Microbes in Human Welfare PDF
Microbes in Human Welfare PDF
Microbes in Human Welfare PDF
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An outlet which is connected to a pipe to supply biogas. o Baculoviruses (Especially genus Nucleopolyhedro-
An outlet to remove spent slurry (used as fertilizer). virus): Attacks insects and other arthropods.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and Khadi These are suitable for species-specific, narrow spectrum
and Village Industries Commission (KVIC): Developed insecticidal applications. This is desirable in IPM program
technology of biogas production in India. to conserve beneficial insects.
- Biocontrol: It is the use of biological methods for Biofertilisers are organisms that enrich nutrient quality of
controlling plant diseases and pests. the soil. E.g. Bacteria, fungi, cyanobacteria etc.
- Chemical pesticides and insecticides are harmful to all Rhizobium (symbiotic bacteria in root nodules of
organisms and causes pollution. Chemical pesticide kills leguminous plants) fix atmospheric N2.
both useful and harmful life forms. Free-livings in the soil (E.g. Azospirillum and
Microbial biocontrol agents Azotobacter) enrich the nitrogen content of the soil.
o Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): to control butterfly caterpillar. Mycorrhiza: Symbiotic association of fungi (E.g. the
These are available in sachets as dried spores which are genus of Glomus) with plants. The fungus gets food from
mixed with water and sprayed on to vulnerable plants the plant. The fungal symbiont
such as brassicas and fruit trees, where these are eaten by o Absorb phosphorous from soil and passes it to the plant.
the insect larvae. In the gut of the larvae, the toxin is o Give resistance to root-borne pathogens and tolerance
released and the larvae get killed. to salinity and draught.
The scientists have introduced B. thuringiensis toxin o Give an overall increase in plant growth and
genes into plants. E.g. Bt cotton. development.
o Trichoderma sp (fungus): are free livings that are seen in Cyanobacteria (Blue green algae): Autotrophic
the root ecosystems. They are effective biocontrol agents microbes. They can fix atmospheric nitrogen. E.g.
of several plant pathogens. Anabaena, Nostoc, Oscillatoria etc. In paddy fields,
Cyanobacteria serve as an important biofertilisers. It also
adds organic matter to the soil and increases its fertility.
Prepared by:
K.C. Muhammed ali K.C
[email protected]