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Within marine and offshore we offer a wide range of tested

and approved products and constructions specially developed
for marine and offshore. We offer competitive solutions within
e.g. fire, sound and thermal insulation and insulation of tech-
nical installations.

A dedicated team of specialists is daily working to optimize our

range of products and constructions. The development and
sale are taking place in close cooperation with the local
ROCKWOOL companies and a world wide net of agents and

One of our main tasks is to assist and guide our customers

with the right information and advice about our products,
constructions and the practical insulation work.

This manual combines all relevant information on marine and

offshore insulation and is designed to keep you updated on our
knowledge within the field.

We hope that you will find the Technical Guidelines useful in

your daily work and inspirational to your future work within

Marine and Offshore

marine and offshore insulation.

Insulation Worldwide In the Technical Guidelines you will find:

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation a subsidiary of  eneral information about standards and test methods
the ROCKWOOL International Group offers within marine and offshore.
innovative technical insulation solutions for the Practical information and advice about insulation and
process & power generated industry and the ship- installation procedures.
building & offshore market worldwide. To that end, Detailed information about our range of products and
we have subsumed our product range into two constructions, construction details for e.g. bulkhead, deck
specialist categories. SeaRox comprises the full and junctions.
marine and offshore range and ProRox covers all our Overall information about sound insulation and
solutions for technical installations in the process measurements of our products.
industry. Through our two product lines, we offer a Construction details within thermal and technical
full spread of products and systems guaranteeing insulation.
the highest possible thermal, acoustical and fire safe Overview of our product range and our certificates.
insulation of all technical installations.
The recommendations in this manual should be seen as
Our more than 75 years of experience is reflected in guidelines only. It is of course important that the insulation
a complete set of high grade products and expert ad- work is done according to the IMO rules and regulations from
vice. Today, we remain fully committed to providing national authorities and classification societies.
the very best service in the market and a total range
of cutting-edge insulation solutions.
Further support and information
For many years we have been one of the biggest The manual however forms only a part of our support and in-
suppliers within the shipbuilding industry. As part formation to the market. You are always more than welcome
of our global strategic approach we offer a uniform, to contact your local ROCKWOOL representative or our marine
transparent and harmonized product range specialists who are ready to assist you with information and
throughout the world from the United Kingdom to advice. Further information can also be found in our Marine &
China. In the shipbuilding industry this is crucial. Offshore brochures e.g. Products & Solutions and Acoustic
It makes it easier for you to ensure the right material Manual.
in your own country and for your international
projects across the borders. To get the most updated information we recommend the use
of our web-site,

Introduction2 Floating Floor 75

SeaRox - the new product name 4 SeaRox SL 480 76

SeaRox SL 436 77
Marine & Offshore Insulation - an overview 6
Technical Insulation 79
Insulation in General 8
Technical Insulation in General 80
Preparation 8 Insulation with Pipe Section 81
Cutting 8 Insulation with SeaRox Lamella Mat 82
Installation 9 Insulation with SeaRox Wired Mat 83
Securing Product 10 Insulation with SeaRox Slabs/Batts 84
Pins 10 Cladding84
Washers 10
Vapour Barrier 11 Sound85
Storage and Stacking 11
Calculation of Materials 12 Rules and Regulations 86
Choosing the Right Product 13 Sound Absorption 87
Sound Reduction 88
Regulations for Fire Insulation 14 Dynamic Stiffness 90
SeaRox Acoustic Foil 91
New Constructions, New Standard for Safety 16
Thermal Insulation of Bulkhead and Deck 93
Symbol Guide 18
Solutions for Thermal Insulation 94
A-Constructions19 Lambda Values 95
Thermal Calculations 96
Steel Bulkhead 19
Steel Deck 33 Certificates97
Aluminium Bulkhead 45
Aluminium Deck 49 Product Guide 101

H-Constructions53 Product Selector 102

Steel Bulkhead 53 Surfaces  109
Steel Deck 59
Jet Fire & Blast Resistance 61
Health & Safety 112
Bulkhead and Deck Jet Fire 30 min. 62
Blast Resistance 63 About ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation 113

Construction Details 65

Bulkhead and Deck Connections 67
Installation of Surface Steel Plate 68

Additional Fire Protection 69

Draught Stoppers 70
B15 Extension 72
Sprinkler Pipes 73

"SeaRox" the new product name
The SeaRox products have been given new names. This makes it even easier to find
the exact product you need quickly, wherever you are working. Each product name is
structured in the same clear way:

As last part of the name you might find

an abbreviation indicating local product
e.g.: S e a R ox WM 9 6 0 ALU SC

Product range
2 last digits = refer to other product properties as
stated by ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Product identifier: Application code:

W = Wired Mats 3 = acoustics; products mainly for sound absorption
SL = Slab 4 = outfitting; products mainly as components of systems
PS = Pipe Sections 6 = fire; products mainly for fire rated constructions
LM = Lamella Mats 7 = c omfort; products mainly for thermal insulation of
MA = Mats accommodations
9 = t hermal; products mainly for thermal insulation of
technical installations

Product facings
ALU = reinforced aluminium
GW = glass cloth white
TB = glass tissue black
GS = glass scrim

Marine & Offshore Insulation
Under the SeaRox name we market a full range of fire-safe solutions for the ship
building industry that also offer optimal acoustic, thermal insulation as well as
solutions for insulation of technical installations on-board. The key property of
all these products is outstanding thermal insulation, which helps keeping energy
consumption under control. Naturally, they also meet the most stringent demands
with respect to acoustic insulation and fire resistance. We have fine-tuned our
marine and offshore range, too, bearing the increasing necessity for an efficient,
clear product offering in mind.


Comfort Insulation Firesafe Insulation

SeaRox MA 700 GSd  Shiprock Plus SeaRox WM 620 Marine Wired Mat 90
SeaRox MA 700 ALUd  Shiprock Alu SeaRox WM 640  Marine Wired Mat 105
SeaRox SL 720  Marine Batts 32 SeaRox SL 620  Marine Firebatts 100
SeaRox MA 720 ALU  Marine Batts 32 RL SeaRox SL 640  Marine Firebatts 130
SeaRox SL 740  Marine Batts 45 SeaRox SL 660 HC Firebatts 150
SeaRox MA 740 ALU  Marine Batts 45 RL SeaRox WM 660 HC Wired Mat 150
SeaRox PS 620 ALUSC  Marine Firebatts 100 PS

Acoustic Insulation
SeaRox SL 320  Marine Slab 60 Thermal Insulation
SeaRox SL 340  Marine Slab 80 SeaRox SL 970 Marine Firebatts 110
SeaRox Acoustic Foil  Marine Acoustic Foil SeaRox LM 900 ALU  Marine Lamella Mat 32
SeaRox WM 950  Marine Wired Mat 80
Outfitting Insulation ProRox PS 960 ALU  ROCKWOOL 800*
SeaRox SL 436 Marine Slab 140 ProRox PS 960  Pipe Sections 850*
SeaRox SL 440  Marine Slab 150
Alternative facings may be available
SeaRox SL 470 Marine Slab 180
 art of ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation assortment
SeaRox SL 480  Marine Slab 200
for process industry, ProRox

1 Bridge 6 Disco
At the bridge it is important to secure a The discothque, cinema and bar areas
high level of fire protection and sound onboard cruise ships are big sources of
insulation. noise. It is important to have the right
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions sound insulation around these areas
See page 75-77 for Floating Floor towards the neighbouring areas.
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
See page 75-77 for Floating Floor
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
2 Corridors
Corridors are part of the emergency
escape routes on a vessel. The numbers 7 Cabins
of horizontal fire zones passed by the On board a passenger ship it is essential
corridor determine the fire insulation to have the right insulation between the
class. cabins. It is crucial to have the needed
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions fire protection and it is getting more and
See page 75-77 for Floating Floor more important to have a high level of 6
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
sound and thermal insulation.
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
3 Storage and tank rooms See page 75-77 for Floating Floor
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
In the boiler room, storage rooms and
tank rooms it is often important to insu-
late surfaces, boilers and pipes. 8 Stairways 7 2
The stairways are part of the emergency 10
See page 71 for Penetrations
See page 79-84 for Technical Insulation escape routes on a vessel. The numbers
of vertical fire zones passed by the stair-
way determine the fire insulation class.
4 Engine room See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
The engine room contains a lot of fire
risks so fire protection is essential. The 7
engine room is also source of high and 9 Galley

often disturbing noise. It is often filled In the galley you always have a risk of
with pipes, tanks, containers and other fire, as you have a mixture of heat and
equipment where technical insulation flammable materials. In this case it is
is required. It is important to have the also necessary to be aware of the facings
insulation protected so oil vapour does as you have oil vapour in the air.
not get into the insulation material. See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
See page 79-84 for Technical Insulation
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions See page 109 for Surfaces
See page 79-84 for Technical Insulation 3
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
See page 109 for Surfaces
10 Public area
The public area is requiring all kinds of
insulation, depending on the situation.
5 Control room
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
In the control room fire is to be held out See page 70 for Draught Stoppers
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation
as long as possible as this is the last See page 93-96 for Thermal Insulation
place where all the technical equipment See page 109 for Surfaces
can be controlled. The sound level needs
to be low, as engine crew has to spend a 4
lot of time here. It is moreover important 11 Offshore
that no vapour gets to the machines and On offshore applications you have more
computers and that the room has a rea- or less the same conditions as on a ship.
sonable sound level. Furthermore you have the risk of hydro-
carbon fire and need to protect people
See page 19-51 for A-Constructions
See page 85-91 for Sound Insulation and material from an HC fire.
See page 109 for Surfaces
See page 53-60 for H-constructions
See page 61-64 for Jet Fire and
Blast Resistance

Marine & Offshore
- an overview


Insulation in General
The installation of insulation material can be done in different Preparation
ways. It is up to the insulation contractor to choose the best
way for each application. For fire rated constructions the
installation has to follow the official drawings according to
the fire test. Drawings can be found on our website, In the following you will find
a general description of the way the insulation work can be

Fig. 1. Welding of pins to the plate (bulkhead/deck).

As first step the pins must be welded to the plate and stiffener.
Distance between pins should not exceed 300 mm. For fire rated con-
structions the position of pins must follow the official drawings.


Fig. 2. Painting of the plate. Fig.3A. Using an electrical saw to cut large amounts of ROCKWOOL
To avoid corrosion the plate can afterwards be painted with anti SeaRox products.
corrosion paint. When cutting large quantities of SeaRox insulation it is recommended
to use an electrical saw. This will ensure a good and angular surface
that is easy to tighten against the next Slabs. 2-5 mm oversize
is recommended. The pieces of insulation should be min.150x150 mm.

Fig. 3B. Use a ROCKWOOL knife to cut ROCKWOOL SeaRox Insulation Fig. 3C. Using a scissors to cut Wired Mats
ROCKWOOL SeaRox insulation can easily be cut with a ROCKWOOL Wired Mats should be cut with a large shear. 2-5 mm oversize is
knife or a similar sharp knife. When the Slabs are cut in 2-5 mm recommended. The pieces of insulation should be min. 150x150 mm.
oversize (depending on density) the optimal tension and tightness can
be obtained when fitting the wool. The pieces of insulation should be
min. 150x150 mm


Alternative 1, fig. 4A. Insulation of stiffeners Alternative 1, fig. 5A. Insulation between stiffeners.
Depending on the construction it is recommended to start with the Insulate the plate between stiffeners with SeaRox insulation. Joints
insulation of the stiffeners. First by filling out the space, behind the must be tight and no air gaps must be found. In connection with solu-
stiffener, with SeaRox insulation. The insulation should fit exactly to tions with more than one layer of insulation, the joints should be stag-
the profile structure. Afterwards insulate around the stiffener with the gered by 150 mm to ensure that no joints go straight through
required thickness of SeaRox insulation. both layers.

Alternative 2, fig. 4A. Insulation between stiffeners Alternative 2, fig. 5A. Insulation of stiffeners
Depending on the construction it can be easier to start with insulation Insulate with SeaRox insulation around the stiffener. Fill out the space
of the plate. Joints must be tight and no air gaps must be found. In behind the stiffener with SeaRox insulation, the insulation should fit
connection with solutions with more than one layer of insulation, the exactly to the profile structure.
joints should be staggered by min. 150 mm to ensure that no joints go
straight through both layers.

Fig. 6 Fixing the insulation

Fix washers on the pins in order to secure fixing of the insulation.


Securing the product Securing H-constructions

When installing the insulation all pieces must be fit firmly with On H-constructions it is some times required that the pins are approx
minimum one pin approx 10 mm longer than the nominal thick- 40 mm longer than the nominal thickness of the insulation and are
ness of the insulation. On A-constructions the material has to be bent in different directions to ensure that the wool is secured.
fastened with spring washers. The additional application of wire mesh is not needed when using new
SeaRox H-constructions because the wire mesh is already part of our
Wired Mat. On H-constructions the material has to be fastened with
spring washers.

Different pins
Steel pins are used for steel decks and bulkheads. The steel pins are
coated with copper for corrosion protection. Stainless steel pins with
aluminium tip are used for aluminium constructions. The pins are
normally 3 mm in diameter and can be aquired in different lengths.


Washers Covering the steel washers

The spring washers used to slide over the pins for securing the insula- The washer can be fit with a plastic cap to cover the steel tip and to
tion should be 38 mm in diameter and of corrosion protected material. create a nice looking surface.

vapour barrier
In rooms where vapour will enter the insulation as a reason of tem-
perature/ pressure differences, a vapour barrier is often a demand.
When water vapour is moving from the hot room towards colder
surfaces, it will often lead to problems with corrosion. If it is oil vapour
this will be collected in the wool and endanger the fire properties of
the wool.

To close the surface on the ROCKWOOL SeaRox products there are

several options e.g. reinforced alu foil:

 ll joints must be sealed with a tape width of 75-100 mm to ensure

an air tight surface.
Make sure that there is no grease, oil or dirt on the surface before
the tape is applied. This will cause the tape to come loose. Using tape to ensure an airtight surface between two batts
Make sure all holes in the surface are closed. All joints must be sealed with a tape width of 75-100 mm to ensure
The surface must have a low flame spread approval if it is used an air tight surface. Make sure that there is no grease on the surface
for marine applications. before the tape is applied. Pins and washers should be taped.

storage and stacking

In order to secure the right conditions for storage of ROCKWOOL

marine and offshore products a special set has of conditions been
prepared, e.g. the products:

Must at all times be stored dry indoor in closed warehouse

Must not be stacked in more than two layers when delivered
on pallets.
Must only be stored on the flat side when delivered in packages and
must not be stacked in heights of more than three metres.
Must at all times during storage remain untouched and must not be
affected by any kind of treading, sitting or any other similar kind of
exposure. Storage of ROCKWOOL SeaRox insulation
Must be transported in closed compartments, e.g. trailers, contain- The products must at all times be stored dry indoor in closed ware-
ers and other cargo holds in order to avoid exposure to weather house facilities.
elements and/or condensation etc.

Stacking of ROCKWOOL SeaRox products Do not sit on the ROCKWOOL SeaRox material
The products must not be stacked in heights of more than three The products must at all times during storage remain untouched
metres. and must not be affected by any kind og treading, sitting or any
other similar kind of exposure.

Calculation of Materials

Below you will find a rough guidance for estimated need of material. Check your drawings for more detailed calculations.


1 2
Based on a plate of X m2: The amount of Slabs Based on a total amount of insulation for
for stiffeners can as guidance be calculated plate + stiffeners:
as X times 0.7
The plate equals 60%.
Example: The stiffeners equals 40%
100 m 2 of plate needs to be insulated.
Calculation of material for stiffener:
100 m 2 x 0.7 = 70 m 2


1 2
As guidance the use of pins and washers can Alternatively the use of pins and washers can
be calculated as follows: be calculated by the total area of plate and
Plate in m2 times min. 12. stiffener in m2 times min. 18.
Stiffener in m2 times min. 10.
Example: A total quantity of 100 m2 plate needs to be in-
100 m2 insulation of plate requires sulated; also taking the insulation of stiffeners
100 m2 x 12 pins/m2 = 1200 pins into consideration. Estimated need of pins and
100 m2 insulation of stiffeners requires washers: 100 m2 x 18 pins/m2 = 1800 pins
100 m2 x 10 pins/m2 = 1000 pins


1 1
As guidance the amount of tape for joints can As guidance the following amount of waste
be calculated by the insulated in m2 times has to be included:
4 stated in running metres
Insulation area < 100 m2 10% waste
Tape for 100 m2 of insulation; Insulation area > 100 m2 5% waste
100 m2 x 4 m/m2 = 400 metres

In general the customer is always responsible for calculations

Choosing the Right Product

To find the correct product it is necessary to know which ap- Depending on the experience, the labour cost and the
plication it has to be used for e.g.: prioritisation it might be relevant to include parameters
as e.g.:
Fire insulation
Easy handling
Sound insulation
Less cutting
Thermal insulation
Fast installation
Insulation of technical installations
Labour intensity
Floating floor insulation
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation has a large number of certi-
Panels ficates for the different products and applications from clas-
sification companies based on fire tests made at IMO approved
Insulation of sub-sea pipelines fire institutes.

Combinations e.g. fire and sound insulation When choosing a product it is necessary to choose a product
that is approved by the classification company that has to ap-
prove the application/newbuilding in the end.
When the application is known, the requirements for product
characteristics need to be evaluated e.g.: Some customers prefer to work with constructions based on
Slabs, securing easy handling of small size and fixed products,
Fire properties others prefer to work with constructions based on Wired Mats.
For some customers it is important to have the best and most
Sound properties safe solutions typically based on a two layer solution where
other customers tend to focus on easy and fast installation.
Finally, it is important to focus on the right documentation
Thermal conductivity such as:

Mechanical strength Type approvals

Water repellency Type certificates

In some applications the weight could be of importance. In When using ROCKWOOL SeaRox insulation onboard a vessel
such cases the lighter products can be chosen, but it is not carrying an EEA flag make sure that the product has the MED
always the lightest solution that gives the best result. The light approval symbol (wheelmark).
products do not protect against noise in the same frequency
band as the more heavy products, so here it is necessary to
know what result is requested in the end.
All ROCKWOOL SeaRox products have good fire properties,
but when using the products on ships or offshore rigs it is
necessary to choose the right product fulfilling the needed
fire rating. It is important to make sure that the products and construc-
tions have the right approval needed in the specific project,
For marine and offshore application it is relevant also to e.g. construction approval, non-combustible approval and low
choose for the product with the best properties within water flame spread approval. Remember to check if the certificate is
repellency. All ROCKWOOL SeaRox products have very low valid at the time where the insulation plan is approved by the
water absorption which secure the best product properties classification societies.
also in the future.
To secure the highest safety level on-board also remember to
Furthermore it can be relevant to evaluate the different soluti- check if the product and construction are tested according to
ons with regard to the working and installation method. the latest standard fire test procedure, IMO 2010 FTP Code.

Regulations for Fire Insulation
According to SOLAS
The requirements for materials and constructions to meet Approval Requirements
specified standards of safety are normally prescribed by in- To satisfy the national authorities and classification socie-
ternational or national laws related to shipping and offshore ties, materials and constructions must be proven to comply
installations. with the national and international requirements. Tests
have to be done at internationally recognised test labora-
In addition to these regulations classification societies such tories.
as Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Lloyds Register of Shipping
The tests have to be performed so that the materials or
(LRS) may have additional requirements. products are exposed to a fire generated under controlled
conditions that simulate as closely as possible a worst case
Approvals and Certification
Suppliers of materials and constructions to the Test Requirements
marine and offshore industry must prove that their prod- There are several national and international requirements
ucts, as a minimum, meet the statutory requirements. regarding the use of materials on ships and offshore instal-
lations. These classifications are required to prove combus-
 he MED directive (EC Council Directive 96/98/EC - Marine
T tibility characteristics and include ignition properties, heat
Equipment Directive) has replaced the previous approv- release and development of toxic gases and smoke.
als from the maritime authorities within EEA countries.
All products supplied to marine carrying EEA flag must be To prove that materials meet the required fire technical
subject to the MED directive. classification, tests are carried out at recognised test
institutions according to standardised test methods.
 ED-certificates are issued by
notified bodies accredited by an Material Test Methods
EEA country. Approved products Testing of materials fire resistance is done according to the
bear the mark of conformity. latest FTP code for non-combustibility and where a facing is
applied for low flame spread.
 lassification societies issue type approval certificates stat-
ing the permission to use specific materials and construc- It is important to note that materials which meet the require-
tions together with any relative restrictions. ments for non-combustibility do not have to be tested for other
fire technical properties.
 there are special circumstances or requirements for spe-
cial details, it may be required to obtain statements from All ROCKWOOL A- and H-constructions are tested accord-
other authorities. ing to FTP-code. FTP-code is describing also the thickness
of the test specimen. The decision about the thickness of the
structural part is in responsibility of the ship designer and will
finally be approved by the responsible class society.

SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Regulation 5.3.1: Construction Test Methods

Testing of a constructions fire resistance (decks, bulkheads,
Use of non-combustible materials structural steel, penetrations etc.) is normally carried out in a
Insulating materials shall be non-combustible, standardised test furnace, where the construction specimen
except in cargo spaces, mail rooms, baggage is exposed to a fire according to a standardised time/tempera-
rooms and refrigerated compartments of service ture curve.
spaces. Vapour barriers and adhesives used in
conjunction with insulation, as well as the IMO 2010 FTP Code
insulation of pipe fittings for cold service As of 1st July 2012 a new fire test procedure within the
systems, need not be of non-combustible marine sector, IMO 2010 FTP Code, came into force. The test
materials, but they shall be kept to the minimum procedures have been revised in order to maintain the highest
quantity practicable and their exposed surfaces practical level of safety as well as the harmonisation of certi-
shall have low flame-spread characteristics. fied test institutes to the same level.

Notified Body
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is certified
according to the MED directive. As notified body
we have chosen Det Norske Veritas which also
guaranties our quality by running audits.

Fire Classifications of Divisions

Class B Fire Divisions
 lass B fire divisions must be of non-combustible materials
and must prevent the propagation of flames for at least 30
minutes during a standard fire test.
 he divisions must be insulated so that the average tem-
perature on the unexposed side of the division does not
exceed 140C above the initial temperature.
Class B-30 Class B-15 Class B-0
30 minutes 15 minutes 0 minutes F
 urthermore, the temperature at any single point on the
unexposed side must not exceed 225C above the initial
temperature within the time limits.

Class A Fire Divisions

 lass A fire divisions must be of non-combustible materials
and insulation materials must be fire tested at a recognised
institution. They must be sufficiently braced and must pre-
vent the propagation of flames and smoke for a minimum of
one hour during a standard fire test.
 he divisions must be insulated so that the average temper-
Class A-60 Class A-30 Class A-15 Class A-0 ature on the unexposed side of the division does not exceed
60 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes 0 minutes 140C above the initial temperature.
 urthermore, the temperature at any single point on the
unexposed side must not exceed 180C above the initial
temperature within the time limits.

Class H Fire Divisions

 lass H fire divisions must be of non-combustible materials
and insulation materials must be fire tested at a recognized
institution. They must be sufficiently braced and must pre-
2x vent the propagation of flames and smoke for a minimum of
two hours during a standard fire test for a hydrocarbon fire.
 he divisions must be insulated so that the average tem-
perature on the unexposed side of the division does not
Class H-120 Class H-60 Class H-0 exceed 140C above the initial temperature.
120 minutes 60 minutes 0 minutes
 urthermore, the temperature at any single point on the
unexposed side must not exceed 180C above the initial
temperature within the time limits.

New Constructions;
New Standard for Safety
IMO 2010 FTP Code
As of 1st July 2012 a new fire test procedure within the
marine sector, IMO 2010 FTP Code, came into force. The test Main advantages:
procedures have been revised in order to maintain the highest
practical level of safety as well as the harmonisation of certi-  uture-proof constructions - tested
fied test institutes to the same level.
according to the latest standard
To fulfill the new requirements ROCKWOOL Technical
Insulation has developed and tested a new range of PFP  ptimized logistics - main
(Passive Fire Protection) constructions. The use of our new
constructions ensures compliance with the latest standard in constructions possible with only
the market; IMO 2010 FTP Code. one product in two dimensions
As first step ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation has introduced a
range of new constructions which cover the main solutions  niform pin design for all
for A-rated steel passive fire protection constructions: constructions

A-30 Steel Bulkhead and Deck

A-60 Steel Bulkhead and Deck
A-60 Steel Bulkhead restricted

This new and optimized SeaRox New SeaRox Product Range

and Optimized Logistic
product range offers more As part of the introduction of new solutions ROCKWOOL
Technical Insulation has at the same time used the
efficient logistics with less items opportunity to optimize the SeaRox product assortment
to stock and easier handling and simplify the range of constructions.

from design to installation. All 5 main constructions can be insulated with only one
product in two dimensions:

SeaRox SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm and 50 mm.

SL 620

Existing certificates
will still be valid
New Certificates after the implemen-
The range of new fire rated
constructions has been tation of the new
approved by our notified body,
Det Norske Veritas, and new test methods.
certificates have been issued.
As a result of the new IMO 2010 FTP
To clearly distinguish between Code, the existing solutions in the
constructions which have been
market will be phased out over the
tested according to either the old or new FTP Code, all new
constructions are issued on separate certificates. As existing coming years.
certificates tested according to the old standard expire, they
will be phased out. According to the IMO 2010 FTP Code,
existing certificates will still be valid;
To find our new MED-certificates and however the following limitations
to be updated on the status of new 0575/
regarding obtaining new certificates
certificates please visit our website: or the renewing of existing
certificates have been implemented:

 ype approval certificates

will not be issued on the basis
of test reports more than
5 years old.

 ype approvals will not be

renewed without retesting
Overview of New PFP Constructions
Below you will find an overview of the range of new PFP if the test report is more
constructions according to IMO 2010 FTP Code: than 15 years old.

SeaRox SL 620 Insulation thickness

steel plate stiffener

A-30 steel bulkhead 50 mm 30 mm

A-30 steel deck 30 mm 30 mm
A-60 steel bulkhead 75 mm (alt. 50+30 mm) 30 mm
A-60 steel bulkhead restr. 50 mm 30 mm
A-60 steel deck 50 mm 30 mm

Symbol Guide
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation has made symbols for all
fire rated applications explaining the advantages with each


One layer solution

The construction is based on a solution where the
construction is made with one product in one layer.
This leads to faster installation.

Low construction weight

The construction is based on products with a low
density and/or low thickness which lead to low total
construction weight.

Fast installation
The construction is based on Mats which reduce
the cutting especially around stiffeners, and
consequently faster installation time.

Safe solution
The construction is based on a multiple, typical two
layer solution which results in more safe solutions
especially due to staggered joints.

Optimal sound properties

The construction is based on products with higher
density and/or more thickness which result in better
sound properties.

Easy handling
The construction is based on Slabs, where the small
size and fixed structure of the products give an easy
handling in respect to cutting and installation.

Low water absorption

The construction consists of products with low water
absorption which secure and maintain optimal
product properties.

Steel - Bulkhead

Steel - Bulkhead

A-30 SeaRox SL 620 *page 20 Index of

A-30 SeaRox SL 740 page 21
A-30 SeaRox WM 620 page 22
A-60 SeaRox SL 620, 50+30 / 30 mm *page 23
A-60 SeaRox SL 620, 75 / 30 mm *page 24
A-60 SeaRox SL 620, 60 / 25 mm
A-60 SeaRox SL 640
page 25
page 26 Steel Bulkhead
A-60 SeaRox WM 620 page 27
A-60 SeaRox WM 640 page 28
A-60 restr. SeaRox SL 620, 50/30 mm *page 29
A-60 restr. SeaRox SL 620, 40/40 mm page 30
A-60 restr. SeaRox SL 640 page 31

A-30 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-8461

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
The long side of the insulation to be installed vertically. Reinforced aluminium foil
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate.
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm,
w = 0.85
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-30 application,
Rw = 45 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
with washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 620
400 mm
50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code 300 mm

3 mm steel pin
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
w. washer
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-30 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7484

Product: SeaRox SL 740

Density: 45 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 25 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 50 mm
SeaRox SL 740 One layer solution
Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 740
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Low construction weight
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. Reinforced aluminium foil
Glass cloth 600 600

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm,
w = 0.75
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-30 application,
Rw = 45 dB (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 740 480 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

25 mm SeaRox SL 740
TEST: G10148 3 mm steel pin w. washer
300 mm
50 mm SeaRox SL 740
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 740
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-30 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7484

Product: SeaRox WM 620

Density: 90 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 50 mm
SeaRox WM 620 Fast installation
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox WM 620 (min.
340 mm width) Optimal sound properties
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance.
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints.
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox WM 620, 50 mm
w = 0.90

50 mm SeaRox WM 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
30 mm SeaRox WM 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer
minimum 340 mm
Test: gv95.33.1

50 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox WM 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-8462

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50+30 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50+30 mm Safe solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
Joints to be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended. Optional surfaces (on request):
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Reinforced aluminium foil
The long side of the insulation to be installed vertically.
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 50+30 mm,
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application,
Rw = 47 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
with washer
30 mm SeaRox SL 620 400 mm
50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
300 mm

3 mm steel pin
30 mm SeaRox SL 620 w. washer
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-8462

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 75 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 75 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
The long side of the insulation to be installed vertically. Reinforced aluminium foil
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate.
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 75 mm,
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application,
Rw = 46 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

75 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
with washer
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
400 mm
75 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
300 mm

3 mm steel pin
30 mm SeaRox SL 620 w. washer
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100-115 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 60 mm insulation
Stiffener 25 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620
 Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 60 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300/400 mm distance. Low construction weight
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
G ap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
T he pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
T he long side of the insulation to be installed vertically.  Reinforced aluminium foil
I nsulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate.  Glass cloth

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm,
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application
Rw = 45 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

60 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

400 mm
3 mm steel pin w. washer
TEST: 2004cs01428/3 25 mm SeaRox SL 620

60 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers
of 30 mm SeaRox SL 640. Safe solution
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. Optimal sound properties
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. 600 600 600
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm. Easy handling

Application notes: Low water absorption

All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. Optional surfaces (on request):
Joints to be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.  Reinforced aluminium foil
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.  Glass cloth
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate
480 Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 640, 2x30 mm
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application
Rw = 48 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer
Test: g10096
30 mm SeaRox SL 640
300 mm
2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 640
3 mm steel pin w. washer


A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox WM 620

Density: 90 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x45 mm insulation
Stiffener 45 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer
of 45 mm SeaRox WM 620. Fast installation
Stiffeners and plate insulated in the same process with min.
45 mm SeaRox WM 620. Safe solution
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance.
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm. Optimal sound properties

Application notes: Low water absorption

All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. Optional surfaces (on request):
Joints to be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended. Reinforced aluminium foil
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. 600 600 600
Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. Sound:
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate. Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox WM 620, 2x45 mm
w = 0.95
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application
Rw = 49 dB (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

45 mm480
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
45 mm SeaRox WM 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer
TEST: 2006cs13889-1

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin w. washer

45 mm SeaRox WM 620

A-60 Steel Bulkhead

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox WM 640

Density: 105 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 75 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
 Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox WM 640.
 Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer One layer solution
of 75 mm SeaRox WM 640.
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Fast installation
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Optimal sound properties
Application notes:
 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
 Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
 The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
 Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints.
600 600
 Reinforced aluminium foil
 Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate.
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm,
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application
Rw = 47 dB (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

75 mm SeaRox WM 640 PINNING
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
3 mm steel pin w. washer
Test: 2006cs013889-2
30 mm SeaRox WM 640

75 mm SeaRox WM 640 300 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox WM 640
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead restricted

MED B-8462

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
The long side of the insulation to be installed vertically. Reinforced aluminium foil
Insulation must be placed on fire exposed side of the steel
plate. Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm,
w = 0.85
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application,
Rw = 45 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
with washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 620
400 mm

50 mm SeaRox SL 620
300 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
w. washer
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead restricted

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100-115 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 40 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer One layer solution
of 40 mm SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300/400 mm distance. Low construction weight
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
Restricted application (fire against insulated side) Low water absorption
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. 600 600
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. Optional surfaces (on request):
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Insulation must be placed on fire-exposed side of the steel Glass cloth
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm,
w = 0.80
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application,
Rw = 47 dB (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

40 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

400 mm 300 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer

TEST: 2004cs014787 40 mm SeaRox SL 620

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Bulkhead restricted

MED B-7487

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 50 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer of 50 mm
SeaRox SL 640. One layer solution
 Stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm SeaRox SL 640.
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Low construction weight
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm. 600 600 600
Easy handling
Application notes:
 Restricted application (fire against insulated side) Low water absorption
 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.
 Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. Optional surfaces (on request):
 The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.  Reinforced aluminium foil
 Insulation must be placed on fire exposed side of the steel  Glass cloth
480 W
 eigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 640, 50 mm
w = 0.80

50 mm SeaRox SL 640 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm


3 mm steel pin w. washer

50 mm SeaRox SL 640 300 mm
Test: G10095/5993

50 mm SeaRox SL 640 3 mm steel pin w. washer

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

50 mm SeaRox SL 640
3 mm steel pin w. washer

Steel - Deck

Steel - Deck

A-15 SeaRox MA 700 GSd page 34 Index of

A-30 SeaRox SL 620 * page 35
A-30 SeaRox SL 740 page 36
A-30 SeaRox WM 620 page 37
A-60 SeaRox SL 620, 50 / 30 mm *page 38
A-60 SeaRox SL 620, 40 / 25 mm
A-60 SeaRox SL 640
page 39
page 40 Steel Deck
A-60 SeaRox WM 620 page 41
A-60 Floating Floor SeaRox SL 480 page 42
A-60 Floating Floor SeaRox SL 436 page 43

A-15 Steel Deck

MED B-7491

Product: SeaRox MA 700 GSd

Density: 27 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
 P  late and stiffeners insulated with one layer
of SeaRox MA 700 GSd in 40 mm. One layer solution
 Standard steel plate 4.5 mm ( 0.5 mm) thick.
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Low construction weight
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
 The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.
Optional surfaces (on request):
 Glass net 10x10 mm

 Weigthed sound reduction index Rw = 45 dB
(test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code PINNING

3 mm steel pin w. washer

40 mm SeaRox MA 700 GS
400 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

40 mm SeaRox MA 700 GS
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-30 Steel Deck

MED B-8459

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 30 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
Reinforced aluminium foil

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm,
w = 0.60
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-30 application,
Rw = 44 dB (test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code PINNING

3 mm steel pin
with washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 620 400 mm

300 mm
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
w. washer
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-30 Steel Deck

MED B-7485

Product: SeaRox SL 740

Density: 45 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
 Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 740.
 Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer One layer solution
of 50 mm SeaRox SL 740.
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Low construction weight
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
 Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
 The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil
 Glass cloth

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm, w= 0.75
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-30 application, Rw= 45 dB
(test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 740
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

300 mm
30 mm SeaRox SL 740
Test: PG10985 3 mm steel pin w. washer

50 mm SeaRox SL 740 400 mm

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 740
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-30 Steel Deck

MED B-7485

Product: SeaRox WM 620

Density: 90 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 30 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
P  late between stiffeners insulated with one
layer of 30 mm SeaRox WM 620. One layer solution
S  tiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox WM 620.
  3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Fast installation
 Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Low water absorption
Application notes:
 ll the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
 ap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Reinforced aluminium foil
 he pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.
 ire mesh must be twisted or clamped together at joints.
600 600

30 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer

Test: GH95.15.1
30 mm SeaRox WM 620

30 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin w. washer

30 mm SeaRox WM 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer
A-60 Steel Deck

MED B-8460

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 30 mm SeaRox SL 620.
Plate between stiffeners insulated with min. 50 mm One layer solution
SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Insulation secured with washers of min. 30 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
Reinforced aluminium foil

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm, w = 0.85
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application,Rw = 45 dB
(test specimen 5 mm steel plate).

50 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
with washer

30 mm SeaRox SL 620 400 mm

300 mm
50 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin
w. washer
30 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm steel pin with washer

A-60 Steel Deck

MED B-7488

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100-115 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 25 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate between stiffeners insulated with one layer
of 40 mm SeaRox SL 620. One layer solution
Stiffeners insulated with min. 25 mm SeaRox SL 620.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 250 mm distance. Low construction weight
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil
 Glass cloth

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm, w = 0.80
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-30 application, Rw = 46 dB
(test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

40 mm SeaRox SL 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

25 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm steel pin w. washer
Test: 96-DG-348-TO

3 mm steel pin w. washer

40 mm SeaRox SL 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

250 mm

25 mm SeaRox SL 620 250 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Deck

MED B-7488

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
P late between stiffeners insulated with one layer
of 40 mm SeaRox SL 640. One layer solution
S tiffeners insulated with min. 40 mm SeaRox SL 640.
 3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
I nsulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Easy handling
Application notes: 600 600
 ll the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Low water absorption
 ap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
 he pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil
Glass cloth

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm, w = 0.75
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application, Rw = 56 dB
(with 1 mm steel sheet in front of the insulation).

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
3 mm steel pin w. washer
3 mm steel pin w. washer

TEST: G10141/6025

1000 200 mm
40 mm SeaRox SL 640
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
300 mm

400 mm

40 mm SeaRox SL 640
3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Steel Deck

MED B-7488

Product: SeaRox WM 620

Density: 90 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 45 mm insulation
Stiffener 45 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate and stiffeners insulated with one layer of
45 mm SeaRox WM 620. One layer solution
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance.
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm. Low construction weight

Application notes: Fast installation

All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.
Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints Low water absorption
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.
Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm, w =0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application, Rw = 46 dB
(test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

45 mm SeaRox WM 620 PINNING

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

300 mm
3 mm steel pin w. washer 400 mm
Test: PG10984/8384 45 mm SeaRox WM 620

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin w. washer

3 mm steel pin w. washer

A-60 Floating Floor

MED B-7488

Product: SeaRox SL 480

Density: 200 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation
Top plate min. 2 mm steel plate

Construction: Advantages:
The floor insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 480. Safe solution
Insulation covered by a 2 mm steel plate spot welded
at c/c 150 mm. Optimal sound properties

Application notes: Easy handling

First layer insulation is with butted joints.
Second layer with butted and staggered joints to avoid Low water absorption
overlapping joints.
Do not step directly on the wool during installation. Always Optional surfaces (on request):
use a board or similar when moving around on the wool. The wool must be covered by a minimum
To avoid sound from travelling it is recommended to finish 2 mm thick steel plate
the construction with a rigid ROCKWOOL product placed Top layer must be evaluated according to static calculations.
edgeways and sealed with a flexible sealant.
Max. load on insulation material: 40 kN/m2
Read more on page 76
600 600 600

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 480 PINNING

2 mm steel


4.5 mm steel

TEST: 103020,44

Flexible sealant 1000

SeaRox SL 480
2x30 mm SeaRox SL 480
2 mm steel


A-60 Floating Floor

MED B-7488

Product: SeaRox SL 436

Density: 140 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 60 mm insulation
Top plates 1.5 + 3 mm steel plate

Construction: Advantages:
The floor insulated with SeaRox SL 436 in 60 mm thickness.
Insulation covered by 1.5 mm + 3 mm steel plate. Safe solution

Application notes: Optimal sound properties

Insulation installed with butted joints.
Do not step directly on the wool during installation. Always Easy handling
use a board or similar when moving around on the wool.
To avoid sound from travelling it is recommended to finish Low water absorption
the construction with a rigid ROCKWOOL product placed
edgeways and sealed with a flexible sealant. Optional surfaces (on request):
This solution is not recommended in areas with load on the T
 he wool must be covered by a minimum 1.5 + 3 mm thick
deck. steel plate
The first layer of steel plate must be 1.5 mm thick, installed
with 50 mm overlap and secured with pop rivets. The sec-
ond layer (top layer) must be 3 mm steel plate with butted Max. load on insulation material: 12 kN/m2
joints and spot welded at c/c 150 mm. Read more on page 76

600 600 600

60 mm SeaRox SL 436 PINNING

1.5 mm steel
3 mm steel


4.5 mm steel

Test: 22N002.07D

Flexible sealant 1000

SeaRox SL 436
60 mm SeaRox SL 436
1.5 mm steel
3 mm steel


Aluminium Bulkhead

Aluminium Bulkhead

A-60 SeaRox SL 640 page 46 Index of

A-60 SeaRox SL 620 page 47
A-60 Restricted SeaRox SL 640 page 48


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead

MED B-7489

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation on both sides
Stiffener 2x30 mm

Construction: Advantages:
P  late between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. Insulation on both sides of the alu plate. Safe solution
S  tiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. Optimal sound properties
 Stiffeners 9 mm alu.
600 600 600
 3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with Easy handling
approx 300 mm distance.
 Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes: Optional surfaces (on request):

 All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.  Reinforced aluminium foil
 Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Glass cloth
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.
480 Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption
SeaRox SL 640, 2x30 mm, w = 0.90

6 mm alu plate

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

9 mm alu
1000 3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer
2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

300 mm
TEST: PG10699/7735

300 mm

3 mm alu tipped stainless

steel pin w. washer

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer


A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead

MED B-7489

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100-115 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation on both sides
Stiffener 2x30 mm

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 620. Safe solution
Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 620. Insulation on both sides of the alu plate. Low construction weight
Stiffeners 9 mm alu.
3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with approx Easy handling
300 mm distance.
Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes: Optional surfaces (on request):

All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Glass cloth
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm, w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application, Rw = 40 dB
(test specimen 6 mm alu plate).

6 mm alu plate

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 620

9 mm alu 300 mm
2x30 mm SeaRox SL 620
3 mm alu tipped stainless
Test: 22N002.07D steel pin w. washer 400 mm

3 mm alu tipped stainless

steel pin w. washer

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 620

3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer

A-60 Aluminium Bulkhead restricted

MED B-7489

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation
Stiffener 2x30 mm

Construction: Advantages:
P late between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. 600 600 Safe solution 600
S tiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. Optimal sound properties
S tiffeners 9 mm alu.
 3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with approx Easy handling
300 mm distance.
I nsulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes: Optional surfaces (on request):

480 R
 estricted application (fire against insulated side)  Reinforced aluminium foil
 ll the connections must be tight, no air gaps.  Glass cloth
 ap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
 oints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is Sound:
recommended. Weigthed sound absorption
 he pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. SeaRox SL 640, 2x30 mm w = 0.90

6 mm alu plate PINNING

9 mm alu
3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer
300 mm
2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640 300 mm
TEST: PG10125/5996

3 mm alu tipped stainless

steel pin w. washer

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pin
w. washer

1000 48
Aluminium - Deck

Aluminium Deck

A-30 SeaRox SL 740/ SeaRox WM 620 page 50 Index of

A-60 SeaRox SL 640 page 51
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 page 52

Aluminium Deck

A-30 Aluminium Deck

MED B-7486

Product: SeaRox SL 740/

SeaRox WM 620
Density: 45/90 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 45 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
S tiffeners insulated with min. 45 mm SeaRox WM 620
P late insulated with one layer of 50 mm SeaRox SL 740 One layer solution
S tiffeners 9 mm alu.
 3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with approx 300 Fast installation
mm distance.
I nsulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Optimal sound properties

Application notes: Easy handling

600 600 600
 ll the connections must be tight, no air gaps.
 ap under the stiffener must be filled out completely. Low water absorption
 he pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm.
Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil

Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm, w= 0.90
SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm w = 0.75

50 mm SeaRox SL 740 PINNING

6 mm alu plate according to FTP Code

9 mm alu plate

400 mm 300 mm
3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer
TEST: PG11045 45 mm SeaRox WM 620
50 mm SeaRox SL 740
6 mm alu plate according to FTP Code 3 mm alu tipped stainless
steel pin w. washer

9 mm alu 300 mm

45 mm SeaRox WM 620
3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pin
with washer
A-60 Aluminium Deck

MED B-7490

Product: SeaRox SL 640

Density: 130 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation
Stiffener 2x30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640 Safe solution
Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 640. Optimal sound properties
Stiffeners 9 mm alu.
3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with approx Easy handling
300/400 mm distance.
Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes: 600 600

Optional surfaces (on request): 600
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Glass cloth
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 640, 2x30 mm
w = 0.90


3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer
6 mm alu plate 400 mm
2x30 mm
SeaRox SL 640
9 mm alu 300 mm
Test: PG10765

3 mm alu tipped stainless steel

pin with washer

300 mm

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 640

3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pin
with washer

A-60 Aluminium Deck

MED B-7490

Product: SeaRox SL 620

Density: 100-115 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 2x30 mm insulation
Stiffener 2x30 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with two layers of min. 30 mm
SeaRox SL 620. Safe solution
Plate between stiffeners insulated with two layers of 30 mm
SeaRox SL 620. Low construction weight
Stiffeners 9 mm alu.
3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pins fixed with approx Easy handling
300/400 mm distance.
Insulation secured with stainless steel washers of 38 mm. Low water absorption

Application notes: Optional surfaces (on request):

All the connections must be tight, no air gaps.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Glass cloth
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Sound:
Weigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm,
w = 0.90
Weigthed sound reduction of the A-60 application
Rw = 40 dB (test specimen 6 mm alu plate).


3 mm alu tipped
stainless steel pin
with washer
6 mm alu plate
300 mm
2x30 mm
SeaRox SL 620
9 mm alu
400 mm

3 mm alu tipped stainless

steel pin w. washer

2x30 mm SeaRox SL 620

3 mm alu tipped stainless steel pin
with washer

Steel - Bulkhead

Steel Bulkhead restricted

H-60 SeaRox SL 660/ SeaRox WM 660 page 54 Index of

H-120 SeaRox SL 660/ SeaRox WM 660 page 55

Corrugated Steel Bulkhead restricted non-load

H-60 SeaRox SL 660/ SeaRox WM 660 page 56 Steel Bulkhead
H-120 SeaRox SL 660/ SeaRox WM 660 page 57

H-60 Steel Bulkhead restricted

Product: SeaRox SL 660

SeaRox WM 660
Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 30 mm + 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Plate insulated with one layer of 30 mm SeaRox SL 660 and
one layer of 40 mm SeaRox WM 660. Safe solution
Stiffeners insulated in the same process with min. 40 mm
of SeaRox WM 660. Optimal sound properties
3  mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance.
Insulation secured by washers of 38mm. Fast installation

Application notes: Low water absorption

Restricted application (fire against insulated side)
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Joints between layers must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Weigthed sound reduction of the application, Rw = 48 dB
Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code PINNING

30 mm SeaRox SL 660
40 mm SeaRox WM 660

290 mm
3 mm steel pin with washer

400 mm
30 mm SeaRox SL 660
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code
3 mm steel pin with washer

40 mm SeaRox WM 660

H-120 Steel Bulkhead restricted

Product: SeaRox SL 660

SeaRox WM 660
Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 30 mm + 40 mm insulation
Stiffener 2x40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 2x40 mm SeaRox WM 660.
Second layer in the same process as insulation of the plate. Safe solution
Plate insulated with one layer of 30 mm SeaRox SL 660 and
one layer of 40 mm SeaRox WM 660 Optimal sound properties
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance.
Insulation secured by washers of 38 mm Fast installation

Application notes: Low water absorption

Restricted application (fire against insulated side)
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.  Reinforced aluminium foil
Joints between layers must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is
600 6
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Weigthed sound reduction of the application Rw = 49 dB
Wire mesh must be twisted together at joints. (test specimen 6 mm steel plate).
Insulation can be placed on either side of the steel plate.

4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code PINNING

30 mm SeaRox SL 660
40 mm SeaRox WM 660

250 mm
3 mm steel pin with washer

400 mm
30 mm SeaRox SL 660
4.5 mm steel plate according to FTP Code

3 mm steel pin with washer


40 mm SeaRox WM 660

H-60 corrugated Steel Bulkhead restricted
non-load bearing

Product: SeaRox SL 660

SeaRox WM 660
Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm + 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Corrugated steel plate insulated with 50 mm SeaRox SL 660
and 40 mm SeaRox WM 660. Safe solution
Corrugated steel plate of min. 1.5 mm.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Pins fixed on top of corrugated steel plate by washers of
38 mm Fast installation
No fill of corrugation
Low water absorption
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is  Reinforced aluminium foil
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm Sound:
Wire mesh twisted together of joints. Weigthed sound reduction of the application, Rw = 44 dB
Same solution as H-120. (test specimen 1.5 mm corrugated steel plate)

600 600


1.5 mm steel
3 mm steel pin w. washer
45 mm

250 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer 300 mm

50 mm SeaRox SL 660
40 mm SeaRox WM 660
250 mm


H-120 corrugated Steel Bulkhead restricted
non-load bearing

Product: SeaRox SL 660

SeaRox WM 660
Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm + 40 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Corrugated steel plate insulated with 50 mm SeaRox SL 660
and 40 mm SeaRox WM 660. Safe solution
Corrugated steel plate of min. 1.5 mm.
3 mm pins fixed with approx 300 mm distance. Optimal sound properties
Pins fixed on top of corrugated steel plate by washers of
38 mm Fast installation
No fill of corrugation
Low water absorption
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Optional surfaces (on request):
Joints must be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.  Reinforced aluminium foil
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm
Wire mesh twisted together of joints. Sound:
Same solution as H-60. Weigthed sound reduction of the application, Rw = 44 dB
(test specimen 1.5 mm corrugated steel plate)

600 600


1.5 mm steel
3 mm steel pin w. washer
45 mm

250 mm

3 mm steel pin w. washer 300 mm

50 mm SeaRox SL 660
40 mm SeaRox WM 660
250 mm


Steel - Deck

Steel Deck

H-60 SeaRox SL 660 page 60 Index of


Steel Deck

59 59
H-60 Steel Deck

Product: SeaRox SL 660

Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 50 mm + 50 mm insulation
Stiffener 50 + 50 mm insulation

Construction: Advantages:
Stiffeners insulated with min. 2x50 mm SeaRox SL 660.
Plate insulated with two layers of 50 mm SeaRox SL 660. Safe solution
3 mm pins fixed with approx 100/400 mm distance
Optimal sound properties
Application notes:
All the connections must be tight, no air gaps. Easy Handling
Gap under the stiffener must be filled out completely.
The pins should exceed the insulation by approx 10 mm. Low water absorption
Joints to be staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.
Optional surfaces (on request):
 Reinforced aluminium foil

 eigthed sound absorption SeaRox SL 660, 2 x 50 mm,
w = 0.90
 eigthed sound reduction of the application,
Rw = 48 dB (test specimen 6 mm steel plate)


4.5 mm steel plate according

to FTP Code
2x50 mm SeaRox SL 660
400 mm
3 mm steel pin w. washer

3 mm steel pin with washer

4.5 mm steel plate according

to FTP Code
2x50 mm SeaRox SL 660
3 mm steel pin with washer

Jet Fire & Blast Resistance

Jet Fire & Blast Resistance

Bulkhead and Deck Jet Fire 30 min.

Blast Resistance
page 62
page 63
Index of
Jet Fire &
Blast Resistance

Bulkhead and Deck
Jet Fire 30 min.
MED B-4134

Product: SeaRox SL 660

Density: 150 kg/m3
Thickness: Plate 85 mm (35+50) insulation

Construction: Application notes:

Plate and stiffener must be insulated with 35 mm and 50 Joints between the two layers of SeaRox SL 660 must be
mm SeaRox SL 660. First layer, 35 mm, with reinforced staggered, 150 mm overlap is recommended.
aluminium foil. The foil must be placed so it is between the Wire mesh clamped or twisted at joints
two layers of insulation. Pins must be bent over the fixing washers
Standard steel plate 5 mm. Test duration 30 min.
Standard pins or stainless steel pins 3 mm.
Insulation secured with washers of 38 mm.
Insulation secured with galvanised wire mesh. Advantages:
Wire mesh must be covered with reinforced aluminium foil.
The construction must be covered with 0.8-1.0 mm stain- Safe solution
less steel plate.
All joints in the stainless steel plate must be against a
back-up steel angle 40 x 20 x 4 mm, covered with ceramic
Stainless steel plate fixed with self-tapping screws at
150 mm c/c.

For further details check official drawing.

Supports at 500 mm c/c 500 mm c/c Aluminium foil 0.05 mm

135 65 Support pl. 30x3 at 1000 mm c/c
35 (vertically)

Support 50
50 35 35 50
L40x20x4 mm welded
Stainless steel plate to support plate
SS. screws at 150 mm c/c
Ceramic paper
Butt jointed stainless steel plate
Galvanised wire mesh
Reinforced aluminium foil 0.05 mm

Blast Resistance

General arrangement prior to testing - blast resistance

- class H

The regulatory requirements for the blast behaviour of
fire rated bulkheads are not normally well documented.
It is considered a general requirement that all parts of fire
divisions maintain the same fire and explosion resistance
and proof of this must be documented through physical

ROCKWOOL, in association with SINTEF (NBL) in Norway, has performed extensive testing on H-rated ROCKWOOL insulation
systems, using controlled gas explosions. The test results below refer to the same insulation construction with various types of
wire mesh.

Test results on H-0 rated insulation

Test construction Load characteristics Critical damage

50+35 mm SeaRox WM 660 with: Pmax(bar) Uxx(m/s) ta(m)

Heavy duty stainless steel mesh with pins bent over washers 0.34 240 54 None
Heavy duty stainless steel mesh with pins bent over washers 0.68 300 33 None
Galvanised wire mesh with pins bent over washers 0.33 240 50 None
Galvanised wire mesh with pins bent over washers 0.58 300 35 None
Galvanised wire mesh with standard pins and washers 0.37 270 49 None

All the above tests were carried out without any significant damage to the insulation material.
According to the Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory (SINTEF) a fire will not affect the fire integrity or stability of the insulation.
Due to the test methods used, SINTEF has assessed the above results to be conservative.

General arrangement after testing - recommended

design limits

SeaRox SL 660 with heavy duty stainless mesh
and bent pins:
Peak overpressure: 0.7 bar
Duration (positive phase): 35 ms
Explosion wind: 300 m/s

 alvanised mesh and bent pins:

Peak overpressure: 0.6 bar
Duration (positive phase) 35 ms
Explosion wind: 300 m/s

 alvanised mesh and standard pins:

Peak overpressure: 0.4 bar
Duration (positive phase): 50 ms
Explosion wind: 300 m/s

Strength of covering steel plate must be calculated by designer


Construction Details

Stiffeners page 66 Index of

Bulkhead and Deck Connections page 67
Installation of Surface Protections

page 68
Steel Plate



In most bulkhead and deck constructions stiffeners are used to secure the necessary strength in the construction. In order to
prevent heat transmission it is important to secure the right insulation. In general insulation of the stiffeners must follow the
official drawings as carried out in the fire tests.

Solas requires that the stiffeners must be insulated*. One way

is to insulate without filling the space behind the stiffeners.


450 mm
450 mm


Insulation of stiffener with Insulation of stiffener with

SeaRox WM 640 SeaRox SL 620
* acc. to SOLAS MSC/circ. 1120 annex reg. 9.3.4

In other situations the insulation can follow the shape of the

stiffener or the void behind the stiffener can be filled

450 mm
450 mm

450 mm


Insulation of stiffener with Insulation of stiffener with

SeaRox WM 620 SeaRox SL 740

If the stiffener is more than 450 mm wide the insulation can

be stopped at 450 mm. The insulation of stiffeners should be
finally approved by local surveyor.

450 mm

450 mm
450 mm


66 Insulation of stiffener with Insulation of stiffener with

SeaRox SL640 SeaRox SL 620
Bulkhead and Deck Connections

When two plates are connected in a corner, the heat bridge should always be kept in mind when insulating. The structure
must have insulation so that heat transfer can not occur from one unexposed surface through the structure and onto another
unexposed surface. The heat must always go minimum 450 mm under the insulation before reaching an unexposed surface
(acc. to SOLAS MSC/circ. 1120 annex reg. 9.3.4).

Connections between
A-60 and A-0 construc-
tions should be insulated A0
by adding a layer of

A60 Bulkhead or Deck

A-60 insulation on the
Min. 450
A-0 construction in a
minimum width of 450
mm. This is to minimize Additional insulation
the effect of the heat Steel Bulkhead/Deck
0m bridge.

Another alternative to insulate the heat bridge can be done

Bulkhead by installing min. 450 mm* of insulation on the other side
Deck of the construction.
This will reduce the
transferred heat and
thereby minimise the risk
225 mm
of self ignition inside the
Min. A0
connecting room.
225 mm 450
Min. 450 mm
Steel Bulkhead/Deck
Additional insulation

 OCKWOOL recommends 900 mm to secure that the
or Deck

heat always go min. 450 mm under the insulation


before reaching an unexposed surface.

Bulkhead and Deck - Construction details

In connection with insulation it is important to pay special attention to the details related to junctions, corners etc. in order to avoid
potential heat bridges. Below you will find examples of construction details:

Corner example Junction example 1 Junction example 2

A60 Bulkhead or Deck


Steel Bulkhead/Deck
Steel Bulkhead/Deck
Min. 450

Additional insulation Additional insulation

Min. 450

A0/ A60

Additional insulation
A60 Steel Bulkhead or Deck A60 Steel Bulkhead or Deck Min. 450 Steel Bulkhead/Deck

Insulation on either side of Bulkhead/Deck Insulation on the outside of Bulkhead/Deck Insulation on the inside of Bulkhead/Deck 67
Installation of Surface Steel Plate

Flat steel
A surface protection of sheet metal can be installed in L - Steel
different ways, depending on the layout of the stiffeners and
the amount of insulation.

It is important to make the fixing in a way that minimises the

heat bridges and structural noise transmitted via the hull.

Surface steel

1 2

40 mm 40 mm
40 mm 40 mm

Max. Max.
150 mm Max.
150 mm
150 mm 150 mm
Max. 500 mm Max. 500 mm L- Steel L- Steel
Max. 500 mm Max. 500 mm L- Steel L- Steel
L- Steel L- Steel Flat steel Flat steel
L- Steel L- Steel Flat steel Flat steel
Surface steel Surface steel Surface steel Surface steel
Surface steel Surface steel Surface steel Surface steel

Fixing of surface steel where space is needed for pipes etc. Fixing of surface steel as close to the steel plate as possible.

3 4

10 mm 10 mm
10 mm 10 mm
Surface steel Surface steel
Surface steel Surface steel
Flat steel Flat steel
Flat steel Flat steel
40 mm 40 mm L- Steel L- Steel
40 mm 40 mm L- Steel L- Steel
Flat steel Flat steel
65 mm 65 mm Flat steel Flat steel
65 mm 65 mm Surface steel Surface steel
L- Steel L- Steel
L- Steel L- Steel Surface steel Surface steel

Fixing of surface steel taking large stiffeners into Fixing of surface with no stiffeners or stiffeners on the other
68 consideration. side of steel plate.
Draught Stoppers
B-15 Extension

Sprinkler Pipes


Additional Fire Protection

Draught Stoppers page 70 Index of

Penetrations page 71
B-15 Extension page 72
Sprinkler Pipes page 73
Additional Fire

Draught Stoppers

ROCKWOOL fire and

Draught stoppers are used above ceilings to avoid the spread smoke stop

of smoke and flames in case of fire. Normally the classifica- Fixing pins
Deck construction
tion companies request a B-0 fire insulation above the ceiling. Service penetration
This can be made from SeaRox WM 640 or SeaRox SL 620 after
request from the local surveyor or the customer.

Construction Ceiling void

SeaRox WM 640, min. 50 mm, with reinforced aluminium foil

SeaRox SL 620, min. 60 mm, with reinforced aluminium foil.
Suspended ceiling

Internal partition
 eaRox SL 620 must be covered with wire mesh. Insulation
fixed with 3 mm pins and secured with 38 mm washers.

Step 1: First the pins are welded vertically to the underside of
the deck in alignment with the required position of the
100 mm
Draught Stopper. Deck construction

Step 2: The pins are then bent 90 in a staggered pattern as

Step 3: The ROCKWOOL product and wire mesh are then
pushed over the pins so that they protrude by a mini-
mum of 25 mm. The insulation is secured by spring
steel washers.

Step 1
Penetrations Step 2
Penetrations through the Draught Stopper are simply made Step 3

by cutting out the shape of the penetrating items in the

ROCKWOOL product, for example, pipes, HVAC ducts and
cable racks.

The cut edge of the Wired Mat must fit tightly to the edge of
the penetrating item and the slit in the insulation must be
Deck construction
stitched/taped back together using steel wire/alu tape.
Service penetration

This solution can be used for any type of penetration includ-
ing multiple penetrations. Cut around penetration
and wire mesh stitched
together along joint

SOLAS, Part C, Chapter II-2, Regulation 8, sec 4 :

Air spaces enclosed behind ceilings, panelling or linings shall

be divided by close-fitting Draught Stops spaced not more Suspended ceiling

than 14 m apart. In the vertical direction, such enclosed air

spaces, including those behind linings of stairways, trunks,
etc., shall be closed at each deck.

The interpretation of the rules given by IMO in MSC/circ. 847 reg 35.


Penetrations of fire protection

When pipes, ducts or other go through a bulkhead or deck
it is called a penetration. There are special rules regarding
insulation when the decks or bulkheads with fire class are

The pipe going through a fire classed structure must be

made of steel and must have a length of minimum 900
mm. IMO suggests to use min. 450 mm on each side of the

The min. 900 mm insulation must have the same insulation

class weight as the structure that is penetrated.

L1 + L 2 = min. 900 mm

L1 L2

ROCKWOOL Fire Insulation

Steel pipe

Steel min. 3 mm thick A-60 insulation

SOLAS, Chapter II-2, Regulation 9, sec 3:

The duct spool must be insulated with A-rated fire

insulation for a distance of either side of the bulkhead
or deck (L1 + L2 = 900 mm)

B-15 Extension

B-15 extension is used as a B-15 wall extension above the

ceiling. The B-15 extension prevents smoke and fire to spread B-15 extension

above the ceiling. The B-15 extension solution has passed a Deck construction

B-15 fire test with SeaRox SL 470, 25 mm which fulfils the IMO

B-15 wall extension/separation

of adjacent spaces

P SeaRox SL 470, 25 mm
Density: 180 kg/m3 Top steel profile
B-15 lining panel

Vessels have screens between the cabins with a fire class of

B-0, B-15, A-15 or A30. When a B-0 or B-15 seperation is re-
quested ROCKWOOL recommends using a B-15 construction.

This construction consists of a normal B-15 wall and above the

ceiling a 25 mm SeaRox SL 470.

B-15 Lining panel as wall between cabins.
B-15 Screen made of 25 mm SeaRox SL 470 above the ceiling. 1
Steel angle bar
40x40x2 mm
Steel angle bar

Spot welding
for fixing
Spot welding
for angle bar
fixing 730 mm
25x25x2 mm
Steel angle bar
Spot welding
B-15 screen of
for fixing
SeaRox SL 470, 25 mm
B15 screen mineral
wool angle bar
180 kg/m3
thick. 25 mm
B-15 screen of
SeaRox SL 470, 25 mm

2 Spot welding
for fixing
Top steel intermediary
profile with pins included
Spot welding
for fixing
Top steel intermediary
B-15 screen
profile with pins included
SeaRox SL 470,
25 mm

B-15 screen
SeaRox SL 470,
3 25 mm

B-15 screen
Steel angle bar SeaRox SL 470, 25 mm
Top steel profil
25x25x2 mm
Spring washer
Spot welding
for welding
for fixing
Self locker washer 20 mm
steel profil
profile 30 mm
50 mm

Spot welding
for fixing
Self locker washer

Fire Protection of
Sprinkler Pipes
New amendment to SOLAS regulation about protection
of sprinkler pipes on passenger vessels
Seen in the light of the increasing sizes of passenger
ships and growing number of passengers, an amendment
to SOLAS regulation Safe return to port is applicable to
all passenger ships built on or after 1st July 2010 stating
that sprinkler pipes on passenger vessels need to remain
operational in case of fire.

The amendment is valid for:

Safe return to and not serving
Regulation 21.
4 passing through
ng wa ter based liquids and ope rat ional, provided
All passenger ships of 120 m or more, or... Wet steel pipes
car ryi
ty are considere
d to rem ain
reted by IACS
spaces affected
by a fire casual g. 22(3) as interp
(ref. ICLL 66 Re 60 and fully we
y are of sub stantial thickness ted to cla ss A-
the or insula
paragraph (b))
Having three or more main vertical zones UI LL36/Rev.1 to IACS UR P2
tested according
ed wit h fitt ing s, they are to be
If provid
fire test.
Applicable also for ROPAX vessels and large offshore

SeaRox PS 620 ALUSC

To fulfil the requirement ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
has introduced a Pipe Section called SeaRox PS 620 ALUSC.
This product may be used not only for thermal insulation but
also for fire protection according to IMO FTP code.

By using the already A-60 approved basis product, SeaRox SL

620. in approved thicknesses for Bulkhead and Deck, just cut
into Pipe Sections the product is fulfilling the requirements.

The solution secures the following advantages:

 ire protection of steel pipes as required by IMO MSC

Resolution MSC 216(82).

 tandard Pipe Section also for fire protection

- basis product tested and approved for A-60.

Easy assortment and installation.

Floating Floor

Floating Floor

SeaRox SL 440 page 76 Index of

SeaRox SL 436 page 77

Floating Floor

Floating Floor Constructions Class A-60
MED-B-7488 includes two different types of A-60 Deck class
Floating Floor constructions.
Min. 2 mm Steel Top Plate
1) SeaRox SL 480 SeaRox SL 480, 2 layers
This solution consists of two layers SeaRox SL 480, each of Steel Deck Plate
minimum 30 mm thickness, covered by minimum 2 mm steel
plate, spot welded at c/c 150 mm. 30 mm

This construction combines the excellent properties of fire 30 mm

protection, noise reduction, high compression strength and
thermal insulation.

The max free area recommended is 8 x 8 m. If larger free

areas are to be made, division flat bars should be made. This
allows the insulation to stay in position without the need of
gluing. It is recommended to make full overlap of the two
layers. All joints of the Slabs have to be tight butted joints. The top layer has to be made of minimum one layer of 2 mm
Smaller weld marks, dents, etc. of an approx max diameter of steel plate, according to the fire approvals.
50 mm and 10 mm height will be absorbed.
Final floor covering has to be decided based upon require-
If the deck is undulating, an approved self levelling compound ments for mechanical strength and floor finish.
or floor screed will have to be used as first layer; a fire retard-
ant PE compound, cement based filler or similar. If a water As flooring solution, this one is a safe solution, in the sense
based floor screed or levelling compound is used, it must be that a SeaRox SL 480 of 200 kg/m3 is very ridged and strong,
given sufficient time to cure before the floating construction and combined with a medium thick steel plate this is normally
is installed. It is very important to ensure not to encapsulate adequate for all normal accommodation load up to 40 kN/m2.
water/moisture, as this will enhance corrosion and limit the
expected life time of the construction.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is preferred supplier for many ma-
rine flooring companies. These companies integrate the ROCKWOOL
products in their more sophisticated solutions.

Note: Deviations from the certified A-60 floating floor construction in

any form, could require new approval by the Class Society or National
Marine Authority.

2) SeaRox SL 436
This solution consists of one layer of SeaRox SL 436, minimum Flexible sealant
60 mm thickness, covered by minimum 1.5 + 3 mm steel plate. SeaRox SL 436/ SeaRox SL 480
The construction gives in addition to the excellent properties Placed edgeways
of fire protection, noise reduction and thermal insulation, also
reduction of structural noise/vibrations in the steel deck.

SeaRox SL 436 has been designed with focus on the dynamic

stiffness, i.e. best possible noise reduction. Please note that
the compression strength of this solution is lower than the
SeaRox SL 480 solution. Sealing of edges to prevent structural noise transmission.

The first layer of steel plate must be 1.5 mm thick, installed

with 50 mm overlap and secured with pop rivets. The second Enclosing:
layer(top layer) must be 3 mm steel plate with butted joints For the perimeter of the construction it is recommended
and spot welded at c/c 150 mm. Top covering has to be de- to finish the insulation with a rigid ROCKWOOL product i.e.
cided based upon requirements for mechanical strength and SeaRox SL 436 or SeaRox SL 480 placed edgeways and sealed
finish. with a flexible sealant.

Many of the flooring companies are using ROCKWOOL SeaRox

Slabs in densities of 140 - 200 kg/m3, in combination with more
60 mm complex top layers. The max load for the complete flooring
construction will depend entirely on the top layer. The load
capacity of the specific construction is to be calculated and
tested by the flooring company.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is preferred supplier for

Steel deck plate
many dedicated marine flooring companies. These companies
SeaRox SL 436 then create more sophisticated solutions for superb noise
Min. 1.5 mm steel top plate reduction in both high and low frequencies.

Min. 3 mm steel top plate 77

Technical Insulation

Floating Floor

Technical Insulation in General page 80 Index of

Insulation with Pipe Section page 81
Insulation with SeaRox Lamella Mat page 82
Insulation with SeaRox Wired Mat page 83 Technical Insulation
Insulation with SeaRox Slabs page 84
Cladding page 84

Technical Insulation in General
To guarantee a correct process cycle, the condition of the media within the pipes must remain within the set limitations (e.g.
temperature, viscosity, pressure, etc.). In addition to the correct isometric construction and fastening of the piping, the piping
insulation also has an important function. It must ensure that heat losses are effectively reduced and that the installation con-
tinues to operate economically and functionally on a permanent basis. This is the only way to guarantee the maximum efficiency
of the process cycle throughout the design service life without losses as a result of faults.

Principally, a thermal insulation structure for piping consists

of an appropriate insulating material, usually covered by The benefits of correct thermal insulation for piping include:
sheet metal cladding. This protects the pipe and the insula- Reduction of heat losses
tion from external influences such as weather or mechanical Cost savings
loads. Reduction of CO2 emission
Frost protection
Spacers are also essential with insulation material such as Process control: ensuring the stability of the process
wired mats, which do not offer sufficient resistance to pres- temperature
sure to hold the weight of the cladding and other external Noise reduction
loads. These spacers transfer the loads from the cladding Condensation prevention
directly onto the pipe to be insulated. In case of vertical pip- (Personal) Protection against high temperatures
ing, support structures are fitted to take on the loads of the
insulation and the cladding. In general, support structures
and spacers form thermal bridges.
Today, many requirements are made on air ducts. Most
HVAC Insulation - Pipes important is that the comfort on board the vessels or plat-
For the HVAC (Heat Ventilation Air Condition) applications form living quarters is considered and that no compromises
onboard a ship it is most common to use Pipe Sections or are made to the demands on fire safety. In connection with
SeaRox Lamella Mats to insulate the pipes. The aim is to ventilation of cabins and other rooms it must furthermore be
prevent heat loss in heating systems and warm water supply. ensured that no condensation is formed and that the required
It is necessary to supply heating and warm water also in the temperature is maintained all the time. This is obtained by
last cabin away from the source. using one of the ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation products in
the correct thickness. Thickness calculation program can be
found on our webpage.

Insulation with
Pipe Section
 enerally, the best insulation is achieved by using
ROCKWOOL Pipe Section. The Pipe Sections can be used
up to max. service temperatures of 620C acc. to EN 14707.
Facing max. 80C. The Pipe Sections are supplied ready
split and hinged for quick and easy snap-on assembly and
are suitable for thermal and acoustical insulation of pipe

 heir excellent fit and high compression resistance mean

that Pipe Sections can be applied in a single layer with-
out any additional spacers. Consequently the number of
thermal bridges, which have a negative influence on the
insulation, is greatly reduced.


ROCKWOOL recommends that the Pipe Section is secured
to the pipe by applying three steel bands per section length,
with the end bands approximately 100mm from the lateral

If wire ties or spiral binding are to be used, they should

only be considered on pipe sections with an outer surface
diameter of 200 mm or less.

In those cases, there should be:
At least three wires tie per section.

 piral binding must be per section (i.e. tied off at each end
of each pipe section).

Multiple Layers

 here there is a requirement for more than one layer of

Pipe Section, it is recommended that both layers should be
banded to ensure a consistently tight fit of the insulation.

 he outer layer(s) of the section should be applied with

staggered joints, both laterally and longitudinally.

Cut pipe section into segments
with a ROCKWOOL knife

 o form insulated elbows with Pipe Section, the section is

cut at angles to form segments.

The amount of segments depends on the size of the pipe

and the angle of the elbow.

When the pipe section segments are fit around the pipe,
they are secured with steel banding or wire ties per section.

 ny minor gaps between segments can be filled with pieces

of ROCKWOOL insulation.

Insulation with
SeaRox Lamella Mat
 eaRox LM 900 consists of stone wool lamellas placed
edgeways, the majority of the fibres being perpendicular to
the facing. The SeaRox Lamella Mat can be used up to max.
service temperatures of 250C. Facing max. 80C.

 ue to the alignment of the ROCKWOOL fibres in SeaRox

Lamella Mat, it has a high resistance to compression. It is
suitable for applications where there is a requirement for:

Compression resistance

Possible mechanical impact

Operational vibration loads

The surface finish on the SeaRox Lamella Mat, should be

taped at all joints.

The mats are secured with steel banding.

Insulation with
SeaRox Wired Mat These SeaRox Wired Mats are ideal for application in
situations where the use of Pipe Sections is difficult or

 emperatures above 300C

 eaRox Wired Mat is a lightly bonded stone wool mat faced
S Pipe diameters 350 mm
with a galvanised wire mesh. SeaRox WM can be used up Piping with a high number of shaped pieces such as
to max. service temperatures of 680C acc. to EN 14706. elbows or T-joints.
Facing 80C.

 ue to their flexibility and high temperature resistance,

SeaRox Wired Mat can easily be cut and fixed onto the pip-

 eaRox Wired Mats have a relatively low resistance to

pressure and from a practical point of view should only be
installed in combination with spacers. Due to the thermal
bridges of this combination the better insulation perfor-
mances are often achieved in the lower and middle
temperature range with Pipe Sections rather than with
SeaRox Wired Mats.


Any gaps created by the type of support ring installed, must

be filled with loose ROCKWOOL.

 eaRox Wired Mats are secured to the pipe by stitching the

edges of the wire mesh together with binding wire or by
clipping the mesh together with C-Hooks.

 n pipes with a diameter greater than 350 mm, steel straps

or additional pins and spring washers are applied on the
underside of the pipe, it may be necessary to prevent

 n vertical pipes, the wire mesh of each mat must be tied to

the support ring above.

Multiple Layers

Where there is a requirement for more than one layer of
SeaRox Wired Mat, it is recommended that all layers are
stitched or clipped to ensure a consistently tight fit of the

The outer layer(s) of mat should be applied with longitudi-

nally staggered joints and where applicable, with staggered
joints laterally.

Insulation with
Tank wall

External sheet cladding fixed

SeaRox Slabs
to horizontal S- profile

SeaRox SL secured with

metal strap ties  anks and vessels can be insulated with SeaRox Slabs
min. density 45 kg/m3 if there are no requirements for high
operational temperatures. The products can be used up to
max. service temperatures of 250C.

The SeaRox Slabs are installed over metal strap ties. These
ties are bent over the edge of the outer layer of SeaRox
Slabs to retain them against the tank wall.

Where the insulation extends more than 4 m in height, in-

termediate support profiles must be installed onto the tank
wall. Special S-profiles can be used to ensure vertically
staggered joints, while supporting the SeaRox Slabs above
and retaining the SeaRox Slabs below.

 hen more than one layer of SeaRox Slabs is required, all

joints must be staggered and tightly butted together to avoid
thermal bridges.

The SeaRox Slabs must be covered with a flat or profiled

Special S - profile holds slabs external cladding to protect them from the weather and
above and retains slabs below mechanical damage.

Suitable cladding should be applied to protect the insulation  he surface temperature of the cladding is influenced by
from weather influences, mechanical loads and (potentially the material type. The following applies as a general rule:
corrosive) pollution. Selecting the appropriate cladding de- the shinier the surface, the higher the surface temperature.
pends on various factors, such as working loads, wind loads,
ambient temperatures and conditions.  o exclude the risk of galvanic corrosion, only use combi-
nations of metals that do not tend to corrode due to their
When selecting the appropriate cladding, take the following electrochemical potentials.
points into account:
 or acoustic insulation, a noise absorbent material (Lead
 s a general rule, galvanised steel more than aluminium is
A layer, polyethyten foil) is installed on the insulation or inside
used indoors due to its mechanical strength, fire resistance the cladding. To reduce the risk of fire, limit the surface
and low surface temperature (in comparison to an alumini- temperatures of the cladding to the maximum operating
um cladding). temperature of the noise absorbent material.

In corrosive environments like outdoors on deck where salty

water leads to corrision, aluminised steel, stainless steel or
glass reinforced polyester (e.g. Rocktight) is used as clad-
ding. Stainless steel is recommended for use in environ-
ments with a fire risk.


Rules and Regulations page 86 Index of

Sound Absorption page 87
Sound Reduction page 88
Dynamic Stiffness page 90 Sound
SeaRox Acoustic Foil page 91

Rules and
In general for commercial vessels the rules concerning noise
levels onboard are quite simple and few. It is basically a set of
dB(A) levels given for a range of different positions onboard.
High R =
These settings are given in the IMO res. A.468(XII).
good sound insulation
Limits for noise levels are specified for various maximum good sound reduction
spaces as follows:

Work spaces dB(A)

When the sound hits a wall, the sound is reflected - some will
Machinery spaces (continuously manned) 90 be absorbed and a small part will be transmitted.

Machinery spaces (not continuously manned) 110 The sound insulating property of the construction, its reduc-
tion power called R, is measured in dB and is a measurement
Machinery control rooms 75
of the power of the construction to prevent the passage of the
Workshops 85 sound.

Non-specified work spaces 90 In porous absorbers like ROCKWOOL materials the sound ab-
sorption takes place by the sound energy being converted into
frictional heat between the ROCKWOOL fibres. The sound ab-
Navigation spaces dB(A)
sorption depends on the thickness of the material. The values
Navigating bridge and chart rooms 65 at the low frequencies are improved with increased thickness.
The same tendency can be obtained by moving the absorbers
Listening posts, including navigating bridge
70 away from the base.
wings and windows
Radio rooms (with radio equipment operating Protection of the absorber by a cover plate does not change
but not producing audio signals)
the absorption as long as the plate has a sufficient number of
Radar rooms 65 openings. A perforation of 15% could be sufficient for a 1 mm
thick cover plate of steel.
Accommodation spaces dB(A)
Thicker covers require a larger number of small holes.
Cabins and hospitals 60

Mess rooms 65

Recreation rooms 65

Open recreation areas 75

Offices 65

Service spaces dB(A)

Galleys, without food processing equipment
Service and pantries 75

Normally unoccupied spaces dB(A)

Spaces not specified 90

Sound Absorption

Overview - absorption measurements 

No ROCKWOOL products

IMO w = 0.60
1 SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm 2010

IMO w = 0.85
2 SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm 2010

3 SeaRox SL 620, 50 + 30 mm 2010
w = 0.90
4 SeaRox SL 620, 75 mm 2010
w = 0.90
5 SeaRox SL 620 ALU, 75 mm 2010
w = 0.55

6 SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm w = 0.75

Sound absorption is a material property which describes how
Sound absorption
well sound waves are absorbed in a material. When a sound
7 SeaRox SL 740 ALU, 50 mm w = 0.65
8 SeaRox SL 320, 50 mm w = 0.85
wave is absorbed, it simply means that the sound wave is
9 SeaRox SL 340, 50 mm w = 0.90
transferred into another kind of energy i.e. heat. On this page
you will find the sound absorption coefficient, w for the most 10
SeaRox SL 340, 50 mm
w = 0.90
+ 1 mm perf. steel suspended 10 mm
common SeaRox products.
11 SeaRox SL 340, 2 x 50 mm w = 0.95
12 SeaRox SL 340, 2 x 50 mm + 1 mm perf. steel w = 0.95
SeaRox SL 340, 2 x 50 mm
13 w = 0.95
+ 1 mm perf. steel suspended 10 mm
14 SeaRox SL 436, 50 mm w = 0.85
15 SeaRox SL 440, 50 mm w = 0.75
16 SeaRox SL 480, 30 mm w = 0.75
17 SeaRox SL 480, 50 mm w = 0.75
18 SeaRox SL 480, 2 x 30 mm w = 0.80
19 SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm w = 0.80
20 SeaRox SL 620 ALU, 40 mm w = 0.50
21 SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm w = 0.90
22 SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm + SeaRox Acoustic Foil (19 ) w = 0.90
23 SeaRox SL 640, 30 mm w = 0.70
24 SeaRox SL 640, 50 mm w = 0.80
25 SeaRox SL 640, 2 x 30 mm w = 0.90
26 SeaRox SL 660, 2 x 50 mm w = 0.90
27 SeaRox WM 950, 50 mm w = 0.90
28 SeaRox WM 950 ALU, 50 mm w = 0.75
29 SeaRox WM 950, 100 mm w = 0.95
30 SeaRox WM 950 ALU, 100 mm w = 0.75
31 SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm w = 0.90
32 SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm + SeaRox Acoustic Foil (19 ) w = 0.90
SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm + SeaRox Acoustic Foil (19 ) +
33 w = 0.90
perf. steel plate (suspended)
34 SeaRox WM 620, 2 x 45 mm w = 0.95
35 SeaRox WM 620 GW400, 45 mm w = 0.75
36 SeaRox WM 640, 30 mm w = 0.80
37 SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm w = 0.90
38 SeaRox WM 640, 100 mm w = 0.90

Sound Reduction

Sound reduction is an impression rating the reduction of

sound through a wall or a building element from one room
to the other. Since the sound reduction may be different at
different frequencies, test measurements are subjected to a
standard procedure which yields a single number that is about
equal to the average sound reduction in the middle of the hu-
man hearing range. The weighting procedure is standardized
in ISO 717-1 for the sound reduction of airborne noise.

Rw , Rw: weighted sound reduction index, dB

Rw (dB) is the weighted apparent sound reduction index in

Sound reduction
a building, including flanking sound transmission. Rw is the
laboratory value for the weighted sound reduction without
flanking transmission.

Overview - reduction measurements 
No Construction Products reduction

1 A-30 steel deck SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 44 dB *
2 A-30 steel deck + thermal SeaRox SL 620, 30 mm/ 30 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 2010
Rw = 47 dB *
3 A-60 steel deck/bulkhead restr. SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 45 dB *
4 A-60 steel deck/bulkhead restr. + thermal SeaRox SL 620, 50 mm/ 30 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 2010
Rw = 48 dB *
5 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620, 50 + 30 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 47 dB *
6 A-60 steel bulkhead + thermal SeaRox SL 620, 50 + 30 mm/ 30 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 2010
Rw = 49 dB *
7 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620, 75 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 46 dB *
8 A-60 steel bulkhead + thermal SeaRox SL 620, 75 mm/ 30 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU 2010
Rw = 49 dB *
9 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620, 75 mm/ 30 mm with 19 SeaRox Acoustic Foil 2010
Rw = 46 dB *
10 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 GW 200, 75 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 48 dB *
11 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 ALU, 75 mm/ 30 mm 2010
Rw = 46 dB *

12 A-15 steel deck SeaRox MA 700 GSd, 40 mm Rw = 45 dB **

13 A-30 steel bulkhead/deck SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm/ 30 mm Rw = 45 dB **

14 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox WM 640, 75 mm/ 30 mm Rw = 47 dB **

15 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox WM 620, 2 x 45 mm/45 mm Rw = 49 dB **

16 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 640, 2 x 30 mm/ 30 mm Rw = 48 dB *

17 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm/ 25 mm Rw = 45 dB *

18 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 640, 2 x30 mm/ 30 mm with 19 SeaRox Acoustic Foil Rw = 47 dB **

19 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox WM 620, 2 x 45 mm/ 45 mm with 1 mm steel sheet Rw = 58 dB **

20 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 GW 200, 60 mm/ 25 mm Rw = 45 dB *

21 A-60 steel bulkhead SeaRox SL 620 ALU, 60 mm/ 25 mm Rw = 46 dB *

22 A-60 steel deck SeaRox SL 620, 40 mm/ 25 mm Rw = 46 dB **

23 A-60 steel deck SeaRox WM 620, 45 mm Rw = 46 dB **

24 A-60 steel deck SeaRox SL 640, 40 mm with 1 mm steel sheet Rw = 56 dB **

25 A-60 aluminium bulkhead SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm/ 30 mm (on both sides) Rw = 40 dB ***

26 A-60 aluminium deck SeaRox SL 620, 2 x 30 mm/ 30 mm Rw = 40 dB ***

27 H-60 bulkhead restricted SeaRox SL 660, 30 mm and SeaRox WM 660, 40 mm / 40 mm Rw = 48 dB **

SeaRox SL 660, 30 mm and SeaRox WM 660, 40 mm /
28 H-60 bulkhead restricted + thermal Rw = 50 dB **
40 mm and 50 mm SeaRox SL 720
SeaRox SL 660, 30 mm and SeaRox WM 660, 40 mm /
29 H-60 bulkhead restricted + thermal Rw = 51 dB **
40 mm and 50 mm SeaRox MA 720 ALU, 50 mm
30 H-120 bulkhead restricted SeaRox SL 660, 30 mm and SeaRox WM 660, 40 mm / 2 x 40 mm Rw = 49 dB **

31 H-60 steel deck SeaRox SL 660, 2 x 50 mm Rw = 48 dB **

32 H-120 bulkhead corrugated SeaRox SL 660, 50 mm and SeaRox WM 660, 40 mm Rw = 44 dB ****

33 A-30 bulkhead with panel SeaRox SL 740, 50/25 mm and 25 mm panel Rw = 62 dB **

34 Acoustic solution SeaRox SL 340, 2 x 50 mm with 5-10 mm air gap Rw = 49 dB **

* Test specimen 5 mm steel plate ** Test specimen 6 mm steel plate *** Test specimen 6 mm alu plate **** Test specimen 1.5 mm corrugated steel plate

Dynamic Stiffness

The dynamic stiffness is an important parameter when opti-

mising floating floors. This is true both with respect to air- and
structure-borne noise, as well as impact noise.

In principle, the dynamic stiffness should be as low as possible

in order to obtain a low natural frequency of the floating floor.
On the other hand, the load bearing capacity and the possible
unfavourable experience of walking on a floor that is too soft
may set a lower limit for the stiffness.

SeaRox SL 436 is the most common product used for floating

floors. This product is produced according to specific levels of
dynamic stiffness according to thickness and the static stiff-
ness also called compression strength.

Read more about SeaRox SL 436 and

floating floors, on page 76.

SeaRox Acoustic Foil

Providing fire protection and noise reduction, in areas where Easy installation
mechanical strength and resistance to oil contamination is SeaRox Acoustic Foil must not be fixed directly to the
required has always been a problem. Now ROCKWOOL has a insulation. It is essential that the film is fitted loosely, with a
system which addresses all these issues. small gap between the insulation and the film. This is either
done by wrapping it around the slab or by utilising the welding
Traditional solutions of insulation incorporating either an pins required to secure the wool to the substrate.
alu-foil or steel plate finish are very good for fire protection
and the prevention of oil contamination, but these surface The film should be overlapped by 100 mm minimum. Although
materials unfortunately reduce the otherwise excellent noise the film is very strong, in some cases it may be necessary to
absorption properties of the insulation behind. reinforce any penetration (from pins etc.) with self adhesive
tape. SeaRox Acoustic Foil can be combined with any approved
By using the SeaRox Acoustic Foil system, the noise absorp- ROCKWOOL fire protection solution or with any SeaRox
tion properties of the SeaRox material will remain. thermal/acoustic insulation product.

SeaRox Acoustic Foil is a very strong, thin and durable film Although the solution has been tested as a system, which
highly resistant to oilmist, which is expected to be found in the includes a perforated steel plate, ROCKWOOL does not supply
environment of the engine room, compared to traditional solu- this item.
tions like alu-foil.

The film (which covers the mineral wool insulation and is

then covered by a perforated steel plate) has been tested for
surface flammability, according to IMO Res MSC.61(67), annex
1 part 5 and IMO res 653(16), by the Danish Institute of Fire
Technology. The result is in full compliance with SOLAS.

To obtain the optimal sound properties the film must be fitted

loosely with a small gap between the film and the insulation. Steel plate

Documented sound properties

The system has also been tested for sound reduction proving
its unique acoustic perfomance. ROCKWOOL insulation

SeaRox Acoustic Foil

Absorption for SeaRox SL 620

steel plate
Sound Absorption Coefficient s



























Frequenzy (Hz)

SeaRox SL 620 with SeaRox Acoustic foil (19 )

SeaRox SL 620 - 60 mm
SeaRox SL 620 with alu foil u 60 mm
SeaRox SL 620 with alu foil and joints taped with alu tape

Thermal Insulation

Thermal and Comfort Insulation page 94 Index of

Lambda Values page 95

Thermal and
Thermal Calculations page 96

Comfort Insulation
of Bulkhead and

Thermal and Comfort
The requirements of the indoor climate and comfort have
become more stringent during the recent years. The insula-
tion constitutes an important factor of this, as it ensures that
the correct temperature is obtained.

The most common way of expressing thermal properties is by

using the following nomenclature:

 oefficient of the Thermal Transmission


Thermal Resistance (R)

Thermal Conductivity ()

It is important to note that the -value for any given material

varies with temperature.

 pecification of the -value should therefore be referred to

as mean temperature and, if possible, to a standardised
method for measurement and calculation.

Solutions for
Thermal Insulation
1: Thermal insulation can be used alone where there is no Floor connection
other demand for the deck and bulkhead. When making a surface towards the exterior it is necessary
to end the insulation 50 mm above the floor to avoid rising
2: T
 hermal insulation can also be used together with fire insu- moisture. This to make sure that condensate from the
lation or sound insulation. bulkhead can be drained away.

When the minimum insulation thickness has been found

for protecting against sound or fire, the thermal trans-
mission (U-value) of this material can be calculated from
the -value. If a higher insulation level is requested the
construction can be improved by adding an extra layer of a
lower density product.

In all cases of insulating towards cold temperatures the wool

must always be covered by a vapour tight surface. This surface
can be aluminium foil or another kind of vapour barrier. The
gaps should be tightly sealed with alu tape.

When adding additional insulation to a fire construction it In front of the gab, a piece of flat iron can be fit to guide the
should be documented and approved by the local surveyor. condensate to a drain.



Lambda value () measurements on ROCKWOOL products (EN12667):

Product [W/mK] 10

SeaRox SL 720 0.036

SeaRox SL 740 0.034 All ROCKWOOL SeaRox products fulfil the IMO rules of
noncombustibility and low flame spread. Besides this the
SeaRox SL 320 0.034 products have excellent water repellent properties which are also
important as thermal insulation is often placed directly up against
SeaRox SL 340 0.034
the outer construction with changing temperatures.
SeaRox SL 436 0.035
SeaRox SL 440 0.035
SeaRox SL 480 0.037
SeaRox SL 620 0.035
SeaRox SL 970 0.035
SeaRox SL 640 0.035
SeaRox LM 900 ALU 0.039
Marine Wired Mat 80 0.033
SeaRox WM 620 0.034
SeaRox WM 640 0.034
SeaRox SL 660 0.035
ProRox PS 960 0.035

Thermal Calculations

1m Lambda value/ thermal conductivity ()

The lambda() value, also referred to as thermal conductivity,
is a value indicating how well a material conducts heat. It indi-
cates the quantity of heat (W), which is conducted through 1 m2
wall, in a thickness of 1 m, when the difference in temperature
between the opposite surfaces of this wall equals 1 K (or 1C).
1m In practice is a numerical value expressed in terms of W/
(mK). The lower the value, the better the insulation property
of the material.

Examples at 10C
tK (t-1)K Steel: = 50 W/mK
Concrete: = 1.6 W/mK
Glass: = 1.1 W/mK
Wood: = 0.12 W/mK
= W/mK
ROCKWOOL: = 0.035 W/mK

Most materials will increase in at rising temperatures.

U value
The transport of thermal energy through a structure is ex-
U = W/m2K pressed by a coefficient, U (Thermal transmittance coefficient).
It represents the flow of heat (in W) through 1 m2 of a structure,
when the difference between the two surrounding tempera-

U= tures is 1 K (or 1C). The thermal transmittance coefficient is
Thickness expressed in W/(m2K). The lower the coefficient, the better the
structure insulates.

R value
1 Thickness(m) Thermal resistance, R, is a measure used in a construction.
R = U or R = ( W/mK) The R value is the reciprocal value U-value. Increasing the
thickness of an insulating layer increases the R value.

The steel plate is not taken into consideration due to the low
added value.

SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm (10 = 0.034 W/mK) 
SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm + SeaRox SL 740, 50 mm
R = 0.05/0.034 = 1.47[m2K/W] U = 0.68[W/m2K] (10 = 0.035 W/mK 10 = 0.034 W/mK )
R = (0.06/0.035) + (0.05/0.034) = 3.18[m2K/W] U = 0.31[W/m2K]

SeaRox SL 740, 100 mm (10 = 0.034 W/mK)
R = 0.1/0.034 = 2.94[m2K/W] U= 0.34[W/m2K] 
SeaRox SL 620, 60mm + SeaRox SL 740, 100mm
(10 = 0.035 W/mK 10 = 0.034 W/mK )

SeaRox SL 620, 60 mm (10 = 0.035 W/mK) R = (0.06/0.035) + (0.1/0.034) = 4.65[m2K/W] U = 0.21[W/m2K]
R = 0.06/0.035 = 1.714[m2K/W] U = 0.57[W/m2K]

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation holds a large
number of certificates and the products and
constructions are certified according to the
latest IMO regulations. ROCKWOOL Technical
Insulation is continuously renewing and getting
new certificates, to get the newest information
please visit our website,

On the following pages you will find an overview of the

certificates ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation holds.

Certificates Classification

American Bureau of Shipping

MED 96/98/EC - USCG (DNV)

Register of Shipping (RMRS)

China Classification Society

Det Norske Vertitas (DNV)

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)

Germanischer Lloyd (GL)

Lloyds Register (LR)

Bureau Veritas (BV)

Russian Maritime



Bulkhead Density Thickness
Steel kg/m3 Plate Stiffener
A-30 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 50 30
A-30 SeaRox SL 740 (Marine Batts 45) 45 50 25
A-30 SeaRox WM 620 (Ma. Wired Mat 90) 90 50 30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 50+30 30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 75 30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100-115 60 25
A-60 SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 2x30 30
A-60 SeaRox WM 620 (Ma. Wired Mat 90) 90 2x45 45
A-60 SeaRox WM 640 (Ma.Wired Mat 105) 105 75 30
restricted SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 50 30
restricted SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 40 40
restricted SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 40 40 50/50 50/50 50/50
extension SeaRox SL 470 (Marine Slab 180) 180 25
Alu kg/m 3
Plate Stiffener
A-60 SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 2x30 * 2x30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 2x30 * 2x30
restricted SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 2x30 2x30

* Insulation on both sides of alu plate
Deck Density Thickness
Steel kg/m3 Plate Stiffener
A-15 SeaRox MA 700 GS (Shiprock)
27 40 40
A-30 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 50 30
A-30 SeaRox SL 740 (Marine Batts 45) 45 50 30
A-30 SeaRox WM 620 (Ma. Wired Mat 90) 90 30 30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 50 30
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 40 25
A-60 SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 40 40
A-60 SeaRox WM 620 (Ma. Wired Mat 90) 90 45 45
A-60 Floating SeaRox SL 480 (Ma. Slab 200)
Floor (2 mm steel top plate) 200 2x30
A-60 Floating SeaRox SL 436 (Ma. Slab 140)
Floor (1.5 mm + 3 mm top steel plates) 140 60
Alu kg/m3 Plate Stiffener
SeaRox SL 740 (Ma. Batts 45)/
A-30 SeaRox WM 620 (Ma. Wired Mat 90) 90 50 45
A-60 SeaRox SL 620 (Ma. Firebatts 100) 100 2x30 2x30
A-60 SeaRox SL 640 (Ma. Firebatts 130) 130 2x30 2x30
Bulkhead Density Thickness
Steel kg/m3 Plate Stiffener
H-60 SeaRox SL 660 (HC Firebatts 150)
restricted SeaRox WM 660 (HC Wired Mat 150)
150 30+40 40
H-120 SeaRox SL 660 (HC Firebatts 150) 50+40/ 50+40/ 50+40/
restricted SeaRox WM 660 (HC Wired Mat 150)
150 30+40 2x40
2x40 2x40 2x40
H-60 corr.
Non Load SeaRox SL 660 (HC Firebatts 150)
Bearing SeaRox WM 660 (HC Wired Mat 150)
150 50+40
H-120 corr.
Non Load SeaRox SL 660 (HC Firebatts 150)
Bearing SeaRox WM 660 (HC Wired Mat 150)
150 50+40

Deck Density Thickness

Steel kg/m3 Plate Stiffener
H-60 SeaRox SL 660 (HC Firebatts 150) 150 2x50 2x50
Classification Local
Societies authorities

American Bureau of Shipping

MED 96/98/EC - USCG (DNV)

Register of Shipping (RMRS)

Det Norske Vertitas (DNV)

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)

Germanischer Lloyd (GL)

Lloyds Register (LR)

Bureau Veritas (BV)

Russian Maritime
Non Combustible Products

SeaRox Slab
27-55 kg/m3
30-45 kg/m3
32-45 kg/m3
45 kg/m3

SeaRox Slab
55-300 kg/m3
60-200 kg/m3
60-240 kg/m3
60-250 kg/m3

SeaRox Slab (Marine Firebatts)

100-150 kg/m3

SeaRox Lamella Mat (Marine Lamella Mat)

32-45 kg/m3

SeaRox Wired Mat (Marine Wired Mat)

35-150 kg/m3
80-105 kg/m3
35-135 kg/m3
105 kg/m3

ProRox Pipe Sections

Pipe Sections 800/850 (ProRox PS 960/ PS 960 ALU)

Glass Cloth
Glass Cloth

Low Flame Spread

Reinforced aluminium foil with glass net/aluminium foil
Glass cloth (200-400 gr/m2)
Glass vlies
SeaRox Acoustic Foil

Please check for latest update! 99

Product Guide
Product Guide

Product Selector page 102

Products page 103
Surfaces page 109

Product Selector

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation markets a range of specially developed and dedicated products within marine and offshore
insulation. The table below gives an overview of our standard product range and applications

SeaRox WM 950/WM 620/WM 640

SeaRox SL 740*/MA 740 ALU
SeaRox SL 720/MA 720 ALU

ProRox PS 960/PS 960 ALU

SeaRox SL 436/SL 480
SeaRox SL 440/SL 480

SeaRox LM 900 ALU

SeaRox MA 700 GS

SeaRox WM 660
SeaRox SL 620
SeaRox SL 320

SeaRox SL 340

SeaRox SL 640

SeaRox SL 970

SeaRox SL 660
Bulkhead and Deck
A constructions Fire
H constructions Fire
Floating floors
< 250C
> 250C
< 250C
> 250C
Air ducts
Comfort insulation
Exhaust pipes

* Fire, only SeaRox SL 740


SeaRox MA 700 GSd Shiprock Plus w. glass scrim Comfort Insulation

Product description
SeaRox MA 700 GSd is a light, compressed, soft resilient roll
made of stone wool. The product is delivered with a 10x10 mm
glass scrim.

SeaRox MA 700 GSd is mainly used for A-15 constructions.

SeaRox SL 720 Marine Batts 32 Comfort Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 720 is a soft, resilient slab made of stone wool.
The product can be supplied with reinforced alu foil.

SeaRox SL 720 is used for comfort insulation.

SeaRox MA 720 ALU Marine Batts 32 RL w. reinf. alu Comfort Insulation

Product description
SeaRox MA 720 ALU is a soft, resilient roll made of stone wool.
SeaRox MA 720 ALU is supplied as a highly compressed roll.
The product is as standard supplied with reinforced alu foil.

SeaRox MA 720 ALU is used for comfort insulation. The high
compression reduces the transportation cost significantly.

SeaRox SL 740 Marine Batts 45 Comfort Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 740 is a semi-regid, resilient slab made of stone
wool. The product can be supplied with reinforced alu foil or
glass fabric.

SeaRox SL 740 is used for comfort insulation and form part of
approved A-30 Deck and A-30 Bulkhead constructions.

SeaRox MA 740 ALU Marine Batts 45 RL w. reinf. alu Comfort Insulation

Product description
SeaRox MA 720 ALU is a soft, lightweight mat made of stone
wool. SeaRox MA 720 ALU is supplied as a highly compressed
roll. The product is as standard supplied with reinforced alu foil.

SeaRox MA 720 ALU is used for comfort insulation. The high
compression reduces the transport cost significantly.

SeaRox SL 320 Marine Slab 60 Acoustic Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 320 is a semi-rigid slab of stone wool. Excellent
properties for easy handling and installation.

SeaRox SL 320 is primarily used for sound insulation.
Perfect as thermal insulation with high noise reduction.

SeaRox SL 340 Marine Slab 80 Acoustic Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 340 is a semi-rigid slab of stone wool. Excellent
properties for easy handling and installation.

SeaRox SL 340 is primarily used for sound insulation.

SeaRox SL 340 TB Marine Slab 80 Black Acoustic Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 340 TB is a semi-rigid slab of stone wool. The
black tissue gives a dust free surface. Excellent properties
for easy handling and installation.

SeaRox SL 340 TB is generally developed for sound insulation
inside air ducts. The product can also be used as finishing
surface in areas where the surface just needs to be dust free.
Another application could be behind perforated plates in
panels or simlilar.

SeaRox SL 436 Marine Slab 140 Outfitting

Product description
SeaRox SL 436 is a semi-rigid slab made of stone wool.
This product has a special fibre structure which gives an
optimal dynamic stiffness.

SeaRox SL 436 is developed for floating floor insulation
only with approved top layer.

SeaRox SL 440 Marine Slab 150 Outfitting

Product description
SeaRox SL 440 is a strong, rigid insulation slab made of stone
wool. The high density and the structure of the material
provide good noise reduction.

SeaRox SL 440 is primarily used for floating decks with a
pressure-equalizing plate of steel or moulding material.
The product is used where load capacity is required.
SeaRox SL 440 can also be cut up and used in panels.

SeaRox SL 480 Marine Slab 200 Outfitting

Product description
SeaRox SL 480 is a strong, rigid insulation slab made of stone
wool. The high density and the structure of the material provide
a good noise reduction.

SeaRox SL 480 is primarily used for floating floors with a pres-
sure-equalizing plate of steel or moulding material.
The product is used where great load capacity is required.
The product forms part of an A-60 floating floor construction
tested with 2 mm steel plate. Top layer according to the static
calculations. SeaRox SL 480 can also be cut up and used in

SeaRox SL 620 Marine Firebatts 100 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 620 is a semi-rigid slab made of stone wool.
The product can be supplied with reinforced alu foil or glass

SeaRox SL 620 is primarily used as part of approved
A constructions for deck and bulkhead.

SeaRox SL 640 Marine Firebatts 130 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 640 is a semi-rigid slab made of stone wool. The
product can be supplied with reinforced alu or glass fabric.

SeaRox SL 640 is primarily used as part of approved
A constructions for deck and bulkhead.

SeaRox SL 660 HC Firebatts 150 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 660 is a slab made of stone wool. The product is
specially developed to provide maximum fire protection.
SeaRox SL 660 can be supplied with reinforced alu foil.

SeaRox SL 660 is used for hydrocarbon fire protection of
bulkheads, decks and firewalls.

SeaRox WM 620 Marine Wired Mat 90 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox WM 620 is made of stone wool. One side is faced with
1 galvanized wire netting. The wire netting is stitched on with
galvanized wire. The product can be supplied with glass fabric.

SeaRox WM 620 is used for insulation of technical installations,
particularly pipes with a temperature exceeding 250C. The
product can be used as fire insulation in approved A construc-
tions. Max. service temp. 650C acc. to EN 14706. Facing 80C.

SeaRox WM 640 Marine Wired Mat 105 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox WM 640 is made of stone wool. One side is faced with
1 galvanized wire netting. The wire netting is stitched on with
galvanized wire. The product can be supplied with reinforced
alu foil or glass fabric.

SeaRox WM 640 is used for insulation of technical installations,
particularly pipes with a temperature exceeding 250C. The
product can be used as fire insulation in approved A construc-
tions. SeaRox WM 640 can be used for insulation of pipe pene-
trations in connection with A constructions. Max. service temp.
wool 680C acc. to EN 14706. Facing 80C

SeaRox WM 660 HC Wired Mat 150 Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox WM 660 is made of stone wool. One side is faced with
1 galvanised wire mesh. The wire netting is stitched on with
galvanised wire.

SeaRox WM 660 is used for hydrocarbon fire protection of
bulkheads and firewalls.

SeaRox PS 620 ALUsc Marine Firebatts 100 PS Firesafe Insulation

Product description
SeaRox PS 620 ALUsc are pressure-resistant and non-
combustible preformed pipe sections. SeaRox PS 620 ALUsc is
supplied with reinforced alu foil and selfadhesive tape.

SeaRox PS 620 ALUsc is used for fire protection of sprinkler
pipes to fullfil the SOLAS regulation Safe Return to Port.

SeaRox WM 950 Marine Wired Mat 80 Thermal Insulation

Product description
SeaRox WM 950 is made of stone wool. One side is faced with
1 galvanized wire mesh. The wire netting is stitched on with
galvanized wire.

SeaRox WM 950 is used for insulation of technical installations,
particularly pipes with a temperature exceeding 250C.
Max. service temp. wool: 640C acc. to EN 14706. Facing 80C.

SeaRox SL 970 Marine Firebatts 110 Thermal Insulation

Product description
SeaRox SL 970 is a semi-rigid slab made of stone wool.

SeaRox SL 970 is primarily used as high temperature insula-
tion. Furthermore the products can be used as insulation of
structures where the temperature exceeds 250C.
Max. service temp. wool: 750C

SeaRox LM 900 ALU Marine Lamella Mat 32 Thermal Insulation

Product description
SeaRox LM 900 consists of stone wool lamellas placed edge-
ways, the majority of the fibres being perpendicular to the facing.
The product is as standard delivered with a reinforced alu foil.

SeaRox LM 900 is used for insulation of pipes, tanks and ven-
tilation ducts. Max. service temperature 250C. Facing 80C.

ProRox PS 960 NAME Thermal Insulation
ProRox PS 960 ALU

Product description

ProRox PS 960 and ProRox PS 960 ALU are pressure-resistant

and non-combustible preformed pipe sections. ProRox PS
960 ALU is supplied with reinforced alu foil and self-adhesive

ProRox PS 960 and ProRox PS 960 ALU are suitable for steam
and process pipings. ProRox PS 960 is part of ROCKWOOL
Technical Insulation assortment for process industry, ProRox.

There are many reasons for choosing insulation products with facings. In most cases it is done to obtain a vapour barrier, which
prevents formation of condensation on the cold side of a construction. If vapour is the reason for choosing a new surface
ROCKWOOL markets different products with reinforced aluminium foil. In other cases it is necessary to have a better look than the
pure wool; ROCKWOOL markets different surfaces such as glass tissue and glass cloth. If the need is to secure the product then a
surface with wire mesh might be preferable.


This is the basic ROCKWOOL product which is approved and suitable
for almost any purpose. The products are based on stone wool which
can withstand temperature above 1,000C without melting.

wired mat

Wired Mat with wire mesh:

Some of our fire rated constructions are based on Wired Mat and the
wire mesh can form an additional safety to secure the product. Within
technical insulation a Wired Mat is often used for high temperature
applications or if you need to bend the insulation around e.g. a pipe.

wired mat reinforced alu

Wired Mat with reinforced aluminium foil and wire mesh:

This surface has the same properties as the Wired Mat but has further
more the property of securing a dust free surface. Please notice that
the alu foil will be perforated due to the stitching process and there-
fore not usable as vapour barrier.

reinforced alu (ALU)

Reinforced aluminium foil:

The reinforced aluminium surface will be the best solution if you need
a vapour barrier. The product will secure that no vapour will enter the
product and result in corrosion of steel and damaged wool.

Glass CLOth - 200 g/m2 (GW200) + 400 g/m2 (GW400)

Glass cloth:
This surface has three major properties: impact resistant, dust free
surface and a nicer outlook. This surface will in many cases save the
use of an extra metal cladding as the woven cloth is strong enough to
resist most impact from the surroundings.

glass tissue black (TB)

Black glass tissue:

The thin black tissue is often used in ventilation shafts or behind a
perforated plate as it secures a dust free surface and a nice outlook.

glass tissue Neutral (TN)

Neutral glass tissue:

The thin neutral surface will secure a dust free surface.
The white/transparent look will give a bright surface.

SEAROX acoustic foil

SeaRox Acoustic Foil

A very strong and durable thin 19 PET-film, which is resistant to
oil, water and most other substances expected to be found in
the environment of the engine room. Also the noise absorption
properties will stay at their full capacity (the film is market
as a separate commodity). 109
Aquaduct - Thermal Insulation
Solutions for Sub-sea Pipelines

Traditional solution;
Aquaduct CL used
for Pipe in Pipe

ROCKWOOLs unique product properties are

also available for thermal insulation of

Sub Sea Pipelines.

Alternative Aquaduct Solutions

Resistant to high temperatures Due to the flexibility of the product range of Aquaduct Solu-
Resilient; good recovery following deformation tions we have the capability to offer specific solutions to meet
Unaffected by welding of field joints specific demands, regardless of the complexity of Pipe Bundle
Free from HFCs and other blowing gases configurations. These are some examples of the solutions that
Reliable performance; thermal conductivity cannot degrade we have previously offered.
due to loss of entrapped gas
Easy to handle and install ROCKWOOL insulation products can be tailor made for indi-
ROCKWOOL insulation is recyclable and its life cycle vidual projects and purposes. The most typical products are
analysis proves that it contributes actively to improve the described below.

Aquaduct CL Aquaduct Sections

Aquaduct CL are special patented ROCKWOOL products Aquaduct Sections are rigid pre-formed circular units of
where the vertical direction of the fibres provides an excellent ROCKWOOL insulation supplied with or without an outer
compression resistance at low thicknesses (down to 10 mm covering. Aquaduct is available in almost any combination of
thickness). The fibres are bonded to a reinforced aluminium diameter, thickness and length and can be adapted to individu-
foil outer facing and the product can be supplied with very low al needs and specifications. Aquaduct Sections are the optimal
tolerances. In most cases Aquaduct CL will be the optimal choice for bigger sizes of pipe.
choice for Pipe in Pipe solutions.
Health and Safety - Green Passport

Scientific research of man-made mineral fibres goes back to

1930; to the beginning of the production of these fibres, which
has expanded enormously in a wide range of insulation ap-
plications since. The growth in the use of mineral fibres - also
known as Man-Made Vitreous Fibres (MMVFs) - has meant
that scientists have needed to describe the effects on public
health. Independent institutes worldwide have, consequently,
been carrying out extensive animal and epidemiological stud-
ies of mineral (glass, rock and slag) wool workers for more
than seventy years.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is part of the ROCKWOOL

Group and one of ROCKWOOLs largest R&D projects ever
resulted in the high-alumina low-silica wool generation. This
is a quality wool with higher bio-solubility as a result of its
chemical composition (see box) and thus a wool with an in-
creased safety margin in comparison with traditional mineral
wool. Roxul1000 fibers are world wide exonerated from any
classification. The product quality of this wool is, of course,
consistently high, retaining all technical features.

Green Passport (Hong Kong International Convention)

All ROCKWOOL Technical Insualtion stone wool insulation
materials for the marine and offshore market, produced at any
of the European ROCKWOOL production plants, will NOT be
classified as hazardous materials in relation to the mentioned
IMO resolution guideline A.980(24).

Therefore ROCKWOOL Insulation has no impact on the inven-

tory of hazardous material.

Facts & Figures Legislation on Classification

Wool type Europe WHO/IARC

Roxul1000 Exonerated from classification Non carcinogenic in

(high-alumina, low-silica wool) as a carcinogen experimental animals*

Classified in category 3: Group 3: not classifiable as to

Traditional wool
Possibly Carcinogenic their carcinogenicity to humans

About ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation an independent entity

within the ROCKWOOL group is active on the industrial
insulation market in two dedicated segments: shipbuilding &
offshore and the process industry. Through the SeaRox range
for marine and offshore and the ProRox range for industry,
our experts offer you a full spread of products and systems for
the thermal and firesafe insulation of technical installations.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation is always on top of the latest

advancements. For more than 70 years we have presented
high-grade products and given expert advice through research,
innovation and intensive employee training. And we remain
fully committed to providing the very best service.

The Best Solutions Built on Solid Expertise

In addition to providing innovative products, ROCKWOOL
Technical Insulation is able to draw on in-depth expertise to
ensure that end users in the shipbuilding, offshore and the
process industries are given the best and most advanced
insulation solutions. The key to our success is the combination
of excellent insulation products and outstanding people who
know exactly what they are talking about. Thanks to their
expertise and extensive experience, we can offer exceptional
stone wool solutions and an impeccable service. With
technical support on high level we are prepared to help you
to choose the optimal solutions and secure the necessary

Up-to-date information? Wherever, whenever?

We can help!
As a highly skilled professional you are always looking for the
best possible end result. The quickest way to achieve that is
with ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation premium products and
the detailed information that comes with them, which always
incorporates the latest technical findings. Thats why you
should always check that the information you have is up-to-

If you have any questions about specific application

issues, working methods or product properties, contact
our ROCKWOOL sales team or visit our website at


ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation, an independent organisation All explanations correspond to our current range of knowledge
of the international ROCKWOOL Group, is the world wide and are therefore up-to-date. The examples of use outlined in
market leader in technical insulation. With our two product this document serve only to provide a better description and
lines, ProRox and SeaRox, we cover the whole industrial do not take special circumstances of specific cases into
market and marine & offshore industry, providing a full range account. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation places great value
of products and systems for the thermal and firesafe upon continuous development of products, to the extent that
insulation of technical applications. Besides sustainable we too continuously work to improve our products without
products we offer reliable expert advice, from documentation prior notice. We therefore recommend that you use the most
to delivery and after sales service. Throughout the whole chain recent edition of our publications, as our wealth of experience
from specifier, through dealer to contractor and installer we and knowledge is always growing. Should you require related
aim to add value. We dont just sell products, we supply information for your specific application or have any technical
solutions. Its this total approach that makes us the ideal queries, please contact our sales department or visit our
choice for professionalism, innovation and trust. website


The ROCKWOOL Group is the worlds leading supplier of Our more than 9,700 employees in more than 40 countries
innovative products and systems based on stone wool, cater for customers all over the world. The Groups head office
improving the environment and the quality of life for millions is located close to Copenhagen. In 2012 the Group generated
of people. The Group is amongst the global leaders within the sales of EUR 1.97 billion. The company is listed on the
insulation industry. Together with other building-related NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen. The Groups
products such as acoustic ceilings, cladding boards and our operations have a main presence in Europe and we are
consultancy business, the Group ensures energy efficient and expanding production, sales and service activities in North and
firesafe buildings with good acoustics and a comfortable South America and Asia. Together with a broad network of
indoor climate. We create green solutions for the horticultural business partners, this ensures that the Groups products and
industry, inventive special fibres for industrial use, effective systems reach almost every corner of the globe. For more
insulation for the process industry and marine and offshore as information, please visit
well as noise and vibration systems for modern infrastructure.

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

Hovedgaden 501
2640 Hedehusene
Tel: (+45) 46 56 16 16
Fax: (+45) 46 56 16 04
[email protected]
3B-Reklame 0913

ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation

is part of ROCKWOOL International A/S
The Technical Guidelines are to be considered as guidance only
As material supplier, ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation can only assist with technical
guidance and service and we are not legally responsible for this guidance and service,
including the specific use of the Technical Guidelines. ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation
reserves the right to make the necessary product changes at any time. Technical
specifications are thus stated subject to change. Reprint is only allowed according to
covenant with ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation.

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