Unit 3 Controlling The Conversation
Unit 3 Controlling The Conversation
Unit 3 Controlling The Conversation
Dialogue A
Larry : The highgate Mall? Late me see You know where the MCKnight Road?
Mel : No
Larry : Well, do you knoe where Ellsworth Lane is?
Mel : sory, Im fromout of town.
Larry : Ok. Tell you what you do Go streaight ahead here until you come to a big intersection.
Thats Swallow Run. Theres a light there. Take a left at the lighton swallow Run, go about
half a mile, and then theres a kind of Y in the road, so you have to keep to the right. After
that take the first left youcome to. That will be Elisworth lane, which takes you
Mel : Im sorry, but I couldnt quite follow you. Could you explain it again a little slower, please?
Id appreciate it.
Larry : sure. Sorry about that. Yeah, you take a left onto swallow run. Thats the first light on this
Mel : Ok.
Larry : And then about half a mile down the road theres a Y in the road, and you just keep to the
right. Got that?
Mel :Keep to the right. Yeah.
Larry : Then after that, take the first onto Ellsworth Lane.
Mel : Mm-hmm.
Larry : And Ellsworth will take you to McKnight Road. Theres a light there. Thats where the
McDonalds is. You can miss it.
Mel : Ok.
Larry : So you turn righ on McKnight and keep going and eventually youll see the mall on your
left. Ok?
Mel : Yeah. And thanks a lot.
Larry : Well, good luck!
Mel : thanks. Bye.
Larry : Bye.
1. What is the subject of this conversation?
2. What question has Mel just asked Larry when the dialogue begins?
3. Find the place where Mel interrupts Larry. Why does he do this?
4. Why does Larry apologize in line 14?
5. How does Mel show that the understands the directions Larry gave him? What the exspressions does
he use?
6. What does Larry mean in line 23 when he says, You cant miss it?
7. Paraphrase Larrys exspressions Got that? (in line 18) and ok? (in line 26), and mels mm-
hmm in line 21.
8. Where are the two speakers, do you think? How well do they know each other? What is the level of
Controlling the conversation
You have probably heard conversation where someone says things like this: yeahuh-
huhoh,really? sure. These exspressions that show attention, understanding, or agreement; other
that show surprise; some that change the change the subject of the conversation; and other that get the
other person to repeat or slow down.
Showing surprise
Expression such as really?, No kidding,or what? indicate surprise, although they may also be
used to show doubt or to disagree mildy with the other person (see Unit 9). Here againt, non-verbal
behavior is also used. To show surprise, people often open their eyes wide, lift their eyebrows, or event
(in great surprise) open their mouth.