Bretonnian Brigands (Mousillon Setting)

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Portrayed in peasant songs as dashing defenders of the low against the abuses of the
high, the reality of the bands of brigands that infest the forests of Brettonia is a lot less
proasic. Cutthroat, brigand, poacher, fugitive - all find refuge in the wild woods. They
belong to those who have been driven from general society or those who choose to live
outside its laws.

Brigands tend to identify themselves with the common folk and the peasantry and often
they rely upon the support and protection of the local folks. But not all brigands come
from the peasant class: there are tales of Brigand nobles and princes, disowned by their
families, fighting guerillia wars against their former homeland. While no brigand objects
to robbing from the rich, robbing from the poor is safer and easier as a rule.

As Mousillion started degrading, the brigands got fiercer, even more organised. A well-
equipped mercenary group can be outclassed by the combination of tough veterans,
guerrillas and unusual tactics


A Brigand warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns
to assemble and equip your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the
warband may never exceed fifteen.

Scarface: Your Brigand warband must include one Scarface - no more, no less!

Fallen Noble: Your warband may include a Fallen Noble.

Hard Men: Your warband may include up to two Hard Men.

Green Jack: Your warband may include a Green Jack.

Brigands: Your warband may include any number of Brigands.

Poachers: Your warband may include up to five Poachers.


A Scarface starts with 20 experience.

A Fallen Noble starts with 8 experience.

Hard Men start with 8 experience.

A Green Jack starts with 0 experience.

Henchmen start with 0 experience.


Look Out Behind You!: Brigand warband members (but not hired swords) are adept at
ambushes and evasion. Subtract 1 from the initiative of a model attempting to spot a
hidden Brigand warband member.

Men of Low Character: Brigands are justly suspicious of outsiders, fearing they may be
agents of the law. They may not hire any warrior that has knightly/noble, or law-
enforcing associations. This would be for now: a High Elf character (elven ranger), the
free lance.

The boss: The leader of the brigands is often the meanest and baddest from the lot. He
rules by fear and the promise of loot. So the warband leader always must cause fear (if
possible). This means that if the leader dies and a successor is needed, you first choose
between the heroes that are horribly scarred, or are fearsome. If that is not possible you
choose like normal, but the new "leader" must get the fearsome skill as soon as he gets a
skill-advance. This automatically disqualifies all heroes with no strength skills.


Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed

Scarface x x x x x
Fallen Noble x x x x
Hard Man x x x
Green Jack x x x


Hand-to-Hand Combat Weapons: Fallen Noble Extra Equipment:

Dagger Rapier (TC 7)

2 gc 15 gc
Club Halberd
3 gc 10 gc
Axe Lance
5 gc 40 gc
10 gc Missile Weapons:
10 gc Shortbow
Double-handed weapon 5 gc
15 gc Bow
10 gc
Armour: Crossbow (#)
25 gc
5gc Miscellaneous Equipment: (#)
10 gc Horse
Buckler 30 gc*
5 gc Warhorse
Light Armour 60 gc*
20 gc
Heavy Armour (#)
50 gc
Barding (#)
60 gc*

(#) Denotes Heroes Only equipment
*Starting Price Only


Hand-to-Hand Combat Weapons: Armour:

Dagger (first free) Buckler

2 gc 5 gc
Club Shield
3 gc 5 gc
Axe Helmet
5 gc 10 gc
Sword Toughened Leathers
10 gc 5 gc

Missile Weapons: Miscellaneous Equipment:

Bow Hunting Arrows

10 GC 25 gc*
15 GC
*Starting Price Only


1 SCARFACE...................70 gc
Charismatic, successful, or just plain meanest, it takes a special breed of man (and
occasional woman) to rise to the top of the brigand cesspit. Often wildly individualistic
with wilder agendas, they command their ragged bands with example, courage, fear or
low cunning - often a combination of all of these.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Scarface 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 8

Weapons/Armour: A Scarface may be equipped from the Brigand equipment list.

Leader: Any warrior within 6" of the Scarface may use his Leadership value when
taking Leadership tests.

Horribly scarred: Due to many fights the character is scarred deeply, either on the
outside, or the inside. In either case, this makes him very fearsome. The Scarface causes

0-1 FALLEN NOBLE ...................45 gc each

Down on his luck, but not on his moral or humour, this is the example of a nobleman
reaching rock bottom. Often persuaded by certain law enforcing citizens, he has no other
way out then to enrol in this shady bunch. His education makes often the planner in the
group and sometimes even the best fighter. Another great asset is that he may tap into
resources normally prohibited for normal brigands.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Fallen Noble 4 4 4 3 3 1 4 1 7
Weapons/Armour: A fallen Noble may be equipped from the Brigand equipment list.

Old connections: Due to his former life, he still is well connected. This gives him an
edge in acquiring all kinds of exotic items. The character gains a +1 on rarity rolls.

Knights Feats: The causes of a man to lose his standing in society are many. Wealthy
men, Knights, even Barons can be driven to shame, cast out of their ancestral lands for
acts best left unspoken. Some still retain the bearing of their formal rank, performing
feats akin to those of their formal life. As such, a Fallen Noble may choose from the
Knight's Feats skill list in addition to his ordinary skills:

1 - Combat charge
Some knights specialize in running down opponent on their initial combat
The character gain +1 attack and +1 WS when he charges.

2 - Lancer
The assault on horseback with lance, may best be the way everyone
imagines a Knight doing combat. Though this feat is very hard and difficult
to master correctly. And yet there is nothing more impressive than a knight
on horseback, using lance and shield to skewer his enemies.
The character can use this skill only on horseback. May not be combined
with combat charge.
If the character's first opponent(s) suffer an unsaved wound, the character
may continue his charge. Opponents are not allowed to strike back.
The charge may then be continued another 4", and any enemy within 2" of
that charge line can be charged. If the character does charge another enemy
he counts as charging in the next combat round

3 - Sword master
Some knights are such masters in wielding their swords that no blow seems
to reach them. When using a sword the character may parry, with reroll at
equal or higher.

4 - Armour specialist
Often a knight moves in his armour as if it does weigh almost nothing. And
blows that reach him seem to just bounce of his armour.
When using Heavy armour and shield the subject ignores the standard
movement penalty and his armoursave cannot be modified beyond 5+ due
to strength. This does not work on horseback.

0-2 HARD MEN ...................35 gc each

The best fighters in an brigand band usually fill the positions of rank by virtue of fear
and respect. While an eccentric cheiftain may be tolerated, or even admired, their
lieutenants are invariably no-nonsense enforcers who know the right time to apply the
lumpy end of a club to unruly underlings.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Hard Men 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: A Hard Man may be equipped from the Brigand equipment list.

0-1 GREEN JACK...................20 gc each

The hard life of an brigand gives a fairly low life expectancy, and the causes of a
brigands disposition respect neither youth nor innocence. It is common for brigand
leaders to groom promising youngsters, usually as scouts and trackers while they learn
to handle themselves in combat.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Green Jack 4 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 6

Weapons/Armour: A Likely Lad may be equipped from the Poacher equipment list.


BRIGANDS...............25 gc each
These are the backbone of this fighting lot. Men gathered either by fate, or the lure of
easy money. Hardy fighters, that can swing a club very skilfully.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Brigand 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: A Brigand may be equipped from the Brigand equipment list.

0-5 POACHERS...................35 gc each

Survival in the wild woods is as much about being able to track and kill game as about
being able to rob from the rich. Most Brigands can handle a bow, but some are expert
hunters of animals and men. Such specialists are always in demand among the brigand
bands and thus available in limited numbers.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Poacher 4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7

Weapons/Armour: A Poacher may be equipped from the Poacher equipment list.

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