The document contains details about organizing a yoga day event including assigning tasks to different people. It provides the sequence of yoga asanas that will be performed which includes warm up exercises, standing, sitting and lying asanas along with meditation. The sequence will take around 45 minutes and involve asanas like trikonasan, vrikshasana, padmasana and bhujangasan.
The document contains details about organizing a yoga day event including assigning tasks to different people. It provides the sequence of yoga asanas that will be performed which includes warm up exercises, standing, sitting and lying asanas along with meditation. The sequence will take around 45 minutes and involve asanas like trikonasan, vrikshasana, padmasana and bhujangasan.
The document contains details about organizing a yoga day event including assigning tasks to different people. It provides the sequence of yoga asanas that will be performed which includes warm up exercises, standing, sitting and lying asanas along with meditation. The sequence will take around 45 minutes and involve asanas like trikonasan, vrikshasana, padmasana and bhujangasan.
The document contains details about organizing a yoga day event including assigning tasks to different people. It provides the sequence of yoga asanas that will be performed which includes warm up exercises, standing, sitting and lying asanas along with meditation. The sequence will take around 45 minutes and involve asanas like trikonasan, vrikshasana, padmasana and bhujangasan.
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Mic-speaker-dimple mam and Krishna mam
Photos krishna mam and dimple mam
Certis design for students pre workshop and issuing them-bhumika mam
yoga day report- snehal mam
Mats and gnd cleaning me and bhumi mam
Tifac hall permission-jayana mam
Tulsi ras-??
Yoga day sequence
Omkar-8:4-3 rounds 1 min
Sukshma vyayam o Neck movement: L-R, U-D, 45 degree,Clock- anticlock 3 min o palm movement- U-D, wrist-rotation-clockwise and anti clockwise, fingers: tighten and loose 1 min o shoulder rotation 1 min o leg movement: U-D 1 min warm up and standing asanas o jogging 45 sec o jumping 45 sec o body twisting 45 sec o trikonasan 3 min o ardhachakrasan 1 min o tadasan 1 min o padhastasan 1 min o ardhachakrasan + tadasan + padhastasan 4 min o vrikshasana 1 min sitting asanas o pad paschimottanasana: first right leg straight and left leg bent, then left leg straight and right leg bent, then both legs straight 4 min o vakrasan 3 min o kapalbhati 3 min lying asanas o 90 degree leg lifting 3 min o Sarp kriya 3 min o Bhujangasan 3 min Meditation and relaxing 5 min Total time : 45 min