainly focused on the development and molecules, only a minority of the constituents of egg antigen
optimization of improved diagnostic methods in order to might be released by viable eggs in vivo, as demonstrated in
achieve significant diagnosis sensitivity for the detection of vitro [36], which can explain the low detection capability of
infections with low parasite load. an SEA-ELISA assay.
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