2 Instructions To Bidders (ITB)
2 Instructions To Bidders (ITB)
2 Instructions To Bidders (ITB)
1.0 BID DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................................9
2.0 TRANSFERABILITY OF BID DOCUMENTS: ...................................................................9
3.0 AMENDMENT OF BID DOCUMENTS: ..........................................................................10
4.0 PREPARATION OF BIDS ...................................................................................................10
4.1 LANGUAGE OF BIDS: ..........................................................................................................10
4.2 BIDDERS/AGENTS NAME & ADDRESS:.....................................................................10
4.3 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID: ...........................................................................10
5.0 BID FORM:.............................................................................................................................11
6.0 BID PRICE: ............................................................................................................................11
7.0 CURRENCIES OF BID AND PAYMENT: .......................................................................14
QUALIFICATIONS: ...............................................................................................................15
9.0 BID SECURITY: ....................................................................................................................15
10.0 EXEMPTION FROM SUBMISSION OF BID SECURITY: .........................................16
11.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS: ....................................................................................17
12.0 SIGNING OF BID: ................................................................................................................17
13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS ......................................................................................................18
14.0 INDIAN AGENTS: .................................................................................................................19
15.0 DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS: ....................................................................19
16.0 LATE BIDS: ............................................................................................................................20
17.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: ........................................................20
18.0 EXTENSION OF BID SUBMISSION DATE: .................................................................21
19.0 BID OPENING AND EVALUATION: ................................................................................21
20.0 OPENING OF PRICED BIDS: ...........................................................................................22
21.0 CONVERSION TO SINGLE CURRENCY: ......................................................................23
1.2. The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and
specifications in the Bid Documents. Failure to furnish all information
required in the Bid Documents or submission of a bid not substantially
responsive to the Bid Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder's
risk & responsibility and may result in the rejection of its bid.
2.1. Bid Documents are non-transferable. Bid can be submitted only in the
name of the bidder in whose name the Bid Document has been issued.
2.2. Unsolicited bids will not be considered and will be rejected straightway.
3.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Company
may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a
clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Bid
Documents through issuance of an Addendum.
The Priced Bid shall contain the prices along with the currency
quoted and any other commercial information pertaining to the
service offered.
6.1 Prices must be quoted by the Bidders online as per the price bid
format available in OILs E- Tender Portal in Notes & Attachment
Tab. Unit prices must be quoted by the bidders, both in words and in
6.2 Prices quoted by the successful bidder must remain firm during its
performance of the Contract and is not subject to variation on any
6.3 All duties and taxes (excluding Service Tax) including Corporate
Income Tax, Personal Tax, Assam Entry Tax, octroi etc. and other
Cess/levies payable by the successful bidder under the Contract for
which this Bid Document is being issued, shall be included in the
rates, prices and total Bid Price submitted by the bidder, and the
6.4 The Bidder shall quote their all-inclusive price for the entire Scope of
Work in accordance with the Schedule of Rates & Payment (Section
IV) of this tender document covering, interalia, the following:
I. Supplies
C. Prices for commissioning spares and all mandatory spares and all
tools & tackles.
6.5 General
a) The bidders quoted price against all items as per Schedule of Rates
& Payment (Section-IV) of this tender document shall be inclusive of,
amongst others, basic & detailed design.
g) Nil Custom Duty shall be applicable against this tender for the
eligible supplies. Indigenous bidders are requested to quote their
Deemed Export prices (Refer Clauses 7.0 and 8.0 of Part 2 of for
7.2 Indian bidders too can submit their bids in any currency (including
Indian Rupees) and receive payment in such currencies on par with
9.2 All the bids must be accompanied by Bid Security in Original for the
amount as mentioned in the Forwarding Letter or an equivalent
amount in other freely convertible currency and shall be in any one
of the following forms:
9.3 Any bid not secured in accordance with sub-clause 9.2 above shall
be rejected by the Company as non-responsive.
9.4 The bidders shall extend the validity of the Bid Security suitably, if
and when specifically advised by OIL, at the bidders cost.
9.7 Bid Security shall not accrue any interest during its period of validity
or extended validity.
I. If any bidder withdraws their Bid during the period of bid validity
II. If any bidder alters their Bid during the period of bid validity or if
the bidder increases the price during the period of bid validity.
III. If the bidder does not accept the LOA issued by Company within the
validity of the bid
IV. If the bid is accepted by OIL, and work is awarded but the
contractor does not furnish the Performance Security.
9.9 In case any bidder withdraws their bid during the period of bid
validity, Bid Security will be forfeited and the party shall be debarred
for a period of 2(two) years.
9.10 The scanned copy of the original Bid Security in the form of either
Bank Guarantee or LC or Cashier Cheque or Bank Draft must be
uploaded by bidder along with the Technical bid in the Technical
RFx Response of OILs E-portal. The original Bid Security shall be
submitted by bidder to the office of Head-Contracts, Oil India Ltd.,
Duliajan-786602(Assam), India in a sealed envelope which must
reach Head-Contracts office on or before 12.45 Hrs (IST) on the Bid
Closing date failing which the bid shall be rejected.
12.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in
indelible inks. Since bids are to be submitted ONLINE with digital
signature, manual signature is NOT relevant. The letter of
12.3 Any person signing the Bid or any other document in respect of this
Bidding Document or other relevant documents on behalf of the
Bidder without disclosing his authority to do so shall be deemed to
have the authority to bind the Bidder. If it is discovered at any time
that the person so signing has no authority to do so, the Company
(OIL) may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, cancel his
Bid or Contract and hold the Bidder liable to the Company (OIL) for all
costs and damages arising from the cancellation of the Bid or Contract
including any loss which the Company (OIL) may sustain on account
13.2 All the conditions of the contract to be made with the successful
bidder are given in various Sections of the Bid Document. Bidders
are requested to state their non-compliance to each clause as per
Proforma-C of the bid document and the same should be uploaded
along with the Technical Bid.
15.2 No bid can be submitted after the submission dead line is reached.
The system time displayed on the e-procurement web page shall
decide the submission dead line.
15.3 The documents in physical form as stated in Para 13.1 must be
received by Company at the address specified in the Forwarding
Letter on or before 12.45 Hrs(IST) on the Bid Closing Date
mentioned in the "Forwarding Letter". Timely delivery of the same at
the address mentioned in the Forwarding Letter is the responsibility
of the Bidders.
17.4 Once a withdrawal letter is received from any bidder, the offer will be
treated as withdrawn and no further claim/correspondences will be
entertained in this regard.
17.5 No Bid can be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for
submission of Bids and the expiry of the period of Bid Validity
specified by the Bidder on the Bid Form. Withdrawal of a Bid during
this interval shall result in the Bidder's forfeiture of its Bid Security
19.3 Bid for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been received
pursuant to clause 17.0 shall not be opened. Company will examine
bids to determine whether they are complete, whether requisite Bid
Securities have been furnished, whether documents have been
digitally signed and whether the bids are generally in order.
19.4 At bid opening, Company will announce the Bidder's names, written
notifications of bid modifications or withdrawal, if any, the presence
of requisite Bid Security, and such other details as the Company may
consider appropriate.
20.2 The Priced bids of the unsuccessful bidders which remain unopened
with OIL, may be returned to the concerned bidders on request only
after receipt of Performance Security from the successful bidders
after issue of Letter of Award (LOA) by OIL.
20.3 The Company will examine the Price quoted by Bidders to determine
whether they are complete, any computational errors have been
made, the documents have been properly signed, and the bids are
generally in order.
The Company will evaluate and compare the bids as per BID
PART-2 of the Bid Documents.
Company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to
annul the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to
award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the
affected bidder, or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected
bidder of the grounds for Companys action.
27.1 Prior to the expiry of the period of bid validity or extended validity,
Company will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered
letter or by fax or E-mail (to be confirmed in writing by registered /
couriered letter) that its Bid has been accepted.
28.4 The Performance Security will not accrue any interest during its
period of validity or extended validity.
29.1 Within 30 days of issue of LOA, the successful Bidder shall sign
and date the contract and return it to the Company. Till the
contract is signed, the LOA issued to the successful bidder shall
remain binding amongst the two parties.
29.2 In the event of failure on the part of the successful Bidder to sign
the contract within the period specified above or any other time
period specified by Company, OIL reserves the right to terminate
the LOA issued to the successful Bidder and invoke the Bid
Security or the Performance Security if submitted by the
successful Bidder. The party shall also be debarred for a period of
2(two) years from the date of default.
32.3 In the event of any extension to the contract period, Contractor shall
have to enhance the value of the bank guarantee to cover the
interest for the extended period and also to extend the validity of
bank guarantee accordingly.
33.1 OIL shall be entering into an Integrity Pact with the Bidders as per
format enclosed vide Proforma-A of the Bid Document. The Integrity
Pact has been duly signed digitally by OILs competent signatory and
uploaded in the OILs e-portal. The Integrity Pact shall be returned
2.1 The bidders must be in the business of construction of similar plants such as
Construction of Oil Collecting Station (OCS or Group Gathering Station (GGS) or
Crude Oil Refinery or Petrochemical Processing Plants or Natural Gas Processing
Plants and bidders must have experience in successful execution of
EPC(Engineering, Procurement, Construction) projects as defined below.
2.2 Such EPC projects/ jobs/work(s) referenced for qualification must involve residual
basic engineering, detailed engineering, procurement, supply, fabrication &
erection and construction works relating to civil/structural, architectural,
mechanical, piping, electrical/ instrumentation works etc. for hydrocarbon oil &
gas production facilities/plants as stated above in Para2.1
3.3 In case the audited Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Account
submitted are in currencies other than INR or US$, the bidder shall
have to convert the figures in equivalent INR or US$ considering the
prevailing conversion rate on the date on which the audited Balance
sheet and Profit and Loss Account were signed.
3.4 NET WORTH: The financial net worth of the bidder as per the audited
financial results of immediate preceding financial year should be at
least Rs 12.00 Crores for Indian Bidders or USD 2.00 Million for
foreign bidders.
I. The financial year would be the same as one normally followed by
the bidder for its Annual Report.
II. The bidder shall provide the audited annual financial statements as
required for this Tender document. Failure to do so would result in
the Proposal being considered as non responsive and for the
purpose of this Tender document,
a. Annual Turnover shall be Sale value/ Operating Income
4.1 Bids shall be submitted under single stage two Bid system i.e.
Technical Bid and Priced Bid separately in the OILs e-Tender portal.
The Technical Bid is to be uploaded as per Scope of Work & Technical
Specification of the tender in Technical RFx Response Tab and
Priced Bid as per Section IV and Annexure-A thereto uploaded in the
Notes & Attachments Tab. Bids shall be rejected outright if the
prices are indicated in the technical bids. Bids not conforming to this
two bid system shall be rejected outright.
4.2 Bidder shall offer firm prices. Price quoted by the successful bidder
must remain firm during the execution of the contract and not
subject to variation on any account.
4.6 Physical Bids, if any received from the bidders, shall not be
considered and will be rejected.
4.7 Bids submitted after the Bid Closing Date and Time will be rejected.
4.9 The bid documents are non-transferable. Bid can only be submitted
in the name of the bidder in whose name the User ID and Password
have been issued. Unsolicited bids will not be considered and will be
straightway rejected.
4.10 Bids shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be digitally
signed by the bidder or his authorized representative.
4.13 Bidders must quote clearly and strictly in accordance with the price
schedule outlined in Price Bid Format of Bid Document, otherwise
the Bid will be summarily rejected.
4.14 Against this tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the
Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid
simultaneously for the same item/product.
4.16 Bidder must accept and comply with the following clauses as given in
the Bid Document in toto failing which bid will be rejected
5.1 In case bidder takes exception to any clause of bid document not
covered under BEC/BRC, then the Company has the discretion to
load or reject the offer on account of such exception if the bidder
does not withdraw/modify the deviation when/as advised by
Company. The loading so done by the Company will be final and
binding. Company reserves the right to ask the bidder for
clarification on any clause referred to in the NIT except under the
5.3 If any of the clauses in the BRC contradict with other clauses of the
Bid Document elsewhere, then the clauses in the BRC shall prevail.
6.1 If there is any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price,
the unit price will prevail and the total price shall be corrected.
Similarly, if there is any discrepancy between words and figure, the
amounts in words shall prevail and will be adopted for evaluation.
6.2 For conversion of foreign currency into Indian currency for evaluation
of Bids, B.C. selling (Market) rate declared by State Bank of India, one
6.3 The bidders must quote their charges/ rates in the manner as called
for vide "Schedule of Rates" under Section - IV and the summarized
price schedule format vide Form SP0.
Total quoted LSTK contract cost as per Schedule of Rates including all
applicable statutory levies, taxes and duties and Service tax amount.
8.3 The domestic bidders will quote net price after taking into account
the above Deemed export benefits as applicable and bids will be
evaluated accordingly. The bidders are requested to check the
latest position on the subject on their own and OIL shall not accept
any liability, whatsoever, on this account.
c) "Work" shall mean each and every activity required for the successful
performance of the services described in Section II, the Terms of
3.3 Perform all other obligations, work and services which are required
by the terms of this contract or which reasonably can be implied
from such terms as being necessary for the successful and timely
completion of the work.
3.5 Contractor shall give or provide all necessary supervision during the
performance of the services and as long thereafter within the
warranty period as Company may consider necessary for the proper
fulfilling of Contractor's obligations under the contract.
3.6 Contractor shall strictly follow all the statutory norms and guidelines
issued by the various Government agencies in regards to safety &
environmental issues.
5.1 Contractor warrants that they will provide competent, qualified and
sufficiently experienced personnel to perform the work correctly and
efficiently and shall ensure that such personnel observe applicable
Company and statutory safety requirement. Upon Company's
written request, Contractor, entirely at their own expense, shall
remove immediately, from assignment to the work, any personnel of
the Contractor determined by the Company to be unsuitable and
shall promptly replace such personnel with personnel acceptable to
the Company without affecting Company's work.
6.2 Should the Company discover at any time during the tenure of the
Contract or within the Performance Liability Period of the Contract
that the work carried out by the contractor does not conform to and
perform as per terms and conditions of the Contract, Contractor
shall after receipt of notice from Company, promptly perform all
corrective work required to make the services conform to the
Warranty. Such corrective work shall be performed entirely at
Contractor's own expenses. If such corrective work is not performed
within a reasonable time, the Company, at its option, may have
such remedial work carried out by others and charge the cost
thereof to Contractor, subject to a maximum of the contract value
payable for the defective work which needs corrective action which
6.7 This Guarantee shall remain valid for a period of 12 (twelve) months
from the date of putting the OCS into operation after 3 months of
trial run & commissioning i.e. DATE OF COMPLETION OF THE
PROJECT. If any trouble or defect, originating with the design,
material, workmanship or operating characteristics of any materials,
arises at any time prior to expiry of guarantee period, the Contractor
is notified thereof, Contractor shall, at his own expense and as
promptly as possible, make such alterations, repairs and
replacements as may necessary to permit the material to functions
in accordance with the specifications and to fulfill the foregoing
6.9 The Company may, at its option, remove such defective materials, at
Contractors expense in which event Contractor shall, without cost
to Company and as promptly as possible, furnish and install proper
materials. Repaired or replacement materials shall be similarly
guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of no less than 12 (twelve)
months from the date of replacement/ repair.
6.10 In the event that the materials supplied do not meet the
specifications and/ or not in accordance with the drawings data
sheets or the terms of Contract and rectification is required in site,
Company shall notify the Contractor giving full details of
differences. The Contractor shall attend the site within 3 (three)
days of receipt of such notice to meet and agree with representatives
of Company, the action required to correct the deficiency. Should
the Contractor fail to attend meeting at site within the time specified
above, Company shall immediately rectify the work/ materials and
Contractor shall reimburse Company all cost and expenses incurred
in connection with such trouble or defect. In case the Contractor
fails to perform remedial work, the Performance Bank Guarantee
shall be invoked.
6.13 The Contractor further guarantees that the facilities for which the
process design is furnished by EPMC, when completed as per
EPMCs design and specifications and operated during a
8.0 TAXES:
8.1 Tax levied on Contractor as per the provisions of Indian Income Tax
Act and any other enactment/rules on income derived/payments
received under this contract will be on Contractor's account.
8.3 The Contractor shall furnish to the Company, if and when called
upon to do so, relevant statement of accounts or any other
information pertaining to work done under the contract for
submitting the same to the Tax authorities, on specific request from
them in accordance with provisions under the law. Other than the
information provided by the Contractor, the Contractor shall not be
responsible for any inaccurate information provided by the
Company to the Tax authorities and the Company shall indemnify
the Contractor for all claims, expenses, costs or losses of any nature
arising from such inaccuracy. Contractor shall be responsible for
preparing and filing the return of income etc. within the prescribed
time limit to the appropriate authority.
8.4 Prior to start of operations under the contract, the Contractor shall
furnish the Company with the necessary documents, as asked for
by the Company and/ or any other information pertaining to the
contract, which may be required to be submitted to the Income Tax
authorities at the time of obtaining "No Objection Certificate" for
releasing payments to the Contractor.
8.5 Corporate income tax will be deducted at source from the invoice at
the specified rate of income tax as per the provisions of Indian
Income Tax Act as may be in force from time to time and Company
will issue TDS Certificate to the Contractor as per the provisions of
Income Tax Act.
8.7 All local taxes, levies and duties, sales tax, octroi, etc. on purchases
and sales made by Contractor shall be borne by the Contractor.
8.8 The Contractor agrees to and does hereby accept full and exclusive
liability at his own cost for the payment of any and all taxes, duties
licence fee and other such levies etc. as are payable to government,
local or statutory authority as are now in force and as are payable
by Contractor, his agents, sub-contractors and their employees etc.
for performance of work under this Contract. The Contractor shall
be deemed to have been fully informed with respect to all such
liabilities and considered the same in his bid, and the Contract shall
not be varied in any way on this account.
8.10 Service Tax: The price excludes Services Tax and the service tax as
applicable shall be to the Company account. The Service tax
amount on the taxable part of the services provided by the
Contractor shall be paid by the Company as per provisions of the
Service Tax Act.
9.1 Company shall use the equipment, supplies and Services under the
Contract in the PEL/ML areas renewed / issued to Company after
1.4.1999 and therefore, in terms of Notification No. 12/2012 Cus.
dated 17.03.2012, goods specified in List-13 of the Notification
imported in connection with petroleum operations under this
Contract would attract zero customs duty. Company will issue
9.3 All imports and import clearances under the contract shall be done
by the contractor and OIL shall not provide any assistance in this
9.4 However, in the event customs duty becomes leviable during the
course of contract arising out of a change in the policy of the
Government, Company shall be liable for payment of the customs
duties leviable in India on items as provided in Schedule of Rates or
the actuals whichever is less, provided Contractor furnishes all
necessary documents indicating the estimated customs duty at least
10 days in advance. Such payment of Customs Duty shall be
arranged by Company and made available to the representatives of
Contractor at Kolkata within 3 working days after Contractor
submits the undisputed and clear necessary documents / duty
assessment papers at Company's office at Kolkata. Contractor
would be responsible for passing such payment to customs
authorities at the port of entry. Company's obligation for Customs
Duty payment shall be limited / restricted to the tariff rates as
assessed by the Customs on the day of clearance, or as on the last
day of the stipulated mobilisation period. In case of clearance
thereafter, on the CIF value of items in Schedule of Rates will be
frozen and any increase in Customs Duty on account of increase in
value on these will be to the Contractor's account. Furthermore, in
9.6 Contractor must ensure that the spares and consumables imported
by them for providing the services under Contract are properly used
in executing their job under the Contract in the PEL/ML areas of
Company for which EC has been obtained. Contractor shall furnish
to Company a certificate as and when the spares and consumables
are used/consumed certifying that the spares and the consumables
imported by them have been consumed in those ML and PEL areas
under the contract for which ECs were obtained by them. In order to
avoid any misuse of the spares and consumables imported by the
Contractor for providing the services under the Contract, Contractor
shall furnish an Undertaking similar to that being furnished by
Company to Customs of suitable amount before issue of the
Recommendatory Letter.
The recommendatory letter will be given only for those items which
are either consumed during execution of work or for those
equipment/tools which are undertaken to be re-exported by the
Contractor. The recommendatory letter will not be issued when the
Contractor imports the equipment/tools on acquisition basis and
does not undertake to re-export the same after the completion of the
9.8 OIL is registered under the Central sales tax Act and is entitled to
avail concessional rate of Central Sales tax against Form Cin
respect to inter-state purchase directly consigned to OIL from the
Contractors in India provided the details of such cases are
specifically mentioned in the Bid and the contract.
10.1 The Contractor shall arrange insurance to cover all risks in respect
of their personnel, materials and equipment belonging to the
Contractor or its subcontractor (if applicable) during the currency
of the contract including the third party items/ consumables. For
materials/equipment belong to the Contractor or its sub-
contractor, Contractor may self-insure the same.
10.2 Contractor shall at all time during the currency of the contract
provide, pay for and maintain the following insurance amongst
10.3 Any deductible set forth in any of the above insurance shall be
borne by Contractor.
10.5 If any of the above policies expire or are cancelled during the term
of this contract and Contractor fails for any reason to renew such
policies, then the Company will renew/replace same and charge the
cost thereof to Contractor. Should there be a lapse in any
insurance required to be carried out by the Contractor for any
reason whatsoever, loss/damage claims resulting therefrom shall
be to the sole account of Contractor.
11.1 During the performance of the work, Company may make minor
change to take care of any supplementary Work within the general
scope of this Contract including, but not limited to, changes in
methodology, and minor additions to or deletions from the work to
be performed. Contractor shall perform the work as changed.
Changes of this nature will be affected by written order (Change
Order) by the Company.
12.2 Upon occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party
alleging that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby,
shall notify the other party in writing within Seventy Two (72) hours
of the alleged beginning and ending thereof, giving full particulars
and satisfactory evidence in support of its claim.
12.3 Should force majeure condition as stated above occurs and should
the same be notified within seventy two (72) hours both parties
shall have no obligation. Parties will have the right to terminate the
contract if such `force majeure' condition continues beyond fifteen
(15) days with prior written notice. Should either party decide not
to terminate the contract even under such condition, no payment
would apply unless otherwise agreed to. Time for performance of
the relative obligation suspended by the 'Force Majeure' shall then
stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts.
The above clause (i.e. Clause No. 12.0) with all its sub-clauses shall be
referred to as Force Majeure Clause of this tender document.
In the event that the Contractor at any time during the term of this
Contract, becomes insolvent or makes a voluntary assignment of its
assets for the benefit of creditors or is adjudged bankrupt, then the
Company shall, by a notice in writing have the right to terminate
this Contract and all the Contractor's rights and privileges
hereunder, shall stand terminated forthwith.
3. The parties agree that they shall appoint only those persons
as arbitrators who accept the conditions of the arbitration
clause. No person shall be appointed as Arbitrator or
Presiding Arbitrator who does not accept the conditions of
the arbitration clause.
10. The Arbitration shall be held at the place from where the
contract has been awarded. However, parties to the contract
can agree for a different place for the convenience of all
11. The Arbitrator(s) shall give reasoned and speaking award and
it shall be final and binding on the parties.
15.1 Any notice given by one party to other, pursuant to this Contract
shall be sent in writing or by telex or Fax and confirmed in writing
to the applicable address specified below:
a) For contractual matters b) For technical matters
Head (Contracts) General Manager (PP)
PO DULIAJAN - 786602 PO Duliajan - 786602,
ASSAM, INDIA Assam, India
Fax No. 91-374-2803549
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
c) Contractor
Fax No. :
17.1 Contractor shall give notices and pay all fees at their own cost
required to be given or paid by any National or State Statute,
Ordinance, or other Law or any regulation, or bye-law of any local
or other duly constituted authority as may be in force from time to
time in India, in relation to the performance of the services and by
the rules & regulations of all public bodies and companies whose
property or rights are affected or may be affected in any way by the
17.3 During the tenure of the Contract, Contractor shall keep the site
where the services are being performed reasonably free from all
unnecessary obstruction and shall store or dispose of any
equipment and surplus materials and clear away and remove from
the site any wreckage, rubbish or temporary works no longer
required. On the completion of the services, Contractor shall clear
away and remove from the site any surplus materials, rubbish or
temporary works of every kind and leave the whole of the site clean
and in workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Company.
17.4 Key personnel cannot be changed during the tenure of the Contract
except due to sickness/death/resignation of the personnel in which
case the replaced person should have equal experience and
qualification, which will be again subject to approval, by the
17.5 All fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity and structures and
other remains or things of geological or archaeological interest
discovered on the site where the services are performed, be deem to
be the absolute property of the Company. The Contractor shall take
reasonable precautions to prevent the personnel or any other
persons from removing or damaging any such article or thing and
shall immediately upon the discovery thereof and, before removal,
acquaint the Company of such discovery any carry out, at the
expense of the Company, the Companys orders as to the disposal
of the same.
18.1.3 The parties agree that the sum specified above is not a
penalty but a genuine pre-estimate of the loss/damage
which will be suffered by OIL on account of
delay/breach on the part of the Contractor and the said
amount will be payable without proof of actual loss or
damage caused by such delay/breach and without any
demur and shall not be open for any dispute
20.2 The Companys representatives shall have free access to all the
equipment of the Contractor during operations as well as idle time
for the purpose of observing / inspecting the operations performed
by the Contractor in order to judge whether, in the Companys
opinion, the Contractor is complying with the provisions of the
21.0 LABOUR:
21.1 The recruitment of the labour shall be met from the areas of
operation and wages will be according to the rates prevalent at the
time which can be obtained from the District Authorities of the
area. The facilities to be given to the labourers should conform to
the provisions of labour laws as per contract Labour (Regulation
and Abolition) Act, 1970.
22.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided, neither Company nor its
servants, agents, nominees, contractors, or sub-contractors shall
have any liability or responsibility whatsoever to whomsoever for
loss of or damage to the equipment and/or loss of or damage to the
property of the Contractor and/or their contractors or sub-
contractors, irrespective of how such loss or damage is caused and
even if caused by the negligence of Company and/or its servants,
agent, nominees, assignees, contractors and sub-contractors. The
Contractor shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless
22.3 The Contractor hereby agrees to waive its right to recourse and
further agrees to cause their underwriters to waive their right of
subrogation against Company and/or its underwrites, servants,
agents, nominees, assignees, contractors and sub-contractors for
loss or damage to the equipment of the Contractor and/or its sub-
contractors when such loss or damage or liabilities arises out of or
in connection with the performance of the contract limited to the
Contractors liabilities agreed to under the Contract.
22.4 The Contractor hereby further agrees to waive its right of recourse
and agrees to cause its underwriters to waive their right of
subrogation against Company and/or its underwriters, servants,
agents, nominees, assignees, contractors and sub-contractors for
injury to, illness or death of any employee of the Contractor and of
its contractors, sub-contractors and/or their employees when such
injury, illness or death arises out of or in connection with the
performance of the contract limited to the Contractors liabilities
agreed to under the Contract.
22.7 The Company agrees to waive its right of recourse and further
agrees to cause its underwriters to waive their right of subrogation
against Contractor and /or its underwriters, servants, agents,
nominees, assignees, contractors and sub-contractors for loss or
damage to the equipment of Company and/or its contractors or
sub-contractors when such loss or damage or liabilities arises out
of or in connection with the performance of the contract.
22.8 The Company hereby further agrees to waive its right of recourse
and agrees to cause it underwriters to waive their right of
subrogation against Contractor and/or its underwriters, servants,
agents, nominees, assignees, contractors and sub-contractors for
injury to, illness or death of any employee of the Company and of
its contractors, sub-contractors and/or their employees when such
injury, illness or death arises out of or in connection with the
performance of the Contract.
Company may withhold or nullify the whole or any part of the
amount due to Contractor, after informing the Contractor of the
reasons in writing, on account of subsequently discovered evidence
in order to protect Company from loss on account of :-
When all the above grounds for withholding payments shall be removed,
payment shall thereafter be made for amounts so with-hold.
27.3 The Contractor shall not make Company liable to reimburse the
Contractor to the statutory increase in the wage rates of the
contract labour appointed by the Contractor. Such statutory or any
other increase in the wage rates of the contract labour shall be
borne by the Contractor.
27.4 The Contractor shall not engage labour below 18 (eighteen) years of
age under any circumstances.
The Contractor shall, at all times, permit the Company and its
authorised employees and representatives to inspect all the Work
performed and to witness and check all the measurements and tests
made in connection with the said work. The Contractor shall keep an
authentic, accurate history and logs for inspection by the Company
designated representatives and its authorised employees and
representatives. The Contractor shall provide the Company designated
representatives with a daily written report, on form prescribed by the
Company showing details of operations during the preceding 24 hours
and any other related information requested by the Company whenever
so requested.
Each party shall hold harmless and indemnify the other from and against
all claim and proceedings for or on account of any patent rights, design,
trade mark or other protected rights arising from any use of materials,
equipment, processes, inventions and methods which have not been
imposed on the attending party by the terms of the contract or the
specifications or drawings forming part thereof.
31.0 WAIVER:
Any delay in exercising and any omission to exercise any right, power or
remedy exercisable by the Company under this contract shall not impair
such right, power or remedy nor shall any waiver by the Company of any
breach by the Contractor of any provision of this contract prevent the
subsequent enforcement of that provision by the Company or be deemed
a waiver by the Company of any subsequent breach by the Contractor.
32.1 The Company shall pay to the Contractor, during the term of the
Contract, the amount due from time to time calculated according to
the rates of price schedule and in accordance with other provisions
hereof. No other payments shall be due from the Company unless
specifically provided for in this Contract. All payments will be made
in accordance with the terms hereinafter described.
32.2 All payments due by the Company to the Contractor shall be made
at the Contractors designated Bank. All Bank charges will be on
Contractors account.
32.4 The Contractor will submit six sets of all invoices duly certified by
Engineer-In-Charge along with duly filled up activity completion
sheet to OIL, Duliajan for processing of payment. One set of all
invoices with measurement sheet to be submitted to Engineer-In-
Charge for his record.
32.6 The Company shall within 20 (Twenty) days of receipt of the invoice
notify the Contractor of any item under dispute, specifying the
reasons thereof, in which event, payment of the disputed amount
may be withheld until settlement of the dispute, but payment shall
be made of any undisputed portion within 30 (Thirty) days from the
date of receipt of the invoices at OIL, Duliajan. This will not
prejudice the Companys right to question the validity of the
payment at a later date. No interest shall be payable by the
Company on any delayed / disputed amount.
32.8 The Contractor shall maintain complete and correct records of all
information on which the Contractors invoices are based up to 2
(two) years from the date of last invoice. Such records shall be
required for making appropriate adjustments or payments by either
party in case of subsequent audit query /objection.
33.1 The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to protect the
personnel, work and facilities and shall observe safety rules and
34.1 The Contractor shall perform each work in such a manner as will
prevent damage to the Companys property and conform to and are
consistent with, operational practices of hydrocarbon industries.
Any permanent damage /loss to the Companys pipeline, assets
and plants due to actions undertaken by the Contractor in order to
provide the services envisaged under this Contract shall have to be
remedied by the Contractor, entirely at their own cost. This cost
shall include and not be limited to actual replacement of such
damaged pipeline, assets or plants, or payment of actual
replacement cost in relation thereto as may be incurred by the
34.2 The Contractor shall take sufficient care in moving his plants,
equipments and materials from one place to another so that they
do not cause any damage to any person or to the property of
Company or any third party including overhead and underground
cables and in the event of any damage resulting to the property of
Company or of a third party during the movement of the aforesaid
plant, equipment or materials, the cost of such damages including
eventual loss of production, operation or services in any plant or
establishment as estimated by Company or ascertained or
demanded by the third party shall be borne by the Contractor.
PART 3 Section-II
1.1 Capacity to process 3600 KLPD of fluid for separation of Oil, Gas,
Water & sludge.
1.2 Produced Water treatment, storage & safe disposal to disposal
well/injection well.
1.3 Crude Oil dehydration facility to bring down BS&W (Basic Sediment
& Water) to less than 0.15 % (w/w).
1.4 Storage capacity of minimum 5000 KLs for Crude Oil.
1.5 Effluent water system to oil spills / rain water in pits.
1.6 Crude Oil pumping facility for transportation through 200 MM NB
pipeline to Duliajan (around 25-30 KMs of pipeline length).
3.1 PHASE-I:
Phase I activities listed below have been completed by EPMC Consultant
for the project.
3.2.4 Contractor shall float enquiries for required items for the
project to EPMC/OIL approved Vendors only.
The equipment list given in the following are indicative and for
giving a broad outline of equipments coming in the package.
iv. The tank shell to roof and shell to bottom shall be butt welded.
Adequate stiffeners shall be provided to prevent buckling of tanks
under the hydrostatic head and to ensure mechanical stability.
vii. Stair way and railing at the tank top shall be constructed.
viii. Fabrication and Erection of circular ring type Water Spray System for
the tanks up to the Tank bottom flange (ground level) as per
applicable specifications / codes and as per drawing. The contractor
will have to supply all materials including pipes, valves, pipe fittings,
and water spray nozzles support structures etc.
ix. Carrying out Radiography of plate joints and Air / Vacuum test of the
bottom plate as per applicable code and specifications. Cost of
radiography and air & vacuum test etc. for the Tanks shall be
ii. The entire job shall be carried out under constant supervision
of contractor's experienced and qualified personnel.
vi. The contractor shall supply all the steel plates of tested
quality conforming to IS: 2062 including for welder test,
labour, machineries, equipment, consumables etc. required
for complete fabrication and erection work.
b. Radiographic examination
4.3.8 The color coding shall be as per standard color code of OIL and instructions of
site engineer.
4.5.1 The Detail soil investigation is carried out by EPMC and all
test report including soil characteristics, ground water table
level, safe bearing capacity and recommended type of
4.7.1 The fire protection and fire fighting facilities shall conform to
OISD115, OISD 116, OISD 117, OISD 189, OMR, NFPA, BIS and TAC
norms and to meet requirements of ISRS protocol etc. in general.
4.7.2 Detail design of Fire water storage, pump, distribution network and
preparation of fire water network diagrams.
4.7.3 Detail design of Foam flooding system for floating roof tanks as per
statutory guidelines. Foam Pumps should be electric motor driven
along with one diesel engine driven set for disaster conditions.
4.7.5 The system for above ground portion shall be analysed for flexibility
against thermal expansion and necessary expansion loops where
called for shall be provided. The underground crossings should be
provided with suitable casing pipes and should be provided with
anticorrosive lining up to 30 cm above the ground level.
4.7.7 There shall be above ground fire water storage tank of two hours
capacity of maximum fire water requirement.
4.7.8 OCS shall be equipped with first aid fire fighting equipment as per
The electrical work shall be carried out as per the specification
4.9.1 Contractor will appoint a HSE coordinator for the project.
4.9.2 All necessary statutory approvals to be taken for the equipments and
4.9.3 All appliances, equipment and machinery that may be used in
hazardous area will be of such type, standard and make as approved
by DGMS.
4.9.4 All Contractor personnel will have to undergo Mines Vocational
Training prior to deployment in the mine.
4.9.5 Contractor to adhere to OIL HSE Management System.
4.9.6 Digitization of drawings, (P&I) diagrams to be done.
7. While carrying out welding and cutting jobs, the contractor shall
strictly enforce the guidelines as stated in OMR 1984.
8. The oxy acetylene cutting sets will have to be fitted with flash back
arrestors in the regulator side as well as nozzle side. The contractor
shall engage only skilled, capable and competent personnel who are
fully conversant with the job. Before starting the job, the contractor
shall submit the list of competent personnel with valid certificates,
who will carry out the job.
11. Chain pulley block and other lifting equipment used for lifting
shall be tested and should be of in good condition and certified by
appropriate statutory authority
15. The contractor shall arrange and fit spark arrestor to the exhaust
16. Necessary sign boards/ warning signals etc should be used while
working. The said sign boards/ warning signals shall have to be
arranged by the contractor.
17. First aid box shall provided by the contractor and same has to be
kept ready at work site for contractor's personnel while carrying
out the job.
19. The contractor shall have to back fill the pit & have to clear away
all the rubbish and surplus materials from the site on completion
of work and shall have to leave the site clean and tidy.
21. The contractor shall ensure the quality and reliability of all the
tools, equipment and instruments they use.
23. The contractor's personnel have to take every possible care to keep
the environment clean and free from pollution.
26. The contractor shall have to report all sorts of near miss incidents
and accidents to EPMC/OIL.
27. The contractor should deploy a competent person though out the
job under whose constant supervision only the job will be carried
38. For any HSE matters not specified in the contract document, the
contractor will abide the relevant and prevailing
Acts/rules/regulations/ pertaining to Health, Safety and
39. For any clarification with regard to the above, the contractor
should contact OIL.
Initial permission from DGMS & PCB (for consent to establish) for
setting up the OCS is in the scope of EPMC. EPC shall inform
statutory authorities and obtain approval thereof from DGMS and
PCB (for consent to Operate) on completion of mechanical
construction based on the revised drawings / as built drawings/
detailed engineering drawings etc. The format for statutory forms
shall be provided by EPMC/OIL
All possible efforts have been made to establish a link between the
Basic Engineering Design Package, Scope of work, Design basis
7.4 Contractor will depute competent persons to carry our detail engineering,
procurement and construction activities for the project.
The major responsibilities of the Project Manager and his team shall be:
The construction supervision services would include the following, but not
limited to:-
12.1 The Contractor will appoint a Safety Officer who must be conversant of all
safety and statutory regulation during the period of construction.
12.2 Provide necessary competent supervisory staff in the related discipline at
the construction site to review / supervise construction, erection of plant
and equipment, civil and structural engineering works and others,
approve the materials and workmanship of works.
12.3 Planning and monitoring of construction and erection works.
12.4 Site development works like site grading, construction of roads, culverts,
storm water drains, etc.
12.5 Carry out civil / structural/ mechanical erection of equipment and
machinery and piping.
12.6 Carry out erection and installation of all electrical and instruments as
12.7 Carry out final tests of plant after erection/installation of equipment and
machinery, electrical, instruments and piping for turnkey package plants.
OIL/EPMC shall witness the construction of the various equipment and
machinery during various stages of construction and the various tests at
the suppliers works. OIL/EPMC shall also witness the
inspections/hydro-test etc. carried out during various phases of
manufacturing of equipment, vessels etc in the suppliers work.
12.8 Organize site management meeting with the EPMC to ensure that work is
carried out in safe and workman like manner in accordance with the
16.1 Daily Report: Daily report should include day to day progress
report of site work.
16.2 Weekly report: Weekly reports will include the works completed at
the end of the week and also the target jobs of the next week. It
should also include material or equipment procurement status
report, if any.
16.3 Monthly Report: Monthly progress reports shall include the
historical background of the Project; a brief description of actual
versus planned progress; problems encountered and resolutions;
and comments on the quality of work and Contractors
performance. The reports shall include graphs or charts showing
physical progress of works. The reports shall also include colour
photographs showing completed work and construction activities
undertaken during the relevant reporting period.
Monthly report should also indicate item wise detail status of various
procurement and status of statutory approvals. Monthly report will
contain a section devoted entirely to an assessment of the impact of
accumulated delays, if any, in the execution of works and a projected
date for completing the delayed jobs without affecting the Project
schedule. The progress report shall highlight the specific delays,
impact of accumulated delays, reason for such delays, action plans
proposed to bring back to original schedule, major bottlenecks and
holdups. The format of the progress report shall be discussed and
mutually agreed by OIL/EPMC.
The CONTRACTOR shall work within the indicated time schedule as given
21 (twenty one) months for the completion of the entire project from the
date of the award of the job to the Contractor.
3 (three) months for trial run & commissioning of the plant and awarding/
handing over the plant to O&M.
II. In particular, but not limited to, Contractor will provide the
documents & drawings which shall include (including those
mentioned in the entire tender)-
- Plant Layout
- Drawing showing a birds eye view of the plant layout and the
surrounding features in a radius of 500 m around the plant
- Updated Process Flow Diagram(s)
- Mechanical Flow sheet(s)
- Updated Piping & Instrumentation Diagram(s) (P&IDs)
- Detail Engg. Documentation including data sheets, type &
specifications of equipment & facilities
- G.A. Drawings
- Civil foundation, Building detail drawings
- Structural & Fabrication Drawings
Process Design Basis 1190-P-DB-0100 shall be refered for the process and
utility systems required for OCS as a minimum.
The plant premises & boundary will be covered by green plantation and
green belt respectively, which will be developed in line with globally
accepted norms for environmental protection. A peripheral road will be
constructed by OIL outside the boundary wall for security patrolling of the
The Oil Collecting Station will be interconnected with the various piping
network from different fields. The Necessary land maps for the site are
available at OILs office which EPC Contractor is free to access as and
when required.
Basic Engineering, & sizing of the tanks have been carried out by
Online monitoring device will be installed to monitor oil ppm after each
stage of ETP process and also Oil-in-Water monitor in the outlet clarified
water disposal line with mass flow meter. There shall be auto-recycling
facility to re-process the produced water to bring down oil ppm to desired
level. Oil spills and rain water from process system area are collected in
bund wall and routed to effluent water collection pit. Effluent water from
pit is then routed to produced water treatment system by means of
effluent water transfer pump. Rain / storm water from other than main
process system are disposed off through trenches.
c. Moreover, for jockey pump duty type of the motor shall be selected
based on the cycle of operation of the jockey pump. If felt, a timer
can be introduced in the control circuit to keep the motor
running for a predetermined time after each automatic start to
avoid too frequent motor operation.
f. Entire fire hazard area shall be covered with fire detection and
alarm system addressable at control room with manual call
points at some strategic areas.
Captive Power Plant (CPP) shall cater to the Power for entire loads of the
installation, where suitably designed Low voltage Gas Engine Driven
(GED) Genset shall be installed. These GED Gensets shall be of similar
capacity with the provision of synchronization facility to cater the entire
power requirement of the installation. Two Generator sets of 2 MW
capacity (2 x 100%, one is running and other is standby) shall be provided
to cater the total power load, total capacity of power generation is 4 MW.
Provision for installing one more additional 2 MW Gen set in future to be
procured by Oil ( 1 MW for future ESPs for artificial lifting and 1 MW for
future loads). Required facilities / provisions for connecting the Gen set to
the internal power grid shall be the scope of EPC. During start up, fuel gas
from existing trunk line is used as start up fuel gas supply. . The
Generating Set should have acoustic enclosure to reduce sound pollution
to the optimum level (i.e. to meet CPCB guideline). Around five nos.
parameters of Gen Set (e.g. RPM, Voltage, Frequency, Water temp., Lub
oil pressure etc.) will be monitored from central control room. Separate
sound proof AC control room with panel board along with a service
bay for maintenance work will be required at the power plant. A
suitable sized over head crane with palm top facility should be provided
at captive power plant for maintenance work. Provision should be kept
for future addition of new unit. Control room panel board will have
battery powered back up support for operation.
A suitable sized over head crane with palm top facility should be provided
at pump house for maintenance of both prime movers and pumps. All
necessary parameter of pump and engine (e.g. RPM , Water Temp., Lub oil
pressure, etc of prime mover and dispatch rate, suction pressure, Delivery
pressure, RPM etc of pump etc.) will be monitored at central control
room. DGMS approved PLC control panel should be installed as a safety
feature to the pump.
Provision should be kept in the pump shed for future addition of new
Radio Network
Equipment building
For IT,SCADA etc.
Outdoor OFC
Equipment room at
main office for IT
Radio equipment:
1) Router (Cisco)=1
2) Cisco 2960 workgroup switch=2 nos 24 port
3) 3KVA UPS =1
4) Power protector (Model No=MA15/D/2/SI; Ratings=240V/50Hz/15A)=2
5) Patch cord and UTP cable (Cat 6) = As per requirement.
The EPC should study the complete requirement of the latest Security
Control System for the BAREKURI OCS. The system should have
surveillance cameras (AXIS 215 PTZ Network Camera with its unique
pan/tilt/zoom capabilities and tamper-resistant design or advanced)
placed along the periphery of the campus and all entrance points which
should be monitored at security gate and control room and recorded
(b) Computers:
The scope of supply will include 6 desktop computers for the plant
engineers and above 6 on line monitors for the process flow control. One
extra Laptop computer with one LCD Projector should also be provided for
the conference room. One dedicated laptop computer of latest hardware &
software configuration should be provided where all the licensed
instrumentation and control PLC/DCS/TFMS software should be loaded
along with the latest backups of all the application programmes.
(c) Telephone:
Radio Communication backbone link in licence free 5.8 GHz band and
media gateways along with necessary infrastructure like tower, civil works
etc is to be provided. The installed system should be compatible with the
systems already installed in Duliajan. Provision of telephones from other
service providers is to be made for alternative communication for control
room and IMs room. Intrinsically safe wireless walkie-talkie sets with
licence will be provided by the EPC Contractor for interplant
communication. Intrinsically safe (DGMS approved) telephones, call
booths, will be provided for installation in hazardous area within the
BAREKURI OCS complex. The detail job to be considered in EPC scope is
listed below:
Description Qty Remark
Extension of Central Telephone
Exchange at Duliajan to
BAREKURI OCS with following
facilities: To provide OIL communication
(i) Avaya make G450 media to BAREKURI OCS. For
gateway with licence compatibility, the new
expandable to 48 stations with equipment are required to be
accessories 01 of Avaya make with required
(ii) 24 analog extensions with CLI SET licence to register with the
(iii) VoIP ready with all necessary central Server (S-8730 CM 5)
cards at Duliajan supplied and
(iv) Limited survivability in case of installed by M/s AGC
media failure Networks Ltd.
(v) Provision to interface with two
IP media
(vi) Online UPS with 12 hour back
Crude oil circulation pumps shall draw the crude oil from the
untreated crude oil storage tank and shall pump the same through the
dehydration units and upto the treated crude oil storage tank or
recycle (of variable throughput), if required. Utility redundancy of 50%
of the operating capacity shall be ensured for the pumps. The pump
shall be complete with FLP motor (of CMRI certification & DGMS
approval for use in hazardous area).
Complete Instrumentation, Piping, Electrical, Civil works for the Project as per
various Control Philosophies, Design Data etc. provided with this Tender.
PART 3 Section-III
In this CONTRACT the following words and expressions shall have the
meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context otherwise
g. The WORK mean and include all items to be supplied, things to be done
and services to be provided and activities to be performed by the
CONTRACTOR, pursuant to and in accordance with the CONTRACT, or
part thereof, as the case may be, and shall include all extra, additional,
altered or substituted items/things/activities/services as required for
purpose of the CONTRACT.
o. SITE means the lands and other places on, under, in or through which
the PERMANENT WORKS are to be carried out and any other lands or
places provided by the OWNER for the purpose of the CONTRACT.
u. PLANT means all the facilities; infrastructure and works that are
stipulated for creation/setting up/construction/laying/
completion/integration vide TECHNICAL- scope of Work (Section-II) of
this tender document.
b. The Company shall issue all necessary letters & guarantees. If required,
the Companys representative shall accompany/assist the Contractor for
facilitating the process. The ultimate responsibility of completing the
process and obtaining the permissions/approvals/clearances in time,
subject to fulfillment of prevailing laws, shall however rest with the
e. The approval from any authority required as per statutory rules and
regulations of Central/State Government shall be the Contractor's
responsibility unless otherwise specified in the Bidding document. The
application on behalf of OIL for submission to relevant authorities along
with copies of required certificate complete in all respects shall be
prepared and submitted by the Contractor well ahead of time so that the
actual construction/commissioning of the work is not delayed for want of
the approval/inspection by concerned authorities. The inspection of the
works by the authorities shall be arranged by the Contractor and
necessary coordination and liaison work in this respect shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor. Reimbursement of Statutory fees paid by
Contractor (as per advance approval of EPMC / OIL) may be provided for,
subject to submission of receipt.
The Contractor, before starting the work shall obtain a license from
concerned authorities under the Contract Labour (Abolition and
Regulation) Act 1970, and furnish a copy of the same to the Company.
Contractor shall also be responsible for its validity and for complying with
provisions of all applicable Act, Rules and Regulation in force at the
locations of the site.
a. The contractor shall be responsible for all that are covered in Technical-
Scope of Work (Section-II), Schedule of Rates (Section IV), General
Conditions of Contract (Section I), Special Conditions of Contract (Section
III) and elsewhere expressed in this tender document and subsequently,
stipulations of the contract agreement to be entered into between the
Company & the Contractor.
e. The Contractor shall bear all the cost in his quoted price towards
mobilization at site and demobilization including bringing in equipment,
work force, materials, dismantling the equipment and clearing the site
g. Preparing approaches and working areas for the movement and operation
of the equipment, leveling the areas for assembly and erection shall also
be the responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall acquaint
himself with access availability, facilities, local labour etc. to provide
suitable allowances in his quotation. The Contractor may have to build
temporary access roads to aid his own work.
h. The Contractor shall take utmost care not to damage or interfere with any
Public Utility System, OILs benchmarks, proximate facilities & operations
during execution of the project. Any inadvertent damage / interference
caused however shall be immediately repaired / restored to the original
state by the Contractor at his own cost.
a. OIL shall provide for this project, sites at Barekuri with boundary wall.
b. OIL shall provide land for constructing site office, Godown, workshops,
etc. within the project premises.
b. The Contractor shall prepare all drawings & documentation and submit
the same to EPMC/OIL in time in the manner and as stipulated in the
Technical-Scope of Work (Section-II) of this tender document.
a. The execution of the work may entail working in the monsoon also. The
Contractor must therefore cater adequately for such situations as may be
required for the job and plan and execute the project in strict adherence
to Implementation Schedule and according to the term and condition of
the Contract. No extra rate shall be considered for such work in monsoon.
The Company will designate EIC, who will be the contact persons for the
Contractor. The EIC may sub-delegate responsibilities temporarily or for
convenience of progress of the work. The EPMC shall be responsible for
certifying quality as well as the measurement taken for progressive
payments. However, the final decision of EIC or his sub-delegate shall
prevail in this regard.
The Contract Price shall be all inclusive lump sum prices for the entire
Scope of Work in accordance with the Schedule of Rates (Section IV) of
this tender document.
c) Transit Insurance cost during the entire period covered under sub-
clause 14.00 A and/or 14.00 B above as applicable to Foreign &
Indigenous supplies and local / municipal / octroi /Assam Entry
Tax/consumption tax etc. shall be included in the above
transportation price. Beneficiary of all such insurance policies shall
be OIL.
Cost of all site work as per Technical- Scope of Work (Section-II) and in
accordance with General & Special Conditions of Contract (Section I &
Section-III respectively) related to (but not limited to) site transportation,
safe storage/ security of all materials at site, erection/ construction/
creation/ installation, testing, acceptance tests and trial run up to
successful commissioning of the Plant including rectification of
defects/malfunctioning during the specified commissioning period shall
be within Contractors scope.
b) The Contract Price break-up in accordance with above and as per the
Schedule of Rates shall be solely for the purpose of facilitating bid
evaluation and payments to be released by the Company, and will not
in any way limit the Contractors single point total responsibility for
the complete Scope of Work and for the Contractors all contractual
responsibilities/ obligations as stated in this Document.
e) Prices quoted by the Contractor shall be firm and fixed during the
bidders performance of the Contract and not subject to any escalation
a. Time is the essence of this contract. If the Contractor fails to complete the
Commission the OCS (after 3 months trial run) within the Scheduled time
for Completion ie. 24 (Twenty four) months from the date of LOA, other
than due to an event of Force Majeure or any reason solely attributable to
OIL, then the Contractor shall be levied liquidated damages at the rate of
0.5% per week or part thereof of the Contract Price subject to a maximum
of 7.5% of the Contract Price. This clause shall also be referred to as
Liquidated Damage Clause of this Contract. The decision of OIL in regard
to applicability of liquidated damage shall be final and binding on the
b. The imposition of Liquidated Damage shall not relieve the Contractor from
its obligations to complete the works and facilities, or from any of its other
duties, obligations or responsibilities under the contract. The Contractor
shall use and continue to use its best endeavour to avoid or reduce
further delay to the works or issue of completion certificate.
d. All payments against running bills are advance against the work and
shall not be considered as final acceptance of the work / measurement
carried out till the final bill.
a. First Installment
b. Second Installment
I. Where foreign currency advances are in more than one foreign currency,
separate bank guarantees shall be given with respect to each foreign
currency advanced.
II. Foreign currency advance(s) shall carry interest @ SBI PLR PLUS ONE
PERCENT per annum for relative foreign currency. The advance (s) shall,
without prejudice to any other mode of recovery as may be available to
the OWNER/OIL, be recovered from the R.A Bills and other bills of the
contractor made out in the relative foreign currency @10% of the amount
payable against the bill. The interest accrued thereon shall be additionally
deducted from the amount payable on each bill.
III. All recoveries against advance(s) shall be apportioned to interest and then
to principal. The value of the BG(s) for mobilization advance can be
reduced quarterly, based on the mobilization advance recovered till that
a) Contractor hereby warrants that the use or sale of the goods delivered
hereunder will not infringe claims of any patent covering of such goods
and Contractor agrees to be responsible for and to defend at his sole
expense all suits and proceedings against COMPANY based on any such
b) The Contractor shall indemnify COMPANY against all third party claims of
infringement of patent, trademark or industrial design rights arising from
use of the Goods or any part thereof.
c) For this purpose, the Company shall enter into a license agreement, if
required, with the Contractor separately covering the forgoing over the
period the equipment, software etc. are in actual use in the operations of
the Company.
e) Contractor shall also protect and fully indemnify COMPANY from any
claims from Contractors workman/employees or their heirs, dependants,
representatives etc. or from any other person/ persons or
bodies/companies etc. for any acts of commissions or omission while
executing the Contract.
The Contractor should take care to clean the job site at all times for easy
access to the job site and also from the safety point of view to the
satisfaction of the EIC.
22.1 A minimum of following activities shall be performed by the
Contractor and shall not be sub-contracted:
i. Project Management
ii. Planning
iii. Procurement
iv. Construction Management
v. Pre-Commissioning / Commissioning assistance
vi. Engineering sub-contractor
22.4 The Contractor shall deploy all manpower relating to works at site
i.e. Project Manager, Quality Control engineers for various
disciplines, planning engineers and front line supervisors for civil,
electrical, Mechanical, piping and instrumentation job from his
organization. Sub-contracting of these activities shall not be
permitted under any circumstances.
The clause 10.0 of General Conditions of Contract is modified to the
following extent:
26.1.1 The Contractor shall at his own cost arrange, secure and
maintain separate insurance cover from the reputable
insurance companies, for all such amounts and for such
periods as may be necessary to protect the works,
Contractor and sub-contractor`s personnel and the interests
of OIL as per applicable laws of land.
26.1.2 The form and the limit of insurance cover taken by
Contractor shall be satisfactory to OIL and one copy of all
insurance policies and related documents shall be
submitted to OIL, immediately on execution. Contractor
shall inform OIL/EPMC at least 60 days before any
insurance policies expire or are cancelled or changed.
The Contractor shall procure and supply all spare parts required
during commissioning of the various systems as enumerated in the
Bidding Document. The lumpsum Contract Price shall be deemed to
be inclusive of the provision of all such commissioning spares
required till successful commissioning of the Unit/Plant/Job. The
PART 3 Section-IV
2. The price quoted shall be lump sum price on turnkey basis. Unless the
basic parameter changes or additional/ extra requirements are made,
total payments to be made to the contractor shall be limited to lump sum
price indicated, irrespective of the progressive payments made during
execution based on the split up of price.
3. Lump sum prices quoted by the Bidder shall include cost of any other
supplies/work(s) not specifically mentioned in the Bidding Document but
necessary for the efficient, trouble free operation of the Plant and to make
this package job complete.
4. Bidder to note that breakup of lump sum price is for reference only and
total price payable under the Contract shall be restricted to the LSTK
Price / Contract Price indicated in Schedule of Price FORM-SP0. The
Price evaluation shall be based on the LSTK Price quoted in Sl. No.5
of Form-SP0 only .
7. Bidder shall ensure that Lump sum prices quoted include the complete
scope of supply/ work in totality as below.
ii) Sr. No-1, Procurement, Fabrication and Supply including but not
limited to
a) Procurement of all materials whatsoever required for the
fabrication, supply of equipment along with associated piping,
instrumentation. Structural platforms, ladders / stairs, support
etc. within the specified battery limits and delivery of the
complete system at site
b) Procurement and supply of package systems
c) Procurement and supply of Mandatory spares
d) Fabrication of all items covered in Bid Package including Surface
Preparation and Painting.
e) Packing, Transportation and supply of all items to site.
f) Inspection and expediting for procurement
g) Supply of All special tools and tackles as required and
recommended by bidder
Sr. No-1(d), indicating total C.I.F. Value of imported goods (not raw
materials) included in Lumpsum Price under Sl. 1 which shall be
used for computation of variation in custom duties as a result of
any statutory variation.
8. Bidder shall also furnish the cost Break up of Schedule of Price as per
Annexure-A which will not be used for Price Evaluation purpose .
Service Payment
line Description of Work Wt % limited
Item to
10% of
Submission and Approval of
Project schedule (Bar Chart
110 1 with weighted percentage of the 10%
whole project), all Quality and
HSE documents
Construction of Site office,
storage yard, Fabrication yard
etc and physical mobilization of
120 2 equipments/Tools and tackles 10%
required for construction and
ready to start site work to the
entire satisfaction of EPMC/OIL
Engineering- Submission of
documents for approval (IFA) ,
130 3 approval under code-2 and 30%
presentation of Computer
animated AEC Walkthrough.
Engineering- HAZOP study, SIL
140 4 study etc. for OCS and close- 10%
Engineering- Submission of
150 5 20%
AFC documents under code-2
Engineering- Submission of As-
160 6 Built documents, Operation and 10%
Maintenance manual
Engineering-Completion of all
works in all respects and
170 7 10%
against issuance of completion
i. Payment shall be made for Sl. No. 1, 2 4, 6 & 7 upon completion of these
activities and acceptance by EPMC/OIL.
ii. Monthly Payment shall be made for Sl. No. 3 & 5 on prorate basis
depending upon progress of each event as per approved schedule of
activities (Bar Chart)
iii. Monthly payment for Sl. No. 8, 9, 10 & 11 shall be made on the basis of
physical progress of the work of each activity as per approved schedule of
activities (Bar Chart).
iv. Payment shall be made for Sl. No. 12 upon completion of this activity and
acceptance by EPMC/OIL.
v. Monthly payment for Sl. No. 13, 14, 15 & 16 shall be made on the basis of
physical progress of the work of each activity as per approved schedule of
activities (Bar Chart).
vi. .Payment shall be made for Sl. No. 17 & 18 upon completion of these
activities and acceptance by EPMC/OIL.
(4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
Ex-Works Price/ FOB
levies considered by
issue of Essentiality
issue of Essentiality
Works Contract Tax
Total Price
Total Price
Sales Tax
Site work
Total Foreign
Total INR
S No. System / Descriptions
component involved in
Total INR (4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
(4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
considered by bidder
Ex-Works Price/ FOB
issue of Essentiality
duties, levies
Excise Duty
Total Price
Total Price
Sales Tax
Site work
S No. System / Descriptions
component involved in
Total INR (4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
(4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
considered by bidder
Ex-Works Price/ FOB
issue of Essentiality
duties, levies
Excise Duty
Total Price
Total Price
Sales Tax
Site work
S No. System / Descriptions
component involved in
Total INR (4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
(4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
considered by bidder
Ex-Works Price/ FOB
issue of Essentiality
duties, levies
Excise Duty
Total Price
Total Price
Sales Tax
Site work
S No. System / Descriptions
component involved in
Total INR (4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
(4+5+6+7+8+9+10= 11)
considered by bidder
Ex-Works Price/ FOB
issue of Essentiality
duties, levies
Excise Duty
Total Price
Total Price
Sales Tax
Site work
S No. System / Descriptions
Note: The Total price above shall be equal to Sl. 5 of Schedule of Prices Form SP0 ( Total LSTK amount quoted in Schedule of Rates)
Preamble :
The Principal intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures,
contract/s for --------------------------------------. The Principal values full
compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and the principles of
economic use of resources, and of fairness and transparency in its relations
with its Bidder/s and Contractor/s.
In order to achieve these goals, the Principal cooperates with the renowned
international Non-Governmental Organisation "Transparency International"
(TI). Following TI's national and international experience, the Principal will
appoint an external independent Monitor who will monitor the tender process
and the execution of the contract for compliance with the principles mentioned
(1) The Principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent
corruption and to observe the following principles:-
2. The Principal will, during the tender process treat all Bidders with
equity and reason. The Principal will in particular, before and during
the tender process, provide to all Bidders the same information and
will not provide to any Bidder confidential/additional information
through which the Bidder could obtain an advantage in relation to
the tender process or the contract execution.
3. The Principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced
2. The Bidder/Contractor will not enter with other Bidders into any
undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal.
This applies in particular to prices, specifications, certifications,
Subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission of bids or any
other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelisation
in the bidding process.
3. The Bidder/Contractor will not commit any offence under the relevant
Anticorruption Laws of India; further the Bidder/Contractor will not
use improperly, for purposes of competition or personal gain, or pass
on to others, any information or document provided by the Principal
as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical
proposals and business details, including information contained or
transmitted electronically.
(2) The Bidder/Contractor will not instigate third persons to commit offences
outlined above or be an accessory to such offences.
2. The Bidder accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal's
Absolute right to resort to and impose such exclusion and further accepts and
undertakes not to challenge or question such exclusion on any ground,
including the lack of any hearing before the decision to resort to such exclusion
is taken. This undertaking is given freely and after obtaining independent legal
1. If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder from the tender process prior
to the award according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and
recover from the Bidder liquidated damages equivalent to 3 % of the value of
the offer or the amount equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security,
whichever is higher.
2. The Principal will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this
one with all Bidders, Contractors and Subcontractors.
3. The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not
sign this Pact or violate its provisions.
3. The Contractor accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction to all Project documentation of the Principal including that provided
by the Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request
and demonstration of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to
his project documentation. The same is applicable to Subcontractors. The
Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents
of the Bidder/ Contractor/Subcontractor with confidentiality.
4. The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all
meetings among the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could
have an impact on the contractual relations between the Principal and the
Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor the option to participate in such
6. The Monitor will submit a written report to the Chairperson of the Board of
the Principal within 8 to 10 weeks from the date of reference or intimation to
him by the 'Principal' and, should the occasion arise, submit proposals for
correcting problematic situations.
This Pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the
Contractor 12 months after the last payment under the respective contract,
and for all other Bidders 6 months after the contract has been awarded.
------------------------- --------------------------------
For the Principal For the Bidder/Contractor
M/s. Oil India Limited,
P.O. Duliajan, Assam, India
Having examined the General and Special Conditions of Contract and the
Terms of Reference including all attachments thereto, the receipt of which is
hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned offer to perform the services in
conformity with the said conditions of Contract and Terms of Reference
for the sum of ______________ (Total Bid Amount in words and figures) or
such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Schedule of
Prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid.
If our Bid is accepted, we will obtain the guarantee of a bank in a sum not
exceeding ___________________ for the due performance of the Contract.
We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for
Bid closing and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period.
Until a formal Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your
written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a
binding Contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may
Name: _______________________________
(Only exceptions/deviations to be rendered)
Name: _______________________________
NOTE: OIL INDIA LIMITED expects the bidders to fully accept the terms and
conditions of the bid document. However, should the bidders still envisage
some exceptions/deviations to the terms and conditions of the bid document,
the same should be indicated as per above format and submit along with their
bids. If the Statement of Compliance in the above Proforma is left blank (or
not submitted along with the technical bid), then it would be construed that
the bidder has not taken any exception/deviation to the tender requirements.
(2) If the Bidder, having been notified of acceptance of their Bid by the Company during
the period of Bid validity:
(a) Fails or refuses to execute the form of agreement in accordance with the Instructions
to Bidders; or
(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the
Instructions to Bidders;
We undertake to pay to Company up to the above amount upon receipt of its first
written demand (by way of letter/fax/cable), without Company having to substantiate
its demand provided that in its demand Company will note that the amount
claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions,
specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date(**) and any demand in
respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.
Witness _______________
Address ________________
(Signature, Name and Address)
Date: ________________
Place: _____________
* The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures.
** Date of expiry of Bank Guarantee should be minimum 30 days after the end of the
validity period of the Bid.
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee as security for compliance with Contractor's
obligations in accordance with the Contract.
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee; NOW
THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are Guarantors on behalf of the Contractor,
up to a total of (Amount of Guarantee in figures) _____________ (in words
___________________), such amount being payable in the types and proportions of
currencies in which the Contract price is payable, and we undertake to pay you,
upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums
within the limits of guarantee sum as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to
show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein. We hereby
waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the Contractor before
presenting us with the demand.
Witness _______________
Address ________________
Date ............
Place _____________
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract referred to.
IN WITNESS thereof, each party has executed this contract at Duliajan, Assam
as of the date shown above.
Name: Name:
Status: Status:
In presence of In presence of
1. 1.
2. 2.
Oil India Ltd.,
P.O. Duliajan - 786 602
Assam, India
Yours Faithfully,
Name: _______________________________
Designation: _________________________
Note: This letter of authority shall be on printed letter head of the Bidder and shall
be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney (power of
attorney shall be annexed) to bind such Bidder.
TO Date : ____________
Oil India Ltd.,
P.O. Duliajan - 786 602
Assam, India
Yours Faithfully,
Name: _______________________________
Designation: _________________________
Note: This letter of authority shall be on printed letter head of the Bidder and shall
be signed by a person who signs the bid.
Bidder must furnish answers/ clarifications/confirmations of all the following
queries and submit along with offer.
The Bidder shall indicate his reply in the space provided in the Technical
Questionnaire. In case space provided is not adequate, the reply may be furnished
separately under suitably numbered annexure / attachments duly referred against the
comment / query.
The Compliance Statements / Queries are required to be categorically confirmed /
answered by the bidder and the completely filled in Tech Questionnaire shall be
submitted together with the Bid.
Confirm that all requirements as per
standards and specification attached
Bid Package shall be complied with in
totality without any Technical
Deviation. Bidder to ensure that his
offer is complete in first instance itself
Confirm that all bought out
equipment/ components shall be
procured only from the approved
vendors given in approved Vendor
List or those meeting the Bid
qualification criteria (BQC).
Confirm inclusion of Mandatory
3 Spares as per the requirements of the
bid document.
Confirm that installation and
guarantees of complete unit are
included in the Contractors scope of
Confirm that all sub-contractors
selected would be subject to
OIL/EPMC approval and meeting the
BQC requirements. Details as per
BQC shall be furnished along with the
offer. Confirm Compliance.
Any deviations/deletions/corrections
made elsewhere in the body of the bid
(on equipment data sheet, specs etc.)
6 will not be taken cognizance of and
all such deviations shall be deemed to
have been withdrawn by the bidder.
Confirm compliance.
Confirm that the equipment/ package
supplied shall be from one of the
approved vendors given in the
attached elsewhere in the bid
Duly filled in equipment data sheets,
performance data for the selected
vendor/ equipment model shall be
subject to OIL/EPMC approval,
during detail engineering. Confirm
Confirm that wherever the Material
Of Construction of equipment
9 components have been specified in
the Bid specification, same or superior
MOC shall be offered.
Bidder shall furnish the following
documents along with the bid:
Deviations, if any against the
equipment data sheets, applicable
equipment specifications shall be
duly consolidated at one place
10 (under exceptions/ deviation list).
In case no deviations are
furnished, it shall be construed that
bidders proposal is in total
compliance to the bid document
Confirm that Special Tools &
Tackles, as required for each
Equipment have been included by the
Bidder in his proposal.
Confirm that all consumables,
chemicals, lubricants etc. for initial
charge for commissioning and site
and Performance guarantee run have
been included in the Bidders
Confirm that requirements of all
lubricants for Six months operation of
the equipment after first fill is
Confirm that all Drawings / Data
requirements as per specifications
20 and codes attached and referred to
have been included in the bidders
JOHN PICKLE USA ; National Oilwell Varco, USA
BATH HEATERS GASTECH USA (for heater treater only)
GASTECH PROCESS ENGG INDIA (for bath heater only)
MULTITEX FILTERATION ENGRS LTD. (for bath heater only)
& 3589)
SN Name of Agency
1 M/s Aegis Ltd
2 M/s IOT Design & Engineering Ltd.
3 M/s Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt Ltd
4 M/s L&T-Valdel Engineering Private Limited
5 M/s SNC-Lavalin Engineering India Pvt Ltd
6 M/s R P Engineers & Project Consultants Pvt Ltd.
7 M/s Saipem India Project Ltd
8 M/s Triune Energy Services Pvt Ltd
9 M/s KEAS Control System India Private Ltd., ( E & i)
10 M/s PL Engineering Ltd