Somnium Scipionis: 1 Relation To Other Works
Somnium Scipionis: 1 Relation To Other Works
Somnium Scipionis: 1 Relation To Other Works
This article is about the story by Cicero. For the book by icant part of the earth, which is itself dwarfed by the
Iain Pears, see The Dream of Scipio (novel). stars. The planetary spheres are enumerated with refer-
The Dream of Scipio (Latin, Somnium Scipionis), writ- ences to Pythagorean thought and the idea of the Music
of the Spheres. Then the climatic belts of the earth are
observed, from the snow elds to the deserts, and there is
discussion of the nature of the Divine, the soul and virtue,
from the Stoic point of view.
The literary and philosophical inuence of the Somnium
was great. Macrobius commented on it in his Commen-
tarii in Somnium Scipionis, which in turn was an important
source for medieval dream theory.
2 Gallery
Images from a 12th-century manuscript of Macrobius
Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis (Parchment, 50 .;
23.9 14 cm; Southern France). Date: ca. 1150. Source:
Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, ms. NKS 218 4.
3 References
[1] Patrick V. Reid, Readings in Western Religious Thought:
The Ancient World, Paulist Press 1987, page 175
4 External links
Somnium Scipionis (in Latin)
The Dream of Scipio (in English)
5.2 Images
File:Isis_priest01_pushkin.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: user:shakko
File:M-T-Cicero.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contribu-
tors: Image:Thorvaldsen Cicero.jpg Original artist: original: Gunnar Bach Pedersen; for that version: Louis le Grand
File:Macrobius,_universe_with_the_earth_in_the_centre.jpg Source:
Macrobius%2C_universe_with_the_earth_in_the_centre.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?