Lavender Issue 396

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The document appears to be from a magazine and highlights various community events, news stories, and businesses. It includes a dining guide, bar guide, calendar of events, and advertisements.

The document mentions events like the Pride Festival, Fringe Festival, and Queer Southeast Asian Conference. It also highlights winners of the Miss Twin Cities Gay Softball League Contest and Nuestra Belleza Gay 2010 title.

The dining guide features restaurants like Fuji Ya, Ginger Hop, The Grandview Grill, New Uptown Diner, Kindee Thai, and others. It provides information on cuisine types, locations, and hours.

Contents | [ Minnesota's Gay-Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender Magazine ]
Full Screen Lavender Digital Edition.

34 On the Record
The ArchAndroid • Here’s to Taking It Easy • High
Violet • Night Work
Use Your Black “Bar” Tab To Find FLIP
36 Bar Advertiser Guide LAVENDER
Find Your Way to Hot Spots DIGITAL EDITION
36 Bartender Spotlight + WATCH LYNX
Town House: David IN ACTION
38 Bar Showcase
Gay 90’s
40 Lavender Lens
Pride at the Minneapolis Bars: 19 Bar, Brass Rail, Gay

90’s, Gladius, Tickles

41 Lavender Lens
Tickles: Lavender’s Out in the Stands Preparty
42 Lavender Lens
Town House: Lavender’s ThirstDays
43 Lavender Lens
Tickles: Lavender’s Out in the Stands Postparty
44 Bar Calendar
46 Off the Eaten Path

Photo by Sophia Hantzes The Sample Room: Debuts Awesome New Menu
Pride Festival
52 Lavender Lens
Lavender’s Out in the Stands
53 Lavender Lens
Minnesota Red Ribbon Ride Closing Ceremony


54 The Network

WEEKEND Business Services Directory

54 Imperial Court of Minnesota
Hosts Coronation XIX
56 Calendar
Photo by Hubert Bonnet
Plan Your Fortnight
59 Classifieds
COVER FEATURE Find Some Classy Stuff
14 3-Art-Fair Weekend 60 Community Connection America’s ORIGINAL Podcasting
Creates Cornucopia GLBT-Friendly Nonprofits Drag Queen
8 A Word in Edgewise Children: A Cautionary Tale The Drag Days of Summer
You’ve Got To Be Taught Carefully Are Here!
61 Cartoon America’s drag queen is
10 Letters Trolín heating things up this
More About the June 18 Reverend Tom Brock Exposé 63 Consider the Source summer on The Progrum!
12 Queer As Folks Palm Off Tune in daily for new
Fantasy Gifts Celebrates 30th Anniversary • Jaqueline 64 Ms. Behavior podcasts, gossip, music, and
Captures Nuestra Belleza Gay 2010 Title • Phoenix Guilty Ex crazy talk! It’s a one stop
Wins Miss Twin Cities Gay Softball League Contest • crazy shop for all your Wanda
Twin Cities Hosts Queer Southeast Asian Conference 66 Yellow Pages Advertiser Index Wisdom needs! Click on over Photo by Brian Roby
What’s Where This Issue to
PRIDE IN PICTURES for all the fun you can shake a pair of panty hose at!
18 Pride Festival Correction
In the cover feature “Wicked Cast Includes Two Former
20 Reel Pride Concert • Soul Friday’s Pride Twin Cities Actors” in the July 16 Lavender: page 24,
Thursday left column, fifth line, should read “Massachusetts
22 Pride Women’s Events: Lure, Twilight, and Vermont,” not Schenectady; and page 26, middle
Boobytrap column, tenth line, and right column, tenth line, Your daily podcast of GLBT world
should read “Boq,” not “Bock.” news!
24 Big Gay News Top Headlines
Local, National, and World News Catholic School President Caught in
26 OutFront Minnesota Executive Director Public Sex Sting
Johnson Steps Down Charges Dropped Against DADT
Meyer Becomes Interim Executive Director Protester
Constance McMillen Wins
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Settlement Over Prom Dispute
July 30-August 12, 2010

28 Fringe Festival Gay Mormons Condemn Church’s Role in Argentina

Offers Queer Treats
Argentina’s Gay Marriage Law Signed by President
30 On the Townsend
The Mystery of Irma Vepp • The Gospel at Colonus •
The Triumph of Love • A Streetcar Named Desire This Issue Next Up Get Your News in 12 Languages!
ISSUE 396 ISSUE 397 Big Gay News now offers TWELVE foreign language
32 Lauding Leather Life newswires! You can get international GLBT news from
Interview with Steve Lenius July 30, 2010 August 13, 2010 hundreds of sources in twelve different languages. There
Pride in Pictures Duluth-Superior Pride is absolutely no other site offering this much relevant
Art Fair Weekend content. Visit today!

Volume 16, Issue 396 • July 30–August 12, 2010

Editor Emeritus Ethan Boatner 612-436-4670
Editorial Director Sede Vacante 612-436-4671
Editorial Associate George Holdgrafer 612-436-4672
Editorial Intern Justin Reis 612-436-4670
Podmaster Bradley Traynor 612-436-4669
Contributors Kolina Cicero, Meryl Cohn, Carla Continenza,
Julie Dafydd, Heidi Fellner, Terrance Griep, Ed Huyck,
Steve Lenius, Casey Merkwan, Jennifer Parello, Todd Park,
Amber Schadewald, Elizabeth Stiras, John Townsend, Carla
Sales & Advertising Director Barry Leavitt 612-436-4690
Senior Account Executive Suzanne Farrell 612-436-4699
Account Executive Jeff Newton 612-436-4675
Advertising Associate George Holdgrafer 612-436-4672
Sales & Advertising Traffic Coordinator
Linda Raines 612-436-4694
Classifieds Suzanne Farrell 612-436-4699
National Sales Representative Rivendell Media
Creative Director Hubert Bonnet 612-436-4678
Creative Assistant Mike Hnida 612-436-4679
Photographer Sophia Hantzes
Cartoonist Rodro
Lavender Studios Hubert Bonnet, Mike Hnida
Publisher Lavender Media, Inc.
President & CEO Stephen Rocheford 612-436-4665
Vice President & CC Pierre Tardif 612-436-4666
Chief Financial Officer Carolyn Lima 612-436-4664
Administrative Assistant Austin Lindstrom 612-436-4661
Founders George Holdgrafer, Stephen Rocheford
Inspiration Steven W. Anderson (1954-1994), Timothy J. Lee
(1968-2002), Russell Berg (1957-2005), Kathryn Rocheford
(1914-2006), Jonathan Halverson (1974-2010)

Letters are subject to editing for grammar, punctuation, space,

and libel. They should be no more than 300 words. Letters must
include name, address, and phone number. Unsigned letters will
not be published. Priority will be given to letters that refer to
material previously published in Lavender Magazine. Submit let-
ters to Lavender Magazine, Letters to the Editor, 3715 Chicago
Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407; or e-mail <editor@lav->.

Lavender Media Inc.

3715 Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55407
612-436-4660 office
877-515-9969 toll free
612-436-4685 fax
612-436-4664 subscriptions
612-436-4660 distribution
612-436-4698 advertising
July 30-August 12, 2010

Entire contents copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Publication of the name or
photograph of any person, organization, or business in this magazine does not
reflect upon one’s sexual orientation whatsoever. Lavender® Magazine reserves
the right to refuse any advertising. This issue of Lavender® Magazine is available
free of charge during the time period published on the cover. Pickup at one of our
distribution sites is limited to one copy per person.

Community Dialogue > A Word in Edgewise [ by E.B. Boatner ]

You’ve Got To Be Taught Carefully

“God hates….” Basi- AMERICA, AMERICA IS DOOMED, and violent language and imagery that I
cally, if you listen to Rev- THE WORLD IS DOOMED, etc.” wish I protect you all from.”
erend Fred Phelps, God According to the website, “WBC has Calling Phelps’s group “violent and dan-
hates anyone and everyone conducted 43,767 such demonstrations gerous,” and urging fans not to engage it
who isn’t a member of the since June 1991.” in conversation, Gaga stressed, “My request
minister’s extended-family One of the latest WBC strikes was aimed to all little monsters and public authorities
Westboro Baptist Church at Lady Gaga and her recent St. Louis con- is to pay these hate criminals no mind. Al-
(WBC) congregation. cert, billed as Monsterball. Phelps dubbed though I respect and do not judge anyone
Hate, not love, is exalted on WBC’s her avid followers “little monsters.” Aware for their personal views on any politics or
website at <>, which that the WBC hate collective was gather- religion, this group in particular, to me, is
describes its techniques, and proudly pro- ing, the Lady kept her cool. violent and dangerous.”
claims, “We display large, colorful signs con- Hoping to avert any open confronta- Monsterball ran in its entirety without in-
taining Bible words and sentiments, includ- tions or escalation of hate and violence, terruption, and following the concert, Gaga
ing: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE Gaga spoke to her fans through her website remarked, “I wanted to make my fans aware
GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK beforehand: “At the risk of drawing atten- of my views on how to approach, or rather
GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, tion to a hateful organization, I would like not approach, these kinds of hate activists.
GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NA- to make my little monster fans aware of a Then, Gaga tweeted her little monsters,
TURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, protest being held outside the Monsterball “Love and hate met in St. Louis. And love out-
NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS in St. Louis tonight. Although we have had numbered the hate, in poetic thousands. Hate
DOOM NATIONS, THANK GOD FOR protesters before, as well as fundamental- left. But love stayed. + Together, we sang.”
DEAD SOLDIERS, FAG TROOPS, GOD ists at the show, this group of protesters are Hats off to Lady Gaga and a Monster
BLEW UP THE TROOPS, GOD HATES hate criminals, and preach using lude [sic] class act!
July 30-August 12, 2010

Community Dialogue > Letters

Boycott Saloon? not wake up one morning, and ing terms—forever. This man
decide “to be gay”! It just is. has no credibility to speak on
I have read both articles in the June The Christian church has the subject—and that is a good
18 Lavender related to the Reverend often been misguided in what point.”
Tom Brock. I have also read writer John the Bible means in its references AUGUST BERKSHIRE
to homosexuality, and is respon-
Townsend’s response to the Star Tribune ar- sible for creating this moral Spot-on
ticle, and all the letters to the editor in the dilemma the world faces. God Thank you for the great
July 16 Lavender. I am incredulous. Perhaps does not make mistakes, but articles on the Reverend Tom
humans often do. Misinterpre- Brock [Lavender, June 18]. I
that is a feeling that goes along with my tation of an ancient text often read Lavender’s articles and the
“disorder.” occurs. Ask any nongay person if Strib’s articles. I agree with you
they can choose to be gay. and John Townsend. I also saw
The problem only exists you [Lavender President &
The Saloon relies on the gay
because Brock is perpetrating CEO Stephen Rocheford] on
community for its existence.
a fraud, and had he not been Almanac July 9. Your closing
They seem perfectly happy to
responsible for spreading the statement to the interviewer
rake in tens of thousands (prob-
message of hate, then none of regarding Brock’s future utility
ably a conservative estimate) of
this would have happened. Like to the religious community was
dollars a year from the patron-
another letter said, perhaps he spot-on: (to paraphrase) He
age of the gay community. But,
will now seek the help he needs won’t be molesting gay people
when push comes to shove, the
to love and accept himself as anymore.
Saloon abandons us, denies
he was created. And perhaps he Thanks a huge amount.
support of our community,
can turn around his message of LARRY LYKE
and chooses to side with Brock
and his denigrating of the gay hate to one of love, peace, and
inclusion. Hogwash
community. I guess we are just
God is the only judge of I watched the Almanac seg-
an open wallet to them. I will
right and wrong. He doesn’t ment July 9 featuring—if that is
never patronize the Saloon
need our help with that. Since the right word—you [Lavender
again, and I urge other mem-
humans are imperfect by na- President & CEO Stephen
First, I find it a bit stunning bers of the gay community to
ture, they cannot judge without Rocheford] and [University
that the members of clergy consider the same boycott. The
bias. It’s not possible. of Minnesota Professor] Jane
and others who condemn the Saloon does not support us, so
VINCENT LOBASCIO Kirtley. I think it was set up
Lavender articles actually have why should we support them?
as a hanging, and although
the audacity to accuse Lavender DAVID HANCOX
Slam Dunk! you acquitted yourself well,
of hypocrisy. What makes their
I thought you [Lavender there were some statements by
reaction so audacious is that Lavender Did Right Thing
President & CEO Stephen Kirtley about the right way to
while they demand an apology When I first read the
Rocheford] did a very good job do journalism that I thought
from Lavender, they request no controversial article [Lavender,
on Almanac July 9. Your oppo- were hogwash, and never mind
such accountability or apol- June 18], I had mixed feelings: I
nent, [University of Minnesota that they didn’t fit the story
ogy from Brock. For years, he was glad Reverend Tom Brock
Professor] Jane Kirtly, admitted very well. On top of the “print
has used his radio show, his was exposed, and at the same
that Lavender’s tactics were bites” that she gave to the Strib
pulpit, and his public persona time, questioned the moral-
acceptable if this was “a really earlier, well, it was too much.
to condemn homosexuality and ity of it—sneaking into the
vilify gay people. Where is the Courage group and all that. But important story.” You coun-
demand for accountability for after reading the letters in the tered by pointing out that it is
his unchristian-like and hateful later Lavender [July 16], I am sometimes a matter of life and Letters are subject to editing for
behavior? convinced that the right thing death (e.g., Matthew Shepherd, grammar, punctuation, space, and
Second, I applaud Laven- was done. teen suicides). It doesn’t get libel. They should be no more than
300 words. Letters must include
der for printing letters that Homosexuality is not a sick- any more important than that. name, address, and phone num-
represent the wide range of ness or a disorder, hence there Slam dunk! ber. Unsigned letters will not be
July 30-August 12, 2010

reaction to Townsend’s articles, is no association with a 12-Step You summed things up well published. Priority will be given to
even those that are clearly not recovery group, and, there- at the end: “We are very proud letters that refer to material previ-
ously published in Lavender Maga-
supportive. fore, the decree of anonymity of the fact that we have forever zine. Submit letters to Lavender
Finally, I am very disap- does not apply. Gays around destroyed his [Reverend Tom Magazine, Letters to the Editor,
pointed at the Saloon Bar for the world are struggling for Brock’s] capability to speak on 3715 Chicago Avenue South,
its decision to withhold its sup- acceptance and fair treatment. the subject of homosexuality Minneapolis, MN 55407; or e-mail
<[email protected]>.
port from the gay community. Anyone gay knows they did in such negative and demean-


Community Dialogue > Queer As Folks

Colleen Bertino. Photo by Hubert Bonnet Jaqueline. Photo by George Holdgrafer

Fantasy Gifts Celebrates 30th Jaqueline Captures Nuestra

Anniversary Belleza Gay 2010 Title
Fantasy Gifts is celebrating its 30th A drag contest in the suburbs? Of course!
anniversary. In 1980, Bob and Marlene Bertino On June 10, Jaqueline won the Nuestra
established the business with a now-defunct Belleza Gay 2010 title at the Queen of
store on what is now Block E in Minneapolis. the Night Contest from a field of five
Under the aegis of their daughter, Colleen contestants. The event took place during
Bertino, Fantasy Gifts now has nine stores in the Rainbow Party at Olmeca, a Latin bar at
the Twin Cities metro and one in St. Cloud. 1927 West Burnsville Parkway, Burnsville.
Visit <>. Several hundred people attended.

Darren Heydanek (left) and Jaysen Saly. Queer Southeast Asian Conference Participants.
Photo by Larry Barthel Photo by Sophia Hantzes

Phoenix Wins Miss Twin Cities Twin Cities Hosts Queer Southeast
Goodtime Softball League Contest Asian Conference
On July 11, the Miss Twin Cities Goodtime Hosted by local group Shades of Yellow
Softball League (TCGSL) Contest was (SOY), the Queer Southeast Asian Conference
held at Solera in Minneapolis. The took place July 9-11 at the University of
Phoenix team, sponsored by Tickles, won. Minnesota. Its mission was to establish
Phoenix performers included Tyler Hayden, a national network of GLBT Southeast
Darren Heydanek, Peter Nelson, Bradley Asians united to collect and share data and
July 30-August 12, 2010

Reichenberger, and Jaysen Saly. The TCGSL information; build community; and identify
Sunshine Fund was the beneficiary. national advocacy issues.


> Cover Feature


Poster designed by Pat Parnow


Creates Cornucopia

[ by E.B. Boatner ]

UPTOWN ART FAIR and having lots of shadows.”

Uptown Art Fair Executive Director Lovelle emphasizes that Nuez’s work “re-
Maude Lovelle describes the event’s 47th ally captures the spirit of ‘Urban Experiences.’
year this way: “This is a great year for the He finds beauty in urban landscapes where
Uptown Art Fair, because Uptown is in the others might see something harsher. His work
middle of a major revitalization. Desirable is in sync with the widespread passion for vital,
new businesses such as Apple are opening vibrant, urban areas such as Uptown.”
doors, great restaurants abound, Calhoun Local urban artist Mike Welton, who will
Square is getting a makeover, on and on. exhibit for the 12th year, comments, “In my
The theme of ‘Urban Experiences’ fits right opinion, the Uptown Art Fair is one of the
in, because of all the great energy and people best-attended fairs in the country, and has a
who are passionate about the urban life, the real mix of buyers. We get some high-end
Uptown Urban Life in particular.” to middle-range buyers, but all kinds of art
Xavier Nuez, the fair’s 2010 Commemo- lovers come, and those who see visual art as
rative Print Artist, creates stunning images fun and enjoyable, and want to discover what
that explore the gritty side of the “Urban their personal taste and style in fine art is.”
Experience.” This year marks his third Up- Other crowd-pleasing events over the
town showing. weekend include Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
Nuez says, “I’ve always been fascinated Garden’s inauguration of its new outdoor
with alleys and ruins, and generally with location at the Old Chicago parking lot,
what society shuns. These are places where Alley no. 100, Ghost Story (2007, Kansas City, MO, 1:30am). with daily live arts events on the Ultimate
Painting by Xavier Nuez
aesthetics are not considered, and where few Events Performance Stage. One’s inner ar-
give a second look, and yet, they are so full of tiste can participate, working in clay at the
energy and drama and life. I’ve been work- a rainbow of colors. I bring lights and gels Family Imagination Station in the Walker
ing on the alley series for almost 20 years, with me. They are often dangerous places, Library Courtyard. More can be found on
and it’s always fun to go out and explore. so I make them look inviting. They are the website.

“I love the many contrasts of the Alley largely viewed as depressing, dead places, so The fair draws on average 375,000 people
series. First, they are places considered ugly, I make them positive, and full of energy and annually, second only to the Minnesota State
and so, I try to make them beautiful. They life. And then, there’s the actual contrast in Fair in statewide event attendance. Feel lost in
are typically drab and colorless, so I bring lighting, helped largely by shooting at night, such a crowd? The Uptown Information

> Cover Feature

Between Centuries. Painting by Mike Welton

Booth, hosted by the Uptown Association, is at with the Loring Park neighborhood. Visi-
the corner of Lagoon and Hennepin. tors are both urban and suburban. Minneapolis Skyline. Painting by Anastasia Makarenko
Parnow shares, “Someone one described
Uptown Art Fair our festival as ‘an urban, sophisticated oasis
Fri., Aug. 6, Noon-8 PM
Sat., Aug. 7, 10 AM-8 PM
of art and culture.’”
Sun., Aug. 8, 10 AM-6 PM Man does not live by art alone, however. since its beginning; and the other to Char-
Hennepin Ave. & Lake St., Mpls. Like all the weekend art events, the Lor- lotte Fung Miller, a Wisconsin painter ex-
<> ing Park Art Festival offers a wide variety hibiting this year for the 17th time.
of taste-tempting foods: wood-fired pizza, Powderhorn Art Fair Coordinator Di-
LORING PARK ART FAIR Magic Bus Café, and Chef Shack, among xie Treichel remarks, “The real beauty of
If you’re availing yourself of the Metro them. the Powderhorn Art Fair is that the event’s
Transit Art Hop buses (see below), your next impact is felt throughout the year, and not
stop might be the Loring Park Art Festival, Loring Park Art Festival just on event days. Proceeds from the art fair
now in its 11th year. Fri.-Sat. Aug. 6-7, 10 AM-6 PM help fund park programs such as theater arts,
Sun., Aug. 8, 10 AM-5 PM
Local artists include Bob Carls of Rip- Loring Park, Mpls. computer lab, teen center, music recording
ple River Gallery, whose lathe-turned and <> studio, the pottery studio, and team sports—
carved-wood vessels evoke, he notes, “his giving neighborhood residents of all ages a
background in improvisational music, pho- POWDERHORN ART FAIR safe environment in which to play, learn, and
tography sculpture, and film.” The third entrant in the art trifecta is the grow. The Powderhorn Art Fair celebrates
Colleen Tabeika, who employs innova- Powderhorn Art Fair, whose theme this year art and community. It is a queer-friendly
tive techniques in the crafting of her textiles is “Minneapolis Skyline,” also the name of and multicultural event that welcomes di-
and rugs, explains, “A trademark of my work the poster/painting by 2009 Powderhorn versity.”
is repeating and manipulating various groups Art Fair Best of Show Artist Anastasia Ma-
of analogous colors within a piece.” karenko. Born in the Ukraine, she came to Powderhorn Art Fair
Sat., Aug. 7, 10 AM-6 PM
WaterfieldYoung is the creative collabo- the United States when she was 14. Sun., Aug. 8, 10 AM-5 PM
ration between Nancy Waterfield and Wen- Makarenko muses, “To me, making art is Powderhorn Park, Mpls.
dy Young, who color and manipulate papers both challenging and entertaining. I enjoy <>
made from pure cotton pulp. passing the great pleasure I feel from creat-
The varieties and handling of medias ing paintings to those who acquire them. My Free Transportation
throughout the festival will entrance the art exists to fulfill souls, and relieve stress. Metro Transit is offering free rides
viewer. While the actual process of painting is driv- through its “Three Fairs, No Fares” Art
Coordinator Pat Parnow points out that en by my experiences and imagination, I let Hop. Attendees can ride free on Saturday
July 30-August 12, 2010

the Loring Park Art Festival is a partnership the audience find their own life force in my and Sunday among the Uptown Art Fair,
of working artists, coordinated by Artists for work—be it happy, nostalgic, mysterious, or Loring Park Art Festival, Powderhorn Art
Artists, whose goal is to provide the oppor- purely decorative.” Fair, and Lake Street/Midtown light rail sta-
tunity to exhibit and sell artwork in an atmo- Now in its 19th year, the Powderhorn tion. Buses leave each stop approximately
sphere designed with the artist and patron Art Fair last year bestowed two “Longevity every 20 minutes. For more information,
in mind. The event, which this year has 140 Invitationals”: one to jeweler Mimi Alexan- visit <>.
artists participating, promotes involvement der, who has shown in the festival every year


Mike Welton, well-known for his

striking images of local architecture,
is both exhibitor and juror this year
at the Uptown Art Fair. He recently
spoke with Lavender about his art
and his relation to the fair’s “Urban
Experiences” theme.
Welton says, “My new work
[Between Centuries, pictured here]
comes directly from my urban expe-
rience. How so? Well, for starters,
it’s the lines, colors, and composi-
tions of large dense urban areas
that I’ve turned into almost abstract
designs, framed into the edges of a
canvas taken directly from the urban
environment. I use actual colors to
heighten them, or create my own
to inspire dynamic areas of line and
edge-work that achieve balance.
People react to the values of archi-
tecture and color surrounding them
in an urban environment, thus cre-
ating energy as well.”
Welton emphasizes the necessity
of the Uptown, Loring, and Pow-
derhorn events: “Art fairs are the
sole way some artists make a living.
An artist doing some 14 to 15 shows
a year can make a living, depending
on expenses and the success of each
show. Personally, I have done fairs
from Seattle, Washington, to Mon-
tauk, New York. Shows are impor-
tant in establishing your work with
collectors, regionally and nationally,
as well as being discovered by galler-
ies. Art fairs also bring visual art to
persons who may never engage in the
visual arts any other time of the year.
Of his second role, Welton re-
marks, “I was personally honored to
be picked as a juror,” because “jurors
are recommended by persons in the
arts community. The jurors spend
two days going through slides of
nearly 2,000 applications, in three
rounds. There are 100 to 200 alter-
nate artists placed on a waiting list,

so in case an artist cannot attend,

there are plenty of alternates to take
their place.”

July 30-August 12, 2010

Pride in Pictures
PRIDE FESTIVAL, June 26-27, Loring Park, Minneapolis
[ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]

Pride in Pictures
Minnesota Freedom Band &
June 21, Lake Harriet Bandshell, Minneapolis June 24, Nomad World Pub, Minneapolis
July 30-August 12, 2010

[ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]


July 30-August 12, 2010

Pride Lure Kickoff Party, June 24, Rumours/Innuendo, St. Paul

Pride in Pictures

Pride Twilight, June 25, Karma, Minneapolis


[ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]


Pride Boobytrap, June 26, Barfly

Big Gay News >
[ Written & Compiled by Bradley Traynor ]

Joseph M. Peschges, the 63-year-old
President of St. Hill Murray Catholic
High School in St. Paul, was arrested
recently after allegedly fondling an un-
dercover police officer in the parking lot
of Crosby Farm Regional Park. He was
booked on suspicion of fifth-degree crimi-
nal sexual conduct. St. Paul Police say they
conducted the sting after a “high number
of complaints from citizens of men en-
gaged in lewd sexual acts with other men
in the park.” A spokesman for the school
confirmed that Peschges was relieved of
his duties as President.

According to the Associated Press,
all charges against Lt. Dan Choi and
James Pietrangelo, who were arrested
after chaining themselves to the White
House to protest Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,
have been dropped. Prosecutor Christine
Chang declined to comment on why the
government did so.


The Mississippi school district sued
by the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) after its high school refused to
let Constance McMillen attend prom with
her girlfriend has agreed to pay $35,000 in
damages, and adopt a nondiscrimination
policy that includes sexual orientation.
The agreement ends a lawsuit by ACLU
on behalf of McMillen. She said in a state-
ment, “I’m so glad this is all over. I won’t
ever get my prom back, but it’s worth it if
it changes things at my school.”


July 30-August 12, 2010

The Salt Lake Tribune reports that Af-

firmation, a support group for gay and
lesbian Mormons, is criticizing the Mor-
mon Church for its effort to stop the le-
galization of gay marriage in Argentina.
The country recently legalized same-sex

unions, becoming the first in South Amer-
ica to do so. The Mormon Church denies
playing an official part in the opposition,
but according to reports in Argentina, a
church representative attended a meeting
with leaders from a number of Christian
denominations opposed to gay marriage.
David Melson of Affirmation said, “This
is another appalling example of the LDS
[Church of Latter Day Saints] trying to
dominate government decisions being
made by democratically elected officials.”



Argentina President Cristina Fernan-
dez signed landmark legislation on July
21, making the country the first in South
America to legalize same-sex marriage. She
said at a signing ceremony, “Today, we are a
society that is a little more egalitarian than
last week.” The first same-sex ceremonies
are set to take place August 13.


According to the Associated Press,
the United Nations Economic and Social
Council voted in July to accredit the Inter-
national Gay and Lesbian Human Rights
Commission (IGLHRC). US President
Barack Obama issued a statement prais-
ing the move, saying, “With the group’s
inclusion, the United Nations is closer to
the ideals on which it was founded, and to
values of inclusion and equality to which
the United States is deeply committed.”
Commission officials said the group now
will be able to attend UN meetings, sub-
mit statements, and collaborate with both
government and UN agencies on human
rights for GLBT people.


A new report from the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) indicates
that laws criminalizing gay sex in the Asia-
Pacific region are partially responsible for
an alarming level of HIV/AIDS infec-
tions. In the region, 19 of 48 countries
criminalize sex between men. The report
concludes, “These laws often taken on the
force of vigilantism, frequently leading to
abuse and human rights violations. Cor-

respondingly, HIV prevalence has reached

alarming levels among men who have sex
with men and transgender populations in
many countries of the region.”

> News & Politics

OutFront Minnesota Executive Director Johnson Steps Down

Meyer Becomes Interim Executive Director
At the end of July, OutFront Minne- OutFront Minnesota Board Chair Ann
sota Executive Director Amy Johnson is Swanson said, “On behalf of the board and
stepping down from the position she took staff, we thank Amy for her leadership at
over in January 2009. She was instrumen- OutFront and in the GLBT community.”
tal in guiding the organization through a Longtime OutFront Minnesota Public
Policy Director Monica Meyer becomes its
Interim Executive Director effective July
31. She is a veteran public policy organizer
and community advocate whose expertise
and influence at the State Capitol will be
key to advancing the organization’s agenda
for equality in this year’s elections. In addi-
Monica Meyer. Photo by Sophia Hantzes tion to her role at OutFront Minnesota, she
challenging economic environment. An is also Board Chair of TakeAction Minne-
attorney in private practice before assum- sota, a progressive advocacy organization.
ing leadership of OutFront Minnesota, Johnson remarked, “Monica’s commit-
she came to it with a long track record of ment to OutFront Minnesota and to the
volunteer service with other Twin Cites community it serves statewide is an invalu-
Amy Johnson. Photo by Sophia Hantzes GLBT groups. able asset to the organization.”
July 30-August 12, 2010


> Arts & Entertainment

Batmama. Thinkingaview. Naked Yoga. Medea Ex Machina.

Photo by Aimee Doyle Photo by V. Paul Virtuccio. Photo by Sarah Whiting of Photo by Richard Molby
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

[ by John Townsend ]

he 17th an- “either/or behaviors” and identi- mental illness in a time when Glass, acted by Max Polski and
nual Minnesota ty. The Princess and the Frog is rei- overmedication is the norm Joel Liestman. Playwright Da-
Fringe Festival magined with two dads. The Fish for many. Director Adam Ar- vid Goldstein muses, “Youth
offers a rich va- and the Fisherman is revamped nold says developing the show and beauty can be as powerful
riety of queer to examine how little boys are made him more aware of how as that which comes with age,
treats, as well driven toward ultramacho “act- queer youth often still are seen wealth, and social position. This
as some others ing out.” The Golden Goose is re- as mentally ill. Ironically, the dynamic is reflected between
that will resonate with current invented as a boy getting to date American Psychiatric Associa- escorts and the men who hire
GLBT concerns. It’s packed a handsome prince. tion declassified homosexuality them. What happens when what
with plays, dance performanc- Playwright Kate Elise’s in- as a mental illness in 1973. starts as a business interaction
es, and comic acts that run no teractive MisMatched involves a Julie Mann’s Mixed Reality: develops unexpectedly into a
longer than an hour. Perform- tomboy and a very sensitive boy My Multi-Racial World is in- loving relationship? In such a re-
ers from across the nation and whose friendship bond is tested spired by Mildred and Richard lationship, more than in others,
beyond will strut stages in both at the science fair and on the Loving, whose interracial mar- perhaps, each person has unique
Twin Cities at various venues. football field. riage case compelled the US vulnerabilities that are easily ex-
Aladdin and the Magic Lamp’s Supreme Court to declare all ploited, sometimes devastatingly
Rainbow Family Fare Even teen cast from Kansas salutes miscegenation laws unconstitu- so. ‘You’re nothing more than a
Adult Singles Will Treasure the style of playwright Harry tional in 1967. Present parallels cheap hooker’ versus ‘You’re a
Children’s theater for non- Kondoleon, who died of AIDS are striking, given recent Re- sad old man that can only get
traditional families is fun for at 39 in 1994. His Obie-win- publican platforms in Montana sex by paying for it.’ In their
youngsters, as well as good for ning The Brides uses fairy tale- and Texas that call for making own way, each holds a terrifying
those of us who grew up with- like segments. same-sex marriage illegal. power over the other.”
out such images to see, and re- In light of my recent Cour- Twin Citians from No More
July 30-August 12, 2010

flect on our own conditioning. age exposé in Lavender, older Adult Fare Mr. Nice Gay Theatre flesh out
Andrew Waldron and Jill teens and all adults must see Actress Michelle O’Neill, Madison playwright Kent Fors-
Whitney-Birk’s queer adaptation (Disordered) Thy Name is Teen- who was the best local cameo- berg’s Naked Yoga and Other
Open And Affirming Fairy Tales: ager, a Blank Slate Collabora- role actor last year in the Guth- Gay Love Stories. Naked Yoga
The Fabulous Fables of Rainbeau tion that piercingly examines rie’s The Intelligent Homosexual’s penetrates inhibitions about
Bay subverts binary demands for teens identifying with their Guide, directs Skiing on Broken our physical bodies and in-

a. Opera Buffet/Kaleidoscope. Sincerity Forever. Skiing on Broken Glass. Yvette.
Photo by Matt Knipschield Photo by Brock Knutson Photo by David Goldstein Photo by Morgan Feigal-Stickles
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼

ner selves. In Vampires of Min- whose fascination with bisex- Acclaimed lesbian sound de- the mouths of two boys later in
neapolis, two gay men want to ual filmmaker Rainer Werner signer Dixie Treichel creates the play.
connect, but find out negative Fassbinder’s power dynamics the house music. Batmama’s largely GLBT
info about each other. Killer Mo influenced his Fringe choice, According to Andrew Koz- cast draws from vaudeville, a
crackles with sexual role-play. says, “Cruelty is often implicit icky, his role in Gemma Irish’s tradition that brazenly sported
Chicago’s Shanna Shrum in a master/slave relationship, Yvette is part of “an exciting queer concepts when society
salutes Liza Minnelli and gay which we see in Marcus Antho- revolution that’s happening at large was totally resistant.
friendship in her acclaimed solo ny’s Medea Ex Machina.” Dash- with gay characters lately. Now Curve Magazine named title-
show Skinny Dipping. ing Andrew Sass, brilliant in the that more and more writers are role actress Teresa Mock a top
Toronto writer/actor Mark pansexual film FAUX, plays a involving gay characters, it’s lesbian theater artist in 2007.
Shyzer brings his Fishbowl, play- manipulative director who casts time they are shown in every- The gifted Janelle Ranek’s
ing characters across gender and his wife as Medea. He sleeps day situations. It’s not enough Yard Sale takes a comic look at
generational divides. with her female coactress, in that people realize it’s OK to be a lesbian and her old straight
From LA, The Adventures of Von Stoetzel’s words, “to attain gay. They must also realize it’s male fling.
Les Kurkendaal addresses alcohol- more control over her, so she is OK to be in love.” Jeffrey Peterson reprises his
ism and drugs in the gay commu- more devout and submissive.” Though it’s hetero, See You wonderful dance work Thinkin-
nity. Dealing with discrimination Next Tuesday’s look into a couple gaview. Its intriguing use of part-
can be painful, and intoxicants Innovation, Tradition, and with differing styles of political nering melts the boundaries.
help numb that pain. Sexual Politics expression—and lack there- Choreographer Daniel
Meth for Dummies’s Robert Driven by innovative music of—can benefit GLBT folks. Stark’s Politics Religion Sex, part
White says, “I produced this play performer Carol Elerding, Op- Playwright Steve Moulds asks, of the You/Provoke/Me dance
to let audiences know the human era Buffet’s Inside the Kaleido- “What does it say about me presentation, addresses the hy-
cost of meth. Even chem dep scope is a female-centered piece that I don’t feel that intensely pocrisy of societal pillars.
professionals have commented that bucks the male-dominated the need to make points, to let
it deepened their understanding opera world. It includes Nicole things slide when I disagree. Is Minnesota Fringe Festival
Aug. 5-15

of the disease.” John Pigate stars. Coonradt’s poem “Bertram and it social cowardice?” Various Minneapolis and St. Paul
Harry Waters Jr., of Angels in Ferdinando,” which definitely In Mac Wellman’s Sincerity Locations
America fame, directs. has queer undercurrents in the Forever, a love scene between a (866) 811-4111
Director Paul Von Stoetzel, vein of Shakespeare’s sonnets. boy and girl is transplanted into <>

Arts & Entertainment > On the Townsend [ by John Townsend ]


Through Aug. 1
Jungle Theater
2951 Lyndale Ave. S., Mpls.
(612) 822-7063

This gloriously camp sensation, with

Bradley Greenwald and Steven Epp, origi-
nated within a countercultural surge that
expanded theatrical crossgender acceptance.
Writing his 1984 hit gothic horror spoof
for Ridiculous Theatre, Charles Ludlam
(1943-1987) coacted with his life partner,
Everett Quinton. It beckoned an era of the-
atrical genderbending that crystallized in the
1990s, and that now permeates nationwide.
In 1984, crossdressing was seen as a ghet-
toized gay stereotype. Since then, out gays
have stopped cringing, and the smart straight
mainstream gets that crossdressing isn’t nec-
essarily “gay.” To obtain rights to perform
Irma Vep, actors must be of the same gender.
It shows how a tiny off-Off Broadway pro-
duction was a vital player in social change.


Aug. 5-11
Ordway Center
345 Washington St., St. Paul
(651) 224-4222

Jevetta Steele was Lavender’s 2002 Best

Musical Actress for Two Queens, One Castle The Mystery of Irma Vep. Photo by Ann Marsden
at Mixed Blood Theatre. She’s now in the
Ordway’s revival of The Gospel at Colonus.
Sprung in the 1980s from New York’s edgy achieved fine vocals, with standouts in
THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE Christian Bardin, Suzy Kohane, and Zach
Mabou Mines troupe, this music drama Through Aug. 28
still raises eyebrows, because it reinterprets Minnesota Centennial Showboat Soules. C. Lance Brockman’s set and An-
Sophocles’s Greek tragedy, Oedipus at Colo- Harriet Island, St. Paul nie Cady’s costumes augment the enchant-
(651) 227-1100 ment.
nus, with gospel sounds. <>
Because I couldn’t consult the Oracle at A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE
Delphi about how one religious view rein- James Magruder’s translation has light- Through Aug. 29
terprets another cosmic view, I settled for ened up Pierre Marivaux’s 1732 classic with Guthrie Theater
818 S. 2nd St., Mpls.
the next best option: Steele. judicious cuts, breezy pacing, and nostalgic (612) 377-2224
As Steele shares, “The Gospel at Colonus is 20th-Century tunes that make it palatable <>
about redemption, which is what gospel music to the Showboat’s mainstream audience.
is all about. It’s all about forgiveness, reconcil- The result is miraculous, not compro- Blanche DuBois often is called the
ing with God and with family and whomever mised. Marivaux’s original crossgender “female Hamlet,” and to watch Gretchen
you’re at odds with. So, therein lies the con- dynamics vibrantly are implemented by Egolf live the role at the Guthrie is to
nection between Sophocles and The Gospel at director Peter Rothstein’s University of understand why. This superlative actress
Colonus. It is about how we can move and push Minnesota student ensemble. They spar- magically navigates Tennessee Williams’s
July 30-August 12, 2010

past all adversities in our lives. And with the kle dangerously throughout. The danger bottomless dimensions of a deeply flawed
help of divine energy and divine presence, we is the giddiness of watching male and fe- yet spiritually noble Southern belle thrust
can do all things. Greek tragedies were told male characters homoerotically magnetized into destitution, hence becoming de-
very much like the way a reverend delivered by female characters credibly disguised as pendent “on the kindness of strangers.”
a sermon in the black Baptist or Pentecostal men. But it’s so much fun, the laughs un- Egolf’s rendering of Blanche’s delicate re-
movement—very theatrical, high energy, and dermine any judgments. flections of her dead gay husband will tear
lots of call and response.” Music Director Denis Prosek has your heart out. She even moves beyond

Vivien Leigh’s iconic Oscar-winning Chavira isn’t sexy—he is, and he has a great
portrait. Simply put, Egolf’s is a perfor- torso. Indeed, Williams adored Brando.
mance for the ages. But Chavira unearths the grotesquely
When Streetcar premiered on Broad- hardwired misogyny at Stanley’s core,
way in 1947, starring Jessica Tandy (who revivifying Steetcar’s numinous implicit
herself later graced the Guthrie’s first act- commentary on the plight of women.
ing company), only 27 years had passed If Blanche is Hamlet, then Stella
since women got the vote. In director channels the uglier traits of his mother,
John Miller-Stephany’s transcendent stag- Gertrude. Hence, Rice frankly reveals
ing, one is struck by the naked bluntness her as someone driven blindly by libido
about women still being regarded as a that she thinks is love, and compelled by
rung above chattel. a survivalist need for hypermacho protec-
This grimly radiates in Ricardo Anto- tion. Stella’s emotional criminality proves
nio Chavira’s masterful turn as Blanche’s how necessary the Sexual Revolution was.
brutal brother-in-law, Stanley Kowalski. Surpassing Kim Hunter’s Oscar-winning
Chavira balances Stanley’s manic fluctua- turn in the terrific yet compromised 1951
tions between visceral aggression and fe- film, Rice is maddeningly accurate, as
ral vulnerablilty like a master pianist. The Stella rationalizes her sister’s undoing to
role’s trap is overplaying the aggression, keep her man.
but Chavira never is snared. It also owes Brian Keane wrenches as Mitch,
to Miller-Stephany certifying that Blanche Blanche’s suitor, who self-destructively
and her sister, Stella (Stacia Rice), are and stupidly vomits his unexamined Puri-
oblivious to the ethnic and classist slurs tanism onto her when confronted by igno-
they systematically shoot his way, like rant, erotophobic, male-driven gossip.
throwing gasoline on a fire. The stage glistens with sublime small-
I question the Marlon Brando cult at- role performances—like those by Ann
tached to Stanley, because the actor’s hot, Michels, Beth Gilleland, and Richard
naked torso made sexism sexy. It’s not that Reeder.

The Triumph of Love. Photo by Cody Baldwin

> Arts & Entertainment

Lauding Leather Life

Interview with Steve Lenius
[ by E.B. Boatner ]

I’ve always tried to write about some- for it is in the “What’s your LPT (Leather
thing no one else is writing about, or some- Personality Type)?” column. People as-
thing everyone else is writing about, but in sume a Master is a confident, competent,
a unique way—like former Senator Larry and capable person, and they often assume
Craig’s run-in at the Minneapolis Airport’s slaves are weak and/or ineffectual. In real-
men’s room. The spin I put on it was: “Of ity, a slave can be as strong and confident
course I believe you’re innocent. But now as the Master they serve—they just express
that you’ve had a taste of society’s ho- their strength in a different way.
mophobia, why don’t you use your position
in the Senate to do something about it?” You mentioned having been in an
abusive relationship. What would you
Does “Your Humble Columnist” tell others who are in one?
come from your “preacher’s kid” back- Just to be clear, I was in an abusive re-
ground, or are you naturally modest? lationship before I got into leather. No one
I’m not naturally modest. For years, I deserves to be abused. There are support
would alternate between feeling I was the resources available, and I would encourage
greatest and the worst person who ever an abused person to reach out for help. I’m
lived—feelings my upbringing as a “preach- grateful for everyone who helped me get out
er’s kid” probably intensified. I’ve had to of my abusive situation. One possible advan-
learn humility, and I’m still learning. Part tage for someone in the leather community is
Photo Courtesy of Steve Lenius of the “your humble columnist” moniker is that other community members tend to have
a reminder to me of how I want my writ- a pretty good understanding of the differ-
ing—and myself—to be perceived. As long ence between healthy and unhealthy kinds of

steemed Lavender “Leather as I keep in mind that the community is the power exchange in relationships, and if they
Life” columnist Steve Lenius’s hero—not me—I can write what needs to be see abusive behavior, they’re more likely to
recently published Life, Leather written without my ego getting in the way. say something about it.
and the Pursuit of Happiness: Life,
History and Culture in the Leath- Bootblacks? The new International Mr. Leather
er/BDSM/Fetish Community gathers writ- Bootblacks are the leather community’s (IML) winner is transgender and wheel-
ings from 15 years of leather lore. unsung heroes. On one level, they’re just chair-bound. Comment?
Lavender spoke with Lenius about this putting polish on boots, but for a bootblack I’d say: “Tyler McCormack is a trans
stellar achievement. and his or her customers, it’s anything but man who uses a wheelchair.” He is also the
drudgery. Bootblacks care deeply, and take current International Mr. Leather, which is
How did you come to the Leather pride in elevating boot polishing to a sci- great. But it’s not great because he’s trans or
Life? ence, a craft, an art, and a service. And then, because he uses a wheelchair. It’s great be-
Having been attracted to and scared of there’s the sensuality of having someone cause the judges decided Tyler was the best
leather for years, in 1993, I decided to in- polish your boots, or polishing someone’s man among this year’s contestants to be
vestigate. By 1994, I was competing in the boots for them. For many, it becomes its the community’s standard-bearer. During
July 30-August 12, 2010

International Mr. Drummer Contest in San own “scene.” the contest, his speech got by far the big-
Francisco, then began writing “Leather gest ovation of the evening, so he didn’t just
Life” for Lavender. Your humble columnist, The dynamic in Master/slave rela- win the judges over—he won the crowd,
now your humble author. tionships? too. I think he’ll have a great year, and I
I mention the Master/slave relationship think there will be a lot of education and
Do you have a favorite theme? several times, but I think the best shorthand consciousness-raising.

Comment on the “community” aspect
of the Leather community. You’ve really
assigned them full tribal status, with cus-
toms, a banner, oral and written histories.
Outsiders may just think, “Gang.”
People who see leather, and think,
“gang,” are still under the influence of
Brando in The Wild One. Sometimes, it’s
fun to be perceived as intimidating when
I’m wearing my leather, but I think it’s
more fun to show people that I’m not
that different from them. As I say in the
book, we all have the same basic needs and
wants. Some of us simply have more col-
orful ways of expressing them. In the case
of the leather/BDSM/fetish community,
we express ourselves, our tribe, and our
culture through our apparel, our leather
pride flag, our history as preserved at the
Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago,
our events and gatherings. It’s a colorful
and fascinating community, which made it
easy to capture in what I hope is a colorful
and fascinating book.

Tell us a bit about how the book

was conceived and designed—it’s re-
ally your baby!
I didn’t want to just take a bunch of
columns, and publish them, so I arranged
these pieces, written over 15 years, to
present a coherent picture of contempo-
rary leather/BDSM/fetish life. I wanted
to paint an enduring portrait for members
and members-to-be—a book to present
the leather community in the best light,
produced to the highest standards. Our
community deserves to have its literature
presented professionally. I’ve spent over
35 years as a typographer and graphic de-
signer, involved in the production of other
authors’ books, and thought it was time I
used those skills on a book of my own.

For more information, visit <www.lifeleather>.

Life, Leather and the Pursuit of Happiness:

Life, History and Culture in the Leather/

BDSM/Fetish Community
Steve Lenius
Nelson Borhek Press

Arts & Entertainment > On the Record [ by Ed Huyck ]

The ArchAndroid Here’s to Taking It Easy High Violet Night Work


If you are going to start your After recording a collec- Albums can make an im- The Scissor Sisters push
album with a faux overture, tion of Willie Nelson covers, mediate impact, or some- their inner Pet Shop Boys
you had better bring the Matthew Houck returns times, they creep up on you. much more to the fore on
goods. Thankfully, indie- to his own muse on Phos- I knew I liked what I heard album number three, pro-
spirited R&B artist Monea phorescent’s sixth album. from High Violet, but it ducing a largely electronic
does just that on this epic- The collection of country/ wasn’t until I spent a couple album packed with danceable
in-a-good-way release that is folk hits the summer sweet of hours in my garden beats and outsized passion. It
one of the true highlights of spot—this is music for the listening to the album on probably is experienced best
the summer. Slipping with back porch, old dog optional. repeat while weeding that I on a sweaty dance floor than
ease and evident glee among Unlike the group’s breakout, realized just how great this in the comfort of your living
genres—hip-hop, traditional 2007’s Pride, Houck is joined collection by the National is. room, but still has its pop
soul, modern R&B, rocking by the full band here. What Loaded with dark imagery moments—from the pulsing
dance music—Monea isn’t may be lost in intimacy is and heavy emotions, High opening of the title track to
one to be confined by expec- made up by stellar playing, Violet is the kind of collec- the Kraftwerk-like elec-
tations. After all, infectious and that unique vibe only tion that gives indie rock tronics of “Skin this Cat.”
opening single “Tightrope” a live band can provide. At a good name. Led by Matt Throughout, frontman Jake
moves from modern dance times, the album sounds like Berninger’s deep baritone, Shears doesn’t just bring sex-
groove complete with a rap a lost relic from the middle and a musical style focused ual heat, but continues with
by Outkast’s Big Boi to a 1970s, when rockers like mainly on songwriting the band’s sly sense of humor.
funky soul provided by a real Neil Young moved freely rather than gimmicks, the What’s missing is the sense of
live horn section. Compare from genre to genre, mold- album takes us into a moody adventure that powered some
this to the acid-drenched ing a new sound that was world where the displaced of the band’s earlier tracks—a
heaviness of “Mushroom & much more than just “coun- (the band moved to New cover of Pink Floyd, or the
Roses” that brings to mind try rock.” Not to push the York from Cincinnati) try to folk influence on “I Can’t
P-Funk doing a Led Zeppelin Young thing too far, but “Los find their grounding amid Decide.” Oh, sure, you
cover. Speaking of P-Funk, a Angeles” is an out-of-control layers of confusion. That have Ian McKellen giving
distinct Clintonesque tone is guitar solo away from being comes out on songs like an overheated monologue at
evident, as the album is Parts a Crazy Horse outtake. Then “Little Faith” and “Blood- the end of “Invisible Light,”
2 and 3 of a suite inspired by again, Phosphorescent is buzz Ohio.” While the latter but those moments are too
Metropolis. Then again, while still their own band, using has become familiar by con- few and far between. The
July 30-August 12, 2010

science fiction trappings the musical tools provided stant play, it hasn’t lost any band reportedly scrapped the
galore are here, it all comes by others to craft something of its impact—and that goes original recordings for the
down to the brilliant per- unique and absolutely engag- for the rest of the album. album—one wonders what
forming, singing, and songs. ing. Phosphorescent will be The National will be at First they may have had. The Scis-
Monea will be at First Avenue at the Cedar Cultural Center Avenue on August 5-6 sor Sisters will be at Epic on
on September 23. on August 3. September 4.


Bar Advertiser Guide | Bartender Spotlight |
[ by George Holdgrafer ]

3rd A
l Av
W n tra Hennepin Ave. Larpenteur Ave. Larpenteur Ave.
as Ce

Dale St.

Snelling Ave.
05 1s
02 n A t St
. ve . N Minnehaha Ave.
ve. pin . . Univ
1st A 06 ne ersit
Hen 03
15 ve. 08 y Av
S t. ll et A
01 o University Ave. t.
Nic 09 hS

26th Ave. S.
Selby Ave. Ro

Lake St. tS
04 Grand Ave. t.

01 19 BAR 08 TICKLES
19 W. 15th St., Mpls. 420 S. 4th St., Mpls.
(612) 871-5553 (612) 354-3846
Shoot pool or play darts at your neighborhood bar------ <>

the Twin Cities’s oldest GLBT establishment. Live Piano Music. Full-Service Menu, Happy Hour, DAVID
Sports on 10 Flat-Panel TVs, Pool, Darts.
422 Hennepin. Ave., Mpls.
(612) 332-RAIL (7245) 09 TOWN HOUSE
<> 1415 University Ave. W., St. Paul
Completely remodeled elegant lounge featuring variety
(651) 646-7087 WHO
of entertainment: live piano, karaoke, male dancers. David
Fun neighborhood bar with a great mix of men and
women. Karaoke. Drag shows.
719 N. Dale St.
St. Paul, MN (651) 487-5829 Recipe: Raspberry Breeze
Areanna Coale, proprietor. Opening soon. 1 part Stoli Razberi
An eclectic enigma filled with joy and happiness. 1 part 7UP
Everyone welcome!


Superior 1 part soda
Top with cream
2919 Hennepin Ave., Mpls Garnish with a mint leaf
(612) 824-6300
Somerset• Wisconsin
Daily Happy Hour 4-6 PM. 1/2 price beer, sushi,
spring rolls. $4 signature martinis. Bottomless glasses WHEN
of wine! Wed.-Thu. • 2-8 PM
Sat.-Sun. • Noon-8 PM
05 GAY 90’S
408 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.
(612) 333-7755
Upper Midwest’s Largest Gay Entertainment 235 Main St. Town House
Complex. Serving reasonably priced menu in main Somerset, WI (715) 247-2668 1415 University Ave. W., St. Paul
bar Wednesday-Sunday. <> (651) 646-7087
1111 Hennepin Ave., Mpls. WI THE FLAME
(612) 332-9963 1612 Tower Ave., Superior
The New York Chic of Minneapolis. Gladius God-
(715) 395-0101 WHY
<> “Stability—GLBT for 41 years. Fun.
desses Tuesday. Killer B's Karaoke Wednesday.
Good company. Good friends.”
213 E. 4th St., St. Paul 1217 Tower Ave., Superior
July 30-August 12, 2010

(651) 225-GLBT (4528) (715) 392-1756

<> <>
Rumours: hottest dance club with fabulous DJs.
Innuendo: casual, intimate "Cheers" ambience for
quiet conversation.


Bar Scene > Bar Showcase [ Photos by George Holdgrafer ]

GAY 90'S
July 21
July 30-August 12, 2010


Bar Scene > Lavender Lens [ Photos by George Holdgrafer ]


June 27


Gay 90's 19 Bar

Brass Rail

Gladius Gay 90's Pride Brunch

July 30-August 12, 2010

Bar Scene > Lavender Lens [ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]


July 11

Bar Scene > Lavender Lens [ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]

Town House
July 15
July 30-August 12, 2010

Bar Scene > Lavender Lens [ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]


Brass Rail
July 16

Bar Scene > Bar Calendar
For club addresses, phone numbers, and Web
sites, see “Bar Advertiser Guide” on page 36. FRIDAY, JULY 30 10 PM. Retro Bar. Gay 90’s.
For events not at bars, see <LavenderMagazine.
com/calendar>. Gary Collins
5 PM. Tickles. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6
Mia Dorr Gary Collins
9 PM. Tickles. 5 PM. Tickles.
Drag Show
SATURDAY, JULY 31 Benefits Imperial Court of
Carlita Santiago Candidate Minnesota
Fundraiser 8 PM. Gladius.
Imperial Court of Minnesota
Benefit for The Aliveness Project SATURDAY, AUGUST 7
8 PM. Gladius. Lip Service
Jeff Olson 9 PM. Town House.
9 PM. Tickles.
Pajama Party

Benefits One Heartland
July 30-August 12, 2010


July 30-August 12, 2010

Cuisine > Off the Eaten Path


[ by Heidi Fellner ]

f you haven’t been to The Sample Room pleased to report the new menu has delivered on
lately, put it back on your list of restaurants its promise. With the kitchen now in the hands
to try. It has been a year since I last was of Executive Chef Matt Paulson and Sous Chef
there, but the promise of an overhauled Adam Beal, what once was a solid neighborhood
menu, along with a renewed dedication restaurant has blossomed into a destination. The
to local and artisanal products, were lure new menu is playful and exuberant, plus it reveals
enough for this ranch-raised foodie. I am a striking attention to detail.
(Above) Wine Flights, sample of three wines. (Below) Seared Halloumi with watermelon, mint, and balsamic reduction. Photos by Hubert Bonnet

> Off the Eaten Path

Shrimp and Crab Gazpacho—tomatoes, cucumber, cilantro, and Mezcal, served with blue tortilla chips. Dining area.

Begin with a cheese plate…or three. server is your best resource for matchmak- ing with richer meats.
We had two Chef’s Select ($5.95) cheeses, ing perfection. With the Spanish sheep’s- Red Curry Pork Shanks ($9) are pure
which at the time included a dreamy Span- milk manchego, dry Spanish Juan Gil heaven—falling off the bone, garlicky, and
ish manchego drizzled with a homemade ($9.50/$38) was a natural. Verdillac White everything a girl could wish for. Between
molasses and sprinkled with micro greens, Bordeaux ($8.50/$29) proved the perfect mouthfuls, and as I was tipping back the apt
and a brilliantly briny halloumi. Warm companion to the Camembert. Fresh, crisp and accommodating Surly Bender ($5.25),
Camembert ($6.50) is a menu staple for a Cakebread Cellars Chardonnay ($16/$62) my dining partner picked that precise mo-
reason—one can’t go wrong with melted did something quite spectacular to the al- ment to out me to the kitchen staff as be-
Camembert atop sweet caramelized onions. ready-impressive halloumi, letting its light ing of Jewish descent. I took a moment
July 30-August 12, 2010

A cheese course is the perfect opportunity briny taste and crumbly curd-like texture to swallow before deciding I didn’t really
to appreciate this from-scratch kitchen’s shine, but refreshing the palate between mind the wide eyes. The truth is, we never
inventiveness. Order the Chef’s Select, and salty bites. If your eye wanders toward kept that kosher in my family of origin, and
if it pleases you, then it frees your hand to the meat plates, order Don David Malbec my mother experimented with the cloven-
order more of Paulson’s innovations. ($10.50/$42). Some excellent Argentinian hoofed meat from time to time. I don’t eat it
The Sample Room always has taken its malbecs are produced these days, and the often myself, but that’s all part of the taboo
wine and beer pairings seriously, and your newly popular grape has a talent for work- fun when you can get your hands on ex-


Braised Red Curry Pork Shanks with cilantro gremolata. Wild Mushroom Ragout on Polenta, topped with a touch of pumpkin seed and truffle oils.

cellent pork. If you never have had what I a hit with chefs and diners for humane ani- ness inherent in the wild mushrooms.
refer to as a “pork high,” refrain from eat- mal husbandry, quality, and safety. Sadly, The dessert menu also has been re-
ing it for a couple of months, then come to this small, family-run business is worried vamped. We tried Chocolate Flan Cake
The Sample Room, and order this dish. about new USDA guidelines that could ($6.50), and were glad we somehow man-
I also ate shellfish, for the record. Paul- threaten smaller enterprises such as its. aged to save room. The flan custard helped
son whipped up irresistible lobster, shrimp, Let’s hope the government treads care- keep this caramel and chocolate confection
and crab cannelloni, drizzling it in a cham- fully. It is quite clear when you taste the light and summery. A tart Pometini—or my
pagne-based sauce. I hope they make an ap- pork belly that these animals have been new favorite cocktail, the Ginger Lemon-
pearance on the menu soon. If not, I pray treated with love and respect from the mo- head martini ($10)—would be smashing
that Paulson has frequent access to those ment they were born until they arrive at after dinner.
ingredients. The same combination of your table. I would like to see the Fischers The Sample Room now boasts separate
shrimp, crab, and lobster landed Paulson a rewarded for their efforts. lunch, brunch, and dinner menus, which
seafood gazpacho with spicy chips. I could The savory portion of our meal conclud- include entrée-size plates. Bottom line: If
not imagine a more perfect dish for this ed with Wild Mushroom Ragout on Polenta you haven’t been to The Sample Room in
July 30-August 12, 2010

time of year. ($7.25). I am so glad I put my trust in Paul- a year, you haven’t been to The Sample
Follow with the succulent, must-order son’s hands, because this truffle oil-infused Room.
Pork Belly Confit with ponzu sauce ($5.25), dish was on par with the cannelloni, the pork
which is clearly one of Paulson’s favorites, belly, and the gazpacho. Pair the polenta The Sample Room
2124 Marshall St. NE, Mpls.
in part because it features the handiwork with subtle Marc Bredif Vouvray ($12/$48). (612) 789-0333
of Fischer Family Farms. Its products are Its fresh floral notes help balance the dark- <>


Sports & Leisure > Lavender Lens [ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]


July 30-August 12, 2010

Sports & Leisure > Lavender Lens [ Photos by Sophia Hantzes ]



The Network
Accounting & Computer Sales & Backtalk |
Bookkeeping Services____ Services________
______ [ by George Holdgrafer ]



Court of
Coronation XIX
Financial Services______ Founded in 1992, the Imperial Court
of Minnesota (ICOM) is a chapter of the
International Court System, established
in 1965 in San Francisco by Empress José
Sarria, the first openly gay person to run
for public office in the United States.
Over the past two decades, ICOM,
primarily a fund-raising organization, has
brought in hundreds of thousands of dol-
lars for myriad local charities such as The
Aliveness Project, as well as national ones
like the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
But ICOM has its fun side, too, with
plenty of crowns and gowns at events that
raise money as well. That will be most evi-
dent at its grandest spectacle of the year,
Coronation XIX, on August 14 at the

Funeral Services___ ___ Radisson Plaza Downtown Minneapolis.

Dignitaries from courts around the coun-
July 30-August 12, 2010

try will be in attendance. Partial proceeds

benefit the Harvey Milk Foundation.
ICOM is a monarchical organization,
meaning that an Emperor and Empress
elected each year preside over activities.
Currently, Steven Yorek and Roxie Hart
are running unopposed for Emperor XIX

The Network

Health & Wellness____ Home Services_______

and Empress XIX, respectively. How-
ever, they each must garner 51 percent
of the vote in an election on August 7 at
the Downtown Minneapolis Davanni’s,
which is open to the general public. If they
achieve the necessary percentage, they will
be crowned at Coronation XIX.
For more information, visit <>.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Health & Fitness_____

Sat., Aug. 7
1242 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.

Out-of-Town Show
Fri., Aug. 13
Doors Open 7 PM
Show 8-11 PM
Brass Rail
422 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.

Coronation XIX
Sat., Aug. 14
Doors Open 6 PM
Ceremony 6:59 PM
Fjords Ballroom
Radisson Plaza Downtown Mpls.
35 S. 7th St., Mpls.

Victory Brunch
Sun., Aug. 15
11 AM
Radisson Plaza Downtown Mpls.
Hospitality Atrium
35 S. 7th St., Mpls.

Victory Party/Show
Sun., Aug. 15
Party 3-7 PM
Show Follows
1111 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.

Home Services_______

The Network
Calendar |
Home Services_______ Insurance______ ______ [ ]

The Variety Showcase Show. Enjoy an evening of
some of our country’s best spoken word and special
surprises. Features National Individual Slam Cham-
pion Ed Mabrey, Thadra Sheridan, Spoken Word from
Dessa, and more. 10 PM. For ticket info, check out

Caffetto Arts and Crafts Fair. 40 local artists and ar-
tisans offer jewelry, bike accessories, bags, woodwork,
and more. Enjoy live music performances and food.
Aug. 1. Noon-6 PM. 708 W. 22nd St., Mpls. <www.fa>.
Paws on Grand. “Paws,” as in your little friends at
home, and “pause” to shop, dine, and conduct ser-
vices on the avenue. Sidewalk sales, dining, and
services for pet parents. Pets will be pampered with
treats galore. Select businesses will allow pets into
their stores. Come celebrate the dog days of summer
on St. Paul’s Grand Avenue. (651) 699-0029 or <www.>.

Courtesy of Grand Avenue Business Association

National Night Out. Celebrate the 27th annual Na-
tional Night Out, a unique crime/drug prevention
event sponsored by the National Association of Town
Watch. Heighten crime and drug-prevention aware-
ness, as well as support local anticrime awareness.
Nine Nights of Music. Observe National Night Out
with Vic Volare and the Fabulous Volare Lounge Or-
chestra, with the sounds of Sinatra, Darin, and more.
It’s the perfect ambience for a 1940s-era evening on
the plaza. Minnesota’s multicultural music community
gathers for free outdoor performances. Minnesota
History Center. 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. , St. Paul. (651)
259-3000. <>.

Mill City Live: 757’s. This week’s band plays loose,
straight-ahead, two-guitar, roaring rock that lives up
to its airplane namesake. Next up on Aug. 12: Idle
Hands, putting the “it” in Brit Rock. Admission in-
cludes the concert and entrance to the museum from
4-9 PM. Food and drink by D’Amico Catering for
purchase. The event continues every Thursday night
through Aug. 19. 704 S. 2nd St., Mpls. (612) 341-
7555. <>.

Glamorama 2010. Explore fashion through the music
of Macy Gray and Eric Hutchinson. This year’s show
unites fashion, fantasy, music, and magic in a runway
style. The annual event benefits Children’s Cancer
Research Fund®. 2010 designers: Jean Paul Gaultier,
Just Cavalli, Marc Jacobs, Versace, and more. 8 PM,
July 30-August 12, 2010

Orpheum Theatre, 805 Hennepin Ave., Mpls. (612)

339-7007. <>.

Fabulosity. The Midwest Divas partner with The Min-
nesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA MN) for the
first annual Fabulosity: A Shopping, Pampering and
Networking Experience. A percentage of the pro-

The Network

ceeds goes to MOCA MN. The event, with many won-

derful offerings for women, is hosted by the W Hotel
Medical Services_____ Psychotherapy_______
(Foshay Tower), 821 Marquette Ave., Mpls. Noon-7
PM. <>.

Caribbean On the St. Croix. This 14th annual river
cruise party benefits Hope House, which provides as-
sisted care for people living with HIV/AIDS who no
longer are able to live independently. Enjoy the chef’s
choice buffet, raffle, and door prizes, plus dance to
music by Total DiscTracktion. 7-10 PM, boarding be-
gins 6 PM. FFI: Scott at (651) 351-0262.
Where’s My Tony? A new spoof cabaret celebrates
Broadway musicals and the categories you really
want to see performed at the annual awards show. It
showcases medleys from award-winning productions
including The Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Jersey
Boys, and more. Hennepin Stages Theatre, Lower
Level, 824 Hennepin Ave., Mpls. <www.HennepinThe>.


Courtesy of Hennepin Theatre Trust

Wicked. Something wicked this way comes…again.
The musical sensation known as Wicked is making its
way back to Minneapolis, with more than a monthlong
stay this time. It’s the story of the Wicked Witch of the
West. Find out the truth behind the fable. Through
Sept. 19. Orpheum Theatre, 910 Hennepin Ave., Mpls.
(800) 982-2787. <>.

Fargo-Moorhead Pride. Celebrate community, cul-
ture, and, of course, the gift of gay at this year’s Fargo-
Moorhead Pride. The event is seeking out volunteers.
Real Estate_________
If interested, or for more info, check out <www.pride>.

Tickets ON SALE
On Sale

Queen of Mean. Lisa Lampanelli returns to Minneap-

olis for a special one-night appearance, celebrating
the September 14 paperback release of her autobiog-
raphy, Chocolate, Please: My Adventures of Food, Fat
& Freaks. Prepare, as she takes insults to a whole new
level. Sept. 25, 8 PM. State Theatre, 805 Hennepin
Ave., Mpls. <>.
Rock of Ages. This five-time Tony-nominated musi-
cal stars Tony Award-nominee and American Idol

finalist Constantine Maroulis. In 1987, on the Sunset

Strip, a small-town girl met a big-city dreamer, and in
LA’s most legendary rock club, they fell in love to the
greatest songs of the ’80s. Runs Oct. 19-24 at the Or-
pheum Theatre. 910 Hennepin Avenue, Mpls. Tickets
now on sale. <>.

The Network
> Calendar
Real Estate_________ Say Thanks Day. Minnesotans celebrate at Harriet
Island in St. Paul, as we say “thanks” to Minnesota’s
service members, while enjoying a scenic Walk/5K
Run along the Mississippi River. Live music and great
food. Tickets $25 per person. Free for all military ser-
vice members and their immediate families, and chil-
dren under 12. What a great way to enjoy the day, and
support a great cause! Sign up now. <www.thankmn->.


The Fantasticks. It’s no surprise that this whimsi-

cal, poignant, and universal musical ran 42 years
Off-Broadway because of songs such as “Try to Re-
member” and “Soon It’s Going to Rain.” Audiences
have cared for the two young lovers and their warring
families for decades. You’ll enjoy it all even more in
the intimacy of Theater in the Round’s arena. Through
July 31. Theater in the Round Players, 245 Cedar Ave.,
Mpls. (612) 333-3010. <>.
The Music Man. Professor Harold Hill arrives in River
City, Iowa, with the intent of swindling the community.
He poses as a bandleader, and attempts to con the
locals before he skips town with cash. Watch the 70
Fridley Community Theatre actors, as they find good,
bad, and deceit in Mr. Hill. Through Aug. 1. <www.>.
The Mystery of Irma Vep. Help Jungle Theater
celebrate its 20th season with this outrageous, side-
splitting comedy by Charles Ludlam. This hilarious
send-up of Victorian melodrama and gothic romance
is the tale of a sympathetic werewolf, a vampire, and
an Egyptian princess. Laugh as murder and mayhem
break out. Through Aug. 1. Jungle Theater, 2951 Lyn-
dale Ave. S., Mpls. (612) 822-7063. <www.junglethe>.
Sawdust. Fame. Fortune. Glitz. Grit. Circus Juventas
presents a tale of two young men chasing a dream
during the golden era of traveling circuses. Features
performances by advanced youth joined by legendary
circus stars. Highlights traditional circus acts, including:
teeterboard, acrobatics, swinging trapeze, and more.
Through Aug. 15. Circus Juventas Big Top, 1270 Mon-
treal Ave., St. Paul, (612) 699-8229. Tickets for all re-
served seating on sale now. <>.

Courtesy of Circus Juventas

A Streetcar Named Desire. This play delivers an

unforgettable dramatic ride, filled with love, loss,
and the dream of what’s to come. In the heart of New
Orleans, Blanche DuBois arrives on the doorstep of
July 30-August 12, 2010

her younger sister, Stella, and her sister’s sexy, brut-

ish husband, Stanley. Watch as Stanley’s skepticism
boils about their new visitor, driving a deep wedge
between them. Through Aug. 2. Guthrie Theater, 818
S. 2nd St., Mpls. (612) 377-2224. <www.guthriethe>.

For more events, visit <


Accommodations Employment Political Therapeutic Massage
Whistle Stop Bed & Breakfast. Whether DIRECTOR OF CLINICAL SERVICES - A GLBT URGENT CALL TO ACTION: R & R STUDIO. A rub above the rest. Offering
you’re planning a business trip, honeymoon, Tubman is seeking a Director of Clinical AUG.10-VOTE TO eliminate aggressively Therapeutic Massage. SPECIAL: $60/hour or
observing an anniversary, or just an “escape” Services. Lic. MA level in social work, psy., Anti-GLBT & Anti-Same-Sex Marriage GOP $75/1.5 hour. In/Out by appointment only.
from the ordinary, the Whistle Stop is at your marriage and family therapy, nursing, or Congressional Candidate Teresa Collett Convenient downtown location. Free parking.
service. New York Mills, MN (800) 328-6315, related field. Experience in MH and CH, from winning her GOP Primary Election for Ryan, (952) 261-4944. athleticbulldog2004@ Co-occurring evidence-based prac. & sys. 4th Congressional District by voting for Jack
of care. Min. 5 yrs exp sup clinical leadership Shepard. It’s the best way to respond to Teresa STRONG & RELAXING hands, resulting in
Employment staff. FT, DOQs, full benefits. Go to www. Collett’s National Campaign of Speeches bodywork at its best! Bruck, MT, DC in South for full announcement. Cover against the GLBT Community & Same-sex Minneapolis @ (612) 306-6323.
Letter & resume by 8/19/10 to HR, Tubman, Marriage is by voting for Jack Shepard only to FULL BODY DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE.
4432 Chicago Ave. So., Mpls, MN 55407 or to removing Teresa Collett ASAP. To guarantee Relax & Unwind from Head to Toe. Private
[email protected]. that Teresa Collett’s name is not on the Nov. S. Mpls Studio. Music, Candles, Jacuzzi, Full
2-Ballot! Bath. In/Out Calls. 7 days. 10am - 10pm. (612)
388-8993. Keith.
Health/Fitness ZENTRAL MASSAGE welcomes the GLBT
Psychotherapy community to a customized therapeutic
501 FIT. Strength with Class. Improve your massage, facial or body polish with a trained
life. Fun, Effective and Affordable Strength therapist. Music, hot towels and comfortable
Training Classes. Try “1” Class for FREE! 501 tables enhance your relaxation journey. (612)
Washington Ave. S. 3rd Fl., Minneapolis, MN. 369-8641.
Are you in crisis, feeling depressed or
(612) 767-4415. FULL BODY MASSAGE. Warm relaxing
struggling with life? Do you need to talk to
atmosphere, Minneapolis. Hour Massage
a mental health professional now? Call Tris
Help Wanted Casciaro, MA LPC, 1-866-864-8924. Accepts
$60.00. Shower Available. (612) 219-6743. 7
days a week, 10 am - 10 pm. Therapist: 5’10,
Free Arts Minnesota: looking for volunteers 167#, 32 waist.
IRENE GREENE, MSEd, Psychotherapist:
to work with abused, neglected, at-risk BORING...BORING...BORING !!! Sick of
24 years experience. Individual, Couples
children using art and mentorship. Time boring, mediocre sessions? This time...get
Counseling, Mediation. Life changes,
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relationship, gender, sexuality, parenting,
information, Hannah, (612) 824-2787. www. with a hot, talented masseur! These sessions
anger, anxiety, depression. Coming Out, are very unique, extremely erotic, totally
Sexual Abuse, DID Groups. Sliding fee.
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Professional, nonjudgmental, confidential.
details (no pressure to hire) - you’re gonna
Home Furnishing (612) 874-6442. [email protected].
love this! Kevin, (612) 229-0001.

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11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Wed: 1 - 8pm. Thurs-Fri
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FLAMINGOS • An Occasional Sale • Next
sale: Wednesday - Sunday, August 11-15,
10am - 6pm, 3404 Cedar Ave. Minneapolis,
MN (612) 767-4548.

Home Services
Handyman Services Available for your
Summer Projects. Professional. Insured.
Oriel Flores, (612) 385-2102.

House Cleaning
TERRY LIDDELL, Residential cleaning.
Dependable - Honest. Excellent references.
Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, flexible
schedules. [email protected]. Call
Terry: (612) 834-4887.
The Maids Home Services gives you the
healthiest, most thorough housecleaning,
guaranteed! Supervised teams, bonded,
insured, environmentally safe cleaning
products are why Nobody Outcleans The
Maids. Free estimates (952) 929-6243. www.
Spacious, newly-remodeled turn-of-century
SERVICE. $40 discount for first time
lower-level duplex / two bedroom / 1605
customers. GREEN DARLENE. Professional
Dupont Avenue North / classic-revitalized
staff-bonded and insured. Budget friendly to
neighborhood one mile to new stadium:
bring you a sparkling clean. Free estimates.
hardwood floors, laundry, parking, $895/heat.
(612) 232-6573.
(952) 996-9479.

Photographers Spa Services

Rogue Photography has a unique vision The Tranny Factory @ The Spa. Complete
and is passionate about her photography. Makeovers for Men becoming Women.
Call Ann for your family portraits, weddings, [email protected]. (612) 986-4929.
senior pics, pets, and real estate listings. (612) Private-Supportive-Affordable makeup-nails-
308-1488. wardrobe-hair-waxing.

Community Connection

Community Connection brings visi-

bility to local GLBT-friendly non-prof-
Co-op Living. Library History Theatre
Plays and musicals that illuminate the
Old Town in Town Co-op. Quatrefoil Library
it organizations. To reserve your list- Your GLBT Library with stacks of DVDs, broad American experience,
1 to 3 bdrms from $650-$1,225. www.
ing in Community Connection, call books, and magazines. celebrating local legends, rock
612-436-4698 or email advertising@ (612) 209-2045 Ask
Check out our online catalogue. icons, and everyday people. about Move In Specials!
1619 Dayton Ave., No. 105 30 East 10th Street
St. Paul, MN St. Paul, MN
Education (651) 641-0969 (651) 292-4323
Art Institutes International
Addiction & Treatment Minnesota
Hazelden Helping prepare students for careers in the Literacy Jungle Theater
Providing comprehensive treatment, visual and practical arts. The Loft Literary Center
Where writers learn from other writers. Professional theater producing
recovery solutions. Helping people reclaim 15 South 9th Street
their lives from the disease of addiction. Visit for classes, events, contemporary and classic works in an
Minneapolis, MN intimate setting in the Lynlake neighborhood.
P.O. Box 11 conferences, and more.
(612) 332-3361 1011 Washington Ave S. Suite 200 2951 Lyndale Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN
15251 Pleasant Valley Rd Center City, MN
(800) 257-7800 Open Book Minneapolis, MN (612) 822-7063
(612) 215-2575
AIDS/HIV & Treatment Events
Aliveness Project, The Minneapolis Bike Tour [email protected] Minneapolis Musical Theatre
Community Center for Individuals Living Annual bike ride in September supporting “Giving Voice to the Human Experience” -
with HIV/AIDS -- On-site Meals, Food Minneapolis Parks. Fully supported route, Media & Communications New and Rarely-Seen Musicals.
Shelf and Supportive Services. refreshments and music in finish area. Minnesota Public Radio
Providing in depth news coverage, 8520 W. 29th St.
730 East 38th St. Minneapolis, MN 2117 West River Rd. Minneapolis, MN
(612) 824-LIFE (5433) classical music and emerging artists
Minneapolis, MN on our three regional services. (612) 605-3298
(612) 230-6400 (651) 290-1212
HIM Program
One of the Red Door Services of the
[email protected] Minnesota Orchestra
Hennepin County Public Health Clinic. Radio K 770
525 Portland Ave. 4th Floor Led by Music Director Osmo Vänskä, the
Red Ribbon Ride Radio K is the award-winning student-run Minnesota Orchestra, one of America’s
Minneapolis, MN radio station of the University of Minnesota
(612) 348-9100 Four-day Bike Ride in July Benefiting leading symphony orchestras.
330 21st Ave. S. Eight HIV/AIDS Service Organizations 610 Rarig Center 1111 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN in Minnesota. University of Minnesota (612) 371-5656 (800) 292-4141 4457 3rd Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN (612) 822-2110 (612) 625-3500 Northrop
MAP AIDSline Presenting world-class entertainment
MAP AIDSLine is the confidential Fitness Museum in the heart of the Twin Cities.
statewide toll-free HIV information Walker Art Center 84 Church St. SE
and referral service. YWCA of Minneapolis
Internationally recognized as a leading Minneapolis, MN
1400 Park Ave. Minneapolis, MN Healthy Me. Healthy Community. venue for the presentation of the art of
(612) 373-AIDS (metro) or Co-ed, full-service health clubs. Business Office: (612) 625-6600
our time.
(800) 248-AIDS (statewide) Locations in Downtown, Midtown 1750 Hennepin Ave. Ticket Office: (612) 624-2345
[email protected] and Uptown Minneapolis, MN 2808 Hennepin Avenue South (612) 375-7600
Minneapolis, MN One Voice Mixed Chorus
Park House (612) 874-7131 Passionate about building community
Day Health / Mental Health Treatment Performing Arts and creating social change by raising our
Program for Adults Living with HIV/AIDS. Ballet of the Dolls voices in song.
710 E. 24th Street, Suite 303 Resident Company of Newly Renovated
Minneapolis, MN Health & Wellness Ritz Theater. Twin Cities first year-round
732 Holly Ave. Ste. Q Saint Paul, MN
(651) 298-1954
(612) 871-1264 GLBTCALLITQUITS.COM dance-theater program.
If you’re ready to quit smoking, [email protected] 35 13th Ave. NE
park_house_home we’re here to support you. Minneapolis, MN
(612) 623-7660 Ordway Center for the Performing
(866) 434-9736 Arts
U of MN Research Studies
Looking for HIV+ and HIV- individuals Hosting, presenting, and creating
Rainbow Health Initiative
to participate in research studies. Flower Shop Project performing arts and educational
Working to improve the health of LGBTQ Producing new and local works of theatre
420 Delaware Street SE programs that enrich diverse audiences.
Minnesotans through education, clinical that are smart, ballsy and fundamentally
Minneapolis, MN 345 Washington St.
practice, outreach, and advocacy. RHI is entertaining. St. Paul, MN
(612) 625-7472
the lead agency for the MN Tobacco-free At Bryant-Lake Bowl & Patrick’s Cabaret (651) 224-4222
Art Galleries Lavender Communities. Minneapolis, MN
611-A West Lake Street (612) 388-8628
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis, MN
Enjoy Masterpieces From All Over The Park Square Theatre
World And Every Period Of Human (877) 499-7744 Creating entertainment that matters;
Guthrie Theater
History. Free Admission Daily! Come On In! Performances, Classes, transporting you to unique worlds through
2400 3rd Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN Dining, Tours. exceptional talent and masterful stories.
(612) 870-3000 818 South 2nd St. Minneapolis, MN 20 West Seventh Pl. Saint Paul, MN
July 30-August 12, 2010 Sexual Health Empowerment (612) 377-2224 (651) 291-7005

(S.H.E.) Clinic
Zeitgeist Arts Cafe Uninsured? Underinsured? Sexual Hennepin Theatre Trust
Duluth’s newest dining experience Orpheum, State and Pantages Theatres
offering contemporary American dining health services for female-bodied, queer- The Minnesota Opera
identified individuals provided on a sliding Twin Cities’ best live entertainment:
and full bar in an art-filled setting. Broadway shows, music concerts, America’s most exciting opera company -
222 E. Superior St. fee scale. comedy, dance and more! tickets start at just $20.
Duluth, MN 33 South 5th St. Minneapolis, MN 620 N. 1st St.
(218) 722-9100 Minneapolis, MN (612) 332-2311 (612) 673-0404 Minneapolis, MN (612) 342-9550

Backtalk > Dateland [ by Jennifer Parello ]

Children: A Cautionary Tale

Although I have no desire to have children myself, I of- me around,” he demanded. I did so, and he
endured the session joylessly.
ten have fantasized about getting involved with a single I don’t know if it was the weird kid or
mother. Being a stepmother seemed to have all the benefits the homicidal ex-girlfriend, but my infatu-
of motherhood without the hassles. You’d be the kid’s fun, ation with Leigh waned the moment I first
cool friend; the person they’d turn to when they needed stepped into her house. Still, I felt com-
pelled to sleep with her. So, one evening,
someone to talk some sense into their mother; and the adult when Billy was spending the night upstairs
who let them sneak sips of beer, and winked in commisera- at Carol’s apartment, I slept over.
tion when they needed money to buy condoms. I woke the next morning early, deter-
mined to get out of the house before Billy
returned home. While I was in the bath-
So, a couple of years ago, I was delighted I had come to the first date fully prepared room washing my face, I heard a door slam,
to develop a crush on a single mom. to buy his affection. But I didn’t remove the and tiny feet pounding down the hallway.
When I met Leigh, she told me she re- toy from my bag on that occasion, because The feet ran past the bathroom, but then
cently had resurfaced in the dating world I was fairly certain Carol would kill me if I
skidded to a stop. A small voice called into
after ending a long-term relationship. The made a move on her son.
the bathroom.
breakup was amicable. She and her former Billy accepted the gift without a thank-you.
lover shared custody of Billy, their son. He sat on the floor playing with it, ignoring
I froze.
Carol, her ex-girlfriend, lived upstairs, so my attempts to make conversation with him.
they both could see Billy every day. “Mommy? Mommy?”
Over the next few weeks, I left other
I met Carol on my first date with Leigh. presents with his mother to give to him. He I had no idea what to do. I prayed that
Carol greeted me at the door with a cold, must have viewed me as his own personal the kid would give up, and walk away.
deadly stare. She turned her back on me, Boo Radley, someone who was kept chained “Mommy?”
and walked inside without a word. Ob- to a drainpipe, and only emerged to leave “Yes,” I said finally.
viously, she had not been told that their small presents at his doorstep. “I love you,” he said in a singsong.
breakup was amicable. After a few weeks, Billy began to warm I stared at myself in the mirror, my eyes
I didn’t meet Billy until our third date. He up to me in that way a wild animal will if wide with panic.
possessed an unsettling stillness that made he thinks you are going to give him food. “Mommy? I love you,” he repeated.
him seem like a desperately unhappy middle- One day, he asked me to hold him upside He wasn’t going to leave without a re-
aged man squeezed into a little-boy body. down by the feet. Nothing playful about sponse.
I handed Billy the toy I had been carry- the request. Billy was all business. I dutiful- “I love you, too,” I said finally—not
ing with me since my first date with Leigh. ly picked him up by the feet. “Now, swing meaning a word of it.

Finally I’m going to meet Big Jack, the most Hi, Big Jack! I’m Jack. He’s Big Jack. Like the ventriloquist and his dummy!
famous porno actor. Hi. Je suis Jack. Lui, c’est Big Jack. Tel un ventriloque et sa marionnette!
Enfin, je vais faire la connaissance de Big Salut Big Jack!
Jack, l’acteur prono le plus célèbre. Salut.

Community Connection

Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus Edina Community Lutheran Church University Lutheran Church of Hope Grand Marais Area Tourism
An award-winning chorus that builds Upbeat, growing congregation committed Reconciling Congregation - All Are Association
community through music and offers to inclusion, justice, peace, community and Welcome. Social Justice Opportunities. Visit the North Shore's only harbor
entertainment worth coming out for! proclaiming God’s YES to all. Strong University Links - Questioning village - art, dining, shopping, outdoor
528 Hennepin Ave., Suite 307 4113 W. 54th St. Encouraged. Great Music. activities, the perfect escape.
Minneapolis, MN Edina, MN 601 13th Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN P.O Box 1048
(612) 339-SONG (7664) (952) 926-3808 (612) 331-5988 13 North Broadway Ave Grand Marais, MN
[email protected] (888) 922-5000
Hennepin Avenue United Westminster Presbyterian Church (218) 387-2524
Methodist Church A Covenant Network Congregation,
University of Minnesota Theatre Take a Spiritual Journey With Hennepin’s Working Toward a Church as Generous
Arts and Dance Faith Community Through Worship, and Just as God’s Grace. Palm Springs Bureau of Tourism
Educating artists and audiences through a diverse Education, Fellowship, Service, and More. Nicollet Mall at 12th St. Minneapolis, MN America's Gay Oasis is Beautiful
mix of performances on both land and water. 511 Groveland Ave. Minneapolis, MN (612) 332-3421
(612) 871-5303 Palm Springs.
U of M Theatre
330 21st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN
(612) 624-2345
Mayflower Community Congre-
Retirement Visit Minneapolis North Convention The Kenwood Retirement & Visitors Bureau
gational United Church of Christ Community
An open and affirming, peace with We take pride in helping individuals find
Pets/Pet Services justice church welcomes you.
Our full service retirement community the ideal location for events & celebrations.
Animal Humane Society 106 E. Diamond Lake Rd. provides Independent, Assisted Living and 6200 Shingle Creek Parkway, Suite 248,
Adoption, rescue, outreach, training, (I-35 & Diamond Lake Rd.) Short Term apartment rentals. Minneapolis, MN
boarding. Buffalo, Coon Rapids, Golden Minneapolis, MN 825 Summit Avenue, Minneapolis, MN (763) 566-7722 / (800) 541-4364
Valley, St. Paul and Woodbury. (612) 824-0761 (612) 374-8100
(763) 432-4527 Winneshiek County Convention &
Mount Olive Lutheran Church Sexual Health Visitors Bureau / Discover Decorah
Wildcat Sanctuary Ours is a welcoming parish, rich in music, Family Tree Clinic Refresh, rejuvenate, rekindle....whatever
A non-profit accredited sanctuary for over liturgy and opportunities to serve LGBTQ Health Matters at Family Tree! R&R you’re up for, the Decorah area is the
the community. Offering respectful, affordable sexual ultimate heaven
100 abandoned and abused bobcats,
3045 Chicago Ave. Minneapolis, MN health service to meet your needs. 507 West Water Street
tigers, leopards and more. 1619 Dayton Avenue
Sandstone, MN (612) 827-5919 Decorah, IA 52101 St. Paul, MN (800) 463-4692
(320) 245-6871 (651) 645-0478
Plymouth Congregational Church,
Politics & Rights Minneapolis
A Beacon of Liberal Theology. Progressive Man2Man
Human Rights Campaign Minnesota Zoo
Christianity, Traditional Setting & Service, Interactive events where guys talk to one Open year-round. More than 2,400
Advocates for all GLBT Americans, Social Action, The Arts & Music. another about being gay/bi, dating, animals to explore.
mobilizes grassroots action, invests 1900 Nicollet Ave. at Franklin sex, life!
Numerous special events.
strategically to elect fair-minded individuals. Minneapolis, MN Metro (612) 626-7937
(612) 871-7400 13000 Zoo Blvd.
P.O. Box 50608 Minneapolis, MN 1-800-552-8636 Apple Valley MN
(952) 431-9200
Spirit of Hope Social Organizations
Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans
Inclusion Wins. An Independent Catholic community. Imperial Court of Minnesota
At our table, all are welcome. Mass at P.O. Box 582417
115 Hennepin Ave. 5 PM Saturday evening. Fr. Marty
Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis, MN
Shanahan. Worship at: St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
OutFront Minnesota
2035 Charlton Rd
Sunfish Lake, MN
Social Justice
Community Shares of Minnesota
Delivering programs / services in the area Community Shares of Minnesota
of public policy, anti-violence, education raises funds and awareness for
and training, and law. St. Luke Presbyterian Church local organizations fighting for justice
310 E. 38th St., Ste. 204 We’re a joyful, compassionate community and equality.
Minneapolis, MN on a spiritual journey, seeking justice and 1619 Dayton Avenue, Suite 323
(612) 822-0127 peace. Join us. St.Paul, MN 3121 Groveland School Rd. (651) 647-0440
Wayzata, MN
(952) 473-7378
Twin Cities Pride Sports & Recreation
The third-largest national Pride celebration St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral Twin Cities Goodtime Softball
seeks sponsors, volunteers, and board Wherever you are on your faith journey... League (TCGSL)
members. Contact us today. St. Mark’s Welcomes You. Join 500 GLBT softball players as we
2021 East Hennepin Ave, Ste. 460 519 Oak Grove St. Minneapolis, MN celebrate 32 years of gay softball in
Minneapolis, MN (612) 870-7800 Minnesota.
(612) 305-6900 PO Box 580264 Minneapolis, MN
July 30-August 12, 2010

St. Paul-Reformation Lutheran

Religious & Spiritual Church with Wingspan Ministry
Central Lutheran Church Door County Visitor Bureau
We welcome all people to discover, Your Stories. Our Setting. Like Nowhere
of St. Paul-Reformation Church to the
celebrate and share the love of Christ. GLBTQA Community. Else. Door County, Wisconsin.
333 Twelfth St. S. 100 N. Oxford St. PO Box 406
Minneapolis, MN St. Paul, MN Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
(612) 870-4416 (651) 224-3371 (800) 52-RELAX (73529)[email protected]

Backtalk > Consider the Source [ by Julie Dafydd ]

Palm Off
Famous “butt-inski” Dear Abby devoted an entire column
recently to palm reading, which she belittled as a cheap par-
the need to be beaten and robbed by four
hookers who smelled like a landfill.
On this trip, I made a 2 AM decision (I’ve
lor game with no basis in science. always found that to be the ideal time to make
the really big ones) to have my palm read for
$20. Hey, I was going to lose it one way or the
That, of course, makes it totally unlike other: the palm reader or the four hookers in
offering a two-sentence solution to a com- their body-fluid-encrusted fishnets.
plete stranger who has a pen, a stamp, and The woman sat me down, grabbed my
some frightening problems. hand, and started babbling: “You will soon
Nevertheless, they wrote to her com- suffer a serious loss.”
plaining of being fleeced by palm readers. As she said it, I noticed one of her as-
The letters were so unbelievable that read- sistants rifling through my tote bag draped
ing the column left me shaking my head over the chair beside me. I quickly got up;
from side to side. That isn’t usually a big slammed the assistant’s sweaty head in a
deal, but I was being fitted for a partial den- desk drawer five or six times—hey, she was
ture at the time. big for an 8-year-old!—took back my wal-
Anyway, Abby dumped on palm readers. let; slipped it into my jeans back pocket;
And it was about time. Now, I’m not saying and sat down again.
all palm readers are crooks. Just some. A “OK”, the palm reader said in an eerie,
few. Three or four, tops. The rest are OK. almost mystical voice. “Maybe you won’t.”
(There, that ought to ward off any pesky Realizing now that she didn’t have the
round of lawsuits.) typical Bimbo Tourist seated in front of her,
But those three or four give all palm she began rattling off more routine, mun-
readers a bad name. Well, two bad names. dane stuff.
So, if you want to let a woman with a cigar “You will move up in the world.”
dangling from her mouth tell you what life She was technically correct on this one.
has in store for you, have at it. But first, you A month later, I was moved from the third
should understand it. floor to the fifth floor of my apartment
The science of palm reading is based building, so they could fumigate the third
on interpreting lines and wrinkles and food floor for bedbugs.
stains on your hand. “A tall, dark, and handsome man will
For example, a long line from the center from your hand. Occasionally, she removes briefly enter your life.”
of your wrist to the index finger signifies a finger as well. This is known in the palm Right again. Six weeks after she said
that the palm reader’s assistant is probably reading business as “oops!” that, a Chippendale dancer bitch-slapped
breaking into the trunk of your car. You seldom get the ring back, and the me after my pinky ring got caught in his
Two lateral lines almost always mean finger back only about half the time. And man-thong.
the assistant is yanking your new navigation losing a finger is a serious problem for most “A great feeling of freedom and open-
system from your dashboard. people, with the notable exception of the fa- ness will follow you wherever you go.”
And seven lines forming a full circle on mous “woman-scorned” victim, John Wayne I was all the way to Kennedy Airport be-
your palm mean your parents were very Bobbit, who shrugs off a thing like that. fore I realized that her damn assistant had
likely related. But let me tell you why I personally dis- cut the entire seat clear out of my jeans.

One of the oldest palm reading tricks like palm readers. Well, hey, consider the source. You just
is for the “reader” to squeeze your hand as About 20 years ago, I visited a friend in can’t trust those 8-year-olds.
she “gazes at your life.” At that moment, New York—Brooklyn, to be precise—which Bye for now.
she begins removing any valuable rings is something I used to do whenever feeling Kiss, kiss.

Ms. Behavior© |
[ by Meryl Cohn ]

Guilty Ex
Dear Ms. Behavior:
An ex of mine rolled back into town re-
cently. Terri always has been a handful in the
past, but this time, she turned up looking
good and clear-eyed. She told me that she
needed a job, and asked me to help her.
I always get sucked into helping, which
is why she asks me for assistance (instead
of any one of her dozen other exes). Any-
way, I manage a retail shop (souvenirs),
so I recommended Terri to my boss. We
needed someone to fill in a few nights a
week, so it seemed like a perfect fit.
The problem is that right after Terri start-
ed working in the store, I found out (from
the newspaper) she recently was arrested and
convicted for shoplifting. It had no details
about what she stole, or from whom.
I am baffled about what to do with the
information. I never have known her to be
a shoplifter, but I can’t say I’m totally sur-
prised, either.
Anyway, should I confront Terri, and
insist that she tell me what happened, or
is it none of my business? If she promises
that she never will shoplift again, should
I believe her? Am I obligated to warn my
boss or is that unfair? Am I supposed to
be extra-loyal, just because we were once
girlfriends (seven years ago)?
—Guilty Ex

Dear Guilty Ex:

That Terri is your ex complicates
things emotionally, but is otherwise irrel-
evant. Your direct action (hiring Terri) has
put someone else (your boss) in jeopardy,
so you need to mitigate the risk.
Most of the time, activities that happen
outside of work are nobody’s business, as
long as they are legal, and don’t harm the
company’s reputation.
Teachers, politicians, and certain civic
employees may not get away with posting
photos of their bare butts on Facebook, but
retail employees generally are up against
fewer rules. They can blog with impunity
about drunken dancing with strippers and
July 30-August 12, 2010

thugs, and describe spitting nickels from

various orifices every Friday night.
Shoplifting, however, does not fall into
this category, because it means the em-
ployee is a thief, as opposed to just a psycho
partier who is letting off a little steam. So,
if you’re the one who brings a convicted

thief to your boss’s store, you can’t claim
it’s none of your business.
Because you don’t know exactly why
Terri was arrested, it’s best to talk with her
about it.
Did she steal things like pencils, mon-
ey, or her coworkers’ bagged lunches from
her previous job? Or, did she hang around
the Prada outlet, shoving sunglasses and
wallets into her underwear? Was this her
first time or is she a chronic shoplifter?
Even if Terri swears she never will steal
again, how could you trust her? If your
souvenir store sells things like jewelry and
cameras, or other small and easily con-
cealed items, guarding these things would
prove challenging.
How could you possibly detect all
losses in a foolproof manner, without con-
ducting a cavity search? Performing such a
search on an ex could be awkward.
In any case, let Terri know that you
can’t keep secrets about her shoplifting.
Ultimately, you’ll need to talk to your
boss. She’s the one who will need to decide
whether to let the little magpie stay on.

Dear Ms. Behavior:

I read your column, and I wanted to
respond to the recent letter from “Pained
I as a gay man have been in that situ-
ation. Your remarks were right on the
mark. I was engaged to a woman, broke
it off, and finally decided to come out of
the closet.
My mother thought it right still to
have a relationship with the woman I was
engaged to. How could I say no to that?
My mother told me that she had a right,
as their relationship was a “one-on-one,”
and did not include me. I accepted that
So, I hope that “Pained Mom” still has
that relationship with the “other half.”
She has every right to have that. I hope
her daughter realizes that. It is not easy
for our parents to continue those relation-
ships once ours is done, but they may, and
they can! We as the “hurt” or “hurting”
half need to realize that.

David S. Wicklander
© 2010 Meryl Cohn. Address questions and correspondence
to <[email protected]>. She is the author of Do What I Say:
Ms. Behavior’s Guide to Gay and Lesbian Etiquette (Houghton
Mifflin). Signed copies are available directly from the author.

Yellow Pages > Advertiser Index

Adult Minneapolis Bike Tour... 35 Uptown Dermatology Mortgage

Hardline Gay Chat........ 65 Minnesota Zoo .............. 45 & SkinSpa ....................... 57 Gleason, Pat ................... 9
Megaphone ................... 64 Park Tavern Bowling Vader, Kathy................... 57 Grunewald, Mark .......... 27
& Entertainment Center . 9 Lozinski, David ............... 21
Arts & Entertainment Out at the Movies .......... 3 Home Services
Art Institutes International Summer of Pride ............ 21 4 Quarters Design & Optical
Minnesota ...................... 27 Build ................................ 24 Specs Appeal................. 17
Ordway Center for Financial A -Z Electric ................... 56
the Performing Arts ........ 31 Harbor Group Inc. ........ 5, 54 Berglin Flores Fine Organizations
The Kids Are All Right .... 33 Moltaji, Roya .................. 11 Art & Design ................... 33 The Aliveness Project ..... 21
Uptown Art Fair ............. 11 Palm, Karen .................... 7 Good Stuff Moving ....... 56 Ameriprise Financial ...... 68
ROR Tax Professionals .. 54 Granite Transformations 55
Automotive Wells Fargo Bank .......... 11 Hi-Tech Installations ....... 56 Pet Products & Services
LaMettry’s Collision ....... 21 Matt’s Tree Service ........ 56 Animal Humane
Morrie’s Mazda ............ 7 Floral & Garden Personal Pride Society ........................... 17
Landscape Junction ....... 55 Construction ................... 55 Larpenteur Animal
Bars & Nightlife Tangletown Gardens ..... 25 R. Davis Construction, Hospital .......................... 17
Bar Advertiser Guide .... 36 Inc. .................................. 55
19 Bar ............................. 41 Ryan’s Tree Care ........... 56 Pharmacies
Funeral Services
Brass Rail ........................ 38 Seal King ........................ 54 BioScrip Pharmacy ........ 5
Johnson Hannah,
Coale’s ........................... 43 Barbara ......................... 54 Soderlin Plumbing, Heating
Fusion: Restaurant & Air Conditioning ......... 55 Real Estate & Rentals
SOS Homecare ............. 55 Bowker, Kent .................. 58
Bar Lounge ..................... 41 Gifts
The Tile Shop ................. 26 Calfee, David ................. 58
Gay 90’s ....................... 39 Fantasy Gifts .................. 13
Twin City Heating Farinella, Marilyn .......... 58
Gladius ........................... 42
and Air............................ 24 Haubrich Homes............ 58
Innuendo ........................ 42 Grocery Stores........ ......... 58
Tickles ............................. 38 Wedge Co-op ................ 49
Town House .................. 40 Insurance Groff, Wayne ................. 58
American Family Leviton, Ann .................... 57
Health, Wellness &
Beauty & Relaxation Insurance ........................ 7 McGee, Michael ........... 27
Recovery Baldwin, Davina ............ 56
Anew Aesthetic Ruzick, Amy & Johnson,
Advanced Foot and
Medical Center .............. 6 Wagner Insurance-Financial Kay.................................. 21
Ankle Care ..................... 8 Services .......................... 56
Barbers on Bryant.......... 54 Amble, Paul DDS ........... 27
Brian Graham Salon ..... 9 Wolfson, Steve ............... 56 Restaurants
Burns, Steve .................... 57 French Meadow Bakery
Garden of Eden ............. 24 Carrillo, Dr. Thomas P.... 57 Jewelry & Café ............................ 45
Chase, Lisa ..................... 57 Max’s .............................. 6 Jakeeno’s Pizza & Pasta 49
Beverages Childs, Julie Childs ......... 57
Budweiser ....................... 37 T Lee Fine Designer KinDee Thai Restaurant . 49
Fitness Together ............. 23 Jewelry............................ 35 Midori’s Floating
Miller Lite ........................ 67 Get Real Fitness ............. 55 World Café .................... 44
Communications Heffelfinger, Kate........... 57 Legal OM ................................. 51
Heteroflexible Therapy . 57 Bohn & Associates ........ 54
AM950, The Voice Sushi Tango .................... 44
HIM Program ................. 6 Cloutier & Brandl ........... 51
of Minnesota .................. 27 Toast Wine Bar & Café . 49
Homecare Assist ............ 7 Davis Law Office ........... 17
Radio K 770 ................. 24 Uptown Diner/Calhoun
Lyn-Lake Chiro ................ 35 Dean, Jeff ....................... 5 Grill/LouisianaCafé/
Computer & Internet Minnesota Department Hoffner, Fabian .............. 13 Grandview Grill ............. 49
Big Dog Solutions .......... 54 of Health......................... 51 Family Solutions Law W.A. Frost....................... 45
O’Hara, Paul .................. 57 Group ............................. 27
Employment Pride Institute .................. 23 Heltzer & Burg ............... 25 Sports & Recreation
July 30-August 12, 2010

Pride Talent Acquisition . 23 Running Tiger Shaolin Moshier, Becky .............. 7 Minnesota Lynx .............. 21, 44
Kenpo ............................. 55 Terry & Slane ................. 8
Events Shaklee ........................... 55
Lavender First Stolz, James.................... 57 Media & Communications
Thursdays........................ 23 University of Minnesota, Lavender Yellow
Lavender’s THIRST days 43 Infectious Diseases ........ 2 Pages .............................. 45

Dining Guide Listing |


$ LESS THAN $15, $$ $15-$25, $$$ MORE THAN $25

Our Guide to the Metro Eateries Featured in This Issue Lav-

ender Magazine’s Dining Guide is your resource to GLBT-
friendly restaurants. We recommend calling restaurants be-
fore visiting to confirm information.
Lavender’s cuisine section and updated dining guide appears
each issue. Please direct questions about the directory and
cuisine advertising to [email protected].
Kindee Thai. Photos by Hubert Bonnet


Certified Organic Bakery Italian
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Traditional red sauce pastas, thin crust pizza & homemade sauces.
Lunch, Dinner
2610 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis (612) 870-4740
3555 Chicago Ave. S. Minneapolis (612) 825-6827
Sun – Thurs: 6:30 AM – 9 PM • Fri – Sat: 6:30 AM – 11 PM Mon – Fri: 11 AM – 11 PM • Sat – Sun: 4 PM – 11 PM Midtown Global Market, 920 E. Lake St., Minneapolis (612) 767-1102
Mon – Sat: 10 AM – 8 PM • Sun: 10 AM – 6 PM
Japanese & Sushi
Authentic Japanese food, finest sushi available, Uptown Minneapolis,
downtown St. Paul.
This isn’t your traditional everyday Thai restaurant.
600 W. Lake St., Minneapolis (612) 871-4055 Lunch, Dinner
Mon: Closed • Tues – Thurs: 5 PM – 10 PM • Fri – Sat: 5 PM – 10:30 PM 719 S. 2nd St., Minneapolis (612) 465-8303
• Sun: 5 PM – 9 PM Mon: Closed • Tues – Thurs: 11:30 AM – 9 PM • Fri: 11:30 AM – 10:30 PM
465 N. Wabasha, St. Paul (651) 310-0111 • Mon – Fri: Lunch 11:30 AM – 2 • Sat: 11 AM – 10:30 PM • Sun: 11 AM – 9 PM
PM. Dinner 5 PM—10 PM • Sat: Dinner 5 PM – 10 PM • Sun: Closed
GINGER HOP $$ Fresh hand ground hash browns, French toast, omelets, pancakes, coffee,
Asian Fusion juices, soups, salads & sandwiches.
Specializing in pan-Asian classic dishes. As we like to say, “East meets Breakfast, Brunch,
Northeast”. 613 Selby Ave., St. Paul (651) 221-9140
Mon – Fri: 6:30 AM – 2:30 PM • Sat: 6:30 AM – 3 PM • Sun: 8 AM – 3 PM
Lunch, Dinner
201 E. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis (612) 746-0304 MIDORI’S FLOATING WORLD CAFÉ $ Sushi, Tempuru
Sushi, tempura, noodles, traditional, contemporary, home-styled specials,
THE GRANDVIEW GRILL $ beer, wine, sake.
American Lunch, Dinner
3011 27th Ave. S., Minneapolis (612) 721-3011
Fresh hand ground hash browns, French toast, omelets, pancakes, coffee,
Mon: Closed • Tues – Wed: 11:30 AM – 2 PM, 5 PM – 9 PM • Thurs – Fri:
juices, soups, salads & sandwiches. 11:30 AM – 2 PM, 5 PM – 10 PM • Sat: 12 noon – 2 PM, 5 – 10 PM • Sun:
Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch 4 PM – 8 PM
1818 Grand Ave., St. Paul (651) 698-2346
Mon – Fri: 6:15 AM – 2:30 PM • Sat: 6:15 AM – 3 PM • Sun: 8 AM – 3 PM
Fresh hand ground hash browns, French toast, omelets, pancakes, coffee,

Small Plates
juices, soups, salads & sandwiches.
Fine cocktails, wine, small plates and artisan chocolates in an intimate setting. Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch
205 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis (612) 746-0306 2548 Hennepin Ave. S. Minneapolis (612) 874-0481 Mon – Wed: 6 AM – 3 PM • Thurs – Sat: 24 Hours • Sun: Close at 6 PM

Kindee Thai.

The Grandview Grill. New Uptown Diner.

OM $$
Modern approach to Indian cuisine featuring bold and distinctive flavors.
401 First Ave. N., Minneapolis (612) 338-1510

Exciting and eccentric mix of Japanese cuisine and Uptown attitude.
Lunch, Dinner
Calhoun Square, (612) 822-7787
Mon – Wed: 5 PM – 1 AM • Thurs – Sun: Noon – 1 AM


Wine bar with Italian influence
Neighborhood wine bar serving pizzas, cured meats and small plates.
415 N. 1st St., Minneapolis, MN (612) 333-4305
Tues – Thurs: 5 PM – 11 PM • Fri – Sat: 5 PM – 12 AM • Sun: 5 PM – 11

W.A. FROST & CO. $$

Since 1975. Enjoy the open air setting in the summer & the spectacular
historic architecture year round. Sensation wine selection, cuisine & ambi-
ance provide the perfect dining experience.
Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch
374 Selby Ave., St. Paul 651-224-5715
Sun – Thurs: 5 PM – 10:30 PM. Bar open until Midnight • Fri – Sat: 5 PM
– 11 PM, Bar open until 1 AM


July 30–August 12, 2010

Fresh hand ground hash browns, French toast, omelets, pancakes, coffee,
juices, soups, salads & sandwiches.
Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch
Bielenberg & Tamarack, Woodbury, MN (651) 209-8182
Mon – Fri: 7 AM – 2:30 PM • Sat: 7 AM – 3 PM • Sun: 8 AM – 3 PM


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