Assessment Brief IV

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Assessment Brief IV: Audience Research Design Proposal

Due date: 3 July, 2017

Length: 1200 - 1500 words


You have been commissioned to conduct some audience research by an organization. Your task is to
write up a detailed proposal for the specific research you plan to undertake. Note that you are expected to
produce a design for the research, not the actual research findings. Explain and justify the theoretical
assumptions underpinning your approach. It should be structured around the issues listed below:

1. Background of the study (or Introduction)

Write a relevant history on the issue as well as related current information. Make sure that you
outline these two adequately so that your reader understands the problem/ issue in hand.

2. Key research questions

It is very important to be clear here about who the audience is, how they are brought into being
and why you want to research this audience. Generate one or more specific questions which your
research design will enable you to address.

3. Theoretical framework

You should identify the research tradition and the specific approach you are taking based on the
lectures given in the past. Briefly justify your choice of theoretical approach (why this approach
and not another?).

4. Literature review

Make reference to any research which is broadly related to your audience. You may also find
research which is more closely related to your own. Even if you dont, you should describe the
searches you have carried out to find relevant literature.

5. Research method

Here you should detail your proposed method of audience investigation.

6. Uses of the findings

The question of who the research is carried out for (i.e. the institutional context) and what uses it
may have, should be addressed here.

7. Resources required

This is the section where you show what you will need to get the job done. This can include time,
people and equipment. It doesnt have to be too detailed- just a description of the main needs.

8. References
List of references used.

Assessment Criteria

1. Background of the study (or Introduction)

Clear history of the issue

Relevant current information and review of the area of research

2. Key research questions

Clearly defined research question or questions (not more than 2)

Defines the audience to be researched

Relevant and audience focused

3. Theoretical framework

Identifies the research approach/ theoretical framework (relevant theories)

Sound justification of choice of theoretical approach as relevant to research proposed

Identifies the limitations of the framework

4. Literature review

Cites research which connects with the research question

Identifies and notes relevance of existing research to proposal

5. Research method

Correctly distinguishes between quantitative AND qualitative research methods

Describes specific research methods (tools) for carrying out the research (e.g. provide sample
question if relevant)

Method proposed match the objectives and the research questions

6. Uses of the findings

Clearly states who the research is to be conducted for

Purpose and use of the research is justified in relation to the goals of the organization selected

7. Resources required

List of resources matches research methods

8. References
Includes a reference list

Appropriate use of appendices (if applicable)


Set it out not as an essay but in sections using the numbered headings given above. Include a list of
references. You may also provide an appendix with sample interview or survey questions. Please use 12
pt Times New Roman as your font and have your pages numbered.


Send your manuscript to your instructor at the Divisional Office, Block E, Level 2 with Turnitin originality
reports attached. External coversheets must also be attached to your work.

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