Proc No. 281-2002 Telecommunications (Amendment)

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fh.TfA-f &..Y..t.I\'e "l'fPht.fl.f'e ~T1I1\.h

AoF-06-1A ",;J t+ ,;J It lfJ


hM1'~ '}ObT cfl'l'C 11~

8th Year No. 28
1t-'lf..1tOq-(U~ f)~ +') lilf1~ Oh.Tf-A-f &..Y..t.I\'e "l'fPht.fl.f'e ~T1Itth
ADDIS ABABA-2nd July, 2002
f ih1Hl "'mt)f"~ rhe fl.""ml]t~"" fmll)

. OVm-65J.
1tfJ~cfl'l'CIfitli/Iilf1i'}'9" CONTENTS
Proclamation No. 281/2002
f1:"'f100.~n.7i'} (oy7j7jf) Telecommunications (Amendment)
1tfJ~... ;... Proclamation
liif.:t'it page 1780

1t1'~ cfl'l'C~fitli/Iilf12 PROCLAMATION NO. 281/2002

f-l: "'i'ou-tt1. 71') 1t1'~ ') t\oy7j7jA A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR THE
O-l:"'i'ou-~h. 71') Obhh 01t~~~9" 'f..,C fith.,.8'\- 1t1Pt.
~'f') oaJ?f?fA~c; 1tJ;Jlit1tjpt.~'f') oyit.,.fJm:"1tit4.I\'t (/'ti WHEREAS, it has become imperative to properly
I address difficulties encountered in the implementation
O-""ri:f process in the telecommunication sub-sector and introduce
IJ-I:h'rtt-:(C; 0,}/\9" 1t+ti: f1tU't.C /\I&(I1'f 9"h') fT new working methods for same;
f"'4.m~ 1tJ;.tlit t..,.".,.~ lJo~:r9''f') 0~;J'f') I&h'l' OYI1"'T WHEREAS, it has become imperative to incorporate
"h4."1. Oool1").f new regulatory conditions resulting from technological and
Oh.Tf-A-f &..1..t.I\'e Jl'fPht.fl.f'e ~T1Itth ~1
operational changes at the international level;
UP')"'>T h')+1r !l?i(Ii) OOU'I.T fOl/.hTt\1& :r1&~A:: NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1)
of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of
Ii . h IiJ!'CCiJit Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
"11 hfJ~ 'cf-l:"'i'oo.~h. 71') (oy7j7jf) hfJ~ cfl'l'C 1. Short Title.
~fitli/Iilf1i" +111\0 It.m+it "'f"A== This ProclamatiQn may be cited as the ''Telecom-
I. MJ?7j7jf munications (Amendment) Proclamation No.
'-I:t\.i'oo.~n. 71') 1t1'~ ~'I'C ~il/Iilhtil ~'}.(OI/.h.,.t\1& 281/2002."
1'?f1i~Af 2. Amendment
Telecommunications Proclamation No. 49/1996 is
Ii' Oh1':( 1t')+1r I}pC fOl/.h"'8'\-T ""lit ')o-it1t')+1r
hereby amended as follows:
(r) ~Cj (i) "'a.l.9"I.fJA; 1) The following new Sub-Articles (3) and (4) are
ur' u1lT;;: '11"~1& f-l:t\.i'ou-~h. 71') 1t1A..,I\oT added under Article 2 of the Proclamation:
,,"\ ~c~:"" OY/\T dkTf-A-f -I:t\.f1ou-~ "3) "Sole Telecommunications Service
h."Ii') i'cr t."Ii') OY**D7.f fOl/.~itT~'f 9"hc Provider" means the Corporation established
o.T ~,}11 ~1'C I/Ififitil f1'**ool& i'C7 by the Ethiopian Telecommunications Cor-
t."Ii') m,,9" f1C7t. "Ii).') 1'h.,. '01/.**9" poration Establishment Council of Ministers
'-I:'" Regulations No. 10/1996 or any service
f100.~h. 71') 1t1/.\..,I\oT 1'1"-1.~C~T ~I&f provider that replaces it.' ,

nJf:.":J ~:J~"" :JfI.trJ ;r...,.4I. 'tif.i

UnitPrid: 2'30 Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 28 2nd July. 2002-Page ) 782
1A" li'ltlf-t. .UJ.A. ~;Jt"" ;JtJ.1IJ.'I'C ft I'Ik r~ -n llif~i 'H'"

i' "f1:"-t1C'D.~h.1i' h1~"'I\-+" "'11\+ f1:l\.\100-~ 4) "Telecommunication Service" means Public Swit-
h.1i, "'Itf~1"'f h1~"'I\-+ lI.i\-I\C lfDl},e.~h1~ ched Telecommunication Service; Cellular Mobile
..,1\-+ . f1\.,.,.C~+ h1~"'I\-+ . f""'I\"+ 1:"-l.':' Service; Interned Service; Satellite Telephone
h1~"'I\-+ . f.';:t' \100-~h.1i' 111~"'1\-+ . f1:l\. Service; Data Communication Service; Telecenters
lI.,.,.C m,e.r ~lI.~ 111~"'1\-+ . f"""'''.4'1i m,e.'/" or Resale Service; Mobile or Fixed Private Radio
f!t"7. f"'~ ~f- 111~"'1\-+ . fiiA+ 111~"'l\-+ . Service; VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
Service; Cable Installation and Maintenance
fh.-o~ (lDUC,:J+'i 'l'1'i JP&- . f1:"-\100-~h.1i'
Service; Telecommunication Switches Installatipn
"'Itf~1"'f .,.111\
"'i 'l'1'i JP&- . Oh."-tJ+~tJ m,.'/"
and Maintenance Service; the transmission or recep-
Oh."-tJ+C" "'I"'~-I:tJ ;),e.~ 11"'111,e.~+Oll~tJ 1iP . tion through the agency of electricity or electromag-
O~f- . 0""-I:11~ 4-,e.ocllJ,e.r 0l\.1\ h.l\.tJ+C"
netism of any sounds, signs, signals, writing, images
"'I"'~-I:tJ m,e.r "'I'i:f.,.,. "-1\ JP~+ 1:9"" . or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical
r~h+ . "o-~ m,e.,. rll~ "'Ii'I&-a.1..}-m,.'/"
fiber, or other electromagnetic system or any other
(ID"'O~ . ",-\o-r "7.~1l1:~ f1:"-\100-~h.1i' 111~ service designated as Telecommunication Service
..,1\-+ -01\- f"7.mll'i:fOJo,r f"7.a.1.rC fl.1f' f1lC" by the Ministry. It shall not include Broadcasting
.('l1ll-l:'''' 111~"'1\-+ "'i f1\.,.,.c\1,/" "'T~~.}-1 Service and Intercom Connections."
11,.a.1.rC'/"1I " 2) Sqb-Article (6) of Article 2 of the Proclamation is deleted
g. fhCP:( 111.,." I 10-ll 111.,.", <t;) "'i'lCtf O"7.h.,.l\m. and replaced by the following new Sub-Article (6):
h-\1l10-ll 111.,." (I) .,..,.tJ:t~ . "6) "Call-back Service" means the use of dial tone of
a foreign telecommunication operator for inter-
"I' "f\1~l}tJ 111~"'1\-+" "'11\+ fV1C m.ll'l' f1:l\.1'1 national connections without the knowledge of the
oo-th.1i1 .('C~+ ",m..,.m. fl\.1\ V1C f1:l\.I100-th.1i1 domestic telecommunication operator and shall
.('C~+ f'l'~ .,." 1\1\.''''C'i1i'i~ "'T~~+ (IDm"''/'' include services that are identified as call-back by
fl.1f' O~I\'/" 11.,.t;; f1:l\.\100-th.1i, ;h11l.}- 11~l}tJ the International Telecommunication Union."
.,.1I1\m. f"7.:t'mck 111~"'l\-"''f' "(.Q,,/,,&-~II" 3) Sub-Articles (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8) of Article 2 of
i:' f11CP:(111.,."g 10-ll111"''' (r)' (i)' (~). (I). (~). 'h'i the Proclamation are re-numbered as Sub-Articles (5).
(t) "1~ :,.~'/" .,.h.,.I\:fm. (~). (I)' (~). (t). (it). 'h'i (1) (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10), respectively.
If~CP~ ., 4) The following new Sub-Articles (8) and (9) are added
under Article 6 of the Proclamation:
i' 011CP:(111.,." 1 JPC f"7.I1.,.i\-+ I1JL1l10-ll111.,." (t) . "8) to issue license to satellite companies so as to allow
'h'i (it) "'a.1.'/"lCP~ I
them to send and receive signals to and frotn
"t. 1\".,.I\,e.+ 1:l\.l.':1 .('C~"''f 0:" .('''7.1 1I:f~ Ethiopia, provided that such companies shall first
111f~m.f1:l\.\100-th.1i, 111~"'l\-.}- i'I~ .('C~.}- enter 'into agreement with the Sole Telecom-
,:JC O"7.1~C1-+ llrr~+ (IDwl+ fI."''il\-'f munication Service Provider;
1\(IDl\tJ'i111\.+f-*'1 f"7.I\tt-+1'/" I\(ID"'O~ f"7.1 9) to compel the Sole Telcommunication Service
ll'f~ L.4'.(' ,e.i'lII)~ . Provider to provide the necessary disaster com-
munication service by itself or by entering into
ii' 01\.+f-*'1 OJoll'l' f.,.L'I'C" 11~,:Jfl.l,:J'I'1JUm,.'/"
agreement with others. where a natural disaster or
T'1C"'f fI.l1i'1i:'i "7.t ll1: ~'/" ,.U1 0 "'(ID1\h.,.
problem occurs in Ethiopia and the Ministry issues
(ID(ID~1fl.lmll) h.~'fl.m.1I:f~ flf~m. f-f;l\.I100-t
a directi ve to this effect. The Agency, in such cases,
h.1i1111~"'l\-+ i'lQ;\..('C~+ I1llLI\1.m.1 fl1~,:J shall exempt the Sole Telecommunication Service
\100-th.1i, 111~"'1\-+ "'-\i'I'I' m,.,/" hl\.l\-'f ,:JC Provider from specifically stipulated regulatory
0(ID1l"'l"'l+ "1JL1"'C1I 1~C,:J~ . I\tl.U'/" o..,~" conditions. "
l1"'mi'l~ f1:l\.I100-th.1i, &.1-I\"'~ o-~:t''''f ~, 5) Sub-Articles (8), (9), (10), (11) and (12) of Article 6 of
f(IDIf' (ID1I+ ,e.i'lII)~II" the Proclamation are re-numbered as Sub-Articles (10),
~. f11CP:(111.,."110-ll111.,." (t). (ii)' (1)' (Ili) 'h'i (1ID (11), (12), (13), and (14), respectively.
'h'~:"~'/" .,.11.,.1\:fm.,o-ll h'''''' (1)' (Hi)' (U)'(1i:) 6) The word "Government" under Sub-Article (3) (b) of
'h'i (Ii) tI'~cP~II Article 7 shall be replaced by the word "Ministry"

I' 011CP:(11''''''' ~ '0-1l11'.,." (i:)(I\)m.ll'l' "(ID1..,JP.}-" 7) The following new Sub-Articles (3) and (4) are added
f"7.I\OJo.4'~ ""7.tll1:~" 0"7.1\0J0.4'~ .,..,.tJ:t~ II
under Article 10 of the Pro~lamation:

~. OhCP:(11''''''' ! JPC f"7.I1.,.i\-+ h-\1l10-ll111.,." (i:)

"'i (i) "'Q.1.rlCP~.
! ,..
"ittl ~u. ~.,7t+ 4I1'Cf~ IUfli"" lif2t ,.,. Federal Negarit Gazeta-No. 28 2ndJuly, 2002-Page 1782

"e. Olt.'Hi"'+-''''' ,,-cp~ 4:'I'C 111"/11121 "3) Notwithstanding the provision of Article 5(Z)
"-,.,." ~(I)(A) f.,..1.'11.,,, ~'4A 11'1( . (b) of Proclamation NQ.28012002, the Agency
t..l'r\" . shall issue license to individuals or companies
u) 0-1:1\. 4. ,.,..C m~'}" &4.A ",A..,I\-"" JP&- participating in the following services:
,,~ A"t(a"'~ . (a) Telecenters or resale service;
1\) ftD1- h."'~ tlJ"'}" h"7Jf&1 Mah 1.'0~ (b) Outside cabling or Wireless Local Loop
A...,. f"t"t 1-1: "AI) IIDtallP~T' lines installation or maintenance;
'lID+hl\ .",. f-m1' JP&-",. (c) Telecommunication e:ltchangeinstallation
A"'l.(a"7~i or maintenance;
tit) f1:I\.f1CJDoth.1i' ",Jf&'''T' fllD..,.hA (d) In-house or building cable installation;
tIJ"" foom." JP(,.",. A"'l"""~ . (e) Other similar activities to be designated
""'I: ih'" m,.,/" A...,. tIJota'l' IIDtallDC by the directives of the Ministry.
f-"C;J"" JP(,. A"t(a"'~ i m,.,. 4) The Ministry shall issue directives so as to
IP) I\.I\-T ""
10"''''''''' ;JC ., enable the Agency to issue the license specified
"ttta1:~ 01lD1ID&1 O-r.,.e)"':ftlJo " under Sub-Article (3) of this Article."
f-l:I\,f\CJDoth.1i' ",/,\",WT 8) The following new Sub-Article (b) is added under
A"t(a",~ ..,A(a"Tm,.,. 1:C~T ~1:"" Sub-Article (3) of Article 14 of the Proclamation:
"(a11)/.\ II
"(b) if the equipment is imported for profit. the
!f- OIlU",.,." O'O-ia",.,." (r) oolPt"" h.~r\tIJo
~:J'.P,.' Aooiam"" f"t1iaTAtIJo ooOD&,,,'T importer's material, financial and human resource
"tt ia1:~", tIJotl)"""A 0"" II" capability to supply spare parts and provide main-
tenance service for the equipment imported;"
,- OhCP:q: ",.,." Ii 'o-ta "-,.,." (.:) JPCf"'lh.,..AtIJo
hJS.ta ,o,ta ",.,." (A) .,..Q;1q' ~/.\ . 9) Sub-Articles (3) (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of Article 14
of the Proclamation are re-numbered as (3) (c), (d),
"A) tlPPf&ftlJo A'..,I: f"'ltlJoA hlf'1 "taODQ;1.tIJo (e), (t), and (g) respectively.
"tallDtlJtIJo00'1&1 ooACPmdi AIIDtn1') 10) Sub-Articlq (2) of Article 24 is deleted and replaced
IAtIJo fllD'1~1 . '(atlJo by the following new Sub-Article (2):
"'U"'''' ~"A "~"fll"
1-" ,1\.,:q:",.,.. Ii ,,,.ta ",.,.. e (A)'(...). (lIP).(IP) "2) The use or provision of c~U-back service is
",.. (t) "'~:,.~,.. "'h-MTtIJo(tit). (lID)'(IP)'(t) prohibited.
M. (it) If '1"/'\ p
I- ,,,cp:q:,, ,.,." 3:~ 'o-ta ",.,." (I) "'(aCJf O"th 11) The following new Sub-Articles (3) and (4) are
"'''tIJo""ta '0-'" 1\,,,,, (I> .,..,..h:l:/.\ . added u~r Article 24 of the Proclamation.
"3) The use or provision of voice communication
".- f1/,\l)h ",A..,I\-"" IIDm"''' tlJ"" ff1l\l)h or fax services through the internet are
A ..,1\-"" tIP tam"" f "'I1A I1A '1tIJo.."
'" prohibited;
XI' ...".,:q: ",.,.. ~ JPC f"tI1.,.A-"" ""... '0-'" 4) No person shall, using the telecommunication
",.. (e) "... (if) .,..""'}"tCPA I service provider network, or bypassing same,
"r' h..,.,..C~..,., Ooom"',}"fl:,.. tIJ"" f4-h... engage in private or Commercial Te1ecom-
ooA6h..,., ",ta"""A~ tlJ"" Mta-MA~ ".,A munication Services unless a license is issued
..,I\-~ 00
tam"" f.,..h AI1A '1tIJo II to
i-"7")t;'tIJo'" (atlJoUI: tt/.\'fttlJo Ota.,..,.C f1:,,"" 12) Under Sub-Article(1) of Article 25, a new phrase
--th.~' "'A"'~"" 1'\Q;1.1:C~'" 'Ut"..,
A..,A,. ,.U-'
"24(~) or 24(4)" is added next to the phrase "the
'''''dJCh ""10:""..9" 1f'1 "'''10''''' provisionsof Article 15(2)or 24(2)".
A.,.., I: f1: I\.f\CJDoth.1i' JP (,. tlPta(,.""
""TI\""" 13) The following new Sub-Article (1) is added under
II' O"cP:q: ",.,.. 3'~ 'o-ta ",.,.. (Ii) tIJo{a'l'"fllU' Article25 of the Proclamation:
".,~ ",.,.. !~(I> m,.'}" ft(I)" h"tACD-Ut1 "1) Any person who engages in telecommunication
"'1'A- "3'I(e) m,.".. 3'i(i)" f"tA ""ta Ut1 services without having a license or a valid
.,..la9"~ .
license as per this Proclamation or any other
Ie. o,,-cp:q: ",.,." 3'~ JPC f"tI1.,.AtIJo ""ta ,,,.,, relevant laws shall be punished with fine equal
",.,." (Ii).,.."",.~/.\ I to double the revenue estimated to have been
"1i'Of.,,, ".,~ tIJ"" O,,"A-T 1\1"'" ""fIIIo earned by the person during the period of tim~
ihi"f tlDlPt"" ~I: "'tlJl1) mu- 'K UI: he operated the service and with imprisonment
...,.crttlJo1\.,A1A-+ ffam -nt;'..,. ....
IAU I: O(a(,.OT1.tL tIJo"''I'AJ"I'S ,."fI\A
from 3 upto 5 years" .
14) Sub Articles (1), (2) and (3) of Article 25 of the
.,.-nA-''''ltIJ(a'1''' 10. "'I'~ '"n", "..,...,.. he
proclamation are re-numbered as sub- Articles (2),(3)
""'11 ~ '08"" O"'LU:ta "ta&-"" ""'11)1\11" and (4) respectively.
Ii' '''cP:q: ",.,." 3'~ 'o-ta ",.,." (Ii) f (I) "... (e)
.,..h.,..,,=ftlJof 'o-ta (I) f (e) ".. 3. Effective Date
"''''It This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 2ndday
(I) 1f'1"/.\11
e. ~")f. f"tBfiOj- 1.u, of July, 2002.
,." ~":f 111'\"3'i .,., Ilni '-9" 19"r: fB... "11'''1\11 Done at Addis Ababa, on the 2ndday of July, 2002.
""ta "0" fa" Ii .,., Iiif2i ,.9"
,A.:""'" A.1.M1! JI.'fOb&Oit,ll &T"'A.h DEMOCRATIC REPUBliC OF ETHIOPIA

<fICrI'i'1M,.. "-11.' .t:c~+ :l'+*-


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