Zena - A Major Sin in Islaam

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Say: "O people of the Book!

come to common terms as between us

and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no
partners with Him; that we erect not from among ourselves Lords and
patrons other than Allah."

[Ch 3 verse 64]

Invite (mankind, O Muhammad pbuh) to the Way of your Lord (i.e.

Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Revelation and the Quran)
and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better. Truly,
your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is
the Best Aware of those who are guided.

[Ch 16 verse 125]

If one amongst the pagans (disbelievers) ask thee for asylum, grant it
to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to
where he can be secure that is because they are men without

[Ch 9 verse 6]

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misconception people have….and highlights what’s common between
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Zena [Adultery/Fornication] and
Dear Brothers and Respected Sisters,

Allah (SWT) says in Surat Al-Israa [17:31-32]:

“And kill not your children for fears of poverty, We (Allah) provide for
them and for you – Surely, the killing of them is a great sin. And do not
come near unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fahisha [ anything
that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way (that leads one to
hell unless Allah forgive the person). And do not kill any soul which Allah
has made sacred except for a just cause”

Zena is a term that refers today to any sexual relation/intercourse outside the
confines of marriage; any extra-marital relation whether it is pre-marital
fornication and or post-marital adultery. The prohibition of unlawful sexual
intercourse in this verse was revealed between the two verses that forbid the
killing of children and killing any other human soul. This is due to the fact
that Zena itself is an act of murder, but how?

First: The act of Zena (unlawful sexual intercourse) is an act of murder

because it involves squandering the constituent element of life itself through
the discarding life-forming cells [the sperm and egg].

Second: Zena is an act of killing because in our society today the most-
likely result of unplanned pregnancy due to Zena is abortion. The couple
involved will attempt to kill-off their illegitimate relation’s byproduct.

Third: Also, Zena is like killing because, if abortion does not take place, the
child will end up growing up in hardship, without guidance and deprived of
the needed father-figure and role model.

Fourth: Zena destroys the family trust and brings about mistrust between
the married couple concerning their children. This mistrust also brings about
confusion in society. For example, it becomes near impossible to ascertain
the family tree. It creates a chaotic situation for the child who cannot trace
his/her lineage. Then society faces problem regarding inheritance
distribution and chaotic the situation is similar to killing in society.

Fifth: Zena is an act of murder because the individuals involved in the act
eventually lose any respect for family values. They start to feel burdened by
the establishment of a family of their own because it requires responsibility
and commitment, while irresponsible adultery/fornication offers them the
perceived freedom to satisfy their desires without assuming any
responsibility. Ultimately, it will rob them and society the sense of family
value, and thus Zena then becomes the killer of family values.
Allah (SWT) warned us in the Qur’an to steer clear and not to approach
Zena. He (SWT) did not say “Do Not Do It”, rather He (SWT) said “Do Not
Come Near Zena” because if one comes near or approaches it, there is no
protection. There is no guarantee that one will not wind up committing that
sin. A simple example are the signs we see around high-voltage power lines:
there is a fence around the transformers and a sign stating: “DO NOT
CROSS” or “No Persons Beyond This Point.” Therefore, Islam severs all
roads that eventually lead to Zena, and as such Islam forbids the following:

1. Free-mixing between men and women except in situations that are

absolutely necessary.

2. Seclusion (i.e. being in the same secluded room) of two non-related

persons of the opposite gender.

3. Displaying one’s body and sexual beauty through nudity or similar

skimpy clothing.

As a solution, Islam encourages marriage for those who have the means to
do so, and if they do not have the means they are encouraged to observe
fasting. In addition, Islam discourages demanding high dowries such that
only few will afford marriage. All these provisions are instituted so that
there will be no one committing Zena and consequently, there are
punishments for those who commit Zena. Such regulations are implemented
in Islam so as to protect society from the turmoil and mischief [Fasaad]
resulting from Zena.

Definitely, there is a lesson for us to learn in ancient and recent history.

Which nation or people do you remember who partook in Zena except that
they ended up destroyed?
The Prophet (PBUH) said if Zena (unlawful sexual intercourse) becomes
widespread and becomes the norm among any nation or people, Allah
(SWT) inflict them with a disease which has never been known to any nation
or people before them. Zena will lead to their destruction.

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) warned his nation with his saying,

“My nation will remain in good health as long as the children of Zena
[illegitimate children] do not become widespread among them, and if the
children of Zena become widespread among them, Allah may inflict them
with a grievous punishment.”

Allah (SWT) has prepared a painful torment for those who spread Zena
among Muslims and those who like that the crime of “unlawful sexual
intercourse” should be propagated among those who believe as Allah (SWT)
says in Sura Al-Noor, (24:19),

“Verily, those who like that the crime of illegal sexual intercourses should
be propagated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment
in this world and in the hereafter, Allah knows and you know not”

Dear brothers and Sisters:

It is narrated in Al-Bukhari that Abu-Huraira (RA) said that Prophet

Mohammad (PBUH) said:

“Verily Allah (SWT) created each one of you with the capability of
committing Zena – Either with your eye (by looking at the opposite sex with
lust & sexual desire or by your words (by explicitly describing sexual acts
or by talking and describing to others in sexual terms). There will be some
who will act on these lust and others who will refrain from acting upon it”

And one of the scholars said:

Guide yourself away from committing Zena with your body because on the
day of judgment each organ will witness. Your eye will say: I looked. Your
tongue will say: I said. Your ears will say: I heard. Your feet will say: I
went. Your hands will 5
say: I touched. Your private parts will say: I did. The earth [from under you]
will say: I witnessed. And the (angel) will say: I recorded.
As Allah (SWT) said in Sura Al-Infitar (82: 10-12):

“And verily, over you (are appointed angles in charge of mankind records)
to watch you – Kiraman Katibeen – [Honorable angles writing down your
deeds], they know all that you do.”

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